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DAYLIGHT SAY!NGS JULIAETTA DOINGS ""'" LELAND AREA HAS LOCAL HAPPENINGS "„',"„'"„"T"'" 'N TIME BEGINS APR. 30 PAST WEEN 'BNY ACTIVITIES IN CAPSULE FORM Remember, April 30th, Ken- The OEAIA Kendrick Community Lions MES. KEVIN MABBOTT BY MES. LLOYD drick aml a of the sur- Club held their PHONE 5887 majority regular semi-monthly Phone 8-2649 roundine r.res. >>9g he going on Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Wilson spent meeting Wednesday evening of last last week-end in Fenn and Grange- Oancer Drive Daylight Saving Time. To be in week, with a very good attendance— Eeport Church Services Well Attended step, area residents are requested ville with his brother-in-law and sis- considering the The Leland Methodist Church Good fact that the Latah Mrs. Ted Peters, chairman for the to advance their clocks one hour ter, Mr. and Mrs. Carol Cox and fam- County Chambers of Commerce were Cancer DriVe Fund in Juliaetta,, r'e- Friday Services had a good attend- ily. inspirational. upon retiring Sunday evening. All meeting in Troy the same evening. ported the canvas was completed last ance; and proved very schools within the district will Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Wilson had as After a Easter Sunrise Service 'and go delicious baked ham din- Tuesday;within Juliaettq, ang on Fix The on the new time, so pupils must Easter guests Mr. and Mrs. Eugene ner served by the School Foods Ser- ridge. Juliaetta had a total of $100, breakfast, the latter in the church meet morn- Betts and daughter Gail of Coeur vice Ass'n» attended. the new time Monday the group heard a talk and Fix ridge turned in $10.00. parlors, were also well ing d'Alene; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Watson by. Ernest Cagahan, There were about present. District Parole Those helping. on. the Drive were 65 The majority oi Kendrick's bus- and sons Duane and David of Elk Officer for the Idaho State Peniten- Mrs'nal Cope, Mrs. Willis Howell, iness men have in

