Our Tropical 1886-1909 Saw 14 Freezes That Killed One of the Positives To
Page 12, Fall, 1985, PALMEflO Moderate (less than 50'X. of plants affected; damage limited to leaf 1055and small twig kill) Acrostichum danaeifo/ium, leather Fern Ardisia escallonioides, Marlberry Blechnum serrulatum, Swamp Fern Calyptranthes pallens, Spicewood Casasiaclusiifo/ia, Seven-year Apple Cassia spp., Cassias by Steve Farnsworth Citharexylum fruticosum, Fiddlewood Cocco/oba diversifo/ia, Pigeon Plum Co/ubrina elliptica, Soldierwood sensitive plants limited to the Keys, The freeze of January 20-22, 1985, Cordia g/obosa was a traumatic event for most of such as lignum vitae, joewood, Dodonea viscosa, Varnish leaf Florida's flora, especially for plants of Florida boxwood, and cinnamon Drypetes lateriflora, Guiana Plum tropical origin. While our tropical bark were undamaged. Although Erithalis fruticosa, Black Torch native species generally did not suffer typically sensitive plants like geiger Eugenia spp., Stoppers Exothea paniculata, Inkwood much damage in the remnants of tree, cocoplum, and paradise tree their natural habitats, the same suffered their expected damage, they Guapira longifo/ia, Blolly Hymenocallis spp., Spider lilies species grown outside of their were joined by normally tougher Lantana invo/ucrata, White lantana historic ranges often suffered severe plants like gumbo-limbo, satinleaf, Mastichodendron foetidissimum, Mastic injury. and wild coffee, which usually are Nephro/epsis spp., Sword Ferns Unfortunately, as the urbanization untouched by less severe freezes. Picramnia pentandra, Bitterbush and drainage of south Florida Shrubs and herbs native to tropical Peperomia spp., Peperomias pineland habitats were generally continues inland, more and more Pseudophoenix sargentii, Cherry Palm tropical natives will be used in areas badly damaged. The ratings are as Psidium longipes, long-stalked Stopper follows: Pteris longifo/ia, Pine Brake Fern where nature never intended them Sapindus saponaria, Soapberry to be.
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