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•AMTi. T«i|U, dew «Uk « 25J75 to* W Jli Thursday, fair. Set Red Bank Area Malta, pap 2. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS

bnunud daily. MMoMar ttroutb Friday. Second Clmu Pc*t»i« VOL. 87, NO. 174 PiPaidd att BeBd Bank and M AdjiWonat Ilalllni OtflcU. TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Bombs\ Rockets Rip North Viet Port

DA NANG, Viet Nam (AP) The targets were the port. Nineteen Vietnamese fighters that massive amounts of arms A U.S. spokesman in Saigon- er air strikes against the "The governments of the Re- cove 240 miles northeast of —American and Vietnamese of Quang Kihe, 40 miles north hit Quang Khe, and 20 U.S. and ammunition were being said the raid was not in re- North are now to be consid- public of Viet Nam and of the Saigon by a mystery ship. planes slammed rockets and of the border between North Air Force F100 jet fighters smuggled into South Viet Nam taliation for any particular in- ered routine. He also declined United States wish to avoid South Vietnamese fighter- bombs into a North Vietna- and South Viet Nam, and the went along to suppress ground from North Vietnamese ports. cident but because of the to say whether the latest strike widening the conflict, but they bontbers sank the ship. mese supply depot and a supply depot at Xom Bang, fire. • The three raids last month "continuing pattern of North had been specifically ordered are committed to make clear Col. Nguyen Kim Khanh, coastal port today in the 10 miles north of the border followed Viet Cong attacks on by the White House. to Hanoi that North Viet Nam commander of the 41st Viet- An undisclosed number of Vietnamese aggression." He fourth raid against the Com- and IS miles east of the Lao- U.S. personnel and installa- An official U.S. statement will be held fully accountable namese Air Wing, said the U.S. Air Force FlOOs and twin- asserted that U.S. policy all munist North within a month. tian border. tions and were considered re- cited as two recent instances for continuing aggression mystery ship had sailed from jet BS7 bombers attacked Xom along, has been one of retalia- Aircraft Irom the V.S. 7th taliations for action against of Communist terrorism the against South Viet Nam," the Quang Khe, Hie target of the There were no initial re- Bang. tion against over-all Commu- Heet did not ^participate in the United States. With th( nist aggression rather than killing or kidnaping of 139 statement said. raid today. the attacks, a U.S. spokes- ports on the success of the Ool. Nguyen Kim Khanh, raid today, it appeared thai Vietnamese civilians in the South Vietnamese , ground Another camouflaged mys- mission, and it was not im- against specific Communist man said in Saigon, but 7th commander of the 41st Viet- political decisions had been initiatives. past two weeks, and an at- forces on Feb. 20 captured tery boat was sighted in a Beet planes may have par- mediately known if there were namese Air Wang, said the taken in Washington to esca- tack on a bus by Viet Cong 80 tons of arms, much of it cove 50 miles below Saigon ticipated in reconnaissance or any American or Vietnamese ' raid on Quang Khe was or- late the air war against the He declined to speculate on guerrillas in which nine ci- Russian and Chinese, that was Sunday and a reconnaissance other supporting roles. casualties, dered following the discover)1 Communist North. future strikes or to say wheth- vilians were killed.' being unloaded in.a remote (See VIET NAM, Page 2) Shore Library Site Pressed FREEHOLD — Pressure Taking part in the talk at the an eastern area location—as gene J. Bedell, who favors a hadn't been convince

COUNTY'S OLDEST EMPLOYEE — Protect/tor Vincent P. Kauper, right, congratu- Districting Compromise Sought oldest member of hit staff — and oldest county employes in point of service — By WILLIAM HENDERSON .. eral days ago when the Bergen please all Republicans and per- If the governor does kill any scalps because we have been bid- Detective Capt. Merritt B. Kent, who retired yesterday at age 72 — minus a month. RED BANK.- GOP,Senate lawmakers voted against the haps some Democrats. such bills, the whole reapportion- ing our time." a local lawmaker said last night. County Detective Chief John M. Gawler looks on. and Assembly* leaders who have measures along with the Demo- It would still be a close squeak, ment puzzle will be turned back been locked in an intra-party crats, but Bergen's five votes would to the state Supreme Court which The GOP legislators have Ight over reapportionment will County-Wide mean any Senate reapportion- wil| then sketch its own pro- reached the conclusion that Gov. meet this weekend in an attempt The Bergen delegation de- ment measure in the Assembly gram. Hughes himself will be on Che to work out a compromise bill. manded that senators run coun- would become law. One of the main reasons the spot if he fails to sign tile bills Merritt Kent Retires The plan, The Register learned, ty-wide. The Senate bills called The Republicans will be acting legislators will hold their peace they send him. is for the Republican-controlled for congressional districts to be in the face of a new threat by pow wow in Trenton this week May Become Issue FREEHOLD — Merritt .B. called me," says Mr. Kent in re- Since 1926, he has taken pic- Senate to agree first on a reap- split in two parts with a senator Democratic Gov. Richard J. is because of the severe criti- If Hughes does act, according- Kent, senior man on the Mon- flection. tures and fingerprints of hun portionment measure • which running in each one. Hughes to veto any reapportion cism aimed at them over the ly, the Republicans may make mouth County payroll and per- So in 1914 and 1915, he oper- dreds of criminal suspects. His would be passed next week when It was', therefore, surprising ment and congressional redis- delay in doing something about a campaign issue -out of it by haps; the county's best good hu- ated a potato farm, on the site technology has led to identifica- the entire Legislature reconvenes when Speaker Higgins made the tricting bills if they do not per- the state's number one headache. blaming him for holding up en- mored story-teller, knocked off which is now the Freehold-Re- tion of several persons whose after a vacation. .•;f'""T to all Legislative chiefs to mit candidates to campaign "We're going to pass a bill or actment of a law ordered by the yesterday. gional High School. "' " bodies came out of the sea. court, The bill,would then be sent to sit.down together Thursday or throughout their counties in the bills and they will be good ones. With just about a month-the Merritt Kent never took the Top Cases the Assembly for passage with- Friday and draw up a reappor- state, including Monmouth and It should quiet those private If necessary, the legislature time due him for his annual va- stump in political oratory, but What were your most famou: out further delay. tionment proposal that would Ocean. groups which have been after our (See DISTRICTING, Page 2) cation-to go before his 72nd he's had to toe a sharp line of cases? The new "deal" between mem- birthday, April 4, when retire- political neutrality. That's. a frequent question fo r bers of both houses comes as a ment wbuld be mandatory, the His wife, Pearl JeKrfes, was a man going on 72 with 49 years result of a change of hear detective captain decided to call daughter of Democratic Free- service behind hint. among the five assemblymen it quits. holder T. Edwin Jeffries—Demo- "Cou can't quote me on that, from Bergen County including What are your plans, he was cratic leader many moons ago and you know it," says Capt. Speaker Marion West Higgins. in Monmouth's political history. Upgrade Holmdel Zoning asked. Kent. "I didn't 60lve any of The Assembly rejected two "I'm goin' to live," he replied. Found a Desk (See CAPT. KENT, Page 2) Senate bills on redistricting sev- "But no more investigations. But his first job in public of- HOLMDEL — The Planning Board last night approved including some revisions in the industrial zones, and new Enough is enough. fice came from a Republican— major revisions to the zoning ordinance which will tighten definitions of terms. "Lots of others have gone into the party leader at that time- building regulations and Upgrade lot size. The governing body, it was indicated, is expected to act that (police security and detec- Joseph M. MoDerraott, county Police Check Broken The recommended changes are the most significant here favorably on the proposed code revisions. A public hearing tjpn work), but it's not for me." clerk, who found'a desk for Mr. in several years. is required. INDUSTRIAL ROAD Capt. Kent—he gained the title Kent. . • . . Highlights of the proposed ordinance amendment: two years ago after retirement In 1918, however,. Mr. Kent In other business, board Chairman Bernard Goldsmith sug- Panes, Windshields —Upgrading of lot size to 43,000 square feet. At present, of Capt. William S. Mustoe—has moved over to the office of Dem- gested that the question of an industrial (buffer) road south of the code requires 200 feet at the middle point in lot width and never appeared as elder citizen. ocratic Prosecutor Charles F. LONG BRANCH - Police here windshield. .Police investigate Rt. 35 ,be reopened in light of the fact that Michael M. Nero 200 at the same point in depth, for an average tot size of 40,- Born In S. C. Sexton, Jr., of Long Branch, as are making an investigation into of that complaint revealed fivi has obtained final subdivision approval for Pleasant View Born in Charleston, S. C, he chief cleric. . a weekend rash of broken ca other cars had also been hit ii 000 square feet, commonly known as the "builder's acre." Heights, which provides access to Telegraph Hill Rd. opposite was graduated from Staunton Mr. Sexton was prosecutor un- windshields and several broken the same neighborhood. The othei —Lot frontage minimum of 200 feet. the Allocco tract. Military Academy, Staunton, Vs., til 1925 when the late John J. store windows as a result of what car owners were not identified. Lack of this provision in the present code has resulted in The chairman, after the meeting, reiterated his stand that In 1910. He worked for a couple Quirin, also a Democrat, took appears to be BB shot. The cars were all parked oi litigation, dealing with variances. such a road should exit near the New York and Long Branch Second Ave. in the 300 block. railroad tracks, at Bethany Rd., to bypass Old Manor, of years as a construction com- iver. • ' • ; They said (hat six cars were —A section which will prevent the construction of "look- He said, "Theoretically, there is nothing now to stop Nero pany timekeeper in New York Capt. Kent then doubled as. hit, and two stores had their Lou Conte, owner of Conte's alike" houses. . . - • windows broken by the pellets. Grocery Store, 295 Joline Ave., from cutting a buffer road all the way through. : before moving to Monmouth chief clerk and detective and, " —Division of the residential zone into R-40A, south of Rt. told police that someone shot "This situation has altered my thinking and I feel now that County.. ; , after attending special police Julius J. Garlacki of 391 Sec- 35, and R-40B, north of the highway. "My father, had'a cousin, and schools, established the countjs ond Ave. told police Sunday that pellets through his store window. the question should be reopened in light of these facts." he. had' a. farm, and the farm Identification Bureau. . holes had been shot in his car He said that a car, with four oi INCREASE HOUSE SIZE Noting that "some reaming" is being planned, Mayor'Al- five occupants, sped by at the —Upgrading of house size from 1,200 square feet to 1,600 fred C. Poole said that "should be taken care of first," before time the window was hit. He was in the R-40A zone. Size will be left at 1,200 in the R-40B zone. the road issue is re-examined. > unable to get a license plate —In the Holmdel Village section, the board will be re- "It should be done now because one might have a bearing number. quired to pass on site plans and architectural design of com- on the other," the board chairman replied. Also on Sunday, Mrs. Isadore mercial and business structures. The matter was then dropped. UTTUB SILVER — Borough chase of road department equip- mum size, requirement of- 3,600 Neiman, 104 Liberty St., reported —A section regulating signs will be provided. * At the suggestion of Mr. Maneri, the board gave a vote of Council last night adopted its ment and for the planned new square feet, Mr. Litwin said. that the store she and husband Township Committeeman Vincent J. Maneri, a board mem- thanks to John P. Waddington, deputy township clerk, for his $406,754.85 municipal' budget for Borough Hall project be used, "Funds, already appropriated own at that address, known as ber, told The Register that other proposed changes are minor, 1965. instead, for programs to expand under the act expire in August work on the proposed; zone code changes. the public library and; the local and there is no guarantee they Bob's Market,, had been hit. As reported previously, the Iwo- There were three small holes in cent drop in the school tax rate recreational program.- will. be renewed," he said. "Ocean and Middletown Town- the front window and two in will bring the total estimated tax Mr. Sass asked that the budget another window. Middletown Apartments Land Advised rate down to $2.98 per {100 of include' funds to reimburse the ships. already have taken ad- Bob's Market is the same store assessed valuation. The rate was mayor and councilmen for ex- vantage of this, and so should MIDDLETOWN - One of the where $276 was stolen from a on 200 acres of the Hammer tract 45th out of more than 2,000 simi- several large life insurance com- $3 last year. penses they incurred on borough ft." cash register Feb. 21. Police last leading banking institutions in on Shadow Lake in River Plaza. lar firms in the banking mortgage panies including John Hancock, The municipal and county tax business. Mr. Litwfa said the $3,400 ap- the state asked the Planning Mr. Pulis said he recognized field. New York Life, Sun Life of Cana- propriated, in the budget for op- week arrested four juveniles in rates and the rate for veterans Mr.' Litwin said the governing Board last night to give serious that the existing code prohibits The firm has underwritten ma- da, Fidelity Mutual and Mutual eration of the recreational pro- connection with the robbery. All and senior citizens' exemptions, body should follow the lead of apartment construction and that jor luxury apartment projects in Life. gram and «he $4,400 earmarked four are waiting Juvenile Court consideration to apartment con- respectively, are estimated at 56, neighboring communities in seek- there is public sentiment against Springfield, Montclair, Summit Likes Hammer Tract for improving the borough-owned action. ' struction when and if it decides 54 arid 10 cents—the same as last ing federal aid to expand the this type of residential construc- and Englewood. He said his firm likes the Ham- year. The school tax rate this library and recreational program. ball field are inadequate. recommend changes in the tion. mer tract and considers it ideal He said that the newly-com- He said that there is need for zoning code. He said the Springfield apart- year is estimated at $1.78. No Application for a luxury complex since it pleted public library is inade- a field house at the playground, ment project involved 450 units at The only two residents to speak Strathmore Arthur Pulis, president of Frank- He said he was riot asking the would be secluded with the lake quate, and predicted that within additional playground equipment, a cost of more than $6 million. during the public hearing preced- in Capital Corp., 'Newark, said board to take Immediate action and township recreation area the next 18 months the need for more .tennis courts at the Point He said there are 16 children in ing the budget action were Gor- lis firm was interested in fl- on his suggestion nor was he forming a natural screen from an. addition will become an Road School, new ball fields, use Bus Stop the entire complex. don N. Litwin, Borden PI., an tancing and operating a luxury making a formal application. surrounding areas. "emergent matter." of the borough's riparian rights Mr. Pulis said his firm is a unsuccessful Democratic candi- class garden apartment complex Mr. Pulis said his firm rank's mortgage correspondent f o r When the township's master at the end of Riverview Ave. and plan was presented several years date for the governing body, and Would Double She an ice skating rink. Demanded Arthur Sass, Parker Ave., chair- ago this site was recommended He suggested the council appro- Would Ask Aid MATAWAN TOWNSHIP-Angry for apartments but area residents man of the local Shade Tree priate funds for a program to Strathmore residents, steamed up Red Bank Adopts Its Local Budget Commission. Mr. Litwin said the council strongly protested and the site double the size of the present should apply for state aid under ver the failure of, Public Service was dropped for such CQBwdera- Mr. Litwin ashed that funds 1,600 squannfoot building so that the Green Acres program and buses to stop at Dawn Way on tion. I earmarked in the budget for pur- the borough would be eligible for for federal aid under the Open Lloyd Rd., demanded restoration aid under the Federal Library of the stop from township conv Frank F. Blaisdell, boartf chair- Space program to acquire addi Civil Defense Item Criticized man, said the board is consider- Services and Construction Act. mitteemen last night. : tional recreational land. He said ing the effects of such develop- Brldal Edition James C. Hynes, 143 Deerfleld Under that act, }he federal gov- the combined programs would RED BANK - A (1,426,026 mu- chemical, nuclear and bacteriolog- Mayor Benedict R. Nicosia ment on the community along a., climaxed heated statements ernment will, pay 25 per cent of pay 70 per cent of the cost. licipal budget was adopted after ical weapons. In the case of a agreed that civil defense prepar- with other types of housing. He Appears Today in the subject with: the construction.cost of approved Describing the Green Acres public hearing that drew only 20-megaton bomb falling on Man-ations would be of little use in a said he does not know when and III Register projects which meet the'mini- program as "dollars hanging from "This whole thing has been as- one comment at last night's Bor- hattan, Red Bank would be sub- large scale nuclear attack, but if the board will get around to trees," Mr. Litwin said, "since inine from the beginning. I spoke ough Council meeting. ject to severe blast and fire dam- was not convinced they would be taking any formal steps to rec- to Mr. (Charles W.) Dryden and it is there we should go get it." The only budget (tern criticized age and "What earthly use would useless in other cases. ommend rezoning of the town- told me he had ordered Pub- 9 "Available recreational land is was a $4,500 appropriation for a geiger counter or survival bis- i ship. ic Service not to stop there." Councilman Daniel J. O'Hern scarce and valuable and it would civil defense and disaster control, cuits be?" he asked. Today s Index He said a Mrs. Evans who Is pointed out that he once got the The Long Branch Inn be a grave error for you to pass Allen Strasburger of Hudson With regard to natural dis- this up," he said. homeowner near the stop has asters, the agencies that handled assistance of National Guard Will be re-opening Tuesday, rue Ave., asked council what essen- March 2, for the 1965 season.-AdV Alleo-Scott ... Events of Years Ago Mr. litwin said the projects complained of commuters waiting them before civil defense can still equipment during a blizzard and near her home 'or the bus. He tial service would be lost to the HerMock would not appreciably increase handle them, he said. Mr: Stras- his only course of action at that Police Opening Amusements charged that committeeman borough if the Hem were deleted Movie Timetable the budget , because , payment burger suggested the air raid time was to apply through the lo- Applications are being accepted Blrttw .l.....-....._... Dryden had been influenced by entirely. ' . Obituaries ... would be spread over a 20-year alarm, which takes the largest cal CD organization. for the position of patrtSIman in the woman and acted without au- Bridge .__ —... Sylvia Porter __ period; : ," 'What Earthly Vie?' part of the -budget Is a The budget was adopted with- the Red Bank Police Department. thority in having buses bypass John Chamberlain Sport*' '. ' ,' . He asked the council to defer Mr. Straabuiger, the Monmouth "throwback to World War II.1 out changes. It will take an 83 perApplicants contact Chief George persons waiting there. -- Clawlfled Stock Market purchase of the leaf vacuum County chairman of the Commit- He said, "I just am not reassured cent bite out of the estimated H. Clayton, ST., at police head- Committeeman Jay Krivitzky, Cotnlci .:...... Succenful te for the road department — a tee for Sane Nuclear Policy, laid when I hear those fatherly tones tax rate of (3.22 per $100 assessed quarters. Starting salary $3,200. Strathmore resident,. insisted Cnmword Puzile &90Q item In the present budget here Is no mcta thing u effective emanating Irom the loudipatkert valuation, plus another 32 cents in AppUcattoni clow Mirch 17, IMS. Editorial! __....„ (M UTHJE SILVER, Page J) (See STRATHMORE, Page 3) Ivli defem* againrt modern at noon on Saturdays."' reserve fo\ uncollected taxM. Adv. '•...' »v ' i • •' | ; * I ' •'• -V if) • 2-Twaday, Mtith 2, 196S THE DAILY REGISTER Weather He* JerKy: Mwtiy sunny to-' 9 t*t tai, Vtiuadty. Qmx to-; Obituaries altfkj. High both TnMon, New Jersey, .la i display staff has created a cer-yesterday. died Sunday In Monmouth Medi- tier home, 930 Fifth St. ; e^ndancs with the rule* ot civil pra ing the possibility that the newsome money, and with federa cal Center. Born in Newark, she was the tic* ftwl procedure. tain tone and atmosphere in eachj Mr. and Mrs, James Kerrigan, THOMAS A. HALEY library won't be built in Free- aid and borough funds we could Born in Norway, Mr. Gunder- daughter of the late John Gram The object at tstd action Is to ol department that compliments the Maplewood Ave., Leonardo, HIGHLANDS - Thomas lain • Mim of divorce betwMn Ih hold, the board has given con- attempt a library addition at a sen had lived here since 1924. He! and Elizabeth DuBois Granz. MM plaintiff ana you. merchandise and visually delights daughter, yesterday. Haley, 62, of 280 Ridgeview Ave., sideration to at least three other] later date." was a fisherman and had been She was a resident here 48 wise, wins, WICHUANN die customer. Lavish use has Mr. and Mrs. Allan MaoDonaJd, died Saturday in his home where general areas. He said that construction of the employed by Peterson Fisheries yeans, and a member of BErUCH been made of color both in the13 Campbell Ave., Port Mon- he had lived two weeks. Attorneys tor PlalnUff A site of between 'four and six field house at the playground had Monmouth Beach. the Daughters of America, Pride 103 Broad Street. selection of carpeting and wall mouth, daughter, yesterday. He moved here from Lakewood Red Bank, N. J. acres would be required, he said, been recommended by the Recre- Surviving are his wife, Mrs, where he had lived 15 years. Mr. of Monmouth Post. War. J. >. is, 5S I3« Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hardy, but the cost of land acquisition ation Committee but also had Marie B. Gundersen; three broth-j 109 Third St., Keyport, daughter, Haley was a retired milkman. She is survived by her hus- NOTICE TO BIDDERS would be minor. been deferred to construction of ers, Gunwald, Ton, and Olav He was a member of the Elks band, Edgar A. Lish; a daugh- Nolle. Is hereby liven that sealed Strathmore yesterday. The board has in mind con- the Borough Hall. Gundersen, and1 three sisters, bids will be received by the Mayor am Lodge and Foresters of America, ter, Mrs. James H. Dickerson of Township cwnmiun of uie TownsM Mr. and Mrs. Boleslaus Chizuk, struction of a $600,000 building The mayor said the governing Gulovne, Marie, and Dagny Gun- d Coils Neck for maintenance and r> (Continued) IS Garrison Dr., Hazlet, son, body had discussed the Green both in Lakewood. Squill Amboy; three sisters, Mrs. Pair material* tn Uu Township ot Col to serve as central library head- dersen, all in Norway. Louise Raab and Mrs. Mary Mc- Neck tn tut County of atonmouth with that neither the committee nor Surviving are three* sons, yesterday. quarters. Acres program "at length" dur- Services wHl be at 2 p.m. to- an estimated amount of 96,300 Gala. ~* the police department had ordered George T. Haley of this place, Grath'of Newark and Mrs. Fred oMlotalc emulsified asphalt, quick «ettli Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Martin Professional studies in recenl ing the past several years, but morrow from the John W. Flock fclgti rlicoslty fnute: 24,390 Gal«. cul such action. Paul Haley of Lakewood and John Vogel of Maplewood, and a broth- back unhalt trade BC-W)i 1.4U Tons 27 Cross Ave., Matawan, son, years have suggested that plans his decided 2$ delay purchase of Funeral Home, with Rev. Robert V broken (lone cover and alUed Residents complained that bus Haley of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; er John Granz of Newark. , this morning. be made to supplement the cen-recreational property Md W. Oswald of the Lutheran maintenance and repair materials. driven had told them they'd been four brothers, Jerry, Gregory, The funeral: will be • held to- And opened and read in publlo Mr. and Mrs. Frederic* tral building In future years, a report from Akin E.^Gershen Church, West Long Branch, of- Ttrwnihlp Hall on March 25, IMS ^ ordered .by police not to,stop Robert and John Haley, all of morrow at 1:30 p.m., in Bedle Koenlttg, 1 Village La., Middle- 'with branch buildings in various Associates, Trenton, the profes- ficiating. fctt P.M., Dnyllgtit SU1, says it will stay buried in OCEAN TOWNSHIP — Bonds Tile council explained that whelming defeat of the propo- tory they be tried as adults. Young Democrats of Monmouth construction in August. The.measure, now in commit- he Assembly committee. financing the new high school witholding the sale of bonds until sition by the voters. Originally The exception would be in case: County. LoBiondo is a county . Target date for • completion is :ee, would require youths aged He interprets the measure as will be sold after July I, allow- July 1, the start of the new fiscal scheduled in the original budget of murder where the court Democratic leader. August 1966. 