Westfield Hi-Y Itional Children's Fiook Week Port It
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>:\;;- > /t5:w;M#«£:»3 THE WESTFIELD LEADER TO LiADnro AVD won WWWLT oaouLiTiD fuui vivtVArai or mum OOOWTT FvENTY-FIKST YEAR—No. 11 Entered a» Second Clae Matter Published Pom OBlcif, Wld M., J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1960 Kvery Thursday Organizations To Hold IF Workers derails Day Services Town, County Back Republicans; For im Coal Ceremony Boroite$ Support Charter Study Passes 9,655-1,825 GOP Candidate* Final Reports Due Tuesday Vote By Wards In Wntfield tomorrow To MOUNTAINSIDE — Borough Case, Dwyer Council Republican incumbents Eu- On Campaign Fried Outruns gene F. Rau and William A. Heine 1W SW 3W 4W Teul PRESIDENT iture Talks defeated their Democratic oppon- Volunteer workers in the Retain Posts By Nixon, Lodge, R _.._ 3,024 2,796 2,540 2,500 10,866 Democratic Slate; ents Chester B. Allen and Robert United Fund of Westfield's I960 Kennedy, Johnson, D— 674 642 1,355 1,086 4,057 'heodore A. Harrington Jr., P. Spagaa Tuesday. campaign are in' the final stage -SENATOR mander of- the Martin Wali- The vote was: Rau, 2,079; Heine, of attempting to collect a total Large Majorities Vote Locally Case, R _ 3,168 2,013 2,812 2,800 12,013 Post 3, American Legion, an- 1,891; Allen, 1,082, and Spagna, of (41,592 necessary to meet the Lord, D. 431 540 9»2 997 3,066 ted that the veterans' orgatii- 1243,436 quota needed for sup- 1,075. Of the 3,455 registered, a Union County Republicans came CONGRESS Democrat Arthur C. Fried, can. jons of Westfield will again total of 3,210 voted. The borough port of the 14 member agencies back into power Tuesday when the Dwyer, R : _.. 3,076 2,843 2,618 2,634 11,172 didate for mayor, outran all tha supported all Republican county forthe coming year. They are hop- duct memorial services at the three GOP Board of Freeholders Dunn, D 562 644 1,W 1,158 3,655 other Democratic candidates la ing to raise this amount by Tues- 1 Id War I Plata at 11 a.m. and national candidates, as well as candidates defeated their incum- FREEHOLDER Westlleld . voting Tuesday hf f»U day night when final reports con- irans Day, tomorrow. the state referendum. bent Democratic opponents, Tiller, R _ ,. 2,911 2,648 2,377 2,316 10,252 ing 5,360 votes although ha last cluding the six-week campaign —Paul 'anticipating with the American Republican Representative Flor McDonough, R 2,920 2,665 2,385 2,324 10,294 to Republican Buff A. Tow! Jr. will be made at the YMCA, EVELYN BLEEKE ion and Auxiliary Unit 3, will ence P. Dwyer of Elizabeth was Osborne, R „ 2,923 2,670 2,357 2,330 10,280 who received 8,260 votes. Tha fig- the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Amount raised to date ii $201,- returned to Congress for a third Cailin, D 639 755 1,370 1,400 4,164 ure set a new record for a Demo- irk Hyslip Po»t 646, 844 or 83 per cent of the quota. term, defeating her opponent, Jack O'Brien, D 636 674 1,871 1,417 4,098 cratic candidate h«r«. Mr, Tr\*4 Mayor H. Emerson Thomas will At this stage of the campaign lait Evelyn Bleeke To Dunn of Westfield, 138,727 to 97,- Dulilell, D 616 638 1,335 1,358 3,948 won four of the 21 districts and ak and remarks will be offered year, 1216,691 or 93.8 per cent of 969. MAYOR lost a fifth by only six votes. Commander Harrington and the quota had been raised. The county also backed incum- Towl, R 2,631 2,402 2,109 2,108 9,260 He made his best ihowing in Direct 'Messiah' the third and fourth wards, taking mmander Joseph Sisto of the Most of the amount necessary bent V. 8. Senator Clifford P. Fried, D 987 064 1,682 1,743 5,366 the third district in the third were* W post. to go over the top must come from Case in his victory over Democrat COUNCIL by three vote*, 258 to lifto) tha There will be placing of wreaths the residential division »s the can- Begin Rehearsals Thorn Lord, with 145,429 for Case Savage, R 2,623 Ward, D , 898 sixth district 501 to 420; the first the American \Legion and its vass in the other five, divisions is and 89,313 for Lord. Case carried Conner, R _ district of the fourth ward ty liliary and the Veterans of nearly completed. Because of the For Presentation 18 of the state's 21 counties with 2,540 Plcone, D seven votes, 404 to 897, and tha reign Wars. Ail townspeople are size of the territory, it has been 1,467,432 votes to Lord's 1,135,444. 