Advisory Council Holds Busy Session Nov. 7-8 Art Center to Be Setting

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Advisory Council Holds Busy Session Nov. 7-8 Art Center to Be Setting Vol. XXXI AUSTIN, TEXAS, NOVEMBER, 1947 No. 3 Advisory Council Holds Pledge Support of Newly Adopted 8-Semester Rule Busy Session Nov. 7-8 Three Different Groups against it: "Resolved, that we affirm our Turns Down Proposed Reclassification, Hears Four Endorse League faith in the new eight-semester Discussion Contest rule as a sound educational Approved by Coach Delegations on Various Topics, Refuses to Action measure, and that we offer our Resubmit 8-Semester Rule support to the Interscholastic League authorities in its en­ I have just read the Leaguer •pOLLOWIlsG much misin- forcement." and am very happy about the formed agitation concern­ A/TEETING IN Austin, Nov. 7-8, The Interscholastic ing the Interschok.^tic Lea­ We have received from the Sec­ discussion contest. I do hope that VA you are planning to have a regular League State Advisory Council, recommended that the gue's enforcement of the retary of the East Texas School column on discussion. State Executive Committee defer re-classification for foot­ Amateur Rule and of its ex­ Men's Club, meeting in Henderson, October 27, the following account I am trying to introduce it into ball contests another year and let the Conference A football pressed determination to see that of its action: our school, not only for debaters state championship take its course. The re-classification the newly adopted 8-semestf r rule becomes of full force and effect "After much discussion of but for those students who had was proposed for the purpose"* rather discuss than debate. It is next September 1, as vottd, three The Texas Anti-Eight Semester of relieving congestion in Con­ tion. (Both these resolutions will different schoolmen's associations Association formed in Brecken­ an essential phase of speech, par­ ference AA, and to shorten the be published in full in the Decem­ ticularly in high school. — Miss have, by resolution formally a- ridge recently by business men season necessary to conduct the ber issue of the Leaguer.) dopted, declared allegiance to the to fight the eight semester rule Jessie Mercer, Debate and Extemp A championship. The Council recommended that League and pledged the State as adopted by the University Speech Coach, Amarillo Senior TMEA Committee a rule be incorporated in the Con­ Committee full support in seeing Interscholastic League the fol­ High School. In a busy two-day session, it stitution and Rules permitting ap­ to it that these and other measures lowing motion was made by heard a committee from the Music peal to the State Executive Com­ are carried out, as voted by the Superintendent Bonner FrizzeL Educators Association and from of Palestine, and seconded by mittee by any school involved in an membership. PRINCIPLE OF the High School Coaches Associa­ inter-conference dispute. Superintendent Q. M- Martin of tion on matters, principally rule AMATEURISM The committe from the TMEA, Leading off is the Texas Asso­ Carthage: That the East Texas changes, of interest respectively to consisting of Jack Mahan, Tex- ciation of Secondary School Prin­ School Men's Club express its VyrE MUST recognize that those two organizations. It heard arkana, and Weldon Covington, cipals, meeting recently in Dallas, appreciation of, and its confi­ W the average youngster to­ representatives of two out-side with only a few scattering votes dence in, the University Inter­ day seems to be far more com­ groups, relative to the advisability Austin, asked for the exception of music contests from the age-rule, scholastic League." This mo­ mercial minded than the preced­ of re-submitting the 8-semester tion was adopted over-whelm- the 8-semeseter rule, the transfer ing generation. As a youngster rula. It discussed at length clari­ ingly. on the farm, I can remember fication of the Amateur rule, and rule, the undergraduate rule and riding a horse ten miles and appointed a committee to make a the rule barring college contest­ League Breakfast "This group asked that a copy sven farther just for a chance year-long study of the matter and ants. The council failed to make of this resolution be given to the to play town team baseball. Re­ report back to the next meeting of any recommendation to the State Programs Reviewed newspapers of the state. It was cently, on a visit to the old the Council. The Council found Committee on this petition. the opinion of this group that The home town, I asked why they time to discuss and adopt a reso­ The High School Coaches Asso­ University interscholastic League New Faces on Advisory Council—The six super­ J. M. Hanks of Ysleta, Vernon Madden of Sealy, 25th UIL Program to Feature and the football program should had discontinued the baseball lution relative to recruiting of ciation was represented