The Sourcebook (Questions for the “Violence in the Home: Multidisciplinary Perspectives” book are on page 7)

Questions from chapter 1

1) What percent of stalked women are assaulted? a) 75% b) 80% c) 85% d) 90%

2) The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence estimates up to what percent of battered women never report their abuse? a) 60% b) 70% c) 80% d) 90%

3) Children whose mothers are abused are how many times more likely to attempt ? a) 6 b) 8 c) 10 d) 12

4) When Nicole Brown Simpson complained to police that they never arrested O.J., California did not have a mandatory must-arrest policy for domestic violence cases. a) True b) False

5) A wide variety of sources from various fields almost universally agree that first, domestic violence must be treated as a/an a) illness b) crime c) societal issue d) compulsion

Questions from chapter 2

6) The "Rule of thumb" refers to a) a prohibition against a woman hitchhiking b) the allowable thickness of a stick used to beat a wife c) humiliation similar to that experienced by Thom Thumb d) the depth of liquor in a glass a wife could have on a weekday

7) Which was the first state to pass a law making wife beating illegal in 1883? a) Maryland b) Virginia c) Connecticut d) Pennsylvania

8) What gave women some rights to their own property and made a husband's conviction for assault sufficient grounds for divorce? a) United Suffragette Act b) Civil-Rights Act c) Married Women's Property Act d) Tort Reform Act

9) the first contemporary American shelter which opened in 1964 was in a) Kansas b) California c) Oregon d) Washington

10) Which organization was formed in 1978 to organize grass-roots shelters and service programs for battered women? a) NOW b) NCADV c) NABOO d) NGSSP

Questions from chapter 3

11) Which is NOT 1 of the 11 risk factors for future abuse in the home? a) income below the poverty level b) the couple cohabits but is not married c) the family is a blended family d) the man is unemployed

12) The term "learned helplessness" was coined by a) Leonore Walker b) Carl Rogers c) Martin Seligman d) B. F. Skinner

13) What did Jacobsen and Gottman call batterers who had tempers that slowly simmered until they exploded into violence? a) pit bulls b) volcanoes c) pressure cookers d) dynamite

14) Susan Forward suggests that women who stay in violent relationships may be suffering from a) PTSD b) Battered Woman Syndrome c) Dissociative Identity Syndrome d) Stockholm Syndrome

15) Black women are 3 times more likely to be murdered in domestic violence than white women. a) True b) False

16) Battered men account for what percent of the battering in abusive relationships? a) 0.5 to 1% b) 1 to 2% c) 2 to 5% d) 5 to 8%

Questions from chapter 4

17) Experts agree alcohol and drugs often cause domestic violence. a) True b) False

18) The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that up to what percent of all obstetrical patients may be abused while pregnant? a) 27% b) 37% c) 47% d) 57%

19) What is often the best and most available strategy to make a woman unavailable to her pursuer? a) witness protection programs b) no contact orders c) battered women's shelters d) moving to another community

20) In batterers programs, which is NOT necessary for successful treatment of abusers? a) the man must admit his responsibility b) there must be demonstrated consequences c) the man must make restitution d) there must be accountability

21) What 5 step treatment program was developed by Steve Stosny? a) DEALS b) CALMS c) PALMS d) HEALS

Questions from chapter 5

22) What is a special factor that may make teenagers more susceptible to violent relationships than adults? a) low socio-economic status b) vulnerable self-esteem c) fewer legal rights d) dependency on adults

23) The program goals of the Minnesota Domestic Abuse project include all EXCEPT a) resolve conflicts nonviolently b) confront the perpetrator c) cultivate healthy sex roles d) relieve feelings of shame and isolation

24) Rosemary Bray grew up with this goal expressed by her mother: not to a) make waves b) draw attention to herself c) risk conflict d) get your father started

25) As an adult, how was Andy Martinez able to help his mother? a) he set her up with his future step-father b) he bought her a home in a gated community c) he drafted a restraining order against his father d) he caused his father to lose his ice-cream vendor's license

Questions from chapter 6

26) Laws against crimes such as assault, battery and refer to a) civil law b) family law c) tort law d) criminal law

27) Charles G. Reynard's manual on domestic violence for prosecutors is a) No More Victims b) The Violence Stops Here c) The Hidden Crime d) Hard Time

28) The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges recommends that protection orders should address all of the following EXCEPT a) child custody and visitation b) mutual protection orders c) physical description of the abuser d) expiration date

29) The Family Violence Prevention Services Act was passed in a) 1979 b) 1984 c) 1989 d) 1994

30) What Welfare Reform amendment urges states to identify victims of family violence, refer them to counseling, and waive unfair penalties to them? a) Victims Protection Act b) Victim Advocacy Option c) Family Violence Option d) Family Protection Act