755 The annual presentation of Bucking the national and state Welch, R 2,256 fifth, 408 to 330. He lost the sec- ited to attend the servioes. ' impossible to reach many residents but drive leaders are hopeful that Handel's "Ivies*?ah," sponsored by tide, Vice President Richard Nixon McDonough, D ..... 1,601 ond district of the fourth ward by Mayor Thomas has declared workera may be able to call upon the Weotfteld Council of Churches, won in Union County 123,173 to Kefalonltls, R 2,008 six votes, 341 to 347. terans Day in the following all those on their lists before the to be given Dec. 4 In the Presby- 119,980 for Sen. John K. Kennedy. Cowles, D. 1,727 Mr, Fried polled 1,309 votaa iclamation: Tuesday night dosing date. Many terian Church, will be under the Kennedy carried the state by a QUESTIONS more than Kennedy and Johnson, A'hereas, Dwight D. Eisenhower, donors this year have increased direction of Evelyn Bleeko (Mrs. narrow margin, 1,365,906 to 1,338,- Charter Study Yes 2,480 2,941 2,380 2,445 9,655 2,300 more than Lord, and 1,111 uident of the United States, their contributions over last year Donald Bleekel. 072. No 444 421 464 49t) 1,825 more than Dunn In tha local issued a proclamation calling Tax Exemption Yes 2,112 2,181 8,431 totals. snd if those who have not yet con- The accompaniment will be The state tax exemption rcfercn 1,019 2,219 m all citizens of this nation to tributed will fallow this trend, dum won in the county with 110,- No 747 788 584 694 2,813 A record 00 per cent, 16,M4 «f erve Friday, Nov. 11, 1960, played by the Rev. Jet Turner, MURIEL WOLFSON there is a good chance of the goal 358 voting yes and 33,048 voting the regiitered 16,579 voters, eaat Veterans Day to commemorate minister of music of the First being attained. Baptist Church. The soloists wili no. The amendment was passed Elected Mayor their ballot*. This percentage in- 1 to pay appropriate homage to cludes the absentee ballots. In 1959, the Westfield campaign be Miss Joan Brainerd, soprano; state-wise, 766,191 to 206,479. Annual St. Paul's veterans of a]) the wars who Mr. Towl showed greataet attained 98 per cent of its goal, a Miss Gladys Kriese, contralto; Ray The 1961 Board of Freeholders it contributed so much to the Woman'sCiubTo strength in tho first ward where percentage second only to Mont- DeVoll, tenor, and Robert Prank- will consist of six Republicans and «ervation of this country; to he drew 2,631 votes to fried'* clair in the state. This year West- urn, basa-baritone. three Democrats, as candidates Pe- Bazaar Thursday nember the sacrifices of all 087. He was almost a> strong in Hold and Montclair are running ter J. McDonough 3rd of Plalnficid, se who fought so valiantly on Hear Actress Rehearsals, which began Sun- the second ward where he had a even, percentagewise, in their Edward H. Tiller of tiarwood and seas, in the air and on the day, arc being held successive Sun- Chicken Dinner plurality of 1,448 receiving 2,401 campaigns. days at 3 p.m. in Westminster Harry V. Osborne of Cranford eign shores to preserve our Ktive control of the governing body votes to hia opponent's 014. In tha Public Invited To If the current quota is not at- Hall of the Presbyterian Churoh. To Be Served itaKe of freedom; onck to the GOP. third ward tha difference was 427 tained, the 14 member agencies therefore request all citizens Sale for Blind Mrs. Bleeke, director of music McDonough's 115,572 vptea led on u vote of 2,109 to 1,612 and will receive amounts below their The parish house of St. Paul's Westfield, business enterprises of the First Congregational the freeholder slate. Osborne was in the fourth ward it was 146 on allotments, H. M. Poole Jr., gen- Episcopal Church is to be the veterans' organisations to as- The November meeting of the Church, received her bachelor of second with 114,465 and then Til- totals of 2,108 to 1,743, eral chairman, pointed out. The scene of the church's unnual ba- in the observance of Veterans Woman's Club of Westfield will be music degree from the Schuo! of ler with 114,248. Their Democratic Republican Town Council can- funds will be apportioned on the Fine and Applied Arts, Boston zaar mid fair next Thursday for y in every way possible Nov.