A Multidisciplinary Approach to Concussion Management — Jay L. Alberts

Can Serum Brain Proteins Aid in Concussion Identification? — Jeffrey J. Bazarian Opportunities for Prevention of Athletic Concussion on the Playing Field — Robert C. Cantu

TBI Clinical Trials: Past, Present, and Future — Dallas C. Hack

Concussion and the NCAA: Report from the Chief Medical Officer — Brian W. Hainline Research to Understand Explosion-Related Injuries in Military Personnel — S. Krisztian Kovacs Emerging Insight from Human and Animal Studies about the Biomechanics of Concussion — Susan S. Margulies Association between Repetitive Head Impacts and Development of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy — Ann C. McKee

Preventing Concussions in Motor Vehicle Crashes — Jeffrey P. Michael

Military TBI: Is It the Same as Civilian TBI? — Daniel P. Perl Computational Models of Impact and Blast Force Effects on the Brain: Scaling of Animal Injury Models and Prediction of Human TBI — Raúl A. Radovitzky, James Q. Zheng, and Thomas F. Budinger Impaired Olfaction and Other Indicators of Neurological Damage Due to Mild TBI Associated with Combat — Robert L. Ruff Neuromechanics and Pathophysiology of Diffuse Axonal Injury in Concussion — Douglas H. Smith Medical Imaging to Recharacterize Concussion for Improved Diagnosis in Asymptomatic Athletes — Thomas M. Talavage

The mission of the National Academy of Engineering is to advance the well-being of the nation by promoting a vibrant engineering profession and by marshalling the expertise and insights of eminent engineers to provide independent advice to the federal government on matters involving engineering and technology. The BRIDGE


Charles O. Holliday, Jr., Chair C. D. Mote, Jr., President Corale L. Brierley, Vice President Thomas F. Budinger, Home Secretary Ruth A. David, Foreign Secretary Martin B. Sherwin, Treasurer Editor in Chief: Ronald M. Latanision Managing Editor: Cameron H. Fletcher Production Assistant: Penelope Gibbs The Bridge (ISSN 0737-6278) is published quarterly by the National Aca­demy­ of Engineering, 2101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20418.

Periodicals postage paid at Washington, DC. Vol. 46, No. 1, Spring 2016 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Bridge, 2101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20418. Papers are presented in The Bridge on the basis of general interest and time- liness. They reflect the views of the authors and not necessarily the position of the National Academy of Engineering. The Bridge is printed on recycled paper. C © 2016 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

A complete copy of The Bridge is available in PDF format at www.nae.edu/TheBridge. Some of the articles in this issue are also avail- able as HTML documents and may contain links to related sources of information, multimedia files, or other content. The Volume 46, Number 1 • Spring 2016 BRIDGE LINKING ENGINEERING AND SOCIETY

Editors’ Notes 3 Concussion: Status and Next Steps P. Hunter Peckham and Thomas F. Budinger 5 An Overview of Concussion: History and Needed Research Thomas F. Budinger

Features 23 A Multidisciplinary Approach to Concussion Management Jay L. Alberts Effective care of concussion requires the coordination of both clinical resources and handoffs between providers. 26 Can Serum Brain Proteins Aid in Concussion Identification? Jeffrey J. Bazarian In the near future it may be possible to diagnose concussion with a simple blood test. 31 Opportunities for Prevention of Athletic Concussion on the Playing Field Robert C. Cantu Rule changes, neck strengthening, and education can all help reduce the risk of concussion on the playing field. 34 TBI Clinical Trials: Past, Present, and Future Dallas C. Hack Regulatory science is inadequate, but is a reflection of the state of the more general science in the field of TBI. 39 Concussion and the NCAA: Report from the Chief Medical Officer Brian W. Hainline Risk of concussion cannot be eliminated from sports. But safety can be improved through increasingly better informed decisions. 44 Research to Understand Explosion-Related Injuries in Military Personnel S. Krisztian Kovacs Controlled, reproducible interdisciplinary research is critical to improve understanding of traumatic brain injury. 49 Emerging Insight from Human and Animal Studies about the Biomechanics of Concussion Susan S. Margulies Research is needed to better understand the biomechanics of concussion and enhance injury prevention, safety equipment design, rules of play, treatments, and interventions.

(continued on next page)

56 Association between Repetitive Head Impacts 79 Neuromechanics and Pathophysiology of and Development of Chronic Traumatic Diffuse Axonal Injury in Concussion Encephalopathy Douglas H. Smith Ann C. McKee Our research on concussion-induced axonal injury Intense research efforts are under way to identify may lead to identification of biomarkers that enable biomarkers to detect and monitor chronic traumatic noninvasive diagnosis and treatment. encephalopathy during life. 85 Medical Imaging to Recharacterize Concussion 61 Preventing Concussions in Motor Vehicle for Improved Diagnosis in Asymptomatic Crashes Athletes Jeffrey P. Michael Thomas M. Talavage Federal safety standards and technological advances The lack of symptoms or clinically diagnosable are helping to reduce concussion and other injuries dysfunction does not guarantee that an athlete is associated with motor vehicle crashes. healthy. 65 Military TBI: Is It the Same as Civilian TBI? 91 An Interview with . . . Daniel P. Perl Tom Scholz An IED blast wave would seem to cause a unique form of TBI, but the data needed to make such a NAE News and Notes determination are scarce. 98 Class of 2016 Elected 69 Computational Models of Impact and Blast 103 NAE Newsmakers Force Effects on the Brain: Scaling of Animal Injury Models and Prediction of Human TBI 105 News from the Center for Engineering Ethics Raúl A. Radovitzky, James Q. Zheng, and and Society Thomas F. Budinger 106 Mirzayan Fellows Join Program Office Simulations can be used to translate the results of 107 The IOM Is Now the Health and Medicine animal studies to human injury risk curves and guide Division the design of protective gear. 108 Message from NAE Vice President Corale 76 Impaired Olfaction and Other Indicators Brierley of Neurological Damage Due to Mild TBI 111 2015 Honor Roll of Donors Associated with Combat 124 In Memoriam Robert L. Ruff 126 Calendar of Meetings and Events Olfaction deficits and PTSD severity are correlated with both concussion and loss of consciousness.

The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an emy of Sciences to advise the nation on medical and health issues. Act of Congress, signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongov- Members are elected by their peers for distinguished contributions to ernmental institution to advise the nation on issues related to science medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president. and technology. Members are elected by their peers for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone is president. The three Academies work together as the National Academies of ­Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to provide independent, objec- The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 tive analysis and advice to the nation and conduct other activities under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to bring the to solve complex problems and inform public policy decisions. The practices of engineering to advising the nation. Members are elected ­Academies also encourage education and research, recognize out- by their peers for extraordinary contributions to engineering. Dr. C. D. standing contributions to knowledge, and increase public understand- Mote, Jr., is president. ing in matters of science, engineering, and medicine.

The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, was established in 1970 under the charter of the National Acad- and Medicine at www.national-academies.org. 3 Editors’ Note

The information in this issue can enhance under- standing of the nature and mechanisms of concus- P. Hunter Peckham (NAE) is Donnell sion. Years of experimental studies, initially focused on Institute Professor of Biomedical vehicle collisions, have evolved from crash simulations, Engineering & Orthopaedics and animal experiments, tissue biophysics, and computer Distinguished University Professor, simulations to investigations of physical parameters Institute for Functional Restoration, of head impact through instrumented helmets, objec- Case Western Reserve University, tive measures of cognitive function changes before and and codirector, MetroHealth after sports engagement, and noninvasive imaging (e.g., Rehabilitation Institute. functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI). Over the last 10 years the neuropathology associated Thomas F. Budinger (NAE) is with symptoms of brain dysfunction has been revealed. professor emeritus of bioengineer- Fortunately, these pathology diagnoses, at first done ing and electrical engineering and through postmortem assessments, can now be made by imaging methods (e.g., positron emission tomography, computer science, University of PET) in living athletes, veterans, and crash victims. California, Berkeley, and radiology, This information can be used to address a national University of California Medical problem that needs far more attention to prevention, Center, San Francisco, and senior diagnosis, and treatment, particularly concerning scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley the risks to young athletes and servicemembers—and National Laboratory. females in particular, as a paucity of data exists to address gender differences—of developing long-term behavioral Concussion and cognitive problems from multiple impacts. Status and Next Steps The Way Forward: Potential Strategies The rising incidence of brain trauma from sports, mili- Compelling evidence presented at this symposium tary blasts, vehicle collisions, and falls prompted the shows the urgent need for engineers, neuroscientists, faculties of Case Western Reserve University and its and medical professionals to develop more precise infor- associated medical care programs in Ohio to convene mation about how blunt trauma leads to brain tissue a symposium, with the National Academy of Engineer- injury, how the effects of repeated trauma may accu- ing and National Academy of Medicine, on all facets of mulate over time, and how this accumulation results concussion. In June 2015 experts and representatives in long-term and progressive brain tissue damage and in engineering, clinical medicine, military medicine, human behavior dysfunction. athletics, animal research, physics, and government Following are potential strategies to meet the chal- engaged 650 participants at the Global Center for lenges of concussion diagnosis and prevention and to Health Innovation in Cleveland. This issue presents 14 determine optimal methods for treatment. short scientific papers based on their presentations— covering brain trauma epidemiology, mechanisms, 1. Establish a registry to track head injuries in pre–high diagnosis, treatment, and prevention—following a lon- school and high school sports, as is done for collegiate ger, comprehensive overview of concussion.1 sports. A long-term medical history record, based on objective and quantitative measures, may enhance understanding of medical and academic outcomes 1 Managing editor’s note: Publication of this substantially larger for concussive events at all ages. A successful start issue was supported by a special contribution from Cleveland area of such a registry has been made by a consortium of NAE members and Case Western Reserve University. colleges and the military service schools (cf. papers


by Hack and Hainline). Pathological information is previous events addressed biotechnology, energy, vac- a critical part of this registry (cf. papers by Kovacs, cine production, and shale gas and fracking.3 McKee, and Perl). This conference would not have been possible with- 2. Incorporate objective methods of assessment of out broad support from many donors and our program cognitive changes before and during impact sport committee. activities, as has been done in pilot programs for high school players (cf. Talavage paper). Major Donors 3. Extend objective and easily implemented measures Case Western Reserve University, MetroHealth Medi- of neuromotor function (such as those developed cal Center, Taipei Medical University, and the Global by the Cleveland Clinic Concussion Center; cf. Center for Health Innovation. Cosponsors were the Alberts paper) to other athletic programs around Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Foundation, Cleveland the country. State University, Kent State University, Kelvin and 4. Add to the blood biomarker research program (cf. Eleanor Smith Foundation, and University Hospitals of Bazarian paper) assessments of pituitary function (cf. Cleveland. Budinger overview). 5. Investigate the sensitivity of a simple test of olfac- Program Committee tion function (odor detection) to predict long-term Hunter Peckham (NAE), cochair, Case Western consequences of brain trauma (cf. Ruff paper). Reserve University 6. Engage bioengineers in computer simulations with Jay Alberts, cochair, Cleveland Clinic accurate representation of material properties to Thomas Budinger (NAE), University of California, demonstrate brain tissue strain fields associated with Berkeley blasts and impacts over a range of stress rates, accel- Col. Dallas Hack, US Army Medical Research and erations, and angular directions (cf. papers by Rado- Material Command vitzky et al. and Margulies). Trevor Jones (NAE), International Development 7. Improve vehicle collision tests by incorporating Corporation heavily instrumented anthropomorphic dummies Geoffrey Ling, DARPA and other test devices to measure head and brain Robert Miller, George Washington University accelerations in automobile barrier test impacts (cf. Aram Nerpouni, BioEnterprise Michael paper). And the following members at Case Western Reserve 8. At the national level, encourage research to deter- University: mine the efficacy of anti-inflammatory drugs as well James Anderson (NAE), John Angus (NAE), William as other agents to aid in the recovery of concussion Bud Baeslick, John Chae (NAM), Mark Griswold, as well as approaches to aid in treating axon and Arthur Heuer (NAE), Robert Kirsch, Warren Selman mitochondrial injury (cf. Smith paper and Budinger overview). Special thanks are due to Tom Budinger, guest coedi- tor of this issue. The program committee is indebted to Acknowledgments Tom for his herculean efforts, along with science writer Case Western Reserve University hosted the June 2015 Pamela Reynolds and Bridge managing editor Cameron Regional Meeting on which this issue is based.2 The Fletcher, for assembling these monographs into a cohe- objective of the meeting was to bring together leaders sive account of the national problem of concussion. from a variety of disciplines to present to the scien- tifically inclined public the knowledge available about P. Hunter Peckham (NAE) concussions. This was the fifth such meeting organized Case Western Reserve University and by local members of the National Academies to provide MetroHealth Medical Center Conference General Chair information to the public on a topical issue where sci- entific clarification of issues has been important. The

2 The complete presentations are available at the conference 3 The latter two were featured in the fall 2006 and summer 2014 website (www.concussion2015.org). issues of the Bridge, available at www.nae.edu/21020.aspx.

5 Editor’s Note

History Thomas F. Budinger (NAE) is professor emeritus of bioengineer- Concussion is recognized as a brain injury induced by biomechanical forces, that may or may not cause loss of ing and electrical engineering and consciousness, and that typically causes rapid onset of computer science, University of short-lived impairment of neurological function with no California, Berkeley, and radiology, abnormalities visible on standard structural neuroimag- University of California Medical ing studies. This definition has evolved over time, as ear- Center, San Francisco, and senior lier criteria required loss of consciousness and amnesia. scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley The relationship of brain trauma to behavioral chang- National Laboratory. es became an object of great interest to neuroscientists in 1848, when the head of an affable and well-liked railroad worker, Phineas Gage, was penetrated by an iron spike. An Overview of Concussion After a miraculous recovery his personality changed such History and Needed Research that he appeared to be a different person (Harlow 1948). Some 160 years later the same personality changes were This paper summarizes a symposium on concussion held found to accompany severe brain pathology in victims of at Case Western Reserve University on June 23–24, multiple episodes of brain trauma. 2015, and supported in part by the National Academies Four historical events brought the attention of the of Engineering and Medicine.1 It reviews evidence for public, military, government, engineers, and physicians the seriousness of the problem of concussion (also called to the importance of understanding concussion and its mild traumatic brain injury, mTBI) and considers relevant effects. The first was the occurrence of 18 deaths and engineering, medical, and biological aspects; provides 159 serious injuries from college football within 10 years background, including relevant experimental results, of the first game between Harvard and the University of on epidemiology, diagnosis, brain tissue injury mecha- Pennsylvania in the early 1880s (Harrison 2014). nisms, histopathology, noninvasive imaging detection The second group of events started with the contro- of brain injury, blood biomarkers, and progress toward versial diagnoses (e.g., psychiatric disorder vs. organic prevention and treatment; and summarizes the short brain trauma) during and after World War I, with reports papers based on the presentations. of physiological consequences (short-term defects in The papers consider concussion in athletics/sports, vision, olfaction, and bowel elimination) of artillery combat, and road accidents, and address biomechan- shell blasts (Myers 1915). Before that, surgeons during ics and biomarkers, diagnosis, long-term consequences, the American Civil War had reported that injured sol- prevention, treatments, and patient management. They diers manifested psychiatric behavior and muscle paral- convey the current state of knowledge in these areas as ysis unrelated to a specific impact injury to the head or well as what can be learned through experiments and body (Mitchell et al. 1864). computer simulations and modelling. Answers to ques- Scientists argued for decades about the mechanisms tions raised by participants at the symposium are also that explain psychiatric symptoms, though even in 1916 elaborated in the following pages. the neuropathological evidence was compelling for vet- The symposium revealed areas of great need for erans of explosions (Mott 1916, 1917). (Mott subse- research, of which the need for understanding the long- quently countered his contention that brain injury was term consequences of concussion stood out as the most the cause of shell shock by arguing that the principal significant. cause was psychiatric; Mott 1919.) The formal recognition of posttraumatic stress disor- 1 The symposium and this issue of the Bridge follow recent reports der (PTSD) by the American Psychiatric Association from the National Academies on Sports-Related Concussions in (APA) in 1980 was a turning point in discussions of Youth (IOM 2014) and a Review of Department of Defense Test causation and diagnosis—and about whether PTSD is Protocols for Combat Helmets (NRC 2014). The 6 BRIDGE the result of psychological stress or physical injury of player reports, coach or trainer observation, personal the central nervous system (Jones and Wessely 2014). accelerometer data, and video evaluation algorithms. The third historical event was the marked increase in But more than 50 percent of sports players do not report incidents of brain trauma caused by blasts from impro- symptoms of concussion. vised explosive devices (IEDs) used during the conflicts There is a need to classify individuals who have had in the Middle East. Survivors manifested psychologi- some level of brain trauma and to develop a state-level cal symptoms and behavior changes, and upon death or national registry for the long-term follow-up neces- showed histopathology evidence of tissue injuries simi- sary to answer the questions: What are the long-term lar to those of veteran boxers. consequences of mild brain trauma? And how effica- The fourth event is the recently clarified pathology cious are proposed treatment strategies, none of which of long-term and progressive dysfunction among NFL is currently widely accepted? players whose behaviors changed and who became depressed and even suicidal. They had brain patholo- Epidemiology gies similar to people who suffered multiple concussions Military in boxing or survived blast injuries. The diagnosis of The incidence of brain injury during military engage- cerebral traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) was identi- ments has recently become a consequence of major fied from postmortem studies of these players (McKee importance because of the use of IEDs in the wars in et al. 2009; Omalu et al. 2006). Iraq and Afghanistan. These weapons produce a rapidly expanding high-pressure blast wave from which soldiers Persistent Questions survive (thanks to protective armor) but not without What is not well known are the quantitative thresholds brain injuries. for forces and the number of traumatic events that lead In 2000–2015 there were 270,000 concussions in the to long-term cognitive and physical dysfunction. Data military, and from 2005 to 2011 the yearly incidence of from animal experiments can produce curves defin- mTBI doubled, to 24,000 cases (figure 1). Data indicate ing the probability of injury vs. physical impact, but that 84 percent of IED-induced concussions occur with- they are not yet reliable for determining thresholds for in 10 meters of the blast, 93 percent within 30 m (cf. Perl human concussion, particularly in different age groups paper, this symposium). Many who have been in close and genders. proximity to an IED-generated blast develop neurologic There has also been considerable discussion of meth- and behavioral systems referred to as postconcussive syn- ods to diagnose and determine whether a concussion drome (PCS), which is closely related to PTSD. has occurred. In athletics, current practice relies on

FIGURE 1 Left: Incidence of military brain injuries classified by severity, 2000–2011. Right: Population of football players from youth to professional levels. Sources: Left: http://dvbic.dcoe.mil/dod-worldwide-numbers-tbi; right: reprinted with permission from Young et al. (2014). SPRING 2016 7

Symposium papers by Hack, Kovacs, Perl, and Ruff incidence of concussive events. In addition to the lack examine the mechanisms, consequences, and treatment of an effective means of diagnosis, there is no agreed of blast injuries. definition of a concussive threshold—for example, even whiplash dynamics can cause brain injuries. Sports There are 300,000 sports-related concussions annually Child and Adolescent TBI from All Causes in the United States (Gessel et al. 2007)—more than Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of disability 10 times the annual military incidence. Attention by and death in children and adolescents in the United the public and healthcare providers to sports-related States. An average of 62,000 children per year sus- TBI has focused largely on NFL players who develop tain brain injuries requiring hospitalization as a result serious personality changes and whose brains have of motor vehicle crashes, falls, sports injuries, physi- shown pathologies similar to those of boxers with histo- cal abuse, and other causes. According to the Centers ries of repetitive concussions. for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the two There is evidence that high school athletes have age groups at greatest risk for TBI are ages 0–4 and the greatest annual concussion incidence—more than 15–19; among children ages 0–14 years, TBI results 55,000 per year, with the expectation that a concus- annually in an estimated in 2,685 deaths, 37,000 hos- sion will occur 4.7 times per 10,000 athletic events (AE; pitalizations, and 435,000 emergency department visits Gessel et al. 2007). But this statistic is known to be low: (Langlois et al. 2004). Falls are the leading cause of TBI in a survey of 1,532 high school players only 47 percent for children ages 0–4, but approximately 1,300 US chil- reported their concussions (McCrea et al. 2004). dren experience severe or fatal brain trauma from child The National Collegiate Athletic Association abuse every year.2 (NCAA) collects standardized injury and exposure Infants and toddlers are in a special class for studies data for 15 collegiate sports through its Injury Surveil- of biomechanical linkages to brain tissue injury because lance System (cf. Hainline paper). About 1 million their brain tissues appear to have an unexpected elas- exposure records over a 16-year period (1988–2004) tic modulus, leading to a critical strain 3.6 times lower showed 182,000 injuries (Hootman et al. 2007) and a in infants relative to toddlers, as inferred from animal doubling in the concussion rate for all 15 sports, from studies (Ibrahim et al. 2010). This puts very young 1.7 to 3.4 per 10,000 AE. But the NCAA defines an babies at a high risk for brain injury from rotational injury as requiring medical attention and at least one accelerations. day of absence from play, and these criteria result in an underestimate. Mechanisms of Brain Trauma Football is the collision sport with the highest inci- Because the brain is encased in a rigid skull, the primary dence of injury. Of 5 million football players (figure 1), mode of deformation in response to a blow to the head, 4.8 million are 6–18 years old, and football injuries fall, or rapid deceleration is isochoric: a combination of account for about 25 percent of emergency department shear, tension (stretch), and shape change (distortion) visits in this age group. Collegiate football concussions without volume change. If the tissue is compressed in are estimated at a rate of 6.7 per 10,000 AE (Zuckerman one direction, it is stretched in other directions. et al. 2015). Brain trauma can result from four external processes The seriousness of sports-related concussions is (figure 2): direct head impact with or from an object underscored by the known cumulative effects of three (e.g., windshield, floor, another helmet, or projectile), or more concussive episodes (Collins et al. 2002; whiplash with no direct head contact, vertical decelera- Guskiewicz et al. 2003). tion of the body (e.g., impact between the pelvis and ground), or stress force to the body remote from the Road Collisions head (e.g., high-pressure hit to the thorax). Road collisions (automobile, motorcycle, pedestrian, bicycle) result in 200,000 head injuries per year in the United States (cf. Michael paper). But these statistics 2 According to the Brain Injury Association of America (www. are based on loss of consciousness and hospital admis- biausa.org/brain-injury-children.htm; accessed February 23, sions, and so, again, do not accurately represent the 2016). The 8 BRIDGE

ciated with the different material properties of the brain tissues. The shear or elastic modulus (Young’s modulus) is 10,000 times less than the bulk modu- lus. Thus, for example, an 80 kg body travelling at 6 m/s that strikes a 5 kg head only loosely tethered to a 75 kg body imparts an extremely high rotational velocity over a short period of time, causing an injury that may be proportional to the change in rotational velocity. Rotation of the head accompanies almost every directional hit except to the top of the head. Injury is also related to the rate of change in veloc- ity—that is, acceleration FIGURE 2 Brain motions relative to the head for (A) a left side hit to the head, (B) a left side hit and deceleration—which to a vehicle (whiplash), (C) a fall with the impact between the pelvis bottom and a surface, and explains whiplash as a cause (D) a hit to the thorax. Green arrows denote head movement; red arrows denote brain movement of concussion. Because the at the moment of impact relative to the skull movement; black arrows denote the initial pressure brain is not tightly con- direction; and blue arrows in the brain denote negative pressure or tension. The ubiquitous pres- ence of negative pressure in impact and rotational accelerations has received little attention (Krave nected to the skull, any et al. 2005). rotation results in a dif- ferential movement of the Direct Head Impacts and Whiplash brain relative to the skull. The resulting shear stresses An impact to the head—whether from a nonpenetrat- are believed to be the basic mechanism of diffuse axonal ing bullet, collision with the windshield, contact with injury (discussed below). the floor, an explosive blast overpressure, or collision Vertical Deceleration of the Body and Stress Force between two athletes—can be considered as a force per to the Body area or pressure. When the acceleration of the skull and brain initiates at slightly different times, both positive Concussion can result from impacts and injuries to and negative pressures occur over 10 to 50 ms inter- other areas of the body. Damage from the transmission vals. These range from a fraction of an atmosphere to of kinetic energy from a point of impact on the torso two atmospheres (Krave et al. 2005) and are induced by to remote body organs has been observed in a number rotational accelerations associated with head or body of cases (Cannon 2001; Krajsa 2009; Sperry 1993). For impacts (figure 2). example, the finding of hemorrhages in the sclera and The rate of change of momentum (mass × veloc- conjunctiva of the eye in an anterior chest gunshot– ity) over time is the force. For most head contacts in wounded subject is evidence that a ballistic impact sports, brain accelerations and decelerations are gov- can lead to the remote transfer of a large pressure pulse erned by the conservation of momentum. The force through, in this case, the vena cava and vascular circuits per area in and of itself will not injure the tissues; as (Sperry 1993). More recent evidence for remote organ explained below, injuries are from differential strains damage is from a histopathological analysis of 33 deaths associated with brain deformation, from shears asso- from gunshots to the thorax in individuals not wearing SPRING 2016 9

protective vests and without head wounds or a history applied stress and the stress rate (Donnelly and of head trauma (Krajsa 2009). In all cases, microscopic Medige 1997). hemorrhages were observed on histological examina- • The material properties of brain tissue: the brain does tion of tissue slices from throughout the brain. not compress, but it does distort. Metrics for brain A second mechanism of injury to organs remote from tissue material behavior are characterized by a bulk the impact site is stroke-like ischemia caused by air modulus of 2.5 × 109 Pa (similar to water) and a shear embolism, whether from a blast wave or blunt trauma modulus less than 104 Pa, or a force per area difference to the torso in a collision or a nonpenetrating bullet of 100,000. An analogy is the difference in force need- hit to a protective vest. Arterial air embolism has been ed to compress a deck of playing cards vs. that needed reported to cause immediate death from blast injuries to scatter them by an impact to the side of the deck. (Rossle 1950). • Variability in shear moduli of brain tissues such as Factors in Assessing Links between Physical white matter, grey matter, vessels, and coverings. The Forces and Brain Injury membranes between the skull and brain—the dura A variety of factors must be considered in experiments mater, arachnoid structure, and pia mater—have dif- to evaluate the links between applied forces and injury ferent material properties and are key components to the brain. For example, the type of injury will vary involved in brain injuries because they support blood depending on the following conditions: vessels that traverse the space between the skull and brain surface. A rotation of the brain relative to the • magnitude of the impact skull can rupture these vessels. Pressures (positive and • stress rate and duration of the impact negative) can in principle lead to vascular leaks that have not yet been carefully investigated. • direction of the impact and the body part impacted (e.g., angle of attack on the head, thorax) Events at the Neuron Level • protection Diffuse Axonal Injury • neck strength (proportion of the momentum trans- Axonal injury is believed to be a primary mechanism ferred to the body mass). responsible for TBI-induced impairments (Smith et al. 1999, and Smith paper in this issue). Diffuse axo- Tissue Injury nal injury (DAI) was first reported in collision-based Tissue injury thresholds depend on the following: injuries with limited periods of survival and in autopsy findings of disrupted white matter tracts and normal • Linear acceleration/deceleration resulting in contu- grey matter (Strich 1956, 1961). Nondisruptive or reac- sions and coup/countercoup trauma. tive axonal injuries manifest over long periods and are • Rotational acceleration/deceleration resulting in ascribed to axonal membrane damage. Morphological shear stress (the most likely cause of axonal injury study of axonal injuries using nonhuman primates sub- from axonal strains in white matter). jected to head acceleration has shown that shear forces create varying degrees of axonal damage including frag- • Rotational velocity, which depends on Newton’s mentation, although animal models do not accurately Third Law (conservation of momentum), wherein a reflect spatial and temporal patterns of axonal injury in hit to the head that is not firmly supported by the the human brain (Maxwell et al. 1997). body can result in an almost instantaneous velocity higher than that of the attack. A rotational accelera- Loss of Neuronal Functioning tion causes motion of the skull relative to the brain Injuries to neurons are not from pressure itself but and the resulting strains can rupture blood vessels and from neuronal stretches beyond the critical point (e.g., render axons dysfunctional. Strain tolerance thresh- 10 percent) such that there is a loss of the electrical olds of 10–15 percent have been suggested (Maxwell polarization needed for neuronal functioning and the et al. 1997), but this figure may vary widely as dif- neural membrane fails, opening channels and allowing ferent tissues have different material properties and a rush inward of sodium ions and calcium (Ommaya et the amount of strain depends on both the maximum al. 1994; Smith in this issue). The resulting osmotic The 10 BRIDGE pressure causes swelling and a cascade leading to dys- 1971). Studies with instrumented helmets to determine function of the neuron (figure 3). the severity of forces involved in football impacts (Row- The neuron functions by facilitating signals using a son et al. 2009) led to the commercial accelerometer- dynamic change in membrane potential that propagates based Head Impact Telemetry (HIT) System (Simbex, along the neuron (to induce a nerve firing one has only Lebanon, NH), now mounted in football helmets and to bump the elbow or be struck below the knee cap). used to directly measure the head’s linear and rotational If there is a loss of the resting membrane potential of acceleration and the helmet impact location without −90 mV (established by the different concentrations of interfering with normal play. Position, magnitude, and sodium, potassium, and chloride ions), the propagation trajectory can be calculated for an assessment of the fails. The failure of function after a blow to the head impact history of each player (figure 4). could be the result of a loss of the ability of neurons Studies have gathered impact data from helmet sensors to maintain the membrane potential. The recovery of used in elementary, high school, and collegiate football. that potential might be one second or several days (e.g., At the elementary level, no concussions were detected coma). If there is an electrical discharge of all or many in 3,059 recorded impacts (Young et al. 2014). At the of the nerves in the brain, brain enzymes need to rees- high school and collegiate levels, a study of 289,916 hits tablish membrane potentials for the system to, in effect, to 449 players reported 17 diagnosed concussions and reset. Thus at the time of a concussion one would expect found that a concussion could be predicted with 75 per- loss of nerve reflexes, and that is exactly what was found cent accuracy from hits over 96 g in force (Greenwald in the first extensive animal experiments designed to et al. 2008). Concussion is also a concern for female col- determine the physiology of concussion (Denny-Brown legiate ice hockey players (Wilcox et al. 2015). and Russell 1941). The sensor technology can be used in all sports activ- ities, and the data can inform biomechanical assess- Methods to Study Brain Injury ments linking head impact to clinical outcomes of Sensors to Measure Impact Forces concussion (Crisco et al. 2012; Greenwald et al. 2008; Understanding of concussion requires knowledge of King et al. 2015). the characteristics of the physical forces transmitted to Animal Models to Determine Injury Thresholds the brain. To that end, sensors attached to a helmet, headband, skullcap, mouthguard, or athlete’s head were Animal models can provide a controlled laboratory introduced 40 years ago (Moon et al. 1971; Reid et al. setting to investigate relationships between the risk of concussion and rapid head rotation magnitude and

FIGURE 3 Left: Graphic depiction of events occurring in axons under shear stress. The stress disrupts membranes, resulting in ion concentration changes that lead to a loss of membrane potential and thus of nerve conduction. Right: Loss of membrane potential due to a stretch where the first decrease in membrane potential is seen at a 5% stretch and a 50% reduction at a 20% stretch. The critical strain for most tissues of the brain is 10%. CANP = calcium-activated neutral protease. Reprinted with permission from Ommaya et al. (1994). SPRING 2016 11

direction, as well as the contributions of age, sex, and previous injury to the biomechanical thresholds for concussion. Animal model–derived biome- chanical thresholds pro- vide insight into how head impacts and sudden head movements produce brain deformations and how these deformations result in a spectrum of brain inju- ries. Methods proposed for human diagnosis are appli- cable to animal experi- ments and can enhance this direction of discovery. The choice of the ani- mal is important as it needs to have anatomy and tis- sue properties similar to those of the human brain. The rodent has relatively little grey matter; instead, swine and nonhuman pri- mates make good models for head-hit or ballistic injuries. Pigs can be used for post-TBI behavioral, motor, memory, learning, and cognitive assessments and for determination of the importance of the direc- FIGURE 4 Helmets instrumented with accelerometers and wireless transmission equipment can tion of head rotation on provide information on the position, amplitude, and trajectory of each hit. Top: Graphic representa- head injury responses. They tion of mild (yellow), moderate (red), and two concussive (black) hits. Length indicates accelera- are a poor model for blast tion. Credit: Bryan Christie Design. Bottom: Instrumented football helmet with the Head Impact Telemetry System (HITS). Reprinted with permission from Crisco et al. (2011). injury, however, as the head tissues provide much more protection than those of the as differences in tissue properties between animal and human. Animal models are discussed in the papers by human brains. Margulies and Radovitzky and colleagues (see also Friess et al. 2009; Sullivan et al. 2013a,b). Computer Simulations and Modelling Extending results from animal studies to humans also There has been significant progress toward developing requires proper scaling of the data from animals with the basic science, algorithms, simulation software, and brain masses 10 times smaller than the human brain and hardware infrastructure to study the complex problem with head tissue that provides relatively more protec- of brain injury, but the full potential of computer mod- tion from impacts (cf. Radovitzky et al. paper). In addi- elling and simulation for enhancing understanding of tion, factors must be included to account for changes in injury biomechanics and the design of protection sys- brain tissue material properties with age and sex as well tems is yet to be realized. The 12 BRIDGE

2008). A more recent study using a finite element model of the human head reported the dynamic response of the brain during the first milliseconds after an impact with velocities of 10, 6, and 2 meters/second (m/s) (von Holst and Li 2013). The results show a dynamic triple maxima sequence: first, strain energy density, then intracranial pressure, followed by the first principal strain. The main progress in computational modelling of traumatic physical effects on the central nervous sys- tem has been on blast-induced TBI. Blasts can cause significant levels of pressure, volumetric tension, and shear stress in focal areas in a short time, with stress patterns dependent on the orientation of the blast wave and the complex geometry of the skull, brain, and tissue interfaces (Moore et al. 2009; Panzer et FIGURE 5 Finite element computer simulation for nonpen- al. 2012; Radovitzky et al., this issue). These studies etrating ballistic hits to a military helmet. Principal strains in showed that direct propagation of blast waves into the simulated brain material from projectile-induced kinetic energy brain through soft tissues (eyes, sinuses) was the main striking a helmet at two angles. Blue is 0%, green is 2%, and red mechanism of energy transfer from the shock wave and is >4% relative change in length or tissue stretch. Reprinted that blast stresses can cause concussion. Subsequently, with permission from Aare and Kleiven (2008). a 27,971-element head model—with a brain, CSF, Modelling and simulation of human injury biome- skull, dura mater, pia mater, and scalp, among other chanics are needed because tests cannot be conducted components (Chafi et al. 2010)—showed that blasts on the living human system, and cadaver studies can- with overpressures of 243–881 kPa could cause concus- not give reliable results because of postmortem changes sion and DAI. in tissue property and brain fluid. Animal testing and However, simulation strategies are limited by poor physical surrogates yield useful insights in some cases, spatial resolution. Moreover, the relative motion of the but, as explained above, they do not provide adequate brain and skull is not modelled correctly without a vol- answers linking the characteristics of a head impact to ume element resolution less than 2 mm, and inclusion the tissue injury. In vitro studies use applied strains and of the anatomy and correct gauge of the material prop- strain rates but these do not allow links to the actual erties of vessels and other connective tissues between forces of the impact. A simulation must include the cor- the brain surface and the skull. rect ranges (force per area), rate, and duration of stress. An example of computer simulations to show the Diagnosis of Concussion dependence of tissue strains on the direction of a non- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder vs. Traumatic Brain Injury penetrating bullet impact to a helmet is shown in fig- First it will be helpful to distinguish between concussion ure 5. These computational simulations can be used to and posttraumatic stress disorder, which is not necessarily optimize the design of protective helmets for athletes, a long-term consequence of brain trauma. PTSD is the motorcycle riders, police, and soldiers. diagnostic term that evolved from abnormal psychologi- Computer simulations to understand highway colli- cal behavior related to battlefield stress; it also applies to sions and improve protection are used by the National the symptoms of patients who survived traumatic psycho- Highway Transportation Safety Agency (NHTSA; see logical experiences after which depression, anxiety epi- Michael paper). A Simulated Injury Monitor (SIMon) sodes, social withdrawal, and other symptoms occurred finite element head model uses vehicle dummy head without evidence of an organic cause. According to the kinematics as an input and calculates the probability APA definition, PTSD is caused by a psychologically of three types of injury: DAI, contusions, and subdural traumatic environmental event, with the assumption hematomas (Takhounts et al. 2003). An upgraded ver- that any accompanying biological abnormality must also sion of that system has used data from instrumented hel- have been traumatically induced. The development of mets on professional football players (Takhounts et al. PTSD also depends on the severity or existence of geneti- SPRING 2016 13

cally based, disease-induced, or drug-related neurochemi- Two methods appropriate for impact sport evaluations cal and neuroanatomical abnormalities. are the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 3 (SCAT3) The complexities of PTSD, particularly in veterans (Guskiewicz et al. 2013) and Immediate Post-Concus- returning from war zones, result in variable correlations sion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) between histories of battlefield stress and concussions (Van Kampen et al. 2006). from blasts or collisions (cf. Ruff paper). An extensive review provides evidence for the neurochemical and Noninvasive Imaging neuroanatomical basis of PTSD (Pitman et al. 2012). Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) MRI techniques for imaging the brain include structural Clinical Evaluation MRI, functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion-weighted MRI, At the time of a concussive event, trainers, coaches, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Structur- collision witnesses, data from instrumented athletes, al MRI reveals anatomic detail that is useful in cases of and the victim’s reports of symptoms can lead to a diag- severe brain trauma, intracranial bleeding, and edema, nosis, though frequently of variable reliability, particu- but it is generally not considered useful for diagnosing larly from a soldier or athlete who is anxious to return mTBI or as a diagnostic method immediately after a to fight or play. The promise of a threshold diagnosis concussive event. from an instrumented helmet requires an understanding The use of fMRI to assess brain blood flow responses of the links between impact metrics and brain injury as to cognitive challenges before, during, and after football well as knowledge of the threshold for concussion with- play has shown remarkable changes in high school ath- out loss of consciousness (LOC). letes (cf. Talavage paper). As an example, figure 6 shows Diagnosis of concussion without LOC and postcon- a decline in brain responsiveness to a cognitive test or cussion evaluations currently rely on multiple clinical stimulation (indicated by blood flow amount and dis- “symptoms and signs” approaches with four components: tribution) after football playing in an athlete who was 1. Cognitive: concentration, memory, information not diagnosed with a concussion (Talavage et al. 2014). processing, executive function MRI diffusion tensor imaging (tractography) allows 2. Motor: reaction time, coordination calculations and image presentations of the principal 3. Vestibular: balance, dizziness, vision/oculomotor directions of the major nerve tracts (oriented axons) function in the brain and has shown disruption in the normal 4. Physical: headache, neck pain, sleep disturbance. pattern of tracts. Diagnostic use with TBI patients has shown remarkable success (Tong et al. 2003; van Boven To facilitate concussion diagnosis, posttrauma assess- et al. 2009), but the method is expensive and resolu- ment, and overall management of athletes the Cleveland tion is limited, although it will improve when magnets Clinic has developed an innovative multidisciplinary with field strengths above 14 Tesla become available program that enables quantification of signs associated (Budinger et al. 2016). This method is applicable to with these four components using available electronics evaluation of the long-term consequences of multiple in iPhones and iPads (e.g., accelerometers, optical meth- concussions and provides a means of associating brain ods, voice-guided protocols). The innovation is avail- connectivity changes to behavior. able as the Cleveland Clinic Concussion (C3) App (cf. Functional connectivity density mapping (FCDM) Alberts paper). uses fMRI data to calculate short- and long-range FCD Based on studies by Robert Ruff described at this sym- (Caeyenberghs et al. 2015). This method has had suc- posium, there is also the possibility of a test to assess the cess in comparing the circuit connectivity of patients olfactory capabilities of a concussed person. Decreased with traumatic axonal injury (TAI) with controls odor detection thresholds are very common in victims using a stimulus protocol, the sensory organization test of mTBI (Ruff et al. 2012). (SOT). There was significantly increased short-range FCD in frontal regions in the TAI group and significant- Cognitive Testing ly decreased long-range FCD in frontal and subcortical A number of cognitive tests are available, some of them regions, and the latter was associated with lower balance computer based and easily performed by the soldier or ability. FCDM may thus be a valuable tool for selectively athlete before and after deployment or sports activities. predicting functional motor deficits in TAI patients. The 14 BRIDGE

repair. This leads to inflam- mation, which is expected to occur in the brain after an injury (further evidence for inflammation after brain trauma comes from autopsy data). More than 3 months after injury, TBI cases dis- played extensive, densely packed, reactive microglia, indicative of inflammation, whereas there was no inflam- mation in control subjects or acutely injured cases (John- FIGURE 6 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study of a high school football player son et al. 2013). Reactive who did not have symptoms of a concussion, before (left) and during (right) the play season. Colored microglia­ and inflammation dots indicate regions of increases in the average level of blood flow during a working memory task were present in 28 percent as a function of task difficulty (red-yellow = harder, blue-cyan = easier). The in-season image shows of cases with survival up to that, after exposure to repetitive subconcussive blows, there is a marked loss of blood flow change as 18 years posttrauma, and a function of task difficulty (cf. Talavage et al. 2014). Images provided by T. Talavage, E. Nauman, and L. Leverenz, Purdue University, with permission. accompanied with ongoing white matter degradation. MRS has the unique ability to show the chemical PET imaging has not yet been used to assess con- content (neurometabolite) of specific regions of the cussion, but a clinical trial could yield important new brain. For example, a brain MRS study of 19 TBI vs. 28 information about diagnostic and prognostic potentials control subjects showed significant changes in metabo- as well as the potentials for nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- lites associated with neuron maintenance and energy tory treatment of mTBI. metabolism over a 6-month period after concussion (Brooks et al. 2000). Electroencephalography (EEG) Advances in the measurement of EEG signals from Positron Emission Tomography (PET) the brain have been incorporated by the Department Studies of CTE using PET, with an [F-18]FDDNP tracer of Defense (DOD) for a primary assessment of TBI as that accumulates at tissue sites where tau protein exists, an indicator for further evaluation (cf. Hack paper). show early involvement of the amygdala, thalamus, Quantitative EEG has been shown to be highly sensi- midbrain (figure 7), and other brain areas that partici- tive (96 percent) in identifying postconcussion symp- pate in the processing of emotions, mood, and behavior toms (Duff et al. 2004). (Barrio et al. 2015; Small et al. 2013). The PET tracer detects phosphorylated tau (p-tau) protein deposits X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) analogous to the tau protein immunostain results from There are no reliable diagnostic patterns for CT use neuropathologists on brain tissue slices as shown in the with an asymptomatic victim, unless skull fracture is sus- McKee, Perl, and Kovacs papers. PET imaging studies pected. However, in cases with progressive physiological in 14 CTE subjects showed intense uptake in the amyg- signs and loss of consciousness after an alert period, CT dala, several areas of the frontal cortex (the anterior can show progressive edema and even hemorrhage. But cingulate gyrus, medial thalamus, hypothalamus, and it is not the preferred brain imaging method for diagnos- dorsal midbrain), but no significant uptake in normal ing brain trauma in the conscious victim. subjects or Alzheimer’s patients (Barrio et al. 2015). PET may prove useful for noninvasive imaging of Brain Tissue Injury Serum Biomarkers brain inflammation (figure 7, right). Injury to any tis- Serum levels of most brain proteins are elevated sue in the body results in release of cytokines that signal after concussion, and several have reasonable diag- circulating cells and the immune system to commence nostic accuracy for distinguishing concussion from SPRING 2016 15

nonconcussion (cf. paper by Bazarian). The use of brain Postmortem Brain Pathology imaging to identify levels of S100B, UCH-L1, and The concussed brain exhibits global atrophy, decreases GFAP can also predict which concussed patients will in volume of specific brain regions (e.g., hippocampus, have intracranial hemorrhage, early detection of which corpus callosum), and an increase in ventricle volumes. can be lifesaving. And levels of alpha-II spectrin and The brain pathology of CTE (cf. McKee et al. 2010, p-tau predict postconcussion outcomes such as symp- 2013; Omalu et al. 2006) is similar in some respects to tom reduction and timing of return to sports. S100B that of other forms of dementia (e.g., cerebral atrophy is used clinically in several European and Asian coun- and enlargement of the ventricles) but is distinguished tries to determine whether an X-ray CT scan should be from them by the deposition of p-tau protein in a unique done; its use in the United States awaits approval by pattern in the brain by immune staining on tissue sec- the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). tions (cf. McKee paper; figure 7). Serum markers are useful for determining the prog- PET imaging may be useful for in vivo imaging and nosis and return to normal status of a known concussed diagnosis of CTE, but, as a method to monitor progres- individual. But they lack specificity, as aerobic exercise sion and evaluate proposed therapies, it must be used and injuries outside the brain can lead to elevations of well before behavioral symptoms and balance deteriora- these markers of tissue injury; they have not been tested tions are observed. in the first hour after a potentially concussive event; and normal serum levels vary widely among individuals, Late Effects of Brain Trauma necessitating pre-event baseline studies. CTE and Other Neurodegeneration Hypopituitarism Chronic traumatic encephalopathy develops insidiously many years after exposure to repetitive brain trauma. It Chronic hypopituitarism is defined by deficient produc- is characterized by one or more of the following symp- tion of one or more pituitary hormones at least one year toms: depression, paranoia, impulsivity, rage, head- after injury. The diagnosis is made by measurement of aches, coordination problems, dysarthria, gait changes, one or more of the pituitary hormones using serum sam- and defects in memory (Stern et al. 2013). ples. The incidence of hypopituitarism related to TBI is Second impact syndrome (SIS) occurs when a per- discussed under Late Effects of Brain Trauma. son who has sustained an initial head injury, usually a

