Excellency, Mr. Kofi Annan Secretary General, the United Nations
08/97/00 MON 12:16 FAX 2123714360 UNHQ TELECOM Council for the Excellency, Mr. Kofi Annan Interfaith Call for Secretary General, The United Nations Universal Religious 8/6/00 freedom and New York, NY 10017 Freedom of Worship in Tibet Your Excellency, EXECUTIVE D1RECTQR- I'm writing you now with a proposal, a way you might regain the SUPPOHTERS roorai high ground that you and Bawa Jain so clearly lost after Ngarf Rinpocha that indefensible decision to accede to demands and pressure from BROTHER » ADWSOR TO HH, the Chinese government by excluding His Holiness, the Dalai THE DALAI LAMA ________ _2SC ---- _u~~-^—- ^.^-c^^^Jff- ...... l.-^- ,-.^™^™^- .r-.... .*5_-- .----- -.--- -—.,. .----------- -~ - -.^1 -.. -.-•••.. ...... ~---~ •—i^-^-,—- ^ -- r- -. todl Qyarl Mnpoche Lama, from the Millennium Peace Summit. SPECIAL ENVOY OF DALAI LAMA Manl»h Shah JAIN SOCIEtY Of CHICAGO I find myself swimming in so many mixed feelings - outrage, Raw. Marcua Braybrook* gratitude, revulsion, hope - and it was both astonishing and WORLD CONGRESS OF FAITHS encouraging to see how many people shared these feelings and Pi ofoe*or Diana E«k PLURALISM PROJECT HARVARD wanted to express them. Arun Gandhi M.K. GANDHI INSTITUTE Two weeks ago> I started a petition about this issue over the Dr. hfm Ahmad Khan ISLAMIC COUNCIL. CWCASO internet, and in that short space of time, over 4500 people have Rttbfa) Herman Schoolman TEMPl£ EMANUEL, CHICAGO written hack to sign the petition; we expect that by the end of two Re«, Jaim* Park* Morton more weeks, over 10,000 peo^^ple^ an astonis PfiES. NY INTERFAITH CENTER signed it. People wrote in from all over die world, mostly spiritual Brother Wayne Teaadaie RARLlAMENT/wOflLD SELISIONS people, some with no titles, some fairly prominent - like Nobel Sister Joan Klrby Laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Mairead Maguire, and TEMPLE OP UNDERSTANDING Barbara Bernataki Congressman Tom Lantos, co-chair of the Congression Human ASSN GLOBAL NEW THOUGHT Rights Watch and the only Holocaust Survivor serving in Marianne Wllllamaon Congress.
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