OUR TOWN If Ration Books for Win
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f'fi COMBINING ,The Summit Herald, Summit Record, Summit Press and Summit News-Guide OFFICIAL Subscription $2.00 a Year Official Newspaper of City and County. Published Thursday A, M. Telephone Summit 6-6300 by The Summit Publishing Co., 357 Springfield Avenue, Entered at the Mailed in conformity with P.O. D. Order No. 19687. Post Office, Summit, N. J., as 2a# ERALD Class Matter. 54th Year. No. 42 FRED L. PALMER, Editor & Publisher THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1943 J. EDWIN CARTER, Business Mgr. & Publisher 5 CENTS Red Crass ARMY=NAVY "E" Final Day's Rush 60=Day Wait Likely DISAPPEARS Teletype Alarm Out In All Out Drive To Get Car Tags OUR TOWN If Ration Books For Win. M. Todd, TqReacliioal Exhausts Truck Tabs SUMMIT'S BOOKS Are Lost or Stolen Missing Two Weeks "With the goal in the Red Cross Automobile license plates th.i Persons who lose either of their Summit police sent out an eiKht- J ; The A.W.V.S. just got a letter from national headquarters campaign inearly in ^ight, a con- sufficed for last year's driving ex- War Ration Books or permit one or state teletype alarm Tuesday for centrated drive ia being made this pired last night at midnight and commending them on the amount and condition of the books both to be stolen through negli- William McCraven Todd, 70, a res- week to reach the total of $51,900 now no Jersey car may legally collected here. The total is now over 6,000. The A.W.V.S. is gence on their part may have to ident the past five years of the No contribution is officially counted move without the 1043 metal tab in- going to continue collections until the end of the year. wait as long as 60 days to obtain a Suburban Hotel, 570 Springfield iinlll the money is deposited and dicating a cash-on-the-line renewal 1 avenue. Police or Manager Oeorsu Summit's motor vehicle registratloi The U.S.O. at the Newark Army Air Base (500 books were new book. It will require, at least, Vecause of this the exact total is 10 days to obtain a replacement re- It. Anderson of the Suburban will not'definlte, A number of worker office, 107 Summit avenue, conse- sent there) wrote and said they had catalogued the books and appreciate any information leading "\ quently, was jammed yesterday gardless of whether the book own- have not yet made their final re- were building up a circulating library because the books were er was responsible for disappear- to the missing man's whereabouts. ports and many have been promised Late in the afternoon the line was in such good condition they didn't want to let them e About 5 feet 11 Inches tall and extended. 100 persons' deep to the ' ance of the book. Instructions as to checks. Red Cross'officials empha- scattered. the procedure which must be fol- weighing ISO pounds, Mr. Todd, size the fact that every effort be ex- corner of Springfield and Summit when last seen, was wearing; a KTU>' avenues. It was. the conventional A very fine job. ! lowed in obtaining new books have pended this week,to make the drive I just been issued local Wai- Price suit, a dark green overcoat, a dark last-minute rush. felt hat and brown, higli top shoos, 1x>th final and successful, and put THE RACIAL QUESTION and rationing Boards by the OPA. .Summit in' the position which it has The new a llr. Anderson said Mr. Todd is a Because of failure of the express ™8<"»«<>» \° '' man "of exemplary habits." Me always held—that of not only mak- company to deliver, the Summit We have been thinking a lot about the racial question , , , , . ing its. goal, but going over the top. since it was brought up in onb e of our Religious Editorialn s some.I in cases where ration books are be- ' added, ''Kvery time he went out, lie office was out of metal tabs yes- ing wrongfully held by persons | would always come and tell me ..In fairness to both workers and terday for passenger cars, between •weeks ago. There has been a lot of talk since then and there the public, it is hoped that the cam- other than their rightful owners | where lie was going. Kvery time lie JOHX M. KEEVES 11 a. m. and 1 p, m. -While there have been a lot of letters; but we haven't been satisfied. 