16 and 17 who run afoul of the jermitting a juvenile down to the ing $149,380 in debt service to year, would allow them to escape the $32,620 proposal was listed as would still have a choice. Mrs. Joseph Schofel, MCAP The authority has hired Bar law to be tried in adult or ige of 7 to be tried for murder. be stricken from the 1965-66 from having to include principal a separate referendum issue in "A juvenile would have a bet- community co • ordinator, nett D. Singer, Bayonne, as ar- municipal courts instead of in school budget, the Township and interest payments in the 1965- the second polling. Together "The way it is written," he ter chance to redeem himself, said the named of all those in- chitect for the structure. juvenile courts. Council resolved last night. ( 66 budget. with the revised budget,- it was laid, "murder would be excluded under this setup," Hunt asserted vited to serve were submitted The authority plans to build ram all juvenile laws, and would The controversial bill was in- Increasing by $50,620 the an- soundly trounced. The bill received little or no two weeks ago to John C. •Bulllitt, 59 one-bedroom units and 20 ef- Mayor John J. Reilly said the revert to law, which troduced in tfie Assembly Jan. 18 ticipated surplus expected from attention when it was passed director of the New Jersey Office ficiency units in the seven-story council's move would merely Held Misunderstood means a 7-year-old could be tried and referred to a committee for federal aid, the council trimmed by the Senate last week by a of Economic Opportunity, Tren- apartment. mean that the bond Issue wo'uld The council decided to include for murder." further discussion. a clean $200,000 from the amount •ote of 11-6. n. The borough will receive an be moved one year back. It the proposal, which calls for the Sen. Hunt says that for anyone Dozens of letters, pro and con to be raised by taxation. The In a reverse procedure, the Expansion of the MCA board •nnual fee equal to 10 per cent would extend until 1990, he said. purchase of four buses and hiring to speculate a judge would try a on the issue, have poured into thi amount to be raised is $2,026,- Assembly last year passed a is in accordance with the law of yearly rentals from the author- of three drivers, because, Mayor minor for murder "is ridiculous." Legislature from parents around 639.15. The mayor noted the popula- similar youth bill, but the Senate which requires community, action ity in lieu of real estate taxes. Reilly said, many persons who Under present state law, the the state. Under the council directed bud- tion of the township would be in never got around to acting on it. jroups to establish planning com- voted against it "misunderstood mittees of at least 40 members. it, the school tax rate will be creased then, spreading the fixed the proposal." Election Problem bond payments among more tax- MCA also has named three $2.23 per $100 of assessed valua- The municipal budget, calling But the legislators in the lower Lent Starts payers. He said the sohool of its six neighborhood advisers, tion, an increase of 35 cents over for $G49,833 to be raised by tax- house, mindful this is an election board's auditor endorsed the Middletown Planners chosen, as required by law, from the current figure. As originally ation, a hike of $132,264, wasyear and fearful they might offend proposed, the school budget would plan. among the community they will Tomorrow passed without incident. The tota hundreds of parents, will weigh serve. have required a 71-cent tax rate The federal aid was not in- the merits of the youth bill care- RED BANK — Holy Eucharist budget was $1,361,640, an increase Reject Asphalt Plant Hired were Oliver Davenport, increase. cluded in determining either the of fully before voting, The Register will be celebrated at 7, 8 and $203,417. The local purpose Asbury Park; Lawrence Morris, Total tax rate is computed to of $80,000, in two payments, is was told. 10 a.m. tomorrow, Ash Wednes- rate is 74 cents. MIDDLETOWN — A proposed equipment near the site and this Red Bank, and Frederick Staten, be $3.53. expected from the federal gov- day, In Trinity Episcopal Church, In other action, council passed Republican Assemblymen Al- isphalt plant for a six-acre area coupled with refuse trucks en- Long Branch. Their salaries will The council's action was neces- ernment. West Front St. a salary ordinance establishing fred N. Beadleston, Rumson and adjacent to the township sanitary tering the municipal dump al- be $3,000. They are currently be- sitated after the second rejection A decision to include trans- andfill in Belford was ruled as ready creates a heavy truck traf- Services tomorrow also will minimum and maximum salaries Irving E. Keith, Bradley Beach, ing prepared for their duties of the school budget by theportation for pupils in the budget not within the concept of master fic problem in the area. Include the service of healing at for municipal employees and of- and Democratic Assemblyman through a field training program voters last Tuesday. came in the face of an over- plan last night. : 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. and Litany, ficials. Patrick J. McGann, Lincroft The residents were prepared under the direction of Joseph E. Penitential Office and sermon at said they wanted to study the Making the ruling was thteo present a 900 signature petition Taylor, MCAP administrative as- t p.m. bill a bit longer before comment- banning Board which had been protesting the plant. t sistant. Holy Eucharist will be cele- ing on it. isked to review the proposal by Mr. Hesse proposes to build th< Meet Tomorrow brated at 8 and 10 a.m. Wednes- Blast Rising School Tax, The bill, sponsored by Senhe Zoning Board of Adjustment. 38 x 42 foot building which would Mrs. Schofel said that MCA days during Lent, followed by the John E. Hunt, R.-Gloucesteft is Charles J. Hesse Inc., Belford, produce 150 tons of bituminous will meet tomorrow with offidalt jervice of healing at 8:30 and designed to help youths ipplied last month to the zoning concrete every hour for eigh of the county Welfare Board to 10:30. Evening .service and med- between 16 and 17 who get into t>oard for a variance to build the or nine hours a day,. The plan discuss reshaping that body's pro- itation will be held Wednesdays minor arguments that could be $200,000 project on land the firm would operate five days per week. posal for a $676,250 two-year pro-. at 8 o'clock. Bui Don't Wait for Budget handled in municipal courts. owns. He said the plant would produce gram to provide work experience Sen. Hunt said over the week- so little dust and odor that it programs for unemployed young Holy Eucharist will be celebrat- The proposed site is an in- ENGLISHTOWN - Residents costs in the regional school dis- lishment of a state lottery—and end: would conform to the Los An- people and welfare clients. ed at 10 a.m. Fridays during Lent: dustrial zone which precludes last night jammed Borough trict. also a state tax in which persons bill would relieve. the geles city air pollution code — She said the Welfare Board's Council's meeting to complain "This manufacturing of tar-or other "I have yet to receive a reply, who rent would pay taxes, along load in juvenile courts and also reputed to be the most stringent original proposal contained com- about the school tax situation— petroleum derivatives. or an acknowledgement, from the with property owners. require that youths who commit in the country. ponents of a Community Action but left before the public hearing Committeeman governor," he said, adding: "This resemlbles the old time the worst crimes be taken to The zoning board as a matter The zoning board will make a Program. on the 1965 budget. "Time is of the essence . town meetings, when citizens are riminal courts." if policy, referred the proposal formal ruling on the application Monmouth Medical Center Is "That must mean that the We must have immediate help nterested and participate," inter to the planners for their consid- at its meeting March 15. readying a proposal to provide Stricken 111 Sen. Hunt declared such action eration. people are expressing their con- and assistance by the middle of jected the mayor. would protect juveniles who get In other business the Planning on-the-job-training for the unem- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP—Town- The board's quick action last fidence in our council," said March, before the tax rate is The matter of the school budge into jams over small matters. Board gave its approval to ployed in such areas as nursing •hip Committeeman Charles W. night came as more than 150 area Mayor Theodore J. Narozanick. struck. with Manalapan Township—twice variance request by Edward and dietetic aides, Mrs. Schofel Dryden was rushed by First Aid "They wouldiCt be stigmatized poised to voice objections to the One resident who stayed there, "I am disappointed that the defeated by voters — then was Lambert to convert a vacanl said. Squad ambulance from last juvenile delinquents,' proposal. Thomas,.Lenahan, 18 Center St., chief executive of the state of brought before the council. A Hunt said, adding that many store at 34 Port Monmouth Rd., And Mr. Irwin disclosed that night's committee meeting to agreed with the mayor, and The board's quick action last New Jersey has failed to ac-meeting is set for tonight a cases can be processed under dis Port Monmouth, into an assenv he will discuss with the Board Perth Amboy General Hospital. added: knowledge our letter, although, which the Manalapan Township orderly conduct charges. night came as more than 150 area bly plant for toy cars. of Freeholders the possibility of Reiporled in fair condition this residents were in attendence "The council is doing a won- admittedly, I am a small mayor Committee will attempt to analyzi "In New Jersey," he said, "this Voting in favor of recommend hiring unemployed youths to work morning, Mr. Dryden is being poised to voice objections to the derful job locally, especially in in a small municipality." the 1965 budget .for the school charge is not a misdemeanor, ing that the project is within th in county parks and on county held in the hospital for observa proposal. view of other rising expenses." Word From McGann district, only a violation. Under the cur- concept of the master plan wen roads. tlon before a definite diagnosis While none of the residents Frank F. Blaidell, Newton A. To the room full of interested Mayor Narozanick added that "The situation here is not the rent law, youths are branded as is reported. He requested an am- live within 200 feet of the proj- Mallett, Mayor Ernest G. Kava- residents, Mayor Narozanicfc ex- he had received assurances from result of the school budget," re- juvenile delinquents." McCORMACK'S DAUGHTER bulance at 8:30 p.m. complain- ect, all were prepared to protest lek and Alex Her. ing of chest pains. pressed his '.'deep appreciation." Democratic Assemblyman Pat- marked Mjiyor Narozanick. "The There now is strong opposition CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. - that serious traffic problems Voting against the recommen Marine Cpl. and Mrs. E. D. Mc- Mr. Lenahan asked the mayor rick J. McGann, Jr., that a rep- Englishtown - Manalapan school would be created by the plant. dation were Township Committee Cormack, this place, are parents FIRE QUICKLY DOUSED _ on progress made toward the resentative !- from Englishtowa district has, one of the fines Heavy Traffic men Edward J,' Roth, Thoma of a daughter, Debbje Denise, meeting that has been requested would be invited to the confer- education-programs. The Board flCEAN TOWNSHIP — Fire- Revoked List Mr. Hefsse, owner of the firm, J. Lynch and James Smith. born Sunday in the Marine Corps men yesterday quickly extinguish- with Gov. Richard J. Hughes. ence with the governor, when of Education recognizes the fac admitted at the zoning board Mr. Lambert said cars, similai Hospital here. Mrs. McCormack ed a minor brush fire at the such a meeting is set. that they must provide for 2,200 Mr. Narozanick reviewed the hearing that traffic would be to go carts would be pedal op is the former Dorothy Garretson, Fort Monmouth tracking substa- pupils. Driver Pays beginning, Jan. 36, When lie asked Looking into the money prob- doubled in that area with, com- erated like a bicycle. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. tion on Whalepond Rd. There lem, Arthur Somerville, 24 La "There must be some means the governor to change the pres- pletion of the plant. The main building is 40 x 42Garretson 72 Fourth St., Belford, of additional revenue for the were no injuries. ent method of apportioning school Satta Ave., suggested the estab-. $205 Fine The firm stores its construction feet. The site is a B-I zone. N.J. school district ... to say w might be bankrupt is not verj COLTS NECK — Channing P. farfetched; it is very factual. Ou Clapp, 11 Schenck Ave., Matawan, Choreographic Castigation Eatontown National's New elderly people cannot afford to was fined $205 for driving while on the revoked list, at a hearing be- pay theihi r taxes, and if EnglisElih fore Magistrate Seymour R. town cannot pay its bills, i Kleinberg here yesterday. Plan Approved by Zoners means we are bankrupt." Mr. Somerville raised the ques- Robert Nelson of Asbury Park Council Sits Out a Hot Tune EATONTOWN — The Zoning passed on two proposals to theal building. The building—a non- lost his license for 30 days on tion of the town joining with By SANFORD STAROBIN cil asserted that Mrs. Farah had spector last year, stated that he Board of Adjustment last night Planning Board for Its fecom- conforming structure—and prem- Manalapan township. charges of improper passing and approved a revised plan for con- ises would be purchased from Ja- speeding 65 miles per hour in a OCEAN TOWNSHIP — They applied for a non-conforming use sent Mrs. Farah a letter inform- mendations. "Legislation of the school tax »truction of the Eatontown Na- cobus Dirkse, if the use variance 50 mite zone. could have danced all night, but variance in December. Her re- ing her of her violation. He in- One was the application of apportionment is the crux of the Michael Rekeda had a little twist- quest is still pending. spected the premises, he said, tional Bank's main office at Rt. is allowed. The magistrate found Nelson Jacob Kliener to convert a struc- problem," replied the mayor. ing of his own in mind — the "but didn't see any dancing." In 35 and Wyckoff Rd. guilty yesterday in court here, Mr, Redeka said he had oper- ture at the present site of the The second application slated Instead of paying $2.64 per hun- necks of two councilmen. ' answer to his question, he ex- The variance application was for planners study is one by and also fined him $35. ated his studio for three years D&D Rose Gardens, 42 Monmouth dred, we'd pay $1.32. Then we'd The first wrong step, charged with a business license granted plained, Mns. Farah told him the third to be presented to the Ralph Marangi of AUend^le, who Paying $15 fines for careless Rd., into a four-office profession- be in a nice position here. Man- former dance instructor Rekeda, by the township. Only after that she no longer operated a board by the banking firm. The asked to construct a warehouse alapan would not really feel the driving were Lois A. Innken, came when his home-based dance dancing school. at Lewis St. and Pinebrook Rd. South Toms River, and Benny S complaints from neighbors, and original, presented last Septem- increase of 36 cents." studio at 29 Barbara La. was or- To which Mr. Rekeda retorted Pizzo, Philadelphia, Pa. after he applied for the variance, ber, was disallowed and a second Mr. Marangi would, lease the After commending the mayoi dered closed for violation of the was it discovered that the license that it was summer and school Storm Drain Others fined were Robert Beat plan was approved. structure to a firm for storage for his eifforts, Harold Larson zoning code. The second oc- should never have been granted. wasn't in session. Classes started ty, Neptune, $15' for dellnquen The present plan will not of new automobile accessories, 28 Park Ave., commented: curred when his variance appli- That was last April 7. again in September, he alleged. inspection; John G. Malvey, Jr. change proposed front or rear he said. The 60 by 100-foot build- Mayor Narozanick called : cation was approved by the Board Complaint Mrs. Farah's classes are still On South St. Brick Town, $30 for improper pass setbacks. It adds 26 feet to the ng would be located on an irreg- brief reCess before the publi< of Adjustment only to meet unan- going on while the variance is ing and no driver's license; Cen Two days later, he added, he length of the planned structure ular shaped tract and would re- hearing on the 1965 local mu imous defeat at the hands of pending, Mr. Beekman admitted. tral Apron Service, Inc., Neptune, complained about Mrs. Farah's and adds a second floor. Aided Again quire a setback variance as well nicipal budget. council. studio. He noted proudly, however, that as a use permit. no stop light, $25; Joyce B. Pep- New Parking Plan RED BANK — Borough Coun- Figures were approved, witr The third happened when a In defense of council, and him- when Mr. Rekeda approached to pard, Linden, $26 for speeding 56 competitor, Mrs. John Farah, 17 take his picture, he didn't try to It was said there will be no Held For Study the total general revenue set al self, WllHam Poznak, now town- cil last night introduced an or- miles per, hour in a 50 mile zone, Deal Rd., likewise alleged to be evade the camera. ohange in the planned entrance Two other applications w $52,691. The only amount ovei ship engineer, but building in- dinance appropriating an addi and Eugene L. Wall, 95 Ba;in violation of the ordinance, was and exits, although the parking held for board study. which the borough council has Ave., Atlantic Highlands, $15 fo tional $5,000 for the South St. allowed to continue operations. area traffic pattern was revised jurisdiction-taxes for the sup- making an unsafe turn. Alfred Kulpa of 35 Pearce Ave. But (he final cha cha cha was for a "smoother flow of traffic." storm drain system completed port of the municipal budget- asked to build a one^family dwell- Ranee E. Walker of Poin delivered when Mr. Rekeda found last year. Public hearing will be has decreased this year to $18,491, It was estimated the banking ing on Orchard St., an unim- Pleasant was found not guilty o that Mayor John J. Reilly's headquarters will create a $200,- from the 1964 figure of $22,059. March 15. proved, road. Mr. Kulpa said he Tax collections last year rose to careless driving. daughter and the daughter of 000 ratable. Council also approved minor anticipates no problems In secur- 90 per cent. In 1963 they came Councilman John W. Beekman In other board business, it subdivisions sought by Edmund ing water, sewer or electric serv- to 87 per cent, New Municipal Court attended Mrs. Farah's classes. ice at his homesite. He said he wil J. Canzona of Harding Rd. and The tax rate per $100 is brokci So last night, in up-tempo, Mr. Hilltop Ter., and Estey Metal improve a short section of the Hearing Days Slated Rekeda protested. He even pro- "paper" street to his property down this way: Red Bank Products, Inc., of 1 Catherine —For the local 9chool district, LONG BRANCH - Magistrat duced photographs showing Mr. St. Both had been recommended Stanley Cohen yesterday an- Beekman picking up his daughter Another application held over GWWKHCLPYOU? Recreation after hearings before the Plan- until next month is one by Bur- *For the regional school, $1.52, nounced that, starting March IS, from the school. ning Board. - ton Schlffer of 508 Roselle Ave. —For the local purpose tax Municipal Court sessions will be The "Waltz of the Councilmen" Council granted permission for Deal Park. Mr. Schlffer asked rate, 83 cents. held Mondays and Thursdays. began with Mayor Reilly back- CENTRAL JEFSEYBAM Calendar the annual Elks National Youth permission to construct six —For Monmouth County, 56 Magistrate Cohen aald tha stepping, protesting that W< those cases already scheduled fo: daughter no longer attended Mrs sasra muarr caMBftNV Tonight Day festivities to be held May stores on a Rt. 35 tract near cents. a Tuesday will be heard as Farah's classes. This left Mr, mama • mmm • wan mat • umm • m 7-10 p.m. — Men's volleyball, 1, and Mayor Benedict R. Nicosia Burns La. The tract was said to —For senior citizens and vet scheduled. After they are finished, Beekman alone to face the River Street School. proclaimed March 13-19 Ameri- be too small to pormit adequate erans, 14 cents. the Tuesday court session will ba lie. •-,., wum-mumwrmtn-mmm cw 7-9 p.m. — High sohool boys! can Legion Birthday Week in Red off-street parking and conform The budget wasaadopted for discontinued. , In the Moond movement, coun- basketball league, high school. Bank. with sideline regulations. 1995. SERVICE iS OUR £UGG£STASSGTf HELD COMPLMOT DISMISSED COMPLAINT DISMISSED *-To«d*y, Man* 2, 4965 THE DAILY REGISTER ; RED SANK — A compttlnt LOCAL SECURITIES SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP — Trading Up, Says Reds that Frank Pslotnb not to&a&t rpLtil rwicup, muiikmn or Are Attalnijig tie Globe Baf, 20 East Front MAS/i: pewees (Jl fcs. »ver But Profit pitiot, sjgoed by Polk* Oft. oomml*ston.- Other ufced prices h*V« bten tdjiuted -upward to St, because of offensive language NEW YORK MP age) 2041. include approximate markup. Dayton Wilson, against Gregory Wholestle egg offerings ample. was withdrawn by the tavern and Browns BANKS Their Goal J. Held of M Spring St., Red Demand fair yesterday. Taking Hurts Extra fancy heavy weight (41 Div. Asked RED BANK — The "alarming dismissed by Magistrate William New York spot quotations fol- Bank, .for peddling without a b- lbs. min) 30>4-32; fancy medium Belmar-Wall National 3.00 NEW YORK (AP) - The stock I. jOatsky yesterday. ' low. Central Jersey Bank • market yesterday finally stum- progress" made by the Commu- (41 lbs. average) 27-28>/?; fancj Mixed Colon Eatontown National Bank bled on profit taking) It declined nists in their plan for world heavy weight (47 lbs. min) 28V4- Farmers & Merchants Standards 25^-27; checks" 21%. 30; smalls (36 lbs. average) 24V4- or She first time in eight ses- conquest was outlined before a First Merchants National Bank (x) 10'/, sions. Trading was heavy. 2% 25%; peewees (31 lbs. average Keansburg-Middletown 1.40 meeting of the Conservative Clubll Whites 20-21. Monmouth County National • (xx) .18 7 It was a churning session, with of Monmouth County in Molly || volume at a vigorous six million JExtra fancy heavy weight (47 N. J. National Bank JUS Pitcher Inn Wednesday. lbs, min) 27'/5-30; fancy medium Look ahead! Invest in a home Peoples National, Keyport 3.00 shares compared with 5.84 mil- CHECK TERMITE DAM AGE of your own. See today's Daily Sea Bright National — 1.25 on on Friday. Donald D. Pillsbury of Regoll ' (41 lbs. average) 25'/J-27; fancy Park, N. Y. an executive of Register Classified. First National Bank of Spring Lake The Dow Jones industrial av- ( •heavy weight (47 lbs. min) 27J4- the National Bureau of Casualty SPECIALIZING IN rage, which had just climbed INDUSTRIAL Underwriters, was guest speaker. | Brockway • back above the 900 level on Fri- He illustrated his lecture with II TERMITE CONTROL ONLY Family Circle ay, slipped 3.72 to close at Laird film strips and recorded com-1| YOU HAVE TIL 899.76. - .-,.«,. ments. Monmouth Capital (x) The decline had every appear- For Other Insects—Call an Exterminator Monmouth Electric Mr. Pillsbury said the Commu- [I Monmouth Park • nce ot reluctance. The lap be- FOR TERMITES—CALL US! MARCH 10th tween losers and winners was nist plot is well under way, as I N. J. Natural Gas • (x) Cash predictepremcieda bDyy wicoiaNicolai Lenil^nin moremore m . ., . a-i.-.j 4o go to Firtt Marcfianft National and opan a tavingi Rowan mall. A few key stocks were eowne g h y g d account that will start aarntng intareit from March lit. Spiral Metal '• esponsible for most of the de- than • years ago: He said! Evf, yeprct Ah time, homeo*-."iM«and then drop theiMr 0. S. Homes cline on average. world domination is Hie Commu- that O/ Interest on Paisboolc Savingi Winslow Tel. (Prominent in this respect were nist goal and that it is rapidly |[ /O Accounts (x) Dividend (xx) Plus Stock Up Pont, off 3!/$, Texaco, down being acheived. 4% Intern* ,i Masonltfl situations. What is your opin (Mr. Spear cannot answer al Atchlson Mercli Atl Redn MOM EXTRA ion?" A. M mail personally but will answei Atl RCore p all questions possible in his col Avco C Minn MAM A) I believe you have alread; Babcock Mo Fac A umn.) Bald Lima Mont Ward in your mind answered your owi Bait & Oh 39 Nat Bljc Bayuk CIs 15 N Caih Rtg CASH questions. Bell * How 31% Nat Dairy Bendlx 4SK Nat Distill I would not sell stooks or mutt Beth Steel Nat Qyps Bo«lng Nat Steel al funds to add to fixed incom Borden zn NY Central Morrison 68% Nla M Pw SAVINGS! Boig Warn investments. If you do, you-wi! Brunswk 86% No Am Av have everything "fixed" and yo Bucy Kill 53% Nor Pac be with people tonight Bulova Nwst Alrlin will have no protection whats Is Named Burl Ind Norwich Ph, JI Outb Mar U. S. CHOICE ever against inflation. Flying Ti n Owenn III Ol iter Trae Pan Am er is somewhat erratic as i Celanese 43% Param Plct Adult dance classes earnings' and you might sell thi Manager Dties A Oh Penney, JC Chrysler 854 *Ti Pi Pw * Lt Cities Bv 7»% Pa RH BEEF ROAST SALE! enrolling now! I would however, put the pro- Coca Cola 7SM Pepsi Cola. Colg Pal • 5314 Perkln Elm ceeds and some of your fixed Colum Oai 32% Pllzer Attain more dance confidence. Become more graceful and assets into such growth slti Com) 8olv 38% Phil El Con Edit 9414 Phlll Pot Bottom Round OR •"" atlons as Eastman Kodak am Cont Cfui 52'A Pit Bteel poised. Enjoy learning in a group . . . break loose . . . Coop Bei 38% Pub Bv A O b Sears, Roebuck to give you Corn Pd 56 Pullman Corning Q 218 Pure Oil join the lively set! Call today ... some protection against dollar Cm Zell RCA Cross-Rib Roast J devaluation. Cruc Stl Curtlss Wr as Reading Co TOP Q) "I am a retired persoi Etoere Repub Stl ARTHUR MURRAY Del 4 Hud 20% Revlon aged 75. I get along on my pen Dent Sup 48% Reyn Met FRANCHISED STUDIO Doug Alrc 3T% Roy Tob SIRLOIN ROUND ROUND sion and Social Security. Sine Dow Chem 27% ROD Controls Clyda E. Ruiiall, Ucamea 1942, I have Invested in quite Dress Ind Xl% St Jos Lead Du Pont - 82% St Reg P&p number of E bonds. People haw Duo, Lt 38'i TINDER. U. I. GHOICI TOP ROUND OR FrtKi Klllfd Ovan-Rudv Routing 12 BROAD ST. East Kod Sears Roeb advised me to convert to H bonds End John Shell Oil Erie Lack mi Sinclair Top Sirloin Steak ,t 99< CHICKENS •" -Mb 39* RED BANK In this way, I could make som< Firestone ' 33% flmlth^Ap^..., dear friends* WHWners 'and thi FMC CD 155 TENDER FOOtTOWN MIDSET . . 741-5858 Ford Mot 28% Sou Pac would be just as good as a will, Gen Accept 6Ti sou Ry IVWb. OQC Qen Cigar Sperry Rd CUBED STEAK 99' PORK ROLL roll /» 1 P.M. to 10 P.M. In case I died. Others say, cash oen Dynam a* Std Brand in the E bonds and invest at Gen Elec Std Oil Cal FRESH LEAN FOODTOWN ALL*MEAT OR ALL BEEP Gen Fda 39 Std Oil NJ Gen Motors 98 VI Studebaker Gen Put Ut 7951 Texaco Ground Round IL 89* O Tel k El 10307 Ii Tex 0 Eul FRANKS 49* Gen Tire 2391% 58 COUNTRY STYLE Ga Pac Cp Textron FOODTOWN ALL BEEF. MIDOET Gillette Tldewat Oil Glen Aid 64% Transamer Goodrich Un Carbide 130% SPARE RIBS 0.39* Ib. avg. |b. Un Pao 41 i{ Goodyear IONELESS SALAMI Grace Co s* Un Tank 52 V, Unit A CENTER CUT 8$ United Cp 57% at A i p US Lines PORK ROAST n,49* Duncan C. Morrison 42% US Plywd 4714 CHUCK STEAK 43* Greyhound 2i Gulf Oil US Rub 6214 Hamm pap 56VI US Smelt 11514 , PERTH AMBOY — Duncan C. Here Pdr ii'J, US Steel Morrison, 81 North Sunnycrest 111 Cent Ind 50% Van Al Bll Ing Rand 51% Walworth Dr., Little Silver was recently 45-i Warn B Pic f Wn Un Tel 18' appointed plant manager, Car Wests El I. 38. ITALIAN SAUSAGE X 49 borundum Cop., Perth Amboy White Mot Woolwth . 4814 plant. His most recent positron Yngtt Sh A T 31til%i was that of manager of manu- facturing. FASHION TIP The Perth Amboy plant is If you've latched on to my engaged in the manufacture ol suggestion about lounging around silicon carbide, fused alumina the house in a pair of feminine and fused mullite refractories foi pants, you might also consider consumption by the metallurgical adding an appropriate finishing ceremic and allied industries. foot-level flourish—a comfortable moHmojiTH I CIRCLE pair of supple snazzy slippers, A DIVIBIOM oe••»: H. M*ev it ee.. me Mr, Morrison joined the com or sawed-off aukleMgjh boots. Or pany in 1955 following service maybe a pair of the barest san New Low Price Save 30* with the U.S. Army in^Korea, dais—and if so, why not pin a He holds a bachelor of science brazen bauble to a thong or strap degree in ceramic engineering or two?' Of if you're like from Rulgers University, class many daring, unfettered young MAXWELL HOUSE of 1952. things of my acquaintance and He lives with his wife and IW( like to go padding, catlike, bare- sons in Little Silver and is presi foot through the house, how's about ringing an ankle with a INSTANT COFFEE dent of the Little Silver Com munity Appeal, r Jewel-encrusted bracelet or band?

ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT FOODTOWN LIGHT MEAT CHUNK MORTON ASSORTED FROZEN ' TUNA : CREAM PIES I4-OZ. HINTS COLLECTED BY MRS. DAN GERBER, MOTHER OF S PIE 19c SPRING'S NEW FISH Two good reasons Nutritionally, all five Gerber STRAW-WEAVE SUIT for keeping a first-Cereals are enriched with, iron, PINEAPPLE . GRAPEFRUIT year picture biog- calcium and important B-vitamins. WITH THAT FLATTERING iraphy of your * DEL MONTE : first-bom: Nunory flotation*. (1) If dad re- CHELSEA-LIKE COLLAR ' You have no idea bow much paints the nursery furniture for a DRINK you'll enjoy looking at your new arrival,' make sure he gets (the better to thow off a junior's baby's antics and advances in pretty swan-like neck) lead-free paint. (2) It's a good .CAN the years to come. If you record idea to move baby #1 into his the antic and the age, it will be "grown-up" bed a couple of even more enjoyable. months before the newcomer ar- • It will prove invaluable as«jeal- rives. This will give him a chance FOODTOWN PRODUCE DEFT. ousy curb when baby #2 comet to forget the crib and help make Slightly silky, slightly rough, along. Can be used as a story- this ttraw-like rayon, linen and him feel important, book, with your first-born the • SWEET cotton suit is absolutely the star attraction. He'll love to tee SEEDLESS tach freshest way to wow everybody what he did as a baby. What's ntw? Something espe- GRAPEFRUIT this Spring. The double-breasted . • cially nice in the way of a meat surprise. When your doctor puts •XTM FANCY TIMFll 1 IXTKA FANCY MC INTOSH 1 SOLID RID, KIPI FOK ILICINS jacket is more than just Good packagad plan. First baby your darling on fashion, it's especially designed jr second, when he (or she) Is meat, this is OIK to emphasise your lithe, -eady for cereal variety, you'll find you'll want to try: ORANGES I APPLES I TOMATOES smull-waiHted Junior figure. Gerber Cereal Sixes perfect for Gerber Strained In Sunlit Spring wheat, introducing baby to pleasant TAirkey. Wonder- carton f 7* by Dm Allison. Sizes 5 to 15. changes of taitc. ful, true-turkey 10-47' 3137 This compact six flavor. A marvet- pack contains ously imooth, moist texture. And small-size boxes why not? It's made from tender, of Rice Cereal, juicy poultry carefully selected Barley, Mixed by Armour . . . then processed FOOD CIRCUS FOODTOWH Cereal, High Pro- by an exclusive method which tein Cereal and two Oatmeal. ''locks in" flavor and makes that ROUTE 15 uA RINGS HIGHWAY. MUDIETOWN mm m tm\m CALL OS 11500 OR WRITE. Fr*« delivery In Niw Jtnty and wlrl|la cur fellvtry oimi la Flavors, of course, are delicate, superior texture possible. Like all NX o» A.M. to t P.M. Mon. mm Frt. in area affording sufficient park- 88. Social » A.M. lo I P.M. Soiurdoyi Three prime suggestions from ing space, could also house new gathering % takes [demure in the executive secretary are these: S9.InsenslbUl. 12 d14 is municipal offices and effect a 1. Build a downtown bypass for taxpayers' savings. ty ib 17 sa announcing the association Trenton area — Red Bank — 41. Keener FIRST QUALITY HOUSEHOLD He said: % Long Branch — Middletown area 40 "A two or three-story building DOWN *» traffic by extending Broad north- .--: of ;. ; . ,._ _ PUBLIC AUCTION :ou)d rjrovidg bus facilities on the g, 41 east. This would mean cutting ;round level and municipal of- MB. C. S. Sleckham (Sold Home) through residential and commer- handsomo 914 N. Pennsylvania — Morrisville, Pa. ices above. The income from feather 1,-Z MR. FREDERICK J. WHITTLES cial lands from Broad Street's ;he bus depot could pay for the present terminus at Court St., tovhole building. Saturday, March 6—9 A.M. the Five Points on East Main "I personally believe that a cerned and, which will have to opment increased. Charles Mil- with the firm as oj 1 March, 1965 Rain or Shins St., where a new intersection ius station is a major asset to atake part in the leadership." ler is chairman of the associa- Exhibit Friday, March 5 — 12 to 6 P.M. would have to be built. The association is a successor tion. •. Many baautiful upholstered chairs, sofa and love teats; fine oc-j lowntown business section." to the former retail division of 199 Broad St. Est. 1873 741 • 3450 I casionai coffee, end and console tablet; nice reproduction' Such a move would carry traf- Mr. Schultz said he was aware the chamber, which was aban- In Cornwall, sweating miners banjo clock; low boy; knee hole desks; nice small Chippendale | fic west of Main St. and speed up if the Monmouth County Plan- | dining room set; lovely small breakfront; curly, maple highboy;" doned as the chamber's activities must pry tin from granite in Red Bank, N. J. 741-3451 connection with Rt. 33, while at ling Board suggestion to move good bureau*; lovely mirrort; hanging shelves; bookcaies; day | and responsibilities to highway shafts that plunge as deep as 2,- the same time creating a new :he depot to a highway shopping ) bad; nice oil paintings and prints; etc ! Etc I business thoroughfare for modern shopping areas and other devel- 000 feet. Twelve good Oriental throw rugs — 26'x 12' broadloom and I :enter Where parking would be 1 many others; old patch work quilts; good linens; nice cut and buildings and greater tax rata- ivailable for commuters withoul pressed glass; paperweights; nice brass; Belleek and other! bles, Mr. Schultz believes. :loeging facilities for shoppers. I lovely china; silver; jewelry; etc I Good, appliances; (2) 12' 2. Create a new in-town shop- And if something isn't done cu. ft. chest freezers; (2) refrigerators; (21 power mowers; | ping center at the Market Yard iretty soon in Freehold," he said, cTjTTlTf"THISrY^ I etc 1 Margaret Tobin and other estate additions. parking lot by construction o 'the Planning Board idea wil Come we a beautiful furnished home 11 J sidewalks at the rear entrance o :ome about by default." I Lester and Robert Slatoff — Auctioneers — Trenton LIMITED DISCOUNT OFFER! )i stores facing the yard. Required Mr. Schultz said there may be would be co-operation of store merit in a part of the proposed Freehold borough Master Plan Ideal Gift for Easier, which suggests internal traffii Mother's Day, Fathers Day ! This Coupon, When Presented at Studio, liffusion by widening Jackson It., whioh winds around the busi- Entitles Bearer to a Beautiful less section on the east side. NOW OPEN But, he said, this won't make my dent in the major problem 8x10 OIL-COLORED of eliminating the Main St. bot- tleneck. Action in this regard, he said, must come on the west iide of Main St. PHOTOGRAPH*! M The chamber man would prefe SUITABLE FOR FRAMING $7.95 The Daily Register's to see bold local action rathei * JL (wllhxl than development through feder- urban renewal projects. While federal programs have merit, he said, they also come OPEN DAILY L O R S T A N SHad We slowly. "Too often, by the time some- Fri. ti!9 STUDIOS 7-5540 thing is done," he said, "eithei NEW OFFICE the situation lias changed or it I 47 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. too late to be of help." Mr. Sohulte has just completed O»lct ol l local traffic and parking survey THIS OFFER EXPIRES in the and he plans to discuss the find- APRIL 24, 1965 SSLTLM ings at an early meeting of thi taclirotuxf. OaiiO Downtown Businessmen's Assoct ation. "This is one of the groups," he Garfield grant Hotel laid, "which is most vitally con 279 Broadway Long Branch to serve LONG BRANCH and the surrounding areas with : Complete News Coverage

USE THE REGISTER'S CLASSIFIED The perfect ADS TO BUY-SELL or RENT pick-me-up Our Long Branch Classified bureau is open Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Buy the Daily Register at your favorite news stand or for HOME DELIVERY a phone call dial 222-0010 or 741-0010 to a friend. NEW JERSEY BEU Peacekeeping Body TKe Register's Opinion Events of Years Ago 50 Years Ago Needs of Disadvantaged Children John T. Lovett of Little Silver was elected president of the New Jersey Nurserymen's association. • . i An Individualized instruction pro- gram being considered by this' school "If you are a drinking man, you had better stop at da*, tram for slow learning students was in conjunction with Highlands grade or you will lose your job," said an advertisement for Orrine, proposed last month by Atlantic High- school and Henry Hudson Regional a patent remedy for alcholism. a. lands School Superintendent George School. Passed on first reading by Fair Haven Borough Council H. Wuesthoff and vetoed 4-2 by a The program, which may take a was an ordinance permitting Thomas N. McCarter to build a lame duck Board of Education. year or more to establish, would ifr» bridge over Ridge Rd. Some of the instruction would have elude a team comprising a psycholo- Joseph Freschi, a special police officer in Keansburg, had to use a shotgun to break up a fight among 12 dogs on taken place in the students' homes to gist, sociologist, doctor, and a remedial Beechwood Ave. One dog was killed. develop parental co-operation and mo- reading instructor to be made avail- tivate youngsters to want to learn and able to the three schools to aid "dis- •ucceed. advantaged children." , 25 Years Ago The program was scheduled to When the board rejected the pro- Saniuel Watkins, oldest resident of Eatonto'wn, nearly 100 start this spring with five teachers at posal, one member's "no" vote was years old, died at his home on High St. an estimated cost of $800. based on grounds that if there is to Sidney Woodcock, proprietor of the Woodhaven green- We feel the new board should re- be a special program for disadvantaged house on the stone road between Navesink and Highlands, evaluate the proposal, which for this children a program should also be fell 15 feet while at work on a new greenhouse and fractured financially sound school district, would established for gifted students. \ his ankles. not be a hardship. Although this argument has merit, Coast Guardsmen rescued Fuman Conover, a Highlands clammer, from a shoal in the Shrewsbury River when his row- And some thought should be given < and should be studied, it is not a logi- boat was carried away by a strong tide. to the idea of approaching the Mon- cal basis for rejecting the other pro- Betty Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Long of mouth County Community Action Pro- posal, which can stand alone. Everett, was confined to her home with mumps. gram, Inc. for federal anti-poverty The slow student needs help be- funds to establish the individualized fore his motivation and confidence to Instruction program. learn are lost forever. It's the slow From Our Readers The plan would have been the fore- grade school student who will most runner of a remedial instruction pro- likely become the high school dropout. Backs Prosecutor Robert S. Allen, Paul Scott: Inside Washington Rumson, N. J. To the Editor: On the behest and pressure of an overlong patient and now outraged citizenry and in strict conformity with the oath Bobby Baker Probe Shifts Sylvia Porter: Your Money's Worth of his office, the prosecutor of the County of Monmouth, Vincent P. Keuper, has taken the necessary action in a legal onslaught against pornographic and salacious literary smut, The Justice Department's Investigation of This legal action, which triggered the Sen- under temptingly designed covers, made easily accessible Bobby Baker is taking a strange twist. ate inquiry, grew out of Hill's business asso- through these cheap paper back publications, to the unwary Government attorneys assigned to the in- ciation with Daker while the latter was em- Rules for Second Mortgages teenager. quiry appear to be shifting it from the former ployed by the Senate. As sure as cancer destroys the human body, and drugs Senate aide to the business activities of the Sen. Williams, continuing to press his "Consolidate Your Debts. Reduce your "Most of these people don't know they've enslave the mind, this filthy sewerage purveyed as literature two main witnesses against one-man probe of the Baker case, is watching Monthly Payments by 50 per cent or been hoodwinked. is destroying the morality of our youth and in them creating More ..." him. these latest Justice Department developments "This is not a swindle," notes Bachman. a total disregard for all lawful authority. They have begun check- with an eye toward making another speech on "Let Us Show You How to Pay OH Ev- The interest rates are invariably kept within Recognizing this destructive evil force for what it is, the the limits of the law. But with no legal re- ing the business accounts the Senate/floor. erything You Owe ... Yet Pay at a Rate Holy Name Society of Holy Cross Church, Rumson, N, J., Up to 50 per cent low- quirement for licensing, a self-appointed and tax records of Don Rey- If AUorney Gen. Katzenbach and/or the hereby wishes to be recorded in unanimous, emphatic and nolds, Maryland insurance er ..." "broker" can charge virtually any fee he unequivocal endorsement of the program and actions of the Senate Rules Committee decide to drop the wishes for placing your second mortgage. man, and Ralph Hill, for- Baker inquiry, aides say Williams plans to "Need $2,000 or More? prosecutor, Vincent P. Keuper, in endeavoring to eradicate mer Washington, D. C. vend- .. Repay Only $35 Monthly In- These placement fees alone may run to $500 this scourge from our town and county and to freei biiryouW" have the last word in a major Senate speech. on a $l?0O0 mortgage, to $2,000 or more on ing machine operator. cluding Interest." from this terrible demoralization. The Rules Committee closed its investiga- a $5,000 loan. Both Reynolds and Hill tion last July, but was forced lo reopen it ' These invitations to take Respectfully, were business associates of when Williams produced new information on out a second mortgage on Since the NBBB issued a nationwide warn- Frank J. Klauss Baker while he was secre- the Senate floor on an alleged kickback from your home are a growing ing last October, several states have launched President ALLEN tary of the Senate Demo- the Washington, D. C, stadium construc- temptation to families full-scale investigations of second mortgage cratic Majority and on his way to becoming tion project. loaded with installment lending. The Post Office Dept. also is prob- ing the possibility of mail fraud in connection a millionaire. His next bombshell will he even more debts. But what isn't said with the practice. Commends Mayor Lemon According to Information gathered by explosive. in the come-on ads is that Ohio and New Jersey—to name just two Sen. John Williams, R-Del, who has' been FORBIDDEN ZONE-The U.S. aid mis- PORTER you could be assuming a 91 Hillside St. 1 states—have proposed legislation to control working closely with Reynolds in the Baker sion in India is being kept completely In the new total debt up to double the amount you Red Bank, N. J. the "money finders" and other states also inquiry, the Justice Depart- dark on how that government is using more borrow to consolidate your existing loans. To the Editor: are working on measures to crack down. ment's turn-about followed than $100 million in military equipment sup- Not mentioned are possibly exorbitant I would like to commend Mayor Lemon on releasing name* Reynolds' appearance be- plied by this country since the 1962 Com- "extras." But no matter what restraints are finally of the 14 juveniles and two 18-year-olds involved in the recent fore the Senate Rules Com- munist Chinese "invasion." put through—and certainly before there are drinking party. If the parents have been shirking their re- In one case which recently came to the additional controls—you must use your own mittee in December. Although the U.S. arms group has been sponsibility in one way or another, I certainly don't feel the attention of the National Better Business common sense to protect yourself against During that closed-door functioning in India more than two years, authorities can help these children by shielding them. Under Bureau, an Ohio woman borrowed $3,000 fly-by-night money middlemen. Here are three session Reynolds' sensation- Lt. Gen. John E. Kelley, commander, Is still irresponsible-circumstances, youngsters quickly learn the easi- through a "money finder"—and ended up rules from Ihe NBBB: ness of lying and sneaking. al testimony included party awaiting permission to visit the Chinese-Indian paying a total of $3,850 in monthly install- 1. Before you look elsewhere, get in touch How then, may I ask, can they ever learn what is right girl activities involving border to inspect the deployment of U.S. arms. ments over five years. The interest rate was With the financial institution holding your first and what is wrong? To shield them from exposure is to shield members of Congress, lr- While Soviet military authorities are per- a state-regulated 6 per cent. But a dizzying mortgage. If the institution cannot arrange a them' from learning those basic and extremely important les- . regularities in missile pro- mitted to fly to the forbidden area near Leh, array of placement fees, searches, recordings, second mortgage—and many are not author- sons of what is right and wrong and having to suffer something curement, and a $100,000 Ladakh, U.S. officers are restricted lo New appraisals, cost a total of $2,075 extra. 0 on an Delhi, although our weapons far outnumber ized to do so—ask for guidance on other for their misdeeds. P"*" " aM™ In another case, a New Jersey borrower legitimate sources of second mortgage money. contract. those supplied by the Russians. We try to irfstill this in our children when they are very got a $4,800 loan, but paid a total of $9,600- . Through these sources, you'll pay little more small, but if we neglect to, it is only making matters worse, Although no effort has been made to sum- So far, all efforts by the U.S. to break including a placement fee of $3,900. mon Reynolds before the federal grand jury this secrecy have been rebuffed by Indian than going interest rates and you'll minimize if those outside the family also keep these children from actu- Of course, most second mortgage lenders probing the Baker case here, FBI and In- officials. They have politely told Ambassador the "extra" charges on your loan. ally facing up to their errors. and brokers are legitimate businessmen who ternal Revenue agents have called at his .Chester Bowles that the presence of U.S. mili- 2. If you have any doubts about a mort- I dearly love my three children but would have to realize,. charge reasonable fees, let that be clearly - business office and home to check his books tary officers in the border area might prdvoke gage contract, consult your lawyer on its better late than never, in their being properly disciplined. understood. But the practice of questionable lt and tax returns. Peking into new attacks. details. If you have any doubts about a The realization of knowing their friends and friends' parents second mortgage "money finding" is now broker; check on his reputation with the local U.S. military aid officials are convinced knew of this might not only shame these children and shape FAR FROM OVER-The Justice Depart- "spreading like wild-fire" throughout the U.S. Better Business Bureau. While an advertise- the Indians have other reasons.. Although their them ,up a little, but have the parents realize the gravity ment's investigation of Hill, who has been a and Canada, says the National Better Busi- ment may suggest the firm is a long estab- Information Is mostly hearsay, one group of of their offsprings' escapades. co-operative witness, is almost as mysterious ness Bureau. lished one, the operators actually may be U.S. officers believes tihat some of the U.S. It's a bitter pill for children and parents. The mayor has . as that of Reynolds. working but-of "offices" consisting of a post arms are going to other areas, including the The NBBB has been receiving complaints, probably received criticism for his action, but I'm sure he office box or telephone answering service. Congressional sources stress that the gov- Pakistan-Indian border. from local Better Business Bureaus which realized the ailment is acute and stalling on taking the medicine ernment's surveillance of Hill begaVafler he 3. Thoroughly investigate any contract be; • A ranking officer of the mission recently indicate a sharp rise in slippery second mort- means the more difficult to cure. It could result in a chronic obtained a $34,000 out-of-court settlement in' fore you sign, know exactly what fees are reported to a member of the House Foreign gage lending practices and the NBBB suspects lifelong irresponsibility, with worsening results. his $300,000 federal damage suit against Baker. involved and never sign any blank papers. Affairs Committee looking into this secrecy: the problem may be far greater than the Elaine V. Thomas "The Indians don't like to have U.S. cases reported. In the words of the Bureau's In short, heed Badunan's warning: "Don't (Mrs. Richard N. Thomas) military officers watching over their shoul- executive vice president, Allan E. Bachman, double your debt—unknowingly." Thoughts for the Day ders. The general theory has been that we deliver the equipment—mainly Simm mortars Disagrees With Lippman and radios—at the dock and let them take it John Chamberlain: These Days Every eioud engenders not a storm.— from there. It is a big mystery to us, and the 13 Roland PI. Hazlet, N. J. Shakespeare State Department warns us to say nothing. v We would Ijfte to gp to the border area to see To the Editor: Lets feare no Storme, before y/e feel a what is really going on, but we can't." We can never expect anything but defeat in Viet Nam as Showre.—Michael Drayton long as defeatist attitudes such as thdse of Walter Lippman Significantly, after the Chinese Reds ex- The Old Isolationists are being sold wholesale to the American people as was done ploded their first nuclear device on Oct. 15, Certain moodr of mind find an indefinable on CBS Reports. Ambassador Bowles renewed. U.S. efforts to CHICAGO—If it. comes to more than an must be compelled-to support each other in pleasure in stillness, soft, silent as the storm's ,Mr. Lippman indicated that the American position in get permission to visit the Indian military occasional tit for tat response to Communist a pinch. sudden hush.—Mary Baker Eddy Southeast Asia is hopeless; that it is inevitable that Red China Installations on the Chinese-Indian border. aggression in Southeast Asia, it is a sure bet What is apparent to the student of^ Soviet will eventually dominate that area, and that the best America What sweet delight a quiet life affords. This unannounced request also was re- that the city of Chicago, once the stronghold Russian history is that no leader has long —William Drummond of (the America First movement, won't be survived an advocacy of a conciliatory line can do there is to keep the Communist takeover orderly and jected by the Indian government despite^the relatively bloodless. - '; fact that the area near Leh, Ladakh, largest toward the West. A Soviet defector of my taking any appeasement Is this why American blood is right now being shed on Stillness of person and steadiness of fea- airfield in the border region, is only 140 air acquaintance, who must preserve his anonym- line. This is not only ap- Asian soil — to provide for an orderly Communist takeover? tures are signal marks of good breeding.— miles from the scene of Peking's first atomic ity for fear of being shot, had a close-up view parent in the local news edi- Are our attacks on North Viet Nam really, pre-publldzed Oliver Wendell Holmes blast. ' " of the events that led to the overthrow of torials, it is also evident in Malenkov as Stalin's successor. bombings of empty wooden sheds designed for public and A happy life must be to a great extent a STRANGE ' COMMENTS-Deferise Secre- the conversation of people Malenkov had championed the cause of political effect rather than for strategic gain, as Mr. Lip- quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of tary McNamara caused several members of who, back in 1939, wanted pman asserts? , (he Senate Armed Services Committee to raise— the Russian consumer, but this, so my de- quiet that true joy can live.—Bertrand Rus- very much to stay out of No, Mr. Lippman, we cannot hope for anything better in their eyebrows when he referred to Indonesia's fector friend says, was not the cause of his sell World War II. Southeast Asia, or for the future of our own country, if w« President Sukarno as "an independent-minded fall. What really turned Khrushchev and oth-, " Some commentators have adopt such negative, defeatist, no-win attitudes and policies. The purest ore is produced from the hot- leader the U.S. should try to get along with." ers against Malenkov was the latter's pro- Jumped to the conclusion I fervently hope, and sincerely believe, that your views are test furnace, and the brightest thunderbolt is McNamara's statement was made during his posal to settle the East German question on that this represents just not shared by the majority of the American people. elicited from the darkest storm.—Charles closed-door testimony on the U.S. military a compromise basis. This was considered a another instance of the hu- . - Very truly yours, Caleb Colten position in Southeast Asia. That same day, form of surrender—and Malenkov paid the CHAMBERLAIN man animal's sublime indif- Sukarno demanded that the U.S. pull its mili- penalty by being banished to run that power Salvatore N. Mazzone ference to logical consistency. They think it Hospitality consists in a little fire, a little tary advisers out of South Viet Nam, and station somewhere in Siberia. When Khrush- food, and an imense quiet!—Ralph Waldo banned all anti-Communist newspapers . . . odd that the isolationists oF 1939 should be chev finally grabbed the top spot in Russia, Emerson Brig. Gen. Paul Tiblwt.*. Jr.. deputy director willing to do anything in 1965 that it takes he, too, became the champion of the consumer. of the U.S. arms mission in India, was the to keep the Russians and the Red Chinese in But he also sent Soviet tanks Into Hungary. Meet every adverse circumstance as its their place. How can it be, so it is asked, There was no question of "surrender" until master.—Mary Baker Eddy pilot who dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima in VMS. At the request of the that the old followers of Bob Taft and Her- Khrushchev made the mistake of preaching Man is not the creature of circumstances. Indian government, this hem was omitted bert Hoover should suddenly be willing to "goulash diplomacy" vis-a-vis the West and, Circumstances are the creatures of men.— from the gtnml's biography given to local risk war In far places that are even less simultaneously, began to provoke a Soviet- Red Chinese split. It was not long before he- Benjamin Disraeli newspapers. known to westerners than Czechoslovakia was to Britain's Neville Chamberlain? met with Malenkov's fate. , / So tihe possibility that the Soviets and the The answer to this is that only a surface Red Chinese can be pushed into mutally inconsistency is involved in the changing suicidal conflict recedes. And the former contemporary attitudes toward possible war. "isolationists," who think hard-headedly about When Bob Taft and Herbert Hoover and strategic matters, see clearly that the West 404! Broad St., Red Bank, N. J.-30 East Main St., Freehold, N. J.-87J Rt. 15, Mlddletown, N. J. Chicago's General Robert Wood were oppos- must 'put its trust in its own stfeKfeth if ing our involvement in World War II, they Communism is to be kept at bay. This is Established 1878 by John H. Cook and Henry Clay were animated by something far more prac- what underlies the apparently contradictory tical than mere sentimental pacificsm. Their shift in the attitude of important Chicagoans Published by The Red Bank Register Incorporated thinking was primarily strategic. What they toward our involvement In faraway places V. HARRY PENN1NGTON, President JAMES J. HOGAN, Editor foresaw in Europe was the possibility of a like South Viet Nam. If old Col. Robert Mc- M. HAltOLD KELLY. General Manager long and debilitating stalemate on the Russo- Cormlck were still around,"it would be Inter- German front, with Communists and Nazis esting to know just what he thought of it all. Thomas J. Bly . Eiecmiv. Editor William F. Sandford and Arthur Z. Kamln M,OCM> Bciitora bleeding each other into Impotence, They Frank W. Harbour Mid(ii«\wn Bureau mt. Charles A. Johnston menou uur»»u iur. could have been wrong about such a possibil- If Chicago has switched sides on the war ity, but the idea of "letting the rats fight it Issue, the old "liberals" who were so hot to Member of the Associated Press , out" was certainly not appeasement, get us into war in 1939 have switched, too. Th» Aaeoolatad Frtaj fi entitled «clu»lv»l|r to u»e u» for rapubllcAtloa ol au tb* low! ••*• prtattd In lnl» But their pacifism has an Eastern Seaboard, aawipaper ai well U all AP naws dlipatcbea. , It Is still possible, in 1965, to hope that the not a Middle Western, locus. Old Colonel Member ol American Newspaper Publishers Association modern "rats'Mhe Soviet Communists and McCormlck would certainly have found this • Member Audit Bureau of Circulation the Red Chinese—can somehow be thrown food for ironical reflection. But there is no at each other's throats. But when Khrushchev, deep inconsistency ih the changing "liberal" Tilt A*d Bank Refiiter, Inc. aiBumei oo financial rejxaeibUltlna for typographical trron la advortliemenli, but VlR reprint without charge, that part of an advertisement In which the typographical orror oocura. AdvertlMr* will who was antipathetic to Red Chinese pre- attitude any more than there is an Incon- yliait notify tho manacftmsnt immediately of any trror whlcn may occur. tensions to world Communist leadership, was sistency among the old "isolationists." It's "We, seek no wider war!" Thli ntwfpiper aimmea no raiponilbllltlti for itattmtnU of opinion In jitttrf from Ita raadara, sent into ostracism, this hope became less still a confrontation of hard-heads and soft- tenable. If only for the sake of self-preserva- hf>rk And Chicago is still full of hard-headed fkifetorlpUoa Prlcu In *dvanc« Loa than I HOC. Par month ||.U U monUm—111.00 • monlha-IU.