FIGURE 7 Positron emission tomographs (PET). Left: A tracer shows phosphorylated tau protein deposits in the thalamus and amyg- dala of two living NFL players. These are the same areas where deposits are seen at autopsy. Right: Brain inflammation shown through the use of a tracer for the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor complex of activated microglial cells of an Alzheimer’s disease patient. Red = high, yellow = intermediate, and green = low uptake; blue = normal background. Left image set reprinted with permission from Small et al. (2013); right image reprinted with permission from Cagnin et al. (2007). The 16 BRIDGE concussion, sustains a second head injury before symp- al. 1988). The diminished size was not correlated with toms associated with the first have fully cleared (e.g., overall brain atrophy due, for example, to aging. Stress- Cantu and Hyman 2012; Guskiewicz et al. 2003; Young induced damage to the hippocampus has been shown in et al. 2014). Since the late 1990s it has been recognized persons with PTSD (Bremner 2001), as has post-TBI as an eventual cause of death in 50 percent of cases. loss of neuronal layers in the hippocampal pyramidal Most commonly reported in football, SIS can occur layer (Maxwell et al. 2003). during any sport that can produce head blows; in the 1920s brain degeneration from repeated blows to the Hypothalamus and Pituitary head was noted in boxers (dementia pugilistica). The hypothalamus is a major site of deposition of p-tau The phenomenon of SIS has called attention to the protein detected via PET imaging in NFL football play- consequences of multiple minor head trauma events in ers and at autopsy in football players, war veterans, and youth sports and the possibility that repetitive minor boxers. An essential function of the hypothalamus is the hits without symptoms of concussion can result in the production or stimulation of eight hormones from the neurodegeneration of CTE decades later. All youths pituitary. These hormones are essential for the functions involved in impact sports are at risk. of other organs (e.g., thyroid, adrenal glands, breasts, uterus, gonads) as well as growth, lipid metabolism, and Basal Brain Structures some aspects of behavior. There are a number of structures in the base of the brain As many as 40 percent of subjects who have sustained whose functions are involved in cognitive, psychologi- blunt brain trauma have some symptoms and signs of cal, and behavioral changes related to impact head compromised pituitary function (Bondanelli et al. 2005). trauma, blast trauma, and PTSD. The anatomy of most In contrast, the prevalence of hypopituitarism in the of these components is shown in a sagittal section draw- general population is estimated at 0.03 percent. A major ing of the brain along with an inset picture of the skull symptom of hypopituitarism in 15–20 percent of patients base (figure 8). The amygdala, cingulate gyrus, corpus is a decrease in growth hormone (GH), frequently asso- callosum, hippocampus, hypothalamus and pituitary, ciated with PTSD symptoms (Kelly et al. 2006; Powner olfactory bulb, prefrontal cortex, and putamen show et al. 2006). TBI patients also develop gonadal hormone evidence, both at autopsy and by in vivo MRI and PET, deficiencies, 10–30 percent develop hypothyroidism, of anatomical and functional defects. A few examples and many experience chronic adrenal failure because of illustrate the involvement of these areas in brain trauma low adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion and its long-term consequences. from the pituitary. Adolescent and pediatric patients with TBI have a high incidence of GH deficiency and Amygdala–Medial Prefrontal Cortex hypogonadism (Aimaretti et al. 2005). The amygdala plays a critical role in processing emo- Incidence and hormonal deficiency patterns differ tion and mediating fear. Imaging studies in PTSD between victims of blast injury and blunt trauma, with a patients have revealed decreased neural activity in the prevalence of 32 percent vs. only 3 percent, respective- medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), which modulates ly, but the numbers studied were only 13 and 38, respec- the amygdala, and simultaneously increased amygdala tively (Baxter et al. 2013). In another study 42 percent activation (Francati et al. 2007; Shin et al. 2005). An of veterans with blast injuries showed abnormally uninhibited or overactive amygdala results in an exces- low levels of at least one pituitary hormone (Wilkin- sive state of fear and anticipation of fear (Pitman et al. son et al. 2012). The dysfunction might not be from 2012; Whalen 1998). injury to the pituitary itself; its function is dependent on the health of the hypothalamus, a region known to Hippocampus exhibit pathological changes from brain trauma. (Links Hippocampal volume measurements using MRI can between brain trauma and pituitary pathology have not aid in evaluating the progression of previous traumatic been reported, probably because neuropathologists do brain tissue injuries. Anatomic MRI and quantita- not receive the pituitary with the brain; Ann McKee, tive volumetric analysis reveal diminished hippocam- personal communication, 2015.) pal size in patients with mild cognitive impairment Research on the functioning of the human hypothal- (MCI) relative to controls (Jack et al. 1999; Seab et amus-pituitary system is important because hormones SPRING 2016 17

play a vital role in everyday functioning, from social abnormalities have been found in psychopathic indi- behavior to neuronal dendritic growth (Cheng et al. viduals (at autopsy as well as through in vivo PET imag- 2003). Hormonal deficiencies can be treated. ing of asymmetric metabolic function; Budinger patient archives, figure 8). Putamen The putamen is involved in executive function, motor Treatment control, learning, and, of relevance to mTBI late symp- There are no FDA-approved diagnostics or therapies for toms, the “hate circuit”—it plays a role in brain activity TBI, and more than 30 clinical trials of pharmaceutical associated with contempt and disgust (Zeki and Roma- products to treat it have failed. There are no agreed pro- ya 2008). It is important in the study of TBI because tocols other than rest and progressive return to work or

FIGURE 8 Top: Drawing of a sagittal section of the human brain showing many of the brain regions with long-term pathologi- cal consequences years after mild brain trauma. Right inset: The bony structure supporting the base of the brain. Left lower images show metabolic deficiency in the right putamen of a violent criminal using fluorodeoxyglucose positron tomography. The putamen is a region of known pathology in brain trauma. Sources: Biology, OpenStax CNX (February 20, 2014), available at http://cnx.org/ contents/[email protected]; and Budinger patient files. The 18 BRIDGE play depending on symptoms and signs. Even the deter- combat blasts, and vehicle collisions. However, there mination of the level of rest is controversial. has been less emphasis on head injuries in pre–high Causes of the failed clinical trials seem now to have school youths, although this is the largest population been recognized and there has been progress toward con- engaged in impact sports. The importance of long-term sensus on protocols and measurement methods through consequences of head injuries has become the focus of cooperation between the DOD, CDC, and FDA (cf. attention only in the last few years. The papers in this Hack paper). A major disappointment was the failure of issue outline the myriad dimensions of concussion that progesterone as an efficacious drug in the final analysis, require concentrated research to enhance understand- although some trials were successful. Diagnostic scoring ing, prevention, and treatment. sensitivity for the different grades of TBI and the asso- ciated heterogeneity of treated and controlled subjects Acknowledgments are believed to be important issues for the cooperative This symposium summary and review of the many facets group to resolve, as detailed in the Hack paper. of concussion benefitted from the assistance of Pamela Anti-inflammatory drugs. There is evidence of brain Reynolds, UC Berkeley Department of Bioengineering, inflammation based on PET imaging and elevated serum who did preliminary editing of the symposium papers; proteins as well as autopsy studies of patients who died Robert Smith, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, as a result of blunt trauma to the head. If inflammation who assisted in the acquisition of reference material; is involved (with or without headaches), an early treat- and Cameron Fletcher, NAE managing editor, who ment might be nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. gave critical advice that improved this presentation More research is required. of the status and future understanding and mitigation Folic acid. Experimental trials have shown promising of concussion in the United States. results using folic acid to enhance functional recovery in a piglet animal model of recovery after concussion References from rotational accelerations (Naim et al. 2010). Aare M, Kleiven S. 2005. 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A Multidisciplinary Approach to Concussion Management

Jay L. Alberts

A significant challenge in the diagnosis and management of athletes and military personnel with concussion is the diverse background, training, clini- cal management approach and outcomes used by the multidisciplinary team of clinicians involved. Further challenging the continuity of care is the dis- parity of resources and access to technology and electronic health records available in the various settings in which concussion care and management Jay L. Alberts is vice occur—from the field to the emergency department and, finally, the clinical chair, Health Technology setting. Enablement, Neurological Effective care of concussion requires the coordination of both clinical Institute; Edward F. resources and handoffs between providers (Broglio et al. 2014). A funda- and Barbara A. Bell mental difficulty in this coordination is the use of discipline-specific mea- Family Endowed Chair, sures of motor and cognitive function. In our research we used motor-control Department of Biomedical principles in the design of motor and cognitive assessments, and quantified Engineering; and direc- the tests using objective biomechanical measures. tor, Concussion Center, A Concussion App Cleveland Clinic. Many mobile devices come equipped with a suite of inertial sensors (e.g., a linear accelerometer and gyroscope) as well as a capacitive touch screen, and so are ideally suited to transition from expensive electronic notebooks to handheld data collection systems. Using these capacities, we developed the Cleveland Clinic Concussion (C3) app to document injury in the field, facil- The 24 BRIDGE

• the six Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) stances (Guskiewicz et al. 2001), • the Graded Symptom Checklist,1 and • memory and processing speed. Collectively, these modules allow for the systematic documentation of the injury and an objective measure- ment of the signs and symptoms associated with the injury over time. All of these data are then linked to a return to play module in which the athletic trainer or other member of the provider team systematically increases the aerobic demands of activity while moni- toring symptoms and eventually creates simulated prac- tice and game activities to aid in determining whether FIGURE 1 A representative performance polygon for an the athlete is ready to return to play. The ability to athlete before and after concussion. The perimeter represents this athlete’s individual performance on each of the assessment document and share the documentation related to the modules as well as a graded symptom checklist. The red polygon progression is critical from a patient management per- represents the level of function 48 hours after injury. The yel- spective as well as a medical-legal perspective. low and blue outlines represent postinjury assessments at day The radar plot in figure 1 illustrates assessment based 10 (yellow) and day 16 (blue). For this patient, they are nearly on these modules for a concussion patient in the days identical to the baseline measures, with the exception of bal- and weeks after injury. The perimeter of the polygon ance. Assessments are based on the following tests: Trails B − A = time to complete trail making B test less completion time of represents the baseline level on each of the domains test A; simple RT = one-choice simple reaction time; choice RT evaluated. The red polygon represents the level of = two-choice reaction time; balance = composite biomechani- function in these domains approximately 48 hours cal score from iPad measures during performance of all 6 BESS after injury, the yellow polygon 10 days after, and blue (Balance Error Scoring System) stances; GSC = performance on 16 days postinjury. the Graded Symptom Checklist; MAPS = assessment of memory and processing speed. In this case, the athlete has recovered in terms of symptoms and performance on tests evaluating neuro- itate the objective evaluation of the multiple domains cognitive functioning, but his balance, based on objec- of neurologic function affected by concussion, and tive biomechanical data, is not back to normal. Because document the return to play rehabilitation process. The the patient is more than 14 days postinjury and has C3 app contains an incident report module, five assess- lingering postural instability, he would be considered a ment modules for evaluating various aspects of neuro- candidate for vestibular therapy. The vestibular thera- logic function, and a return to play module (Alberts and pist has access to the technology and the previous pos- Linder 2015; Alberts et al. 2015). tural stability assessments, facilitating both the handoff Operationally, athletes or military personnel com- between providers and the development of an effective plete a baseline evaluation at the beginning of a season rehabilitation plan of care. or as part of their medical intake. The baseline data are To date, we have baseline tested more than 30,000 used as a comparison for subsequent data collection ses- athletes and characterized more than 6,000 athletes sions to guide treatment and return to play decisions with concussion using the C3 technology and concus- by a multidisciplinary treatment team. If participants sion care path (Alberts and Linder 2015). do not have a baseline, their information is expressed against age- and gender-based normative values. The Beyond the App: Care Coordination assessments measure performance on the following Technology is great, but its use requires people. We have tasks: been fortunate to have clinical buy-in and acceptance. • a comparison of times to complete two trail making tests, 1 This checklist is modelled after the Sport Concussion Assess- ment Tool, 3rd edition (SCAT3), available at http://bjsm.bmj. • one- and two-choice simple reaction times, com/content/47/5/259.full.pdf+html. SPRING 2016 25

model. It is hypothesized that the cost of care will decrease as unnecessary visits to other providers are reduced, unnecessary imag- ing is eliminated, and out- comes improve.

Conclusion From a best practices per- spective, a multifactorial assessment that includes a baseline helps to facilitate the return to play and the all-important return to learn process. Our approach com- bines immediate evaluation to discern any suspected concussion with postinjury FIGURE 2 Number of total and rehab concussion patient visits, 2010–2014 (red lines, left y-axis), serial assessments, and uses and number of days to first rehabilitation encounter (blue line, right y-axis). those assessments to assist in both clinical pattern rec- An important tenet of clinical care is to get the ognition and treatment. Moreover, the mobile aspect patient to the right provider at the right time. Figure 2 of the system facilitates the engagement of the parent, shows the number of concussion patient visits and reha- coach, and school administrators that is critical for the bilitation sessions (encounters) from 2010 to 2014 (red safety and care of athletes. lines, left axis). Rehab encounters initially were very low in 2010, but there was a significant increase in 2013 References and 2014, when the care path and C3 technology were Alberts JL, Linder SM. 2015. The utilization of biomechanics released. to understand and manage the acute and long-term effects Importantly, as shown in figure 2 (blue line, right of concussion. Kinesiology Review 4(1):39–51. axis), the number of days to the first rehabilitation visit Alberts JL, Thota A, Hirsch J, Ozinga S, Dey T, Schindler after seeing a physician decreased from more than 250 DD, Koop MM, Burke D, Linder SM. 2015. Quantifi- in 2010 to approximately 23 in 2014. Thus technology cation of the balance error scoring system with mobile is helping to get the patient to the right provider at the technology. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise right time. 47(10):2233–2240. Health care is undergoing a transition from volume Broglio SP, Cantu RC, Gioia GA, Guskiewicz KM, Kutcher J, to value; typically value is the quotient of outcomes Palm M, Valovich McLeod TC, National Athletic Train- over cost. Significant effort has gone into evaluating ers’ Association. 2014. National Athletic Trainers’ Associ- and attempting to reduce cost as a method of improv- ation position statement: Management of sport concussion. ing value. Enabling providers with affordable tech- Journal of Athletic Training 49(2):245–265. nology not only decreases cost but also, importantly, Guskiewicz KM, Ross SE, Marshall SW. 2001. Postural improves patient outcomes through a more efficient stability and neuropsychological deficits after concus- path of return to play or referral to specialty care. Both sion in collegiate athletes. Journal of Athletic Training outcome and cost data are being evaluated in this 36(3):263–273. In the near future it may be possible to diagnose concussion with a simple blood test.

Can Serum Brain Proteins Aid in Concussion Identification?

Jeffrey J. Bazarian

The current method of diagnosing a concussion on the athletic field, bat- tlefield, or even in the emergency department is unreliable and likely inac- curate: It relies on self-report of symptoms from the person who is injured or from a witness, if there is one. The symptoms that indicate concussion are a brief loss of consciousness, period of amnesia, or confusion. There is no x-ray, blood test, or scan to help make the diagnosis. Jeffrey J. Bazarian is pro- fessor of emergency medi- Concussion Diagnosis: Shortcomings cine at the University of The current method of concussion diagnosis has several obvious drawbacks. Rochester Medical Center. Someone hit on the head may not be able to recall the details of the injury pre- cisely because the part of the brain that controls short-term memory is affected. Yet the patient’s recollection of events is usually required to make the diagno- sis. The conversation in an emergency department goes something like this: Doctor: “Tell me what happened, Mr. Smith.” Mr. Smith: “I dunno, Doc. I have no idea.” Doctor: “All right. You clearly have a concussion. You can go home now.” It’s hard for anyone to have confidence in a diagnosis of brain injury when this is how it is established. Recollection of the events associated with an injury may also be altered by drug or alcohol use, or preexisting dementia, both common among patients SPRING 2016 27

could remove much of the doubt associated with try- ing to determine if a con- cussion has occurred. After a concussion, pro- teins are released from the breakdown of the brain’s primary cell type, neurons, as well as from supporting cells such as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes (figure 1). This process of axonal inju- ry provides an opportunity to detect these proteins in the blood (Zetterberg et al. 2013). The traditional think- ing has been that proteins released during axonal injury diffuse into the space FIGURE 1 Concussion results in the release of proteins—from neurons (orange), astrocytes (blue), between brain cells (inter- and oligodendrocytes (green)—that may be detected in the blood. APP = amyloid precursor pro- stitial space), then into the tein; GFAP = glial fibrillary acidic protein; MBP = myelin basic protein; NFL = neurofilament light fluid surrounding the brain chain; NSE = neuron-specific enolase; S100B = S100 calcium-binding protein B; SBP = spectrin (cerebrospinal fluid), and breakdown products; UCH-L1 = ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1. Reprinted with permis- finally across the normally sion from Zetterberg et al. (2013). closed blood-brain barrier presenting to emergency departments. And how does to reach the peripheral circulation, where they can be one make this diagnosis in preverbal children? Finally, detected in a blood sample. Traditional thinking also two patient groups, warfighters and athletes, may well held that a head blow hard enough to cause concussion remember injury events but not want to tell a health- also transiently opened the blood-brain barrier, allow- care provider because they want to be back with their ing brain proteins to pass. unit or team. As it turns out, how proteins get from the brain into Not surprisingly, given the current state of diagno- the blood may be a bit more complicated, which has sis, concussions are often overlooked. A recent study implications for interpreting the results of a blood test showed that a third of athletes did not realize they in the context of a head injury. had a concussion (Meehan et al. 2013). This might It now appears that there is an alternative route for be understandable given that most athletes don’t have brain proteins to gain access to the blood, and it may a medical degree. However, hospital-based healthcare sometimes be blocked during a concussion, preventing providers don’t fare much better: Three studies of markers of brain damage from reaching the peripheral head-injured patients presenting to emergency depart- circulation. In this route, called the glymphatic pathway, ments found that concussions were missed in 56–89 brain proteins diffuse into the interstitial space and then percent of cases (Delaney et al. 2005; De Maio et al. into the brain’s lymphatic system, which empties into 2014; Powell et al. 2008)! the blood (Brinker et al. 2014; Plog et al. 2015). Brain researcher Maiken Nedergaard of the Uni- A Diagnostic Blood Test versity of Rochester determined that flow along the Fortunately, help is on the way. In the near future it may glymphatic pathway was reduced in mice that were be possible to diagnose concussion, also known as mild sleep deprived and in mice subjected to repeated sub- traumatic brain injury (mTBI), with a simple blood test. concussive head hits (Plog et al. 2015). These findings Although still in the research stage, such a blood test have important implications if they are confirmed in The 28 BRIDGE

TABLE 1 Status of research and development on key brain proteins as biomarkers of concussion

Marker Brain cell Elevated Diagnostic Predicts abn Predicts In clinical of origin after mTBI accuracy head CT outcome use +

S100B Astrocyte yes yes yes no yes

UCH-L1 Neuron yes yes yes equivocal no

GFAP Astrocyte yes yes yes equivocal no

α-II-spectrin Neuron yes yes yes no

Tau Neuron yes yes yes no

NSE Neuron no no no

CKBB Neuron yes no no no

MBP Oligodendrocyte yes no no

Aβ42 Neuron no no

Aβ42 = amyloid-beta protein 42; abn = abnormal; CKBB = creatine kinase isoenzyme BB; CT = computed tomography; GFAP = glial fibrillary acidic protein; MBP = myelin basic protein; mTBI = mild traumatic brain injury (concussion); NSE = neuron-specific enolase; S100B = S100 calcium-binding protein B; UCH-L1 = ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1; + = in Europe, but not in the United States or Canada. humans: Serum brain protein levels could be falsely and Asian countries, not for diagnosis but to determine negative among patients chronically sleep deprived or who should undergo a computed tomography (CT) scan subject to repeated head hits—such as student athletes of the head. and warfighters. Levels of S100B, UCH-L1, and GFAP can also pre- dict which concussed patients will have intracranial Detecting Brain Proteins in the Blood hemorrhage on a head CT scan (Papa et al. 2012; Welch It has taken many years for scientists to develop tech- et al. 2016). Intracranial hemorrhage occurs in about niques to detect the very low concentrations of brain 5–10 percent of mTBI patients, and early detection and proteins in the blood. Table 1 depicts the status of neurosurgery can be lifesaving. So it is important for research and development on the key brain proteins a putative marker of brain injury to be able to detect currently under investigation. Several proteins, such as not only concussion but also the subset of concussed amyloid-beta protein 42 (Aβ42) and neuron-specific patients with intracranial hemorrhages. enolase (NSE), were found to be poor diagnostics of con- Levels of alpha-II spectrin and tau appear to predict cussion and have not been studied further (Zetterberg et postconcussion outcomes such as symptom reduction al. 2013). and timing of return to sports. The table shows that serum levels of most brain pro- teins are elevated after mTBI, and several of them— Limitations of Brain Injury Markers S100B, UCH-L1, GFAP,1 alpha-II spectrin, and There are several limitations to the use of these proteins tau—provide reasonable diagnostic accuracy for distin- as brain injury markers. First, they are much more sensi- guishing concussion from nonconcussion (Zetterberg et tive than they are specific, and their negative predictive al. 2013). Only S100B is in use clinically, but not in value is higher than their positive predictive value. This North America. It is used clinically in several European may be because these proteins exist in small amounts in tissues outside the brain; for example, S100B is found in cartilage and fat cells, and tau in peripheral nerves. 1 S100B is S100 calcium-binding protein B, UCH-L1 is ubiquitin Thus, these markers are better at ruling out concussion carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1, and GFAP is glial fibrillary acidic (or intracranial hemorrhage) than ruling it in. protein. SPRING 2016 29

Second, these markers have not been tested in the References first hour after injury, which would be important for Brinker T, Stopa E, Morrison J, Klinge P. 2014. A new look applying them in nonhospital settings such as the ath- at cerebrospinal fluid circulation. Fluids and Barriers of the letic field, battlefield, or scene of a mass casualty. Data CNS 11:10. on marker accuracy come from studies of marker levels Delaney JS, Abuzeyad F, Correa JA, Foxford R. 2005. Recog- in the 3- to 12-hour postinjury window, with a minority nition and characteristics of concussions in the emergency examining levels at 1 hour (Rothoerl et al. 2000; Sha- department population. Journal of Emergency Medicine him et al. 2014; Townend et al. 2006). 29(2):189–197. Third, the serum levels of brain markers tend to go De Maio VJ, Joseph DO, Tibbo-Valeriote H, Cabanas JG, up with physical exertion. The reasons for this are not Lanier B, Mann CH, Register-Mihalik J. 2014. Variabil- clear, but this effect complicates interpretation of an ity in discharge instructions and activity restrictions for increased level after an injury incurred during a sporting patients in a children’s ED postconcussion. Pediatric Emer- event or combat operation (Shahim et al. 2015; Stål- gency Care 30(1):20–25. nacke et al. 2003, 2006). Kiechle K, Bazarian JJ, Merchant-Borna K, Stoecklein V, Finally, there is large interindividual variation in the Rozen E, Blyth B, Huang JH, Dayawansa S, Kanz K, Biber- serum levels of these proteins in normal, uninjured per- thaler P. 2014. Subject-specific increases in serum S-100B sons (Kiechle et al. 2014; Shahim et al. 2014). This fact distinguish sports-related concussion from sports-related complicates efforts to find a single cutoff value separat- exertion. PLoS One 9(1):e84977. ing concussed from nonconcussed individuals. Meehan WP 3rd, Mannix RC, O’Brien MJ, Collins MW. 2013. Prevalence of undiagnosed concussions in athletes. Research Needs Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 23(5):339–342. These limitations need to be addressed if brain mark- Papa L, Lewis LM, Silvestri S, Falk JL, Giordano P, Brophy ers are to provide clinical value to the management of GM, Demery JA, Liu LC, Mo J, Akinyi L, and 6 others. patients with head injuries. 2012. Serum levels of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase dis- The low specificity problem could be addressed by tinguish mild traumatic brain injury from trauma controls combining results from two or more proteins rather than and are elevated in mild and moderate traumatic brain a single marker. injury patients with intracranial lesions and neurosurgical The lack of information on marker accuracy within intervention. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery the first hour of injury requires research on blood sam- 72(5):1335–1344. ples obtained immediately after injury, which may be Plog BA, Dashnaw ML, Hitomi E, Peng W, Liao Y, Lou N, most practical in athletic settings. Deane R, Nedergaard M. 2015. Biomarkers of traumatic Determining the effects of physical exertion on mark- injury are transported from brain to blood via the glym- er levels would be a simple matter of serum sampling at phatic system. Journal of Neuroscience 35(2):518–526. various time points after aerobic activity. Powell JM, Ferraro JV, Dikmen SS, Temkin NR, Bell KR. Finally, the difficulty in defining a single postinjury 2008. Accuracy of mild traumatic brain injury diagno- cutoff might be addressed by obtaining preinjury marker sis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation levels and then examining changes from baseline, rath- 89(8):1550–1555. er than a single postinjury value. Of course, this solution Rothoerl RD, Brawanski A, Woertgen C. 2000. S-100B pro- will help address the problem only in patient cohorts tein serum levels after controlled cortical impact injury in where a baseline is obtainable, such as athletes and per- the rat. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 142(2):199–203. haps warfighters. Shahim P, Tegner Y, Wilson DH, Randall J, Skillback T, In terms of actual implementation, moving brain Pazooki D, Kallberg B, Blennow K, Zetterberg H. 2014. markers into clinical use in the United States would Blood biomarkers for brain injury in concussed professional require approval by the Food and Drug Administration. ice hockey players. JAMA Neurology 71(6):684–692. And the development of point-of-care devices would Shahim P, Mattsson N, Macy EM, Crimmins DL, Ladenson be necessary for these tests to become part of return JH, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Tegner Y. 2015. Serum to play decision making on athletic fields across the visinin-like protein-1 in concussed professional ice hockey country. players. Brain Injury 29(7–8):872–876. The 30 BRIDGE

Stålnacke BM, Tegner Y, Sojka P. 2003. Playing ice hockey and Welch RD, Ayaz SI, Lewis LM, Unden J, Chen JY, Mika VH, basketball increases serum levels of S-100B in elite players. Saville B, Tyndall JA, Nash M, Buki A, and 8 others. 2016. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine 13(5):292–302. Ability of serum glial fibrillary acidic protein, ubiquitin Stålnacke BM, Ohlsson A, Tegner Y, Sojka P. 2006. Serum C-terminal hydrolase-L1, and S100B to differentiate nor- concentrations of two biochemical markers of brain tissue mal and abnormal head computed tomography findings in damage S-100B and neurone specific enolase are increased patients with suspected mild or moderate traumatic brain in elite female soccer players after a competitive game. Brit- injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 33(2):203–214. ish Journal of Sports Medicine 40:313–316. Zetterberg H, Smith DH, Blennow K. 2013. Biomarkers of Townend W, Dibble C, Abid K, Vail A, Sherwood R, mild traumatic brain injury in cerebrospinal fluid and Lecky F. 2006. Rapid elimination of protein S-100B from blood. Nature Reviews Neurology 9(4):201–210. serum after minor head trauma. Journal of Neurotrauma 23(2):149–155. Rule changes, neck strengthening, and education can all help reduce the risk of concussion on the playing field.

Opportunities for Prevention of Athletic Concussion on the Playing Field

Robert C. Cantu

A person can have functional abnormalities of the brain in the absence of symptoms and a diagnosis of concussion. This creates particular risks for athletes, as injury may go undetected during and even after a drill or game. What can be done to reduce the risk of concussion and subconcussive head trauma among athletes? There are four main areas to consider in such efforts: protective equipment, increasing the neck strength of athletes, changes to Robert C. Cantu is medi- game and practice rules, and education to modify behavior and exposure. cal director of both the Helmets and other protective headgear can attenuate the highly focal, Cantu Concussion Center linear impacts that lead to skull fracture, concussions, and intracranial at Emerson Hospital and bleeding, but they are not very effective in reducing rotational accelera- the National Center for tions. The human brain is highly sensitive to injury from rotational impacts, Catastrophic Sports Injury but no helmet has been designed that can dampen shear stresses from such Research. impacts. For this reason helmets will likely never be the major way to reduce concussions.

Neck Strength Can increased neck strength and bracing for impact reduce the likelihood of concussion? At the most basic level, collisions are governed by Newton’s second law: force = mass × acceleration. If a small mass is hit with a given force, a significant acceleration will occur, compared to a large mass hit with the same force. Hits of over 20 g in acceleration of the head can occur in The 32 BRIDGE

concussion reduction plan for athletes.

Game and Practice Rules The incidence of concus- sion can be reduced by rule changes, especially those that reduce hits to the head. Such rule changes are being adopted or considered for both professional and youth athletes.

Changes in the NFL Concussions and sub- concussive blows can be dramatically reduced in hel- met-to-helmet collisions by limiting full contact in prac- tice. The NFL allows 14 full FIGURE 1 (a) Hand-held tension scale and Velcro adjustable head strap with a D ring. (b) contact practices during the Demonstration of proper measurement of neck extension with the developed neck strength mea- 18 weeks of the season—less surement tool. (c) Demonstration of proper measurement of right lateral flexion. Reprinted with than one a week—and none permission from Collins et al. (2014). in the off-season. the act of tackling or being tackled. Increasing the mass Another significant new NFL rule prohibits above- can decrease the acceleration that causes concussion. the-shoulder hits to a “defenseless player,” defined as Two populations at increased risk for concussion are a player who cannot see the approach of the impact. women, who have roughly two to three times the inci- Penalties range from 15 yards to fines and removal from dence of concussion in the same sports men play, and the game, depending on the circumstances. The ability youth. Both tend to have weaker necks than adult men. of a player to brace for impact, for example by engaging Strengthening the neck—by increasing its girth and neck strength, is crucial to prevent brain injury. stiffness—and bracing for impact protect the head by A further factor in reducing the incidence of con- connecting it more solidly to the rest of the body. The cussion is moving the kickoff up to the 35-yard line. acceleration of the head upon impact is reduced as the The kickoff runback is recognized as the most dangerous incoming force meets a resistance more comparable to play in football (per seconds of play). As a result of this the mass of the body rather than the small mass of the change the ball is run back less than 50 percent of the head (i.e., conservation of momentum). time, eliminating half of these risky episodes. We recently conducted a study that showed that During practice, tackling drills in which the player is athletes with the greatest neck strength had the fewest not taken to the ground or a robot is used also reduce concussions, and those with the least had the highest concussion risk. number of concussions (Collins et al. 2014). We found Thanks to these changes, a comparison of annual that, adjusted for gender and sport, essentially one data from the National Football League (NFL)1 shows pound of increased neck strength decreased the odds a 25 percent reduction in concussion incidence from for a concussion by 5 percent. 2013 to 2014 (the concussion rate per game in the NFL Neck strength can be reliably measured with a was 0.43 in 2014). And concussions from helmet-to- very inexpensive device and minimal training (fig- ure 1). Adding neck strengthening exercises to train- 1 I serve as a senior advisor to the NFL’s Head, Neck, and Spine ing regimens could be a viable and attainable part of a Committee. SPRING 2016 33

helmet hits, the most common cause of concussion, al. 2013). The difference between the teams was the declined 28 percent from 2013 to 2014. From 2012 to way the coach ran the practices and taught tackling 2014 season concussions went down 43 percent. techniques.

Changes for Youth Athletes Summary A program called “Practice Like the Pros” can decrease Protective equipment has not been proven to signifi- the risk of brain trauma for young athletes by bringing cantly reduce overall concussion risk. Instead, a number some of the improved professional football conventions of behavioral and rule changes can improve protection to youth and college athletes. The program minimizes from head injury. Neck strengthening and bracing for the risk of injury in practice by tackling without bring- impact can protect against brain trauma. Changes in the ing the opponent to the ground. NFL’s competition play rules can reduce injuries sub- Education can reduce the incidence of subconcussive stantially. And athletes can modify their exposure and and concussive trauma by teaching athletes to develop behavior through education. As with any change, each an awareness of their own concussion risk and alter risk strategy must be carefully examined to prevent unin- their behavior accordingly. They may choose to play tended consequences that result in other types of injury. fewer or different sports, modify their hours of practice, or change their style of play. Reference Rules that limit the number of hits to an athlete’s Cobb BR, Urban JE, Davenport EM, Rowson S, Duma SM, head in a week, month, or season can also reduce the Maldjian JA, Whitlow CT, Powers AK, Stitzel JD. 2013. incidence of head trauma. It is ironic that there are Head impact exposure in youth football: Elementary school pitch counts in youth baseball to prevent ulnar collat- ages 9–12 years and the effect of practice structure. Annals eral ligament injuries, which are reparable, but not hit of Biomedical Engineering 41(12):2463–2473. counts to the head (in football or any other sport) to Collins CL, Fletcher EN, Fields, SK, Kluchurosky L, lower the risk of traumatic brain injury. Hit counts have Rohrkemper MK, Comstock RD, Cantu RC. 2014. Neck been shown to work. strength: A protective factor reducing risk for concus- In one study of three youth football teams (ages 9 sion in high school sports. Journal of Primary Prevention to 12), one team had an average of 145 hits during 35(5):309–319. the season, while another was as low as 61 (Cobb et Regulatory science is inadequate, but is a reflection of the state of the more general science in the field of TBI.

TBI Clinical Trials Past, Present, and Future

Dallas C. Hack

More than 30 clinical trials of pharmaceutical products to treat traumatic brain injury (TBI) have failed and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any diagnostics or therapies for TBI. Since 2007 the Department of Defense (DOD) has been the largest funder of TBI research. However, any policy recommending use of unapproved reg- ulated medical products can be approved only by the president. The repeated Dallas C. Hack is former trial failure has had a direct impact on the DOD’s ability to field regulated director, Combat Casualty products for the care of servicemembers who suffer a TBI, whether in combat Care Research Program, US or in training. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command. Background Traumatic brain injury is a continuum of heterogenic insults to the subcel- lular and cellular structure. The current approach using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) to categorize TBI is the equivalent of describing cancer as mild, moderate, and severe and then expecting that one treatment will cure all cancer. The use of progesterone to treat TBI has been researched extensively, with more than 200 preclinical studies as well as successful phase I and phase II trials. Yet two high-profile clinical trials to validate the use of progesterone as a treatment for TBI were terminated for futility in 2014 (Manley 2015; Skolnick et al. 2012; Wright et al. 2014). SPRING 2016 35

Analysis showed that the participants, enrolled based on the GCS, were heterogeneous—multiple causes may contribute to the same GCS score, includ- ing diffuse axonal injury, diffuse swelling, contusion, and hematoma. In addition, the measure of effect, the Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE), was too insensitive to show a significant difference between treatment and control groups. The GOSE is essentially a disability score rather than a strict measure of brain function.1 Another challenge in treating TBI is to understand which cases will have lingering or delayed effects from a blow to the head. Frequently, TBI patients can pass a neurocognitive test within days after the injury, but when challenged more significantly—such as with mul- FIGURE 1 The BrainScope quantitative EEG system, AHEAD- titasking or with low levels of hypoxia as experienced 200, which analyzes the brain waves of an individual suspected to have suffered a brain injury. Reprinted with permission from at 7,500 feet—they show deficits on the same neuro- BrainScope. cognitive tests. Functional magnetic resonance imag- ing (fMRI) and high-density electroencephalography The second effort, which included a blood test for (EEG) show that the brains of these individuals have proteins usually not present without a brain injury not returned to normal months later even when the (Papa et al. 2012a,b), had a similar course before being patients appear normal based on the single neurocogni- cleared to perform the pivotal trial. The 2,000-patient tive test administered. multicenter international clinical trial has now been completed and, if the analysis is successful, an applica- Recent Clinical Trials: Challenges and Analysis tion should be filed, again as a comparison with a CT Difficulties experienced in moving TBI-related prod- scan. Previous trials with these biomarkers have shown ucts through the clinical trial and regulatory process in virtually complete sensitivity but less than 25 percent two diagnostic efforts prompted the DOD to reevaluate specificity in mild TBI (GCS 13–152): the blood test the entire paradigm of TBI clinical trials. simply detected brain injuries that did not have associ- ated bleeding. Two Challenging Experiences Truly a better comparison measure than the CT scan The first effort, involving a quantitative EEG (QEEG) is needed. The difficulty in arriving at agreed measures system (figure 1) with machine learning to screen for was judged to be due to the lack of validation trials of changes in brain function after an impact to the head other measures according to regulatory standards. The (Ayaz et al. 2015), entailed more than 18 months of regulatory science is inadequate, but is a reflection of discussions with the FDA before arriving at agreement the state of the more general science in the field of TBI. to use the comparison measure of a positive computed tomography (CT) scan and a mutually agreed indica- Analysis tion for use. The pivotal trial was successful and the The TBI field has been very introspective, with numer- device received clearance from the FDA as an indicator ous analyses of the causes of failed clinical trials (Bull- of whether a CT scan was indicated by the New Orleans ock et al. 2002; Burke et al. 2015; Dickinson et al. 2000; Criteria. In other words, the QEEG is being compared Farin and Marshall 2004; Kabadi and Faden 2014; Li to a test for brain bleeding, not a test of brain dysfunc- et al. 2014; Loane and Faden 2010; Maas et al. 1999, tion. A brain injury involving bleeding is likely more 2010; Narayan et al. 2002; Tolias and Bullock 2004)—a serious than a concussion not involving bleeding. much higher ratio of review than other fields, such as Alzheimer’s disease or stroke, which each have in excess 1 Of note, the participants in both trials had improved outcomes from a traditional standard of care, based on adherence to care 2 A GCS score of 3–8 denotes a severe brain injury and 9–12 protocols. moderate injury. The 36 BRIDGE of 300 failed clinical trials. The results of the analyses 4. Research, Education, Dissemination, and Implemen- have recurring themes; in summary, the main recom- tation. Develop a comprehensive program for guide- mendations are to line dissemination and implementation. (1) ensure that an appropriate study population has The DOD’s second major initiative, the TBI End- been selected to minimize heterogeneity, points Development (TED) consortium, commenced in (2) identify appropriate primary and secondary end- September 2014 (figure 2). Formulated to address the points, inadequate endpoints (CT scan and/or GOSE) current- (3) conduct careful statistical analysis, and ly validated for clinical studies of regulated products, (4) improve the translation of experimental results this two-phase effort will first evaluate the multitude of to the bedside. existing assessments and select the measures with the highest amount of evidence supporting their use in the DOD Efforts to Improve TBI Clinical Trials regulatory process. Phase two will validate the selected The DOD initiated two foundational efforts to solve the measures with processes that meet the FDA’s qualifica- fundamental difficulties with past clinical trials. In 2011 tion process for drug development tools. the DOD and the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- Key to this effort is the substantial involvement of vention (CDC) funded a cooperative effort to review the FDA in shaping, selecting, managing, and execut- the total English language scientific literature with the ing the TED initiative. It is anticipated that TED will goal of developing an evidence-based definition of con- lead to an expanded pathway for product approval and cussion. The review determined that the literature did enable successful clinical trials that validate products to not provide enough granularity for a definitive defini- diagnose and treat TBI. tion but served as a first step for a systematic review of “prevalent and consistent indicators,” identified as Other Major Initiatives The current research landscape includes a wide range (1) observed and documented disorientation or confu- sion immediately after the event, (2) impaired balance of studies—ranging from preclinical to clinical, acute to within 1 day after injury, (3) slower reaction time within postmortem, premorbid to long-range effects, and from 2 days after injury, and/or (4) impaired verbal learning pilot to large multinational—with funding by govern- and memory within 2 days after injury. [Carney et al. ment, academic, industry, and nonprofit entities. Fol- 2014, p. S3] lowing are examples of large studies currently under way: This is insufficient to define the enrollment criteria • TRACK-TBI (Transforming Research and Clinical for an enriched study cohort. The DOD therefore initi- Knowledge in TBI; https://tracktbi.ucsf.edu), ated, in collaboration with the Brain Trauma Founda- • the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Ser- tion, the Brain Trauma Evidence Consortium with the vicemembers (STARRS; http://armystarrs.org), following four mission areas: • the NCAA-DOD Grand Alliance Concussion, 1. Dynamic Model Initiative. Produce a paradigm shift Assessment, Research, and Education (CARE) Con- in brain trauma classification and treatment. The sortium (www.careconsortium.net), and goal of this first-priority area is to improve the study enrollment criteria process to reduce the heteroge- • the Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium neity challenges of the current, GCS-based criteria. (https://cenc.rti.org). 2. Investigator Collaboration. Coordinate, harmonize, In addition, as outlined in the National Research pool, and analyze existing and ongoing research Action Plan (DOD/VA/DHHS/DOEd 2013), the prin- efforts to maximize efficiency and accelerate the cipal investigators of larger government studies have acquisition of urgently needed information, technol- coordinated numerous study protocol elements, case ogy, and protocols. report forms, biomarkers, imaging studies, and biospeci- 3. Living Guidelines System. Produce evidence-based mens, for the most part contributing all the collected guidelines for the treatment of the full spectrum data to the Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury of brain trauma, developed in the context of the Research (FITBIR; https://fitbir.nih.gov/) data reposi- dynamic model. tory. FITBIR is a joint effort of the DOD and NIH that SPRING 2016 37

will make federally funded research data available to other researchers through a governance process. This level of coordination and data transparency will allow much more information to be gained from the data collected than the isolated studies of the past.

