tu - M.WCIIKSTKH HEHALD. Tinsday. Od. 25, I9«;t ■ : r r - © -iH.

Council WHAT’S A HOUSE WORTH? Lawmakers eyes filtute problems In these metro areas: more than questioning double the norm Bv Steven W. Svre , - promote as a critical issue. Another is NU phase-in United PrenlmterncrttbiMil : . - *' New England’s decade-old economic headache: Energy. Cloudy tonight Manchester, Conn. BOSTON, - The N *w „ E «| la ii* " I t ’s one of the biggest sore thumbs HARTFORD (UPI) - Northeast Utilitid Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1983 Council,' a large. biidinesS>ae80CiBtion New England has in its set of plan to add $101 to its typical electric customer ^ and Thursday with an obtbse name, s^ihds its tiitih short-term problems." Swider said. bill by 1986 to help pay for the Millstone fli — See page 2 Single copy; 25S and mone$ trying to figure out w h ^ "The problem with the energy issue is nuclear power plant has been questioned by t|e fianrlfrB tFr M tm lh will affect (he region's iilaustries am that its 10 years old and people are sick chairmen of a legislative committee. • lobbying in its membersllfp'sinterests. of it. But the real fact is that energy Rep. David La vine, D-Durham, and Sen. Join The cou'ncil, wbichlias'aetaff of I6,.is costs are still higher than the nation as Larson, D-East Hartford, said Monday thfy run on a $1 million budget-supplied 1^ a whole." believed a law enacted this year prohibit^ it's t,_200 member businesses..It whs Improvements have been made. The Northeast from passing on costs of completing formed in 1925 when buSioes^ieadelts region has reduced its dependence on the $3.54 billion plant before it was in operatldh. becamer.\^ncerned over the decline to ' oil from 85 percent to 72 percent of Northeast is seeking approval from state the'Sl^.rand textile.indUftfries'tibl'y' energy consumption since 1973. But utility regulators to charge its 920,000 ConnMi- foresdiv <. energy still costs 25 to 30 percent more ' Jcut electric customers $64.3 million next yeai$n U.S. battles for control of Grenada Next ,'ihdnth: the .council isMft w W in New England. the first step of a $270 million phase-in o f the present itsbbar«Ueitii.whatJt)^'lBi^^ The council’s limited solutions to the $3.54 billion cost of Millstone III. • the .biggest proolems N;eW Eoglaiu problems are structured within their The $60 million figure is included in a $174.2 B v Valerie Strauss during the night, indicating the among those hiding in the Soviet less canons, mortars, and other justified.” The invasion force seized control busihesseis will face O o lle u lV e ly ^ ^ means as a lobbying group, mainly million Northeast rate hike request pending United Press International invasion force had seized Grena­ embassy. kinds of canons. Fighter planes "Our force doesn’t have the of the island’s two airports, a 2 short-tertn futirfe and beyoitlL' r, . through affecting legislation. before the state Department of iKibllc Utility da's telephone Installations. The Pentagon said at least two also attacked the Cuban strength or the means to do power station and the St. George’s Councir President Eric Slider-si It proposes to affect change mostly Control. BRIDGETOWN, Barbados - ■ Sources in Grenada reached Marines were killed and 23 others positions." anything more than defend its University medical school during getting pcmple to expect change^UMti— through tax incentives, deregulation The law passed earlier this year prohibited More than 2,000 American and before communications were cut wounded since 1,900 U.S. Marines In a news conference in Havana work” he said. the first 12 hours of operations. It unending.' endarahce of famris''’ tHat and changes in other laws that limit so-called construction work in progress^ « r -Caribbean troops today battled said the leaders of the Marxist and army rangers invaded the early today, Cuban President Cuba also said it would be willing was the largest U.S. military have helped the region’s economy, iii businesses, such as antitrust. CW IP rates, under which a utility can charge Mr supporters o( Grenada's pro- government had apparently island in a dawn assault by air, Fidel Castro said he had turned to “ listen” to a representative of action since the Vietnam War. recent years, is a major obstaole." '' Swider also said he wants to provide the cost of building a power plant before, tie Cuban government in a drive to sought refuge in the Soviet em­ land and sea Tuesday. An addi-. down a Grenadian request lor the United States. The Pentagon reported the cap­ "You get conifortable thinidng ever­ an atmosphere so New England’s plant is in operation. ' wipe out isolated pockets of bassy and were attempting to tional 300 troops from six Carib­ reinforcements because of the “The Cuban commander In ture of 200 "arm ed" Cubans. ything’s good, everythirtg’s rdses Washington delegation and other politi- The law allows the DPUC to allow CWIP rates resistance to the invasion force. broadcast on short wave from the bean nations also took part. "overpowering” U.S. army and Grenada, Col. Pedro Tortolo, has Jamaica’s Prime Minister Eki- You have to gel people to understand . clans can "safely support our 6 only if a utility proves it is in dire financial The official Cuban news agency building. Diplomatic sources said the navy presence on the island. instructiohs to receive whatever ward Seaga said 12 Ckibans and that the only thing that is certain' Is viewpoint." hardship, but Larson said Northeast had Prensa Latina said helicopters, The sources said army com­ fighting was still raging today and He said Cuba “ cannot send U.S. parliamentarian who ap­ three unidentified civilians were change." Swider said. ' ; . Demographic change along with "substantial" earnings and would be “ haid- fighter planes and gunners firing mander Gen. Hudson Austin and Cuban news reports said aix U.S. reinforcements, not only because proaches him in order to listen to killed in combat. "N o business ihthis area has'stayM trends in national and international pressed” to prove it qualified for CWIP ratd^ mortars attacked Cuban positions Deputy Prime Minister Bernard helicopters attacked Cuban posi­ it’s impossible given the overpow­ him and transmit to Cuba," a Seaga told Jamaica’s Parlia­ the same for .the last 35 'years and markets contribute as much to. how La vine also r e } e c t e d Northeast’s jeontehtifn today from several directions. Coard, who seized power in a coup tions at 5:07 a.m. ering aerial and naval strength of government statement issued by ment a "vast quantity" of Soviet- survived.’ ’ he said. , ' ' ' , New England’s economic base wiH be that the phase-in plan was not a form of (M l P All telephone communications after killing Prime Minister Mau­ The news agency said, "The the United States, but also because the official Cuban news agency made weapons, including AK-47 Remaining cbmpetltive through shaped in the future. and thus not addressed by the law. “ I think that with the island were disconnected rice Bishop, were believed to be enemy was attacking with recoi- such action could not be politically said. rifles, were seiz^ . changes meahs spending lime and The council perceives information if you call a cow a horse it doesn’t make It a money oh the future, at tnl same time processing, as a potentially large horse," he said. making the best use of research. . business in New England’s future, “ We do not want it misunderstood that the bill "T o have a future., even in the- blending its edge in technological is allowing construction work in progress," sti^d medium future, you have to have a lot National median valu>: advancements with the shift toward Lavine, who with Larson wrote the DPUC 4o Few nations Kenney leaving MMH of research and ^velopm en t.” Swider (Source: U.S. Commerce Department) N f A/Motint Cecil service industries. clarify the intent of the law. * said. Whatever happens, Swider said the Northeast spokesman Emmanuel Forde sa}d "W e (New England) go with the flow. region needs to improve one of Its the Northeast phase-in plan was within the law. We’ re not low-oost producers. Shoes for post In Greenwich biggest advantages to capitalize on Hesaid the utility wanted to collect funds froim support U.S. and textiles were here when they'were future business turns. its customers now to offset rate hikes when ttie high tech. The potential for new Cost varies widely "The future is definitely related to plant goes into service. "W e see that as very Edward M. Kenney, executive direc­ served as administrative assistant to breakthroughs is very serious." he the commitment we make to educa­ The high cost of living varies across the United States. The median different from CWIP." Forde said. tor of Manchester Memorial Hospital Thoms. Before coming to Manchester said. tion,” he said. “ We have people that on invasion for the past 16 years, will resign Jan. 1 he had been assistant administrator at State Consumer Counsel Barry S. Zitser sq|d R&D factors, including money and value of a home in these six areas is more than $100,000. That is more are a little bit more educated than Northeast wanted $270 million in rate hikes to I to become director of Greenwich Stamford Hospital for three years. antitrust regulations, make one busi­ people in the rest of the country. We than double the national median home value — which reflects their pay for Millstone III before the plant went iaso Bv Barbara Miner Hospital. A native of West Haven, he received ness facet the .'council intends to have to somehow improve the gap.” status as high-income locations. service, which he said would cost the utilitjil's Bv United Press International Kenney announced his resignation his undergraduate degree from the typical residential customer'$101. Tuesday night at a meeting of the University of Connecticut and his Larson and Lavine, chairmen of the Legisla­ The U.S.-led invasion of Grenada brought sharp hospital Board of Trustees. master of public health degree from ture’s Energy and Public Utilities Committee, denunciations from socialist countries, "considerable He said today the offer from Yale University. said legislation would likely be proposed next doubts” from many of America’s staunchest allies Greenwich was too attractive to turn Describing the duties of a hospital year if the DPUC allows the Northeast phase-in and only a few expressions of understanding and down, even though he is happy with the administrator about a year after he State to provide 2,000 low-interest mortgages took the position, Kenney said, "W e do plan. support. situation in Manchester. Lavine also said lawmakers would look into In Latin America, where there is a historical fear of He said he took the job partly because everything from pick up stray pieces of Bv M ark A. Dupuis U.S. gunboat diplomacy, not one country said it paper to making major de^ions that mortgages. pointing oiit Connecticut was the only the possibility, of phasing in the costs of it is a new challenge. United Press International maximum amount of bonds this year and supported Tuesday’s pre-dawn invasion. Sometimes a change in leadership is affect everyone in the hospital.’ ’ The $125 million offering could be the state this year to offer state-sponsored lust. Millstone IIlAhrough higher electric costs Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Relations said the good for an organization, he added. Kenney’s resignation comes at a last because federal law forbids states mortgages at less than 10 percent O’Neill also announced at the housing beginning after the plant goes into service in HAIITFORD —'State^ifficials expect from using revenue bonas to provide interest. 1986. U.S. actions “ aggravate the situation in the The announcement took the trustees time when the hospital is in the final conference that the state would use $2 Caribbean and stages of a vast renovation program, to provide more than 2,000 low-interest mortgages after this year. A recent survey of mortgage rates by Northeast wants to phase in the costs by usiag by surprise, although some of them had million for two programs to provide . Central Amert- which includes the provision of new mortgages with $125 million available Connecticut officials are supporting the state Banking Department showed the phase-in, which it says would ease tbe heard that Kenney had been offered a loans and grants for energy conservation facilities as well as the demolition of old for what may be the last mortgage efforts to change the federal law and a an average rate in September of 14.26 burden on consumers by having, a series pf Related stories, can areas and post at a hospital in affluent Fairfield work to multi-family dwellings. CI*6 8 tG 1)8 W ones that no longer meet modern safety offering by the Connecticut Housing congressional committee has endorsed a percent for a fixed-rate mortgage with a smaller rate hikes as opposed to a whopping County. He said $1 million will be used for loans m aps on pSQO 4 dangers" for codes. Finance Authority. five-year extension of allowing states to 25 percent downpayment. jump when the plant goes on line. Kenney was named to the Manches­ to buyers of new or rehabilitated peace In the Deputy director and, next to Kenney, C ter' post in August of 1967 to succeed The mortgages will be available Nov. sell mortgage revenue bonds. Of the $125 million total, the CHFA will multi-family dwellings with up to four region. senior administrator of the hospital is 21 and offer a 9% percent interest rate', CHFA provides mortgages to home Edward Thoms, who had resigned. make $60 million available through units that have passive solar heating or The chief spokesman for China’s foreign ministry, Michael Gallacher. which is the lowest rate offered this year buyers who will live in the dwelling for For two years before that he had banks beginning Nov. 21 with the other conservation work at dwellings The computer may now be the Ql Huaiyuan, called the invasion "a gross violation of under a ‘state-sponsored mortgage pro­ which the mortgage is approved and who remaining $65 million available early with five or more units. world’s biggest bargain. Since the the United Nations charter and the basic norms gram, offic ia lo ^ id Monday. meet limits on income, the price of the next year. Another $1 million will provide grants 1960s, the cost has plummeted roughly governing relations between states, and an act of Stuart Y. Jeifniiigs, deputy director of dwelling and can afford the loan. ’The $125 million brought the CHFA to to owners or tenants of dwellings with up 20,000 times, while the speed of power politics of a strong country bullying a weak the quasi-public housing authority, said Gov. William O’Neill announced the the federally allowed maximum of $200 Redwood urges town to four units for energy conservation, operation has increased by a factor of one.” the $125 fnillion bond issue earlier this availability of the mortgages'Monday at million in bonds this year. O’Neill said O'Neill said. The program is designed about 1 million. Vietnam termed the action “ brazen aggression,” month’ would provide -about 2,20p. a housing conference in Danbury, Connecticut was the only state to sell the primarily for low-income tenants. saying that in conjunction with events in Lebanon it T demonstrated that "the U.S. imperlalits have failed to study water takeover draw any useful lesson from their defeat in Vietnam." Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi indirectly Coleco Bv James P. Sacks would provide currently unavailable attacked the invasion. In a public tribute to Latin Herald Reporter fire service, is desirable. Over the long American liberator Simon Bolivar, she praised his term, town water rates could rise Manchester State Bank — "far sighted" views on “ the danger of expansionist Residents of the Redwood Farms substantially because of improve­ eamktg^ designs of militarily strong nations.” ments that have yet to be bonded. European reaction ranged from decidedly cool to subdivision Tuesday signed a petition asking the Town of Manchester to The town, if asked, would take the outright critical. investigate the cost of taking over water service over from the private West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich q local bank with water service to their homes. L&M Water Co., which is in the hands of Genscher said Germany views the developments in court-appopinted receiver John Grenada “ with great concern.” Former Chancellor The petition was drafted at a meeting UPI photo Wittenzellner. w e s t ' H A R T F O R D Willy Brandt issued a sharply criticial statement on initiated by State Sen. Carl A. Zinsser, The private water company was (U P I) C^lbca Indus­ statewide connections,” says behalf of the Socialist International. Vice President George Bush (center) wearing a Marine flack a subdivision resident, and attended by badly mismanaged by its recently tries — which hopes to Brandt, president of the International and head of representatives of the administration, deceased former owner, according to follow its stairtliifg sue- West Germany's Social Democratic Party, said, "The jacket and helmet visits the site of the destroyed building a few the state Department of Public Utility officials, and its pumping equipment is cess in.tjie video game protest of the United States against the intervention of minutes after he arrived in Beirut today. The Marine Corps Control and Office of Consumer in danger of failing. The residents face market with a^'ljew home the Soviet Union in Afghanistan loses credibility in Counsel. Commandant Gen. Paul X. Kelly is on the left and Col. Timothy the choice of paying for improvements computer — . fHas an-, view of its own own action.” Geraghty , commander of Marines in Lebanon is on the right. Zinsser said he will present today the which could run as high as $34,477 — or nounced air 87 percent €ahh a liKky star of llttTAMT UNKBt In Britain, the former colonial power still linked to signatures of a majority of the 106 as low as $11,463 — or of joining the decl ine . in J h itd ^ a y te iv Grenada through the British Commonwealth, Prime homeowners in the development to the town system, or some combination of net eariilnfk ': Minister Margaret Thatcher said she had advised town general manager. A request by the two. President Reagan not to intervene in the Caribbean Coleoo President anrf- Third prize takes you high atop the moun­ the majority is the administration’s The distribtion system is owned by MffdjMupto bn the way. No matter where you travel in our galaxy Island nation. Chief Executive Officer tains of Vsrmont for a weekend of skiing at precondition for investigating the the estate of George Koppleman and you're never far from an INSTANT BANKER. "W e communicated to the United States our very Arnold C. G reen berg Killington. Bush visits site takeover, which would involve laying would have to be acquired by the town considerable doubts that Her Majesty’s government blamed the poor showing new pipe, buying the distribution through negotiations. In addition. 1,400 Even if you don't catch a lucky star, you had about Initiating action,” Mrs. Thatcher told Monday on “ significantly system from an estate that may be feet of 12-inch main would have to te can still be eligible for the grand prizes. Just Parliament. reduced sales of very folkmiheslars. bankrupt and working out a payment laid and a local developer would have to make 5 INSTANT BANKER cash transac­ France said it could not "fully understand the 2 profitable software” for formula for residents. cooperate in allowing extra pipe to be Vbu can sign up for an INSTANT BANKER card reasons that contributed to such a surprising action of Beirut bomb rival Atari and Mattel tions— no more than one per day— and take Meanwhile, the residents will have to laid through an as-yet unconstructed at any of the six banks listed below. It's (suit and it’s from the point of view of international law." pay to keep the system functioning portion of the Manchester West InteiMvfsIoniir^dfwta’.': • ’. them to your teller for an entry biiank. Canadian Prim e Minister Pierre Trudeau said the easy. If you sign up today, you not only have a BEIRUT, Lebanon (U PI) — Donning kids ... a lot of guts.” under a formula to be established by subdivision. U.S. action could not be Justified unless other means of Reduced saW^ii^CM chance to catch a hjcky star, but you could also win a flak Jacket and helmet. Vice As a further morale booster for the the DPUC in November, when it must CO’S owirtable f()p arcdl protecting Americans on the island had been one of our grand prizes as weN. (Drawing wW b e held President George Bush today visited Marines, a special hot line was being decide on a rate increase proposed by THE DPUC MUST DECIDE by the rheexpoNfiM exhausted. games anlT M g l^ MTQl . the bombed Marine headquarters installed today to allow them to call the system’s court-appointed receiver. end of November on a rate-increase on Nov. 21,1963) Japan’s Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone called and interCat cd|ts'alsff' where 216 U.S. servicemen died and home. A takeover could take one to two years, requested by the receiver to keep the affected earnlrfgs,' he INStANTBANl^ For convenience, for Instant cash prizes and the invasion "regrettable ... But we can understand gahofytilHmkkig vowed not to yield to "terrorist and Marine spokesman MaJ. Robert residents were told, if it happens at all. system running while a long-term plan the United States made the move at the request of said, although increased- ii» " 24-hd#^ler machines have eMdting trips, you'N thank your kicky star for epwards.” Jordan said the Marines have been is devised. The increase could be up to 6 other naUoqs involved and for the safety of Americans sales of CoIecoVUioh vi-' tommaenee. INSTANT BANKER. " I hadn’t expected this much des­ required to write borne by today to let ADMINISTRATION REPRESEN­ several hundred percent for the next ' dded wHh lucky stare Nke on the Island," he said. deo game units a0.d, a truction.” Bush said as soldiers clawed relatives know they are safe. TATIVES said at the meeting that a two years, according to Eugene Koss of . . Catch onB and you could Talk about 4-star convenlerKe— In South Korea, a staunch U.S. ally, the government recently introduced L. through the ruins of the four-story Bush was taken to the ruins of the takeover is feasible from an engineer­ the Office of Consumer Counsel, and M as iHstant winner* of the accepted the invasion as "inevitable." dolls helped, Offset you can now bank when you want at building that served as the center of building blown up Sunday by terrorists in g standpoint. They were unprepared, would largely be used to fund repairs. It decline. United Bank and Ihist An Argentine Foreign Ministry official, who asked mi.pexttothestar: operations for the 1,600-Marine peace­ who also leveled a French barracks in however, to answer related policy could also be as low as 100 percent, k.’'. not to be identified, said the invasion raised "a very Net ^rpingp-.fon ^AtS2D,SS0(k $100. Just tions in Connecticut. Use your card New Britain National Bank keeping force in Lebanon. twin suicide attacks. The Pentagon questions. And many residents remain depending on the decision of the utility third quarter were ‘ grave situation, because In back of this>game of During his three-hour visit to Le­ said at least 216 U.S. servicemen were '-aiarrecelpMo at branches of United Bank and Simsbury Bank and Ihist unsure whether a town takeover, which commissioners. million, or IC Home Bank and Thist dominos clearly appears a threat against banon Bush also met with commanders killed in the attack on the Marihe share, down Yreni IN3tANT.6«NKER Thist, New Britain National Bank, Nicaragua." of the four-nation peace-keeping force headquarters. ings o f f 17.6 m f l n ^ » claim yoiiiriBriie, But Simsbury Bank and Thjst, Home Manchester Stats Bank Venesuela, only 90 miles from Grenada, put Its aboard the Marine carrier Iwo Jima After an hourlong meeting with $1.15 per share,, t m thafanotaN. ' ' Bank and Thist, Manchester Stale First National Bank o f Enfield military on a state of alert but did not comment on the and with President Amin Gemayel at Gemayel, Bush flew to Cyprus where MBfiiBMFDC Invasion. same period lait '.': e Bank, and Rrst National Bank of the presidential palace. an Air Force plane was waiting to take Downtown has fesHval The per shard 6a¥ As Bush arrived, the Marine conting­ him back to Washington. reflect a two-for^m Enfield. ent at the Beirut airport was on a state Jordan said shortly before Bush’s The Downtown Merchants Associa­ MUton the Magician will entertain split last Januai^. Vbu can also use INSTANT of maximum alert following reports arrival the Marines came under small tion is celebrating Harvest Festival in Center Park alter the paradie. Net sales for BANKERS at ItsMSlers insursnee", Inside Today that vehicles possibly packed with arms, mortar and rocket propelled this week, with special events Each day of the festival, clowns will months ended dii.'jyn /Etna Lite Insurance**, The Hartford explosives had been seen in the area. grenade fire along their eastern planned each day through Saturday. walk Main Street. > $114.5 million, a'SiiphMft,-,., lucky stareansactlon receipt 24 pewas, 4 loctlont Marines carrying M-16 automatic perimeter but no Injuries were Pumpkin decorating and Judging A bake sale will take Nace Insurance Group**, Combustion En­ 2 odvortlilno tupolementt ^ will take fgace Saturday between lo Saturday on Main Street. It la decline from '^ef/of<< you eiigibla for one o f three rifles stood every 2 yards along the reported- $165.6 million fn tfe tU fi^ gineering**, WaMbaumls In Middle- road from the airport to the Marine Marine Commandant Gen. Paul X. a.m. and noon at St. Jamee Church. sponsored by the Mandiaatm- Associ­ I Jiatiiiing grand p rlM . First Advio*.,...... 16 ObHuariM...... • quarter o f 198$. town, Arthurs Drugstore In the ...... 31 OpInlMi...... 4 Amphibious Unit headquarters. Kelley Who arrived in Beirut to explore ation for Retarded (Xtisens. Bm Iiw m .. A costume parade will take place In .a related activity, tfw Luts For flie first)!' t aiid S stainy itighlB in th e BihanM B. H artford Civic C enlar and NianliQ GIOWlfM...... n -n pMpHMik...... I "W e are not going to let down friends ways of improving security, saw Saturday at $ starting from' Haunted House and Halloween Party ters o f .190;-) Public Market** Comics ...... 19 Ip o r lt...... 9-11 because of terror,” Bush said. "W e are rescue workers Tuesday pull two more ported not 'V...... 16 TelevWort...... 19 not going to let a bunch of Insidious American bodies from the bomb- Manchester State Bank. All whoemer will take place Sunday and Monday _nolCM Nt'" '' ...... t w m n m t ...... I $27.8 m ill More INSTANT BAMOERSI terrorists and cowards shape the policy shattered Marine headquarters. will rccelvo a prise. from 7 p.m. to l:$o p.m. at the Area children have been Invited to museum. share,' Ig . MMPlMTOiNtY of the United States. _ “ There is nothing more devastating earnipgl] Th# M U thWWf M6T M ,t64klV ContlflUM m IqmpIlMI “ It damned sure has not shaken the to a Marine than to lose another paM downtown windows, with judg­ A special festival advertising sup­ or $1.93 j Wanctisetsr m m m r ftknifilarsi >f08rawi t* M iw cool01 of tho nowipopw to non- reaolve of these men,” he said, Marine,” said Kelley, who also visited ing on Saturday. The results will he plement appears with today’s edition same pc.. •46-4004 me Mo^no wbocrlbors in McMchostor. gesturing toward Marines. “ I have Just wounded soldiers in West Germany annouaced after the costume parade. o f the M anchester H erald. ' J Sales 16! TOUB LOCilL HONETqWTBAlIK" ’ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• pinned the Purple Heart on a couple of Tuesday. f V « •4 ■ g - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Oct. 26. tM3 MANCH*^STER HEHALD, Wednesdu-., Cct. 26. 1983 - 3 Mystery of Goliath may be explained through science Gloria DallaFera stresses basics^ discipline in education sdenUst published his theory that At the same time, she questions whether declining BOSTON (UPI) — Some very Two doctors were even able to David Rabin. "But we think it have been Goliath's family. "The Scriptures says that David "I think kids have had too free a iiauu lor too long a brain damage from lead poisoning time," says Gloria D. DellaFera, Republican enrollments will make grade reshuffling and more modem scientific explanations presume Hitler's soH;alled diaries helps explain Davfd's victory.” The Rabins said the disease took a liule stone from a river — may have afflicted the Roman OLORIA D. DILLAPERA school closings necessary by the late 1980s. “People may account (or some of those a hoax by his handwriting. According to their theory, Goli­ causes tumors in the pituitary and I take that to mean a pebble — candidate (or school board. "Going to school is a emperors and uUmately helped 60 O ak 8t. privilege. It’s not just a place to hang your hat (or the are having babies again,” she contends. \ enigmas of history and miracles of In the latest use of medical ath may have suffered from a rare gland and pressure from such a and hit Goliath in the forehead." Although she's a music and drama bud, her views the Bible, including how a little sleuthing to explain the past, a disorder that causes excessive tumor may have cut down (Soli- Mrs. Rabin said. lead to the fall of Rome. Age; 61. Single; no children. From a school day." thriw-generation Manchester family. Her prescription for education in the 1980’s; "Don’t on "moviemaking and trade-type courses” are hardly tyke like David was able to slay husband-and-wife team from Van­ growth and tumors in the endo­ ath’s vision, not allowing him to "Such a cyst would be a softer The famed Roman Appian wines liberal. She'd tike to see these subjects made Goliath. derbilt University last week theo­ crine glands which help regulate take much heed of David. spot and allow the pebble to were aged in load J u p ai^ Education: Manchester High School, make kids out to be adults." Strengthen discipline and dress codes. Don't stick sixth graders in the junior extra-curricular, except when the student intends to In the last year, doctors have rized in the New England Journal the body's functions. The disease also causes tumors penetrate into bis brain, killing absorption of the lead through night langtiage courses at MHS and use such coursework as a bridge to technical school or come up with plausible scientific of Medicine that Goliath may have ' Ms. Rabin said the disorder — of the pancreas and that could lead him instanUy. Our postulate, ex­ drinking would have c a u ^ a high schools. Beef up the basics. Manchester Community College, two But don’t push kids too hard academically, she says, a career. theories explaining how the giant suffered from a rare glandular known as multiple endocrine neo­ to low blood sugar — ydiicb would plains his gianUsm, his inability to number of medical problems, "A career woman” is what she calls herself. "I've Goliath was so easily killed, how problem, which allowed David to plasia — could have caused have weakened GoUptn m the Ume see the stone coming at him aiid the including brain damage, the re­ college math courses. lest you send the adolescent suicide rate soaring. The former town director insists that many had plenty of chances to get married, but I was always Hamlet's father was poisoned kill him so easily. Goliath to stand the Biblical "six of his standoffy-^ immediate fatality of it. searcher said. Occupation: Executive administrative too busy with other things. My freedom means too through the ear and why the "Of course this is just a postula­ cubits and a span" — the equival­ But the couple said in the end it “So it could be said that David schoolchildren today are troubled. As she lounges on That would explain Uie apparent secretary. Travelers insurance Cos. her couch in jeans and a Boston Symphony T-shirt — much to me,” she says. Emperor Nero was depraved tion," said psychiatirst Pauline ent of 9 feet tall. It's hereditary so may have been a cyst caused by may have bad an assist from God While some might say her lack of sons and enough to fiddle while Rome Rabin, who formulated the theory the tribe of "giants” said to be the disease on Goliath’s forehead via Goliath’s poor health." feeblemindedness of some of CampMgn manager Louise Cronin, with black hair meticulous and spangly watch and Rome’s Emperors before the fall longtime Republican Town Committee rings on nonetheless — she talks of how the modern daughters means a lack of insight into school burned. with her endocrinologist husband living in Canaan at the time may that may have done him in. Earlier this year, a Canadian problems, she claims it means clear-headed thinking. member. kid is“mouthy” and "fresh.” “They’re bright,” she admits, “but their lack of the "I’m not swayed by sentiment,” she insists. “I have Civic background: Current member of power of communication is very appalling.” no children, and no ax to grind.” Weather Cheney Hall Foundation; Board of SHE BLAMES YOUNG I'EOPLE themselves for Peopletalk Directors, 1979-81; a leader of Con­ their (ioor learning attitude. "It's the duty of the child RE-ELECT SUE PERKINS cerned Citizens for Manchester’s Devel­ to learn. They’ve got to take that responsibility. The Today’s forecasts teacher can't shoulder that,” she says. opment in 1978, which forced the HUD Recently, she chided her paperboy on what she Connectlcui, Massachnsetts and referendum. recalls as an atrocious grammatical slip. He balked. »Experienc8d Noisy neighbors Rhode Island: Today partly sunny. Active in local fund-raising for “Don't they teach you grammar in school Highs in low 50s. Tonight cloudy. A anymore?” asked the 61-year-oId woman. Mitzi Gaynor, 51, and her husband-manager. chance of showers throughout the Manchester Memorial Hospital and |•Dediclted Jack Bean, don't let life on the road keep them “What’s grammar?” is how she says the boy area and even some snow (lurries mental health, heart and muscular replied. from staying in shape. They run — around their in interior locations especially dystrophy programs. Active for 25 years hotel rooms. over the Berkshires and Northwest Grammar and penmanship, she insists, are >lnformed The couple always reserves two bedrooms at in Manchester community theater. neglected in public schools. Some would say her Hills of Connecticut. Tempera­ reasoning is old-fashioned, but she claims these two 2 each hotel. At exercise time, Ms. Gaynor dons her tures in 30s except for 40s on Cape warmup suit, a jogging bra — "that's very Cod and the islands. Thursday a subjects need to be re-emphasized. I •Responsive important” — and a rubber belt (or back support. The practical nature of her demand reflects her chance of snow (lurries and then workaday experience — training new employees, "Then, I hope this doesn't sound too strange, we clearing skies. Highs in 40s. map out a course and jog through the suite. If Life has made her tough reading garbled notes and composing letters as an Maine: Ciouding up today, a executive secretary for the Travelers Insurance Cos. there is a sitting room, it makes for a longer chance of afternoon showers in the She made a difference... course," Ms. Gaynor said in Knoxville, Tenn.,f Gloria DellaFera’s father died pf Manchester’s Development, she lime." she says. "But you learn to “Why is a company like Travelers having to set up mountains. Highs 40 to 50. A live with it. 1 took trips. I went to where she was performing. chance of showers south and a serious skin disease whpn she staunchly opposed town accep­ its own courses in typing and shorthand and business Continue the Leadership Diet also is important — "no junk food, desserts was five years old. Thereafter, her tance of a federal community the opera when my head was English?” she complains. "That should be learned in showers changing to (lurries north killing me." school.” . j j that Brought Manchester’s or big steaks.” She and Bean have been married tonight. Lows 30 to 38. Flurries mother had to work full time at development block grant. "Too 6 many strings attached.” she says. ON THE FLIP SIDE, she opposes the trend toward (or 28 years. likely north and mountains and Cheney Mills to support her (our Ironically, the heart medication longer school days and kindergarten for 4-year-olds. School System National mostly cloudy with a chance of school-age children. “You have to be tough." she she’s taken for the last few years adds. She resents it when people Overly structured day-care centers remind her of Recognition. showers elsewhere except just Growing up without a father and h as stopped her chronic Hitler's Youth Corps, she says. partly cloudy extreme southwest with a working mother made her whine about problems without headaches. sensitive to the challenges of single seeking to work them through. She also disapproves of sending special education Thursday. Highs in the 30s to mid "If my health were better, and I students out-of-town to treatment centers when Vote Democratic Quote of the day 40s. Partly Bunny today In Connecticut parenthood, Miss DellaFera says. For 28 years, she put up with She also claims it gave her quite a problem herself — near­ didn’t have a full-time job. I'd very in-town alternatives could be developed. "It almost John Houseman, who at 82 remains busy as a New Hampshire: Becoming Today partly sunny with highs 45 to 50. Wind variable near 10 mph. definitely be back on the Board of reeks of institutionalism, being sent away to special TV pitchman (“I have been asked to advertise cloudy with a chance of afternoon backbone. Five years ago. as a constant migraine headaches. "It Tonight cloudy with a 30 percent chance of showers or snowflurriea. leader of Concerned Citizens for was just pain. pain, pain all the Directors." she says. centers.” she says. toilet paper, but I showers north and sunny followed Low In the 30s. Wind northwest 10 to 15 mph. Thursday cloudy and don't think I by increasing clouds south today. would” ), actor in Highs 40 to 50. Showers changing to cold with a, 30 percent chance of snow flurries early than mostly Showtime's "Paper flurries north and a chance of sunny. High in the low 40s. Wind northwest 15 to 20 mph. T od a/s Chase,” and autobi­ showers or flurries south tonight. weather drawing is by 9-year-old Peter Dettore of IS Thomas Drive, a Manchester ographer, has fond Lows 30 to 38. Flurries likely north, fourth-grade student at Verplank School in Manchestcir. memories of work­ chance of showers central and In Brief \ ing with Katharine variable clouds extreme south 260 NO. MAIN ST Hepburn. Thursday. Highs in the 30s to mid MANCHESTER CT He said in an 40s. WINF to quiz candidates DOUBLE If You Haven't / interview to air to­ Vermont: Chance of light rain or NOPTHWA Candidates running for the town Board of PL A2A night night on drizzle, ^ m e snow possible over Directors in the Nov. 8 municipal election will be Received Your WCBS-TV, New the northern mountain peaks. interviewed by radio station WINF today from 7 THE VALUE __> __ A York's "2 On The Highs in the 40s. Rain likely in the to 9 p.m. Copy Of Our Circular Town": "She hates north tonight, snow at the higher Lynn Brophy, WINF news director, will people who 'yes' elevations. Chance of showers or question the candidates and Teresa T. LaBelle of OF YOUR her. She likes to flurries in the south. Lows 25 to 35. the Capitol Region East League of Women Voters ^ A n d y s argue. She likes to Cloudy and breezy Thursday. will moderate, Ms. Brophy said. MANUFACTURERS^ have a contest of Chance of a few more showers or Thursday night, candidates for the Board of ^Pick One Up At The wills. And if you flurries. Highs 35to 45. Education will be interviewed from 7 to 9 p.m. on * f HOME OF THE give her that contest Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, WINF. COUPONS Store. she is very grateful R.I., and Monlank Point, N.Y.: I PEOPLEPLEASERS for it and likes you Small craft'advisory remains ih for it. If you bow effect. No progress in talks Carter plays Hayworth down to her whims, Northeast winds 15 to 25 knots Contract talks continued Tuesday night be­ Special effective Therfdoy, Fridiqr, oaU Safarday, she thinks you're a jerk.” through Thursday. Becoming tween Catholic high school tpachers and Diocesan Lynda Carter strikes a provocative pose made Houseman added, "And, she's right.” partly cloudy through Thursdav. Octaber l l t K SSth, A tttli. famous by the former movie sex symbol Rita administrators, though progress is still at a Afinpl* FREE Hayworth when it appeared in Life magazine Extended outlook standstill. Administrators held fast to their SCOTT back in 1941. The photo became one of the most previous salary and benefit proposal, says John & Eofy Extended outlook for New Eng­ J. McConville, union representative (or East reproduced still photos in Hollywood history. land Friday through Sunday: c iSM OW inS ^ FLOW Catholic High School. P arking ! BATHROOM Lynda is starring in the title role of a CBS-TV Making debut Connectlicui, Massachusetts VI *' movie titled "Rita Hayworth: The Love God­ UPI WEATHEH FOTOCAST t Outside the chancery office in Hartford, some dess,” scheduled for showing nationally Nov. 2. Telly Savalas, 59, will and Rhode Island: Clear skies too teachers from East Catholic and four other Friday through Saturday night. Catholic high schools held a vigil and prayer TISSUE The five-time married Rita, now 65 years old, is make his Broadway de­ Increasing cloudiness Sunday. suffering from Alzheimer's disease, an ailment but in "Waterfront." National toracaat service as negotiators talked. “Teachers are Single Roll that gradually erodes the memory as well as the Telly will create the role High temperature in the mid 50s pretty disappointed with the diocese," says warming to the low 60s Sunday. McConville. personality. Miss Hayworth now lives in a New of the union leader in the Overnight low temperature in the For period ending 7 a.m. EST Thursday. Tonight will find rain or York City apartment with her daughter, Yasmin, drama based on Budd 30s Friday and in the 40s Saturday showers over the Pacific Northwest and parts of the north Atlantic T -Aly Khan's child. In 1981 Yasmin was given Schulberg’s novel which 5 »2 oo and Sunday morning. states. Elsewhere, generally fair weather is forecast. Minimum Parking ban to begin control of mother's $250,000 estate and continues was taken from his temperatures include: (approximate maximum readings in parenthe­ Vermont: Fair and cool Friday. The annual winter ban on all-night parking will A ' F A B to care (or Miss Hayworth with round-the-clock- Academy Award­ Highs 45 to 55. Lows 25 to 35. Dry sis) Atlanta 39 (70), Boston 37 (51), Chicago 43 (64), Cleveland 38 nucsps. winning screenplay, (53), Dallas 48 (79), Denver 39 (75), Duluth 38 (63), Houston 45 (77), take effect in Manchester next Tuesday, police "On the Waterfront.” A and warmer Saturday. Highs 55 to Chief Robert D. Lannan announced this week. LAUNDRY March opening is 65. Lows in the 30s. Chance of Jacksonville 46 (73), Kansas City 47 (76). Little Rock 41 (75). Los The ban means thafany vehicle found parked at m BUMBIEE CHUNK showers Sunday. Highs in the 50s. Angeles 63 (63), Miami 66 (79), Minneapolis 39 (70), New Orleans 47 Super Select planned. Telly is best Lows 35 to 45. the side of a public road or municipally-owned known to television au­ (74), New York 41 (52), Phoenix 64 (66), San Francisco 54 (71), Seattle parking lot will be subject to a $15 fine. According DETERGENT Yoke’s gifts diences as "Kojak.” Maine: Fair Friday and Satur­ 46 (6t), St. Louis 39 (72). Washington 43 (56). to Lannan the ban is enforced to make it easier for day. Chance of showers Sunday. Cucumbers^! LIGHT with "Fabric Softener" John Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, donated more town crews to remove ice and snow from the Highs mid 40s north to mid 50s streets. than 700 acres of land, $500,000, a 1965 Rolls south. Lows in the upper 20s and TUNA Royce, mansions and a collection of lithographs Glim pses 30s. Yellow Ripe Bananas by her late husband in memory of "war casualties New Hampshire: Fair Friday Crooked spine tests set *i'.9o of the world.” First of the SM ton American composer John Corigliano has been and Saturday. Chance of showers IN OH 49 oi. box "These are properties John and I loved dearly commissioned to write a piano work to be Sunday. Highs mid 40s north to mid Free spinal exams will be given this year to $1.59 OR WAT F TT and are offered in that spirit,” Ms. Ono said performed by all semi-finalists in the 'l985 Van 50s south. Lows in the upper 20s public school students in grades five through Florida Seedless Grapefruit O Q | K eight. Specially trained teachers—in most cases, IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE Monday. The donations include a 22.5-acre Clibum International Piano Competition ... and 30s. U rg e S lie White < OUR VALUE PACK SALES waterfront historical landmark mansion in Ron Silver has been signed to costar with gym instructors — will do an initial screening, 69 Virginia with proceeds to go to foster homes: a George Bums, Ted Wass and Roxanne Hart in then refer potential problems to the school nurse. CIRCULAR IN THE 25-acre Irish island with proceeds to go to Irish ”0, God! Ill” ... The nurse may then ask parents to consult with Promise ^ ^ USDA GRADE A WHOLE SILKTOWN FLYER, PICK orphans: a 128-acre waterfront plantation and liie Manhattan Transfer will play New York Lottery their child’s doctor. Simple curvatures are often ONE UP AT THE STORE. mansion in Virginia with proceeds to go to a City's Radio City Music Hall on New Year’s Eve no cause for alarm, says Bennet Junior High MARGARINE Liverpool orphanage: lithographs by Lennon to School nurse Margaret Dwyer — “but the earlier AO t From Peg’s Pantry & Deli we find a problem, the better the treatment can 1 lb. quortort W W m ^ CHICKEN LEGS go to Liverpool Art School, and $500,000 to be Anthony Hopkins begins rehearsals Nov. 21 in Connecticut Daily Any Size Package given to Central Park in New York City. the off-Broadway production of Harold Pinter's Tuesday: 976 be.” Lean, Tasty Also to be Seld for charity are 625 acres in "Old Times,” to open Dec. 20 ... She suggests that parents who do not want their Ajax DOMESTIC children checked submit a note to that effect. upstate New York, 200 cows, a Rolls Royce and Peggy Lm is in New York rehearsing her P la y Four: 7642 COOKED HAM $189 some of Lennon's and her own belongings. musical, "Peg.” D I S H A A ^ lb. other numbwers drawn Tuesday Local bands to wage battle 2 Satellite view Hood “Family Value” in New England: Student - school board representative John 22LIQUID 03. bottle o 9 ( New Hampshire daily: isto. Janenda has announced that Manchester High 1 lo w FAT Rhode Island daily: 0738. Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 4 a.m. EDT shows School will sponsor a "battle of the bands,” Rhode Island ‘4-47 Jackpot’; thick layered clouds covering the mid-Atlantic states. High and probably on Nov. 16. middle clouds are present over the upper Great Lakes area, southern $ « 37-45-01-33; jackpot: $876,179. Local rock bands, many of them featuring high 'k From Our Meat Dept, -k 1 Maine daily: 033. . Florida, and the area from northern Washington to northern Montana. school students, will compete (or top-band status Folly Ceehed, Segar Cared PrincB Spaghetti, Vermont daily; 015. / Showers and thundershowers and associated clouds cover much of in tM5hours-long event. SmHMIeM USIM CHOKE m a q Massachusetts daily: 5980. I the Arizona-Mexico border area. U A B f l CENTER CUT Thin or Elraw 6 On-screen computer wars H A I v l O U V CHUCK STEAK X By the end of the decade, computers will be S h ^ PerUMt lb. Almanac used to recreate battle scenes and historical lUljUT ■ MACARONI Manchester Herald events. As the millenium nears, the computer will edge out the teacher as the classroom focal point. MACARONI/CHEESE Today is Wednesday, Oct. 26, the 299th day of 1983 Richard M. Diamond, Thomas J. Hooper So said 1983 National Teacher of the Year 7 OI. Box GROUND U O 0 with 66 to follow. Co-Publishers The moon is moving-toward its last quarter. LeRoy £ . Hay of Manchester High School at a BEEF recent talk to Central Connecticut State Univer­ 4 lbs. er I The morning stars are Mercury, Venus and Mars. USPS 327-500 The evening stars are Jupiter and Saturn. sity teachers. 3/89C VOL. CHI, No. 22 A week later, he again addressed the Those born on this date are under the sign of future-school issue to a Windham High School Scorpio. They include Russian revolutionary Leon WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITY NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYP RAPHICAL ERROR Trotsky in 1879, gospel singer Mahalia Jackson in audience. "The bottom line is you have to 1912, actor Jackie Coogan in 1914, and actress Jacklyn approach the information age with an open mind," eliminating the words "never” and WITH COUPON AFTER MO PURCHASE WITH COUPON AFTER ’ 10 PURCHASE Smith in 1948. "always” from your vocabularies, Hay told EXCLUDING BEER t TOBACCO EXCLUDING BEER G TOBACCO On this date in history: teachers. In 1825, the Erie Canal, America’s first man-made !Hi-C 46 oz waterway, was opened for traffic between Buffalo and Kccsis: GTB to echccit Carnation Sugar Free' Albany. New York. In 1920, the Lord Mayor of Cork— Terence Republican candidate for the Board of [FRUIT DPI ptlMO MeSwiney— died after fasting 78 dayO in a British Directors Louis C. Kocsis is accusing the prison cell, demanding independence for Ireland. Democratic majority on the board of having t Count ‘%hort-changed Manchester’s youth by accocat- Pkg. Today In hMory In 1942, during World War Two, the aircraft carrier £7 ls .? s ? s r ^ .7 ing only a small portion of the Guaranteed Tax iI D R I N K S O V \ " II i-WMW ■ m ^ 02. ! ■ ...... Free . w/coupon iI USS Hornet was sunk by Japanese warships in aiierce hours ore 8:30^m. to 5 p.m. Monday twoueh Base funds to education." naval engagement off the Solomon Islands in the On Oct. 26, 1979 South Korean Intelligence agency. Here women weep Pacific. The. funds, Kocsis says, “were to be used for Valid Thur», Frl, & Sat., I J ■ g in v c Valid Thura, Frl., 4 Sat.. ! ■ ANDVC Ortohw 4*2^^ B President Chung-hee was assassinated outside the Capitol building near a education. Of the more than $250,000 returned to I ANDYS O c t. 27th, 28th, 4 29th | | ANDYS Oct. 27t^28th. 4 In 1919, South Korean President Park Chung Hee Manchester, only $50,000 went to education. by the director of Korea’s Centrai portrait of the slain president. was assassinated by the director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency. , 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Oct. 26, 1983 More casualties predicted

