Compiled by

A. Booth, J. Pewtress, J. Robinson I. Traynor, R. Traynor, P. Watson

Edited by D. Stevens

Produced by M. Pirozek


Committee 5

Recording Area 6

Editorial 7

Highlights 11

RingingReport 1996 15

Recoveries 1995 15

Classified Records 20

Contributors 59


Chairman; I.R. Newton 9 Fairway Clifton York. Y03 GQA Tel. York 653151

Secretary; Ms 0. Sheehan 71 Moor Lane Dringhouses York. Y03 1QX Tel. York 706515

Treasurer: Mrs. R. Traynor The Owl House 137 Osbaldwick Lane York. YOl 3AY Tel. York 424832

Recorder: J. Pewtress Hammerton House 31 Piercy End KirbymoOrSide York. YO6 60Q Tel. 01751 431001

Assistant Recorders: Mrs B. P.nderson 3. Robinson I. Traynor R. Traynor P. watson

Committee member: Mr T. Lawson Mrs M. Pirozek


Thanks are due once again to all those members and non-members who have submitted records for this report.

The species accounts have been compiled by Andy Booth (Divers to Ducks), Jim Pewtress, Raptors to Coot), Peter Watson (Waders to Auks), Ruth Traynor (Doves to Warblers#) and Jackie Robinson (Tits to Buntings) and edited by Danae Stevens. Muriel Pirozek has been responsible for the final production of the Report. Thanks to Andy Booth for the illustrations.

The processing of records places a time consuming and often repetitive workload on the above person, who have given their time freely to produce this Report and our grateful thanks are due to them. The Report has been slightly delayed this year due to the fact that it is my first year as Editor, a job done so magnificently in the past by Jim Pewtress, who has set a high standard for me to follow.

Our thanks also go to the members of the Committee for the work they have done throughout the year, our travelling members who so kindly share with us their intrepid expeditions and those members who offer lifts to those without transport for club outings and other trips. We welcome to the club new members who have joined this year. We have tried to produce a report of interest and our aim is to have complete and accurate coverage of our area. Perhaps new members live in areas not covered by other club members and we would be delighted to receive records from them. Guidelines for submitting records are available from the Recorder. It was heartening to receive so many records this year from independent recorders, in the absence of any ‘official’ records from the Lower Derwent Valley National Nature Reserve. The absence of the ‘official’ records may account for the apparent reductions in sightings of some species, most notably within the Divers to Ducks and Waders to Auks sections.

Several records of scarcer species were submitted without descriptions, and this is made clear at the end of that record. We are trying to achieve an accurate and true account of the birds in our area and any species which appear on the YNU/BBRC list must have a description and must be submitted via the Recorder. The YNtJ/BBRC list of species usually appears every five years, however, if a member would like an up-to-date list this is available from the Recorder. As an extra reminder we have again published the list in this year’s Report. It is never too late to submit descriptions from previous years and if accepted they will be included in future Reports, but it is best practice to submit records as soon as possible after the sighting.


To enable us to present our report with complete accuracy contributors are reminded that records of the following species must be supported by field descriptions, taken in the field before reference to text books. They will be sent to the Naturalists Union Reports Committee for consideration before being accepted for publication. It would help both the Recorder and the YNU if descriptions were sent as soon as possible after the sighting. Forms based on those accepted by the British Birds Rarities Committee can be obtained from the Recorder or any YNU Vice-County Recorder.

Uncommon and Difficult Species:

Great Northern Diver Pomarine Skua Black-throated Diver Long-tailed Skua Slavonian Grebe Mediterranean Gull Black-necked Grebe Ring-billed Gull Cory’s Shearwater Iceland Gull Great Shearwater Sabine’s Gull Storm Petrel Roseate Tern Leach’s Petrel Black Guillemot Purple Heron Bee-eater White Stork Woodlark Bean Goose Richard’s Pipit Teal “Green-winged Teal” Tawny Pipit Red-crested Pochard Bluethroat Ferruginous Duck Cetti’s Warbler Surf Scoter Savi’s Warbler Honey Buzzard Aquatic Warbler Red Kite Marsh Warbler Montagu’s Harrier Icterine Warbler Goshawk Barred Warbler Rough-legged Buzzard Barred Warbler Golden Eagle Pallas’s Warbler Hobby Yellow-browed Warbler Spotted Crake Firecrest Crane Red-breasted Flycatcher Stone Curlew Woodchat Shrike Kentish Plover Golden Oriole Temminck’s Stint Chough Pectoral Sandpiper Raven Buff-breasted Phalorope Serin Red-necked Phalorope Scarlet Rosef inch Grey Phalarope Cirl Bunting Ortalon Bunting

B In view of the increasing number of reports of locally uncommon species being received, and in the light of certain anomalies e.g. regular occurring birds such as Hobby and Glaucous Gull require descriptions whereas species not recorded in the Y.O.C. area such as Sooty Shearwater or Razorbill do not, the recorders feel that some substantiation of records of some other species is required.

Accordingly, contributors MAY be asked to provide supporting details for the following species:

Fulmar Quail Long-eared Owl Manx Shearwater Corncrake Hoopoe Sooty Shearwater Turnstone Wryneck Gannet Bar-tailed Godwit Shorelark Shag Knot Raven Garganey Purple Sandpiper Bearded Tit Long-tailed Duck Little Stint Ring Ouzel Common Scoter Curlew Sandpiper Black Redstart Velvet Scoter Sanderling Great Grey Shrike Eider Avocet Red-backed Shrike Ruddy Duck Great Skua Hawf inch Red-breasted Merganser Little Gull Twite white-fronted Goose Kittiwake Crossbill Brent Goose Sandwich Tern Snow Bunting Buzzard Little Tern Lapland Bunting Marsh Harrier ALL Auks

9 Earliest and latest dates for migrants

Species Arrival Date Last Reported

Black-necked Grebe 20th April 28th August Turtle Dove 13th May 5th July Cuckoo 27th April 9th June Swift 24th April 27u September Sand Martin 11th April 30th August Swallow 2nd April 20th october House Martin 10th April 9th October Tree Pipit 13th April 5th July Yellow Wagtail 5th May 16th September Grasshopper warbler 22nd April 24th June Sedge Warbler 27th April 19th August Lesser Whitethroat 7th May 19th August Whitethroat 24th April 17th July Blackcap 23rd March 22nd December Chiffchaff 12th March 29tb September Willow Warbler 2nd April 28th October Spotted Flycatcher 18th May 26th August



Early January was cold with overnight frosts and north-easterly winds. Daytime temperatures were below freezing and there was a sprinkling of snow over much of eastern . When the winds turned to the southwest on 11th, slightly milder conditions prevailed and the second half of the month saw temperatures above the seasonal average. It was the driest January on record for 200 years.

The year started promisingly with a Great Grey Shrike delighting viewers at Fulford Ings and at least two wandering Smew in the Lower Derwent Valley. Both species proved good value and were present through to at least mid-February. Impressive flocks of Skylark (330 at Newton upon Derwent on 1st) and Corn Bunting (30 at Church Bridge on 8th) braved the cold spell at the start of the new year. Later in the month an improvement in temperatures resulted in the first amorous proclamations of House Sparrows, Song Thrushes, Blackbirds and Skylarks.


Although rainfall was not excessive February was nevertheless mild, wet and windy. The weather was dominated by a series of deep Atlantic depressions, bringing with them strong southwesterly winds.

Aside from the long-staying Great Grey Shrike (until 16th), waterbirds provided most of the interest this month. Wildfowl enthusiasts were still being treated to Smew at Bank Island as well as Bewicks Swan, White-fronted Geese (seven), Goosander (200+) at Wheldrake Ings on 2nd, with Greylag Geese (c.400), Bean Goose (9th) and Pink-footed Geese (three on 15th) at Castle Howard.

Waterbirds were further represented by a first winter Glaucous Gull at Wheldrake Ings on 2nd and an adult Mediterranean Gull at North Duffield Carrs on 13th. Unfortunately, no descriptions for these two sightings were provided so that Club is unable to support these records. A wintering Ruff again at Wheldrake Ings on 2nd completed the waterbird line-up.


With high pressure and light south to southwesterly winds March was exceptionally mild, at least for the first three weeks. It cooled off towards the end of the month although with the wind turning to the north-west. Rainfall stayed low across the country.

Little of especial note occurred throughout early March with only the arrival of Blackcap (Fulford golf course on the 10th) 11 and Chiffchaff (Wheldrake Ings on 12th), and the antics of Barn Owls at Osbaldwick Road, Riccall and Slingsby keeping members’ spirits up. Nine Pink-footed Geese at Wheldrake on the 14th increased the interest, but the best bird of the month arrived in the form of a Waxwing at Brandsby on 23rd.


The dry and mild weather continued into April with high pressure and light winds being the norm, although there were some overnight frosts, daytime temperatures remained above average and there was little rainfall before 25th.

The mild weather of March continued until April, leaving only a few reminders of winter - Merlin at Stearsby on 1st and 33 Pink- footed Geese at Wheldrake on 20th. Interesting waterfowl were present at Wheldrake on the 4th with dxakes of Common Scoter, Garganey and carolinensis race of Teal. A hybrid Pochard also briefly quickened the pulse for some at Castle Howard on the 5th whilst a Black-necked Grebe made an appearance at Wheldrake on 20th.

Later in the month interest was focused mainly on summer visitors but the first (and only) Firecrest (a male) at Rawcliffe Lake on the 18th tempted some away from looking for earliest migrants.


The first few days of May remained mild and dry. A cold front and northerly winds brought lower temperatures and rain from 6th. Towards the month end high pressures once again took over and the temperatures recovered slowly, except on the East Coast where it remained cool with northeasterly winds.

A disappointing number of records were received for May with the only highlights being an Arctic Tern at Hessacarr Nature Reserve on 15th and a tired Nightjar at Brandsby Heights on the 24th.

The first heavy rainfall of the year was recorded in June, making it the wettest June for 100 years. Temperatures throughout the month were below average and conditions were generally unsettled with north-easterlies along the East Coast.

A typically quiet month. Two Quail heard at Heslington Tilmire on the 19th and records of Greenshank and Green Sandpiper at Melbourne on 28th were the highlights.


Although the first week of July was much the same unsettled 12 weather as June high pressure took over in the second week, bringing high temperatures and showery rain. Winds remained light and variable.

Good numbers of Crossbill were present at Yearsley, with 21 there on 5th. A Greenshank used the small balancing pond at Sand Hutton briefly on the 10th Elsewhere, the present of Ruddy Duck at Rawcliffe Lake throughout the summer suggests that they may consider starting a family in the York environs. A lone Wigeon at this site on the 15th must have forgotten to check its diary!


High pressure and high temperatures remained for the first three weeks of the month although there were associated heavy thunderstorms in many areas. Later in the month, low-pressure systems began to take over although the winds remained light and it stayed warm - it wasn’t until the Bank Holiday week-end that the weather broke.

