Established 1914

Volume XV, Number 153 5th Waxing of Tawthalin 1369 ME Sunday, 16 September, 2007 Senior General Than Shwe sends message of felicitations to Mexican President

NAY P YI T AW, 16 Sept — Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Felipe Calderon, President of the United Mexican States, on the anniversary of the Independence of the United Mexican States which falls on 16 September 2007. — MNA

Acting Prime Minister and Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein congratulates Mr Viktor Zubkov NAY PYI TAW, 15 Sept — Lt-Gen Thein Sein, Acting Prime Minister and Secretary- 1 of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of congratulations to His Excellency Mr Viktor Zubkov, on his appointment as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on 14 September 2007. — MNA Trophy of AFF Women’s Championship. Myanmar crown AFF Women’s Championship

YANGON, 15 Sept — Myanmar Women’s Na- emony were Daw Khin Thet Htay, wife of Lt-Gen Federation U Zaw Zaw and officials. tional Team beat Thai Women’s National Team 5-2 in Myint Swe of the Ministry of Defence, Daw Mar Mar In the third place match that commenced the final match of the 3rd AFF Women’s Champion- Wai, wife of the commander, Chairman of Myanmar at 3 pm, Vietnamese Women’s Team routed Malaysian ship at Youth Training Centre, here, this evening. Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Women’s Team 6-0. Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and De- Thura Aye Myint, Deputy Chief Justice U Thein Soe, The final match opened with singing the na- velopment Council Commander of Yangon Command members of the MOC and their wives, Chairperson tional anthems of Myanmar and Thailand. In the match, Maj-Gen Hla Htay Win attended the third place match, Daw Aye Aye of the Central Working Committee for both Myanmar and Thai teams could not score any the final match and the prize presentation ceremony of Myanmar Women’s Sports Federation, Ambassadors goal till the final whistle. In the extra time, Myanmar the Championship. and Charges d’Affaires ai of ASEAN member coun- scored the opening goal, and Thai women’s Also present at the prize presentation cer- tries to Myanmar, President of Myanmar Football (See page 8)

Myanmar women players celebrate victory lifting high the championship trophy. — NLM Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

16-9-07 NL 1 7/29/18, 02:35 PM 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire Sunday, 16 September, 2007 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation Extend export of quality * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State species of fish and prawn * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy Today, human consumption of fish and F & R Minister inspects Foreign Minister felicitates prawn is on the increase owing to its high nutrition content and being healthy food. If arrangements for opening Mexican counterpart compared with other kinds of meat, fish is training courses NAY PYI TAW, 16 Sept — U Nyan Win, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, easier to cook, and fish demand is getting YANGON, 15 Sept — Minister for Finance and Revenue Maj-Gen Hla Tun visited the customs ware- has sent a message of felicitations to Her Excellency higher as a result. house at Yangon International Airport this morning. Ambassador Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, Minister In Myanmar, Taninthayi, Ayeyawady After hearing the reports presented by departmental of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States, on the anniversary of the Independence of the United and Yangon divisions are largest producers officials, the minister gave necessary instructions and Mexican States which falls on 16 September 2007. of marine products such as fish and prawn. inspected the warehouse. Next, accompanied by officials, the minister MNA Other states and divisions also breed fish went to the office of Myanmar Banks Association and reported on preparations for opening the training and prawn from small scale to commercial inspected arrangements being made for conducting courses. Later, the minister gave necessary instruc- scale based on the existence of dams, creeks courses on banking services. Vice-Governor U Maung tions and inspected the lecture halls and language lab. Maung Win of the Central Bank of Myanmar and A diploma course on banking will be opened soon at and lakes in the regions concerned. Rector U Kan Zaw of Yangon Institute of Economics the office of Myanmar Banks Association. — MNA The Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries is rendering technical assistance to the fish- ery entrepreneurs for encouraging exten- sive production of fish and prawn, satisfying local demand, and exporting the fish sur- plus. Apart from accelerating the fishery in- dustry, the Ministry is engaged in coastal and offshore fishery. Taninthayi Division produces more ma- rine products than any other state or divi- sion. Such sea products as fish, prawn, crab and eel are well marketable. Minister for Finance and Revenue Maj-Gen Hla Tun delivers an address at meeting on opening Now, local fishery entrepreneurs are step- of Banking Service Diploma Course. — F&R ping up the breeding of first-growing species Mayangon Township USDA holds Annual General Meeting of fish and prawn, gudgeon, Tilapia, rohu YANGON, 15 Sept — The annual general meeting of who had passed the matriculation examination. and lobster are fast-growing species with Mayangon Township Union Solidarity and Develop- The Minister presented a set of computer and books good taste, so, they are in high demand. ment Association was held at Kyaikwaing Youth Train- worth K 50,000 to Township USDA Secretary Daw Khin ing Centre in the township this evening, with an address Than Nwe. National fishery entrepreneurs are, there- by CEC member of the USDA Minister for Religious The minister and Secretary U Aye Myint accepted fore, urged to extend the breeding of quality Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung. donations. Wellwishers from Bayintnaung Brokerage species of fish and prawn to meet local de- Also present were Secretary of Yangon Division donated K 200,000 for maintenance of No 25 BEPS in mand and to export more marine products. USDA U Aye Myint, executive members, Secretary of Mayangon Township. District USDA U Nay Win, departmental personnel, Secretary Daw Khin Than Nwe presented longyis members of social organizations, wellwishers and and cash for Ward USDA and Kyaikwaing Youth Train- guests. ing Centre. USDA member students sang a song “Eternal Union”. Next, executives submitted the respective reports to The CEC member and the Secretary of Yangon the meeting. Division USDA presented prizes to outstanding students MNA

Executive Committee Chairman Lt-Col Kyaw Shein (Retd) of Hninzigon Home for the Aged accepts K 100,000 donated by Daw Thaung of Zeyathukha Road in Ward A of Thingangyun CEC member Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung addresses Township. — H Annual General Meeting 2007 of Mayangon Township USDA. — MNA

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I N T E R N A T I O N A L N E W S Tut\kun\N˙s\S tiu;®mHc\.Âk

2008 Beijing Olympic Games to widely use solar energy BEIJING, 14 Sept — the Chinese People’s About 40 million Solar power will be widely Political Consultative Chinese households, or applied during the 2008 Conference (CPPCC), 150 million Chinese Beijing Olympic Games, said about 90 per cent of people, now use solar according to a senior all the hot water used in energy in their daily lives. government official. the Olympic village will According to the Li Zhonghai, senior be solar heated and 80 to People’s Daily, is official with the China 90 per cent of street lights the world’s biggest user Association for Standar- around the Olympic of solar water heating. Fol- dization and member of venues will also be solar lowing the implementa- the National Committee of powered. tion of the Renewable Norwegian chess Energy Law in 2006, genius Magnus China’s solar heating Carlsen, 16, market is valued at tens of The Burj tower in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, still under construction, is poses with a billions of yuan and has seen in 17 Aug, 2007 file photo. The Burj will become the world’s tallest chess board in provided hundreds of building by next year. The Burj Dubai surpassed Canada’s Toronto-based CN Oslo, on 13 Sept, thousand jobs, said the Tower on 13 Sept, 2007, which at 555.3 metres (1,822 feet), had been the 2007. Carlsen newspaper. world’s tallest free-standing structure since 1976, the developers said in a became an MNA/Xinhua press release. — INTERNET international grandmaster at British TV chef’s brother jailed in Bali for heroin 13 years, four DENPASAR, 14 Sept — arrested in February after judge Wayan Merta said later told the hearing that months and 27 An Indonesian court entering a supermarket in in a district court hearing he would “think about the days and is now sentenced the brother of Bali's main tourist strip, in Bali’s capital, verdict for a week” before 17th in the World British celebrity chef Kuta. Police said they Denpasar. Ramsay has deciding whether to file Chess Federa- Gordon Ramsay to 10 seized 100 milligrammes already spent six months an appeal. The defendant's tion’s ranking of months in prison on Thurs- of heroin from him. in prison, which means he brother, Gordon Ramsay, the world’s top day for heroin possession A panel of judges has another four months is known as the bad boy of players. on the resort island of Bali. found Ramsay guilty of to serve in Denpasar’s celebrity chefs, and his INTERNET Ronald Ramsay was heroin possession and Kerobokan Prison. cooking programme sentenced Ramsay to 10 Ramsay frowned and “Kitchen Nightmares” is months in jail and a five- shook his head when the shown on British and Thailand to ban reporting on million-rupiah (531.6- verdict was announced. American television. domestic violence US-dollar) fine, head Through his interpreter he MNA/Reuters BANGKOK, 14 Sept— of police investigators. the ban on news reports UAE’s Thuraya considers The Domestic-Violence Suwit Khantharoj, who was intended to keep Victim Protection Act of heads the Social Deve- families from falling apart. launching back-up satellite Thailand is going to bar lopment and Human He was quoted by local ABU DHABI, 14 Sept based Sea Launch part of the company’s media from reporting on Security Ministry’s Office news group The Nation as — Thuraya Satellite Tele- Company. plans to expand coverage domestic violence cases of Women’s Affairs and saying that news coverage communications Com- Following the launch of to many countries, after they reach the hands Family Development, said sometimes stood between pany of the United Arab Thuraya-3, the company including China, , family members who A man rides his bike through a flooded street Emirates (UAE) is con- expects to start commercial Korea, Malaysia, could have otherwise in the Uptown section of New Orleans, on sidering launching a back- services in Asia Pacific Vietnam, Indonesia, the reconciled. According to 13 Sept, 2007. Tropical Storm Humberto up satellite to support its Region before the end of Philippines and Australia. Suwit, the act will take dumped heavy rain on much of Louisiana, Thuraya-2 and Thuraya 3 this year. The satellite is MNA/Xinhua effect on 13 November . flooding streets as it lumbered across the satellites, local new- MNA/Xinhua state.—INTERNET spaper Khaleej Times reported on Thursday. Thuraya is considering “a back-up satellite depending on the success of Thuraya-3,” the company’s CEO Yousuf Al Sayed was quoted as saying. “Currently we are in discussions with a number of manufacturers, but have not yet decided on one,” he added. According to Sayed, the Thuraya-3 satellite is Director Alison Eastwood smiles during a news scheduled to be launched conference for the movie “Rails & Ties” at the on 28 October from the 32nd Toronto International Film Festival in Pacific Ocean by the US- Toronto on 14 Sept, 2007.—INTERNET

