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4 816 816 AT?: ST STREET NFiSPAPSR NFiSPAPSR SECTION STATF HISTORICAL SOCIETY MADISON MADISON 6, « I S . The Lawrentian V errat fcO — Number 4 Lawrence College, Appleton. Wis. Friday, October 7, 1960 Panel Discussion Highlights International Club Fall Opener Next Tuesday, October 11. International Club will be- j^in it» fall term with a panel discussion at 7:00 p.m. in the Art Center. The panel will be composed of seven ence students who have traveled <>r studied abroad during the past two years. Aiming at better understanding be tween the I .S. and foreign nations, these students will di>cu-s tln ir experiences with the people themselves rather than the usual sights and will try to show the importance of an active interest in world affairs. Moderator of the panel will be dent body, faculty, and general Lenny Hall, whose humorous public are invited and encour and informative letters, as he aged to attend this first of hitch-hiked all over Europe dur many educational programs to ing the fall semester of 1959. be sponsored by the Internation were printed in the Lawrentian. al Club this year. Also on the panel will be sen iors Nancy Marsh. Jon ttatten, Lee Kyan, and Larry Bouquet; sophomore, Tom Fulda; and Noted Musicologist freshman. Pete Gregory. To Lecture Monday Nancy traveled with the All- American Chorus, which gave Mr. Marc Pincherle, a noted eight formal concerts and num French Musicologist, will lec- tui t* on Vivaldi in Harper Hall i l i tradi'io n al events of Fru h-Soph Day included n npeta- erous informal ones all over the at 8:15 on October 10. He is vis five events behind the Union las Saturday labovf), A w:itermel- European continent and behind itin»> this country on a five-v.’eek ¡cn-e-atirg contest was one of several 4ha,t occmppied fresh the Iron Curtain. Bicycling lecture tour. men. like Jim Eichstaedt (righti. The Sadie Hankins dance con through Europe during the sum cluded the festivities in the Riverview Lounge of the I’nion the mer of 'f>8. Jon saw the World’s Pincherle was horn on June same night (below). — Photos by Bill Stocking ference at Lausanne. Tom stud 13, 18K in ( oustantine, Algeria, ied in Cope*nhage*n for a period lie studied at Prytanee MiHt- of four months. Lee studied for aire de la Fleche and Lycee six months at the University of Henri IV, Sorbom e. Lincenee es M ilrburin Germany and. after l.ettres, Diplome d’ Etudes, and traveling, spent considerable Superieures de lettre* are the tune in France. Larry, who degrees which he holds. also traveled through Europe, Mr. Pincherle is tftt Honorary attended the Ecumenical Con President of the French Society ference at Lausanne. Tom stud of Musicology, Secretary Gen ied in Austria and travelc'd eral of the Music Festival of tlmm^h France and Germany Aix-en-Provence, and one* of the last summer, and Pete recently world’s foremost authorities on visited relatives in the U.S.R R., Vivaldi and Corelli. where he attended the Choate School Russian Seminar. Several book have been writ ten by Pincherle of which one All seven students » ill he of the most recent and outstand Mr. Salmon available for a question and ing is An Illustrated History of answer period immediately fol M usic. He is a music critic for lowing the discussion. A coffee several French Journals as well To Give Talk hour will follow. The entire stu- as a well-traveled lecturer. As the first in a series of lec IHJpUUIIlllllllllllllHlllllllltlllllllll tures to be presented by the Theatre and Drama Department and the Lawrence College Theatre. Mr. Eric Salmon will give a talk Wednesday. October 12. in Harper Hall at 8:00 p.m. _Campus Calendar His lecture entitled ‘‘The New October — Stir in British Theatre” will at Foreign film. ”Flamence.” Spanish, at 1:30 and 7 30 1st Convo Speech on Russian Relations; tempt to define the significance p.m , Stansbury Theater. tf a particular play and relate it Faculty Recital — Bernard Lemoine. piano; 8:15 p m ., to the general pattern cf new Harper HaU. Dr. Edgerton Sets Challenge for Students theatre writing. October 1C— Mr. Salmon, presently the di- viet Union-sta.e religion anol* Illustrated lecture on “V ivaldi” by Marc Pincherle, noted Dr. William B. Edgerton, recV»- of the Th»jatre Outlook ogy presents itself fairly accur French musicologist—8:15 p m., Harper Hall. chairman of Slavic languages L.T.P. Liverpool. England, and literature at Indiana Uni ately. The leaders of tne Rus October 11- sook* at Lrwrence in at versity and last week’s