Restoring underulized Nave American food crops Spinach, serrulata & Nave Peach

Reagan Wytsalucy (Graduate Student), Dan Drost, Brent Black, Grant Cardon, , Soils and Climate Department, Utah State University Randy Williams; Oral History Specialist, Utah State University Library

Spinach Introducon Spinach Results Hormone Trial 2018

• Cleome serrulata has been used as fresh greens Soaking Trial 2017 • H2O2 does not break physiological dormancy and natural dye by the Navajo & Pueblo Tribes. • Treatments include GA3+H2O2, H2O2, and No Treatment • Straficaon at 7C more commonly achieves highest • Consistent supply could be of benefit as a local • GA3 increased % germinaon at all temperatures except 20°C germinaon • source of food and dye. As temperatures increases, % germinaon decreases • MaxCel® (BA) suppresses seed germinaon when • Navajo Spinach does not germinate at 20°C • This may require managed planngs. chilled at 7 & 10C 100 Hormone Treatments • Increasing chilling me does not improve germinaon 4C 7C 10C • Germinaon requirements unknown. 80 • Inconsistent T50 and T10/90 between 4 and 8 week trials 60 100 GA3 Treatments Gibberellin Trial 2017 90 40 Materials & Methods 80 4C 7C 10C Temp T50 T10 90 Temp T50 T10 90 20 TREATMENTS / / 70 Average % Germinaon (°C) (Days) (Days) (°C) (Days) (Days) 60 Seed collected from 7 locaons in NM, AZ, & UT 0 GA3 500 PRO H O 50 ( )+ + 2 2 16 15 16 15 40 MaxCel Novagib Promalin Max +Nova H2O2 No TRT GA3(500)+PRO 16 16 15 12 % Germinaon 30 2018 Germinaon Treatments GA3(750)+PRO+H2O2 16 14 15 11 20 Discussion GA3 750 PRO ( )+ 16 14 16 14 10 • 4 weeks chilling at 4, 7, or 10C ± GA 1000 PRO 4C 7C 3( )+ +H2O2 16 13 16 17 0 Spinach “Seed Collecon Locaon trial” is • ± Promalin® (GA & BA); ± GA 3(1000)+PRO 16 15 15 16 H2O2 4/7 No TRT on-going to test current conclusions with GA3(500) GA3(750) H2O2 23 18 19 17 GA3(1000) GA3(500)+PRO GA3(750)+PRO GA3(1000)+PRO GA3(500)+H2O2 GA3(750)+H2O2 Novagib® (GA4/7); ± MaxCel® (BA); Control 20 13 18 21 GA3(1000)+H2O2 GA3(500)+PRO+H2O2 GA3(750)+PRO+H2O2 temperature and hormone treatment ± Novagib® + MaxCel®; ± H O GA3(1000)+PRO+H2O2 2 2 • Germinaon improves when seed are treated with Promalin® affects on all seed sources. • Seed soaked for 4 hours Fact sheet (not dated). Cleome serrulata. USU Intermountain Herbarium. • % germinaon at 10°C was very low compared to 4°C or 7°C Phillips, Nathan C. 2007. Diversity and adaptaon along altudinal gradients in the three wild Allium spp. nave to Utah and • 25 seeds per rep; 5 replicaons implicaons for horcultural pracces. PhD Dissertaon. Utah State University. Prendusi, Teresa. (not dated) Rocky Mountain Bee (Cleome serrulata). USDA Forest Service. ( treatments when GA used alone. 3 • Canyon De Chelly seed source. Utah State University. 2015. Rocky Mountain Beeplant. USU Extension. ( • Germinaon uniformity (T10-90) varied by treatment hp://

Peach Introducon Peach Objecves Genome Mapping • DNA analysis to compare Old World peach variees First recorded sighng in Southwest by Spanish Qualies missionaries in 1619. to Southwest variees Seed sources Navajo Mountain, UT White Peach 2 Hopi, AZ Found growing with Pueblo and Calories 27.1Cal 2 Canyon Del Muerto, AZ Carbohydrate 6.81g Mulple from Navajo Mountain, UT Navajo Tribes Fiber <1% Calcium 11.1mg Potassium 129mg Peach trees on Second Mesa, near Shungopavi Dendorchronology Seed propagated(Land Race) Village, Hopi Tribe. 1944 Moisture 42.6g • Compare ring widths with oral histories regarding irrigaon management Values are per 50g serving size • Determine life span Only 2% of original orchards remain • Time period Oral Histories Discussion • Grown as mul-stem shrub Fruit Characteriscs Uses Final results for peach will be Fall 2018. • No pruning, except removal of dead branches White free-stone(Most common) Boiled Hart, J.G. 2006. Exploring tribal leadership: Understanding and working with tribal people. Journal of Extension. hp:// • No thinning Accessed 19 Nov, 2013. Yellow Free-stone Fresh • Young trees irrigated for <2 years Singeltary, L. and S. Emm. 2007. Strenthening sustainable agriculture on American Indian Lands in the Western United States. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeng of the Assoc. for Int. Agric. and Extension Educ. Polson, MT. "SoilWeb: An Online Soil Survey Browser." Interfaces to. Ed. Toby O'Geen, Ph. D. University Of California, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2013. Small Drying peaches. Mishongnovi Sundried • Mature trees irrigated by runoff Village, Second Mesa. 1944 USCCR. 2003. A Quiet Crisis: Federal Funding and Unmet Needs in Indian Country. USCCR. July 2003. hp:// Accessed 6 Apr Trade goods • 2014. Locang historic peach producon areas USDA-FNS. 2013. Food Distribuon Program on Indian Reservaons. Nutrion Program Fact Sheet July 2013. USDA Food and Nutrion Service, Washington, D.C.