8 THE LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 1890. DAILY HERALD. juch juch | Opera LOS ANGELES THEATER. Grand House. Wyatt, Signal Service. I NEW H. C. Manager. Report of observations taken at Los Angeles McLiTN LEHMAN, .... MANAOEB{B. December *3, 1890: Day but One! Time, Bar. Ther. H'ml Vel|Weathr Last j | |R Wd| A* OTHERS sSETC TJfs 5:07 a. m. .10.00! 88 27 N I 8 lTd'tss 'I be Kmma Juch Grand English Opera company is tho largest ami most important in America. 5 07 p. m.!29.97| 07 ) 37 |XW| 5 Cl'd'lai -:The Hew YorkWorld. TOMORROW. tem., 80; The performances oi the operas as given by the filch company should be a matter of national HiTO TODAY AND Max. min. tem.. f-3 pride?| Washington Post. The representations of grand Knglish opera by the Juch company are absolutely beyond com- lx>s'Anoklks, Dec. S3.?A special message pare.? [('ineinnali Enquirer. Sing received from the chief signal officer states that EMMA ABBOTT will Positively a cold wave will occur n Colorado and Ne- at Kvery Performance, Both braska. The temperature will fall about 30 degrees by 8 a. m. December 24th. MATINEEB AND NIGHT. NEWS NOTES. PRICKS?SI.SO, wi.oo. r.Oc nnd 35c. meeting AU day Christmas at the Los New Artists! IXost Beautiful Angeles mission, 157 Noith Spring JUCH New Operas! Grand "EMMA New Company! English street. IfNew Costumes! Opera There will be an open air concert by PEOPLE'S STORE. -2 G R A N D The Abbott Toilets! | InExistence. Regiment the "-eventh band this after- Appearance of the Famous EMMA nodn at 4:30, in front of the Broadway ENGLISH OPERA market. COMPANY The Clothing company's store was crowded all yesterday with people buying goods and securing a fat turkey SATU R DAY, t/> grace their Christmas table. DEC. 25.26. 11\ Judge Clark yesterday rendered judg- Grand Matinee Saturday. ment for the San Pedro Lumber com- Juch pany against the Chautauqua associa- BKPEBTOIUK I I SOPRANOS. tion for $1300 for lumber. Wednesday, December 24,1890. For the Opera Season.' ti. W. Randall of East T.os Angeles was presented with a line Clnistnias chwstmTs night, miDa present yesterday morning by his ami- able wife, in the shape of a tine girl baby. There are undelivered telegrams at theoffieeof the Western Union Telegraph CARLOTTA company for Henry L. Martin, Sidney Thomas, Elizabeth Austermull and j^iLooKj>^- ixmis Mendel. The following intentions \u25a0\u25a0 r \u25a0 \u25a0 mJr Mr. Wm. H. Carlson and wife, ofSan GRAND ENGLISH OPERA CO. Diego, paying Angeles Largest,' Strongest and only Successful English have been Los a Opera Company in America. visit of a week orso's duration, stopping MATINEE TODAY AT 2 P. M.?lialfe's Tune- with brother, Deputy j ful Opera, Mis. Carlson's Sheriff Joseph Aguirre. were conveyed to us late IK)11 TOM lAN GIRLI office indebted to ' Matinee, chables hkdSloNt, EMMA ABBOTT and Entire Company. The Hkbald is Saturday \u2666 .^\^\^\^^^^ TONIGHT, 8 p. ? general I m. Donizetti's Great His- Jacob Adloff, the agent in this in Four Acts, \V> iWILL STKPHKNS, torical Opera (first season on any city Fredericksburg. by Verdi, stage in English), of the Wieland, ?T\Vv-v-1 \u25a0v-^«W» w > [GEORGE GOULD, Chicago and United States breweries", "° ANNE HOLEYNI for a supply of the splendid article he last evening, and as it ad- RIGOLETTO. IPAYNKCLARKE. EMMA ABBOTT as Queen of ; Entire Company. deals in. J HN TON THURSDAY?SpeciaI CHRISTMAS Matinee, The acknowledges an invita- SATURDAY NIGHT, B^1 lialfe's Sparkling Opera, Hekald L nil |\/| A OE tion to attend the first grand concert of December 27,1890, Grand Lj lIV ° BARITONES. ROSE CASTILE I Opera