Conclusion Two main corrections are needed for future TBI tri- als: enrichment of the study population and validation of multiple, meaningful prima- ry, coprimary, and secondary endpoints to assess efficacy. These changes, together with diagnostic or therapeu- tic products developed to address the pathophysiology of the disease process, will lead to approved products and techniques that will improve outcome for the millions who suffer a trau- FIGURE 2 TBI Endpoints Development (TED) study activities. Reprinted with permission from matic brain injury each year. G.T. Manley.

References Dickinson K, Bunn F, Wentz R, Edwards P, Roberts I. 2000. Ayaz SI, Thomas C, Kulek A, Tolomello R, Mika V, Robin- Size and quality of randomised controlled trials in head son D, Medado P, Pearson C, Prichep LS, O’Neil BJ. 2015. injury: Review of published studies. British Medical Jour- Comparison of quantitative EEG to current clinical deci- nal: Clinical Research Education 320(7245):1308–1311. sion rules for head CT use in acute mild traumatic brain DOD/VA/DHHS/DOEd [Department of Defense/ injury in the ED. American Journal of Emergency Medi- Department of Veterans Affairs/Department of Health cine 33(4):493–496. and Human Services/Department of Education]. 2013. Bullock MR, Merchant RE, Choi SC, Gilman CB, Kreutzer National Research Action Plan Responding to the JS, Marmarou A, Teasdale GM. 2002. Outcome measures Executive Order: Improving Access to Mental Health for clinical trials in neurotrauma. Neurosurgical Focus Services for Veterans, Service Members, and Military 13(1):ECP1. Families. Available at https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/ Burke MJ, Fralick M, Nejatbakhsh N, Tartaglia MC, Tator default/files/uploads/nrap_for_eo_on_mental_health_ CH. 2015. In search of evidence-based treatment for con- august_2013.pdf. cussion: Characteristics of current clinical trials. Brain Farin A, Marshall LF. 2004. Lessons from epidemiologic stud- Injury 29(3):300–305. ies in clinical trials of traumatic brain injury. Acta Neuro- Carney N, Ghajar J, Jagoda A, Bedrick S, Davis-O’Reilly C, du chirurgica 89(Supplement):101–107. Coudray H, Hack D, Helfand N, Huddleston A, Nettleton Kabadi SV, Faden AI. 2014. Neuroprotective strategies for T, Riggio S. 2014. Concussion guidelines step 1: Systematic traumatic brain injury: Improving clinical translation. Inter- review of prevalent indicators. Neurosurgery 75:S3–S15. national Journal of Molecular Sciences 15(1):1216–1236. The 38 BRIDGE

Li LM, Menon DK, Janowitz T. 2014. Cross-sectional analysis 9 others. 2012a. Elevated levels of serum glial fibrillary acid- of data from the US clinical trials database reveals poor ic protein breakdown products in mild and moderate trau- translational clinical trial effort for traumatic brain injury, matic brain injury are associated with intracranial lesions compared with stroke. PloS One 9(1):e84336. and neurosurgical intervention. Annals of Emergency Med- Loane DJ, Faden AI. 2010. Neuroprotection for traumatic icine 59:471–483. brain injury: Translational challenges and emerging ther- Papa L, Lewis LM, Silvestri S, Falk JL, Giordano P, Brophy apeutic strategies. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences GM, Demery JA, Liu MC, Mo J, Akinyi L, and 6 others. 31(12):596–604. 2012b. Serum levels of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase dis- Maas AI, Steyerberg EW, Murray GD, Bullock R, Baethmann tinguish mild traumatic brain injury from trauma controls A, Marshall LF, Teasdale GM. 1999. Why have recent tri- and are elevated in mild and moderate traumatic brain als of neuroprotective agents in head injury failed to show injury patients with intracranial lesions and neurosurgical convincing efficacy? A pragmatic analysis and theoretical intervention. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery considerations. Neurosurgery 44(6):1286–1298. 72:1335–1344. Maas AI, Roozenbeek B, Manley GT. 2010. Clinical trials in Skolnick BE, Maas AI, Narayan RK, van der Hoop RG, traumatic brain injury: Past experience and current devel- MacAllister T, Ward JD, Nelson NR, Stocchetti N. 2014. opments. Neurotherapeutics 7(1):115–126. A clinical trial of progesterone for severe traumatic brain Manley GT. 2015. TBI Endpoints Development (TED) Ini- injury. New England Journal of Medicine 371:2467–2476. tiative: A Collaborative for Advancing Diagnosis and Tolias CM, Bullock MR. 2004. Critical appraisal of neuropro- Treatment of TBI. Presentation at Consensus Confer- tection trials in head injury: What have we learned? Neu- ence 1, February 2–3, Bethesda, MD. Available at https:// roRx: Journal of the American Society for Experimental tbiendpoints.ucsf.edu/sites/tbiendpoints.ucsf.edu/files/ NeuroTherapeutics 1(1):71–79. Consensus%20Conference%20Slides.pdf. Wright DW, Yeatts SD, Silbergleit R, Palesch YY, Hertzberg Narayan RK, Michel ME, Ansell B, Baethmann A, Biegon A, VS, Frankel M, Goldstein FC, Caveney AF, Howlett- Bracken MB, Bullock MR, Choi SC, Clifton GL, Contant Smith H, Bengelink EM, and 303 others. 2014. Very CF, and 36 others. 2002. Clinical trials in head injury. Jour- early administration of progesterone for acute trau- nal of Neurotrauma 19(5):503–557. matic brain injury. New England Journal of Medicine Papa L, Lewis LM, Falk JL, Zhang Z, Silvestri S, Giordano 371:2457–2466. P, Brophy GM, Demery JA, Dixit NK, Ferguson I, and Risk of concussion cannot be eliminated from sports. But safety can be improved through increasingly better informed decisions.

Concussion and the NCAA Report from the Chief Medical Officer

Brian W. Hainline

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is the national governing body of intercollegiate varsity athletics. About 460,000 student- athletes from 1,100 schools are involved in the organization, which repre- sents 23 sports and 90 national championships. The NCAA has taken a leadership role to enhance understanding and mitigation of concussion.

Brian W. Hainline is chief Background medical officer, National Concussion is one of nine strategic priorities for the NCAA Sport Science Collegiate Athletic Institute, which I oversee as the NCAA’s first chief medical officer (appoint- Association. ed in 2013). The other strategic priorities are mental health; cardiac health; overuse injuries and periodization; doping and substance abuse; nutrition, sleep, and performance; sexual assault and interpersonal violence; athlet- ics healthcare administration; and data-driven decisions. All of these areas represent important public health concerns in sports, yet understanding of causes, effective strategies for mitigation, and methods to acquire knowledge are limited. For example, there is no adequate definition of concussion reflecting the injury mechanism or localization in the brain. The accepted definition is limited to an imprecise description of the symptoms of concussion: a change in brain function, following a force to the head, that may be accompanied by temporary loss of consciousness but is also identified in awake individuals, The 40 BRIDGE

FIGURE 1 Fatalities in football, 1950–2012. Note the marked decrease in injuries after the prohibition on spearing in the 1970s. Reprinted with permission from the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research. and that has measures of neurologic and cognitive dys- differences in concussion between the sexes is poor, function (Carney et al. 2014). From a data-driven deci- although it goes beyond differences in neck strength sion-making perspective, information is lacking about and includes mechanisms of contact and differing neu- the range of consequences of concussions, the preferred rophysiological responses. treatment, and when to allow a concussed athlete to There are many similarities in the NCAA and return to play. Department of Defense (DOD) missions to mitigate injury and in the events that lead to traumatic brain Athletic and Military Concussion injury in sports and military activity. For example, most Concussion incidence in the United States is estimat- NCAA head injuries are classified as mild (i.e., concus- ed at 3.8 million per year (Iverson et al. 2004), over sion), and 97 percent of the traumatic brain injuries in 300,000 of which result from sports collisions (Gessel et US veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are al. 2007). As shown in figure 1, however, football fatali- mild; of those, about 85 percent happened in a way that ties associated with concussion and other head and neck is biomechanically similar to a sport concussion, while injuries have been declining. only 15 percent resulted from blast injuries (Cameron The rate of concussion for intercollegiate sports over- et al. 2012), which are biomechanically distinct from all is shown in figure 2 (Zuckerman et al. 2015). The direct physical trauma. highest-rate sport is men’s wrestling, a contact sport. Moreover, NCAA student-athletes and military ser- Note, however, the high level of risk in many women’s vicemembers share many demographics: they are similar sports—soccer, ice hockey, basketball, and lacrosse. in age, athleticism, risk taking, and the practice of push- Women’s lacrosse is a noncontact sport, while men’s ing themselves to the edge of excellence. One crucial lacrosse is not, yet the concussion rate for women’s difference is that there is more control in the college lacrosse is higher. Understanding of the reasons for athletic environment than in the military theater. SPRING 2016 41

Men's Football 6.7 Women's Soccer 5.9 Women's Field Hocky 4.3 Women's Volleyball 3.7 Men's Soccer 3.4 Fall Women's Cross Country 0.2 Men's Cross Country 0.0

Men's Wrestling 9.9 Men's Ice Hockey 7.6 Women's Ice Hockey 7.3 Women's Basketball 5.5 Women's Gymnastics 3.7 Men's Basketball 3.7 Men's Swimming & Diving 0.6 Winter Women's Swimming & Diving 0.5 Men's Indoor Track & Field 0.3 Women's Indoor Track & Field 0.1

Women's Lacrosse 4.2 Men's Volleyball* 3.6 Women's Softball 2.9 Men's Lacrosse 2.7 Women's Tennis 0.9

Spring Men's Baseball 0.8 Men's Tennis 0.5 Women's Outdoor Track & Field 0.4 Men's Outdoor Track & Field 0.1 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Concussion rate per 10,000 athlete-exposures (AE)

FIGURE 2 Concussion rates in 26 college sports, 2009/10–2014/15 academic years: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance Program (NCAA-ISP). * Men’s volleyball data were collected during the 2013/14 and 2014/15 academic years only. An athlete-exposure is defined as one student-athlete’s participation in one NCAA-sanctioned competition or practice. Data updated from Kerr et al. (2014) and Zuckerman et al. (2015).

NCAA-DOD Grand Alliance Study In addition, the advanced research component of the Because of these similarities and the need to close the CARE Consortium is evaluating neurobiological recov- concussion knowledge gap, the NCAA and DOD are ery in seven sports: men’s football, men’s and women’s collaborating in a landmark study titled NCAA-DOD lacrosse, men’s and women’s ice hockey, and men’s and Grand Alliance, which consists of the CARE Consor- women’s soccer. This research is taking place at four tium and the Mind Matters Challenge (NCAA 2014). schools, where student-athletes in the seven sports wear a head sensor during competition and practice, and Concussion Assessment, Research, and Education undergo baseline genetic testing, assessment of blood (CARE) Consortium biomarkers, and postconcussive brain imaging studies 1 This initiative is the largest prospective, clinical, longi- that are synced with the TRACK-TBI methodology tudinal study of concussion in history. The two primary (NINDS 2012). After an injury or suspected injury, aims of the study are to determine the natural history baseline measurements are repeated as shown in figure 3. of concussion and to define neurobiological recovery It is anticipated that in 3 years, 35,000 student- after concussion. The three primary study centers are athletes will be enrolled in the clinical study and the Medical College of Wisconsin (Michael McCrea, about 1,600 student athletes will be enrolled in the principal investigator), Indiana University (Tom McAl- advanced research core. The conservative estimate, lister, PI), and the University of Michigan (Steven based on a 2 percent concussion rate, is that there will Broglio, PI). The 3-year study is being conducted at 30 NCAA member schools, including the four service 1 The Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Trau- academies. At every site each student-athlete in every matic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI) study is funded by the Nation- sport undergoes an exceptionally rigorous baseline exam al Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and and serial exams after concussion. housed at the University of California, San Francisco. The 42 BRIDGE

FIGURE 3 Assessment protocol for baseline testing and assessment of student athletes in selected sports for the longitudinal clinical study core (CSC) and advanced research core (ARC) of the NCAA-DOD Grand Alliance Concussion Assessment, Research, and Education (CARE) Consortium. FB = football; HITS = Head Impact Telemetry System; IH = ice hockey; LAX = lacrosse; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; SCR = soccer. be 750 concussions in the clinical study and 75 in the concussion, football practice, and independent medical advanced research core. care—aimed at helping to mitigate and manage sport- There are active discussions to extend this study in related concussion.2 The guidelines have been endorsed a Framingham model to over 35 years, and to expand by eleven prominent medical organizations. enrollment to precollege-level sports. The medical care guidelines state that coaches do not make medical decisions. Athletic trainers and team Mind Matters Challenge physicians (primary athletics healthcare providers) The NCAA-DOD Mind Matters Challenge is an educa- must make all medical decisions with unchallengeable tion and research challenge open to all NCAA schools autonomous authority. and the public at large (NCAA 2014). The education The year-round football practice live contact guide- component of the challenge calls on participants to lines are based on best available evidence. They are an develop, within one year, compelling educational con- important start, but we ultimately hope to individualize tent and delivery that will help change the culture of guidelines based on emerging head sensor data. concussion in young adults. For the research challenge, The concussion diagnosis and management guide- applicants must describe a 3-year study to provide meth- lines may not seem particularly revolutionary, but in ods to change the culture of concussion and perceived some ways they are. Developed by clinical experts who norms for coaches, student-athletes, parents, adminis- pioneered the field, one accepted method for assess- trators, and the public at large. Six winners have been ing concussion and guiding decisions for return to play chosen for the educational challenge, and eight for the is known as ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion research challenge.

2 New NCAA Guidelines The Safety in College Football Summit was held January 22–23, 2014, in Atlanta. The three sets of guidelines are available at In January 2014 NCAA and medical organization col- www.ncaa.org/health-and-safety/; the list of summit participants leagues met to develop interassociation guidelines—for is available at www.ncaa.org/health-and-safety/appendix. SPRING 2016 43

Assessment and Cognitive Testing). ImPACT provides personnel between 1997 and 2007. Journal of Neurotrau- trained clinicians with neurocognitive assessment tools, ma 29(7):1313–1321. and is the most widely used and most scientifically vali- Carney N, Ghajar J, Jagoda A, Bedrick S, Davis-O’Reilly dated computerized concussion evaluation system. C, du Coudray H, Hack D, Helfand N, Huddleston A, But ImPACT alone is insufficient. Rather, a multi- Nettleton T, Riggio S. 2014. Concussion guidelines step modal method of preparticipation assessment is needed, 1: Systematic review of prevalent indicators. Neurosurgery and the postconcussion phase must emphasize return to 75(Suppl 1):S3–S15. learn as much as return to play. Gessel LM, Fields SK, Collins CL, Dick RW, Comstock RD. 2007. Concussions among United States high school Conclusion and collegiate athletes. Journal of Athletic Training Some of these changes can help, but they must also be 42(4):495–503. updated with emerging data and consensus, including Iverson G, Gaetz M, Lovell MR, Collins MW. 2004. Cumula- changes in the rules of sport. For example, when the tive effects of concussion in amateur athletes. Brain Injury rules of football prevented spearing in the 1970s, the 18(5):433–443. incidence of cervical spine injuries decreased dramati- Kerr ZY, Dompier TP, Snook EM, Marshall SW, Klossner D, cally (Bailes et al. 2007). More recently, when the kick- Hainline B, Corlette J. 2014. National Collegiate Athletic off in football was moved five yards closer to the end Association Injury Surveillance System: Methodology dur- zone, and the ball placement from a touchback moved ing 2004/05–2013/14 academic years. Journal of Athletic five yards the other way, the concussion rate fell 50 per- Training 49(4):552–560. cent relative to all other injuries.3 NCAA [National Collegiate Athletic Association]. 2014. But no matter how safe the rules for all contact, col- NCAA, DOD launch Mind Matters Challenge. Press lision, or even noncontact sports, the risk of concussion release, November 6. Available at www.ncaa.org/about/ cannot be eliminated. Sport brings exceptional benefits resources/media-center/news/ncaa-dod-launch-mind- that must be weighed against the risks. Our goal is to matters-challenge. continually improve safety in sport through data-driven NINDS [National Institute of Neurological Disorders and decisions and consensus. At the NCAA, we believe Stroke]. 2012. NINDS Common Data Elements, Appen- that progress is well under way. dix II: Imaging parameters for MRI and protocols for MRI and CT. Bethesda, MD. Available at https://commondata References elements.ninds.nih.gov/TBI.aspx#tab=Data_Standards. Bailes JE, Petschauer M, Guskiewicz KM, Marano G. 2007. Zuckerman SL, Kerr ZY, Yengo-Kahn A, Wasserman E, Management of cervical spine injuries in athletes. Journal Covassin T, Solomon GS. 2015. Epidemiology of sports- of Athletic Training 42(1):126–134. related concussion in NCAA athletes from 2009–2010 Cameron KL, Marshall SW, Sturdivant RX, Lincoln AE. to 2013–2014: Incidence, recurrence, and mechanisms. 2012. Trends in the incidence of physician-diagnosed American Journal of Sports Medicine 43(11):2654–2662. mild traumatic brain injury among active duty US military

3 Personal communication with Tom Dompier, Datalys Center, January 2015. Controlled, reproducible interdisciplinary research is critical to improve understanding of traumatic brain injury.

Research to Understand Explosion-Related Injuries in Military Personnel

S. Krisztian Kovacs

Explosive blast–related traumatic brain injury (TBI), specifically primary blast- or shockwave-related TBI, is highly prevalent among military person- nel. The majority of battlefield wounds in 21st century military conflicts are due to explosive devices—in the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, almost 80 percent of injury was due to explosion. It is estimated that 20 per- cent of US military personnel had TBI between 2001 and 2008; and in just S. Krisztian Kovacs is the first quarter of 2015, according to the Department of Defense, almost research assistant profes- 6,000 US military servicemembers suffered some degree of TBI (83 per- sor of neurology and neu- cent being mild TBI, which may elude diagnosis and thus go untreated) roscience, Department of (DOD 2015). Neurology, Uniformed One of the distinct features of recent military conflicts is the high sur- Services University of the vival rate of victims of TBI. This is a result of improved body armor, which Health Sciences. has decreased the rate of fatal chest and lung injury, and advanced medical care, both of which have contributed to a killed-to-wounded ratio of 1:10, the lowest in modern history. As a result, however, doctors see more brain trauma in surviving soldiers (Bandak et al. 2015). This paper reviews the basic biomechanics of blast injuries, experimental animal blast models, and some relevant pathology discovered through our research group’s blast experiments conducted on rats (other animal models are mice, swine, and monkeys). SPRING 2016 45

What Happens During a Blast? ing through large blood vessels after the blast can cause Traumatic brain injury occurs in multiple ways: it can brain damage. Air embolism from lung injury is another be caused by nonpenetrating projectile hits, indirect indirect mechanism (Bandak et al. 2015; Cernak and acceleration/deceleration forces, blasts, or penetrating Noble-Haeusslein 2009; Rosenfeld et al. 2013). trauma to the head. Primary, nonpenetrating blast inju- Another consideration is the effect of multiple blast ry is the effect of the shockwave propagating through events. Ongoing studies suggest that chronic traumat- the body and the head, and is the focus of the research ic encephalopathy may occur in soldiers exposed to in my laboratory. Other explosion-induced injuries can multiple blast events, with neuropathological changes be caused by being struck by material propelled by the similar to those with previous sport concussion, but explosive blast, by the body’s being thrown by the blast, more research is needed (Goldstein et al. 2012; McKee and by radiation, toxic fumes, or burns. et al. 2009).

Primary and Secondary Effects In terms of tissue response, injury may be primary and Biochemical and cellular secondary. Acute (primary) injury may directly damage the structural elements of the brain and trigger second- changes occur days and ary pathophysiological processes such as inflammation, ischemic and hypoxic damage due to diminished blood even years after a traumatic flow or lack of oxygen, reactive oxygen species forma- event and result in symptoms tion, or excitatory amino acid release and iron-mediated cell death. These secondary injuries involve biochemi- such as cognitive and cal and cellular changes that occur days and even years after the traumatic event and result in symptoms such as personality changes. cognitive and personality changes as well as modulated gene expression and/or protein regulation (CDC, NIH, How Do We Study Blast Injuries? DOD, VA Leadership Panel 2013). The limited availability of human tissues and lack of Specific Effects of Shockwaves specific clinical signs, especially at the beginning of the Our studies are designed to examine damage due to disease, make clinical blast TBI research challenging. shockwaves, the leading elements of pressure distur- Animal models of blast TBI are therefore essential to bance in a blast. The compressibility of air causes the characterize injuries and disorders, and should imitate front of this pressure disturbance to steepen, reaching real-life human blast conditions. and surpassing the speed of sound. The most frequently used animal models are tube and Shockwaves can injure the brain both directly and open-field models. The former may be blast or shock indirectly. Direct mechanisms include spallation, which tube experiments with explosives or with compressed occurs between tissues with different densities and dif- air and gas explosions. Open-field experiments and blast ferent acoustic impedance and may result in direct tis- tubes (“blast wave generators”) closely mimic real-life sue disruption. Rapid rise in intracranial pressure after blast events. a blast can lead to bubble formation at the boundary of Irrespective of the species and method used, the the cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue, and may cause neuropathological changes are very similar and axonal cavitation with axonal stretching and blood vessel dis- injury/degeneration is the principal outcome. Micro­ ruption. Direct mechanisms also include skull deforma- glia activation, astrocyte activation, and occasional cell tion with elastic rebound, intracranial wave reflection death have also been reported in the central nervous off the inner surface of the skull, and acceleration/decel- system. Numerous blast models describe injuries to the eration forces resulting in axonal injury from shear stress optic pathways, the auditory system, and long white and strains (Rosenfeld et al. 2013). matter fiber tracts of the brain. Reports of intracranial One of the most important indirect mechanisms is hemorrhages or petechial bleedings are less common kinetic energy transfer through large blood vessels from in blast models, but are a prevalent finding in human the abdomen and chest. Hypothetically, waves oscillat- injuries from blunt trauma caused by vehicle, projectile, The 46 BRIDGE

neck exposed. To ensure that there was no movement of the head during the blast, we restrained it using a rigid sling support. Pressure changes in several locations near the animal were measured during the blast (figure 2). According to our data the BWG was able to produce an almost ideal Friedlander wave that is typical of free-field blasts. In animals that died during or shortly after the blast, with peak overpressures beyond 45–50 psi, we detected FIGURE 1 Blast wave generator. Photo credit: USUHS brain edema, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and frank tis- Neurotrauma Laboratory. sue disruption with parenchymal microhemorrhages. We assessed effects in the animals 24 hours, 7 days, and and sports collisions. The evidence of blast brain injury 28 days after the blast. In animals that survived the is usually best seen microscopically 7–14 days after the blast, exposed to approximately 30 psi overpressure or event (de Lanerolle et al. 2015; Kovacs et al. 2014; less, we observed limited evidence of gross abnormali- Needham et al. 2015). ties in the brain; for example, subdural hemorrhages and Method microhemorrhages were seen after 24 hours. The most significant pathology, as in other blast mod- Blast experiments on rats conducted by our research els (e.g., Bauman et al. 2009), was multifocal axonal group were carried out using a 6-foot diameter, 70-foot injury (detected by FD Neurotech silver stain kit; figure long blast tube (or blast wave generator, BWG) (fig- 3). Axonal damage more frequently involved the optic ure 1). We studied only primary blasts, using uncased pathway, but cerebellar structures and brainstem areas explosives, with the body protected by an insulated also showed axonal pathology, mostly after 7 and 28 days. aluminum holder that left only the animal’s head and Astrocyte activation was present in the optic path- ways after 7 and 28 days. Activated microglial cells appeared as early as 24 hours after the blast and remained visible after 28 days in brain areas that showed signs of axonal injury.

Observations In our blast tube animal model we observed axo- nal injury that showed blast-intensity- and time- dependent changes. With increased intervals between blast exposure and patho- logical examinations, there was an increase in the num- ber of brain regions with evidence of axonal injury. Axons were the most vul- FIGURE 2 Blast pressure-time profile. Positive phase duration (7.1–10.4 ms) was a little longer nerable structures to prima- than in other blast models (by 5–7 ms) to account for the increased distance between the charge ry explosive blast, and direct and target. We measured peak pressures of 15–50 psi. forces from the shockwave SPRING 2016 47

may have been transmitted through weak areas (e.g., eyes) on the skull. We also compared the results of our blast model to another nonpenetrating blunt head trauma model (fluid percussion injury; Dixon et al. 1987) and a penetrating ballistic brain FIGURE 3 FD Neurotech silver staining shows strong (B) axonal degeneration mostly in the optic injury model (Williams et nerve layer of the superior colliculus (midbrain) with the characteristic fine granular black staining al. 2005). In identifying pattern. There is no evidence of the same pattern in control animals (A). Photo credit: USUHS axonal injuries using com- Neurotrauma Laboratory. mon procedures—hematox- ylin and eosin (H&E)–stained standard slides, amyloid R, Bandak F, Parks S. 2009. An introductory characteriza- precursor protein (APP) immunohistochemistry, FD tion of a combat-casualty-care relevant swine model of Neurotech silver staining, and Fluoro-Jade B (FJB) closed head injury resulting from exposure to explosive staining—we noted that silver staining and FJB clearly blast. Journal of Neurotrauma 26(6):841–860. showed evidence of axonal injury in some cases where CDC, NIH, DOD, VA Leadership Panel [Centers for Disease APP showed little or none. We conclude that H&E and Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, APP staining underestimated the extent of injury caused Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs Lead- by the shockwave, and that blasts may have a different ership Panel]. 2013. Report to Congress on Traumatic Brain and unique biomechanical effect on axonal fibers. Injury in the United States: Understanding the Public Health Problem among Current and Former Military Personnel. Conclusion Washington: Department of Health and Human Services. Animal models are excellent research tools to study Cernak I, Noble-Haeusslein LJ. 2010. Traumatic brain injury: blasts, but because of the variety of methods used and An overview of pathobiology with emphasis on military the lack of basic data reporting, such as pressure changes populations. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabo- and physical properties of the blasts, results have been lism 30(2):255–266. controversial. Moreover, rodent brains are different from de Lanerolle NC, Kim JH, Bandak FA. 2015. Neuropathol- those with grey-to-white-matter ratios and architectures ogy of traumatic brain injury: Comparison of penetrating, closer to those of primates, and this is an important fac- nonpenetrating direct impact and explosive blast etiolo- tor to consider as the biomechanical parameters of brain gies. Seminars in Neurology 35(1):12–19. tissues are significant in injury models. Scaling animal Dixon CE, Lyeth BG, Povlishock JT, Findling RL, Hamm RJ, models to humans is a key consideration, as discussed by Marmarou A, Young HF, Hayes RL. 1987. A fluid percus- Radovitzky and colleagues (2015) in this issue. sion model of experimental brain injury in the rat. Journal Research suggests that axons are the brain structure of Neurosurgery 67(1):110–119. most vulnerable to explosive blast. Controlled, repro- DOD [Department of Defense]. 2015. 2000–2015 Q1–Q3 ducible interdisciplinary research is critical to improved DoD TBI Worldwide Totals. Defense Medical Surveillance understanding of the mechanics of blast injuries and the System (DMSS), Theater Medical Data Store (TMDS) identification of neuropathological structural changes. provided by the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Cen- ter (AFHSC). Prepared by the Defense and Veterans Brain References Injury Center (DVBIC). Washington. Bandak FA, Ling G, Bandak A, de Lanerolle NC. 2015. Inju- Goldstein LE, Fisher AM, Tagge CA, Zhang XL, Velisek L, ry biomechanics, neuropathology, and simplified physics Sullivan JA, Upreti C, Kracht JM, Ericsson M, Wojnarowicz of explosive blast and impact mild traumatic brain injury. MW, and 25 others. 2012. Chronic traumatic encephalop- Handbook of Clinical Neurology 127:89–104. athy in blast-exposed military veterans and a blast neu- Bauman RA, Ling G, Tong L, Januszkiewicz A, Agoston D, de rotrauma mouse model. Science Translational Medicine Lanerolle N, Kim Y, Ritzel D, Bell R, Ecklund J, Armonda 4(134):134ra60. The 48 BRIDGE

Kovacs SK, Leonessa F, Ling GS. 2014. Blast TBI models, Radovitzky RA, Zheng JQ, Budinger TF. 2016. Computation- neuro­pathology, and implications for seizure risk. Frontiers al models of impact and blast force effects on the brain: in Neurology 5:47. Scaling of animal injury models and prediction of human McKee AC, Cantu RC, Nowinski CJ, Hedley-Whyte T, TBI. Bridge 46(1):69–75. Gavett BE, Budson AE, Santini VE, Lee HS, Kubilus CA, Rosenfeld JV, McFarlane AC, Bragge P, Armonda RA, Grimes Stern RA. 2009. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in JB, Ling GS. 2013. Blast-related traumatic brain injury. athletes: Progressive tauopathy after repetitive head injury. Lancet Neurology 12(9):882–893. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology Williams AJ, Hartings JA, Lu XC, Rolli MI, Dave JR, Tor- 68(7):709–735. tella FC. 2005. Characterization of a new rat model of Needham CE, Ritzel D, Rule GT, Wiri S, Young L. 2015. Blast penetrating ballistic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma testing issues and TBI: Experimental models that lead to 22(2):313–331. wrong conclusions. Frontiers in Neurology 6:72. Research is needed to better understand the biomechanics of concussion and enhance injury prevention, safety equipment design, rules of play, treatments, and interventions.

Emerging Insight from Human and Animal Studies about the Biomechanics of Concussion

Susan S. Margulies

Biomechanics can provide insight into the mechanisms of concussion, including the interrelationships among the forces experienced during impact, head and neck movements, tissue stiffness of the materials that com- pose the head/neck complex, deformation of structures at the macroscopic and microscopic level, and biological responses to the various forces imposed on the head. Susan S. Margulies is Biological responses in traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) may be immediate George H. Stephen­son or delayed, be structural (torn vessels and axons) or functional (changes in Professor of Bioengineer­ blood flow or neurological status), and differ with maturation. Biomechani- ing, Department of Bio­ cal investigations typically include a variety of approaches: engineering,­ University of • direct measurements of loading conditions and responses in humans, ani- Pennsylvania. mals, and anthropomorphic surrogates (i.e., crash test dummies); • visualization of tissue responses to prescribed loads to characterize the responses of complex geometries or composite structures; • mechanical property testing of individual components to identify changes with age; • computational models to predict how tissues will deform during impact or rapid head rotation; and The 50 BRIDGE

• identification of the timecourse of cell or tissue Instead, results obtained using surrogates must be cor- responses to specified deformations in order to define related with animal studies, autopsy reports, and patient thresholds associated with various types of injuries. records to infer biological responses to kinematic loading conditions, or with computational models to infer tissue Sources of Concussion Data for Research deformations resulting from a head rotation or impact. Computational models are used to estimate the tis- Biomechanics investigators can use human data obtained sue distortions and stresses that may result from a rapid prospectively (via sensors; Camarillo et al. 2013; Crisco head motion or head impact, using lifelike tissue stiff- et al. 2010; Daniel et al. 2012; Rowson et al. 2009, 2012) ness values for children and adults (Cheng et al. 2008). or retrospectively (via crash reconstructions) to help Like surrogates, computational models cannot predict understand what scenarios cause TBIs. Concussions are concussion; predicted tissue distortions in response to diagnosed based on symptoms, and most assessments are lifelike loading conditions must be correlated with ani- influenced by the patients’ awareness of or willingness to mal or human data. report their symptoms. But this less reliable form of data Animal models can provide a controlled laboratory gathering skews the dataset and undermines the process setting to investigate the relationships between the of identifying objective biomechanical thresholds asso- risk of concussion and rapid head rotation magnitude ciated with concussion using instrumented volunteers. and direction, as well as the contributions of age, sex, Biomechanical data are occasionally captured by sensors and previous concussions to biomechanical thresholds in helmets, patches, and mouthguards but they often for concussion. Animal model–derived biomechanical report limited information about the rotational head thresholds are typically for more severe brain injuries movements associated with concussion. than concussion, but animal models do provide insight To obtain kinematic information in more controlled into how head impacts and sudden head movements settings, anthropomorphic surrogates (crash test dum- produce brain deformations and how such deforma- mies) and laboratory-based studies are used to reenact tions result in a spectrum of brain injuries, from mild film and witness accounts of sports-related events in to severe TBI. order to estimate the forces of impact and head move- ments (kinematics). But surrogates cannot be used to Human Studies of Concussion Biomechanics predict or measure brain injuries or tissue distortions. Quantifying the relationship between biomechanical input and clinical outcome is critical to the advance- ment of concussion prevention principles, including the assessment of injury risk, the design of protective equip- ment such as helmets, and the development of training and policies intended to limit exposure to head impacts and injury risk.

Measuring Injury Risk and Impact The most common approach to quantifying the link between biomechanical input and concussion is through injury risk curves (figure 1), which describe injury prob- ability given a specific mechanical input—for example, FIGURE 1 Injury risk curve relating a mechanical parameter (head acceleration, shown on the x-axis) to the probability of concussion risk given a particular head acceleration. injury (y-axis). A given reduction in the mechanical parameter Pellman, Rowson, Duma, and colleagues (Pellman et does not correspond to an equivalent reduction in injury risk, al. 2003; Rowson and Duma 2011) have used football as shown by the sigmoidal shape of the curve. If the reduction head impact data to describe the relationship between in the mechanical parameter is on the left side of the curve, linear acceleration and concussion risk (Rowson and the corresponding reduction in injury risk is rather small (e.g., Duma 2013) and between rotational acceleration and 10 percent to 5 percent). In contrast, if the reduction in the mechanical parameter is in the steep portion of the curve, the concussion risk (Rowson et al. 2012). actual injury risk reduction could be rather large (e.g., 75 per- Head impact sensors have been widely used to cent to 50 percent). Adapted from IOM (2014). understand the link between the biomechanics of head SPRING 2016 51

impact and clinical outcomes of concussion in humans timely and accurate diagnosis across a wide age spec- (Brainard et al. 2012; Crisco et al. 2010; Mihalik et al. trum. These quantitative involuntary metrics can also 2007; Rowson et al. 2009; Wilcox et al. 2015). These be used to guide clinical diagnosis and management of sensors—attached to a helmet, headband, skullcap, or concussion and inform evidence-based decisions about mouthguard, or directly attached to the athlete’s head athletes’ return to sport. (Bartsch et al. 2014; Hernandez et al. 2015; King et al. 2015)—consist of accelerometers, and in some cases gyroscopes, to estimate the magnitude of linear and rotational acceleration experienced by the athlete dur- Animal models are useful ing head impact. Recent studies, however, have quantified errors in for measuring physiological risk curves associated with significant sensor inaccuracy responses, neuropathology, (Allison et al. 2014, 2015; Funk et al. 2012; Jadischke et al. 2013), underreporting of concussion (estimated and neurofunctional changes at 53 percent; McCrea et al. 2004), and incorrect clini- cal diagnosis (Elliott et al. 2015). Decreasing sources of at prescribed time-points error will be important for improving the accuracy of after injury. injury risk estimates.

Challenges in Diagnosis and Assessment Improvements in concussion reporting and diagnosis Animal Studies of Concussion Biomechanics are essential to define injury risk curves for concus- Because human data and computational models have sion. Concussion diagnosis remains largely an inexact limitations, researchers use experimental substitutes clinical determination, using subjective assessments and such as animals, tissues, and isolated cells to create con- symptom self-reports (IOM 2014; Master et al. 2014) of trollable settings with similar predisposing conditions neurocognitive effects (van Kampen et al. 2006), ves- and reproducible mechanical loads. tibular balance (Corwin et al. 2015; Guskiewicz 2011), oculomotor/visual systems (Master et al. 2015), and Extensive Utility of Animal Studies sleep (Towns et al. 2015). Animal models are useful for measuring physiological Current clinical assessments—the Sport Concussion responses, neuropathology, and neurofunctional chang- Assessment Tool 3 (SCAT3) (Guskiewicz et al. 2013), es at prescribed time-points after injury. As a surrogate Vestibulo-Oculomotor Screen (Mucha et al. 2014), for humans, the animal models most commonly used to King-Devick Test (Galetta et al. 2013), computerized study brain injury are mice and rats, but ovine, porcine, neurocognitive testing such as the Immediate Post Con- and nonhuman primate models have also been used cussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) (Browne et al. 2011; Durham et al. 2000; Finnie et al. (van Kampen et al. 2006), and self-report of symptoms 2012; Gennarelli et al. 1981, 1982; Viano et al. 2012). like the Post-Concussion Symptom Scale (Chen et al. Because reports indicate that rodents have limited 2007)—have components that are subjective and depen- similarity to human genomic and proteomic responses, dent on the effort of the injured individual or influenced injury timecourses, and grey and white brain matter by repeated testing effects (Resch et al. 2013). More- distribution (Duhaime 2006; Seok et al. 2013), there over, because concussion may be diagnosed by a variety may be challenges in applying what is learned about of individuals—parents, coaches, trainers, primary care, injury in the rodent brain to humans (Wall and Shani emergency medicine, or urgent care clinicians (Leong et 2008). Animal models are nonetheless a valuable tool al. 2014; Taylor et al. 2015)—it is important to develop for understanding how head impacts and sudden head robust, accessible, and validated metrics for use. movements translate to short- and long-term biological Future research should target the validation of objec- responses, and how environment and agents can exac- tive, graded, effort-independent neurologic system erbate or mitigate these responses. assessments (such as vestibular balance, eye tracking, Pigs are a popular large animal model used for assess- visual function, and sleep) for concussion to enable ing motor, cognitive, and behavioral responses after The 52 BRIDGE traumatic brain injury, stroke, and cardiac arrest (Giel- be linear motion and no rotation of the head. Animal ing et al. 2011; Jiwa et al. 2010; Lind et al. 2007; Sul- studies have shown that these purely linear motions livan et al. 2013a,b; Wang et al. 2012). A sensitive and produce little brain motion or distortion and no concus- specific battery of behavioral, motor, memory, learning, sion (Hardy et al. 2001; Ommaya and Gennarelli 1974; and cognitive assessments developed for piglets have Ommaya and Hirsch 1971; Ommaya et al. 1966). revealed the timecourse after traumatic brain injury However, most often the contact force is not directed and the importance of the direction of head rotation through the centroid of the brain, and in the second for head injury responses (Friess et al. 2007, 2009; type of response to contact the head may rotate without Naim et al. 2010; Sullivan et al. 2013a,b). And recent- a linear motion (e.g., shaking the head “no”). The rota- ly developed objective assessments in the piglet show tional motion produces a distortion of the brain’s neural the feasibility of translating nonverbal assessments and vascular structures in the skull because the brain is used in human studies, including balance, activity/rest, softer than and loosely coupled to the skull. and serum biomarkers, to piglets (Costine et al. 2012; Third, and more commonly, a head impact produces Diaz-Arrastia et al. 2013; Egea-Guerrero et al. 2012; both linear acceleration and rotation of the head. Inter- Kilbaugh et al. 2015; Kochanek et al. 2013; Okonkwo nal structures of the head, such as the falx cerebri and et al. 2013). tentorium, influence how the brain moves in the skull and may cause local brain regions to have very high deformations only in certain directions of head rotation. For example, sagittal and coronal rotations may produce When the head contacts a more severe injuries in primates at lower accelerations and velocities (Gennarelli et al. 1982). stationary or moving object Moreover, animal and human studies have shown there is a rapid change a general trend that higher rotational velocities and accelerations—rather than linear accelerations—can in velocity and a possible cause larger diffuse brain deformations and worse dif- fuse brain injuries (Gennarelli et al. 2003; Kimpara and deformation of the skull. Iwamoto 2012; Ommaya and Hirsch 1971), and that head injuries depend on the direction of head motion as well as on the magnitude of rotational kinematics Effects of Velocity Change and Rotation (Eucker et al. 2011; Gennarelli et al. 1981; Ommaya Researchers have determined that, with or without a and Gennarelli 1974; Sullivan et al. 2013a, 2015). Ani- helmet, when the head contacts a stationary or moving mal studies have indicated that it is important to limit object there is a rapid change in velocity and a pos- the duration of exposure to acceleration, as concussions sible deformation of the skull. Skull deformation may occur when that duration is increased (Ommaya 1966; produce a local contusion or hemorrhage if the defor- Ommaya et al. 1966). mations of the tissues exceed their injury thresholds. When the properties of the contact surfaces are softer Research in New Tools and Technologies to or allow sliding or deformation, the rate of velocity Increase Understanding change is lower. Similarly, if there is no head contact Ongoing studies are identifying the causal relationship but only body contact, the deceleration of the moving between head rotational acceleration magnitude and head is usually lower than when the head is contacted direction and head injury outcomes, and the influence directly. of age, sex, and previous exposures to head injury. But After the initial rapid change in velocity caused by further research is needed to understand the biome- impact to the head or body, the motion of the head is chanics of concussion and define thresholds for rota- influenced by the location of the initial point of con- tional accelerations associated with concussion across tact and the interaction between the head, neck, and the age spectrum. body. There are three possible types of responses to Emerging research in objective, involuntary neuro- head contact. First, if the contact is directed through functional metrics and biomarkers can bridge the gap the center of mass of the brain (centroid), there may between human and animal research, and provide SPRING 2016 53

important insight into the biomechanics of concussion, Frequency and location of head impact exposures in indi- to provide a rational foundation for injury prevention, vidual collegiate football players. Journal of Athletic Train- safety equipment design, rules of play, treatments and ing 45(6):549–559. interventions. Daniel RW, Rowson S, Duma SM. 2012. Head impact expo- sure in youth football. Annals of Biomedical Engineering References 40(4):976–991. Allison MA, Kang YS, Bolte JH 4th, Maltese MR, Arbogast Diaz-Arrastia R, Wang KK, Papa L, Sorani MD, Yue JK, KB. 2014. Validation of a helmet-based system to measure Puccio AM, McMahon PJ, Inoue T, Yuh EL, Lingsma H, head impact biomechanics in ice hockey. Medicine and Maas AI, and 5 others. 2013. Acute biomarkers of trau- Science in Sports and Exercise 46(1):115–123. matic brain injury: Relationship between plasma levels of Allison MA, Kang YS, Maltese MR, Bolte JH 4th, Arbogast ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase-L1 (UCH-L1) and glial KB. 2015. Measurement of Hybrid III head impact kine- fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Journal of Neurotrauma matics using an accelerometer and gyroscope system in 31(1):19–25. ice hockey helmets. Annals of Biomedical Engineering Duhaime AC. 2006. Large animal models of traumatic inju- 43(8):1896–1906. ry to the immature brain. Developmental Neuroscience Bartsch A, Samorezov S, Benzel E, Miele V, Brett D. 2014. 28(4–5):380–387. Validation of an “intelligent mouthguard” single event Durham SR, Raghupathi R, Helfaer MA, Marwaha S, head impact dosimeter. Stapp Car Crash Journal 58:1–27. Duhaime AC. 2000. Age-related differences in acute physi- Brainard LL, Beckwith JG, Chu JJ, Crisco JJ, McAllister TW, ologic response to focal traumatic brain injury in piglets. Duhaime AC, Maerlender AC, Greenwald RM. 2012. Pediatric Neurosurgery 33(2):76–82. Gender differences in head impacts sustained by collegiate Egea-Guerrero JJ, Revuelto-Rey J, Murillo-Cabezas F, Muñoz- ice hockey players. Medicine and Science in Sports and Sánchez MA, Vilches-Arenas A, Sánchez-Linares P, Exercise 44(2):297–304. Domínguez-Roldán JM, León-Carrión J. 2012. Accuracy of Browne KD, Chen XH, Meaney DF, Smith DH. 2011. Mild the S100β protein as a marker of brain damage in traumatic traumatic brain injury and diffuse axonal injury in swine. brain injury. Brain Injury 26(1):76–82. Journal of Neurotrauma 28(8):1747–1755. Elliott MR, Margulies SS, Maltese MR, Arbogast KB. 2015. Camarillo DB, Shull PB, Mattson J, Shultz R, Garza D. 2013. Accounting for sampling variability, injury under-report- An instrumented mouthguard for measuring linear and ing, and sensor error in concussion injury risk curves. Jour- angular head impact kinematics in American football. nal of Biomechanics 48(12):3059–3065. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 41(9):1939–1949. Eucker SA, Smith C, Ralston J, Friess SH, Margulies SS. Chen JK, Johnston KM, Collie A, McCrory P, Ptito A. 2007. 2011. Physiological and histopathological responses fol- A validation of the post-concussion symptom scale in the lowing closed rotational head injury depend on direction assessment of complex concussion using cognitive testing of head motion. Experimental Neurology 227(1):79–88. and functional MRI. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Finnie JW, Blumbergs PC, Manavis J, Turner RJ, Helps S, Vink and Psychiatry 78(11):1231–1238. R, Byard RW, Chidlow G, Sandoz B, Dutschke J, Anderson Cheng S, Clarke EC, Bilston LE. 2008. Rheological proper- RW. 2012. Neuropathological changes in a lamb model of ties of the tissues of the central nervous system: A review. non-accidental head injury (the shaken baby syndrome). Medical Engineering and Physics 30(10):1318–1337. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience: Official Journal of the Corwin DJ, Wiebe DJ, Zonfrillo MR, Grady MF, Robin- Neurosurgical Society of Australasia 19(8):1159–1164. son RL, Goodman AM, Master CL. 2015. Vestibular Friess SH, Ichord RN, Owens K, Ralston J, Rizol R, Overall deficits following youth concussion. Journal of Pediatrics KL, Smith C, Helfaer MA, Margulies SS. 2007. Neurobe- 166(5):1221–1225. havioral functional deficits following closed head injury in Costine BA, Quebeda-Clerkin PB, Dodge CP, Harris BT, Hill- the neonatal pig. Experimental Neurology 204(1):234–243. ier SC, Duhaime AC. 2012. Neuron-specific enolase, but Friess SH, Ichord RN, Ralston J, Ryall K, Helfaer MA, Smith not S100B or myelin basic protein, increases in peripheral C, Margulies SS. 2009. Repeated traumatic brain injury blood corresponding to lesion volume after cortical impact affects composite cognitive function in piglets. Journal of in piglets. Journal of Neurotrauma 29(17):2689–2695. Neurotrauma 26(7):1111–1121. Crisco JJ, Fiore R, Beckwith JG, Chu JJ, Brolinson PG, Duma Funk JR, Rowson S, Daniel RW, Duma SM. 2012. Valida- S, McAllister TW, Duhaime AC, Greenwald RM. 2010. tion of concussion risk curves for collegiate football players The 54 BRIDGE