GRANoE "Knem Teul ij~::.':Ss'"''~"-.,nd.-'„':,:::".."":;;;>f~,',."':",y Lawrence Heimgartner, the Easter motif. MrS. NelSon Was bOnl ne;ir Geo. Havens, Warney May, Jr., Mrs. UNHEARD OF LOB'RI'CES ON and later moved ~~,:'::"":~'~~-. Walter Benscoter, Mrs. Bob Smith; kendrick, Mrs, Bob Nelson, Mrs. Harry Bens-. iter parents to near Mos- 'sitlr coter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Davis and TVS, RAXIOS, HI-FIS, STEREOS, RE- cow. She attencled the Fern family, and Mrs. Frank Hoisington; STO16 POINT ITEM~ the latter of Big Bear'ridge. Dell Grade School and was "-',- Mrs. Elmet Stitzlein and daugh- BY MRS. GLEN STEVENS Phone 8-2832 ETt". graduated from Moscow High ters of Clarkston vrere Tuesday after- FRIGERATO15, FREEZERS, callers in the Havens noon George 4-H School. home. Judy Benscoter was also a April 17 —The Emerald Club caller. met Tuesday of last week at the DUN'T, WA'IT —CONE IN TODAF.i After graduation'rom high Mrs. Harry Benscoter has received Darrel Kerby home,,snd again Fri- on the Cancer Drive, and:wish- day at the Glen Stevens home. Plans school, she attended and was $47.00 ar'e "' '" ''I es to thank all who gave. being made for the club to par- I'I."p" "I'I.'I ''I'r I'I. I grasrduated from the Lewiston .",,:;;p..:-:, -",P.„:, tibipate in the Kendrick Locust Blos- Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson of .Club'un- 'ormal som Festival, and in 4-H and. received her Life Troy and Miss Janice, Heimgartner Isbt of Lewlston were Friday evening day activities. lds, Jd„; >k, s dI',ld'„,,;I Diploma. She has also attendecl . „~~-,,""- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mrs. Ernest Steigers'-'ttended a tfie University of Idaho Sum- '>":I,',:;;,:C. Heimgartner —to help Mrs. John- of the Lenore Willing Work- 'eeting TV Stor'e ..- Main Street Kendrick 'on celebrate her birthday anniver- ers Club at the Critchfield home on mer sessions. sary. Janice also spent the week- Thursday. senior of Lap- Her first teaching,'position end with her parents. Members of the class Mrs. Bob Nelson, Mrs. Fr ankie wai vacationed near McCall at Zim's 'et"rFt'esh Blemett's. KendricA was at her home school; Fern Benscoter, Mrs. Otto Schupfer and Plunge last week-end. Virgil Stevens 6 Vegetitbles at and. Arnold ZumHoffe are seniors Dell, near Moscow. She has Mrs. Evea Thompson attended the Club meeting in Juliaetta last Tues- from this corn'munity.'oyce aug'}1t twenty-five yems ln day. Diebel, a former room-mate MRS, PEARL NELSON of Carol Brown, when worked Latah County schols, besicles Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thompson and they E. L. Thompson and children,,David at Orofino, visited Carol and her e one teirm'n Letwis County. and Laura of Lewiston were Sunday mother here Friday. This year completes fourteen years of teaching the fifth glade dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bob The Keith Steigers family of Hu- Nelson, Todd Nelson of the U. of son, Montana, were week-end guests at'uliaetta. I. also spent the week-end with his in the Art Eller home at Clearwater, I= RTI L I Z 8R and the Ernest Steigers h'ome here. E Mrs. Nelson has a vei~ busy day with her fifth grade pupils. parents. I Mr. and Mrs. Warney May; Sr., of Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Her schedule includes the followi:ng: Bible. Reading, Flag Lewiston were Sunday dinner. guests Mrs. Ernest Steigers also included Sa'lute, A.rithmetic, Spelling, S'oeial Studies. Jr. Seholastie, of- Mr. and Mrs. Warney May, Jr., Mr. and Mrs, David Steigers and and family; Afternoon callers were family,,Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Steigers.! I'unch hour supervision, English, Bool» Reports, and'ater in the s.fternoon, Mr. Reading, Mr. and Mrs. Walter May and grand- and'rs. Use the Best Fertilizer- daughter Jackie White, gad Mrs. Rudy Nassett of Lewiston. Science, Health and once a week Playground and Hall super- Mr. and Mrs. Dora . Taylor of Moscow, Frankie Wayne Maynard and Vlslon. Benscoter and granddaughter Sherry family of Lapwai were Sunday din-. ELEPHAN'rt'RAND Mrs. Nelson and her husband make their home south of Benscoter. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs Glen Ste- Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Benscoter vens and family. Sunday evening l Deal~, where Mr. Nelson is engaged in fanning. She enjoys had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Stevens some of the Church ac-'ompanied -reading, growing flowes, and adcling her collection Mrs. Don Benscoter and family, Mr. young I to of cups people to the Lewiston Nazarene and and Mrs. Ray Benscoter and family, ~ saucers and rare coins. Dr. Dan Guy and Mrs. Ruth Odem, Church, where they heard the North- Kendrick Rochdale Compa,ny Mrs. Nelson is a member'f the Lutheran National all of. Lewiston. west Nazarene College Choir of Nam- Church, pa, give a concert. KENDMCK, IDAHO Education, Ic1aho Eclucation Mr. and Mrs..George Hs,vens had Association, Parent Teacher as their Easter Sunday guests Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Powell of i A'ssoclatlon ancl tile 01'c10'1 of Eastel'n Stal'. and Mrs. Ernest Brammer and Jo- Spalding were Sunday dinner guests! of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kerby. t+t t+t t+t t+t t+t t tt+t t+t t+t ttt ttt ttt ttt t+s This week we salute lene of Southwick; Mr, and Mrs. Glen +++tft ttlt ttt At At tft ttt ttt ttt ttt ttt ttt ttt ttr ttt ttt oft+ ttt tet+ tst rft tft tft ttt t+t t+t tlt tft ttt slot++tet Mrs. Nelson, for she is truly a declicat- Hansen and sons Floyd and Tirn of On their 48th wedding anniversary, g+ three ed teacher, and a, credit to the profession. Moscow; Mr. and Mrs. Werner Bram- daughters and families of Lew- ~r Her time ancl effort iston, and a son, Edgar and family t,'f devoted to is mer, Rhonda and Denise 'of Kend- teaching reflected in the prepardness of her rick; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brarnmer Nezperce, were dinner guests on ~+ students. Havens Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Newt. Heath. 'i~ .3,"...V.:4 of Juliaetta; Ira and Rayner W.: of Lewiston, and Chailes Havens of Mr. and Mrs. Mart Klopher were @ Clarkston. The dinner also thbnored also dinner guests. MOB ILOIL MOBILGAS MORE PERSOHALS were Tuesday morning callers of Mrs. Ernest Brammer|s 'birthday anni- Sunder guests or Mr. sud Mrs lft Chester Vincent. versary. Cletis Hoisington included their chil-'@ MOBIL HEAT 100 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thornton spent Mr. and Mrs. George Merrick of dren, Lauren, Frank, Arnold; Vivian, + MOBIL FUEL DIESEL tft (Continued from page the week-end in Kennewick with their Cleta and Neale, with their families, ++ 1) !Kendrick were Thursday of last week son-in-law and daughter, . Mr. and and Don and Jim, with Miss Linda MOBIL LUBRICANTS Mr. and Mrs. Harry. DeHaven of , evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jim's Boise were Sunday over night guests Mrs. Vern Williams and family. Havens. Law, bride-elect. g {Of All Kinds) in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thornton and Edd Kent, who suffered a heart We Wil) Order Any Special Items Desired Mrs. John DeHaven. On Monday family were Sunday dinner guests of attack a week ago, is,responding very (Continued on page 5) + they left for Seattle aiid the World' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Candler at Julia- nicely .to treatment, but will be in + MOBIL TIRE 81 B AT TE 8 IE'8 ~a etta. I Pair. i the hospital another two weeks.;Por o Mr. and:Mrs. Walter Crawford and writ'e The. Clearway,ter 'ethotIIist 'roup 'hose who care to his address-'s: We Give S 4 H Green Stamps on All Burning Oil—::: Ministery'met 'at the Kendrick" Coin- Kevin, arid, Mr. ~d Mrs, Hugh Parks "St. Alphon'sus Hospital, Boise." ' 'r. 18'6g DO,DOE if paid 15th month following munity Church Wednesday for a were Suiiday„dinrieiir guests, of Mrs. and Mrs. Arndy. Cox> Tom and by Elizabeth,Anders at Lewiston. and session. , Andy Sue were Suriday dinner guests I I 1 II I I I study planning LAHCER t I gt I, taI Pev.'ad Mrs. Ed. Knight of Clark- Mike Foley was a Thursday even- of Mr.'and Mrs. Tom Neal and family p visitor Mr'. i ston t were:-Sunday evening dinner ing of and Mrs. Walter in Moscow. e ~ Crawford and Kevin. l guests in, the home.of Rev. and Mrs. , ~ e [ F. 'Q. Schmidt,. rand Mrs. George Merrick were CIRCLE TO GREET grt ~ tt Representing The t visitors their. son-in-law I Eapter of BIG III,'AR RlllfIE ~ ~ anjl, daughter,. Mr. and Mrs. Lee . Wo- BY HAPPY The Afternoon Circle. of the Drussel, at Kennewlck. TlOME CLIIB man's Society off,|Ilggatian -.pirvice Mobil Oil Company Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cuddy attended will meet 'Thursday affernoon in the PER MONTH ,+ the. exhibition baseball game at Oro- Mr and Mrs. Keith Clear and fam- Mr's. KENDRICK, IDAHO, home of Lester'-.Crocker, 'with ", fino Sunday afternoon. ily of Pullman were Easter Sunday Mrs. -'Ben P; Cook as. co-hostess. Lewiston Notor Co...4 Mr.. and Mrs. Carl Comnick and dinner,gitests of..Mr, and Mrs. Dick Office Phon'e 4061 Residence 8-2626 Work will be done on bazaar items, 1005 Main SH 3-4557,"if . daughter .of Seattle were Wednesday Benjamin and Ricky., ~t tto ~t ~t ~r .tt rtr so come prepared ~ +Ift+ ~t ~tet et++++tfttft++tfttft tft++rfr tft++++++tft tft oft+oft tfttft oft+++++++~:a rtr tovelrnight, guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. Bill .Hecht,g who was, recently.„dis- I Ed;.Nelson. charged from, the. hospital, is now at @aster:.guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. the home, of. his son-in-law . arid Nelson were Mr. and Mrs, A'ugust O. daughter, Mr.,and Mrs. Dick Benja- W|sgner, and Mr. and'' Mrs. Harry min and Ricky,