™ thinkers. 6—Tuesday, March 2, 1965 Mtofl* oopy at counter, T centa aingu copy by mall, 10 cinti • raonthi—fi&oO a mtralha-HM tion, the two great centers of the Red world THE DAILY REGISTER | Tuoday, March 2, 1965—7! Miss Huff Is Bride SHREWSBURY - Mr. and Scouts* Round-Up Mrs. Roy Huff, 60 Francis St., announced the marriage of their daughter. Miss Catherine Ann Huff, to George Supienski, son New Eagle Scout of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Su pienski, 19 Hamilton Ave., Leo- nardo. MATAWAN-Edward E. Hyrae Altar Dei religious award. The presented the Eagle Scout award basic requirements oj each med- The ceremony was solemnized to Francis J. Viola, 318 Willow al were explained to the scouts at a Nuptial Mass Feb. 8 in St. Ave., at ceremonies held in Fel- to help them in earning their James Catiiolic Church, Red lowship Hall, First Presbyterian religious awards. Bank, celebrated by Rev. Wil Church. Viola is a member of Ham C. Anderson. A double ring Troop "73, sponsored by the CUB PACK MS ceremony was included. A recep- churoh, tion followed in The Oaks, Mid- MIDDLETOWN - The Blue dletown. Jeffrey Herb received his Star and Gold Banquet of Cub Pack Mr. Huff gavo his daughter in Scout award. Two first class 243, sponsored by Harmony marriage. She wore a gown of awards were presented to How- School, was held Feb. 12 in Buck peau de soie designed with a ard Conlon and Douglas Day. Smith's restaurant. Promoted to second class were portrait neckline appliqued with Bill Kellum, awards chairman, John Osipowitz, Bruce Howejls, Alencon lace, and Watteau pan- and John LaSBuda, committeee- Philip Kramer, Michael He* els. The bell-shaped skirt also man presented awards to Jaines and David Hallock. was appliqued with lace. Her veil Santoinanni, David and Richard was held in place by a crown of James Flynn, district commis- Zelienski, Brian Allen, Donald pearls and lace and she carried SORORITY PRESENTATIONS to William H. Meikill, superintendent of Long Branch sioner, and a Matawan resident, Benish, Wayne Fish, Michael a cascade of gardenias. Public Schools, toward the Youth Unlimited program, are made by Mrs. William addressed the Scouts and the 120 Nagle and James McMullin. parents and friends. Miss Betty Baresch, Middle- Graff, Middletown, left, representing Beta Chi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi and Mrs. town, was maid of honor. Also Another guest, Paul Schuman, BOWUNG PARTY William Sharpley, Rumson, representing the Xi Alpha Kappa Chapter of the sorority. Hazlet, District Executive, pre- attending the bride were Mrs. HAZLET - A Valentine bowl- sented a charter for the local Karl Kramer, Red Bank, and They gave a total of $30 toward the program which assists especially gifted and ing party was held recently for troop to Richard Craig, head of Mrs. Jack DeGenito, Leonardo, Junior Girl Scout Troop 342 in above average scholars who face problems to overcome tham and achieve their the church's Christian Education sister of the bridegroom. Airport Plaza Lanes. After the natural potential. Commission. Mrs. Charles F. Hopper The honor attendant wore party, the girls returned to the (The former Carolyn Van Brunt) formal length bell-shaped gown Scoutmaster Frank Barraco home of Mrs. Robert Symons, presented tenderfoot badges to of garnet red velveteen accent troop leader, for games, refresh- ed with matching satin at the Bruce Conrad, Jeffrey Watson, ments and an exchange of val- Richard Alien, John King, Mau- waist and caught with a crushed Linda Dunn Wed in Trinity Church entines. Miss Van Brunt Wed rose. Her headpiece was rice Sullivan, John Hedglin, Bri- a corsage of pink carnations. My,crs was Leroy Hayes of Mon- Mrs. George Richards, cc-Iead- matching crushed rpse cloche. RED BANK — Miss Linda Lou- an Young and James Dowd. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, parents of mouth Beach. er, presented Junior Girl Scout Mrs. KrairferTandMrs. DeGenito ise Dunn, daughter of Mr. and the bride, are moving with their pins to Sharon Carlisle, Bonnie were dressed/S4en>ically in elec- Mrs, Walter A. Dunn, 140 Lake The bride is a graduate of the BLUE, GOLD DINNER To Charles F. Hopper family Monday to Houston, Tex., Herbert and Linda Korin. tric blue velveteen. Ave., Fair Haven, and John How- American Air Force Base High (BEUF0RD — American Heri- where Mr. Dunn has a new as- School, Tripoli, Libya. Mr. My- New patrol leaders are Susan HIGHLANDS - Our Lady of cade skirts, red velvet pillbox Best man wasf Vincent Supien- ard Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. tage was the theme of the pro- sociation with the Mohole Proj- ers, a graduate of Long Branch Pye, Dawn Richards and Delbby Perpetual Help Catholic Church headpieces, and carried white fur ski, Leonardo, cousin of the Edwin Myers, 21 Kremer Ave., gram at the Blue and Gold of ect sponsored by the National High School, served in the U. S, Carlisle. was the setting here Feb. 13 for muffs accented with red sweet- bridegroom. Ushers ..were Karl Eatontown, were married here Cub Pack Ml, sponsored by Bay- Science Foundation. Formerly Army for three years and Is as- Winner of the bakeoff contest the marriage of Miss Carolyn heart roses. The honor atten- Kramer, Red Bank, and Ray Friday in Trinity Episcopal view School, held recently in with the Caltex Oil Co., Mr. sociated with the National Bis- was Carol Molinaro, who won Van Brunt, daughter of Mr. and dant's flowers included white Kern of Maryland. Church, with Rev. Canon Charles Buck Smith's Restaurant. Dunn and his family will live for cuit Co., Neptune. On their re- with a Golden Pound Cake. Mrs. Myron Van Brunt, Brother- roses also. The bride attended Red Bank H. Best officiating at the dou- Guests were Mr. and Mrs. year and a-half in Houston, turn from a wedding trip to New Judges were Mrs. Herbert Beck ton Ave,, Navesink, to Cttarles High School. Mr. Supienski at- ble ring ceremony. Thomas Burnett and Sgt. and Sherry Lynn Rogers, George- and then in Hawaii. York, Mr. and Mrs. Myers will and Mrs, Bert Abar, members Francis Hopper of Atlantic High- tended Middletown Township Mrs. James De Lorenzo of Fort town, niece of the bride, and Jo- Charles Gotschalk was organ- reside in Sea Bright. lands. He is the son of Mr. and High School and is with the Hill- Serving as best man for Mr. Monmouth. Mr. Burnett is assist- of the East Orange Woman's Anne Donnelly, Philadelphia ist. A reception followed in the Mrs.' John Hopper of Philadel- strom and Eager Plumbing Co. ant district commissioner. ClUb. niece of the bridegroom, were Rumson House Iri. phia. Rumson. The couple has returned John Senkewicz <•> presented flower girls. Their floor-length Mr, Dunn escorted his daugh- from a Florida wedding trip and awards to Phillip Shapter, and COUNCIL DELEGATES Rev. James A. Thompson of- frocks were of red velveteen ter. She wore an aquamarine are at home in Atlantic High- Miss Eileen Swairtz rr~ "TPauTCreliri.Peter James"""was HAZLET — Mrs. Theodore Pry- fibiated at the double rang cere- accented with red satin sashes wool suit, the jacket designed lands. welcomed as a new cub. bylski, neighborhood chairman, mony. Mrs. Ronnie Kohlenbush, and their head bands were of with lapela and lining of match asked volunteers to attend the Highlands, was organist. A .re- white fur. They carried match- ing silk and aquamarine silk SECOND ANNIVERSARY annual Buisness meeting of Mon ception followed in Buck Smith's ing fur muffs with red sweet- shell blouse. Her hat and acces Married to Army Man sories were bone white and she HAZLET — The second anni- mouth Council, Girl Scouts, April Restaurant, East Keansburg. heart roses. Teenagers versary of Brownie Troop 686, 1, at a recent meeting of Hazlet- Mr. Van Brunt gave his daugh- wore a corsage of gardenias. KEYPORT - Miss Eileen Ann Mrs. Robert Wilson, Jr., Keyport, was celebrated recently in the Holmdel Neighborod Girl Scouts ter in marriage. She wore a gown John Donnelly, Philadelphia Miss Nancy E. Dunn, at home, Swartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Their floor-length green velvet home of Mrs. John Vandertrack, held in St. John's Educational o'. imported Italian brocade fash- brother-in-laiw of tiie bridegroom Form Club was her sister's only attendant. Frank Swartz, 18 Garden Ter., sheaths were designed with 10 Walters Dr. Thetjxwp is un- building. ioned with a chapel-length Wat- was best man. Ushers were Pau NEW SHREWSBURY — Un- She .wore a pink wool suit, pink Haziet, became the bride of Pfc. three-quarter-length sleeves and der the leadership oT'Mrs. David Responding were Mrs. Afred teau train. Her French pouf veil Rogers, Georgetown, brother-in- der the guidance and sponsor- shell blouse, matching hat and Stephen D. Hetzler, here Satur- scoop necklines. Circular veils ' Goldberg and Mrs. Pat Grewe. Greenwood, Mrs. John Cunning- was held in place by a petal law of the bride, and John Hop- ship of Irving .Cohen and Charles day. fell over their matching velvet flower headpieces and they car- Girls honored were Sally Ma- ham, Mrs. Steve Bisko, Mrs. headpiece and she carried a cas- per, Collingswood, brother of Hubbard of the New Shrews The bridegroom is the son of Tom Foster, Mrs. George Rich- cade of white roses and stephv the bridegroom. bury Recreation Commission, a Farewell Party Mrs. Herman Hetzler, Rochester, ried cascade bouquets of yellow rie Bennett, Lee Ann Beriault, chrysanthemums. Sharon Boettcher, Lucille DeVir- ards, Mrs. Willian Vincents, anotlis with variegated ivy. The bride, a graduate of Mid- group of teenagers met last week NEW SHREWSBURY — Mr. N. Y., and the late Mr. Hetzler. gilio, Maria Goldberg and Jody Mrs. Pat Hogan, Mrs. Robert Mrs. Paul Rogers, George- dletown Township High School, is to begin the groundwork for the and Mrs. Jack Sharpe, Clearview Rev. Edward Strano perform- George Hetzler, Leonia, was Rivers, Symons and Mrs. William Wind- town, Del., was matron of honor employed at Little Silver Lum- formation of a teen club. Dr., were guests of honor at a ed the double ring ceremony in best man for his brother. Ush- row, alternate. surprise farewell party recently St. Joseph's Catholic Church. ers were Thomas Swartz, at for her sister. Also attending the ber and Supply Co., Little Silver A slate of officers were named given by Councilman and Mrs. The bride was given in mar- home, brother of the bride, and INTER-FAITH MEETING Mrs. Pzybylski announced she bride were Mrs. John Donnelly, Mr. Hopper is employed al from the charter group. They Philadelphia, sister of the bride- Robert Henok, Mr. and Mrs. riage by her father. She wore Herman Hetzler, Rochester, N.Y. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Boy will retire as chairman May I, American Lumber Co., Middle- are Donnie Radcliffe, president and named Mrs. Cunningham, groom, and Mrs. Thomas Devlin, Lins and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph a white silk organza gown de- brother of the bridegroom. Scout Troop 237 held an Inter- town, The couple have returned Linda Constantini, vice presi Mrs. Windrow and Mrs. George Atlantic Highlands. They wore Reilly in Mr. and Mrs. Henick'' s signed with pearl embroidery A reception was held in Buck Faith meeting recently in Strath- from a wedding trip to .Fern dent; Cassandra Hubbard, re McCarthy to assist her as a nom- floor-length gowns fashioned with home, Clearview Dr. down the front of the fitted bod- Smith's Restaurant, East Keans- more Elementary School to cele- Lake, Vt., and nave taken up cording secretary; Mona Beisley, inating committee. red velvet bodices and white bro- ice and sheath skirt, the bodice burg. brate Boy Scout Week. residence in Navesink. , corresponding secretary; Ros Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe and tfieir had a sabrina neckline and long Following a motor trip to Can- Rev. Carroll Hall of Trinity An open house for scouts wijl anne Poindexter, treasurer and family are moving to Phillips- tapered sleeves and the skirt end- ada, they will reside In Hazlet. Episcopal Church discussed the be held at Mattel Toy Co., Holm- Howell Harris and Ronnie Val- burg, where Mr. Sharpe has tak- ed in a chapel train. Her four- The, bride was graduated from i God and Country Religious del, this month, which will also entine, sergeants-at-arms. en over the local Chevrolet agen- /. Award. Rabbi Morris L. Rubin- include an art show, Mrs. Wil- Valentine GirV Honored cy. tier fingertip-length veil of Eng- Keyport High School and the The officers are formulating lish illusion was attached to a 's stein of Temple Beth Ahm ex- liam DfGeronimo, art show chair- Guests at the party, included North Jersey Business School, plans for the first general even pearl crown and she carried a BOYLE SAVE SALESMAN COMMISSION SHummer Beauty Your ekolc. . . . , ONLY FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM *«lan fnw or 3 MONMOUTH STREET Salon hlnd tht tar. Sony, n» IMIIM B*QAD at HARDING RED BANK Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontoun — 542-1010 136 Broad St. 741-1515 Red Bank Mill. 199 RED BANK I . WCBS-TV W ABC-TV with International Businea «!- 8—Tuesdty, Mtrcb 2, 1965 TOE DAILY BICISTER cbines Corporation in Kingston, . WNBS-TV WOR-TV Earl Wolf Y. TELEVISION Oumdt. .WJIW-TV WPDC-TV To Perform TUESDAY . Original Play Given AfTgKNOOM 4-SfWhJ-^W (MM 7-*wBW-«M JUfart of uis—swim 1—Wwrntr—Vivian Forror At Organ t-Soy 4:M A$ Benefit for Hospital 7—Donna 2-tMwt—Robtrt Trout »—Memory Low—Joe Fronklln 4—Local Newt—Gate Pressman. MJDDLETOWN — The Mon11—T- o Bt Announced BUI Ryan . HOLMDEL - An original play, witz, Vicki Fredericks, Gary Fer- mouth Organ Society- meeting *•- • 11:S 5—Soup* Sales—variety Monday at The Cobblestones, Rt. I—N«ws—Robert Troul 7-Local News-Bill Beutel 7—Prolerf Know-Education "The French Touch," by Mrs.raro, Warren Smith and D. Louis «—Film—Partners- 7:N •35, will feature Earl Wolf of New 2—Seorctl for Tomorrow Tom Keene—60 mln. 2-News ond Weother Joseph Ens and David McAneny, Tonti. 11—Superman—Adventure 4—Truth or Consequences—Gam* 4—Today York at a Thomas organ. 13—Survival In trie Sea was presented-last week at the Also, Michael Ward, Mrs, J. J. 7—Father Knows Best 7-Cartoons-Chlldren Mr. Wolf, who as a space scien- 11—Buckcroo SKI-Buck Weaver 4:45 Village School for the benefit of Buckley, Robert Potter, Mrs. 7—News—Peter Jennings 7:11 tist working for General Electric 13— Franklin to Frost 5-News the Holmdel Auxiliary of the Bay- Schantz, Mrs. David Trimble, 12:45 4:55 7:10 shore Community Hospital. Mrs. John Brodcwell, Mrs. Patparticipated in the Discovery, 2—Guiding Light—Serial •—Weather—Pot Hernon 5— Survey of the Arts Vanguard, and Mercury projects, II—Dick Tracy—Cortoon 7:0» 1:09 Hie play was presented in tworic Cruise, Dr. Michael Christo- 2—News—Walter Cronklte is staff organist and field engt 11:55 2—Captain Kangaroo acts, one in Maxim's Cafe and faro, Mrs. Ens, Dr. Harry Pop- *—News—Ray Scherer 4— News— Huntley, Brlnkley 5—Sandy Becker—Children neer sales manager for Thoma 7—Bllko—Comedy II—Frontiers of Knowledge II—Woody Woodpecker the other in a hospital waiting pick, Dr. Richard Small and Rob- 2— Leave It to Beaver l:IS organs. He is touring the nation 13—French Chef—Cooking room. Members of the cast were ert Clarke. 4— Everything's Relative II—Cartoons—Children • Dr. Morton Seligman, Dr. How- Can-Can girls were Mrs. John with Arthur Godfrey to promote 5—Cor loons—Children 7:M l:J> the organ firm's product. 7—Ernie Ford—Variety 2—Eye on New York $—Romper Room—Children ard C. Pieper, Dr. Barry Gra- Brockwell, Jr., Mrs. Stanley Ka- 11— Film— Stepchild— 4—Mr. Novak—Dratnd tM belle, Mrs. Seligman, Mrs. Graminski- , Mrs. Mario Crupi, Mrs. Mr. Wolf was also a featurei Donald Woods—1 hr., 29 mln. 5—Wells Fargo—Weitern UKulka and Ollle-Puppets at Words 7—Combat!—Drama 1:50 organist at several World's Fai ?—Film—Duel, In the Sun- BRONZE PLAQUE by S. Trav- beHe, Norman Schantz, Dr. Myra Arthur Vallarosa, Mrs. Cruise, 1:1! . . il—Cartoons—Children Zinke, Mrs. Richard Swanson, Mrs. Joseph Rimkus, Mrs. Ruspavilion- s and has played for rec 13—Sounds to Say—Desmond Jennifer Jones—2 hrs. 111 11-Lloyd Thaxlofc-Varlety ' »:•» ers Neidlinger, Lsonardo, ords and Canadian television. IJ-Grwt DftMMMS Mrs. James Garrigan, Mrs. Rob-sell Mallaliew, Mrs. Frank Deane 5—News 2—My Lille Margie-Comedy Edward F. Elbert which was cast in Italy, was ert Breedlove, Joseph Kanano- and Mrs. Edward Bucina. , Monday's meeting will start at 1:30 4-Blrthday House-Children 8 p.m. with a discussion period 7—As the World Turns 2—Joey Bishop—Comedy 7—Gale Storm—Comedy Intermission Cuties were Dr. A—Let's Make A Deal 5-rLleutenant— Drama 11—Jack La Lonne— Exercise unveiled recently at the scheduled for 7 p.m. The session • :21 Christofar and Peter Shull. "The 5—Film—Rings on Her Fingers— 13—Creative Person—Thurber Marks 45th Bids-A-Wee Home Associa- is sponsored by Music Town, Rt. Henry Fonda—I hr., 25 mln. 9—Farm Report Novelles presented a special dog 35, which will furnish the organ. 7—News > 2—Red Skeltoo—Comedy 9:25 tion's headquarters in Now act. 9—Pomelo Mason—Interview 4—Hullabaloo—Music 9—News and Weother Vice president Paul Alladin 13—Mathematics 5 7—McHole'S Navy—Comedy 9:11 Year With York, in memory of board TV Key Scenery was designed by E. 1:35 II—Greatest Show—Drama >> 2—Love That Bobl—Comedy said attendance at society meet- Darrell Smith and Mrs. Ens. Mrs. 7—Ann Sotnern—comedy 13— News—Oary Glljon 5—Film—The Brasher Doubloon— member Mrs. Thomas A. Lar- ings had gone up 75 per cent 1:50 1:15 George Montgomery—1 hr., 23 mln. Kaminski was scenery chairman, since the club changed from the 13—Parlons Francois II 13-Muslc Interlude 7—Film—Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Bell System remore who was dedicated assisted by Mrs. Trimble, Mrs. 1:55 1:45 Jean Arthur—2 hrs. sponsorship of one organ com- 4—News—Floyd Kalber 13—To be Announced 9—Inquiring Mind—Education to the humane treatment of Herman Reinhold and Mrs. Jack pany to a rotating sponsorship 1:00 1—Racket Squad-»-Po!lce LITTLE SILVER - Edward F. Mailbag Smith. Mrs. Ens was the director, 2—Password—Game 5— Film—Assignment In Brittany- I3-Mathematlcs S Elbert of 14 Crest Dr., recently animals. The association : system. Jean Pierre Aumont—2 hrs. -•I » " assisted by Mr. Clarke, who also 4—Moment ol Truth—Serial celebrated his 45th Anniversary By STEVEN H. SCHEUER 7—Flame In the Wind-Serial 7—Tycoon—Comedy 13—IKl Your Business maintains a shelter, a country was in charge of lighting, with 1:05 J:M ^ 9:55 , of Bell System service. He is £ Queitlon — I have noticed an 11—Get on Board—Children 2—Petticoat Junction 4— News— Bob Wilson home, clinic and cemetery Robert Hughes, Mr. Shull and 1:20 4—That was the week that was—Satire 10:00 member of the technical staff o actor by the name of David C, R. Taylor. 38 Scouts 11-News 7—Peyton Place—Serial < 2-News-Charles Kurolt the Radio Research Department for animals in Long Island, a Sheiner in many shows lately Mrs. Taylor was chairman of 2:25 9—Fractured Flickers 4—Make Room for baddy at Bell Telephone Laboratories, and I think he's very good. He 11—Books That Live—Dorian II—Hot Llne-Dlscusilon 9—Film—The Actress— boarding home for retired makeup, assisted by Mrs. Kamin- To Receive 2:10 1J—Art ol Film—Kauffmann Spencer Tracy—90 mln. Holmdel. recently played an officer who ski and Mrs. Shull. Leah Mauer 2—House Party— Llnkletter 10:00 11-Code Three—Police dogs at Westhampton and a 4— Doctors—Serial 2—Doctors/Nurses 10:10 Mr, Etbert began his Bell.Sys- was dangling from a church 4—Bell Telephone Hour was the choregrapher. Ushers 7—Day In Court—Drama 13— Porlons Francois I pension cattery where a 7—Fugitive—Drama tem career with the Western steeple in an episode of "Com-were Miss Rayla Gibson, Mrs. 9— Dr. Joyce Brothers 10:25 Ad Altare Dei •—Mystery Hour—Drama number of the Larremorss' bat" and he was exceptionally 11—True Adventure 11-Worklng with Science Electric Company's Engineering Tonti and Mrs. Milford Panzer. 1:45 13—News—Robert Potts 10:30 TRENTON—Thirty-eight Scouts 10:05 Department in 1920. This depart- fine in this. Has he made any Robert Larson was property 13-Parlons Francois III 2—1 Love Lucy—Comedy 25 cats and kittens now are. 1J—Music Interlude ment was incorporated as Bel! movies and, will he continue ap- chairman and Mrs. Reinhold from Monmouth Council, Boy 2:55 4—What's This Song?—Game pearing in good parts on TV? Scouts of America, will be hon-S—News 10:30 11—Star Theater—Drama Laboratories in 1925. Since 1952, ticket chairman. Refershments 7— News—Marlene Sanders 13— Portrait In Thought 10:45 ored by the Roman Catholic 11:09 he has been primarily concerned —V. M., Greenfield, Ohio were under the direction of Mr. J:W 13—Let's Make Puppets Church Sunday, April 4 in St. 2-To Tell th« Truth-Panel 2—News—Jim Jensen 10:55 with research and development of Bayshore Lions and Mrs. Larson. Mrs. Trimble 4—Another World—Serial 4—News—Frank McGee Answer — David Sheiner is one Mary's Cathedral, where they 4—News-rEdwIn Newman components for microwave trans- of many good New York actors and Mrs. Shull were prompters 5—Peter Gunn—Mystery 5—News 5-News will be awarded the Ad Altare 7-Genera! Hospital 7—News—Dill Beutel 11:00 mission systems. Most ol his work Dance is Held wto had to go to Hollywood to The program was in charge of 9—James Beard—cooking t— News—John Wlnjate, Walter 2—Andy Griffith—Comedy Dei (To the Altar of God) medal 11—Pioneers—Drama Klernan during the past two years has KEYPORT — The Raritan-Mon- make it. He started in TV i Mrs. Schantz, assisted by Mrs 4—Concentration-Game from Bishop George W. Ahr. 13—Music Interlude II—News-Kevin Kennedy 5 • 11—Cartoons—Children been in the development of semi- mouth Lions Club held its mid- •mall roles and worked his way 1:25 1J— British Colendor William Potter, Mrs. John Hal- William J. Rahill, Spring Lake, 11:05 conductor detection devices in winter dance recently in the up to good featured parts and leek, Mrs. Chester Ramatowski 2—News—Douglas Edwards 11:10 " 7-News chairman of the Catholic Lay 1:30 4—Weather—Tex Antolnt 13—Hablo Esponol—Language connection with • the optical Knights of Columbus Hall, Rt. tventually guest starring roles, 3-Edge of Nlght-Serlol Mrs. Panzer and Mrs. Rimkus Committee, said the Scouts will S— Film—Winter Meeting— 11:30 maser or laser. He is a member 35. Proceeds will be used for as in the "Combat" segment 4—You Don't Sayl—Gom» Betle Davis—2 hrs., S mln. 11-Muslc for You-Warren Music was furnished by Les Ken- form at the War Memorial Build- 5—Cartoons—Children of the Frank B. Jewett Ghapte titled "The Steeple." His only 11—Weather—Marilyn Grey I 11:30 ', the youth exchange program. nedy, Les Cross, John Cubbage ing in Trenton at 2 p.m. and7—Youngs Marrieds—Serial 11:15 2-*lcCoys—Comedy of the Telephone Pioneers of Ed Moore and his orchestra film appearance of any note is and William Gehrmann. «—Film—Hold That Ghost— •—Local News—Jim Hartz 4—Jeopardy—Game America, parade to the cathedral, where Aobolt anil Costello—90 mln. 7—Les Crane—Variety 5—Hall of Fun-Fred Hall provided the music. Victor Ver- in the role of one of the apostles U—Supercor—Cartoon 9—Sports—Mosher Mrs. Walter Smale is president some 300 Scouts and adults will 7-Prlce Is Right-Game v Mr. Elbert and his wiife, Lil- gari, the chairman, was as- In "The Greatest Story Ever of the Holmdel Auxiliary; Mrs be recognized for outstanding 13— Intermediate Reading 11—Sports—Bob Wolff 9-Glrl Talk-Panel Told." He has been appearing 4:00 13— Reflections 11:40 lian, have been residents of Little sisted by Gilbert Bennett, pub- Anthony Jackopino, vice presi- service to the church through 2—Secret Storm—Serial 11:20 13-lt's Your Business Silver 22 years. They have one licity; William Whitaker, tickets; with some frequency these days dent; Mrs. Agnes Nowesld, treas- Scouting, 4—Match Game 2—Film—Dr. Cyclops— as a guest on many of the lead- 5—Astroboy—Cartoon Albert Dekker—so mln. son, Edward, who is associated and Thomas Crane, refreshments. urer; Mrs. Rimkus, correspond Dr. Charles Muller, Fair Haven, 7—Trallmasrer—Western 11—Best of Groucho-Qulz Ing TV drama series such as ing secretary; Mrs. Dolly Can chairman of the Ad Altare Del 11—Chuck McConn—Children ~ 11:25 Bay shore JWV "Mr. Novak," "The Fugitive" 13-Engllsh-Junlor High School 9— Film—Swing Time- trell, former secretary, and MrsAward Committee, said that the 4:25 WALTER READE-STERLING THEATRES * and "Alfred Hitchcock." He will Fred Astalre—2 hrs. Joyce Runge, present secretary following Scouts from Monmouth 4—News 11:30 Selects Leaders be seen in (he guest starring role Council, will be recognized: 4:10 4—Johnny Carson—Variety In an upcoming segment ol "Voy- 2—Jock Benny—Comedy 11:50 Troop 8, Red Bank, William 4-Doble Glllls-Comedy 11—Star Theater—Drama MDDLETOWN — Bert Gold- age to the Bottom of the Sea" 5—Sandy Becker—Children Knit in One Piece Lloyd, Joseph Sullivan; Michael stein was re-elected commander MATINEE AT 2 P. M, titled "The Exile." U-ABout People—Psychology J—News "•'"' Burner, Joseph Freeman, Kevin S:M 12:55 of Baysnore Post, Jewish War EVENINGS 7 AND 9:10 510 2—Film—Miss Grant Takes Richmond— 2—Film—Lease ol Life- Veterans, at a recent meeting at CONTINUOUS SAT. • SUN. Kearney, Andrew Crockett, Lucille Ball—yO mln. Robert Donat—2 hrs. QuMtton - I think "My Three Thomas Kearsley and Craig 4—Film—Money Madness- Harmony Lanes. Jakubowics. Hugh Beaumont— lhr., 25 mln. 4—News—Geoffrey Pond Also elected to serve for 1965- Sons" is the best family enter- 7—Film—Surrender—Helll— 7—Film—The Cose of Mrs. Lorlng— tainment on TV. Fred MacMur- Troop 18, Freehold, William Keith Andes—1 hr., 25 mln. Julie London—1 hr., 40 mln. 66 were Milton Markoiwltz, sen- JAMES BOND IS BACK IN ACTION I ray Is perfect as the father of Grimm, James Geiger, Thomas 9—Mike Douglas—Variety ior vice commander; Samuel Cal- 11-Beachcomber BUI 4—Film—Up the River- the three boys and I think each Yanno, Thomas O'Brien, James 13—Charity Bailey—children Preston Foster—90 mln. des, t junior vice commander; boy plays his role very well, Gibbons, Richard Bocim, Stephen 5:30 S—NEWS Phil Stein, judge advocate; Al- 11—Three Stooges—Comedy 1:25 particularly Don Grady as "Rob- Daley, George Chehansko and 13—What's New—Children 5—Waterfront—Drama bert Yellin, adjutant; Joe Jac- • hie." Will this fine TV series be Albert Villapiano. EVENING 9—NEWS and Weather obson, quartermaster; Saul Sa- <:0D 2:55 vitsky, service and insurance of- on after this year? I have heard Troop 69, Spring Lake Heights, 5—Mickey Mouse Club 2— Film— I'll Give a Million— that it wasn't going to be.-M.C. Louis Micioni. 11—News—Kevin Kennedy " Warner Baxter—1 hr., 2S mln. ficer and Hyman Cambi, chap- Woodbridge. N. J. 13—Music Interlude 4:20 lain. Troop 77, Long Branch, Robert 2—Film—Lost Df the Duanes— Answer — "My Three Sons" is Bartlett, Donald Bartlett, Kenneth 11—Local News—John Tlllmqn George Montgomery—1 hr., 10 mln. Installation of officers will be doing very well in the , ratings Utz, Stephen Barnett, Joseph held at the post's annual dinner- department this season and will O'Gorman, Thomas Kunert, John dance Saturday night, April 10, be on next season, with a change Aiello and William Conway. at Molly Pitchgr Inn, Red Bank. ot networks. ABC will drop the Troop 180, New Shrewsbury, Mr. Goldstein and Saul Diamond •eries after the current season James McKinley. are in charge of tickets. and OBS will pick it up. Inci- Troop 110, Lincroft, Louis D. 'GOLDFINGEIT dentally, Don Grady receives the Giovanni, Michael Cassidy, Jean Statistics show that 150,000 most fan mail on the show, Deutsohle, Leon Hoyt, Kevin women make a full-time career TECHNICOLOBV.