16-9-07 NL 3 7/29/18, 02:35 PM 4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007 sk\mOs∑m\;Aa; eKt\ek¥a\lWa;

Iraqi al-Qaeda issues video of US pilot killed in crash

DUBAI, 14 Sept — An remains found at the site And his deception al-Qaeda-led group in Iraq of the crash, according to continues,” the insurgent appealed to Americans on a US military website. said on the video, issued Thursday to reject the “It is your President shortly before a major policies of President (who is responsible). The speech by Bush on his Iraq George W Bush and one who deceived you policies. issued a video apparently regarding the war in Iraq. MNA/Reuters showing the remains of a US pilot killed in a crash last year. The video posted on the Internet by the media Russia’s Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov (Middle) holds a bouquet of flowers arm of the Islamic State after being confirmed in the lower house of parliament, the State Duma, in in Iraq showed the body Moscow on 14 Sept, 2007. — XINHUA of a dead man in a flight suit wearing a parachute Malaysia looks at tougher rules harness and lying in an open area. to save coastal birds “O people of America, KUALA LUMPUR, 14 conservation group vals are now being looked Iraq has taken many of Sept — Malaysia vowed Wetlands International at very seriously by all your soldiers and Bush is on Tuesday to toughen said. state governments.” the cause of this,” said an environmental rules for Malaysia will tighten The state of off-camera insurgent on coastal development environmental regula- Malaysia’s vanishing the video, which also projects after a study tions to avoid similar wetlands mirrored the included footage of Iraqi showed a drop in bird future mistakes, Environ- situation with its 189 river children it said were killed numbers following re- ment Minister Azmi basins, just half of which in a US airstrike. clamation that destroyed Khalid said. were still intact, while The video also showed their homes in mangroves “Of course, wetlands, another 5 per cent were an Air Force ID card and wetlands. people have turned that too polluted for even a bearing the name of Farms, homes and into prawn farms, fish fish to survive, Azmi said. Troy Gilbert, a US pilot Earthquake affected residents get medical attention industry have sprung up farms, without regard,” he “In the process of whose plane crashed in Lais, Indonesia. Rescue workers in Indonesia along Malaysia’s coasts, said at a function in the development we have in November 2006. rushed aid across Sumatra on Friday after massive depriving migratory birds Malaysian capital. overlooked these issues,” Originally listed as earthquakes killed 14 people there and shocks of key winter homes, “But today we are he added. missing, he was declared frightened thousands of survivors into camping leading to a 22-per-cent aware, my god, we have MNA/Reuters dead based on human outdoors.—INTERNET fall in the number of done the wrong thing. So shorebirds recorded in the now governments are very two decades to 2006, aware of this. All appro- Paper says Russia developing top-secret submarine MOSCOW, 14 Sept — new hardware that was Dologruky nuclear 20120 and the secrecy More nurses demanded Russia could be deve- shelved because of a lack submarine, its first new- around it suggested it loping a top-secret new of cash after the collapse generation submarine contained technology that in Bangladesh type of submarine capable of the Soviet Union. since the end of Soviet was radically different DHAKA, 14 Sept — system will collapse of patrolling underwater Earlier this year, rule. Kommersant said the from any submarines in Poor ratio between doctors without nurses and longer than existing Russia launched the Yuri specifications for the service.— MNA/Reuters and nurses in Bangladesh paramedics,” Shefayet diesel-powered sub- is impeding the country’s said. marines, a Russian health services, local According to an newspaper said on newspaper The Indepen- estimate, there is only one Wednesday. dent reported Thursday. nurse per eight hospital The project — There should be at least beds in Bangladesh that codenamed 20120 — three nurses posted against severely deprives the came to light when details a doctor, according to patients from proper were inadvertantly post- the World Health health care. ed on the Internet site Organization (WHO) “It should be one nurse of a provincial town, standard. “But in per four patients,” said Kommersant newspaper Bangladesh, there are Shahjahan Hawlader, reported. The posting has 43,000 registered doctors general secretary of now been taken down and against 21,000 nurses,” Bangladesh Nurses the Navy denied any Health Ministry official Association (BNA). knowldege of the project. Khandaker M Shefayet “In some special cases Russia is boosting Ullah was quoted as as in intensive care units, military spending to saying. the ratio should be one back up its increasingly San Diego Zoo veterinarians examine a four-pound (1.8-kg) Giant Panda cub at “The role of nurses in nurse for one patient,” he assertive foreign policy. the San Diego Zoo’s Giant Panda Research Station on 13 Sept, 2007. Zoo health services is very added. That has allowed it to veterinarians confirmed on Thursday that the panda cub is a girl. Following important. The health MNA/Xinhua resume work developing Chinese tradition, she will receive her name after she is 100 days old.—INTERNET

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E C O N O M I C N E W S Chrysler to recall 369,000 vehicles for problems due to brake problem involves Jeep Grand Cherokee and Jeep Commander SUVs for the 2006 and 2007 model years and the 2007 Jeep Wrangler and Dodge Nitro. Chrysler spokesman Max Gates said that an error in the electronic braking system could cause momentary braking delays on hills, adding the company has had about 20 reports of such problems. In another separate case, Chrysler said Jeep Commander SUV it will recall 72,333 model year 2008 Dodge Avenger sedans and Chrysler WASHINGTON, 14 Sept — Chrysler Sebring convertibles to address problems A technician “talks” to a robot on the opening day of the WIRED NextFest LLC said on Friday it is recalling almost with the front door latches and locks. 2007 exhibition in Los Angeles, the United States, on 13 Sept, 2007. 369,000 vehicles to address potential The company said no injuries have Organized by the WIRED Magazine, the annual WIRED NextFest exhibition problems in brake system and front door been reported in the two cases and owners has brought together inventors from around the world to showcase the latches and locks. will be notified beginning in September innovations in communication, design, entertainment, energy, environment The automaker said the first recall and October respectively.—Internet protection, medicine, robotics, security and transportation.—XINHUA Backgrounder: World Chinese Iran resumes gas export to Turkey ANKARA, 14 Sept— supplies cutoff on Sunday, The Turkish Petroleum Entrepreneurs Convention Iran restarted to pump the semi-official Anatolia Pipeline Corporation KOBE (JAPAN), 15 Sept country. from over 70 countries natural gas to Turkey on news agency reported. (BOTAS) confirmed the — Over 3,000 ethnic The WCEC was first and regions attending the Thursday following a Turkish Energy and blast in a statement on Chinese entrepreneurs held 1991 in Singapore. convention in 2001. large explosion damaged Natural Resources Monday, without giving from around the world Since then, it has been held Internet the pipeline and caused Ministry sources were details about the cause of gathered Saturday in in Hong Kong, China, quoted as saying that Iran the explosion. Kobe, Japan to attend Bangkok, Thailand, had started to pump Stressing that the the 9th World Chinese Vancouver, Canada, natural gas early Thursday suspension of Iranian Entrepreneurs Con- Melbourne, Australia, after the pipeline was natural gas was temporary, vention (WCEC). Nanjing, China, Kuala repaired. The natural gas the BOTAS said “gas The biennial conven- Lumpur, Malaysia, Seoul, flow was halted when the supply from other sources tion, held at Kobe on 15- Republic of Korea, pipeline was damaged in increased and a balance of 16 Sept and Osaka on promoting local as well as the blast that occurred near demand and supply was the 17th, is aimed at regional and national Dogubeyazit town of reached so that no promoting exchanges economy of the host eastern Turkey’s Agri consumer was placed in a among global ethnic countries. Province bordering Iran disadvantageous position”. Chinese as well as those Till now, the Nanjing and caused a huge fire. MNA/Xinhua between Chinese and WCEC was of the largest A grand boat show on the people of the host scale, with 4,700people the Dongting Lake Malaysia expected to receive more Suzuki Indonesia recalls marks the start of the 2007 Hunan Tourism funds for biodiversity project Festival in Yueyang, KUALA LUMPURE, 14 vironmental conservation (JICA) is expected to over 14,000 cars Sept — Malaysia is programmes and activities spend about 10 million northeastern Hunan, JAKARTA,15 Sept—PT are potentially broken due expected to receive more in the Borneo Island. ringgit (2.86 million US on 12 Sept, 2007. Indomobil Suzuki Inter- to unexpected frictions funds in the next five years Japan International dollars) for the Bornean national, the Indonesian with the gear housing. XINHUA to carry out various en- Cooperation Agency Biodiversity and Eco- branch of Japanese car- Indomobil spokesman systems Conservation maker Suzuki, plans to Priyo Kurnianto told the (BBEC) Phase II project, recall 14,452 cars in daily the free repair according to Bernama, Indonesia due to me- would take only one hour Malaysia’s state news chanical problem in the per car. agency, on Tuesday. transmission system, local MNA/Xinhua JICA’s director-general Press said Friday. of global environment The recall affects 9,954 Stunt performer Wang department, Takafumi Ito, Aerio hatchbacks manu- Chuntai pulls four was quoted as saying that factured in 2002-06 and people in a minicar the project cost was cut by 4,498 Baleno sedans with a rope attached to half compared to the 20 produced in 2003-06, his nose on a street in million ringgit (5.71 reported leading eco- Haikou, South China’s million US dollars) in the nomic daily Bisnis Hainan Province, on last five years under Indonesia. 13 Sept, 2007. He BBEC Phase I because Indomobil said the the equipment and facili- pulled the car nearly 10 recall aims to replace some ties used under the first meters in 10 seconds. small parts in the phase project were still INTERNET transmission system that available.— MNA/Xinhua

