Find Fixing or Painting a Year-Round job Hl\M Wl <"AI-I. A BIT OF PAINT: Photo Knows Fr,d lto,he, 3 Sprue- Street painlin* part ,,i [lie trim! porch. "I like to keep my house splc and span" says Fred, r.AKDKMNK IS PART OF THE WORK: Mrs. Helen McLnin. AI.l. KINDS OK JOHN: Here, Mike llrvra flf 12 Taylor Avenue, and Candy Rosa, a neighbor's youniNfr. ;mri his duldmi. .M,ui;ii> and 12 I.arrh Street, is keeping husy spraying tomato plants. She Mike Jr., are Hiving d.ul a lilt in fixing the filter in the backyard of their home, Him thfre is nothing likp growing your own \ Newspaper Devott'd ' Presented Fairly, Clearl\ o tlie Community And Impartially Each Vv r Full Local Coverage Complete News Pictui,'t'S ati Vol. XLII1 — 5 md Weekly On Tbanda; Carteret, New Jersey, Thursday, June 10, 1965 Entered <u 2nd 6Uat H*U 4t P O., Cultret, N. J. PRICE TEN CENTS KovacsTo Strive for GOP Harmony Summer Sessions Plans to Rebuild ftrife-Torn Group Given Approval by L'ARTFRET - Julius Kovaes, newly elected RLr Republican candidates for council. municipal chairman said this week that his first move will John McNulty who defeated Steve Tro6ko, Jr., for member of tu unify the party in C:uterei the county committee in his own diStricL, was named deputy CARTERET — The Rev. Floyd Mr. Kovai.-,, a former cimni ilmaii, was elecletl chairmil it vice-chairman of the GOP organization. iw Jl I.IAN PMXAK Monday night's meeting ut lln- party dttianizfltkin.
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