Welcome to Trinity Church 115 Charlotte Street, Saint John, NB E2L 2J2 Ministers: All Parishioners Rev. Steven Scribner, Priest-in-Charge Cell 506-639-3344 (
[email protected]) Honorary Assistant – Ven. Dr. F. Harold Hazen Organist & Choirmaster: Spencer H. Belyea B.Mus., B.Ed. Joanne McGraw, Trinity Parish Administrator , 693-8558
[email protected] http://trinitysj.com/ facebook.com/TrinityAnglicanSJ Twitter: @TrinityAnglicanSJ March 17TH, 2019 2nd Sunday in Lent 8:00 am – Holy Communion 10:30 am – Morning Prayer____________________ Hymn 371 vs. 1-2,5-6 The God of Abraham praise Exhortation, Confession & Absolution pg. 4 Opening Responses pg. 6 Venite (O come, let us sing) First Lesson Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18 Susanne Sutton ‘Domine Deus’ – Taize chant Domine Deus, Fillius Patris, dona nobis pacem. Lord of all goodness, Son of the Father, may your peace surround us. Second Lesson Philippians 3: 17-4:1 Russ Blanchet Te Deum (We praise Thee, O God) The Holy Gospel Luke 13: 1-9 Rev. Steven Scribner Benedictus (Blessed be the Lord God) pg.9 Apostles’ Creed Hymn 510 Jesu, lover of my soul Message Rev. Steven Scribner Hymn 468 God reveals his presence The Lord’s Prayer Collect for the day Almighty God, who seest that we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves: keep us both outwardly in our bodies, and inwardly in our souls; that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul’ through Jesus Christ our Lord.