Allen Bestows $500,000To Online Courses

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Allen Bestows $500,000To Online Courses VOL. 104 No. 151 reeA STUDENT PUBLICATION OF WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY SpORTS Friday, April 24, 1998 Cougars take a crack NOW supports Clinton Opinions 41 Sports 7 at Pac-IO North first-place with its shame Borderline 10 Classifieds 10 Page 7 Page 4 Allen bestows $500,000to online courses offered on the Internet, allowing the students ed in the College of Engineering and Archi- Virtual economics classes coming thisfall to interact with the material by completing tecture department. homework assignments, taking tests or con- "Our department works closely with the By JACOBE CHRISMAN courses, fering with other students and professors via professors (in creating the modules) who are The Daily Evergreen Economic professor Wayne Joerding said, news groups, he said. experts on the material," Rada said. "We work one section from Economics 10 I and 102 will 'These improved teaching methods will with them on a daily basis to electronically Students tired of attending traditional class be used as prototypes for the virtual classes. benefit both students in classrooms and stu- transmit the content of their course." lectures will have the option to receive lec- "We will take the basic components of a dents taking online classes anywhere," Joerd- The modules will be delivered via the tures online with a new curriculum change given class such as exams, exercises, home- ing said. Internet and in some instances, CD-ROMs this fall. work, evaluations and develop them into The creation of these modules will occur in will be used to cover large portions of text- WSU received a $500,000 grant from the modules," Joerding said. These modules are the Educational Media Systems Laboratory, book material, Rada said. Paul G. Allen Virtual Education Foundation similar to sections or chapters in a textbook, said Roy Rada, co-director and- a software to fund the process of developing the online Joerding said. The modules will then be engineering professor. The laboratory is locat- See ALLEN Page 14 Honoring the Murrow tradition By SETII TRUSCOTT The Daily Evergreen Seattle journalists, the publisher of the Seat- tle Tunes, and a Japanese broadcasting CEO all paid homage to Edward R. Murrow's tradition of honorable journalism at the Edward R. Mur- row Symposium. The journalists, publisher and broadcaster were greeted at Beasley Coliseurn by Provost Gretchen Bataille, WSU President Sam Smith and Dr. Alex Tan, director of the Murrow School of Communication. 'These journalists all model the qualities we hope to instill in our students," Bataille said as she introduced the panel. Next, WSU professor and Voice of the Cougars Glenn Johnson gave a brief tribute to Fred Friendly, Edward R. Murrow's right- hand man in television joumalism. "Tonight we look back on a man who did his best to keep the Murrow tradition alive," Johnson said Friendly, who worked alongside Murrow during his television career and visited WSU several times to remember his friend and col- league, died this year after a series of strokes. STAFF PHaro BY OOV PEARL Smith and Tan presented Japanese broad- Moriyoshi Saito, chairman and CEO of the Mainichl Broadcasting System, Inc. accepts the EdwardR. Murrow caster Moriyoshi Saito with the Edward R. Award f~r Intemationalllntercultural Communication Thursday at the Murrow Symposium. Murrow IntemationallIntercultural Communi- cation Award. Saito is an author of several appearance of new digital satellites, which sion by continuing to create innovative pro- Smith and Tan also presented the Murrow books on global communications and a beam down Western tabloid entertainment and gramming, such as his classical concert series Award for Print Journalism to Frank Blethen, renowned broadcaster in Japan, where his tele- sports programming to Japan, with the appear- performed at historic Japanese monuments. owner and publisher of the Seattle Tunes. vision network emphasizes quality programing ance of the American Commodore Perry's "Our industry should be responsible for its ''It always amazes me 1hat you get awards for similar to that found an American public broad- steamship fleet in Tokyo harbor in 1853. Both, programming," Saito said "(Too many) broad- having the best job in the world," Blethen said casting stations. he said, were wake-up calls to Japan. casters are more concerned with market share, Saito gave a short speech comparing the Saito intends to counter this television inva- with little regard for quality programming." See MURROW Page 14 Accountant wins Health Quest 98 imaginary road race By KJANTIIA SHADDUCK machine and cranked the gears three goal took encouragement from each terol screening was worth 15 miles engaging in Health Quest, Smith The Daily Evergreen times a week, she said. other," said Scoles, who is an and attending art or cultural events said. "My sister and I made a two-man accountant in the CUB. took care of five miles, Smith said. "Almost everyone said they want Bonnie Scoles never believed she team called the Masquerading Bun- Scoles exceeded the goal with 681 ''We did a lot of walking and Health Quest to run in the fall semes- would win. nies," Scoles, 37, said. 