December 9, 1993

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December 9, 1993 Rhode Island Jewish Chanukah Issue HERALD SEE INSERT The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeaster n Massachusetts VOLUME LXIV, NUMBER 3 KlSLEV 25, 5754 / THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1993 35c PER CO PY Leader of German Jews Thinks Justice System Is Inadequate by Miriam Widman "I'm not sure if that was a man Jewish community and in BERLI N QT A)- The head of good or bad thing," said Bubis. trying to erase stereotypes and Germany's Jewish comm unity The trip was criticized by preconceptions. He is also ac­ believes German justice and in· some prominent Jews in Ger· tive in promoting equality for tentions are inadquate to com· many w ho worry that the trip foreigners living in Germany. bat neo-Nazis. mig ht actually have had an ad­ After 14 months as head of lgna tz Bubis, speaking with verse effect a nd could end up the Jewish comm unity, he has the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reinforcing stereotypes. been largely well-received here, about issues confronting the Bubis spends much of his by both Jews and non-Jews alike. community, said judges have time trying to educate non-Jews But while Bubis is seen as more been too liberal in sentencing about the 40,000·member Ger· (Continued on Page 2) the perpetra tors of right-wing crimes. Nevertheless, he also ad mit· Rabin Gets Belgium's Support ted he had no solution or sug· gestion of his own about edu· For Upgrading Israel's E.C. Ties eating the g rowing far rig ht movement to turn away from by Josef Kopel status with the E.C. racism. BRUSSELS (JTA) - Israeli Since 1975, Israel has had a "I don't have any sugges· Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, free-trade agreement with the tions, a nd that's worse. I don't w ho came here last week for his Common Market countries. know w hat one should do," said first official visit to the European Rabin is seeking to elevate ls· Bubis. "It's a situation where Community headquarters, has rael to the sta tus of associate it's d ifficult to say you have to gained the support of Belgian member, the highest level a no n· do chis or you have to do that." leaders for upgrading Israel's re­ European country can attain And his verdict is not yet in lationship with the E.C. within the E.C. on w hat, if any,success accrued During his o ne-day visit here The new status is significant from a recently organized trip Dec. 1, Rabi n met with Belgian to Israel since it would permit a lo Israel of neo-Nazis from the Prime Minis ter Jean-Luc larger access for Israeli prod· city of Dresden. Dehaeneand later with Foreign ucls in European markets. In The trip was organized by a Minister Willy Claes. addition, as a n associate mem· Dresdencityemployeeincharge After meeting with Rabin, her Israel would have greater of foreign affairs in conjunction Claes told reporters that Bel· opportunitiesforcooperationon with local social workers. Their gium, which is chairing the E.C., scientific research and develop­ goal for the trip was to erase Jew· would ask the organization's ment projects. ish stereotypes by giving neo· other member sta tes for a "clear Clae; was optimistic that Israel Zoe Weiner plans to haul away her selections at the recent Nazis a firsthand view of Israel. ma ndate" to upgrade Israel's will soon receive the new status. Super Sunday Book Sale at the Jewish Community Center of Rhode Island. Hemld photo t,y Alison Smilh Coping with the 'December Dilemma' by Alison Smith its to Santa Claus. Herald Reporter Segal believes that it is ho w The Herald wondered if Jew- comfortable the adults in the ish Family Services had any ad- family feel about their ownJew­ vice for parents w ho were con- ish trad itions and roots that sideringhowbesttoguide their makes the d ifference for their children through ------- children. Parents this season, when will transfer their theexcitementand "[Explain that] own confidence to anticipation of Christmas is a nice their kids. A child ~~ri1::a;~~-~:~1:~ holiday, but it's not ~ ! i~vra~1t~~~~e crescendo. our holiday." Explain tha t rec~!ru~~~=1Jet: Paul Segal, Director of ;~~~r~~tl~:~, i~u~ is h Family Ser- Jewish Family Services it's not our holi· vices, suggested day," he said. This that since Jews constitute o nly 2 establishes a ppropria te bound· or 3 percent of the to tal popula· aries. "Chanukah is not a Jew· lion in this country, it is abso· ish Christmas." lutely normal lo feel like a mcm· When lhefamilydoesn't have her of a minority at this time. a good g rip on its own identity, The build-up for Christmas the child ren may feel uncertain is inescapable, unless you live also. So the fi rst step toward Rehearsing for Chanukah onadesertisland.Child ren,par- helpi ng your children throug h Mrs. Rena J-loltzmanand her students, fro m left to right, Aaron I lartman, Mordcchai Shafran, hcularly, may feel left out or the December dilemma may be Jacob Edelma n and Josh Kirschner rehearsing for thcChanukah program al Providence I lebr<'W deprived when their friends talk lo recommit to your own lradi· Dily School. Hrml,1 ,w,., f:,y A/1sc11 Smith about g1flsand parties and vis· lions a nd roots at this time. 