Westfield Hi-Y Itional Children's Fiook Week Port It
>:\;;- > /t5:w;M#«£:»3 THE WESTFIELD LEADER TO LiADnro AVD won WWWLT oaouLiTiD fuui vivtVArai or mum OOOWTT FvENTY-FIKST YEAR—No. 11 Entered a» Second Clae Matter Published Pom OBlcif, Wld M., J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1960 Kvery Thursday Organizations To Hold IF Workers derails Day Services Town, County Back Republicans; For im Coal Ceremony Boroite$ Support Charter Study Passes 9,655-1,825 GOP Candidate* Final Reports Due Tuesday Vote By Wards In Wntfield tomorrow To MOUNTAINSIDE — Borough Case, Dwyer Council Republican incumbents Eu- On Campaign Fried Outruns gene F. Rau and William A. Heine 1W SW 3W 4W Teul PRESIDENT iture Talks defeated their Democratic oppon- Volunteer workers in the Retain Posts By Nixon, Lodge, R _.._ 3,024 2,796 2,540 2,500 10,866 Democratic Slate; ents Chester B. Allen and Robert United Fund of Westfield's I960 Kennedy, Johnson, D— 674 642 1,355 1,086 4,057 'heodore A. Harrington Jr., P. Spagaa Tuesday. campaign are in' the final stage -SENATOR mander of- the Martin Wali- The vote was: Rau, 2,079; Heine, of attempting to collect a total Large Majorities Vote Locally Case, R _ 3,168 2,013 2,812 2,800 12,013 Post 3, American Legion, an- 1,891; Allen, 1,082, and Spagna, of (41,592 necessary to meet the Lord, D. 431 540 9»2 997 3,066 ted that the veterans' orgatii- 1243,436 quota needed for sup- 1,075. Of the 3,455 registered, a Union County Republicans came CONGRESS Democrat Arthur C.
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