^*, UNITED ARTISTS whicij proves you're not alone in leary, Frank Moss, David DiSan of door-to-door selling and that your preference. to and Thomas Hoyt. half a million operate on a part- Troop 137, Hazlet, John Banks, Ume basis. OMMUNily Question — Please settle some Troop 151, Freehold, William thing" for my brother and me Taylor. Did Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Troop 152, Lakewood, Clemens have a TV series of their own Sudol. a couple of years ago? My broth- DRIVE-IN Held Over 3rd Big Happy Week THEATRE n er insists* they were never regu- lar TV stars, but I'm almost MOVIE TIMETABLE FREE, FREE NOW NOW positive they had a show of their RED BANK I WE [K DAYS OffrJ 6:30 - MOVIES AT 7:00 own,—T. J., San Jose, Calif. I SUNDAYS ONLY - Of IN 5:30 - MOV1IS AT 100 Nominated for 13 Academy Awards CARXTON- (moon *mu • IYUT KIH-FUSI SHOW omt Answer —* Roy Rogers and Oolrlllnier 2:10: 7:10: 9:20. ' including Dale Evans had their own TV EATOOTOWN HONE BUT THE BEST PICTURE — BEST ACTRESS «eries during the 1962-63 season COMMUNITY- . BB&VE on the ABC-TV network, but it Msxy Popplns 2:00; 7:00; 9:45. \FBANKSDUTRA only lasted through half a sea Send daughter to school or FREEHOLD son. The cowboy, and his lady go parties in a cozy, knit coat that's ,/SPENCER'S / HENRY FONDA FREEHOLD- rMOUNTAIN''MAUIUtN O'HAKA the guest-star route these days fashion news. M»ry Foppins 4:30: 7:00: 8:30. on such, variety stanzas as Easy-knit in one piece from ASBURY PARK "The Andy Williams Show," and neck down including sleeves. LYRIC- ATLANTIC a recent "Hollywood Palace" Smart tweed-effect stitch, cable Seance on a Wet Afternoon 7:10; "outing. yoke. Pattern 510: sizes 4-6; 8-10; 8:25. • THEATRE 12 incl. MAYFAIR- Atlantic Illnliliimls—Ti'l. 201-11118 THE MOST None. But the Brave 2:20; 7:20; 9:30. N TONITE - BEETLES (For an answer to your ques- Thirty-five cents in coins for ST. JAMES— TRIUMPHANT tion about any TV- program or this pattern — add 15 cents for Mary Popplns 2:00: 7:00; 9:30. "HARD DAYS NIGHT" NEPTUNE CITY MUSICAL actor, write to Steven H. Scheu- iach pattern for lst-class mailing and • "BLUE HAWAII" er, TV Key Mailbag, in care of and special handling. Send to NElPTUNE CITY- FANTASr this paper.) Laura Wheeler, The Daily Regis- iRer 7:20; 0:35. ter, Needlecraft Dcpt., Box 161, BRADLEY BEACH STARTS TOMORROW EVER FILMED.... Old Chelsea Station, New York PALACE- N. Y. 10011. Print pattern num- Goldllngcr 7:10; 9:10. EVERYTHING'S SEW AND SEW at the home' of Mrs. ber, name, Address, zip. MANASQUAN TONIGHT ALGONQUIN- Ernest Clarke, 119 Branch Ave., Red Bank, since she 1965 Needlecraft Catalog — 200 Robert Goulet, host Goldllnger 7:10: 9:10. i won a Necchi Sewing Machine on ,the "Say When" tele- Tatheft, Goose- on the designs, 3 free patterns! More to BRICKTOWN \ crochet, knit, sew, embroider. vision program. Approving some of the handiwork of BELL TELEPHONE BRICK PLAZA- 25c. Mary Popplns 4:30; 7:00; 9:30. the delighted winner at her home is Dick R. Barnhart, HOUR Decorate with Needlecraft"— New Jersey Necchi sales representative. (abulous, new book packed with NORTH OF RED BANK 25 patterns for top decorator ac- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS cessories shown In S idea-tilled ATLANTIC- Hird D«y'» Nliht 7:00; 10:00; Blue ASSOCIATED • INDEPENDENT • THEATRES rooms, Applique co-ordinates, pil- Hawaii 8:30. Scoute Visit lows, wall hangings, more. 50c. HAZLET Free Parking • Free Smoking! All Theatres Send for superb Quilt Book — LOEWS DRIVE-IN- 16 complete patterns. 50c. Cartoon 7:00: None But the Brave At Fort 7:07: 11:00; Bpencer's Mountain 9:O0. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — DIRECTOR OF MATERIEL PLAZA Scouts of Troop 66 were guests HELD OVER! 3d WEEK! Mary Popplnt 4:30; 7:00; 0:(O. recently at Fort Monmouth. NOMINATED FOR STEWART APB, N. Y. - Col EAST BRUNSWICK Sydney Dull of 52 Woodbine TURNPIKE- Their tour of the fort included ACADEMY INDOOR—None But the Brave 7:30; the United States Army Signal AWARDS * srtninc Ave., Little Silver, N. J., served 11:00; Palm Springe Weekend 9:30. 13 13 OUTDOOR—None But the Brave 7:00; Corps Museum with its exhibits Including BEST PICTURE! as director of materiel while on 10:30; Polm Springs Weekend 9:00. ^ Julie Andrews a 12-day tour of Reserve duty at depicting the history of commu- BEST ACTRESS—Jull» Andrewtl SAYRE WOODS nications in warfare. First Air Force Reserve Region SAYRE WOODS- Dick Van Dyke headquarters. Love Has Many Faces 7:O0; 10:05; They also saw a film about the Bl^st of pudnn 8:45. First Region has the mission fort and its functions, and other David Tomlinson PERTH AMBOY films about atomic explosions. The most delightful of training.and supervising some AMBOYCartoon S7:00 DRIVE-IN: Sex ft th-e Single Girl 10,000 Air Reservists in New 7:06: 11:37; Dark At Top Oi Slain Dr. H. A. Zahl, one of the fort's * entertainment ^•uGlynis Johns .9:30. authorities on radar, gave a talk York, New Jersey and the six MAJESTIC— New England states. on the history of radar. He said Mary Popplns 2.10; 4:35: 7:00; 9:30. it was a radar unit made at Fort starring A World War II veteran, Col EDISON Eydie Gorme Monmouth that first "sighted" the Dull has been an active Reserv MENLO PARK CINEMA- Japanese aircraft as they. ap- Barbara Cook ist since 1047. Mlry Popplns 1:30; 4:09; 11:49; 9:20. proached to attack Pearl Harbor. Mildred Miller GOP MEETS TOMORROW The scouts attending were Wil- Susan Watson KIWANIS MEETS TONIGHT CRITICS, PUBLIC ACCLAIM I MATAWAN TOWNSHIP-Free- liam Kaegan, Glenn Pike, Rich- with Donald Voorhees KEYPORT - David Center, holder Benjamin Danskln will ard Main, Richard Barnett, Peter 'Seance on a Wet Afternoon" and the lieutenant governor of New Jerspenk at a meeting of the Re-Bentley, Craig McKean, Alan Bell Telephone Orchestra sey District Key Clubs and a publican Club tomorrow at 8:15Richards, Howard Smith, Doug- KIM STANLEY member of the New Brunswick p.m. In the Oak Shades fire las DuBois, David Pike, Ted sirt, JULIE ANpREWS DICK VAN DYKE 10:00-11:00 P.M. Key Club, will be guest speaker Main, Douglas Hudson and Earl house, Lower Main St. Mr. Dan- fiHNI(!OLOR*>MOT«MiM[^r LIVE IN COLOR at a meeting of the Kiwanis Club skin will peak on the "State Of Slddons. They were under the tonight in Ye Cottage Inn. Rep- the direction of T. L. Grace, scout- NBC-TV CHANNEL 4 the Republican. Party" and . SEAN CONNERY

By HERSCHEL NISSENSON might go to Clifford Scott, whose Associated Preu Sports Writer Parochial 'A' -AJohn Suminski, While those two fight it out in 8-5 Tom Schwester is a superb a 6-5 senior who' can do just the south, the northern race The N.J. State Interscholastic player. Athletic Association's 47th annual about everything, may give Essex should be a scramble among our basketball extravaganza gets un- Group I _ New Providence Catholic a slight edge here but Lady of the Valley of Orange der way tonight with 172 schools (17-2 and co-champion of *e Su- Seton Hall and Don Bosco of St, Mary's of Jersey City and hoping for a trip to Atlantic City. burban Conference) looks like the Ramsey will have a lot to say Don Bosco Tech of Paterson. best in tfie north, followed by about it in the north. Moving That's where the seven state Parochial 'C — Wildwood Glen. Ridge, with 6-5 Bill Stable- south, it should be a battle be- finals will be held March 28-27. Catholic, loser of the state final ford, Wellington, North Arlington tween Christian Brothers Acad- The semi-finals are sef for March year ago in double overtime, and Mountain Lakes. emy of Iincroft and Trenton 19-20. needs only to beat Sacred Heart Cathedral. Only three games are on tap Henry Hudson Strong of Vineland to win the sectional Parochial 'B' — Gloucester tonight and no action is slated title in the south. Whether Ho!; Henry Hudson Regional, South Catholic (15-4) should get its for tomorrow or Thursday. The Family makes it again in the Brunswick and Point Pleasant toughest competition from Perth tourney rolls into full swing over north depends on 6-6 Frank Beach are the class of Central Amboy Catholic (St. Mary's) (14- the weekend with 13 games on Zinke, North Hudson's top scor- Jersey while defending champion 6), which boasts excellent board INSTALLING SPRINKLING SYSTEM — Beacon Hill Country Club, Leonardo, is in the process of installing a fair- Friday and nine on Saturday. er. Other contenders include St. Wildwood (17-1) will be chal- strength In 6-7 Dennis Witkowski, Patrick's of Elizabeth, Holy Trin- way watering system in order to combat dry tpeHs that generally hit golf course in the summer. In the photo at left, Central Jersey Group 4 teams lenged in the south by Ocean 6-5 Jerry Paluch and 6-5 Andy ity of Westfield, St. Cecilia's of will have the spotlight to them- a worker operates ditch-digging equipment in order to install the line of pipes lined up at tho right. The project it City, Middle Township, Florence, Bruks. Paluch is one of the fin- Kearny, St. Joseph's of Paterson selves tonight in preliminary Glassboro and Bordentown. est players in Middlesex County, and Pope John of Sparta to be completed near the middle of March. round contests. In a doublehead- er at Woodbridge High, Rahway meets Princeton and Steinert of Trenton faces Jefferson of Eliza- beth. A singleton at Hillside High Beacon Hill Country Club pairs Clark with Union. Two Defenders Favored Only two of the 1964 state champions are given muoh of a dhance to repeat — WiMwood, a Installing Watering System traditional Group I power, and Gloucester Catholic in Parochial LEONARDO - A Green Fair- of installing a watering system of a six-Inch main header with a few members, Beacon Is now 'B'. Other defending champs are ays program. that will combat any dry spell 4"x3" laterals to all fairways at full membership. The course Newark Central in Group 4, New Jersey might have its that generally hits a golf club whioh will be wet down by is not by any means a young South Plainfield in Group 3, Se- Jreen Acres, but Beacon Hill at least once or twice during the sprinklers. This system will cover one. It recently celebrated its ton Hall in Parochial 'A' and ;ountry Club has its own Green golfing season. most of the course, including 69th birthday. Holy Family of Union City in Pa- 'airways program, and this one This new fairway watering sys- greens and tees. Joel M. Johnson is chairman rochial 'C. Ocean City, last Horlacher, Idle for Week, 'ill be concluded faster than the tem \B being installed by Em Recently grown from a nine- of the greens committee. William year's Group 2 winner, is in :ate's recreation outline. Construction Co. of Hazlet and hole course to 18 holes, Beacon Cannavo is chairman of the golf Group I this time, where it will Beacon Hill is in the process is nearing completion. It consists will have fairways completely committee, and William Fenwick be a threat. watered on par (our and five tournament" chairman. The outlook by groups: Still Holds Scoring Lead holes. Shorter par threes are not Al Rathjens, superintendent, Group 4 — Newark Central won St. Mary's Wins Easily included in the system. had the course in fine shape for this division the last two years Heading into the state tourna- FG F TP Losing a few and gaining back Bill Hnrlacher. Real Rink '. o Hie winter season when the and crosstown rival Weequahic ment competition, BUI Horlacher —19 198 105 mi felt Hammond, Mafer Dal — .-.II 1«7 107 11.1 Snowbirds continued play. took It the year before. Now, the of Red Bank continues to lead the Hlrk RnMnaon. CBA .-.It 134 110 441 S3.: Over St. Catherine's Team state titlist is expected to come Fred WMKII. Neolune .'. ! 182 SI 438 It. Monmouth Consolidated Water Shore area basketball scorers, Stevn CuMllo.. Nmtune ...; iai tt 422 19.9 Mt. Carmel's - from Central Jersey, whjdh is Jim Crawford, Tom* Ww II 139 130 417 19.4 NEW MONMOUTH—St, Mary's St. Mary's was paced by Ned Company will supply water for Horlacher has tallied 501 points Willis Hrnlriclil. Henry Hudson...... -...23' 148 II 408 16.1 the new system. If the company loaded with good teams, to say »et« Berver. Hhnr* Res — SI 140 75 37t 17. of New Monmouth led from Carton who netted 20 points and on 198 field goals and 105 foul I/yniij ItkVMDort. Mldriktown . 146 74 387 20.3 is not faced with a drought itself, the least. 386 start to finish Sunday in coast- played an outstanding game un- 10th Tourney shots in 19 games for a 26.4 aver- BUI flfonnwan. Wall Two. _ ___ ...19 131 99 19. in whioh the public has to cur- Neptune One of Big 4 Boll Wlnkr.l. Onlral KM 20 146 64 361 n.i ing to a 65-38 victory over St. der both backboards. Bob Pere- age. His field goal production and 3M Neptune (22-0), PertJi Amboy Rich Dixilav. Rmmon-F. If. IS 117 119 10.6 Catherine's of Keansburg iri a less added 18 markers. The tail water use, Beacon will be average are tops in their respec- Kevin Flnucann. H». (loin 19 143 58 35.1 18.1 (21-1), Cranford (21-1) and Tren- iWi Morrld. Rrlclc Twp. L. -. 19 117 101 344 18.1 Monmouth County CYO High losers were led by Tom Man- Taking Entries greener than most courses in the tive departments. Bob Kiwtf. Muiftsanu ... • . .-...17 78 343 It. ton (19-2) are the big four. They its 334 School Basketball League, fredi (17) and Bob Hughes (13). JERSEY CITY - The 10th an- area. Being idle all of last week, hoast Jhree of the state's top per- Northern Division, contest. STANDINGS nual Mt. Carmel Open Basket- Horlacher saw his margin dwin- formers in 6-foot-5 Jay Ziznewski St. Mary's, the defending ball Tournament will be held at dle from 107 to 60 points. Mater loly CrosCrosi „.„.. -._,.1J of Perth Amboy, Wayne Hlckel Bob Pettit Calls It Quits league champions, is 11-2 on the M&ry'i Ml the Mt. Carmel Recreation in Dei's Jeff Hammond moved up Mt. 11 Jr. Gold Medal of Cranford and Trenton's Carl season to hold down second place, the middle of March. from fourth during the week to STl LOUIS (AP) - Bob Pettit, >lay below my standards," the St. Ann's . 8 Samuels. >ne-half game behind pace-set- HI. . « All semi-pro teams in the ; hold down the second spot with who scored more points than any Wcot-9 former Louisiana Stat SI, Passalc, Newark Central, Liv- ing Holy Cross of Rumson, (12- tit I. . i Tourney Slated 441 points, compiled in 21 con- player in National Basketball As- University star told a press con Greater Metropolitan Area are ingston, East Orange and Kearny 2). St. Catherine's holds a 3-12 Holy Family 3 tests to give him a 21.0 norm. sociation history, announced his ference called by the St. Louis 81 welcomed to participate. PERTH AMBOY - The fourth are the North Jersey standouts, St. AntHonv'.... t retirement yesterday at the age record. Forty-one trophies will be annual Perth Amboy YMCA while Hamilton, Bridgewater-Rar- He has connected with 167 shots Hawks. "In my heart," I feel thi SCHEDULE of 32. The winners took a 31-16 half- awarded including trophies for Junior Gold medal Basketball Itan, , tynden, Westfield, Scotch ffom the floor and 107 charity the correct time for me ti Tuesdayv tosses. Pettit, who has been sidelined step aside.'\ ime lead and then put up a 26- St. Arnei at St. Anthony's the teams' finishing first, second, Tournament will open at the r Plalps, Tojns River, Rahway and 7 margin in the third quarter. WrdnfHday third and fourth, as well as in- "Y" gymnasium March 20. • Steinert from tlje Central section Kirk Robinson of Christian recently by a leg injury, expects The owner of the Hawks Bei St. Jospph's at Rt. Afnr-s Coach Joe Melosh inserted his Holy CrosK at Kt. Jantes dividual prizes for the players on Competition will be single cannot be discounted. Tall and Brothers Academy poured 93 to remain a member of the team Kerner, broke into tears. subs freely during the second St. Catherine's vi. Rl. Leo the first and second teams, elimination type limited to eight talented Camden (19-1) is the points through the nets in three until the end of this season al- Jamea On Disabled List lalf. They played entire fourth Tourney high scorer, mosl teams. Individual players must games last week to climb all the though he is not certain when St. Anthony's at Kt. Ann's class of South Jersey. The balding Pettit had beei period when St. Catherine's out- be 18 years ot age or Under and way up to third place from 10th and how much he will be able to I. Mary's at Holy Family valuable player,, sportsmanship Group 3 — Newark South Side, turning up with a succession c scored the winners, 15-8. each team roster will hi limited with 438 points. The flashy Colt play. Sunday and all-star tournament team which was supposed to win last ailments which could be trace My Cross at St. Mary's will he rew&qded. to 10 players. backcourt ace holds a 23.1 scor- "I would never be content to Catherine'! 0»> 81. Mary's <«) year but didn't because of one to age.. He was sidelined earlier Q F P O FP Entries close March 15. Infor- Entries will close March 13. 'thing or another, is the top-heavy ing average, which is second in ar,J>9cause of a back in Manrredl 7 3 17 Carton •2 21 that department, and has ^con- So. Freehold Gd.Ho 0 3 3 Bugolll 1 1 mation' may be obtained from Entry blanks may be obtained favorite again. Paced by three $ Jti recently was placed p Stafford Oil Clark 10 2 Dom Matticola, 22 Garrison from Bob Fink, physical director bis; men -»-' Charlie Chambliss, verted the most foul shots during Five Schools Hughes 6 1 13 Dugan 0 0 the disabled list because of an Gllllgan 10 2 Murry 0 0 Ave., Jersey City. at the YMCA. Ed Street and Jack Baker — the the campaign, 170. ; ailing i right leg. Top Team In Klrby 10 2 Perelei, 8 2 18 The 1964-65 Interscholastic STeaks are 21-1 and have won 19 The top five point-makers are Glass 0 0 Although he missed 22 of hi: Magulre 4 0 . Basketball Rules will govern straight, including the Hillside Produce Region DeSlmon 4 O 8 rounded by Neptune's Fred War- team's':S9 games, the sharpshoot- Sweeps Meeting ••Holiday, City League and Essex Tarpey 0 0 play. . ren (422) and Steve Cutillo (417). ing Pettit nevertheless scorec Gymnastics Escandon 3 0 County championships. Summit, Warren has the second highest Melosh 0 0 RED BANK — The National Mat Champions ,087 points. Flood 0 0 Boston Red Sox coaches for Enslewood and Lincoln of Jersey field goal total, 182. FREEHOLD - Paul Vexler Sweepstakes Regatta Committee In his 11 years in pro basket- f Southern Freehold Regional 15 30 SCt will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in 1965 are Sal. Maglie, Billy Gard- City are the chief threats in COLUNGSWOOD - Wrestlers Henry Hudson's Art Smith still ball, all with the Hawks, he ut on a one-man show Satur- St... Catherine'! » » 1 15—38 the Molly Pitcher Inrh ner, Jim Runnels and ten Okpe. North Jersey. from Bie Shore area walked off It Mary's 15 It M 8—65 holds the mark for most points scored 20,841 points. No othe: day night in the NJIAA'S first with six titles in the Region 4 Lakewood Rated High in a single game, 48, and the player has passed the 20,00' gymnastic tournament when he NJ8IAA tournament Saturday at South Plainfield (19-2) and most field goals, 22. Rich Dooley mark! won three events, placed third Lakewood (18-5) are expected to of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional Collingswood High School. Pettit makes an estimated In two others and fourth in an- battle It out In Central Jersey and Croydon Hall's Ron Graham Brick Township, Long Branch, (40,000 a year in the NBA but i ther to pace his school to the while Mainland Regional (16-2) are still second with 41. Toms River, Wall Township and team title. and Riverside (18-1) do the same Southern Freehold Regional all banker and businessman The tourney was conducted at In the south section. Mainland were winners. Baton Rouge. He said in his re- the Freehold Regional gym. has one of the state's top per- Brick led the way with two tirement speech that he no Southern Freehold took the formers in thousand pointer Skip :itlists. John DeMarco gained the "wants to turn my attention t< team title with 35 points to beat Castaldi. Soap Box148-pound championship when he the banking business and lean it." out (second-place) Snyder High Group 2 — This group has a decisloned Cy Green of Lenape High, 10-5. Brick's other winner Pettit said he isn't interests of Jersey City by J'/J. points batch of excellent teams but no Riverside was third place with clear-cut favorite. Clifford Scott was Jim Crieco (168) who de- n coaching on either the collcg feated Steve Tyler of Haddon- or pro level. 30, while Henry Hudson Regional (19-2) and Roselle Park (19-1) Derby was fourth with 11. «pllt a pair of regular season field, 7-2. games and seem to be the class Salterns Victory Vexler earned 44S'/4 points for of North Jersey Section 2. Fort Fred Salter of Long Branch 3 N.Y. Tefim his efforts to win the all-around Lee, ynion Hill and Rutherford gained the 141-pound title by state crowri. His nearest com' are (he Section 2 leaders. July 5th downing Gene Genna of Delsea, petitor was Richard Mullen oi Snyder, who tallied 377 points. The Shore Conference has a 7-1. Added to NIT Vexler took top honors on the powerful trio In the Central Jer- RED BANK — Red Bank Soap Jay Kilpatrickl of Toms River NEW YORK (AP) - Three parallel bars with a score o: sey section — Matawan, Shore Box Derby, which turned out to won top laurels In the 123-pound New York City teams were ad' 78% points; long horse, 82>£; and Regional and Manasquan and be a tremendous success last division when he defeated Had- ed to the field for the 28th Nation- still rings, 84. Vexler finished another three-some — Salem, year, is once again on the agenda donfield's Gene Kaiii, Uhe defend- third on the hc.izonal bar (68'/$' Merdhantville and Williemstown— of the Rotary Club of Red Bank, ing state champion, 5-1. al Invitation Basketball Tourna and in the free exercise (70)' and ihould fight it out in the south. as a major project. Carlos Fontanez became South- ment yesterday — New York Uni then took fourth place on the em Freehold's lone champion If there is an edge here it Derby Director Rod Hibner re- versity, Fordham and Manhattan. side horse (55). In the latter when he declsioned Atlantic cently announced the executive Johnny Bach, Fordham coaoh event, I>aul was edged out by City's Steve Notoro, 8-1. Wall's committee selected Monday, July and NFT tournament committee one-half point for third place by lone winner was Dick Gray (178) Casey Frosh 5, and Tower Hill as the 1965 date chairman, said all three had ac his brother Norman. and site of the event. who' gained a 4-2 .verdict over cepted invitations. Eleven team Wayne Pollack was the lone The later date also was selected George Harmer of Pennsville. now have been named for th Monmouth Regional gymnast to Win 12th In in order to give the committee 14-team tournament at Madisoi place in any event when he more time to prepare and the con- Square Garden March 11-20. testants more time to build their Shore Mermaids finished third on the still rings A Row, 54-45 racers. Last year it was held on Bach's Fordham team has with 68 points. 12-11 record, poorest of the RED BANK - Red Bank Cath- Memorial Day. —SUMMARIES— Win in Newark teams chosen, but has won eig Team Standlnca olic's freshman basketball team Dealer sponsor for the derby 1. Southern Freehotl T!tt., 3!; 2. of, its last 10 games. NYU is 13 Snyder, 3114: 3. Riverside, 30; 4. posted its 12th straight victory is Circle Chevrolet Company and NEWARK—The Shore Aquatic 1 7'for the season, after a week Henry Hudson Rtf., U: H Vrtehold yesterday when it downed St. co-sponsor is the Daily Register. Club's girls' 19 and under relay R»B., »i4; «. Lincoln, ); 7. (tie) Mem- end loss to Fordham. Manhattai moulh Hcj. and Morris Hills Reg., Rose of Belmar, 5f45, team took top honors In the Tommy DeFelice was named is 12-6. 3; 9, North Bergen, 1. c The Casey yearlings are 16-2 derby chairman. Others Include finals of the 200-yard medley Other teaimfl entered but which did The teams picked previousl not Bcore—Cherry H1W, Christian on the season with one gome left Bob Viscount, race course; Dick event Saturday night In a state Brothers Academy, Eaat Brunswick, were St. John's of New York Ilightown, Bt. Peter'* Prep of Jer« —Friday when they play host to Steinbrdnk, entries; Buzz Porter meet held at the Newark Boys sey CUty. Boston College, Villanova an Henry Hudson Regional. St. Rose clinic; Bob Hughes, inspection Club. Horlionfal Bar Army from the East, Detroil 1. WUllam Tra4nor I Snyder) 7SW; concluded its campaign wlnless in and race, John Crowell. The team, composed of Nancy I. Jack HIM (Free. Reg.) 73%; 3. 10 starts. Western 'Kentucky, Texas Wes Paul Vexler (So. Free. Reg.) 68M: Under arrangements chairman Steadman (backstroke), Ginger 4. Edward Venna (Morris HIUs Ileg.) R. B, Catholic trailed, 20-15, Oxley (breaststroke), Peggy era and New Mexico. S3: 6. Richard PhlUlpn (Hen. Hud- Bud Fowler are Mell Lowenstedn son) 60. midway through the first quarter and Dick Lyon, program; Warren Pingatore (butterfly) and Terr! It is expected that the runne: Frfte KxerrWe but came back to a 26-23 half- up in the Missouri Valley Confe 1. TUchird Uulltn (Bnyder) 701(1 Fowler, awards banquet; Bourne Sclmlz (freestyle),'finished first 1. Jerry Cblcone (Riverside) 70H; 3. time lead. The winners gradually with a 2:28.8. clocking. ence-ei&er St. Louis or Bradley Paul Vexler (So. Fre*. Rtg.) 70; 4. Ruthrauff, promotion and Peter Fred HcCurdy (Hen. Hudson) 6 drew away through the second Genovese and Dr. Morgan Colio In the finals of the junior men's also will be invited. Others 5. EickJe Muni* (Free. Reg.) «9. half. 200-yard freestyle race, 13-year line include LaSalle of Plitladi Side Horse Presenting America's slowest fastback. refreshments. 1. Rick Wagner (Rtveralda) «7; %. Bob Kerwin kept St. Rose in old Bobby Noflle placed second phia, St. Bonaventure and Flor Jay Sada (Riverside) 68; 3. Normar da State. I VtilBr (Bo. Free Keg.) MH; 4. Paul contention throughout the contest with 2:02.9 time. < Veidor I Bo. Free. Keg.) M; 5. Mtckty by netting 31 points with 14 field Miss Pingatore was awarded Eltter (Hen. Hudson) 52. 8 is 5-Time raral'el Bar There are some new can around with tions, repair shops and tire stores. goals, coming mostly on long one- first place In the 10 and under 1. Paul Veiler (So. Free. Reg.) 78H: handers, and three foul shots. Mickey Drives 2. nick Tnunor (Snyder) 74; 4. Rich- very streamlined roofs. Ths VW engino may not b»'the fastest,' 50-yard breaststroke competition ard Mulltn (Snyder) «!: S. Tom Bl Tom Zaychek was the only other Bowie Victor when her time of 38.8 seconds Vancent (No. Bergen) 60. But they are not Volkswagens. but it's among the most advanced. It'l l«ng llorsa They are called fastbaclcs, and some made of magnesium alloy (one step better St, Rose player to break into was: the fastest after four heats. Two over Fence 1. Paul Veller (go. Fret. Reg.) 9211; the scoring column wihen he tal- BOWIE, Md. (AP) - No. 3. Jack HIU (Free. Reg.) tlH: 3. Ktn of them are named after fish. than alufliinuml. And it's so well machined Alan Schiffter finished second FORX LAUDBRDALE, Fie Don (Rlveralde) 87; 4. Jay Keller lied 14 markers. was the lucky figure at Bowie You can tell them from Volkswagens you may never add oil between changes. race track yesterday. in the boys M, . -200-yard (AP) — Mickey Mantle glamme (Hen. Hudmm) M14: Richard ltul- John O'Shea paced R.B. Cath- len (Snydtr) 95, because a VW won't go over 72 mph, The VW engine is cooled by air, so It Five winners carried the num- breaitstroke event with a timi two drives over the fence Still Rings olic's attack with 19 points while 1. Paul Vexler (So. Free. lUg.) 94: (Even though the speedometer shows a can never freeze up or boll over. ber eight on their saddlecloths. of 2:29.5 Doug Macomber (2:32.0! his first regular tries yesterd J. Jam«« Dronsky (Rlvanlde) Ed Sweeny and Frank Klneavy was fourth, and Curt Colby when the regular squad reported 3. Wayne Pollack, Jlon. Reg. wildly optimistic top speed of 90.) It won't have anylhing lo do with They were Segotiiln, $12.20, in Moll Phillips (Ken. Hudson) 67;' i. added 13 and 11, respectively (2:35.1) sixth In this event, to the New York Yankees' train- So you can easily brook almost any water. B. B. Mlk. St. Rosa the third; KosMrt Kid, $6.80. Dennis Blpes (Riverside) Wi. Tumbling So we saw no reason to name it after OF P or? fifth; Yusiem, $31.20, sixth; Wayne Dear placed second In ing camp. ' 1. Richard Mullen (Snydsr) itV, ipeed law In the country in a VW. O'Sh.a 7 5 19 Karwln 14 3 31 Mister Snow Man, $16.80, seventh the A Division of the boys 10 Mantle and catcher Elstoi 9. Dave Oreen (Lincoln) &D; 3, Fred And you can ciuiss right past gas sta- a fish. Klneivv I 111 Zaycek t i 14 McCurdy men. Hudson) BO'A; 4. Bohulj 1 3 I Turchan 0 0 0 113 and Pete, $20, eighth. and under 50-yard butterfly race Howard were the hitting stars Jerry Chlconl (Rlvenldo) SO; 5. (Til) Marions Lavender 0 0 0 •T'meF McKmna 'Snyderl and Tom Sweeny (111 Irons 0 0 0 In addition two "others carry' when tha dockers caught him at the Initial Workout. The onlj Mftok 3 0 < Murphy 0 0 0 Chamber! (Free. Reg.) bom 43. Smith Ing No. ft finished in the money. 