Case 2:17-cv-06902 Document 6-2 Filed 09/20/17 Page 1 of 168 Page ID #:41 1 QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART & SULLIVAN, LLP Jeffery D. McFarland (Bar No. 157628) 2
[email protected] Shahin Rezvani (Bar No. 199614) 3
[email protected] Aaron Perahia (Bar No. 304554) 4
[email protected] 865 South Figueroa Street, 10th Floor 5 Los Angeles, California 90017-2543 Telephone: (213) 443 3000 6 Facsimile: (213) 443 3100 7 Attorneys for Plaintiff Farhad Safinia 8 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 11 WESTERN DIVISION 12 FARHAD SAFINIA, an individual, 13 Plaintiff, DECLARATION OF FARHAD SAFINIA IN SUPPORT OF HIS 14 vs. APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AND 15 VOLTAGE PICTURES, LLC, a ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE RE: California limited liability company; PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION 16 VOLTAGE PRODUCTIONS, LLC, a AND IMPOUNDMENT Nevada limited liability company; 17 CHRISTCHURCH PRODUCTIONS DAC, an Ireland designated activity Hearing Date: (None Set) 18 company; NICOLAS CHARTIER, an individual; and DOES 1 through 100, 19 inclusive, 20 Defendants. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 07822-00001/9482682.5 DECLARATION OF FARHAD SAFINIA ISO TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AND ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Case 2:17-cv-06902 Document 6-2 Filed 09/20/17 Page 2 of 168 Page ID #:42 1 I, Farhad Safinia, say that: 2 1. I am the Plaintiff in this action. I make this declaration of personal, 3 firsthand knowledge and, if called and sworn as a witness, I could and would testify 4 competently hereto. 5 2. I am a writer, producer, and director.