A Crossbill at Grimston on the 16th was the only record of interesting passerines. The remainder of this month’s interest centred typically on waders. Melbourne proved one of the most productive sites, hosting Greenshank and Green Sandpipers (both had 14 on the 16th) and Comon Sandpipers throughout the month. A Whimbrel was present at Caulkley’s Bank and both Ruff and Dunlin were present alongside the Thorganby-Skipwith road (all on 25th). The month ended with a Black-necked Grebe located at Wheldrake


Most of September remained mild with strong westerly winds prevailing. Later in the month, light easterly winds were the rule, accompanied by dry weather, making it the driest September for 11 years with only 40~ of normal rainfall recorded.

Another disappointing month for records F a Common Sandpiper was present at Sand Hutton on 9th.


The first week of October was exceptionally mild, with the warmest October day ever being recorded in northeast Scotland. From 7th, however, low-pressure systems dominated bringing with them strong westerly and south-westerly winds and some rainfall.

Again, few records were received for October. Other than large flocks of Redpolls at Wheldrake (250) on the 8th and Common (200) on 24th, the only unusual sighting was of a disorientated Guillemot upstream of Bailey Bridge at Wheldrake on the 23rd. 13 NOVEMBER

The first half of the month was dominated by unsettled weather with low pressure and south-westerly winds, although temperatures were generally above average. The majority of the rainfall was confined to the south, with central and eastern counties enjoying calmer conditions despite having overnight frosts and fog.

Early in the month 30 Ruff were present at Wheldrake (on 3rd), which also held a Pink-footed Goose on 15th & 16th, a male Goshawk on the 15th and 1000+ Lapwings on 16th. Six Sramblings were present at Strensall on the 24th but the undoubted star of the month was a second winter or adult Sabine’s Gull found amongst Black-headed and Common Gulls at Heslington playing fields, also on the 24th.


A series of deep Atlantic depressions brought belts of rain and southwesterly winds, although temperatures remained generally mild. A brief cold snap with easterly winds brought snow to much of the country on 17th but this was short-lived, seeing a return to milder southwesterly winds the next day. December will however be best remembered for the extreme gales during Christmas and Boxing Day throughout the country.

Full circle for the year and wildfowl again dominated the records. Five Whooper Swans at Wheidrake (on 11th), a Barnacle Goose at Stearsby (27th - 30th) and at least three Smew (two on 24th at Newton Marsh with singles at Castle Howard on 27th and Wheidrake on 2 9th) kept members interested over the festive period. 4,000 Golden Plover and 2000 Lapwing were present in fields by the ring road at Fulford on the 13th and four Dunlin used North Duff ield Carrs on the 2nd. Not to be outdone, large numbers of passerines were present in the recording area during the month, with 400 Skylark at Castle Howard on 13th, 120 Siskin at Sutton-upon-Derwent on 15th and, for the close of the year, 745 Skylark at Dunnington Common on Boxing Day.

Dannae Stevens


This report covers the two years for 1996 & 1997. Unfortunately some records are missing from both 1996 and 1997, including Thorpe Arch CES sight which was operated at a much reduced level or not at all, so an overall picture cannot be established with ringing patterns of previous years. However if the missing totals are forthcoming they will be added to the Grand Totals in the next report.

Five new species were added to the species totals: Little Grebe, Sewick Swan, Gadwall, Oystercatcher and Whimbrel. These were due to increased ringing activity in the Lower Derwent NNR. The Mute Swan ringing scheme continues with 37 ringed in 1996 and 42 in 1997 and the first Shoveler were ringed since 1986. 245 Moorhen ringed were almost 200% more than the pre 1996 total! and similarly the 122 Lapwing represented an increase of 100%.

On the downside only three House Martins and seven Swallows were ringed.

The lack of records from Thorpe Arch undoubtedly accounts for the drop in numbers of Wren, Dunnock, Lesser Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Tree Sparrow, Chaff inch and Yellowhammer ringed. It is hoped that 1998 records will address this imbalance.

Ringing Recoveries

There were few ringing recoveries or controls over the last two years the interesting ones are listed below:

Key to symbols and terms used;

Age: terminology as applied at the time of ringing; 1 - nestling or chick not able to fly; 2 - fully grown, year of hatching quite unknown; (current year not necessarily excluded) 3 - definitely hatched during current calendar year; 4 - hatched before current calendar year, exact year unknown; S - definitely hatched during last calendar year; 6 - hatched before last calendar year, exact year unknown.

Sex: M - Male F - Female

15 Manner of recovery:

R - caught and released by ringer vv - sight record (ring read in the field, or a colour ringed bird + - shot or killed by man X - found dead or dying XE’ - freshly dead XL - long dead

BLACK-HE~DED GULL Ring No not given 1 19/6/92 Riga, Latvia, USSR 57° S’N 24°7’E XE’ XE’ 4 19/3/96 Nunnington, 540 11’ N 00 57’ W 1604 1Cm 258 deg 1369 days

DUNNOCK F840809 4 25/8/92 Selby R 4 22/03/97 4yrs 3mth

SM~D MARTIN N212560 4 2/7/97 Uttoxeter Sewage Works 52° 54’ N 1° 52’ W R 4 4/8/97 Waterholmes, East Ness 540 ll’N 0° 56’ W

WHITETEROAT K212560 3 14/8/96 icklesham, Sussex 50° 54’ N 0° 40’ W a 4 24/5/96 Nr East Ness 54° 11’ N 0° 56’ W

REED WARBLER H145853 3 25/08/91 Icklesham, Sussex R 4 3/7/94 Barlow Common a 10/7/94 Barlow Common R 22/06/96 Barlow Common R 21/07/96 Barlow Corrmon

J008590 3 27/07/93 Barlow Common R 4 9/06/96 Barlow Common2yrs llmth

WILLOW WARBLER 0F3642 4 13/6/92 Barlow Common R 18/6/95 Barlow CotrJnon3yrs Sdys

LONG-TAILED TIT 4 23/6/90 Selby R 6 14/1/96 Selby Syrs 7mth an exceptional age.

16 BLUE TIT K676906 3 28/6/97 Thorganby R 4 26/9/97 Selby

GREAT TIT 3088573 3 17/7/ 93 selby R 4 19/9/97 Selby 4yrs 2inth

STARLING RA61671 3 12/12/91 Selby X 16/5/96 Oakington, Canthridge


Species Pro Adults Pulli Total Grand 1966 Ringed Ringed Ringed Total

Little Grebe 0 4 0 4 Black-necked Grebe 6 0 0 0 6 Mute swan 110 12 75 87 197 Whooper Swan 1 1 0 1 2 Bewick Swan* 0 0 0 0 Greylag Goose 25 0 24 24 49 Canada Goose 24 0 27 27 51 Shelduck 7 0 3 3 10 Wigeon 2 1 0 1 3 Gadwall 1 20 Teal 51 62 62 124 175 Garganey 1 4 0 4 5 Mallard 105 186 80 266 371 shoveler 4 1 11 12 16 Pochard 4 1 0 1 5 Sparrowhawk 84 7 8 15 99 Kestrel 54 0 2 2 56 Grey partridge 3 1 0 1 4 pheasant 3 0 0 0 3 Water Rail 2 4 0 4 6 Moorhen 127 172 71 243 370 Coot 21 21 12 33 54 Oystercatcher* 0 1 1 1 Lapwing 113 0 112 112 225 Snipe 8 0 0 0 8 Woodcock 9 0 0 0 9 Whintrel* 1 0 1 1 Curlew 8 3 13 16 24 17 Redshank 7 0 3 3 10 Green sandpiper 3 0 0 0 3 Common sandpiper 1 0 0 0 1 Black-headed Gull 501 3 344 347 848 ComonGull 4 0 0 0 4 HerringGull 1 0 0 0 1 stockflove 10 0 2 2 12 wood Pigeon 89 8 1 9 98 Collard Dove 99 21 2 23 122 Turtle Dove 18 0 0 0 18 Cuckoo 10 2 0 2 12 BarnOwl 2 0 0 0 2 TawnyOwl 23 0 0 0 23 LittleOwl 18 0 0 0 18 Long-eared Owl 1 0 0 0 1 short-eared Owl 1 0 0 0 1 Nightjar 2 0 0 0 2 swift 826 0 0 0 826 Kingfisher 91 0 0 0 91 Green Woodpecker 3 0 0 0 3 Gt Sp woodpecker 62 12 0 12 74 Lr Sp woodpecker 2 0 0 0 2 skylark 24 0 0 0 24 sand Martin 1460 95 0 95 1555 swallow 4677 1 6 7 4684 House Martin 3335 3 0 3 3338 TreePipit 13 0 0 0 13 Meadow Pipit 92 0 0 0 92 Yellow wagtail 149 0 0 0 149 Grey Wagtail 98 0 0 0 98 Pied wagtail 996 4 0 4 1000 wren 2133 68 0 68 2201 Dunnock 3785 135 4 139 3924 Robin 2887 147 20 167 3054 Redstart 57 0 0 0 57 Whinchat 6 0 0 0 6 Stonechat 1 0 0 0 1 Blackbird 9645 389 13 402 10047 Fieldfare 291 40 0 40 331 song Thrush 1803 24 6 30 1833 Redwing 1781 19 0 19 1800 Mistle Thrush 131 3 0 3 134 Grasshopper Warbler 3 0 0 0 3 sedge Warbler 724 2 0 2 726 Reed warbler 444 35 0 35 479 Barred warbler 1 0 0 0 1 Lesser Whitethroat 318 6 0 6 324 Whitethroat 1339 33 0 33 1372 Garden Warbler 214 7 0 7 221 Blackcap 1606 60 0 60 1666 WoodWarbier 2 0 0 0 2 Chiffchaff 230 18 0 18 248 Willow warbler 4016 122 7 129 4145 Goldcrest 616 14 0 14 630 Firecrest 1 0 0 0 1 Spotted Flycatcher 299 1 1 2 301 18 Pied Flycatcher 17 0 0 0 17 Long-tailed Tit 1693 113 0 113 1806 Marsh Tit 84 11 0 11 95 Willow tit 464 30 0 30 494 Coal Tit 559 62 55 117 676 Blue Tit 9952 961 172 1133 11085 Great Tit 4012 423 262 685 4697 Nuthatch 4 2 0 2 6 Treecreeper 386 11 0 11 397 Jay 61 5 0 5 66 Magpie 51 4 2 6 57 Jackdaw 37 0 2 2 39 Rook 28 0 0 0 28 Carrion Crow 17 0 0 0 17 starling 7832 640 12 652 8484 House sparrow 1777 82 0 82 1859 Tree sparrow 1586 79 23 102 1688 Chaffinch 7148 200 4 204 7352 Bratnbling 689 2 0 2 691 Greenfinch 13111 913 4 917 14028 Goldfinch 1214 11 0 11 225 Siskin 192 27 0 27 219 Linnet 767 4 2 6 773 Redpoll 629 13 0 13 642 Bullfinch 1226 42 0 42 1268 Yellowhammer 1174 14 0 14 1188 Reed Bunting 967 7 0 7 974 CornBunting 27 0 0 0 27

Total 101427 5410 1468 6857 108284

* = New species ringed

species Total 108


The sequence and scientific nomenclature is that of Voos K. H., List of Recent Holarctic Bird Species (1973 and 1977) B.O.U. 1977.