'The name miles while her sister, Cretia Bunney, dietary changes," Scoles said. ''We ter," she said. "Unfortunately, it only Nor did she believe she would came from our maiden name of Bun- received 565 total miles, Smith said. cut out a lot of sugars and reduced happens in the spring." ex"perience the day when someone in ney." Participants earned miles by mak- our fat intake." Bunney, 31, said she is incorporat- her family of four would utilize a Both team members had to meet ing healthier lifestyle choices, Smith Jeff Guillory, of Human Resource ing a wellness program at the weight machine that had only col- the goal of 473 miles to qualify for said, adding that all miles were Services, won the grand-prize of two Moscow School District, where she lected dust in a bedroom. the prizes drawn at the reception on turned in on the honor system. round-trip tickets on Southwest Air- is employed. However, Scoles did win a run- Wednesday, which marked the end "It was to benefit their own lines, Smith said. "Participating in this for the last ner-up prize on Wednesday of two of Health Quest 98, said Alisa Smith, health," Smith said. "I believe it Guillory could not be reached for few months has given me another round-trip tickets with Horizon Air- the coordinator of the event through defeats the purpose if the participants comment. wind to keep pushing forward with lines from Health Quest 98, an imag- Wellness Programs in Health and did not take advantage of the healthy Nearly 80 percent of the partici- the program idea," she said. "It is inary road trip between Pullman and Wellness Services. life changes." pants reported exercising regularly, going to happen." Seattle. About 80 of the nearly 150 partic- Using contraception, for example, 70 percent modified their eating Bunney said her biggest decision Her win was made possible ipating teams qualified, Smith said. or abstaining from sexual activity habits and 52 percent improved their yet is where to take a trip with the because she dusted off that weight "Looking toward the 473-mile earned 10 miles a month. A choles- stress management skills while airline tickets. ,-, ~, ..... t } "''f'-'l~ ,~,.., FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1998 PAGE 2 THE DAILY EVERGREEN Pullman forecast from the National Weather Service at Weather us/citiesfWA_Pullrnan.html FRI. SAT. SUN. MON. H H H 54 62 64 L L L 38 41 42 Mostly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy . ommuru ALEND~R • Three nights of cool plays for cers for next year. free. Directing IT Spring Class of 1998 finals - an assortment of stu- • Cross Seekers, sponsored by dent-chosen, student directed plays Baptist Student Ministries, will meet will be presented in Wadleigh The- for the last time this semester on Fri- atre in Daggy Hall from Tuesday to day at 7 p.m. in the CUB Gridiron Thursday at 8 p.m. nightly. Room. Come join us! • The KLS Scholarship and • Vortex Productions presents an Senior Recognition Event will be independent film premiere, ''Still held Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Life," on Saturday at 7 p.m. Admis- Lewis Alumni Centre. sion is $2. Please support indepen- dent filmmakers. • The Scott HauiSK Roo to bene- fit Alternatives to Violence on the • F8Iun Dafa is a great cultivation Palouse is Saturday at 9 am Regis- way of Buddha's School. Group tration forms are available at the practice and instruction are held in Scott Hall front desk CUB 220 on Friday at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend. • ''Dare to Gather" I>C;I-sanctioned Magic Tournament is on Sunday at • The 10th annual Cougar Cloth- Wally's World in Pullman at 12:30 ing Drive will be held until May p.m. The format is classic (1.0) and 11tho Clothing bins will be located entry is $3. For more information, throughout residence and family call 332-5487. housing, in the Greek community, in the WSU Children's Center and the • Africa Night tickets are on sale in CUB. For more information, call the the CUB until Friday. Come enjoy a Community Service Learning Cen- wide variety of African dishes and ter at 335-7708. entertainment on Saturday in the CUB Ballroom at 6 p.m. • The College of Engineering and Architecture is having a spring pic- • Pullman Transit 13th annual nic on May 1 from 5 p.m. to dusk at Bus Rodeo will be May 2 at noon in Klemgard Park. Students, faculty, the City Yard at 775 Guy Street next staff and families are invited.
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