Wagner'and sons; Pullman, and'Rich- ,Mr.. and Mrs. t Ja'mes McBride and ard, Nelson of:Moiicow. Kelly, Mr.,and . Mrs.. Ronald Van- Dennis Abrams left Monday with Cleef and,family, all of Moscow; Mr. g the University" of Idaho Vandaleers and Mrs. tCharles Warren of, Cald- t eet ~ t.+gap:~$5::o,;.~$~jW'" on their Spring, Concert Tour, The well,, Idaho, and, Mrs, Linnie Ingle ) ~d+'s:""'~slsdd ~" dP" ~ ,, „ singing group'will be'way i'or a were. Easter, Sunday, der guests week, covering many,'towns in south of Mr..and'rs. Gerald Ingle. an). cential Idaho.: .Their, TV apear- Gerald Ingle attended the Latah anjes.are, scheduled "for two at Boise County Chambers of Commerce meet- o ano. one at Idaho Falls. They will re- ing at Troy,, Wednesday eyening. turn 'next Sunday Mrs. Monty -, Clemenhagen, and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lind and fam- Mike and Loren Schei of Seattle, ily of Moscow were Thursday evening spent a week visiting in the home of NOW PAYING visitord.in-the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Clemenhagen and Paul Lind. On Sunday Milton E; other relatives and friends. Lind, Lewiston, was a guest of his Mrs. Bruce Clemenhagen and Kim parents. have been visiting at the home of Wallace Mr. and 'v Lane, Jr., and his fiancee, Mrs. Joe Clemenhagen. Mrs. .~ Miss Margaret Warner, both of Spo- Delmar Richardson of Yakima has I '+t kane, were Sunday guests of his par- also been a recent guest. Mrs. Joe *sstttssr+tsstls,1;t:t'ttsit, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lane. Clem enhagen accompanied Mrs. B. tr t4.tt::'t'tt L. 93. Vaughn. Milton-Freewater, Clemenhagen and Mrs..Richardson to sett'" est:.'t ts Ore., visited for several days in the Yakima for a brief visit. ssf R."t't'te."'+!tt .tet t.st" home of his brother-in-law and sis- Mr. and Mrs. Bing Blanfield of . ttgt t ftstttst ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. H Fry, and Lewiston were week-end guests in with other relatives. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dean Mr. and Mrs. Herb Millard and and sons. daughter and Mr and Mrs. C. H. Fry Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dean and sons were Easter Day guests in the home were Easter Sunday dinner guests of of Mr. and Mrs, Don Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bahr on Cedar family at Lenore. I'idge. llINIl Mr, and Mrs. Carl Gustafson enter- Mrs. Marie McCracken and Mar- tained at Easter dinner for Mr. and jorie .of Deary were Easter Sunday Mrs Jack Gustafson and Reinhold dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steiger, from Spokane, and Mr. and Galloway and family. I ONGKR Mr's. Ben Levelle of Clarkston. The Mrs. Henry Galloway, Janice and dinner honored Carl Gustafson's Jerry, and Mrs. Marie McCracken and birthday anniversary, Marjorie visited. Sunday afternoon at KNC-INK L1FR Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hollenbeck and the Gerald Ingle home. children were Sunday dinner guests Janine Hoisington was a Saturday Diesel and heavy-duty gasoline engines get maximviII in the home of his parents, Mr. and over-night guest of Janice Galloway. protection with Super RPM DELO SpecialtLubricatlng INTEREST ON SAV5GS Mrs. Harry Hollenbeck at Tekoa. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McHaffey of Oil.-lt clings tightly to engine parts, fights friction Clarkston were recent visitors in the whether your engine is hot or cold. Henry. Galloway home. MORE LELAND Mr. and Mrs .Ray HatIey.of Deary SpeCial COnlpOundS prevent ring st(citing, harmfrrl (Continued from Page 1) visited at the A. C. Wilson home re- deposits...keep your engine cleari, Stretch the timrr be. cently. tween overhauls on your equipment...use Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Draper and Miss Gail 'Ingle. of Seattle was a Super RPM DELO Special Lubricating Oil. family, John Vincent, Robert Drap- Friday over-night guest 'in the home er and Mrs. Norman Viles and son of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. For any Standard Oil p'rodrrcf, call Mike. were Easter dinner guests of Ingle and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Deobald and farn- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Ingle and iiy.at Moscow. Mrs Robert Draper daughters were Easter Sunday din- and Christy Viles remained here, as ner, guests of Mrs. Emil Nelson at Christy hss the measles! Deary. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Vincent were Mrs. Frank Hoisington was a Lew- Sunday. dinner guests of Mr. and iston visitor on Friday. ¹s. W. L. Rogers and family at Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hoisington drick. and family of Juliaetta were Easter Mrs. Nina Robinson of Clarkston Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and i THE F YRMERS was a Saturday over-night and Sun- Mrs. Frank Hoisington and sons. KENDRICK GARAGE Co BANK day guest of It'Ir. and Mrs. Chester Mrs. Cecil Chamberlain, Mrs. Ed- Herman Ieger, President Vincent and family. die Galloway and Clarence Morey ~ Snfl~. Vie raeuaeae A. O. KILnotke'Itctrg, Mrs. Herman Johnson was a Mon- were Easter Sunday dinner guests of KENDRICK, IDAHO Cr;shier a H CIIIcker. Cas~ day. afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kechter and fam- ~ visitor of Mrs. Marvin Vincent. ily on Cedar ridge. Mr. and Mrs.i E. A. DEOBALD, Propr. Member .Vcderal Deposit Mrs. Glen Greer, Ralph and Lola (Continued on page 6) Insurance Cprporztl THE KENDRICK GAZETTE THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1962