WASHINGTON (UPI) — Defense Secre­ assault on the Caribbean island. taken prisoner throughout U>day. bring pressure on those named to stop tary Caspar Weinberger predicted today "The figures that were put out last night “The activity during the night was traveling to South Africa. there will be more American casualties in are the latest figure.^ that we h.-” ^ basically quiet.” Weinberger said. “Today, “It was decided to publish this Grenada because the “price of freedom is confirmed.” Weinberger said today. we hope that some of the pockets of Humen righto picture dark UNITED NATIONS — Frank Sina­ register of entertainers, actors and high.” “There will be some more casualties reslstence would be reduced.” tra, Ray Chariot, Cher, the Beach Boyi others who have performed in South Weinberger, in an interview on NBC’s because the price of freedom is h^gh and the Weinberger said that “according to a LONDON — Amnesty International today and the Vienna Boys Choir appear on a Africa in order to facilitate appropriate "Today” program, also said the Pentagon casulaties. I think, are officially and broadcast we received this morning from painted a dark picture of torture, suntmary trials, United Nations blacklist of 200 enter­ action by all governments, organiza­ has monitored a broadcast from Cuba in correctly described as quite light with the Cuba, they (the Cubans on Grenada) were disappearances and the denial of human rights in tainers who perform in South Africa in tions and individuals committed to which Cuban Premier Fidel Castro ordered numbers involved.” ordered to die to the last man by Castro.” 117 nations around the world. defiance of a U.N. cultural boycott. freedom in South Africa," said an Cubans on the tiny island to die to. the last Weinberger said 250 Cubans were taken Weinberger also confirmed that elements The Independent human righu organization’s /'X he U.N, General Assembly has introduction to the blacklist. man against the invading forces. prisoner. 200 of them “armed combatants of the 82nd Airborne are on the island as annual report for 1982 said 1,809 prisoners in 49 adopted resolutions calling on all The Defense Department reported Tues­ and the others had apparently some sort of “part of the original plan that they would gd countries were known to have been “put to de a tl^ countries to ban all academic, sports, It said many entertainers rejected day that two Americans were killed and 23 reserve training.” and relieve or move through the Ranger last year but “the real total was certlahify entertainment and cultural contacts lucrative offers, but “some entertain­ wounded in fighting following the pre-dawn He said he expects more Cubans to be battallion that did the initial landing." higher." with South Africa in an attempt to force ers were enticed by the propaganda SPECIAL NOTICE It said torture and political imprisonment were Pretoria to abandon its racist policies. and the tempting financial offers of widespread in Africa, the Americas and Eastern What were called registers of sports apartheid to defy the boycott and The Boland Brothers of B&B Oil Co. are proud Caribbean Europe. contacts with South Africa have been perform in South Africa.” to announce the start of the Family’s 49th Year in K Ov«r 200 Sea But it also singled out western European issued by the U.N. Center Against The list, composed of entertainers Cubans Britain calls \ countries such as West Germany, Switzerland, Apartheid for several years, but this is from 22 mostly Western countries, the Fuel Oil Business. Not many companies can captured France, Italy and Greece along with East the first dealing exclusively with included only those who have per­ say that! a Germany, the Soviet Union and Hungary for entertainers. formed in South Africa since Jan. 1, The Boland Family is still giving the same ex- 2 Americans Imprisoning conscientious objectors to military By doing so the center said it hoped to 1981. special debate service. ert, professional and courteous service that they dead and ave built their reputation on for the last 49 years. 23 Wounded It seld Amnesty continues to receive reports E LONDON (UPI) — Parliament, already in an that political prisoners were being tortured in Congress could appoint If you are used to dealing with a Family owned Cuban-built / uproar over the invasion of Grenada, called an Turkey, “and that some had died as a result.” business, you know how nice it is to be able to deal A / r « e / d y ® emergency debate today on the U.S.-led military U P I photo directly with one of the owners. If you have any Pt. Sallnes^^^\'^^^ move in the Commonwealth state. Gunman's charges dropped new rights commission Likely to feature in the debate is the involvement of U.S. troops joined those of six Caribbean nations in an Invasion questions or problems, one of the Boland Brothers Medical School AUGUSTA, Ga. — Federal prosecutors Queen Elizabeth II. Because the Queen is the head of of the island^Grenada, shown hero in a Defense Department By Barbara Rosewicz lation establishing a holi­ Yet it will be difficult — will be there for you. 2 state in Grenada, the people there could technically dropped charges against the man who seized United Press day in honor of the slain if not impossible — for appeal to her for protection. ' ' map released in March. seven hostages at the Augusta National Golf Club International civil rights leader. Congress to agree to keep If you would like to be “Tha Energy People” ' DOMINICAN One Conservative MP drew laughter from the while President Reagan was on the course, Rather than live with a allowing the state to pursue a “more substantial" the commission running treatedited likelil a very valued REPUBLIC opposition Labor benches Tuesday when he suggested WASHINGTON - To civil rights agency domi­ as it now composed. And B&B OIL CO. it would have been “more commensurate with the charge with a stiffer penalty. counter President Rea­ nated by Reagan appoin­ chances for the new prop­ customer, now’s the time to 315 Broad 81. responsibilities and dignity of the British government U.S. Attorney Hinton Pierce told U.S. District gan’s firing of three lib­ tees who share his conser­ osal of a congressionally call ED, DAN or KEN if we had taken the initiative in inviting the Americans Marines wilt remain Judge Dudley H. Bowen Jr. Tuesday the eral members of the U.S. vative views on busing created rommission are to do just what they have done.” government wanted the state to prosecute its BOLAND AT: 649-2947 PUERTO Antigua Civil Rights Commission, and quotas, Biden and uncertain. However. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and kidnappjng charge against Charles R. Harris, 45, Congress is considering Specter called for crea­ RICO O- Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe faced questions of Wrtms, Ga. tion of a new eight- 6 (^Dominica creating a new anti- by outraged Labor MPs. as long as required However, the judge agreed to allow the discrimination agency member panel to be ap­ government to retain the right to future St. Lucia Mrs. Thatcher told Parliament of a midnight and letting the old one die. pointed by Congress to prosecution. Sens. Arlen Specter. fixed terms. The new f( « Barbados telephone conversation with President Reagan, WASHINGTON (UPI) “military solution seems For the fourth time of A hearing for Harris is scheduled Nov. 2 in during which she advised him not to intervene. — President Reagan says to be an automatic reflex ’ ’ his presidency, Reagan R-Pa., and Joseph Biden, panel could not be fired, ORBNADA« St. Vincent Richmond County Superior Court on state D-Del., unveiled the novel except for abuse or neg- ”We communicated to the United States our very it is not possible to predict under Reagan. notified Congress of a charges of kidnapping. THANK YOU! considerable doubts that Her Majesty’s government how long American inva­ In announcing the ac­ troop commitment, de­ proposal Tuesday amid leet of office. had about initiating action,” Mrs. Thatcher said. sion troops wiii stay in tion to go into Grenada, claring that U.S. aid was angry protests over the Rep. Don Edwards, D- SOUTH AMERICA Calif., planned to intro­ In calling for the emergency debate, however. Grenada but pledged they Reagan said it was sought in response to an Rebels kill 13 troops shakeup at the civil rights “will remain only so long commission. duce a similar proposal in Labor foreign affairs spokesman Dennis Healey said,' “forced on us” as a way to “unprecedented threat to SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador - Rebels UPI photo as their presence is protect 1,000 American peace and security in the The agency, an inde­ the House today. “It is most important we should learn what attacked a 150-man army column near u key city Reagan’s abrupt deci­ arguments were used by the prime minister in urging required.” citizens on the island, region created by the pendent watchdog of go­ UPI map shows location of Grenada, invaded Tuesday by U.S. Reagan made the state­ north of the capital, killing 13 troops and vernment for 26 years, sion to fire commissioners President Reagan not to invade and what arguments about half of them medi­ vacuum of authority in wounding 30 others, military officials said. troops and forces from Caribbean nations of Barbados, ment in a letter of notifica­ cal students, and to res-, Grenada.” has been highly critical of Mary Berry, Blandina C. he had for rejecting her advice. Officials near Suchitoto, a strategic city 30 Ramirez and Rabbi Mur­ Dominica, Antigua, St. Vincent, St. Lucia and Jamaica. “The lives of 200 British citizens are at risk.” tion to Congress, required tore order and democracy Two of the notifications a number of Reagan ad­ under the War Power miles north of San Salvador, said the army ministration civil rights ray Saltzman — without in the wake of a bloody came in Lebanon and the column was operating on the slopes of the Resolution, after a U.S.- coup staged by “a brutal third involved advisers policies. waiting for the Senate to led multinational force Guazapa volcano Tuesday when the attack Previous presidents confirm their replace­ group of leftist thugs.” being sent in response to occurred. invaded the Caribbean Pentagon officials said the war in Chad. also have suffered its m ents — crushed a island nation Tuesday. Suchitoto lies only a few miles from two scorn, but none of them lengthy effort to reach a Ham radio operators plug into war late Tuesday that two As in the case of deploy­ hydroelectric dams that s'upply more than half of Reagan arranged to Aifiericans were killed ment of troops in Le­ fired any members. With peaceful compromise give a nationally broad­ the country’s electric power. Rebels have the latest firings, Reagan with Congress on the and 23 wounded in the banon, Reagan declined controlled the only road leading into the city since By United Press International based in Newington, Conn. down.” cast address Thursday battle for control of the to invoke a section of the will have replaced five of makeup of the panel. Baratella sought cover under a table as North Carolina ham radio evening to explain both Oct. 16. the six members on the It also could leave the island. About 300 troops law that triggers a 60-to We thank you for making The Colonial Vernon Inn’s first year a resounding suc­ Americans continue to learn the fate of shells flew overhead and U.S. troops battled Johnny Wood, of Forsyth County, said he his decision to invade from Caribbean states 90-day timetable for con­ panel. nation without a watchdog Marines on the tiny Caribbean island of across the island nation. beiieved the student was relaying his Grenada and his policies joined the American for­ gressional approval. Children key to AIDS "It's clear the president group to oversee the go­ cess. We begin our second year of operation still dedicated to serving our community Grenada from a ham radio operator — an Twelve hours after the invasion Tuesday, observations from Camp True Blue, as the in Lebanon in the after- ces in the operation. “It is not possible at this has no desire to honor the vernment’’s civil rights and our valued guests with courteous service. New England hospitality, and conveni­ American medical student who sought the student “ceased direct contact because campus is known, to the State Department math of the tragedy Sun­ Administration officials SAN FRANCISCO - The iOO to 150 American independence of the com­ policies. ent prices. To all whom we have met in the past year andtoall who will visit us in the time to predict temporary children suffering from Acquired Immune If Congress fails to take cover under a table as shells flew overhead the shelling and bombing was very severe,” about every 15 minutes. day when more than 200 said there were about 30 presence of the United mission," Biden charged. coming year, we appreciate your continued support and patronage. Th e staff & man­ Deficiency Syndrome may hold the key to. “He is doing on this any action, the civil rights and U.S. troops battled. said Scott Schaefer, a Vienna, Va., ham Officials said about 205 students live American servicemen Soviet advisers and 600 States Armed Forces in agement. Ham operators plugged into the war in operator who monitored radio reports from were kiiled in a terrorist Cubans, mainly construc­ unraveling the mysteries of the deadly disease, a what Jesse Helms did on commission automati­ off-campus and Wood said officials had not Grenada,” he said. But noted pediatrician says. cally will go out of busi­ Grenada Tuesday, monitoring the student’s Grenada. attack. tion workers, on the par­ added “our forces will Martin Luther King,” Schaefer said the operator returned to the “as yet been able to contact all of them” by ’The devastating disease with an 80 percept Bideii said, referring to ness Nov. 29 when its The Colonial Vernon Inn • Exit 95, off 1-86 • Telephone (203) 644-1563 transmissions from the island about mortar late Tuesday afternoon. Republican and Demo­ tially completed new remain only so long as fire, wounded Marines and Grenadian air before 8 p.m. EDT Tuesday and cratic leaders on Capitol 10,000-foot air strip, on mortality rate destroys the body's immune the North Carolina sena­ authority to operate runs their presence is system, allowng invasion of deadly cancers and out. soldiers taken prisoner. reported Cubans were retreating from the Ham radio operator Gordon Amiotte, of Hill indicated their sup­ Grenada. required.” tor’s attempt to kill legis­ The student was identified as Mark older Pearls Airport and “American forces Murphy, N.C^ said he received his port for the military ac­ infections. Some 2,000 cases have been reported Barettella of Ridgefield, N.J., who attends were working their way on to the school.” transmissions from the unidentified stu­ tion in the Caribbean but since 1981, mostly among homosexuals, Haitians the St. George’s Medical School, said The student “is operating his amateur rank-and-file members and drag addicts. The first case of a child victim dent through Mexico. was reported in December 1982. C C Wayne Yoshida, of the American Radio radio set underneath a table,” Yoshida were up in arms. Many Amiotte said at 4 p.m. American troops “Children will probably supply the answer or Relay League, a ham radio organization said. “He has seen three helicopters go were reportedly under mortar fire. were baffled. Rep. Paul Coming Simon. D-Itl., said the key to AIDS. When we study a child early in life, he hasn’t had the infectious experience the other Soon risk groups have,” Dr. James Oleske said Tuesday at the annual meeting of the American Soviet Union claims U.S. nusT Academy of Pediatrics. “When we isolate an agent frotn a drug abuser I’m Going to who’s also a bisexual who is very promiscuous, Intimidates Ireedom-tovers Hobbytyme for IKOCSIS who hasn’t taken care of himself, he has a lot of T T All My Halloween for PIIECTOR infections going on that are natural to his needs. Cmmm To IImi Lov RomIb. militarist action that has been planned lifestyle. It’s very difficult to isolate an infectious MOSCOW (UPI) — The Soviet Union agent and say this is causing AIDS. In a child you today accused the United States of and prepared by Washington against the independent Grenadian state in can be much more specific because of his clean seeking to intimidate “freedom- slate.” loving” people in Latin America and advance,” the Tass news agency said. impose a government favorable to “All responsibility for the consequen­ CAIDWEU Washington with its “criminal” inva­ ces of this criminal act rests with the O il Early datectlon critical Washington administration and per­ (Mee SrNwI lo CReioi) sion of Grenada. WASHINGTON — Better detection and remo­ The Kremlin denounced the United sonally with President R e^ an ,” Tass QUALITY said. 9*8 .* <.oo. val of moles that are in the earliest stages of States for the invasion Tuesday by 1,900 malignancy could cause a “dramatic” reduction U.S. Marines and Army troops but did Western observers in Moscow said COUNTS in the number of people who die from deadly not threaten retaliation. the Soviet Union was not likely to melanoma, a Philadelphia doctor says. “The occupationists must imme­ respond by sending troops to Grenada Dr. DuPont Guerry, medical director of the diately clear out from that independent but would use the invasion to score A Proven Energy Saver! University of Pennsylvania J’igmented Lesion state,” the official Tass news agency anti-American propaganda points. Clinic, estimated 90 percent of all malignant said. moles have an early “innocent" stage when they “This is an attempt to impose on the The observers said the Russians can be detected and removed simply before Grenadian people by means of force a might be able to offset some of the cancer cells spread In other parts of the body. system suiting Washington, to intimi­ damage their image suffered after the date the other freedom-loving peoples Sept. 1 destruction of a South Korean of Latin America and not only them,” airliner carrying 269 people and its Labor leading in elections Tass said. military action in Afghanistan. Reports by the official Soviet news JERUSALEM — The opposition Labor Party media Tuesday also said military Moscow also could score vital alignment was outscoring the ruling Likud forces from other Caribbean nations anti-U.S. propaganda points on the eve coalition more than 3-1 in local and city council accompanying U.S. troops apparently NATO’s planned deployment of 572 elections, incomplete results showed today. were operating .under American American cruise and Pershing-2 nu­ /Hake Your Own Storm Windows. The incumbent mayors of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv orders. clear missiles in western Europe, the HOLDS iN and Haifa won easy re-election Tuesday but the 2 2 The invasion “is a large-scale observers said. HFAT' Storm Doors, Pqfeh Enelosurosl race in Beer-sheba was headed for a run-off. 80 exav ANYONE CAN DO ITI The Interior Ministry said that overall, the Hobbytime has all KPfPS OUT CUT FL».0

Richard M. Diamond and Thomas J. Hooper, Co-Publishers ^ ->> Dan Fitts. Editor } OPINION Al^x Girelli. City Editor Connecticut Lawyers will fill in on state bench system and dilatory attorneys will not In Brief HARTFORD (UPI) - Invoked a Vernon, the chief justice said he was state's courts. tte allowed to clog the wheels of little-known law, the state Judicial using a "little-known statute” allowing He cited creation of an Appellate justice," he said. Department plans (o use lawyers as the appointment of lawyers to serve as Court to help tackle appeals previously . Bridgt wtlght limits sought Speziale also called again for elimi­ additional reffrees to preside over referees. heard by the Supreme Court and the HARTFORD — State transportation officials J a c k cases now heardonly by rMIred judges. State referees now are retired judges transfer of cases from busy court­ nating individual voir dire, or the say the collapse of the Mlanus River bridge has system of questioning potential jurors Tense year looms for Dodd, Weicker State Supreme Court Chief Justice who hear certain civil cases decided houses to courthouses with less- led them for the first time to publicy urge six for a trial one by one before deciding if Andenon John A. Speziale said Tuesday the pilot without a jury. "Obviously the pool of crowded dockets. towns to post weight limits on spans that have However, Speziale renewed the Judi­ they should sit on the jury. program would expand the number of individuals available to us as referees shown weakening. By contrast, the federal courts and people available to try cases as was limited by the number of retired cial Department's call (or additional Connecticut's two U.S. sena­ in her own right. time. He must have a strong In letters to town officials, Robert W. Gubala, referees to include "m any more highly judges,” Speziale said. funds to hire more judges, prosecutors, courts in some other states allow for tors are moving toward a Democratic ticket running with chief engineer for of Transporta­ questioning of jurors in a group. qualified Individuals." He said the attorneys serving as public defenders and other court staff. tion, has recommended warning signs to detour rendezvous with destiny, and IN HIS ESCALATING PRO­ him to provide job insurance Speziale said the use of lawyers to referees would not limited in The chief justice also vowed to press “ We are seeing more and more cases heavy vehicles away from the bridges. each other, in 1986 that could be Capitol Comments GRAM to give the Republican then. serve as referees was unprecedented in jurisdiction as are attorneys who serve for a speeding up of court proceedings, in which it is taking days, weeks and Gubala identified nine bridges in Cornwall, turning points in their separate party more bite, Weicker has Dodd doesn't need the trou­ the state and was part of a study by the as fact-finders and can hear contract saying a “local legal culture" had months to select a jury,' ’ Speziale said. Goshen, Harwinton, Litchfield, Norfolk and “ In many cases, jury selection is careers. The politics of 1984 will Bob Conrad used his considerable bles afflicting his party in the National Center (or State Courts into cases involving less than $15,000 in developed "in which the movement of Putnam. , cases is not emphasized to the degree taking longer than the actual trial.” have a lot to do with how they with U.S. Senator Paul Laxalt of state just now. He is having the use of attorneys in a judicial damages, The DOT, which in the past privately notified that it should be.” A bill that would have allowed judges get there. Syndicated Columnist Soviets’ capacity to supplement existing Speziale said the use of lawyers as > Nevada to name Weicker's old enough of a time keeping sweet local officials when It found a bridge weakening, “ The message must be impressed the option to allow group questioning of resources. referees was the latest in several steps Neither Chris Dodd, a Demo­ GOP pal from New Britain, J. with all of the Democratic now plans to make the letters public. potential jurors died this year in the In a statement deliveed to a meeting taken by the Judicial Department to upon the bench and the bar alike that crat, nor Lowell Weicker, a Brian Gaffney, as head of presidential hopefuls — just in Legislature's Judiciary Committee. of newspaper editors and executives in cope with an increasing caseload in the judges are in charge of the court Republican can do much about Ronald Reagan's reelection ef­ case one looks this way for a atom>sub Convicted of m x chargot the single event next year that fort in this state. running mate next year. Mean­ will have enormous impact on THERE HAVE BEEN a few in building a base. (Despite recent stories about while, his hope that others In the DANBURY — The former leader of an signs lately that Dodd fnay do warning Explorer's post who disappeared during his trial both of them — the presidential Some have worked out a Weicker's supposed "endorse­ congressional delegation would New effort Handicap election. just that, but more signs that he scenario for Weicker and the ment" of Reagan for reclection, delay endorsing anyone is be­ has been convicted of sexually assaulting three girl members of the group in 1981. But both men have big stakes prefers to lie back. Dodd is more GOP that goes like this: the Connecticut senator has ginning to unravel. Congress­ WASHINGTON - An ominous;, A six member Superior Court jury deliberated in how their respective parties preoccupied with his low-key He strokes, pushes, wheedles never said anything else on that men Bill Ratchford of Danbury parking iaw threat by Soviet Gen. N ikolai; just over an hour Tuesday to find Reginald R. sought to perform in the year ahead and but intense campaign to be “ Mr. and forces the Republican party score. While he has a few more and Sam Gejdcnson of Bozrah Chervov drew little public notice! DePalma Jr., 38, of Danbury, guilty of two what kind of review the voters Available" if a presidential to sufficient strength in the moderate senators he'd like to said in Washington — then last week. But Chervov's warning! charges of second degree sexual assault and five write when they go to the polls in candidate is looking for a coming months so it wins a few see head the ticket. Weicker has repeated for the home audience is reviewed 2 counts of risk of injury to a minor. that Soviets might deploy subma-I save farms 1984. running mate next year. Do'dd elections. He leaves the inside said right along that if Reagan in Hartford — that they favor Judge Howard Morghan declared DePalma a rines armed with nuclear missiles ^ Dodd, who hopes to wind up in sees even a run for vice work of convincing delegates at ran, he'd be with him.) Walter Mondale. fugitive from Justice and issued a re-arrest 100 miles off the U.S, coast was; HARTFORD (U PI) — A state study the White House some year, has president as a major boost for the special GOR^tate conven­ Dodd views 1986 wilh some And to compound his difficul­ warrant. He also fbrieited the defendant’s $50,000 HARTFORD (UPI) —Statelawmak­ taken seriously by the Joint Chiefs; committee has proposed a number of the tougher outlook in that his higher ambitions later. tion in January to start the ball apprehension for many of the ties, Dodd faces a stunning lack bond and ordered l^m to be held in $225,000 bond ers have been urged to sustain a of Staff. ; reforms to crack down on cheaters who respect. The party is in a Weicker, on the other hand, rolling toward including unaffil­ reasons the Republicans arc so of enthusiasm within the state when found. commitment of $5 million a year to The Pentagon's alarm is under-• Morghan set |ov. 20 for sentencing and abuse Connecticut's handicapped leadership crisis, and the proba­ has taken ovei^he Republican iated voters in party primaries. optimistic about that year. His for A N Y of the presidential save Connecticut’s dwindling farm­ standable: Soviet submarines^ DePalma faces a i laximum sentence of 70 years. lands from developers’ bulldozers. parking permit law. bility of a Ronald Reagan run party, lock, stock and.barrel. Then, in 1986, W eicker current term expit*es then, and candidates so far. There is a “ sense of urgency” in “ It really is a problem and there's no for reelection appears to spell And while he talks loftily emerges as the gubernatorial his chances of reelection hinge close to our shores could hit m ajor} But Dodd and Weicker are bringing stability through a long term question there are an awful lot of cards 6 u;s. targets — including Washing-} bad news for Democrats. about putting the GOP back nominee. He wins, and resigns to a great degree on the ticket emerging as their respective Needs of Jibmeleet exsmined ton. D.C. — with virtually no; commitment of funds lortheFarmland out there being used by people who are They need a benevolent ty­ together as a potent force in as senator when he becomes the Democrats field in the state parties' personalities to watch Preservation Act, said Mary E. Good- not handicapped,” said Rep. Elinor warning. ; HARTFORD — The state Department of rant, at this point, to step in and Connecticut politics, Weicker is governor. He appoints U.S. election. between now and 1986. It's up to Human Resources will form a task force to house, executive assistant to Agricul­ Wilber, R-Fairfield. chairman of the And using a still-theoretical; shake up the majority party. seen as plotting a little personal Representative Nancy Johnson Dodd cannot falter at that each one as to who' can line up determine the extent and needs of the homeless in ture Commissioner H. Earl Waterman. study group. technique called "depressed tra-! Dodd is in a position to assume timetable as well. Republicans of New Britain to his seat in the stage in his political life. He the partisan troops most effec­ Connecticut, who advocates say are appearing in Ms. Goodhouse said Tuesday the jectory," the subs could fire their! She said Tuesday the panel may that role, if he chooses to use the believe he wants to run for Senate. She completes the bal­ must win in 1986, if he has not tively in the interval. (Syndi­ larger numbers. Agriculture Department believed a recommend renewal of handicapped nuclear missiles like artillery! influence many Democrats governor in 1986. and his ta­ ance of his term and, in 1988, has been pulled aboard someone's cated by The Herald of New Gov. William O’Neill made the request 10-year or similar long-term commit­ parking permits every two years to shells and hit targets well inland in! ment of $5 million a year for the would concede is his to apply. keover of the party is a first step a head start on seeking the seat presidential train in the mean­ Britain.) Tuesday after a meeting with advocates for the help assure special parking spaces for six minutes or less. ; homeless who say there is a surge in the number farmland program would be adequate. the handicapped are used only by This waiCTd give the United; of people without shelter. The task force is studying ways to people who need them. States little time to retaliate — or; Walter Gaffney, a spokesman for the Depart­ provide a permanent source of funds A two-year permit system could help In Manchester to determine whether it was a, ment of Human Resources, said the agency is for the preservation of farmland and open space lands. The five-year-old stop the useof state-issued permits that genuine Soviet attack, a false! aware of large numbers of people being turned away from existing emergency shelters in the farmland preservation program is were stolen or otherwise used by the alarm or an accident. The time for! state, but the problem has never been docu­ financed through general state bonds. person to which they were not issued. a decision whether to launch a; mented adequately. A total of 265 applications for The state Department ol Motor 1 e l f r J t e f f e T 60 global nuclear holocaust would be; A new law “ People have been saying that there are more acquisition of rights to 36,810 acres has Vehicles has issued between 30,000 and counted in seconds. There would be; homeless people for sometime, but we've got to been received since the program 35,000 of the permits, which allow the no opportunity for a president to! get more scientific and factual about it,” he said. began. The total cost of acquiring handicapped to use special parking 1 3 H o u s e , weigh the available options, get on! Gaffney said the task force will most likely be rights to all of the land is estimated at places with easier access to stores, isn’t needed the hot line to Moscow — or even! compris^ of people from other state agencies, more than $62.5 million. public buildings and other facilities. By providing a long-term commit­ make it safely to his getaway! such as the Departments of Income Maintenance and Mental Retardation and mayors from major ment, said Ms. Goodhouse, the state Committee members said some Noisy motorcycles. Noisy ' plane. ; people now used permits issued to a reasonable to one person may d cities. The task force will be formed by Monday, would give farmers making estate and UPI photo dirt bikes. Noisy neighbors. not be unreasonable to some­ he said. other decisions a clear alternative to relative who had died or to people who THE TH R E A T posed by close-to-! selling their land to developers for Richard and Patricia Roy of Thompson hold a photo of Patricia’s didn't need the permit for the full Noisy traffic. Noisy chain body else.’’ shore Soviet subs lobbing nuclear! housing or other use. son, Lance CpI. Henry P. Linkkiia, who wurvived the Beirut five-year period for which the docu­ saws. Noisy stereos. Man­ And making the ordinance Bank tuat chaeae company ments are now issued. bombs on the U.S. mainland is! Since its beginning in 1978, the bombing that killed more than 200 Marines. Mrs. Roy said her chester has its share of noise. more specific than that gets explained in frightening detail by! farmland preservation program has HARTFORD — A Pennsylvania subsidiary of son told her by telephone that he was not hurt while on guard The committee of legislators and So much so, in fact, that awfully tricky, too. the CIA and the Pentagon in! the Bank of America has filed suit in federal court received $14.75 million in bond funds to advocates of the handicapped will issue buy development rights. duty as punishment for a fight. Acting Health Director Ro­ Should the ordinance spec­ top-secret documents seen by my; claiming a cheese company in East Hartford and recommendations on handicapped associate Dale Van Atta. ; one in New Jersey bilked the company out of more The state pays farmers the differ­ transportation issues for consideration nald A. Kraatz said at the ify time, perhaps? Is it, say, ence between the value of the land for The standard submarine-! than $5 million in loans. by the Legislature next year. Monday meeting of the Advi­ OK to play the stereo loud BA Commerical Corp. of Allentown, Pa., a farm use and its value for other use. sory Board of Health that he's launched ballistic missile (SLBM )! Once the rights are bought, the farm The two-year renewal system being enough to wake the dead at 7 flies a high trajectory up into space! credit company, is asking (or $15 million in considered by the committee would been asked to determine if the damages under federal racketeering and other remains for agricultural use. State families await p.m. but not at 11 p.m.? And and down in its target thousands oC To date, the state has spent more have the handicapped permits issued town needs an anti-noise laws in U.S. District Court in Hartford. for two-year periods with the color of should there be something in miles away. The Soviets’ existing; The company charges Guglietta Cheese Co. of than $5 million of the $14.75 million ordinance. missile subs are designed to launch; authorized to purchase development the permit changing every two years to there about weekends and Blast Hartford and Scheps Cheese Co. of help detect expired permits. missiles from their home ports or- rights to 2,916 acres. An additional $3.6 C Kraatz said he’s gotten weeknights? And should the Paterson, N.J., took part in an elaborate scheme word about Marines far out at sea. It takes high-! million has been committed for rights The state Department of Motor several calls from people ordinance mention dirt bikes to get the loans. By United Press International killed or injured. trajectory missiles at least is! Also named as a defendant was Guglietta to another 2,140 acres. Vehicles estimated the cost of a concerned about the problem but not, say, lawnmowers? “ But when I picked up the phone two-year system at about $69,000 a minutes to land on their target^ President Joseph J. Areata Jr. of Avon, who here. About 20 families in Connecticut somebody said, 'Your son wants to year, which would be covered by fees A longtime Manchester po­ after they've been launched. TheC pleaded guilty to mail fraud in a New Jersey continue to await word of the fate of talk to you', and then Paul started General Manager Robert federal court last week in connection with alleged committee members said the handi­ lice officer says noise com­ traveling time of depressed-; Marine/and Navy sons or husbands talking and we were so happy he was capped were willing to pay. B. Weiss has gotten calls, too. plaints are among the most trajectory missiles would be ar scheme. Lawyer serving in Beirut where a suicide safe, that my wife, Joanna, and I Committee members also cited a He has asked Kraatz to study common calls Manchester fraction of that. bombing killed more than 200 U.S. cried," Segarra said. Art gifts set record servicemen. Lance CpI. Paul Segarra, 23, has need for stronger enforcement to T the matter and make The Joint Chiefs acknowledged' police handle. subpoenaed Many relatives say they have been in Beirut since May 22 and was assure the special parking places for this in a top-secret report to suggestions. Most of the time, he says, HARTFORD — The Greater Hartford Arts received no word since the bombing on watch in another area of the Beirut the handicapped are available to those President Reagan, which warned! Like any American city of the officer ends up acting as (Jouncil says a record 1,225 donors contributed Sunday and sajd the special telephone compound when the terrorist bomb­ who need them and not used by other its size, Manchester may that “ (one) significant problent $1.14 million to its “ One Gift for the Arts” appeal in holdup line families of Marines have been ing occurred. motorists. the peace-maker. He’s the concerns the ability to inform (th< have too much noise, all this year. told to call are continually busy. Mrs. Fournier learned Tuesday her “ They look at it as a nuisance law. I one who goes and tells the president) of the origin and char; “ The 1983 campaign was exceptionally suc­ However, two families were spared son. Peter, was safe, as did the have problems with police who don’t right. It’s doubtful, though, man with the chain saw to cut acter of an SLBM attack in' cessful." said John A. Powers, council president. HARTFORD (U PI) — A legal aid grief. parents of Marine Lance CpI. John take it seriously." said Phyllis Zlotnick that such a thing as an .out the woodworking at 7 a.m. sufficient time to respond before “ Our goal was $1.1 million, a rather audacious lawyer who refused to divulge to the Porfirio Segarra of New Britain and Vitalo of Torrington. of the 'state Office of Protection and one considering that just 12 years ago the fund anti-noise ordinance is going on a Saturday, for instance. missiles impact on Washington.. FBI he considers Laveme Fournier of Waterbury were Two Marines from Connecticut are Advocacy for the Handicapped and drive's grand total was $30,000." confidential has been called before a relieved Tuesday when they found out known to have died in the attack. They Developmentally Disabled Persons. to help much. Or he tells the young couple The council said In its 1983 annual report that federal grand jury probing the $7 their sons survived the terrorist were Lance CpI. Thomas A. DiBene- Mrs. Wilber said penalties for The trouble is in coming up Reagan took the warning se-! operating grants totaling $842,000 were distrib­ with the stereo blaring that million Wells Fargo robbery in West bombing. detto. 24. of Mansfield and Lance CpI. parking in a space for the handicapped riously. He decided to move hig uted to 40 arts groups in 34 towns, including major with the language of such an the single woman who lives Hartford. “ Oh my God, it’s Paul," Segarra Duane Wigglesworth of naugatuck. without a permit were around $15, “ doomsday'' command plan^ cultural institutions and community and neigh ordinance. A subpoena was served Monday on said when he heard his son's voice on Two state Marines were listed by though some towns had higher fines. upstairs from them can’t from suburban Washington to n borhood programs. Hector R. Diaz of the Legal Services the telephone Sundday night. the Pentagon Tuesday as wounded in There are at least two state sleep. site in Indiana. In the event of A special arts council grant of $70,000 was Committee members said a higher Training and Advocacy Project in When the telephone rang, Segarra the Beirut bombing. stututes which deal with combined with a $Xi,000 contingency fund to help fine mmay be needed and Ms. Zlotnick “ We try to defuse it. We Soviet submarine-based missile Hartford. said Tuesday, he did not want to They were identified as Lance CpI. noise:' one on disorderly want to solve it without taking attack, he’d never make it the few establish the Hartford Arts Center, where seven answer because he feared someone Marvin Albright of Bridgeport and 1st also suggested that signs identifying Open foruin/ Readers' views arts groups will share administrative and Officials have said that hours after the special spaces be marked to include conduct, another on creating miles to the airport and be able td was going to tell him his son had been Lt. Charles Dallachie, 25. of Milford. any action,’ ’ the police officef the Sept. 12 robbery, Diaz received a the fact that using the space is illegal. take off before the bomb went off! performance space. a public disturbance. Both said. Send letters to: The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester, CT 06040 telephone call at his New Britain home He’d have to stay in the Whitq specify that a person is in He said that the two state from the Hartford home of Gloria House bunker until it would be safe ‘Retarded needs neglected’ Gerena, mother of Victor M. Gerena, a violation if he are creates “ an I ' Plymouth officials ^disgusted’ statutes on the books allow i to fly to Indiana. ! suspect in the heist. unreasonable noise.’’ HARTFORD — A group demanding Hartford's police officers to make an / ■ historic Pomeroy House be developed into a home Gerena, 25, a messenger guard for But just what is noise which arrest if one is warranted. for yourself because Joe will If we do not vote yes on the FROM THE K R E M LIN ’S point (or mentally retarded Hispanic adults instead of Wells Fargo Armored Service Corp., is is unreasonable? As one An anti-noise ordinance Get ’em out represent you in town government. wastewater-treatment plant on of view, deploying subs close to the offices has accused the city of ignoring the needs being sought nationwide by the FBI for longtime Manchester police isn’t likely to help any more Joe is & yery honest, understand­ Nov. 8, the increased cost to us to U.S. coast is reasonable responsd of the handicapped. allegedly tying up two guards at the Vandals damage old graves 2 Humanidad Inc. says it should be given Wells Fargo depot in West Hartford officer put it, ‘What’s un­ than the present laws. ing, hardworking and compassion­ do it iater will exceed $1 million. to the deployment of sophisticated ate person. He has proven his development righto to the Ann Street property and escaping with the cash. To the Editor: As citizens concerned with main­ Pershing II nuclear missiles closg dedication to the town by volun­ taining a high quality of life in to Soviet borders. ; and criticised the city’s past support for Taino “ We understand they are after PLYMOUTH (UPI) - Nearly 150 The town's oldest cemetery. Old " 't hey re all definitely set,” Wunsch The following is a copy of a letter Housing Development Corp., which wants to said. “ No question about that, because teering his time to serve on many Manchester, we must be willing to If the Soviets carry out Cher* (Diaz) because... he refused to tell the tombstones, some of them dating from Center contains the remains of about I have sent to President Reagan: rehabilitate the building two blocks from the FBI the name of the person making the 400 people, including Plymouth's early there was no other cause” found in the town committees. make positive decisions, which vov's threat, it would keep much of the Revolutionary War, have been Based on the disastrous bombing Hartford Civic Center (or offices and housing. call and the content of the conversa­ overturned by vandals who struck at settlers and 42 veterans of the Am eri­ sheds, which were not wired (or Berry's WorleJ Joe always does his homework will give us the quality of iife we the American strategic bomber of the Marine headquarters in “Essentially, there is a need to be more tion,” said Luis S. Torres of Hartford, two of the town's oldest cemeteries, can Revolution and French and Indian electricity. and rdsearches the issues that Beirut, Lebanon, we should bring seek in Manchester. force on high alert. That's wha( humane with those who are less fortunate, where who is representing Diaz. officials say. War. The first fire occurred Sunday come before him. The project will cost money —■ so happened at least four times sinco there exists the means and mechanisms the remaining troops home before Diaz has refused to describe the “ Disgusted” is how Hogan described afternoon and the nearly empty shed If ypu want a voice in your town Police and fire officials said three another Vietnam develops. It what else Is new? The cost if we 197S when the Soviets sent theid assist,” the group said in a statement. conversation because he considers it a his feelings. was destroyed before firefighters ar­ 6 Humanidad President Lillian Crus also chal storage sheds also were set on fire in rived, Wunsch said. seems like all of the best planned government, vote for Joe. He wili vote yes on Nov. 8 will be 21 cents submarines closer than their nori breach of professional ethics to divulge Plymouth Fire Marshal Gerald P. le n g ^ the city’s plans to hold a community the incidents Sunday and late Monday not ynly listen to you, but. he will per day. The result will be meeting mal patrol areas 1,300 to 1,600 a confidential converatation between a Wunsch said he and Thomaston Fire The second and th^d fires were security measures were not effec­ meeting Nov. 2 to hear from area residents. or early Tuesday at West Cemetery and represent your views in town a legal obligation to insure our miles offshore. lawyer and his client. Torres said. Marshal Robert Norton were investi­ reported Monday aboid 9:30 a.m. and tive in keeping out intruders, as the "Allowing the community to impact the decision Old Center Cemetery. government. facility adequately protects the The Soviets’ Y-class submarine^ gating the three fires and that wood 10:30 a.m., police saidf. Lawn mowers truck carrying the explosives seems unprecedented and possibly divisive,” she Diaz has asked the Connecticut Bar “ It’s really sad," Donald T. Hogan, samples from one of the sheds had been and trinimers were salvaged, but tools waters in our area of the state, and already present a formidable penetrated three security points. Association’s Committee on Profess- Plymouth postmaster and chairman of sent for analysis to the state police worth up to $400 were destroyed. B^lty R. Sullivan said. Aside from providing adequate an adult reaction to an opportunity threat even more than 1.000 miles sional Ethics whether he should discuss the Plymouth Cemetery Association, forensic laboratory in Meriden. Hogan estimated damage to the 2dl Porter St. protection for the troops, I felt we to continue to make Manchester a from their nearest targets. The Pilot tours on cktor the conversation with authorities, said of the (ires and vandalism to 49 Norton became invovled because sheds at $8,000 to $10,000 and said it will should never be there in the first place we can be proud to live in. Defense Intelligence Agency re! Torres said. gravestones at West Cemetery, where part of West Cemetery and one of its cost between $2,200 to $2,700 to repair place. It appears that such a . ports that normally there are twft G LA STO N BU R Y — A commerical airline pilot Both Diaz and U.S. Attorney Carmen the 500 tombstones date back as far as sheds are located in Thomaston. tombstones at the two cemeteries. 1850. peace-keeping effort is not effec- ' Beldon H. Schaffer Y-class subs on patrol off eacO who owns a 180-year-old cider mill says he may Elspinosa Van Kirk, who is prosecuting / sell the operation because of opposition to his tive and the waring factions are not / 118 Porter St. coast, with a third in transit to o f the case, have declined comment. Among the stones damaged at the expansion plans. Federal prosecutors also have subpo­ LEGAL NO*nCE any closer to peace. Provide from the home base port. Each su^ cemetery was one marking the grave of Vote yes Old Cider Mill owner Stewart W. BeckeU Jr . enaed Gerena’s fiancee. Ana Elizabeth financiai assistance and hon-trooj carries 16 missiles, ,^whlch can Silas Hoadley, a clockmaker who FOR SALE AT PUBUC AUCTION said Tuesday the town’s refusal last week to allow Soto, to appear before the grand jury taught Seth Thomas, for whom Tho- help, but please bring the trooj travel up to 3,000 kilortleters and / BY THE TOWN OF MANCHESTER Letters policy him use of a 450-square-foot apace under the Oct. 31 in U.S. District Ck>urt in maston was named, and Eli Terry, for Notica Is htraby given of a sola at public auction to ba held Saturday, October 29,1983 hom e!! ' hit within 1,400 meters of their (arm’s gift shop demonstrates a lack of support in Hartford. at 10:1$ a.m., rain orshlnn,^at the Highway Garage, 163 Olcott Street, Manchester, Con­ To the Editor: which a section of Plymouth was necticut, for eight vehicles os listed m ow The Manchester Herald targets. his efforts to preserve his 84.5 acres of farmland. I . Manchester voters should not be Her attorney, Michael Graham of named, the clockmaking trade In the All sales ore final and for cash. Tw o vehicles were used for police work. All vehicles William H. Green Jr. welcomes letters to the Sending the subs closer In, Beckett, a pilot (or Pan American World 19th century, Hogan said. ore beino sold "A S IS, W H ER E IS", and vehicles must be removed as soon as possible persuaded by those who call for Hartfoiij, said Tuesday he will try to and not later than November S, 1983. The Town assumes no responsibility for vehicles 201 Hollister St. / editor. fitting them with low-trajectorjr '' Airways who says he has worked every day at the more study of the need for have the subpoena quashed on grounds " I ’ve seen a stone or two knocked left on the premises after auction time. No soles to minors, inspection of the vehicles for Letters should be brief and '.missiles,' w o u ld ^ an intolerably (arm (or loyears when not fly lu . wants to use the sola may be made between 1:30 a.m. and 10:00 o.m. on the day of the sale. The Town res­ modifications to our wastewater- authorities improperly leaked grand over. Maybe a kid leaned up against a 'to the point. They should te threat to the United States. space to house a veterinary office. erves the right to establish a minimum price for each vehicle. treatment plant. typed or neatly handrwritten, After the Zoning Board o t Appeals narrowly Jury Information. stone and knocked it over. I ’ve never -The Town reserves the rlghf. to remove from the sale, or relect, any and all bids tor what It deems to be In the bast Interests ot the Town. ClMSbyfCA.lnc The issue has been studied and and, for ease, in \ editing, M\ \ rejected his appUcatlofi Oct. IT, Beckett placed a seen (such) destruction," he said. CLARIFICATIONS -Ifealth and Copies ot Rules of the Sale and list ot Items tor sale are available at the General Ser­ Vote for Joe the answers are obvious. We need should be double-spaced. full-page advertisement In the weekly Glaston­ About 4; 30 p.m. Tuesday, Hogan also vices Office, Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, Manchester, Connecticut. Human Services Secr^ry Mar­ "W/iat do you mean you've proclaimed this to make the modifications, and The Herald reserves the bury cTtlsen. . It’i known a i the world's talleit was notified that workers had disco­ 1977 Dodge Royal Monaco 1972 Intarnatlonol Pickup right to edit letters in the garet HecMer called me to 'honf- In the ad, be threatened to sell the (arm 1972 Ford Pinto 1967 Dodge Von National Hijackers Week?" those who advocate more study Christmas tree. In Decemher 1950 a vered 98 marble gravestones over­ 1974 Ford Pinto ' ' '■'/ plain abouTmy recent rejwrtthatp "because town officials leave us no choice. We 1978 Plymouth Fury To the EdUojr:' only show their inability to make interests of brevity, clarity Douglas, fir was placed at the North- turned at Old Center Cemetery on Park 1974 Ford Ranch Wagon 1968 Pontiac Ambulance and taste. TV comifjercial, showt^ h e r ^ cannot operate with lOth-oentury costs and an 029-10 A vote for ^oe H a ^ e y is a vote appropriate community decisions. ' gate Shopping (Jenter In Seattle. The Street. He said the damage was done Slating blood, was a j)lliihv. ' • Mt^-eentury level of operation."______tree was 221 feet tall. some time after 10 p.m. Monday. L. '* MANCHESTER HKRAL», Wednesday. O- . 26. 1983 - 9

g - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Oct. 26, 1983 Tedford Wants more from NU The town should get as much for as a possible model. He says that have to pay to produce the electric power it could generate at law requires a utiiity to pay as - equivalent power. SPORTS Union Pond Dam as it pays much for excess power generated Tedford urged Manchester vo­ AL SIEFFERT'S Northeast Utilities for that power, by a resource-recovery plant as it ters to familiariie themselves ^th in the view of Kenneth N. T ^ fo rd , charges the plant. the Nov. 8 referendum question on a Democratic candidate for the Under the present proposal for a repair of Union Pond Dam and Board of Directors. hydropower facility at Union Dam, construction of a hydropower the town would get five or six cents facility there. ANNIVERSARY SALE East clinches H C C first. Tedford has written a letter to a kilowatt hour. He says repair of the dam will fellow-Democrat James R. McCa- It pays nine cents a kilowatt hour restore Union Pond, which has with the Eagles unleashing vanagh, D-Manchester, asking for most of the power it buys for potential for passive recreation, Bv ten Auster viiit St. Thomas Aquinas in New ing. East fullbacks, in particular, ordinary office use. For other uses and the cost of the power facility Herald Sports Writer Britain. were allowed to roam at will. “ I another flurry. him to propose legislation that . Furey answered the Falcon goal would require the utility company it pays rates that vary from six will be recouped in five vears. Furey began his barrage at 24; 53 don’t think they expected it," less than four minutes later. to pay the same rate for power it cents to 13 cents. East Catholic hit St. Paul with a of the first half. It came on a Malin said. "Our fullbacks have LAST 3 DAYS Luster won a loose ball at midfield buys from municipalities as it The rate the utility company The bond issue for the work Furey Tuesday afternoon. counterattack after St. Paul, 6-2 in free rein. If they beat people to the and sent a nice pass to a breaking charges those municipalities for would pay for power under the would be $695,000, of which about John Furey, that is. the HCC and B-4 overall, nearly ball, they can carry it up field." Riggs. He deked around a defender power. present system is based on its $295,000 is fo r the pow er- The Eagle Junior forward, used broke on top. A goal kick was Overlaps by fullbacks Dave and blasted a shot on goal. Penta Tedford cites Public Act 83-529 “ avoided cost,” the cost it does not generation capacity. at center striker, scored four goals gathered in by Furey at midfield. Olender and Pat Lonergan set up Thursdoy-Oct. 27th 10:00-9:00 in leading East to an overwhelm­ He worked a give-and-go with goals Nos. 2 and 3 in a 2:09 span to may have made the save, byt we’ll ing 6-1 win over the second-place Itevin Riggs on the left side. A open the second half. Olender’s never know. A fast-closing Furey Falcons in HCC soccer .action at return pass found Furey isolated in long run ended with a square pass had the ball deflect off his chest Merchant raps lack Friday-Oct. 28th 10:00-8:00 MCC's Cougar Field. front of the goal, and he drove to Furey, who rifled home an and the misdirected shot found its Fire In hay pile “ I ’d love to have a hundred home a aix yarder. elght-yarder at 1:06. Lonergan was way to the cage. of parking lot signs Fureys,” said East coach Tom Halftime strategy turned what allowed to freewhell into the St. Furey finished the outburst, said suspicious Soturdoy-Oct. 29th 10:00-5:00 Matin, “ Just because of his hustle had been a good, close-marking Paul end. Midfielder Bill Masse which gave him six goals in his last and determination. He is a coach’s contest into a rout. Malin, as has dummied Lonergan’s pass, allow­ two games and 10 for the season, at A Main Street merchant has criticized what he ball player. He doesn't cheat become customary, told his troops ing it to go through to Lewis Luster. 28:10. An unmarked Masse walked The Eighth Utilities District fire marshal is considers the lack of adequate signs in the south the place: 44S Hartford RoadrNanchefter. himself or his teammates. He’s at the half, “ the next goal is The freshman sensation walked up the middle of the field and fed an investigating a suspicious fire that broke out this portion of the Purnell Parking Lot that it reserved for been knocking on the door all important.” That seemed to stir around one defender and goalie Sal all-alone Furey near the top of the morning in a pile of hay bales oh Windsor Street, a paid parkers. IN APPRECIATION OF YOUR PATRONAGE year.” them up. “The team is very Penta before depositing his eighth box. His lO-yarder found the mark. fire department spokesman said today. The hay Adelino Coelho, owner of Personal Tee, said the Furey proved a little psychic as determined and very responsive.” goal of the season into the cage. Masse capped matters, convert­ was 10 feet from 150 50-gallon drums of a highly section constitutes a trap for unwary customers of WE ARE EXTENDING A PERSONAL INVITATION well. “ He must have a crystal ball "They’re the fastest and most ing a penalty kick at 36:00 after he flammable concrete curing compound. Eighth businesses nearby because it is not clear they may get or something at home. He told a ' In his huddle, St. Paul coach skillful team we’ve played this was grabbed by the shirt collar in District Fire Department spokesman Thomas R. a ticket and pay a $15 fine if they park there. TO ATTEND THIS ANNIVERSARY SALE couple of the kids before the game Tony Lodovico decided to go with year," Lodovicio said. “ We al­ the penalty area on a clean 2 O'Marra said. The drums were clearly marked Coelho expressed the opinion at a meeting Tuesday he was going to score five goals,” only three fullbacks instead of the lowed them to overlap, which they breakaway. “ flam mable" and “ hazardous,” he said. SPECIAL PRICES ARE IN EFFECT DURING THIS SALE. morning of the Mayor’s Downtown Coordinating Malin said. customary complement of four. do very well." “ We kind of hurl them in respect Investigators found an empty spray can of Committee. Robert Gorman, member of the Parking DON’T MISS ITCOME EARLY The one-sided victory clinches at “ We weren’t going for the tie," he to what I feared from them,' Malin ether near the hay, according to D'Marra. Authority as well as the downtown committee, said least a tie for the conference title said, "but going with only'three St. Paul did come back with a said. "They have a team that has Someone evidently sprayed ether on the hay and Coelho’s argument has some merit. for East, 8-0. The Eagles, 11-0-1 fullbacks hurt us. But you have to goal from Owen Schirduan. It was good movement but we burned set the hay on fire. The drum of curing compound Coelho said a prominent sign should make it clear overall, will seek their third take chances." only the second score surrendered them on our runs,’’ -". Manchester's John Janenda, right, outmaneuvers Hall's nearest the hay had been punctured, O’Marra by the East defense. All it did. And hit the Falcons with a during what hours parking is restricted and what the outright title In four years Satur­ The game plan backfired as the John Kostelis for the ball in Tuesday’s showdown. said. fine is. day morning at 10:30 when they Falcons were guilty of poor mark­ however, was delay the inevitable Furey. The fire was set in the area where a new ramp He said tickets are given out liberally at about 8:30 6 onto Interstate 86 is being constructed. There are in the morning When people park there briefly while no occupied buildings nearby, O’Marra said. The they get a quick breakfast or do a brief errand nearby. nearest building is a wooden tobacco shed about The southern end of the lot is being used for day-iong 70 feet away. parkers, said Gorman, because it is narrow and ...while Indians fall Firefighters were able to confine the flame to short-term parkers might slow the flow of traffic in the hay on the side away from the drums, and out of the lot more than long-term parkers. TELEVISION, STEREO, AUDIO, RADIOS, TELEPHONES O’Marra said. If the fire had reached the drums, The use of parking lots came in for informal O’Marra said, they would have ignited imme­ discussion Monday afternoon after a news conference REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, RANGES, WASHERS, diately into a huge fireball at which the buyers of the Watkins building to Hall, second place It took firefighters about half an hour to announced plans to convert the bqilding to condomi­ DRYERS, DISHWASHERS, AIR-CONDITIONERS, extinguish the flame. ' nium offices. . In informal comments. Mayor Stephen T. Penny DEHUMIDIFIERS, VIDEO RECORDERS By Barry Peters “ We changed character when we lost Maddry," expressed frustration that the new lot at the northeast Herald Sports Writer said a mystified Deacon. "W e began playing like we com er of Cottage and Oak streets gets almost no use. MICRO-WAVE OVENS, AND GAS GRILLES should have brought a rudder. He’s a stablilizer. We Canadian Indians cross U.S. borders under an old It was constructed primarily for long-term parkers Could there anything sadder than a kid knocking on just went helter-skelter." law assuring them free access as native North so that spaces closer to Main Street would be available doors Halloween night but coming home with an And Manchester came together. The fourth-quarter Americans. for others. ^ A FREEGIFTTcTAlTiniOATTEyD^^ empty bag? shot sequence; 16:20, a Tom Finnegan header hits the How about the Manchester High soccer team, which crossbar; 11:06, Diamond sprawls full length to grab a knocked, kicked, huffed and puffed at Haii High's door Nick Cacace grounder: 6; 00, a Pelligrinelli direct ail Tuesday afternoon, but came up without theCCIL from 25 yards goes over the goal; 4:00, a Finnegan All Merchandise Guaranteed Free Local Delivery & Service title? Obituaries SOME ONE OF A KIND SOME FUIOII 9ANPIX.S FREE REMOVAL OF OLD APPUANCE rush ends up in a Cacace corner, which Pelligrinelli For the final 20 minutes of the showdown for the heads the wrong way; 2:30, an Eric Wallert rush is league title at Memorial Field. Manchester loitered stopped by Spicker: and al 0:30, a Cacace bullet from on Hall's doorstep, knocking six times with shots but Anno M. Pllkoltls ter; 10 grandchildren; and a She was bora in Manchester on the left side is right at Diamond. Save, Game, and failing to gel the equalizer in a 2-1 defeat to the West Anna iMelesko) Plikaitis, 71, of great-grandson. Aug. 25,1907, and had lived in town • New Video Department Title. 382 Hilliard St., died Tuesday in Funeral services will be Friday Hartford Warriors. "Y ou 're not gonna' see 11 guys like this much,"said until moving to Waterford in 1945. Awalling yonr VUil The last week of the sea.son may now be elementary, Mother Frances Hospital, Tyler, at 9; IS a.m. at the Holmes Funeral She owned and operated Betty’s Manchester coach Bill McCarthy of Hall, which a Tape Rentals Al Mcffert'* especially if Hall gets past Simsbury Friday. Texas. She was the wife of the late Home, 400 Main St., with a mass of started all seniors except for two, including Kostelis' Beauty Shop there from 1953 until Manchester is now 10-1-1 with 52 points (five points for Peter A. Plikaitis. Christian burial at 10 a.m. in St. 1%9. • New Telephone Department brother, John, who's only a freshman. "They're very, a win. two points (or a tie) while Hall is 11-0-1 with 57 Bridget Church. Burial will be in very strong. We can go outside on different teams, but She was bora in Manchester on Besides her husband she leaves a points, the tie the result of a 2-2 draw in the first St. James Cemetery. Friends may son, Reid Crawshaw, and a daugh­ they have strong outside fullbacks. You don’t meet Aug. 7, 1912, and had been a CORNING GENERAI. ELECTRIC l.l’TTON M.G.A. SANYO 'TOSHIBA mt*eling of the two teams in September. call at the funeral home Thursday many teams like this." lifelong resident. Before retiring ter, Judith Marakovitz, both of EMF.RSON HITACHI MAGEE QUASAR SHARP WAS’TEKINC This game brought back memories of the first from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. five years ago she had been Waterford; a brother, Calvin EUREKA JA ai/Z I MAGIC CHEF RANGEMASTER SONY WESnNCHOUSE encounter, though it was like in looking in a rearview With the help of a cold wind. Hall began as if it would A rosary will be said by the St. employed by the State Health Crooks Sr. in Massachusetts; and FISHER JENN-AIR MAGNAVOX R.CA. SUMMIT WHIRLPOOL mirror. In that first meeting. Hall fell behind, 2-0, but blow the Indians off the field. Attilio Albain rushed Bridget Rosary Society Thursday Department for 10 years. She was a four grandchildren. FRIGIDAIRE KITCHEN AID MAYTAG ROPER SYLVAlllA ZENI'TH came back for the tie. Manchester fell into the same down the left side and with a hop, skip and a jump ovei at 3: IS p.m. at the funeral home. member of St. Bridget Church, the Funeral services will be Friday predicament Tuesday, facing a two-goal deficit after John Janenda, somehow got the ball to Ko.stelis. Left Rosary Society and Daughters of Ellxobetti C. Crowthaw at 10 a.m. in St. James Episcopal the first half and having to struggle for the tying one-on-one with Wallert, Kostelis faked right and cut Church, New* London. Burial will Isabella. Elizabeth (Crooks) Crawshaw, tallies the rest of the way. to the middle. Wallert was left standing — for perhaps C be in '’Buckland Cemetery, She leaves a daughter, Mrs. 76, of Waterford, formerly of The Indians fell just short thanks to the goaltending the first time this year — and Kostelis easily fired to Manchester. Louis (Judy) Chaump, with whom Manchester, died Monday at the of Mike Diamond and some fine fullback play from the right of Chris Petersen for a 1-0 Hall lead with 8:13 Friends may call at the she was visiting in ’Tyler, Texas; Submarine Base Medical Center in Glen Spicker and Marc Morris. But let’s not forget left in the second quarter. two brothers, John Melesko and Groton. She was the wife of Eric Alderson-Prentis Funeral Home, Sam Kostelis — the Indians will surely be haunted by Kostelis didn’t take long to go back to work. On a Stanley Melesko, both of Manches­ Crawshaw. 181 Ocean Ave., New London, the ghost of the Hall striker long after Halloween rush from midfield, Kostelis spun Janenda around Herald photos by Pinto Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. passes. with a nifty move — neither coach saw it as the push as Memorial donations may be made Kostelis came into the game as the league's leading the crowd called for — and came in alone on Petersen to the Alzheimer’s Foundation. Dan Evans shows a Hall defen der how to Warriors ended up handling the Indians scorer with 20 tallies, 10 ahead of second-place striker again, this time left-footing it home to the same spot Brad Pelligrinelli of Manchester. The short, stumpy with 5:51 remianing in the half. T handle the ball at midfield, but the Tuesday. Fire Calls In Memoriam scorer had both Warrior goals and was a threat the At the hair, McCarthy told his Indians the same In memory of Peter Reed, who whole game, even while Manchester dominated the thing that Deacon was telling the Warriors. Neither passed away October 26th, 1967. second half. As Manchester was knocking, Kostelis team wanted to forget the Hall comeback of the first Sunday, 12 : 13a.m. — medical Manchester was hanging, hoping for a long pass and a breakaway. game, but for different reasons this time. call, 20 Goodwin St. (Paramedics) Loving memories never die. As time goes on. Chicago bombs Bruins, 5-1 The pass never came, but it appears the CCIL crown Cacace finally put Manchester on the board with a Saturday, 3; 15 p.m. — medical Sunday, 2:35 a.m. — medical has. corner that slipped through the hands of Diamond. call, 324 McGuire St. call, 467 (Center St. (Paramedics) And days go bye. In our hearts "What do you think I told 'em at halftime” asked The blunder by Diamond was caused by the constant (Paramedics) Sunday, 9:19 a.m. — dumpster Hall coach Dave Deacon. "Did we give up the first Indian pressure and the heavy breathing of Finnegan Saturday, 3:54 p.m. — medical fire, 210 W. Center St. (Town) Precious memories are kept. CHICAGO (U P l) - When at in the first period with a slapshot 16 seconds and some of our guys time? I said they’d be coming back. It wouldn't be like in front, who was waiting to pounce on a rebound. pall, 58 Schaller St. (Eighth Sunday, 2:58 p.m. — medical Of the child we loved. home, the Chicago Black Hawks from the (eft circle that was just stood in line," said Boston We shall never forget. put out the welcome mat. But they Initially blocked, by Bruin goalie coach Gerry Cheevers. ‘ 'That's not Manchester to let it slide.” McCarthy was pleased with the "whole team effort. District and Paramedics) call, 276 Bidwell St. (Paramedics) The Indians’ return coincided with a knee injury to Hall was down and they came back. You gotta' believe Saturday, 5:20 p.m. — motor don’t make their opponents feel Pete Peelers, but then slid though our way of playing. Sunday, 3:38 p.m. — motor Grandma and Grandpa Hall midfielder Tyler Maddry. As soon as Maddry you can do that. We’re having a tremendous year." vehicle rollover, 1-84 at Spencer St. vehicle accident, 293 Carter St. welcome. Peelers’ legs, bounced off the back “ This wasn’t a typical Bruins Strickland; of the sprawling goaltender and game. We didn’t get beat our way. went out, the Indians went on the attack, eventually Manchester will try to get back on the right track (’Town and Paramedics) (Town and Paramedics) The Chicago Black Hawks set a Sally, Carol & Bud If we did, we can keep our heads up outshooting the Warriors 17-7 and controlling Friday in Enfield when it meets Fermi High at 3:30 team record 14 straight home fell into the goal. instead of putting them between everything but the scoreboard in the second half. p.m. victories with a 5-1 triumph With four seconds remaining in our legs. We didn’t give too Tuesday night over the Boston the period. Darryl Sutter scored on percent. We didn’t forecheck, take Bruins. The Hawks are unbeaten in what Tessier called “a classic the body or skate." seven contests at home this season. play. It was one of the nicest goals I Troy Murray continued the saw since I ’ve been here. He “ We carried the play,” said Hawks’ scoring parade with a goal weaved his way through.” A STRONG VOICE FOR Hawks coach Orval Tessier. “ Last at 11:25 of the second period. year (when Chicago was 0-3 Sutter took a drop pass fom Rich Mike Krushelnyski got Boston on against the Bruins) we stood Preston at the blue line and the scoreboard at 12:49 by shooting around and watched. It was the weaved past two defensemen a rebound past goalie Murray best effort we made at moving before firing and finding the left Bannerman. But eight seconds MANCHESTER their forwards. We moved the puck later. Bill Gardner countered from corner of the net to give Chicago a the way we wanted.” 2-0 lead. the left circle on a pass from Behn Keith Brown got Chicago rolling “ He (Sutter) held that puck for Wilson to make it 4-1. 2 •Among Lowest Spending Towns In State (136 of 169^ While Introducing: Whale starto trip with win •New Paramedic Service •Bennet Senior Housing INGLEWOOD. CaUf. (UPl) ^ The Hartfoni Rt S: M oVerlaUen goalie Mario Lessard. and wtth Whalers turned a disputed Lo« Angelea goal to Rine seconda remaining on WeUs’ penalty, 6 And Maintaining: their own advantage and then scored two quick ’ Crawfofd iwnuned in hit nith goal of the year. •Excellent School System, with goals on a power play to break open a close game Wells had received Bve minutes for flghttng and whip the Kings 8-5. with Torrle Robertson, who was tagged wim only Nation’s top teacher and Jun­ It was the most goals the WhaleEs have ever two minutes. ,. scored on the road and the win siwppsd the Kings’ ior high thrse-aame iinbeaten streak. '' “ I saw Robertsrai take WeUa into the fence," Three of the Kings’ goats Tuesday night came said Whaler coed). Jack Evans. “ I guess Wells oft the stick of Benue NlchoUs. who scored the hat took exception to that, threw o ff his gloves and track in the second stansa to run ^ season toai started hitting. Our boy never got his glovesotf.l total to 11. Butthe Whalers seemed to get firedttp guess thst’ s why be only got.two minutes. alter Nichoils' third goal, a short-banded, “ The guys got a little mad at the dijiputed goal,” unassisted effort that was loudly protested by Evans md. “ We came right back and tied Hand Hartford goalie Miks Veiaor. ® Wells' penalty that RE-EIECT . NlchoUs skated in. alone and tried to Mlde the puck under Veisor's pod. Velsor appeandtohave Ron FrancisooUeotedthe Whalers'third goal of stopped the shot, lalUng backwards into bla net, the final period at 4:59 and then askiated on BUtne bpt the puck was sUU moving, and refer$e Bryan Stoughton's two goats in a 55-second span midway Lewis signalled the goal was good, over the loud . throuilUi the.tittai session. protests of Veisor. , The Khygr edged '47-OE)*.')7 in tlw second pariod, jMiatoa ttnbdilAg with a goal Manchester's Dave Kelly chips the b«lll Tuesday. foi* two power-play goals in Just M seconds. downfield past Hall midfielder Tyler ,Qdachione, right, looks on. i'/iWII) r 'll •, (,,I7 .RookieTurgsonbroketheUswitheiai-tootshot anH three atsisu. , Paid for by FHands of Stava Fanny, iJamaa R, Quiglay, Traasurar Maddry in the first half soccer action ...... MANCIIESTKK HKftAl.U, Wedncsduv, O' 26, 1983 - 11 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wodnesdiiy, Oct. 26, 1983 High school roundup MHS cross country teams Becoming MHS’s goalie Spores in B rief Scoreboard Vouth basketball registration Flyers 4. Nordiques 2 Capitals 1. Penguins 0 paying off for Vernali The Mandiest^Recreatlon Department will continue Yeatb Bathelball regisrallon now through Tuesday at the East Rec Phllodelphio 1 3 8— 4 Wosbifigton 18 8 — I Scholastic Hockey Quebec 0 1 1—7 Plttiburgb 880 — 8 fall in meets to Windham Center. Ihe Community ‘ Y ’ and the Mahoney Rec Center from 6 to 6 First Period— ), Washington, Gortner 4 First period— 1, Phllodelphio, Allison 2 By Barry Peters p.m. (Howe, M acLeish), 7:20. Penoltles— (Jarvis, Duchesne) 12:18. Penalties— saves in goal for East while St. hud seven saves in the first half. Herald Sparts Writer There are three divisions; Pee-wee (ages 8-9). Midget (10-12), none. McSoriev,Plt,4;)0;Maxwel),Pit,9:1S. WINDHAM — Despite the win­ Woles Conference Second period— 2, Phllodelphio, Kerr 5 Second Period— none. Penalities— ning individual effort of Vinnie Paul keeper Amy Fackelman was Manchester almost had a goal in and Juniors (13-16). Your age is determined as of Dec. 1, 1003. MHS JV Boys’ SfHXor Patrick Dlyision Flockhort, Pit, 4:10; Langway, Wash, W L T Pts. C F GA (Allison), 3:03. 3, Phllodelphio, Rich Liscomb, Manchester High boys’ busy with 16 saves. the second half as midfielder Jen At the time, Lucy Vernali wasn't too thrilled Youth basketball is a co-ed sport. The Manchester High iunlor varsity Sutter 2 (Ron Sutter, SIttler), 13:26. 4, i:7li Jensen, Wash, (served by Adorns) about being moved from fullback to goalie for the N Y Rongers 9 1 0 18 43 27 11:30; Valentine, Wenh, (maior) 11:30; cross country team couldn't over­ Kohut pushed the ball past Hall A $5 registration fee and a $3 Rec membership cord are required soccer team was deteotetf by Hall, 3-1, Philadelphia 7 2 1 15 46 28 Quebec, Cote 2 (Rochefort, P. Stastny), Tech tops Bolton Manchester High girls’ soccer team. Tuesday. Dave Nielson scared the 14:20. 5, Philadelphia, Holmgren 2 Boutette, Pit, (molor) 11:30, (iatzos. Pit, come the combined talent of goalie Cheryl Swiller. A Hall at the time of registration. NY Islanders 4 6 0 8 39 44 (Clarke), 16:44. Penalties— Rich Sutter, 15:18; Coroenter,Wosh, 16:09. One year later, however, she can't thank Coach Manchester goal. Jett Kennedy, Dave Woshington 2 7 0 4 20 33 Windham High and dropped a 26-29 The Cheney Tech soccer team defender, however, was able to Hart, Daye RIordan and Jett Lokln Phil, 5:07; Sovord, Que, 8:07. Third Period— none. Penalties— Mox- New Jersey 1 7 0 2 24 41 well. Pit, :49; Shand, Wash, 11:38; verdict in CCIL action here Tues­ has found out that winning can be clear the ball before it went over Joe Erardi enough for the move. played strong gomes tor the Indians, Pittsburgh 1 8 0 2 18 38 Third period— 6, Berglund 5 (Morols, “ I never really wanted to play goalie,” said Prescord win Table Tennis now 7-7. Adams Division Hunter), 18:31. Penoltles— Hunter, Boutette, Pit, 12:28; Murphy, Wash, day afternoon. more fun than losing. the goal line. Que, 16:42; Errev,Plt, 18:27. Vernali, a senior captain for the Indians, 5-5-3. "I Quebec 7 3 1 15 63 40 Shots on goal— Washington 12-3-10— 25. Windham put three runners Having outscored their oppo­ Manchester’s next action is Trevor Prescord won (he Manchester Rec Department Adult Boston 5 3 1 11 38 27 7:28; Cochrane, Phi, 13:05; Morsh, Phi, Thursday at unbeaten Enfield just accepted it. I wanted to play where I ’d help Illing Varsity Soccer 18:03. Pittsburgh 7-12-7— 26. behind Liscomb to take the close nents 13-3 in its last three games, Table Tennis Tournament on Tuesday. Oct. 13. Prescord defeated Buffalo 5 3 I 11 34 25 Goalies— Washington, Jensen. Pitts­ the team the most.” The Illing varsity soccer team de­ Hartford 4 3 1 9 31 30 Shots on pool— Phllodelphio 4-6-7— verdict. Guy Cain. Gregg Haddad Cheney made it three straight with High at 3:30 p.m. Earle Custer. 21-10 and 21-15. 17. burgh, Herron. A— 4,543. The timing of the switch could have been feated the Wethersfield freshmen, 2-1, Montreal 4 5 0 8 43 40 and Jim Kuryan swept 2-3-4 for the a win over Bolton, 4-1, Tuesday. Campbell Conference Quebec 6-4-10— 20. disastrous. Vernali had been a field player since Tuesday. Kyle Frascorelll and Lou Goalies — Philadelphia, Lind­ Whippets. John Odom and Paul The victory comes/on the heels of Girls Volleyball Jotfe had the goals for Illing, now 8-2-1. Norris Division the inception of Manchester girls’ soccer W L T Pts. GF GA bergh. Toland were fifth and sixth for the nine straight losses for Cheney Hoop stars doing well In NBA Playing well tor Illing were Steye Quebec, Bouchard. A— 154)25. North Stars 4, Canadians 3 program three years ago. At the end of last year Whitcomb, Jay MIstretta, Matt Poggl- Chlcogo 7 3 0 14 s 44 35 Silk Towners, 6-3 in the league and while the Bulldogs, plagued by East triumphs oll and Mll(e Morlanoson offense while St. Louis 6 3 0 12 33 31 Erardi knew he needed a change in goal and Who said Bruce KuezensU was too stiff? Rod Foster too wild? 9-3 overall. injuries and in a slump of their the defense was anchored by Jason Toronto 4 4 1 9 43 47 M inim ota 0 3 3— 4 GLASTONBURY - East Ca­ moved Vernali in front of the net. John PInone too slow? All three Connecticut natives have made or Stansfleld, Mike Koblech, John Ben- Minnesota 3 5 1 7 37 46 Montreal 11 1—3 "Liscomb won in the final half own, fall to 5-6-1. Jets4.lslanders2 tholic girls' volleyball team took a The gamble worked. In the state tournament, will have come close to making an NBA club when (he season opens ford, A.J. Marcantonlo and goalie Al Detroit 2 3 2 6 25 30 First period— 1, Montreal, Wlcken- mite'," said Manchester coach "B y far, it was our best game,” Borgida, who had 13 saves. Smylhe Division helSer'^Hunter), 12:52. Penalties— hard-fought five set match from Vernali led the Indians past Ellington, 2-1 in Friday. George Suitor. “ John Odom, Paul said Cheney coach Paul Soucy. Illing hosts the Eost Catholic fresh­ Edmonton 7 1 1 15 51 39 Winnipeg 01 3-4 Roberts, MJnn, 10:35; Acton Mon, 16:52. Glastonbury High here Tuesday overtime, with 12 saves. Against New Canaan she Kuezenski, a 6-11 center out of the University of Connecticut, men Thursday. Voncouver 4 5 1 9 51 48 NY Islanders 11 8 -^ Second i^rlod— 2, Minnesota, Cicca- Toland, Peter Allyn, and Chip "W e’ve improved each game. We relli 4 (Payne. Smith) 5:35; 3, Montreal, afternoon. Scores were 15-7, 8-15, registered a 3-0 shutout. In the quarterfinals she survived a cut and a trade Tuesday with the New Jersey Nets. Los Angeles 2 5 2 6 34 37 First period— 1, NY Islanders, Bourne 5 Blodgett all had good performan­ were beating them to the 50-50 balls Winnipeg 2 5 2 6 29 43 (G illies, Potvln), 17:45. Penalties— Tremblay 2 (Noslund, Mondou),9:11; 4, 1-15, 15-13 and 15-13. was beaten, 3-1, but a goalie had been born. Foster, a St. Thomas Aquinas High (New Britain) graduate, has Bonnot X-country Minnesota, Vellschek 1 (Plett, Moruk), ces for us." and controlled the majority of the Calgary 2 6 1 5 25 37 Hollln, East. 11-4, resumes action Fri­ ‘,‘Any success we have boils down to Lucy being made the backcourt of the Phoenix Suns. And Pinone, a South Bennet Junior High boys' and girls' (Top tour ki oacti division ouallfv for NYI, 7:37; Boschmon, Win, 16:50; D. 9:48. Penoltles— Nilan, Mon, 4:23; Giles, Manchester's next action is gam e." day at home against defending Catholic High graduate, has earned a spot on the roster of the cross country teams topped crosstown Stanley CUp playofis.) Sutter, N YI, 18:06; McClain, Win, 19:29. Mln,6:24; Roberts, Min,8:35. Monday at the State Sectionals in Tol 'Vongsarasinh led the Cheney phenomenal in goal,” said Erardi. "She has the Illing Junior High Tuesday in action at Tuesday's Results Second period— 2, Winnipeg, McBoln 2 Third period— 5, Minnesota, Dougloss2 state champion Hale-Ray of Atlanta Hawks at a forward-center slot. (Plett), 6:47. 6, Montreal. Welter 3 Windham. offense with a goal and two assists, best knowledge of the game of. anyone on the Charter Oak Park. The Bear boys won, Minnesota 4, Montreal 3 (Howerchuk, Arnlel), 10:57. 3, NY Moodus. Meanwhile. Corny Thompson, formerly of the University of 19-38, and the girls by a 15-48 score. Philadelphia 4, Quebec 2 Islanders, B. Sutter 6 (Gilbert, Kallur), (Carbonneau), 9:37.7, Minnesota, Broten 2 team .” Results: 1. Liscpmb (M) 14:07 both on Dan Wright's second-half Connecticut, will be placed on the injured reserve list of the Dallas .Bennet boys wind up 8-0 tor the Winnipeg 4, N.Y. Islanders 2 17:44. Penoltles— Hollln, N YI, 6:16; 3 (Bellows), 13:44. Penoltles— McCarthy, for 2.75 miles, 2. Cain (W ), 3. scores. Sal Rafala nailed the other Before the season, Erardi c a lle ^ e r one of the seoson and the girls 12-0. Bennet girls Washington 1, Pittsburgh 0 Campbell, Win, 16:30; Lukowich, Win. Minn, 2:03; Hunter, Montreol double­ Mavericks, It’s been reported. Thompson has not played yet this minor, 2:02: Vellschek, Minn, 8:47; Haddad (W ). 4. Kuryan (W ), 5. goal for Cheney while Mai Fergu­ Girls Swimming top two or three goalies In the state. Opposing completed their ninth consecutive Chlcogo 5, Boston 1 16:30; Jonsson, NYI, 16:30; D. Sutter. coaches have told Erardi he may have been year because of a dislocated kneecap. unbeerten season under Coach Stan Hartford 8, Los Angeles 5 NYI, 19:37. . Moruk, Minn, 19:54; Corbonneau, Mon, Odom (M ), 6. Toland (M ), 7. son shook off Ray Brooks, who did Bebyn. Vancouver 7, St. Louis 1 Thirdperiod— 4, Winnipeg, Bosch mon3 19:54. Glasser .(W), 8. Allyn (M), 9. a fine job marking the Bolton East nipped > underestimating. Vernali has five shutouts going Results; Wednesdays Gomes (Montho, Botlych), 0:14. 4, Winnipeg, Shots on goal— Mlnnesoto 8-6-5— 19. Boschman 4, (Lukowich, Bobych), 0:52. Montreol 7-12-14— 33. Blodgett (M), 10. Erickson (W). scorer, for a penalty shot score in into the final week of the regular season and has Boys — 1. Senan Gormon (B), 2. (All Times EDT) M ERIDEN — Despite winning Monday signs new Oontract Steve Gollocher (B), 3. Alan Meyers WoshIngton at New Jersev, 7:35p.m. 6, Winnipeg, Montho 1, (McOoln, Goalies— Minnesota, Beoupre. Mont­ Also: Ed Lynch 11th, John Comeau the second half. allowed only 14 goals in 13 games. In seven (I), 4. Rob Sheftel (B), 5. Dave Odom Winnipeg at N.Y. Rongers, 7:35p.m. Mullen), 16:55. Penoltles — Lundholm, reol, Sevigny. A— 15,731. eight of the II events, East LOS ANGELEIS — Rich Monday. 33. has signed a one-year 12th, Ken Parrott 13th, Tom “ We didn’t execute well as far as contests, she’s faced over 30 shots. (B), 6. Bobby Dickson (I), 7. Chris Buffalo at Detroit, 7:35 p.m. Win, 5:24; Spring, Win, 13:26; Jonsson, Catholic 'girls' swimming team How did she become so good in such a short contract with (he Los Angeles Dodgers and will return to Choppell (B), 8. Andy Gallont .(l), 9. Edmonton at Toronto, 8:05 p.m. NYI, 15:18; N Y Islonders, too many Robinson 15th, Don Wright 16th. team play,'' said Bolton coach Ray Sean Toland (I), 10. Chuck Rose (B). St. Louis at Coigarv, 9:35 p.m. men, (served by Hollln), 18:11. didn't have the needed depth and period of time? Vernali credits Erardi. for his 13th major-league season. It was announced Tuesday. •••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Boyd. "But I'm not disappointed in Girls — 1. Sheryl Veol IB), 2. Kothy Thursday's <3ames Shots on goal— Winnipeg 15-7-14— 36. dropped a close 87-85 decision to our hustle. We just didn’t get our “ Without him, I wouldn't be the goalie I am Comeau (B), 3. Jamie Ross (B), 4. Boston at Minnesota NY MHS girls nipped Maloney High here Tuesday. Chris Nielsen (B), 5. M indy Forde (B), Quebec at Philadelphia Islonders 10-14-9— 33. rhythm. We have too many holes now,” said Vernali. “ He crammed everything in Meg Dakin won the 50-yard Nets trade for Johnson 6. Merry Chodzlewlcz (B), 7. Heather Pittsburgh at Chlcogo Goalies— Winnipeg, Hoyword. N Y Is­ Transactions WINDHAM — It was close but no that have to be filled.” he knew about goaltending in about two weeks. Layery (I), 8. Meg Mackenzie (I), 9. londers, Hrudey. A— 14,928. freestyle and 100-yard backstroke, cigar for the Manchester High Those holes were caused by He's an excellent)coach.” Kristin Turek (B), 10. Meredit Blodaett Laura Negri secured the 200-yard girls' cross country team as well as injuries to seniors Bill Shcetz and The move to goalie might have been a blessing EAST RUTHERFORD. N.J. (UPI) - The New Jersey Nets AHLitandInga IM and 100-yard' butterfly and it fell to homestanding Windham Doug Moore. Bolton has now lost for Vernali in another way. In her sophomore traded forward Eddie Phillips, rookie guard Horace Owens, a Boseboll Michelle Freem er won the 200- and California — Third baseman Doug by a similar 26-29 score here four of its last five games and must year, she sprained an achilles tendon and has second round draft choice in 1937 and cash Tuesday to the Northern Canucks 7; Blues 1 500-yard freestyles for East, 2-6. DeCinces signed a three-year con­ Tuesday. win two of its last three to make the been bothered by the injury ever since. Had she Philaelphia 76ers for center Reggie Johnson. W L T PH. GF GA tract. "Windham received a super The Eagles also took both relays not moved to goalie, she may have been forced to Johnson. 6-foot-9. will be playing for his fifth team in four years. Soccer Mgine 7 3 0 14 37 27 Kansos City — Released pitcher Eric state tournament. Nova Scotlo 6 3 0 12 37 30 St. Louts 01 0— 1 performance from its 3-4-5 but superior depth gave Maloney drop soccer and concentrate on softball, which The Nets also waived guard Dirk MInnicfield. the team’s top pick Voncouver 1 4 3— 7 Rosmussen. "They got a few extra breaks, •••••••••••••••••••••• Adirondack 5 3 0 10 36 38 Los Angeles — Signed outfielder Rick runners." said Manchester coach the decision. wouldn't have made her too happy. Moncton 5 4 0 10 30 30 First period— 1, Voncouver, TontI 12 but it was pretty even as far as in the last draft out of Kentucky. (Lanz), 19:16. Penalties— Dore, StI, 7:47; Monday to a one-year contract. Phil Blanchette. "It is tough to lose East's next outing is Friday at “ Soccer’s definitely better." said Vernali, a Fredericton 3 2 0 6 19 8 Toronto — Signed Cloyd Boyer os a shots go," said Boyd. "They were M SC 9-year-olds Sherbrooke 2 7 0 4 26 38 Smyl, Van, 7:47; Bothwell, StI. 8:53; the league title to Windham (8-0 in Woodrow Wilson in Middletown at second baseman in softball. "It's the action. In South am Petit, Von, 11:01; Sutter, StI, molor, pitching Instructor in the club's form just able to put it in the net." Jazz under player limit The Manchester Soccer Club nine* 11:39; Bucher, Von, maior, 11:29; system. the league, 8-1 overall) but we 3:30 p.m. softball, you can go through the whole game and veor-olds tied Wethersfietdr 2*2r with Rochester 6 4 0 12 51 44 Bosketboli Michael Eaton and Brooks led Hershey 4 5 0 8 32 33 Schofield, StI, 14:46; NIII, Von, 14:46; didn’t defeat ourselves. We were Results: see the ball only twice. And it's more demanding Hofdd photo by Pmlo SALT LAKE C ITY — The Utah Jazz have waived 6-foot-3 guard goals by David Rohrbach and Bill Reeves, StI, 18:11. Cleveiond — Signed forward John the Cheney defense while Vongsa- 200 medley relay: 1. East (Stearns, Kennedy. Goalie David Melesko New Haven 3 6 2 8 47 52 Gorris and cut guords Corl Nicks and beaten." physically to play soccer.” Kenny Natl, reducing their roster to It players — one below the Springfield 3 3 1 7 31 33 Secondperlod— 2, Vancouver, Grodin4 rasinh made some fine passes on Dakin, Stiewokis, Pospeck) 2:08.13. Lucy Vernali played well for Manchester wtih (Rota, Snepsts), 5:34. 3, Voncouver, Linton Townes. Windham's Debbie Sprague was 200 tree: I. Freemer (EC), 2. Clark Vernali began playing soccer as a freshman in dfensive help from Brian Jones and St. Catharines 3 6 1 7 40 57 Dallas— Waived guard DavePlehlerof offense. NBA limit for (he 1933-84 season. Baltimore 3 1 3 7 34 23 Lupul 3 (Gillis, McCarthy), 6:15. 4, the individual winner with a time (M), 3. Davis (M ) 2:07.47. the summer recreation program. With the . . . has become premier goalie John Papa. Vancouver, Glllls 3 (Delorme, Lupul), Southern Methodist. ^ In their next contests, Cheney 200 IM: 1. Negri (EC), 2. Fust (M), 3. Utah coach-GM Frank Layden said Natl was released Tuesday BEnghamton 2 4 1 5 30 32 New Jersey — Troded forward Eddie of 15:00 over a 2.5 mile layout. encouragement of her father, who played soccer Tuesday's Result 10:13.5, Voncouver, Tanti 13 (Sundstrom, hosts Prince Tech while Bolton Dadrick (M ) 2:26.7. "because we already have too many guards." and to make room for •••••••••••••••••••••• Snepsts), 11:31. 6, St. Louis, Corlson 1 Phillips, guard Horace Owens, o second- Debbie Dussault and Felicia Fal- SO free: 1. Dakin (EC), 2. Poshoeck in Italy “ with the whole side of his fam ily," only are the Eagles the traditional rivals of the Moncton 5, St. Catharines 3 round 1987 draft choice and money to travels to East Hampton. Both a I2lh player on the Jazz roster. We«bieMlay's(3ames (Chouinard, Bobych), 13:26. kowski were 2-3 for the Silk (EC), 3. Prumer (M) :26.73. Vernali and her brother, Sul. a freshman on the Indians, the game has extra meaning for Penalties— Philodelphia in exchange for center games are Friday at 3:15 p.m. Diving: ). Wroebel (M), 2. Krvstruk Hershey at Adirondack Reggie Phillips; waived guord Dirk Towners. 6-2 overall, with times of Cheney Tech team, discovered a new sport. Manchester. The Indians must beat either East or Bowling Springfield at Baltimore Smyl, Von, 15:43; Federko, StI, 19:45. (M ), 3. Nellgen (M ), 189.00 points. Third period— 7, Voncouver, NIII 2 Minniefidd. 15:19 and 15:51 respectively. 100fly: 1. Negri (EC), 2. Helta (M),3. Vernali would like to play soccer in college, Simsbury next Tuesday to make the state Cavaliers sign John Garris Novo Scotia at Sherbrooke Philodelphia — Released free ogent Coventry falls •••••••••••••••••••••• Thursday's Games (Gillis, Bubla), 14:23. Lonz 3 (Grodin), Results: 1. Sprague (W) 15:00 for Nellgen (M ) 1:04.39. though any school with a girls', program is either tournament. 16:35. Penalties— Bobych, Stl, 9:07; forword Howard Wo<^. 100 free: 1. Fust (M), 2. Shewokis RICHFIELD, Ohio — The Cleveland Cavaliers announced No Gomes Scheduled Utah — Waived guard Kenny Nott. 2.5 miles, 2. Dussault (M ), 3. CANTON — The Coventry Patri­ too big or too expensive. She may end up playing "As far as we're concerned, we’re gonna' win” Gilmour, Stl, double-minor, 9:39; Petit, (EC), 3. Poshoeck (EC) 1:00.37. Tuesday that the team has signed 6-(ool-8 forward John Garris of Cunllffe Auto Von, 9:39; Bothwell, Stl, 10:28; Bubla, Football Falkowski (M ),4. Kathy Sherman ots found trouble on the other side 100 back: 1. Nellgen (M), 2. Stearns soccer as a club sport, biding her time until one of Baltimore — Reinstated cornerbock said Vernali, recalling last year’s 3-3 tie, "W e're Boston College to a contract. Pat Irish 150*420. Tony Marinelli Von, 10:28; M c^ rth y , Van, 11:17; (W), 5. Castagna (M), 6. Pepin of the mountain, running into (EC), 3. LeBrun (EC) 1:11.36. the state schools other than the University of Schofield. Stl, 15:14; Carlson, Stl, moior, Derrick Hatchett. SOO frOe: 1. Freemer (EC), 2. Clark dedicated. We'll all be there ready to play.” Garris, out of Warren Harding High School in Bridgeport. Conn., 174-435. Jim Evans 17SU37. tee Court­ Chioogo (NFL) — Signed free ogent (W), 7. Kim Sherman (W ), 8. powerful Canton and getting ney 151-429. Rome Irish 416. Tony 17:50; Delorme, Von, molor, 17:50; (M), 3. Kenney (M) 5:36.2. Connecticut starts a program. Erardi says that Vernali leads the Indians by was the Cavs’ second round draft pick and the 27th pick overall in Williams, Von, 19:48. safety Kevin Potter and waived running Fowler (W), 9. Meg Harvey (M), swamped. 6-0. Tuesday. 100 breast: 1. Dakin (EC), 2. Cobot Vendetti 429. Greg Lukas 405. Chris bock Rolond Harper from the inlured Now. however, Vernali and the rest of the actions, not words. And about the best action the 1983 college draft. He averaged 19.7 points last year for Boston Plumley 151-414. Tom O'Connor 401. Whalers B. Kings 5 Shots on goal— St. Louis 7-9-11— 27. (M ), 3. Schultz (M ) 1:12.91. Vancouver 12-13-14— 39. reserve list. 10. Lisa Harvey (M ). Also: Heidi "They have a nice team ." said 400 free relay: 1. East (Stearns, Indians have their sights set on East Catholic, she's done was become a goalkeeper — even if it College. Don McAllister 150-410. Art Cunllffe Cincinnati — Placed running back 150- 408. Travis Cook 170. Larry Aceto Goalies— St. Louis, Llut, Heinz. Van­ Sullivan 11th. Laura Bottone 12th, Coventry coach Bob Plaster. Shewokis, Freemer, Negri) 4:10.72. whom they play Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Not was with mixed emotions. Hortford 1 3 couver, Brodeur. A— 12,466. Rodney Tate on the four-week Inlured Diane Brassell 13th, Rochelle "They have a lot of skilled players. 151- 405. Lorry Seretto 161-398. Hank Lm Anbtlei 0 3 3— S reserve list andsigned free agent tight end Frey 160-435. Jim Moore 152-426. Kevin First period— L Hartford^ Zuke 2 Andy Gibler. Parrott 15th, Julie Falkowski 17th, We were a little flat. I don’t know if Bobby Czyz registers KO Kelley 394; High team single — The (Johnson. Dupont). 1:41. Penalties— Los Angeles (USFL) — Signed Robin Edlund 18th, Sue Prignano they play like that all the tim e." M H S easily Village Stylist 494. High team triple — Anderson, LA, 1:22; Quennevllle, Hort, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - Middleweight Bobby Czyz. ranked 12th Black HawksS. Bruins 1 defensive back Dorrell Pottlllo of Long 19th. With a 10-3 mark. Canton appar­ Pumpernickel Pub 1318; High individ- 2:27. Beach State, linebocker Dave Ramona of ENFIELD — The Manchester by the World Boxing Council, stopped lightly regardcHl Bill Made! at uol single — Chris Plumtey 214. High Second period— 2. Los Angeles, Nl- Santo Clara and tight end Gary Furniss of ently has those kind of days often. individual triple — Mike Nicholson 504. High girls' swimming team easily- 2:04 of the fourth round Tuesday night in a scheduled 10-round bout. cholls 9 (Fox, MacLellon), 2:51. 3, Los Boston 0 1 0— 1 Brigham Young. Steve Vaudrueil had four goals for High individual average — Chris Angeles, NIcholls 10 (Kelly, Anderson), ChioOQO 3 3 0 -S Soccer outpointed Fermi. 97-69, Tuesday, Chisox Hoyt wins pretty Plumley 146.2. First period— 1, Chicago, Brown*^3 12:34. 4, Hartford, Johnson 4 (Slltonen), EC giris bow Canton while Steve Burrell and to raise its record to 6-1. Standings: Coleman Brothers 14-7, 14:10. 5, Los Angeles, NIcholls 11 (Larmer) 15:08. 2, Chicago, Sutter 3 C Steve Lewis, both moved back The Indians were led by double­ ‘Hawks name Krieg No. 1 QB Pumpernickel Pub 14-7. New England (unassisted), 15:46. 6, Hartford Dupont 2 (Preston) 19:56. Penalties— Kosper, Bos, BRISTOL - With Kim Sidorik from the Coventry forward line to winner Jeanne Lemieux (100 Free Machine 13-8. Purdy Corp. 12-9. Du- (Neufeld, Johnson), 16:07. Penalties— 5:52; Brown, Chi, 11:36; Sutter, Chi, SEATTLE — Dave Krieg was named the No. I quarterback of (he baldo Electric 12-9. K.M.S. 12-9. The Kotsopoulos, Hart, 2:10; Sulllmon, Hart, 15:48. Calendar scoring the only goal 7:55 into the help on defense, played well for the and 100 Breast) and five other Marks Brothers 11-10. The Villoge 7:24; AAalone, Hart, 9:36; Anderson, LA, Secondperlod— 3. Chicago, T. Murrav3 game, St. Paul handed East taking Cy Young Award Seattle Seahawks Tuesday, replacing a slumping Jim Zorn who Stylist 10-11. Heritage Balt Catering 13:08; Hardy, LA, 14:51; Robertson, Hart, (Preston, Fraser), 11:26. 4, Boston, Pariots. singles winners. Coach Dave Frost •••••••••••••••••••••• completed just five passes in his last two starts. 10-11. R&G Auto 9-12. The Pantry 8-13. Catholic a heart-breaking 1-0 set­ Still tournament-bound at 7-5-1, also noted the continued improve­ 18:01; Wells, LA.m olor,18:01. Krusheinvski 4 (Crowder) 12:04. 5, Krieg. a fourth-year pro. won the starting job with in a National Tool & Die 8-13. Cunllffe Auto Third period— 7, Hortford, Turgeon 3 Chicago, Gardner 4 (B. Wilson, Ludzik), WEDNESDAY back in HCC girls' soccer action Coventry travels to Rocky Hill ment of Diane McCarthy, Maja NEW YORK (UPI) - They pitching staff that finished third in Body 8-13. The Civic Pub 6-15. (Dupont, Johnson), 2:24. 8, Hartford, 12:57. 6, Chicago, Sovard 7 (Larmer, D. Soccer sensational performance Sunday when he replaced Zorn in the here Tuesday afternoon. Friday for a 3:15 p.m. match.. Patrzek, Tina Gudmundren, Deb called the Chicago White Sox' run the AL in earned run average. He Crawford 5 (Malone), 2:52. 9, Hartford, Wilson), 15:27. Penalties — UConn at Providence, 3 St. Paul goes to 4-1 in the second half of a 27-21 loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers. Krieg Francis 1 (Dunn), 4:59. 10, Hartford, Schoenfeld, MCC at Mitchell, 3 Dube and Tracy O’Brien. to the American League West finished third in the league in Eastern Bussinsssmen Bos, 13:50. conference and 9-4 overall with the completed i3-of-20 passes for 214 yards and two touchdowns us he Stoughton 4 (Francis, Turgeon),9:06.11, Girls Volleyball The Indians travel to Penney crown "Winning Ugly,” but that innings pitched with 260 2-3. R,Romano )91-459, T.Horrison 158, Hartford, Stoughton 5 (Francis, Tur­ Third period— Penalties— B. Wilson, Manchester at Conard, 3:30 T rallied Seattle from a 24-0 deficit. win while the Eagles slip to 2-2-1 in Field Hockey Friday for a 3:30 meet. hardly describes LaMarr Hoyt's Although his ERA of 3.66 was not E-Bobo 165-400, R.Joiner 160-150-448, geon), 9:56. 12, Los Angeles, Simmer 5 Chi, THURSDAY the HCC and more Importantly G.Szobo 155-1^4W, T.OeDomlnIcIs (NIcholls, Dionne), 16:52.13, Los Angeles, 1:14; D. Wilson, Chi, 12:34; Mactavlsh, Soccer Results: 200 Medley: Manchester AL Cy Young award-winning among the league's top IS, his LaVallee2(Ruskowski), 17:58. Penalty— Bos, 15:14. 4-5-2 overall. East has a key game (O'Brien, Fournier, Sherman, Top­ 152, J.BertussI K1, R.Brown 151, Coventry at Portland (girls), 3:15 Backboned by the strong effort showing. success could easily be measured Moncrief signs Bucks’ extension T.Kowzun 151, D.Dynes 431, E.Roux Hospodar, Hart, 15:50. Shots on Goal— Boston 10-4-13— 27. Bolton at Cromwell (girls), 3:15 coming up Saturday morning ping), 2:10.6 Shots on goal— Hartford 6-15-20— 41. Chicago 7-134— 24. from goalie Chris Colvin, Man­ 200 Free: 1. Troy (M),2. Noone (M),3. Hoyt led the major leagues with by his control. He walked only 31 426, B.Hunt 421; High overage — Cross Country M ILW AUKEE — The agent for Milwaukee Bucks guard Sidney R,Joiner 140.3, J.SIrionni 133.9, R.Ro­ Los Angeles 9-11-7— 27. Goalies— Boston, Peeters. Chicago, Cheney at Norwich Tech, 3:15 against crosstown Manchester chester High field hockey team O'Brien (M), 2:08.4. 24 victories, winning his final 13 batters', or just slightly more than Goalies— Hartford, Velsor. Los An­ Ban- 200 Ind Medley: 1. Ottman (F), 2. Moncrief said Tuesday he and the club have worked out a mano 132.9; High triple — R.Joiner 475, Field Hockey High (5-5-3) at the Indians' Memor­ battled Hall High to a 0-0 tie in decisions to finish 24-10 and help one per game. High single — R.Romano 191; High no geles, Lessord. A— 8,474. nferman. A— 16,719. Manchester at Enfield, 3:30 ial Field at 10 a.m. Each school Sherman (M), 3. Lauzon (M), 2:28.0 three-year contract extension to give Moncrief a higher salary. CCIL action Tuesday at the Indi­ SO Free: 1. Topping (M), 2. BorskI (f ), the White Sox into post-season play Hoyt also notched the White Sox' mork — P. Duggan 91, J.Melzen 91. needs a victory if it hopes to qualify ans' field. 3. LoTraverse (F), 26.8. for the first time since 1959. only victory in the AL playoffs, Jack Manton told the Milwaukee Sentinel from Cumming, Ga.. Standings: Stevenson's Servlcenter Diving: 1. Factoro (M), 2. Emerson that he expects the pact to be signed before (he Bucks open their 15-6, Wetherell Corp. 13-8, Top Dollar for post-season play. Manchester is 2-6-3 in the league In results announced Tuesday by beating the World Champion Balti­ Bob's 12-9, Nor Easters 11-10, Optical Transactions (M), 3. Wynn (M). season Friday night at home against the Indiana Pacers. ‘"This was a heartbreaker. We and 2-7-3 overall with the tie while 100 Fly: 1. Ottman (F), 2. Troy (M), 3. the Baseball Writers Association more Orioles 2-1 in the opening Style Bor 11-10, Brown's Flowers 10-11, played very well, created many the deadlock leaves the Warriors Tomkiel (M ), 1:05.7. The Oaks 10-11, Renn's Tavern 10-11, Football of America, the 28-year-old right­ game. However, only regular High Five 9-12, Ringside Cote 8-13, scoring opportunities but failed to 4-5-2 in the CCIL and overall. lOOFree: 1. Lemieux (M),2. Dube (M), Oakland (USFL) — Signed 3. LaTrdverse (F), 1:04.7. hander received 17 first place season statistics are counted in Team USA tops Team Canada American Legion Post 8 10-11, Alco running back Arthur Whitting­ finish," said East coach Don Fay. Hall had the better of play the votes and 116 points from 28 determining the Cy Young Award Five 8-13. Standings also based on ton to a series otthreeone-year 500 Free: 1. Fournier (M), 2. Sullivan points. "W e dominated play and outshot first half and back Siobhan Smith (M), 3. BorskI (F), 6:34.2. BBWAA members — two from winner. CALGARY. Alberta — Teenage scoring sensation Pat contracts, and also signed them, 22-6,” he added. picked off numerous passes and set 100Back: 1. O'Brien (M),2. BorskI (F), LaFontaine scored three goals and added an assist to power Team fullback Tom Newton, def­ 3. Sines (M ), 1:14.0. each AL city. Kansas City Royals Signed by the New York Yankees Editor's Note; League secretaries. ensive end Chris LInnIn, Christy Bearse, Liz Palmer and up her teammates for repeating 100 Breast: Lemieux (M), 2. Okon (F), reliever Dan Quisenberry was a to his first pro contract in June of USA to a 6-4 victory over Team Canada Tuesday night in a Please print first and last names of all wide receiver Mike bowlersta moko thollst. First initials Is Donna Revellese played well for scoring chances. Colvin, however, 3. Terry (M), 1:22.5. distant second, finishing with nine 1973, Hoyt was traded to the White pre-Olympic tuneup for both teams. Whiteside and tight end Fred 400 Free Relay: Fermi, 5:00.0 not onough. Thank you. Worthy as free agents. East. Martha Barter had three proved to be equal to each bid and first-place votes and 81 points. Sox after finishing 15-8 with a 2.50 LaFontaine. picked third ovi^rall In the 1983 NHL entry draft by J Each writer is asked to vote for E R A in 1976 for West Haven of the the New"^ork Islanders, scored a pair of goals 39 seconds apart Philadelphia (NFL) — Lamarr Hoyt midway throMh the final period to give the U.S. a4-3lead In a game Placed punter Tom SkICKlany three pitchers and points are Eastern League. onwalversandclolmed NHL roundup awarded on a 5-3-1 basis. Hoyt, the Quisenberry.” Hoyt struggled in his first season played before 10,002 fans at the Olympic Saddledome. punter M ax Runager on only pitcher named on all 28 Jack Morris of the Detroit Tigers in the Chicago organization but In 22 games for the U.S. Olympic team, (he 18-year-old Detroit Football ’ procedural waivers. native has scored 22 goals and added 16 assists. ballots, is only the second White finished third in the voting with 38 finally turned things around in 1978 Hockey Sox pitcher to win the award and at Appleton, Wis., and led the GUARANTEED* points followed, in order, by the first since Early Wynn in 1959. Midwest League in victories with New York Islanders — Richard Dotson of Chicago (9 Hicks ends pact anxieties NFL standings Called updefensemen Bruce Flyers play defensively " I thank my teammates for points), Ron Guidry of New York 18. Affleck and Gordon DIneen getting me out of a lot of jam s,” (5) and Scott McGregor of Balti­ In 1979 Hoyt was promoted to SAN FRANCISCO — The management of the Sun Francisco fromindlanopolls ofCHL.'sent American Conference defenseman Dorev Regler Hoyt said Tuesday night. “ I more (3). Knoxville and was advised by his 49ers and defensive back Dwight Hicks have "resolved the contract East to Indianapolis. thought with my winning streak at Nicknamed "The Incredible manager there. Tony LaRussa, anxieties” that caused the Pro Bowl safety to walk out on the team W L T Pet. PF PA in victory over Quebec the end of the season I had a that his quickest route to the big last week, a club spokesman said. Miami 5 3 0 .625 169 123 Bulk” by his teammates because Buffalo 5 3 0 .625 146 161 2 chance. I knew I’d get some stiff of his hefty 6-foot-1, 240-pound leagues would be as a relief New England 4 4 0 .500 186 165 com petition from Dan pitcher. Baltimore 4 4 0 .500 144 176 frame, Hoyt was the mainstay of a Inductees to attend dinner N Y Jets 3 5 0 .375 167 172 MODERN RUTO By United Press International "We have to check more,” Jarvis shot past goaltender Denis Central Bergeron said. “ They controlled Herron for his fourth goal of the NEW YORK — Brooks Robinson. Sonny Jurgensen. Dave Pittsburgh 6 2 0 .750 210 153 RADIATOR Cleveland 4 4 0 .500 146 187 Every N H L coach knows it takes the center. We lacked cohesion and season. DeBusschere and Ken Dryden will be among 11 sports Hall of Fame Cincinnati 2 6 0 .250 136 167 INTRODUCES we tried to be a little too fancy. The North Stars 4, Canadlens 3 >76ers take strong checking to contain the inductees to attend the eighth All Sports Hall of Fame Dinner Oct. Houston 0 8 0 .000 133 221 tho 90-minutG DISC BRAKES Flyers do a lot of hooking and At Montreal, Neal Broten broke Steelers’ Rivera 26 for the benefit of the Boys’ Club of New York. Wm I Quebec Nordiques, but only one LA Raiders 6 2 0 .750 221 170 drlvG>in and (Front Axle) interfering and once they get the a 3-3 deadlock with a fluke goal at Fame game Other Hall of Famers In attendance will be Bobby Bell, Sid can put Mark Howe and Rick Denver 5 3 0 .625 126 123 drivoaway aolutloni • Free 4-Wheel Brake Inspection DRUM BRAKES 6 MacLeish on the ice to get it done. lead their style works well.” 13:44 of the third period to help Glllman, Bobby Mitchell and Paul Warfield (football). Jack Kansas City 4 4 0 .500 158 133 • Replace Pad with New (Front or Rear Axle) Minnesota snap a three-game SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Brickhousc (baseball) and Dean Smith and Jack Twyman Seattle 4 4 0 .500 185 185 FOR: ' “ Knowing that Quebec won 11-2 The Flyers ran off three goals in San Diego 3 5 0 .375 197 225 Guaranteed Disc Pads. • Free 4-Wheel Brake Inspection losing streak. The North Stars’ (U P I) — Clint Richardson hit a to be paralyzed over Minnesota recently we knew the second period for a 4-1 lead. (basketball). National Conference • Resurface Rotors. ^ • Replace Shoes with New center, alone in corner, tried to 16-foot jump shot with 40 se­ East htte kdo, we had to concentrate on our Center Tim Kcrrr squeezed a shot • Replace Grease Seals. Guaranteed Linings pass the puck into a maze of conds left Tuesday night tq lead W L T Pet. PF PA • Resurface Drums. defensive play,” Philadelphia Fly­ between Bouchard's right pad and Dallas 7 1 0 .875 253 175 • Inspect and Repack Wheel players at the Montreal crease the Philadelphia 76ers to a PITTSBURGH (UPI) - Doctors “ serious but stable” Tuesday. Nuggets drop David Russeii • Inspect Wheel Cylinder. ers Coach Bob McCammon said the goalpost at 3:03. Rich Sutter Washington 6 2 0 .750 267 186 Bearings. when it struck a skate and 114rll3 victory over the San say Pittsburgh Steelers rookie "E very day he is lying on his Philadelphia 4 4 0 .500 117 145 • Inspect Hold Down Spring. after his team ’s 4-2 victory Tues­ slammed a wrist shot from the slot DENVER (UPI) — The Denver Nuggets have reduced their mt^friaza dMigat, • Inspect Calipers. slithered along the ice past sur­ Antonio Spurs in the NBA Hall defensive lineman Gabriel Rivera back unable to move, it is another N Y Giants 2 5 1 .286 146 176 • Lubricate Backing Piate. day night. area that caught the upper right roster to the NBA limit of 12 players by waiving rookie forword St. Louis 2 5 1 .286 157 238 • Inspect Hydraulic System. “They have some great offen­ prised goaltender Richard Se- of Fame game, the 'final pre­ needs spinal surgery to avoid risk of infection,” Diamond said. David Russell, the team's No. 2 selection In (he 1933 college draft. Central • Lubricate Caliper Anchors. • Inspect Hydraulic System. hand corner to make it 3- 0. serious complications but the We have found that sive players. The trades they have vigny. The goal came just four season contest for both teams. “ The surgery is needed to heal the Carl Scheer. Nuggets president and general manager. Tuesday Minnesota 6 2 0 .750 184 184 • Inspect Fluid Levels. • Readjust Brakes minutes after Ryan Walter had Gene Banks put San Antonio operation will have no effect oh his Green Bay 4 4 0 .500 226 230 most of our customers • Road Tost. made have really improved them. Nordiques left winger Alain Cote bones. The fractured area of his said the 6-foo(-7.218-pound Russell "sim ply was unable to beat out Detroit 3 5 0 .375 164 172 • Add Fluid If Requirnd deflected a Guy Carbonneau shot ahead 113-109, but Clem John­ paralysis, which appears to be back needs to be stabilized so he problems can be solved • Road Test. MacLeish really shut down took a loose rebound at 14:20 and any of the team’s veteran forwards.” Russell, who played at St. Chicago 3 5 0 .375 153 160 offer expires 11/26/83 past Minnesota goalie Don Beau- son completed a three-point permanent. can be gotten Up and moved around Tampa Boy 0 8 0 .000 129 210 within this time frame. Stastny tonight and Mark sailed it through Pelle Lindbergh’s John's University in New York, averaged three points and two *MIDAS GUARANTU Dr. Daniel L. Diamond, head of West The probiem part IS MOAS BMAKI gMOtt AMO CMC M A M PAM A M WAR ■R eplayed an excellent gam e.” pre. play to bring the world cham­ to allow the injuries to his lungs rebounds in five preseason games for Denver. Son Francisco 6 2 0 .750 248 157 RANTtO FOR At LOMO At YOU OWN VOUR AMIMCAN pads for Quebec’s first goal but general surgery and the trauma removed, pro GUARANTEED , FORtlOM CAR. VAN on UOMT TIKlCKtUMOtR t4JBtLMt.!f GUARANTEED Allison scored his second Jets 4, Islanders 2 pion 76ers to within one point and heart to heal. L A Roms 5 3 0 .625 187 167 BiOotly ------BRfMd Paul Holmgren quickly countered New Orleans 5 3 0 .625 182 176 At Uniondale, N.Y., Laurie with about a minute left. unit at Allegheny General Hospi­ “ This is not something we expect repaired on3 pur MO TO iJS^fheieason at 7:20 of the first for the Flyers when his powerful Eleven college seniors cited Atlonto 3 5 0 .375 172 166 LININGS ___ • TMg m r t U TO OMRATlONAL COMOtTEM ARI U Boschman scored two goals in the After Richardson’s shot put tal, told a news conference Tues­ will result in any Improvement in prem ises andI rein- TRA MOAt UAV DtCUNi TO M IV O M I PARTIAL M A M JOM a crisp centering low drive got by a ' diving Monday's Gome » IT APPIAM W WOAt JUOUMNT THAT AQDfTIONAL first 52 seconds of the third period, Philadelphia in front, San Anto­ day that Rivera, 22, is paralyzed his paralysis. As each day passes, NEW YO RK — Eleven of the nation’s most outstanding college N.Y. Giants 20, St. Louis 20 (OT) stalled. WORK « M tO tO FOR VOun M A A t m T tW TO FUNCTTOH otter expiresi 1/19/83 nast and blasting a shot Bouchard. noftffcT enabling the Jets to snap a nio’s Johnny Moore missed a from the chest down with immobil­ seniors who excelled in the classroom as well as on the football field Sunday, Get. 30 Replacements are Quebec rookie Bo Bergluntl it is more and more unlikely that he (All Timet EDT) Dan jumper with time running out ity his biggest enemy now. were today named National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame BRISm 562-7983 MDOinOWN 3479100 T0RRING10N 402-7641 finished the scoring with 1:29 left in four-game losing streak while will ever walk again, but we chn’t Boltlmore at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. available from our dis­ "Quebeo haa , tij® handing New York ^ts fourth and Mike Mitchell missed a shot Diamond said the surgery, tenta­ say for sure right now.” Scholar-Athletes (or 1933. Dallas at New York Giants, 1 p.m. tributor size inventory. HUMFIMD 481 2388 NEWBH1AIN 224-9137 WAUINGEORO 2659953 said Allisoii, aSuli''® teanri, the game. Detroit at Chlcogo, 1 p.m. straight defeat. at the buzzer following a jump tively planned within “ the nextfew Diamond said Rivera also in­ The athletes are: , iRelax in our waiting E. HliiniilD 289-9315 "They can s w ^ S ? * f * J " assist Houston at Cleveland, 1 p.m. NEW HAVEN 0659111 NA1ER0DRY 7579339 Capitals 1, Penguins 0 Canucks 7, Blues 1 ball. days,” would stabilize Rivera’s jured a nerve in his right arm that John Bergren, Stanford, defensive end; Michael Favorite. Notre Los Angeles Rams ot Miami, 1 p.m. room, while our defense in no ENFEU 7459305 NEWIDN8QN 447-1711 W. HAR1F0R0 5229H At PitUbrugh, A1 Jensen turned At Vancouver, British Columbia, The Spurs’ George Gervin led spine and allow doctors to move has left him with weakness in that Dame, split end-flanker; John Frank. Ohio State, receiver; Terrell Minnesota at St. Louis. 1 p.m. knowledgeable special­ played a good ganm w S au ^w p New England at Atlanta, 1 p.m. warn 4459129 NORWICH 0999433 WES1 HAVEN 934-2626 aside all 26 Pittsburgh shots to rookie sensation Tony Tanti scored all scorers with 45 points, him around and fight possible limb, a bruised heart, fractured Lee Hoage. Georgia, rover bock; Jeff Hostetler, West Virginia, ists get you moving kept the shots down. Itw5!^\ New Orleans at Buffalo, 1 p.m. record his first shutout of the two goals to bring his league­ including 29 in the first half. infection to his heart and lungs. ribs on both sides of the chest with quarterback; Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. again. HAMDEN 2489327 ROCKY H U 563-1U7 WUWIAiniC 456-1766 effort and we didn’t taketoSif.^ season and Mike Gartner scored leading total to 13 and lift Van­ Julius Erving scored 16 of his Rivera, the Steelers' top draft a punctured right lung, "serious Stefan Humphries. Michigan, guard; Jeffrey Jamee Kubiak, Air Kansas City at Denver, 4 p.m. (AANCHESIER 6469606 MIMION 62im ^ penalties," *«>many choice last’ spring, was injured Green Bay at Cincinnati, 4 p.m. M 9-9M 2 the gam e’s only goal to lead couver. St. Louis forward Jack 20 points in the first half to spark contusions” to both lungs. Force, punter; William Obremskey, Duke, defensive back; Brian N.Y. Jets at Son Francisco, 4 p.m. Quebec Coach Michel B ernik Washington. Gartner scored at Carlson broke Richard Brodeur’s Philadelphia to a 61-58 halftime Thursday night in a two-car, He said the paralysis was caused Walter O’Meara. SMU, tackle; Anthony Romano. Syracuse, Seattle at L.A. Raiders, 4 p.m. MaKMMMTNlMMKS BRAKES ARE IMPORTANT TRUST THE M IDASt q u C m credited the Flyers’ muscle ^ head-on collision in suburban Ross M e ii ^ , Oct. 31 12:18 of the first- period when he shutout bid at 13:26 of the second lead. by a fractured and (Uslocated linebacker; and Jon Young, Brigham Young, quarterback. ' an Main BL. Monob, CT shutting down his team. Wcnhlngton at San Diego, 9p.m. backhanded a rebound of a Doug period. Township. His condition remained vertebrae in his upper back. It - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Oct. 26, 1983 Manchester police roundup Drug charges lodged against suspect in altercation