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Association between Repetitive Head Impacts and Development of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Ann C. McKee

The variety of clinical symptoms associated with boxing was first described in 1928 by Harrison Martland, who found abnormalities in “nearly one half of the fighters who have stayed in the game long enough.” The general public referred to the condition as “punch drunk,” “goofy,” and “slug-nutty” (Critchley 1957; Parker 1934), and the scientific terms were dementia pugilistica (Millspaugh 1937) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy Ann C. McKee is chief, (CTE) (Critchley 1949). Neuropathology Service, The clinical symptoms of CTE typically develop insidiously, years to VA Boston; direc- decades after exposure to repetitive brain trauma (Corsellis et al. 1973; tor, Chronic Traumatic McKee et al. 2013; Stern et al. 2013), although occasionally they develop Encephalopathy Program, while an individual is still active in a sport and may be difficult to distinguish and associate direc- from prolonged postconcussive syndrome. A distinguishing feature between tor, Alzheimer’s Disease postconcussive syndrome and CTE is that symptoms of the former do not Center, both at Boston progress to become more debilitating (Mez et al. 2016b). University; and professor The age at onset of CTE symptoms is often midlife (mean = 44.3 years, of neurology and pathol- standard error of the mean [SEM] = 1.5, range 16–83 years), decades after ogy, Boston University retirement from the sport (mean = 14.5 years, SEM = 1.6, n = 104). Nearly a quarter of individuals later diagnosed with CTE were symptomatic at the School of Medicine. time of their retirement from sports. The clinical course is often protracted (mean duration = 15.0 years, SEM = 1.2, n = 125) (McKee et al. 2013; Stein et al. 2014, 2015). SPRING 2016 57

Clinical Features of CTE scale retrospective studies, such as the recently fund- Presentation ed Understanding Neurologic Injury and Traumatic Encephalopathy (UNITE) UO1 project funded by the The clinical presentation of CTE characteristically National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke begins in one or more of four distinct domains: mood, (NINDS) and the National Institute of Biomedical behavior, cognitive, and motor. The mood disorder Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), examine the is most commonly depression. Behavioral symptoms clinical presentation of brain donors designated as “at include explosivity, verbal and physical violence, loss risk” for the development of CTE, develop a blinded of control, impulsivity, paranoia, and rage behaviors consensus clinical diagnosis, and compare that diagno- (Montenigro et al. 2014; Stern et al. 2013). Cognitive- sis to equally blinded postmortem neuropathological ly, the most prominent deficits are in memory, executive assessment (Mez et al. 2015). functioning, and attention. Approximately 45 percent Preliminary indications are that the clinical criteria of subjects with CTE develop dementia, and in individ- for CTE are highly sensitive but lack specificity (Mez uals over the age of 60 years at the time of death, demen- et al. 2016a). Additional analyses using data from the tia was found in 66 percent. Motor symptoms such as UNITE study will provide detailed information on dysarthria (unclear articulation), dysphagia (difficulty the specificity of item-level symptoms to allow further swallowing), coordination problems, and Parkinsonism refinements in the clinical criteria. Recent funding of (tremor, decreased facial expression, rigidity, and gait large-scale longitudinal prospective studies will also help instability) may also develop (Mez et al. 2013). Chronic clarify the precise clinical distinctions between CTE and headaches also occur in 30 percent (Stern et al. 2013). other neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders. Stern and colleagues (2013) distinguish two courses of clinical presentation. The first presents with mood and behavioral symptoms early in life (mean age = 35 years) and progresses in severity to include cogni- The most prominent cognitive tive symptoms later in the disease course. The second presents with cognitive symptoms later in life (mean age deficits are in memory, = 60 years) and often progresses to include mood and executive functioning, and behavioral symptoms. attention, and about Diagnosis Preliminary criteria for the clinical diagnosis of CTE 45 percent of subjects with have been proposed by three groups (reported in Jor- CTE develop dementia. dan 2013; Montenigro et al. 2014; Victoroff 2013). The criteria differentiate between possible and prob- able CTE based on various clinical symptomology and In Vivo Biomarkers follow a structure similar to the National Institute on The use of in vivo biomarkers could greatly improve Aging–Alzheimer’s Association clinical diagnostic cri- the accurate diagnosis of CTE during life, as well as teria for other neurodegenerative diseases (McKhann et facilitate the monitoring of disease progression and the al. 2011). The Montenigro criteria distinguish between efficacy of disease-modifying therapies. While no diag- the clinical syndrome of CTE, referred to as traumatic nostic biomarkers are currently available, several prom- encephalopathy syndrome (TES), and the pathological ising techniques are being developed. diagnosis of CTE, which is based on postmortem evalu- Tau-specific ligands used in positron emission tomogra- ation. TES is further characterized in subtypes—behav- phy have demonstrated encouraging results in Alzheim- ioral/mood variant, cognitive variant, mixed variant, er’s disease (Chien et al. 2013; Xia et al. 2013) and mild and TES dementia—based on the presence or absence cognitive impairment (Johnson et al. 2015). Studies of various groups of symptoms (Montenigro et al. 2014). using diffusion tensor imaging have detected changes in To date, nearly all information collected regard- white matter integrity after head trauma (Koerte et al. ing the clinical presentation of CTE has come from 2012). Other studies have examined functional connec- retrospective analysis of subjects analyzed after death tivity through the use of functional magnetic resonance (McKee et al. 2013; Stern et al. 2013). Ongoing large- The 58 BRIDGE

characteristically a peri- vascular distribution and shows a predilection for the depths of the cerebral sulci. In 2013 my colleagues and I described a spec- trum of p-tau pathology in 68 male subjects, ranging in age from 17 to 98 years (mean 59.5 years), with a history of exposure to repet- itive brain trauma and neu- ropathological evidence of CTE. Based on our findings we proposed provisional criteria for neuropathologi- cal diagnosis and a 4-tiered staging scheme of patho- logical severity (McKee et FIGURE 1 Neuropathological changes in advanced (stage IV) chronic traumatic encephalopathy al. 2013). (CTE). Whole mount coronal sections (top row) show widespread phosphorylated tau pathology, Stage I CTE is character- most severe at the depths of the cortical sulci in the frontal and insular cortices (arrowheads). ized by isolated perivascular Microscopically there are dense neurofibrillary tangles and thorned astrocytes (dark spots in the foci of p-tau as NFTs and bottom row of images) in all regions of the hippocampus (A), superficial layers of cortex (B,C,D), TAs present at the sulcal and perivascular regions (E). All images: 50 µ tissue sections, CP-13 immunostain. depths of the cerebral cor- imaging, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and cerebro- tex. In stage II multiple foci of p-tau are found in the spinal fluid and plasma protein markers (including phos- cerebral cortices, and in stage III NFTs appear in the phorylated [p-tau] and total tau) (Buerger et al. 2006; superficial cortices adjacent to the focal epicenters, with Lin et al. 2012; McKhann et al. 2011) as potential in involvement of the medial temporal lobe structures (hip- vivo diagnostic tools. pocampus, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex). In Stage IV CTE there is severe widespread p-tau pathology in Neuropathology of CTE the cortices, diencephalon, brainstem, and cerebellum Gross Pathology (figure 1) (McKee et al. 2013). The neuropathology of CTE is distinctive. Although Other abnormalities encountered in severe CTE grossly identifiable changes are minimal in early stages include abnormal deposits of the phosphorylated trans- of CTE, in advanced disease there may be macroscopic active response DNA-binding protein (TDP-43) that changes such as reduced brain weight, cerebral atro- occasionally colocalizes with p-tau, and varying degrees phy (most severe in the frontal, anterior temporal, and of beta-amyloid (Aβ) pathology, axonal dystrophy, and medial temporal lobes), fenestrations in the cavum sep- neuroinflammation (McKee et al. 2010, 2013). tum pellucidum, enlargement of the lateral and third It is worth noting that, among former American foot- ventricles, thinning of the corpus callosum, atrophy of ball players, we found that the stages of CTE severity the diencephalon and mammillary bodies, and depig- correlated significantly with the duration of exposure to mentation of the locus coeruleus and substantia nigra. football, age at death, and years since retirement from the game (McKee et al. 2013). Microscopic Pathology Beta-Amyloid Plaques Microscopically, CTE is characterized by the deposition of hyperphosphorylated tau protein as neurofibrillary Beta-amyloid plaques are present in 52 percent of indi- tangles (NFTs), thorned astrocytes (TAs), and neurites viduals with CTE (Stein et al. 2015). In contrast to the in a unique pattern in the brain. The tau pathology is extensive Aβ plaques that characterize nearly all cases SPRING 2016 59

of Alzheimer’s disease, Aβ plaques in CTE, when they that subconcussive impacts are important for disease occur, are less dense and predominantly diffuse (McKee development. et al. 2009). They are also significantly associated with CTE most commonly manifests in midlife and pro- accelerated tauopathy, Lewy body formation, demen- duces clinical symptoms of disordered cognition, mem- tia, Parkinsonism, and inheritance of the ApoE4 allele ory loss, executive dysfunction, depression, apathy, (Stein et al. 2015). disinhibition, and irritability as well as Parkinsonism. The neuropathology of CTE is increasingly well defined; Neuropathological Diagnosis a NINDS/NIBIB panel of expert neuropathologists has As the first part of a series of consensus panels fund- identified preliminary criteria and a pathognomonic ed by the NINDS/NIBIB to define neuropathological lesion for the neuropathological diagnosis of CTE. Cur- criteria for CTE, the criteria set forth in McKee et al. rently, neuropathologic examination of postmortem (2013) were used by seven neuropathologists to evalu- brain tissue is the only way to diagnose CTE, although ate 25 cases of various tauopathies: CTE, Alzheimer’s intense research efforts are under way to identify bio- disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, argyrophilic markers to detect and monitor the disease during life grain disease, corticobasal degeneration, primary age- and to develop therapies to slow or reverse its course. related tauopathy, and Parkinsonism-dementia complex Newly funded longitudinal, prospective research of Guam. The researchers evaluated the cases blinded efforts will shed additional light on critical variables to all information on age, gender, clinical symptoms, related to head trauma exposure, genetics, and lifestyle diagnosis, athletic exposure, and gross neuropathologi- factors that influence the development of CTE. cal findings and determined that there was good agree- ment between reviewers and the diagnosis of CTE and References excellent identification of the cases of CTE. Bieniek KF, Ross OA, Cormier KA, Walton RL, Soto-Orto- Based on these results, the panel refined the diagnos- laza A, Johnston AE, DeSaro P, Boylan KB, Graff-Radford tic pathological criteria for CTE and defined a pathog- NR, Wszolek ZK, Rademakers R, Boeve BF, McKee AC, nomonic lesion for CTE, an accumulation of abnormal Dickson DW. 2015. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy tau in neurons and astroglia distributed around small pathology in a neurodegenerative disorders brain bank. blood vessels at the depths of cortical sulci and in an Acta Neuropathologica 130(6):877–889. irregular pattern. The panel also defined supportive but Buerger K, Ewers M, Pirttilä T, Zinkowski R, Alafuzoff I, Tei- nonspecific features of CTE (NINDS 2015). pel SJ, DeBernardis J, Kerkman D, McCulloch C, Soin- Recently, two large neurodegenerative disease brain inen H, Hampel H. 2006. CSF phosphorylated tau protein banks have reported comorbid CTE in their series correlates with neocortical neurofibrillary pathology in (Bieniek et al. 2015; Ling et al. 2015). Bieniek and col- Alzheimer’s disease. Brain 129(11):3035–3041. leagues reported that 21 of 66 (31.8 percent) former Chien DT, Bahri S, Szardenings AK, Walsh JC, Mu F, Su MY, athletes had cortical tau pathology consistent with CTE Shankle WR, Elizarov A, Kolb HC. 2013. Early clinical on postmortem neuropathological examination, where- PET imaging results with the novel PHF-tau radioligand as no CTE pathology was detected in 198 individuals [F-18]-T807. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 34(2):457–468. who had no exposure to contact sports, including 33 Corsellis J, Bruton C, Freeman-Browne D. 1973. The after- individuals with documented single-incident traumatic math of boxing. Psychological Medicine 3(03):270–303. brain injury (TBI) (Bieniek et al. 2015). Ling and col- Critchley M. 1949. Punch-drunk syndromes: The chronic leagues found the occurrence of CTE in 11.9 percent of traumatic encephalopathy of boxers. In: Neuro-chirurgie: 268 screened cases of neurodegenerative diseases, asso- Hommage à Clovis Vincent. Paris: Maloine. p. 131. ciated with a history of TBI in 94 percent of those who Critchley M. 1957. Medical aspects of boxing, particularly exhibited CTE. from a neurological standpoint. British Medical Journal 1(5015):357. Conclusion Johnson KA, Schultz A, Betensky RA, Becker JA, Sepulcre CTE is a neurodegenerative disease that occurs after J, Rentz D, Mormino E, Chhatwal J, Amariglio R, Papp K, exposure to repetitive head trauma. Cumulative expo- and 14 others. 2015. Tau PET imaging in aging and early sure to trauma, not the number of concussions, is asso- Alzheimer’s disease. Annals of Neurology, epub ahead ciated with the severity of p-tau pathology, suggesting of print. The 60 BRIDGE

Jordan BD. 2013. The clinical spectrum of sport-relat- Mez J, Solomon TM, Daneshvar DH, Kiernan PT, Monteni- ed traumatic brain injury. Nature Reviews Neurology gro PH, Stein TD, Goldstein LE, Katz DI, Kowall NW, 9(4):222–230. Cantu RC, Stern RA, McKee AC. 2016a. Validity of clini- Koerte IK, Ertl-Wagner B, Reiser M, Zafonte R, Shenton ME. cal research criteria for chronic traumatic encephalopathy. 2012. White matter integrity in the brains of professional Presented at Traumatic Brain Injury: Clinical, Pathological soccer players without a symptomatic concussion. Journal and Translational Mechanisms, January 24–27, Santa Fe. of the American Medical Association 308(18):1859–1861. Mez J, Solomon TM, Daneshvar DH, Stein TD, McKee Lin A, Liao H, Merugumala S, Prabhu SP, Meehan WP, Ross AC. 2016b. Pathologically confirmed chronic traumatic BD. 2012. Metabolic imaging of mild traumatic brain injury. encephalopathy in a 25 year old former college football Brain Imaging and Behavior 6(2):208–223. player. JAMA Neurology, epub ahead of print. Ling H, Holton JL, Shaw K, Davey K, Lashley T, Revesz T. Millspaugh JA. 1937. Dementia pugilistica. US Navy Medical 2015. Histological evidence of chronic traumatic encepha- Bulletin 35:7. lopathy in a large series of neurodegenerative diseases. Acta Montenigro PH, Baugh CM, Daneshvar DH, Mez J, Budson Neuropathologica 130(6):891–893. AE, Au R, Katz DI, Cantu RC, Stern RA. 2014. Clinical Martland HS. 1928. Punch drunk. Journal of the American subtypes of chronic traumatic encephalopathy: Literature Medical Association 91:1103–1107. review and proposed research diagnostic criteria for trau- McKee AC, Cantu RC, Nowinski CJ, Hedley-Whyte ET, matic encephalopathy syndrome. Alzheimer’s Research Gavett BE, Budson AE, Santini VE, Lee HS, Kubilus CA, and Therapy 6(5–8):1–17. Stern RA. 2009. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in NINDS [National Institute of Neurological Disorders and athletes: Progressive tauopathy after repetitive head injury. Stroke]. 2015. Report from the First NIH Consensus Con- Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology ference to Define the Neuropathological Criteria for the 68(7):709–735. Diagnosis of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Bethes- McKee AC, Gavett BE, Stern RA, Nowinski CJ, Cantu RC, da, MD. Available at www.ninds.nih.gov/research/tbi/ Kowall NW, Perl DP, Hedley-Whyte ET, Price B, Sullivan ReportFirstNIHConsensusConference.htm. C, and 6 others. 2010. TDP-43 proteinopathy and motor Parker HL. 1934. Traumatic encephalopathy (“punch drunk”) neuron disease in chronic traumatic encephalopathy. of professional pugilists. Journal of Neurology and Psycho- Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology pathology 15(57):20–28. 69(9):918–929. Stein TD, Alvarez VE, McKee AC. 2014. Chronic traumatic McKee AC, Stern RA, Nowinski CJ, Stein TD, Alvarez VE, encephalopathy: A spectrum of neuropathological changes Daneshvar DH, Lee HS, Wojtowicz SM, Hall G, Baugh following repetitive brain trauma in athletes and military CM, and 13 others. 2013. The spectrum of disease in personnel. Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy 6(1):4. chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Brain 136(Pt 1):43–64. Stein TD, Montenigro PH, Alvarez VE, Xia W, Crary JF, Trip- McKhann GM, Knopman DS, Chertkow H, Hyman BT, Jack odis Y, Daneshvar DH, Mez J, Solomon T, Meng G, and 13 CR, Kawas CH, Klunk WE, Koroshetz WJ, Manly JJ, May- others. 2015. Beta-amyloid deposition in chronic traumatic eux R, and 8 others. 2011. The diagnosis of dementia due to encephalopathy. Acta Neuropathologica 130(1):21–34. Alzheimer’s disease: Recommendations from the National Stern RA, Daneshvar DH, Baugh CM, Seichepine DR, Institute on Aging–Alzheimer’s Association workgroups on Montenigro PH, Riley DO, Fritts NG, Stamm JM, Rob- diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s bins CA, McHale L, and 9 others. 2013. Clinical presen- & Dementia 7(3):263–269. tation of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Neurology Mez J, Stern RA, McKee AC. 2013. Chronic traumatic 81(13):1122–1129. encephalopathy: Where are we and where are we going? Victoroff J. 2013. Traumatic encephalopathy: Review and Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports 13(12):1–12. provisional research diagnostic criteria. NeuroRehabilita- Mez J, Solomon TM, Daneshvar DH, Murphy L, Kiernan PT, tion 32(2):211–224. Montenigro PH, Kriegel J, Abdolmohammadi B, Fry B, Xia C-F, Arteaga J, Chen G, Gangadharmath U, Gomez LF, Babcock KJ. 2015. Assessing clinicopathological correla- Kasi D, Lam C, Liang Q, Liu C, Mocharla VP, and 10 oth- tion in chronic traumatic encephalopathy: Rationale and ers. 2013. [18F]T807, a novel tau positron emission tomog- methods for the UNITE study. Alzheimer’s Research and raphy imaging agent for Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s & Therapy 7(1):1–14. Dementia 9(6):666–676. Federal safety standards and technological advances are helping to reduce concussion and other injuries associated with motor vehicle crashes.

Preventing Concussions in Motor Vehicle Crashes

Jeffrey P. Michael

In the past 10 years, traffic deaths have dropped by about 25 percent (NHTSA 2015b), which is a remarkable public health improvement in a short period of time. Even so, nearly 90 people die and 2.3 million are injured every day in motor vehicle crashes in the United States (NHTSA 2015c). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that motor vehi- cle crashes are the country’s third leading cause of traumatic brain injury Jeffrey P. Michael is (TBI) and the leading cause of death from TBI (Faul et al. 2010). associate administrator, The mission of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Research and Program (NHTSA) is to save lives, prevent injuries, and reduce the economic burden Development, National associated with motor vehicle crashes. To that end, the agency tracks data, Highway Traffic Safety conducts research, administers safety grants to states, and proposes federal Administration. standards to enhance traffic safety.

The Work of NHTSA The two primary areas of concern for NHTSA are the safety of vehicles and the behavior of drivers and road users. Our work in these areas is based on data derived from crashes—behavioral and vehicle factors leading up to the crash, how the vehicle behaves in the crash, how the occupant interacts with the inside of the vehicle during the crash, and the injury consequences. The 62 BRIDGE

NHTSA has also estab- lished six crash research centers around the country as part of a Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN). Each CIREN center typi- cally involves a medical school and an engineering school working together to research about 50 crashes per year and publish their data and analysis. Based on its extensive injury research, NHTSA FIGURE 1 Critical reasons for motor vehicle crashes. Source: Singh (2015). is developing a brain injury criterion, which includes a Federal Safety Standards rotational element that will complement the linear HIC NHTSA sets federal motor vehicle safety standards for measurements. Researchers hope that these measures vehicles sold in the United States. One of the measures and criteria will make it possible to better design the used to assess the performance of vehicles in crashes is interior of vehicles—and reduce the number of fatal car the head injury criterion (HIC), a measure of linear crashes, which currently account for more than 32,000 acceleration that we use for research and regulatory deaths per year (NHTSA 2015c). purposes. A number of NHTSA standards are based on the The Role of Behavior HIC, and they have been quite successful in reducing Human behavior is by far the weakest link in motor concussion and other serious injury as well as fatalities. vehicle safety. Our research indicates that 94 percent For example, the addition of interior padding in vehicles of all crashes are caused by driver factors; the vehicle is has saved about 35,000 lives since it was introduced in a factor in only about 2 percent of crashes, the roadway the late 1960s, and seat belts have saved about 330,000 in about 2 percent, and other factors, including weather, lives over the same time period—really remarkable account for the remaining 2 percent (Singh 2015) (fig- for a relatively simple device. Child restraint systems ure 1). NHTSA therefore examines opportunities to have saved about 10,000 lives (Kahane 2015), and side change behavior to prevent crashes. impact protection has saved about 35,000 lives. Ejec- tion mitigation technologies, which include curtain air- Seat Belt and Helmet Use bags, were recently introduced and have already saved The reluctance of many vehicle occupants to use seat hundreds of lives (Kahane 2014). belts and of motorcycle riders to wear compliant helmets It is difficult to calculate cumulative numbers for costs lives. Seat belt use rates are now at 87 percent; motorcycle helmets, but we estimate that in 2014 they 100 percent use would save 2,800 more lives annually. saved about 1,600 lives (NHTSA 2015a). Universal use of motorcycle helmets could save more than 700 additional lives per year. These are very low cost Crash Data Collection interventions that have high-value potential returns. Since the 1970s NHTSA has collected detailed infor- A further important objective is to increase use of mation on every traffic fatality in the United States. The motorcycle helmets that meet the Federal Motor Vehi- Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) includes cle Safety Standards. A significant portion of motor- several hundred data elements on each crash. Comple- cycle riders choose not to wear helmets certified to menting this census of roadway fatalities is a crash sam- meet the safety standard, instead wearing noncompli- pling system that can provide detailed information on ant helmets that are fashionable but provide very little injuries associated with vehicular crashes. protection in a crash (figure 2). NHTSA recently issued SPRING 2016 63

a Notice of Proposed Rule- making (NHTSA 2015a) that aims to prevent manu- facturers from selling hel- mets that do not meet the safety standards.

Technology to Address Behavioral Challenges NHTSA and other researchers are identifying ways to address risky behav- iors through technology. FIGURE 2 Motorcycle helmets. Only the two at the far right are certified by the US Department Alcohol-impaired driv- of Transportation. Source: NHTSA. ing accounted for 31 per- cent (9,967) of all traffic fatalities in 2014 (NHTSA In the meantime, a number of currently available 2015c). The ignition interlock is a technology that driver warning systems can compensate for lack of prevents repeat offenses of driving while impaired. It attention and driving-skill problems. For example, some requires a driver to breathe into the device before start- vehicles are now equipped with lane departure warning ing the vehicle; if the driver’s blood alcohol concen- systems, and many cars have brake-assist systems and tration is above a preset limit the ignition interlock even automatic emergency braking systems. Increasing- will not allow the vehicle to start. Research has shown ly, there will be opportunities for technologies to assist that, while installed on an offender’s vehicle, interlocks drivers in other safety-sensitive tasks. reduce repeat offenses among both first-time and repeat These and other safety systems will be highlighted offenders, and even predict the risk of repeat offenses in NHTSA’s New Car Assessment Program to educate after removal (Mayer 2014). consumers and increase demand for these important By 2014 all states had enacted legislation requiring features. Driver assistance and automation systems are or permitting the use of interlocks to prevent alcohol- very promising, but the judgment, vigilance, and skill of impaired driving. Laws and procedures vary by state, drivers and other users remain crucial to improve road but interlocks are generally required after arrest, may safety for the foreseeable future. be removed after a certain period of time, and may be a condition of reinstatement of a suspended license References (Mayer 2014). Faul M, Xu L, Wald MM, Coronado VG. 2010. Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Emergency Department The Role of Emerging Technologies Visits, Hospitalizations and Deaths 2002–2006. Atlanta: The long-term solution to motor vehicle crashes may Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National eventually be automated and driverless vehicles. Experi- Center for Injury Prevention and Control. mental vehicles now show great promise, but much Kahane CJ. 2014. Updated Estimates of Fatality Reduction research and development are needed to ensure their safe by Curtain and Side Air Bags in Side Impacts and Prelimi- and reliable operation on a widespread basis on the roads. nary Analyses of Rollover Curtains. Report No. DOT HS NHTSA and other organizations are pilot testing 811 882. Washington: National Highway Traffic Safety vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure Administration. communication systems that use crash avoidance tech- Kahane CJ. 2015. Lives Saved by Vehicle Safety Technologies nology to warn drivers about dangerous situations that and Associated Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, could lead to a collision. For example, V2V could warn 1960 to 2012: Passenger Cars and LTVs, with Reviews of 26 that a vehicle up ahead is braking and the driver needs FMVSS and the Effectiveness of Their Associated Safety to slow down, or that it is not safe to proceed through an Technologies in Reducing Fatalities, Injuries, and Crash- intersection because another car, unseen by the driver, es. Report No. DOT HS 812 069. Washington: National is quickly approaching (NHTSA 2014). Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The 64 BRIDGE

Mayer R. 2014. Ignition Interlocks: A Toolkit for Program 80(98):29458–29487. Available at www.gpo.gov/fdsys/ Administrators, Policymakers, and Stakeholders, 2nd granule/FR-2015-05-21/2015-11756. ed. Traffic Safety Administration. Report No. DOT HS NHTSA. 2015b. Traffic Safety Facts (July). Washington. 811 883.Washington: National Highway Traffic Safety Available at www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/812169.pdf. Administration. NHTSA. 2015c. 2014 Crash Data Key Findings. Report No. NHTSA [National Highway Traffic Safety Administra- DOT HS 812 219 (November). Washington. Available at tion]. 2014. V2V Fact Sheet. Washington. Available www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/812219.pdf. at www.safercar.gov/staticfiles/safercar/v2v/V2V_Fact_ Singh S. 2015. Critical Reasons for Crashes Investigated Sheet_101414_v2a.pdf. in the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey. NHTSA. 2015a. 80 FR 29457 – Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Report No. DOT HS 812 115. Washington: National Standards: Motorcycle Helmets (May). Federal Register Highway Traffic Safety Administration. An IED blast wave would seem to cause a unique form of TBI, but the data needed to make such a determination are scarce.

Military TBI Is It the Same as Civilian TBI?

Daniel P. Perl

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents a major public health issue in the United States: it is estimated that 5.3 million Americans have long-term dis- abilities related to a TBI (Thurman et al. 1999), equivalent to the number of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s Association 2015). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year patients suffering a TBI cause at least 2.2 million visits to an emergency room Daniel P. Perl is profes- in the United States (Faul et al. 2010). The more severe forms of TBI lead sor of pathology (neuro- to 280,000 hospitalizations and are responsible for 52,000 deaths annually. pathology), Uniformed In fact, TBI is the leading cause of death of individuals between the ages of Services University of 1 and 44 years. The annual number of deaths associated with TBI exceeds the Health Sciences, F. those associated with more widely acknowledged health problems, such as Edward Hébert School breast cancer (40,000 deaths/year) and influenza (50,000 deaths/year) (Faul of Medicine, Center et al. 2010). for Neuroscience and Among the more common events leading to TBI are falls, motor vehicle Regenerative Medicine. accidents, assaults, and participation in contact sports. But a significant number of US citizens who suffer from the long-term effects of a TBI are current or retired servicemembers, especially those who served in Iraq and

The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily representa- tive of those of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), the Department of Defense (DOD), or the United States Army, Navy, or Air Force. The 66 BRIDGE

resonance imaging (MRI) studies. More serious forms of TBI are characterized by the presence of a variety of abnormalities in and around the brain, including focal damage to brain tissue and the accumulation of blood in the brain itself or adjacent to it.

TBI in Military Servicemembers Mild TBIs are common occurrences among people who serve in the military, and most are identical in nature to those seen in civil- ians. In fact, approximately 50 percent of new enrollees FIGURE 1 Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are the major threats in current warfare. They are the leading cause of casualties, estimated at approx. 30,000 in 2000–2015. Source: “FPCougar” by US in the military indicate that Department of Defense, available at www.marcorsyscom.usmc.mil/ (licensed under public domain they have already had at via Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:FPCougar.jpg#/media/File:FPCougar.jpg). least one TBI. On the battlefield, how- Afghanistan. Yet it is not known whether or how their ever, most brain injuries that military servicemembers symptoms differ from those of nonbattlefield TBI. experience are of a very different nature and represent Given the sizable number of those affected, it is some unique challenges. unclear why TBI remains underrecognized as a major public health problem by the lay public and those who Causes establish policies for research funding. During the past 14 years of US engagement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan the enemy has made use of a Defining TBI and Concussion particularly potent weapon, the improvised explosive Most TBIs—civilian and military—are classified as device (IED). IEDs are constructed using high explo- mild, commonly referred to as concussion. Concussion is sive charges and metallic fragments (e.g., ball bearings) generally defined as a transient loss of neurologic func- placed in a container that is hidden from sight, typi- tion following a blow to the head. This alteration of neu- cally buried under a roadway. The device is detonated rologic function may be a loss of consciousness (being remotely when the target is in the vicinity (figure 1). “knocked out”), and many people mistakenly assume IEDs can have devastating effects on vehicles and that loss of consciousness is required for a diagnosis of personnel. They produce a rapidly expanding high-pres- concussion. But symptoms may include an episode of sure blast wave that may be powerful enough to throw temporary disorientation or a brief loss of memory of a vehicle roughly the size and weight of a city garbage events without any loss of consciousness. truck more than 30 feet into the air. Concussion represents a clinical phenomenon and is In previous wars, when servicemembers lacked mod- not necessarily associated with any specific morphologic ern protection, exposure to an IED would have been alterations in brain tissue integrity. Indeed, by defini- fatal. Improvements in the design of body armor and tion, cases of concussion may not show any morpho- modern helmets have saved the lives of countless ser- logic abnormalities on routine brain imaging by either vicemembers involved in combat. Those in the vicinity computed tomography (CT) scanning or magnetic of an IED explosion commonly survive and appear to be SPRING 2016 67

relatively unharmed. However, initial data indicate that distribution pattern, primarily within neurons, astro- 84 percent of all IED-related concussions occur within cytes, and neuronal processes. But only a small number 10 meters of the blast, and 93 percent within 30 meters of cases of CTE in servicemembers exposed to IEDs (IOM 2014). during deployment have been reported in the medical literature (Goldstein et al. 2012; McKee and Robinson Symptoms and Diagnosis 2014; Omalu et al. 2011). A significant percentage of servicemembers who have Further complicating the picture is the fact that been in close proximity to detonated high explosives some servicemembers shown to have CTE at autopsy such as IEDs subsequently develop persistent neurologic had participated in contact sports or experienced other and behavioral symptoms. These may include head- types of TBI-inducing incidents such as falls or motor aches, sleep disorders, memory problems, difficulty con- vehicle accidents. Therefore, whether repeated blast centrating, depression, anxiety, and a tendency toward TBI alone leads to CTE remains unclear, and how fre- suicide. Most of these symptoms are referred to under quent this consequence might be among military per- the term postconcussive syndrome (PCS), but there is a sonnel is also unknown. The answers to such questions significant overlap between this relatively nonspecific can help determine appropriate diagnosis and treatment entity and the closely related mental health problem for active servicemembers and veterans. referred to as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sort- ing out the differences between these two conditions, PCS and PTSD, has been a significant challenge for A significant percentage of clinical evaluators of both active duty servicemembers and veterans. servicemembers who have Animal experiments have shown that the blast wave produced by a high explosive can pass through the skull been in close proximity to as a pressure pulse and exert a force on brain tissues, but the specific effects on human brain tissue remain a detonated IED develop unclear (Rosenfeld et al. 2013). The study of such persistent neurologic and effects is complicated by the fact that there are very few real-life examples of pure blast injury. Almost invari- behavioral symptoms. ably, with blast exposure come additional injuries (e.g., from flying fragments of shrapnel and other debris) as well as impact trauma (e.g., from the individual’s body Research Opportunities being propelled at high speed into a solid object from Although high explosives were introduced into warfare the blast wind that accompanies the explosion). Better in World War I, there has been very little study over understanding of the variety of effects requires exami- the past 100 years of the pathology of blast TBI in the nation of many brain specimens from individuals who human brain and it is still not known whether military have suffered blast explosive TBI, with both short-term TBI is different from civilian TBI. and prolonged survival after the event. Exposure to a blast wave related to an IED or similar Adding to the difficulty of diagnosis and treatment, explosive would appear to cause a unique form of trau- many servicemembers have suffered multiple episodes matic injury, especially when such exposures are mul- of blast-related TBI during their repeated deploy- tiple. But the data needed to make such a determination ments to Iraq and Afghanistan. These servicemembers are scarce. Clearly, there will be some overlap between may be at risk for chronic traumatic encephalopathy what is seen in TBI among civilians and the TBI experi- (CTE), a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that enced by military personnel. Much more study is needed has been seen almost exclusively among athletes who to sort out the differences between the two. engage in contact sports (e.g., boxing, football, and At the Uniformed Services University of the Health hockey) and are exposed to repeated impact TBIs (as Sciences (USUHS), the congressionally mandated discussed in other papers from this symposium). CTE is Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine defined by the presence of focal accumulations of the (CNRM) has established a repository of brain tissue tau protein in the brain in a unique and characteristic donated for use in research. This unique facility collects The 68 BRIDGE specimens from either active duty or former service- Wojnarowicz MW, and 25 others. 2012. Chronic trau- members, both with and without a history of TBI in matic encephalopathy in blast-exposed military veterans their military careers. The tissue specimens are made and a blast neurotrauma mouse model. Science Transla- available to researchers for the study of TBI, especially tional Medicine 4:134ra60. as it is encountered among military personnel. IOM [Institute of Medicine]. 2014. Gulf War and Health, It is through the study of donated brain specimens vol 9: Long-Term Effects of Blast Exposures. Washington: that many important questions can be answered. For National Academies Press. more information on the CNRM-USUHS Brain Tis- McKee AC, Robinson ME. 2014. Military-related traumat- sue Repository or to arrange for brain donation, please ic brain injury and neurodegeneration. Alzheimer’s & visit our website (www.researchbraininjury.org) or call Dementia 10:S242–S253. 855-366-8824. Omalu B, Hammers JL, Bailes J, Hamilton RL, Kamboh MI, Webster G, Fitzsimmons RP. 2011. Chronic traumatic References encephalopathy in an Iraqi war veteran with posttraumatic Alzheimer’s Association. 2015. 2015 Alzheimer’s Disease stress disorder who committed suicide. Neurosurgery Focus Facts and Figures. Chicago. Available at www.alz.org/facts/ 31(5):E3. overview.asp. Rosenfeld JV, McFarlane AC, Bragge P, Armonda RA, Grimes Faul M, Xu L, Wald MM, Coronado VG. 2010. Traumatic JB, Ling GS. 2013. Blast-related traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury in the United States: Emergency Department Lancet Neurology 12(9):882–893. Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths 2002–2006. Atlanta: Thurman D, Alverson C, Dunn K, Guerrero J, Sniezek J. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National 1999. Traumatic brain injury in the United States: A public Center for Injury Prevention and Control. health perspective. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation Goldstein LE, Fisher AM, Tagge CA, Zhang XL, Velisek 14(6):602–615. L, Sullivan JA, Upreti C, Kracht JM, Ericsson M, Simulations can be used to translate the results of animal studies to human injury risk curves and guide the design of protective gear.

Computational Models of Impact and Blast Force Effects on the Brain Scaling of Animal Injury Models and Prediction of Human TBI

Raúl A. Radovitzky, James Q. Zheng, and Thomas F. Budinger

Raúl A. Radovitzky James Q. Zheng Thomas F. Budinger

The goal of our research is to determine the forces transmitted to the brain resulting from the stress field of a military blast, fall, or sport or vehicle col- lision involving the head. This information is essential to link the external insult to the mechanism of brain tissue injury. Epidemiological and experimental animal data relate the injury pathology to the physical parameters of the external impact, but there are several limita- tions. Biofidelic physical models do not include the necessary distribution of tissue stimulants with accurate tissue material properties of the human head

Raúl A. Radovitzky is professor of aeronautics and astronautics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. James Q. Zheng is director of the Technical Management Directorate and chief scientist for the project manager, Soldier Protection & Individual Equipment, Program Executive Office–Soldier, US Army. Thomas F. Budinger (NAE) is professor emeritus of bioengineering and electrical engineering and computer science, University of California, Berkeley, and radiology, University of California Medical Center, San Francisco, and senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The 70 BRIDGE

tations for the human head and brain. In this paper we describe a scaling law that allows this vital transfor- mation from animal experi- ments on many species to the human situation. Knowledge of the inter- nal force fields generated by the external impact of a broad range of physical threats will enable under- standing of the mechanisms of injury. This knowledge is basic to the determination of the tolerances of the brain to external trauma and to the development of improved protection sys- tems. Linkages between the transfer of momentum or rate of change of momen- tum (force) and types of tissue injury cannot be determined from current FIGURE 1 Pressure contours in simulations of the unprotected head (left) and helmeted head experimental data with- (right). The scale is from −400 to 800 kPa (kilopascals). Reprinted from Nyein et al. (2010). out a validated scaling law and brain, nor the required spatial distribution of pressure from an animal species to the human head and brain. sensors, to allow stress field measurements with the Nor can the distribution of tissue injury and long-term needed temporal and spatial fidelity. Human cadaver effects be understood without knowledge of the stress studies are limited by postmortem changes in material fields and accompanying strains for specific physical properties as well as the logistics of performing them impacts to the head. in realistic blast and projectile impact situations. Sen- sors in helmets that relate acceleration and decelera- Human Head and Brain Blast Simulation Studies tion levels to a victim’s behavior reveal no information We performed a critical set of experiments to answer the about the internal mechanisms of tissue injury or even question, Do the helmet and face mask afford important reliable thresholds for concussions. protection to the soldier exposed to a blast? The two Computer simulations can provide the high spatial major components of the experiments were a detailed and temporal resolutions needed to evaluate three- model of the human head and a detailed description of dimensional stress fields as a function of time. And the the temporal stress field for blasts up to 800 kilopascals material properties corresponding to tissues of the head, (kPa) arriving at the head. skull, and brain can be assigned to human head mod- els using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data and Simulation of the Human Head and Brain archival tissue property measurements. The design of a simulation model of the human head and brain started with an anatomical description of Need for Animal Models the position and type of all the tissues. For each tis- Animal models are needed to relate external forces to sue we assigned material parameters including elastic internal stress fields, but are useful only if the tissue properties such as Young’s modulus, the shear modu- injury probability functions can be translated to expec- lus, and viscoelastic properties, as well as anisotropy SPRING 2016 71

tensors obtained by detailed diffusion tensor imaging canals, sinuses, nasal orifices) (Moore et al. 2009). The using magnetic resonance. We developed this model direction of the blast is an important determinant of with the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center the resulting stress fields in the brain, which is also the (Moore et al. 2009); it was the most comprehensive case for hits to a helmet. Figure 1 shows simulations to model of human head material properties, with the quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of the helmet highest spatial resolution that was practical given the and shield (Nyein et al. 2010). We found that both the computing power available. helmet and face shield provided significant protection, To evaluate the protection afforded by the advanced an important finding as there had been a major contro- combat helmet (ACH) we added its material proper- versy about the possibility that the helmet increased the ties (e.g., poroelasticity), including padding and air risk of brain injury. The results made a major impact on spacing, as these are critical to the proper description military protection science. of reflections and transmission at acoustic impedance– Validation of these findings using a skull and tissue mismatched surfaces. We added the ACH face shield stimulants in which pressure sensors were embedded is position and properties as well. shown in figure 2. These experiments relate to protec- tive systems for reducing stress fields. The major goal, Simulation of the Blast however, is to determine the relationships between The next major component of the experiment was a stress fields and resulting brain tissue injuries. For this physically accurate description of the blast itself. This goal we rely on animal models and some method to was a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The translate the data from animal models to the human mathematical tools and related algorithms for executing head and brain. the time-dependent changes of a blast involved exten- sive calculations that the MIT group has been perfect- Animal Models ing for many years. The experimental arrangements for studying the effects In our first experiments we showed that a blast wave of a range of mechanical events leading to brain tis- has a direct transmission of stress waves into the brain sue injuries differ depending on whether the study is through regions of the skull with soft tissue (e.g., ear for nonpenetrating low stress-rate collisions (e.g., sports

FIGURE 2 Validation against biofidelic surrogate models using tissue simulants and embedded pressure sensors. Both experiments (expt.) and simulations (sim.) consistently show that the Advanced Combat Helmet helps mitigate blast effects on the brain tissue. The 72 BRIDGE

FIGURE 3 Image-based finite element models of the heads of a mouse, pig, and human (not to scale) used in simulations, depicting the relevant tissue structures: skull (green), brain (brown/red), and flesh (blue). Reprinted from Jean et al. (2014). and vehicle collisions), high stress-rate impacts (e.g., Of key importance to understanding the tolerance of projectiles impacting helmets), or much higher stress- the human brain to exposure to blast and other stress rate events from explosive blasts. fields is a reliable method for relating the results of ani- Numerous methods are used to create the accelera- mal experiments to the human brain. We present such tions and physical stresses involved, but unfortunately a method below. many experiments fall short of the actual conditions experienced on the battlefield. Also problematic is the Translation of Animal Experiments to Human use of fixed animals that do not undergo the rotational Injury Predictions accelerations experienced by human subjects because of Motivated by crash injury reduction research in the the differences between a head mass that is loosely teth- automotive industry as well as efforts to mitigate battle- ered to the body and the total head-body mass. Examples field injuries using protective gear, animal experiments of animal experiments used to evaluate battlefield blast have been conducted in this area since World War II. effects are reported in this issue (Kovacs, Margulies) They are usually guided by mechanical and physiological and elsewhere (e.g., Bauman et al. 2009). The results principles, but brain size, head tissue architecture, brain from these experiments show either the probability of a to body mass ratio, skull thickness, and other factors vary specific injury versus the physical insult or the charac- widely from species to species. Thus some scaling model teristics of tissue injury from different intensity levels or is needed to relate the animal experimental data to what numbers of hits. would be expected in the human head and brain.

