His Excellency the Most Reverend Christophe Pierre Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America
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Archdiocese of Indianapolis ____ The Church in Central and Southern Indiana MASS OF INSTALLATION AND INVESTITURE WITH THE PALLIUM His Excellency The Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson Seventh Archbishop of Indianapolis ✠ His Excellency The Most Reverend Christophe Pierre Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America ✠ Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul Indianapolis, Indiana The Twenty-eighth of July Two Thousand Seventeen Two o’Clock in the Afternoon His Holiness Pope Francis 2 3 His Excellency The Most Reverend Christophe Pierre Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America 4 5 His Excellency The Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson Archbishop of Indianapolis 6 7 PRELUDE Sinfonia Festiva Daniel E. Gawthrop (b. 1949) I. Allegro Moderato II. Adagio III. Scherzo Rendez à Dieu / Father, We Thank Thee arr. Claude Goudimel (1510‑1572) Father, we thank thee who has planted Thy holy name within our hearts. Knowlege and faith and life immortal Jesus thy Son to us imparts. Thou, Lord, didst make all for thy pleasure, Didst give us food for all our days. Giving in Christ the Bread eternal; Thine is the pow’r, be thine the praise. Watch o’er thy church, O Lord, in mercy, Save it from evil, guard it still, Perfect it in thy love, unite it, Cleansed and conformed unto thy will. As grain, once scatter’d on the hillsides, Was in this broken bread made one, So from all lands thy Church be gather’d Into thy kingdom by thy Son. 8 THE ORDER OF THE MASS NTRODUCTORY RITES Led by incense and theI Metropolitan Cross, the new Archbishop enters in procession accompanied by the College of Consultors, the Apostolic Nuncio, his brother bishops and all the attending ministers. PROCESSIONAL HYMN All the Earth ENTRANCE ANTIPHON arr. Richard Rice (b. 1961) See, I have God for my help. The Lord sustains my soul. I will sacrifice to you with willing heart, and praise your name, O Lord, for it is good. SIGN OF THE CROSS AND GREETING The Archbishop‑designate goes to another chair in the sanctuary. Then the Apostolic Nuncio begins the sign of the cross. Archbishop: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. All: Amen. Archbishop: Peace be with you. All: And with your spirit. WELCOME 9 ITE OF CANONICAL POSSESSION READINGR OF THE APOSTOLIC MANDATE His Excellency, The Most Reverend Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America, reads the Apostolic Mandate from His Holiness Pope Francis, appointing His Excellency, The Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson as the Archbishop of Indianapolis. INSPECTION OF THE APOSTOLIC MANDATE A ministering deacon gives the instruction for the mandate to be inspected: Deacon: Let the College of Consultors examine the Apostolic Mandate. The ministering deacon stands and takes the Apostolic Mandate and shows it to the consultors. All others remain seated. After showing the mandate to the consultors, the ministering deacon gives the instruction for the mandate to be shown to the people: Deacon: Let the Apostolic Mandate be shown to the people. The Archbishop‑designate then walks among the people, showing them the Apostolic Mandate. ACCEPTANCE OF THE APOSTOLIC MANDATE After the reading of the Apostolic Mandate, the Apostolic Nuncio questions the Archbishop‑designate: Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson, you have heard the letter of His Holiness, Pope Francis. You are called by the Holy Spirit to serve almighty God and the people of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis in faith and in love as their shepherd. Having already accepted the appointment of the Holy Father, are you willing to serve the people of this archdiocese in the tradition of the Apostolic faith of the Church? 10 The Archbishop‑designate stands and responds: With faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and with the love of God in my heart, I do accept the pastoral care of the People of God in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. I resolve to serve faithfully the spiritual needs of this local Church. The assembly responds: All applaud. INVESTITURE WITH THE PALLIUM Archbishop Pierre takes the Pallium from the deacon and places it on the shoulders of Archbishop Thompson, while he says a prayer. PRESENTATION OF THE APOSTOLIC LETTER/THE RECORDING OF THE CANONICAL ACTION Archbishop Pierre presents the letter to Annette “Mickey” Lentz, Chancellor, who officially records the appointment of the new Archbishop as the new ordinary of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. INSTALLATION AT THE CATHEDRA Archbishop Pierre escorts Archbishop Thompson to the cathedra, the chair that gives a cathedral its name. ACCLAMATION The people of God show their support and joy with applause. 