35.2 seconds. In the B Division missing players were Pedro Goti All.Around Shrewsbury Motors, Inc. Dan To Win lost the fourth by • ;of die Mint race, Mark Karlnia xalez and Elvio Jimenez, whe ' 1. Paul VeUM ((80S , FratF . Re|M 1(81 _. • n u H a T U 1. Rlchtnl Mullen (Snydir) J7T: I AM Bank Catholic _J1 15 11 hMd and Yata A* Friend WM iliiifhtd firM with i :X.O clock have run into viia trouble in th< William Trainer (Snydar) 331: i. Rich- SHREWSBURY AVENUE SHREWSBURY fit ROM ™ ' ~~iLM 11 I Dominican Republic. - ard Warner (lUverrids) 390: 6. Id- CXriclals-Phlppa. Oatbiit third in ninth. Ing. Ward Veona. (Morris Hills) aMH. THE DAILY REG1STEH AUTOS FOB SALE TRUCKS FOR SALE BUSINESS NOTICE HELP WJWTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-*U1E POt BALE MHttHAMDHE WANTED IM? OVUmOBUJt, Cutlui o»upe. L-tXD TRUCK* - Bovjthi. KM, tot EXPERT HOVX fUEPAM£ OAT BVmOKBM — faaaUa. Bwfctif »T»-U March 2, 1965 trades. Also (all lint of new Intern*- TOU'JX.tUVS H.YWOOD S/OE to mat 771- SeauUlul Cu, .tuutmuit, UcCtUij Uossi truck*, from de grout to hetn CLERK TYPISTS - OJKXI pti, Xetdr wo*, f or c«Uai! MI ,1 amo anHrt duty die"! Call tux UVtMtt. Maori* Pfr awn » 1* <9M' (« * 2M UUM prattolatwt *rr. am Hr *71». (aerwaru It Sou, Inc., A« 1NTJSRW7 KXUODIUtln ADD Us Just t» * jwd* t/ptot TmkttTpfSttZ ill SbHi,, 1Boma 38, wuMi, Lftuf am «< im. Vtx, tut AJtHOtmCUONTS uu Mitnwnix WIXVXRTIBIX TIOMAI, TRIX'K IjiMJtK, 141 > TtSRATiom fir til. mam, BMX least SO w.p.m.) tiM 1a fcwei*. (KtalM Front Bt., Red Biijk, X. 1. PXTlfEWTJ AJUUHOED. CUi, tU? clerical work,, pbo&t*. rouno H*M - rofLjnoac, v*ac LOST tV FOUND BAMC BLUB, LB5HT »M->E TOP, uoiti BOKCICEI uitma. Tint* JUPH,T in PKRjson, rocsr- SALE .- WALNUT HkOXUIfX, Witt 1SJ5IA. B7K. «H- US! CHEVROLET ONE-TONE STAKE Ttieae poaitlord offer Eowl tlK oiuw mow, m BROA-D BT., RCD OR CHERRY PLYWOOD — Ladle* IOM we**, put of L.R EPUCQPA t SQN8 s&larLea and liberal benenu. They are ANK. 1 DUMP UTlLITr - U.BW. Murpbys OeaereJ Contractors THE GENINUK DANISH WALNUTS OR PETS AND LIVESTOCK -; *•«»•«» ^Vb * " aad Stein•"- ISM OHEVROLET — Hardtop, 321 Cor-Sinclair, Route 38, Belford. located In our new plant and offer vette fc&fhia, good condlttoa, Call Cirpeatry • Muonrr modern worklnj eondltloiu. Apply in MEOHAMO WANTED — For strrtee aBtW'JE AMERICAN CHERRY Is CM Ml-7300. 747-9831 291-lll» • After • p.m. peraoo, B urn. to 3 p.m., at eall 26i- station. Red Bank area. Call beautlfullr pre-flnished 4'xS'xK" ply- BEACtLI—Female puppr. BlfM wwki LOCT — Ydlcnr cal. Thursday evening, ZM-UJ4 . wood panele by Blmpaon. Now on aale, rebruary » ridnttr ot MO Ridge 1M>2 PORE — Convertible. Eight-cyl- MOBILE HOMES UOHT HAULINO, PAINTING — Odd S700. 10 pieces 4'xS only (US 'that's only * Very n**^ iSjl ItaiiS, caSTfa-ttSi, Reward, inder, power fleering. 11,595. Me- jobs, ResjORftble rates. Call U3SBMBLBR — Alao mechanical com- 19SO per panel, thty were (UK to CARthy Chevrolet 291-1101. 56x10 PACEMAKER - 1982. Like net 787-4961 nent tester. Call tlS.86). Sorry because of tbli low price MIXED GERMAN SHEPHERD — Fe- LOST — Butterfly MarcajUe pin; lut ready to move In. 15 Bayshftre Parl ROOFINO AND SIDINO 842-3676, extension 12 we can not accept orders (or lesa than male, spayed. IntMUgent, aJert, trained. Saturday evening. Between Steinbach's 1MI CHEVROLET — Bel Air rtaUon Rte. 36, KeypDrt. commtftlng dlstanc MATTEL INC. 10 pieces. Clip this ad and bring It tit Love* children. Good watchdof. Two and Red Bank Catholic Auditorium. wagon; Vfl, automatic, power steering, to New York. Best offer takes It. Wl United S. Silver Door Co. 'ART-TIME CUSTODIAN — Red Bank. for a free yard stick (no. purchase years old.' Inoculated. CaU after 5 p.m. REWARD. Ca.ll T414WL power brakes, 47,000 miles, never Hnance 78T-7206. Mr. Miller. 787-0026. 'all after 7 p.m. necessary). Many other pre-finlshed ply- 291-0091. denied, $1250, 141-6139. PAINTING — Carpentry. Odd Jobs. TOY MAKERS 741-9029 wood on sale not mentioned here. 1964 SHAFTA — 12H'l8'. Like nev Call Raymond Robertson BEAGLES — Six weeks old. AKC. PUBLIC NOTICES 1961 MERCURY — Kour-<1oor sedan, 20-Rallon water tank. Bottled gas »tov( lONTRACTOR — HaB opening for eatl- Trl-color. Call alter 2 p.m. radio, heater, power steering, brakes, foam rubber twin beds. $1,000. Ca] 787-0500 n&tor and contact man familiar with RED BANK LUMBER low mileage, one owner. By appoint- BABYSITTER OR WOMAN TO UVE imail home alteration work.,..747-4*40, 2 to B p.m. 264-2035. CARPENTER — Will finish your cellar IN — Two bf>>«. motherless horn Corner Pear] end Wall, Red Bank HAVE LATEST FASHION — Shown In ment only, cajl 787-3*21. wti«l« or part, day or contract, any The Low Overhead Lumber Yard FREE your home, earn free clothing, lor In- ZM-2216. 7 to 8 p.m. SIX puppies, Collie and Terrier, mix- formation call 566-1750. 1663 FORD COL'NTKY saUIHE — Nine other small jotia. Call 222-6470 for free SACRIFICE — imported uerman ac- passenger. Power steering and brakee. TRACTORS estimate. No obligation, of course. WOMIACf TQ HELP MOTHER WITH WLP WANTE3>-Male - Female ture, to good CaU 542-3367. CHILDREN AND HOUSE — References cordion, like new. Call after 8 p.m. RED BANK FLYING CLUB — Fly Four neW white wall tires (two snow). LAWN MOWERS — Serviced and re. 7*1-2051 IRISB, WATER SPANIEL — Eight BO Comauche, (35 per month, •> per Black with red Interior. Many other FOHD I960 — Model C950 tractor: required. Write "A.D." Bol 511. Red ACE EMPLOYMENT AQENCY montJm AKC. Loves children, house- hour. 741-1943 alter 7:30 paired. Ail types, sil makes, all models. Bank. Ivery order A applicant our speciality. extra*. Very low mileage. Looks] brand I. 32' Trallmoblle flat trailers. 566 Call 7I7-3M4 for pick-up and delivery. White BL Shrewabury 741-3IM broken. Qood hunting potential. 7111351 nrw, J1.90S. Call 566-3135. 8231. Jacobs Hardware Co., Shrewsbury Ave, SHOPPING PRICES? and Bergen PI., Red Bank, BARB EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Buy at contractor prices on pick-up* IRISH BETTER — Female, 14 montha AUTOMOTIVE IS62 CORVAIR, four-door automatic. HELP WANTED-MALE uaJlfled Personnel For Quality Orders of building material tit Red Bank Lum- old, AKC registered. AH good lines. MeCARthy Chevrolet. H.095. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE [0 Broad Long Branch 21247(7 ber, the low overhand lumber yard. Borne pheuant trltmnl. All shots. C00. AUTOS FOR SALE 291-UOL SALES TRAINEES - Baysr.ore area. 222-7512. (, EMPLOYMENT Over 18 with car and phone, for order BOOKKEEPER — Part time, accounti ..-- MERCURY — Fully equipped. TRAVEL TRAILER — 33' to 16'. Mm receivable, accounts , payable. Please RED, BANK LUMBER 1963 TRIUMPH CONVERTIBLE — be In good condition and able to sler delivery and collection work. No exper- r Continental kit. $200. No reasonable HELP WANTED-FEMALE ience necessary. 195 per week" for qual- itate saJary and experience. "A.A. ' Corner Pearl and Wall St.. Red Bank Showroom condition, $1395. Call offer refused. 787-7142.- 'our. Call 741-6447 after 5 p.m. iox oil. Red Bank. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 787-3915 ified men. Merit Increases to fl30. Call LIME YOUR LAWK NOW — Garden 1858 FORD—Fordomatlc, eight-cylinder. WOOLWORTH'S REMODEUNQ — Ap KX 1-5913 tor appointment.' WAITRESSES, WAITERS, BUS B0T6 calclte Is best quality. See your neigh- APARTMENTS 1960 CHEVROLET, Jrapua bardtop. Good condition. Very good tires. Body AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS plications for experienced., personnel — Experienced In dining room; ban- borhood dealer. Raycroff Service 11095. MeCARthy Chevrolet. lair, $135 firm. 787-9161. needed in various departments Includ- WANTED quets. Call 632-2113 alter 4 p.m. for Wholesale Distributors, c-o lAwes Co., THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, 201-1101. AAMCO AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ing household, wearing apparel, drap- Herview. all utilities Inoluded, 1100 month, 741- CHEVROLET 1»56 — Automatic, good ery, pet supplies, toys, notions, shoes. FIRST-CLASS Shrewsbury 71J-630(1. S709 tor appointment. 1962 CHEVROLET — Impala convert' condition, $250. — 809 Railroad Ave., Asbury Par Wajfii according to experience and GE COMBINATION REFRIGERATOR- lble. Perfect In every way. New Job 741-6130. Free towing. 774-6800. iblllty Apply F. W. Woolwortli Co., with company car forces sale. 741-0384. ELECTRICIANS SITUATIONS WANTED, Female FREEZER — Like new. Will deliver, FOUR ROOM — Unfurnished apart- 1058 VOLKSWAGEN — Twc-door iedan. 52 Broad Bt, Red Bank. CaU 671-2929 after 6 p.m. ment, ail utilities provided. Couple pre- MILLWRIGHTS ferred. 787-2127 after S p.m. Keansburg. 1&57 CADILLAC — Two-door Coupe de black, radio and heater, clean, good BOATS AND ACCESSORY ULUNO TO TAKE care of children In Vllle. Good condition. / condition. R!» firm. 261-3884. OPERATORS INSTRUMENT MECHANICS my home. Monday through Friday, AL'S YOUR MAN SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS — EATONTOWN 11160 FORD FAIRLANE — Two-door BA.CIUF1CE - 22' Dclany skl(f. Bui Must have had three yean recognized dally or weekly basia. Call 671-9009. Sura Al Howell can estimate a porch RENAULT PEUQEOT \Mra Work on coats. Shore Coat Company, COUNTRY CLUB :dan, four new tires. $405. Call In 1057. 109 Gray marine motor. Ca! Incorporated, 22 Bridge Avenue, Red apprentnee training plus, three years 'OMAN IN PANAMA — WUhes Job enclosure, vestibule, gutter work and AU8TIN HEALEY SPRITE 787-3915 787-1754 after 6 p.m. journeyman experience. Apply 8 a.m. many more home improvement needi. APARTMENTS * SWIM CLUB MONMOUTH MOTORS Bank (Eisner Building). to 3 p.m. In United Btates; child care. Expenses You can be lure of expert workmanship I P'ORH — Ranch wagon, original from Panama must be paid by em- TINTON AYE. Hwy 35 542-2411 Eatontown 26' 1961 CUSTOM-BUILT SHELTE SHIRT PRKsSKR — Experienced on Hoyer. Write Miss ELMA BRATH- and low prices. Arrange an appoint- owner, 1395. CABIN SKIKF — 135 Palmer. Com E. I. DUPONT r ment This Is the Urns of tho year I960 STUDEBAKEIt LARK — $295, 842-2069 one girl unit. Apply Cornell Cleaners, AITE, Qenerai Delivery, Paralao, when you save money. MxCARUiy Chevrolet. pletely etiul|>|>eii. perfect conditlor B?cBrlghton Ave., Long Branch. 'anal Zone S. Swimming In your own private iwim 291-1101 1064 TRIUMPH — 1200 convertible nrlKlnal JAOOO. Saleprlced PHOTO PRODUCTS PLANT club right on the site . . . only minutes S3.900. Call 222-169B. WAITRESSES WANTED — Part-time Parlin, N. J. VILL DO IKONING AT HOME - Also PROWN'S away from ocean bathing, white sandy $1,095, firm. Excellent condition. Call and full-time. Apply in person, Colts beaches, boating, fishing and Monmouth 1060 TR 3 CONVERTIBLE — New 542-4457. MARINE SUPPLIES An Equal Opportunity Employer. ftUd care. Call 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 tires radio. Good condition, mechani- Neck Diner. Hwy. 35, Colts Neck. 741-0389 Shopping Center . . . one block from cally perfect. 1825. Call after 8, 842-10O9 „.) VOLKSWAGEN Very clean. Everything lor the Boatman. New Jei STEADY AND PART-TIME HELP SHICK ELECTRIC RAZOR — Used the West Gate of Fort Monmouth . . . $895. MeCARthy Chevrolet. sty's largest marine supply house. SEWING MACHINE WANTED—Apply In person. Ben's Mid- IN — Deslrea position In doctor's only six times. Bargain. 1B2 Spring within walking distance of express 1963 CORVAIR M0N7.A BPYDER—Con- 291-1101 Evlnrude Sales and Service -» dletown Car Wash. 41« Hwy. 35, Mid. office, preferably obstetrician or eyne 8t., Red Bank. buses to Newark and New York City, vertlble, 150 h.p. super charged engine, THE BOATMAN'S BHOP dlelown. coloslBt. Typing. 222-5960. e ALL—Electric kitchens with OE OPERATORS TREMENDOUS SAVINGS — On all four speed box, real chrome wire 1957 PONTIAC — Kour-door hardtop, 21 Wharf Ave 711-5780 Red Banl Single and double needle for clothing range. OE refrigerator. OE AIJR CON- wheels with knock olf hub*, mojoon very good condition, $376. Call IXPERIEWOED iwltchDoanl operator type doors and windows. Call S96-BOK). DITIONING. Ample off-street muted 787-6721 . KIBBKOLAS your boat now! Real Items. Steady work, good pay, liberal general office work, call Alter o p.m 264-1673. parking areas. with Mack trim, >175O. 741-633B. oirty $6.05 per gallon. All sizes 0 benefits, excellent working conditions, IF YOU NEED 2M-6BM 1858 KARMANN OHIA—Radio, heater, BRUCE PRODUCTS INC. Mld-Mon- 1961 THUNDERBIRD — For the thrill cloth In stock. Also Pettit Marine Paints HOUSEWIFE — Will cook and carve USE YOUR PHONE of a sport* car with living room com- excellent condition. New tlrca, new and other repair materials in stock. mouth Industrial Park, off Hope lid.. A JOB BADLY ENOUGH TO GO TO atf-ROOM APARTMEHTa • p&lnt, custom VDO Instruments, oH New Shrewsbury. 542-2266. .urkey, ham or roaat beef, assure (ONE-BEDROOM) fort this low Bleek beauty can be Heen Jacobs Hardware Co., Berfien PI. WORK. delivery piping hot, reasonable. 7*1-557, SAVE YOUR FEET ax Maurice Schwartz & Sons, New temperature, oil pressure, gas and rewsbury Ave., Reii Bank. WOOLWORTH'S REMODELING — Ap-PHONE 506-5564. Shop by phone and use our free de< $122 MONTH Jersey Friendliest Dealer, 111 W. Front amps. $775. Call 747-5261. NEW 1965 McOUU.OCH 710 h,P..FI«l plications now being taken for experi- llvflry. Almost 40 years of service and St., Red Bank. MANAGER FOR MUSIC STORE still joins; strong! Cal! now! , 4W-HOOM APARTMENT 1061 FALCON STATION WAGON — Ins Motors — Weedlesa or Power Pro] enced waitress. Excellent benefits and Experience not necessary. Must be SITUATIONS WANTED, Male ' (TWO BEDROOMS) Four-door, tits new, low mileage, $795. Now In Htock! Jacobs Hardware Co working conditions. Apply V, W. Wool- 1963 MONZA SPYDER — Convertible, worth Co., 62 Broad Bt., Red Bulk. ambitions, marrieil man preferred, sal- $150 MONTH red and sharp. 11,893. Cull 787-3915. ' Bergen PI. & Shrewsbury Ave., Re ary. Co.ll 671-9365. IENTLEMAN — Retired, consclen- PROWN'S MeCARthy Chevrolet 291-1101 Bank. IOUB, good knowledge clerical work, 32 Broad St. Red Bank , 741-7500 1062 CHEVROLET' — Two-door, white lall 741-1533. . FREE HEAT k HOT WATER 1981 RENAULT CARAVELLE — Con-wltll aqua Interior, standard transmls- 48 CU. IN. HYtfROPLlAIfE HULL DOOR FRAMES — EXTERIOR — One rertible with hardtop, excellent condi- sM, 29,000 milei, JJ«t like new. Call Lauderback built, new decks, n< •ERSONABLB, VERSATILE Hammond to 500 assembled, primed, with oak Beating Office on Premises. tion, both tops, shop on style, hatea after «. 542-0427. stringers, hardware, no engine, $201 rpmliit and-or pianist Meks employ- sills, |U each. Call 56S-0O5O. After ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS PULP INSULATED S p.m. 264-1678. gas stations, low! MMaurlce Schwartz 1S62 CHEVROLET Bel Air, wagon. Ci-ll after 6. 291-3441. Must sell. lent In either Country, Yacht or Night TEL: 542-9654 A Son*, New Jersey's Friendliest Deal- Automatic. $1695. MeCARthy Chevrolet. 36' SLOOP FOR BALE — Reasonabii DEMONSTRATOR !lub. Write or call Wm. Froet, Box KAY ELECTRIC GUITAR AND AM- •r, 141 W. Front at., Red Bank. 291-1101. 8lx-cyllnder Buda dleaol. Extra engln' TELEPHONE WIRES 37 Naveslnk. 291-3854. PLIFIER — Brand new. (5O0. DIRECTIONS: From Rifl Bank, Routs ARRANGERS 747-5341 39 to Tinton Ave., turn right on Tin- 18*7 FORD CONVERTIBLE — Power 1663 VOLKSWAGEN — Red, sun roof, Inquire at Belford Marine Rattwa: ton Ave., approximately 1,000 ft. to brakes and steering. Automatic trans- snow tires, radio, seatbelts. Perfect con- Bolford, N. J. Country Club Apartments and Swim mission. Oood condition. No cash Top opportunity to. demonstrate We have immediafe openings FINANCIAL Club. needed. Use your EASY CHAROE. ditlon. $1200 or best offer. 747-3089. and sell finest line part-time, in PAINT DISCOUNTS 1215. 3320 Route 34, Matawan. 556-3018. FACTORY FRESH — Brand new 1965 STORAGE AND SERVICE excellent store locations. for supervisors, technicians BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Bh&rwin & Williams, DuPoat, Keratone TERRACE APARTMENTS — Red CJ-5 Jeep Universal, 4-wheel drive, Cook A Dunn, Save on paints now at Bank, four and five-room apartments, 1963 CHHVY II, wagon, automatic. equipped with fresh air heater, front BLIP RENTALS — Boats to 35'. Floal Openings for people with personal- and operators with previous NVE8T MONTHLY — For high pro- Immediate occupancy, spacious closets 11701. UcCAT.thy Chevrolet. l PROWN'S passenger bucket seat, 9 A" clutch, 760K Ing docks with water anil electricity ity, where arrannlni; experience experience in pulp insulated 'Its. Our newly formed group Is buying heat and hot water Included, free 291-1101. 15 four ply Suburbanite tires, oil filter, roll secured mortgages. Discounted 20 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 parking. 741-4850. Coast Yacht Workj. 148 Bodman PI. will be helpful- o 40 per cent. Limited membership 1M3 V> FORD OALAXIB XL CON oil baths, air oleancr. direction signals, Red Bank. One block East of Hwy. telephone wires. inly. Call 531-4097. . - FR1GIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR — 12 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT — VERTIBLE — Big engine. Four ipted. permanent antl-freeze, draw bars, dual 35 Bridge, Red Bank. 741-4333. Salary plus commission. Car need* years old. Good condition, model Do- Three rooms and bath. $105 per month, ImrhaculUe condition, very reasonable. windshield wipers, front seat-helu, ed. Write: DEALER WANTED 9OA, M0. Frlgtdalre automatic washer, Including heat. DOWSTRA AGENCY. Can arrange financing. 842-1687. closed crankcase ventilation. SEND RESUME OR Demco Product*, Citizen Band model WV-65, needs water-temperature Red Bank. 741-8700. PRICED BELOW COST Sl.Mn.38 BUSINESS NOTICES LARCHFIELD Radio and Equipment control valve, $40, Bendlx dryer, elec- 10W VOLKSWAGEN convertible. It is FRANK VAN SYCKLE, INC. WATERFRONT APAOTMMNTS — New tight blue #lth a black top. In perfect CORP. Box 29b, Landlsvllle, N. J. tric. In fine running order, 140. Take condition Including rebuilt engine, very 1B9 New Brunswick Ave.. Perth Amboy PHONE MR. RENAUD all three for cash, »100. 747-1253 after three-room furnished garden apart* Call VA 8-0S91 FIREPLACES A SPECIALITY - •UliF TWO BAY - MODERN 3ERV- 6 p.m. ments. Patios, air conditioning and TV. mw-nable.. Call anytime 462-4785. types of masonry. CHARLES H0WE1 184 FlfUi Ave:, N. Y., N. Y. 10010 3E STATION — For lease. Paid train- Weekly monthly rates. NAUTILUS * PLYMOUTH — Four-door wagon. Contractor. Call 747-4479. 339-4500 ext. 366 ig, some financial help. Weekdays 9 APARTMENTS. Dial 842-0005. 1963 OLDSMOBIW 88. Two-door, hard $195. MeCARthy Chevrolet, •» 5, call 212-HE 6-0666. Night, week- WOOD SHELVES top, power steering, $2,099. 291-1101 PAINTING — Exlerlor and lnterlo; RED BANK — Brancn and Madison MeCARthy Chevrolet ' 291-110! ids 2840433. 1x12, genuine Ponderosa pine, 3' long Reasonable rates. Call' 747-3167 or V EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANT- 6Oc ea., 4' Ions 65c ea., 5' long 80c ea., Ave.. spacious one and two-bedroom 1901 CHRYSLER NEWPORT — Four- 9795. GENERAL CABLE CO. LANDSOAPINO — Design and planting garden apartment. Apply apt. 24, Molly I960 MERCURY - Black convertible. door sedan, $79.1. r-n ED — Must apply in person. Shore t>' long 95c ea. in our Remnant Ue- Excellent shape. $300 and take over INCOME TAX RETURNS Point Inn, Hwy. 35 and Holmdel Rd- of fine lawns. Complete maintenance. partment downstairs. Pitcher Village Court or call Mr. Sam 787-3916 Hazlet. Weetaly, monthly. Residential, commer- Lomazzo, 741-9115. payments, $45 a month. Call 787-3842. Are you aware of the scores of changi 236 W. First St., Bayonne, N.J. cial. Estlmatea given. HUNT BROTH- .1960 CHEVROLET — Parkwood wagon, 1D63 PONTIAC CA1UI.INA CONVERT' In the new tax law affecting you KN FOR SMALL NURSING HOME— ERS, 711-4732 and 741-3773. RED BANK LUMBER automatic. $099. MeCARthy Chevrolet. IBLE — Automatic, power steering, INDIVIDUAL . and BUSINESB returns In Holmdel. Hours 3 to 4, live day- Corner Pearl and Wall, Red BaaK EATONTOWN brakes. Radio, heater, whltewaftls. Im- 15 years In the area. Margery Trovato, AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY The I«ow overhead Lumber Yard 291-1101. maculate condition. Must sen. Day 532-T-A Reliable Tax Service. it week. Call 747-2O17. SUNNYBROOK 1960 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE — 3863. Night 229-9622. PHONE 671-1289 WOMAN TO CLEAN — Small Photo EMPLOYER MORTGAGES SET OF DRUMS — Rogers. Call APARTMENTS New top, brakes, show room clean. 1963 VOLVO — 122S. Four-door, blue. finishing plant. Two hours a night Powder blue. 1980 or take over pay- HAVE TRUCK WILL TRAVEL Located In downtown Red Bank. Refer BANK RATEb 787-1766. 124 WYCKOFF RD. menu. 741-9234. Radio, heater, whttewalls, snow tires. Light hauling, clean up Jobs, handymi encea required. 741-1123. AUTO MECHANIC — Must have ex- IMMEDIATE CASH Showroom condition. Sacrifice. 565-7557. cellars, attics and garages cleaned perience and tools. Steady work. Five 1st mortgage—20 year, 6% rates WALLPAPER your room tor $19.70, Monmouth Service Co. 787-2890. labor and materials complete. Price 1963 CHEVROLET STATION WAOON- FORD BTATION WAGON — Nine pns- HOUSEKEEPER — Apply in person days. Clean shop. Continental Cars, Home Improvement Loam Only minutes away from ocean bathing Absolutely no cash needed. Low week- CLEAN CELLARS. YARDS, QARAOE: 10 to" 2 p.m., 31 Chaftln Ave., Red Red Bank. 747-4SOO. >ebt Consolidation — Lowest Rates coven h Mingle rolla wallpaper and beaches, Monmouth Shopping Center. ly bank payment, 112.60. Call collect. senser, radio, heater, Fordomatlc, 1953 — Have, truck. Light hauling. Call afte Bank. paper hanger'i labor. Larger roomi Ample off-street lighted parking areas. Country Sedan, $176. 741-1761. 3 p.m. 7412119. GARDENER — HANDYMAN — Living 2.000 $14.33 month slightly highter. KLARIN'S, 26 Mon- PA 1-7100 OASIS MOTORS, Rt. 9, DENTAL ASSISTANT — In Middle 3.000 $21.50 month fiayrevllle. 196.t MONZA COUPE — Automatic. quarters on premises. State age, ex- *.000 $28.66 month mouth Bt., Red Bank. 717-3838. 3M-ROOM APARTMENT like new. $1,895. J*D ROOFING — Gutters and leai town. No experience necessary, v/U perience, references and salary desired (ONE BEDROOM) 1962 FORD BOO XL — Two-door hard- ers. Frot estimates, 10-year guarantei train. Write "B.O.", Box 511, Red, Bark, to "B.H." Box 511. Red Bank. 5.000 $36.83 month SALE — SAVE $ $ top, no cash needed. Low weekly bank McCARUiy Chevrolet 291-1101 747-9742. .'air Have* 1REAT NORTHERN MORTQAGE CO. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED payment, (11.50. Call collect PA 1-7100. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT — 141-43(3 j 363-2601 During month of February only. FREE 414-ROOK APARTMENT OASIS MOTORS, Rt 9, Bayrevltle. TAX RETURNS PREPARED — F( SALESLADIES & MANAGERS Full-time, viaya. Experienced, reliable. )ur Bonded Personal Representative INSTALLATION on all custom alumi- (TWO BEDROOMS) TRUCKS FOR SALE' Individuals by experienced accounta Apply Monmouth St., Chevron, Red Pill Call At Your Home At Your num awnings, door hoods, patio awnings FURNISHED UNFURNISHED 1961 CHEVROLET, Impala, wagon. Familiar with federal and state regu' Bank jonvenlence. No Obligation. and carports. Order now, avoid long de' FREE HEAT ft HOT WATER •1165. MeCARthy Chevrolet. NEW 1964 CHJ5VT VAN — Complete llonn. $5 most returns. D. Lawlf DON'T . , . DON'T ANSWER THIS AP lays on delivery. • " \ 542-3823 747-0100 291-1101. 568-7336. YOUNQ MAN — To Install tires, muff- RST AND SECOND MORTGAGES $1,095. MeCARthy Chevrolet. Call 291 IP-YOU WANT lers, and general utility. Apply In per- VAILABLE _ Edwin B. Stark, Real PROWN'S FURNISHED APARTMENT — All utili- 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE — 1957 1101. INCOME TAX RETURNS - Prepare I. To Invest money before you •tart son only The Pep Boys, 42 West itate * Mortgage Consultant 284-0333. ties. Residential area, call after 5 p.m., at your home or business. Reasonabl 1. Knock on doors. 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 747-5320. , Corvette engine. 12,000 Invested. Best ^_RD — Pick-up. Excellent 3. Plan partlei. Front St., Red Bank. offer over H000. Call 222-0107 11-12 noon ditlon. •• Call rates. Monthly or quarterly accountln 4. Olve facials. FADA TELEVISION — 19", table mod- TWIN GABLES - 38 Rlvenlde Ave.. or S-6 p.m. service* 747-2662. 5. Pick up and deliver. ROUTE MEN INSTRUCTION el, S40. Moving. Good condition. Ca! Red Bank on river. 3H and tour 6. Make less than {800. FULL AND PART-TIME STEADY 741-2848. rooms unfurnished, five-room office. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE YEAR-ROUND WORK, NO LAYOFFS 1XPERIENCED — Qualitled, teacher, TYPEWRITER — Reminston portable 741-2399. AUTOS FOR SALE Do answer this ad It you can talk S102. CAR AND PHONE REQUIRED. will tutor English, social studies, LaUn with carrying case. Excellent condi- KINO JAKES — A tew 34 room walk, or have a car and would like CALL 462-1074. and Spanish. For Information, call 872 tion. 110. 671-3467. units lett. Furnished or unfurnished to make more money than you can DELICATESSEN MAN — Good pay, TEN-PIECE DINING ROOM SET — Broadloom carpet upstairs apartments. spend and keep your husband In style all year round Job. Call Colonial, walnut. Famous manufacturer, From $132 includes heat, hot water, to which ha U not yet accustomed. 787-1589 S35O. Breakfront for kitchen, $75. Five- air conditioner. Full balcony or patio. Call T4M019. MERCHANDISE Memorial Drive, Atlantic Highlands. APPLIANCE OR TELEVISION — Serv- piece kitchen sat with extension table, 291-0770. Biggest NURSE'S AIDK OR PRACTICAL Ice man, some delivery work, part or FOR SALE 175. 871-5324. NURSE — Apply in person, 10 a.m. to full time. CaU 671-9461. TWO ROOMB — Newly deoorated. Full 2 p.m., 31 Chaffln Ave., Red Bank ' ltchen and bath. Combination living- AUTO DEALER NEEDS MAN - To MAHOGANY MOLDINGS work on used car lot, cleanning and Unfinished to match your luan paneling bedroom. Air utilities and TV Included. Discount! maintaining used cars, hospltallzatlon. HAMMOND — we have them in Jiock for Inr Convenient transportation and shopping;. GENERAL paid vacation, other fringe benefits, ton mediate pick-up..- Call 842-1100. Sea, Bright Squash Club. pay. excellent Job for the right man. UNFURNISHED — Three bedrooms, IN NEW JERSEY Apply In person to Ralph Gibson, ORGAN RED BANK LUMBER ilvlnt, room, built-in kitchen, all utilities FACTORY TOM'S FORD, 60 Main St.. Matawan. Corner Pearl and Wall fits.. Red Bank included. $140. 222-67111. No Cash Needed — Diicounti to OF ASBURY PARK 741-5500 THE LARGEST ORGAN AND PIANO The low overhead lumber yard. FOUR-ROOM MODERN — Unfurnished all—$25 Profit per car. Retail flt DISPLAY IN THE SHORE AREA. apartment. Ceramic Ule nath. Refer- HELP ACCOUNTANT ROA WHIRLPOOL WASHER — Elec ence required. Call 747-3633. wholesale prices. Up to 5 years to Mattel Is now accepting applications trie. Never used, 1135. Call tor production work. Factory experience Degree In accounting plus two or more NEW AND USED 843-3162 RED BANK — Three rooms and bath, helptul, but not required. Will train. years experience. unfurnished, all utilities, good location pay — First payment April . . . Steady work, good benefits, and work- OE KEPRIOERATOR-PREEZER-ilke all transportation." 741-2373. Ing condition. Five-day week. TJie our rental-purchase plan new, best offer. High chair, (8. Stroller, Tor pianos and organs. »I6. 222-5598. THREE . ROOM - Furnished apart- DESIGN DRAFTSMAN ment, newly deoorated, reasonable rent •61 CHRYSLER $6.90 Minimum ftv« years electro mechanical From % 12 per Month 872-0650, FULL PRICES Day Shift 7:30 - 4f|fcjn. computer packaging. ipen dally ill 9 p.m. Bat. til a pm HOMELY RADIATORS Power steering, brakes, automatic !orn«r of Main St. ft Maltlson Ave. Get that ugly radiator enclosed. Free THREE SPACIOUS ROOMS — 1V4 •44 CHEVROLET $2195 CALL NOW trans., RS.H, dlrectlonals, whltewalt Apply In person at our personnel measuring and delivery service. Radia- baths, newly decorated, near busline. Super Sport hardtop, power steering, tires. office Monday through Friday lrom 9 SHEET METAL WORKERS PR 5-9300 tor enclourea in any size or color. Cull after 4 p.m .842-0038. . power brakes, bucket seals* automatic o 3 p.m. or contact the New Jersey Perform variely of wales, punch and tram., R1H, whllewall tires, dlrec- '61 MERCURY $8.40 state Employment Service, 41 K. Front )NE APARTMENT aiZED — Refrlg- PROWN'S ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS— Unfurnished 741-6700 notch operations. Should be able to :rator, one year old. Excellent condl- three-room apartment, heat supplied tlanals. Colony Park 9-passenger station wag- St, Red Bank. 741-5050. work from prints and templates. 