16-9-07 NL 5 7/29/18, 02:35 PM 6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007 Aid, cash pledged for Indonesia quake victims SINGAPORE, 14 Sept— Aid agencies have pledged cash and rushed teams to assess damage and help the injured after a major earthquake and a series of powerful aftershocks shook Indonesia’s Sumatra Island. US-based Catholic “We are concerned emergency medical teams Relief Services said it has about the vulnerability in and transport critical relief committed an initial rural villages, where the items to the affected areas,” 50,000 US dollars to the houses are modest and less said Foreign Minister earthquake recovery equipped to withstand Alexander Downer. effort. massive impact,” he added. “Australia is in constant “Between the earth- Australia pledged 50,000 contact with the Gov- quakes and afterscks, the Australia dollars (42,000 ernment of Indonesia and damage seems to be more US dollars) in emergency stands ready to provide widespread than initially aid on Thursday through further assistance if thought,” CRS Indonesia the Indonesian chapter of requested,” Downer said Two boys experience a brain wave test at the “brainball” section on the Country Director Rich the International Red in a statement. opening day of the WIRED NextFest 2007 exhibition in Los Angeles, the Balmadier said in a Cross. “This assistance will MNA/Reuters United States, on 13 Sept, 2007. — XINHUA statement carried on help in early impact Reuters AlertNet website assessments and to support Children in central Nepal ( deployment of Indonesian given vaccines in fear of polio Beijing to clean up KATHMANDU, 14 Sept — Eighty-five children in central Nepal were administered polio drops after restaurant slops business a child was found with polio syndrome, Nepali national news agency RSS reported on Thursday. BEIJING, 14 Sept — China’s capital plans to revamp the collection of restaurant waste and According to the District Public Health Office eventually phase out vendors who ply Beijing’s (DPHO) of Nuwakot District, some 30 kilometres north of capital Kathmandu, a two-year-old boy of eateries buying scraps used for pig swill, a local Okharpauwa Village Development Committee (VDC) newspaper reported. was found with symptoms of polio. The doctors, after The city’s many will begin phasing out the suspecting polio, sent the boy to Kanti Children’s thousands of restaurants vast informal trade and Hospital in the capital city. sustain an Army of poor replace it with “unified In order to prevent the spread of polio in the area, migrant workers who use collection” by specialized other children were administered with polio drops to barrels placed on often contractors, the Beijing control the disease, DPHO added. filthy three-wheel cycles Morning Post reported on Nepali Department of Health (DH) had resumed to buy uneaten food, Thursday. immunization campaign against polio from 2006 after cooking oil and kitchen “This means that the a few cases of the disease were detected in some areas scraps. They take the privately owned swill in Indo-Nepal border areas. smelly loads to the city’s carts will in the future bid Sunni tribal leader Abdul Sattar Abu Risha shakes The campaign was stopped in Nepal from 2000- outskirts, where the refuse farewell to Beijing,” the hands with President Bush during a meeting in 2004 as no polio patients were seen in the country. is sold for pig feed and — paper said. ‘ Anbar Province, Iraq, in this 3 Sept, 2007 file MNA/Xinhua despite food safety rules The phase-out will photo. Abu Risha, who was instrumental in — the oil is recycled for begin at Olympic Games driving al Qaeda out of Iraq’s Anbar province, Giuliani slams Hillary cooking, soaps and other venues, a well-known was killed by a bomb attack on 13 Sept , 2007, less goods. chain of Peking duck than two weeks after he met Bush. Abu Risha was over Iraq war criticism With the 2008 Olympic restaurants and over 100 killed near his home in Ramadi, capital of Anbar. W ASHINGTON, 15 Sept Clinton, who has Games looming and the hotels that have singed He was the most influential leader of an alliance — Republican US called for early withdrawal country’s food hygiene deals to receive Olympic of Sunni Arab tribes that joined forces with US presidential front-runner of US troops, said during under tough scrutiny, city Games guests the paper troops to push al Qaeda from much of the western Rudy Giuliani bought a a Senate hearing with officials have said they said.—MNA/Reuters region. —INTERNET full-page advertisement in Petraeus on Tuesday that Residents carry The New York Times on his report outlining salvaged material Friday accusing the progress in the war required “a willing from their households leading Democrat, Senator Hillary Clinton, suspension of disbelief”. in Ikorodu of “spewing political Giuliani, who built neighbourhood of venom” for comments she his reputation as a former Nigeria’s main city of made in the debate over mayor of New York where Lagos, on 5 Aug, the Iraq war. he was tough on crime and 2007File photo. The unusual and praised for his leadership Floods from torrential vituperative adver- after the September 11 rains have killed at tisement followed a week attacks, has backed Bush’s least 41 more people, of partisan exchanges over policy of vigorously displaced thousands, President George W. prosecuting the war. and devastated crops Bush’s policy of In the advertisement and livestock across maintaining high levels of he declared: “These times sub-Saharan Africa, US troops in Iraq, based call for statesmanship, not officials said on on an assessment by the politicians spewing Friday. US commander General political venom.” INTERNET David Petraeus. MNA/Reuters

16-9-07 NL 6 7/29/18, 02:35 PM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007 7 Myanma Railways providing rail transportation services at reasonable fares Aung (Myanma Railways)

On 18 September 1988, the Tatmadaw A train seen Travelling by train took up State duties and on then laid down the four Namhsan- costs less, but ensures major tasks, one of which was to ensure Hsaikkhaung security and con- secure and smooth railroad transport. Despite the with the venience. Therefore, the practice of the market- oriented economic mountain people have relied on system, it is now range in the spending and rail transportation in subsidising huge State background. funds in the social, MR successive periods. health, education and transport sectors for kyats and for the on board the trains four well-being of the distance between Dagon times a day— at 9 am, 1 Local people. University and pm, 5 pm and 9 pm. national Fuel prices have University of Travelling by train races are gone up again, but they Economics, 230 kyats, costs less, but ensures are not expensive if less than the cost of security and convenience. satisfied compared with that in even a cup of tea. It Therefore, the people with the neighbouring countries indicates the have relied on rail rail and many other government’s transportation in countries, as evidenced benevolent attitude successive periods. transpor- by Notification No 2/ towards the students. In order to improve tation 2007 dated 8 September The transport charges the transport services, service.

Nay Pyi MR

During the same period, nation at reasonable put into commission on Taw- the number of stations fares. With a view to 25 May 2006. has increased from 487 ensuring swift And due to the to 806, and that of commodity flow and launch of many other Yangon bridges, large and small, smooth transportation of train schedules, Dawei from 5650 to 9700. the people of the regions in the southern part of Express. Smooth transpor- of different directions the nation is easily tation is an indicator of with Nay Pyi Taw as the accessible by train from economic growth as well centre, the MR launched Myitkyina in the MR as progress in the No 107 Up train and No northern part of the education, social and 108 Down train between nation. 2007 released by the for 10 viss (about 36 lbs) the Tatmadaw health sectors and Nay Pyi Taw and Bagan, In a day, the MR Information Committee are rated at only 10 kyats, government since 1988 prevalence of law and and No 101 Up train and operates 40 express of the State Peace and and children have to pay has been constructing order. In addition, it No 102 Down train runs, 22 postal train Development Council. a fixed price of only five transport facilities fosters the relations, unity between Nay Pyi Taw runs, 64 passenger train Now, the MR kyats for the ticket. In the throughout the nation. and Union spirit of and Kyaukpadaung on 18 and wagon train runs, 72 operates 191 circular rush hours between 8 am As a result, the length national races. May 2006. Besides, No short-trip train runs and train runs every day and 10 am and between of railroads rose to The express and 109 Up train and No 110 191 circular train runs at especially in rush hours 4 pm and 6 pm, loads that 3048.86 miles, up from postal trains ply between Down train between Nay reasonable fares round with the train tickets take large space and 1976.35 miles in 1988. destinations across the Pyi Taw and Pyi were the clock. charging 10 kyats and heavy loads are not A cargo The MR is now 20 kyats for the comfort allowed on board circular expediting many and convenience of trains. train railway projects, and as Yangonites including For the transportation whose a result the people enjoy student and staff of circular train locomo- smooth transport, and commuters, thus commuters, the MR has commodity flow winning the reliance set up a check point each tive was becomes swifter with and trust of local in Kyimyindine, Insein, innovated rapid regional develop- commuters. Danyingon, Ma-hlwa- by the ment, thereby helping Monthly season gon and Thingangyun strengthen the unity ticket for the distance stations and MR officials Myanma among national races. between Yangon and staff check the Railways. (Translation: MS) Eastern University and condition of the Kyemon: 15-9-2007 Yangon is fixed at 460 passengers and they get MR ********