LITTLE GREBE 2’achybaptus ruficollis Status: Resident breeder

Noted as being common’ at Wheldrake on 20th April.

Several successful breeding sites were reported in the north of the area. One was on Sand Hutton balancing lake between 9th to 11th July. A pair was at Castle Howard on 18th August with a single there on 27th December.

GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus Status: Migrant breeder and passage visitor

One was present at Rawcliffe Lake from 4th February and was joined by a mate on 7th March. The pair then began to display and built a nest on the floating island, but the first clutch was lost. The second attempt produced one chick on 27th May but this was lost in the first week. The third attempt relocated to the main reedbed where two chicks appeared on 10th August and both fledged. The arrival of a third bird on 18th April coincided with the first breeding failure. The last bird departed 10th December.

Four at Castle Howard on 15th February increased to eight on 27th, with ten there on 28th March and 14 on 5th April. Fourteen were still present on 17th May when two pairs were breeding. Ten adults and four young were seen on 18th August with ten on 4th November and up to six in December.

Display was noted at Wheidrake on 9th March and a pair noted at Yearsley Moor bottom pond on 2nd April. Breeding was confirmed at Newton Pond and a pair was present at Wiganthorpe but produced no young.

Singles were also noted at Pond Head Farm and York University lake.

RED-NECKED GREBE Podi ceps grisegena Status: Scarce winter visitor

Singles were seen at Wheldrake on 20th April and 28th August.

20 CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carte Status: Passage and winter visitor and recently established

Present all year in the Lower Derwent Valley, including three at Bubwith Ings on 15th November and three at Wheldrake Ings on 16th.

One or two were at Castle Howard during April with an immature on 17th May. Up to four were noted there in December.

Eight flew north over Huby on 7th April. Also recorded at Newburgh and Pond Head.

GREY HERON Ardea cinerea Status, Resident breeder

One was seen flying over Huby on 13th, 15th and 17th January.

Two pairs attempted nesting at Castle Howard with activity noted during April and May.

One was at Yearsley Moor on 2nd April and the species was noted as being common’ at Wheldrake on 20th, with six present there on 24th.

A single flew over Copmanthorpe on 21st May when another flew over Cass Wood, Huby on 3rd July. One was in a Copmanthorpe garden on 16th September with a further single at Castle Howard on 27th December.

Also recorded as an occasional visitor at Hassacarr Nature Reserve and noted at Askham Bog on 16th March

MOTE SWAN Cygnus olor Status: Resident breeder, passage migrant and winter visitor.

At Rawcliffe Lake the resident pair, plus six iromatures from last year were present at the start of the year, with the pair breeding by early April. Four of the immature birds were driven off by the end of April and the last two by the end of May. Eight cygnets were noted on 12th May, but five fell victim to fishing line etc. during the summer. A third adult appeared on 30th August, remaining with the pair and the three immatures till the end of the year.

Four at Castle Howard on 17th January increased to eight on 15th February with two present on 10th and 17th May. Six pairs were noted here, with five birds seen on 6th December.

Three were noted on the upper reservoir at Pond Head Farm on 13th April, with one on the nest. Also noted as ‘common’ at wheldrake on 20th April.

A pair with seven young was at Canal Head, Pocklingtcn Canal on 21 13th May, whilst a pair with one ininature was on the River Foss in York on 6th August. A pair was also noted at Yearsley Moor bottom pond on 8th August.

Successful breeding pairs were noted at Wiganthorpe, Brandsby and stearsby and several breeding pairs were in the Lower Derwent Valley.

BEWICK’S SWAN Cygnus couw.bianus Status: Winter visitor

One at Wheidrake Ings on 2nd February.

WHOOPER SWAN Cygnus cygnus Status: Winter visitor

Thirteen were at Castle Howard on 5th April1 with five at Wheldrake on 11th December.

BEAN GOOSE Anser fabalis Status: Winter visitor and late winter passage migrant.

One was at Castle Howard with Greylag Geese Anser anser on 9th February.

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE Anser brachyrhynchos Status: Winter visitor and passage migrant

Three were at Castle Howard on 15th February.

Nine at Wheldrake on 14th March with 33 there on 20th April. Later in the year there was one at Wheidrake Ings on 15th and 16th November.

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE .4nser albifrons Status: Winter visitor

Seven at Wheldrake Ings on 2nd February.

GREYLAG GOOSE Anser anser Status: Resident breeder, passage migrant and winter visitor.

One to two were present at Rawcliffe Lake throughout the year.

Thirty to SO were on the River Foss at Monk Bridge, York between 5th to 13th January.

The 460+ at Castle Howard on 17th January declined to 400+ by 28th March, further decreasing to 56 on 11th April and 13 on 22 19th. Three were seen on 18th August, then 390 on 6th December with 50+ on 27th.

There were 63 at York University lake on 21st September and c200 at Wheldrake Ings on 16th November.

CI~N?iDA GOOSE Rranta canadensis Status: Resident breeder and winter visitor.

At Rawcliffe Lake, up to three were present between 1st January and 17th March; five there on 4th April with six on 15th and two until 22nd. In May there were two from 8th to 27th. Two present during August and September increased to 12 during October and 15 during November. Eleven were then present on 22nd December with 16 on 28th.

Ten to 25 were on the River 5~oss at Monk Bridge, York between 5th and 13th January and ‘many’ were noted there on 31st December.

A pair was seen at Strensall Common on 28th May.

At Castle Howard, 25+ on 17th January with four on 27th February, 30 on 28th March and 61 on 19th April. Later in the year 168 were counted in a field.

Noted as common’ at Wheldrake on 20th April and c.200 were present there in November.

BARNACLE GOOSE Branta leucopsis Status: Winter visitor and feral wanderer.

One was at Stearsby from 27th to 30th December.

SHELDtTCK Tadorna tadorna Status: Winter visitor, migrant breeder and scarce passage migrant

Two were at York University lake on 23rd March.

Reported as common’ at Wheidrake on 20th April.

WIGEON Anas Penelope Status: Winter visitor, spring passage migrant and resident breeder.

‘Large numbers’ were noted in the Derwent Valley during the winter. Recorded as being ‘common’ at Wheldrake on 20th April and ‘many’ were there on 11th December.

An unseasonal bird was at Rawcliffe Lake on 15th July with 14 23 there on 27th october.

At Castle Howard, ten on 27th December.

GZ~DWALL Aiias strepera Status; Winter visitor and migrant breeder.

At Castle Howard, two on 27th February with a drake there on 27th April. Later in the year, a pair on 6th December and 10 on 27th.

TEAL Anas crecca Status: Winter Visitor and resident breeder.

A drake was at Castle Howard on 27th February and five were recorded there on 19th July.

A drake was at the Upper reservoir at Pond I-lead Farm on 13th April with a pair present on the Lower reservoir on the same date.

Reported as common’ at Wheldrake on 20th April with ~some’ there on 11th December.

One at Rawcliffe Lake on 23rd August.

Winter records were received from Newburgh, Stearsby and Wiganthorpe.

GREEN-WINGED TEAL A.c. carolinensiS Status: Very rare

Reported at Wheldrake on 4th April.

MALLARD Aiias platyrhynchos Status: Winter visitor and resident breeder.

Resident at Rawcliffe Lake with about 50 present all year and ten pairs bred.

Several’ were on the River Foss in York on 10th January and a similar record was noted on 31st December

Mating flights were noted at Osbaldwick by the end of January and the first young were noted on 27th March - a brood of 18, of which 10 fledged.

At Castle Howard, 100+ on 17th January with 20+ on 27th February and 28th March. The first brood (of 12) was noted on 5th April with 40+ there on 19th, including three females each with two young. On 18th August 100+, with 190÷ on 27th December. 24 A drake was at Yearsley Moor bottom pond on 2nd April with 10+ on the upper and lower reservoirs at Pond Head Farm on 13th with 50+ recorded at Newburgh Priory on the same date. A female with half-grown young was at Yearsley Moor bottom pond on 28th May.

The species was noted as being ‘very common’ at Wheidrake on 20th April and c.250 were recorded there on 16th November.

PINTAIL Anas acuta Status: Winter visitor and scarce migrant breeder.

Present in the Derwent valley in the winter.

A pair was recorded at Wheldrake on 20th April.

A pair at Castle Howard on 27th December with 50÷ at Wheldrake on 30th.

GARGMqEY A13as querquedula Status: Migrant breeder

A drake was at Wheidrake on 4th April.

SHOVELER Anas clypea ta Status: Resident breeder/winter visitor

A female was at Rawcliffe Lake on 17th and 18th February with a drake there from 3rd to 7th March. Later in the year a pair on 11th November.

Reported as ‘common’ at Wheldrake on 20th April and ‘some’ there on 11th December.

POcHARD Aythya fferina Status: Winter visitor and migrant breeder.

Regular wintering at Rawcliffe Lake with up to ten to the end of March. Later in the year, one from 15th october to year-end and eight in December.

At Castle Howard, 14 on 17th January, with nine there on 27th February and a drake present on 20th April. A hybrid male resembling Red-crested Poohard Netta rufina (noted in previous years) was there on 5th April. Later records of 11 on 4th November and eight on 27th December.

Nine were at Brandsby on 2nd February with a drake at York University Lake on 23rd March and the species was reported as ~oommon’ at Wheldrake on 20th April. 25 Two drakes were at Yearsley Moor bottom pond on 26th December.

TUFTED DUCK Aythya fuligula Status: Winter visitor and migrant breeder.

Regular wintering at Rawcliffe Lake with up to eight until the end of March. Twelve were present there on 4th February.

A pair was at the lower reservoir at Pond Head Farm on 13th April with ten at Newburgh Priory on the same date. Noted as being cormnon’ at Wheldrake on 20th.

A drake was at Forest Farm Reservoir near Warthill on 20th May with a pair at Strensall Coisnon on 28th.

One was at Rawcliffe Lake 10th to 15th July. Another single there from 15th September with up to six there until the end of the year, including nine on 25th November.

Thirty were at Wiganthorpe on 30th November, where two successful broods had been reared.

Ten were at Castle Howard on 17th January, two on 27th February, 22 on 28th March with 15 on 11th April and 34 on 27th. Four on 18th August and finally, the last of the year, ten on 27th December.

GOLDENEYE Bucephala clangula Status: Winter visitor and passage migrant.

oocd numbers’ were noted at wheldrake during January and four were at Castle Howard on 15th February.

Later in the year, six were at Wiganthorpe on 4th November, three at Wheidrake on 11th December with two at Castle Howard on 2nd December and five there on 27th.