11 WELCOMING BY REPRESENTATIVES At the conclusion the Rite of Canonical Possession, Archbishop Thompson is greeted by members of the local clergy, religious, and representatives of the Catholic faithful who will offer a sign of reverence and a word of welcome. Representatives of other Christian communities, faith traditions, and the government will offer words of welcome and collaborative support for the common good of all in the archdiocese. Representatives include: PRESBYTERATE CATECHETICAL MINISTRY Reverend Stephen W. Giannini Ms. Elizabeth Davis Ms. Augusta McMonigal PERMANENT DIACONATE COMMUNITY Deacon David and Leslie Bartolowits INTERCULTURAL COMMUNITY Ms. Giselle Duron CONSECRATED LIFE Mr. Ambrose Kap Sr. Jennifer Mechtild Horner, OSB Mr. Charles Williams Br. Bob Baxter OFM Conv. ECUMENICAL AND INTERFAITH PARISH LIFE COORDINATORS REPRESENTATIVES Sr. Joan Slobig, SP Rabbi Brett Krichiver, Senior Rabbi Ms. Barb Black Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation MARRIED LIFE Habibe Ali, Interim Secretary General Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Mr. & Mrs. Steven And Pauline Lancaster Right Reverend Jennifer Baskerville‑Burrows MINISTRY TO YOUNG ADULTS Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis Mr. Andrew Costello Rev. Dr. Timothy M. James, Associate General Minister Ms. Emma Lashley Administrative Secretary to the National Mr. Logan Struewing Convocation, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) MINISTRY TO YOUTH Rev. Dr. William O. Gafkjen, Bishop, Indiana‑Kentucky Synod, ELCA Ms. Maria Romero CIVIC LEADERS SPECIAL NEEDS COMMUNITY Honorable Joseph Hogsett, Mayor of Indianapolis The Lorenz family Chief Justice Loretta H. Rush, The Supreme Court CATHOLIC SCHOOL MINISTRY of Indiana Ms. Nancy Buening 12 GLORIA Festal Gloria Glo ry- to God in the high est,- and on Glo - ry to God in the high - est, and on earth peace to peo ple- of good will. earth peace to peo - ple of good will. Music: Donald Fellows, ©2013 Birnamwood Publications. Music: Donald Fellows, ©2013 Birnamwood Publications. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth Gloria a Dios en el cielo, y en la tierra paz peace to people of good will. a los hombres que ama el Señor. 1. We praise you, 1. Por tu inmensa gloria te alabamos, we bless you, te bendecimos, we adore you, te adoramos, we glorify you, te glorificamos, we give you thanks for your great glory, te damos gracias, Lord God, heavenly King, Señor Dios, Rey celestial, O God, almighty Father. Dios Padre todopoderoso. 2. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, 2. Señor, Hijo único, Jesucristo; L ord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Señor Dios, Cordero de Dios, Hijo Father, del Padre; you take away the sins of the world, tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, have mercy on us; ten piedad de nosotros; you take away the sins of the world, tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, receive our prayer; atiende nuestra súplica; y ou are seated at the right hand of the tú que estás sentado a la derecha Father, del Padre, have mercy on us. ten piedad de nosotros; 3. For you alone are the Holy One, 3. porque sólo tú eres Santo, you alone are the Lord, sólo tú Señor, y ou alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, sólo tú Altísimo, Jesucristo, with the Holy Spirit, con el Espíritu Santo in the glory of God the Father. en la gloria de Dios Padre. Amen. Amén. COLLECT 13 ITURGY OF THE WORD FIRST READING L Exodus 20:1-17 En aquellos días, el Señor promulgó estos preceptos para su pueblo en el monte Sinaí, diciendo: "Yo soy el Señor, tu Dios, que te sacó de la tierra de Egipto y de la esclavitud. No tendrás otros dioses fuera de mí; no te fabricarás ídolos ni imagen alguna de lo que hay arriba, en el cielo, o abajo, en la tierra, o en el agua, y debajo de la tierra. No adorarás nada de eso ni le rendirás culto, porque yo, el Señor, tu Dios, soy un Dios celoso, que castiga la maldad de los padres en los hijos hasta la tercera y cuarta generación de aquellos que me odian; pero soy misericordioso hasta la milésima generación de aquellos que me aman y cumplen mis mandamientos. No harás mal uso del nombre del Señor, tu Dios, porque no dejará el Señor sin castigo a quien haga mal uso de su nombre. Acuérdate de santificar el sábado. Seis días trabajarás y en ellos harás todos tus quehaceres; pero el día séptimo es día de descanso, dedicado al Señor, tu Dios. No harás en él trabajo alguno, ni tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu esclavo, ni tu esclava, ni tus animales, ni el forastero que viva contigo. Porque en seis días hizo el Señor el cielo, la tierra, el mar y cuanto hay en ellos, pero el séptimo, descansó. Por eso bendijo el Señor el sábado y lo santificó. Honra a tu padre y a tu madre para que vivas largos años en la tierra que el Señor, tu Dios, te va a dar. No matarás. No cometerás adulterio. No robarás. No darás falso testimonio contra tu prójimo. No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, ni a su mujer, ni a su esclavo, ni a su esclava, ni su buey, ni su burro ni cosa alguna que le pertenezca''.