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 Call 291-22B7 For I-Hour Credit OK on, power steering, brakes, automat- fon, (our years left on guarantee, $135. Eil 872lv05 SECTIONAL LIVING ROOM SUITE— •o4 FORD $1895 Our Bonded Chauffeur ic trans., R&H, whltewall tires, dl- EXTRA LARGE — Two-nehroom apart- Golaxle 500. V-t power steering, pow- recllonals. BRAKE OPERATORS YPUWRITERS, ADDING machines. Five pieces, two end-tables, cotfee ment, new building In Long Branch er brakes, auto, trans., directional), Will Pick You Up MATTEL INC. .11 makes new or used. Guaranteed. table. Coat H&5, "sell for $150, 787-4677. new appliances. Heat, hot water fur- '61 FORD ~* $4.90 (Press) whltewoll tires. Must be familiar with bend allowances ow at) S25. Serplco'a. 101 Monmouth WASHING MACHINE — Like new, OEnished. $128. 842-0800. Country Sedan 4-door station wagon, Heit to theater. 747-0485. Filter-Flo VJ2 washer. Moving, musrt '64 DODGE $1795 •62 FORD $5.90 (or different metal thickness, ONE FURNISHED APARTMENT - automatic trans., power steering, TOY MAKERS sell. Call 747-5390. Three rooms ana bath, private entrance GT hardtop, power steering, power. Falrlane sedan, power steering, auto- brakes, whltewall tires, dlrectlonals. LIBERAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DOUBLE BED — Mattress, like new. fror couple or bachelor. On Hwy 35 brakes, automatic trans.* R&H,, matic trans., R&H, whltewall tires. 7DU ; Mlddletown, one mile from Red Bank whltewoll tires, directional!. Small refrigerator, good condition. Call Also one unfurnished apartment, four •62 RAMBLER $5.90 If you owe money on your pres- WOMAN — For kitchen and pantry Hall In resume stating salary require- >ld you Jtffow Prown's has Venetian Wednesday after 8 p.m. or "ail day Custom 4-door station waoon, automat ent car, trade your car to US and ments or call Mr. P. S. Argyrls at Thursday, .747-5734. rooms and bath, private entrance, new- •work- Sandwich maker. fVx days, no 22»-1100. ly painted. Call 741-1)431. Special Pti'n far Ic trans., vyhltewall tires, dlrectlonals. we will pay it alt and you pocket Sundays, ipply In person. Colonnade leeT~bllnds as low as 2 for $5.50. Restaurant, Monmouth Shopping Cen- •61 IMPERIAL $8.90 the cast) dllference — We will PROWN'S POLYETHYLENE OAKHURSI — Furnished apartment SERVICEMEN trade you up or down. ter. a clear pliable sheet plastic .004 (or couple or single, large grounds, Hardtop, alr-cond., power windows, ELECTRONIC I TCHEBroadN BtCHAIR. ReS UNCOVERED—And Bank 7(1.750d0 thick and Is used for all' kinds of parking, yearly rental. 775-6547. ' Now T«k» Your seats, steering, brakes, automatic SHIRT PRESS OPERATORS — And folders. Newest equipment, top wages, Inette seta at lowest prices. Monmoutli winter enclosures. (Porches, boat cov- UNFURNISHED APARTMENT — East Car Overseas trans., whltewall tires. '61 CADILLAC $13.80 paid vacations, free medical and hospl- ASSOCIATES, INC. lnette Co., us Monmouth St., Red ers, and large covering ]6bs). It comes t1K T41833 In rolls 4'xlOO'. $3.50 ea.: 6x100'. $4.95 KearwbUTg, Four rooms and bath. Just '61 RAMBLER $5.60 Convertible, power windows, seats, allzatlon plan. Apply between 5-6 p.m. 183 Monmouth Park Hwy. decorated. Call 787-7760. Financed Anywhere steering, brakes, automatic trans., Star Cleaners A Launder*n, 132 Myrtle ea.; S'HOO', $6.60 ea.; 12'xloo', $9.90 Custom sedan, automatic transmission, West Long Branch >E3KS SIS up, FILES 512.50 up tables R&H, dlrecllonal!, whltewoll tires. Ave., Long Rranch. An Equal Opportunity Employer lalra, adding machines, typewriters, ea.: lS'HOO', $13.20 ea.: 20'xlOO', $16.50 RED BANK - Near High School, un- in the World R&H, dlrecllonolj. nice equipment, etc., at Bargain prices. ea. In stock at ' furnished, three rooms and bath heat '60 0LDSM08ILE $0.30 NUnSF, — To work In a EARN UP TO 70 PER CENT — Flrs\ •61 PLYMOUTH $5.80 Public Health Nursing Agency. Experi- year commission, selling Life, Accident Jew of used: AAC DESK OUTLET. < RED BANK LUMBER •63 FALCON $950 Belvedere Sedan, power steering, Super 88, hardtop, power steering, ence In public healtth nursing desir- *te, 35, Oakhurst 531-3D90. brakes, automatic trans., R&H, dl- and Health Insurance. Also become Corner Pearl and Wall, Red Bank. Deluxe sedan, outomollc trans., R&H, brakes, automatic trans., R&H, while- able, but not necessary. Call after 5 licensed to sell all other forms of 741-5500 8EA BRIOHT — Attractive unfurnished wall tires, dlrectlonals. recllonols, whltewall tires. >.m. 872-1370. Insurance. Training, office facilities, three-room apartment, front terrace directionols, whltewoll tires. r etc. supplied. Full-part time. For ap- RENT A TV The Low Overhead Lumber Yard '63 COMET $1095 '61 LINCOLN $17.90 •60 VOLKSWAGEN $4.90 AVON SELLS IT SELF — Full or pointment Call 542-1700 or 5*2-2030. ortable day. week. BAYSHORE TV. lncludd 2-door sedan, R&H, dlreqtlonals. part time. Territories open for women Church . Keansburg. 787-4400. Secbn, RU4, d rectionall, whllewall Continental convertible, alr-cond,, pow- who are Interested In having a goad MECHANIC — Experience necassary, MERCHANDISE WANTED t^s&Msa ' * er windows, seats, steering, brakes, tires. •60 CHRYSLER $5.90 steady income. Experience unnecessary. wonderful opportunity for the right NEE-HOLE DESK. Wood wardrobe. (Mqre Classified Ads automatic trans., R&H, whltewall tires, Saratoga sedan, power steering, Call 741-4343 or write Mrs. Margaret man. Contact Mike Scotto, Service 3ookca«e. While leather occasional CA3H for old toy trains, trolley carr '63 FORD $895 dlrectlonals. brakes, R&H, automatic trans., whlte- Qulotta, Box lf», Reti Bank. Manager, Bayshora Chrysler-Plymouth. :hair. Saucer chair. Leather-covered cot- and cast Iron toys made be for* IM0. Sedan, automatic trans., R&H, dl- en table and two end-tables. 7S7-262& 741-1999 after 5 p.m. On TTie Next Page) •61 T-BIRD $11.60 wall tires, dlrectlonals. EXPERIENCED ASSISTANT MA.NA. Atlantic Highlands. 201-11200, Hardtop, alr-cond., power windows, GER — For Children's Wear Depart- FLORIST EXPERIENCED - Perman- '60 BUICK $5.60 ment Excel lent galary for qualified •63 FORD $1595 seots, steering, brakes, automatic Le Sabre, power steering, brakes, ent position for Perth Amboy shop. Golsxi* XO, hardlop, power steerlno parson. Send resume to "C.A." Box 511,CaU 442-1015. trans., R&H, whltewoll tires, dlrec- automatic transmission/ dlrectlonals, Red Bunk, N.J, end braket. OLiismotic trans., R&H, llonals. whltewall tires. flirec'ianali, stfiiirivall tires. TYPISTS ' SOLUTION BLENDER •62 CHEVROLET $lt)95 '60 FORD $6.70 SECRETARIES To measure, mix filter spirits to exact ALL PRICES LISTED Country Squire 9-pass. station wagon, SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS standards. Accuracy with figures and CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY powtr li ARE THE FULL PRICES power brakes, steering, automatic BOOKKEEPERS records required. All year operation * CLERKS Laird A Co.. Scobeyville. M2-D312. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS 1 NO UPS AND NO EXTRAS trans., R&H, dlrectlonals, whltewall We are placing many girls with the tires. above skills on temporary assignments CARPENTER - To work in Marina, '62 CADILLAC $2295 In the local area. Why not come In andapply Fair Haven Yacht Works, Inc., t '61 BUICK $7.90 "60 LARK $2.40 register and become an ACE TEMPO- DeNormandie Ave,, Fair Haven. Automatic transmission, R&H, dlrec- tram., Le Scbre, power Jfeering brakes. KARY QIRL. No Ice charged when you STORE CUSTODIAN — For supermar- w=:i lires. outomohc transmission, whllewall tlonais- work for ket, permanent position. 5% days, good Adding Machines — Typewriters Electrical Contractor Pearl and Bead Restrutgtng '42 W/ICK $1395 tlret, directional*. pay, Apply In person, aee store mana- Eipertly on braided nylon. fi.oF a Ace Temporaries ger, SHOP-RITE MARKETS, 1200 Hwy. ADDINO MACHINES — Typewriter, RESIDENTIAL and commercial wir- strand. Sterling clasps form 75c 30-Ds.y Free sold, rented, repaired. Serplco's, 101 '61 FORD $8.90 23 White St. 747-3494 Shrewsbury 35 Mlddletown. ing. New Installation or repair REUSSILLES', M Broad St. Convertible, power steering, brakes, , Exchanqe Guarantee Monmouth St., Red Bank. 7*7-0*95. service. Allen Electric. 747-0612. H, wn'^mrat t*re*. STENOGRAPHER — Experienced. Le- CLERK-TYPIST — To learn dispatch automatic front., wtiltewall tlrei. 1 It\g operation in large Common Car- PAYMENTS 1-Year Service Guaranteed gal. Good salary. Call Painting and Decorating •61 CHEVROLET $8.90 747-3730 ) rier, Application by appointment only Auto Body Repair Entertainment and State Inspection Nappi Trucking Company, Morrlstown L. H. HILL — Painter Interior and '63 BUICK $15.90 Impala convertible* R&H, wtiltewall SALESWOMAN — Permanent position. Rd., Matawan, N.J. 560-3000. EXPERT PAINTING and body re- Tickets available for latest Broad- tirei, directional!. exterior. No Jobs too large or too V/tkkoJ asr*eirr&*1 RAM- pomv tfttr- Experience necessary. Apply Fashion pair. Moderate prices. McCARthv way Shows and Major Sports Events. small. Very reasonable. Call 881-6322. in$, powrr txQ*a, wr^rwaU ttret, '61 MERCURY $8.30 •60 VALIANT $2.90 Fair, 87 Broad St., Red Bank. MECHANIC Chevrolet; Atlantic Highland* 291-0305. 176 Monmoulh St., Red Bank. automatic front,, tf recfcrtslt. Sedan, RAH, dlrectlonals. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR paint- Mor ferry hardtop, power steering, DAVENPORT For automatic bottling equipment. ing. Also decorating. Our prices are '63 TEMPEST $7.90 brake*, outomohc trans., R&H, white- '60 RAMBLER $2.90 We have* many fine position opportuni- Fillers, cappers, labelers, conveyors. Auto. Transmission General Contractors cheaper than theirs. Call Stack Paint- Sedan* ojf&n-ottc trarrt* RAH/ wtilte- ties thoughout tho New Jersey area. All year operation. .Experience wlUi wall tires, dlrectlonals. Stdnn, R&H, dlrectlonals. ing Co. for free estimate. 711-4050. Wall tjr«, ti>rtcttin3tt- Salary range depends on abilities and alrhllar equipment desired. Laird A Co., L. SMITH BUILDERS - Patios, al. '61 VOLKSWAGEN $5.90 '59 CITROEN $.90 experience. For further information anrl Bcobeyvllle. 512-0312. teratlons, additions, garages. Call 291- CARL B. JONES — Painting and '63 CHEVROLET $8.30 Convertible, R&H, wti Its wall tires, possible company interview contact 1785 or 741-7330. wallpapering. Fully Insured. For free Bel Air le&in, powtr tftiring oulo- Sedan, R&H, dlrecllonals. - MIDDLETOWN — Liquor store salts estimate, call 747-3041. dlrectlonals. PAVENPORT Personnel Bervlces, Inc. man, experienced preferred, write to motlc tram., R&H, urtlfwcli fire*/ '59 "CADILLAC " $8.75 77 Broad St., Red Bank, 747-3355. directlonols. "A.B." Box Wl, ned Bank, N. J. Home Improvements 8LATB & BRYER '61 VOLKSWAGEN $5.90 Hardtop, coupe, power windows, seals, TELEPHONE SOLICITOR — Call from Painting and Decorating '42 BUICK $8.30 1-door, R&H, wtiltewall llres, dlrec- steering, brakes, automatic Irons., your home between 7 p.m. and 6 p.m. MEN ^AAMCO; HOME OWNERS—Contractor," alters, Fully Insured. 741-4338. 187-0318. Le Sabrt hordfoo, pewer sfeg and tlcnals. LAROE NATIONALLY KNOWN COM R&H, wrillewoll tires, dlrectlonals. Salary plus bonus. Call 74T-A069 Thurs- PANY WILL INTERVIEW METN AT tlons, additions, painting, rnuonry. broke*, automatic irony, R&H( di- day a.m. Small Jobs too. 591-9714. rectlonals, whlfewo!! tires. •frl CHRY5LER $7.90 '58 RAMBLER $1.90 THE NEW JERSEY STATE EMPLOY- Roofing, Siding and Insulation Converf.ble, power steering, brakes, Station wagon, automatic transmission, WOMAN — To care for two-year-old for MBNT AGENCY, « EAST FRONT ST.. '62 FALCON $5.90 automatic trans., whllswall tires, di- working molhBr. My home or yours. RED BANK, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, Moving and Storage OL8EN CO. INC. Roofing, Siding ft R&H, whllewall tires, dlrecllonals. Weekly. New Mon mouth area. Call 10 TO 11 A.M. APPLICANTS MUST BE Deluxe sedan, R&H, whlfewall Vrtt, rectional i. IDEAL WAY WILL MOVE - Three Insulation Installed and' guiranteed dlrectlonals. 671-1011 after 6. PERSONABLE, NEAT, HAVE CAR for 10 years. 775-0705, 2S1-O540. '56 JEEP $4.90 AND PHONE. »10 PBR WBEK FOB rooms $30, four rooms $42, five rooms '62 CHRYSLER $8.90 •61 .OLDSMOBILE $8.90 4-wtieel drive, like new. WAITRESS - Experienced. Apply In $34, six rooms $89. Alto World Wide Cutlass hardtop, power brakes, steer- THOSE WHO QUALIFY. AAMCO OVERHAUL $75 ROOFINQ — Siding, remodeling and "300" hnrdtop, bucket seati. power person. Bow Knot Restaurant, 60 Broad Includes: Bands, clutch leal, gaskeu, Service. For free estimate call 463- general contracting. steering and brakes, automatic trans., ing, automatic trans., R&H, whltewall '56 OLDSMOBILE $.99 Bt., Rod Bank. PROOFREADER — Night shirt. Full 9121 or 388-3914. tires, directlonols. "98" hardtop, power steering, brakes, rings, oil A labor. Free Towing. Na- P.&H, directlonols, whllewall tires. OFFICE SECRETARY — Experience time or part tlm«. Hours 1:30 to 9:30 tionwide Guarantee. LKJHT HAULINO — Furnishings, PROWN'S automatic trans., R&H, hydraulic dl- a.m. Bend resume Mating hour* avail- S09 Railroad Ave. Asbury Park '62 CHEVROLET $8.90 61 OLDSMOBILE $6.90 reellonnls. preferred. Five-day week, Apply In able and salary eKpected to "A..3C." refrigerators. Fragile Items. W1U haul 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 Super Sporl convertible, bucket seats, "V!" hordfop, alr-cond., power win- terson, Broolulale Nursing Home, Hwy. Box 611, Red Bank. PR 4-6800 anywhere. Call 542-1403. power steering and brakes, automatic dows, seals, steering, brakes, auto- '55 FORD $.99. 15, HazJet. Rugs Cleaned-Shampooed trans., R&H, whltewall tires, dlrec- matic Irons., R&H, wtlltswall tires, Sedan, V-8, automatic transmission, SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR — For DAVENPORT Auto and Truck Rental Nursing Home tlortals. dli-ectlonals. I R&H. nlgltt shift, 11 to 7. Full time or part- Personnel Services, Inc. Ume. Must Uve locally. Call 741-4700. 77 Broad El., lied Bank, H7-3355 AVIS Rent a new car or truck. Low Holmdel Nursing Home. For the con- FLOORS CLEANED WAXED — In PROFESSIONAL BBRVICES rates. Maple Ave., Red Bank. 747- valescent, chronically lu and difficult yourJiome or office. Call 251-2)37 for •BLEPHONE SELLING — Freehold Resume Consultations 03t». 774-B214. Daily 7 a.m-10 p.m. nursing care patients. Stale Hwy. 34, Tntment Work Insured. and EngilBhtown area, from home. Resumea printed at N.Y. prlcea Holmdel. MS-4200. Mature, bunlneas-minded women who Phone or write for tnformajtlon material have several hour* dally to establish and xeiume Service Chargef. Brass Polishing Nursery Stock Septic Tank Service a profitable, long term set-up with us- Aptitude Testing CHANDLER SEPTIC TANK SERV- • enerouj commission basl*. Borne leads Career Counseling THE ANTIQUE CENTER — 217 W. IN SEASON — Blue ipruce, Yews, ICE — Cleaned, Installed, repaired furnished. Orders ' sold on a charge EMPLOYMENT Front Bt., 11-5 dally. Frl. evenings Hemlocks. HOLMDEL NURSERIBB, 7-day. 24-hour service. 741-1211. basis. Wo Instruct. For Information 100'a of positions, many of them local til 0. 741-5331 for estimates. Newman Springs Rd., Hoimdel. write to McOall Corp.. 53 Long Lan«, In the flelda ot Personnel, Accounting, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania. EnjSneerlng, Sales, Data Processing, Marketing, Trainees with degrees, Pur* Diamonds Bought or Resryled Odd Jobs Tel. Answering Service ami. WANTED — Mini be IB, at- onaslng and many others. tmotive, willing to work week nights Let us buy the diamonds you don't MASONRY — Patios, •taps, sidewalks, LET US BE your secretary. Ho DM4 and weekends, ablt to type. Apply KITCHEN HELPER — Full or parl wear or 1st us cestyl* them lor you HOUSE PAINTINa, carpentry. Rea- to mles calls. 34 hour answering Communtty The&tar. Hwy, 36, Baton- time. Apply In parmn. WMcn Burgeri, personally. lUuislllu. M Broad BL sonable Ritas. 747-lfiW Or I43-OJ70. service. 741-4J0O. town. f T . ' • —~7Jtti - . M, laWlXOWD. ROUSES FOt SALE , MKI± 2, 1965-11 foeo By WALT KELLY N6AR1UVIR TOE DAILY REG1STP Gurtbutt; nnda torn. Bitty HOUSES F08 SALE i«il, living room, dining room, _ _ AMXli\ large kitchen, three bedrooms, M«rjt]r"*U> bom«. Eei-lu H baths, basebotrd hot w»ter kitchen, beaement, and two-car ctr t. atUched two-car garage, &£«. All oa Isni, nicely lacHtecaMd lot. $25,000. WALKED Jk WALKER. cement driveway, two yean old. Reauors, Hwy. 35, Shrewabory. 741 We bave key. (20,500. 5212. 21-Hour Service.

' ShEANPOKT—JJnMmU*»dTJnM»d, , first floor, APRIL 1ST OCCUPANCY - BUml LOTS ft ACREAGE tajlarge lunnjunnjf rooms and yardyard , $n$n. he McGOWAN AGENCY 147-15*1- ilFORTA EFFICIENCY—Apart- SEA BRIGHT _ Five room., unfur- REALTORS DEVELOPERS ATTENTION! nt neir business district anil bus °'!lh?5- Avsitable imnwllatelr.'lBo t*. We have tracts available from one to 57 Peters PI, Bt Bank. W93U. month. CaU 711-11«. 100 acres in the heart of Monmouth 258 Newman Springs Rd. County's fastest Belling area. Raw, Im- «ED BANK — 21 Vtroy H. NL.ONE-FAMILY HOUSE - six rooms, proved and approved. Builders terms. tullulM, »* rooms untumlstud. Oil led Bank 747-3000 Call Nlclc Mullaney. The Klrwan Cu., Jlri Morris, 7I1-1W3. Realtors. 787-55O0. 4 Hours 7 Day: iTBHOHT — It Ma, shower, ONE FAMILY HOUSE - Overlookli, rtver and ocean. Four bedroomi, large flvate entrance, available Hareb. 1. 11 dJlllll 12-0549. & 0? J"™ - 8 >«», kltden. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Bnotosed porch, two-ear girage. Pie EXCLUSIVE By REG SMYTHE HATAWAN — Single female to share na b»aoh privUetea Oau 872-1T7J. ANDY CAPP Ttished apartmsDt. Own bwlroont, $15 VETS NO $$$ DOWN SHOPPING AREA "week. 891-3866 Perfect location. Major lour-lana high- SPRINGTIME way. Heaviest coocetMraUon o( traiHc HOME — We* n»l5h FURNISHED ROOMS In northern Monmouth County area. Ac- PEOPLE 'AVE THE Oar »paoe, reasonable. 57 Jim acouml th* corner and what cew to side road. iW frontase. Asking Ave. 7H-61H. BOOMS - ClMin, eomfortale, eld- mid be nicer thsn spring In thla (€7,500. Call Nick Mullaney. The KU- '">' location, Rlvewlde Oueat House, ountry rancli, Five mlnut«i from Red B-an Co., Realtors. 787-5500. WRONG APPROACH a BRANCH — 2%-room furnished, 49 Riverside Aye., Red Bank. :ank. 100x150. Very .&*•«• roomi. toil SJidSJidllo apartment. Includes aJl utilities. oathly paymftnt, $99 payi all CCompletely f «»<•• Central!* located. 3.O0M NEAR BATH for buslnaa.m»n. TO THE POLICE Compey to Wivtrly PI., Bed Bant edrootn ranch. FInlshec REAL ESTATE WANTED from Broad at.) 741-3877. twiaement, carport. Walk to Bchooln. -TWEY SHOULD WN — Ooe-btdroom, uniur- WE NEED YOUR HOME .rtment. Near Port, shopping, THREE 8INOLB ROOMS — In prt Bus at door. City itwers. Only 1580 own to all otter buyers. Our 12 salespeople have clients waiting t8S. Call 747-B364. vats home. Near shopping and trans- lor your listing, Ther nead mnchea, ,TREATTHEM portatlon. 88 Wavarly pi., Red Bank. KOUB ROOMS AND BATH — Kiddle. BEACH ASENCY split levels, two itortes; s.lso investment BOOMS - Oft season rates mm «K> property. Call us lot & quick sale. Two AS FRIENOS J,wn. By appofatroenjMly. [00 Rt- 35 lllddletown, N. J. offices service you. per moath and up. Heated, dally maid OT1-2T27 service. New York bus stop at ooraer. Open daily to 8 p.m., Sat., Bun. 6 p.m. WALKER & WALKER T/JNG BRANCH — Ground floor, tiv. ne Manor Hotel Hwy SS '" ' ' LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKERS Realtors rooms and bath. Quiet neighborhood. Shrewsbury Office Middle town Office Heat and not wtttr included, $100 741-5212 671-3311 monthly. 222-3511. LARGE LIGHT HOU6BKXUDPINO — RED RANCH Room, hot and cold water. Apply DEVELOPMENT HOME OWNERS ..„. 1 — Apartment, fomlshed a Peters Pliee, Rci Bank. [era's a modern ranch trimmed In 13 THIS YOUR SITUATION? or unfurnished. Inquire at 123 Harding 'Me with thai Early American look. Want to buy a bigger home, but are ROOMS FOR RENT rid., beitweeo S a.m. and 1 p.m. excellent landscaping with massive oak itopped because you can't sell your 1 present one? WEST IJONO BHIANCH — 3(4 rooms, ATLANTIC HOTEL and fruit trees on property. Three large filr Haven, N. J. txsdrooms, 28' IIving room, two lull Well, read this. bath unfumllhwl, private entrance EXTRA LARGE NICELY FURNISHED Mttha. 22' pine paneled den, plus fur- We'll buy your present home, put the ail utilities - Supplied: AduHs only, Im- ii»hed game room in basement and money In your pocKet, then start looK- mediate occupancy. 222-7756. ROOM, CALL Ing for your dream house. You can stay 747-2609 o-car carage. Ottered In the low, low I's. Wkat a buy! SM It today. In your House while you look and pay By WALT DISNEY BEAUTWUI* — Modern three-room only the mortgage payments you par MICKEY MOUSE fnrnlahed apartments.. Call any tlm< CROWELL AGENCY, Realtor now — NO MORE — and you can H7-1MT. 7U-3213. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE stay until you find th* house of your / BRANCH — New garden apart, Jvprsiil! T41-4030 Bfl i choice. We will buy your home with mint, 3(4 room funuihed or unfur- HOUSES FOR SALE Opposite Molly Pitcher Inn any problem you have. nlahed, i(4 unfurnished. Patio, air-con- Remember, never a commission In- volved whether, we buy, sell, or trad« ditioned, tree parkins, all utllltlu sup- DIVIDEND PAYING II ASSUMPTION—$22,000 1 JUST LAMPED plied frw. 3M63I or B8-4SM. In. Don't wait, call us now. A New ACCOUNT (103 per month pays aU. Four bed- MANL.EY ASSOC. INC. RED BANK' — McLairei n St. Three PROPERTY rooms, tile bath, large kitchen, llvinx 671-5353 RPR A\Y APVEKTI5INS rooms and bath. Heat iand hot water. room, lull basement. Anchor fenced P5 CHI 2M-7M7- Two family house, excellent condition, yard, itorral and screens. Only fl&vOO. ATTENTION! We need homes for-aale good neighborhood, two bedroomB or or rent. May we list your home? FO0R-HOOM APARTMENT — Has first floor, one bedroom second floor, LAWRENCE J. SCHILUNG, Realtor. heat. Conveniently located In Leonardo. Recently painted Interior. Full base- The Bercf Agency Willow Drive and Farker Avenue, JUttle Reasonable r.ent 291-0317 alter 8 p.m.ment, garage, aluminum comblnatlo storms and screens, fully insuated a Realtor Silver. 7471121. - CO-OP — Apartment, ail utilities, ex, this anl more for only in,600. Rarltan EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE I cept heat, thfee rooms, completely re- Towtuhlp office, 787-MOG. UidcUetown 671-1000 Wtiat You Have modeled, VA monthly. 842-3116. lor 1 NEWLY DECORATED — Apartment, HERE'S THE STARTER Daily 9-9, Saturday-Sunday 1(M What Y(m Want tfertc rooms, 36 Mornlngvldfl Ave. MOTHERS — Room for all. Custom- C»ln HOME FOR YOU built *lx-bedroom dream houBe on %, WALKER A WALKER, Realtors Keawoung. 787-9521. 661 Broad at. Shrewsbury 711-1212 JDL'R ROOMS — And baUl, heat and Do you want to own a home? Here1 acre plot Make an appointment to lee205 Hwy. 35 Mlddletown 671-3311 water furnished. Coil between 8 and a cozy little (lome you can buy with thU home which includei features too 6 p.m. lor appointment, TI1-SW9. your rent money, three bedrooms, sepa- numerous to list. Asking 125,700. WE NEED — Five or six, 2-3 bedroom rate dining room, basement, city new- homea, furnished or unfurnished, from er«, all for $450 down, J119 monthly. THE CURTIN ASENCY (Si to H75 per month, lor Incoming COMMERCIAL RENTALS ACT NOW ON THE GENUINE BAR- Realtor eraonnel. THE BERG AGENCY, Rt, GAIN. Mlddletown Office. 787-5500. -iwmardo Si, MldAlgtown. 671-1000. " .zlet 2S4-U10 OFFICE SPACE THE KIRWAN COMPANY LEGAL NOTICE STEVE ROPER By SAVNDERS and OVERGARD Air conlltloned,' elevator service, will RED BANK — KUMSON anl mllel decorate to suit your reaulremenu. Best Realtors around. Large, free catalog on re- Itll.MMON PUBLIC NOTICE location. Will iub-alvlda If necessary. Mlddletown — Raritan — Keyport quest. Multiple and oaen listings. Park An Ordinance entitled "AN ORDI- BUT THEY MUST ALSO KNOW ( SPOUTS OF ANY KIND ARE ALWAYS TURNED Subject to FHA or VA approval Occupancy March 1, Sea and compare. comfort at our modem office. NANCE FIXING COMPENSATION OF THE MEN AND WOMEN WE TRAIN ARE HOW TO SERVE PROPERLY.' IN-AND GIAS5ES OR BOTTLES ARE LGADEP 717-1100. BOROUGH OFFICERS AND CERTAIN ESPECIALLY FOR RAY STILLMAN, Roaltor BOICOUGH EMPLOYEES IN THK BOR- HI6HLY PAID-ALL OVER THE COUtJTRY, SO mY ATTEMT/OH7 WTHE CENTER OF THE TRAY-SO, IF UPSET, IF TOU ARE INTSRESTED-In . OUGH or RUU80N" was introduced STUDENTS/—MAIMLY BECAUSE OF THEY DO NOT SPILL ON TOE brand new modem offlCB space, well MOM AND DAD "Our 48tn year" by the Mayor and Council of the -Bor- located Ir 2» center of Red Bank, con- (MSHwy. 35 Shrewsbury 741-8600 ough of Rumson on February 11, 1965 SKILLS' CUSTOMER/ Would you like to hive Mom m- Dad, tact ui for farther Information. THS THREE-BEDROOM RANCH — Newly and on February 25, 1965 was finally DOWSTKA AGENCY. 741-8700. or both, if you're that lucky, live with .dopted and approved by the Mayor. you In your own home, but yet have decorated, on« acre, fireplace, lull cel- ALBERT Ar-KERR, JR., FAIR HAVEN — Office space In newcomplete privacy in their own four lar, 930O down to qualified buyer. Borough Clerk. Colonial building. Air conditioned. Law- room apartment? For you and youi $12,800. Charles 8. Callman, ers. dentists desirable. Maffeo Agency. family, you will still enjoy four bed- Mayor. (1-9333. rooms plus a 12x16 recreation room, Wcisgold & Krupnick, Inc. Mar. 2 $3.45 ? living room, dining room and kltchin. «,000 aq. FT,. — Unobstructed floor This is a modern hoiat- In a very lovs- Brokers space, overhead door, partitioned office ly area. Only J26.900, Hurry! Z21J Hwy 9 Lakewood 3B3-W0. NOTICK OF DECISION •pace, heat furnished, well traveled MOVE RIGHT INTO thin Immaculately TAKE NOTICE THAT on the 26th day thoroughfare In Red Bank-Shrewsbury LAWLEY AGENCY cared for three bedroom, two batfi of January, 1965, the Township Com- area. WEART-NEMETH AGENCY, 74 ranch. 28* living room, dining ax&a. 21' mittee, Mlddletown Township, Mon- 2240. Established 1932 playroom, Large lot with trees. An tnouth County, after a public hearing, xcealent value at 121,800. RUSSELL granted the application xrf Howard A. EEBJRARI.E RIVER FRONT sulte- Realtor - Insurers Roberts for a variance to construct a On first floor In ihi Tuller Building. 741-6262 11. BORUS REALTORS, 600 River professional office building on a lot Call 747-3440. d., Pair Haven. 747-1532. Member adjacent to 10 Tlndall Koad In the Multiple Listing Service. BUB U1ASE OFFICE SPACE — Idea] Township of Mlddletown and that de- location, newly decorated, air condl termination of Bald Township Commit- Honing, parking facilities. Available Im- 113.401, CAPE COD — Pour bedrooms, tee has been filed In the Office of the mediately. 842-3232. ull I tsement, 75x100 lot $410 down, Township Clerk, Township Hall. Middle- RUMSON approximately 1112 per month tol ' town, and is available for Inspection. PROFESSIONAL OFFICES — One, twi Ocean Couoty, N. J. THOMAS T. CONRAD or three. rooms. For starting attorney, New four bedroom two-itory Township clerk Mar. 2 I4.ll NUBBIN By JIM BVRNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW Insurance broker or any profession. Colonial. One acre wooded lot BROWN * OVTBRWN AQINCY Hwy. 35 frontage, near Lily-Tulip. Am- Holy Crosi School Zone. Prtco While BL S»d Bank 741-2528 pte. parking ipace. Very low rental. (52,600. OaU' Builder, 261-2200. NOTICE TO : ABSENT. DEFENDANTS Z'M 1AKIN1 A TV ^ Call Shoreway Realty, Inc. 264-701O. E. MIlLenberter. Otfaei • loti BUFXRIOR COURT OF Nl'.W JEIISEV Rumion available. THREK BEDROOM TWO BATH CAPE CHANCERY DIVISION SURVEY, mfA.VWKT5 25,r«« aq. FT. LIGHT manufacturing COD la LUU« BUvor. Full buemtnt, lofts for lease Can be leased separate- MONMOUTH COUNTY two-oar K&rags, fireplace' in living DOCKET NO. F-1983-04 ly, containing about 3500 sq, ft. per room, wau-to-wall carpeting. An excel- youz OPINION OF THE Boor. 747-110O. STATB OF NEW JERSEY TOPS FOR VALUE lent buy at »18,SO0. RUSSELL U. TO PINKY PUCK MANUFACTURING PLANT — Ground BORUS REALTORS, too River Rd., MAROARET A. REEVE, her hclra, S/fOIV? Imagine, a four-'bedi'ooro, two lull bits Fair Havsn. 7tM.132. Member Multiple devisees and personal representatives, floor, p mtalnlng 8,000 sa. ft. for lease, home with den, patio, basement, and liU Service. light manufacturing. Immediate pos- hot water heat wttn acres and acres and tier, their or any of their suc- session. 747-UM). of free playground in the > rearv Uited HAZL1CT — Four-bedroom, two-bath, cessors In right, title ' and Interest, and OFFICE SPACE — Earn Keansburg. In the low, low twenties.'OsUl no* tt iplit, recreation/,roorn, rsaritcii . Backs William R. Reeve, husband of Mar- Of[,c» space !4'x20' with washroom. Inspect ' in__ woods, owne__r_ lelllng. AMumt e OL garet A. Reeve, his heirs, devisees Call 787-7780. and personal representatives, and Ills, Ajllnj SU,tOO. Will FHA at *19.M<). their or any of their successors in CROWELL AGENCY, Realtor Immediate occupancy. Call 284-1994. right, title and interest, VIOLA GOLD- SUBLEASE OFFICE SPACE (3 Rirerslle 741-4030 Bel Bank HOW LUCKY; OAK ONS BE 7 BERG COLKMAN, daughter of Mar- On Broad St., Red Bank. Lease ron Opposite Molly Pitcher Inn Th\t all brick three-bedroom, Cape Cod garet A. Reeve, her heirs, deviseei to March of 1966. 