SMEW Mergus albellus Status: Almost annual winter visitor

C A pair at Bank Island during January and February.

A drake reported at Wheldrake on 19th January and on 2nd February with two females there on 29th December.

Two females were at Newton Mask/Kexby on 24th December and a redhead was at Castle Howard on 27th.

GOOSANDER Mergus merganser Status: Winter visitor and passage migrant.

There were 200+ at Wheldrake on 2nd February with 17 at Pond Head on 15th.

Recorded on the River Ouse at Fulford on 8th February, with two females on the River Ouse near York on 9th March.

A female was at Rawcliffe Lake from 4th to 8th April.

Nine were at Wiganthorpe on 4th November

At Castle Howard, 11 on 6th December and 43 on 30th December.

RUDDY DUCK Oxyura jamaicensis Status: Migrant breeder.

A drake was at Rawcliffe Lake from 15th to 18th April and also on 1st May with another there on 13th to 18th June. A drake was again seen at this site on 10th July and two drakes and a female were there on 21st July with a drake again present on 19th August.

~Small’ numbers were reported from Wheldrake on 20th April.

At Castle Howard, a female was present on 6th December, two females on 27th and a single bird on 30th.

COMMON SCOTER Melanitta nigra Status: Rare visitor

A drake was at Wheldrake on 4th April.

GOSHAWK Accipiter gentilis Status: Rare breeding resident.

A male at Wheidrake Ings on 15th November was the only record.

27 SPZ~RROWHAWK Accipiter nisus Status: Breeding resident and passage migrant.

This is the most widely reported of our raptors. It seems to thrive in the suburbs and villages around York. Evidence of a Collared Dove kill in a Copmanthorpe garden on 7th October, with an unsuccessful attempt observed the following day. seen frequently throughout the year at Huby, Dunnington, Acaster Airfield, Brandsby, Sutton-on-the-Forest and the populated area of Rawcliffe Lake. Despite the many sightings the only breeding record was of a well-watched pair at Acaster Selby which raised four young.

KESTREL Falco tinnunculus Status: Resident breeder.

Another wisespread species but not reported as frequently as the Sparrowhawk. The bird retains its successful breeding status at Brandsby and has been reported from Huby, Easingwold, Sutton-on the-Forest, Copmanthorpe, Newton-on-Ouse, the new by-pass. Yearsley Moor and Dunnington. Perhaps this species is taken too much for granted rather than in a general decline.

NERLIN Falco columbarius Status: Passage migrant and winter visitor.

The only record was of one being harassed by corvids at Stearsby on 1st April.

RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE Alectoris rufa Status: Breeding resident.

No records of large covies with the most being up to nine at Copmanthorpe from 2nd February to 30th March. Mostly recorded in the rural areas away from York, at Forest Farm (Warthill), Newton-on-Ouse, Huby, Riccall, Tallerton/Alne and Easingwold.

GREY PARTRIDGE Perdix perdix Status: Breeding resident.

Becoming so scarce that occurrences are listed.

Ten at Sutton-on-the-Forest on 3rd January, six by Cass Wood, Huby on 14th and three at Sutton-on-the-Forest on 17th. A pair at Forest Farm on 15th March, Huby on 27th with three at Cass Wood on 31st and a p;air there on 2nd May. Two at Barton Hill on 10th Nay, at Riccall on 7th June and between Huby and Sutton-on-the-Forest on 9th. Two were at Buttercrambe on 19th July.

28 There were c20 at Wheldrake Ings on 15th November, with three at Slingsby on 27th December.

Worryingly no records from Dunnington Common for the first time and in the northern squares “Can be recorded only as an unexpected sight”. Severe June weather undoubtedly accounted for many losses.

QUAIl, Coturnix coturnix Status: Migrant breeder and passage migrant.

Two at Heslington Tilniire on 19th June. Several fanners in the Brandsby area thought that 1997 was a record year, but there were no substantiated records from Dalby, Foston and Strensall areas.

PHEASANT Phasianus colehicur Status: Resident breeder.

Birds can be come across anywhere in the area but more especially on large shooting estates where many thousands are reared. That they move into suburban areas is shown by several reports of the bird being added to garden lists in the villages around York.

WATER RAIL Rallus aquaticus Status: Resident breeder and winter visitor.

A casualty without any apparent injury was found in a private garden ia the Clifton area of York.

MOORHEN Gallinula chioropus Status: Resident breeder.

The only numbers of note came from Castle Howard with 20 on 27th February, ten on 28th March and 19th April, 40 on 18th August and 30 on 27th December.

Reported from Askham Bog, Bog Hall, Pond Head, Newburgb, Newton-on-Ouse, Yearsley Moor and the River Foss in York centre.

Two broods were raised at Hassacarr Nature Reserve in Dunnington and five juveniles were at Rawcliffe Lake.

COOT Fulica aira Status: Migrant and resident breeder and winter visitor.

Numbers at Castle Howard included 35 on 27th February, 30 on 28th March, 40 on 19th April, 80 on 18th August and 100 on 27th December. 29 Eleven were at Yearsley Moor on 2nd April and 12 at Newburgh on 13th, when nine at Pond Head

OYSTER CATCHER Huernatopus ostralegus Status: Passage migrant and migrant breeder.

A pair at Castle Howard Lake on 28th March and in an adjacent field on 11th April. Singles were seen thereon 10th and 17th May.

A single bird was at Sand Hutton balancing pond on 2nd April and three were at Wilberfoss on 17th. A pair was recorded at Warthill on 2nd May and four flew over Huby on 20th June. Three birds were heard calling overhead between Tollerton and Alne on 6th and 8th July and three were at Melbourne on 12th.

GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvalis apricaria Status: Winter visitor and passage migrant.

Winter flocks still around Riccall on 23rd March. At Copmanthorpe 60 flew south on 17th March followed by 20 on 30th and 50+ were in fields on 9th April. In October80 were in fields near Copmanthorpe on 4th and again on 3rd November.

Thirty were at Wheldrake Ings on 11th December and the species was reported as ‘common’ on 30th. Some 4000 were recorded near the Ring Road at Fulford on 13th December.

LAPWING Vanellus vanellus Status: Migrant breeder, passage migrant and winter visitor.

Two were recorded at Castle I-Toward on 17th January and 470 at Newton-on-Ouse on 29th.

Large flocks were recorded on 9th February, 50+ flew over Huby on 27th and 100+ flew over there on 28th.

Although pair displayed earlier at Copmanthorpe nesting was not noted until 14th March. Nesting also recorded at Castle Howard on 4th April with four thereon 19th. Three displaying at 1-luby on 23rd April and noted as ‘common’ at Wheidrake on 20th. Tollerton held 50 on 2nd May and 2 pairs were at Forest Farm, Warthill on 29th. There were records of 150 at Beningbrough on 2nd June and three at Riccall on 7th.

In November, c.15O at Wilberfoss on 10th and c.1000 at Wheldrake Ings on 16th. On 11th December c.IOO were at Wheldrake, 2000 near Ring Road at Fulford on 13th and ‘common’ at Wheldrake on 30th

30 DUNLJN Calidris alpine Status: Passage migrant and winter visitor.

One in a flooded field by the side of the Thorganby to Skipwith road on 25th August and four at North Duflield Cans on 2nd December were the only records.

RUFF Philo~nachurpugnax Status: Rare breeder, passage migrant and winter visitor.

One reported at Wheidralce Ings on 2nd Februaiy.

One in flooded field between Thorganby and Skipwith on 25th August.

In November, 30 feeding together at Wheldrake Ings on 3rd with 13 present on 15th.

SMPE Galinaga galinago Status: Resident/migrant breeder/passage visitor.

Three at Castie on 15th February. A pair at Wheldrake on 20th April. Two flew over Copmanthorpe on 23rd May. Two birds at Strensall Common on 9th July.

Birds reported to have bred at Newton Mask.

In November, c.5- at Wheldrake Ings on 9th.

31 WOODCOCK Scolopax nisticola Status: Winter visitor and occasional rare breeding resident.

Birds were flushed at Stubb Wood on 5th January and 23rd February. At least one bird roding at Allerthorpe Common on 17th May and three roding at Yearsley Moor on 5th June,A single bird was at Skipwith Common on 24th June with four there on 11th July.

One seen on 4th October at Black Moor, Brandsby - this is not now considered a breeding species here but the shooters report good numbers.

BLACK-TAILED GODWLT Limosa lirnosa Status: Passage migrant and rare breeder.

One at North Duffield C~ on 2nd December was the ordy reeord.

WUIMBREL Nun1eniusphaeopus Status: Passage migrant.

One flew over Caulldeys Bank on 25th August.

CURLEW Nurnenius arquata Status: Passage migrant, migrant breeder and winter visitor.

The first record of the year was at Oulston on 10th March with two in song fli~t at Strensall Common on 23rd and six on 2nd April.

Birds were also noted at Skewsby on 23rd March and at Bonnygate on 5th April. Single birds were heard calling at Pond Bead Farm on 13th April and a single bird at Sutton-on- the-Forest on 15th. One seen at Newton-on-Ouse on 24th May and again 22nd June and a pair near Rufforth on 30th May.

REDSHANK Tringa totanus Status: Passage migrant, migrant breeder and winter visitor.

Small numbers noted at Wheidrake on 20th April

GREENSHANK Tringa nebularis Status: Passage migrant and occasional winter visitor.

One at Melbourne on 28th June and a single bird remained for a few minutes at Sand Hutton balancing lake on 10th July. 32 One at Hagg Bridge on 9th August. At Melbourne during August; four on 9th, 14 on 16th 12 on 23rd and eight on 30th. In a flooded field at the side of the Thorganby)Skipwith road there were four birds on 24th and 26th August.

GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus Status: Passage migrant and winter visitor.

At Melbourne, on was seen on 28th June then in August, four on 9th, 14 on 16th, 12 on 23rd and eight on 30th.

A flooded field by Thorganby/Skipwith mad held three on 24th August with two thereon 25th. One was at Hagg Bridge on 9th August.

COMMON SANDPIPER Actitus hypoleucos Status: Passage migrant and rare breeder.

Single bird at Melbourne on 16th, 23rd and 30th August. One on flooded field between Thorganby and Skipwith on 30th August. A single bird at Sand Hutton on 9th September.

MEDITERRANEAN GULL Loris melanocephalus Status: Passage Migrant and winter visitor

One adult reported at North Duffield on 13th Februaiy but no description submitted.

SABINE’S GULL Loris sabini Status: Rare winter visitor.

One adult or second winter bird

observed in a large, mixed flock

of gulls on Heslington Playing

Fields on 24th November. i~JE ~ Description forwarded to Y.N.U.

33 BLACK-HEADED GULL Lungs ridibundus Status: Resident breeder, winter visitor and passage migrant.

Osbaldwick Sports Field usually held c.50 over the winter but all had gone by early April.

At Castle Howard winter roosts included 1200 on 17th January, 750 on 27th February, 550 on 21st March reducing to 11 on 11th April.