convoca sian people, ne said, form tne which time he was the visiting Freshman Studies Lecture by Professor Bern R. Schnei tion speaker, cited two com apex of a triangular heirarchy, der on “How to Write a Theme"—11:00 a m., Stansbury lecturer and director of the Wis monly held views of the Soviet with the youtn of the country Theater. consin Idea Theatre. Union as a challenge to the being educated in a manner In 1957 Mr. Ted Clonk met Mr. October 12— American scholar in Soviet so* roughly equivalent to that used Salmon again in England where Lecture by Dr. Bernard D. Davis of Harvard University, ciety in his address in the in a church school. Communism he was able to see Mr. Salmon’s on “Oiemo-Therapeutic Age-nts: Weapons for the Physician Chapel Thursday. The dualis- itself appears as the unpene staging of Henry IV Part 1 at and Tools for the Biok»gist” —7:30 p.m , Worcester Art Center tic state-human being contro trated tut not impenetrable cen Shrewsbury Castle, the actual Lecture by Eric Salmon, director of The-ater Outlook. versy and the parallel between ter of all phases of existence. setirg for the Shakespen-en Ltd.. Liverpool. England, on The New Young Men in British the Soviet Union and a state re The communist priesthood both Theater”—8:00 p.m., Harper Hall. Dlav Also a t ‘his time Mt. ligion formed the two challeng holds the whole group together Cloak attended Mr Salmon’s re October 13— es, to which Dr. Edgerton pro and acts as a partisan conver hearsal of the Sorrows of <”hes- Lecture by Dr. Bernard D. Davis of Harvard University, posed two replies. sion group, with missions Iter. and original drama first pre under the auspice* of the American Cancer Sociely—11:00 Working with a group oi springing up all over the globe. a.m., Mcmonal Chapel. The two answers to this chal sented at Lawrence which Mr. American and Russian students Salmon saw here. Contemporary MusicaJe by Sigma Alpha lota sorority— lenge which Dr. Edgerton pro 8: If» p.m., Harper Hall. both in the Soviet Union and Last summer Mr. Salmon was the United States. Dr. Edgerton posed are. he feels, only a start October 16— ing point. He said that we must back in the United States di based his conclusions both on recting a TV series called. Fcrreign Film, “The Happiest Days of Your Life,” Eng- the actual results of this group's first offer the youth of Russia hsh— 1:30 and 7:30 p.m., Stansbury "Hie-ater. a sensible alternative to com “Great Plays in Rehearsal” efforts and his reactions to the which has been televised thru- Faculty Recital. Frances Clarke Rehl, ’cello—8:15 pm. gToup. He compared the dualis- munism— not a deliberately an Harper Hall tagonistic direct opposition. He out the United States on Educa tic impression of Russia one tional Television stations At the October 17— student received to the parable then cited the creation of a world wherein all peoples can present time Mr. Sslmcn is rio- Chambc-r Music Series Cemcert—The Aeolian Trio of De- of the three blind men and the Pauw University—8:15 p.m., Harper Hall. peacefully co-exist as the ideal inr work in motion Dictu’ e? for elephant — each man "saw” a October 21 and 22— goal the University of Wisconsin part of the creature, but none Lawre-nce College Home-coming activities«. knew exactly what the total pic- I>r .Edgerton concluded bi« October 23— lure was. Just so. said Dr. Ed talk with hi» own challenge tc gerton. is the impression of Rus- Americ an students. He felt each Foreign Film. The Imposter,” Japanese— 1:30 and 7 30 p.m.. Stansbury Theater Ma received by unfortunately student should apply a four »ay Proxmire Speaks October 2*— too many. Each sees a part, challenge to himself. Lawrence Coliege students Freshman Studies lecture by Professor Ixonard Pinsky. and no one individual sees the 1. What is my ideology? heard United States Senator on “Plato”—11:00 a.m.. Stansbury Theater. Soviet system as a unified 2. Wh^t are my fundamental William A Proxmire speak on wholt. Since the system is beliefs? “ Education for Survival in the October 27— composed of human beings, Dr. 3. What do 1 havr to say to Nuclear Age” on Thursday .it Lecture by John Ciardi, poe-t and critic for the Saturday Edgerton felt that .the two were the young people of free coun 11 o’clock in the Memorial Chvp- Review of Literature on "How Does a Poem Mean?”— 11 00 a.m.. Memorial Chapei. inseparable and that both must tries? el. be seen in one light in order tc 4. If I have convictions, «hat Democratic Senator from Wis Oc tober 28- give an accurate impression.