16-9-07 NL 7 7/29/18, 02:35 PM 8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007 Myanmar crown AFF Women’s Championship

(from page 1) team could equalize. On the penalty shoot-out, Myanmar scored four goals, while Thai team kicked once. Hence, Myanmar clinched the title by winning a 5-2 victory over Thai team. Thai women’s team had to be content with the second prize due to the fact that players of the Thai team could not compete with Myanmar players in harmonious efforts and sporting spirit. Myanmar women’s team played the match firing on all cylinders and won the cheers of spectators. Myanmar team that had blanked out Thai team 1-0 in the group match was able to score the leading goal in today’s match. At 2nd minute of the first extra time when Khin Moe Wai shot the leading goal for Myanmar, the packed spectators cheered up the Myanmar team with a thunderous applause. However, Thai team took an equalizer at the 15th minute of the Commander Maj-Gen Hla Htay Win and Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint seen first extra time. Till the final whistle, both teams could with victorious Myanmar Women’s Team. — NLM not score any more goal. On the penalty shoot-outs, Myanmar players kicked four goals and Thai team, once. As a result, Myanmar women’s team gets the chance to lift the championship trophy with a 5-2 result in the 3rd AFF Women’s Championship. Myanmar team was included in the group (B), and the team beat Singapore 3-0, Laos 7-0 and Thai team 1-0. Hence, Myanmar stood first on the standing table with nine points and three wins. As a result, Myanmar sailed to the semifinal. In competing the first semifinal match, Myanmar stunned Malaysian team with a 5-0 result. In five matches from the group to the final, Myanmar scored 17 goals without penalty shoot- outs and gave only one conceding goal. Enjoying the tumultous applause of the spectators, Myanmar players unitedly participated in the final match with sporting spirit. At the prize presentation ceremony, Vice- President of AFF Mr Ravy Khek presented prizes to referees who discharged duties in the final match. AFF Vice-President Pangiran Haji Mafusin Matasan gave the fairplay award to Vietnamese Women’s Team. President of MFF U Zaw Zaw handed individual trophies to players of third prize winning Vietnamese team. MOC Chairman Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented individual Myanmar women’s team poses for group photo before the final match. — NLM trophies to second prize winning Thai women’s team. Myan Commander Maj-Gen Hla Htay Win awarded Thousands of spectators enjoying final match between Myanmar and Thai women’s teams individual trophies and championship trophy to first at YTC. — NLM prize winning Myanmar Women’s Team. —MNA

16-9-07 NL 8 7/29/18, 02:36 PM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007 9 OUR LAND, OUR CUP

Commander Maj-Gen Hla Htay Win presents championship cup to Myanmar Team Captain San San Maw. —NLM

Myanmar Goalkeeper May Khin Yamin Than Than Htwe kisses the championship cup. celebrates victory lifting State Flag. —NLM NLM

Champion Myanmar Women’s Team joyfully poses for documentary photo. —NLM The photo shows crowded Myanmar spectators at stands of YTC.— NLM

16-9-07 NL 9 7/29/18, 02:36 PM 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007 Commander inspects Yezin Dam, Paunglaung Reservoir Lt-Gen Myint Hlaing looks … (from page 16) The commander presented video documents on systematic methods for growing sugarcane to departmental officials. Next, Lt-Gen Myint Hlaing explained the arrangements to distribute quality strains for extended cultivation of Hsinshweli sugarcane. He stressed the need for supply of water and participation of agricultural staff into educative activities. He called on local battalions and ministries to set up 10-acre model plantation and arrangements for extended cultivation of sugarcane. Later, Lt-Gen Myint Hlaing and party looked into thriving 10-acre model plantation, progress of plant propagation of quality sugarcane strains in Lamine plantation and cultivation of 100-acre plantation, and presented gifts to servicemen and their families. A total of 20, 000-ton of Hsinshweli sugarcane will be produced in Nay Pyi Taw Command this cultivation Commander Maj-Gen Wai Lwin inspects sluice gate of Yezin Dam.—MNA season. Arrangements are being made to disseminate NAY PYI TAW, 15 Sept—Commander of Nay spillways of the dam, the minister heard a report agricultural technology and to distribute quality Pyi Taw Command Maj-Gen Wai Lwin this morning presented by Director U Myo Myint Aung on work sugarcane strains. — MNA inspected Yezin Dam and Paunglaung Reservoir in carried out and future tasks, and fulfilled the Indian delegation concludes visit Nay Pyi Taw Pyinmana District. requirements. At Yezin Dam, the commander heard a report On arrival at Paunglaung Reservoir, the presented by Assistant Director U Myo Myint Aung of minister heard a report on progress of the project, Irrigation Department on supply of water by the dam maintenance tasks and supply of irrigated water to and maintenance tasks, and spoke of the need to farmland, and gave necessary instructions on systematic systematically maintain the dam and the effectively maintenance of the facility. use the irrigated water as the government had to spend After that, the commander inspected the a lot of funds on the construction of the facility. spillways of the reservoir and left there at 10.30 am. While inspecting the construction of the MNA Health Minister addresses … made in the activities of the Nutrition Week and such achievement can be attributed to the active (from page 16) participation of the entire national people. In He continued to say that the objectives of conclusion, the minister thanked those from the activities on the Nutrition Development Week are: Ministry of Mines, WHO, UNICEF, NGOs and To produce the iodized salt of high standard with entrepreneurs who contributed their services hand in added momentum, to continue the wider distribution hand with the Ministry of Health in enhancing the of Vitamin-A tablets, to get women to be well aware nutrition of mothers and children. of the advantage of taking folic acid, to get them to After the opening ceremony, the ministers and breastfeed up to six months, to develop the habit of the deputy ministers viewed documentary photos on Brig-Gen Kyaw Kyaw Tun bids farewell to taking wholesome foods in people according to their activities of the 2007 Nutrition Development Week, Lieutenant General MS Dadwal.—MNA age and to ensure the wider distribution of anti-worm publications on health, health and wholesome foods tablets to children and pregnant women. and unwholesome foods and documentary photos on YANGON, 15 Sept — General Officer The Ministry of Health is undertaking production of iodized salt by the Ministry of Mines. Commanding GOC 3 Corps of Indian Army Lieutenant General MS Dadwal, AVSM, VSM and wife and party functions on nutrition development, vaccination, Next, the ministers and the deputy ministers concluded visit and left here by air this morning. control of diseases, maternal and child health, gave folic acid and Vitamin-A tablets to women and They were seen off at Yangon International environmental sanitation, school health activities and children.—MNA health education activities. In the process, it is striving Airport by Deputy Commander of Yangon Command together with other ministries for producing and V Brig-Gen Kyaw Kyaw Tun and wife, senior military Yangon Zone Hotelier officers, Indian Military Attaché to Myanmar Colonel distributing of wholesome and healthy foods and it Manoj Mukund Narvane and officials. — MNA has laid down the Myanmar Food and Nutrition Association holds annual Programme for 2006-2010, he noted. NLD leaders power maniacs, At the same time, the Ministry of Health is meeting also co-operating with NGOs and social organizations YANGON, 15 Central Hotel this selfishly serve their own interest for successful realization of its objectives, he Sept— Annual meeting of afternoon. Secretary Dr disclosed. Yangon Zone Hotelier Nay Zin Latt of Myanmar Seventeen members quit He said that significant progress has been Association was held at Hotelier Association gave Sagaing Township NLD a speech. YANGON, 15 Sept—Seventeen members of Also present were Sagaing Township National League for Democracy responsible personnel of including U Tun Tun, U Thaung Yan, U Hla Shwe, U Ministry of Hotels and Kan Sein, U Tun Kyaing, U Kan Maung, U Pyae Win, Tourism and officials of U Khin Soe, U Aye Tun and U Taut on 6 September Yangon Zone Hotelier resigned from the NLD party of their own accord, Association. Chairman U sending letters of resignation to the NLD Headquarters Maung Maung (Asia and local authorities concerned. Plaza) and Secretary U Tin In their letters sent to the Sagaing Division Win (Central Hotel) and Multiparty Democracy General Election Sub- executive members were commissions, they said that NLD leaders are power elected at the meeting. maniacs and they take great interest in gaining power Next, new only. The Seventeen NLD members no longer wish to chairman U Maung remain as party members as their leaders selfishly serve New chairman U Maung Maung (Asia Plaza) addresses annual Maung spoke on the their own interest. That was why they resigned from the meeting of Yangon Zone Hotelier Association.—NLM occasion.—NLM NLD party of their own volition, they said. —MNA