Forty were at Strensall Common on 23rd March at the possible breeding pool.

Large numbers were at Wheldrake refuge in early March, preparing to breed and it was noted as ‘Very common’ there on 20th April.

The first returning birds at Wheldrake were juveniles on 1st August. The winter flock in place by end of October held only 30 which increased to 100 by 26th December.

A flock of eighty was at Monk Stray on 31st December.

COMMON GULL Larus Cairns Status: Winter visitor and passage migrant.

Winter roosts at Castle Howard Lake numbered 1800+ on 17th January, 1750 on 27th February, 250 on 28th March and 11 on 11th April. A flock of 13 was noted over Cass Wood, Huby on 22nd April.

Autumn passage was noted on several days in July at Osbaldwick and the species was present with Slack Headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) throughout the winter at the Sports Field there.

LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL Lanisfuscus Status: Passage migrant and scarce winter visitor.

One at Newton on Ouse on 24th March with eight near Rufforth Airfield on 23rd April.

Singles and small parties of up to five were around Huby in the second half of August. Autumn passage noted at Osbaldwick Sports Field in July with several adults and juveniles there on a number of days in August and September. Six on 5th and tenon 24th December one mile north of Huby.

HERRING GULL Lanis argentalus Status: Winter visitor and passage migrant.

An immature was noted at Wheldrake on 20th April.

Nineteen flying west over Whenby on 6th September. Two were at Yearsley Moor on 27th December and 50 adults at Wheldrake on 30th. 34 GLAUCOUS GULL Larus hyperboreus Status: Winter visitor

A first winter bird was reported at Wheldrake Thgs on 2nd Februaxy but no description was submitted.

COMMON TERN Sterna hirundo Status: Passage migrant and rare migrant breeder.

Six were at Castle Howard on 17th May.

ARCTIC TERN Sterna paradtsaea Status: Passage migrant.

The first record for Hassacarr Nature Reserve at Dunnington was achieved when a bird flew over on l8thMny.

GUILLEMOT Uria aalge Status: Very rare visitor

One on river upstream from Wbeldrake lags’ Bailey Bridge on 23rd October.

STOCK DOVE Colunzba oenas Status: Resident breeder

A pair was at Wheldrake 20th April, a single near Cass Wood, Ruby, on 17th May, and another near Newton on Ouse on 22nd June. Three pairs were found in mid July during a Bam Owl survey, nesting in boxes and a tree hole, near Tollerton (PJR).

WOODPIGEON Columba palunz bus Status: Resident breeder

Big winter flocks were still present at Riccall on 23rd March, and at Cass Wood, Ruby, with l0O+thereonthe3lst. Twenty-three were at Forest Farm, Warthill on 5th June.

Counts from Newton on Ouse survey square were nine on 24th May and 21 on 22nd June. A bird was sifting on a nest in Cuss Wood on 4th July and reported as nesting in a front garden in Huby from late July to mid August. Feeding regularly on bird table, Dunnington. 35 COLLARED DOVE Streptopelia decaocto Status: Resident breeder

Up to 20 birds observed in a garden at Dunnington Common. Seven males were reported at Muncaster Gate on Malton Road. Two to three pairs were present throughout the year at Rawcliffe Lake. Seen daily around Huby, where a nest in the fork of a tree in the front gardea had at least three nestlings when predated by Carrion Crow on 22nd May. (MD)

On 23rd October 80+ were seen in the vicinity of the car park at Wlieldrake.

TURTLE DOVE Streptopelia turtur Status: Migrant breeders, passage visitor

Heard 13th May at Canal Head, Pocklington Canal, with two on the 24th at Bulmer, and one on the 31st at Hoxne Lake, Strensafl (PJR). One on 24th June at Wheldrake Ings. One singing at Hassacair Nature Reserve and one calling on Yearsley Common on 5th July.

CUCKOO Cuculus canorus Status: Migrant breeder

The first was heard on 27th April at Stillington (BP), then on 29th at Easingwold and on the 30th in Osbaldwick, Dunnington and Strensall Common followed by reports from Stubb Wood and Huby on 1st May and Askham Bog on the 2nd. Also reported from Potteries Lake, Strensall, Newton on Ouse, Easingwold, Huby and Towthorpe.

Last report was 9th June in Huby(MD).

BARN OWL Tyto elba Status: Resident breeder

One seen carrying small mammal prey in its talons was being harried by a Kestrel at 3pm by Pocklington Canal, Sutton on Derwent on 3rd January.

One regularly seen around Sutton on Forest until February. Two were at Nunnington on 14th February, just inside the recording area. One was seen early evening in Slingsby in March, sitting on fence post, and one flew over Link Road, Osbaldwick, 13th March, late evening. Singles at Riccall and Elvington in March and April.

In Elvington, regularly seen early evening in May and June, possibly carrying food, appeared to be nesting in barn. 36 On 3rd May two were calling to one another at Bielby, near Pocklington, I 0.3Opm. Regularly seen in May near Sutton on Derwent. Reported from Wheldrake Ings on 27th May, 24th June, when two at Thornton Cans. Reported at Wheldrake on 4th July where one was seen being attacked by a Sparrowhawk In mid-air! Also reported at Wheldiake on 21st July.

Seen in Ellerton late afternoons in July and August, and one seen near Alne Hall on 17th July, I O.30.pm.

Nested in a ancient oak near Acaster Airfield, and near Tollerton in an old oak tree (one pair with well-fledged young seen on 21st July). Nested in box in bnrn at Ox Close, Heslington for the first time in 10 years. One seen hunting near ICexby, 26th November. Other records from Melbourne, Bubwith, Tollerton, and Dunnington.

LITTLE OWL Athene noctua Status: Resident Breeder

Nested in an ancient oak near Acaster Airfield. On Dunnington Common, two young were raised in an apple tree (T&VW). One brood was produced near Brandsby.

Single at Bugthorpe on the 24th May, and another single perched on telegraph wires on the Stillington Road just outside Easingwold on the 28th.

Two were at Heslington on 5th July, and one flew over the northern York by-pass near Haxby/New Earswick junction on the 2 3rd.

TAWNY OWL Strix aluco Status: Resident breeder throughout the area

Two pairs bred at Dunnington.

Heard Yearsley Moor, 5th June, also 8th August. A single was one mile out of Huby on the Stillington Road on 12th June. Heard in a garden in Ruby, 29th June, and regularly in the second half of August. One pair seen in Strayland Grove, Malton Road, 2nd and 16th August. One seen on rooftops in York (Moss St) on 27th October.

Heard in Tang HalllHeworth area in the autumn, and in Osbaldwick regularly in December, apparently young birds, and two heard in the vicinity of Cass Wood, Huby, on the 29th.

NIGHTSAR Caprimulgiis europacus Status: Migrant breeder

A single bird on passage flopped into a grass crop before a surprised farmer on 24th May at Brandsby Heights, then fluttered into cover of a wood when approached (PH). 37 Chuning on 27th May, 24th June and 11th July on Skipwith Common.

SWIFT Apusapus Status: Migrant breeder throughout the area

First record was on 24th April of one at Wheldrake Ings.

Two were seen on 2nd May in Osbaldwick (RVT). Present at Rawcliffe Lake by the 14th May when the first home pair were in Brandsby, with seven in York on the 15th and the first in Copmanthorpe on the same date. A single and two pairs in Huby on the 17th and had anived in Fulford by the 18th, with large numbers in Osbaldwick by the 20th, apparently more than last year, and there were even more by 9th July. However, it was noted further north that late Junes unseasonal weather had reduced insect food supply, and lower counts were observed (PH).

38 Departed from Brandsby by the 9th August and most had left Osbaldwick by the 14th, with only one remaining until the 17th and last thereon the 27th. Six still in York on 1st September, and passage noted there on the 2nd, with two at Fulford on the 7th, one in York on the 8th and two more there on the 14th with one over Hassacarr nature reserve on the 15th and one at Rawcliffe Lake the same day. The last was a late bird over Dunnington Common on the 27th (DR).

KINGFISHER Alcedo atihis Status: Resident breeder

Seen on the River Foss on 4th January, Fulford Rigs on 5th, 8th and 9th February. One at Newborough Priory on the 15th February and two on the River Foss at Heworth Green on 17th March with one at Newton on Ouse on 24th May, and one at Clifton on 31st August.

One at Rawcliffe Lake on 17th October was the first for that site. One was fishing from the boardwalk in Hassacarr nature reserve on 19th October, and one on River Ouse opposite Terry’s factory on 31st December.

GREEN WOODPECKER Picur viridis Status: Resident breeder but not widespread

Reported from Skipwith Common on 2nd February, Strensall Common on 2nd and 24th April and 28th May, and Heslington on 25th September.

Regular at the YWT reserve at Allerthorpe Connnon, e.g. two on 15th February and singles on other dates.

Also reported from Askham Bog, Wheldrake Woods, Riccall and Wilberfoss.

GREAT SPOflED WOODPECKER Dendrocopos major Status: Resident breeder throughout the area

Seen at Fulford Jugs on 5th and 8th February, and in Askham Bog on the 9th and reported as seen there ‘regularly’. Drumming in Stub Wood by 24th February and on 2nd March was excavating a nesting hole about 20 feet up in a very old silver birch. Carrying food to nesting tree on 14th May. Young were calling from the nesting hole on the 19th and still calling on the 23rd. On 1st June the young left the nesting hole. One fell to the ground, but eventually managed to climb up the rough bark of an oak tree.(FO). Two on Yearsley Moor on 2nd April, and pair with nest and young on Strensall Common, 18th June (RC).

Fed on peanuts in gardens at Dunnington Common and Dringhouses every month of the year.

Also reported from Forest Farm, Warthill, and Wheldrake. 39 LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER Dendrocopos minor Status: Resident breeder

The only report was of a male at Wheidrake tags car park on 31st March.

SKYLARK Alauda arvensis Status: Resident breeder and winter visitor

A count of around 330 in field near Newton-upon-Derwent on 1st January (RC) and c.60 at Wilberfoss on 25th. Fourteen were feeding in a newly seeded field near Copmanthorpe on 29th March.

First song flight of the year recorded on 25th January. Evident in breeding sites in the north by mid January but very low counts (PH). Singing on Strensall Common on 2nd April, when one also singing north of Huby, and three singing together over Acaster airfield on 7th May. From Newton on Ouse survey square, five on 24th Mny, and eight on 22nd June. In Huby. ten single birds seen or heard in an hour’s walk in the vicinity on 9th June. Numbers near Riccall seemed the same as previous years (Fr). Apparently twelve pairs bred on Forest Farm (JSH).

About 400 nt Castle Howard on 13th December, on farmland (PR), and 745 on Dunnington Common on 26th (r&VW).

SAIQI) MARTIN R~paria nparia Status: Summer breeder and passage migrant

First reported from Castle Howard Lake, where 300-I- were present on 11th April (MD) and 150+ on the 19th with one at Wheldrake Ings on 24th.