FIGURE 4 Snapshot (from the back of the head) of pressure field in the head tissues of a mouse (left), pig (center), and human (right) at t = 0.34 ms for a blast of 2 ms with an incident overpressure of 200 kPa (kilopascals), illustrating the differences in stress wave transmis- sion across species resulting from the influence of head protective structures (e.g., the skull, skin, flesh). Reprinted from Jean et al. (2014). SPRING 2016 73

Simulations are essen- tial for developing a scal- ing law. The experiments described here involve simulations with three species—mice, pigs, and humans—that differ greatly in size and head architec- ture (figure 3). Simulations were performed with these species using three differ- ent incident blast pressures. An example is shown in figure 4. The models were based on the anatomy col- lected by MRI studies and tissue types using parame- ters similar to those used for human tissue. Once the tis- sue properties are assigned to volume elements and the physics of a blast is defined FIGURE 5 Log-log plots of normalized computed peak overpressure vs. η, where C and M denote in space and time, the sim- speed of sound and the mass of the respective tissues. The normalized overpressures are calculated for ulations give internal pres- three different incident blast overpressures and corresponding linear regressions. kPa = kilopascals; sures relative to exposed Pamb = ambient pressure; Pinc = incident pressure; Pint = intracranial pressure. Reprinted from Jean stresses. et al. (2014). The human brain receives the highest maximum the S-curve for the human brain. An example of the intracranial pressure from a blast, as observed for three major difference in predicted human survivability scal- different blast intensities in the transmitted stress range ing from rabbit blast survival experiments is shown in associated with concussion. The pig experiences the figure 6. lowest intensities, due to the ratio of brain to skull and Scaling based on mass differences among species soft tissues. The comparison of human to swine brain (Rafaels et al. 2011) leads to the prediction that the mass is even more extreme (figure 3). human brain can sustain a higher threshold than the A proper parameter for scaling blast effects is a brain species tested. Our new scaling law actually predicts a vulnerability parameter, Ƞ (the horizontal coordinate in much lower threshold for brain injury in humans. figure 5). This is a ratio of (acoustic impedance × the This is of major importance as it allows a much mass of the brain) ÷ the sum of (acoustic impedance × broader use of animal experiments wherein surviv- the mass of the skull) + (acoustic impedance × the mass ability would not be the experimental parameter, using of the head tissues external to the skull). This factor instead other measurements that cannot be performed results from considering this as a stress wave propaga- on human subjects (e.g., axonal injury, accumulation of tion problem. The eta parameters are 0.02, 0.13, and protein aggregates, micropetechiae). 0.75 for the mouse, pig, and human, respectively. The Complementary studies that compare the histopa- result of this work is summarized in figure 5. thology, three-dimensional neuronal architecture, and The major conclusion is that humans are the most injury endpoints to information that characterizes the vulnerable among all mammal species, mostly because mechanics of the impact cannot reveal mechanisms for of their large brain and the relatively sparse tissue and the observed injuries without knowledge of the force bone protection of the head. This model enables con- fields in the brain tissue resulting from the impact. This version of an injury threshold S-curve for a particular is the principal value and need for computer simulations type of brain injury as determined for one species to with high spatial and temporal fidelity. The 74 BRIDGE

Summary Computer simulation pro- vides detailed estimates of the forces transmitted to the brain from an impact or blast event that may cause concussion. Animal models are not adequate for deter- mination of the relationship between a collision or blast event and tissue damage in the human subject with- out a method to translate the risk threshold curves between species as shown in this paper. Simulations can be used to translate the results of animal studies to human injury risk curves and to guide the design of protective gear.

FIGURE 6 Brain injury risk criteria for human derived from rabbit test data using previous body Acknowledgments mass scaling and our proposed scaling law accounting for tissue properties and basic animal morpho- logical features. The figure shows plots of incident overpressure vs. time duration in log-log scale. The work described here The horizontal red arrow emphasizes the fact that in the case of mass scaling, the scaling variable is was supported by the the abscissa (time duration), whereas in the new approach (vertical blue arrow) the scaling variable Department of Defense is the ordinate (blast incident overpressure). The black line shows 50 percent survival curve for rab- US Army Research Office bits: the incident blast overpressure plotted against the time duration, which is a typical plot for a through the Institute for blast injury. kPa = kilopascals; P = incident pressure. Reprinted from Jean et al. (2014). inc Soldier Nanotechnolo- gies (contract number Proposed Studies W911NF-13-D-0001) and Program Executive Office Two activities under way are collaborations with the Bos- Soldier Protection and Individual Equipment. ton Marathon blast investigation, where our simulations can provide the exposure levels the victims suffered, and References with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Bauman RA, Ling G, Tong L, Januszkiewicz A, Agoston D, de Boston University on the investigation of stress fields in Lanerolle N, Kim Y, Ritzel D, Bell R, Ecklund J, Armonda the basal-midbrain regions (including the hypothalamus, R, Bandak F, Parks S. 2009. An introductory characteriza- pituitary, and amygdale tissues). The long-term effects of tion of a combat casualty relevant swine model of closed head injuries on pituitary function are not understood, head injury resulting from exposure to explosive blast. Jour- though the prevalence of pituitary dysfunction is known nal of Neurotrauma 26:841–860. in NFL players, survivors of unconsciousness episodes Jean A, Nyein MK, Zheng JQ, Moore DF, Joannopoulos from collisions, and war veterans. JD, Radovitzky R. 2014. An animal-to-human scaling An illustration of the importance of careful simula- law for blast-induced traumatic brain injury risk assess- tions with the material properties of each volume ele- ment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ment can be appreciated from considering the complex 111(43):15310–15315. pressure field when the variation of the pressure wave Moore DF, Nyein MK, Jerusalem A, Noels L, Radovitzky speed can be a factor of 3. The simulation will require R. 2009. Computational biology: Modeling of primary 2 mm voxels to compute the strain map for a range of blast effects on the central nervous system. Neuroimage incident stresses and stress rates. 47:T10–T20. SPRING 2016 75

Nyein MK, Jason AM, Yu L, Pita CM, Joannopoulos JD, Rafaels K, Bass CR, Salzar RS, Panzer MB, Woods W, Feld- Moore DF, Radovitzky RA. 2010. In silico investigation man S, Cummings T, Capehart B. 2011. Survival risk of intracranial blast mitigation with relevance to military assessment for primary blast exposures to the head. Journal traumatic brain injury. Proceedings of the National Acad- of Neurotrauma 28(11):2319–2328. emy of Sciences 107:20703–20708. Olfaction deficits and PTSD severity are correlated with both concussion and loss of consciousness.

Impaired Olfaction and Other Indicators of Neurological Damage Due to Mild TBI Associated with Combat

Robert L. Ruff

Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), with or without loss of consciousness, is the most frequent form of TBI in US troops serving in Iraq and Afghani- stan (Warden 2006). In 2006, as the director of neurology for the Depart- ment of Veterans Affairs, I was involved in setting up TBI care networks in Ohio and in mTBI screening for veterans returning from these two wars. The results described here are from a case-controlled study of Afghanistan/Iraq Robert L. Ruff is direc- veterans with mTBI treated at the VA Medical Center in Cleveland. tor (retired), Neurology Service, Department of VA Study of mTBI Effects in Veterans Veterans Affairs, and Studies of combat-related mTBI have revealed a high frequency of posttrau- professor of neurology, matic stress disorder (PTSD), although the diagnosis of PTSD in veterans Case Western Reserve has not always been causally related to combat mTBI (Hoge et al. 2008). To University. investigate possible links between the two, we studied the presence of mTBI (revealed by physical examination) and of neurological deficits (revealed by a structured neurological examination) in US veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We also examined the relationship between the number of episodes of combat mTBI and the presence of neurological deficits and PTSD. One of the challenges at the time was to evaluate people quickly. To achieve this we assembled a protocol consisting of a 50-element neu- rological examination, a battery of neuropsychological tests (Ruff et al. 2008), a cognition test (the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, MoCA), a SPRING 2016 77

quantitative olfaction test, and a PTSD symp- tom severity index (PTSD Checklist–Military Ver- sion) (Ruff et al. 2008, 2012a). There were six study groups of veterans, both military and civilian, based on type of injury: combat- acquired mTBI with loss of consciousness (LOC) (126 subjects); combat mTBI without LOC (52 subjects); combat without TBI (21 subjects); civilian mTBI with LOC (21 sub- FIGURE 1 Association between number of episodes of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) with jects); civilian mTBI with- loss of consciousness (LOC) and prevalence of neurological deficits or posttraumatic stress disorder out LOC (21 subjects); and (PTSD). Modified from figure 2 in Ruff et al. (2012a). civilian veterans without mTBI is associated with disruption of hypothalamic- TBI (21 subjects). pituitary-adrenal function (Theeler et al. 2013); spe- Link between mTBI and PTSD cifically, pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) and the PACAP receptor may prove to be a We observed the following correlations: link between PTSD and migraine, as PACAP is upregu- • Veterans with combat-acquired mTBI with LOC had lated by stress and triggers the vasodilation associated a higher frequency of PTSD and lower scores on the with migraine (Theeler et al. 2013). cognition test, indicating moderate cognitive impair- We continued to study these subjects, typically for 2 ment. or more years, and found that among the 80 veterans who had abnormalities on neurological examination, • Veterans with PTSD and a neurological deficit had neuropsychological testing, or both, 37 (46 percent) cognition scores that were below normal (24.0 0.26; ± were married when they left military service. Among normal is considered 27 or greater). them the divorce rate was 86 percent in a narrow win- • PTSD was seen almost exclusively in veterans with dow of about 1½ years. This is an impact of enormous combat mTBI with LOC and a neurological deficit. personal cost. The biggest problem reported was a per- sonality and behavioral change: their families noted • Veterans with combat mTBI with LOC were more that they looked like the same person, but they were likely to have migraines and had more frequent not the same person. migraines than subjects without neurological deficits or low MoCA scores. Link between PTSD and Impaired Olfaction • Neurological deficits and PTSD correlated with the The 126 military veterans who had combat-related number of LOC episodes (figure 1): veterans with mTBI with loss of consciousness had a high frequency three or more LOC episodes had a high likelihood of deficits on the neurological exam. These deficits were for a neurological deficit and PTSD. reduced olfaction (65 subjects; 52 percent), impaired balance (14 subjects), abnormal eye movements (13), In addition, impaired sleep in servicemembers who motor asymmetry (2), and sensory changes (2). Twenty- have experienced combat mTBI is associated with nine of these veterans had more than one deficit. PTSD, and heightens the likelihood and frequency of An olfaction deficit was the finding of greatest fre- both headaches and behavioral and cognitive problems quency. Among the 65 veterans with impaired olfac- (Ruff et al. 2009, 2012b). Insomnia in persons with tion, this was the only neurological deficit for 36 The 78 BRIDGE

(55 percent), although most did not entirely lose their against post-traumatic stress disorder in combat veterans. sense of smell and in fact were not aware that they had Nature Neuroscience 11(2):232–237. a deficit in olfaction. Hence olfactory tests that evaluate Pitman RK, Rasmusson AM, Koenen KC, Shin LM, Orr SP, only whether an individual can smell are inadequate. Gilbertson MW, Milad MR, Liberzon I. 2012. Biological We found that olfaction deficits correlated with studies of post-traumatic stress disorder. Nature Reviews PTSD severity in the group with both mTBI and Neuroscience 13(11):769–787. LOC, and that the likelihood of PTSD increases with Radley JJ, Sisti HM, Hao J, Rocher AB, McCall T, Hof PR, the number of LOC episodes. Impaired olfaction with McEwen BS, Morrison JH. 2004. Chronic behavioral mTBI and loss of consciousness may thus be a biomarker stress induces apical dendritic reorganization in pyrami- for damage to the olfactory bulb and/or the adjacent dal neurons of the medial prefrontal cortex. Neuroscience ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which inhibits the 125(1):1–6. amygdale. The prefrontal cortex and amygdale have Ruff RL, Ruff SS, Wang X-F. 2008. Headaches among vet- different responses to physical injury. In the prefrontal erans of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom cortex the dendritic tree becomes pruned, whereas the with mild traumatic brain injury associated with exposures amygdale architecture becomes more elaborate (Rad- to explosions. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Devel- ley et al. 2004; Vyas et al. 2002). The ventromedial opment 45:941–953. prefrontal cortex provides inhibition to the amygdale, Ruff RL, Ruff SS, Wang X-F. 2009. Improving sleep: Initial and its pruning becomes an operational mechanism for headache treatment in OIF/OEF veterans with blast- PTSD. The proposal is that an uninhibited or overac- induced mild TBI. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & tive amygdale results in an excessive state of fear and Development 46(9):1071–1084. anticipation of fear, thus triggering PTSD (Koenigs et Ruff RL, Riechers RG, Wang X-F, Piero T, Ruff SS. 2012a. A al. 2008; Pitman et al. 2012). case-control study examining whether neurological deficits and PTSD in combat veterans are related to episodes of Conclusion mild TBI. BMJ Open 2:e000312. We have previously argued that mTBI, not other factors Ruff RL, Riechers RG, Wang X-F, Piero T, Ruff SS. 2012b. such as smoking, produced impaired olfaction in combat For veterans with mild traumatic brain injury, improved veterans (Ruff et al. 2012a). It has been determined that posttraumatic stress disorder severity and sleep correlated PTSD itself does not compromise olfaction (Vermetten with symptomatic improvement. Journal of Rehabilitation et al. 2007), and we found that olfactory impairment Research & Development 49(9):1305–1320. did not correlate solely with PTSD severity (Ruff et al. Theeler BJ, Lucas S, Riechers RG 2nd, Ruff RL. 2013. Post- 2012a). We conclude that repeated mTBI episodes with traumatic headaches in civilians and military personnel: A loss of consciousness likely reduced olfaction scores. comparative, clinical review. Headache: Journal of Head Further investigation is needed to determine wheth- and Face Pain 53(6):881–900. er our findings linking PTSD and neurological deficits Vermetten E, Schmahl C, Southwick SM, Bremner JD. 2007. with episodes of loss of consciousness generalize to oth- Positron tomographic emission study of olfactory induced er populations of military personnel, and to examine emotional recall in veterans with and without combat- how repeated combat mTBI events are linked to both related posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychopharmacology impaired olfaction and the genesis of PTSD. Bulletin 40(1):8–30. Vyas A, Mitra R, Shankaranarayana Rao BS, Chattarji S. References 2002. Chronic stress induces contrasting patterns of den- Hoge CW, McGurk D, Thomas JL, Cox AL, Engel CC, Cas- dritic remodeling in hippocampal and amygdaloid neurons. tro CA. 2008. Mild traumatic brain injury in US soldiers Journal of Neuroscience 22(15):6810–6818. returning from Iraq. New England Journal of Medicine Warden DL. 2006. Military TBI during the Iraq and 358(5):453–463. Afghanistan wars. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilita- Koenigs M, Huey ED, Raymont V, Cheon B, Solomon J, Was- tion 21:398–402. sermann E, Grafman J. 2008. Focal brain damage protects Our research on concussion-induced axonal injury may lead to identification of biomarkers that enable noninvasive diagnosis and treatment.

Neuromechanics and Pathophysiology of Diffuse Axonal Injury in Concussion

Douglas H. Smith

The interchangeable terms concussion and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) denote the phenomenon of a change in brain function associ- ated with blunt trauma to the head or body. Beyond the fact that concus- sion can occur without the victim losing consciousness, researchers are only just beginning to uncover some of the essential aspects of this major health issue. Douglas H. Smith is the Initiated by a biomechanical event, concussion is unique among central Robert A. Groff Professor nervous system disorders, and humans, more than other species, are particu- of Neurosurgery and direc- larly prone to brain damage from head impact. For example, if a human and tor, Center for Brain Injury a pig undergo the same head rotational acceleration, the human will fare far and Repair, University of worse, as shown by animal and human studies. The approximately 1500 g Pennsylvania. human brain endures substantially greater mass effects than the 100 g pig brain under similar mechanical loading, where regions of the brain push and pull against each other as the brain is rapidly deformed (Browne et al. 2011; Meaney and Smith 2011; Smith and Meaney 2000; Smith et al. 2003b). An important finding in animal and human studies of concussion is that selective damage to axons, known as diffuse axonal injury (DAI), is a key anatomic phenomenon of mTBI (Johnson et al. 2013; Meaney and Smith 2011; Smith and Meaney 2000; Smith et al. 2013a). Moreover, although in most cases many of the mental function deficits associated with concussion completely resolve, up to 20 percent of individuals with a single mTBI have The 80 BRIDGE

Using a customized in vitro axonal stretch injury model, we found that the stiffest components of the axon, microtubules, are the structures that most overtly display physical breaking at the time of trauma (Tang- Schomer et al. 2010). The break sites along the micro- tubule lattice appear to account for the undulating course of injured axons, by impeding the sliding of adja- cent microtubules to return back to the relaxed straight FIGURE 1 Undulations of neurons in the brain shown for three cases after blunt trauma. (A) geometry after injury. 3-hour survival in adult swine traumatic brain injury (TBI). (B) 18-year-old human male, 10-hour Because microtubules survival. (C) 18-year-old human female, 22-hour survival. Image (B) is reprinted with permission from Tang-Schomer et al. (2012). essentially serve as the ana- tomical tracks for protein persisting cognitive dysfunction (Hanten et al. 2013; transport, proteins pile up at points of individual micro- McCauley et al. 2014). There is also growing evidence tubule disconnection, resulting in varicose swellings dis- and concern that one or more concussions can trig- tributed periodically along the injured axon (Johnson et ger long-term neurodegenerative changes in the brain al. 2013; Tang-Schomer et al. 2012) as well as partial (Hay et al. 2016; Smith et al. 2013b). transport interruption (Tang-Schomer et al. 2012) rath- er than complete transport failure in an entire region Axonal Injury from Concussion of the axon. In this scenario, some protein transport While the whole brain suffers dynamic tissue deforma- can continue through areas of swelling along remaining tion during concussion, the white matter is at greatest intact microtubules, but may be derailed farther along risk of damage, possibly because of its highly organized, the axon because of microtubule disruption there. highly directional structure (anisotropy). Axon tracts, the long transmission lines of the white matter, suffer Association between Concussion and damage in several unique ways from the tensile and Neurodegeneration shear forces induced by rotational head acceleration. There is evidence that one or repeated head blows can In particular, the classic viscoelastic nature of axons switch the brains of some individuals from a normal appears to be a major contributing factor (Meaney and aging track to an accelerated neurodegenerative path, Smith 2015; Smith et al. 1999b). commonly referred to as chronic traumatic encephalopathy Under normal daily mechanical loading conditions, (CTE) (Hay et al. 2016; Johnson et al. 2010; Smith et axons can easily stretch to at least twice their resting al. 2013b). length and relax back unharmed to their prestretch The initiating source of postconcussive neurodegen- straight geometry (Tang-Schomer et al. 2010). How- erative changes has yet to be identified, but DAI is a ever, under dynamic loading with rapid stretch, the leading candidate (Johnson et al. 2013). CTE histo- axonal cytoskeleton can physically break, evidenced pathological occurrences of neurofibrillary tau protein by an undulating appearance upon relaxation imme- tangles and amyloid-beta plaques found to a greater diately afterward (figure 1). These axonal undulations extent in individuals with histories of multiple concus- have been observed in an in vitro model of dynamic sions (compared with age-matched controls) are similar stretch injury of axons, in preclinical TBI models, and to tissue accumulations in other neurodegenerative dis- in human TBI (Smith et al. 1999b; Tang-Schomer et eases (Hay et al. 2016; Johnson et al. 2010, 2012; Smith al. 2010, 2012). et al. 2013b). SPRING 2016 81

Curiously, tau protein and amyloid precursor protein tive of DAI, the vast majority of axons in white matter (APP), the parent protein of amyloid-beta, are normally tracts appear relatively normal after TBI, even in severe most abundant in axons (Chen et al. 2004, 2009; John- cases (Johnson et al. 2013; Smith et al. 2003c). TBI son et al. 2009; Smith et al. 2003a; Uryu et al. 2007). must therefore involve injury beyond axon transport Therefore, it has been suggested that axonopathy in interruption and swelling. concussion may lead to the aberrant production and/ or aggregation of tau and amyloid-beta (Johnson et al. Role of Sodium and Calcium Channels 2010, 2012). Ionic concentration disturbances in traumatic axo- nal injury may play an important role in dysfunction Role of Tau Protein (Iwata et al. 2004; Smith and Meaney 2000; Smith et al. Using a new computational model of traumatic axo- 2003b; Wolf et al. 2001). Our in vitro model revealed nal injury, we identified a potential viscoelastic spring that stretch injury impaired regulation of axonal sodium underlying microtubule breaking, the tau protein channels, where the channel inactivation gate is disabled (Ahmadzadeh et al. 2014, 2015). and can no longer block excessive sodium influx (figure Tau proteins crosslink and stabilize the parallel 2). In turn, the sodium-calcium exchangers are reversed arrangement of microtubules along the axon. As the and the high-voltage state maintains open calcium axon is stretched under normal loading conditions, channels, thereby progressively increasing intra-axonal adjacent microtubules slide past each other, stretching calcium concentrations after injury (figure 3; Wolf et the stabilizing tau proteins, which must unfold from al. 2001). The cascade can continue to the point where their resting conformation. We propose that this tau high calcium levels activate calcium-dependent prote- extension includes the breaking of hydrogen bonds ases, inducing secondary cytoskeletal disruption (Iwata along the tau protein. This model predicts that the et al. 2004; von Reyn et al. 2012; Yuen et al. 2009). thermodynamics of hydrogen bond breaking along tau We propose that the loss of function of axonal sodium proteins during dynamic axon stretch injury cannot channels throughout the brain network underlies com- keep up with the rapid microtubule sliding. Thus, the mon neurocognitive symptoms of concussion, such as pulling of tau proteins against the microtubules induces loss of consciousness, decreased processing speed, and enough mechanical strain to rupture the microtubule memory dysfunction. With too much sodium entering (Ahmadzadeh et al. 2014, 2015). the axon, the capacity to generate action potentials (the While axons themselves rarely disconnect at the rapid exchange of ions across the neural membrane) is time of trauma, large swellings from transport inter- lost or dysfunctional, interrupting or slowing signaling ruption can cause a secondary disconnection of axons in the axon and throughout the neural network of the (Johnson et al. 2013; Smith and Meaney 2000). There brain (Johnson et al. 2013). is a broad range in the rate and morphology of axonal swellings identified with undulated axons, varicose swellings, and disconnect- ed axonal bulbs. The gold standard for postmortem clinical diag- nosis of these types of DAI is immunohistochemistry using anti-APP antibodies, which can identify axonal swellings in white mat- ter within hours of injury FIGURE 2 Diagram of the axonal membrane showing (A) sodium channel (blue) assemblage with the inactivation gate or “flapper valve” (shown with yellow arrow) with normal sodium influx (Johnson et al. 2013). (green balls) that create an action potential; (B) normal inactivation closes the gate to allow efflux Although APP+ swollen of sodium; (C) upon injury, the inactivation gate is rendered dysfunctional (white arrow), allowing axonal profiles are indica- unmitigated influx of sodium ions. The 82 BRIDGE

revealed additional axonal injury not seen with APP+ analysis (Johnson et al. 2015, 2016), using an immu- nostain for the calpain-cleaved spectrin N-terminal fragment (SNTF). The appearance of SNTF gen- erated exclusively in axons implies that the injury induced substantial increases in intra-axonal calcium concentrations, resulting in calpain activation and cleavage of axonal spectrin (Johnson et al. 2016). These observations corroborate the dysregulation of calcium concentrations in axon trauma observed in vitro (figure 3). Notably, we found that SNTF appears in the blood shortly after concussion in individuals who were later found to have persistent cognitive dysfunction (Siman et al. 2013); its presence thus signals permanent brain FIGURE 3 After traumatic axonal injury, there is uncontrolled damage through the degeneration of axons (Johnson influx of sodium (Na+) ions (green balls), as illustrated in fig- et al. 2016). SNTF and tau protein were also found in ure 2, triggering reversal of the sodium-calcium (Ca2+) exchang- the blood of professional ice hockey players after con- er (yellow) and sustained opening of the voltage-gated calcium cussions and could remain at elevated levels for days channels (red), resulting in progressive increases of intra-axonal calcium ions (purple). Adapted from Wolf et al. (2001). (Siman et al. 2015; Zetterberg et al. 2013). These studies suggest that SNTF and/or other axonal Our in vitro model revealed that for some injured proteins may serve as blood biomarkers to evaluate the axons, sodium channels may remain dysfunctional, severity of concussion and to specifically diagnose DAI. resulting in an increase in the number of sodium The identification and validation of a biomarker would channels over time (Yuen et al. 2009). This may be a be a valuable tool for managing concussed patients as temporary adaptive change to compensate for the dys- it could provide an objective measure of the effective- functional channels. ness of treatment. Indeed, biomarkers may allow for the However, this “fix” may come at a cost. With even stratification of mTBI patients according to severity, mild stretch injury of axons in vitro inducing very little thereby increasing the power of treatment trials. sodium or calcium influx, the axons added more sodium Conclusion channels. With a second very mild stretch injury a day later, massive sodium and calcium influx occurred. If While substantial progress has been made in under- this is also shown to be the case for concussion, it raises standing the pathophysiology of concussion far beyond the intriguing possibility that sodium channelopathy this brief overview of our efforts, it is nonetheless cer- plays a role in the suggested “period of vulnerability” tain that the field remains in its infancy. There is no after concussion. evidence-based practice or medicine for treating concus- sion, leaving many patients and their families frustrated Potential Biomarkers with their care. And in the absence of noninvasive tests In concert with the in vitro model, a swine mTBI model to identify patients at risk, there is little information to of head rotational acceleration has been developed and provide a long-term prognosis for concussed individuals scaled to match the brain tissue deformation of human (Levin and Smith 2013; Smith et al. 2013b). concussion (Browne et at. 2011; Kimura et al. 1996; Research priorities for concussion should include Meaney et al. 1995; Smith et al. 1997, 2000). With efforts to identify therapeutic targets for DAI (Smith et this model, extensive APP+ axonal pathology is pro- al. 2013a), characterize the period of vulnerability after duced throughout the white matter with an appearance concussion for patient management and return to play identical to human DAI (Johnson et al. 2015, 2016; decisions (Meany and Smith 2011), and uncover the McGowan et al. 1999; Smith et al. 1999a). trigger for biochemical events that result in progressive The use of this mTBI model in conjunction with neurodegenerative changes. examination of human moderate-to-severe TBI has SPRING 2016 83

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Medical Imaging to Recharacterize Concussion for Improved Diagnosis in Asymptomatic Athletes

Thomas M. Talavage

The Purdue Neurotrauma Group began in 2009 to study causes and con- sequences of concussion in youth athletes in an effort to understand why, in a two-player collision that produced a diagnosed injury, it was only one— rather than each—athlete that evidenced symptoms. Our work applies the concept of structural health monitoring (Bond et al. 2014; Kim et al. 2014), without intervention, to characterize how the brain becomes predisposed to Thomas M. Talavage is presentation of symptoms after exposure to head acceleration events (direct co–principal investiga- collisions or whiplash movements associated with contact to other portions tor, Purdue Neurotrauma of the body). Group, and professor of electrical & computer Assessing Concussion engineering and of bio- From our initial work (Talavage et al. 2014), it quickly became apparent that medical engineering, although an athlete may be asymptomatic, the lack of clinically diagnosable Purdue University. dysfunction does not guarantee that the athlete is healthy.

Evidence from Brain Scans Figure 1 illustrates the disparity of health outcomes for three high school foot- ball athletes, one from each category of clinically and functionally observed impairment (COI, FOI; identified in Talavage et al. 2014): COI−/FOI− denotes arguably healthy athletes; COI−/FOI+ represents athletes exhibit- ing neurophysiologic changes in the absence of symptoms; and COI+/FOI+ The 86 BRIDGE

FIGURE 1 Head Impact Telemetry System (HITS) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans for three high school football athletes before and during the playing season (plus control, left). COI−/FOI− denotes an arguably healthy brain; COI−/FOI+ indicates neurophysiologic changes without symptoms; COI+/FOI+ designates a symptomatic athlete diagnosed with concussion. See text for discussion. COI = clinically observed impairment; FOI = functionally observed impairment. designates symptomatic athletes diagnosed with con- yellow-orange an intermediate range of 40–80 g. Note cussion. FOI+ classification was based on flagged scores that most of the accelerations are under 30 g (darker obtained with Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment blues), with slightly over 60 g (i.e., orange dots) cor- and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) (Collins et al. 1999; responding to the 95th percentile of the accelerations Lovell and Collins 1998), the most commonly used tool observed in our high school football athlete population. at the collegiate and professional level to confirm diag- Below are six functional magnetic resonance imag- nosis of concussion. ing (fMRI) contrast maps associated with an n-back In the top row of figure 1 are plots of the site and mag- working memory task (Ragland et al. 2002) in which nitude (intensity) of blows (called “events”) reported subjects view a sequence of letters and press a button if over the entire season by the Head Impact Telemetry the currently presented letter matches that shown one System (HITS; Simbex, LLC). The center of each plot presentation prior (1-back task) or two (2-back). The represents the face, with facemask and forehead regions imaging sessions were conducted on football players denoted by dashed boxes. Each dot is colored (heat before (PreSeason) and during (InSeason) the compe- map) to indicate the severity of the reported accelera- tition schedule. tion: dark blue represents the lowest recorded accel- Preferential brain responses are shown using a heat erations (“coldest”; HITS recording threshold = 10 g), map. Orange indicates brain regions exhibiting greater bright red the highest (“hottest”; roughly 120 g), and metabolic activity during performance of the 2-back SPRING 2016 87

task, and blue indicates regions more active during the concentrated at the top front of his helmet, as a result 1-back task. Areas with no coloration represent regions of lowering and leading with his head. Obtained after of the brain that are equivalently active or inactive in a week in which HITS reported more than 240 events the two tasks. We are generally interested in the sta- exceeding 10 g, this athlete’s InSeason fMRI exhib- bility or instability of the spatial pattern of activation its more substantial changes in contrast than did the valence (i.e., orange, no coloration, blue) more than concussed (COI+/FOI+) athlete, with the bulk of the the absolute level, as changes in metabolic demand typ- brain now apparently working equally hard to perform ically reflect underlying alterations in neuronal recruit- the 1- and 2-back tasks. It is important to reiterate that ment or health. this athlete was asymptomatic, giving no cause to be examined by the team’s medical staff. Concussed vs. Asymptomatic Athletes Perhaps the most important observation to make is Variability and Duration of Effects that some athletes are able to participate in football Taking our 7 years of study as a whole, changes in the and remain arguably healthy (COI−/FOI−; figure 1, neurophysiologic behavior of asymptomatic athletes 2nd column). The depicted athlete was observed to such as those evidenced in figure 1 are fairly common have excellent tackling technique (e.g., kept his head (Abbas et al. 2015a,b; Breedlove et al. 2012; Chun et clear from contact, wrapped and rolled with the ball al. 2015; Poole et al. 2014, 2015; Robinson et al. 2015; carrier) and played the entire season with just over 200 Shenk et al. 2015; Svaldi et al. 2015, 2016; Talavage et reported events, of which only one exceeded 60 g. This al. 2014). This statement is corroborated by work from athlete also exhibited fMRI contrast patterns that were other research groups evaluating asymptomatic brain quite consistent with the control population (figure 1, health with diffusion-weighted imaging (Bazarian et al. far left column) both before and during competition 2014; McAllister et al. 2014) and resting-state fMRI activities. (Johnson et al. 2014). In contrast, athletes diagnosed as concussed (COI+/ Of greater concern, many PreSeason measures for the FOI+; figure 1, far right column) exhibit changes in collision-sport athletes in our study suggest that some biomarkers consistent with the literature (Lovell et al. level of injury is present before they ever take the field 2003; Mayer et al. 2015a,b; Meier et al. 2015; Yeo et (Abbas et al. 2015a,b; Poole et al. 2014). As such, it is al. 2011). Mechanically, the athlete depicted here dif- possible that imaging them during their collision-sport fers from the arguably healthy (COI−/FOI−) athlete participation in middle school may be warranted. by having experienced a number of large magnitude (above 60 g) events at multiple locations around the head. Although this athlete missed three weeks of the season because of his diagnosed concussion, he still Critically, some athletes accumulated more than 800 events. Obtained approxi- exhibit appreciable changes mately 72 hours after diagnosis of concussion, this ath- lete’s InSeason fMRI shows relatively focal reductions in biomarkers in the absence in contrast (Lovell et al. 2003), consistent with the local changes in neuronal metabolic activity expected of symptoms, giving no cause with injury—either the simpler (1-back) task becomes to be examined by a team’s harder and the two tasks look more similar (i.e., move toward “no coloration” or even “blue” if the 2-back task medical staff. can no longer be performed), or inputs to the given area are disrupted and it is no longer recruited during either task, resulting in more equivalent nonactivation (again, Moreover, athletes who have experienced many moving toward “no coloration”). subconcussive events require an exposure-dependent Critically, some athletes exhibit appreciable changes time period before biomarkers recover to more closely in biomarkers in the absence of symptoms (COI−/FOI+; resemble those of noncollision-sport peers—i.e., those figure 1, 3rd column). The athlete shown here accu- exposed to more events take longer to recover. As we mulated over 1,800 events during the season, largely have shown (Breedlove et al. 2014; Nauman et al. The 88 BRIDGE

2015), athletes exhibit higher rates of deviant neurocog- cal concept for understanding concussion—an individ- nitive and neurophysiologic measures during the season ual will not exhibit symptoms until information flow than afterward, but even postseason measurements— is interrupted or at least sufficiently disrupted so as to obtained 3–5 months after participation—reveal a high reduce the reliability of neuronal summation in place likelihood of injury for athletes who experienced more and/or time. than 60–70 events per week (exceeding 10 g, as report- ed by HITS). This finding is unsurprising, as it may take Investigations of the Purdue Neurotrauma Group several days, or even weeks, after injury before repair Our study seeks to detect these disordered conditions and a complete return to normal physiology—even if before symptoms arise: while there is obvious value in the individual takes time off from activity (Ghaffar et improving treatment and return-to-life protocols, the al. 2006). greatest benefit is to be gained from preventing the underlying injury. Our study thus has initially been directed at characterization of brain changes associated with subconcussive injury in youth athletes, particularly It may take several weeks for those exposed to repeated head acceleration events. repair and a complete return Combining neurocognitive testing, advanced neu- roimaging, and daily monitoring of head acceleration to normal physiology–even if events, our study tracks athletes before, during, and after exposure to events that are likely to contribute the individual takes time off to brain injury. We now have data from football and from activity. women’s soccer teams at three high schools and one col- lege, comprising 420 athlete-seasons, more than 1,300 MRI sessions, and roughly 1,400 neurocognitive assess- Appreciable changes in neurophysiology in asymp- ments. Partnering with multiple institutions conduct- tomatic athletes demonstrate that symptoms are a subset ing similar research (Bailes et al. 2015), our intention of injury, where the concept of injury must encompass is to evaluate biomarkers derived from these varied nonstructural alterations (e.g., changes in ionic bal- assessments to draw conclusions about how impaired ance; Hovda 2014). Note that changes in fMRI contrast individuals are likely to be, based on their exposure to (figure 1, bottom) are generally concomitant with a acceleration events. high number of HITS-reported acceleration events even A key component to all of the findings reported when this number is not coupled to diagnosis of a concussion. above is the acquisition of a within-subject baseline, This observation argues in favor of the hypothesis that either before participation or before an exposure of exposure to subconcussive events plays a critical role in interest. Most neurophysiologic and neurocognitive the accumulation of injury (McKee et al. 2009). measures used to study concussion exhibit appreciable Our study suggests that there is a very direct link population variance, complicating interpretation of between changes in the brain and an individual’s sub- differences between subjects. However, when within- concussive exposure, comprising factors including tech- subject changes become larger than the variation in a nique, number of physical head blows experienced, and population, it is straightforward to interpret changes as net occurrence of whiplash-like stresses on the brain meaningful. from other blows (e.g., tackles not involving a blow to the head). Needed Research It is critical to recognize—particularly when assessing Current and Future Research outcomes from studies in which only postinjury scans According to the findings reviewed here, evidence are available—that concussed and asymptomatic ath- exists that some level of subconcussive injury can be letes with similar histories of head acceleration events sustained without immediate presentation of symptoms. can exhibit similar biomarkers, and that both generally Such injury could range from ionic imbalance (Hovda exhibit appreciable differences relative to noncollision- 2014) to neuronal damage that has not yet precluded sport peers (Abbas et al. 2015a,b; Poole et al. 2014; delivery of information in the brain. This last is a criti- Svaldi et al. 2015, 2016). Unfortunately, the current SPRING 2016 89

well-funded studies into concussion do not incorporate Breedlove EL, Robinson M, Talavage TM, Morigaki KE, such a model—their focus is on tracking recovery from Yoruk U, O’Keefe K, King J, Leverenz LJ, Gilger JW, symptoms, rather than on understanding how to pre- Nauman EA. 2012. Biomechanical correlates of symp- vent those symptoms from occurring. Given work by tomatic and asymptomatic neurophysiological impair- our group and others (Johnson et al. 2014; McAllister ment in high school football. Journal of Biomechanics et al. 2014), the comparisons made in these large stud- 45(7):1265–1272. ies are at risk of revealing few differences between con- Breedlove KM, Breedlove E, Robinson ME, Poole V, King JR. cussed and asymptomatic athletes. Lack of biomarker 2014. Detecting neurocognitive and neurophysiological alteration due to concussion must not be misinterpreted changes as a result of subconcussive blows in high school to downplay the serious potential for long-term damage football athletes. Athletic Training and Sports Healthcare associated with this clinically recognized injury. 6(3):119–127. In conclusion, the structural health monitoring Chun IY, Mao X, Breedlove EL, Leverenz LJ, Nauman EA, model should be effective in the study of concussion, Talavage TM. 2015. DTI detection of longitudinal WM as it provides a mechanism to quantify both injury and abnormalities due to accumulated head impacts. Develop- recovery. Assessment of individual athletes before, dur- mental Neuropsychology 40(2):92–97. ing, and after exposure to potentially deleterious events Collins MW, Grindel SH, Lovell MR, Dede DE, Moser DJ, will provide the best opportunity to characterize injury Phalin BR, Nogle S, Wasik M, Cordry D, Daugherty MK, and to guide mitigation of these consequences, whether Sears SF, Nicolette G, Indelicato P, McKeag DB. 1999. through improved prevention, intervention, and/or Relationship between concussion and neuropsychologi- therapy. cal performance in college football players. Journal of the American Medical Association 282(10):964–970. References Ghaffar O, McCullagh S, Ouchterlony D, Feinstein A. 2006. Abbas K, Shenk TE, Poole VN, Breedlove EL, Leverenz LJ, Randomized treatment trial in mild traumatic brain injury. Nauman EA, Talavage TM, Robinson ME. 2015a. Altera- Journal of Psychosomatic Research 61(2):153–160. tion of default mode network in high school football ath- Hovda DA. 2014. The neurophysiology of concussion. Prog- letes due to repetitive subconcussive mild traumatic brain ress in Neurological Surgery 28:28–37. injury: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance Johnson B, Neuberger T, Gay M, Hallett M, Slobounov S. imaging study. Brain Connectivity 5(2):91–101. 2014. Effects of subconcussive head trauma on the default Abbas K, Shenk TE, Poole VN, Robinson ME, Leverenz LJ, mode network of the brain. Journal of Neurotrauma Nauman EA, Talavage TM. 2015b. Effects of repetitive 31(23):1907–1913. sub-concussive brain injury on the functional connectivity Kim S, Adams DE, Sohn H, Rodriguez-Rivera G, Myrent N, of Default Mode Network in high school football athletes. Bond R, Vitek J, Carr S, Grama A, Meyer JJ. 2014. Crack Developmental Neuropsychology 40(1):51–56. detection technique for operating wind turbine blades using Bailes J, Bravo S, Breiter H, Kaufman D, Lue Z, Molfese D, Vibro-Acoustic Modulation. Structural Health Monitoring Perrish T, Slobounov S, Talavage T, Zhu D. 2015. A call to 13(6):660–670. arms: The need to create an inter-institutional concussion Lovell MR, Collins MW. 1998. Neuropsychological assess- neuroimaging consortium to discover clinically relevant ment of the college football player. Journal of Head Trauma diagnostic biomarkers and develop evidence-based inter- Rehabilitation 13(2):9–26. ventions to facilitate recovery. Developmental Neuropsy- Lovell MR, Collins MW, Iverson GL, Field M, Maroon JC, chology 40(2):59–62. Cantu R, Podell K, Powell JW, Belza M, Fu FH. 2003. Bazarian JJ, Zhu T, Zhong J, Janigro D, Rozen E, Roberts Recovery from mild concussion in high school athletes. A, Javien H, Merchant-Borna K, Abar B, Blackman EG. Journal of Neurosurgery 98(2):296–301. 2014. Persistent, long-term cerebral white matter changes Mayer AR, Bellgowan PS, Hanlon FM. 2015a. Functional after sports-related repetitive head impacts. PLoS One magnetic resonance imaging of mild traumatic brain injury. 9(4):e94734. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 49:8–18. Bond R, Underwood S, Adams DE, Cummins J. 2014. Struc- Mayer AR, Ling JM, Allen EA, Klimaj SD, Yeo RA, Hanlon tural health monitoring–based methodologies for managing FM. 2015b. Static and dynamic intrinsic connectivity fol- uncertainty in aircraft structural life assessment. Structural lowing mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma Health Monitoring 13(6):621–628. 32(14):1046–1055. The 90 BRIDGE