16-9-07 NL 10 7/29/18, 02:36 PM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007 11 Study clears mobile phones of short-term risks LONDON, 15 Sept — Mobile phones do not pose short-term health risks, but it remains too soon to say whether they can cause brain cancer or whether children face greater risks than adults, British scientists said on Wednesday. Publishing the largest participants who had used frequency (RF) fields, UK investigation into cell phones for 10 years or which are generated by possible health problems longer. devices such as mobile from mobile technology, “We cannot rule out phones and phone masts, scientists said the six-year the possibility at this stage for ethical reasons, he said. programme found no that cancer could appear However, he noted evidence that short-term in a few years’ time,” he that it was possible for mobile phone use affected told a news conference. children to be more brain function or could “Most cancers take 10 sensitive to RF radiation cause brain cancer. years to appear.” than adults and said a But Professor Lawrie Challis also noted second MTHR Challis, chairman of the that the UK studies that programme was A general view of Hong Kong’s West Kowloon, on 12 Sep, 2007, which 8.8 million pound (17.90 made up the report had underway, involving is planned to be built into a multi-billion dollar harbourfront cultural million US dollars) not yet examined children. 200,000 people in project. Hong Kong has resurrected the ambitious plan aimed at Mobile Telecommu- British scientists had shied Denmark, Finland, transforming the financial city into an Asian cultural hub, officials said nications and Health away from exposing Sweden and Britain. on Wednesday. — INTERNET Research (MTHR) children to radio- MNA/Reuters Programme, said studies so far had included few 31 rescued from sunken Hurricane “Humberto” Polish police ship in Black Sea slams into Texas coast ANKARA, 15 Sept — Trabzon, were rescued. storm on its way from seize 120 HOUSTON, 15 Sept — 2:10 am CDT (0710 Turkey’s Deputy Trabzon Panama-flagged Ro- Trabzon in northeastern Hurricane Humberto GMT). Governor Mehmet Ozmen Ro ship Sunny Day, Turkey to Russia’s Sochi kilos of rumbled onto the upper Humberto had been said on Friday that 31 carrying 28 trucks, sank at Port, Ozmen was quoted Texas coast on Thursday expected to come ashore heroin at people, who were in a ship 3:22 pm (1222 GMT) on as saying by Turkish semi- with 85 miles per hour as a tropical storm, but that sank in the Black Sea Friday because of bad official Anatolia news border (135 kilometres per hour) suddenly strengthened in some 39 miles off weather conditions and agency. — MNA/Xinhua WARSAW, 15 Sept — winds and heavy rains that the gulf’s warm waters. Polish police seized nearly threatened widespread It struck a lightly 120 kilos of heroin hidden flooding. populated area, and there in a truck crossing the The storm, which were no reports of damage border from Ukraine on brewed up in the Gulf of or injuries. The storm was Thursday in one of Mexico on Wednesday, expected to plow through Poland’s biggest drug made landfall near High southeastern Texas and busts. Island, about 30 miles head east into Louisiana, The drugs, estimated northeast of Galveston, the where officials braced for to be worth nine million US National Hurricane flooding. US dollars, were packed Centre said in a report at MNA/Reuters in nearly 270 bags and People ride motor bikes without helmets during detected in a compartment beneath the cabin roof rush hour in Hanoi, Vietnam, on 13 Sept, 2007. A when police X-rayed the new helmet law will go into effect on 15 Sept, vehicle at the Hrebenne 2007, making the protective head gear mandatory. crossing in eastern Poland. INTERNET MNA/Reuters No thin model ban for London fashion show LONDON, 15 Sept — September next year by focus on BMI provides the Models strutting catwalks doctors specializing in way forward,” the report at London Fashion Week eating disorders. said. should provide a Spain and Italy have “We favour the certificate attesting their recommended banning alternative approach of good health, but there models with a body mass promoting good health should be no outright ban index (BMI) of less than based on medical on wafer-thin women, the 18.5 from catwalks but the assessments of models British Fashion Council expert panel behind the participating in London said on Friday. British report rejected use Fashion Week,” it said. In its report, the of the index saying it was BMI is a measure of council recommended not an accurate measure how much weight we carry models under 16 should of health. per centimetre of our be outlawed from “We have considered bodies. While it is a fair A US Army guard stands in a corridor of cells in Camp Five, a facility at the London’s catwalks. It said this carefully and listened measure of good health it Guantanamo Bay Naval Station in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on 4 Sept, 2007 the medical certificate to a range of expert views. is not perfect. file photo. — INTERNET must be provided from But we do not believe a MNA/Reuters

16-9-07 NL 11 7/29/18, 02:36 PM 12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007

A D V E R T I S E M E N T S CLAIMS DAY NOTICE MV XIANG FENG VOY NO (7051) Consignees of cargo carried on MV XIANG FENG VOY NO (7051) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 16.9.2007 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S CHINA SHIPPING (MALAYSIA) AGENCY SDN BHD Phone No: 256908/378316/376797 CLAIMS DAY NOTICE Google sponsors The New Light of Myanmar qtc;sat\\\\\ kiiuuiuiiuu \\\\\ MV VASCO DA GAMA VOY NO (063) Acy\tn\\\\ \;qtc\\\\ \;eTak\\\\ \raT\\\\ ¨;¨¨¨¨ enra Kn\>Ta;er;At\\\\ ∑k∑∑∑∑ \\\\\ $30m for moon Consignees of cargo carried on MV VASCO DA contest GAMA VOY NO (063) are hereby notified that the l¨et¨¨¨¨ ∑>ss∑∑∑∑ \eS;rn\\\\ \eKÅy\\\\ ¨Kc¨¨¨Kc¨ \;\\\\ W ASHINGTON, 13 Sept vessel will be arriving on 16.9.2007 and cargo will be pn\Âka;er;wn\Âk^;@an' qtc\;N˙c\.sany\zc\;lup\cn\;' — Internet search engine discharged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will The New Light of giant Google announced lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the Myanmar qtc;sat\ kiu t\ c∑ \ Acytn\ ;qtc\ ;eTak\ '\ lsaNnO ;\ k¥p \ (39000- Thursday that it will give byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. 1000-44000)raT;¨ 10 enratc∑ \ Pvs.\ k∑ Kn\ ≥Ta;er;At\ k∑ \ er;ePsaem;pk´∑ iu 30 million US dollars to Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am 9-9-2007 rk\en≥kk¥c\;pK´.ra er;ePeAac\mc\q¨m¥a;kui eAak\påKuMAm˙t\ the first private compa- to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day now As^As√\Atuic\; l¨et∑>ss\eS;mv\Ps\påqv\" nies that can safely land declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo 22-9-2007 (senen≥) mn∑∑∑∑∑ ;tv\\\\\ .\.\.\.\.\ 12-nar^^^^^ robotic spacecrafts on the from the vessel. moon. “We’re thrilled to No claims against this vessel will be admitted after KAmMu t˙ - 10"\ 22" 35" 40" 43" 48" 53" 59" 60" 62" 65" 68" 70" 77" 78" 90" be sponsoring the Lunar the Claims Day. 23-9-2007 (tngeNççççç en>)∑∑∑∑∑ mn∑∑∑∑∑ ;tv\\\\\ .\.\.\.\.\ 12-nar^^^^^ X-PRIZE, which will SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT KuMAm˙t\- 102" 104" 105" 109" 112" 116" 117" 120" 138" 140" 151" award a total of 30 million MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY 153" 156" 159" 165" 172" 187" dollars to teams compe- AGENT FOR: M/S INTER ASIA LINES ting around the world to Phone No: 256908/378316/376797 ASpåliu et¨ >ePS∑ Âkmviu q.\ m¥a;qv¨ \ rnk\ nu m\ o>'i Amt˙ -22/32'\ km;na;lm\ ;'\ ny;l¨ kui eAa\ P. mn\ maqtc\ ;sat\ kiu q\ ≥iu ePappåen>rk\ As\ As√^ \ Atciu ;laerak\ \ land privately funded l¨et∑>ss\eS;KMrn\Ps\påqv\" spacecraft on the Moon,” said Alan Eustace, Senior laerak\ePSuiÂkqv\.AKå Niuc\cMqa;siss\er;kt\pa;N˙c\. qk\Suic\ra VP of Engineering of the AeTak\ATa;m¥a;' eAac\lk\m˙t\m¨rc\;m¥a;kuipåtc\prpåmv\" Aeq;sit\ company in a statement AK¥kAlk\ m¥a;q\ ri li˙ påkiu ny;l¨ kui eAa\ P. mn\ maqtc\ ;sat\ kiu '\ sm^ er;ra@an'M on Thursday. Pun\; 392225 N˙c\. 392226 tui≥qui≥Sk\q∑y\suMsm\; em;mn\;Nuic\påqv\" The rules call for a qtc;N\\\\\ c˙˙˙˙˙ sany.\.\.\.\.\ zc\\\\\ ;l\\\\\ puuuuu cn\\\\\ ;\\\\\ spacecraft to roll at least a quarter mile and beam back a gigabyte of images Lutein, zeaxanthin may reduce and video to Earth after its safe landing. blindness among elders Whoever accom- plishes the task by the B EIJING, 13 Sept — Two the condition compared with other nutrients end of 2012 will receive nutrients, lutein and to those in the lowest fifth were seen,” including 20 million US dollars. zeaxanthin, found in eggs, of consumption. the vitamins C and E There is also a 10- spinach and other leafy “Lutein and zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, million-dollar second- green vegetables offer may be considered as according to the re- place prize to teams that some protection against useful agents in food or searchers, led by John go beyond the minimum the most common cause supplement-based in- Paul SanGiovanni requirements. of blindness among the terventions designed to of the National Eye Why does Google love elderly, media reported reduce the risk of AMD,” Institute, one of the space? “Well, for one on Thursday. said the researchers. National Institutes of thing, we just think it’s A 6-year study in US Lutein and zeaxanthin Health in Maryland, cool. More seriously, asked about the dietary help ward off the con- US.Foods considered space exploration has a habits of 4,519 people dition, apparently by good sources of the remarkable history of aged 60 to 80 when allowing the eyes to filter nutrients include eggs, producing technological Police block a road after an outbreak of foot and enrolled. harmful short-wavelength spinach, kale, turnip breakthroughs, and the X- mouth disease in Chertsey, Surrey. A new Those in the top fifth of light and by curtailing greens, collard greens, PRIZE, too, could lead to outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Britain was dietary consumption of other damaging effects to romaine lettuce, broccoli, important developments caused by the same strain of virus which was foods containing the two the macula, or the center zucchini, corn, garden in robotic space explora- declared “eradicated” only last week, initial test nutrients had 35 percent of the eye’s retina. peas and Brussels sprouts. tion,” said the statement. results showed on Thursday.— INTERNET less chance of developing “No clear associations Internet Internet