First seen at Rawcliffe Lake on 15th April and last seen there on 30th August (NS).

Also seen by Ouse Bridge in York on 5th May.

SWALLOW Hirundo rustica Status: Summer breeder and passage migrant

First on 2nd April, near Towthorpe (FIR); then on the 8th over the York bypass, near Poppleton with two on the same day in Stillington and one on Stockton Lane. Seen in Dringhouses on the 9th, Warthill and Huby on the 10th, Newton-on-Ouse on the 11th, a pair in Yearsley village on the 13th, at Raweliffe Lake on the 18th, at Selby on the 21st and Askham Bog on the 27th, when significant numbers had arrived in Huby.

40 At Castle Howard, 30+ on the 11th April and 50+ on 19th.

Counts from Newton on Ouse were 11 on 24th May and 16 on 22nd June.

There was a flock of 500+ over a maize field on the south side of Huby on 16th August and birds were still feeding above fields in Osbaidwick on the 28th. Thirty were at Rawciffe Lake on 10th September with the last there on 29th. Flocks on wires were reported near Foston on the 28th September and birds were still in Selby on 6th October, with the last two being recorded over Dunnington Common on the 20th (T&VW).

HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbica Status: Summer breeder and passage migrant

The first report was of two at Skelton on 10th April WP); 20+ were at Castle Howard on the 19th, birds arrived in Huby on the 27th and three were over Copmanthorpe on 30th.

Counts from Newton on Ouse were seven on 24th May, and three on 22nd June.

Sixteen nests were counted on an old cottage in Warthill.

On 3rd June, eight young found dead, four well feathered and the others newly hatched, on the ground before nests.(HR).

Four were still coming to nests on the south side of the house on 9th October. (HR).

Seen feeding on grass on sports field, Osbaldwicic, in August and 25 were flying above Moorlands on 26th. Many were still present in Osbaidwick at the end of August with around 30 noted thereon 5th September and a gathering of over 60 on the electricity cables on 9th.

TREE PIPIT Anthus trivially Status: Summer breeder though numbers declined recently

One displaying at Blackmoor on 13th April did not remain, and none was present at survey areas in the north for the first time in many years of observation (PH).

One heard on Strensall Common, 28th May, when another was on Yearsley Moor.

A single observed carrying food at Yearsley Common on 5th July (DR).

Also recorded in Wheldrake Woods.

41 MEADOW Pfl’IT Anthuspratensis Status: Resident & migrant breeder and passage migrant

Up to four wintered at Rawcliffe Lake, at both ends of the year.

YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacillaflava Status: Summer breeder and passage migrant

The first was on 5th May, near Newton on Ouse, with two thereon 22nd June.(REC)

Three at Forest Farm, Warthill, on 10th May, with two on 6th June. Between one and eight were seen on five days between 30th July and 16th September, near Copmanthorpe (LTR).

There was a single brood of four at Speller Farm, Skewsby.(PH).

GREY WAGTATL Motocilla cinerea Status: Resident breeder

One was at Rawcliffe Lake on 6th January, with two on the River Ouse in York on the 14th. Two on Pocklington Canal on 13th May, around the lock.

At Rawcliffe Lake again on 16th September.

Bred in Yeaa-sley area, and recorded often throughout the year.(PH).

PIED WAGTAIL Motacilla atha Status: Resident breeder

Over 50 gathering to roost at Bootham Park Hospital, York, on 14th March (biB). Three at Newton on Ouse on 22nd June. One Caine to the back door for meal worms, in Copmanthorpe, where a pair bred and were seen feeding two young out of the nest on 22nd June, Noted also at Forest Farm, Warthill

On 15th November c.30 at North Duffield Cans. A winter visitor to Hassacarr nature reserve and up to six present throughout the year at Rawcliffe Lake.

WAXWING Bombyctila garralus Status: Occasional winter visitor

Three in Brandsby Village on 23rd March was the only report (PH).

42 WREN Troglodytes troglodytes Status: Resident breeder throughout the area

Regular throughout the year in hedgerows in all parts of the area.

Eight at Forest Farm, Warthill, on 22nd March, with seven males there in the breeding season. Counts from Newton on Ouse were three on 24th May, one on 22nd June.

DUNNOCIC Prunella modularis Status: Resident breeder throughout the area

Regular garden visitor and in hedgerows throughout the year. First song in Osbaidwick was 9th January. By 12th March, eight were singing on territory down the cycle way there. Counts from Newton on Ouse were three on 24th May and one on 22nd June.

A pair was in a York garden on 14th September.

ROBIN Erithacus nthecula Status: Resident breeder throughout the area

Regular throughout the year. Heard singing after dark early in year, in York, and again after 28th August.

One singing at 5am on 11th December! (under security lights).

REDSTART Phoenicunsphoenicurus Status: Migrant breeder/passage visitor

Pair suspected of nesting near Kidney Pond, Strensail Common (RC).

WHINCIJAT Saxicola rubetra Status: Casual migrant breeder/passage visitor

One female on Strensall Common on 28th May (PJR); another report of a pair there 18th June, breeding suspected, north of butts (RC).

43 WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe Status: Summer visitor

Three near Askham Richard on 27th April (JR), with a remarkable ten on the range greens early morning on Strensall Common on 30th April (P3K).

BLACKBIRD Turdus merula Status: Resident breeder, ~vinter visitor and migrant.

Up to 30 birds feeding on fallen apples in two locations at Wilberfoss, 1st January. First song in York city centre, 13th January. A month later, a few were joining song thrushes in a rudimentary dawn chorus in Osbaldwick. One was carrying worms on Metcalfe Lane on 12th March. First juvenile seen 19th April. Song finished by mid-July.

Counts from Newton on Ouse were eight on 24th May and six on 22nd June.

A pair fledged three broods in ivy on house at Fulford, York. A pair constantly in garden, Stockton Lane, throughout the year. Up to 30 birds present in the autumn in Rassacarr nature reserve. A notable influx in October at Rawcliffe Lake of up to 30 and present for the rest of the year. Large numbers feeding in hedges and fields in Osbaldwick in November and December.

FJELDFARE Turduspilaris Status: Winter visitor.

Small number in Heslington on 1st January but only one at Rawcliffe Lake, a poor showing, with 150 at Tollerton on 18th January the biggest count in the early part of the year (PJR). A large number roosting on the river bank at Wheldrake, 2nd February and seen on 5th February 44 on Fulford Ings with a big party present near Pond Head on the 9th. Thirty were seen flying over Copmanthorpe oa 18th March, with winter flocks still present near Riccall on the 23rd. There were 40 in Selby on the 1st April with 950 on Wheidrake Ings on 4th and the last 33 at Forest Fann on the 10th (1511).

Nine were at Rawcliffe Lake on 27th October, with a large passage the next day in the Brandsby area. Twelve were at Rawcliffe Lake on 13th November, 150 at Wilberfoss on 10th with c.2000 at Wheldrake Ings on 9th and c.500 still there on 16th.

SONG THRUSH Turdusphilornelos Status: Resident breeder but in decline in some areas.

First song heard in St Nicholas Fields on 24th January.

Several present in Osbaidwick during breeding season, song starting in February, where one day a bird sang all day long, imitating blue and peat fits, blackbirds, and gulls. Three on Stockton Lane on lsthMarch.

In Copmanthorpe, one was singing on 26th January, otherwise seen infrequently.

Two seen at Rawcliffe Lake on 18th February and seen there from 28th November to year end.

Bred at Hassacaru nature reserve.

One heard singing in Clifton Moor car park late at night in November.

REDWING Turdus iliacus Status: Winter visitor.

Twenty eight at Rawcliffe Lake on 6th January, with 16 there on the 9th and three from 4th to 18th February. Also seen on 5th February on Fulford Ings, with 50 in Askham Bog on the 9th. Last of the winter were six on Monk Stray on 24th April (JSH).

There was a large westerly passage over Brandsby between 8-9.15 am, on 14th October, of around three thousand birds (PH). Heard elsewhere on overnight passage for the next three nights. Twenty eight were at Rawcliffe Lake on 14th October, with five there from 27th to 31st. Six on Monk Stray on 18th December.

TvHSTLE THRUSH Turdus viscivorus Status: Resident breeder and winter visitor.

Two were singing on St Nicholas Fields on 12th March, also reported from Askham Bog on the 45 28th, with two outside Copmanthorpe on the 29th. One at Newton on Ouse, 22nd June.

Bred at Dunnington, nesting on metal girder in sewage pumping station. Also bred at Forest Farm.

GRASSHOPPER WARBLER Lacustella naevia Status: Rare migrant breeder.

One singing at Wilberfoss on 22nd April remained in the area for about ten days.

On Skipwith Common, 24th June. (JR).

CEnT’S WARBLER Cetlia cetti Status: Rnre summer visitor

One reported from Wheldrake Ings on 12th December, but no description received.

SEDGE WARBLER Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Status: Migrant breeder and passage migrant.

Many at Derwent Thgs by 27th April. At Askham Bog, 2nd May. One at Rawcliffe Lake from 8th May to 13th June.

On the Pocklington Canal five were singing between Canal Head and three miles south, on 13th May.

Male near Scrayingham on 20th May, still present 19th July.

Last noted at Rawcliffe Lake on 19th August (NS).

REED WARBLER Acrocephalus scirpaceous Status: Migrant breeder and passage migrant.

The first was on 2nd May on Potteries Lake, Sfrensall (PIR). On the 3rd May a bird was singing in Hollow Swan reedbed, Skipwith Common and a singing male was at Castle Howard on the 17th.

LESSER wBITETHROAT Sylvia curruca Status: Migrant breeder.

The first was on Osbaidwick cycle track on 7th May (RVT), with one singing along western edge of Ac aster airfield on the 11th. 46 One was near Newton on Ouse on 22nd June. The last was at Rawcliffe Lake on 19th August (NS).

WHITETUROAT Sylvia communis Status: Migrant breeder.

First reported on 24th April at Wheldrake Ings. On 30th April the first arrived at 10.21 am at Hassacarr nature reserve (T&VW), where three pairs Inter bred. Seen on the same day in Copmanthorpe, where several pairs nested, and in Strensall.

At Fulford, York, on 1st May with two males at Forest Farm, Warthill on the 10th, and birds singing along western edge of Acaster airfield the next day. Several territories established along Osbaldwick cycle way in May. Two were on the Pocklington Canal on the 13th, two more near Towthorpe the next day, and a male on Monk Stray on the 20th and 22nd.

The first noted in Brandsby was on the 18th May where there was an influx to every suitable territory from the 24th onwards.

There were two between Tollerton and Alne on 6th July, and the last was on the 17th in Osbaldwick (RVT).

GARDEN WARBLER Sylvia boNn Status: Migrant breeder.

The first was on 1st May, singing in Stub Woods (FO).

Recorded on Strensall Common 24th May, also seen in St Nicholas Fields, and at Forest Farm, Warthill, on the 29th, and again in June.

