Palmer's Post Associate Dean
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'MM>waHMMHBMaa«ailM«.aMEr J Nerlhridge, CalUomia Vol. 11, No. 46 Friday, Dec. 16, 1966 Palmer's Post Associate Dean By Joclc Berkman Dr. Willfam G. Thomas, 35, associate dean of students at tbe University of California, Los Angeles, has been appointed Dean of Students at Valley State College, effective February 1, Dr. Thomas succeeds Dr. John T. Palmer, who resigned as dean six months ago to accept the appointment as dea^ of stud ents and professor of psychology at Sonoma State College. At the,, request of Valley State President, Dr. Ralph Prator, Dean Palmer has remained in his position pending the appointment of his replacement. ^'j. In bis present position at UCLA, Dr. Thomas bas been maiiagier of the Student and Alumni Placement Center. He has also been a UCLA extension Instructor of Divislcm of Education courses for teachers and counselors in career planning and guidance. '\ He was an Instructor in speech and drama and director of public relations at Immaculate Heart College, Los Angles. Dr. Thomas has received botb his Doctor of Education and his lHaster's degree from UCLA, whUe also stoding at Oc cidental College and tbe University of Califoimia, Berkely. «I am looking forward,' witff great excitement, to my new position . as d^m& students at Valley State," Dr. Thomas said. I am - scared in a way since Va^ey State wUl be quite new to me, how ever, I am eagerly awaiting my contact with tbe wonderful students"*- ; .. - j and faculty I have heard so much about." He also said, «Dr. Palmer has done a wonderful job at Valley ' •., .'»-- Kate, bis programs and rfaff bave been extremely eftOct^t, 4 v. > •. rJ realize that Ms shoes jrUl be hard to till, Init I am eagerly - waiting to try." * — . - •-•- • Dr. Palmer was Appointed associate dean of students at Valley f il-f <*• ., (Centinuftd on Page 3) ' AFT Hits Reqgan I. '-%V% ^\ Budget Propasals n—*- The American Federation of WOODEN IT BE LOVERLY?--Garin Blrcsak, Students, in keying with the holiday spirit, wore ing in the state Colleges to esf Teachers this week launched an isting levels." fraduate physics major, puts the flnishlngtoudtes Santa Clause bats and put the *elves* sign all-out fight against Gov.-elect .W the other shoe he is making in Ralph Evans' on the door so photographer would know where Dr. Richard Abcarian, presioent Ronald Reagan's proposal to of the lo^ AFT, saidj "vaate .• wood design class as Bobbl Sampson, left, and to'go. DAILYSUNDIAL PHOTO: Paul Levy slash the state college budget. Jojr T<mssuid, Junior locdc on. going to be bit as severely as Speaking for tbe college council i^M^iMW^f.^ <i K the other state colleges, since made up of AFT locas In the state we are one of the most rapidly colleges, Dr. John Sperling, (Continueid on Page 2) -^ Winter Recess Means Work president of Ibe council, said the union * wlU do whatever Is Today last Day necessary tb maintain quality in as College Students Hit Books tiie system.* to Prop Classes By Oorlene Phillips go back to sdHxd. , - , Necessary steps Included, ac Today is the last day to Then there's the man whO works for the cording to Dr. Sperling, 'Umited withdraw froiri a <^ss without For the college student winter recess means post office during vacation. At no time of enrollment to maintain existing receiving a failing grade, the j Itttle more than two weeks of work without the year is tiie mail service more active than student-teacher ratios or, if this Registrar's Office stated. ; classes. This is the time wben students in- at Christmas. Mall trucks go out filled to the cannot be done, urging faculty i vade tbe libraries to .do reseairdi on long- Students wishing to drop a'class brim with cards from pen-happy well-wishers. members not to accept teaching must fill out a withdrawal slip, I neglected term papers and the time when dust- JMallmen wbo walk a beat leam to carry a make quality instruction im have it signed by the faculty mem i covered textt>ooks are opened for a rushed pack like a proverbial Santa Claus. But Santa possible. These actions will be- ber of the dropped class and then I reading beftnre finals. never aitftered from sore leet. oiime necessary only tf Reagan pay the $1 fee to the cashier In For some tt means two weeks of hard work Some students sell Christmas trees. This per slsts In his plan to bold spend the Administration BulldlBg. i at a holiday job, or full-time empli^ment means that by tbe second week they are out ; at a part-time occiq>ation. of work, but then tbey have time to do the The college girl who takes a department homework they've been putting off all semester. I store lob during the Christmas rush, is be- Various clubs and organizations