McAllister TW, Ford JC, Flashman LA, Maerlender A, Ragland JD, Turetsky BI, Gur RC, Gunning-Dixon F, Turner Greenwald RM, Beckwith JG, Bolander RP, Tosteson T, Schroeder L, Chan R, Gur RE. 2002. Working memory TD, Turco JH, Raman R, Jain S. 2014. Effect of head for complex figures: An fMRI comparison of letter and frac- impacts on diffusivity measures in a cohort of collegiate tal n-back tasks. Neuropsychology 16(3):370–379. contact sport athletes. Neurology 82(1):63–69. Robinson ME, Shenk TE, Breedlove EL, Leverenz LJ, Nau- McKee AC, Cantu RC, Nowinski CJ, Hedley-Whyte ET, man EA, Talavage TM. 2015. The role of location of sub- Gavett BE, Budson AE, Santini VE, Lee HS, Kubilus CA, concussive head impacts in fMRI brain activation change. Stern RA. 2009. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in Developmental Neuropsychology 40(2):74–79. athletes: Progressive tauopathy after repetitive head injury. Shenk TE, Robinson ME, Svaldi DO, Abbas K, Breedlove Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology KM, Leverenz LJ, Nauman EA, Talavage TM. 2015. fMRI 68(7):709–735. of visual working memory in high school football players. Meier TB, Bellgowan PS, Singh R, Kuplicki R, Polanski DW, Developmental Neuropsychology 40(2):63–68. Mayer AR. 2015. Recovery of cerebral blood flow following Svaldi DO, Joshi C, Robinson ME, Shenk TE, Abbas K, Nau- sports-related concussion. Journal of the American Medi- man EA, Leverenz LJ, Talavage TM. 2015. Cerebrovascular cal Association Neurology 72(5):530–538. reactivity alterations in asymptomatic high school football Nauman EA, Breedlove KM, Breedlove EL, Talavage TM, players. Developmental Neuropsychology 40(2):80–84. Robinson ME, Leverenz LJ. 2015. Post-season neurophysi- Svaldi DO, McCuen EC, Joshi C, Robinson ME, Nho Y, ological deficits assessed by ImPACT and fMRI in athletes Hannemann R, Nauman EA, Leverenz LJ, Talavage TM. competing in American football. Developmental Neuro- 2016. Cerebrovascular reactivity changes in asymptomatic psychology 40(2):85–91. female athletes attributable to high school soccer participa- Poole VN, Abbas K, Shenk TE, Breedlove EL, Breedlove KM, tion. Brain Imaging and Behavior (January 26, epub ahead Robinson ME, Leverenz LJ, Nauman EA, Talavage TM, of print). Dydak U. 2014. MR spectroscopic evidence of brain injury Talavage TM, Nauman EA, Breedlove EL, Yoruk U, Dye AE, in the non-diagnosed collision sport athlete. Developmen- Morigaki KE, Feuer H, Leverenz LJ. 2014. Functionally- tal Neuropsychology 39(6):459–473. detected cognitive impairment in high school football Poole VN, Breedlove EL, Shenk TE, Abbas K, Robinson ME, players without clinically-diagnosed concussion. Journal of Leverenz LJ, Nauman EA, Dydak U, Talavage TM. 2015. Neurotrauma 31(4):327–338. Sub-concussive hit characteristics predict deviant brain Yeo RA, Gasparovic C, Merideth F, Ruhl D, Doezema D, metabolism in football athletes. Developmental Neuropsy- Mayer AR. 2011. A longitudinal proton magnetic reso- chology 40(1):12–17. nance spectroscopy study of mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 28(1):1–11. An Interview with . . . Tom Scholz than because I had dabbled in so many different ones as a child. When I got old enough to get a driver’s license in high school, I dropped all of those hobbies and started rebuilding cars. I couldn’t afford a good car so it was an excellent outlet, because if I wanted a decent car that ran I was going to have to put it back together myself. From the engineering standpoint, MIT had a reputa- tion even back then when I was out of high school— which now seems like a really long time ago. I was a little shocked that I was accepted, to tell you the truth. I always did well in math and science in high school but I knew that the competition to get accepted at MIT was phenomenal. I found out just how bad those odds were when I showed up for my freshman orientation. They sat us all in a large assembly area and put up a chart showing everyone’s SAT scores. For the English scores there was a bell curve like you’d expect—it was skewed very far up the scale, and I thought, ‘well, that’s all right, I got in the high 700s in English so I fit in here.’ Then they put up the math scores and it wasn’t a bell curve. It was just a smooth curve that rose up to the righthand side of a Tom Scholz is a musician, inventor, engineer, philanthropist, perfect score. I thought, ‘now I’m in trouble.’ and founder of the band Boston. Photo credit: Alan Poulin. The good thing is that they were very thorough and careful about how they vetted their new students. Some RON LATANISION (RML): We are delighted to schools would report how many people they got rid of speak with someone who is both a mechanical engineer- after the first year, but I don’t know if that’s something to ing student from MIT and a rock icon. Music is cer- make public, because if you’ve chosen them you should tainly part of our social fabric that everyone appreciates, be able to teach them. MIT lost only a very, very small so Cameron and I are grateful to have this opportunity percentage of people who just couldn’t make the grade. to talk with you. I was so shell shocked by the end of my first semester TOM SCHOLZ: The pleasure is all mine. that I had already decided—and actually applied—to transfer out because I thought there’s just no way I was RML: Let’s begin right at the beginning. Tell us about going to be able to make the grade at this school. Then your choice of mechanical engineering and what led I got my first report card and I had a 4.8 average. So I you to MIT. thought, ‘okay, maybe I can do it. I’ll stay.’ SCHOLZ: Well, the short answer would be my father, RML: And you went on to earn a master’s degree in but in reality it was sort of an obvious choice. I was mechanical engineering? a designer and builder and small-time inventor from my earliest childhood years, which took the forms you SCHOLZ: They refer to it as a master of science, might expect—building model airplanes and boats although it was in the mechanical engineering curricu- and cars and anything else. I was really fascinated lum. I was very lucky. They offered sort of a “special” with anything that moved or flew. So I guess I had an for a few students—a scholarship for the tuition, some aptitude for mechanical devices, if for no other reason living expenses, and you could collect your master’s The 92 BRIDGE in one additional year. I was very lucky to get picked CHF: Are you a self-taught musician? for that. SCHOLZ: I am. I did take some piano lessons when I I did fine scholastically, but by the end of those five was a little kid, I think between seven and nine years years that was pretty much it for me for scholastic old. I learned how to read a little and I played a little endeavors. I never took another class of any type after classical music, but then I stopped and I didn’t start that. I decided from that point on if I was going to learn again until I got to MIT, where they had pianos here something I was going to do it on my own. and there in the student areas. I started plunking around I taught myself how to become a pilot so I could pass on those and that’s where I got the bug again. both the written and practical tests. I took physical fly- At that point, I began playing by ear and that’s when ing lessons but I didn’t go to ground school or any of I think my music education began because I began to that. And I taught myself Spanish from books—nobody understand how music was put together. Of course, it does that anymore, it was sort of a challenge. But that started with really simple pop songs but that’s when I last year was so tough I haven’t gone back to school for really started to realize sort of how it went together. Up anything else. to that point, having played piano by sight reading, I MIT was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever was basically a glorified piano roll—you know, open the done, getting through those five years. I can’t say I music and I would reproduce the notes on the keyboard. enjoyed it, but it was one of the best things that ever But I didn’t really make the connection between could have happened to me. what was on that sheet of paper and what I was doing and what the composer was thinking. Later, I went back to a few of those pieces and then I was really impressed MIT was one of the best with these classical composers and what they had done. So music was sort of a pastime in school and then I got things that ever could have more serious about it as the years went on. happened to me. I play keyboard instruments—piano, organ, and so forth—and fretted string instruments—guitar, bass. I played drums for a bit but then I got an injured back CAMERON FLETCHER (CHF): Where does your and that became more and more painful so I haven’t music fit into this? Were you playing guitar and doing played drums for quite a while. I learned how to play the other kinds of musical pursuits while you were at MIT? standard combo instruments to produce a typical rock- n-roll song of the ’60s or ’70s. That was not my goal, I SCHOLZ: I was. I actually wrote my first piece of music did it purely for the enjoyment of playing the music. my junior year and it ended up on my first , which I got into guitar because I had joined a really bad sold 20 million copies. That’s probably something of a band when I was at MIT and the guitar player was just record for a first composition. not doing justice to the music—I’m talking important RML: Which one was that? pieces of music like Steppenwolf. I thought, ‘how hard can that be?’ So I bought a $25 guitar from another SCHOLZ: It’s an instrumental called Foreplay. student, and the amp, and started trying to learn some RML: I know that one. You wrote that when you were songs—and that’s when I realized it actually was very a junior at MIT? hard to do. It took me a long time to adapt to fretted stringed SCHOLZ: I did. I wrote it on an electric piano in my instruments. To this day I can sit down at a keyboard fourth floor apartment. I had had enough of dynam- or an organ or a synth and if I haven’t played for six ics and so forth to understand how sound can transfer months, I can immediately play any number of compli- through a wood floor. The three nurses that lived below cated pieces that I know. With the guitar, every time I us were extremely patient with me because I usually pick it up it’s as if I’ve never played it before and I have wrote between 12:00 and 2:00 in the morning and every to start all over again to get my hand to work. So I find time I pounded on those keys they felt it through the guitar very challenging and it’s not easy for me. With ceiling—and never complained. I think they felt sorry keyboards, it was always a piece of cake. for me because I had to go to MIT. SPRING 2016 93

$10,000 to make a recording of one song that was of professional quality. If you were going to do it, you were going to pay for it. So I started slowly. I was working days and saving money and using it for that purpose. Slowly I obtained the technical know-how to build a small demo qual- ity studio in the basement of my apartment house. Polaroid, and of course MIT, where my electronic and mechanical education really started, gave me the tools to be able to do it. RML: When you were at MIT did you come across Amar Bose? Tom Scholz. Photo credit: Kamal Asar. SCHOLZ: No, I didn’t. RML: Let me understand the transition here. After you RML: He was the founder of Bose, the sound system. got your degree in mechanical engineering you went to I heard him talk about how he founded Bose Corpora- Polaroid for a few years. tion. He was studying for his doctoral exam and did not SCHOLZ: Yes, I spent six years at Polaroid, primarily like the quality of the music playing on his hi-fi. He as a design engineer. thought there had to be a better way for the listener to enjoy music. Of course, your focus was not so much on RML: And where was music during this period? the listener as the performer. I’m thinking of the evolu- SCHOLZ: When I left school and started a real job, tion not only of Boston but of Rockman, the device you first I was absolutely amazed that I could put in so little invented. time doing something and some company was willing SCHOLZ: For everything I got involved in technically to pay me the kind of money that they did. I thought, that had to do with music, necessity was the mother of ‘how is this even possible?’ At MIT I didn’t even go to invention. It was something that I needed that usually class most of the time because I didn’t have time to go didn’t exist, or not in a form that I thought was usable. to class—I was too busy doing the problem sets. For instance, back in the early ’70s various types of So I was amazed at the amount of free time I had chips started being manufactured. There was one called working 40 hours a week. That’s when I got much more a bucket brigade. It was an analog device that could pro- serious about music. I started trying to record some of it vide an analog audio delay, and as soon as I caught wind and slowly picked up some pointers on how that could of this device I got together with an electrical engineer be done. Later, thanks to my Polaroid experience, I at Polaroid, a friend from MIT, and gave him a block learned about the technical aspects of tape recording, diagram and he drew up a schematic and we built what including building a recorder. I called then a doubler. RML: So the recording was partly a consequence of I wanted something that would make a synthetic sec- your experience at Polaroid? ond performance of what I was doing without actually having to play it. I was trying to perform my music live SCHOLZ: Before I knew very much about the tech- in very small venues and I needed to have this dou- nical aspects of recording, I began recording by doing bling thing in the studio since I was very limited in what other people did: buying time at a local studio. the number of tracks that I had. By doing that, I could Back then, it was a completely different situation. build something that reproduced the same performance, Today, anybody can make a recording on their laptop slightly off-pitch and slightly off-time. with 48 or 96,000 tracks if they want to. And it’s free, It turns out you actually need to do a little more than which of course has produced an incredible amount of that to make a bona fide fake second performance. And really bad music. the immediate question is, Why would you want a sec- Back then, if you wanted to record something with ond performance? The answer to that is that every time close to state-of-the-art audio quality, it cost you an arm you add an instrument or voice doing the same thing, and a leg. In today’s dollars, you’d be looking at $5,000, The 94 BRIDGE you completely change the character of the sound, could be integrated into the culture of the country in which was discovered a long time ago and is the reason ways other than building engineering systems or man- we have symphony orchestras. aging nuclear waste, for example, and this is a wonder- I needed that device and there was nothing available ful demonstration. at the time that could do it so we built it—put it in a SCHOLZ: Boston music is definitely more fun than cigar box and used it on the first Boston album and for nuclear waste. my demo work. Within a couple of years after that, you could go into any music store and buy that same device, RML: I have a granddaughter who is nine years old and packaged and ready to go—’though not with the same is taking cello lessons. I volunteered to take her to music good signal-to-noise ratio as the one we built. school on the very first day, and her teacher handed her a book of music and said, “This is something I’d RML: Listening to you speak makes understandable like you to work on between lessons.” I looked at my a quote I read about you: “Boston’s Tom Scholz has a granddaughter and said, “Scarlett, can you read music?” musician’s soul and a scientist’s obsession with the phe- And she looked at me and said, “Of course.” I was pretty nomena of sound and music.”1 impressed with that. SCHOLZ: That’s pretty accurate. SCHOLZ: It is an admirable skill and, having dabbled RML: How many musicians have anything like the sci- in it when I was a little kid, now I look back and think, ence or engineering background to do what you’ve done? ‘boy, I wish I’d kept that up,’ because if you put a piece of music in front of me now it’s a foreign language again. I can sit down and decipher it over a few hours but there’s Knowing basic Newtonian no playing from sheet music. CHF: What are you doing with music these days, Tom? physics gave me a leg up on SCHOLZ: I’m preparing for the 40th anniversary tour being able to translate the of Boston this summer, and coming up with arrange- ments for half a dozen songs we’re going to add to our sound I was dreaming of set and writing segues to go between the songs. I’m also having to invent some gear because a couple of these and make it happen. songs are pretty challenging to play and I was doing things in the studio, double tracking, and now I have places where I have to play or sing a part myself and SCHOLZ: Having the basic Newtonian physics was I have to do both at the same time, so I’m coming up such a blessing. I realized when I got out into the world with ways to do that. And I’m working on some light- that I understood things about how a guitar worked and ing effects. There’s an enormous amount that goes into why it sounded the way it did and why it responded a tour and I’m busy trying to get as many loose ends to various things that you might do with it, and other together as possible before our first rehearsal. people had no idea what was actually happening—they knew it would make a sound if they did this but they RML: When does the tour begin? didn’t know why. So it gave me a leg up on being able SCHOLZ: It starts the last day of April in Fort Lau- to translate the sound I was looking for or hoping for or derdale. Don’t ask me why, but we’ve started every dreaming of and actually get it to happen. tour at the Hard Rock in Fort Lauderdale for the last RML: That’s a remarkable story, and all the more however many years and it’s become a tradition. So we reason why it’s so important for us to have this con- head down there at the end of April and the tour goes versation with you. When we launched this interview through the 14th of August. campaign we wanted to demonstrate that engineering RML: On a slightly different topic, tell us about the DTS Foundation, your charitable foundation. 1 GuitarWorld, “Tom Scholz Releases Boston’s Last Recordings with Brad Delp, ‘Life, Love & Hope,’ an Album 11 Years in the SCHOLZ: I set it up as a way to keep track of what I Making,” April 2, 2014. was doing with my charitable donations. Actually, after SPRING 2016 95

I had become successful for a few years in the music SCHOLZ: My wife and I do it. We do as much vet- business, I was pretty demoralized with what I saw. It ting as we can. We’ve been donating to many of the wasn’t the most admirable group of individuals I had organizations for a long time and we try to pay atten- been involved with. I made a lot of people fairly wealthy tion as much as we can, we get a feel for who is really from the work I did, and I didn’t like seeing what they doing something special with the money. It’s amazing did with the money. what some of these people can do with very little in So after the second album and tour in the early 1980s, the way of resources. A lot of the individuals who staff I did a little soul searching because I was at that point these organizations, they live that job, some of them for contemplating getting out of the music business entire- 20-plus years. It’s just amazing to me. ly. Then I had an epiphany: instead of letting every snake in the grass run off with the money generated by these recordings I’m making, if I can channel that into I set up my foundation to use the right hands, I could actually see some really good things happen. That became my reason for remaining the money I make from my in the music business—and of course I loved playing music, especially live, and I loved writing it and hearing music to help people who are it come to completion on an album. trying to make a difference. So I made a conscious decision that from then on my goal, from a professional or financial standpoint, was to make money to help bankroll people who were trying My part is very small even though in some cases I to make a difference. The areas I was aiming at were provide a lot of the funding; all I do is write a check, animal protection, efforts to help children—I wanted but some of these people, their whole life is spent living to do what little I could to reduce suffering. And as I these jobs that they do. I’m very pleased that I can do learned more about it I became a vegetarian. that much. Some people can speak publicly or become a So the charitable foundation I set up was a way for spokesman for some effort or organization or their goals, me to keep track of where the donations went and how but I’ve never had the knack for that. This is something much. My goal was to give away more than I spent on I can do. myself, and a lot of really good things ended up hap- RML: That’s a wonderful thing—not only to be able to pening from that. There was an effort to try to stop do it but to follow up and do it. tuna fishing vessels from catching dolphins, and I pro- vided funding to run ads on the East Coast that turned SCHOLZ: I’ve always been a subscriber to the thought the tide and got Starkist to finally agree to dolphin- that people should live simply so that others may sim- safe tuna. And over a million dollars was given to the ply live, and I think I have a wonderful life. I have a Humane Farming Association to educate people about nice home in a nice place but I don’t need a lot of stuff. veal crates and pig crates. I drive a 20-year-old Camry that I love. I do have to I also used the band’s name itself on tours to try to admit I got a second one that’s newer—it’s a 19-year-old generate awareness and funding for various organiza- Camry that’s lower in mileage. I love old stuff. I should tions; for example, in 1987 we did something for the qualify that: I love well-engineered old stuff. National Hospice and in 2003, I think it was, we raised RML: What do you do when you’re not involved in money for the Sierra Club. Most recently we did a com- music, in your downtime? bination promotion and benefit for the Shriners Chil- dren’s Hospital and Sea Shepherds. SCHOLZ: I’ve been putting in a large patio behind my When all else fails, if things are going badly or I’m house that has taken me about three years. It’s flagstones down in the dumps or wonder why I’m doing what I’m with pea stones in between, but the pea stones don’t still doing, I always remember that I am doing some- move like they do with a regular flagstone patio because thing that’s really helping a lot of other living things. I put in a network of grout that’s reinforced with graph- ite fibers and then pea stones on top. It’s been a very RML: Do you have someone who manages the day-to- cool process. day operations of the foundation? The 96 BRIDGE

And I spend half of my summer trimming back huge asphalt is not good. Most places that are approved for trees and bushes on my property. I planted a lot of them flying radio-controlled models have grass. It just bellies over the years. I have massive amounts of flowering in. It actually slides—it’s blisteringly fast but has a very, shrubs and so forth and I love going out and taking care very slow stall speed. It’s got a huge wing. of them and pruning and doing all the things you have CHF: And what are some of the other activities you’re to do. looking forward to when you get a spare minute? I like working outside and I have a dog that I take for a couple-mile walk/run every day. And a wife I love. SCHOLZ: I’m trying to get my double toe loop back Whenever I have a little bit of time, I spend it doing one and double Salchow. I had a really old pair of skates of those things that I really enjoy. and I took one of them and built a hinged support sys- tem. You’re probably not real familiar with figure skates CHF: And those are all interests that you can pursue but traditionally they’re super heavy and super hard— indefinitely—it’s not as though you have to anticipate they’re like little mini ski boots because you need the and plan for retirement and what you’ll do after that. ankle support. But at the same time you need to be able SCHOLZ: Oh God, no. I have so many things that I to use your calf muscle if you want to get maximum ele- haven’t gotten to do! vation for jumps. So I built a hinge into one of the boots to try it out—I didn’t get too esoteric with it, I just used CHF: What are some of those things? aircraft aluminum—and did a little experimentation to SCHOLZ: Well, I’m looking at this airplane that I find out where the best point was on my ankle to have built. It looks like one of the Bell rocket planes from the thing flex. It was successful and now I only wear the mid-50s. It’s a delta wing airplane with about a those skates. I always say I get an extra 2–3" of elevation 4-foot wingspan and it’s about 4–4½ feet long. It’s got a because I have the magic skate. The engineering came radio control that I designed in 1972 and built and have in very handy for figuring out where the stresses were flown for many, many years. I love this thing. It takes going to be. off vertically out of a chute so you fire it up—it makes CHF: You have really maximized that MIT education all kinds of ungodly racket, it’s really scary—and hit the in ways I’m sure they never anticipated. release with your foot and off it goes, straight up in the air. Very cool. But it hasn’t been started now in a few SCHOLZ: I use it every day. Honestly, in everything years and I have to replace the engine and the radio, I do. It’s so ingrained. I am always thinking about the too, because it’s no longer compliant with the frequency easiest way to open a refrigerator or—well, everything allocation for radio-controlled models. I’m dying to get is so automatic now—and it all was from that training. that back up in the air. That’s why I say the years I spent at MIT, as hard as they were, were the best use of time of anything I think I’ve RML: I get the launch, Tom, but how do you land it? ever done. SCHOLZ: No landing gear. So I really want to fly this CHF: It really makes you the ideal engineering student. thing somewhere where there’s grass or weeds because RML: It really does. Tom, I know you have an incredibly busy life, but have you ever had time in your agenda to talk with students, engineering students at universities? SCHOLZ: I have had very little opportunity to do that. But recently I was invited to join a visiting committee at MIT and I got to see and hear from some of the cur- rent students. It was very interesting. I thought, things really haven’t changed that much. The place looks dif- ferent but the students are still the same. They are driv- en. They are incredibly talented and they are putting up with the same things and are bugged by the same things, but living through it and improving their minds in ways Tom’s delta wing plane in his studio. Photo credit: Kim Scholz. that are hard to fathom. SPRING 2016 97

RML: What strikes me in your story and our conversa- use, inappropriate use, and poor design implementation tion is that you are a great demonstration of someone who of digital technology in the 21st century have done has something that you enjoy very much—music—and more than just make life more aggravating, distract- you’ve found the right path to maximize all of your expe- ing, and complicated. They have created new unfore- riences in a wonderful career as a musician. There’s got to seen lethal dangers. Whether it is “safer” airliners with be an enormous amount of satisfaction in all of that. overly complex automation falling from the sky, cars speeding out of control due to malfunctioning “drive SCHOLZ: I consider myself incredibly lucky. Not that by wire” accelerator and drivetrain controls, or drivers I didn’t work very hard and take some enormous risks to running over pedestrians while either one of them is do it, but I never expected success at it. My description distracted by texting, it should be obvious that engi- of success, had you asked me back in the mid-70s, would neers need to resist the doing-it-because-it’s-possible have been ‘well, if I can get a song on a local radio sta- bells and whistles design philosophy. The current love tion and play in some local places and have anybody affair with designing a microprocessor into everything recognize a song, that would be my ultimate dream.’ I may be driven by marketing departments and gullible never for a moment thought that my father would have consumers; engineers need to speak up for simplicity of a platinum record hanging over his fireplace. design, which translates naturally to understandability, And by the way, my father lobbied very hard against reliability, and control response. me having anything to do with a band or music. But he did hang the platinum record. My father and mother were both brilliant people. I learned later in life that he had his own band—he was a trumpet player—so I guess Engineers need to speak he had formed his own opinion about the likelihood of being successful with that or about what kind of a life it up for simplicity of design, would lead you into. which translates naturally to On the other hand, he was very happy to see things work out for me in music even though he gave me quite understandability, reliability, a hard time about dabbling in it. I remember telling him that I was doing one last demo because I just couldn’t and control response spend any more time or money on it, I was almost 30. And I remember him berating me for wasting my time On a personal note, the de-evolution of recorded on recording this music when I should be concentrating music audio quality brought about by digital record- on my engineering career, I could have been a senior ing and digital consumer delivery means that MP3 files principal engineer by now. And then I had this really have probably been a major factor in the demise of the unexpected success. music industry, and hence the quality of new music. The About five years later I decided, almost as a hobby fact that true audio enthusiasts go to great lengths to but as a sideline, to start a little engineering company to preserve their vinyl collections and turntables is a testa- build novel gear for rock musicians. I told my dad about ment to this. it and I remember him saying, “Why are you wasting Within the last three years, sound reinforcement your time on this engineering crap”—his actual words— (the really big speakers) has increasingly been processed “when you could be writing another hit album?” through digital mixing consoles, meaning there are only RML: Well, I can’t imagine another American rock two places you can go to hear a musical production in musician who can top what you’re describing. This is a the analog domain that the instruments, and your ears, great story. And coupled with all of that is the fact that inhabit: small symphonic productions without sound your background is in engineering and you’ve put it into reinforcement, and Boston in concert. We don’t use practice in ways that are pretty extraordinary. Is there digital mixers. anything you’d like to say or any comment directed to RML: We’ve now taken an hour of your time and we the engineering practice in the United States today? promised to do no more than that. SCHOLZ: While the amazing advances made possible SCHOLZ: It’s been great talking with you guys. by modern microprocessors are undeniable, the over- The 98 BRIDGE NAE News and Notes Class of 2016 Elected

In February the NAE elected 80 new of Washington, Seattle. For con- the Environment and professor of members and 22 foreign members, tributions to the design of resilient mechanical and aerospace engineer- bringing the total US membership and efficient distributed computer ing and applied and computational to 2,275 and the number of foreign systems. mathematics, Princeton University, members to 232. Zhenan Bao, professor of chemi- NJ. For development of quantum Election to the National Acad- cal engineering, Stanford Univer- chemistry computational methods emy of Engineering is among the sity, CA. For synthesis, design, and for the design of molecules and highest professional distinctions application of organic semiconduc- materials for sustainable energy. accorded to an engineer. Academy tors for flexible electronics. Michael A. Celia, Theodora membership honors those who have Steven J. Battel, president, Battel Shelton Pitney Professor of Envi- made outstanding contributions to Engineering Inc., Scottsdale, AZ. ronmental Studies and professor of “engineering research, practice, or For engineering design and imple- civil and environmental engineer- education, including, where appro- mentation of space flight systems. ing, Princeton University, NJ. For priate, significant contributions to Neal Bergano, chief technology contributions to the development of the engineering literature,” and to officer, TE SubCom, Eatontown, subsurface flow and transport mod- “the pioneering of new and devel- NJ. For innovation and leadership in els in groundwater remediation and oping fields of technology, mak- undersea optical communications. CO2 sequestration. ing major advances in traditional Charles P. Blankenship Jr., presi- Frederick R. Chang, director, fields of engineering, or developing/ dent and chief executive officer, GE Darwin Deason Institute for Cyber implementing innovative approach- Appliances and Lighting Division, Security, Bobby B. Lyle Endowed es to engineering education.” General Electric Co., Louisville, Centennial Distinguished Chair Individuals in the newly elected KY. For contributions to the incor- in Cyber Security, and professor, class will be formally inducted dur- poration of new technology in con- Department of Computer Science ing a ceremony at the NAE’s annual sumer products and aircraft engines. and Engineering, Lyle School of meeting in Washington, DC, on Dan Boneh, professor of com- Engineering, Southern Methodist October 9, 2016. A list of the newly puter science and electrical engi- University, Dallas. For leadership in elected members and foreign mem- neering, Stanford University, CA. cybersecurity research in the intel- bers follows, with their primary affil- For contributions to the theory and ligence community and advancing iations at the time of election and practice of cryptography and com- the importance of cybersecurity sci- a brief statement of their principal puter security. ence in academia. engineering accomplishments. Antonio J. Busalacchi Jr., direc- Simon R. Cherry, distinguished tor, Earth System Science Inter- professor, Department of Biomedi- New Members disciplinary Center, and professor, cal Engineering, University of Cali- Kevin R. Anderson, Mercury Fel- Department of Atmospheric and fornia, Davis. For development of low, corporate research and devel- Oceanic Science, University of nuclear emission imaging and mag- opment, Mercury Marine, Fond Maryland, College Park. For under- netic resonance technologies for du Lac, WI. For advances in met- standing of tropical oceans in cou- medical science. als recycling through invention of pled climate systems via remotely Morton Collins, managing part- innovative aluminum alloys. sensed observations and for interna- ner, Battelle Ventures LLC, Ewing, Thomas E. Anderson, Warren tional leadership of climate predic- NJ. For accomplishments as a build- Francis and Wilma Kolm Bradley tion/projection research. er and manager of technology-based Endowed Chair in Computer Sci- Emily A. Carter, Gerhard R. companies and as an advisor to gov- ence and Engineering, University Andlinger Professor in Energy and ernment and universities. SPRING 2016 99

Thomas M. Connelly Jr., execu- butions to environmentally benign Plymouth, MN. For leadership in tive director and chief executive hydrometallurgy leading to separa- the development of technologies officer, American Chemical Society, tion of metals from solutions and for to enable areal density increases in Washington, DC. For leadership of leadership in engineering education. hard disk drives. interdisciplinary innovations in Adam J. Ellison, corporate Teh C. Ho, retired senior research chemical engineering including cel- research fellow, Science and Tech- associate, ExxonMobil Research lulosic ethanol, polymers, and relat- nology Division, Corning Inc., and Engineering Co., Bridgewater, ed materials being used worldwide. Corning, NY. For invention of NJ. For contributions to catalytic Gérard P. Cornuéjols, IBM advanced glasses with widespread removal of sulfur and nitrogen com- University Professor of Operations use in mobile device displays. pounds from hydrocarbon fuels. Research, Tepper School of Busi- Hans K. Fauske, president (ret.) James E. Hubbard Jr., Samuel ness, Carnegie Mellon University, and Regent Advisor, Fauske and P. Langley Distinguished Professor, Pittsburgh. For contributions to the Associates Inc., Burr Ridge, IL. For Department of Aerospace Engineer- theory, practice, and application of contributions to nuclear and chemi- ing, University of Maryland, College integer programming. cal reactor safety. Park, and University of Maryland Juan J. de Pablo, Liew Family Clark W. Gellings, principal, Langley Professor, National Insti- Professor in Molecular Engineering Electric Power Research Insti- tute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA. and deputy director of education tute, Palo Alto. For leadership in For advances in the modelling, and outreach, University of Chi- demand-side management and for design, analyses, and application of cago. For design of macromolecular the application of digital technology adaptive structures. products and processes via scientific to improve efficiency and reliability Paul E. Jacobs, executive chair, computation. in electric power systems. Qualcomm Inc., San Diego. For Scott L. Delp, James H. Clark Pro- Richard A. Gottscho, executive leadership in the design, develop- fessor of Bioengineering, Mechani- vice president, Global Products ment, and worldwide commercial- cal Engineering, and Orthopaedic Group, Lam Research Inc., Fre- ization of wireless products and Surgery, Stanford University, CA. mont, CA. For solutions to plasma services. For computer simulations of human etch technology and productiv- Anil K. Jain, University Distin- movement and their applications ity challenges in scaling semicon- guished Professor, Department of to treatment of clinical movement ductor devices from the micro- to Computer Science and Engineer- pathologies. nanometer levels. ing, Michigan State University, Paul E. Dimotakis, John K. Albert G. Greenberg, Distin- East Lansing. For contributions to Northrop Professor of Aeronautics guished Engineer and director, Azure the engineering and practice of bio- and professor of applied physics, Networking, Microsoft Corp., Red- metrics. California Institute of Technology, mond, WA. For contributions to the Basil Louis Joffe, senior opera- Pasadena. For contributions to the theory and practice of operating large tions research consultant, Spi- fluid mechanics of jet propulsion carrier and data center networks. ral Software Ltd., Houston. For and other processes involving tur- Mehdi Hatamian, senior vice leadership in optimization-based bulence, mixing, and transport. president of engineering, Broadcom production planning systems for Michael F. Doherty, professor of Corp., Irvine, CA. For contribu- the petroleum and petrochemical chemical engineering, University of tions to development of integrated industry. California, Santa Barbara. For the circuits for video, communications, David S. Johnson, visiting profes- design of methods for complex distil- and digital signal processing. sor of computer science, Columbia lation and crystallization processes. William A. Hawkins III, lead University, New York City. For con- Fiona M. Doyle, Donald H. director, Immucor Inc., Norcross, tributions to the theory and practice McLaughlin Professor of Mineral GA. For leadership in biomedi- of optimization and approximation Engineering, Department of Mate- cal engineering and translational algorithms. rials Science and Engineering, and medicine. Kristina M. Johnson, cofounder dean, Graduate Division, University Mary Cynthia Hipwell, vice and chief executive officer, Cube of California, Berkeley. For contri- president of engineering, Bühler, Hydro Partners LLC, Chevy Chase, The 100 BRIDGE

MD. For development and deploy- to digital design and parallel com- Shmuel S. Oren, Earl J. Isaac ment of liquid crystal on silicon puter systems. Professor in the Science and Analy- display technologies, the basis Bruce G. Lindsay, chief data sci- sis of Decision Making, Department for high-speed optoelectronic 3D entist, Paradata, San Jose, CA. For of Industrial Engineering and Oper- imaging. the design and implementation of ations Research, University of Cali- Brian D. Kelley, vice presi- high-performance distributed and fornia, Berkeley. For contributions dent of bioprocess development, extensible database systems. to the integration of decisions and US Biologics Pharma Technical Yilu Liu, Governor’s Chair cooperative market mechanisms Development, Genentech Inc., Professor, Oak Ridge National for adaptive multisource electrical South San Francisco. For leader- Laboratory and University of Ten- power systems. ship in the development of biopro- nessee, Knoxville. For innovations Arati Prabhakar, director, US cess technology and cost-effective in electric power grid monitoring, Defense Advanced Research Proj- manufacturing processes for clini- situational awareness, and dynamic ects Agency, Arlington, VA. For cally effective recombinant protein modelling. national leadership to advance therapeutics. Jon D. Magnusson, senior prin- semiconductor and information Peter S. Kim, Virginia and D.K. cipal, Magnusson Klemencic Asso- technologies. Ludwig Professor of Biochemistry, ciates, Seattle. For building designs David Y.H. Pui, Distinguished Stanford ChEM-H, Stanford Uni- that enable high-rise buildings in McKnight University Professor and versity School of Medicine, CA. seismic sensitive regions and for L.M. Fingerson/TSI Inc. Chair in For leadership in the discovery and innovations in modern structural Mechanical Engineering, Univer- development of novel drugs and engineering practice worldwide. sity of Minnesota, Minneapolis. vaccines used worldwide. David R. Maidment, Hussein M. For contributions to aerosol and Gary J. Klein, executive vice Alharthy Centennial Chair in Civil nanoparticle science and engineer- president and senior principal, Engineering, Center for Research ing for air pollution control. Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates in Water Resources, University of James B. Rawlings, Paul A. Elf- Inc., Northbrook, IL. For inves- Texas, Austin. For the development ers Professor and W. Harmon Ray tigations of national and interna- of geographic information systems Professor, Department of Chemical tional infrastructure and conveying applied to hydrologic processes. and Biological Engineering, Uni- knowledge from these investiga- Michael Maloney, manager of versity of Wisconsin, Madison. For tions to the profession. structural alloys, hot section materi- contributions to control engineer- John J. Koszewnik, chief techni- als, and coatings, Pratt and Whitney, ing theory, practice, and education. cal officer, Achates Power Inc., San East Hartford, CT. For contributions Gabriel M. Rebeiz, Wireless Diego. For improvements in the to the development and implemen- Communications Industry Chair design, development, and produc- tation of low-conductivity thermal Professor of Electrical and Comput- tion efficiency of vehicle engines. barrier coatings for advanced air- er Engineering, University of Cali- Philip T. Krein, professor of elec- craft engines. fornia, San Diego. For contributions trical and computer engineering, Charles W. Moorman, retired to radio frequency microelectrome- and director, Grainger Center for chair and chief executive officer, chanical systems (RF MEMS) and Electric Machinery and Electro- Norfolk Southern Corp., Norfolk, phased array technologies. mechanics, University of Illinois, VA. For leadership in the devel- Wanda K. Reder, vice president, Urbana-Champaign. For contribu- opment of computerized freight Power Systems Services Division, tions to power electronics technol- railroad tracking system in North S&C Electric Co., Chicago. For ogy and education. America. leadership in electric power delivery Charles E. Leiserson, Edwin Sib- Warren C. Oliver, president, and workforce development. ley Webster Professor, Department Nanomechanics Inc., Oak Ridge, Rodolfo R. Rodriguez, chief of Electrical Engineering and Com- Tennessee. For contributions to scientific officer and founder, puter Science, Massachusetts Insti- the development and commercial- Advanced Animal Diagnostics, tute of Technology, Cambridge. For ization of nanomechanical testing Morrisville, NC. For inventions to theoretically grounded approaches technology. analyze blood and separate blood SPRING 2016 101

components that enable widespread mal scheduling of generation in a ing, Merck Research Laboratories, clinical therapies. deregulated electricity market with Merck & Co., Rahway, NJ. For Emanuel M. Sachs, scien- variable renewable energy sources. contributions to green, economical tific advisory board chair, 1366 Michael K. Sinnett, vice presi- processes for pharmaceuticals and Technologies, Bedford, MA. For dent of product development, Boe- for developing business strategies in contributions and commercializa- ing Commercial Airplanes, the emerging markets. tion in photovoltaics and three- Boeing Co., Woodway, WA. For Kenneth R. Swartzel, William dimensional printing. leadership in commercial aircraft Neal Reynolds Distinguished Pro- Ann Beal Salamone, president, and aircraft systems development, fessor Emeritus, Department of Rochal Industries LLP, San Anto- creating improvements in perfor- Food, Bioprocessing, and Nutrition nio. For development of materials mance and cost. Sciences, North Carolina State for biomedical applications, per- K.R. Sridhar, principal cofounder University, Raleigh. For advanc- sonal care, electronics, and water and chief executive officer, Bloom es in thermal processes of food purification. Energy Corp., Sunnyvale, CA. For preservation. José G. Santiesteban, manager, contributions to transport phenome- Ganesh C. Thakur, president, Catalyst Technology Division, na and thermal packaging of electro- Thakur Services Inc., Houston. For Process Technology, ExxonMo- chemical systems and generation of leadership in the implementation bil Research and Engineering Co., clean, reliable, and affordable power. of integrated reservoir management Annandale, NJ. For development Robert L. Steigerwald, power techniques. and commercialization of catalytic electronics consulting engineer, Leonard Kent Thomas, consul- systems for petrochemical manufac- Adirondack Power Processing LLC, tant, Bartlesville, OK. For contri- ture and cleaner fuels production. Burnt Hills, NY. For development butions to the development and Bridget R. Scanlon, senior and deployment of power electron- application of reservoir simulators research scientist, Sustainable ics for medical, transportation, and to enhance production from com- Water Resources Program, Bureau industrial applications. plex reservoirs. of Economic Geology, University Adam Diedrich Steltzner, man- Michael F. Tompsett, retired of Texas, Austin. For contributions ager, Planetary Entry, Descent, and president and owner, TheraManager to the evaluation of groundwater Landing and Small Body Access LLC, Chatham, MA. For the design recharge and aquifer depletion. Office, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and development of the first charge- David L. Sedlak, Malozemoff Pasadena, CA. For development coupled device imagers. Professor in Mineral Engineering, of the Mars Curiosity 2011 entry, John R. Treichler, president, codirector of the Berkeley Water descent, and landing system and Raytheon Applied Signal Technol- Center, and director, Institute for for contributions to control of para- ogy, Sunnyvale, CA. For contribu- Environmental Science and Engi- chute dynamics. tions to digital signal processing and neering, University of California, Grant H. Stokes, head, Space its applications to national intelli- Berkeley. For contributions to envi- Systems and Technology Division, gence gathering. ronmental aqueous chemistry, espe- MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Stephen M. Trimberger, fel- cially in the areas of water reuse, MA. For innovations in systems for low, Xilinx, Inc., San Jose, CA. water contaminants, and urban space situational awareness and the For contributions to architectures water infrastructure. discovery of near-Earth asteroids. and programming tools for field- Mohammad Shahidehpour, Kathryn D. Sullivan, undersecre- programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Bodine Chair Professor of Electrical tary of commerce and administrator, Chris G. Van de Walle, Herbert and Computer Engineering, direc- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Kroemer Chair in Materials Science tor, Robert W. Galvin Center for Administration, Washington, DC. and professor, Materials Depart- Electricity Innovation, and associ- For service to the nation through ment, University of California, ate director, Wanger Institute for flight in space and leadership of fed- Santa Barbara. For contributions Sustainability and Energy Research, eral oceanography and meteorology. to the theory of semiconductor Illinois Institute of Technology, Chi- Yongkui Sun, executive director interfaces and its impact on opto- cago. For contributions to the opti- of business development and licens- electronic devices. The 102 BRIDGE