Bred at Hassacarr nature reserve, Dunnington.

BLACKCAP Sylvia africapilla Status: Migrant breeder and winter visitor.

The earliest singing was heard on 23rd March, in a garden at Copmanthorpe (FO). Mother was on Fulford Golf Course on the 10th, with a pair on the edge of Cans wood, Huby on the same day; one at Burnholme on the 11th, two at separate locations near Pond Head on the 13th, Rawoliffe Lake from 14th to 18th, Castle Howard Lake on the 19th, Osbaldwick cycle track and Rufforth (four males) on the 22nd, a male in garden at Huby on the 25th, one at Askharn Bog on the 27th, and Fulford on 1st May. Also reported from Stub Woods, and Yearsley Moor.

Possibly bred on Hassacarr nature reserve.

47 Birds apparently over wintering were one male in Heslington on 22nd November (Ml’) and one at Rawcliffe Lake on 22nd December (NS).

WOOD WARBLER Phylloscopus sibalatrix Status: Migrant. Seems lost as breeding species.

One report from Strensall, 30th April (B?).

CHIFECIIAFF Phylloscopus collybita Status: Migrant breeder, passage migrant.

The first record was at Wheidrake, i 2th March oR), then in York, Stockton Lane, Hag Wood and Hassacan nature reserve, Dunnington, on the 22nd, Strensall Common and Bank Island on the 23rd, Askham Bog and Cass Wood Huby (one seen and at least three heard) on the 28th. Many were on Yearsley Moor on the 2nd April, and many at Pond Head and on Skipwith Common on the 13th, with one at Stearsby, and one at Rawcliffe Lake on the 15th.

Two were at Rawcliffe Lake 16th to 19th September, with one on Fifth Avenue, York, on the 24th and the last three at Rawcliffe Lake on the 29th (NS).

WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus Status: Migrant breeder and passage migrant.

One on Yearsley Moor on 2nd April was the first Q~4D).

One was singing at Appletree Village, York, on 9th, with two at Forest Farm and one in Huby on the 10th. Many were on Skipwith Common on the 13th April, and on the same day a small party of six-ten birds in the vicinity of the dam of the lower reservoir at Pond Head, and one at Yearsley Banks. One was at RawclifTe Lake from the 14th to 18th, and one at Cass Wood on the 15th, with up to six (at least one collecting nesting material) the next day, with small numbers seen and heard there for the rest of the month. There were several at St Nicholas Fields, York, on the 18th, when one at Fulford. Also noted on 27th April at Askham Bog. ‘Many were on Strensall Common on 24th May, when one was at Newton on Ouse.

At Rawcliffe Lake, seen 27th May to June 12th, with two there on 10th July, three on the 21st and six on the 23rd. Two were present on 17th August. four on the 19th and on the 30th August to 2nd September, with the last three thereon the 19th September.

Singles and pairs were seen regularly in the garden at Huby in the second half of August.

Foraging groups were in Brandsby up to the 28th October (PH).

48 GOLDCREST Regulus regulus Status: Winter visitor.

Two were on Dunnington Common on 1st Januaty.

A male was at Stockton-on-Forest on 15th March. A pair was seen on Yearsley Moor on the 2nd April, with a family party of over ten adults and juveniles on 28th May. Four were in a mixed tit party in Cass Wood Huby on 19th June.

Bred in Hag Wood, Dunnington.

Seen and heard often in all suitable habitats in the north, especially during winter months. There was a notable influx into the York area on the 20th September, with both increased numbers and a wider scattering of records. Noted in Cass Wood in November and December.

FIRECREST Regulus ignicapillus Status: Rare resident

One male present at Rawcliffe Lake on 18th April. First record for the lake, and the only record in the area this year (NS).

SPOflED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa strieta Status: Migrant breeding/passage visitor.

Single in a Huby garden 18th May with pair present from 24th May, when first seen inspecting next box, and seen regularly in garden throughout June, July and August, then pair feeding recently fledged juvenile on 23rd August. Three dead nestlings were found in the box when cleaned out in November.

A single was at Yearsley Moor on 28th May, with two in Ruby in June. In Brandsby, the first record for the year in a regular (walled garden) breeding site was not until 49 2nd August, possibly as a result of effatie June/July weather pattern. Remained until 26th, with two juveniles (PH).

LONG-TAILED TIT Aegithalos caudatus Status: Resident breeder.

A flock of 30 was seen at Dunnington Common on 1st January.

Foraging flocks of 20+ were present in winter in all suitable habitats in squares SE 57, 67 and 77 (the three most northerly 10 km squares in the YOC recording area). Small parties were seen frequently throughout the year in Strensall, Strensall Common and Askham Bog.

Between 14 January and 19 April, groups of I - 4 were seen at numerous sites (Huby, Forest Farm (Warthill), Cass Wood (Huby), Yearsley Moor, Pond Head Farm, and Castle Howard).

Three adults with 10-I- recently-fledged young were at Cass Wood on 17th May, where at least eight were also seen on 19th June. Further recordings of post-breeding flocks ‘were 12 at Monk Stray on 2nd August, 10+ at Yearsley Moor on 26th December with a further four in a mixed tit flock, and at least five at Cars Wood, Huby on 28th.

MARSH TIT Paruspa/ustris Status: Resident breeder.

Present in squares SE 57, 67 and 77 and seen as singles or pairs at Outgang, Heslington on 1st January, at Askham Bog on 9th March, in oak woods near Pond Head Farm on 13th April, and at Yearsley Moor on 28th May. The largest group of at least six birds was seen at Cars Wood, Huby on 2nd June where at least one bird was also seen in a mixed flock on 19th, a pair on 18th August, at least three on 11th November and four plus on 28th December. Marsh tits were seen in a party of juvenile tits at Yearsley Moor on 8th August. A pair was by the edge of the lake at Castle Howard on 27th December and a single in a Huby garden on 31st.

WJLLOW TIT Panss rnontamts Status: Resident breeder.

Seen feeding on peanuts throughout the year at Dunnington, and present all year in squares SE 57, 67 and 77. Two at Yearsley Moor on 2nd April and one at Heslington on 22nd November.

COAL TIT Parus ater Status: Resident breeder.

Seen throughout the year in squares SE 57 and 77, at Cass Wood (Huby), in Copmanthorpe (feeding on a seed feeder) and similarly in Dunnington feeding on peanuts. Singles in Askham Bog on 9th Febmaiy, 8th and 28th March, and at Forest Farm, Warthill on 22nd March. Singles and pairs and one flock of 10+ birds were at Yearsley Moor Common on 2nd April with two at 50 Pond Head Farm on 13th. Singles and pairs seen at Yearsley Moor Common on 28th May. A family with at least five juveniles, still with fleshy gapes, was seen in a Ruby garden on 29th May. The young were begging and being fed by their parents A party ofjuvenile tits including coal tits were at Yearsley Moor on 8th August and two in a garden at Elmpark Estate, York on 9th October.

BLUE TIT Pan,s caerzdeus Status: Resident breeder/winter visitor

Seventy birds were at Dunnington Common on 1st January.

Fourteen birds at Forest Farm on 22nd March. At Yearsley Moor Common on 2nd April; and reported as ‘common’ around Pond Head Farm on 13th April and near the lake at Castle Howard on 19th.

Three were counted on 24th May in the 1km square SES36O, near Newton-on-Ouse where eight were seen on 22nd June.

A pair nested in a fit box in a garden in Ruby, with the young fledging on 29th or 30th May. Seen with other juvenile tits at Yearsley Moor on 8th August. Five or six pairs resident at Rawclifl’e Lake.

Seen daily in Ruby and also regularly seen in Copmantborpe both in the garden and outside the village.

GREAT TIT Pants major Status: Resident breederlwinter visitor.

Seen daily throughout the year in Ruby, and a regular garden visitor in Copmanthorpe. One or two pairs resident at Rawoliffe Lake.

Two seen at Forest Fann on 22nd March. Also seen at Yearsley Moor on 2nd April with several in woods near Pond Head Farm on 13th and ‘common’ at Castle Howard lake on 19th. Two were at 5E5360 near Newton-on-Ouse on 24th May. Nesting in a garden box at Huby, the young fledged on 1st June. A family of five, including juveniles who were begging and being fed, was seen near Ruby on 9th June. Present in a party ofjuvenile tits at Yearsley Moor on 8th August.

NUTHATCH Sitta europaca Status: Resident breeder.

Continues to breed successfiully with probably two pairs in the environs of Brandsy village. Singles seen at Yearsley Moor on 2nd April and 28th May; also in a Ruby garden on 7th April and calling at Castle Howard on 17th May.

51 TREECREEPER Certluafauziliarts Status: Resident breeder.

Singles and pain seen throughout the year at various locations including Askham Bog, Yearsley Moor, Cass Wood (1-luby), in woods near Pond Head Farm and by the lake at Castle Howard. A family party of three, including one juvenile being fed by an adult, was seen at Yearsley Moor on 28th May.

GREAT GREY SHRIKE Lanius excubitor Status: Rare visitor

A single long-staying individual was present at Fulford Ings and delighted numerous members between early January and 16th February.

JAY (3a,-rulus glandariur Status: Resident breeder/passage, winter visitor.

Very few records for the area. A single was seen at Askham Bog on 16th March but species regularly heard there.

A single present in a Huby garden on 31st March, with a pair near Cass Wood on 9th April and a single in the wood on 11th. A single also at Yearsley Moor on 28th May. A pair in fields adjacent to Huby on 23rd December, and at Yearsley Moor on 27th December, when one was also seen at Strensall Common. Singles were also noted at Newton Mask/Kenby, Wheldrake Jugs and Wilberfoss.

MAGPIE Pica pica Status: Resident breeder.

Seen daily throughout the year in Huby with two or three pairs resident at Rawcliffe Lake. Nested near the cycleway at Osbaldwiclc.

Counts of two from SE5360 near Newton-on-Ouse on 24th May and seven on 22nd June with five near Terry’s, York on 31st December.

JACKDAW Corvus inonedula Status: Resident breeder.

Seen regularly just south of Sutton-on-forest and on the outskirts of Easingwold. Four were in residence all year in an ash free outside Copmanthorpe.

Up to 50 were seen in a flock of rooks in pig fields near Easingwold on 13th April and at least ten at Castle Howard on 19th. A pair was near Scrayingham on 23rd May and again on 20th 52 June. There were counts of two from square 855360 on 24th May and 11 on 22nd June.

A ‘large flock’ of adults and young were seen over Osbaldwick on 6th September and up to 200 wintered at Ounnington.

ROOK Corvus frugilegus Status: Resident breeder.

Seen daily throughout the year in Huby. Around 200 birds were near Easingwold on 10th January when a further 50 were near Green Hammerton. hi Brandsy nest building began as early as 14th March, following a very mild February which had initiated territory occupation. The rookery in Osbaidwick lane, Osbaldwick has now gone but a new one started at the corner of Hull Road and Windmill Lane with two nests and reached seven by 14th March. More than 100 were seen in pig fields near Easingwold on 13th April. Counts of 76 were noted at SE5360 near Newton-on-Ouse on 24th May and 81 on 22nd June with an estimated 95 active nests. Seven hundred were feeding on ploughed stubble at Stillington on 18th August.