16-9-07 NL 12 7/29/18, 02:36 PM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007 13 pvaer;®Pc\. eKt\m^P∑M>‘Pi;tui;tk\eqa Nuic\cMeta\”k^; tv\eSak\AM. Japan successfully launches its 1st lunar explorer TOKYO, 14 Sept — Japan launched an H-2A rocket carrying the Selenological and Engineering Explorer, the country’s first lunar probe satellite, on Friday from the Tanegashima Space Centre in southern Kagoshima Prefecture. The rocket, which is am. Kaguya, which News said. named “Kaguya” after consists of a 3-ton main Kaguya will be the Japanese ancient fable, orbiter and two 50- highest performing lunar lifted off as scheduled at kilogram sub-satellites, probe satellite and start 10:31 am from the center is equipped with 14 the world’s first full-scale on the Pacific off Japan’s scientific instruments mission to explore the southern Kyushu Island. and a high-definition moon since the US Apollo Ayana Mendoza (C) from Amazonas poses for a group picture with the first The satellite and the television camera, programme, Kyodo and second runners up after being crowned Miss Venezuela 2007 in Caracas, launch vehicle succes- according to the agency’s quoted agency officials capital of Venezuela, on 13 Sept, 2007. — XINHUA sfully separated at 11:16 introduction. as saying. The rocket was Under the 55 billion Greek researchers developing system made by Mitsubishi yen project, the satellite Heavy Industries Ltd. is to begin its 10-month to wake up sleepy drivers This is the first time mission around Dece- for the Japan Aerospace mber, collecting lunar ATHENS, 13 Sept — Greek researchers are currently working on a smart system that will be able to Exploration Agency features related with the monitor alertness levels in drivers, recognize symptoms of sleepiness and give drivers a wake-up call, to contract with a origin and evolution of according to a report by Greek new agency ANA-MPA on Thursday. company on the con- the moon. The system is being 100 kilometres an hour. struction and launch of Kaguya’s originally developed by the Greek The reaction time of the a rocket in order to planned launch was Transport Institute IMET driver is critical and is reduce costs and boost in August, when fault at the National Centre reduced when he or she is Japan’s international installment of two for Research and Tech- sleepy or distracted,” competi-tiveness in the components postponed nology Development in experts said. —Xinhua space business, Kyodo the schedule. —Xinhua Thessaloniki. According to IMET’s research director Less patch-wearing time OK for Evangelos Bekiaris, it is expected to be completed in early 2008 and will go kids’ lazy eye correction into production for use by B EIJING, 14 Sept — around three hours, rather with a confirmed diagnosis Children with amblyopia than the six to 12 hours of amblyopia. All children car manufacturers within Greek researchers are currently working on a (commonly known as lazy usually recommended by had a full ophthalmic the next five years. smart system that will be able to monitor alertness eye) need only wear an doctors, according to a assessment and were Bekiaris said the levels in drivers, recognize symptoms of sleepiness eye patch for three to four new study as quoted by instructed to wear glasses system comes equipped and give drivers a wake-up call.— XINHUA with micro and nano- hours a day for 12 weeks media reports on Friday. all the time for 18 weeks. sensors that will be able shown to be responsible percent of accidents to improve vision, and The study involved On completion of this to measure levels of for a large percentage of overall. They also found those aged under four 97 children aged 3-8 years phase, researchers at City wakefulness and warn serious accidents. that the 2-3 seconds before University in London drivers when they are Researchers have accidents take place are and McGill University becoming dangerously found that sleepiness usually crucial. in Montreal asked 80 sleepy or distracted, so as increases the risk of an ”In this tiny space of children who still met the to ensure safer driving accident by three or four time, a normal vehicle will study’s definition of behavior in drivers who times more than when a have already covered 70 amblyopia to wear a patch are tired or have drunk driver is alert, while it is metres before its driver for either six or 12 hours alcohol — conditions responsible for 15-20 reacts if it is traveling at a day. The patch was fitted with sensors that were “Cassini” resumes sending wired to a data logger, which recorded how long images of Saturn the patch was actually worn. Visual function was LOS ANGELES, 14 Sept — Spacecraft and its instruments are expected to return recorded every two weeks. Cassini is sending images of Saturn’s to normal operations in a few days, it The point of the study charms again after being hit by a galactic said. Scientists are poring through was to see which eye patch cosmic ray, it was announced Thursday. hundreds of images returned from “dose” was more effective. The hit put the spacecraft into a Monday’s flyby of Saturn’s two-toned It is found that, on precautionary state called safe mode, moon Iapetus. Pictures show half the average, the six-hour making Cassini stop sending data on moon resembling snow and the other group wore the patch for Three children are wearing eye patches. Tuesday, said NASA’s Jet Propulsion half as black as tar, according to JPL. 4.2 hours a day, while Children with amblyopia need only wear an eye Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Los Images show a heavily cratered surface the 12-hour group wore it patch for three to four hours a day for 12 weeks to Angeles. and a 12-mile-high mountain ridge along for 6.2 hours.However, the improve vision, and those aged under four around But the data flow resumed later, said the moon’s equator that gives the moon visual improvement be- three hours, rather than the six to 12 hours the JPL, which manages the spacecraft. a walnut-shaped appearance. tween the two groups was usually recommended by doctors. — INTERNET The spacecraft is operating normally MNA/Xinhua the same. — Internet