before the intendents elected in October in their respective and John Morris of Claude; (second row) Leland team and they told me that the high-school athletes by scouts of Council by Gene McCollum, of district and conference to serve on the Legislative L. Martin of Crane, Lewis Simms of Caddo Mills, Chicago Public School not be subjected to too much out­ Advisory Council are (top row, from left to right) and I. L. Lasater of Winters. side interference. kids all wanted to be paid and higher educational institutions, and Port'Neches; P. E. Shotwell, of Administrator rather than conduct a semi- one defining the working relation­ Abilene; and Grady Hester, of "The East Texas School Men's professional team, they had just ships between member-schools and Weslaco. The main purpose of Club was organized in 1 )30 and thrown over the whole scheme. the State Office and outlining the this committee, McCollum, spokes­ Nationally known professors of meets monthly during the school The reason that the colleges methods used in passing legisla- man stated, was to invite the Coun­ New Councilmen Are Initiated drama, speech and physical educa­ term. It has members as far are so vitally interested in this cil to attend the Coaches' school tion, editors and specialists in north as Texarkana, as far south is that unless the boy is sold on next summer, and to request that extracurricular activities have ap­ as Polk and Tyler Counties, An­ peared on the Interscholastic Lea­ amateurism and the love of the coaches be given representa­ Into League Legislative Duties derson and Van Zandt on the west,, gue Breakfast program since 1919. competition for the sake of play­ tion on the Council. The Council and the Louisiana line on the This year at the Breakfast in ing the game itself, it is an First Conference appointed a committee to meet and summer. He received his B.S. de­ School in Ft. Worth, and com­ east. About 150 members were A T THE November session San Antonio, November 28, for the almost hopeless task to try to advise with a committee from the gree from East Texas State pleted his college work at North present." •^ of the Legislative Advi­ first time a school administrator do anything with him later on. ef for Nov. 22 Coaches' association on matters of Teachers College in 1934 and his Texas State Teachers College, Of a more general nature, but common interest and to attend the who is an authority ©n public It would be very regrettable if sory Council were six adminis­ M.S. degree in 1947. Denton. with the recent widely publicized coaches' school next summer as school music, Dr. Hobart H. Som­ our whole system of intercol­ UIL, Houston Schools Are trators who were acting in He is a native of Hopkins An experienced administrator, criticisms of the League in mind, representatives of the Council. It mers of Chicago, 111., will address legiate athletics and interscho- the capacity of league legis­ County where he attended schools he began as principal at Heckman the Texas Association of School Co-Sponsors; Lamar took no direct action, however, superintendents, principals, teach­ lastic athletics became per­ before enrolling in the sub-college in Briscoe County, and served at Administrators, passed the follow­ To Be Host upon the request for representa­ lators for the first time. ers, and music directors. meated with semi-professional Newcomers to the council table of the East Texas State Teachers Justin Independent School in Den­ ing resolution at its meeting in tion on the Council. The first Breakfast in the series tactics. Clinics, demonstrations and dis­ were Superintendents John Morris College at Commerce, where he ton County, at Hico Independent Austin October 20: of twenty-five held in Houston in The high schools have done Jack Cox of Breckenridge, rep­ received a high-school diploma School in Hamilton County, and WHEREAS, the University In­ cussion of interest to speech, of Claude, I. L. Lasater of Winters, 1919 in conjunction,with the Texas a great job in baseball in get­ resenting the Business Men's Anti- and a temporary certificate. has been superintendent at Win­ terscholastic League has super, drama, journalism, music, student Lewis Simms of Caddo Mills, Ver­ State Teachers Convention met ting the major leagues to lay 8-semester Rule, spoke briefly in For several years he has been ters from 1944 to the present vised and sponsored high-school council sponsors will be pre­ non Madden of Sealy, J. M. Hanks with such success that League off signing youngsters until favor of re-submitting the rule, scout master of local* Boy Scout time. athletics and other public school sented during the school activities of Ysleta, and Leland L. Martin of member-schools agreed to have an after they graduate. We are Troops and has been superin­ contests over a period of many conference in Houston at Lamar and Culton of Corpus Christi, Crane.
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