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEW ISH HERA LD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1993 THE JEWISH COMMUNITY Calendar of Jewish Events Thunday, December 9 Party at Cha bad House in memory of Monday, December 13 Golda Rechl Laufer .......................................... 1:30 p.m. Majestic Senior Guild Chanukah party ....................... noon Annual joint meeting of ladies Auxiliary Wintermeetingof R I.Jewish ofTouroSynagogueand Hadassah, Rhode lsltmd Jewish Hemld Chanukah Party Historical Association at JCCRI .. ........ 2p.m. and Awards Ceremony ................................ 3:»5 p.m. Chanukah program and dessert Annual meetingfortheChasedSchel Amess at Temple Shalom.. ............................... .7:30p.m. All-Center JCCRI Chanukah Party ......................... 6-8 p.m. Association at Lincoln Park Cemetery ................. 2 p.m. '"Chanukahat Warwick Mall" Grandparents' and Parents' Special Tuesday, December 14 with meoorah lighting ............................... 7-7:30 p.m. story and crafts hour "Kesher ... Keeping in Touch'" for children 3-8 at JCCRI ... .. .............. 2-3 p.m. Friday, December 10 Chanukah luncheon for seniors Reading of Until Death Do Us Part, a play al Providence Hebrew Day School .. Temple Shalom new member Sabbath written by Ray Eichenbaum at JCCRI .............. 2-4 p.m. Chanukah Story Hour for Children of Chanukah .... ................................ sundown Touro Community Chanukah Party ......................... 3 p.m. al Newport Art Museum ................................ 3:30 p.m. Dr. living Fradkin is guest speaker Zamir Oioraleof Boston presents · Wednesday, December 15 at Temple Beth El, Fall River, Mass. ............ 8 p.m. Lights6: The Chanukah Concert Sunday, December 12 at Northeastern University ................................... 3 p.m. Candlelighting seIVice at Temple Shalom, Touro Synagogue's community followed by latkes .. ................... 5:15 p.m. Temple Shalom annual rabbi's latke party .................. noon Chanukah party.... ... 4 p.m. Kosher Chanukah dinner for Social Seniors of Warwick .. Chanukah program with "Chanukah Live" satellite broadcast Slide lecture by Nelly Toll about experiences Rabbi Nechama Goldberg onChannel36 .................................................. 4:30p.m. as a child hiding during the at Children's Museum of R.I. ................. 1-3 p.m. Temple Emanu-El'sChanukah party .. ............. 5:45 p.m. Holocaust at JCCRl .. .......... 7:30 p.m. Germany's treatment of activ­ Inadequate Justice ists of the radical right and left. (Continued from Page 1) The police and courts have been PROVIDENCE BASED far more lenient toward the right Recommended by local physicians and rabbis thought-provoking and diplo­ than toward the left. matic than his predecessor, the And the punishment has been late Heinz Galinski, he does not far g reater toward those who think his message is different. kill prominent business persons Bul times have changed in than toward those who kill asy­ Germany. Within the last 12 lum-seekers, he said. ~ months, there have been 2,584 A debate as to whether Ger­ incidents of violence or vandal­ many is "blind in the right eye" SHMUEL TAITELBAUM ism by the radical right, and 17 has been brewing here ever since CERTIFIE D M O HEL people have died from neo-Nazi the first suspended sentences 274-3298 8 61 -1403 attacks. were handed down two years Bub!s voiced concern about ago in the initial wave of post­ the discrepancy between unification neo-Nazi crimes. The Rhode Island Jewish Herald would like to thank the following business for sponsoring the 1993 Chanukah Art Contest Thank You! We couldn't have done it without you! SH18 MAGAZIN E 43 Northcote Drive, Melville, N.Y. 11747 (516) 643-4598 -===--. THE ._ ..,..._ RHODE ISLAND ' ' ~ ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY TiKVA TRADiTiONS f I ;: Roger Williams Park Zoo Hope Stree t, Providence• 421-0309 T Providence , 94 1-3910 ,,~~1 . MY VERY OWN BOOK SARA'S )7;~·~ · Swansea Mall, Swansea, Mass. 1/teah!J.)Cio,, CHILDREN'S IJOUTIQl JE ~ 508) 675-2959 ~-- Warwick Avenue, Warwick • . 738-247 1 Wavland Square, Providence, 33 1-0 495 , , ,·· , ~merald Square Ma ll ,Attleboro, Mass. Garden CiW, Cranslon • 944-0495 ~ (508) 643-3626 A DIVISION OF S=· SHAPOLSKY PUBLISHERS, INC. WriRWICK Post Road .l. 136 West 22nd Streel, N.Y.C., N.Y. )Y, ~~!!.Mm Warwick e (212) 633-2022 ~ (across from Emerald Square Malll MUSEUM 737-00 10 - ~ (508)695-6195 THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERA LD, THURSDAY, DECEMB ER 9, 1993 - 3 FEATURE first with smoke and then the us freeze from their windows Leah and Sarah fire and stood beside a heated Steinsaltz Appeals The ghostly voices of two 8- stove! by Cindy Halpern year-old girls continued to to Russian Jews Special to the Herald chant a frightfu l melody, their As Steinsaltz told the guests While I waited in the garden haunting song: by Miriam Kessler at the reception, " We have to of the Rhode Island Holocaust Our tears of fear NEW YORK UT A) - Rabbi try to share, receive and leave Memorial Museum for the ded­ rolled down our meek Adin Steinsaltz of Israel, a to others what we have." ication program of Kristallnacht cheeks.
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