"Makes 10 cakes," Incidentally, he really makes sour HEALTH REPORT dough hot cakes just like his recipe Moscow —Notifiable diseases re- reads. —Henry Tyree, Manager of ported to the Department of Health Flying M Ranch, Yeriiigto, Nev. in Latah county, during the month Our comment: Frank Hoisington of March, from the 9th through the brought in the above, clipped from a 30th: cattle breeders'agazine. He adds Influenze ...... 100 he hasn't tried the recipe yet, but it Measles ...... sounds like it might be "pretty good." Strep-throat ...... ,..

tusshusnONAs NADvssssu


,' 0!A il S T A R L I N K

r nvhuh)VNA'««V.«..«'««vL««,.««««~rap,"trav...hvhuhuscvpguhsvhvwvg~( rr~mr~ The Ojfieial World's Fair Power j/lover I Toro power mowers are used exclu- sively to keep the lawns of the "t World's Fair trim and carpet I smooth. Give your lawn this same professional care and appearance. Buy Toro... the complete mower I for all-season use... the best 4 A,uyENTURES lH you ":::" can buy! :. ':::.;4 I.:;:.'W, copy and send it on to you —thought 4 SClE|NCE SHOVf you might get a kick out of reading it: i+t.'~ Sour Using few ounces of .chemicals, Dough Recipe for Hot Cakes a "Pour dough out of crock; let run Donald E..Scott.,makes a plastic WORLD'S FAIR 20 seconds. SEIInLE Ieez cone in the "Adven- General Electric "Add two handsful of flour, if med- tures in. Science" stage show which ium sized hand. "eu~ k. 4+@I: !R will, .Qj@~+ appear at the Kendrick High "(Wipe hand on overalls). Sphool on May 4. It will be presented "Add half handful under, .th'e Wash- sugar. the, sponsorship of "(Wipe hand on overalls). , 4, iiigton.Water;Power. Company. "Add middle finger and thumb of salt. "(Light cigarette). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'HOT. CAKE,'.RECIPE "Add p FULL-DEPFH FRAME ~ one egg and cooking oil; let run 1/10 of second. Front Bumper: to Rear Springs Here is an actual recipe written by "(Fish cigarette ashes out of mix- one of my cowboys, Jack Chiatovich, ture; it will kill the soda action). ' 'greater durability— who, I might add, is an excenent "Stir to beat hell. I'c cook. He has the recipe written on "Get griddle to 208 degrees, then ) 1 )r 8ths wit e LONGER LIFE cardboard with pencil and tacked to add thumb, index and middle fingers the cow-camp (Alemada Camp) wall. of soda. I filched it long enough to make a "Beat like hell again and bake. PHONE 405) Frank Abrams KKNDRlCK ', GREATER ACCESSIBILITF in the cab and under the hood i i2 ENGINE CHOICES- Gas, LPG, Diesel i 40DEGREE TURNING— all tires sizes —easier handling ,'ET O'IDE-TRACK MANEUVERIN G I I.sil iililill III L 76-inch Eront Axle

