Public Information and Outreach in Calendar of activities – October 2009

Overall Objective: To increase understanding of the ICC, its mandate and activities in Uganda amongst diverse constituencies through the following: ‐ Conducting meetings in towns and villages of the most affected communities ‐ School outreach programmes/quiz competitions ‐ Women’s meeting

Activity Date Place Summary Means of Verification School outreach 6 October St Joseph’s The quiz competition was ‐ Standard programme Layibi, Gulu organized as a follow‐up to the evaluation (quiz district, Acholi school outreach programmes form from the competition) sub‐region that were carried out last year, field in order to reinforce ‐ Monthly information about the Court. reports. The objective is to test the ‐ Question knowledge of students forms and the regarding the work of the nature of Court as well as increase their Questions understanding regarding its captured roles.

At the end of the competition, students received various prizes including books, pens and ICC souvenir

17 students and 4 teachers attended School outreach 6 October Sacred Heart The quiz competition was programme secondary school, organized as a follow‐up to the (quiz , school outreach programmes competition) Acholi sub‐region that were carried out last year, in order to reinforce information about the Court. The objective is to test the knowledge of students regarding the work of the Court as well as increase their understanding regarding its roles.

Attendance: 40 students and 4 teachers School Outreach 7 October Sir Samuel Baker The quiz competition was ‐ Standard quiz Secondary organized as a follow‐up to the evaluation competition) School, Gulu school outreach programmes forms district, Acholi that were carried out last year, sub‐region, in order to reinforce Northern Uganda information about the Court. The objective is to test the knowledge of students regarding the work of the Court as well as increase their understanding regarding its roles.

At the end of the competition, students received various prizes including books, pens and ICC souvenir

Attendance: 38 students and 4 teachers School outreach 7 October Gulu Central The quiz competition was Monthly quiz High School, organized as a follow‐up to the reports. competition Gulu district school outreach programmes Acholi sub‐ that were carried out last year, region in order to reinforce information about the Court. The objective is to test the knowledge of students regarding the work of the Court as well as increase their understanding regarding its roles.

Attendance: 18 students and 4 teachers Inter Secondary 8 October Gulu district hall, Four schools participated in ‐Reports Schools Quiz Gulu district this activity: St Joseph Liyibi competition Acholi sub‐ secondary school, Sacred Hear (Grand Finals) region, northern Secondary School, Sir Samuel Uganda Baker Secondary School and Gulu Central Secondary School. The four participating schools were represented by the two students who had emerged as the best two during the internal schools

competition. The participants displayed in‐ depth knowledge and understanding about the work of the Court through the detailed responses they provided to questions.

Attendance: 111 students participated School outreach 13 October Wiggins The Outreach team explained ‐ Standard with students Secondary the Court to the students in evaluation and teachers School, Kumi order to increase their forms district, Teso sub‐ understanding about its roles region, North and hence clear misconception. Eastern Uganda 1,200 students including their teachers were reached Women’s 13 October Ongino sub‐ Organized in partnership with ‐ Standard Meeting in county, Kumi Ongino sub‐county evaluation district, Teso sub‐ administration, the session forms region, North provided accurate information Eastern Uganda and updates about the ‐ Monthly mandate and activities of the reports. ICC.

45 women attended the session Town hall 14 October district, Information was provided to Standard meeting Katakwi sub‐ the general public of Katakwi evaluation county, Teso sub‐ about the work, mandate and forms region, North activities of the Court. Eastern Uganda Participants’ questions and Activity

concerns were responded to. report

Audience: 46 members of the general public School outreach 15 October St Francis The team had a successful ‐ Standard with students Acumet interactive session with evaluation and teachers Secondary students. Outreach provided forms School, Amuria information about the court, district, Teso sub‐ cleared misconception and ‐ Monthly region, North responded to numerous reports. Eastern Uganda questions and concerns.

Attendance: 619 students (aged 13 ‐19) Conducted a 17 October Islamic The team had a successful Report session with law University interactive session with students students. Outreach provided Campus, information about the court, Makindye cleared misconception and Division, responded to numerous Kampala district , questions and concerns. Central Uganda 80 students were reached Consultative 19 October Uganda Law Outreach follow‐up with a ‐ Monthly meeting with Society office in representative of ULS to reports. the Head, Kampala finalize workshop plans for Policy, lawyers. Advocacy and Membersʹ One person was met Affairs of the Uganda Law Society (ULS)

Meeting with 20 October , The team briefed ‐ Monthly Kitgum district the Community representatives of the district reports. leaders and Based Office and local administration in Kitgum Counselors Chief of its activities and why it is administrative targeting various villages and Office for settlements. . Kitgum, Acholi sub‐region, 10 people were met Northern Uganda Town hall 20 October Kitgum Town The outreach team interacted Standard meeting Council, Kitgum with 53 members of the evaluation district, Acholi community and provided them form sub‐region, information about the activities Northern Uganda of the Court. Activity report School outreach 21 October Lagwai Seed The team had a successful ‐ Standard programme Secondary interactive that provided evaluation School, Pader information, updates and form district, Acholi cleared misconception on the sub‐region, mandate and activities of the ‐ Question log Northern Uganda ICC to the students and their forms teachers

Attendance: 145 students and teachers Consultation 21 October Pader Town Outreach engaged opinion Standard meeting with Council, Pader leaders including local evaluation opinion leaders district, Acholi counsellors, youth and women form sub‐region, leaders. Northern Uganda Activity Audience: 16 people report Town hall 22 October Kteng Village, General information on the Standard meeting with Pader Town activities of the Court was evaluation

the general Council, Pader provided to the participants. form public district, Acholi Questions and concerns were sub‐region, addressed by Outreach. Activity Northern Uganda report Audience: 147 members of the general public Held a meeting 22 October Sir Samuel Baker Consensus was reached on Activity with the and Sacred Heart how the ICC‐Outreach Club report members of two secondary members can communicate to Outreach school secondary school; the Outreach team in Kampala. clubs Gulu district Through the e‐mail system, Acholi sub‐region Outreach pledged to forward relevant materials to the Club’s email address which the members will print and display on the Club’s noticeboard.

10 member were reached Distributed ICC 22 October Sir Samuel Baker Different Information material Activity Informational and Sacred Heart was distributed to ICC report and materials and Secondary school, Clubs for display on ICC Pictures taken weekly updates in Gulu District outreach notice boards. to schools Acholi Sub 2 school were reached Sir Region Samuel Baker Secondary and Sacred Heart Secondary Internal 26 October Kampala Field General information on how Report Briefing session Office the Court works was provided on Outreach to a colleague of the Health activities and Welfare section. Meeting with a 27 October Kampala Field The team provided updates Report Law Fellow Office about the ICC/Outreach work from the Public in Uganda. Discussed ideas in International working in partnership to

Law & Policy reach lawyers, members of Group(PILPG) parliament and the judiciary Reporting of 1‐30 October PIDS Field Office, The Prepared daily reports and Reports daily activities, Kampala sent to HQ; and Monitored Number of daily media Media, to kept track of ICC evaluation monitoring, related stories and took and Question inputting appropriate interventions form entries information into when it was required made on line Outreach online Daily press database, cuttings of compiling/enteri ICC related ng and stories evaluating frequently asked questions.