David A. Weitz, Mallinckrodt Mukesh D. Ambani, chair and theory and practice of artificial neu- Professor of Physics and Applied managing director, Reliance Indus- ral networks and their application Physics and director, Materials tries Ltd., Nariman Point, Mumbai. to speech recognition and computer Research Science and Engineer- For engineering and business leader- vision. ing Center, Harvard University, ship in oil refineries, petrochemical Keith W. Hipel, University Cambridge, MA. For discoveries of products, and related industries. Professor, Department of Systems complex fluids, colloids, and emul- Göran Andersson, professor, Design Engineering, University of sions, which have resulted in new electric power systems, Swiss Federal Waterloo, Ontario. For develop- products and companies. Institute of Technology, Zürich. For ment and application of conflict David F. Welch, cofounder and contributions to the development of resolution techniques from a sys- president, Infinera Corp., Sunny- high-voltage direct current (HVDC) tems engineering perspective. vale, CA. For contributions to high- technology and methods of power Lei Jiang, dean, School of Chem- power semiconductor lasers and system voltage stability analysis. istry and the Environment, Beihang photonic integrated circuits. John Boscawen Burland, emeri- University, and professor, Institute Jennifer L. West, Fitzpatrick tus professor and senior research of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Family University Professor of investigator, Department of Civil Sciences, Beijing. For development Engineering and professor, Depart- and Environmental Engineering, and commercialization of superphil- ments of Biomedical Engineering Imperial College, London. For con- ic and superphobic coatings. and of Mechanical Engineering and tributions to geotechnical engineer- Willi A. Kalender, professor and Materials Science, Duke University, ing and the design, construction, chair, Institute of Medical Physics, Durham, NC. For developments in and preservation of civil infrastruc- University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, photothermal and theranostic ther- ture and heritage buildings. Erlangen, Germany. For develop- apies and bioabsorbed scaffolds for Emmanuel Detournay, professor, ment of spiral computed tomogra- tissue regeneration. Department of Civil, Environmen- phy methods that enable modern Alan E. Willner, Steven and tal, and Geoengineering, University high-speed 3D medical imaging Kathryn Sample Chair in Engi- of Minnesota, MN. For advances in with X-rays. neering, Department of Electrical hydraulic fracturing and drilling Bruno Michel, manager, Engineering, and associate director, dynamics. advanced thermal packaging, IBM Center for Photonics Technology, Masao Doi, professor, 1000 For- Zürich Research Laboratory. For University of Southern California, eign Expert Program, Beihang Uni- sustainable technologies to improve Los Angeles. For significant advanc- versity, Beijing. For contributions data centers and improved efficien- es in high-capacity optical commu- to the rheology of polymeric liq- cies of energy conversion systems. nication systems. uids, especially the entanglement Joachim Milberg, retired chair of Michael I. Yarymovych, presi- effect in concentrated solutions the board, BMW AG Munich, and dent, Sarasota Space Associates, and melts. professor, Technical University of Osprey, FL. For contributions to Peter Gumbsch, professor, Insti- Munich. For development of com- space programs and for leadership tute for Applied Materials–Com- puter integrated design and produc- of national and international aero- putational Materials Science, tion engineering. space organizations. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Satyan (Sam) G. Pitroda, chair, Germany. For multiscaled model- The Pitroda Group, Oakbrook Ter- New Foreign Members ling techniques that improve frac- race, IL. For development of rural Hiroshi Amano, professor, Depart- ture and deformation behavior of telecommunications infrastructure ment of Electrical Engineering and structural materials. for India. Computer Science, and director, Geoffrey E. Hinton, Dis- Rui Luis Reis, professor of tis- Akasaki Research Center, Nagoya tinguished Emeritus Professor, sue engineering, regenerative medi- University, Japan. For development Department of Computer Science, cine, and stem cells, Department of of p-type gallium nitride (GaN) University of Toronto, and Distin- Polymer Engineering, and director, doping, enabling blue semiconduc- guished Researcher, Google Inc., 3B’s Research Group, University of tor LEDs. Toronto. For contributions to the Minho, Guimarães, Portugal. For SPRING 2016 103

contributions to biomaterials and Julia Slingo, chief scientist, Met nized standards for ship structural tissue engineering in regenerative Office, Exeter, Devon, UK. For design, construction, and maritime medicine. contributions to modelling of the safety. R. Kerry Rowe, professor, Earth’s climate system and for lead- Peter Whittle, Emeritus Department of Civil Engineer- ership in the weather and climate Churchill Professor of Mathematics ing, Queen’s University, Kingston, community. for Operational Research, Univer- Ontario. For advances in knowl- Peter Stoica, professor in systems sity of Cambridge, UK. For con- edge of the performance of waste modelling, Department of Informa- tributions to the mathematics of containment facilities. tion Technology, Uppsala Univer- operations research and statistics. Molly Shoichet, University Pro- sity, Sweden. For contributions to Yuzhuo Steve Zhang, chair of the fessor of Chemical Engineering and array signal processing in communi- board, Shenhua Group Corp. Ltd., Applied Chemistry, Chemistry, and cations, sensing, and imaging. Dongcheng, Beijing. For develop- Biomaterials and Biomedical Engi- Kirsi K. Tikka, president and ment and commercialization of coal neering, University of Toronto. For chief operating officer, ABS Europe to chemicals/fuels and for leadership contributions to neural tissue engi- Division, American Bureau of Ship- in environmental responsibility for neering and design of polymers for ping, London. For contributions the coal industry. cell and drug delivery. leading to internationally recog-

NAE Newsmakers

On November 5, 2015, Robert three Nobel laureates, from among and Vinton Hayes Senior Research D. Allen, senior manager, IBM the 10,000 members have been giv- Fellow in Electrical Engineering, Almaden Research Center, Chem- en this distinction so far. Harvard University, and Alfred Y. istry and Advanced Materials Rudolph Bonaparte, president Cho, vice president (retired), Semi- Research, was inducted into the Vir- and CEO, Geosyntec Consultants, conductor Research Laboratory, Bell ginia Tech College of Science Hall was honored by the American Soci- Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, are the recipi- of Distinction. He is credited with ety of Civil Engineers with the 2016 ents of the 2015 Rumford Prize in helping launch IBM’s Smarter Plan- Outstanding Projects and Lead- recognition of their contributions et initiative, emphasizing the areas ers (OPAL) Leadership Award to the field of laser technology. The of water, the environment, health, for Design. He received the award award is presented by the American and energy. Research projects under March 17, 2016, during ASCE’s Academy of Arts and Sciences. his watch include membranes for annual OPAL Gala in Arlington, Chau-Chyun Chen, Jack Mad- improved separations, antimicrobial Virginia. dox Distinguished Chair Professor, surfaces to battle against infectious Terry Boston, a former executive Department of Chemical Engineer- diseases, and materials for the encap- vice president for the TVA, received ing, Texas Tech University, has sulation and delivery of medicine. a Lifetime Achievement Award dur- been elected an AIChE Fellow. B. Jayant Baliga, director, Power ing the Platts Global Energy Awards Candidates are nominated by their Semiconductor Research Center, ceremonies in New York City on peers, must have significant chemi- North Carolina State University, December 9. Platts noted Mr. Bos- cal engineering practice, and must was recognized by the IEEE Elec- ton’s accomplishments of the past have been a member of AIChE for tron Devices Society in Washing- eight years as CEO of PJM, the larg- at least 10 years, three of them as a ton, DC, as a Celebrated Member. est power system in North America senior member. The EDS Celebrated Member was and largest electricity market in the George M. Church, Robert established in 2010 and is intended world, as well as his long career at Winthrop Professor of Genetics, to recognize and honor legendary the Tennessee Valley Authority. Harvard Medical School, has been individuals in the field of electron Federico Capasso, Robert Wal- named one of Foreign Policy’s Lead- devices. Only six people, including lace Professor of Applied Physics ing Global Thinkers of 2015 for The 104 BRIDGE his investigation into adapting Stockholm on November 19. Addi- & Applied Mechanics, Univer- genetics to sustain species in the tionally, the Franklin Institute has sity of Pennsylvania; Timothy L. face of extreme environmental and announced that Dr. Langer will Killeen, president, University of climate changes. receive the 2016 Benjamin Frank- Illinois; Babatunde A. Ogunnaike, Robert P. Colwell, president, lin Medal for Life Sciences, to be William L. Friend Chaired Professor R&E Colwell & Associates, was presented at a gala at the institute and dean, College of Engineering, selected by the IEEE Computer in April 2016. University of Delaware; and Victor Society Awards committee to J. David Lowell, chair and CEO, W. Zue, professor of electrical engi- receive the 2015 B. Ramakrishna CIC Resources Inc., was one of three neering and computer science, Mas- Rau Award for “contributions to honored with the 2015 Regents’ sachusetts Institute of Technology. critical analysis of microarchitec- Award for Outstanding Service to The following members are ture and the development of the Higher Education by the Arizona among the 2016 inductees to the Pentium Pro processor.” Board of Regents. National Inventors Hall of Fame: Earl H. Dowell, William Hol- Cherry A. Murray was con- Victor B. Lawrence, Batchelor land Hall Professor of Mechanical firmed by the Senate on December Chair Professor of Electrical Engi- Engineering at Duke University, has 10, 2015, as director of the Depart- neering and associate dean for spe- been named this year’s recipient of ment of Energy’s Office of Science. cial programs, Stevens Institute of the American Institute of Aeronau- Rex W. Tillerson, chair and CEO Technology; Radia J. Perlman, fel- tics and Astronautics (AIAA) Reed of ExxonMobil Corporation, has low, EMC Corporation; William J. Aeronautics Award. The award been honored by the Maguire Ener- Sparks (posthumously); and Ivan E. is the highest honor an individual gy Institute at SMU Cox School of Sutherland, visiting scientist, Port- can receive for notable achieve- Business with the L. Frank Pitts land State University. ment in aeronautics. Dr. Dowell is Energy Leadership Award. The The National Academy of being recognized for his “pioneer- award was presented at a ceremo- Inventors has elected the 2015 ing contributions to aeroelasticity, ny on January 14. Mr. Tillerson, Class of Fellows. Election is structural dynamics, and unsteady who has helped steer ExxonMobil accorded to academic inventors aerodynamics which have had a through four decades of dynamic who have demonstrated a prolific tremendous influence on aerospace growth, was selected because he rep- spirit of innovation in creating or technology.” The award will be pre- resents the spirit of entrepreneur- facilitating outstanding inventions sented in Washington, DC, on June ship, ethical leadership, and energy that have made a tangible impact 15, 2016, at AIAA’s annual Aero- industry innovation personified by on quality of life, economic devel- space Spotlight Awards Gala held in L. Frank Pitts, the late oilman for opment, and the welfare of society. conjunction with the AIAA Avia- whom the energy award is named. NAE members inducted in 2015 tion and Aeronautics Forum and The following NAE members were Kristi S. Anseth, Howard Exposition. have been elected AAAS fellows: Hughes Medical Institute Investi- Ann Dowling, president of the R. Byron Bird, Vilas Professor gator and Distinguished Professor, Royal Academy of Engineering, has Emeritus, University of Wisconsin– University of Colorado, Boulder; been admitted to the Order of Mer- Madison; Shu Chien, University B. Jayant Baliga, director, Power it in the Queen’s 2016 New Year’s Professor of Bioengineering and Semiconductor Research Center, Honors list. Dame Ann joins just Medicine, Y.C. Fung Professor of North Carolina State University; 23 other members of the prestigious Bioengineering, and director, Insti- John E. Bowers, director, Institute order, presented as a personal gift of tute of Engineering in Medicine, for Energy Efficiency and profes- the sovereign. University of California, San Diego; sor, Department of Electrical and Robert S. Langer, David H. Koch James W. Demmel, professor, Com- Computer Engineering, University Institute Professor, Massachusetts puter Science Division, University of California, Santa Barbara; Selim Institute of Technology, was named of California, Berkeley; Dennis E. A. Chacour, professor, Institute for the Scheele Award Laureate for Discher, Robert D. Bent Professor, Advanced Discovery and Innova- 2015 in a ceremony that took place Chemical and Biomolecular Engi- tion, University of South Florida; during the Scheele Symposium in neering, Mechanical Engineering Shu Chien, University Professor of SPRING 2016 105

Bioengineering and Medicine, YC biology, University of Texas, Aus- L. Reifsnider, director, Institute Fung Professor of Bioengineering, tin; Victor B. Lawrence, Batchelor for Predictive Methodology and and director, Institute of Engineer- Chair Professor of Electrical Engi- Presidential Distinguished Profes- ing in Medicine, University of Cali- neering and associate dean for spe- sor, University of Texas, Arlington; fornia, San Diego; Robert C. Dean, cial programs, Stevens Institute of Ben A. Shneiderman, professor, Jr., president, Synergy Innovations Technology; Tobin J. Marks, Vlad- Department of Computer Science, Inc.; Christodoulos A. Floudas, imir N. Ipatieff Professor of Cata- University of Maryland; Ivan E. director, Texas A&M Energy Insti- lytic Chemistry and professor of Sutherland, visiting scientist, Port- tute and Erle Nye ’59 Chair Pro- materials science and engineering, land State University; Paul K. fessor for Engineering Excellence, Northwestern University; Radia J. Wright, director, Berkeley Energy Texas A&M University, College Perlman, fellow, EMC Corporation; and Climate Institute, University of Station; George Georgiou, profes- H. Vincent Poor, dean of engineer- California, Berkeley; and James C. sor, Departments of Chemical Engi- ing and applied science and Michael Wyant, professor emeritus, College neering, Biomedical Engineering, Henry Strater University Professor, of Optical Sciences, University of and Molecular Genetics and Micro- Princeton University; Kenneth Arizona.

News from the Center for Engineering Ethics and Society

the NAE’s sister Academies of Sci- ences and Medicine, and in collabo- ration with the Ethics Education Library (EEL) of the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Infusing Ethics into the Development of Engineers: Exemplary Education Activities and Programs New Online Ethics Center for next three years six content edito- An essential part of the develop- Engineering and Science rial boards will identify, develop, ment of engineers is their training In the second year of the project to and evaluate materials to expand the to understand and recognize ethical expand the National Academy of collection; and, together with the Engineering’s Online Ethics Cen- Outreach and Engagement Group, ter (OEC; onlineethics.org) to be will reach out to meet the needs of the go-to online source for criti- site’s the wide range of audiences. cal resources and support for ethics The focus areas of the content edito- and ethics education in science and rial boards are engineering; life and engineering, the site was revised and environmental sciences; computer, relaunched. It has been redesigned math, and physical sciences; social to (1) connect resources; (2) pro- and behavioral sciences; research vide resources on ethics topics and ethics; and international ethics. on how to teach ethics; (3) allow The project’s advisory committee searching and browsing by type of includes leaders in ethics, the scienc- resource, topic, or science and engi- es, and engineering, and members of neering field; and (4) enable better the three academies. The project recognition of those who author is funded by the National Science and contribute resources. Over the Foundation, with the cooperation of The 106 BRIDGE issues in engineering. Research on in the NAE’s Online Ethics Center instruction has begun to identify ethics education in engineering for Engineering and Science (OEC) issues, suggest strategies, and test reveals a variety of approaches; some collection (onlineethics.org). Infor- approaches to changing institu- activities focus on ethical decision mation about the project is available tional culture. At the workshop, making, others on awareness of ethi- at www.nae.edu/InfusingEthics.aspx. practicing engineers, engineering cal and social issues, and still others educators, and engineering ethics on professional standards, rules, and Overcoming Challenges scholars will have both informal and regulations. This report recognizes to Infusing Ethics into the guided opportunities to strategize and describes 25 exemplary pro- Development of Engineers and develop plans for incorporat- grams that prepare students for ethi- This new project will convene a ing ethics in engineering curricula. cal practices, research, or leadership workshop for current and emerg- The information, expertise, men- in engineering. These NAE Exem- ing leaders in ethics and engineer- toring, and facilitated discussions plars in Engineering Ethics Education ing who are working to improve the and collaboration at the workshop range from short activities inserted ethical development of engineering will help attendees advance their in engineering courses to multi- students, to (1) share their work, work and develop effective plans for year programs required of all stu- experiences, and lessons learned; their own institutions. Ultimately, dents. This report will be a resource (2) discuss strategies for overcom- these attendees will form the basis for institutions and educators to ing institutional and cultural chal- for a cohort of leaders and agents strengthen and expand their eth- lenges; and (3) develop plans and of change across the country. The ics programs and thus improve the collaborations for advancing efforts workshop will be held in the sec- capabilities of practicing and future to infuse ethics into the develop- ond half of 2016. Information is engineers. Additional information ment of engineers. Research on available at www.nae.edu/overcom- about and materials from the exem- instructional and cultural challeng- ingchallenges.aspx. plars in the report will be included es for infusing ethics in engineering

Mirzayan Fellows Join Program Office

On January 21 the NAE Program tic applications, at Northwestern she is also a runner and dancer. She Office welcomed three Mirzayan University. She earned a bachelor’s is working with Greg Pearson on the S&T Policy Fellows who will be degree in materials science from Link Engineering project. with us through April 8, 2016. MIT. Aside from research, Kavita has a passion for science outreach, specifically promoting women in STEM fields. She serves on the executive board of the Graduate Women across Northwestern and participates in two year-long men- torship programs at Niles High School and Science Club of the Boys and Girls Program in Uptown. She is excited to learn about a career in science policy as a Mirzayan Fellow Corinna Raimondo Kavita Chandra with the NAE, specifically through improving access to STEM educa- CORINNA RAIMONDO, J. Her- KAVITA CHANDRA is complet- tion for all K–12 students. Kavita bert Hollomon Fellow with the ing a PhD in materials science and loves traveling around the world, Center for Engineering Ethics and engineering, focusing on nanopar- especially trying new foods. And Society, received her PhD in physi- ticle synthesis for cancer therapeu- because of this fervent love for food, cal chemistry from the Institut SPRING 2016 107

de Science et d’Ingénierie Supra- tions. Corinna has cotaught a course processes. This includes ABET’s moléculaire of the University of on responsible conduct of research, Institute for the Development of Strasbourg (France) after complet- and is currently working on an MS Excellence in Assessment Leader- ing her BA and MA in chemistry in law from the Pritzker School of ship (IDEAL), program assessment at the University of Genoa (Italy). Law at Northwestern University. workshops, and symposia. Rochelle Her Marie Curie Fellowship in part- As a Mirzayan Fellow, she hopes to joined ABET with extensive project nership with BASF-SE Corpora- learn from policy leaders in the area management skills and a passion for tion afforded her the opportunity of science and engineering and to broadening participation in tech- to collaborate with researchers in discover ways she can apply these nical education. She was science Switzerland, Italy, Germany, the lessons to affect policy decision laboratory manager at Baton Rouge Netherlands, and the United King- making. She works on the NAE Community College, where she dom. She also performed research at Online Ethics Center (OEC), assist- was responsible for the day-to-day the University of Leuven (Belgium). ing Frazier Benya. operations of the physics, biology, Corinna’s early research focused on and chemistry labs. She also taught the synthesis, characterization, and developmental mathematics as an application in devices of light-sen- adjunct faculty member in the Math- sitive nanomaterials. Subsequently, ematics Department. Before com- she started working as a postdoc- pleting her doctoral work, Rochelle toral fellow in the Chemical and served as a graduate assistant at Chemical Engineering Departments Southern University, teaching com- at Northwestern University, study- posite materials, materials science, ing the synthesis and application and metallurgy. She received her of nanomaterials in diverse fields BS in physics from Spelman Col- ranging from pure electrochemistry lege, and her master’s in mechanical to cell biology. Now a postdoc in Rochelle Williams engineering and PhD in science and the Chemical Engineering Depart- mathematics education from South- ment, her main focus is developing As director of programs and research ern University. Her research inter- novel heterogeneous catalysts for at ABET headquarters in Baltimore, ests include assessment and quality epoxidations and carbonylations. ROCHELLE WILLIAMS is respon- management systems and broaden- During her very diverse research sible for partnering with faculty and ing participation in technical edu- experience and collaboration with industry in robust, relevant techni- cation. Rochelle works with Amelia experts in many different fields and cal education research and for pro- Greer and Ken Jarboe on the Role countries, she realized that there viding educational opportunities of Engineering Societies in Under- are complicated problems of ethics worldwide on continuous improve- graduate Engineering Education and in science, with enormous implica- ment and sustainable assessment related projects.

The IOM Is Now the Health and Medicine Division

On March 15, 2016, the program in medicine while emphasizing its challenges facing the nation and unit of the National Academies of increased focus on a wider range of the world. The division will con- Sciences, Engineering, and Medi- health matters. tinue to conduct consensus studies cine that focuses on health and HMD is fully integrated into the and convening activities through medicine was renamed the Health broader work of the National Acad- the six core boards that were part of and Medicine Division (HMD) emies of Sciences, Engineering, and the IOM. Clyde Behney continues instead of the Institute of Medi- Medicine, which is facilitating more as executive director of the division. cine (IOM). The new name builds collaborative and interdisciplinary on the heritage of the IOM’s work approaches to the most pressing The 108 BRIDGE

A Message from NAE Vice President Corale L. Brierley

symposia, prizes, and other pro- undergraduate teams presented grams. Approximately $1.4 million entrepreneurial ideas tackling one (74 percent) of the restricted fund- or more of the NAE Grand Chal- ing came from corporations and/or lenges for Engineering. foundations. We also had 100 per- • We hosted the second E4U Video cent giving participation from the Contest that encouraged students NAE Council—a sincere gesture of and the public to learn about and commitment by our leadership. get interested in engineering. This extraordinary philanthropic Funded by a $250,000 gift from support provides for 30 percent of ExxonMobil, the winners were Corale Brierley the NAE’s annual budget, and we announced at the 2015 Annual are grateful for our donors’ confi- Meeting. I am pleased to report on a healthy dence in our ability to use their con- fundraising year. Thanks to the gen- tributions to serve the engineering • We published four highly erosity of over 730 members and community, students, policymakers, acclaimed issues of The Bridge. donors, we were able to raise over and the public. Below is a sampling This popular publication is pri- $3.7 million in new cash and pledg- of what the NAE accomplished marily funded by your contribu- es in 2015 to support our efforts to with philanthropic support in 2015: tions to the NAE Independent strengthen the engineering profes- Fund. In 2015 your support • With support from Chevron, cre- sion and engage the public about allowed us to make it more visu- ated LinkEngineering, a new the opportunities that arise from ally appealing by providing the website (www.linkengineering.org) engineering. Over $1.7 million resources to print this flagship launched in January 2016 to help (almost 50 percent of the funds publication in color. preK–12 educators in the United raised) was for unrestricted purposes, States implement engineering • With support from the United including $1.3 million to the NAE education in classrooms and out- Engineering Foundation (UEF), Independent Fund and $377,000 of-school settings. It provides we launched the Next Mac- for the President’s Initiatives Fund. the first-ever platform for K–12 Gyver Competition. Top Holly- This would equate to a $38 million teachers and informal educators wood producers teamed with the endowment equivalent assuming to work and learn as a community NAE, the University of South- a 4.5 percent draw that could be toward improving the reach and ern California’s Viterbi School of used as flexible funds.1 These unre- quality of US precollege engi- Engineering, and the MacGyver stricted funds are vital to the NAE. neering education. Foundation to engage the world- They not only provide core support wide public in a competition to but allow us to initiate important • With support from the Lockheed crowdsource ideas for a scripted new projects that lack federal fund- Martin Corporation, we success- TV series featuring a female engi- ing and help expand the scope and fully cohosted the second annual neer as the leading character. Less impact of current programs. Global Grand Challenges Sum- than 20 percent of engineering We also received $2 million mit with the Chinese Academy bachelor degrees are granted to for projects (restricted) including of Engineering (CAE) and Royal women and recent trends have EngineerGirl, the Next MacGyver, Academy of Engineering (RAE). been declining. White House public awareness and understand- It was held in September 2015 in officials have asked, “What could ing of engineering, K–12 education, Beijing and had record attendance Hollywood and our creative tal- the Frontiers of Engineering (FOE) of 700. Increased philanthropic ent do to help make engineers support allowed us to expand the and entrepreneurs the rock stars of program to include a student busi- 1 the 21st century?” Much like CSI It would be $34 million assuming a 5 per- ness plan competition where 15 cent draw. did for forensic science, positive SPRING 2016 109

portrayal of engineers in popular the $250,000 goal. In response to porters present, the newest donors culture can help young people the challenge 291 members made were welcomed into the Academy’s consider themselves in such a role. gifts; 140 were new or lapsed donors three lifetime recognition societ- The top 5 finalists are currently and 151 increased their giving from ies, including 3 Einstein, 1 Golden shopping their scripts to various 2014. This was also a good tool to Bridge, and 1 Heritage. networks to pilot their scripts. spur contributions at the end of the year, and helped bring about several Noteworthy Contributions After the blockbuster year of new pledges, including four $80,000 The NAE received some remark- 2014, contributions slowed in 2015, pledges to reach the Einstein Soci- able gifts in 2015. While all contri- especially in the first two quarters. ety for a total of 8 new Einstein butions are greatly appreciated and This could be attributed to donor members and 25 new Golden Bridge make a difference in the work of fatigue after the 50th Anniversary Society members for the year. the NAE, the following gifts show 4-year fundraising effort, for which extraordinary leadership and com- many donors stretched their giving, February Council Dinner mitment to the NAE. and the tumultuous stock market and Financial, Tax, and Estate at the end of December and into Planning Session • Dan (’76) and Frances Berg January. for pledging $80,000 to benefit In February 2015 the NAE hosted the NAE Independent Fund in its annual Council dinner in New- Some Highlights from 2015 honor of his 40th anniversary as port Beach the night before the The Fran and George Ligler Chal- a member. National Meeting with over 100 lenge for Section 2 got off to a great attendees. This dinner has become • Virginia Bugliarello for mak- start in 2015. NAE member Fran a tradition where members, donors, ing a gift in memory of her late Ligler and her husband George cre- and friends in the area can interact husband, NAE member George ated this challenge to raise $100,000 with the NAE Council and meet, Bugliarello, in support of Engi- by 2019 from Section 2 members socialize, and hear about develop- neerGirl. and hopefully inspire other mem- ments at the NAE. Art Geoffrion bers to fund challenges for their • Chevron Corporation, which was presented with his Heritage sections. Of the 51 Section 2 mem- generously provided over Society Medal. For the third time, bers who gave in 2015, 22 increased $330,000 for EngineerGirl and the NAE also hosted a Financial, their giving from 2014, 11 were new LinkEngineering. Tax, and Estate Planning seminar or lapsed donors, and 33 qualified just before the dinner, led by Cindy • Ross (’02) and Stephanie Coro- for the Ligler Match. With close to Sterling, certified financial planner. tis for pledging $80,000 to benefit $35,000, we are 1/3 of our way to This seminar has become popular the NAE Independent Fund. reaching the goal—and this is only during the Annual Meeting and the first year of the 5-year effort. • The Charles Stark Draper Labo- we wanted to offer members on the This is great news, and if we can ratory for contributing $236,000 West Coast opportunities to learn keep up this pace of contributions to cover operating costs of the more about making tax-wise estate we will exceed the goal for this chal- Draper Prize for the advancement plans and how best to incorporate lenge by the end of 2017. of engineering and public educa- their philanthropic priorities. We launched the Ming and Eva tion about engineering. Hsieh $250,000 Challenge at the Golden Bridge Society Dinner • Dotty and Gordon (’12) England Annual Meeting. This is a wonder- In conjunction with the 2015 for their $60,000 gift in support of ful first gift from the Hsiehs, espe- Annual Meeting, President C. D. the NAE Independent Fund. cially since Ming was just inducted Mote, Jr. and his wife Patsy hosted in October 2015—it is great to see • Martin E. (’96) and Lucinda some of the NAE’s most generous that they decided to get involved Glicksman who pledged $80,000 members and friends at the Gold- early. Their gift benefits the Presi- to benefit the NAE Independent en Bridge Society Dinner at the dent’s Initiatives Fund. Over Fund. Organization of American States $800,000 is eligible to be matched on October 4. Among the sup- • Ming and Eva Hsieh who gener- by the Hsieh Challenge, surpassing The 110 BRIDGE

ously funded a $250,000 giving • United Engineering Foundation are interested in making a planned challenge to encourage others to for a $150,000 gift in support of gift to NAE, or if you have already support the NAE. Their gift ben- the Next MacGyver, a project made a gift provision in your estate efitted the President’s Initiatives that leverages the power of Hol- plans but have not yet notified us, Fund. lywood to get students interested please contact Jamie Killorin, direc- in engineering. tor of gift planning, at 202.334.3833 • The William R. Kenan Institute or [email protected]. at NC State for a $150,000 pledge If you are interested in making Without your philanthropic sup- in support of EngineerGirl. a gift to the NAE, please contact port, the NAE would not have a Radka Nebesky, NAE director of • Jane and Alan (’97) Mulally for solid foundation from which to development, at 202.334.3417 or directing Alan Mulally’s $50,000 sustain its most successful projects [email protected]. prize monies from the J.C. Hunsa- and spearhead the creation of new ker Award back to the Academies. Loyal Donors and timely programs. The ener- getic participation of our members • Ohio University Foundation for Gifts made regularly each year to the has always driven the NAE forward contributing $636,000 to cover NAE demonstrate genuine commit- with crucial time, effort, and ideas. operating costs associated with ment to our mission and goals. As a Our members are also vital to our awarding the Russ Prize recog- long-time donor who understands fundraising success, both by making nizing engineering achievements that every donation to the NAE is financial contributions of their own that have a significant and wide- a choice to support an organization and by serving as advocates for the spread impact on society. whose work I believe matters greatly, NAE and engineering to their peers. I thank the Loyalty Society members • Lockheed Martin for a $500,000 We sincerely appreciate your gener- (page 117) who have contributed to pledge payment for the 2015 osity and continual support. the NAE for 20 years or more. Global Grand Challenges Sum- On behalf of the NAE Council, mit in Beijing. Looking Ahead President Dan Mote, and myself, thank you very much for your con- • Robin (’07) and Rose McGuire In 2016 we will focus on build- tributions in 2015. Our supporting for $50,000 in support of K–12 ing the endowment to ensure the members, friends, partner corpo- engineering education. NAE’s long-term financial strength rations, foundations, government and to provide a sustained stream • Microsoft for its annual gift to sponsors, and other organizations of income for keystone programs. support the Frontiers of Engineer- make all the difference in our abil- We plan to offer more opportunities ing (FOE) program. ity to positively impact our world by to learn about deferred giving and being an advocate for engineering. I • James M. Tien (’02) and Ellen estate planning by hosting semi- am grateful for your contributions, S. Weston for pledging $80,000 nars in conjunction with selected and look forward to your continued to help increase the public’s Regional Meetings in addition to involvement in 2016. awareness and understanding of the estate planning brunch dur- engineering. ing the NAE Annual Meeting and other regular communication. If you SPRING 2016 111

2015 Honor Roll of Donors

Annual Giving Societies The National Academy of Engineering gratefully acknowledges the following members and friends who made chari- table contributions to the NAE, and those NAE members who supported the Committee on Human Rights, a joint committee of the three academies, during 2015. The collective, private philanthropy of these individuals has a great impact on the NAE and its ability to be a national voice for engineering. We acknowledge contributions made as per- sonal gifts or as gifts facilitated by the donor through a donor-advised fund, matching gift program, or family foundation. New member Ming Hsieh (’15) and his wife Eva challenged all members and friends to increase their giving to the NAE in 2015 with a $250,000 challenge. This generous gift provides resources to programs aligned with the new NAE Strategic Plan. Donors who participated in the Hsieh Challenge are noted with the ◊ symbol. Fran Ligler, a member of the NAE Council and Section 2, and her husband George pledged $100,000 to encour- age giving by Section 2 members over the next 5 years or until the $100,000 goal is reached. The members who participated in the Ligler Challenge are noted with the # symbol.

Catalyst Society

$50,000+ Daniel and Frances Berg Ross and Stephanie Ming and Eva Hsieh Friends * ◊ George and Virginia Corotis Robin K. and Rose M. John F. McDonnell◊ Bugliarello◊ Dotty and Gordon McGuire◊ England◊ Raymond S. Stata

Rosette Society

$25,000 to $50,000 Craig and Barbara Barrett George and Ann Fisher Clayton Daniel and David E. Shaw Bharati and Murty Robert C. and Marilyn G. Patricia L. Mote Richard P. Simmons Bhavaraju Forney◊ Elisabeth Paté-Cornell James O. Ellis, Jr. Frances and George Ligler Henry and Susan Samueli◊

Challenge Society

$10,000 to $25,000 Nadine Aubry and John L. Lance and Susan Davis◊ Narayana and Sudha Mendel Rosenblum and Batton◊ Nicholas M. Donofrio◊ Murty Diane Greene◊ Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr.◊ Martin E. and Lucinda Ronald and Joan Henry M. Rowan* Gordon Bell Glicksman◊ Nordgren◊ Richard J. Stegemeier◊ Thomas and Becky Paul and Judy Gray◊ Roberto Padovani Rosemary and George Bergman John O. Hallquist◊ Larry* and Carol Papay Tchobanglous◊ Barry W. Boehm Chad and Ann Holliday Julie and Alton D. Romig, Andrew and Erna* Paul F. Boulos◊ Michael W. Hunkapiller Jr.◊ Viterbi◊ David E. Daniel◊ Kent Kresa Howie Rosen and Susan John C. Wall Doherty ◊ # Adrian Zaccaria◊

◊ Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased The 112 BRIDGE

Charter Society

$1,000 to $9,999 Linda M. Abriola Sunlin Chou ◊ Samuel C. Florman Grace and Thom Andreas and Juana Uma Chowdhry◊ G. David Forney, Jr.◊ Hodgson◊ Acrivos John and Assia Cioffi◊ Heather and Gordon Urs Hölzle Ronald J. Adrian◊ Paul Citron and Margaret Forward Edward E. Hood, Jr. John and Pat Anderson◊ Carlson Citron◊ # Charles A. Fowler ◊ John R. Howell John C. Angus Philip R. Clark William L. and Mary Kay Evelyn L. Hu and David Minoru S. Araki◊ Joseph M. Colucci Friend R. Clarke◊ Ruth and Kenneth Arnold Rosemary L. and Harry M. Douglas W. Fuerstenau◊ J. Stuart Hunter Wm. Howard Arnold * ◊ Conger Theodore V. Galambos Ray R. Irani R. Lyndon Arscott◊ Stuart L. Cooper Elsa M. Garmire and Mary Jane Irwin Kamla* and Bishnu S. Richard W. Couch, Jr.◊ Robert H. Russell ◊ Kenji Ishihara Atal◊ Arthur Coury ◊ # Donald P. Gaver Joan and Irwin Jacobs Ken Austin◊ Gary L. Cowger Arthur Gelb Wilhelmina and Stephen Wanda M. and Wade Natalie W. Crawford Arthur and Helen Jaffe Austin Robert L. Crippen Geoffrion Leah H. Jamieson Amos A. Avidan◊ Steven L. Crouch Penny and Bill George, George W. Jeffs Arthur B. Baggeroer ◊ Ruth A. David ◊ George Family James O. Jirsa◊ William F. Baker L. Berkley Davis Foundation◊ Barry C. Johnson William F. Banholzer ◊ Carl de Boor ◊ Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Michael R. Johnson Craig H. Benson Pablo G. Debenedetti Nan and Chuck Geschke G. Frank Joklik Leo L. Beranek Mary and Raymond Don P. Giddens◊ # Anita K. Jones Peter J. Bethell◊ Decker Paul H. Gilbert◊ James W. Jones◊ Mark and Kathy Board Thomas B. Deen Richard D. Gitlin Aravind K. Joshi ◊ Diane and Samuel W. George E. Dieter ◊ Eduardo D. Glandt◊ Kahle/Austin Foundation◊ Bodman◊ Stephen W. Director ◊ Earnest F. Gloyna Eric W. Kaler Rudolph Bonaparte◊ Daniel W. Dobberpuhl Arthur L. and Vida F. Paul and Julie Kaminski Lewis M. Branscomb◊ Elisabeth M. Drake◊ Goldstein Melvin F. Kanninen Corale L. Brierley James J. Duderstadt Mary L. Good John and Wilma James A. Brierley Susan T. Dumais ◊ Joseph W. Goodman Kassakian Lenore and Rob Briskman Robert and Cornelia W. David Goodyear ◊ James R.* and Isabelle Andrei Z. Broder Eaton Paul E. Gray Katzer Alan C. Brown◊ Derek Elsworth◊ Hermann K. Gummel Michael C. Kavanaugh◊ Andrew Brown, Jr. Gerard W. Elverum◊ Eliyahou Harari◊ Hossein Kazemi ◊ Thomas and Miriam John V. Evans◊ James S. Harris, Jr.◊ Leon M. Keer ◊ Budinger ◊ # Robert R. Everett Wesley L. Harris◊ Mary and Howard* Kehrl◊ Stuart K. Card Thomas E. Everhart Juris Hartmanis◊ Jon E. Khachaturian◊ François J. Castaing James A. Fay* Kenneth E. Haughton Chaitan Khosla and Susi Corbett Caudill ◊ Robert E. Fenton Janina and Siegfried Ebert-Khosla◊ Selim A. Chacour Leroy M. Fingerson Hecker Judson and Jeanne King ◊ Chau-Chyun Chen◊ Tobie and Daniel J.* Fink◊ John L. Hennessy Diana S. and Michael D. Josephine Cheng Bruce A. Finlayson◊ Janet G. Hering ◊ King ◊ Stephen Z.D. Cheng Anthony E. Fiorato David and Susan Hodges James L. Kirtley Weng C. Chew◊ Edith M. Flanigen Robert L. Kleinberg ◊

◊ Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased SPRING 2016 113

Albert S. Kobayashi James K. and Holly T. Prabhakar Raghavan William D. Strecker U. Fred Kocks ◊ Mitchell Doraiswami Ramkrishna Yasuharu Suematsu◊ Robert M. and Pauline W. Nandita and Sanjit K. Simon Ramo Ronald D. Sugar◊ Koerner ◊ Mitra Richard F. and Terri W. John and Janet Swanson Charles E. Kolb, Jr. Sharon and Arthur Rashid Charlotte and Morris Demetrious Koutsoftas◊ Money◊ Junuthula N. Reddy◊ Tanenbaum Thomas F. Kuech Duncan T. Moore◊ Kenneth and Martha David W. Thompson◊ Ellen J. Kullman◊ Edward and Stephanie Reifsnider James M. Tien and Ellen Michael R. Ladisch◊ # Moses◊ Gintaras V. Reklaitis S. Weston◊ Richard T. Lahey, Jr.◊ Joel Moses◊ Eli Reshotko Rex W. Tillerson◊ Louis J. Lanzerotti◊ Cherry A. Murray Ronald L. Rivest◊ Matthew V. Tirrell David C. Larbalestier◊ Dale and Marge* Myers Anne and Walt Robb◊ Michael J. Todd◊ Ronald M. Latanision◊ Cynthia J. and Norman A. Richard J. and Bonnie B. Henrik Topsøe◊ Cato and Cynthia Nadel Robbins John J. Tracy Laurencin Albert Narath Bernard I. Robertson James A. Trainham and Enrique J. Lavernia◊ Jaya and Venky C. Paul Robinson◊ Linda D. Waters James U. Lemke Narayanamurti Thomas E. Romesser◊ Richard H. Truly Ronald K. Leonard David Nash Murray W. Rosenthal Ghebre E. Tzeghai Frederick J. Leonberger ◊ Robert M. and Marilyn R. William B. Russel A. Galip Ulsoy◊ Burn-Jeng Lin Nerem T.W. Fraser Russell◊ Raymond Viskanta Richard J. Lipton◊ Paul D. Nielsen Vinod K. Sahney Thomas H. Vonder Haar Jack E. Little William D. Nix Steven B. Sample◊ Robert and Robyn Robert G. Loewy Matthew O’Donnell ◊ # Linda S. Sanford ◊ Wagoner J. David Lowell◊ Fran and Kwadwo Osseo- Maxine L. Savitz Kuo K. Wang ◊ William J. MacKnight◊ Asare Richard Scherrer Darsh T. Wasan Thomas and Caroline Bernhard O. Palsson Jan C. Schilling◊ Warren and Mary Maddock Norman F. Parker◊ John H. Schmertmann Washington◊ Asad M., Gowhartaj, and Claire L. Parkinson Ronald V. Schmidt◊ Robert and Joan Jamal Madni◊ Neil E. Paton Fred B. Schneider and Wertheim◊ Artur Mager ◊ P. Hunter Peckham◊ # Mimi Bussan◊ Robert M.* and Mavis E. Arunava Majumdar John H. Perepezko◊ Henry G. Schwartz, Jr. White◊ Thomas J. Malone◊ Thomas K. Perkins◊ Lyle H. Schwartz Willis S. White, Jr. Henrique S. Malvar William J. Perry◊ Norman R. Scott◊ Ward O. Winer◊ David A. Markle Kurt E. Petersen◊ Martin B. and Beatrice E. Herbert H. Woodson◊ W. Allen Marr Emil Pfender Sherwin◊ Edgar S. Woolard, Jr. John L. Mason◊ Craig E. Philip Daniel P. Siewiorek Richard N. Wright Robert D. Maurer Julia M. Phillips◊ Kumares C. Sinha◊ Wm. A. Wulf Jyotirmoy Mazumder ◊ William P. Pierskalla Alvy Ray Smith Israel J. Wygnanski Larry V. McIntire◊ # James D. Plummer◊ Alfred Z. Spector and Beverly and Loring Wyllie Kishor C. Mehta◊ Victor L. Poirier◊ # Rhonda G. Kost David D. Yao◊ Edward W. Merrill◊ # H. Vincent Poor David B. and Virginia H. William W-G. Yeh Richard A. Meserve Dana A. Powers◊ Spencer Paul G. Yock◊ R.K. Michel William F. Powers Robert F. and Lee S. Yannis C. Yortsos◊ James J. Mikulski◊ Donald E. Procknow Sproull William and Sherry Richard B. Miles William R. Pulleyblank Gunter Stein◊ Young ◊ # Richard K. Miller Henry H. Rachford, Jr.◊ Kenneth E. Stinson Zarem Foundation

◊ Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased The 114 BRIDGE

Elias A. Zerhouni Anonymous (1) M. Diane Bodman◊ Gladys H. Knoll ◊ Ben T. Zinn◊ Kristine L. Bueche◊ Salem Stanley◊ Mary Lou and Mark D. Friends Bruce B. Darling◊ Anonymous (1) Zoback ◊ Jodie Arnold ◊ Kathryn Farley ◊ Stacey I. Zones◊ Jo F. Berg Evelyn S. Jones

Other Individual Donors

H. Norman Abramson Cheryl R. Blanchard ◊ Armen Der Kiureghian◊ John B. Goodenough◊ Hadi Abu-Akeel Ilan Asriel Blech◊ Joseph M. DeSimone◊ David J. Goodman◊ Mark G. Adamiak◊ Paul N. Blumberg ◊ Frederick H. Dill Richard E. Goodman◊ Kurt Akeley and Jenny Jack L. Blumenthal Robert H. Dodds◊ Roy W. Gould Zhao Alfred Blumstein◊ Albert A. Dorman Susan L. Graham◊ Montgomery and Ann William J. Boettinger ◊ David A. Dornfeld Robert K. Grasselli◊ Alger ◊ George and Carol Born◊ Irwin Dorros Gary S. Grest Marilynn and Charles A.* Lillian C. Borrone◊ E. Linn Draper, Jr. Karl A. Gschneidner Amann◊ Craig T. Bowman T. Dixon Dudderar◊ Jerrier A. Haddad◊ Carmelo Parisi and Jonathan D. Bray◊ Ira Dyer Donald J. Haderle Cristina H. Amon James P. Brill David A. Dzombak◊ Edward E. Hagenlocker◊ James M. Anderson◊ # Norman H. Brooks◊ Peter S. Eagleson Carol K. Hall◊ John G. Anderson Emery N. Brown◊ Helen T. Edwards William J. Hall◊ Mary P. Anderson◊ Howard J. Bruschi Bruce R. Ellingwood Eugene E. Haller◊ George E. Apostolakis Jack E. Buffington Richard E. Emmert◊ Niels Hansen◊ Ali S. Argon◊ Anne and John Cahn Joel S. Engel Henry J. Hatch◊ Frances H. Arnold◊ # James D. Callen Lawrence B. Evans◊ Robert C. Hawkins◊ James R. Asay Joe C. Campbell◊ Katherine W. Ferrara Victoria Franchetti Teresa and Harry Atwater ◊ Max W. Carbon Morris E. Fine* Haynes◊ Jamal J. Azar ◊ E. Dean Carlson Essex E. Finney, Jr. Adam Heller Donald W. Bahr Don B. Chaffin◊ Millard and Barbara Martin Hellman Ruzena K. Bajcsy◊ A. Ray Chamberlain Firebaugh Robert W. Hellwarth Margaret K. Banks◊ Douglas M. Chapin Peter T. Flawn Robert E. Henry◊ Rodica A. Baranescu Vernon L. Chartier Christodoulos A. Floudas Arthur H. Heuer Grigory I. Barenblatt Gang and Tracy Chen Robert E. Fontana George J. Hirasaki James E. Barger Shu and Kuang-Chung Harold K.* and Betty John P. Hirth Jordan* and Rhoda Baruch Chien◊ # Forsen Lester A. Hoel James B. Andrew R. Chraplyvy◊ Eli Fromm Allan S. Hoffman◊ # Bassingthwaighte◊ # Robert P. Clagett◊ Shun Chong Fung Richard Hogg Zdenek P. Bazant John L. Cleasby Zvi Galil◊ Shixin J. Hu◊ Marlene and Georges Richard A. Conway Gerald E. Galloway, Jr.◊ Thomas J.R. Hughes◊ Belfort ◊ # Alan W. Cramb Ronald L. Geer Arthur E. Humphrey◊ Marsha J. Berger Lawrence B. Curtis Maryellen L. Giger◊ # Salim M. Ibrahim Toby Berger ◊ Ernest L. Daman Jacqueline Gish Izzat M. Idriss Philip A. Bernstein◊ Paul D. Dapkus◊ George J. Gleghorn Jeremy Isenberg◊ Vitelmo V. Bertero Delbert E. Day Dan M. Goebel◊ Akira Ishimaru Madan M. Bhasin◊ Robert H. Dennard Solomon W. Golomb◊