.vvl~z.,' 'h s I I I Ns B I. I I ', Low cab floor height —,high cro ton t' '.i mean driver comfort I |II,"IIi)JIIi,"I I

I I "rnc II'E 'ming E I,ilail» I Iit»II IiI,!

'.cui~ment ~".0., nc ~: f'iII!I... KENDRICK Phone 4971 IDAH p ~ . ~ /II ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V V 'F V T W V % V V V ~ W ~ V ~ V ~ ~ T, ~ ~ ~ ~ 'F Ill'F' n I Dhss ~ seh II g

L+++«+++tft++++++tft+++4D++++++4«++++++++++++++++tft+++++ !IiJ I EL.. 'A .Icvvc. v«„,r«y,., 3 I II" QI ',III ~ I I il '. i VD IIR eI't I'g u a ssI 4 ~ ) +IIIN

D',D "'r'rrp ~s a I, - = II'll IgItI Il 7 'N'' 44 EEEEEI EEII the comforts ofI.home! ND THE LAMPLlsuHTER APARTMENTS, i 227 E. 27th. "We ' ' feel ND having Eiectrsc Heat in our apartments is a special ELHraction to ND „ otsr;tenants, they can be sure of pleans coIIIfortab( ~;rooiELS all i r,t,~)i~ifijiip.'i> the, time while we eploy::the economy of maintelsance-frep ,:, Motel and Apa'rtment. psvners Isrelcpooiling EIp NN ~ration" ~ said W. E; Mitchell, owner. ELECTRIC;HEAT because of its coiiven- .. I ient, maintenance-free advan ~ J. apace-savjng, tages plus the, economy of individual room- by-room temperature control. Pictured at the right are some of the many Motels and apartments in the area e»joy- ing the carefree comforts of ELECTRIC GETS - OATS 3 V,D HEAT. 3% IPC - 97% Gypsum PEAS - LENTILS I I Whether. you are. building, remodeling or ALFALFA - CLOVER changing your. heating system be sure to Apply 3 to 4 pounds check. with an Electrical League Contrac- IPC per acre to control ~ tor for advice and free estimate on the MOTEL OWNER AT 2834 SUNSET BLVD., Mrs. Harold L, Newby, I I wild oats. said, "We appreciate the convenience of the individual auto- h heating units that are best suited for your matic heating units in our apartments. Each apartment gets only . heating requirements. the heat it needs so there's no heat wasted." MFGD. FOR fl + 4':,,;„\, WILLIAMS INC n«' '""v««,~ MOSCOW. IDAHO II-'' Ic 'ILO 80 I.BS.NET +

".':":: '': ":" ,BASEBOARD,; WAlL HEATER, ",.'(III DN Ii',E)~l i'g@..(II .";: IPC will increase your average income by $15.OQ to + ::$/5.OO per acre on peas or lentils. . Three years of research, compiled by Clarence Seely + f „s of the U. of I., and published in the "Weed Fighter I,.'.: -APARTMENTS AT S. 71,l„ELM ST„Mr. Don H. Tompkins, owner, No. 19" points out that IPC is still the outstanding,". .Ne(ected-Electric Heat for /is apartments because of ail the ,h...'.,".'„'-,",'.,"',".:,.'',s'«'> space it saves as well as the ease and economy of CABL'E'AHEAD(@~~ .:~APPCVWL4ilftS v peas was 221%. This is. 80%%.greater, than the near-'':> ':.'st comtetitor of IPC. VD ".See Your Electrical League Contractor Today!" g~ '. GETS OATS 3 —75% Wettable Powder— GETS OATS 4 NNI THE WASHINGTON WATER tOWER CO. AVAILABLE AT TIIE INLAND EMPIRE:.ELERBIEAL-:LEADUE ,',::l>eo. '. Irocse 8E Sons:: j ':lE * Inc., SEEDSNEN l I Errant IID I PHONE 4H1 -.KE1VDRICK ~ ~ hii ~ ~ ~ VD kkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkk kkkk k kkkkkk kk kk k k k «kkkkkk kk kkkd'Y' «k 'C « fYYVT'f «''«'V'v «Y'vV'0 vVT v v7'vY ~ F FWY'% 7'«''f 7 f'vV'V THE KENDRICK . GAZETTE THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1962


