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This Article Appeared in a Journal Published by Elsevier. the Attached This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy Quaternary International 253 (2012) 80e90 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Quaternary International journal homepage: Geomorphology, tectonism and Quaternary landscape evolution of the central Andes of San Juan (30Se69W), Argentina Laura P. Perucca a,b,*, Liliana M. Martos b a CONICET, Gabinete de Neotectónica, INGEO-FCEFyN-UNSJ, Av. Ignacio de La Roza y Meglioli, 5400 San Juan, Argentina b Departamento Geología, FCEFyN-UNSJ, Av. Ignacio de La Roza y Meglioli, 5400 San Juan, Argentina article info abstract Article history: The northesouth trending valley of Iglesia is a regional tectonic depression limited to the west by the Available online 23 August 2011 Cordillera Frontal Unit and to the east by Precordillera Occidental Mountain Units. The forms of the resulting landscape in the region are the result of glacial, periglacial, fluvial and alluvial action, aggra- dational and deggradational processes, as well as neotectonic activity and climatic changes. The generation of large Quaternary alluvial fan aggradational surfaces is related to previous climatic conditions, colder and more humid than the present ones. Abundant snowfalls and rains during the Pleistocene made possible detritus deposition, generating alluvial covers whose thickness increases toward the east. These climatic conditions alternated with arid periods, during which vertical erosion of streams prevailed, forming a landscape of stepped levels. In addition, the presence of faults with Quaternary tectonic activity indicates, a strong structural control in the evolution of the landscape during the PleistoceneeHolocene periods, effectively starting vertical erosion and finishing a cycle of erosion-accumulation and the beginning of the following one. Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction occasionally overflowing during intense rainfalls in summer, or in those years of higher snow precipitation in the Cordillera Frontal Between 32 and 52S, a wide region in Argentina with arid and area. The action of mechanic weathering and mainly wind action semi-arid climatic conditions is developed with a narrow strip of promotes glaciplanation processes, good development of desert maximum aridity, named the Arid Diagonal (Bruniard, 1982) pavement, desert varnish and cryoclastic phenomena. extending from the Atlantic coast at 44S to the north to 27S along This paper will propose a paleoclimatic analysis aimed at the eastern flank of the Andes. understanding its influence on the evolution of the landscape, Landscape evolution in semi-arid areas of this portion of the adding the control of the active tectonics of the Pleistoce- Andes can take on distinctive characteristics of their own. These neeHolocene as a main factor in such development. The main regions are clearly marked by low annual precipitation, distinctive constraint in the analysis of these mountain paleoenvironments is vegetation, and characteristic ephemeral processes of erosion and/ the lack of previous geological and paleoecological data on the or deposition, which water and wind are the most important Pleistocene/Holocene conditions. Most of the existing studies are driving agents. centered on the glacial chronology of several valleys of the However, deposits and landforms recognized in the region Cordillera, hundreds of kilometers south of the study area, as suggest past climate conditions much different from today’s. general paleoclimatic interpretations, whereas very little is known Different accumulation and erosion landforms identified in the area about the paleoenvironmental conditions at this latitude. There- indicate changes in climatic conditions, leading to greater aridifi- fore, this work is a contribution to current knowledge of the region. cation during the Late Holocene. These changes in turn lead to The methodology applied in the analysis of the area is based on decreased transport capacity of rivers, and to dominating aeolian the interpretation and digital analysis of the geomorphological processes. Fluvial activity is restricted to rivers and streams, features of the land surface. 1:30,000 scale aerial photographs provided by the Secretaría de Minería de la Provincia and Landsat TM images with 30 and 15 m of resolution were used to that effect. * Corresponding author. CONICET, Gabinete de Neotectónica, INGEO-FCEFyN- A slope analysis map was prepared in a GIS environment with UNSJ, Av. Ignacio de La Roza y Meglioli, 5400 San Juan, Argentina. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L.P. Perucca), lmartos@unsj-cuim. the creation of a digital terrain model (DTM). Altitudes were (L.M. Martos). obtained as a result of the partial digitization of topographic charts 1040-6182/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2011.08.009 Author's personal copy L.P. Perucca, L.M. Martos / Quaternary International 253 (2012) 80e90 81 provided by the Instituto Geográfico Militar. Field work consisted of Previous studies proposed that the Iglesia basin includes a detailed analysis of the most relevant landforms and natural a Neogene sequence up to 3.5 km thick in its center, thinning to the trenches. east and west, and also to the north and south, and interpreted the basin as a piggyback basin that developed during the eastward 2. Environmental setting of the study area advance of Precordillera thrusts (Beer et al., 1990; Jordan et al., 1993). Siame et al. (2006) found that at 30S both the Iglesia The area under study is located in the central western region of Valley and the Precordillera can be seen as a crustal-scale trans- the San Juan province, between 30 and 30 200S and 69 and 69 pressive zone, whose deformation is distributed with a dextral 300W(Fig. 1a). From east to west, it covers a portion of the western strike-slip along El Tigre Fault zone. This phenomenon is closely border of the Precordillera Occidental, the Iglesia Valley and the related to the Precordillera fold-and-thrust belt. eastern portion of the Cordillera Frontal. Based on the analysis of seismic profiles in the Iglesia Valley and In the Precordillera, the main mountain outcrops trend north- several outcrops in a cross-section along the Jáchal river, Alvarez- esouth, at the Sierra Negra, whose peaks reach 3500 m asl. The Marrón et al. (2006) interpreted a positive flower-type structure most important ranges in the Andean Cordillera are the Colangüil during the Neogene for this region. The authors considered that and the Agua Negra, both exceeding 5000 m asl. these models would not totally reflect the structural arrangement Surface drainage is constituted by the Blanco River and its of fault and thrust belt proposed by others (Allmendinger et al., perennial tributaries, among which the most important are the 1990; Jordan et al., 1993). Colangüil and the Agua Negra creeks both coming from the According to Siame et al. (2006), the Precordillera mountain Cordillera Fontal. To the east, other tributaries coming from the belt, which is nearly 400 km long and 80 km wide, is a thrust-and- Precordillera Occidental, is the Carrizal creek and coming from the fold belt separated from the Cordillera Frontal by an NeS piggyback south, the Iglesia Creek. basin: the Calingasta-Iglesia Valley. Allmendinger et al. (1990) The harshness of the present climate is manifested by extreme suggested that, between 29 and 31S latitude, the Cordillera winter temperatures in the Cordillera (to À30 C), wide tempera- Frontal is uplifted as a ramp-anticline over a mid-crustal ture variations, minimum humidity, winter snow precipitation and décollement. very scarce pluvial precipitation (Minetti et al.,1986). The climate in Outcrops in the Cordillera Frontal area consist of sandstones and the Precordillera Occidental and Iglesia Valley is arid-desert, with siltstones with an Upper CarboniferouseLower Permian age (Agua large daily and annual temperature variations, atmospheric trans- Negra Formation), Permian granites and granodiorites. Mesozoic parency and low humidity. The rainfall regime is continental, with granites of the Batholith of Colangüil, Neogene continental sedi- summer rains and only with very low average frequency of days mentary rocks (Iglesia Group) and PleistoceneeHolocene deposits with rain. According to the classification of Köppen (1936) it is of (Fig. 2) are present in the Valley (Cardó et al., 2000, 2001). type BWK (average annual temperature of 15.7 C in Rodeo, but In Precordillera Occidental, the oldest statigraphic units are above 18 C during the warmest month. January >23 C) (Minetti Ordovician and Devonian sedimentites (Yerba Loca and Punilla et al., 1986). From a climatic viewpoint, this area may be classi- Formations) covered by Upper Paleozoic deposits (Malimán fied as hyper-arid (120 > p > 60 mm)
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