1961 Roger Duhamel, F.R.S.C
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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. , doe \o‘becegtee demeOsVe obeeeido‘'eee Canada Ogee ?ve e. eee ee eVeedeeettdeeee zee (‘\10se elelç, d \-es bY-‘e.10.1‘iades eee d\see ç'ée*\ ee eee Report of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE 1.113 \t' M;Niei•R`-i "i'.;1_ St •±J;:y. 29 1987 Biau 0 'r H i:QUE 1 mINISTÈRE .Dtl 501.11ill'eUR GÉNÉRAL Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1961 Roger Duhamel, F.R.S.C. Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery Ottawa, 1962 52982 - 6--1 Price 25 cents Cat. No. J61 4 961 Available from the Queen's Printer Ottawa, Canada • CONTENTS ' PÀGÈ Organization , 9 Operatiônal and Service Division Chart " 8 , Headquarters Organizational Chart -- 10 2 Jurisdiction—Provincial Agreements, Municipal Agreements , 11 Crime ' 1- Criminal Code—Summary of. Investigations Under . Criminal 12 Principal Offences against the Person 13 : Offences against Property 13 Juvenile Crime 14 Crime Conditions in Doukhobor Communities - • 14 Counterfeiting , 14 , Federal Statutes 1. _ 15 : Customs. Act 15 _ Excise Act 17 Income Tax Act 17 Canada Shipping Act ' 18,1 . Opium and Narcotic Drug Act - ' , 18 International Co -operation , „ 19 Citienship and Immigration 19 Provincial and Municipal Laws 20. Provincial Statutes Traffic Law Enforcement . Municipe ,ey-Laws , • ; , ,,‘‘ 21 Oilier Investigations and Administrative 23 Assistance ()der *Pôlice 24 Administrative Assistance • • ... • - - • 24 Other Duties and Services 26 Federal Government Property and Security Arrangements 26 Northern Work 26 Dog Team Patrols 28 National Police Services 29 Identification Work 29 Crime Detection Laboratories 32 Summary of an Interesting Case 33 Publications—R.C.M.P. Gazette, R.C.M.P. Quarterly 35 Telecommunications 35 "Marine" Division Services 36 "Air" Division Services 39 Police Service Dogs 40 52982-6-2 • • - e • PAGE Administration 41 Strength Training —Règular, Specialized, University, .Traffiç, First Aid 43' R.C.M.P."Group Insurande 47 Band 47 Horses . . „ 48 Skig,b. 1)0gs Pay -,:; ' 48 Discipline . .... 48 Marriages. 48 Supply . 53 General .Supplies .and.Equipment 53 Uniforms 54 Quarters ••• - • • • •• -• . •' 54 Conclusion 56 • Appendices ................... ........ .. .. 57 Appendix A—List of Detachnients Maintained bÿ R.C.M.P.'" 57 Appendix B—List of Municipalities Yolked•by•R.C.M,P. .;.. • .63,, Appendix C—Disposition of Offences Investigated underlhe Federal, Statutes ..... 64 ... 4 • To His Excellency Major-General George P. Vanier, D.S.O., M.C., C.D., Governor General of Canada MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY: The undersigned has the honour to submit to Your Excellency the Report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the year ended March 31, 1961. Respectfully submitted, E. D. FULTON, Minister of Justice and Minister in Control of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 5 52982-6--2i ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE To: The Honourable E. D. Fulton, Q.C., M.P., Minister of Justice and Minister in Control of the R.C.M. Police. I have the honour to submit the following .Annual Report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the year ended March 31, 1961: 7 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE ORGANIZATION HEADQUARTERS DiS-rlSiON 7 .. ROYAL OPERATIONAL DIVI-i1OKS I CA NAD fi r 11Ike, FIP 41b11 n o” u n n " Lu i■Gn B.C. Mta. Sask. Man. SW. Ont. W. Que. • N .S . P.E.I. Nfld. N.W.T. IA : • • N MO NW. Ont. NE. Ont. Labrador Y.T. UNT ED POLICE : z SERVICE DIVISIONS ‘. • "N" Division "DEPOT" Division "MINE" "AIR" (Training) (Training) • Royal Canadian Mounted Police • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act provides for the constitution, organization, and discipline Of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and prescribes the general limits of the poivers and duties of the Force. The Royal Canadian ;Mounted Police Regulations which supplement the provisions of the RCM Police Act and deal with the internal management of the Force, were completely revised during the lie year to bring them into line with the new Act. Among the moré