Moscow —Seven schools and 340 students will participate in the La- tah County School Forestry Tour s~m-.sew CLACK scheduled for Tuesday, April 24th. Weather permitting, the school busses from all corners of the county V'UK qgAK will assemble at the Valley Tree Farm Demonstration Area from P.AKF'Qg 9:00 to 10:00 a. m. Radio station -B KRPL will announce between 6:30 a. m. and 8;00 a. m. whether the tour ~ LIIIklDS',:', "tIJIPKRQ will be held or postponed to the fol- lowing day,~ Aplil 25th. ~ The demonstration area was estab- LIMIITQ lished by Potlatch Forests, Inc., in 1957, to show the results of woodlot -TIFFS management practices. The attrac- tions of the area include a pine plant- ing, four thinning and pruning plots and . a timber management area. Three stations of the twelve-station tour will deal with these topics. The Foresters presenting these topics wIQ be Gary Ringold, Phil Kline and Wilson Kile, all of Pot- hitch Forests, Inc. The U. S. Forest, Service will man- age the following stations: Recrea- tion, range management, fire pre- vention and multiple use. The For- esters concerned will be Jerry Moore, Ed. Laven, Atley Wernerman and Del Jaquish. Kenneth Rieragard, soil conservationist, will man the station on Forest Soils., Ray Johnston, a sawmill operator from Deary, will handle the station on wood products. Phil Wooline, College of Forestry, at the University of Idaho, will show examples of'important forest insects snd diseases. John Hunt, also of the College of Forestry, will assist Jerry Moore on the recreation station. to alert stu- Hale Co. and General Electric Ebling, Conservation officer ADVENTURES IH dents to the importance of thinking of Deary, will lead the discussion on about their future. wildlife management. Gene Farmer, SCIEHCE TO APPEAR woodland forester, Troy," will show For more than 29 years, G. E. has important yoints in tree and shrub MAY been presenting scientific demon- identification. AT K. H. S. 4 strations to millions of people all This tour im- "Adventures in Science," the Gen- over the world. The present show promises to be an "House portant experience in learning for all eral Electric traveling show, will be is the successor to the of seventh graders. presented at the 'endrick High Magic" which was first presented in To help in evaluation, the D'aily School on Friday, May 4, under'the 1933 at the Chicago Century of Pro- Idahonian at Moscow will again spon- sponsorship of the Washington Wat- gress Exposition. Since that time, Dean programs have been presented all sor an essay contest which will be I er Power Co., according to open to all students participating in Hollenbeck, local company represen- over the and in most countries of the free world. the tour. tative. Four'eams Norm Berg, chairman of the Latah As the successor to the world-fa- of showmen sre presenting the County Farm Forestry Advisory com- mous "House 'of Magic," the present program this year for high schools mittee, will act as official greeter as show is designed to alert students to in different sections of the country, the busses arrive. the challenges of the Space Age. Two and an international unit travels Winthrop Shattuck of Potlatch will lecturers from the New York offices under the sponsorship of the U. S assist directing students to their st-a of General Electric are traveling with Dept. of Commerce. tions. the show, presenting it to more than 40 secondary schools in the Inland Empire. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Hollenbeck said the program con- I YOUR DOLLAR sists of a series of demonstrations In the Probate Court of Latah showing some of man's progress in County, State of Idaho science and engineering. Included are IS WORTH MORE In the Matter of the Estate glowing chemicals, lamps which light of without wires, rocket fuels, space Sat- ALBERTA HOWARD, Deceased ellite demonstrations, and the use of AT M~MONIGLE'S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, by atomic energy to produce electricity. the undersigned executor of, the The show emphasizes the ways in '60 CHEVROI ET Biscayne 4-door. Estate of Alberta Howard, deceased, which today's students can take ad- v-8, automatic trans., vantage of their educational oppor- to the creditors of, and all persons heater ...... $f495 having claims against the said de-! tunities in order to make similar cedent to exhibit them with neces- progress in any field. It is meant to '61 CHEVROLET Impala 4-door. R ~ sary vouchers within four (4) months supplement the work of teachers, Powerglide, power steering, Fs /1$ counselors and in 1I " IRI1 FI . after April 19, 1962, the first publi-i guidance parents Radio and U cation of this notice, to the said the over-all effort to stimulate snd heater ...... '...... $ggg5 Raymond Howard at the law office encourage young people to plan for a a ~ Ml sl ~ g MIMI Q JTI of Frank V. Barton, 1219 Idaho their own'areers. '60 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-door. Lewiston, Idaho, the same 'treet, "Adventures in Science," Hollen- V-8, powerglide, power steering, radio 'eing the place for the transaction! eck said, "is a part of a continuing and of the business of said estate in program on the part of the W. W. P. heater ~ of Idaho. the'tate RE1i SIGNED AND DATED '61 CORVAIR Lakewood 500 4-door at Moscow, ~ I Idaho, thism 16th day of April, 1962. 'tation Wagon. Powerglide, radio RAYMOND HOWARD '7 and 'vl a ~ heater Executor of the Estate of Alberta Howard, deceased. '60 CORVAIR 700 2-door. Power- FRANK V. BARTON glide, radio and Attorney for Executor @595 Residence and, Post heater ...... MARK THAT DAY ON YOUR CALENDAR - MAKE Office Address: '59 WILLYS Station Wagon, P. O. Box 573 4-cylinder 1219 Idaho Street heater ...... $945 Lewiston, Idaho. First pub; April 19, 1962 '61 RAMBLER Classic Super 4- YOUR - Last pub. May 10, 1962. door. Automatic trans., PLANS ACCORDINGLY ONE BIG DAY! g 'I I x heater ....,.....,...... ,... We feature Carnation Ice Cream '60 FORD Fairlane 2-door, 6-cyl., -'ll flavors and packs. Lay in a supply radio and /395 TICKETS NOW ON SALE LIONS CLUB AND today. Blewett's, Kendrick. 1-sd" heater ...... $ BY THE CEDARIZED STORAGE BAGS 10c EACH 'JI MONIGLE CHEV. V.F.W. SALE STARTS Kendrick Cleaners KENDRICK, IDAHO COMPANY TODAY, THU15D'Y- ., New Sixth St. Lewiston