the area turned up Jeffrey Police lodged two addi­ Light, according to the Mary Jane Cooper, 56, Spencer Street left two admitting desk, but 33, 01 East Hartford, was count of first-degree crim ­ tional charges against a report. of 75 Richard Road was women with minor rather sit in the hospital not injured. inal trespass. Deschenes and Larry P. Rockville man Friday in Carrier then resisted treated at . Manchester injuries. waiting room, police said. Jeffrey Deschenes was Brainard, 17, of 88 Linden Police arrested two St., who had foUDD''a connection with a late arrest for breach of peace Memorial Hospital for a West Hartford resident Police warned Gocha he first apprehended during more teenagers Friday summer altercation at the and third-degree criminal neck sprain after another Richard Ustjanauskas, was risking arrest, to a police stakeout of the hiding place nearby, po­ and lodged a second Gas Light Restaurant on trespass, police said. He car traveling the wrong 23, was charged with which police said Gocha cemetery Oct. 7. Police lice said. Each coniMsed charge Monday against a Oak Street. struggled against police way on a one-way street reckless driving Saturday replied that he wished to hid there after the ceme­ his InvolvenMnt in the teenager already facing Paul E. Carrier, 30, now throughout their attempts collided with hers, police evening after he lost con­ be arrested. tery superintendent re­ incidents, police said. prosecution in connection faces charges of posses­ to handcuff him, trans­ said Monday. trol of the car he was "What do I have to do, ported that 43 gravetones The superintendent es­ with a three-week vandal­ had been knocked over the timated the total damiige sion of cocaine and drug port him to police head­ The other car, driven by driving and it hit a curb hit you, for you to arrest ism spree in St. James previous two Friday to the tombstones te be paraphernalia in addition quarters and process the Kevin M. Saucier of Wind­ and rolled over, police m e?" police said Gocha Cemetery on Broad nights. more than $4,500. .. to three charges lodged at .arrest, police said. His ham, was northbound on said. asked. Street. Around 10:30 p.m. the J erry Descheiiss is the time of the incident. actions led police at the Cottage Street, which is Two of Ustjanauskas’s One of those arrested night of the stakeout, scheduled to appear in The additional charges time to iodge an addi­ posted for southbound passengers, Anita Gior­ Manchester' resident Friday is under 16 and police saw four males court Wednesday. His were lodged after the tional charge of interfer­ traffic oniy, police said. dano of Hartford and Leisa Djiounas and her was referred to juvenile enter the cemetary. Po­ brother posted a MM bond state Toxicology Labora­ ing with police. Saucier’s car struck Ms. Cynthia Culver, 21, of toddler sons Benjamin authorities. lice heard a series of on the latest cHbrge tory found cocaine in. a Following the second Cooper’s in the intersec­ West Hartford were and Christopher were Jerry Deschenes, 18, of thumps, they said, like the against him and was syringe seized from Car­ arrest Friday Carrier was tion of Cottage and Oak treated at the hospital and treated at the hospital 154 Charter Oak St., was sound of tombstones fal­ released pending a court rier at the tim e-of his released on a $500 bond I streets, spun around and released. Friday for minor injuries charged with second- ling over. appearance Nov.31. Bral- arrest, police said. and transported to the landed on the sidewalk at Another. passenger, after their car collided degree criminal mischief. Police then rushed to­ nard has already been Police were summoned Hartford barracks of the the northeast corner of the Bradley Gocha, 23, of with another in the inter­ His brother, Jeffrey 19, ward the intruders, who arraigned on a similar to the restaurant Aug. 15 state police on a separate intersection, police said. Hartford was later section of Center, Broad was later charged with a fled on foot. A search of charge. after Carrier allegedly charge of failure to ap­ Saucier was cited for charged with disorderly and Arch streets, police became violent during an pear in court. driving the wrong way on •conduct when he refused said. argument, according to a He was scheduled to a one-way street and fined repeated requests by hos­ The driver of the other »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< police report written im­ appear in Manchester Su­ $40. He was not injured in pital staff and police that car involved in the acci­ mediately after the inci­ perior Court today to the accident. he not stand near the dent, Donald M. Currey, dent. Carrier repeatedly answer the drug charges RE-EIEC;^ disobeyed police requests lodged by Manchester An accident Saturday that he leave the Gas police. on Interstate 84 near 2 AUTO REPAIRS \ Steve Cassano WE SERVICE ALL Nome of Mr. Oootfwrench 6 GENERAL MOTOR CARS AND TRUCKS > ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS • COMPLETE COUISION REPAIRS » REBUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS! • AUTO PAINTINO • CHARGE WITH MASTER CHARGE • 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE

RICK DYER BELIEVES.... CARTER That discipline is important in any school system, and that He Listens. He Cares — Manchester has a good record in this area. During the past two years, he’s voted for a homework policy in our schools, for restrictions on the open campus and smoking policies at 1229 MAIN S T. HE GETS MHS, and for youth services programs desigr^ed to help AUTO REPAIR MANCHESTER chronic truants and troubled youngsters. TEL. 646-6464 THINGS DONEI GIVE EDUCATION YOUR VERY BEST. Re-elect RICK DYER. GMOUAUTY Paid for by the Steve Cassano's Vote Democratic Nov. 8th. SBM Cf MRTS Ra-Elaetlon Committee; Paul Rossetto, Traaa. Paid lor by Friends of Rick Dyer, Mike Darby, Treasurer