Questions from chapter 7

31) What nationwide grassroots project was organized with the theme of airing dirty laundry? a) The Mr. Clean Project b) The Clothesline Project c) The Spring Cleaning Project d) The Neighborhood Wash Program

32) A unique feature of the Domestic Abuse Project is a) vocational training for women b) a community vegetable garden c) group therapy programs for adolescents d) a recreation room and Internet Cafe

33) Which comprehensive program has a legal clinic? a) b) Templum c) The Pro Bono Program d) Harvest House

34) Rural courts involved in domestic violence issues face special challenges including all the following EXCEPT a) victims are embarrassed to seek help as everyone knows each other b) illiteracy c) traditional views about families and gender roles persist d) isolation

35) All 50 states have enacted legislation providing for protection orders. a) True b) False

Questions from chapter 8

36) If a woman decides to stay in an abusive relationship, she should not talk to her children about what is happening as it may further traumatize them. a) True b) False

37) Attorney Anna Juarez advises her clients to practice a) tolerance b) fire drills c) role plays d) martial arts

38) Security expert Gavin de Becker believes that the most valuable safety device we possess is a) our support system b) a cellphone c) our own intuition d) financial independence

39) According to EMERGE, total elimination of violence is most likely for men who complete a counseling program of the least of what length? a) 4 months b) 8 months c) 12 months d) 2 years

40) Lawyers can help the effort to end domestic violence by writing what type of briefs? a) res judicata b) amicus curiae c) prima facie d) writ of coram nobis

Continued on next page… Violence in the Home: Multidisciplinary Perspectives

Question from chapter 1

41) What refers to group residential settings in which children, adults, or both are attended to by paid providers? a) surrogate family b) pseudo family c) placement family d) extended family

42) According to Richard Gelles, which of the following is NOT a feature of family living that can be a risk factor for abuse? a) health b) time c) privacy d) stress

43) The medical perspective tends to approach the problem of family violence from which level of analysis? a) macro b) micro c) meso d) medico

44) Nason-Clark (1997) in her examination of evangelical responses to battering, found little evidence that clergy openly suggested that women return to abusive environments. a) True b) False

45) What folk health remedy involves creating a vacuum which leaves a circular-shaped bleeding mark on the skin? a) coining b) therapeutic burning c) the Dyson technique d) cupping

Question from chapter 2

46) Which micro level perspective considers that some people have an abnormal death instinct or an abnormal drive for aggressive behavior? a) psychobiological b) victim theory c) sociopathic d) psychodynamic

47) Which meso level theory proposed that family violence is governed by the economic philosophy of costs and rewards? a) resource b) symbolic interactionist c) sociobiological d) exchange/social control

48) Social learning theory is based on the work of a) Clayton Forester b) Albert Ellis c) E. O. Wilson d) Albert Bandura

49) Which macro level theory takes a gerontological perspective? a) environmental stress/strain b) culture of violence c) patriarchal d) political economy

50) Which is NOT one of the basic elements of Straus' general systems theory of family violence? a) alternative courses of action b) energy sources c) feedback mechanisms d) system goals

Question from chapter 3

51) The first child labor law in the US was passed in Alabama in a) 1867 b) 1887 c) 1907 d) 1927

52) Munchausen syndrome by proxy involves a parent or caregiver fabricating or causing an illness in a child. a) True b) False

53) About what percent of infants born are affected by parental drug use? a) 7% b) 9% c) 11% d) 13%

54) For a DSM-IV diagnosis of pedophilia, the offender needs to be over age 18 and at least 6 years older than the child. a) True b) False

55) What best describes an infant whose parents fail to meet nutritional requirements and fail to provide a nurturing parent-child relationship? a) neglect b) stunting c) failure to thrive d) abandonment

Question from chapter 4

56) According to Pagelow (1984) when did the domestic violence movement begin in the US? a) 1960's b) 1970's c) 1980's d) 1990's

57) According to Hathaway (1986), the decision in the Thurman case was based on a violation of the a) equal protection clause b) victims of crime act c) tax code d) stalking laws

58) Which is a revised version of the Uniform Crime Reporting System? a) Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU) b) National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) c) Web Based Notification Protocol (WBNP) d) Cyber Crime Clearinghouse (CCC)

59) Renzetti (1997) found high rates of severe abuse found in the gay and lesbian self-selected studies mirror those found in the heterosexual population in more clinical settings. a) True b) False

60) Which of Johnson and Ferraro's (2000) major patterns of violence is centered on the abuser's need to control the victim? a) common couple violence b) intimate terrorism c) violent resistant d) mutual violent control