PFe are pro?opted to sponsor the above advertisem~l|It through our de- APRIL 28 'in sire to serve the best i'nterests of our community every way'ossible. th)

KEHDRICK TABLE SUPPLY Jlm Xra4s "Everything For Your Tabls UHIOH OII. SERVICE At the '~ In West Kendrick W. I (BIII) Rogers KEHDRICK ROCHDALE CO., Inc. General Warehouse aud Sperry Dealers BLEWETT'S GROCERY MARKET Meats —Groceries —Fresh Vegetables —Frozen Foods AB RAMS HAR DWARE ORTHO Hardware aud Electrical Appliances ~, FERTILIZERS THE RED CROSS PHARMACY Cecil Choate "The Rexan StoreP i AMMONIUM NITRATE THE FARMERS BAHK P An Independent Bank —Farm Loans and Iusura21ee SULPHATE OF AMMONIA 20 —20 —0 THE KEHDRICK GAZETTE of the crowds Your Home-Tnwa Printer and Put tl~~r ~ ELIMINATE SNOPPINO 20 10— Iet us prepare your order 0 ~ ASSURE SAVINOS- KEHDRICK GARAGE CO. while stocks are complete 48 Standard Oil Produats —Goodyear Ttres 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 PLACE YOUR ORDER plus a penny I l4OW GEORGE F. BROCKE & SONS, Ine. Keahiek "Tops of the Crop" seedsmen Phone 4%1 RED CROSS ",'Ill't'F!'I:".t! ."'.. ' PHARMACY RS: S Phone 4221 ZerrrIyr'cy, IrIg, Kendrieh Cecil Choate V T V% VW&WVWV'V'W'V%W%VW&A THE KENDRICK GAZETTE THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1962

THE KENDRICK GAZETTE 'Iennler Sun- / Iz 4 were Satu>flay and crackers, 1 cup cocconut, '/ Q 0 BI&PL BEAR guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter chopped nuts. Mix well and Press Published every Wednesday afternoon trHVAk.It, kLlVU4 day (dated tlennler, in a px13-inch pan. Chill. Frost with Thursday) at Kendrick, Idaho, ~ AND I INL)EN M~ and Mt s. John Snoen of Clark- 2 cuPs powde ed suga, '/4 p by W. L. McCreary, d f l ) ~ IIY ItIIIS. IIOBERT PIIATT tton visited 'I'hI»sday te 5982 garet Candler. 17-1 Fresn:Frozen Juices of all kinds at No parking meters are grt Kendrick Blewett's Market. Kendrick. 1-adv BY MRS. ADOLpH DENNLIr~ Phone 8-S742 KendriCk, Ida«p, We occasionally get our kicks in a place where the music is so bad that %AN ~Abl. Eritertains Club TERMS when a waiter drops a tray, evey- Club ladies were CORVENIEIIT WANTED —CHURNING, CREAM. The Fix Ridge I,s body gets uP and sorts dancing. Lewiston price at Kendrick. I eave hostesses last Tuesday to five other I nt Western Auto Supply, Kendrlch. rlnbn, The Hnppy Home Club, Ken- Golden Grain Dairy Lewiston. drick; Kanyon Klub; Evergreen 2W F endship Club Hi Hope Club and .mumm Ql-adw esting talk on "Clothes Etiquette." t; 0NFAI ctgtgagt Coffee, punch and cookies were serv- S-5851 ' Seventh JI Main phono SH es a ce ~ FOR SALE —30-gal. hot water ed by the Fix Ridge Club. A Square Deal j.p tank; child's size 4 winter coat and Buyer and Seller" hat. Phone 4161. 16-2x Other News FOR RENT —Unfurnished apart- Mrs Adolph Dennler attended the

