NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement & Contract Administration Section 28-Mauve Area, G-9/ L,Islamabad Tei: 9032727 , Fax: 9260419

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NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement & Contract Administration Section 28-Mauve Area, G-9/ L,Islamabad Tei: 9032727 , Fax: 9260419 NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement & Contract Administration Section 28-Mauve Area, G-9/ l,Islamabad TeI: 9032727 , Fax: 9260419 No.6(5 1 5) / cM(P&cA)/ NHAl 2o2oSq> Islamabad, ..... Decernber,2A2O Director General Public Procurement Regulatory Authority l"t Floor FBC Building near State Bank, Sector G-5I 2, Islamabad Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT OF EVALUATTON REpORT (ppRA RULE-3S!: Consultancy Services for Feasibility (Technical + CommerciaU Study and Detailed Design for Dualization and Rehabilitation of Karachi-Quetta-Chaman Road (79O Km) on Build-Operate- Transfer (BoTl basis under Public Private Partnership (PPPI Modality Reference: PPRARuIe-3S Find enclosed. herewith the combined Bid Evaluation Report along with Evaluation Criteria (Annex-I) for the subject Services in line with PPRA Rule-35 for upioading on PPRA website at the earliest, please. Encl: Evaluation Report along with Annex- I Copy for kind information to: - Member (Planning), NHA, Islamabad; - Director (Tech. to Chairman), NHA, Islamabad; - Director {P&CA)-III, NHA, Islamabad. a LUATIONREP (As PerRule 35 of PP Rules.2004) 1. Nameof ProcuringAgency: NationalHighway Authority 2. Methodof Procurement: "SingleStage Two Envelope Procedure 3. Titleof Procurement: ConsultancyServices for Feagibility(Technical + Commercial)Study and DetailedDesign for Dualizationand Rehabilitationof Karachi- Quetta-ChamanRoad (790 Km) on Build- Operate-Transfer(BoT) basis under Public PrivatePartnership (PPP) Modality 4. TenderInquiry No.: 6(515) 5. PPRARef. No. (TSE): TS431674E 6. Date& TimeofBid Closing: 13thOctober,2020 at 1130hours local time 7. Date& Timeof BidOpening: 13thOctober,2020 at 12OOhours local time 8. No of BidsReceived: Four(04) Proposals were received 9. Criteriafor Bid Evaluation: Criteriaof BidEvaluation is attachedat Annex-l 10. Detailsof Bid(s)Evaluation: As below Marks Rule/Regulation/ SBD**/Policy/ Evaluated Basisfor Rejection Nameof Bidder Technical Financial Total Cost (EG)* (if (if (out of (PKR) / Acceptanceas applicable)applicable) 1000) per Rule35 of PP Rules,2004. 1) M/sAssociated Consultancy Centre(Pvt.) Ltd. in JV with Topscoring firm in M/sFinite Engineering (Pvt.) combinedevaluation Ltd.,M/s PrimeEngineering 625 200 825 38,254,467 (PPRARule 36(b) & Testing (Pvt.) Consultants (ix)) Ltd. and M/S ECOS (SMC- Pvt.)Ltd. 2) M/s ZEERUK International (Pvt.) Ltd in JV with M/s 2no Loya Associates and M/s 594 125 720 73,103,600 KasibAssociates. 3) M/s NESPAK(Pvt.) Ltd. in JV with M/s Associated ConsultingEngineers Ltd., Not PPRARule 36(b) (v) M/s HARZA Consultants Evaluated FinancialProposal not opened (lneligible) (SMC-Pvt.)Ltd. and M/s KPMGTaseer Hadi & Co. ConsultancyServlces for Feasibility(Technical + Commercial)Study and Detailed Design for Dualizationand Rehabilitationof Karach't-Quetta-ChamanRoad (790 Km) on Build-Operate-Transfer(BoT) basis under Public Partnersh ip (PP P) Modality Page 1 of2 ( (As Per Rule35 of PP Rules.2004) Marks Rule/Regulation/ SBD**/Policy/ Evaluated Technical Basisfor Rejection Nameof Bidder Financial Total Gost (EG)* (if (if (out of (PKR) / Acceptanceas applicable)applicable) 1000) per Rule35 of PP Rules.2004. 