◊ Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased SPRING 2016 115

Andrew Jackson and Andrew J. Lovinger John K. Ousterhout ◊ Mischa Schwartz Lillian Rankel Verne L. Lynn David H. Pai Balraj Sehgal◊ Linos J. Jacovides John W. Lyons◊ Athanassios Z. Hratch G. Semerjian Paul C. Jennings◊ J. Ross and Margaret* Panagiotopoulos Robert J. Serafin Donald L. Johnson◊ # Macdonald Morton B. Panish Nambirajan Seshadri◊ Marshall G. Jones◊ Alfred U. MacRae Stavros S. Papadopulos F. Stan Settles Angel G. Jordan Subhash and Sushma Donald R. Paul Ghavam G. Shahidi◊ Chanrashekhar Joshi Mahajan◊ Arogyaswami J. Paulraj Don W. Shaw Ahsan Kareem◊ James W. Mar Harold W. Paxton Ben A. Shneiderman Kristina B. Katsaros William F. Marcuson III Nicholas A. Peppas Neil G. Siegel◊ Pradman P. Kaul◊ Robert C. Marini Richard H. Petersen◊ William H. Silcox* ◊ Edward Kavazanjian◊ Hans Mark George M. Pharr Arnold H. Silver Marilyn and Justin David K. Matlock Mark R. Pinto Peter G. Simpkins Kerwin◊ William C. Maurer Karl S. Pister Jack M. Sipress Timothy L. Killeen◊ William J. McCroskey Stephen M. Pollock R. Wayne Skaggs Sung Wan Kim Ross E. McKinney Stephen and Linda Pope Soroosh Sorooshian Carl C. Koch◊ Diane M. McKnight◊ Harry G. Poulos Thomas P. Stafford ◊ Bernard L. Koff Robert and Norah Priyaranjan Prasad ◊ # James F. Stahl ◊ Max A. Kohler McMeeking Michael Prats Edgar A. Starke, Jr.◊ Leonard F. Konikow◊ Terence P. McNulty◊ Ronald F. Probstein George L. Stegemeier ◊ Jindrich Kopecek◊ # Alan L. McWhorter Charles W. Pryor, Jr. Dale F. and Audrey Stein Bill and Ann Koros Antonios G. Mikos and Roberta and Edwin Dean E. Stephan Richard W. Korsmeyer◊ # Lydia Kavraki ◊ # Przybylowicz Thomas G. Stephens Fikri J. Kuchuk◊ James A. Miller Robert A. Pucel◊ Kenneth H. Stokoe Derrick M. Kuzak Keith K. Millheim◊ Ekkehard Ramm Roger H. Stolen◊ Bruce M. Lake Carl L. Monismith◊ Robert A. Rapp◊ Howard and Valerie Stone James L. Lammie◊ Benjamin F. Montoya◊ L. Rafael Reif ◊ Richard G. Strauch David A. Landgrebe William B. Morgan John R. Rice Stanley C. Suboleski Asta* and William W. Walter E. Morrow, Jr.◊ Bruce E. Rittmann Virginia C. Sulzberger◊ Lang A. Stephen Morse Jerome G. Rivard◊ James M. Symons Robert C. Lanphier III George Muellner◊ Stephen M. Robinson Rodney J. Tabaczynski Ronald G. Larson Richard S. Muller◊ Arye Rosen◊ Daniel M. Tellep◊ Alan Lawley Jan and E. Phillip Muntz Donald E. Ross◊ Lewis M. Terman Edward D. Lazowska Earll M. Murman Eli Ruckenstein◊ Charles H. Thornton◊ Margaret A. LeMone Devaraysamudram R. Yoram Rudy◊ # Spencer R. Titley Johanna M.H. Levelt Nagaraj B. Don and Becky Russell Richard L. Tomasetti◊ Sengers R. Shankar Nair Joseph C. Salamone Alvin W. Trivelpiece Herbert S. Levinson◊ Tsuneo Nakahara Peter W. Sauer ◊ Marshall P. Tulin Paul A. Libby Alan Needleman◊ Robert F. Sawyer Robert C. Turnbull ◊ Peter W. Likins Stuart O. Nelson Robert E. Schapire◊ John M. Undrill Yu-Kweng M. Lin◊ Joseph H. Newman George W. Scherer Theodore Van Duzer Kuo-Nan Liou James J. O’Brien◊ Jerald L. Schnoor◊ Anestis S. Veletsos◊ Nathan and Barbara Babatunde A. Ogunnaike◊ William R. Schowalter Walter G. Vincenti Liskov Robert S. O’Neil◊ Walter J. Schrenk◊ Irv Waaland Nils Lonberg◊ Malcolm R. O’Neill◊ Albert and Susan Wallace R. Wade Daniel P. Loucks◊ Elaine S. Oran◊ Schultz ◊ # Steven J. Wallach

◊ Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased The 116 BRIDGE

Don Walsh◊ Eli Yablonovitch Marlin and David Donald and Susan C. Michael Walton Ajit P. Yoganathan◊ # Feldman◊ Nefseke◊ John D. Warner Roe-Hoan and Myungshin Harold and Arlene Finger◊ Marcus Shaw and Shawn Michael S. Waterman Yoon◊ Joan R. Finnie◊ Neil ◊ John T. and Diane M. Les Youd The Fisher Family◊ Elena and Stuart Watson◊ # Paul Zia Sheila C. Gentry◊ Nightingale◊ Julia and Johannes Steven J. Zinkle Gratia H. Griffith◊ Andrew Oakley ◊ Weertman◊ Charles F. Zukoski Sharon P. Gross Sallie O’Neill Robert J. Weimer Carrie Harless◊ Brian Penak◊ Sheldon Weinbaum◊ # Friends Bonnie L. Hartman◊ Patricia Petrino◊ Sheldon Weinig◊ Marguerite Adams◊ Sally W. Hollman◊ Bryan Quigley ◊ Jasper A. Welch, Jr. Frances Burka◊ Jodie L. Janowiak◊ Harriet Sarkaria◊ David A. Whelan JoAnn C. Clayton- Barbara Kennedy◊ Georgia Scordelis Robert M. White Townsend ◊ Jamie M. Killorin◊ Elizabeth W. Toor J. Turner Whitted Sara Culver ◊ Richard S. Maney◊ Marianne Tropp and Chris Kaspar J. Willam◊ Chadwick Davis◊ Charlotte D. McCall◊ Loughner◊ Sharon L. Wood Jeffrey Dwoskin◊ Michele H. Miller Gloria Van Rooyen◊ Richard D. Woods◊ Clara K. Ellert ◊ Joanne Morse◊ Rhoda A.M. Weisz ◊ # David A. Woolhiser◊ Doug Ellison and Jenn Michael Murphy and Elizabeth Whiteman◊ James J. Wynne◊ # Masunaga◊ Karen Gundersen◊

Tributes In memory of Charles A. Amann – Marilynn Amann In memory of Jordan Baruch – Rhoda Baruch In memory of Robert R. Berg – Jo F. Berg In memory of Robert Creagan – Gloria Van Rooyen In memory of Maurice Fuerstenau – Roe-Hoan and Myungshin Yoon In memory of Dr. Howard Saint Claire Jones, Jr. – Evelyn S. Jones In memory of Howard H. Kehrl – Mary Kehrl In memory of William H. Lin – Burn-Jeng Lin In memory of David W. McCall – Charlotte D. McCall In memory of Catherine Ann Pucel – Robert A. Pucel In memory of Eugene Rasmussen – Soroosh Sorooshian In memory of Alexander C. Scordelis – Georgia Scordelis In memory of Chang-Lin Tien – Arunava Majumdar In memory of Charles M. Vest – Elsa M. Garmire and Robert H. Russell, Janina and Siegfried Hecker, Stephen M. Pollock In memory of Ed White – Robert J. Weimer In memory of Robert M. White – Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr., Frances Burka, Carrie Harless, Marlin and David Feldman, Harold and Arlene Finger, Sally W. Hollman, Richard S. Maney, Elena and Stuart Nightingale In memory of Wayne Whiteman – Elizabeth Whiteman

In honor of Katro Bison – Doug Ellison and Jenn Masunaga In honor of Mary Beth Monroe – The Fisher Family In honor of John Prausnitz – Chau-Chyun Chen In honor of Isaac and Anna Schultz – Albert and Susan Schultz

◊ Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased SPRING 2016 117

Loyalty Society In recognition of members and friends who have made gifts to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine for at least 20 years. We acknowledge contributions made as personal gifts or as gifts facilitated by the donor through a donor-advised fund, matching gift program, or family foundation. Names in bold are NAE members.

Herbert L. Abrams Pedro M. Cuatrecasas Louis J. Lanzerotti Frank Press H. Norman Abramson William H. Danforth Gerald and Doris Laubach Donald E. Procknow Andreas and Juana Igor B. Dawid Judith R. Lave Simon Ramo Acrivos Roman W. DeSanctis Cynthia and Robert Janet and Lester* Reed Bruce and Betty Alberts Irwin Dorros Lawrence Jerome G. Rivard Clarence R. Allen W.G. Ernst Johanna M.H. Levelt R. Duncan* and Carolyn Barbara W. Alpert Harold J. Fallon Sengers Scheer Luce Marilynn and Charles A.* Gary Felsenfeld Robert G. Loewy William R. Schowalter Amann Harvey V. Fineberg and Thomas and Caroline Maxine F. Singer Wyatt W. Anderson Mary E. Wilson Maddock Louis Sokoloff * John C. Angus Tobie and Daniel J.* Fink Anthony P. Mahowald Raymond S. Stata Edward M. Arnett Robert C. and Marilyn G. Vincent T. Marchesi Joan A. Steitz Wm. Howard Arnold* Forney Hans Mark Thomas A. Steitz Daniel L. Azarnoff Harold K.* and Betty James F. Mathis Rosemary A. Stevens Jack D. Barchas Forsen Robert D. Maurer Lubert and Andrea Stryer Jeremiah A. Barondess T. Kenneth Fowler Charles A. McCallum F. William Studier Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. Hans and Verena Christopher F. McKee Paul and Pamela Talalay John C. Beck Frauenfelder Mortimer Mishkin Charlotte and Morris Richard E. Behrman Carl Frieden Arno G. Motulsky Tanenbaum Gordon Bell Theodore V. Galambos John H. Moxley III Anita and George Paul Berg Joseph G. Gall Elaine and Gerald* Nadler Thompson Diane and Norman David V. Goeddel Jaya and Venky George H. Trilling Bernstein Richard M. Goody Narayanamurti Roxanne and Karl K.* Lewis M. Branscomb Robert B. Griffiths Philip and Sima Turekian John and Sharon Brauman Michael Grossman Needleman Martha Vaughan Donald D. Brown Adam Heller Robert M. and Marilyn R. Raymond Viskanta Harold Brown Ernest M. Henley Nerem Andrew and Erna* Viterbi Kristine L. Bueche David and Susan Hodges Elena and Stuart Peter K. Vogt George* and Virginia Joseph F. Hoffman Nightingale Irv Waaland Bugliarello William N. Hubbard, Jr. Ronald and Joan George D. Watkins William B. Carey J. David Jackson Nordgren Julia and Johannes David R. and Jacklyn A. Andre T. Jagendorf Peter O’Donnell, Jr. Weertman Challoner Anita K. Jones Gilbert S. Omenn and Herbert Weissbach Purnell W. Choppin Samuel L. Katz and Martha A. Darling Robert M.* and Mavis E. James McConnell Clark Catherine M. Wilfert Gordon H. Orians White John A. Clements Seymour J. Klebanoff George W. Parshall Gerald N. Wogan Michael D. Coe Max A. Kohler Thomas K. Perkins Wm. A. Wulf Max D. Cooper James S. and Elinor G.A. Gordon H. Pettengill Anonymous (1) Langer

*Deceased The 118 BRIDGE

Lifetime Giving Societies We gratefully acknowledge the following members and friends who have made generous charitable lifetime contribu- tions. Their collective, private philanthropy enhances the impact of the academies as advisor to the nation on issues of science, engineering, and medicine.

Einstein Society In recognition of members and friends who have made lifetime contributions of $100,000 or more to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, or the National Academy of Medicine. We acknowl- edge contributions made as personal gifts or as gifts facilitated by the donor through a donor-advised fund, matching gift program, or family foundation. Names in bold are NAE members.

$10 million or more Arnold and Mabel Bernard M. Gordon Daniel E. Koshland, Jr.* Raymond and Beverly Beckman* Fred Kavli* George P. Mitchell* Sackler

$5 million to $10 million Donald L. Bren William R. and Rosemary Peter O’Donnell, Jr. Dame Jillian Sackler B. Hewlett*

$1 million to $5 million Bruce and Betty Alberts Harvey V. Fineberg and The Ambrose Monell Fritz J. and Dolores Richard and Rita Mary E. Wilson Foundation H. Russ Prize Fund Atkinson Cecil H. Green* Gordon and Betty Moore of the Russ College Norman R. Augustine Michael and Sheila Held* Robert* and Mayari of Engineering and Craig and Barbara Barrett Joan and Irwin Jacobs Pritzker Technology at Ohio Jordan* and Rhoda Kenneth A. Jonsson* Richard L. and Hinda G. University Baruch Tillie K. Lubin* Rosenthal* Bernard* and Rhoda Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. John F. McDonnell Jack W. and Valerie Rowe Sarnat Harry E. Bovay, Jr.* Leonard D. Schaeffer Sara Lee and Axel Schupf

$500,000 to $1 million Rose-Marie and Jack R.* James McConnell Clark Cindy and Jeong Kim Gilbert S. Omenn and Anderson Henry David* Ralph and Claire Landau* Martha A. Darling John and Elizabeth Richard Evans* Asta* and William W. Shela and Kumar Patel Armstrong Eugene Garfield Lang William J. Rutter Kenneth E. Behring Foundation Ruben F.* and Donna Herbert A. and Dorothea Gordon Bell Penny and Bill George, Mettler P. Simon* Elkan R.* and Gail F. George Family Dane* and Mary Louise Raymond S. Stata Blout Foundation Miller Roy and Diana Vagelos Carson Family Charitable William T.* and Catherine Philip and Sima Andrew and Erna* Viterbi Trust Morrison Golden Needleman Alan M. Voorhees* Charina Endowment Fund Alexander Hollaender* Oliver E. and Gerda K. Anonymous (1) Ralph J. and Carol M. Thomas V. Jones* Nelson* Cicerone

*Deceased SPRING 2016 119

$250,000 to $500,000 The Agouron Institute Ming and Eva Hsieh Ralph S. O’Connor H.E. Simmons* W.O. Baker* William R. Jackson* Kenneth H. Olsen* Judy Swanson Warren L. Batts Robert L. and Anne K. Ann and Michael Ramage Ted Turner Clarence S. Coe* James Simon Ramo Leslie L. Vadasz Theodore Geballe Mary and Howard* Kehrl Anne and Walt Robb Charles M.* and Rebecca Jerome H.* and Barbara Janet and Richard M.* Stephen* and Anne Ryan M. Vest N. Grossman Morrow Henry and Susan Samueli

$100,000 to $250,000 Holt Ashley* Robert and Florence Paul and Judy Gray Asad M., Gowhartaj, and Francisco J. and Hana Deutsch Corbin Gwaltney Jamal Madni Ayala Nicholas M. Donofrio John O. Hallquist Davis L. Masten and William F. Ballhaus, Sr.* Paul M. Doty* Margaret A. Hamburg and Christopher Ireland Thomas D.* and Janice H. Charles W. Duncan, Jr. Peter F. Brown Roger L. McCarthy Barrow Ruth and Victor Dzau William M. Haney III Robin K. and Rose M. H.H. and Eleanor F. George and Maggie Eads George and Daphne McGuire Barschall* Robert and Cornelia Hatsopoulos William W. McGuire Daniel and Frances Berg Eaton John L. Hennessy Burt and Deedee Elwyn and Jennifer Dotty and Gordon Jane Hirsh McMurtry Berlekamp England Chad and Ann Holliday G. William* and Ariadna Diane and Norman Emanuel and Peggy M. Blakeman Ingle Miller Bernstein Epstein Richard B. Johnston, Jr. Stanley L. Miller* Bharati and Murty Olivia and Peter Farrell Anita K. Jones Joe and Glenna Moore Bhavaraju Michiko So* and Trevor O. Jones David and Lindsay Erich Bloch Lawrence Finegold Thomas Kailath Morgenthaler David G. Bradley Tobie and Daniel J.* Fink Yuet Wai and Alvera Kan Clayton Daniel and Lewis M. Branscomb George and Ann Fisher Leon K. and Olga Patricia L. Mote Sydney Brenner Robert C. and Marilyn G. Kirchmayer* Ellen and Philip Neches George* and Virginia Forney Frederick A. Klingenstein Susan and Franklin M. Bugliarello Harold K.* and Betty William I. Koch Orr, Jr. Malin Burnham Forsen Gail F. Koshland David Packard* Ursula Burns and Lloyd William L. and Mary Kay Jill Howell Kramer Charles and Doris Bean Friend Kent Kresa Pankow* John and Assia Cioffi Christopher Galvin John W. Landis* Larry* and Carol Papay Paul Citron and Margaret William H. and Melinda Janet and Barry Lang Jack S. Parker* Carlson Citron F. Gates III Ming-wai Lau Edward E. Penhoet A. James Clark* Nan and Chuck Geschke Gerald and Doris Laubach Allen E.* and Marilynn W. Dale and Jeanne C. Jack and Linda Gill David M.* and Natalie Puckett Compton Martin E. and Lucinda Lederman Richard F. and Terri W. John D. Corbett* Glicksman Bonnie Berger and Frank Rashid Ross and Stephanie George and Christine Thomson Leighton Alexander Rich* Corotis Gloeckler Frances and George Ronald L. Rivest Lance and Susan Davis Christa and Detlef Gloge Ligler Matthew L. Rogers and Roman W. DeSanctis Avram Goldstein* Whitney and Betty Swati Mylavarapu Robert W. Gore MacMillan Henry M. Rowan*

*Deceased The 120 BRIDGE

Joseph E. and Anne P. Robert F. and Lee S. Peter and Vivian Teets John C. Whitehead Rowe* Sproull James M. Tien and Ellen Wm. A. Wulf Maxine L. Savitz Georges C. St. Laurent, Jr. S. Weston Ken Xie Walter Schlup* Arnold and Constance Gary and Diane Tooker Tachi and Leslie Yamada Wendy and Eric Schmidt Stancell Martha Vaughan Adrian Zaccaria David E. Shaw Edward C. Stone John C. Wall Alejandro Zaffaroni* Richard P. Simmons John and Janet Swanson Robert and Joan Janet and Jerry Zucker James H. and Marilyn Charlotte and Morris Wertheim Anonymous (2) Simons Tanenbaum Robert M.* and Mavis E. White Golden Bridge Society In recognition of NAE members and friends who have made lifetime contributions totaling $20,000 to $100,000. We acknowledge contributions made as personal gifts or as gifts facilitated by the donor through a donor-advised fund, matching gift program, or family foundation. Names in bold are NAE members.

$75,000 to $100,000

Barry W. Boehm Michael W. Hunkapiller Rita Vaughn and Elisabeth Paté-Cornell James O. Ellis, Jr. Paul and Julie Kaminski Theodore C.* Kennedy Jonathan J. Rubinstein

$50,000 to $75,000 Jane K. and William F. Johanna M.H. Levelt Jaya and Venky Richard J. Stegemeier Ballhaus, Jr. Sengers Narayanamurti Leo John* and Joanne Kristine L. Bueche Jane and Norman N. Li John Neerhout, Jr. Thomas William Cavanaugh Darla and George E.* Ronald and Joan Julia and Johannes Joseph V. Charyk Mueller Nordgren Weertman The Crown Family Jane and Alan Mulally Roberto Padovani Sheila E. Widnall Ruth A. David Cynthia J. and Norman Ellen and George A.* Thomas E. Everhart A. Nadel Roberts Robert E. Kahn Warren G. Schlinger

$20,000 to $49,999 Andreas and Juana Nadine Aubry and John James A. Brierley Malcolm R. Currie Acrivos L. Batton Rodney A. Brooks David E. Daniel Rodney C. Adkins Ken Austin Harold Brown Ruth M. Davis* and Alice Merner Agogino Clyde and Jeanette Baker Corbett Caudill Benjamin Lohr Clarence R. Allen William F. Banholzer Selim A. Chacour Pablo G. Debenedetti Valerie and William A. David K. Barton Chau-Chyun Chen Mary P. and Gerald P.* Anders Becky and Tom Bergman Josephine Cheng Dinneen John and Pat Anderson R. Byron Bird Sunlin Chou E. Linn Draper, Jr. Seta and Diran Apelian Diane and Samuel W. Uma Chowdhry Mildred S. Dresselhaus Wm. Howard Arnold* Bodman G. Wayne Clough James J. Duderstadt Kamla* and Bishnu S. Kathleen and H. Kent Joseph M. Colucci Gerard W. Elverum Atal Bowen Rosemary L. and Harry Stephen N. Finger Corale L. Brierley M. Conger Edith M. Flanigen

*Deceased SPRING 2016 121

Samuel C. Florman Edward G.* and Naomi Van and Barbara Mow Ronald V. Schmidt Bonnie and Donald N.* Jefferson Cherry A. Murray Roland W. Schmitt Frey George W. Jeffs Narayana and Sudha Donald R. Scifres Elsa M. Garmire and Min H. Kao Murty Martin B. and Beatrice E. Robert H. Russell John and Wilma Dale and Marge Myers* Sherwin Richard L. and Lois E. Kassakian Robert M. and Marilyn R. David B. and Virginia H. Garwin James R.* and Isabelle Nerem Spencer Arthur and Helen Katzer Simon Ostrach Joel S. Spira* Geoffrion Robert M. and Pauline W. Arogyaswami J. Paulraj Henry E. Stone Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Koerner Paul S. Peercy Rosemary and George Paul H. Gilbert James N. Krebs Lee and Bill Perry Tchobanglous Eduardo D. Glandt Lester C.* and Joan M. Donald E. Petersen Daniel M. Tellep Arthur L. and Vida F. Krogh Dennis J. Picard David W. Thompson Goldstein Cato and Cynthia John W. and Susan M. James A. Trainham and Mary L. Good Laurencin Poduska Linda D. Waters Joseph W. Goodman Yoon-Woo Lee Joy and George* Raymond Viskanta Paul E. Gray Jack E. Little Rathmann Robert and Robyn Delon Hampton Thomas and Caroline Eberhardt* and Deedee Wagoner Wesley L. Harris Maddock Rechtin Daniel I. Wang Janina and Siegfried Artur Mager Kenneth and Martha Albert R.C. and Jeannie Hecker Thomas J. Malone Reifsnider Westwood Robert and Darlene James F. Mathis Julie and Alton D. Willis S. White, Jr. Hermann Robert D. Maurer Romig, Jr. John J. Wise David and Susan Hodges James C. McGroddy Howie Rosen and Susan Edgar S. Woolard, Jr. Bettie and Kenneth F.* Richard A. Meserve Doherty A. Thomas Young Holtby James J. Mikulski Vinod K. Sahney William and Sherry Edward E. Hood, Jr. James K. and Holly T. Jerry Sanders III Young Evelyn L. Hu and David Mitchell Linda S. Sanford Elias A. Zerhouni R. Clarke

Heritage Society In recognition of members and friends who have included the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, or National Academy of Medicine in their estate plans or who have made some other type of planned gift to the Academies. Names in bold are NAE members.

Andreas and Juana Clyde J. Behney Dorit Carmelli Molly Joel Coye Acrivos Daniel and Frances Berg Peggy and Thomas Caskey Barbara J. Culliton Gene M. and Marian Paul Berg A. Ray Chamberlain Malcolm R. Currie Amdahl Elkan R.* and Gail F. Linda and Frank Chisari Peter N. Devreotes Betsy Ancker-Johnson Blout Rita K. Chow Mildred S. Dresselhaus John C. Angus Enriqueta C. Bond John A. Clements Gerard W. Elverum John and Elizabeth Daniel Branton D. Walter Cohen Emanuel and Peggy Armstrong Robert and Lillian Brent Morrel H. Cohen Epstein Norman R. Augustine Corale L. Brierley Stanley N. Cohen Tobie and Daniel J.* Fink Jack D. Barchas James A. Brierley Colleen Conway-Welch Robert C. and Marilyn G. Harrison H. and Lenore and Rob Ross and Stephanie Forney Catherine C. Barrett Briskman Corotis Arthur and Helen Stanley Baum Kristine L. Bueche Ellis and Bettsy Cowling Geoffrion

*Deceased The 122 BRIDGE

Paul H. Gilbert Daniel P. Loucks William* and Constance Arnold and Constance Martin E. and Lucinda R. Duncan* and Carolyn Opie Stancell Glicksman Scheer Luce Bradford W. and Virginia H. Eugene Stanley George and Christine Thomas and Caroline W. Parkinson Rosemary A. Stevens Gloeckler Maddock Zack T. Pate John and Janet Swanson Christa and Detlef Gloge Artur Mager Frank Press John A. Swets Joseph W. Goodman Pat and Jim McLaughlin Simon Ramo Esther Sans Takeuchi Chushiro* and Yoshiko Jane Menken James J. Reisa, Jr. Paul and Pamela Talalay Hayashi Arno G. Motulsky Emanuel P. Rivers John C. Wall Larry L. Hench Van and Barbara Mow Richard J. and Bonnie B. Patricia Bray-Ward and Nancy S. and Thomas S. Guido Munch Robbins David C. Ward Inui Mary O. Mundinger Eugene and Ruth Roberts Robert and Joan Richard B. Johnston, Jr. Philip and Sima James F. Roth Wertheim Anita K. Jones Needleman Esther and Lewis Rowland Maw-Kuen Wu Jerome Kagan Norman F. Ness Sheila A. Ryan Wm. A. Wulf Diana S. and Michael D. Ronald and Joan Paul R. Schimmel Tilahun D. Yilma King Nordgren Stuart F. Schlossman Michael Zubkoff Norma M. Lang Gilbert S. Omenn and Rudi* and Sonja Schmid Anonymous (1) Asta* and William W. Martha A. Darling Kenneth I. Shine Lang Robert L. Sinsheimer

Foundations, Corporations, and Other Organizations Lifetime In recognition of foundations, corporations, and other organizations that have given gifts or grants totaling $1 million or more to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, or the National Academy of Medicine. Names in bold have supported the NAE.

$25 million or more Carnegie Corporation of The Bill & Melinda Gates The Robert Wood W.M. Keck Foundation New York Foundation Johnson Foundation W.K. Kellogg Foundation The Ford Foundation The Kavli Foundation The Koshland Foundation

$10 million to $25 million Arnold and Mabel Howard Hughes Medical The Andrew W. Mellon Alfred P. Sloan Beckman Foundation Institute Foundation Foundation The Charles Stark The John D. and The Cynthia and George Draper Laboratory Catherine T. Mitchell Foundation The William and Flora MacArthur Foundation Raymond & Beverly Hewlett Foundation Sackler Foundation

$5 million to $10 million Michael and Susan Dell The Grainger Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts The Rockefeller Foundation The Irvine Company Foundation Kaiser Permanente

*Deceased SPRING 2016 123

$1 million to $5 million Aetna Foundation Breast Cancer Research The Greenwall Microsoft Corporation American Board of Family Foundation Foundation The Ambrose Monell Medicine Bristol-Myers Squibb The John A. Hartford Foundation American Cancer Society, Company Foundation Monsanto Company Inc. Burroughs Wellcome Fund Leona M. and Harry B. Gordon and Betty Moore American Legacy The California Helmsley Foundation Foundation Foundation Endowment Hewlett-Packard National Multiple American Public California HealthCare Company Sclerosis Society Transportation Foundation Intel Corporation Northrop Grumman Association Margaret A. Cargill International Business Corporation America’s Health Foundation Machines Corporation Nuclear Threat Initiative Insurance Plans Chevron Corporation Johnson & Johnson O’Donnell Foundation Foundation Chrysler Group LLC The JPB Foundation The David and Lucile Amgen, Inc. The Commonwealth Fund JSM Charitable Trust Packard Foundation Laura and John Arnold The Dow Chemical Ewing Marion Kauffman Peter G. Peterson Foundation Company Foundation Foundation Association of American E.I. du Pont de Nemours The Susan G. Komen Pfizer, Inc. Railroads & Company Breast Cancer Research Corporation for AstraZeneca Eastman Kodak Company Foundation Science Advancement Pharmaceuticals LP The Ellison Medical Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. Robert Pritzker Family AT&T Corporation Foundation Family Fund Foundation Atkinson Family ExxonMobil Corporation The Kresge Foundation Rockefeller Brothers Fund Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Eli Lilly and Company Richard & Hinda The Atlantic Ford Motor Company Lockheed Martin Rosenthal Foundation Philanthropies (USA) General Electric Corporation Sanofi-Aventis Craig & Barbara Barrett Company Richard Lounsbery The Spencer Foundation Foundation General Motors Foundation The Starr Foundation Battelle Company Lumina Foundation for The Wellcome Trust S.D. Bechtel, Jr. GlaxoSmithKline Education Robert W. Woodruff Foundation Google Inc. Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Blue Shield of California William T. Grant Foundation Xerox Corporation Foundation Foundation Merck & Company, Inc. The Boeing Company Great Lakes Protection Merck Company Fund Foundation Annual In recognition of foundations, corporations, or other organizations that made gifts or grants to support the National Academy of Engineering in 2015. Allied Minds The Baruch Fund Boeing PAC Matching Cornell University Charles and Mary S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Gift Fund The Charles Stark Draper Anderson Charitable Foundation Branscomb Family Laboratory Fund of the US Bell Family Foundation Foundation Chevron Corporation Charitable Gift Trust Benevity Community Castaing Family Chevron Humankind Ruth and Ken Arnold Impact Fund Foundation Matching Gift Program Family Foundation at Bodman Foundation Citron Family Fund Cummins, Inc. the Houston Jewish of the Minneapolis Community Foundation Foundation The 124 BRIDGE

The Thomas and Bettie Innovative Catalytic Dale and Marge Myers Ray & Maria Stata Family Deen Charitable Gift Solution LLC Fund at the San Diego Charitable Fund Fund at the T. Rowe Innovyze Foundation Ken and Ann Stinson Price Program for International Maritime, Network for Good Fund of the Omaha Charitable Giving Inc. Oracle Corporation Community Foundation Employees Charity Joan and Irwin Jacobs Orcas Island Community The Ronald and Organization of Fund of the Jewish Foundation Valerie Sugar Family Northrop Grumman Community Foundation Pfizer Foundation Foundation The Dow Chemical Kahle/Austin Foundation Matching Gifts Program Morris & Charlotte Company W.M. Keck Foundation PJM Interconnection Tanenbaum Family Paul Galvin Memorial The William R. Kenan The Procter & Gamble Foundation Foundation Trust Institute at NC State Company Team Detroit Arthur and Linda Gelb University PSEG Educational Texas A&M University Charitable Foundation Richard Lounsbery Matching Gift Program Tien Family Foundation General Electric Foundation Qualcomm, Inc. United Engineering Foundation Margaret and Ross Raymond James Foundation GLS Engineering MacDonald Charitable Charitable Endowment University of Illinois at George Family Foundation Fund of the Triangle Fund Urbana-Champaign Geosynthetic Institute Community Foundation Robbins Family Fund at Weinig Foundation Gerstner Family Medtronic, Inc. the Seattle Foundation Wells Fargo Advisors, Foundation Microsoft Corporation Henry M. Rowan Family LLC Geschke Foundation Microsoft Matching Gift Foundation Zarem Foundation at the Silicon Valley Program Henry & Sally Schwartz Zerhouni Family Community Foundation The Gordon and Betty Family Foundation Charitable Foundation Gratis Foundation Moore Foundation Shell Oil Company Hsieh Family Foundation Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program

We have made every effort to list donors accurately and according to their wishes. If we have made an error, please accept our apologies and contact the Development Office at 202.334.2431 or [email protected] so we can correct our records.

In Memoriam

GENE M. AMDAHL, 92, retired of radar and electromagnetic engi- to the NAE in 1977 for contribu- chair, Commercial Data Servers neering to meteorology. tions to design and construction Inc., died November 10, 2015. Dr. procedures for foundations of com- Amdahl was elected to the NAE in CHARLES CRUSSARD, 91, plex facilities subjected to heavy 1967 for development of large com- retired scientific director, Pechiney loadings. puter systems. (France), died January 14, 2008. Dr. Crussard was elected to the NAE as JOSEPH F. ENGELBERGER, 90, DAVID ATLAS, 91, Distinguished a foreign member in 1976 for contri- chair, HelpMate Robotics Inc., died Visiting Scientist Emeritus, NASA butions to metallurgical science and December 1, 2015. Mr. Engelberger Goddard Space Flight Center, died technology and its applications. was elected to the NAE in 1984 for November 10, 2015. Dr. Atlas was his inventive design and develop- elected to the NAE in 1986 for con- ELIO D’APPOLONIA, 97, profes- ment of the industrial robot which tributions, inventions, leadership, sional engineer, died December 30, has brought about a new industrial and public service in the application 2015. Dr. D’Appolonia was elected revolution—one that has culminat- ed in an automated factory. SPRING 2016 125

FAZIL ERDOGAN, 90, G. Whit- tus of Chemical Metallurgy, Colum- the development of national secu- ney Snyder Professor of Mechanical bia University, died January 16, 2016. rity systems and for contributions in Engineering and Mechanics, Lehigh Mr. Kellogg was elected to the NAE materials and sensor technologies University Packard Laboratory, died in 1978 for strengthening the scien- for advanced military systems. October 2, 2015. Dr. Erdogan was tific base of metallurgical processes, elected to the NAE in 1997 for con- and ability to unite theoretical stud- TSUNEO NAKAHARA, 85, tributions to fracture mechanics. ies with practical industrial needs. former vice chair of Sumitomo Electric Industries, died January 8, BRIAN L. EYRE, 80, professor and LOUIS C. LUNDSTROM, 100, 2016. Dr. Nakahara was elected to senior visiting fellow, University of retired executive director of envi- the NAE as a foreign member in Oxford, died July 28, 2014. Profes- ronmental activities staff, General 1999 for contributions and leader- sor Eyre was elected to the NAE Motors Corporation, died August ship in the development and indus- as a foreign member in 2009 for 6, 2015. Dr. Lundstrom was elected trialization of materials for optical understanding of neutron irradia- to the NAE in 1977 for leadership communications. tion–induced damage in materials in the development of the systems and for developing technologies and approach to safe highways and in NORBERT PETERS, 72, pro- policies for the UK nuclear industry. the development of test technology fessor, Rheinisch-Westfälische for improvement in auto safety. Technische Hochschule (RWTH) MORRIS E. FINE, 97, Techno- Aachen University, died July 4, logical Institute Professor Emeritus, HUDSON MATLOCK, 95, pro- 2015. Dr. Peters was elected to Northwestern University, died Octo- fessor emeritus of civil engineering, the NAE as a foreign member in ber 1, 2015. Dr. Fine was elected to University of Texas, died October 2002 for contributions to the field the NAE in 1973 for contributions 8, 2015. Mr. Matlock was elected of combustion modelling of turbu- to education, research, and develop- to the NAE in 1982 for outstanding lent flames and the development of ment in the field of materials science leadership in research and design chemical kinetic mechanisms for and metallurgical engineering. related to offshore engineering. hydrocarbon oxidation.

RENATO FUCHS, 72, indepen- SEYMOUR (CY) L. MEISEL, 93, HENRY M. ROWAN, 92, chair, dent consultant, died September retired vice president of research, Inductotherm Group, died Decem- 7, 2015. Dr. Fuchs was elected to Mobil Research & Development ber 9, 2015. Mr. Rowan was elected the NAE in 1994 for engineering Corporation, died December 28, to the NAE in 1998 for develop- contributions in the design, con- 2015. Dr. Meisel was elected to the ing and commercializing induction struction, and operation for large- NAE in 1981 for integrating basic melting and for advancing engineer- scale manufacturing of recombinant exploratory research and process ing education. DNA proteins. engineering developments leading to successful commercialization of VICTOR H. RUMSEY, 95, pro- JOHN H. HORLOCK, 87, fellow important new technology. fessor emeritus, University of Cali- and former vice chancellor, Open fornia, San Diego, died March 11, University, United Kingdom, died GEORGE E. MUELLER, 97, 2015. Dr. Rumsey was elected to the May 22, 2015. Sir John was elected retired chief executive officer, Kis- NAE in 1980 for research in practi- to the NAE as a foreign member tler Aerospace Corporation, died cal applications of electromagnetic in 1988 for distinguished contri- October 12, 2015. Dr. Mueller was theory, especially in design of radio butions to knowledge of the ther- elected to the NAE in 1967 for elec- antennas insensitive to frequency modynamics and fluid dynamics of tronic systems engineering. and polarization. gas turbines and for innovations in engineering education. F. ROBERT NAKA, 90, retired DONALD G. RUSSELL, 84, chair, president and CEO, CERA Inc., Russell Companies, died December HERBERT H. KELLOGG, 95, died December 21, 2013. Dr. Naka 19, 2015. Mr. Russell was elected Stanley Thompson Professor Emeri- was elected to the NAE in 1997 for to the NAE in 1982 for technical The 126 BRIDGE contributions and leadership of pro- drilling and completion systems, solve diverse problems, and for edu- fessional and business organizations and offshore compliant deepwater cational leadership in computing. that have contributed significantly structures. to the engineering profession. ROBERT M. WHITE, 92, former MORRIS A. STEINBERG, 95, president, National Academy of OLEG D. SHERBY, 90, emeri- retired vice president for science, Engineering, died October 14, 2015. tus professor, Stanford University, Lockheed Corporation, died January Dr. White was elected to the NAE died November 9, 2015. Dr. Sherby 6, 2016. Dr. Steinberg was elected to in 1968 for development of methods was elected to the NAE in 1979 the NAE in 1977 for contributions of weather forecasting and leader- for research to improve the under- to the introduction of new and ship in the evolution of the World standing of high-temperature defor- improved structural materials into Weather Watch System. mation of metals and technical aircraft and space vehicles. materials leading to their improved MIRANDA G. YAP, 67, retired performance. JOSEPH F. TRAUB, 83, Edwin professor, National University Howard Armstrong Professor, of Singapore, died October 14, WILLIAM H. SILCOX, 93, retired Columbia University, died August 2015. Professor Yap was elected to manager, offshore technology devel- 24, 2015. Prof. Traub was elected the NAE as a foreign member in opment, Chevron Corporation, to the NAE in 1985 for initiating 2006 for her outstanding achieve- died August 6, 2015. Mr. Silcox optimal iteration theory, for creat- ments in education, research, and was elected to the NAE in 1986 for ing significant new algorithms that management in the field of mam- the development of original subsea malian cell culture.

Calendar of Meetings and Events

April 1 Deadline for NAE Awards Nominations May 2–3 NAE Regional Meeting: Preparing for 2016–2017 a STEM Workforce for Tomorrow: April 6 Symposium: Exploring a New Vision Academic and Industry Viewpoints for Center-Based, Multidisciplinary Ohio State University and Battelle, Engineering Research Columbus April 14 NAE Regional Meeting: Engineering May 10–11 LinkEngineering Committee Meeting Now: Insights from the Labs at MIT May 12–13 NAE Council Meeting Cambridge, Massachusetts May 24 NAE Regional Meeting: Driverless Cars April 15 Gordon Prize Award Ceremony and Connected Transportation Worcester Polytechnic Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Massachusetts June 8–10 Fourth Annual Integrated Network on April 18–19 NAE/AAES Professional Engineering Social Sustainability (INSS) Conference Societies Convocation Charlotte, North Carolina April 26 NAE Regional Meeting June 14 Robert M. White Memorial Symposium Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, June 16–18 2016 Japan-America Frontiers of Washington Engineering April 28 NAE Regional Meeting: Innovation in Beckman Center, Irvine, California our Energy Systems National Renewable Energy Laboratory, All meetings are held in National Academies facilities in Golden, Colorado Washington, DC, unless otherwise noted. SPRING 2016 127

MostMost of of humankind’s humankindʼs biggestbiggest endeavorsendeavors are mega--engineeringengineeringprojects projects thatthat provide provide solutions solutions spanthat spanning disciplines,disciplines, geographies, andand cculturalultural boundaries.boundaries. TheThe NationalNational AcademyAcademy ofof Engineering hashas launchedlaunchedits itsthird third EngineeringEngineering forfor YouYou Video ContestContest (E4U3):(E4U3): MEGAMEGA ENGINEERING Weʼre looking for short videos (1-2 minutes) that: We’re looking for short videos (1-2 minutes) that: 1. Introduce a particular mega-engineering project, 1.2. IntroduceHighlight aits particular importance/contribution mega-engineering to people project and, society, and 2.3. HighlightSuggest itscontributions importance/contribution to its development to people. and society, and 3. Suggest contributionsThe Grand to itsPrize development of $25,000. will go toThethe Grand most inspiringPrize of $25,000 1-2 minute will video. The submissiongo to the deadline mostis inspiringMay 31, 2016 1- atto 12:00 2-minute PM. Anyone video. can enter, so grab your phone, camera, or tablet and start filming! The submission deadline is May 31, 2016 at 12:00 PM. Anyone can enter, so grab your phone, camera, or tablet and start filming!

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN EASY WAY TO HELP THE NAE THE IRA AND THE FUTURE OF ENGINEERING? CHARITABLE Congress has extended the IRA charitable rollover and made it permanent. With the IRA charitable rollover, you can make a ROLLOVER IS gift from your IRA to help support the work of the NAE and benefit. Gifts made PERMANENT! from your IRA (up to $100,000 per year) are not reportable as taxable income. HOW YOU CAN They also qualify for your required minimum distribution (RMD), which can BENEFIT lower your income and taxes. To learn more about the benefits of making an IRA charitable rollover gift, please contact Jamie Killorin at [email protected] or 202.334.3833. The Periodicals BRIDGE Postage Paid (USPS 551-240)

National Academy of Engineering 2101 Constitution Avenue NW Washington, DC 20418