COME IN YOUR OWN COSTUME, ' C JOIN OUR PARADE OF CHARACTERS — THE WITCH, THE TOY SOLDIER, THE WISE OLD MAN, SNOWMAN, Pumpkin treats are clockwise from top: Famous Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Taffy Apples, Pumpkin Nut Bread, Pumpkin Cookies and Pumpkin Cookie Pops. T THE CLOWNS PLUS OUR "MYSTERY" CHARACTER FROM MOVIELAMD! M sm hester The great pumpkin BE SAFE THIS YEAR! Pwrkade Halloween at-home treats will lure goblins off the streets

WEST MIDDLE TPK — BROAD STREET A party for all ages with a festive pumpkin theme 1 can (16 ounces) solid-pack pumpkin cookies, insert cherry slices at opposite end, for Pumpkin Cranberiy Nut Bread spells fun at the drop of an invitation. Why not plan 1 cup real semi-sweet chocolate morsels stem. Bake. 15-20 minutes. Remove from cookie one this weekend? Assorted icings or peanut butter sheets; cool on rack. Frost with Pumpkin Icing and 3>A cups flour HALLOWEEN 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon Entertaining at home is a sensibly safe alternative Assorted candies, raisins or nuts Chocolate Glaze. Yields about 30 cookies. 1 teaspoon salt to youngsters traipsing the streets for trick-or- Preheat oven to 350° F. Combine flour, oats, soda, Pumpkin Icing: Combine IVi cups confectioner's 1 teaspoon baking soda treats. On Halloween or any fall weekend, it’s a cinnamon and salt; set aside. Cream butter; sugar with 2 tablespoons water, two drops of yellow ■A teaspoon baking powder wonderful way to mix kids and parents with fun and gradually add sugars, beating until light and fluffy. food coloring and one drop red food coloring; mix 2 teaspoons grated orange rind games — ending with delectable pumpkin treats for Add egg and vanilla: mix well. Alternate additions of until smooth. Frost cookies, allow to dry. Vi cup butter or margarine, softened all. dry ingredients and pumpkin, mixing well aftereach PARADE 2 cups sugar Start the festivities by bobbing for apples in a addition. Stir in morsels. Chocolate Glaze: Melt 'A cup semi-sweet real 3 eggs basement or-rec room decked with traditional fall For each cookie, drop >/i cup dough onto chocolate morsels with 1 tablespoon butter, mix 1 can (16 ounces) solid-pack pumpkin decor. Flashlight-lit Jack o’ lanterns and cornstalks lightly-greased cookie sheet: spread into pumpkin well. Using small clean paint brush or toothpick 1 cup chopped walnuts SATURDAY, OCT. 29 heaped in the corners help create the mood. shape using a thin metal spatula. Add a bit more dipped in glaze, apply pumpkin features. 2 1 cup chopped cranberries Youngsters have brief attention spans, so plan a dough to form stem. Bake at 350°F., 20-25 minutes, variety of party diversions such as a spooky indoor Icing, walnuts, cranberry, optional garnish until cookies are firm and lightly browned. Remove Preheat oven to 350°F. Combine dry ingredients; treasure hunt, or a pumpkin decorating contest. Let from cookie sheets; cool on racks. Decorate using Famous Pumpkin Pie set aside. Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs one at a older children help in the planning too; often they icing or peanut butter to affix assorted candies, can add lively games and sing-a-Iongs learned at time, mixing after each addition. Alternate k AT 11:00 AM raisins or nuts. Yields about 32 large cookies. 2 eggs, slightly beaten additions of pumpkin and dry ingredients. Stir in school or summer camp. Variation: Substitute 1 cup raisins for morsels. 1 can (16 ounces) solid-pack pumpkin nuts and cranberries. An upstairs table holds special pumpkin party Note: Dough may be frozen in an air-tight Vi cup sugar treats. Great Pumpkin Cookies with funny-face Pour batter into 2 lightly greased 8>/4x4>Ax2‘A inch 6 container. Thaw in refrigerator: bake as directed. '/t teaspoon salt STARTS NEAR FOODMART loaf pans. Bake 60-65 minutes or until bread tests grins are made with flavorful canned pumpkin and 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon done. If desired, drizzle with icing (mix just enough other "good-for-you’s" like whole grain oats. Vi teaspoon ground ginger cream or milk into confectioners’ sugar to make a Frosted Pumpkin Cookie Pops, anchored in an Vi teaspoon ground cloves Pumpkin Cookie Pops slightly runny consistency); garnish with walnut empty plastic egg carton, stand ready for easy 1 can (13 fl. oz.) evaporated milk or 12/3 cups half halves and a cranberry. Yields 2 loaves. CANDY & pumpkin picking. Center-table are tangy Pumpkin Vt cup butter or margarine, softened and half ^ Taffy Apples, delectably candy coated and rolled in V< cup maple syrup 1 9-inch unbaked homemade pie shell with high nuts. cup sugar fluted edge Bring out mugs of steaming coffee for grown-ups 1 egg Pumpkin Taffy Apples to savor with Pumpkin Cranberry Nut Bread, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Preheat oven to 425°F. Combine filling ingredients cup margarine NOVELTIES FOR flavorfully endowed with nutritious pumpkin and 1 cup solid-pack pumpkin in order given; pour into pie shell. Bake 15 minutes. Vi cup light corn syrup bright red berries, or a wedge of America’s favorite 2>A cups flour Reduce temperature to 350°F.; bake an additional 45 2 cups firmly packed light brown sugar AT OUR SPECIAL DROP OFF POINTS Famous Pumpkin Pie. It’s the perfect finale for a 1 teaspoon baking powder minutes or until knife inserted near center of pie 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk great pumpkin party that’s brought families 1 teaspoon baking soda comes out clean. Cool: garnish, if desired with (Sears, Command Performance, Fromax, 1 cup solid-pack pumpkin ALL ENTRIES Weathervane and Diamond Showcase.) together In the spirit of fun. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon whipped topping. 10 tart medium-sized apples 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg 10 lollipop or popslcle sticks 1 cup chopped nuts Note: if regular 9-inch frozen pie shells are 2 cups chopped salted peanuts Lollipop or popslcle sticks substituted, recipe fills 2. Slightly thaw pie shells Great Pumpkin Cookies M^lt margarine in 2‘A to 3 quart saucepan. Stir in Candled green cherries, sliced while combining other ingredients. Preheat cookie corn syrup, sugar and milk. Bring to a rapid boil. SPECIAL PRIZES FOR 4 cupa untihed all-purpoie flpur Pumpkin icing sheet while preheating oven to 375°F. Bake on cookie Continue stirring over medium heat until mixture 2 cups quick or old fashioned oats, uncooked Chocolate Glaze sheet 45 minutes or until pies test done as noted 2 teaspoons baking soda above. reaches soft ball stage (about 237°F.) Add pumpkin, 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon Preheat oven to 350°F. In large bowl, cream return to a boil. Continue cooking, stirring BEST COSTUMES! 1 teaspoon salt butter, syrup and sugar until light and fluffy. Add If deep dish 9-inch frozen pie shells are substituted, constantly, until mixture returns to soft ball stage, IVk cups butter or margarine, softened egg. vanilla and pumpkin; mix well. Combine flour, recipe fills 1. Let shell thaw 20 mlnufes, then recrimp approximately 15 minutes. 2 cups firmly packed brown sugar baking powder, baking soda and spices; mix well. edge to stand half an inch above rim. Preheat cookie ’Thoroughly clean and dry apples. Piercb each 1 cup granulated sugar Add to pumpkin mixture; mix well. Stir in nuts. sheet while preheating oven to 37S°F. Bake on cookie apple through core with stick. Dip in pumpkin OIW "MYCTE«Y"tHAR»CTEi frjM MOVlEUNDI le g g Drop rounded tablespoons of batter onto greased sheet 70 minutes or until pie tests done as noted mixture; roll in nuts. Refrigerate until serving. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract baking sheets. Insert sticks Into side of unbaked above. Yields 10 servings. II - MANCHESTKR HERALU, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1983 - 15 Your Neighbor's Kitchen When it comes to dessert, fruiVs the best textures are interesting. cream, which Can be bination that people very Tongues, are among my Women’s club shares recipes Thare'a no doubt about nac or bourbon, and bana­ favorites and take only Now, these fruits really folded in with the berries. oftm miss. nas take on a whole new It; fruit ii the perfect need something to bring You need about 'A to 2/3 of Start serving pears minutes to prepare. dimension when served Bv Barbara Richmond Juice of 1 fresh orange into large ball and roll in walnuts. dezaert. Pqatrlea I love, them together, and that a pint of blueberries per when the Bartlett, or the with dark Jamaica rum. Herald Reporter Juice of I fresh lemon Refrigerate overnight. cakea I'm (ond of, but I Beard something is usually a person. Williams as they are Cats’ Tongues don’t want either of them Rum also does great sometimes called, come ■/I cup crushed Ice tablespoon or so of either Cream together 5 ta­ after dinner. I ’ll take things for plums and on the market. Then, as When the Manchester Junior Women’s '/■ cup sugar Beau Monde Vegetable Dip superfine or granulated or OF COURSE, in winter blespoons unsalted butter them late in the evening or prunes. on Food the months go by, the Club has its service auction Friday at 1 10-ounce bottle club soda confectioners' sugar to nothing can be more excit­ and 'A cup superfine 1 I t one third cups sour cream at teatime or occaalonally Berries will take Anjou, the Bose, the Sick­ Willie's Steak House, Center Street, club Ice cream get the juices running. I ing than a perfect apple sugar. Add ‘A teaspoon V/t cups mayonnaise at lunch, but after a kirsch; they will take Eau Syndicated Columnist les and various other members will be serving hors d'oeuvres Mix all ingredients together except for prefer using the that is just at its crisp vanilla extract and four they have made. Doors will open for the ice cream.. Use the ice cream and a 2 teaspoons beau monde seasoning well-planned, well- de Vie de Framboise; best; and flavorful, juicy pears take the place of the 2 teaspoons dill seed superfine. egg whites, one at a time, snacking and viewing of auction items at 7 sliced strawberry to top off glass of punch. rounded dinner, nothing they^ wifi take Grand oranges, if served without Bartlelts. If you can't get super­ beating well with a p.m. The auction starts at 8 p.m. This recipe makes 1 quart. 2 tablespoons parsley equali fruit. M arniei^ they will take a speck of pith or mem­ If you want to embellish fine sugar in your market, wooden spoon. Sift in 1 cup The snacks will include tasty, items such 2 tablespoons onion flakes ' m hlnkJrr Cointreau. They will lend brane — just glistening the joys of having good, contrasting in their tex­ take ordinary granulated cake flour. as cheeseballs, vegetable dips, assorted 3 ounces dried beef (optional) ; as the themselves to practically cream, egg yolks and segments — take top ripe, well-chilled fruit at Mike’s Stuffed Mushrooms tures and flavors. Mix well and pipe vegetables for dipping, sliced pepperoni, Mix all ingredients and store in a meal any liqueur except creme sugar. All of these provide sugar and grind it in your your dinner table, then I often serve, for exam­ honors. through a pastry bag, and other assorted cheese and crackers, large mushrooms refrigerator overnight. '.y - I I don’t de menthe. pleasant variations of food processor for about serve some crisp cookies, to ple, a pint of strawberries fitted with a plain /4 teaspoon black pepper for the table.cream or with creme select your ingredients really scream for either sugared and served with those — the colors make a taste and texture. browned at the edges. clubs, a night in a local motel, dinners at 2 tablespoons melted butter Meat Turnovers Then, too, people may fraiche or perhaps with a and mix things that are heavy cream or sour creme fraiche or with nic^ combination and the Makes about 40. local restaurants and hundreds of others. think Uiat guests might sauce anglaise made with both complementary and cream or even whipped heavy cream. It’s a com­ Langues de Chat, or Cats’ Wash mushrooms, remove stems and pat 1 envelope beef mushroom soup mix ■ There will also be about a dozen door feel shortchanged if they dry. Fry garlic in oil. Discard garlic only ■A pound ground beef are not presented with prizes. Tickets, at $2 each, will be available when brown. Add to oil flavored with garlic, at the door. The public is invited. Nancy 2 tablespoons chopped onion some calorie-laden extra­ the mushroom stems and the onions and Hazlewood and Feme Pasternak are 1 cup drained bean spronts vaganza. My feeling is ALL STORES sautee for 10 minutes. Add bread crumbs, ■A cup sliced water chebtnuts that these days most chairmen of the event which is the major cheese, parsley, pepper, butter, and mix OPEN SUNDAY fund raiser of the club, each year. Funds 2 packages crescent rolls people are absolutely de­ 2 thoroughly. Stuff caps. Place on oiled CHECK LOCAL STORES are distributed to several worthy charities Combine first 5 Ingredients and brown lighted to be presented Double Coupons baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 10 weii. Separate rolls. Cut each triangle into with well-chosen fruit. FOR HOURS. of the club. RrOff M WANUf ACTURF.RS CFNTS-OFF COUPONS FOR OOUBl F THFIR VALUE minutes. thirds. Place spoonful of mixture into each Then, too, I think that a Mike Boguslawski of Manchester, consu­ SFF STORES FOR DETAILS VALID THRU SATURDAY OrrOBER29. 19H3 mer advocate for WTNH-TV 8 in New and roll up. Bake 15 minutes at 375 degrees. great many people are at Haven, will be auctioneer. He is also Toby’s Cheeseball a loss as to how one should serve fresh fruit. The sharing a recipe for one of his favorite hors 2 g-'ounce packages of cream cheese, Springtime Spinach Dip d' oeuvres. answer is simple; with a softened v . 2 cups mayonnaise Members of the Junior Women’s Club are small knife and fork. If 1 cup crushed pineapple, drained Herald photo bv Richmond also sharing some of their favorite recipes, 1 lIMinnce package spinach, cooked and you possess beautiful fruit 2 cups chopped walnuts drained 6 along with the recipe for the punch. knives and forks, fine; if >/4 cup chopped green pepper 'A cup chopped green onion FernA Pasternak, left, and Nancy Hazlewood, chairmen for th^e not, just a small knife and 2 tablespoons chopped onion /t cup fresh sliced strawberries or small M b^ cheese with fork; add pineapple, 1 (A teaspoon pepper acceptable. container frozen strawberries cup pecans, peppers, onion and salt. Form Mix and chill. Makes 3 cups dip. Friday. We can certainly take a tip from the Europeans, who will often serve forth 1 - a handsome bowl of fresh Menus cherries or grapes in ice water. As a matter of fact, any good fruit — peaches, Senior Citizens potato chips, buttered Thursday: Vegetables cheese, roll, peaches. fries, fruit crisp. fruited gelatin with pears, nectarines — is mixed vegetables, peanut oup, grilled cheese sand­ Wednesday! P iz z a , Wednesday: Juice, cat- topping. enhanced by being served The following lunches butter cookies with choco­ wich, french fries, green beans, fruit cup. zone, corn niblets, ice Friday: Pizza, cheese, this way at the dining will be served at Westhill late chips. dreamwhips. Thursday: Hamburger, cream. and pepperoni or hot dog table. Ann P%e Gardens and Mayfair Tuesday: Porkchopette Friday: Fruit juice, french fries, salad, cake. Thursday: Tomato on roll, choice of vegeta­ Gardens the week of Oct. with gravy, whipped pota­ meat and cheese pizza, Friday: Fish, potato, soup, grilled cheese sand­ ble, assorted fruit. Milk is BERRIES ARE Sliced Elacon 31 through Nov. 4, to toes, buttered cabbage or cole slaw, muffin and served with all meals. FROZEM4>C£LEOANOCLEANEO . tossed salad with choice of wich, vegetable sticks. another matter. You can FROZEN . g \ g \ i Manchester residents carrots, peach bar dressing, fruited gelatin fruit. Milk is served with hardly serve them in ice Swift Brown N’ Sene Sausage piS 9 9 Carnation Cooked Salad Shrimp ^ 2 who are 60 or older: crunch. with topping. Milk is all meals. water and have people FROZEM44EAT B SERVE <^OQ Monday: Apple cider, Wednesday: Cheese served with all meals. ! ilOOIEWARMISMdthifcevpoiiteday PEPPERONI STlCKS-12 OZ. PRO 2 49 BEEF CHUCK-eONELESS ■ For now customors on our automatic doUvoiy fish around in it as though Carnation ^rim p Crisps pC 2 meatloaf with onion and pepperoni pizza, Coventry bobbing for small apples. Swift Pork Siz/lean or Beef Strips U ’ Top Blade Steaks sorvlco — wo will honor your prooont tNimor FROZEffPEELEDANOCLEANEO ’ gravy, mashed potatoes, tossed salad, choice of RHAM FK£SH4WI«EDFnTER PARTS ^ The following lunches contractsi No, berries must be se­ FROZEN-STUFFED TURKEYS-S TO 12'7-lBS OR 4' i TO 1GLBS ^ a q peas, pumpkin tart with dressing, chilled mixed Camtion All Purpose Shrimp p S : j The following lunches will be served in the I lected carefully, picked Swift Li’L Butterball Turkeys 1 l^x-O-Chicken ^ \ whipped topping, wheat fruit. FRESH FLORIDA SCALLOPS 3 99 LB OR will be served in RHAM Coventry Elementary & S oil COMPANY. INC. over, and served in a fiat FROZEN-TURKEYBRCASTS-3*-}TOSLBS.1»9 0R LESSER QUANTITIES- 79 LB bread. Thursday:. Minestrone I Cod or Scrod Fillets «. 1 Cucumbers ■ 14b. will be served in the LARGE STREUSEL PECAN OR WALNUT ■ J S L . pkg. tossed salad with dress­ ,2« 199 U S NO 1 -A LL PURPOSE Bolton Elementary- keeps ut out for the taiigater ing, wheat bread, hot Sara l i e Coffee Cake pLg I Yellow Onions Center schools the week of ALL FLAVORS peach crisp, US NO 1-NUTRITIOUS i'he Dairv Oct. ,31 through Nov 4: of hot water Friday: Breaded fish, Nuform Ice Milk By Aileen Claire bowl with remaining gar­ Saveth^rules Rus.set Baking Potatoes ALL VARIETtES Monday: Spaghetti with nutty stuffing, seasoned HIRAM, Ohio (U PI) - NEW CROP-JUICY SEEDLESS NEA Food Editor lic. Tear lettuce into bowl. meatballs, vegetables, ORCNARORUNZ's MIN (UNCLASSIFIEDlCORTLAND spinach, roll, chilled A thermometer that snaps Florida White Grapefriiit Sprinkle with cheeses; bread, pudding with top­ onto pipes and tubing of Breyer’s toss with dressing. Break mixed fruit. LARGE SIZE y - T Red Delicious or It’s football time and a ping. water heaters, solar col­ Yogurt ^ special sardine Caesar egg over center of salad. Tuesday;' Cheese­ Florida Tangelos 6 .o, 9 9 Manchester of dectrical safety lectors and woodstove hot ^ McIntosh Apples GREAT FOR OPS salad rounds out a wee­ Pour lemon juice over Tropicana burger, green beans, po­ water systems is designed SWEET PEAS KITCHEN STYLE GREEN BEANS FRENCH Sealtest Sour Cream kend menu for those who egg; toss well. Sprinkle The following lunches tato puffs, pudding and STYLE OREEN BEANS CREAM STYLE CORNOR to keep people out of hot SMALL OR LARGE CURD gather for the sport’s bread cubes and sardines will be served in the public peaches. Because theyVe not scimetfaii:^ water — literally. Orange Juice rituals. over salad. Quickly toss schools the week of Oct.31 Wednesday: Shells, The device, made by FROZEN-RICH IN VITAMIN C Green Giant Sealtest Cottage Cheese The salad also goes well and serve at once. This 8’Y-O*. CORN OK -O UAR TER S through Nov. 4: meatsauce, garlic bread, Condar Co., of Hiram, 1(7-02) cans with the soups, varied kitchen-tested recipe 'you want to learn fixHn e9q>«*ience. Niblets Com L Mazola Margarine Monday: Chilled grape buttered peas, cookie and reads the fluid tempera­ IN O K OR WATER makes 4 to 6 servings. ALL VARIETIES cheeses, pates, breads juice, hamburger on roll. peaches. ture within a range of SO to Geisha ^ lid White Tuna and fresh fruits that make Mel-O-Bit Cheese Slices Experience can be the best teacher. But not mast when pulling your boat on a trailer 250 degrees F inside PVC, CHICKEN FLAVOR up a tailgate picnic at the copper and galvanized Stove Top Stuffing AAP stadium. When tailgating, when it comes to electrical safety. That’s and know the total pipes. It attaches with TOMATO Mozzarella Balls assemble salad ingre­ why we at Northeast Utilities (N U ) want height o f the mast spring steel clips and is Heinz Keg-O-Ketchup SINGLE PLY . dients in a covered bowl ll you to know some o f the important dos and trailer so you designed to fit most resi­ lleallh ' lUaiitv /\ids FINE. MEDIUM OR WIDE and keep, chilled until dential pipe and tubing. Swtt ready to serve. Add egg, and don’rs o f working around power lines. can avoid contact TRIPLE PROTECTION-15' OFF Mueller’s *70 check the water w garlic dressing and sar­ 1. Be careful with roof antennas. They with power lines temperature, you snap Aqua Fresh Bath Tissue dines and toss. A G W A Y i Noodles SINGLE PLY w should never be near along the road. the Pipe Temp onto the outlet pipe of the heater, Toothpaste Scott Paper Towels ”r 69* Sardine Caesar electrical wires. 7. Q ) fly a kite—far away from electrical turn on a hot water tap REOULAR. OILV. DRY OR EXTRA BODY-CONDITIONER OR WHITE LIOUK) FR ESH Check the area thor­ wires. If your kite string should get and wait 3 to 4 minutes Flex Shampoo 'LT Liqua 4 Soap s?.79* Saiad before reading the BONUS PACK 300 PIU S 75 FREE Ocean Spray DISH oughly for wires snagged on or near a 37SA-inch) move a roof antenna. self. Call your ItKal WEIGHT WATCHERS functioning of solar col­ '^14-02 SI V4 teaspoon salt Salad Plate Friskies Dog Dinners cans M. SALE 2. Metal ladders near electrical lines can be Th>9 W ««k ’9 Ftatur* Sugar Substitute N U office. lectors and swimming >/4 teaspoon dry The smart way to save on the freshest, sun-ripened citrus fruit NABtSCO-SPOON SIZE REGULAR OR DIET . very dangerous. W hen using ladders 8. Stay away from pool heaters. WITH A *3.00 PURCHASE mustard Now you can buy in money-saving case lots, and have plenty o( fresh 2 The product Is about $10 Shr^ded Wheat 'A teaspoon b lack fruit on hand for family or friends. All fruit is tree-ripen^ to perfection in around the house or on the job, be sure to downed electric lines— i i x s ; Super Coupon ) j| c&c ' at hardware stores, home OUtCK OR OLD FASHIONED ^ pepper the warm southern sunshine. Then picked, packed and m shra to you for move them cautiously, always watching 70 at least 10 feet away—they may be live. centers and plumbing and Quaker Oats Cola S I'A teaspoons Worces­ wintertime enjoyment. for power lines above. FOR BAKING tershire sauce Succulent eating oranges perfect for snacking...sweet juice oranges Report all downed lines to your local heating supply outlets. JjLm OFF.. bursting with flavor...pink or golden grapefruit. All graded U.S. ' I ! Diamond Walnut Meats J 1 large head romaine 3. Don’t be misled by birds sitting on N U office I WITH THIS.COUPON AND PURCHASE OF ANY | ItJ It J lO It JIM It J So good, it's actually guaranteed LUDENS NEW ENGLAND lettuce, washed and dried electrical lines. The covering that you may immediately. U C LA offers Stoneware Completer Piece \M (.1 \|)l V Ki 1)1 I M All Agway fresh fruit carries a customer satisfaction guarantee. If for any Fifth Avenue Bar Snow ’s Clam Chowder ■A cup crumbled blue see on the lines is not insulation and Llmil O n * Coupon P *r Cuitom oc LUDEN S cheese reason your order is unacceptable, just return it witiun 24 hours lor a full W e at tea seminar ValM Octobor 23rd -O clob «r 29th, 1993. DOW \l I I .s.l). \. refund of the purchase price. it will not protect you from a shock. Meliowmint Candies Saran Wrap 2 tablespoons grated N U are help­ LOS ANGELES (U PI) I OODsl \MI’s TAB on lALL VARIETIES) SCHOKS 6 3-OZ 1 49-PIM S &-OZ OR LOUIStANA 6 Stop by soon, orders must Parmesan cheese 4. Teach your children the hazards o f ing to bring — A tea seminar is on the be r e v iv e d by: O C T . 2 9 , 1 9 ® 3 Coca Cola S.p 1 egg fall semester schedule at Burry Lu Cookies WE WATCH OUR climbing utility poles and towers or play­ basic lifesaving KEEBLER-REQULAR OR UNSALTED 2 tablespoons lemon Forplckupon:„jjy 16, 1983 the University of Califor­ SUNSHINE-CHOCOLATE FUDGE. PEANUT B U n E R OR REGULAR OR BARBEOUE ing around any electrical facility. Th ey may infomiation to P's ANDO’S juice nia at Los Angeles. Sugar Zesta Wise Potato Chips 1 can (3V4 ounces) Nor­ not he aware o f just how dangerous thousands o f The half-day program TWISTS. STICKS OR RODS way sardines, drained electricity can be. youngsters for both professional'and Wafers X 1 “ Saltines RoW Gold Pretzels J ItJ It J It J It J It J It J Crush half of the garlic general students will be 5. Trimming or climbing trees? Watch out throughout our school systems, through WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT SALES AND TO CORRECT 1YPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS clove; combine with salad led by Samuel H.G. Twin­ PRICES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 23RO THRU OCTOBER 29TH, 1983 ITEMS FOR SALE NOT AVAILABLE fO WHOLESALE OR RETAK DEALERS. oil in ja r with tight fitting for electrical wires! courses like our School Safety Program. ing on Saturday, Nov. 5. WHOLE •TOREBUCEO lid. Refrigerate 1 hour. Wires may have be­ These types o f programs have helped us “ The English Way of Heat 2 tablespoons oil- Monterey 2 9 9 Glazed come concealed in keep electricity one o f the safest and Tea” is sponsored by the 2 * 9 garlic mixture in medium University Extension De­ 3 4 : ^ 9 9 * Jack F naked Ham skillet. Add bread cubes; the branches, so most useful forms o f eneigy we have. partment of the Arts. It saute until golden brown. inspect the tree To keep electricity working for you, will include a discussion llu’ M.ikirv ( lu r s i' World lol l oods = Hu'i)di Set aside. To remaining carefully before you begin work. you’ve got to leam the rules o f electrical of the historic and cultural oil-garlic mixture in jar, significance of tea, the WITH BAUQ8 COLOMM.TOPMMMO add salt, mustard, pepper 6. Watch for power lines when sailing safety. Before you leam them the hard ways climate, picking and SnjnmKnnc^ ..I” tSboPs Vermont Cheddar -2 *’ Italan Style Mealbals - 2 ” German SalMH and Worcestershire or bringing your boat ashore. Lower the way. processing techniques in­ cgtowMWTOPiayi sauce. Shake and refrig­ fluence tea quality and fC^Rols 6- 59* French Onion Nftiblers - 2 ” Macaroni & Cheese GenMHiBologHi erate. To serve salad, rub flavor and the variety of ONUNKONIV WITHUra . Inside of wooden salad approaches to brewing u-69* Imported Switzerland Swiss - 3 " Stuffed Green Peppers - 2 ” ^SSeSlaw -59*^ n o R t h w i s t i m u r a n and serving tea. FOi A MESMSi OF THC COMNCCTICUT LK2HT AND FOWCR COMPANY The program will in­ ------V CNRIST1M NOFE AND LOVE Buckland Agway 540 New State IVnURN MAS$lO(U8CnS CUCTRK COMPANY clude a tea tasting and a HOIYOKE WATER POWER COMPANY traditional English after­ NORTHEAST UTILITIES SCRViCt COMPANY Dlal848^0PE Manchester CT2 noon tea at a nearby hotel. 643-5123 I NORTHEAST NUCLEAR ENERGY COMMNV A Mining If , ’Twining Is the ninth Caldor Shopping Plaza Burr Corners, Manchester generation representa- CNtir CMffifitiml Cbi'icli Wf 'f') y f >1 tf ' If *t 11', (' Ybto sMtIy kiFormHon l« paM tor by NU cuotomara. HOURS: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 6:00 A.M. TD 12:00 P.M.; HinoiMlir lUve of the Twinings tea A G W A \ ^ |(amlly of London. SATURDAY 6:00 A.M. TD 10:00 P.M.; SUNDAY 0:00 A.M. TD 5:00 P.M. Hi MANC IIKSTKK IIKH.M.I). Wi'diU’M ljy. O il. 2li. Hm:i MANC'HE.STEK HEKAI.U, Wednc.scUiy, Oct. 26, 1983 - 17 News for Senior Citizens Children shown how to shed pounds and keep them off

NATICK, Mass. (U PI) - Peter cused on youngsters starving started saying 'no' to fattening to 103. .tiih.s Kupliin suid, " I pounds, said he "used to think began bringing lunch from home Shot clinics designed for people with health problems Ifleaney got sick of wearing large themselves with anorexia nervosa, foods, learned a lot abopt nutrition about food all the time. and stopped buying junk foods. learned that just because it's there I sizes and running so slow he far more struggle with obesity and and stopped pigging oui." doesn't mean you have to eat it." "But the other kids here were so His sister Cheryl, 11, dropped 27 Kdltor's note: this column Is ease, kidney disease, diabetes questions may speak to the stuff at the following dates: Thuf-sday Oct. ments will be served in the dining be not open until 9 a.m. $3.00.9 to 12 couldn't catch up with other the resulting peer rejection and All the youngsters use a combi­ Kevin Stearns, who lost 31 encouraging.” he said, that he pounds. prepared by the staff of the mellitus, severe anemia orcanccr. the clinic or call the Health 27. 1 to 3 p.m., Wednesday Nov. 2,1 room. Proceeds wiii support the noon. t2-year-otds. low esteem, say .psychologist Mi­ nation of diet therapy, nutritional Manchester Senior Center. It ap­ A pneumococcal vaccine will be Department. to 3 p.m. U you have any questions. meals program at the center. Nov. 9 — Variety Show auditions, But he couldn't stop "pigging chele Gibl^ns-Curr and nurse counseling, vigorous exercise and pears on the Manchester Herald on avaialable. This vaccine produces Representative Elzie (Biz) plea.se'contact Norm Lasher at Please make note of the follow­ 12:30. New persons are encour­ out” — until he learned he wasn’t Edna Smith of Leonard Morse group discussions. Wednesdays and Saturdays. protection against 23 types of Swensson announces that the Le­ 643-7528. Due to inclem ent ing dates and activities: aged to participate. tfie only adolescent confronting Hospital in Natick. " I got myself into a weight pneumococcal pheumonia. Protec­ gislative Committee will discuss weather, the last two scheduled Oct. 27 — Al Colton will entertain obesity. Ms. Gibbons-Carr has developed gaining pattern," said Robyn By Jeanette Cave tion is now considered life long deregulation in nursing homes at a golfing dates have been cancled. with selections on the organ. Nov. 10 — No program — we will ' Meaney lost 17 pounds in a a strategy to help young people Kapfan, 12, whose favorite foods Senior Center Director from a single doso. Vaccinations series of meetings. Each meeting The date for the Annual Arts and Nov. 3 — Senior Center Orches­ set up for Crafts Fair. program that tailors diets to the shed pounds and keep them off. were sweets, cakes and ice cream. are available for those with will be held at the State Capitol Crafts Fair is quickly approach­ tra will entertain. Nov. 16 — Computer program special needs of adolescents and "Learning other kids are fat and "But I just got fed up wearing 4 L Flu shots at the Senior Center chronic conditions. You should Building. Senate Room 321. The ing. The date is Saturday, Nov. 12 Nov. 3 Legal Aid Assistance. Call still has openings. 9 a.m. builds a positive self-image. have the same problems really larger sizes.” will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 9 consult your physician before dates are as follows: Nov. 2 and 16, from 9 a.m, to 3 p.m. If you have for an appointment. Nov. 17 — Thanksgiving meal While public attention has fo­ helped me,” Meaney said. "I After trimming 113 pounds down from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. The clinics taking this vaccination. December 7 and 17 and January 4 items that you wish to donate, Nov. 7 — Sign up for Florida trip. will be served. Film, "The House are designed for those persons Also given on this day will be a and 18. I please bring them to the front Fliers available at the center. 9:30 that Mark Built" will be shown. Hi considered in a high risk category, Tetanus / Diptheria vaccine. Addi­ Golfers intere.sted in purchasing office. Christinas items, handi­ a.m. Energy kits will be available Redeem this including persons 65 years or older tional information on these vac­ tickets for the Annual iMnquet on crafts, wood items, plants, books, Nov. 8 — Election Day — square Friday. Call before you come in. MONEY SAVING COUPON and persons with a chronic illness cines will be available at the Nov. 10, 6 p.m. at the American baked goods and white elephants dance & exercise class canceled. All scores will appeartn the next \ The such as heart disease, lung dis- clinics. Persons with particular Legion may do so at the I'entcr on will be available for sale. Refresh­ Nov. 9 — Flu shots — Doors will column. >. at any store H selling this product. Advice CBS was No. 1 last week NEW Y O R K (U P I) -C B S was the 28 share; ABC a 17.9 rating with a 29 No. 1 prime time network last week share; and NBC a 15.4 rating with a but ABC Sports won the highest 25 share. Tastes better thanever! rating ever for a Sunday* evening ABC's NFL football special, in Forgiveness is slap in the face football game and the highest of this which the Los Angeles Raiders beat football season for a Monday game. the Dallas Cowboys 40-38 Sunday DEAR ABBY: I met a ily. (How about adopted financial circumstances. The A.C. Nielsen prime time night, was the No. 1 show in its time very attractive gentle­ children?) You should We offer a wide variety of scoreboard for the week ending Oct. slot with a 20.7 rating and a 36 share. 2 V Plumper Raisins man at a resort last feel highly honored that mental health services, 23 gave CBS an 18 rating with a 28 It finished 11th for the week. winter. He told me he was youngsters use the loving including counseling, psy­ percent share of the viewing au­ a 67-year-old widower, title of "grandparents" to chotherapy and psychiat­ dience, ABC a 16.8 with a 27 share The network's spectacular Mon­ Crispier Flakes and I told him I was a Dear Abby address you, even though ric services. and NBC a 15.8 with a 25 share. day night 48-47 battle that Greenbay V liifg Q won over Washington also was top In 62-year-old divorcee. The you are not their "blood We are supported by The new fall season's averages to facts are that I am 68 and Abigail Van Buren relatives” either. clients fees and funding date have locked CBS and ABC in a its time slot, beating CBS’ popular new "After MASH" series” with a twice divorced. from federal, state and tight race for No. 1. In the fourth ''^PortantT^f (flings th k « ^otes c. ^ ’ '®o. The relationship be­ D EAR ABBY: So many local governments. It week of the 1983-84 television season, 20.4 rating and a 35 share. It finished of your "solutions” lately CBS has an average 18 rating with a 12th for the week. 6 came serious rather wQutd^be greatly appre- quickly. I met his family seem to be solved with ciutedV you would men­ S A V E 25^ and he met mine and we "Get counseling” or "You tis tht resources com­ started talking marriage. need therapy" or "See a munity mental health Those kids call us Then' I felt guilty for but kept it to himself. p s ychologist or centers may offer people ^ V ■'Grandma'' and having lied to him about What do you think? psychiatrist.” with personal difficulties "Grandpa.?' We aren't Cinema RaiSINBRaN ''^oduct my age and the number of NE.W YORK AND Abby, please be more at little or no cost to them. really their grandparents, "The Fruff and Cereal divorce, so I decided to FLORIDA realistic. Not everyone BARBARA A, SMITH are we? • Loverb Cereal". tell him the truth. His. can afford that kind of CENTER FOR BETTER Hartford 9:30. — Floshdonce (R) 12, The Dead Zone (R) 7,9:10.— Another daughter re­ Atheneum Cinema — Reop­ 3:50, 7:40 with An Officer and reaction was like a slap in DEAR N.Y. AND FLA.: help. LIVING The Evil Dead 7:10, 9:10. — cently married a man ens Thursdav. a Gentleman (R) 1:45, 5:30, Brainstorm (PG) 7:10, 9:25. the face. He just laughed I think you are projecting BARELY MAKING IT MARLBOROUGH, Cinema City — Pauline ot 9:30. — Under Fire (R) 12, — Never Sav Never Again with three children, and the Beach (R) 7:20, 9:20. — and said, "Oh, I ’ve known your guilt onto a very nice MASS. 2:25, 4:45, 7:10, 9:40. (PG) 7, 9:25. his kids also call us Calloulo 8. — The Return ol Wllllmonllc Windsor that all along.” gentleman who seems wil­ DEAR BARELY: Martin Guerre 7,9:10.— The ■'Grandma'' and Jlllson Souore Cinema — Plaza — Culo (R) 7:15. I feel that he made a fool ling to overlook the fact Please read on: DEAR BARBARA; Draughtman's Contract (R) "Grandpa." What rela­ 7:30, 9:35. 4 , . 4 • » of me, knowing the truth that you lied to him. Consider it mentioned. I,'' - t t-S .A ^ tion are these kids to us? CInesludio — Exposed (R) all along and pretending Forgive yourself. Then it D EAR ABBY; In a 7:30 with Floshdonce (R) » 4 X-. We feel that grandchild­ not to know. Wasn't that will be easier for you to recent column, I noticed a For Abby's updated, 9:25. ren have to be blood Colonial — Coll theater lor dishonest, Abby? forgive him. letter from a person who revised and expanded relatives. showtimes. Now I am not sure of my claimed he could not booklet, " How to Be Popu­ East Horttord WHAT ARE WE? feelings for him. He in­ DEAR ABBY: Will you afford counseling. Eastwood Pub & Cinema — MANUFACTURER'S COUPON EXPIRES MARCH 31. I9S4 lar" — for people of all Floshdonce (R) 7:30. sists those small fibs I told please solve a family ( DEAR WHAT: The As the executive direc­ ages — send $2. plus a I Poor Richard's Pub 4 Cl- I 2 5 ‘ when him don't matter and I problem for us? Three children are your "step- tor of a community men­ nemo — Risky Business tR) long, self-addressed, you buy STORE COUPON years ago our oldest grandchildren." Children tal health clinic, I am 7:30, 9:30. Please send me . sets ol Diamond should just forget it, but I stumped (37 dcpts) enve­ Showcase Cinemas —, need not be blood rela­ SAVE 25* Crystal Salt Memo Magnets I enclose a sell- daughter died and her unaware of any instance I Save100 can’t forget how he humil I lope to Abby, PopulcMuty, Brainstorm (PG) 1:05, 7:30, iated me by telling me he husband married a tives in order to be loved wheji' we have turned a P.O. Box 38923, Holly­ 9:35. — The Dead Zone (R) RaiSIN BRaN TOTMEOEALER This cou­ redemptioni Redemptions addressed stamped envelope plus two labels pon will be fWeemeo only are not honored through from any Diamond Crystal Sait product lor woman with two children. and accepted into a fam­ persmi away because of l u a 7:45, 9:55. — The Big This coupon good only on purchase ot product indicated knew all along I had lied wood. Calif. 90038. ChllKtR) 1:15, 7:35, 9:55. — as follows Tor amount brokers or outsioe agefloes each set ordered I 54300011425900 Arty other use constitutes fraud I spKiiieo plus 7c handling Coupons are not transfera­ Rumbie Fish (R) 1:30, 7:20, COUPON NOT TRANSFERABLE LIM IT-O NE COUPON PER PURCHASE proviOM coupon is fectived ble and void if use is prohib- Mall to: Oiainoml Crystal Salt 9:30. -A M r. Mom (PG) 1:25, Irom Customer on purchase iieA laied restncled or Mattie Massat Olltr 7:25, 9:30. — The Right Stuff To the retailer: G K will 'eimDi/f&e you ti^ the face value ol ihi$ coupon of ksied merchanoise Proof license IS fequirrt Custom­ Dipt. 712 (PG) 1:30, B.— TheEvllO ead plus 8c it suDfTiiIled in compliance with GtC Redemption Policy C i m of purchase of Sufficient er must pay any sates tai I Btalir rtiempIlM. I stock of merchandise lo 'fwi SI. Oalr, Ml. 4S079 1:30, 7:40, 10. — Never Soy cofporaied nerein Dy teleience Valid omy if redeemed Dy reidii n ail to: D Ia n tN Crystal Unusual problem; winter hay fever Never Again (PG) 1, 7:10, distfiOutOfS ol ouf mercnandise or anyone specilicaHy aulhon«d :over coupons Submitted Th« Park will must be shown on reouest ComNoy. Doi 9:40. Dy GFC Ca’sh value i /?0c Mail to General i-oods Corporalion lEaiiure to comply may void St Oolr.totr.MicMtan 0079 Manchester cloaa for Ibe winter I PO Box 103 Kankakee il 6090? I all coupons submitted fo' DEAR DR. LAMB: I could come back. I have a would tell you this is not UA Theaters East — Re­ A d d re s s - have an unusual problem. Pap smear once a year cancer. After the diseased turn ol the JedI (PG) 7, 9:20. on Oct. 30 but will ba H .PUUU t I *4 C 3 GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION ■ * -S ta te - I have hay fever in the now. but sometimes I still area is removed it is — Under Fire (R) 7:10, 9:30. open for sledding on C.ly------Z iD - — 48 Hrs. (R) 9:20 with I I STORE COUPON winter. I have heard that have some infection and important to have regular Trading Places (R) 7:30. weekends and holi­ OFFER EXPIRES 6<30/84 Manslleld most people have hay Your Health pain. I 'm 31 years old and follow-up examinations to days when snow an d fever in the fall or at least had my tubes tied after make sure you do not Trans-Lux College Twin — Never Sov Never Again (PG) in the summer from rag­ our third child. develop important cell waatbar conditions C 7,9:30, — B arryLvndon (PG) weed or other pollens. But Lawrence Lamb, M.D. DEAR READER: Dys­ changes. 7:15. are suitable. Vornon the reason 1 have mine in plasia really means the. Ev4dently it has been Cine 1 4 2 — Easy Money the winter is that I am cells are not of normal six years since your treat­ (R) 7, 9:10. — Risky Business WICKHAM PARK allergic to cedar. structure. If they are just ment. so you are unlikely (R) 7:10, 9:30. Buy THREE, 1329 Itat MiNb leitii GET TH E TASTE West Hartford When the cedar season a l(ttle abnormal they will to have changes from Elm 142 — Coll theater lor rolls around I am misera­ your dysplasia. But you Muclntii, Cnetiiort hand. Check with your not be cancerous. But showtimes. ble. My nose is swollen child in 1977 I had to have could develop new prob­ The Movies — Return ol the allergist about a program more severe abnormali­ 528-0856 and raw and drips. It even freezing done to ifiy cer­ lems and may be at a JedI (PG) 12, 2:25, 4:45, 7:10, for you, but don’t expect it ties of the cells would be affects my breathing. vix. The doctor did a slightly greater risk than T classified as carcinoma in to be a quick affair. Best biopsy and he said I had WKINGC A B There is a lot of cedar women who have not had 31 results are obtained by a situ, which means early where I live and it is borderline dysplasia. The dysplasia. So it is impor­ Directed by Ernetl P. CMIIo program that may involve pre-invasive cancer. ! III M Kl . impossible to avoid it. freezing procedure took tant that you follow your a year-round effort. You must have had I M .V n( lit ^ 11 K “TONY" bast musical What do you suggest? about 10 minutes. Some people do well cryo-surger-y, using cold doctor's instructions re- I would like to know to remove the areas of garding regular WITHOUT with some of the nasal DEAR READER; See evaluation. sprays containing corti­ what dysplasia is and if it abnormal cells. Again I your doctor. You may costeroids. But caution want to see an allergist. must be used in the choice Yes, there are many of medicines. Absorbing more people who have too much can induce corti­ MtfMcal OIraefor ^ E L U N G allergies in the growing “An Old New England Fair” costeroid changes in the ____ Wayfia Johaaon season, but some are body. Others do well on Oct. 29 10am-4pm allergic to cedar and RMIIIt antihistamines. If you use others to molds, or even to those, to get the best household pets. results try to take them 6Ul^&POllS OUTAFCHTTUNE But the treatment is Second Congregational Church regularly whether you are usually along the same having an attack at the North Main Street At*>sieALim.£*fwoAoYMy line. You do need to avoid •tfMo# raitt time or not. 643-2711 the source as much as You'll get some other Nov. 4, 5, 11, 12 at 8:30P.M. possible. Judging from tips from The Health CRAFTS - FOOD - GAMES • FUN Bailey Auditorium your letter, if there were Letter 8-4, Hay Fever Manchester High Schooi no cedar you would have (Allergic Rhinitis), which Entertainment: no problems. You need to I am sending you. Others Contests: practice the same avoi­ who want this issue can 11:00 Jim Brand on 10:30 Pumpkin -growing dance techniques we re­ send 75 cents with a long, the banjo ffflanrliPHtpr commend to ragweed vic­ stamped, self-addressed 12:00 Old Fashioned 11:45 Rotten Sneaker tims and try to keep the .Sing-a-long envelope for it to me, in 12:45 Moustache t Beard THE MANCHESTER pollen out of your house. care of this newspaper, 1:00 Nell Paterson For best results it is P.O. Box 1551, Radio City his musical saw 1:45 Jelly Bean Hrralft ' k wise to begin desensitiza­ Station, New York, N.Y. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA tion shots early — well 2 10019. Mail US before the season of the O l Idck Heller particular allergy is at DEAR DR. LAMB: Af­ thifi0e64oz. ter tfie birth of my third See the FINEST ATTRACTIONS Mukii Director .ind Conductor Juice and we will send you a coupon fCr one free 64 oz. t-3S FESTIVAL DAHCE THEATRE at the LOWEST PRICES! SUNDAY OCTOBER 30,1983 carton. ^ Ifie 4:00 P.M. Steeping Manchester High School 4 0 SAVE2(K:^ MM GROTIH VK SHU mntkKSe you ^ B e a u ty lot the Ijce smouni of me cougon I On Any One 64 oz. plus 6( pm couoon lot fiandiinQ piii J f wded you and the consuneMvM SAVE4(K compked wtin ihe tetms of this olid TUESDAY Join us lor an enchanting adventure “Violin Conctrto E minor-major” Op. 64 Container of Pieseniation lot ledemptoi witriout such compliance consiiiuies fraud On Any Two 64 oz. into the world ct ballet with this fairy­ Iminices pmvmo pmchase of suili NOV Broadway: 845 Hartford: 820 'Guest Violnist cient slock of our tyandSi locovd tale love story set to the romantic coupuns ivesented ttv ledempbori Containers of 8 music of Tchaikovsky! ShotUkovIch — / / musi be shoiMi upon ia(]uesl livpicand CONSUME H must pay any sales Ui Qen. Public $8.00 $7.00 $5.00 Coupon may nut be itansfetred oi as 8:00 PM “Symphony No;^" Op. 70 (194S) 100% Pure s $ )^ and IS VON) wheie its use is TICKETS ON SALE NOWI piohibiied taied ot omerwise rr Tropicana stficied Cashvakie \ ?0( Ihspnei JORGENSEN zm P7 Orange IS kmied 10 one ceupon pei ppichase thndel — “Rremrks Music" Redeem by maihno lu Rod 100% Pure uci Sales Inc Po 6011492 Dm FHIDAV CABARET AUDITORIUM I ^ / ion lo$ta&?234 Coupon miisi be for SPECIAL Juice sraidcd lo clcitmg hou$f ynthm 60 O ran g e, NOV EVENT The average top ticket price for 1983/84 events at Jor­ (lays ol flipuaiion dale CIsaiinghouMOpirtsb Juice 11 BUY YOUR gensen Auditorium - 0 2 If you love the taste of crab meat, but the STORE COUPON TICKETS NOWI MASDO IIMQMS Coupon sspitss Ms'Ch 31 IM4 TO RETAILER Geisha will reimburse you price leaves you crabby, try Taste O ’Crab. 2St plus 7C handling provided you receive "An evAiwwh# o< e r m n .. Your family of 4 can enjoy our best seats at the Con­ Mflsao im D37 8:00 PM rOAR TIMES LNM - On coupon N t pufchaie coupon Irom a consumer purchasing new "Limited Seating necticut Ballet's magical production of “The Nut­ SENIOR CITIZENS 4 STUDENTS It’s a tender white fish that looks and tastes specified product Presentit»o(v->or rr- Only" demption (or in y o tn if reason constrfutes SAVE $2.00 cracker" for only ^ 2 4 . ^ c 1983. lyoptcana Products, Inc just like King Crab, but costs a lot less. fraud AdequaieprooToipurchasemuslbe GENERAL ADMISSION submined upon reguest. Coupon may not Taste O ’Crab livens up salads, makes be reproduced, assigned or transfifTMl Any $4.00 sales ta i musl be paid by the consumer ,_Ajoroensen FREE ORANGE JUICE a delicious stuffing for tomatoes, and Void where prohibited, licensed, taxed or restricted by law Cash value t/20 ol I t Enclosed are 3 UPC symbols from 64 oz. cartons ol MAIL TO: Tropicana Orange Juice, P.O. Box 1108. Rldgely, tastes great right out of the can. So don’t lim ii one coupon pet customer. Mail cou­ [ Jorae nsen HcketsA Info Doiiicana Pure Premium Orange Juice. Please send me MD. 216B4 pon to Geisha. PO Box 1303. Cknion. kiwa Tlckati Avallabla: a coupon lor a free 64 oz. carton. IMPORTANT: Use official mall-ln certificate only; no pay a king’s ransom. Get Taste O ’Crab. 527M Otter expiies February 28.1964 udttorium Audfiolo r iu n f 4 S 6 '4 2 2 6 reproductions accepted. Address must Include zip code. At tha Door The University ot Connecticut • Slorrs NAME:------254 Ballar't Mutic Shop Void where taxed, prolilbited, or restricted. OFFER EX- ONGEnHA^TASTEO'CaAB'” I Box U-104, The University ol Connecticut Balmont Racord Shop ADDRESS:------RRES DECEMBER 31, 1983; REQUESTS POSTMARKED 7im0 lOODS't naTiwnoNCBAB j TicHets&lnro486-4226 B »*• AFTER THIS DATE VOID, Sk. Boa Otiic* opMi 9 4 MondM f ihMv '------’ Slorrs, Connecllcul 06268 Box Office open 9-4, Monday-Friday Sibaitian’i Mutio Ctntar c n v :_ .STATE: .ZIP: ------J 18 — MANCHKSTKK HKHALD, Wediit'sdiiy. Oct, 26. 1983 MANCHESTER HKRAUJ, WfdnL.sduv, Oct. 26, 1983 -- 19