4) M/s Asif Ali & Associates (Pvt.) Ltd. in JV with M/s Not A.A.Associates and M/s lQ Evaluated FinancialProposal not opened PPRARule 36(b) (v) CapitalPlus. (lneligible) .EC is the EvaluatedCosf used for evaluation'purposeand includesonly the cost of competitive Component(i.e. Remunerationand Direct Non-SalaryCost) and is exclusiveof ProvisionalSum, Contingencyand lndirect Taxes. Top RankedBidder: M/s AssociatedConsuttancy Centre (Pvt.) Ltd. in JV with M/s Finite Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd., M/s Prime Engineering & Testing Consultants(Pvt.) Ltd. and M/SECOS (SMC-Pvt.) Ltd. 11. Any other additional/supportinginformation, the procuring agency.may like to share: The Procurementwas carriedout in line with PPRA Rules& Regulations.The biddingwas doneon QCBSmethod with 80:20 Technicalto Financial Proposals ratio. The Contractis beingawarded to M/sAssociated Consultancy Centre (Pvt.) Ltd. in JV withM/s FiniteEngineering (Pvt.) Ltd., M/s Prime Engineering & TestingConsultants (Pvt.) Ltd. and M/SECOS (SMC-Pvt.) Ltd. at evaluatedfinancial proposalof Pak. Rs. 38,254,4671-. Signature: Official Stamp:. .. ,W*e0.l7.7 {i .o_4flol!.(f ** Au*nriUt"r:! stand a rd Bi d d i n g Wdiwna:'5fig61 // lslanzaoau / f\--, I / r, \ / -r- \ A4l- /tl d. ConsultancyServices for Feasibility(Technical + Commercial)Study and Detailed Design for Dualizationand Rehabilitationof Karachi-Quetta-ChamanRoad (790 Km) on Build-Operate-Transfer(BoT) basis under Public PrivatePartnershi p (PPP)Modality Page2 of 2 t National Highway Authority Feifno'rrri8rn-AYs Annex-I Criteria FOK Bid Evaluation ConsultancyServices for Feasibility (Technicalt Commercial)Study and DetailedDesign for Dualization and Rehabilitationof Karachi-Quetta-Chaman Road (790Km) on Build-Operate-Transfer (BoT) basisunder Public Private Partnership (PPP) Modality f)ecember,2020 NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement & Contract Administration Section l, 28 Mquue Area, G-g/ I, Islamabad I 051-9032727, tr 051-9260419 $Ri$xl"rffini$**.Ar er,2o2o I Ref: 6(515) /DIR-III (P&cA/NHA/ 202o 18 I Dated:f6o"roo All Prospective Consultants I Subject: I Transfer (BOT) Basis under PPP Modalitv I .,Minutes of Pre-Proposal Meeting and Addendum No.1" Reference: Pre-Proposal meeting scheduled on 29th September, 2020' I Minutes of Pre-Proposal Meeting and Addendum No, 1 being iltegral part of RFP for the subject Consultancy services are enclosed herewith I for necessary action, Please. I ( rclu>o I Director (Consul Enclosure: I I Copy for information to: - Member (Planning), NHA, Islamabad; I - General Manager (Planning), NHA, Islamabad; - General Manager (Design), NHA, Islamabad; - General Manager (P&CA) NHA, Islamabad; I - Director (PFP) NHA, Islamabad; - I DD (MIS) NHA, Islamabad. I I I I I I 'I, I I I I I abilita A pre-proposalMeeting was held in NHA Auditorium at 1100 hours on 28'hSeptember,2020 to prospective discussthe Requestfor proposal(RFp) for subjectSeruices in the presenceof NHA officials and replies t consultant.During the said meetingthe prospectiveconsultant submitted queries. The clarifications/ t are summarizedbelow for informationof all prospectivebidders: Geotechnical