Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector)

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Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) Codebook For Years 2016-2018 Compiled by Andy Balzer Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) Database Codebook How to Obtain More Information For more information about this Codebook or other services and data available from the New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training (NB-IRDT), contact us in any of the following ways: • visit our website at https://www.unb.ca/nbirdt/ • email us at nb-irdt@unb.ca • call us at 506-447-3363 Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm Updated February 2020 Page 2 of 20 Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) Database Codebook Table of Contents How to Obtain More Information ............................................................................................... 2 About this Codebook .................................................................................................................. 4 Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Data Range ............................................................................................................................... 5 Data Source ............................................................................................................................... 5 How to Cite this Codebook ..................................................................................................... 5 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. 5 Purpose of the Product ............................................................................................................ 6 Content ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Record Layouts and Data Descriptions..................................................................................... 7 scram_res_id .............................................................................................................................. 7 District ......................................................................................................................................... 7 SchoolNumber ........................................................................................................................... 7 School ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Gender ....................................................................................................................................... 7 LanguageOfEvaluation............................................................................................................ 7 DateOfEvaluation ..................................................................................................................... 7 PostalCode ................................................................................................................................ 7 SchoolYear ................................................................................................................................. 8 AwarenessSelfEnvironment ...................................................................................................... 8 CognitiveSkills ............................................................................................................................ 8 LanguageAndCommunication .............................................................................................. 9 FineMotor ................................................................................................................................... 9 GrossMotor ............................................................................................................................... 10 Appendix – List of Schools ......................................................................................................... 11 Document History ....................................................................................................................... 20 Updated February 2020 Page 3 of 20 Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) Database Codebook About this Codebook This codebook is intended for users of the Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) database. This codebook provides an overview of the data contained in the database and important technical information regarding use of the database, which contains results from the Early Years Evaluation Direct Assessment for the Anglophone Sector of school districts in New Brunswick. This data product is provided ‘as is’, and NB-IRDT makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will NB-IRDT be liable for any direct, special, indirect, consequential or other damages, however caused. Updated February 2020 Page 4 of 20 Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) Database Codebook Overview Early Years Evaluation Direct Assessment (EYE-DA) results measure a child’s readiness to enter the education system. Included are measurements of a child’s awareness of self and environment, cognitive skills, language and communication skills, physical development, and fine and gross motor skills. The administration of the EYE-DA takes about 45 minutes per child and is scored using three colour codes: • green, denoting appropriate development, • yellow, experiencing some difficulty, and • red, experiencing significant difficulty. The scoring takes into account a child’s age at the time of assessment and is ideally suited for children aged 3 to 5 years. More comprehensive information on the structure and administration of the EYE-DA is available through the EYE-DA website: https://www.earlyyearsevaluation.com/index.php/en/products/eye-da. The Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) database represents the EYE-DA results for the Anglophone Sector of school districts in New Brunswick. The Francophone Sector of school districts in is represented in the Early Years Evaluation (Francophone Sector) database. Data Range 2016-2018 Data Source Government of New Brunswick, Department of Early Education and Childhood Development How to Cite this Codebook New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training. (2019). Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) Codebook, 2016-2018. Fredericton, NB: New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training. Acknowledgements The Early Years Evaluation Database is used with the permission of the Government of New Brunswick, Department of Early Education and Childhood Development. Updated February 2020 Page 5 of 20 Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) Database Codebook About this Product Purpose of the Product The purpose of the Early Years Evaluation Database Codebook is to provide information on the linkable New Brunswick Early Years Evaluation data held at the New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training (NB-IRDT). This data is accessible to researchers for education research. Content The Early Years Evaluation Database has one table for each academic year (e.g., 2016- 2017, 2017-2018). Within each table, the following variables are listed. Number Name Type Length 1 scram_res_id String 64 2 District String 7 3 SchoolNumber String 6 4 School String 45 5 Gender String 8 6 LanguageOfEvaluation String 9 7 DateOfEvaluation Datetime 8 8 PostalCode String 9 9 SchoolYear String 11 10 AwarenessSelfEnvironment String 14 11 CognitiveSkills String 14 12 LanguageAndCommunication String 14 13 FineMotor String 14 14 GrossMotor String 14 Updated February 2020 Page 6 of 20 Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) Database Codebook Record Layouts and Data Descriptions scram_res_id Scrambled ID number which uniquely identifies an individual child District School district full name or acronym (e.g., DSF-NE) Code Name City Postal Code ASD-E Anglophone East School District Moncton E1E 4C9 ASD-N Anglophone North School District Miramichi E1N 2R7 ASD-S Anglophone South School District Saint John E2K 5N3 ASD-W Anglophone West School District Fredericton E3B 3B9 SchoolNumber Four-digit school number assigned by EECD; refer to the appendix for the list of school numbers and names School School name; refer to the appendix for the list of school numbers and names Gender Child’s gender (Male, Female) LanguageOfEvaluation Language of evaluation; EYE-DA sessions take place in the preferred language of the child or the child’s parent at the time of the assessment: either French or English DateOfEvaluation Date of evaluation PostalCode Child’s postal code in A#A #A# format Updated February 2020 Page 7 of 20 Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) Database Codebook SchoolYear The academic school year (e.g., 2016-2017, 2017-2018) AwarenessSelfEnvironment Child’s awareness of self and environment – a child's understanding of the world and his or her ability to make connections with home and community experiences Code Description Appropriate development – child’s development in this area is typical Green for children of a similar age Experiencing some difficulty – child would benefit from additional Yellow experiences in this area Experiencing significant difficulty – child would benefit from additional Red experiences in this area and may require further assessment and ongoing support Not The child did not complete enough items in the domain to provide a Complete
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