CNp 'n* fll« rtfundt M4M/MARS School Time Savings $2 Refund. Wednesday TV Send the required refund form and six Universai About Town tops, 8nMk Foods, Candy (File No. S) Product Code symbols from any of the following I Clip out thif file and keep It with similar packages: Milky Way, Snickers, 3 Musketeers or santad from IndlsnapollB, IN. (2 } caah-off coupons — beverage coupons, for Mars 10-ounce Snack Bars or M&M’s Plain or (20) ~ Hogan's Heroes ® > MOVIE: 'Tape' Cadets, QD - Benny HW Show Antique show and sale 6:00P.M. hr*.) s example. Start collecting the needed proofa of Peanut Chocolate Candies 16-ounce Snack Packs. Gift Show at MMH (S ) ~ Monayline threatened with the closino of (C - Rockford Fils* C£) (D CD ® ® ® - News their scliool. Incite a student re- 8 - MOVIE: ‘My Sweat , purchase while looking for the required forms at Expires Dec. 31, 1983. COVENTRY — The Coventry Historical Society ( 8 - News - Honeymooner* Manchester Memorial Hospital’s Auxiliary plans a GD ** ThrM 't Company beliioo. Tin>othy Hutton, George 39 Clwilta' Two sscapasa from *o- the aupermarket, in newspapers and magazines, NESTLE Chocolate Bar Offer, Receive a $1.20 will have its annual antique show and sale .Saturday CD - Buck Rogort ( 8 (B ) “ Business Report C. Scott. Sean Penn. 1981.Rsted 8 - Croeeflra claiy. a young wNt* gkl and a 'pre-holiday gift show on Thursday in the conference Mack man are trapped by Mr- and when trading with friends. Offers may not be refund. Send the required refund form and eight from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Coventry High School, PG 8 8 -..Tonight Show room C at the hospital from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. GD - Lova Boat (2S) ** Esclava Isaura cumstsneas and forced to stay available in all areas of the country. Allow to About 35 dealers will return this year from New (39 - Countdown to 'B4 Today’s wrappers from Nestle Milk Chocolate Bars Discount-priced items such as cards, Christmas (B ) - Atpina Ski School Up and - Entertainment Tonight 8 - Album Flash together. Patty Duka, Al Fraaman weeks to receive each refund. York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. HAPPY program presents weekly prev­ (except miniatures.) Expires Dec. 31,1983. ornaments, wickeF4(qm8 as well as calendars for the Dow n the Slopes.' This show il­ G9) - Famity Feud iews and profiles of the 1984 8 - PaUcula: 'Paso on ml Jr, Ford Rainey. 1970. Today’s refund offers are worth $20. This The items offered for sale range from shaker to lustrates traveling around the Barrio' NESTLE Rebate Booklet Offer. Receive a new year will be featuTbd at the show. Dom DeLulse stars in the Olympics. 1:30 A.M. week's refund offers have a total value of $20.20. Parker Brothers Rebate Booklet — up to $30 in toy primitive to colonial. mountain and intrc^uces the turn 7:30 P.M. 8 - Bob Nswhart Show Baskets and decoratiras with a special raffle for a with a 'Christie* or 'Controlled title role ot "Happy," a (8 ) - Freemen Reports QD - Sanford and Son This offer doesn’t require a refund form; refunds. Send the required refund form and 10 Chairmen for the event arc Dawn Carlson, Carole CD " PM Magazine large wicker chair wiiTtake place. Door prizes will Skid.' suspense drama about a ® 0 ** 8t. Elsewhere Season 12:00 A.M. CC - Chloo and the Man QUINLAN Rebate Ofler, Box 4300, Young wrappers from ,any Nestle Chocolate Bars Miller and Bert Rappe. Admission will be $1.75. CD - All In the Family Premiere. A city heehh advisor re­ also be part of the festivities. ® - Flashback: Great Plague once-popular TV clown who CC - Police Story QD - CNN HaadHns New* America, MN 05399. Receive a $1 refund and two (except miniatures). Expires Dec. 31, 1983. Proceeds support the Coventry Brick School, the of 1918 The epidemic that CD - Joker's Wild fuses to give Dr. Craig permission solves a crime and becomes a to do e heart transplant end e hus­ 39 - Sanford and Son 8 - Indapandant Network 2S-cent coupons for the Quinlan Pretzel pur­ SUN GIANT Snackin’ Spree $2.50 Refund. Send Sprague House and the Strong House. claimed 20 million people is ex* CD - Family Feud amined. hero, airing WEDNESDAY, band refuses to accept his wife’s 3) - MOVIE: Flnt Blood' A Nows chases. Send the Universal Product Code symbol the required refund form and the Universal Health Dept, presents film ' CD - Banny Hill Show O C T . 26 on “ The CBS diegnpsis after she has had e Vietnam veteran usee Me Green 8 - NSC New* Ovamight from any three bags of Quinlan Pretzels, 9-ounce Product Code symbota from any three Sun Giant ( B ~ USA Cartoon Express heart attack. (60 min.) Beret training when chased by On Thursday Manchester Health Department will (3D - 2nd Annual Legendary Wednesday Night Movie." 8 - MOVIE: ‘San With tha or larger, plus your name and address on a 3-by-5 snack items. (You must include at least one glass Handmade ornaments wanted O • Dr. Gena Scott Pocket Billiards Stars This 8 - MOVIE: ‘Rlehard Pryor brutal sherin'a men. Sylvestsr present a film titled "The Cancer No One Talks Dee Wallace co-stars as a Stsllona, Richard Crenns, Brian Sttra An sdvic* cokjmnlit at- card. Expire! Dec. 31,1903. Jar item). Expires Dec. 31,1983. ® - CHIPS show features Cowboy Jimmy Uv* on tiM SunMt Strip' tamptt to discover H passion and About” to senior citizens. "Highlight the Holidays” will be the theme of this Moore U .J. Puckett. (60 min.) waitress who befriends him. Dennehy. Rated R. These offers require refund forms: WISE $1 Refund. Send the required refund form & - M O V IE : 'Gloria' A former vs. Pryor's wit it presented in this ih* zodiac ar* ralatao.'Rated R. At 9 a.m. the film will be shown at M ayfair Gardens. year’s Holiday Festival of Trees sjx>nsored by the gun moll attempts to keep a child O - Sports Look coTKert filmed at the Hollywood 8 - Radio IB M Today's pro­ BRACH’S Meet 'N Treat $1 Refund. Send the and the net weight statements from the fr^nt of PeMedkim Rated R. gram looks at (ha hottest trends 8-D**p*dlds 211 N. Main St., and at 1 p.m. at Westhill Gardens, 24 Women's Committee of the Wadsworth Atheneum. from being eliminated by the SS) (8) - M*A*S*H CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME required refund form and four Brach’s Halloween four bags of Wise Cheez Doodles, and/or Wise mob. Gena Rowlands. 1980. tnd parformars In the world of 1:45 A.M. Candy Bags (excluding the Snack Pack bags). Bravos and/or Wise Torteros Tortilla Chips, Bluefield Drive. In addition to the donated decorated trees and S ) - Crossfire antartsinmsni. Rated PG. 10:30 P.M. Cg^- ESPN's Horaa Radno Expires Dec. 31, 1983. S-ounce or greater. Expirs Dec. 31, 1983. acces.sories of past years, individuals from across the & - This Old House (B)-N« w i 8 - Dr. Qsno Scott state are tieing asked to help decorate a 14-foot tree by (B ) - MacNeil/Lahrer LA Y’S /RUFFLES Coupon Offer. Receive four Here’s a refund form to write for: Eveready $1 Threepenny Opera’ at MCC (Q ) - Veronica, El Rostro del 8 - Pick th* Pro* Sport.wri- 8 - Nswsnight 8 - MOVIE: 'Lov* ChNd' A donating single handcrafted ornaments. This “ com­ Nawshour Amor 2S-cent coupons good on Lay’s and Ruffles Cash Refund Offer, P.O. Box 800, Kenilworth, NJ tors preview games end viewers 8 - MOVIE: ‘Kontuoky Fried young woman who bacomat Brands. Send the required refund form aiid five 07133. This offer expires Dec. 31, 1983. (While ^ Manchester Community College opens its 1983 munity tree” will be displayed in the front foyer of the ® - Reporter 41 (S ) - Wheel of Fortune compete for prizes. Movla' Satirical tkatchas poke pregnant whH* In prison hat to Universal Product Code symbols from any flavor waiting for the form save two packagecards with season with a production of “ Threepenny Opera" by Atheneum, during the festival and throughout the O - November Preview (S ) ** Barney Miller " 8 - AHrwl HItchoocfc fun at moviat and TV commar- fight to have and keep har baby. ' cialt. Donald Sutherland, Hanry Amy Madigan, Beau Bridga*. of Lay’s Brand or Ruffles Brand Potato Chips. plastic removed from any combination of Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill on Thursday in the holiday season. H I - M*A«8*H ® - People's Court 8 - 2 4 Hotm Gibson. 1977. Rstsd R. 1982. Rated R Expires Dec. 31, 1983. Eveready Super Heavy Duty Batteries). Manchester Community College auditorium on the Handmade ornaments, no larger than five inches, 6:30P.M. (E) - Dr. Who 8 - MOVIE: "Dm Frmch Bidwell Street campus. may be donated for the tree and all items must have a Hepburn, Burt Lancaster, Audie 8 8 - Facte of Life Things 8 - MOVIE: 'Romo 2:00A.M. G D -Taxi 8:30 P.M. Ueutenant't Women' An ac­ Advsnturo' An Amsricsn girl Performances are scheduled through Saturday. wire attached for hanging. They must be delivered to Murphy. 1960. become spooky when a custo­ tress' on-screen tragedy is juxta­ CC - CBS Naws NIghtwatoh CD - CBS News 8:00 P.M. CD “ Carol Burnett and Friends mer is missing and the girls fesr goes to Italy to leem about love. Curtain time is 8 p.m. the Athencum’s information desk, inside the Main (S ) - Prime News posed with an off-screen Troy Donahue. Angie Dickinson, CC - MOVIE: 'Jsursi' The atoty. 2 ( B - ESPN's Horsa Racing CD CD ^ Whiz Kids Richie teams (32) - Worfd Sportanten This that he may have become an in­ romance with her leading man. Tickets are $3.50 for general admission and $2.50 for Street entrance, between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., Tuesday his computer ingenuity with pri­ (8 ) ® - Reel People Tonight's Suzanne Pleshette. 1962. of the conflict of the Mexlctr([^ Supermarket Shopper Wkly. show features mountain climbing gredient in Mrs. Garrett's brs- Meryl Streep. Jeremy Irons. Indian liberator end Hepsburg ^ d e n ts and senior citizens. For reservations, call through Sunday, nolaterthan Nov. 14. Or mail them to vate eye A .J. Simon to intercept program features a *Sci*Fi Ball,’ ® ® >- NBC News and search for 'Ciudad Blanca - twurst. 1981. Rated R. Prince MeximiHien for freedom of the sate of a vial of nerve gas. (60 an interwiew with Elvira, a T V 12:30 A.M. M9-1061. "Community Tree," Wadsworth Atheneum, 600 Main The Lost White City.' (60 min.) (8 ) * Greet Performances The Mexico from France. Paul Muni, ® - Noticiero Nacional SIN min.) horror movie hostess and a (S) ‘ Independent Network CD - All In tho Family St., Hartford. Noticias nacionates con Guillermo psychic who claims to have an­ (S ) - Zookeepers Life of Verdi. (Pen 1)* Burt Lan­ N ew t Bette Davie. John Garfield, - PM Magazine caster hosts and narrates this ( E - NIghtlln* Restrepo. CD tennae in the back of his head. (8 ) - Tramps Para un Sonedor Claude Reins. 1939 Square dance fun night special look at Giuseppe Verdi's 11:00 P.M. CD G9) - Fall Guy (60 min.) Un hombre se encuenira entre el CC - Outer Limits ( D - Joe Franklin Show FDA should have b ^n told 1 8 - MOVIE: 'Slwtlock Holms, life and music. (2 hrs.) The Knights of Columbus of Bolton will sponsor a and the Pearl of Death' Holmes CD * MOVIE: 'She's Dressed to amor de dos muierea. Antonio d) CD CiD 8 8 8 - New* - Saturday Night (31) - Emergenoy (8 ) - MOVIE: 'Lost Horizon' A 39 square dance fun night Friday from 7 to 11:30 p.m. at ar>d Watson solve the mystery of Kill' A once-reigning designer in Grimau, Cristina Alberto, Dora ® - M*A*8*H kidnapped American diplomat 9:30 P.M. 8 - Sports Prob* the Creeper and the stolen Pearl the fashion industry stages a Prince. (X )-S o * p 2:15A.M. By Martin Sloane >240. Or, if you live in a starting early new year, iially came to the conclu- St. Maurice Parish Center, 32 Hebron Road, Bolton. encounters a lost civilization in ' 8 8 - Lata Night wHh David of Death. Basil Rathbone, Nigel comeback that soon turns into a (S ) - Tony Randall Show 8 - SportsCantar Kellogg’s promotional ion that the benefits the The charge is $10 per couple. Soft-soled shoes are the hidden valley of Shangri-La. ffl) - B*m«y Miller United Feature * large metropolitan area, 6 terrifying ordeal as a mysterious (B) - Live from the Met The Lattarman Bruce. Evelyn Ankers. 1944. ' 8 - PKA Full Contact Karata 8 - MOVIE: 'Yanks' A young offers will be asking for lompany received from required. slayer stalks her. Eleanor Parker, Ronald Colman, Jane Wyatt, Ed­ Metropolitan Opera Centennial Q2 - SporteCenter Syndicate you may be able to find a 9 - Jeffersons 8 - MOVIE: 'Duet for Four' A American soldier fells in love with DIANA'S BAKERY Jessica Walter. 1979. ward Everett Horton. 1937. Gala * The Metropolitan Opera 8 - Not Nacaaaarlly Tha district office by checking Universal Product Sym­ sing the symbols were 8 - Alfred Hitchcock Hour frustrated family men watches his a British women during World ® - ABC News ( 8 Mark Russell Comedy celebrates its 100th birthday with News This show promises to be life crumble around him ee his bols rather than special lOt worth the problems (0 ) - MOVIE: The Green (B) ** everything the current naws is War II. Richard Gere. Venees^ DEAR MARTIN: I the telephone directory Spec. Comedian Mark Russell this special performance. (4 hrs.) 8 - Benny Hill Show merriege feHs epen end his busi­ 7:00P.M. Berets' Part 2 not. Redgrave, Lise Eichhorn. 1979. found a big black ’’blob’’ under U.S. Government, symbols that are only they were causing. Unfor­ Halloween presents his own special brand of 8 - Sports Tonight ness feces benkn^tcy. Mike ® - MOVIE: 'It Came from 9:00 P.M. Rat^ R. in a can of green beans. I Food and Drug good for specific offers. tunately, the UPC sym- CD - CBS News political humor. S B ~ Famity Tie s Mallory be­ 8 - Dr. Who Preston, Wendy Hughes, Michael Hollywood' Clips of some of the A ^ I s that Kelloigg's will be CD ® - M*A*S*H (X) (X) - MOVIE: Happy' comes upset when her mother Pate 1982 mailed It to the company Administration. worst movies ever made in Holly­ - MOVIE: 'Yanks' A young once-popular television clown becomes the star of a mother- 8 - Twilight Zoiw 2:30A.M. Usking for do not show the CD - Tic Tac Dough and they responded If you haven’t con­ These special symbols Specials wood are shown. Dan Aykroyd. American soldier falls in love with gets caught in the middle of a daughter modeling contest. CC - CBS Nowa NIghtwatch John Candy, Gilda Radner. 1982 gangland execution and is pitted 11:15P.M. 1:00 A.M. promptly and sent me a sumed the foreign object, began to appear on Kel­ words ” Proof-0 f- CD - ABC Naws a British woman during World (S ) Muy Eepeclel: 'Marie .loee JIP Rated PG. against a ruthless killer. Dom De- CC - Lavoma h ShMay B Co. few coupons for free cans. a letter should be sent to logg’s packages a few Purchase Seal." Is this for the week CD - Laugh-In W ar II. Richard Gere, Vanessa Cantudo* 321 - Auto Rscing ‘83: CART 8 - PKA Full Contact Karata G S - PBA Bowlers Tour Cover­ Redgrave. Lisa Eichhorn. 1979. Luisa, Dee Wallace, Henry Silva. Legune SEGA 300 from Lagurte CC - Hogan's Haro** But after this incident I the manufacturer with a years ago and caused really a step in the right (3D - Fantasy Island j age of the Kessler Classic is pre­ Rated R 1983 10:00 P.M. Sees. CA 8 - Crosafir* wondered whether I copy to the FDA, Depart­ numerous problems for direction? (3D •* SportsCanter CC - MOVIE: 'The Curs* of tha sented from Indianapolis, IN. (2 ^1 - MOVIE: 'Requiem For a CD * The Merv Show CD - News 8 - Reporter 41 Black Widow' Authorties search 8 - Happy Days Again should have gone one step ment of Health and Hu­ both the company and GD - One Man'a Fight for Life hrs.) Diana's Special | Heavyweight' A boxer who al­ CD ^ 9 “ Dynasty Steven may CD - Arthur Hailey's Hotel for an elusive killer whose wic- 8 - Our Mis* Brooks further and contacted the m an S e r v ic e s , 5600 consumers. THE SMART Shopper - Radio 1990 Today's pro­ - MOVIE; 'Unfbrgiven' Tw o most reaches the top is forced to lose his courtroom battle to retain 11:30 P.M. tims ere wrapped in e myaterioua (3D CD - Saint 3:00A.M. Fischers Lane, Rockville, It seems that shoppers Award goes to Susan gram looks at the hottest trends families feud with savage Kiowa quit after a match that spells the custody of his son and Blake's (X) (X) - Hawaii Fhrs-O apider-like wab. Tony FrarKiosa. Food and Drug Adminis­ Hollowssn Cakes 2.59 sa. ( ar>d performers in the world of Indians over the adopted daugh­ end. Anthony Quinn. Jackie Glea­ lawyer threatens to destroy Krys- (31) - Independent Network (X) 8 8 - Thicks of the O - PBA Bowlere Tour Cover­ CC - Let the ChNdrsn Livs tration. What do you think MD 20857. Depending on who were interested in Sterrett, of San Diego, entertainment. ter of one of the families. Audrey son. Mickey Rooney. 1962. tie. (60 min.) (Closed Captioned] News Night age of (he Kessler Classic is pre- 8 - MOVIE; 'The StooNa' about this? — Thelma the details and the judg­ sending for a Kellogg’s Calif.: Blank, Little Neck, N.Y. ment of the FDA on the offer frequently had a Assorted Doughnuts 1.99 doz. i ARE you TAKIWO seriousness of the inci­ problem finding the pack­ "My favorite super­ £ ME TO YOUR BRIDGE ASTRO D EAR THELMA: Whe­ dent, the FDA Investiga­ ages that had the special market had Post Toasties never a strange object is tion may include a visit to symbols they were look­ on sale for 59 cents a box. 1 Many other In shop | O found in a processed fod. your home to pick up the ing for. had six 25-cent coupons, specials Which way to go? GRAPH you should contact the product and packaging, a Kellogg’s packages which the store doubled. U.S. Food and Drug Ad­ purchase by the FDA of were also developing a The six boxes cost me only ministration. If you have similar code number strange look, as special 9 cents each, and the exact bidding, but when proofs-of-purchase helped young Jacoby looked at consumed the foreign ob­ items, or contact with the symbols b6gan to crowd the ingredient statement me complete the Post $6 NORTH 10*1*41 dummy, be saw that four ject, you may want to call company. their “ Emergency Opera­ for space. refund." ♦ Q<5 diamond tricks would give m Nir RofumMns nows Susan and other readers Y a k 10 him his slam. tions" line at: (301) 443- We have teamed that Kellogg's executives fi- whose smart shopping ♦ K97 He won the spade lead in ^Birthday ♦ 7 5 4 2 dummy, led the seven of dia­ experiences appear in this column receive a free WEST EAST monds and finessed his lack. Octob«r27, 1SSS ^ SpsdoliziRi For OconioRS West took his queen ana led Can’t prove excessive force copy of my couponing and hi CAKES AH ♦ 10 984 ♦J T Z There will be a tramendoue ♦8 6 Y97543 a second spade. refunding magazine The Jacoby thought awhile, Improvement In over-all condi­ district attorney’s office excessive force by the National Supermarket i Manchester Parkade ♦ 01086 44 tions for you this coming year. LOS ANGELES (U PI) ♦ J86 .♦QIOOO led a diamond, rose with — Investigators say there said Monday. police officers," the dis­ Shopper. Write to me in You will be able to manage sit­ “ There is no evidence trict attorney's report dummy’s king and the slam uations which previously man­ is no evidence police used care of this newspaper. SOUTH had gone into the land of lost suggesting the use of said. ♦ AK3 aged you. excessive force to arrest slams. ' ♦ QJ2 SCORPIO (OcL S4-NOV. 2S) actor Raymond Vitte, who Hal Sims, who was watch­ ♦ AJ532 Romantic adventure It Hkaty stopped breathing in a PIBUCNOTMIK ing the game, said, "You still today because members oflba C ♦ AK have a lot to learn about patrol car taking him to a opposite gander will find you mental hospital. FREE!! Vulnerable: Both card play. You had a perfect even more appealing than FREE!! Dealer: South safety play to guard against usual. Scorpio predictions lor The death of Vitte eight BLOOD s anything but a 5-0 diamond the year ahead are now ready. months ago triggered Weal North Eaat Soath break." Romance, career, luck, aam^ charges of police brutality PRESSURE 2 NT ’That safety play is well- Inge, travel and much more are by the black community, Pass 6 NT Pass Pass TAKEN BV enough known-today so that discussed. Sand }1 to Aatro- Pass including a news confer­ CLINIC A NOVL IT S EASIER no expert would go wrong. It Qraph, Box 489, Radio City ence by singer Donna Station. N Y. 10019. Send an RCaiSTFKEt) is to play the ace of dia­ Summer condemning of­ NUftSE monds first and then lead additional $2 for tho NEW T ficers for excessive force. toward the K-9 in dummy. A Astro-Qraph Matchmaker Vitte, 33, who appeared Opening lead: ♦lO 3-2 break can’t hurt declar­ wheel and booklet. Reveals er. If West holds four dia­ romantic compatibilities for aH in several movies and AT: LIGGETT fNAGMACY BlNl monds and plays the eight, signs. Be sure to state yodr television shows, includ­ PAGKADE HEALTH GHOPfE zodiac sign. TO o n ANSWERS dummy’s nine Is playeoT U ing a role as a con man on By Oiwald Jacoby West held a singleton honor, SAOnTARHIS n *1.39S 1 4 ______Lisa, to you today cannot be count­ 2 7 Fail! to finiih our Residence Telephone Order Offices. painting ed In material ways. Yotff first 15 Indefinite in wealth will be found by helping 8 Referee others. - You can now phone our residential service representa­ order 9 Ere long SIRLOIN 12-14 LB. 16 Negates TAURUS (April 20-May 2df tives with questions and orders from: 1 0 ______Domini Although you won’t lntentlona{| 17 Small body of 32 Having pedal AV6. < 2 .2 9 11 Pelting 48 Bring to ruin ly try to be flamboyant or HIPS water fanciei digit! 49 Mortgage showy today, your presence 18 Flying honker 19 Flyipack 35 Supermin't 50 Increase in will be duly noticed at any 20 White iheap girl SIRLOIN 12-14 LB. 8:30 A.M* to 7:00 P*M., Monday through Friday* 21 Span size gathering. Be yourself. (pl.) 23 Normandy 38 Frozen rain GEMINI (May 21-Jtme 20) Prefi AV6. 62 Swirl * 1 .5 9 s! (Best times to call are 8:30 A .M . to 12:00 noon and from 2:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.) 22 Small pillow invation day 39 Siameie viding for loved ones will be a TIPS 6 24 Baronet’s title 25 Sliver language 53 Highway strong movltating factor todaf 25 Wrapi 26 Hawaiian 41 Sleeping division What’s more Important, your NEW YORK 10-12 U . 29 Give birth to dance tlcknet! fly 54 Exclamstion heart will be In your efforts. 7 8:30 A*M. to 12:00 noon on Saturday. 27 Stream 43 Hot spring CANCER (June 21-July 2M 33 Eight |Fr.) . of annoyance AV6. * 3 .1 9 's- 34 Is not well 28 Orinkt 45 Two.door csr Charm and wit are your grea^ SIRLOIN STRIPS 36 City in Brazil 30 Sand 47 Chinese 57 Compass eat assets today. You’ll use 37 Mlifortune 31 One (Gar.) currency point them to your advantage In aatg p a Calls are toll free. You’ll find the number to call to 38 Photo fixer eral Inetances. Smile and tha BOTTOM ROUND ROAST *1.79 LB. 2 3 4 B 0 7 1 B 10 II place a residence order or to get more information about |sl.) ' world smilea with you. - LEO (July 22-A h b . 22) Condt 39 Prong 12 13 14 equipment or service in the front of your local telephone tions are rather unusual todaf 40 British island Chance could play a lavorable ID 10 17 directory under “ Doing Business With Us!’ 42 Spied role In your aflairt, aepeclaIN TENDERLOINS SUPER SPEailL *2.59 •S 44 Thui (Let.) bufineas or moneywiae. . 1R 19 21 UNNWOTEM At Southern New England Telephone we’re working 46 Billowy ■ VIRGO (Aug. 21 titpi. 22) B f expanse 22 hopeful regarding the outcome PORK LOINS 14.1RLB.AVB. harder to make your life easier. 47 Chrlitmai log i of events today. There’ll be lor* *1.25 ro. IS THIS YOUR. ir^ NOT MINE, AND r ALWAYS THCO0HT A BARRETTE 51 Bear 2B 29 27 30 31 32 tunate currents stirring on yotir BBONFAST 65 Whole ■” behalf which should Rdd to HAIR C U P ? iris NOT A HAIR CUR. WAS A SMALL SALCIDN. 33 38 39 your optimism. 2 ^IflSpaiB. 56 Plant ■ ■ SAUSAGE UMK8 sis. IT'S A BARRETTB. containart 37 LIM A (tepL 22-Oel 22) Com dltkms continue to lavor you l3 58 Woman'! ■ ■“ Qualitsr comes patriotic 40 41 43 career and material mattarr. •ociety (abbr.) ■ You could get a lucky b r M First at) 59 Baveragai 44 today through an unexpeolad anchester packin channel. : u 60 Johnnycake ■ 47 48 49 80 .. 81 93 14 company inc 846-500i 61 Genetic ■ material BA S9 87 88 W* aecapt (ibbr.) NOUNS: 349 WETMEB6LL S T. Food Stamp*, 89 90 91 All summer long, we 9SON.-rm. 7M *.m . lo S p.m. M A N CH B STC n, C O N N . 06040 62 Not one MIST TO isce BANOSMSl I > MsslarChargs, Visa 63 Vaie-ihaped our neighbors’ gai4sng. P i« . 4AT. TM a m le 11 naan lO-K, 92 93 94 vailing winds blow seMs Southern New England telephone jug from our yard to IhalrB. MANCHKSTKH HERALD. Wfdnt-.sduy. O: . 26, 1983 - 21 a> - MANCHESTER HKRALD, Wednesduv, Oct. 26, 1983 Area towns BUSINESS Sadly ml$guld»d attempt to equalize lax burden Bolton / C o v e n t r y Business In Brief Beware of rules on disclosing interest Thehs, vandalism on Route 6 Vice president moves If you receive Social Security benefits and also own your municipal bond income increases, Smith Barney DANBURY — Jack Harris, formerly vice tax-exempt municipal bonds, you'll have to disclose reports. Yet, when this utterly befuddling — and unfortunate president and general manager of Union the interest you receive from those bonds as part of Carbide's graphite electrode department, has your tax calculations, starting Jan. 1, 1984. This is — law was first propo.sed this past winter, proponents Your argued that in the interests of fairness, tax-free Andover crime rate triples been appointed vice president of the company's mandated by the 1983 Social Security law — a newly-formed Electrode Systems Division. provision that has received scant attention (or Money's interest income should be added. This was not a The new division is specifically dedicated to feature of the commission's recommendations, when ANDOVER — A wave of thefts and vandalism along August and early October. Each time someone broke understanding) until efforts to repeal the mandate serving the manufacturing, supply and service issued with such fanfare. Route 6 helped triple the average monthly crime rate a window to enter, Brierton said. UPI photo recently got under way. And it's controversial Worth needs of Union Carbide's graphite electrode Proponents characterize this as a way to Uwk al in September. On one occasion, said Brierton, someone stole all precisely because it includes tax-exempt income in Sylvia Porter Former President Gerald Ford reviews customers. The products are used In electric arc order to determine whether an individual's income tax-free income in determining whether an individu­ Statistics provided by the Crime Analysis Unit of the meat stored in a restaurant freezer. Over $100 In ant of the U.S. Coast Q6ard Academy in al's income benefits should be, taxable — while the cash was stolen from the restaurant since the end of furnace metal producing. exceeds the threshold for including up to half of Social the Connecticut State Police indicate an average rate Corps of Cadets Tuesday with Rear New London. income itself is not taxed. of about six and a half crimes committed each month the summer, he said. The Briertons also found broken Security benefits as taxable income. Adm. Edward Nelson (right), command- In brief, an attempt designed to equalize the tax in Andover during the past 14 months. In September 17 dishes and other damage inside the building following Net Income Increases OPPONENTS ARGUE that it creates - for the first each of the break-ins. burden on individuals with large amounts of outside crimes were reported. AS AN ILLUSTRATION of the harm caused by this lime — a tax on tax-exempt income for some “ They cleaned us out pretty good," Brierton said. DANBURY — Union Carbide Corp. has income — both taxable and tax-exempt — is turning At least half of the September count were break-ins provision, consider an investor whose taxable income individuals since, if inclusion in the total income leads and thefts at the Old Shillelagh Restaurant and He said he thought dne suspect was apprehended by reported third quarter 1983 net income of $80.6 out to be sadly misguided. million, a 14 percent increase over last year's net plus half of his/her SS benefit puls the total near the to a tax liability, the income is taxed (even if businesses in the Andover Plaza on Route 6, police and state police. He said he thought the suspect was indirectly). In fact, SS recipients will be the only starving and looking for food. Ford backs Grenada action Income of $70.5 million. THE IRONIC UPSHOT, in fact, is that this threshold. With taxable income of $20,000 and $5,000 of business owners said Tuesday. taxpayers required to include income from municipal Sgt. Anthony J. Kalkus from the state police Net income for the first nine months totaled provision will have little — and in some cases, interest from municipal bonds, this investor reaches Andover Plaza owner Edith “ Millie" Boticello the threshold before SS benefits are added to the total. bonds when computing income tax liability, brought up the recent crime rash at the Andover Town Colchester barracks was not able to confirm that any NEW LONDON (UPI) - “ It was a forthright and correct action," he said.. Z $190.2 million, down 32 percent from the $279.5 absolutely no — impact on individuals with significant million of the same period in 1982. Earnings per totals of outside income. It will — unless repealed this According to these figures, says Smith Barney Harris A vigorous effort to repeal this mischievous Meeting Monday night. She could not be reached for arrests have been made in connection with the Former President Gerald R. Ford action. History will prove it (the He said he was pleased that s ix ; provision, sponsored by Sen. Alphonse D'Amalo, incidents. share for the 1983 third quarter were $1.15 autumn — fall most heavily on middle-income Upham it Co., the investor will pay $602 lax 2 other Caribbean nations took part - comment Tuesday. has backed President Reagan's invasion) was 100 percent cor­ attributable to municipal income, for an effective tax R-N.V., will reach the floor of the Senate very’ soon. Thomas Brierton, 25, co-owner of the Old Shillelagh A member of the family that owns the Village Food rect,” he said. in the invasion to protect foreign ! compared with $1.02 a year ago. retirees. decision to invade Grenada as a rate on those bonds of 12,04 percent. Handicapiters give the repeal bill, which now has 15 Center in Andover Plaza said the store was vandalized lives and property. Ford said he : Sales for the quarter totaled $2.28 billion, 5 with his wife, Amanda, and mother, Edith, said the “ forthright and correct action" If the wrong forces took control But if you are an investor with significant earnings co-sponsors, a 50-50 chance of passage In theory, the_ restaurant was broken into four times between late twice in 10 days. did not think the estimated 800- percent higher than the $2.17 billion posted in the Here's why: When Congress adopted the National needed to blunt Cuban Influence in of Grenada, Ford said, U.S. on municipal bonds but little or no taxable incotne. law may distribute the tax burden now imposed by' Brierton surmised that the culprits were people Americans studying at St.! 1982 third quarter. Sales for the first nilmitiorUhs Commission on Social Security Reforrn's recommen­ the Caribbean. national security could be In you gel off lightly. Even more ironic, in cases in which Social Security more equitably. In practice, where it from out of town passing through. George's University Medical' were $6.65 billion, 2 percent below the$g^8 billion dation that half the benefits - of upper-income The decision to invade the tiny serious jeopardy. “ We had a your combined income exceeds the threshold even all counts, it's a mistake. It should be repealed — and Neither Andover Pizza, also located in the plaza, School were in any danger. ^ of a year ago. recipients be subject to taxation, it added tax-free Marxist-ruled nation along with responsibility to take charge." before your municipal bonds are factored in, the forgotten. nor the several *real estate offices in the complex, six other Caribbean nations had Ford said the United States and When asked if the situation w ill! income to the formula. Area Towns were broken into in this recent series of incidents, Each SS recipient will have a threshold income of provision makes no difference at all. Ford's full support, the former other Caribbean nations have lead to a direct U.S.-Cuban con-! Workers accept pay cut At the extreme — high municipal bond income and ( “ Sylvia Porter's New Money Book for the 80s, ' according to an employee of the pizza parlor. chief executive told a news confer­ known about the presence of frontation. Ford said what;; $25,000, or $32,000 for a married couple. To compute 6 1,328 pages of down-to-earth advice on personal Kalkus said state troopers have been ordered to CLAREMONT, N.H. — Unionized steel combined income, the individual (or couple) adds: no other taxable income — you will pay a small In Brief ence Tuesday. nearly 600 Cubans in Grenada who happens next will depend on the - income lax against none paid before. Assuming money management, is now available through her patrol the area more closely. No further incidents workers at troubled Joy Manufacturing Co. have adjusted gross (taxable) income plus one-half of his or “ We could not tolerate any have been building an airport Cubans. ! $100,000 in municipal bond income, at the end of the column. Send $9.95 plus $1 for po.stage and handling to have occurred in at least two weeks, according to agreed to accept a 30-percent wage cut if a new her Social Security benefit, plus municipal bond further Cuban action in the Carib­ runway that was for military On the Middle East situation, ;; calculations, you'd be left with a tax paid of $238, all “ Sylvia Porter's New Money Book for the 80s,'' in care Drunk driving charged Kalkus. owner agrees to purchase the plant. \ income. If combined income exceeds the threshold bean. There was a movement benefits. Ford said he was against total * attributable to the municipal bond income, for an ■ of this newspaper, 4400 Johnson Drive, Fairway, Kan, COVENTRY — Police arrested two men in Brierton said he and the owners of the Village Food Joy at one time employed 900 workers at its amount, additional computations are required to toward Cuban control and we had With that knowledge. Ford said, withdrawal of U.S. troops In ' effective tax rate of 0.24 percent. The effective lax 66205. Make checks payable to Universal Press Coventry bver the weekend for drunk driving. Center have installed alarm systems in their River Road drill manufacturing plant, but the determine what amount of the Social Security benefit to draw the line somewhere," Ford the United States had the responsi­ Lebanon but said he was also' rate on your municipal bond income decreases as Syndicate.) Larry J. Cleveland, 29, of La Mesa, Cal., was buildings, something Brierton said neither he nor his told reporters at the Coast Guard bility to take the course of action it against full military involvement recession and lagging sales have reduced the will be taxed. arrested Saturday and later released on a neighbors ever expected they would have to do. Academy in New London. took. “ It was a fully justified by the United States. '! payroll to about 200 people. promise to appear in Tolland County Superior Donald C. Hoodes, founder of a successful air Court Nov. 7. compressor company, currently is negotiating More strength to the Industrial economy Brian McNamara, 23, of 102 N. Lakewood 'k'k'kif'kiririririr with the owners of the Pittsburgh, Pa., company Circle, Manchester, was '^i^rged in another to purchase the Claremont plant and four other incident. He was aUa_releasM^jeleasddjMj^a promise to Joy facilities. appear in court ^ v . 7. Unionized workers voted 190-8 to accept a SELECT 30-percent salary cut if Hoodes is successful in Factory orders remain at high level taking over the operation. Re-Elect ^ Bv Denis G. Gulino ary decline in the auto industry that auto industry that accounted for the 0.5 despite still lower meal prices. Boiton youth wins award United Press International pulled the overall total down 0.5 percent drop from August to Sep­ The real earnings of the nation's blue PETER Dl ROSA Utility earnings up t percent from August, after seasonal tember, the Commerce Department collar workers kept 1.4 percent ahead BOLTON — A Bolton High School senior was WASHINGTON — September added adjustment. It was the second such said, strength in other sectors of the of the month's inflation, the best recently been named the 1983-84 winner of the Town Director ^ * FERGUSON NEW HAVEN — United Illuminating Co. has economy made September orders for performance since January, mostly more strength to the industrial econ­ decline in three months. reported earnings of $4.24 per share for the first high school's Bausch & Lomb Science Award. omy by generating another $89.5billion However, it appeared the auto durable goods the third largest reflecting the settlement of the tele­ nine months of 1983, an increase of 18 cents per Malcolm Ferguson of 11 Converse Road will be industry begun to rebound in October. recorded. phone industry strike. share compared to the same period in 1982. in orders for large factory goods, the presented with a bronze medai during graduation 1. Your director since 1979 third highest level on record, the Detroit reported Tuesday a 41,1 per­ If the 14.5 percent decline in autos UI said the difference primarily was due to The overall inflation rate has been ceremonies at the high school next June. government says. cent improvement in sales for the first and other transportation-related goods 2. Member Manchester Chapter depressed earnings last year related to the sale of steadily building strength so that the Principal Jospeh Fleming said the award is The latest Commerce Department 10 days of the month compared to the such as ships and aircraft were not Unico National . Seabrook nuclear fuel under a sale and average for the three months through given each year to the senior who has attained the report Tuesday estimated the month's same period a year earlier. included, orders climbed a very strong lease-back arrangement completed in June 1982. September broke through the 5 percent highest standing in science. ¥ 3. Member Rotary International orders were strong despite a tempor­ Despite the temporary decline in the 3.9 percent for the month, the depart­ Kilowatt-hour sales for September were 10.4 level. Private analysts generally as­ Bausch & Lomb, with headquarters in 4. Area coordinator Lowell ment said. Rocehster, manufactures vision-care products percent higher than the previous September, Earlier Tuesday the Labor Depart­ sume the year will end at around that and scientific instruments. Weicker for Senate Campaign ^ continuing an upward trend that began in April, ment said consumer prices in Sep­ rate even though the January-through- As a winner Ferguson is eligible for one of the utility said. Jet engine contract battle tember went up 0.5 percent, led by September inflation, figured yearly, several four-year Bausch & Lomb Science increases for new and used cars as well was running at 3.7 percent. 5. Former school teacher — ^ Boil resuits Last year's rale, when the Consumer scholarships at the University of Rochester. Manchester High School I as housing. Scholarship winners are selected from among NORW ALK — Bolt Technology Corp. has brings senators’ criticism Food costs, up a moderate 0.4 Price Index was based on homeowner- more than 8,700 Bausch & Lomb award winners 6. C o -c h a Irp e rs o n G re a te r reported declines in revenues and net income for percent, nevertheless accelerated ship costs rather than equivalent rents, around the country. more than in any month since April it went up 3.9 percent for the year. Manchester Heart Fund Drive ^ three months ending Sept. 30 because of slumping HARTFORD (UPI) - The advance a Pentagon fighter engine market that -K demand for its seismic equipment used in oil A survey by Bausch & Lomb indicated the 1982-83 ^ award of $6^8 million to two aerospace is estimated to total $15 billion in the award influenced the decision of more than 30 exploration. firms baltlmg for a new jet fighter next decade. C percent of the winners to follow scientific careers. Bolt's revenues for the three-month period engine contract would “ make a The Air Force and Navy are were about $2.5 million, down from more than $5 mockery” of the bitter competition, considering a new GE engine to power million for the same period in 1982, while net senators from Connecticut and Florida the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, the “A Worker For Your Community'^ income dropped from $1.17 million to $465,000. Cheese ready on Tuesday 2 THOMAS H. FERGUSON J have charged. General Dynamics F-16 Falcon and Barbara listened to the con­ The company said that while there has been a cerns of the merchants and BOLTON — Federal surplus cheese will be ^ Republican for S electm an^ The U.S. Air Force reportedly plans Grumman F-14 Tomcat — the biggest A Voice For The People” recent increase in offshore oil exploration, the to award advance contracts to East and most expensive U.S. fighters. shoppers of Main Street. She distributed to all those eligible Tuesday between number of offshore seismic crews in operation Hartford-based Pratt & Whitney Air­ Pratt & Whitney now builds the walked Main Street to see first 10 a ^ . and 11 a.m. at the Bolton Community Hall. ^^REPRESENTING A FOURTH GENERATION^ still is well below the peak levels reached in June hand the things that needed at­ AlUwho plan to pick up cheese are asked to craft and General Electric before the engines used in all three warplanes. tention. Here she Is with Salem & VOTE REPUBLICAN NOV 8 1982. competition is actually decided in late However. GE has developed a new T present income verification. Acceptable docu­ OF SERVICE TO MANCHESTER^ The outfitting of new seismic exploration ships Frederick Nassiff outside of the January. fighter engine that Air Force and Navy- ments include pink slips, social security award also is at its lowest level in several years, officials Nassiff Camera Shop & Studio on Tha Ad paid for “ Such an action would make a tests indicate might improve the letter and stamp cards. This Ad Paid For By Commlltaa to Elact Farguaon said. Main Street. A new portion of by Commlltaa to RaElact Dl Roaa, B. Bottocello, Traas. ” Chartana Banllo, Traaa. ’ mockery of the competitive process performance of all three fighters. sidewalk has replaced a portion Dollar gains In Europe and suggests that the Air Force has Weicker has sponsored an amend­ that was in very poor condition. already decided that future (fighter) ment to bar the Air Force from Public safety is a major concern ^ ^ Af if. ^ Af. Af. Af. Af^ Af. Af-Af-Af-Af^Af^AfAf^AfAfAf^ LONDON — The dollar gained ground on most engine purchases should be allocated spending any funds to produce the GE for Barbara. LEOAL NOTICE LCOAL NOTICE European money markets today amid some between the contractors," Sens, Lowell engine until 90 days after the Air Force TOWN OF ANDOVER TOWN OF ANDOVER uncertainty caused by Middle East tensions. Gold ADOPTION OF CHANOES A O O m O N OF CHANGES Weicker, R-Conn., and Lawton Chiles, decides the outcome of the competition. IN ZONING REGULATIONS IN ZONING REGULATIONS prices edged downward. DrFla., said. The amendment is included in a BY PLANMNO A ZONING BY FLANMNO E ZONING In Zurich, the price of gold slipped $1 to $397.50 The two senators, who both have $251.1 billion Pentagon spending bill for RE-ELECT RARRARA WEINRERG, COMMISSION COMMISSION an ounce compared to Tuesday's finish of $398.50. At a meeting of the Plan­ Al a mtotlng on Hit Plon- large Pratt It Whitney plants located in 1984 which the full appropriations ning & ZonlngCommlsslon of nlng 8, ZonlngCommlulon of In London, bullion prices opened $2,125 lower at their states, made the comments in a committee was scheduled to take up Deputy Mayor Andover, Connecticut on Oc­ Andovtr, Conntcllcul on Oc- $396.50 compared to $398,625. tober 17, 1983, It was voted: $ 2 0 , “ Dear Colleague” letter circulated today. The bill and amendemenl were tobtr 17,19S3, If wot voftd: In the money exchanges, the dollar streng­ That the following Amend­ That Iht following Amtnd- In 1959... Tuesday to the other 26 members of the approved earlier this month by the . f t ment to be tiled In the office mtnt to b t ffltd In fht oftica thened in Frankfurt with an opening of 2.6065 Senate Appropriations Committee. panel's defense subcommittee. of the Town Clerk, os port of “She Works for You' of the Town Clark, o i port of marks against 2.6030 and in Zurich, 2.1155 Swiss Weicker and Chiles have frequently the Zoning Regulations. The tlw Zoning Ragulotlont. The Donna Richardson The 90-day period is intended to give effective dote of such affective dote of such francs against 2.1145. supported the Pratt & Whitney division the General Accounting Office time to chonges being November 14, The U.S. unit inched higher in Paris, opening at VOTE DEMOCRATIC — NOVEMBER 8 f s f f *** ***’"* hovember 14, ANB WAT8R 19 of giant United Technologies Corp. in study charges by Pratt St Whitney and 1913. was 7 years old and 7.950 French francs compared to 7.9437 and in ' paid by Commlltaa to re-elect Barbara Weinberg, AMENDMENT: Sign AMENDMENT: To re- its bid to avoid losing to GE all or part of other critics. Matthew Moriarty, Traagurar Regulotlons Sections IS mov* 20 Yeor Conversion, Brussels it opened at 53.7950 Belgian francs through 15.4 to be removed Section 13 through 13.9. attending Verplanck school. compared to 53.7450. In Milan, the dollar opened and replaced with Amended Doted In Andovtr, Connec- higher at 1,585.75 lire against 1,583.55. This Is a good time to find Sign Regulations Section IS tlcuf m il 28th dov of October, 9TILL AN issue! o cosh buyer for that through IS.9.3. 19S3. In London, the pound opened at $1.4975 against Doted In Andover, Connec­ ANDOVER PLANNING S the previous $1.4995. typewriter no one uses. ticut this 28th dov of October ZONING COMMISSION The dollar made fractional gains in Tokyo, Use o low-cost od In 1983. Ko**le> Chairman Classified for quick re­ ANDOVER PLANNING 8. opening at 232.47 yen against 232.45. ZONING COMMISSION sults. 643-2711. John Kostic, Chairman 044-10 2 Cobb for Board of Education 942 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER 643-1505 In 1983... HIGHLIGHT THE HOLIDAYS ______FREE 500 SAH GREEN STAMPS See Details Below Donna Mercier DONATE A HANDCRAFTED ORNAMENT has 3 children TO THE WADSWORTH ATHENEUM’S CHECK OUT OUR EVERYOAY LOW PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING RX ITEMS 6 at Buckley ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF TREES DEC. 2-11 100 FREE GREEN STAMPS 100 FREE GREEN STAMPS 100 FREE GREEN STAMPS 0 •WITER RATES INCREASED OVER 1 3 0 0 7 school. \ • PRESSURE PROBLEMS CREATED D Y A Z ID E ftioo INDERAL 40 mg 100's PROCARDIA 100 mg 100'a Expires * 9 1 1 Q WATER IS STILL DIRTY \ fo T k ^ 1 2 .9 7 ^ 1 3 .0 3 10-31-83 I # I T