Investigations are provided with I payment as LS while we suggestthat PS may be -pertod Totat ttme of 5 months is proposed for 790 The Consultantis requiredto studythe TOR t Kms in TOR. We request that time period for the in detail for assessingits scopeof detailed design may be increasedconsidering the area,length design.As per the TO& the consultaiifsnall andtenain of the Project. design Hub-Kararo and Wadh-Khuzdar I Sections. These approximateIo 270 Km. The Commercialfeasibility shall be carried out for the complete stretch of Karachi- I Chamanas detailedin the TOR. IIIIA attows a JV for maximum of 4 No of Firms Requestnot accededto. includinga small firm. Howeverthis is a big project I of 790 km thereforewe requestthat more than 4 firms be allowedto form a JV. 2020 through Since rmmUerof proposalsis to be submiuedwith a ExGnded to 13u' October, difference of one day therefore it is requestedthat Corrigendum No. 1. T extension of time for One Month may kindly be provided for carrying out a detailed Site Visit and on of comprehensiveTechnical pfqpq!4l rePlY' I Witt-t*fe*nc. io above mentionedRFP wherein the Pleaserefer Sr. No. 3 consultancyservices for Feasibility (Technical + Commercial) Study and Detailed Design for Dualization'and Rehabilitationof Karachi-Quefb- I Chamanwith length of 790 km has been invited from consultancyfirms. Keepingin view the scopeof work,. location and length of this megaproject road, it need's t many Key and Non-Key Personnelto carry out the projict. To fulfill TOR requirementsand to complete ihe- assignment professionally in light of best I engineering practices a JV of various firms is essentiallyrequired' Therefore,you are requestedto pleasealiow to forhr lV with more than 4 firms' in iieu of this it is requestedto changethe ClauseNo'l' 7 t (v) of Data Sheet i.e'; JV may include at most 4 membersfor a consultancyservices. I RehabilitationofKarachi-Quetta-ChamanRoad(790Km)on Page I of 2 I Build - Operate-Transfer-- T-^-^-r^- (BOT)/Dnr\ BasisD^.i. under,,^i-r PPPDDD Modalityhrtndalinr I I I t I iiE erline.ttto mentionedhere that sufficient time is Pleaserefer Sr. No. 4 rePlY. reouired for site visit and preparation of comprehensiveTechnical and FinancialProposals, so you ire requestedto pleaseextend the submissiondate t for this proposalfor at least2 weeks' I I I I I I t I I I I l I I Road (790 Km) on F.""bil,h/ (T..f*bal + Cornr"rciug Study and DetailedDesign - for Dualization and Rehabilitationof Karachi-Quetta-Chaman Page2 of 2 I UuiiO- Opr*t"-fransfer (BOT) Basis undlr PPPModality t I I rb I ADDENDUM No.l nical J- Commerc I fKa fer (RFP)for subjectServices I Followingamendments have been made in the Requestfor Proposal of RFP and shall underthis AddendumNo.l, which shallbe readand construedas an integralpart No'l and other I take precedencein caseof any conflict(s)/ambiguity(s)amongst this Addendum provisionsof the RFP. T 1. TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) page 89 is 1.1.Refer page 89 of RFP; the Mode of Payment is corected; therefore, I replaced/revisedand enclosed as Attachment-1' to AddendumNo'L' I 2. All othertems andconditions shall remain same' I ---ooOoo--- I fl*q I w I t I I I I I Karachi-Quetta-ChamanRoad (790 Km) on Feasibility (Technical+ Co,o-.Effiidffi o"ail.d Design forDualization and Rehabilitationof
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