FOR SALE OR RENT —House and Easter dinner guests of Mr. St I Ppl phase 4554 ez RI57 LeuJiatOyg NOtOr CO. 10 lulu in Julinuiin. Sne Chnn Hlchn nnd Mee. George F. Sunnier whee n t I I I I ( l ~ I ue u"n g Harder nnd dnu- y tl)II5 Mala SH 5 4557 Mr. nnd Mrs. Hans 4 ~ L '4 ~ Ie l L +F I PAPER TABLE OLOTH Wet phters of Moses Lake. Washington, Sttength. A quick, easy ftnd sani. Mrs, Katie Baker of Pomeroy, and tary way to cover a table for pub. Nr. and Mrs. D. C, Laird, Judy Down, Or. D. A. Christensen Mrs. Kuni > hL D. lic or Private gathers. The cost Ia and Gordon of Ruebens, 196P Rambter 4 d< CuStpm SedaII StaII(tard Iow Kendrick Gazette. 8-5x Dennler of iLewiston, Mr. and Nrs. Offloe Hoarg VQLKSWAGENS Laird and sons of Clarkston, b tranSmiSSiOn, pverdriVe. eal Sharp $4&g 10:00 A IIL Tg 5:00 P. M. FOR LOWEST PRICE8 read the Dale Mr an Nrs a "" " an 4-Br. StatipII Lptg pf ropm ffhnergency Call at All Hours On Good Used ad. of Blewett.'s cash Grocery on 1960 Fiat Wagon. the b«k 7-2 ""' Notificati D JeepS —CarS —TruCkS P«e „',",'"dn D„„'"N,,'„'„, fOr a Smalt, eCOnOmieal Car $269 - Othe Phone 5988 Rgsldenm 5871 Call Jimmy GrpW FOR SALE —C. C. cultivator, 16-ft., qfrs. Walter Dennler, Bob and Judy, t 1)59 POIItiaC 4-d<. StatipII WagpII. Tpp COII- ,OIIIoe In with trailer. Can be seen on Win-'r Tom'en ler, John' ter's and N,s. Chrlstensen BuIIdlng,. Kendrlok t HQVfARD 'WOOD ranch, Southwick. 17-2x „' rk Miss Ele Unziker 4-dl'. MQTQRS RADIATOR REPAIR —BATTERY'altherine See1y. Dana And~~ws > 1958 Pplltiac StaI'lllef Hardtop; P. S. ~ REBUILDNG-;AND REPAIRING. and Kathy Gunn, students from the t 'I A rgb n rgrhw w aIId p B 4387 11-Sx , 5-3393. Box 151. Troy. Ida. Easter dinner guests of Mr. and I 1957 pplitjaC Star Chief 2-dr Hardtpp ------$3/9 Ship By Truck 1I'rs. c rl, co and grandson steve 1'N9 Ford Fairlane 4-dppr sedan'389 ' PLUMBING > 4-drrn I. 8 F. with the village. ordinance regarding H d f 1958 Buick Super HarChpp, p. S.,p. B. $369 (LICENSED) N ~,~ caught't large,'without license at Door-tpwDopr Delivery TROY IDAHO N and N'do lph D'ennler md Debbv were Easter dinner guests 1955 FOrd RanCh WagOn, Std. tranS., O. D. 4 pH NFA'icked up md disposed of &thout Q,eg Fast, Safe, Dependable and Mrs. Sttm HOITSE of PortlanUMPS j Holstine milker. Phone Miss Dana Andre.vs, Phone 5982 Regitlettoe I cow Good crine Steley, ~ 5346. 16-2 Miss Kathy Gurin, Bob and Judy THE IhE.h DI'.ICK GAZETTE T -IT) A."DAY, APRIL 26, 1962

(,'AMEffOI< tIEmffitf M~tm~

I Kendrick Theater ~, ~ AC I IVITIES VARIFD ~ ft3 ~ ~ I BY MltS. HARL 1VHITINGER FRIDAY —SATURDAY t( ..of,lf ! Phone R1325 ,.Ilare ..on', s ! seed Ladies Have Work Day THE SECOND TIME WS IR 8 ~ Ten ladies me". at the parsonage last Wednesday ior an all-day meet- ing, quilting and doing fancy work. AROUND Mrs, Fred Newman and Helen Mielke ...iteRC,C UR1" ONDED REAL ESTATE gg ii ,", I inger met at the Ray Whitinger Wm. Kauder accompanied Mr. and I e l home Easter Sunday, all going out Mrs. Darwin Tarry to Lewiston on NEW ARRIVALS THE WEEK i PAST i Mrs. Jim Whiineer and Janis met Easter Sunday to spend the day with Ii at the Ray Whitinger home Easter Mr. and Mrs. Barney Driscoll and ii ii DACRO1V QUILTED BABF BLANK- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cuddy spent George Wilken and his sister, Hat- PHONE 4271 KENDRICK '.p sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. tte-Johnson of peck, called on Alma ETS —You mill ust have to see Harl Whlttinger. Betts Saturday. j Mr and Mrs Wilbert Brunsie!k Mrs Bud Adamson and daughter these to appreciate. the values— snd Mr. and Mrs. Eldon. Glenn and Gayle of Kooskia spent the Easter, famny were Easter Sunday guests week-end here at the Stage farm. . $2.85, $4.25 and $4.5'9 ACETATE QUILTED BABF BLANK- WEEK-END SPECIALE ET —Each ...... $1.98

Mielke sfttended ladies training at Mrs Finke and 1(ifrs. Souders. the Clearwater Power Co. last Fri- Yon can't make ay afternoon in Lewiston. RIDGE RIDERS a bad cup op Ida Stoneburner and Em>@a Har- tung spent Easter Sunday,'with their INFANTS'EAR y sister, Mrs John Schwartz.'he Ridge Riders will meet Sun- Mielke spent Monday after- days April 29th —to hold another g noon visiUing her aunts, Emma Har- clean-up day at their arena, with a NEW 'SHIPME1VT JUST ARRIVED ~Q pot-luck dinner I f' p tung and Ida Stoneburner. to be held at 1 p. r'elenI m.'aster Sunday guests of Mr. and There will be a demonstration on, for Ne Next Baby or Stork Shower Fred Newman were Bill Mielke, "Saddling, Currying and'eneral in-