“Bunny"-Cobb Elect 100 FREE GREEN STAMPS too n a 6>KN STAMFS 100 FREE GREEN STAMPS For 30 years I taught the children at Verplanck School. Now that I am Aasywsanatmf Donna Mercier ALD O M ET 250 mg 100'a LOPRESSOR so mg 100’a ORTHO-NOVUM retired, I would like to continue my Expires 1 m anlh interest in education by serving you to Manchastor's ^ 1 3 .7 9 10-31-83 Expires |||| as a member of the Board of HELP DECORATE THE COMMUNITY TREE n 7.09 10-31-83 Education. Please help me serve you RRomOMNMSaiSeiSGSVBMNEII^ BOARD OF EDUCAnON •Ornament should be no larger than 5’ by voting for me on November 8th. / DOUBLE GREEN 1 0 0 FREE ELECT THE REPUBLICAN TEAM NOVEMBER 8TH NOV. 8 th — ! •Deadline for dellvory to Wadsworth 500 FREE 500 Atheneum - 600 Main St.. Hartford STAMPS ON GREEN STAMPS PRESCRIPTIONS S & H GREEN STAMPS W ITH ANY f t NOVEMBER 14th Vot« Rtpublican November 8th PaiiJ For By Manchester RepublicanTown Committee BECAUSE SHE CARES Docorited Tree wHI be on DIepley et the «!^goV!riJPnmS9.Ayn! WITH ANY NEW OR TRAMSFERRED RX REFILLED RX Paid for by ttis Commlttss to Else! “Bunny” Cobb or Spodale) OFFER GOOD THRU OCT. 31 Gaod thru 10-31-83 Orsg Kans, Traas. Louis K ocs IS • Treasurer The Mercier Committee; Patricia Cottle, Treasurer ' museum throughout the Hollusys Good thru 10-31*R3 22 - MANCHKSTKH H*^:U A' .1). Wfdnosdtiv, Oct. 26, 1983 MANCIIKSTKH HEHALl.). Wfdno.sdiiy. O 26, 1983 - 23

Classified....Store/Office Space . .•...... 44 Household Goods ...... 62 Business Opportunities ...22 For advertisements to be Notices Resort Property ...... 45 Misc. for Sale ...... 63 Rates TAG SALE SIGNS Situation W anted ...... 23 published Monday, the dead­ L o s t/ F o u n d ...... 01 Employment Info...... 24 Misc. for Rent ...... 46 H o m e a n d G a r d e n ...... 64 Minimum Choroe: line Is 2:30 p.m. on Friday. Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG SALE? The best way to an- Instruction ...... 25 Wanted to Rent...... 47 P e t s ...... 65 $2.25 for one day P e rs o n a ls ...... 02 1100000 it, is with a Herald Tag Sale Classified Ad. When you place your ad, Announcements ...... 03 Roommates W anted ...... 48 Musical Item s ...... -.66 Per Word: Read Your Ad A u c tio n s ...... 04 Recreational Item s ...... 67 1-2 d a y s ...... 15« you’ll receive ONE TAG SALE SIGNS FREE, compliments of The Herald. Real Estate A n tiq u e s ...... — 68 3-5 d a y s ...... 14c Classified advertisements FREE Services Homes for Sale ...... 31 T a g S a le s ...... 69 6 d a y s ...... 13c are taken by telephone as a Financial Condominiums ...... 32 Services Offered ...... 51 Wanted to Buy ...... 70 26 d a y s ...... 12c convenience. L o ts / L a n d fo r S a l e ...... 33 Painting/Papering ...... 52 Happy Ads: t T h e M a n c h e s te r H e ro ld Is M o rtg a g e s ...... 11 Investment Property ...... 34 Bullding/Co^tracting ...... 53 $3.00 per colum n Inch responsible only for one Incor­ CALL 643-2711 OR STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE 1 HERALD SQ., MANCHESTER Personal Loans ...... 12 Business Property ...... 35 Roofing/SIdIng ...... 54 rect Insertion and then only In s u ra n ce ...... 13 Automotive Resort Property ...... 36 Heating/Plumbing ...... ■.. .55 Deadlines far the size of the original Wanted to Borrow ...... 14 F lo o r in g ...... 56 Cars/Trocks for S ale ...... 71 For classified advertise­ In s e rtio n . Income Tox Service ...... 57 Motorcycles/Bicycles ___72 ments to be published Tues­ Errors which do not lessen ^ Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 Car$/Trucks for Sale 71 Cars/Trucks for Sale * 71 Rentals ApartmwrttforRwit 42 $for»/OHtce Space 44 Servicet Offered SI Roonne/Siding 54 M itc for Sole Employment Services Wanted ...... 58 R e c V e h ic le s ...... 73 day through Saturday, the the value of the odvertlsement & Education Rooms for Rent ...... 41 For Sale Auto Services ...... f74 deadline Is noon on the day will not be corrected by an Apartments for Rent ...... 42 Autos for Rent/Lease ...... 75 before publication. additional Insertion ______1977 PLYMOUTH FURY MANCHESTER — Four BIDWELL HOME Im­ 1973 P IN T O S Q U IR E JHelpJ/Vonte^^^^^^^^ .21 Homes tor Rent ...... 43 Holiday/Seasonal...... 61 Misc. Automotive ...... 76 H AT E TD R A K E MOVMa aar or h ah — Two door, V 8 engine. Bank room apartment on se­ f U R o m n i LEAVES? Call Cox's provement Company — W A G O N — 83,000 m iles. IVnYTM Ne M SliO O l Nice condition, very low Rapoiiasfionf cond floor. Aoplloncez, cnm ui Mtsams m s t ik t Rooflno, siding, altera­ *95. C a ll 649-7935 otter Lawn Service. Leaves 1$ HP outboard motor, m ileage. $2250. 643-0300. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••*••••••••••• carpeting, two cor park­ SUI/IUSI raked and removed for tion, additions. Same 4pm. FOR SALE ing. Storage area. Refer­ .SOOOtq h w6r6t>oifM or M6«m' good running condition, Help\vanted 21 Lots/Lond for Salt 33 Aportments for Rent 42 Apartments for Rent 42 ■ biy building Loidingdock 3ov»r- your convenience. Call number for over 30years. S12S. Bool wench. Sump Pontiac Tram Am *4500 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 ences, M curlty and lease. Dhtiddoort F»nc*d parking 1973 FO R D LTD 1976 D O D G E A S P E N Notices for free consultation. 649-6495. pump. Lift lockots. 10 •••••••••••••••aaaataaa $400 monthly. No utilities |8W Km Hv . .MI-9D9S BRUGHAM — Power WAGON — Standard 1976 Pontioc Formulo *1700 ••••*•••••••••••••«•••• ■•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••■••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••aaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* L a r ry 649-8646. ••••••••••••••••••••••• spd. b ov 'sb ika. W hirlpool Included. Very quiet. brakes, power steering, shift, power steering, The above can be seen ••••••••••••••••••••••• MANCHESTER — Two wothor, $135. 2 drmtors. BOOKKEEPER — Expe­ FREE CATALOG — Of MANCHESTER-One, two Call649-0783. Heotbig/Plumblng SS air conditioned. Great power brakes, bucket bedroom townhouse. $460 PAT'S LAWNMOWING W alnut coftoo toM t. 2 ond at SBM Lost/Found 01 rience, full time. Apply: land bargains, 5 acres to and three bedroom MANCHESTER running condition. $500. seats. $2000. C o ll 569-2870. ADVENTURE a month. Security deposit and raking service — totHos. M otch ln o cork to- 913 Main St. Marlow's, Inc. 867 Main, 500 acres, covering Ver­ apartments. Heat and hot MANCHESTER — Newer Corner Main and Haynes ••••••••••••••••••••••• C a ll 647-1821. Start Work Today required. C a ll 646-2469be­ Free estimates. Call 644- Mo lompt. Surglcot mot- Manchester. mont and the Berkshlres w ater. $400, $440, $495. two bedroom duplex. Street. Professional of­ Notional firm hoi Immtd- fore 4pm, after 4pm 649- 4277. FOGARTY BROTHERS trtss. Lawson stuttod Hundreds of readers turn ••••••••••••••••••••••• at lowest Imaginable pri­ C o ll 649-4800. Heat and hot water In­ fice, one block from hos­ choir. Studio couch. Mis- 1981 DODGE 024/MISER 2 LOST — SMALL FE­ F U ll TIME lot« oponlnex lor 6 shorp 8978. — Bathroom remodel­ to Classified every day M ALE CAT, Black tiger, SALESPERSON — Full elrJs.or g u vt who a r t f r t t ces. Write: Land Ca­ cluded. No pets. Security pital. Centrally located. R & R CLEANING — ing; installation water ctllontout. — Stereo cassette, sun Misc. Automotive 76 MANCHESTER — Three C all 646-2730, 522-7291. roof, 4 speed, sunshade. searching for some par­ white paws and white time. Experienced. Ma­ to travel entire U.S. and talog, P.O. Box 938, North deposit and references Home and office. Proles- heaters, garbage dispo­ A4A-1$7l'or A44-4«Aa ticular item. W ill vour ad obrood at random Itiner­ room heated apartment. MANCHESTER — Two required. C a ll 649-7066, Excellent mileage. $4500. chin. Lost In vicinity of NIGHT CREW ture. Apply: Marlow's, Adam s, M A 01247. slonal, dependable sals; laucet repairs, 649- be there? 643-2711. ary with guaranteed re­ •••••aaaaaaxaocoox***** No appliances. Security. bedroom, no utilities, gas 646-6454. 474 MAIN STREET — 871-9120. Main and Williams Inc. 867 Main, cleaning at your conven­ 7657. V Iso /M a s te rC a rd CRIB, CAR SEAT and THREE SPEED standard Streets. If seen call 643- EXPERIENCED Manchester. turn. Two weeks expenses $375. Phone 646-2426,9 to 5 heat. Very neat, good Business office space. HEARTLAND FOOD WAREHOUSE In VERNON pold lrolnlno,i dolly cash Rooms for Rent 41 ience. Free estimates. accepted. changing table. All in tra n sm issio n — 60,000 4251. weekdays.______locdtllon. $425. F o r Info. TWO FAMILY FLAT — First floor, across from 1977 PLYMOUTH VO- D ESO TO 1956 — 63,000, hM immediate full lime opeminge for NIgM Crew. advonces. All trdnsporlo- C a ll 643-9780. excellent condition. Call Hemi. Needs some res­ m iles. 1970 Fo rd FIDO SECURITY OFFICERS^ •••••••••••■••••••••••a 646-4288. Second floor. 4'/} room post office. C a ll 646-2426, LARE WAGON — 6 cy­ Minimum of one year aupermarket alocking ex­ tlon provided. Above ov­ MANCHESTER — Four Household Goods 62 otter 4:30pm, 646-5150,- toring. $200 or best offer. pIck-up. For $90. Coll LOST — White and grey Full and part time posi­ apartment. Newly deco­ >9am-Spm weekdays. WOMAN WILL DO linder, 4 speed. Top perience neceeaary. erage eorninos. Bonus rooms, two bedrd&ms, EAST HARTFORD — 646-8316. C a ll 527-9070 evenings. otter 2pm, 647-1638. male Tiger cat. Pearl and tions. South Windsor, ovolloble to those who GENTLEMAN PRE­ rated. Appliances fur­ HOUSEKEEPING an­ model. Many accesso­ FERRED. $50.00 weekly. IV} baths, a p p lia n ce s , Three bedroom duplex. nished. Adults only. No MANCHESTER — Retail, ries. Excel lent condition I 6 Spruce Street area. Call Vernon, Tolland area. guolltv. No experience Good etartlng wagea, baaed on experience mua a basement. Excellent lo­ d/or babysit. Coll morn­ MUST SELL! Court CAP — Fits full size 8 foot 643-8056. Interested applicants call necessdrv, but wol- 646-2000. Fenced in front and rear Pets. Security. $350. 649- storage and/or life Indus­ USED REFRIGERA­ $1795. 228-9706. complete benefit program Including Blue Croaa, ings o r evenings, 647-9730. House One membership. Pick-Up Truck, $65. 563-2385 or apply at C P P tresses, soles clerks or cation. Lease, security, yard. $425 per month. No 7885. trial space. 1,000 sq. ft. to TORS, WASHERS, Blue Shield, Maaler Medical, danlal, praacrlpHon references. $450 monthly. Family or single. Best Phone 649-8332. LOST — Leather locket. Security Service, 2317 Si­ other public contact mov ROOMS FOR RENT — utilities. Call 528-2919, be­ 25,000 so. ft. Very reaso­ SNOW PLOWING — Ranges - clean, guaran­ 1974 FORD TORINO drug coverage, penalon plan and educational be helpful. For personal Lombardo & Associates, offer over $75. Call 742- In vicinity of Sheldon las Deane Highway, C o ll 643-4582 between 5 tween 8am and 4pm. GLASTONBURY — Two nable. Brokers pro­ teed, parts and service. WAGON — Good condi­ 1969 B U IC K — 225, full aaalalance. Interview, coll Jim Gil- 649-4003. Parking lots and drive­ 6490. power. Good condition. SNOW TIRES — Road. Reward. Call 646- Rocky Hill, Monday thru lond 7pm. bedroom, first floor. Ap­ tected. Call Heyman ways. Call after Spm, Low prices. B.D. Pearl 8, tion. Passed emissions loon Wednesday and Properties, 1-226-1206. test. $1000 or best offer. No rust. $525 Firm. Call M ounted. One 8..50 x 14, 0028. Friday until 4pm. Thursday only, l()am to pliances, heat and hot M ik e , 649-0539, 649-6344. Son, 649 Main Street, We alao have openinge for w a te r In c lu d e d . $475 19" B L A C K A N D W H IT E C oll otter 5pm, 742-8194. 742-8296 after 6pm. two F 78 x 14, $10 eoci Spm. Homes for Sole 31 Homes for Sole 31 Homes for Sale 31 643-2171. monthly. One yeor lease MANCHESTER - Dffice RCA television, complete C a ll 649-4339. LOST — Key case on PART TIME — Riding 646-5700 MANCHESTER — Six with roller stand. Excel­ Homestead Street, near PART TIME Instructor needed at the and security required. Space, 150 North M a in St. rooms, three bedrooms. EVERYTHING MUST 1971 SUPER BEETLE — 1973 CHEVY MALIBU — C a ll evenings 633-9325. 500 sq. ft. Modern all lent for malor or extro Rebuilt engine, needs PAIR S N O h lfr I Vic's Pizza. Call 649-5155. Glastonbury Equestrian Convenient location, ref­ GDI Modern dual king set. A lito r $65. Please coll Asking $650. New valve w/rims — C 7S-14, M/S PRODUCE CLERKS TRAVEL AGENT/OF- electric building. Corner front wheel work. $400 (Center. Experience a erences. Security lease. walnut bedroom suite, 644-0348. iob, radiator and water Brand new condition. $75 FICE MANAGER — At MANCHESTER — Oak­ office with private rest plus own tow. Coll 649- GROCERY CLERKS must. Phone 633-4665. $500 plus utilities. Lom­ with four dressers, $4(M. pump. Good rubber. Call F irm . 643-5641. least 2-3 y e a rs exp e ­ land Street, two bedroom room. Call Ed Furtado, 8046 otter 5pm. Emplovment bardo & Associates, 649- Two llvlngroom chairs, WOMEN 'S DRESS 646-5984. ALL SHIFTS rience. C o ll 649-0605, U n i­ apartment. Appliances 646-6300 or 742-6251. & Education FULL TIME — Mainte­ 4003. ______gold and green striped, SLACKS, sizes 14-16 toll, SNOW TIRES with rims, Flexible morning, afternoon and evening nance Man needed at a versity Travel, ask for and heat Included. $410. $100 for the pair or $60 1979 HONDA ACCORD achedulea to be arranged. Experience helpful but $5 each. Adlustable ty­ . F 78-14, m ounted. In very large horse form in Glas­ Joyce or John. C a ll 289-0327 or 649-0485. WILL DO HOUSE eoch. Dark walnut cre- L X — Loaded. M ust Sel I! nol neceaaary. In addlllon to good atartlng pewriter stand, Hl-Lo bv good condition. Asking tonbury. Salary and lodg­ MANCHESTER CLEANING — Efficient, denza, $75. Walnut and $4500. C a ll 646-5228. Help Wanted 21 wagea, part time poaltlona alao offer paid .holl- metal stand, $15. Phone $30. C a ll 643-2957.______ing. Experience with AUTO l^RTS PERSON VERNON CENTER — reliable and responsible. glass cocktail and end daya and vacatlona. £Udvirj^ NOW RENTING 649-7050. 1968 PLYMOUTH SA­ 1971 FORD PINTO — horses a must. Phone for fleet Shop. Need abil­ Five room apartment. C a ll 646-0246, anytim e. tables, $50. Small round You'll never know the Heat, hot water Included. 822 MAIN ST. TELLITE — Runs good 1600CC m otor, 4 speed 633-4665. ity to order, distribute REALTORS white wrought Iron kit­ WESTMORLAND FEN­ power of Classified until ASSEMBLERS AND Plaaaa apply In peraon to the Store Manager: $475. Security. Available o r fo r ports. Needs work. transmission. Passed and keep Inventory. chen table ond four TON MILK GLASS col­ you use It yourself. Call COIL WINDERS — Fin­ Route 83i, Gateway Plaza, Vernon. PART TIME RECEP­ Some experience neces­ Novem ber 1st. C a ll 875- Pointmo/Paparlna 52 chairs, $75. Lady's golf Call 643-5916 otter emissions. New brakes. } A i^lr« t .MUJf i.4 t ion of ff I A l f OffS i^fVincj I hr cjf r ,«fr lection, new. $85 or will 643-2711 today to place an ger dexterity necessary. sary. Call Mr. Rogerson, 9866. 2 STQIY BLDG. clubs and bag cart, $35. 6:30pm. Price C a ll 647-9946, a sk to r TION IST/TYPIST— 8am M,»nBWC64. MwH H«v« ••••••••••••••••••••••• h e a te r, $20. W o m an s trial Park, 540 C North ENINGS Experience In bulk, decorated or undec­ windowdelroster, power steering, front stabilieer bar lS 4 g a l tank 4 more 742-8379 or 742-6234. aulWWOUvB iBOlB. IlCBllBfH O p p f • PHIIBRICK AGENCY bedroom duplex. Gar­ Main Street, Manchester floor care. Call 643-5747. Bulldlno/Contractino 53 suede coat, size 12, sacri­ orated. C a ll 802-334-2079 lonMy «dlh food fyliirB f«r No wool. age, basem ent, attic. $400 S trv i£ fs Offered 51 fice $40. 646-6851 between pBfton. Apphf in ptronn: 646-4200 anytime. Dealers (Behind MAACO). monthly plus utilities. Se­ ••••••••••••••••••••••• MEDICAL SECRETARY EXCELLENT OPPOR­ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3pm ond 6pm. w elcom e. SAIE curity deposit. Call 644- - Part time. Immediate OIL BURNER SERVICE PART TIME EVENINGS TUNITY for the right B ill's AUTO FARTS LEON CIESZYNSKI ••••••••••••••••••••••a 8841 after Spm. REWEAVING BURN PRICE opening. Knowledge of — Must be experienced — Limited number of person. Work in a one M 4 Tolland Stage Rd. BUILDER — New homes, CABINET ENCLOSING INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, MANCHESTER HOLES — zippers, um­ M isc. fo r Sole 63 15 m O M iAT COm P A M U SAWHSS insurance forms and and licensed. Excellent positions open. If you man office, must be de­ Tolland, CT additions, remodeling, STEREO and TV, needing LOVELY FOUR ROOM brellas repaired. Window medical terminology, wages and all company have a good voice and the pendable and pleasant. rec rooms, garages, kit­ repair, and enclosing ra­ 39,000 square feet. 2 4 acres of CONDO with appliances shades, Venetian blinds. ■•■•••••••••••••••■•••• BRAND NEW some experience pre­ benetits. Apply Kasden desire to nriake between No special skills re- ' chens remodeled, ceil­ dio In good condition. $50. and laundry facilities. In Keys. TV FOR RENT. ferred. Call between 10 Fuel Co., 340 Tolland $67 to $120 week - Call quired. Will train. Call TEMPORARY AND ings, bath tile, dormers, END ROLLS— 27'/} width C a ll 649-1615. a land. City watec-and sewer. a quiet country setting. Marlow's, 867 Main and 12 noon for appoint­ Street, East Hartford. P a t, 643-2711, M on d a y 561-2345 fo r inform ation. PERMANENT office rooting. Residential or - 25 cents; 13% width - 2 $350 m onthly. Plus utlll- Street. 649-5221. ment. 528-7161. 289-5431. thru Thursday evenings workers needed. Call aba co m m ercial. 649-4291. for 25 cents. MUST be ONE STANDARD SIZE 1983 tlM . Century 21, Pertetto between 6pm-9pm. CERTIFIED NURSES Today, All Business As­ Railroad siding available. picked up at the Man­ tubular bed and mat­ AIDES NEEDED — 7am sistance, 659-2212 or 721- R * iltv , 429-2116. BRICKS, BLOCKS, FARRAND REMODEL­ chester HeraldOffIce BE­ STONE — Concrete. tress, $40. C o ll 643-7534. KITCHEN PORTER — to 3pm, 3pm to 11pm, 7788. IN G — COblnets, roofing, FORE 11 AM ONLY. CELEBRITY CIPHER F.J. SPIIECKI-KEAITORS MANCHESTER — Six Chimney repairs. No lob CWsbflty OphBT cryplogrBrns btb crM tB d from quotstlons by fam ous poopio, past Monday thru Friday, 7am Saturday and Sunday. gutters, room additions, FIVE GALLON 643-2121 too sm all. C o ll 644-8356. COUGAR arid proBont. Eacfi lotlor In the d ph o r slatids for Boothar. Today’i chM: Q mqiMls O . to 1:30pm. Some heavy A p p ly In person: M e a ­ INSTRUCTORS rooms, three bedrooms. decks, all types of remo­ SCREENED LOAM ------WET/DRY VACUUM, I t IM , K y i luglat, pm n r W e k is. bujlu* roJW u^ w u f c . Convenient location, ref­ hiNiwar niB 8liip8. awlaiaaHc ham., taat bah eWma*. ealar kayad Aatvia taa* baht, by CONNIE WIENER lifting required. Receiv­ dows Manor, 333 Bldwell NEEDED — 1-2 hours- deling and repairs. FREE gravel, processed gravel, $20. C a ll 649-0315. ing and stocking canned Street, Manchester. /week. Starting January erences. Security lease. ABA estimates. Fully Insured. sand, stone and fill. For “ T F R M GYJO RMWOP FSC T and frozen goods. Expe­ 1984, to teach the follow­ WECTSIDE $500 plus utilities. Lom­ TODAY Telephone 643-6017, after deliveries call George bardo & Associates, 649- Gritting, Andover, 742- Home and Garden 64 rience preferred. Will COOKS — Part time, ing children's programs: 6-10 North Fairfield St. w i n m Y oai CTiVF 6pm, 647-8509. experienced In Itallan/A- Preschool Gymnastics, 4003. To ooofolo ISM. XESOX or 7886. HVRCOP R HRIATJDVRI HRMMRNO train right person. Call Duplex 3 Bedrooms each side, 2 car WANC. word proct«tor«. Interview appointment, merican or pizzas and Duckpin Bowling, Sports or DESIGN KITCHENS by SALE garage, older home, good condition, STO RRS — B eautiful two Hiro out lUXod odieo wortm. DELIVERING RICH 643-5151. grinders. Apply In per­ 8i G am es; D raw ing & private yard J. P. Lewis. Cabinets, VARIETY OF HOUSE- MG ZRMA. ASOC OEHOJAOP RY > bedroom condo. Fea­ (Ttmoororv S Ptrmontoli LOAM- 5 yards, $60.00 PRICE son: LaStrada West, 471 Painting. Apply Now - $87,500.00 vanities, fo rm ica , W ilson P L A N T S In large and $997500 Hartford Road, YWCA, 78 North Main tures w/w carpeting, all art, Corlan counter tops, plus tax. Washed sand, small pots. Very reasona­ OMASOATJ lOMHGYMO. T MRTP, 6S9-nit O f Manchester. Street, Manchester. appliances, breakfast kitchen cabinet fronts, stone, trap rock, and ble. Private home. Coll ffi-?rsa Phone 647-1437. WARREN E. HOWUND, INC. bar and parking. $385 complete woodworking gravel. 643-9504. 649-6486. LINCOLNS ‘QOJRDMO T JRY.'" — RYPIOM GLASTONBURY month, plus utilities and service, custom made PART TIME NEWS­ •••••■••••••••••••••••a PAPER DEALER AGENCY seeking full WANTED — MOTHER 555 Main St______643-1108 first month tree. Call furniture, colonial repro­ EXPERIENCED MONGBTR. Needed In Hebron. Call time Individual for light TO BABYSIT my school Taylor Associates, 633- ductions In wood, 9 va rie ­ Pets 65 MERCURYS typing, filing. Inventory age child. Bowers school 4665. PAINTER-Qualltv work. Most M*4«ls Hare Now PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Some of the shallowest people In the Tom , 742-9795. ties of hardwood and 2 control, mall posting, area. C a ll 643-2547. 4 beat uums, federal colonial, large Reasonable rates. Fully veneers NOW IN STOCK ALUMINUM SHEETS 1984 world have been everywhere on every continent and seen pick up and dellyery, STDRRS— Two bedroom Insured. Free estimates. used as printing plates — Ixcallant Cholca of Colors & Kqulpm oal everything through the eyes of a travel folder." — Alistair BABYSITTER In my rooms, fireplaced IJving room , form al C a ll 649-9658 o r evenings, along with general office w/w and appliances. 15 643-9237, ask fo r Je rry . .007" th ick, 23 X 24". 50* FREE KITTEN (Adora­ Cooke. home. Vernon area. Part aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dining room, eat in kitchen, 1 full 289-7010. duties. Must have drivers miles to Manchester. each, o r 5 fo r $2.00. Phone ble) to good home. House time. Mature, loving bath, 2 lavatories, large private lot, ★ ★ ★ SAFE BUY USED CARS ★ ★ ★ OiaSSbyNEA. Inc. license. Full company Buiinest Opportunities 22 Laundry facilities. $385 ODD JOBS, Trucking. 643-2711. They M U S T be and box trained. Must grandmother type, for 3 excellent south-end area. ANCHOR ELECTRICAL see. Call 647-0278 after benefits. For Interview m onth . C a ll 643-8516. Home repairs. You home CONTRACTORS — Do picked up before 179 MARQUIS Hi999 m onth old and 2 yea r old. Reduced to $72,900 5pm. I 2dr. Coupa.onaownar.llk^naw c a ll 633-6766. First month tree. It, we do It. Free esti­ any size or type of work. 11:00a.m. only. tocimioii ■37SS KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE™ by Larry Wright Own transportation. Call State Sale—Heir Anxious 2- dr , real nice economy car PIP NEEDS SALES m ates. Insured. 643-0304. Fully Insured. Free Esti­ 12 nm. 'tsss 646-5153, leave m essage I Rakant K-Car 2 dr . 4 cyl $tar>d-, 7SFMD *3tlt REPS — Commission m ates. C a ll 647-0293. PROLONG THE life of I ard. raalaconomy Liktnaw Mustang 4 cyl 4 speed, like new 6 with service. NEWSPAPER PLAYER PIANOS are WILLING TO DO ODD only. W e give you a ll you KEITH REAL ESTATE c u t flo w e rs In y o u r IlCtfU <4$$$ '4 In demand. If you have JOBS, Housecleoning, I 3-dr hatchback, sharp car. 4- 10 c m *4777 DRIVER AND STOCK CARRIER NEEDED need to makesales. Local ROBERT E. JARVIS — home by snipping 646-4 one you do not use, why painting or wood work­ EXCELLENT QUALITY stems at an angle. This I spttd. B3D868 3- dr hatchback turbo Sat this CLERK — Apply In per­ IN MANCHESTER representatives. Retirees Building and remodeling one today not exchange It for cosh ing. Have own transpor­ SEASONED HARD­ provides more stem 82 MERCQRY >9999 CAT6 m w i Do son: Alcar Auto Parts Invited. Apply In person: specialist. Additions, with a wont ad. tation. C a ll 643-0197. WOOD — Dak - Maple - surface to absorb the 1 Marquis. 4 dr tictphonally mca 7tCmVSUR *4411 Inc., 226 Spruce Street, CALL. 391 Center Street, Man­ READ THIS!! garages, roofing, siding, Lebaron 4 door nicely equipped HAV& NINE HVBi WIIICM i m & \T VEP/ chester. PIP, The While 6 Rooms - 4 Bedrooms kitchens, bathrooms, re­ Hickory. $95/cord. Two water. Prolong the life 81 lEEP >5955 mca family car Manchester. I CJ5. 4 cyl., 4 tpd.. thowroom tHWCUtr To 56U-THEM Mfe INSURANCE. You Walt Printers. < New Gat Boiler % RESUMES — Xerox co­ placement wlndows- cord minimum. Cut, spilt of good, but unused Homes for Runt I condition. PICKUPS UCKVY *5477 New Electric Hot-Water Heater pied, 50 fo r $3.49. Enve­ /doors. C a ll 643-6712. and delivered. Call 649- Items In your home by Mont* Carlo, AY. PI. air. ttaroo and •••••••••••••••••****** lopes free. PIP the 1831 anytim e. 7IF0U *3444 CIT OUR LOW, PKI-I. Aluminum Siding ••••••••••••••••••••••• selling them for cosh I Granada 2-drr . 6-cyi. automatic. "While you wait prin­ I a*t cond 2BI3 LOW PRICK Recent Root RENT WITH DPTIDN to w ith 0 lo w -co st o d In SOKRC. *3211 ACCOUNTING MANAGER buy — 8 room Colonial. ters" 391 Center Street, Roofino/Sldlng M 12" G .E . T V — B la ck and classified. III nos *s2so TORAT Bobcat 3 dr . hatchback. 4 c y l. 4 Aluminum Storme and Screena ICutla$$., Suprema 2-door, antra speed rear window delogge< We are looking for an individual who has the Wood stove, fireplace, M anchester. 647-8367. white. AC/DC with a ligh­ l$harp(^ $60.000.-AND W ORTH ITI ••••••••••••••••••••••• (UmlMdDUkMryln *3tU Real Estate plus morel $600 plus utili­ ter cord. Bought 11/82. OtMiMr) 79MIRC. following: a minimum of 4 years experience |82 LYNX >4888 Monarch 2-dr. 6-cyl. auto ties. Single professionals BIDWELL HOME Im­ Retails for over $100, w ill 1) di I hatchback automatic 4>cyt cond AM. FM Nicef3D30-l in banking or a financial institution, proven ••••••••••••••••••••••• BELFIORE realtors' wanted to or students preferred. Se­ provement Company — sell fo r $60 F irm . 646-7473. I REA L SH A R P C A R , 79B0MIIT *2MI supervisory skills and computer backg­ Wt Natii Claaa 2-door. blue. 4-cyi. 4 speed, good HonfiM for Solo 31 431 MAIN ST. 647-1413 curity, references re­ Roofing, siding, altera­ 82 UNOIUI {SAVE running K&M DRY WALL and 42" SNOW PLOW tor" B" ••••••••••••••••••••••a round. Your responsibijjties would include quired. C a ll 742-8932 or tion, additions. Some iTown Car. abiolutcty torgeous Usaii Cars! I0C4MU0 *4MS Painting - Interior, exte­ series wheel horse trac­ lloadad win nouipmanl supervision of our Accounting Department aaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 742-8421.______number for over 30years. S M A L L E PISC O PA L Small V-8. automatic. a*r con*- rior painting. Sheet rock, tor. B ran d new In orig in al Top $$ Raid ttoned. PS. PB. slerto. 33.000 and computer system, financial reporting, 649-6495. CHURCH needs a good ||0 rONlUt CAULINt >3995 m iles Beaulilui blue #3G283-1 ROCKVILLE — By hung and taped. Ceilings. box. Never used. $M or IWaQon Autotnaiic, all powat Mom haitar SINGLE FIVE ROOM condition snow blower. 'tCMUMcNcul'i OWm I Unculii U t r a i r y OMfcv" general ledger, cost control, and liaison with Owner. tV* assumable best otter. C o ll 644-0743.- I aquTpmani. ra il nica wagon Ei^oy tha Holidays In this Immacu­ Ranch House — Coven­ C a ll 647-0170 fo r free ••••••••••••••••••••••• Please c o ll 644-4375. our outside auditors. We offer outstanding m ortgage. $65,0(X) o r best late 7 room Ansaldi Ranch. It featuraa estim ates. offer. 8 room Colonial. try . $375. C o ll 456-3091. Haathia/Plumblna SS company paid benefits. If your background 3 or 4 bedroomi, large beautiful #####•••••••••••••••••• LADIES GENUINE WANTED — Bonk beds. Wood stove, fireplace kitchen, llreplacad living room, two CARPENTRY AND MA­ ••■•••••••••••••••••••• LEATHER Dress Boots C a ll 649-9012, anytim e. and experience fits all of the above require­ and m o re l C a ll 742-8932or Stora/OHIce Space 44 — Like new. Size 7'/} full baths, large Jatousled Florida SONRY - Free estimates. |/ m o r i « ^ b b o t h e r s / ments you are invited to send your resume 742-8421. Call Tony Squlllacote649- FOGARTY•BROTHERS medium. Dork brown, room, plaster walla and a two car gar­ Are you an antique along with your salary requirements in con- age. Only $76,900. 0811. — Bathroom remodel­ high heel. $75. Coll 643- What make$ Want Ads ing; Installation water 5457. lover? Read the offerings ffdence to: NEWLY DECORATED In C la ssifie d eve ry day to work? People like you OFFICE SPACE In Man­ INTERIOR/EXTERIOR heaters, garbage dispo­ Box H, c/o The Herald who read and use the PAINTING and wallpap­ sals; faucet repairs. 649- PLAY PEN — Sturdy find the Items or Items LOMBARDO t ASSOCIATES chester. Centrally lo­ you'd like to own. 643- 31S CENTER ST.. MANCHESTER. CONN. 043-5135 Wont Ads every day. 649-4003 cated with ample park­ ering done. Reasonable 7657. V IS d /M o ste rC a rd wooden wheels on five Om>b,WA.inc . Tum om m tiMO 643-2711. ing. C o ll 649-2891. prices. C o ll 643-5116. accepted. rolle rs. $45. C o ll 649-2071, 2711. Coventry CHFA Financing Possible