important changes in thé new regulations, was the provision to clarify the status of non-regular members and the introduction of the category of Civilian Member to bring persons employed on certain specillç duties directly under the terms of the, RCM Police Act and ,Regulations. In addition, retirement and annual leave provisions were +ended and màrriage regulations were some- what relaxed. : During the year under review nutrierous applications i were received from ex-members of the Force for disatiilityi pensions as a resuh, Of new provisions in the RCM Police Superannuation Act dealing with comiiensatiOn for injuries sustained on duty. All applications were dealt with by the Canadian Pension Commission and of 187 applications forwarded for- consideration 35 were granted entitlèment. Organization The Force is divided into thirteen land and fonr- service-DivisiOns dc,ignated either alphabetically or by name; covering the territorial limits oe; Canada. .The geographica1 area of each Division is shown on page 8. The Headquarters of the Force is located at Ottawa and consiste of.'„•he office .of thé CommisSioner, one Deputy Commissioner in charge of Op'èrations, one 'Deput,CominisSiéner in charge of Administration and six DirectorateS as indicated ill the chart;On paie 10. tii-è—tiiirteen land Ditiisions are broken intO 40 Sub-Divisions operaTting under the Control of their tiespective Division Headquarters. These Sub-Divisions are idivided into 624 Detachments and are rèsponsible to their respective Sub-Divisions. Please see Appendix "A". There ate also thirteen "Air" Detach- ments throughout Canada !under the contrOl of "Air" Division Headquarters at OttaWa`. [ [ r In addition to the ab4'vT â Déreetibi-éne 1O-Cated at Fort Walsh, Saskatch- ewan';.;, for the purpose of lireeding horses, administered from "Depot" Division, Regina, and another Deta;chment is located' at Sydney Forks, N.S., for the purpose_ of training Police Service Dogs, under the administration of Headquarters Dii4Sibn, Ottawa. Thus, thère are in all, a total of 639 Detachments. "Marine" and "Air" Divisions which are service divisions, provide support for kilielan1 Divisicinein tie form of transportation and other services as well as discharging -their 'On -police responsibilities. The Headquarters of both "Air" and,;.:Warine" Division are located in Ottawa. ‘4-The rOnaining two service divisions, "Depot" and "N", locatéd at Regina and Ottawa respectively, are training divisions. They provide facilities for recruit training and for various courses of instruction. Some advanced training and 9 ROYAL CÂNÀDIAN MOUNTED POLICE 'HEADQUARTERS DRGAHIZATION COMMISSIDN ER _ L _ Departmental Sec. Liaison Ott cer I Treasury Office , Central Registry I . DEPUTY Ci:MMISSIONER - DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ›, (Operations) . (Admini tration). Planning and Establishment Inspection Team Branch R.R. & 0.Section z t =.1 z tz DIRECTORATE "C" "A" DIRECTORATE — . " DIRECTORATE "T"'DIRECTORATE "S" DIRECTORATE Operations & Criminal DIRECTORATE M" SecuritY8 ntelligence Admin. & Organidàtion- Marine Services Telecommunications' Services & Supply Investigations I . : • Pure as- .Supply Printi g Crime Crim.nal Ide t. Prey.- . - Traffic - Emer ency • • Àdju anis Pets nnel Training Adminis- Accerninbdarn. Estimates Detecen- Inveshgaen r Bm ch Service -Bra ch Planning nell Boa cif; Bra MI Branch Branch ,Branch Branch , harm Const. & ' &financial ing ' Br. & Stati nery ch ' Central Stores Branch' Bra ch • Brande —Bra eh Maint.,Br. Branch Bra Labs Stores Secte. „,• • ÇO,11,441/11,e10.111EIV5 .RE1,30R,T , 11 technical courses are open for attendance by . members of. other police ,forces. Both of these Divisions are equipped for training Musical and Exhibition Rides. The following is a list of permanent DetachmentS opened and closed •dining the fiscal year 1960-61 .:— . Detachments Closed . Detachments Opened Oak Point "D” Div. Falcon Beach "D" Div. Fox Valley "F" Div. Cold Lake "K" Div. Port Radium "G" Div. Pemberton "E" Div. Wabush :Lake "B" Lundar "D" Div. Trochu "K'.' Div. Chetwynd • "E" Div. Fort Chimo "G" Div. Swan Hills "K" Reliance "G" Div. Smeaton "F" Div.. Cranberry Portage "D'' -Div., • 'Carol Lake "B" Div. Inuvik "Air" Div.