on campus i sieged by harried shoppers who either demand have goodwUl projects planned for the holidays. The Los Angeles weather bu and Sjiturday. Tbe APCD pre i an Item that 'she doesn't have or ask tlie loc- The Amigos Club has its annual community reau predicts a high of 76 and a dicts no eye irritation from smog. \ ation of a product she didn't even know the developenx^nt prelect in Tijuana, Mexico. Tbey low of 45 degrees for the San The campus weather station \ atore . carried. For her it's a Iracation Jo (CpntiiHied on Fernando Valley today. MosUy recorded a high of 72 witb a low sunny skies are expected today of 59 degrees Thursday. iKiWini'i 'iBn3n-j;T:,..aamww>aw*wi mmmmmmmmmmmmimm T 1 iH^mtmm. •I Vaee^~2r Valley «tate DaUy Sundtal- —Dec. 16, 1966 FACULTY SENATE Credit-by-Exam Okayed The present credit by-ej^am any action. lenges to a member of tbe 15- United Press policy, as stated In the 1966-67 ^There was much discussion, man tribunal which make& up the International catalogue, was accepted In its but the senators decided they did grievance panel. present form by the faculty sena not have time to study it, so we The third change made was to te Thursday. will send It in after tbe next give tbe tribunal the authority to The senate voted to accept the meeting," said 'Dr. Lorence G. make a declslonbefore any actini present policy, but to re-submit CoUlns, presidoit of the faculty. Is taken, to see if a grievance King Hits Poverty 'War' to ttie educaticHial policies com Several minor changes were does, in fact, exist WASHINGTON (UPI)--The Rev. Martin Lutber King complained mittee, tbe Department of For adopted in tbe grievance panel Nolninaticns for tbe 30-man to congress Thursday that the United States was spending biUions eign Languages policy, which policies, among them are-lnter- committee to study year-round on "ill considered" war in Vietnam whUe its war on poverty at home dttters slightiy from that of the pretatioa of wbo shall file a griev operatioEis were not brouc^t up amount^f to "scarcely a skirmish." rest of the schooL ance. The policy was changed so .at Thursday's meeting, as v/as In testimony tiefore a Senate subcommittee studyingurban decay, Jn response to tbe statewide that any member of the general originally planned at tbe last tbe CivU rights leader said: "The security we profess toseek in for Academic Senate's request tor a faculty, including tbe admlnls- executive session of the senate, eign adventures we wUl lose In our decaying cities. The bombs revislan in tbe salary schedule, tration,could file. because they were not ready it In Vietnam explode at bom^Chey destroy tbe hqpes and possiblliUes tbe senate decided to wait until The second change was to pro this time, said Dr. David Benson, fbr a decent America." tbe next meeting before taking vide tbree pre-emptory dial- secretary. •Difficult Days Ahead'-johnson Speakefs Pollcy Critlcized : WASHINGTON (UPp—President Johnscm solemnly told a group Extended eampos visits by to tbe ^leakeT during Ills visit. By the audiettce's reaction 1^ dt wounded Vietnam war veterans Thursday ttwouldbe "some time" speakers and lecturers are more ^Students can become Inter speaker can spot "the areas of before there is peace. He said tbe united States can expect advuitat^eousto studants tlian part ested in tbe speaker's area, have greator_interest* along witb ex-^ •difficult days ahead." ilay visits accspnUng to Dr. Paul time to do some reading and ercislng'tbe most effective style •I wish I coidd tell you tiiat wbat you have fought for... that Hottmaan, poUtlcal sdence de thl^ng, ^and then attend a l^nr of presentation.* The speaker can peace in tbe world is Just around tbe comer," Johnson said. portment chairman. event witb greater nndarstana- then apply this knowledge to his •But tt WiU be some tiine and tbere wiU be difficult days ahead- Protracted stays oOtr a "much Ing,* Dr. Hoftmann said. Pro other lectures scheduled during. days requirtaig patience and under landing." greater and more diveralfled pot tracted visits also otter stodents Msvlstt. ential audience due to the varied a dMper understanding of the spe^r by means of being abte A flgare such as Dr, Nagy, White House CardsDepict Peace*^ times and places* at tbe speak can "emottaaally as wsU as er's scheduled events. Dr. Bott- to attnd varloosiectores instead WASHINGTON (Tn>0—President and Mrs.-Johnson are maUing of just one. logically* present hU subjoct be Christmas cards this weekend featurbig a winter evening scene cause he is tiM kind of a speaker Anotber advantage wastint The speaktf's "areas of exper of tbe White House witb a tall American elm tree, symbolizing •who te intimato with the total classes geared toward theqiieak- tise are uncovered,* Dr.