$61,900.00 $64,900.00 Private Setting. STRANO Cabinets Galore, Large Lot, 4 Bed­ Natural Wood­ rooms (2-Huge). Real Estate work, 3 Bedrooms, OHW & Wood Fur­ Pantry, Mudroom, nace, Tw o Wells, 2 156 East Center St. Appliances, Gar­ Car Garage, Work­ age, Nice, Flat Lot. shop & Loft. Manchester 646-2000 Private Beach Rights go with This home has lovely wall-to- this large home, even though it wall carpeting and newer bath. is not on the lake. It has a newer Nice yard for children, and it's roof and a rear porch. IMMACULATE!!

AmiiiaM* Mertgeg* Attractive 3 Bedroom Ranch on % acre in Tol­ land. Fireplaced living room, formal dining room, Manchester $72,900 large family room, 1 Vi baths and 2 car garage. At­ New Listing! Old world charm is captured in this imma­ “0051 TO UUn' tractive assumable mortgage available. Call for culate Colonial with enclosed sunporch. trench doors, On a nice treed private lot. Six room ranch, wood details. 76,900. front to bacK living room with fireplace. Professionally stove, tool shed. Great starter or retirement finished hardwood floors. 1 W balhs. 3 bedrooms. Tas­ home. Asking $47,000.00 tefully decorated throughout Call 643-4060.

Manchester $102,900 10% Owner Finandiig Gorgeous grounds and pretty home in super conveni­ A super opportunity to purchase your own home ent location. Wall to wall carpeting throughout with at an incredibly low interest rate. Check out the coordinated wallpaper. Work saving kitchen with dis­ MANOIISTII details on this 3 Bedroom Townhouse Condom i­ hwasher 6 disposal, family room with fireplace, formal Eight lovely rooms in older colonial in good con­ nium, applianced kitchen. 1Vi baths, full base- diningroom. 4 bedrooms.2VV baths6 2cargarage.643- dition. All large rooms. 4 bedrooms, dining room 4060 f ment and deck. 57.900. with fireplace, large lot and garage. Presently ECONOMICAL TO HEAT used as a rooming house. Only $72,900.00 Lovely, Spotless Ranch on large Ws can help you become e m lot. 3 Bedrooms. Lots of wall to "REALE' PROFESSIONAL! TEOFORD Call M 6 4 5 2 5 . and aak lor Oan. FREE wall carpeting. Fireplace, Family ------IIARK FT REAl ESTATE, INC. Room with bar. Central Air, REAL ESTATE SERVICES EVALUATtON D.F. REAIE, INC. Above Ground Pool. A "M U S T Real Eilate 223 East Canter Si., Manchatlar s n loss 64 7 -9 9 1 4 I t s m alm I f.. ■■ .|> || |». Cl. M HarMord Tpka, Rie. M Vernon SEE HOUSE!" 646 -4 525 2» Connecticul Blvd., East Hartford, $79,900.00 60 Poqiionock Ava., WIndaor I R t. 4 4 A B o lto n

A / *

Blue Trails Estates Brand new 8 Room Contemporary. 2 car garage- simply gorgeous, too many features to mention. Directions - Main St. to Charter Oak to Highland to South Windsor Birch Mountain Rd. to sign Blue Trails Estate Timber Ridge 10 room MANCHESTER $95,900. Tom Eastman Spacious Ranch with three Bed­ When you list your house with Tom Eastman, you Raised Ranch. 4-5 bed­ never have to ask "When Is my house going to be adver­ " 7'7*' rooms, two tiled baths, plenty of clo­ tised?" rooms, main fioor family sets, oversized garage, wooded set­ With Ed Gorman's Continuous Advertising Plan, Tom can guarantee that a picture of your house will be room, lower level rec room, ting, move in next month!! Built in In a leading real estate paper until your house is sold s -I 1980. Area of $100,000 homes. AN D at no cost to you. 3 fireplaces, 2 baths, in Tom says that people who are ready to buy houses al­ ground pool. Call Ginger Street 643-9909 ways look in this paper. So if you want buyers to see your house in every issue, call Tom now at 646-4040. $129.900 ED GORMAN „ Associates iJijau , xU&R REALTY CO. 604 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST ihj 643-2692 646-4040 6 n r to­ ll h. it's

enter St hester IS [B Downtown Manchester Harvest Festival i October 24th thru 29th •jyindow Painting & Judging - Oct. 24th— 28th •Pumpkin Decorating & Judging — Oct 29th, 10-12. EAT St James Church n large wall to •Costume Parade — Oct. 29th, 2:00 p.m. Starting at the Family Manchester State Bank il Air. ‘MU ST j •Fre^^PvTize — for aii who enter •Ciowns on the street — Baiioon Scuipturing •“Miiton the Magician" at Center Park after the parade •Bake Safe on Main SL — Oct 29th. Sponsored by Manchester Association for Retarded Citizens •Be sure to attend the Lutz Haunted House and Halloween Party, Oct. 30th & 3lst, 7-8:30 p.m., at the Lutz Museum.

Spontored by Downtown MorchanVt Ataoclatlon with Participation by Lutz Children’s Museum

.900. I Bed- of clo- 3d set- luilt in s. T-

Optical Style Bar

Optical Style Bar Inc. has fur­ and determine the best contact lens nished much of the personal optical form and style for you. Research needs for eastern Connecticut and practical experience has Fairway residents for more than 30 years, proven the advantageous use of and has gained invaluaUe knowl­ softlens and permalens. the visually Glaziers Olympia Dell edge of the area's needs. and physically most comfortable of “We give you old fashioned service, have Fashion-conscious, licensed op­ contact lens styles. Glaziers has been serving Manchester women Ken Soder, owner of Olympia DeH. tremendous stock and pride ourselves on ticians know their responsibility in Hearing aid sales and service are employees who know and' love their work. keeping abreast with innovations in an important part of the services for 38 years. You can find a full line of Nurse their field, as well as to continue provided by Optical Style Bar Inc. A Uniforms. Waitress Uniforms, Nurse-Mate Shoes, At Olympia Deli, you can be assured of fast, Fairway, a 5 and 10 and more. 975 Main Street." with conventional vision aids. They guarantee of satisfaction in hearing Maternity Clothes & Lingerie at Glaziers. Store friendly, courteous service. Daily luncheon are proud to be leaders in the use of aid sales and service is backed by aolite ultravue seamless bifocal. experienced, knowledgeable tech­ hours are Monday through Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to specials, party platters, and catering service The ultravue lens can answer your nicians and quality brand aids as 5:30 p.m., and Thursday until 8 p.m. Telephone available. need for high fashion as well as well as all necessary accessories. satisfy vision needs. ''Optical Style Bar maintains a 643-8346. Highly qualified technicians in com'-‘'

IS LOOKING GOOO Olympia Delicatessen your headquarters for o f 697 Main St. lllancliMtsr fall and Halloween party supplies GEMCUT L/ Downtown 643-0809 Manchester ...for women with in c* discriminating taste. C‘ •masks •wicker dollies e Maternity ' •pumpkins ' clothes (‘ •make-up -si gniforms f . •greeting cards •wigs •trick or treat bags e Loungewear c* •candy le Bra & Corset •wreath forms •craft supplies Fittings and much much more... e Breast Form Deli Style Lunches • Cold Cuts m for Masectomys Party Platters • Catering We look forward to MS4‘

OPCN: Daily Luncheon Specials Seeing you. • 763 and 191 Main St., Manchester MON-SAT t ’.aO-SiM Phone 643-1191 or 643-1900 THURS. TILL SKM Open Daily • Eastbrook Mall, Mansfield Phone 456-1141 All Items Available For 9- 5:30 every EASraN CONNECnCUT'S LEAMN6 FUU SEIVia OPTiaANS Take-Out. little Thurs til 8 Ra/eenee Meiueeu - owner thing! VISIT OUR BOOTH No. 129 Closed Sunday (Main Entrance) 9$1 Main St, Manehaatar C/643-6346 Please^ Call Early 643-0809 . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRODUCT SHOW

, t r t t 1 . I, J,i;» . t i i . , : 111 11 j i i j ___ ' ’ ‘ . ,; • f. K


s Lift the Latch Globe Travel expanding Marvins Marl-Mads If Lift the Latch is not already one of your We've knocked out some walls and added a The Marvins invite Manchester to visit their Madeline Matheny, owner of Mari-Mads is happy favorite stops in Manchester, then stop in and room to better serve you. Stop in to see us! We're store at 981 Main St., Manchester, and discover to help you choose just the right items. Her discover us. Let us try to make our shop your here to help you with your travel needs and service and dedication, to quality not found in youth-specialty shop offers _you personalized one-stop shop for all gift occasions. Discover our dreams. hectic shopping centers. We carry the finMt in service and quality merchandise. Mari-Mads is extensive selection of Mikasa bone china, petite Globe Travel Service — Manchester's FIRST paints, wallpaper and floor coverings. We have located at 757 Main St. china, fine china, and porcelain. Discover our Travel Agency one of the most complete art departments east ot wide assortment of gifts in all price ranges. 555 Main St., Manchester, Conn., telephone the river, and specialize in stencilling and Discover our eagerness to give service to our 643-2165 lampshade making accessories, as well as customers. Discover our prices. We are sure you Watch for our travel nights featuring Greece — occasional classes. Our ever-changing array will be pleasantly surprised. the unique vacation with everything & Cruising — reflects our commitment to bring the best of New the dream vacation. England to Main Street.

TAHITI CRUISE NIGHT /IFTER » y L0N6 MONTHS.. Haven't you ever dreamed of Tahiti GRAND MIKASA The Romantic Gem of the Blue Pa­ Considering a Cruise? cific Unparalleled beauty & gentle Join us for a fun filled night friendly people quiet, uncrowded, Thursday Nov. 17 unspoiled beaches. OPEIMII\IG.»».W ThaS^QUaJs 7:30 p.m. The islands James Michner called 0UA « » T "The Most Beautiful in the World." East Hartford Holiday Inn fk m V R O iA m . T ree Spirit CeiUNG PAINT Youth Specialty-Shop Dorothy & Jerry Shinners have re­ yukr MU.I. wuNT LOTrx run muMti DINNERWARE SALE Cash Bar ALL cently returned from an inspection OTMea. The time has come to scoop up the Din- tour of the Tahitian Islands. Film 757 MAIN STREET Stop in & talk to them about this Cruise Companies DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER nerware you want at a price that will afford vacation paradise. Tourist Bureaus a great savings. Plenty of stock on hand, but It can be attainable and affordable! Free gift for first 100 ladies at that price it won’t last! Flight Bags Door Prizes including a free 2 C ^ flpp 2 night cruise Mif Harvest Festival $ 2 4 9 5 $1 admission - limited number Charisma Black 5 pc. pi. setting Call us for your ticket Store Wide Saie $2495 ravel aarvioa ves. 20% off Charisma Gray 5 pc. pi. setting M inni FMcts xiuw*. All Sizes Chester, Inc. Regular Merchandise 5SS MAIN STIEET Tango 5 p M U - t l « , 6U>($ MANOIESTEI, CT. taints! '151. Infants - Toddlers $ Q C : 3 6 643-2165 Girls (4-14) Silk Flowers O U 5 pc. pi. setting GREECE SKI I ^ % OFT l ^ % O FF ■ 2.5• i0 % - OFT Boys - Youths (4-20) Many other popular Mikasa patterns Escorted tour - March 30-April 8 ALL ' ■ A ALL : ■ A All •• A.' OF ' * Huskies (8-20) too numerous to list also, available at a $1389°° double. Aren't you ready to ski the "Good .6TENC1L y • -F//VF AR.T6 V ^)^U5HE5 Y ANyTHINfr special savings price. 'roundtrip air New York-Athens Stuff? Wo have package tours to ‘ deluxe hotel accommodations the West as well as Austria, Swit­ w/breakfast _ s o F P L ^ E S ^ ^ SUPPLIES zerland or the Olympic slopes in Levi’s Corduroy Jeans ‘tours Mon-Sat Yugoslavia. True skiing the way it Waist 25 - 30 ‘ 4 day cruise w/outside cabins ^glHAWST til 5:30 ‘transfers between airport, hotels is supposed to be. all lenths — all colors _ and ship Skiing to satisfy the Discriminat­ Thur til 9 ing! DOWNTOWN 6IFTSHOI* Watch for our Greece travel show Better yet, it's affordable. manchesttr reg. 20.50 reduced to * 1 4 . 9 9 coming up on November 18th to Stop in and talk to us. 977 Main St. learn more about this exciting desti­ TELCfMONI* C'IG'0615'' nation. ^ ovtA^ ...... Cash — Master Charge — Visa i . i i 11111H11II11M1 i I n f 1111H1 Yi ff mHHj HI i m y y I m mt I (IM ‘lUiiiim iim iiiij I . 1 1 i 11'It ' I X DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER N «c Your Quality Merits Shop 99 HARVEST FESTIVAL SALE! Entire Stock! Entire Stock! SUITS spOrt coat • Hart, Schaffner & Marx • Botany • ,Botany 500 • John Weitz • Fioravanti • Haggar • Ronald S c o tt • Harris Tweed

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"Your Qualify Man's Shop" REGAL’S SHIRTS PANTS SHOES Our unique shop is stocked SPORTSWEAR MANCHESTER VERNON Featuring Arrow, Featuring Haggar, for Extra Big and Extra Taii Featuring Puritan, izod, 903 MAIN ST. TRI CITY PLAZA Levi's, Jaymar, Featuring Florsheim, Men. Siaeve iengths to 38" Van Hausen, OPEN DAIIV 9:30-3:30, THURS. Til 9:00 OPEN WEO., THURS., & FRI. ‘lit 9:00 Sansabett, and waist sizes to 80". Suits, Munsingwear, Jantzan, Dexter, Maniatee, Career Club, & Damon Hubbard "■a*- "**^Eaii iPfiTtiyff Cross Creek, Enro. m o r» \ i : '• Ilii -1 i - 1

Manchester Hardware Brays Jewelers Did you know? Nassiff Arms f’s Specialty Shoi e Manchester Hardware is Manchester’s Nassiff Arms has been a part of the Manchester William Bray has been in the jewelry business only True Value hardware store. Vila are a specialty shop because our clothim are scene for nearly 40 years, actively supporting for almost 34 years at the same location. It was e Mandiester Hardware is the largest dealer chosen for their fine quality and good taste, along sports, youth activities and local and state events started by his uncle in 1950, and Mr. Bray has in Connecticut for fine hand and woodcarving with interesting accessories and personalized for all of these years. continued the tradition of expert watch and tools. service. Do come in and browse. ^ Thanks to all of the great customers that have jewelry repairs on premises. He carries a full line e Manchester Hardware is the only hard­ Hours: Monday through Saturday, 9:3u a.m. toS of Bulova, Pulsar, Lorus and Seiko watches, as ware store4n the area to cut and thread pipe to helped make it a pleasurable 40 years. p.m. ^ well as hummels and pewter. Stop in and choose fit your needs. Telephone: 643-6196 from a fine selection of diamonds and 14K gold o Manchester Hardware has employees who --Address: 637 Main St., Manchester chains and bracelets. ''' '' can give you sound advice on plumbing, electric repairs, woodworking, and gardening.

Pre-Holiday Sale CLEAR-OUT 1/3 off all Bulova & Caravelle SALE Group Wool Blazers and Skirts Watches AU GUNS - AMMO - HUNTING CLOTHING Broken sizes and colors After nearly 40 years of trading In firearms, Nassiff Arms Is closing out all Guns, Ammo, Check our Mark Down Racks and tables *5®® OFF any watch Hunting Ciothing, Hunting Accessories at for other good buys. Unusuai Prices. Save on Everything! or merchandise over We will continue to carry .22 cal. shells, pel­ lets, BBS, and'COa powerlets. ®25®® with this NASSIFF ARMS CO. Tweed’s Specialty coupon 991 Main St., Manchester Shop Good Thru Nov 30th •THE HOUSE OF SPORTS’’ Watch Sc Jewelry Repairs Diamonds 637 Main Street, Manchester Bruy's Jewelry Store Hours: 737 Main St. Mond. - Sat. Phone; 643-6196 9:30-5:00 Manchester, Ct. 643-5617 5 I

J . Garman Clothier Manchester Mall Bllsh Hardware “The Quality Store East of River — Since ’54. 12,000 square feet of Antiques, Coin Collecti­ Leaf, Stem A Root bles and Specialty Shops. Donna Strattman, owner-designer; Theresa Blish Hardware — Come visit “The Hardwa.'e J. Garman, Clothier, 887 Main St., Manchester. ^Antique Auction every Thursday at 7 p.m. Shop Campanelli. desigper, and Val Peterson, sales, People” at 793 Main Street, where we are hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to S will be happy to help you. Stop by and visK at Leaf, dedicated to giving you fast, courteous service. p.m., and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Stem & Root, 857 Main St., for fresh flowers, or silk See us for all your hardware qpeds. or dried flower arrangements. See our special Holiday Pumpkin Arrangements. They make a lovely addition to your table.

J. GARMAN CLOTHIER .T. BLISH ^TH E HARDWARE PEOPLE" F.T. B L f j' JUST IN Tiai FOR OUR HARVEST FESTIVAL “The Place For Antiques" We have receiv^^^om Scotland a large Bring Your Children group of Men's S^eaten. It's a super assort­ ui dressed in costume m ment, colored to eo-ordmate with our new se­ “ Old Fashioned Prices” and he or she will lection of Sport Ooats^nd Slacks. RE6. EVERVMY LOW PIIICES receive an early Shetlands in tweed mixtures, cable knits P e rm s and solids, V neck lambswools, both long H a irc u ts Halloween Treat sleeved and sleeveless, cashmeres, and of $ 20.00| f re® '' course our famous 4 ply Shetland roll collar $5.00 3M WINDOW KITS cardigans. It's a truly great selection. Walk-Ins Welcome but Appointments Have Priority P.S. It's not too early to think of your hol­ Tues.-Sat. 10-5 p.m. • Fresh • 42x82 2 / ^ ^ m iday selection now... PUMPKIN ARRANGEMENTS 1 1 5 0 82x210 isSo I E with Fall Flowers, Cattails All sales final...AII sales lor cash, check, Mastercard, or Visa ANNE’S PUCE There will be a charge for alterations on Sale Garments A complete unisex hair "A Super Look On Your Party Table" Bring This Coupon To! salon. Anne has over 10 “THE QUALITY STORE EAST OF THE RIVER SINCE '54" years experience in styl­ 'k Beautiful Fall Silk Arrangements k Frut Parking BUSH fo r A I ing & cosmetics. (all price ranges) “Um IIm Back Door” FREE KEY j IN ______/• Large Selection Fresh • WE DIUVEI 1 par euslomar Expiraa 11-S-S3 j m i Porw. Appointment r Call wan 643 w*f< - 144i2 ttl M.C. • VISA Holland Flowers - Unusual Varieties MANCHESTER I'll' 'i"i'HirT|li,i.JiJ 811 Main St. MALL______Como JOIN THE FUN ON MAIN ST. Home of the Antique Market Place 18 Antique and Collectible Shops Leaf, Stem^& Root F.T. llilk B ird viri mmJ mf4/y 4timt .JUm SAvtt 0S040 Antique Auction every Thurs. 7 PM 857 Main 8t. 649-2522 ^ ^ -A FULL SERVICE FLORIST- 793 Main St, MandiMtor. Ct. 643-4121 Clear, co sunny — Se<

V, .A

The Mulberry Manchester Pet Center Manchester Pet Center has been a family business since 1953. Bernard Qozzo started the The Mulberry is one of the ble tor you to enjoy and can be a newest restaurants in Manches­ special treat. Pet Store on Main Street next to Nassiff Arms, ter and has quickly become a To compliment your dinner, then moved it to Maple Street. Th e business was favorite for mqny people. wine and cocktails are served. moved to its present location in 1976 and is now Quality food and good service Happy Hour at the Mulberry is offered Monday through Friday. run by^Gozzo’s son and daughter-in-law, Greg mo is important at the Mulberry. Stop in for lunch to sample one of 4-7 p.m., so you can relax with and Maureen Gozzo. friends in the pleasant atmos­ the delicious homemade soups The are firmly dedicated to service and quality. or choose from among many phere of the lounge. different sandwiches, salads and dtop in and visit the Mulberry All the bird seed and small animal feed is all at 623 Main St. It's open six days hot specials. mixed on premises with no fillers. Prices will Gr< a week, closed Sundays. The dinner menu has a variety See the friendly people and surprise you, too. of seafood and Italian dishes. enjoy the special food available By Nick Modlgai Fresh pasta dishes are availa­ to you at the Mulberry. Stop in and let Greg or Maureen help you and \ show you why they have been so successful. United Press Inti BRIDGETOWN troops fought resli day today in what< final drive to se government. Western diplon 0 ^ 0 GOOD QUAIITY AND planes for medici H t a l^ c r r u X r e t today because of i (M k g o o d s e r v ic e m a n e Hundreds of othi tufifUs SUlL by helicopter in t i H i u w t r u ; vv(u'c(i W ^ k GOOD CENTS! for Related i art u H ffM V H t on pages < /Opart iit ikt of today revised it is aiso American soidier sKitSi. iK XcHtm. 5^. and 39 were wou Tropical Fish, Goldfish, Parakeets, operation since ^ 6e(iu X ^ simpUat^ f ^ Monday with an Canaries, Love Birds, Cockatiels, Marines and Rani « tree, 05 wed 05 U5 Defense official Puppies, Kittens, Teddy Bear and soldiers had been i O suitofooKCtf U.S. military hos| Russian (dwarf) Hamsters. Barbados Prim fat^edfUejirus,^ the governor gene •Complete dry stock dept, for fish, dogs, interim govemmi residents by radi cats, small animals U.S. and Caribbei “ Grenada will I •Warm dog coats & sweaters Adams said in a | 'Vde 'MuCherru Grenadian troo (many styles and prices) government were •We carry Ferplast Cages the Richmond HI prisoners were bf (“Quality you can see”) Deputy Prime Hudson Austin, ai Revolutionary h refuge at the Sovi Coard and Ausi 649-3666 MANCHESTER PET CENTER Bishop, who was i setting in motloi Caribbean troops L O U N G E - LEISURE DINING 687 Main St. 649-4273 an action to resto Hours: Monday thru Thursday 11 am - 9 pm Matter Charge - Vita • lay A Woyt Reinforced witl Friday and Saturday 11 am r 10 pm Closed Sunday CAU US WITH ANY QUESTIONS Catholic E( By Sarah E. Ha Herald Reporte

A teachers’ sti ai, A co»tum« guide MHS’sMenc Repair backed i ^ tor Halloween finding success In Coventry ... page 9 pag«11 ... page 15

Manchester, Conn. Clear, cold tonight; Thursday, Oct. 27, 1983 sunny Friday Single copy: 25C — See page 2 HanrhfHtpr HrraUi

Warn Is i . v .. ■■■•j:.'. ,t' .-'A;*/,; lwy«ltoMMa«l,»lttnbkawiMade^ ^ I a m b Jki aenit, ^ s SMrtuiasias.'Sod) ii«r ^ .«id V.8, < < ■ Mtieldfled.,«I. . , . ------MLweeMwdte 2 fn istra tio ii ovgar ^ naHoBirtSte T v )j aaa a J la rtia S P |f^ li^st . i a e l r l rmatton. “Myhufbandsays anytlitaf far Wist'’' ' ^ M r A ' LSlWitMfiF^jaMSi [tile ttHed end woonded) ere,** J m tkdkpBm'-mmtni mV'ktim dl- i» « 'ttiii|4yiiH ta tb e e i)ctte r elfaBce? ^ I’laifaaeiMOraMSS. ■ttUttm nif)V-0 ’Sneittereeiidyeawettand -W eluiTBfaseeseeireshietifa^' ' TJederiiipf- Gndmn. Wediieadie'efa'eiMiS'ifaiMS ^AfiamwitiisonieiieDple ______' ~ k f . 7 ifaMiiiaeoeadOiteada -Thefewlietfefc

[,aiM M fm lta ia g.' ' a « t : 4^ tiw Kartee ^^ASd I*«e S ' pi te be deya. e book fair 4e {< re ^ Idee r f a r f g ' ede»««esBddfcartld^ T i^ao reefd n gcM io er.l . atatid ead irstt.' Marines I Key sentry unarmed in r mop up bomb attack

By Scott Macleod Grenada United Press International BEIRUT, Lebanon — A key sentry during the bomb attack that killed 221 U.S. servicemen had no By Nick Modloon magazine in his rifle when a truck loaded with United Press International explosives barreled into the Marine headquarters, a. Marine officer said today. BRIDGETOWN, Barbados — American invasion Col. Tim Geraghty, commander of the Marines in troops fought resisUng Grenadian soldiers for. a third Beirut, said two days before the attack they bad bMn day today in what U.S. officials predicted would be the warned that a car bombing was imminent. Asked i' final drive to seize the island and install a new there was any culpability on the part of sentri^, government. Geraghty,1 replied, "N o .” Western diplomatic sources said no evacuation "W e receive a lot of wariiings,” he said. "It is not c planes for medical students could land in Grenada uncommon.” ID today because of the fighting. The sentry, who was not identified, was uninjured Hundreds of other students, many of them taken out by the explosion. by helicopter in the midst of raging firefights with "He (the sentry) saw the truck and went to put a magazine in his rifle,” said 1st Lt. Joseph Jacobs of Cuban and Grena- UPl photo dlan forces, were Milwaukee, who was one of the first on the scene after Related stories arriving in Cha­ An instructor at Camp Lejeune, N.C., granade launcher. Training continued the explosion and spoke with the sentry later. rleston, South Ca­ "H e turned around and the truck was by him by that T on a routine basis Wednesday despite on pages 4 and 10 rolina aboard mil­ covers his ears as a student of the time. Then he (the sentry) was blown into the itary aircraft. Marine infantry Training School lets trouble in Lebanon and Grenada. bunker,” Jacobs said. The Pentagon loose with a blast from a self-contained “It is my understanding that on that interior today revised its casualty figuresr-^aying eight perimeter line they did not have magazines in their American soldiers were killed, eight were missing weapons.” ’ and 39 were wounded in the largest U.S. military The ease with which the truck was able to break operation since the Vietnam War, which began through fixed barriers and sentry posts was likriy to Monday with an air, sea and land assault by 1,900 raise questions about security at the installation, in Marines and Rangers. Reagan speaks tonight which the Pentagon said at least 221 American Defense officials said all the wounded American servicemen were killed and 79 wounded. soldiers had been evacuated and were being treated in At least 54 French paratroopers were killed in a gan, and the president was ex­ objectives. U.S. military hospitals. By Helen Thomas nearly identical suicide bomb attack on a French Pentagon sources said that at Barbados Prime Minster Tom Adams said today United Press International pected to discuss efforts to in­ barracks in west Beirut. crease the security of the least six Americans were killed the governor general of Grenada, expected to head an A Marine patrol had been hit by a car bomb booby multinational peace-keeping and 33 wounded. interim government, will address his island’s 110,000 WASHINGTON — President trap fouf days before the headquarters tragedy, and The defense secretary declined residents by radio today to explain the invasion by Reagan plans to tell the American force. Geraghty said, “We had a clear indication there were Reagan received a 'first hand to be pinned down on when U.S. U.S. and Caribbean troops. people tonight of the strategic new elements in town that were specifically targeting report from Vice President George troops would withdraw, saying, "I "Grenada will have democracy after five years," importance of the Middle East and Marines.” Bush Wednesday evening in the hope we’re talking about days or Adams said in a predawn radio broadcast. a Marxist-free Caribbean to the Nonetheless, a map drawn up by Marine intelli­ family quarters after Bush re­ weeks." Grenadian troops loyal to the pro -C u ba(ii^itary United States, aides say. gence indicated that few, if any, extra precautions turned from his hasty trip to government were holding out at Fort FredefIcK near The aides said Wednesday the Deputy press secretary Larry had been taken. L,ebanon. the Richmond Hill prison where some 100 political address is "m ainly a chance for Speakes indicated only minimal The truck, packed with a ton of explosives, picked There were still questions sur­ prisoners were being held hostage, sources said. him to put events of the past few efforts were made to seek an up speed in an adjacent airport parking lot, then rounding Reagan's decision to Deputy Prime Minister Bernard Coard, Gen. weeks into perspective.” alternative solution, short of mil­ rammed a barbed wire fence, a gate and an 8-inch invade Grenada Tuesday morning Hudson AusUn, and an unknown number of the 16-man Deputy press secretary Peter itary action, to ensure the safety of sewer pipe blocking the entrance and sped in a to rescue 1,000 Americans on the Revolutionary Military Council reportedly took Roussel said the U.S. invasion of the U.S. citizens, mostly medical straight line to the lobby, where the kamikaze driver island and to restore order. refuge at the Soviet Embassy. Grenada was getting strong sup­ school students. detonated the charge. On the w ar front. Defense Coard and Austin ousted Prime Minister Maurice port from those who telephoned the The truck also smashed through a guard shack in Secretary Caspar Weinberger said He insisted that the assurances Bishop, who was slain by government soldiers Oct. 19, White House to voice an opinion. the entrance to the building. 2 operations on Grenada were "pro­ of the Marxist-oriented Grenada setting in motion Tuesday's invasion by U.S, and He said there were 3,656 positive An unidentified sergeant of the watch, who gressing very well." He said the Revolutionary Military Council Caribbean troops in what President Reagan said was calls and 1,508 negative calls. miraculously survived the explosion and is recover­ U.S.-led Invasion force had cap­ that the Americans would be safe an action to restore order and democracy. The more than 200 Marine deaths ing from serious injuries at an undisclosed location, were not acceptable because of the Reinforced with fresh troops, some 2,700 U.S. troops in the suicide bombing at Beirut tured 600 Cuban prisoners, rescu ^ saw the truck speeding into the compound. Airport last Sunday has been 70 Americans and was "moving instability of that new Jacobs said he spoke to the sergeant immediately Please torn to page 10 particularly anguishing for Rea­ against the remaining few government. after the explosion while he was awaiting evacuation. "H e told me it was a yellow Mercedes about the size of a 2>A-ton truck,” Jacobs said. “It drove over him Catholic teachers' union prepares to take dnstic action and over the guaid shack and went into the lobby of 7 the b u llin g and detonated.” Jacobs said the sergeant told him that a sentry standing by his side had managed to get off a couple of shots before being run over by the truck. ECHS strike is more likeiy than ever "He (the sergeant) knew exactly what it was as soon as he saw it coming,” Jacobs said. Geraghty said the sergeant and the sentries had By Sarah E. Hall Contriict talks themselves have only six or seven seconds to react as tiM truck raced Htrald Reporter to hend on the central office’s contract John F.- Whealon has not answered proposal: At a tempestuous Wednes­ stalled. A state mediator has recessed letters calling for his involvement. across the 50 yards between the perin zM r fence and negotiations until he feels further the building housing the Marine B a ^ lio n Landing A teachers’ strike may be the next day meeting, they voted overwhelm­ "We feel abused. We’re also dis­ progress is possible. Team where about 300 men were sli ling, union action at five area Catholic High ingly to reject the diocesan offer, then mayed that the archbishop has not "W e simply can’t talk to them if Asked why no one had noticed e truck as it Schools. "The threat is definitely there, voted by a more narrow margin not to contacted us,” says Dickau. there’s nothing to talk to them about," gathered s p ^ in the parking li eraghty said, and stronger than ever," says John J. change their own proposal. East Catholic’s McConville says he’s The Rev. Henry C. Frascadore, says Dickau. "O ur needs are not being “ disgusted” with the administration. ‘:circling in the parking lot is an uncommon McConville, a union representative occurrence. Cars and trucks a re % there as a matter from East Catholic High School. assistant superintendentlor archdioce­ met." " I think they better begin to act The new union battle-cry is that the of routine. Being next to a busy airfield Is part of the At a 4>A-hour meeting of the Greater san secondary schools, says " a strike seriously and not just talk seriously.” administration is violating church problem.” Hartford Catholic Education Associa­ would be harmful to the total school But he also thinks the membership doctrine on fair wages by not offering tion Wednesday night, members ve­ community.” should be taking stronger steps. The teachers enough pay. Dickau and t o ^ a "sick out” and decided to vote union did vote to continue with its others cite Pope John Paul IPs next week on whether or not to make THE ARCHDIOCESE has offered an current action, dubbed "Ph ase 3,” enciclical "On Human Work,” which the unprecedented move to strike. 8 percent wage increase for the fall which includes daily teacher marches Inside Today calls for respectable working wages. "Next Wednesday, we may vote to semester and a 3 percent increase in into school, and vigils outside the "O u r offer is the most generous dhe 20 pooM, 3 stctlons take fae most drastic action this the spring during the first two years of chancery office. the contract.'The increase would be we’ve made since we opened our "W e are going to be more demonstra­ system has ever U k en ," says union ...... 12 Obituaries...... 10 schools In 1962,” Frascadore says. tive in our walks — w e’re going to be Advict...... President Thomas Dlokau of Bristol. 9.25 percent the third year. The union B u tin n t...... IS Opinion...... 4 He claims there’s "a good possibil­ offer calls for 8 percent in the fall carrying more graphic signs,” says Cloultltd...... 11-19 Peopletolk...... 2 BUT UNION MEMBERS are com­ ity" that teachers, angry over the during the first year and 3‘A percent in Dickau. Comics...... 6 Sports...... 15-17 ...... 12 Television...... administration’s stance on salary and the spring, then 8>A percent and 3‘A plaining that the administration has At East Catholic, teachers will also Entortolnmont___ ...... • shown a lack of concern, and are Lottery...... r...... 2 Weather...... 2 benefit offers, will support the strike. percent the second year and 8‘A stage a walk-in at "Parents’ Night” The teachers themselves have refused percent and 4 percent the final year. especially upset because Archbishop tonight.