16-9-07 NL 13 7/29/18, 02:36 PM 14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007 Dortmund humble Werder S P O R T S Bremen with first half rout BERLIN, 15 Sept — stun the visitors. Sao Paulo’s Hugo given Borussia Dortmund It was Dormund’s third scored three times in 10 successive league win af- 4-month ban for spitting first-half minutes to beat ter they started the season RIO DE JANEIRO, 15 Sept — Brazilian championship Champions League hope- with two defeats and leaders Sao Paulo will be without midfielder Hugo for fuls Werder Bremen 3-0 moved them up to provi- the rest of the tournament after he was banned for 120 in the Bundesliga on Fri- sional second place, a days on Friday for spitting at an opponent. day. Mladen Petric fired point behind Bayern Mu- Brazilian football’s disciplinary tribunal imposed in at the far post to open nich, who host Schalke 04 the ban after finding the player guilty of ungentle- the scoring in the 22nd on Saturday. manly conduct during the 6-0 win over Parana, when Marin Cilic of Croatia serves to Nikolay minute, Diego Klimowicz Werder, who begin he spat at defender Daniel Marques. Davydenko of Russia during a men’s singles beat the offside trap to their Champions League “I’m sure Sao Paulo will be champions but it hurts second round match at the 2007 China Open make it 2-0 seven minutes campaign at Real Madrid that I won’t take part in the remaining games,” he told tennis tournament in Beijing, capital of China, later before Petric grabbed on Tuesday, are in sev- reporters after the hearing. on 13 Sept, 2007. Cilic won 2-0. — XINHUA his second soon after to enth place with a meagre “It’s a heavy penalty but I respect the tribunal’s seven points from five decision.” Petrovic appointed China coach matches. After the incident, Hugo wept during a media con- Dortmund took control BEIJING, 15 Sept — China have ap- month after failing to get China beyond ference and said he had been given a ticking off by his thanks to two great pieces pointed former Yugoslavia international the group stage at the Asian Cup. father over the incident.—MNA/Reuters of skill from Jakub Vladimir Petrovic as national coach un- “This is a highlight of my career as the Blaszczykowski. til after next year’s Beijing Olympics, coach of the Chinese national team,” China’s Lin The Poland midfielder state media reported on Friday. Petrovic told the Xinhua news agency. Dan jumps to controlled a high cross- The Serbian’s appointment came on “I’m looking forward to working with field ball from Dede on smash the the recommendation of compatriot Dujkovic to form up the national team.” his chest and sent in a shuttlecock to Ratomir Dujkovic, who last year was Next month, China face Myanmar cross-shot to set up the Denmark’s made coach of China’s Olympic team over two legs in the preliminary round of opener for Petric. For the Peter Gade and after the Games is likely to take over Asian qualifying for the 2010 World second, Blaszczykowski during their the remainder of the qualifying cam- Cup finals in . took his time before play- men’s singles paign for the 2010 World Cup. China have only made one appear- ing in Klimowicz to run quarter-finals Former Dalian Shide coach Petrovic ance at the finals, in 2002 under Serbian on towards goal and smash match of the signed a one-year contract to replace Bora Milutinovic. the ball home. Japan Open Zhu Guanghu, who was sacked last MNA/Reuters MNA/Reuters badminton tournament in Sizzling Woods surges three ahead at East lake Tokyo on 14 ATLANTA, 15 Sept — tum with two bogeys Fellow American like but I was able to fix it Sept, 2007. Tiger Woods, who has after the turn, he rolled in Woody Austin was alone and then I hit some good INTERNET made a habit of producing a 17-footer to birdie the in second place after shots. the remarkable, took con- par-three last for a shooting a 65, finishing “I had a nice little roll CROSSWORD PUZZLE trol of the Tour Champi- seven-under 63. one ahead of compatriot there from four through onship on Friday with a Woods ended a damp Mark Calcavecchia (66), nine. Some lucky things sizzling run of five birdies day at East Lake Golf Club South African Tim Clark happened and I also hit a and an eagle in the second three ahead of the field, (69) and title-holder few good shots here and round. breaking the tournament Adam Scott of Australia there. Overall it was a Although the world record by three shots with (66). good, solid round.” number one lost momen- a 13-under total of 127. “I really played well,” Two strokes off the Woods told reporters af- pace after the weather-hit Former Colombia international ter posting the lowest 36- first round was completed hole score on the 2007 earlier in the day, Woods Rincon released from prison PGA Tour in the fourth lit up the tournament with SAO PAULO, 15 Sept — Former Colombia interna- and final event of the in- a blistering front nine of tional Freddy Rincon, facing an extradition request augural FedExCup seven-under 28, although from Panama, has been released from prison in Brazil, playoff series. he was unaware of that a federal police spokesman said on Friday. Rincon, “I didn’t particularly number at the time. who played in three World Cups for his country, was drive it as well as I would MNA/Reuters granted the right to await the hearing at liberty by Brazil’s top court, the Supreme Federal Tribunal. He will have to surrender his passport and could not ACROSS DOWN leave Sao Paulo, where he lives, without judicial 7 Drawing instrument 1 Green vegetable authorization, the spokesman said. 8 More-conceited 2 A joint Rincon, wanted in Panama on money-laundering 10 Section of Matins 3 Diminished by charges, had been held at the federal police’s Sao Paulo 11 Instigate 4 Splendid headquarters since May. Rincon, a lanky midfielder 12 Gather 5 Long-billed bird with a surprisingly deft touch, played for Brazilian clubs 13 Take oath 6 A ruffle Corinthians and Palmeiras, Napoli and Real Madrid. 17 Smoothed with rasp 9 Information He captained the Corinthians team which won 18 Liberate 14 Hairy FIFA’s inaugural Club World Cup in 2000. 22 Stupid 15 Smiled broadly Rincon, 41, has been trying to break into coaching 23 Adult (5-2) 16 Jocular deception(3-4) and had a brief spell earlier this year with provincial 24 Shrewd 19 Scrimmage club Sao Bento. Results were generally modest but Tennisbabiesgesture for a photo call at the 2007 25 Revoke 20 Political body included a shock 2-0 win away to Santos in the Paulista China Open tennis tournament in Beijing, capital 21 English port championship. — MNA/Reuters of China, on 14 Sept, 2007. — XINHUA

16-9-07 NL 14 7/29/18, 02:36 PM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 September, 2007 15