'and to the replacement of coupon W. Fenton Johnson j went to the barber shop, a taxi cab paign wjll not extend into April, ex- aheetlii:s h 1 President, Itecvcs Bros., Inc., were plenty of registration btanks Not having any solutionto offer we kept on saying nothing,! whic h ar"«e useH"*d nits j would be used. In Montclair, where cept where it is .absolutely neces- J some commodities such as fuel oil. .who ucccpted three Army and tor commercial vehicles yesterday ° r j a ° tinniA f-nmrnnrlitinu clip i he lived for twenty-five years hi the sary, as March has been set aside at the Summit office, failure of ex- on the subject, but we have now found what seems to us the A pers0|l de8lrlng t0 repIace a ra_ Will Conduct Meeting as Red Cross month and no other jfavy "E" Awards made on' one | old Alontclair Hotel before it. was day, March 27, for excellence In press delivery, Registrar Chester wisest, most profound statement on the racial question which tion book or coupon sheet:; must j lorn "down, lie developed friends of drives are being held at this time. Henry explained, exhausted the wc have ever come across. It is in the March 27, 1943 issue of apply to his local board on a spe- Because of income taxes, some gifts production of cotton textiles for x To Plan Bond Drive I the highest character. In Orange, supply,of metal tabs for these ve- cial form known at R—94. In case one of Ills closest friends was ihave been slow In. coming in, and use by our fighting forces, by The Saturday Evening Post, in an article entitled "They Call There will be an organization thrct) mills under lteeves mam- hicles early in the day. He expects' Of a mutilated book the board shall Ge01 e all persons who have found it Him 'Cooperation'." It is an article about a great Negro determine whether it was wilfully meeting of the captains and super-, '« String-fellow, one of that iigcinent,. delivery of metal tabs this morning c Ommlllllty H ll BllMl necessary to decrease the amount achievement in the South. On page 98 the subject of the article, mutilated. If not, a replacement, so visors for the Second War Kun.l] ' ' ' for commercial vehicles. 17O1IS. of their gift in view of this fact are marked, may be issued and the old Drive at S p. m. on April 1 at the As The Summit Herald goes to a Negro, speaks as follows—and, in our opinion, with a wisdom Before bis retirement thlrly-t'ive urged to ma,ke ah additional gift if press, Mr. Henry has made no tab- book destroyed. headquarters of the local War Fi- possible at this time. Pigdres will worthy of the best of any race: years ago. Mr. Todd was In the horf, Three Army Navy'E' ilation on the number of 1943 ear "There is no race superiority per se. If a man of any color In case of a lost or stolon book nance Committee at Mil pie main and feed lnininesn, Mr, Ander- be published as soon as recorded- licenses issued in. Summit. It is the form must be made in dupli- ; The tremendous responsibility of s more sincere and loyal than I am, he is just a better man, he Btreet. Mr. Johnston, chairman of son reports. The missing man's xpected, however, the final results cate and the local board must for- the group, will conduct the meeting closest relative is J. JI. P. JIc- conducting a campaign of this size ward the second copy to the en- Awards In One Day will show a considerable drop from s a superior human being. Equality is a thing that should not and plans for the campaign will be | Craven, a nephew, of Chicago, who At such a difficult time when every- forcement section of the state or last year's totals of about 5,000. be demanded, because it cannot be granted. It cannot be had outlined to those present who will! came oiithis woeli to help in trying one has a more;than-full program The new tabs, designed to save To Reeves Mills by coercion and intrusion. It has to be earned. No Utopian' district otfice. It also may require be actually in charge of the work in to locate him. of; work and responsibility has been metal, must be secured to last 1 111 tt0 iepor ieportt hihiss ClisCliseet t00 liandled by Graham Brewer, cam- Army-Navy "G" " Awards were year's plates. Slots, but no bolts dreamer can achievi e it fof r anothehr man. It is lilikke citizenship.iihij jJJ JJ«« J^ ^ the field. paign chairman and his committee. made Saturday to Mills Mill :• at are provided for this. The plate A man cannot really have citizenship until he becomes a good Ten days after the first applica- Mr., Gilmartin, the local chair- Kot merely since the opening of Woodruff, S. C, Mills Mill at Green- carries only the numerals '43, tocitizen.