61) What term refers to stalking which occurs with the use of electronic communication? a) cyberstalking b) e-harassment c) virtual abuse d) technovictimization

62) Carlson (1996) reports that emotional turmoil in children resulting from domestic violence is likely to affect a) academic achievement and sleep patterns b) sleep patterns and appetite c) appetite and social competence d) social competence and academic achievement

Question from chapter 5

63) According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, in what percent of violent crimes was the assault by a brother or sister? a) 1.6% b) 2.6% c) 3.6% d) 4.6%

64) Bjorklund and Bjorklund (1992) write that children should understand the concept of right and wrong by about the age of a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

65) What term means the killing of one's brother? a) pesticide b) sororicide c) d)

66) Browne and Hamilton (1998) found what percent of mothers experiencing violence by a child? a) 4.5% b) 6.5% c) 8.5% d) 10.5%

67) Victims of are typically white and non-Hispanic. a) True b) False

68) Which of Rowan's (1999) categories of animal abuse would include an individual who "collects" animals to protect them from real or imagined abuse? a) cruelty b) neglect c) abuse d) use

Question from chapter 6

69) According to Marshall et al. (2000), most cases of elder mistreatment occur in institutional rather than residential settings. a) True b) False

70) In discussing decline in social status, what term does the author state aptly illustrates current attitudes toward the elderly? a) graying b) rusting c) obsolescence d) ageism

71) What is said to be the most common mental disorder in the elderly? a) anxiety b) depression c) OCD d) alcoholism

72) The percentage of Americans over age 85 with Alzheimer’s Disease is nearly a) 20% b) 30% c) 40% d) 50%

73) What type of /suicide in the elderly accounts for approximately 50% of all cases? a) dependent/protective b) aggressive c) symbiotic d) demented

74) The Administration on Aging (1998, 2000b) found the greatest gender difference for which type of abuse? a) physical b) abandonment c) emotional d) financial

Question from chapter 7

75) In 1825, the first house of refuge for children opened in a) Philadelphia b) Richmond c) New York City d) Washington, D.C.

76) What does Conwell et al. (1996) define as “an act of omission or commission that causes self-harm leading indirectly over time to the patient’s death”? a) terminal abusive act b) indirect self-destructive behavior c) sundowning d) institutional homicide

77) The abuse of power in an institutional setting was demonstrated in the a) Princeton convalescent experiment b) Dilbert cubical experiment c) Berkley hospital experiment d) Stanford prison experiment

78) Zuravin et al. (1993) found characteristics associated with maltreatment in foster homes which included all EXCEPT a) younger foster mothers b) homes about which caseworkers had had previous concerns c) older foster parents d) homes that were restricted for placement of certain children

79) What program was established under the Older Americans Act and is administered by the Administration on Aging? a) ombudsmen b) meals on wheels c) Older Americans Day Treatemet d) AARP

Question from chapter 8

80) According to Wiehe (1992), when a person is reporting that a child is being abused or neglected, state statutes generally require that the caller have a) an educated guess b) evidence which will stand up in court c) confirmation from a 3rd party d) a reasonable suspicion

81) Sherman and Berk (1984) found that arrest in and of itself was almost twice as effective as other interventions in reducing battering. a) True b) False

82) Criteria which must be met for to be eligible for financial support under victim compensation programs include all EXCEPT a) they must be innocent victims of a crime b) they must be residents in the state in which they are applying c) the perpetrator must have been convicted d) they must have reported the offense to the police

83) All the following are mentioned as why women may not view a shelter as an appropriate option EXCEPT a) women of color often face barriers to service b) age appears to serve as a barrier to service c) shelters overall remain under funded d) women without financial resources face barriers to service

84) What is the term for court appointed special advocates? a) res judicata b) pro se c) guardians ad litem d) voir dire

85) Family therapy is also referred to as a) group therapy b) conjoint treatment c) a free for all d) couples therapy

Question from chapter 9

86) Which is NOT one of the initiatives for addressing systemic barriers mentioned by Chalk and King (1998)? a) service integration initiatives b) comprehensive services that address cross-problem interventions c) targeted services that address situation specific interventions d) community change interventions.

87) Which prevention level targets populations at high risk for abuse? a) primary b) secondary c) tertiary d) fiduciary

88) Which prevention model incorporates secondary and tertiary prevention strategies that are intended to prevent future abusive acts by offenders? a) therapeutic b) information c) skill building d) social support

89) In the Colorado RETHINK Anger Management program the “T” stands for a) tasering b) thinking c) telling d) talking

90) All the following are mentioned as technology used for victim protection EXCEPT a) cell phones b) voice modulators c) pagers d) panic alarms