Flood Bulletin Floods kill dozens across East Africa (Issued at 12:30 hr MST on 15-9-2007) NAIROBI, 15 Sept — died in Ethiopia in recent According to the (06:30) hr MST observation Floods from torrential rains days, 15 in Rwanda and today, the water levels of Chindwin River at Mawlaik (1335) have killed at least 41 nine in Uganda, cm and Kalewa (1639) cm are exceeded (105) cm at Mawlaik people, displaced thousands governments and aid and (89) cm at Kalewa above their respective danger levels. The water levels may remain above their danger levels of more, and drowned agencies said. Mawlaik (1230) cm and Kalewa (1550) cm during the next livestock across East Africa, Hailstorms and (72) hrs commencing noon today. officials said on Friday. landslides have Often prone to drought, compounded the problem Flood Warning the region also frequently in some areas, while (Issued at 12:30 hr MST on 15-9-2007) suffers floods in August and thousands of families have According to the (06:30) hr MST observation September, the end of the fled to flimsy shelters, the today, the water levels of Dokehtawady River at Myitnge is rainy season. return to school has been (820) cm. It may reach its danger levels (870) cm during the In the worst-hit severely disrupted, and the next (48) hrs commencing noon today. nations, at least 17 people risk of water-borne diseases such as cholera and malaria was growing. In Ethiopia, “the death toll has reached 17 people, while some 4,000 head of livestock have been drowned or washed away, and 34,000 hectares of land has been damaged”, the United Nations World Food Programme said in a WEATHER statement. Saturday, 15 September, 2007 The floods have Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 affected 183,000 people in hour MST: During the past 24 hours, rain or thunder- north Ethiopia, and showers have been isolated in Rakhine State, Magway, displaced 42,000, WFP Bago and Yangon Divisions, scattered in Sagaing Divi- added. — MNA/Reuters Members of the Chinese men’s national basketball team attend a charity sion, fairly widespread in Shan, Kayin, Kayah States, Mandalay and Ayeyawady Divisions and widespread in auction party in Beijing, on 13 Sept, 2007. — XINHUA the remaining areas with isolated heavyfalls in Mandalay 11:40 am 4:45 pm and Taninthayi Divisions. The noteworthy amounts of 4. Myanmar video 4. Aew;qc\tk\\\\ ˚q˚˚˚˚ iuliuiuiuiu \\\\\ rainfall recorded were Nay Pyi Taw (0.23) inch, feature: pvaer;Rupuuuu \mc\\\mc\ \q\\\\ MÂka;MMMÂka;M Kawthoung (3.62) inches, Thaton (2.76) inches, Pinlaung {m√ΩørΩΩΩΩ ^N^^^^ ˙c˙˙˙˙ \.pt\.\.\.\. \qk\\\\ \j}\\\\ qcKn\\\\\ ;sa\\\\\ (2.13) inches, Kyaukse (2.09) inches, Pathein (1.89) (l¨mc¨¨¨¨ \;'T\\\\ ∑n∑∑∑∑ \;A\\\\ iNiiiNi ∂ab∂∂∂∂ iu)iuiuiuiu -ttyNiiiii s˙˙˙˙˙ (qt\\\\\ ebd††††† Sunday, 16 September inches and Mandalay (1.18) inches. (dåRiukiuiuiuiu \ta-h\\\\ iniiii ;s\\\\\ iu;)iuiuiuiu AT;po)(qt¨¨¨¨¨ ebd)††††† Maximum temperature on 14-9-2007 was 90¼F. Tune in today 1:30 pm 5:00 pm Minimun temperature on 15-9-2007 was 74¼F. Relative Niuciu \c\ .Ms.M ^;p^ ∑a;Ael;Ta;∑ Sunday, 16 September 5. Niuciuiu \c\\ .Ms.M.M ^;p^^ ∑a;Ael;Ta;∑∑ 5. Dance of national 8:30 am Brief news humidity at 09:30 hours MST on 15-9-2007 was 82%. ek¥;lkT\\\\\ tuuuuu k\\\\\ nuuuuu m¥a;\\\\\ 8:35 am Music: View on today races Total sunshine hours on 14-9-2007 was (5.7) hours (namv\ek¥a\\\\ \Tc\\\\ \r\\\\ ˙a;˙˙˙˙ 5:15 pm -We are young 7:00 am approx. epåkqnp\\\\\ Kå;)\\\\\ 6. 2007KNuuuuu s˙˙˙˙˙ '\\\\\ (15)Âkmiiiii emak\\\\\ \\\\\ 8:40 am Perspectives 1. Recitation of Parittas mnmnma\\\\\ R..... ;ray√uuiiuiuuii ek¥;m\\\\\ OOOOO AS'uuiiuiuuii 8:45 am Music: Rainfall on 15-9-2007 was (Nil) at Mingaladon, by Missionary 1:40 pm At^^;p^^^ iiociiioc\\p\\\ ∑∑´´∑´∑∑´´ Ak' Aer;' At^^;^^^ -Come on (Nil) at Kaba-Aye and (0.47) inch at Central Yangon. Sayadaw U 6. everybody ppociiiocii p\\\\\ wc´´∑∑´∑´´∑∑ m¥a;el\\\\\ laN..... cuuiiuiuuii Âkrn\\\Âkrn\\ \\\\\ Total rainfall since 1-1-2007 was (106.02) inches at Ottamathara 1:45 pm 8:50 am National 2007KNuuuuu s˙˙˙˙˙ '\\\\\ (15) Âkmiiiii emak\\\\\ \\\ (mhagt)^^^^^ (AScmc..\\.mc\..\\ pva..\\.\..\\ 7:25 am 7. news/Solgan Mingaladon, (108.74) inches at Kaba-Aye and (110.63) mnmnma\\\\\ R..... ;ray√uuiiuiuuii ek¥;m\\\\\ OOOOO AS'uuiiuiuuii ASc).....\\\\\ (Am¥o;qa;'o;qa;'iiiii Am¥Am¥o;qmo;qmiiiii ;)^^^^^ 9:00 am Music: inches at Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at 2. To be healthy exercise Ak' Aer;' At^^;^^^ 7:30 am 5:30 pm -5,6,7,8 Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (5) mph from Southwest at ppiociiioci \p\\\\ ∑´ ∑´∑´∑´∑´ (pzat\p\\\p\ iociiioci \p\\\\ ∑´∑´´∑∑´∑´ 7. Sing and enjoy 9:05 am International (18:30) hours MST on 14-9-2007. 3. Morning news eS∑;eN∑∑∑∑ ∑;Kn∑∑∑∑ \;)(Ap\\\\ iuciuiuiuiu \;-2)\\\\ news 7:40 am 6:00 pm Bay inference: Monsoon is weak to moderate in the 2:00 pm 8. Evening news 9:10 amCultural images 4. Nice and sweet song of Myanmar Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal. 8. Musical programme 6:30 pm 7:50 am (A wonder land Forecast valid until evening of 15-9-2007: Rain or 2:10 pm 9. Weather report 5. y√ek¥;l\\\\\ miiiii aµµµµµ of pagodas thundershowers will be widespread in Kachin, Chin and (38) Pamglaçççç 9. ÂkÂkMetacMMMM \q\\\\ ¨et¨¨¨¨ ∑wc∑∑∑∑ \ec\\\\ ∑q∑∑∑∑ Mu;SMuMuMuMu 6:35 pm Bago and its t:Puuiuiuiuii >iiuuiiuiuu Sc;er\\\\\ lWWWWW Âk^^Âk^^^ sMMMMM kuuiiuuiuii Âks\\Âks\\\ >uuiiuuiuii 10. q^^r^^^ iieghaiii environs): Mon States, Taninthayi Division, fairly widespread in 8:00 am (Apcuiuiuiuiui ;-4)\\\\\ Shan, Rakhine and Kayin States, upper Sagaing and 6. Akpiociioc\p\\ ∑´∑´∑´ 7:00 pm 9:20 am Music: {qsr\\\\\ k∑∑∑∑∑ eS\\\\\ ;qBaw∑∑∑∑∑ -Better now 8:10 am 2:25 pm 11. Ayeyawady Divisions and scattered in the remaining ktkuuiiuiuuii erel\\\\\ ac˙˙˙˙˙ tm\\\\\ MMMMM 10. {zczc\\\\\ N\\\\\ c˙˙˙˙˙ Kc..\\.\Kc..\\ k¥a;}\\\\\ emÂqzapolpuuuuu q\\\\\ ;suMuMuMuMuM på}´∑´∑´∑´∑´∑ 1:30 pm News /Slogan areas. Degree of certainty is (80%). 7. (zc\zc\\\\ \eza\\\\ \mc\\\mc\ \.'\.\.\.\. (wiuciuiuiuiu \;s\\\\ uKuuuu iuciuiuiuiu \q\\\\ iniiii \;)(dåR\\\\ iukiuiuiuiu \ta-\\\\ 1:40 pm Children’s 8:15 am delight (story) State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar lc;lc\\\\\ ;eza\\\\\ mc\\\mc\\ ).\.\.\.\.\ Pnuuuuu ;mc\\\\\ eAac..\\.\..\\ )\\\\\ waters. 8. Musical programme (dåRkuuiiuiuuii ta-\\\\\ -The old man 8:30 am 7:10 pm and 500 Outlook for subsequent two days: sc\\era\\\ \emac\\\\ \emac\\\\ \)\\\\ Niuciuiuiuiu \c\\\\ MKa;zatMMMKa;zatM \lm\\\\ \;t\\\\ ∑´∑´∑´∑´∑´ Likelihood of 9. International news 12. monkeys thundery condition in Central Myanmar areas. 2:45 pm {qma;eta\}(Ap\\\\ iuciuiuiuiu \;-59)\\\\ 8:45 am 1:50 pm Songs for Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring 11. International news 8:00 pm children 10. Say it in English areas for 16-9-2007: Isolated rain or thundershowers. 11:00 am 4:00 pm 13. News 9:00 pm Weekly news 1. Martial song 1. Martial song 14. International news review Degree of certainty is (80%). 9:10 pm Article 11:10 am 4:15 pm 15. Weather report Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring areas 2. Song for uphold 16. Niuciuiuiuiu \c\\\\ MKa;zatMMMMKa;zat\lm\\\\ \;t\\\\ ∑´∑´∑´∑´∑´ 9:20 pm Music/LIETS for 16-9-2007: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree 2. Musical programme -I just wanna 11:25 am national spirit {K¥s\\srap¥\\\ iiokva}iiiokva} of certainty is (80%). (Apciuiuiuiuiu ;-4)\\\\\ be with you 3. Round up of the 4:30 pm -On and on Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring areas week’s international 3. qayaK¥iioeA;(38)PaiiioeA;(38)Pa 17. The next day’s 9:45 pm News /Slogan for 16-9-2007: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree mglaet;ççç news mglaet;çç programme 10:00 pm PEL of certainty is (80%). *R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press, No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223, Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

16-9-07 NL 15 7/29/18, 02:36 PM 5th Waxing of Tawthalin 1369 ME Sunday, 16 September, 2007 Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives * Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round * Uplift of the morale and morality of development of other sectors of the economy as well and tranquillity, prevalence of law and the entire nation * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic order * Uplift of national prestige and integ- system * National reconsolidation rity and preservation and safeguard- * Development of the economy inviting participation in * Emergence of a new enduring State ing of cultural heritage and national terms of technical know-how and investments from Constitution character sources inside the country and abroad * Building of a new modern developed * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept * Uplift of health, fitness and education nation in accord with the new State in the hands of the State and the national peoples Constitution standards of the entire nation Lt-Gen Myint Hlaing looks into Hsinshweli sugarcane plantation in Tatkon Station

NAY PYI TAW, 15 Sept — Lt-Gen Myint Hlaing of the Ministry of Defence together with Commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command Maj-Gen Wai Lwin viewed thriving 10-acre model Hsinshweli sugarcane plantation of the local battalion in Tatkon Station yesterday. The commander reported on plant propaga- tion of quality sugarcane strains in Tatkon and Taungnyo Stations, cultivation of sugarcane in Nay Pyi Taw Command area and arrangements for cul- tivation of 30,000 acres of sugarcane against the target of 40,000 acres this year. Col Tin Aung Myint of Taungnyo Station, Supervisor of the sugarcane farm Lt-Col Tin Win and Nay Pyi Taw Pyinmana District Manager U Win Maung of Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise submitted the reports on cultivation of sugarcane plantations, supply of water and thriving 100-acre quality sugarcane plantation. Officials presented reports on plant propa- gation of Hsinshweli sugarcane strains and agricul- tural technology. Lt-Gen Myint Hlaing of the Ministry of Defence inspects Hsinshweli sugarcane farm in (See page 10) Tatkon Station.—MNA Health Minister addresses ceremony to mark 2007 Nutrition Development Week

NAY PYI TAW, 15 Sept—A ceremony to mark ister for Education Dr Chan Nyein, Deputy Min- Myint said that the National Health Committee is the 2007 Nutrition Development Week co-sponsored isters for Health Dr Mya Oo and Dr Paing Soe, making a constant effort for the Ministry of Health by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Mines, Vice-President of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Fed- to be able to engage in prevention of diseases, WHO and UNICEF was opened at the meeting hall eration Daw Khin Lay Myint, Vice-Chairperson medical treatments and improvement of health; that of the Ministry of Health here this morning with an of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Asso- in this regard priority is being given to providing address by Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint. ciation Daw Aye Aye and heads of departments, the people with nutritious food that is indispensable Also present on the occasion were Minis- officials of the Ministry of Health and UN agen- in prevention of diseases, medical treatments and ter for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Htay cies and others. improvement of health; that the ceremony was held Oo, Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Min- In his address, Minister for Health Dr Kyaw with the aim of accelerating the momentum of the activities on the Nutrition Development Week. (See page 10) Mid-year Gems Emporium in November

YANGON, 15 Sept — The Ministry of Mines and Myanmar Gems Emporium Central Committee is making arrangements to hold the Mid-year Myanmar Gems Emporium for 2007. At the empo- rium, gems and jewelry will be on sale through competitive bidding. National entrepreneurs are to contact Myanmar Gems Emporium Central Committee and have their gems and jewelry scrutinized and floor prices fixed in accord with the rules and regulations Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint addresses ceremony to mark the 2007 Nutrition from 15 September to 21 October 2007. — MNA Development Week . — MNA

16-9-07 NL 16 7/29/18, 02:36 PM