Other large flocks recorded were of more than 1000 seen over a one mile stretch of road from Easingwold to Stillington on 24th December and up to 500 wintering at Dunnington.

CARRION CROW Cor’ur corone Status: Resident breeder.

Generally under recorded.

Seen daily throughout the year in Ruby. Two to three pairs were resident near Rawcliffe Lake and breeding occurred on Dunnington Common. Five were at 5E5360 on 24th May and again on 22nd June. Four were seen at York Stray on 22nd July.

STARLING Siurnus vulgaris Status: Resident breeder and winter visitor.

Seen hawking insects on 8th March, a very mild day. Five were at Forest Farm, Warthill on 22nd March. Seen daily in Huby with a predated egg found in a garden on 24th April and juvenile birds seen from 24th May. Reported as breeding in an owl nestbox at Dunnington Common. Counts of 44 were obtained from 555360 Q’~ewton-on-Ouse) on 24th May and 22 there again on 22nd June. Fifteen to 20 pairs were resident at Rawcliffe Lake.

Starlings were noted as feeding on elderberries in Osbaldwick in September but by early October were hawking insects again.

53 HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus Status: Resident breeder though often difficult to find.

Seen collecting nesting material in Osbaidwick on 25th January. Numbers have remained stable throughout the year in Dunnington.

A daily sight in Huby with the first juvenile being fed by a female on 20th May. Eight to ten pairs were resident at Rawcliffe Lake. Six were seen regularly in a garden at Elmbank Estate, York from 15th March to 23rd December. Counts of eight were obtained from SE 3560 on 24th May and 22 on 22nd June.

TREE SPARROW Passer mantanus Status: Resident breeder/passage visitor. Rare in northern part of the area

One was at Forest Farm, Warthill on 22nd March and a pair noted taking nesting material into a nest box in a Huby garden on 26th where they were seen almost daily. These young fledged on 9th June. Four pairs also bred in nest boxes at Dunnington Common. Counts of seven were recorded from SE 3560 on 22nd June.

Up to 50 birds were feeding in a garden at Dunnington Common over the autumn and winter. About 20 were seen in a field at Newton-on-Derwent on 2nd December and a similar number about haIfa mile away on the same day with 20 atHeslington on 13th.

CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs Status: Resident breeder/passage, winter visitor.

The earliest report of one singing was at Skipwith Common on 2nd February. Seen daily around Huby. More than 60 were at Thornton Ellers on 10th March and eight at Forest Farm, Warthill on 22nd. Reported as ‘very common’ at Pond Head Farm on 13th April and as ‘common’ at Castle Howard on 19th. Eight were seen at Forest Farm on 10th May and again on 5th June. Eight were counted in SE 5360 on 24th May and 11 on 22nd June.

Up to three were seen in winter months at Raweliffe Lake. The largest count was of 100 at Dunnington Common on 26th December.

BRAMBLING Fringilla mon4fringilla Status: Winter passage/visitor.

Only three reports received - of one in a Copmanthorpe garden on 9th January, six in Strensall village on 24th November and at least four on the edge of the lake at Castle Howard on 27th December.

54 GRE ENflNCH Cardun is chioris Status: Resident breeder,passagelwinter visitor.

Four or five pails were resident near Rawcliffe Lake. Seen daily in a Copmanthorpe garden where they are by far the commonest species. Many are breeding in large overgrown hedges in accommodation land in Osbaldwick.

Four seen at Stockton Lane, York on 22nd March. Counts of two were obtained from square SE5360 on 24th May and six on 22nd June. Daily sightings in Iluby and an adult seen feeding two young on 4th June.

GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis Status: Resident breeder/passage, winter visitor.

Four or five pairs were resident near Rawcliffe Lake all year, with as many as 30 present during winter months. At Huby they were seen regularly throughout the year.

Singles and pairs were seea at several locations at Yearsley Moor on 2nd April and four at Forest Farm, Warthill on 23rd when a flock of six was in a 1-luby garden. Four again seen at Forest Farm on 2nd May. A count of two was obtained from SE 5360 on 4th May and again on 22nd June. A ‘large charm’ was seen on 22nd July at St Nicholas’ Fields, York where a party of the same pursued a kestrel on 28th. Two groups, one of six and another of more than 10 were seen near Copmanthorpe on 14th September with a party of 13 seen daily in the same area between 25th and 28th. Three were at Straylands Grove, off Malton Road, York on 26th October.

‘More than usual’ were seen at Osbaldwick over the autumn and winter.

SIS KIN Carduelis spinus Status: Resident breeder/passage, winter visitor.

Two were at Askham Bog on 9th February, where a party of more than 30 was seen on 8th March. Between two and four birds were seen most days in February and March feeding on peanut feeders in gardens at Strensall. Two were at Huby on 27th March and a small flock of at least eight birds at Cans Wood on 28th.

A pair were at Yearsley Moor on 2nd April and small flocks of four were seen at several different locations in the same area.

At least five, possibly including juveniles, were in a Huby garden on 23rd August. Nine were at Hussacarr Nature Reserve on 17th September. A flock of 26 were at Rawcliufe Lake on 2nd October increasing throughout the latter part of the year to 38 by 28th December. A very large flock of more than 120 was reported from by the river upstream from Sutton-on Derwent on 15th December.

Also reported from Dringhouses, Sutton Wood and Wilberfoss. 55 LINNET Carduelis cannabina Status: Resident breeder/passage, winter visitor.

One was seen in song in Metcalfe Lane, York on 27th March and apparently bred in this area again.

A single male was seen at Cass Wood, 1-luby on 16th April and a pair on 26th; single males were noted at several locations on 27th when a pair was also seen on the outskirts of Easingwold and a single near Copmanthorpe. A pair was seen at Cass Wood on 21st May, the female having nesting material in her bill and four were near Scrayingham on 23rd. A pair near Cass Wood on 2nd June, five at Forest Farm on 5th, a single and pair at Cass Wood on 9th and four near Serayingham on 20th.

TWITE Carduelisfiavirostris Status: Scarce winter visitor.

There were no reported sightings of twite in the YOC recording area.

REDPOLL CarduelisJlanvnea Status: Breeder/passage, winter visitor.

Four were seen at Rawcliffe Lake on 6th February, remaining in the area until 18th. Five were at Stockton Lane, York on 11th February and two there the following day.

Eight were present on 3rd March at Rawcliffe Lake and a small flock at Askham Bog on 8th.

A post-breeding flock of around 250 was seen feeding on seeds of Meadow-sweet near the wind pump at Wheldrake Ings on 8th October and another of 200 at Dunnington Common on set- aside on 24th. Around 50 birds was at Heslington on 22nd November with a single bird feeding on peanuts from a feeder at Dunnington on 24th. Two birds were at Rawdiffe Lake from 13th October to the year end.

CROSSBILL Loxia curvirostra Status: Casual breeder/passage visitor.

There were only three reports.

Twenty one birds seen at Yearsley Common on 5th July with c.20 at Yearsley Wood on 4th July and seven at Grimston Wood on 16th August. BULLFINCH Pyrrhulapyrrhula Status: Resident breeder/passage, winter visitor.

Three were at Hassacarr Nature Reserve on 5th January, with a single male in a Copmanthorpe garden on 12th and six at Fuford Ings on 30th. Birds were frequently seen along Osbaidwick cycleway in January. and were noted as feeding on cherry buds in February. A single was at Askham Bog on 16th March and six there on 28th.

A pair was resident at RawcliiTe Lake in the winter months.

LAPLANI) BUNTING Calcarius lapponicus Status: Scarce winter visitor.

There were no reports of this species in the YOC recording area for 1997.

SNOW BUNTING Plectrophenax ‘live (is Status: Rare winter vagrant.

There were no reports of this species in the YOC recording area for 1997.

YELLOWIIAMMER E,nberiza citrinella Status Resident breeder/winter passage visitor.

At least 17 birds were in a roost at Church Bridge, near Pocklinglon Canal, on 8th January and ten near a sheep feeder at Tollerton on 11th. The first sighting of the year in Copmanthorpe was a single on 25th January where a male was also seen displaying on 27th February.

Eleven were at Forest Farm, Warthill on 22nd March and at least six males at Copmanthorpe on 28th. Seven males were at Forest Farm on 10th May. Counts of four were noted from 5E5360 on 24th and seven from the same area on 22nd June.

Only one was noted dining the breeding season from the BTO Breeding Bird Survey square in the Riccall area, a notable decline over the last three years.

A single bird was noted on 10th October on the cycleway at Osbaldwick, a first for this area. Post-breeding flocks of 60 were on pheasant feeders at Dunnington Common on 26th December and another of around SOon 31st in a field near Newton-on-flerwent.

REED BUNTING Entherira schoeniclus Status: Resident breeder/passage visitor.

Bred at Wiganthorpe this year but reported as not often seen now in tetrads SE 57 and 67.

Up to 18 seen between January and March near Rawcliffe Lake with one or possibly two pairs

57 breeding. One was singing at Skipwith Common on 3rd May and another seen near Scrayingham on 23rd. Young were being fed at Rawc]iffe Lake on 23rd June. A single male was again near Scrayingham on 19th July.

Up to ten were seen at Rawcliffe Lake from October to the end of the year.

CORN BUNTING Miliaria calandra Status: Resident breeder.

Around 30 were roosting near Yellowhammers at Church Bridge, Thornton on 8th January and 17 were seen on electricity cables at Wilberfoss on 18th.

Thirty six were at Strensall on 10th February in a mixed feeding flock.

Two males were singing from tree perches in Copmanthorpe on 5th March and continued throughout March and April. They were also present in tetrads SE 56 and 67, breeding in small numbers. Five were in the survey square at Riccall on 13th April, and 45 at Elvington Ings on 21st.

One to three males were noted singing at Forest Lane, north-west of Strensall on 2nd May, at Forest Fann, Warthill on 10th, at Cross Lane, between Strensall and F]axton on 12th, near New Bridge, Strensall on 26th, near Rufforth on 30th and at Acaster Airfield on 31st. A single was seen at Poppleton on 6th June and continued to sing regularly at one site up to 28th. Three were at Forest Lane, Strens all on 24th July.

Also reported from Newton -on-Derwent, Stamford Bridge and Wilberfoss.

58 Afld E.G. Pepp& B~a Ccddbfl DaeR~ Dr L Barker F. W. Odes Ian Brooks I.F. fly. Traynor LW.&C.Roberts L S. Hesda’so* lvi.!. Dixon ~Dong~s MaiD. Anderson P.3. Reed kterRdd Peter Watson LE.Giapman Ricbaid Alterby Roy Qtsdoy 8b,n Eves It & V. Weston It Oiihou LPewftess