900'' available Im- two tull baUu. with large formal il»d and personal representatives, and her mediately. Modern air conditioned KUUaON OOLOKIAL — Four bed dlnloc room, beautiful fireplace, full their or any of their successors In n*wly decorated office of Equitable rooms, 2Htu(ha, porch, patio, attached dry basement, two-c&r all brick Ka- right, title and interest,' and STANLEY Life. Any reasonable offer. Call JA 9- range. Deluxe lcltclwn-tamlly room, rate, shade trees. Walk to railroad, COLSMAN, hiuband of Viola Goldberg 7SG0. Ask for Mr. Nebs. living room with fireplace, dlnlnj room, •hopplnc ud schools. All this "and CCommas , JOHJHN REKVEREKVB , HARRY laundry oft kitchen. An Immaculate located In Uie heart ot little Silver REEVE. ERMA ItEEVE (also known RED BANK — Hwy 35, near Molly house only one year old. Asking $33,000. makes ttt your lucky dalay; . Only *18,900. as IRMA REEVE), MINNIE LEVY Pitcher Inn, one or two rooms, wit KUSSELL M. BORUS REALTORS, «00 BRLINO TH0MMPSON AS3OCI- and ADELAIDE) OREENOUGri, broth- parking suitable for professional of- River ltd., Fair Haven. 747-4532, Mem-ATES, Realtora, ._ . opposite Cob- ber Multiple Listing Service. ors and 'sisters ot William R. Reeve, fice. }7a up- See Crowell Agency, 63 bis Stones. 717-5600. his, her, their or any of their heirs, Riverside Ave., 74MO3O. — In Little Stiver, eight-room BAST KEAN8BURG — Two bedroomi devisees and personal representatives MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAUNDERS and KEN ERNST BtORE ,- 205 Shrewsbury Ave., Rc_ . two baths, largo paneled I[ plua 2S' ftnlihed ftttlc, plaster walla, and hU, her, their or any of their Bank. Suitable lor fishery. Call 747 room. $34,500. 741-S1J5. • oak lloorlng. Interior needs painting successors in right, title and interest, 4528, after '4:30. V.A. approved; J12,MO, Write "A.W." and MRS. JOHN REEVE, wife ol DEAL — Choicest location. Sacrificing. John Reeve, MRS. HAiRRY REEVE Four bedrooma, 2ft baths. Maid's room Boi Ml, Red Bank. BETTER. wife of Harry Reeve who may also NAM6ATON CHAKB KBUF with bath. Living room, den, dining SHORT ON CASH? — We pay oloslng SURE «U W0HT WBKAHW W« HOUd, HOUSES FOR RENT room, modern kitchen, 449-4404 or 77r be known as CATHERINE T. REEVE, am. fees. Buy this four-bedroom hom«. ex- JOHN DOE, husband of Erma Reeve, TRAKL EAST WTH M£ Mr»!- IMS to (175 Per Month cellent neighborhood, one Mock from also known as lrma Reeve, said name, 0N£,I HAVE A LONGING schools. This la possible because it Is John Doe, being flctltloui, Mr. Levy, MRS.woKTH7-.Urna THK BERCJ AGENCY nNOAWlMHAR ltANCH — Tnree bedrooms, flreplac a trade-in and We only want our coat. husband of Minnie Levy, and MR. 671-1000 full basement, garage. Nice' yard fo FI1A appraised $17,050. We pay closing GREENOUfJH, husband ot Adelaide AMD DROP ANCHOR! children. Modern. Near Bed Bank. 4K fees and are only asking '$16,500. Greenough, and the children of Harry WINTER and year round rentals. mortgage could be assumed, $18,SOo. STERLING THOMPSON ASSOCIATES. Reeve who are HELEN C. DITTRICH, ELLA WILTSHIRE AGENCY, Realtor!. Realtors, Hwy 35, opposite cobble. MILDRED J. FRENCH, WILLIAM J. Open seven days. 1480 Octan Ave.. BROWN & OVERTON AGENCY Btonej, 747-5600. REEVE and HARRY M. REEVE, her, Sea Bright. 842-0004. his, their or any of tiieir helre, de- > White St. Bed Bank 741-252! THRBE-BEDROOM Ri/UNCH — Clean, RED BANK — IVi rooms, laundry well-kept $14,SOO. Please call for aP' visees andd personaiiersanall representatives and room, attls. cellar, front and rear polntment. 7S7-06M. .... _ier, titneIn r or porches, .garage. Call 264-1538. NEW MONMOUTH — Elgbt-room spill cessors In rightiht , titlit e and Interest, and Four bedrooms, over-elxed two-car ga KAWTAN TOWMSHIP — Three-bed- MR. DITTRICH, husband of Helen C. TWO UEDr.00.M8, living room, kitchen, rage, larss' playroom. .Corner lot. Heal room ranch, $17,000. Hot water base- Dlttrloh, JIO. FRENCH, husband of sunporch. All Improvements. Call after schools and churches. tlg.MXl. 671-J272 board heat, tiled kitchen. Magic Chef Mildred J. French, MRS. WILLIAM 1 appliances, oak floors, tiled baUi, cedar 5 .p.m., 787-068& CAPO OOD — Pour bedrooms, a' J. REEVE, wire ol William J. Reeve, idi- open porch, fftprrn. windows. Hot MRS. ItAJtRY il. REEVE, wifa o. '4IAELBT — New flve-toom biicR. from batlis, living rapm wltii flreplaoe, lull toxt). near school and bus line. house with attached garage, $150 month- basement, attachetl garage, large lot, Call 787-7528. Evenings, 7B7-5W9. Hart/ M. Reeve. ly, adults only. Wllf self It terms an asking 118,475. -See It today. KAL8T0I, You are hereby summoned and re- agreeable. 264-3036. VWEBBURY, Realtor, 16 W. Fronl MIDDLETOWN — Four-oadrooms, split quired to serve upon PUlsbury, Car- - Red Bank. 747-3500. level with Vh baths. Nine rooms In- ton, Barnacle & Saline, plaintiff's at' cluding rccreajtlon room and laundry toners, whose address tg 95 First Ave* PRESTIGE AREA — IMS spacious nue, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, HOUSES FOR SALE ranch, on an acre of treC3 plus a run- room. Full basement and garage. Over H acre lot. Low CO'B. 671-3570. in answer to the complaint filed In a ning brook, three bedrooms, 1% baths, civil action in which Monmouth CDTUT fuHl baeement, garage, St. Leo'a parish. LOVEL.X THREE-BEDROOM HOMB— ty Welter* Board la plaintiff and Mar* THE PHANTOM % LEE FALK MORE LISTINGS SHOWN New luting. Asking 84,100. SXERUNO Off Hwy. 35 In ApplebrooU. Coll owner. garet A. Reeve, et als are defendants, THOMPSON ASSOCIATES, Realtors, STIMSO: pending lft the Superior Court of New 6OT THE LEAO£RS-THE Hwy 35, opposite OobMeStones. 747-8600, /-•CHARSEP X IOOTHOU5M1P EACH.' CO.. WEEKS HERE.CHIEF, l..-K MORE LISTINGS SOLD Jersey within 35 dajra after March MAIN BULLY BOYS/THIS IS, 1966, exclusive ot ' such date, IE WlTO BREAKING} I PON'TWNT THEM , HEAR YOU NABBEPAMESSC RIVER OAKS CAPE OOD — Cholci tfBW three-bedroom ranch, on wooded ANP ENTERING BANK--HOW ^---fPISAPPEARIrlG BEFORE /CHIEF. ^MD ONES.' TIME I'M FINISHING TOE area. Living room with fireplace, dti lot. 112,000. Private lake and beach. >u fail to do so, judgment by de- Ing room, kitchen, 18x16 den, two nlci Homes for retired persons at low Salt may be rendered against you for ABOUT BAlur --SPT^ TRIAL THIS TIME.' *BADONES"FORSOOR' bedrooms and bath on main floor. prices, Excellent financing. the relief demanded in the complaint, Two huge bedrooms and b&Ch upMalrs. You shall file your answer and proof Large breezeway and attached two cat BROWN * OVERTON AOENCY ot service, in duplicate with the Clerk Karftge, patio full basement with dark of the Superior Court State House An- room. Asking {37,300. RUSSELL M. nex, Trenton, New Jersey, in accord- BORUS REALTORS, «0O River Ra., ance with, (he rules of civil practlc« Fair Haven. 747-4532. Member Multlpl THRBB-HEDROOM RANCH - Large and procedure. Listing Service. living room. Dining area with excellent 1*6 action has been Instituted for Thru The Red Bank Araa, fruttwood dining set, Oversized recrea- the purpose of foreclosing & tax Bale COLONIAL — A-l condition, four bed- tion room with, sofa bed and two chairs. certificate dated December 21, 1048 Multiple Lilting Service rooms, thre'a baths, garage, tiled base- Eat-In kitchen with olotlies washer, made by John M. West, Tax Collector ment, .torm wlndow'Ir, *27,MK "' dryer, and refrigerator. Full ceramic or the Township ot Middletown, County St. P»g» 200 In tfc» tiled bath. Attached garage on corner of Monmouth and State of Mew Jersey Yellow P««M. lot. Principals only. Asking (16,800. to The Tax Investment Corporation ot HOUSES FOR SALE Mew Jersey and covers read estate lo- 1 * LEfCROBT cated In the Township o! Mlddletown, BUILDER'S MODEL County of Monmouth and State of New SACRIFICE Jersey known u "Belford" as ahown Custom-built Colonial; three or four on the tax duplicate of me Township bedrooms; one-acre site. $34,800; 10 perof Middletown and ajmsed thereoa to cent down. Greentree Terrace, off New-Uaraaxet (spelled M&egaret) Reevo HOMES OF THE WEEK man Springs Rd., next to ChrlBtlan (speUfcd Reevei) as owner, said tax tale certificate being No. 158, which Brothers Academy. Builder 376-2418. eald certificate was anlrntd by the RIVETS By GEORGE SIXTA 1. OCMNMUT - Army Officer must nludtmhy dltpoa of ipaelous LITTLE, BELVXR—Natural tree shaded Tax Investment Corporation of New % acre. Charming three bedroom Cape Jersey to the Monmouth County Wei* thrtfrbrinxun ranch alto eontalnlin ll»l«» f«f'_*""">B mm. modern Cod. With two lull baths and paneled fare Board on March 30, 1951. M&n with IwlIMn range and evtn, 11* Hied bolht. FulU dry bow- den or fourth bedroom. Full cellsj, You and each ot you are made de- CRACKED CORN-MILLET mint, eni-car altqchKI poras»; SlhJvted n»ar oil conveniences of bus line, attached two-car garage. Offered at fendant) in the above entitled action SUNR.OW6R SEEDS.. -I THAfS FDR Kliooh, ilwpplng and Krt Monmoufh. Many other extra features such (19,200. Call today, BLWOOD A. ARM-beuuM you hav« or may claim to o« olumlnurn Jtorm ond icwm wlndoi«, droptry rods, outomaflc STRONG AOffiNCY, Realtor. M5 Pros- have some tight, tlUe, lien or other THE BIRDS. twi thn, larw oroundj, will AnitM and londicaptd, poved strnt, reot Ave., Little silver. 741-4500. Interest affecting th* real tst&u being toreoloeed, by virtu* of ownership, In- sldiwnlla. Aiklno prlct ot «1J» mokes thu a U»teyjw. Will no FHA MIDDLBTOWN - Variety of 285 shrubs with mlnlmim oovm poymefll fa X veon to quollHtd biryer. , heritance, descent, Inteatacf? devise, on % acre enhance this 2000 SQ. ft. dowor, curtwy, mortgage, deed of con- ranch home and 16x20 In-thc-ground veyanqe, entry of Judgment or other 2. EATONTOWM - cire ond comport - four-room bunjolow conrolnlno swimming pool; many other grand fea- legal or lawful right. The nature ot two bedrotmi, llvlna room, oil •Hctrlc kltditn «/ltli n«w rono« and ottwr \ tures tn 'tints threa-bettroom two-bath which and the reason that you and oppllancei, I lid both, full/dry teiemmt, not-woler oil heal and en cloud " home, lnoludlnf * wall to wall carpet each of you arc Joined aa defendant! is June posnaslon. |3i,006. HAROLD LJN- •M forth with particularity In the com- •cTeened Jldi po™ ' vJry "«t Oroundi. Locohid on quill .Ireet. City DEM1UNN, Broker, BMontown. M2-11D3. sewer. Aiklng %U,m. Quo""* «t i» mon.y down, noMtt only M50 plaint, a copy of which will be fur- oown. , SPARKLING CAPE OOD - Four bed- nished you on request addressed to the rooms, 1U baths, kitchen wllh dining attorney for the plaintiff at the abttve 1 OAKHURST - Oversized, Cap* Cod oem compUHIy rtdteoroted lust area overlooking river, finished base- mentioned add real. like new. First floor ecntalm living room, kllchen wllh electric range, mont. Karate. Fries H0.2O0. A. FRED Dated: February 33, 1065 tile* both and den (or bedroom) plus one other bedroom. Second floor - UAFFEO AOENCY, Realtor, S60 River MOHTIMER G. NEWMAN, JR. Rd., Fair Haven. 741-9333, Clerk of tba Superior Court two bedroomi with hear. Full, dry basement, pnjojr attached oarooe, Feb. 23, March 2, 9, 16 JltU.St combination aluminum storm and tcrem window ofiddoorj Itwouohoilt tin BUTTER THAN NOW — Immaculate houst. BnuHfully shrubbed orounds approximately 100x155. 30-year mprt- center hall Colonial In prime area. sou. avallobK with no down payment for qualified vef. Non-vet only (too Large living room with fireplace, for- Ocwn. Asking price of Jl«,«0 worronrl your Immediate Inspection. This mal dining room, fatnllr sized kitchen, is flbsolutily oi» ot th» nic«l ond-cleanest lutings M-OCMH Towniliip. three bedrooma, den, game-room, Jal- ousy porch, 2ty baths, two-car garage, Act fast I I <• v*rr attraotrvaly decorated. Realistical- ly priced. »37,W0. REDDEN AOENCY, MARK TRAIL By ED DODD 4. WEST LONG ^HANCH - Near Monmoultl Collsoj - two-story, older JUUton, 301 Mnpli Ave., corner Ber- home In excellent condition containing llvlna mom, dining room, modern gen PI., Red Bank. 741-9100. WHAT ABE YOU TWO '' kitchen wllh tot range, laundry room, and lavotory on first floor. Three RUMSON — A new listing. Short .walk PAT, WHAT'S WBONG WITH bedrooms and both m second floor. Two-car detached garage. JSrner to icnoou, stores and park Large ilv- DOING ....HAVIN3 VOU.»YWVE BEEN DBAGGING property approxmately 7Sxl7»'. Full price) only 116,500. Excellent termi ln|r room with, fireplace, dining area, BCEAKFAST OB ABOUND ALL PAY LIKE A ayallabi tor quollfled vet with no aown payment or non-vet only Moo three bedrooms, 1^ baUis, basement, LUNCH? down. ' .- .,..•. ' -. -. attacked garaEe, nicely landscaped. One SICK CAT...IS IT THAT M II kind. Xiklnc $22,900 Call now. MALOTTE 6IRL AGAIN? HAU. BROS., Realtor., 813 River Rd., Air Haven. 741-766(1. SAMUEL TEICHER AGENCY iHuulf Ind.ponJ.nt Listing Brok.ri ' nrMDfedrootn raboh, large Mvlnc room JUST LEAVE and dining room, modem kitchen which ME ALONE, Sp.c!»lij»i line* 1948 In: feuuru wall ov«n and counter top MAMA... rang*, run bailment with Jl' reorei- RMI Eit.le . Pr»psrry MintgtIIIMI - Moftgi«M ttn room. Aluminum storms, screens PLEASE/ and doors. Walk to trains and busss. 2«7 OCEANPORT AVE., OCEANMRT flfaopplnf and stores just u cUMe, All nnanetng available with low monthly DONT GIVE US A MjrrMnU. Only »17..tO0. WALKER * 1 542 • 3500 WAUCBR, .lUaltoni, _S0M .Hwy. .M. "pit fttow Iswnmowtr ads in HABD TIME BUDDY...WE BE Iht RtgliUi Wint Adi fool you PLANNIN3 ^TBATEGY FOR •oil"1 • • .' ' , ' , 12-Tqesd.y, Muck 2, 1965 TOE DAILY REGISTER Henry D. Feton, New ftrew*- Iteuy, the actinf conmuatog of- MatawaU.TM n Man "ASTRO^UiDE" Sen. Stotit Among Guests ficer «t *e Eule and Perth Am- boy training tenters was Is Expect 3,000 Scouts, 4ts Settlement Wadwtdey, March 3 ciirge. At Navy JJriWs Ceremony The reception was sponsored Prei«»*^-For You and Yours •.. "Jbere i» no deiv ^V •^n* officers and men of the reaton to slow down the pace you hive set so far OOLTS NECK - Monmou*, Capt. J. Scott training facility and'the < Of $22,500 this week.: The planetary iky i> itffl clear and the ./ uty chief of staff for the Naval Scouters at Camp County Sen. Richard R. Stout, of the Jersey Shore Council, U.S. FREEHOLD -r- Victor Merrill, outlook is optimistic for most pursuits, business ax; Reserves in the 3d Naval Dis- y N L f hih Vit OAKHURST — Monmojith fifth in the New York-Nevif Jen 56 Broad St., Matawan, has ac- sociaL Romance is under better aspects than it has businessmen and newsmen were trict, comprising New York and Navy League, of which Victor Hirsdi, Spring Late, is president. Council of Boy Scouts expects a sey area with 63 participating, cepted (22,300 in settlement erf an been so far this week, so make the most of this assist guests last night when the Naval New Jersey, did the honors in camp attendance of 3,000 Mon- including the large city councils ir from the stars. auto accident suit against Mrs Reserve Surface Division 3-10 was place of Rear Admiral Redfield moutii County scouts and scout New York City, Buffalo, Roches inspected at the Naval Reserve Mason, the 3d District's com- MONMOUTH SHOPPIN9 CIS. leaders this summer at its Forest- er and Nassau County, Mr. New Stella Gonski, 337 Prospect Ave. The Day Under Your Sign IATOHTOWN Training Facility, at the Earle mandant who originally was burg Scout Reservation in Nejv quist added. He attributed th Cliffwood Beach. scheduled for this inspection. York State. high number of Scouts attending Arl.i. Born Mar. ilto Apr. l» Libra. Sept. n f0 Oct. 22 Naval Ammunition Depot. ' The settlement was reached Don't arbitrarily turn down an Don't cotnptomiie , with your Capt. Burns praised the men Oscar A. Newquist, Fair Hav- camp to the facts that fees re -offer until yourc explored iti principles despite prtisure' thit en, the council's camp chairman, main low, that all scouts attend during trial before County Judge potsibilitiei, ,j it brought to bear. for their dress, appearance and Students Will Visit drill work. Tile surface division reports that advanced paid-in res- camp as troops under their own Edward J. Ascher and a jury. Mr Tiuruf. April 20 to May 20 Scorpio. Oct. 23 to Nov. 21 Someone icemi to fcoexertinr is uhe only type of naval reserve ervations indicate that this ob- adult leadership and that Forest- Merrill aggravated a prior back Speculation will not xArt your influence on jour pcraoral life financial problem., but it ma/ Philadelphia Museum unit in Monmouth County. jective will be reached. burg, itself, has such extensiv Injury when a disabled car in at toe moment. jcopardnc your rewttiruu. camping facilities. RARITAN TOWNSHIP-Thirty- The division's primary function Monmouth Council camps more which he was a passenger, was Gtmini. May 21 to Jun. 21 S*9itt«riu..NoY.221bb«c.2. different boys during its sum' Unconventional affairs exact too Be generous, of course, iiut not four pupils from the Sycamore is to provide trained personnel Tli'e 1,100-area reservatio struck in the rear.on Rt. 35, Mat- bin ,a price—financially and Io the point of miking * fool mer season than any other scout owned and operated by emotionally, of yourself. Drive School, Hazlet, wilt see for the active fleet. council in New Jersey and ranks mouth Council was purchased i awan Township, in a snow storm Capricorn. D#c. 22 to Jin. 20 American history .come "alive' A Master Chief WINTER Cancir. June 2] to July 21 1956. It is located in high moun last year. You mir be ready to concede You tre cocuumed by ambition when they visit the American e pect 2,000 scouts 2-30 village * point but don't live lu juit and tend to neglect family and Wax Museum, Independence HEADQUARTIftS tains 12 miles northwest of Port vet. Be patient. friends, W. E. Moyes, a master chief Louis M. Drarin, Red Bank Mall, Philadelphia, March 22 at Jervis, N.Y. The 1965 season ther Aquariui. Jan'. 21 «o F«b. 19 radioman from Wall Township is FOR ALL YOUR represented Mr. Merrill, Gordon Lao. July 22 to Aug. 21 You may have to learn » 11 a.m. . "has been sold out since las K*nt, Newark, Mrs. Gonski. Some wealcneta in your economy leuon the hard way—•>• we all one of 63 enlisted men in the WHY PAY tall," Mr. Newquist said. will lave to be overcome be. must at some time. Students will see history from division. Violet Scholz, 66 John St., Red fore you can relax. The Council now is condactin Piiew. Ftb. 20 to March 20 its earliest days to the present R. N. O'Shaughnessy, Red Bank, AUTO-NEEDS Bank, received $3,000 in an auto Virgo. Aug. 22 ts Sept. 22 Don't go broke to impieis oth- a capital funds drive to add ac Don't tale redden chancel or through famous scenes and per- a senior chief electronics tech- MORE? accident suit before Superior eri. The Joneses don't ure commodations for 1,000 additional gamble with your future in any whether you keep up with sonalities. nician, and H. A. Paulin, Mana- • SNOW TIRES Court Judge El-vin R. Simmill. manner. them. boys for Its 1966 season. Robert A. Zulkiewicz, teacher, squan, a senior chief electrician's Defendants were Harry Vero- 1565, FuUiiheri Newspaper Syndicate is in charge. Other adults who mate, complete the trio of out- • BATTERIES SPEAK ON HISTORY neau, Parker Ave., Fair Haven, will accompany the group will be standing leading petty officers. in whose car Miss Schulz was a Mrs: C. McCormick, Mrs. E. The'unit is commanded by Lt. PORT MONMOUTH - Deteo • ANTI-FREEZE passenger, and Solomon Roch Courter and Mrs. R. Laskowskd. Commander James M. Walsh, j tive Lt. Joseph McCarthy, char- over, 353 Lowden Ct, Long Manasquan. Lt. Donald T. Og-; ter member of the first aid squa Branch. The cars collided Aug. ram, Fair, Haven, and Lt. George1 • ACCESSORIES and member of the, fire depart 25, 1963, at A*ury Ave. and DI C1CCA HONORED L. Bielitz, Jr., Little Silver,! ment, and George Freibott, char- Bridge Column NO MONIY DOWN Shafto Rd., New Shrewsbury. respectively serve as executive of- ter member of the fire depart- UNION BEACH — Frank Di CHARCl ALL ficer and training officer. ment, spoke on the history, c Mr. Drazin represented Miss By ALFRED SHEINWOLD Cioca, past president of Union awa—a—aMa^a^aM the fire department and first ai Schultz; John Weber, Red Bank, Gardens Fire Company, was pre- squad at the Parent Teaoher As- Mr. Veroneau, and John J. Lee, Your slam bidding should de- sented with a desk Set, a gift MIDDLETOWN sociation meeting Feb. 17. Mrs, ASbury Park, Mr. Rochover. pend not only on the cards you The Hand from members, by newly elected FURNITURE CO. George Dedecker and Mrs hold but also on how well yoi president William Young at a A jury before Judge Clarkson KErPORT, N. J. Route 35 and George Keeley were selected foi play (hem. A tine player car North dealer recent meeting. Mr. Di Cicca WEST S. Fisher ruled no cause for ac- the nominating committee. Mrs afford to bid ambitious slams; Both sides vulnerable served as company president for 264-0181 , tion in a four-day trial on a suit Richard Hoff's afternoon kinder- player of doubtful, ability shoul* NORTH five years and will now, serve as New Monmouth Rd. Everett Rd., Hoimdel Township, garten class won the attendance be more cautious. vice president. Others elected against Bernard Goldsmith, Line award. were Albert Nioia, treasurer; Rd., Hoilmdel Township. After South's jump to three 0 AK5 New Shrewsbury J spades North considered a bid of • A5432 Harold Phelan, secretary; Bruce Mr. Goldsmith's car struck Mr. four clubs or four diamonds as WEST EAST Brown, financial secretary; Har- at Route 35 Look ahead! Invest in a home Folger's in the rear on Rt. 35, mild slam suggestion. He decidec * 10 $85 old • Spencer, deputy chief; Mr. of your own. See today's Dally Woodbridge. Ralph S. Heuser, to bid a conservative four spadei age book- let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," Each prllow Sanitized for healthy sleeping— practised send 50 cents to Bridge Book, against bacteria, dust, moths, mildew, "FiR" floral print Red Bank Register, Inc., Box ^Jicking. 3318, Grand Central Station, New York 17, N. Y. • '•••• STEINBACH'S LINENS,. Steoml Floor • <|

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complete 9.00 Tap the buttons on the new Touch-Tone" phone "Who twice as fast as you now dial. guarantees bread?" Wonderful combination, wonderful „ buy I Top.»»1ling Touch-Tone service, a totally new concept in telephones, makes calling Toaitmaststr iron changes initanrly •from steam to dry faster and easier. You tap the buttons, and musical notes trigger electronic A&P does... uncondition- , . . weight a mare 2'/i lbs.' Features include cool impulses to speed your connection. You can order the Touch-Tone phone ally! Jane Parker Bread Is made of the finest ingre- handle, fabric selector dial, extra capacity reservoir, now in a selection of colors and styles: the table model, the Princess* phone, dients, blended and baked flexible cord lift to keep cord out of way. and the new, streamlined wall model. ' by experts. You'll like it... The cost is low. Add just $1.50 per month to the regular telephone charges; or you'll get your money STEINBACH'S HOUSEWARES, S.cond Floor alio Aibury Park, Brick Town ' ; plus a onetime connection charge, and you're enjoying Touch-Tone service back — without question. on your residence line—including Touch-Tone service on till extensions. To JANE PARKER order, just call the Telephone Business Office. Q The Touch-Tone phone is SHOP Red Bank, Asbury Park Wednesday now available to customers whose telephone numbers begin with 741, 747 and Friday Night* 'til 9 and 842. New Jersey Bel FREE PARKING in our convenient adjacent lot! ANNUAL BRIDAL EDITION THEMILY I 7 ION TWO TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1965 7c PER COPY Decorate With Ideas One of the first things every tains are particularly good for' Other Inexpensive and attrac- bride leafns is that ingenuity can the busy young homemaker. tive draperies can be made from be substituted for income when They're less expensive than other burlap, trimmed with tassels and decorating a home, A few ideas fabrics (drapes are available for bait fringe. Gold and silver trim- will go a long way in making about $10 a pair) and are wash- your home attractive, even able, as long as you follow the mings from Christmas packages though you can't afford those manufacturer's directions. also dress up plain drapes. paintings you'd like and just don't have the money for wall-to-wall carpeting and full-length drapes. Venetian blinds or shades pro- vide opportunities for decorating The Wedding Ring your windows. Add ribbon or bits of cloth to the bottom of the shade in colors to bring but ac- cents in the other part of the Has Long History room. Attach abstract decals to the slats of Venetian blinds or to Of all the symbols and tradi- ring is the plain, circular band the main part of the window tions involved in marriage, the whose shape symbolizes, unend* shade. If you're artistic, you can wedding ring probably is the most ing love. Jeweled wedding bands; even try your hand at painting cherished and the most univer- have gone in and out of fashion your own designs. Any simple sal. •- •'- • . because of a superstition that the pattern, such as stripes, also can The ring itself has been a sym- stones break the circle and are be painted on the shade. Such bol of union since the -days of the unlucky. decorations provide an especially ancient Egyptians. But until For those who don't want to be nice touch in a room of modern about the ninth century, it was guided by superstition, there is a decor which otherwise might look used to symbolize engagement variety of jeweled bands available stark and bare. rather than marriage, today, including the popular dia- mond-studded rings. Even these Picture windows, or several Much of the tradition associ- rings would seem plain however,, smaller windows close together, ated with the wedding ring can when compared with those of the don't automatically mean wide be traced back to the Romans, 16th century which featured high- expanses of drapes are neces- who were one of the first people domed cupolas on the so-called sary. In fact, heavy drapes can to use metal for rings. In poorer Temple of Solomon bands. make the room look dark. In- cultures, brides often were given stead, try using one pair of drapes circlets of braided rush, leather The wedding ring, in all its — one drape at either end — with and hemp which had to be re- forms, has even come in for its several pair of curtains in be-' placed each year. The Romans share of criticism. During the FRESH, slim lines are emphasized In this bridal gown of tween. 'Try using solid color began using iron, because of its feminist movements, both in the organza over taffeta re-embroidered with Alencon lace drapes and pattern curtains or durability, arid later couples United States and abroad, advo- cates of more freedom for wom- decorations, the controlled bell skirt, ending In a chapel patterned drapes and solid cur- made rings of gold which has re- tains. Fiberglas drapes and cur- mained the favorite metal. en looked on the wedding ring as train, Is a highlight of this year's bridal fashions. (By Paris). a symbol of bondage, a holdover The Romans also started the from the days when a wife was custom of wearing the ring on the considered property. third finger of the left hand, be- Bride's Guide To Beauty Care: cause they believed that a vein ran directly from the heart to PRE-WEDDING PARTIES this finger. Another Roman cus- If any of the bride's or tom was the use of getnmel — groom's attendants are married, Lovely Looks Without Effort twin rings which were_^ hinged tneir spouses should be included and clasped together to form a in all pre-wedding parties. How- , A marriage license should not ing what to wear or even while a cold splash to tighten pores. single band, symbolizing the unity ever, they do not attend the wed- be the signal for a girl to for- watching television. Now, for your hands. A week- of marriage. ding rehearsal and don't stand in get all those elaborate beauty Next, your skin and complex- ly manicure hi an absolute must, •The commonest type of wedding the receiving line. routines she used to attract her ion. You don't need to go to bed whether you use nail polish or husband. B u t too many new looking like a greased pig just not You can keep your hands brides complain they just don't to have smooth skin and glow- lovely for only a few cents and have; the time to spend on such ing complexion, even if your skin less than an hour a week. matters, w h a t with keeping a is dry. Just wash your face with To remedy discolored nails, house and—in some cases- hot water to open up the pores, professional manicurists use going to work. And other young then cream your throat and face hydrogen peroxide. You can buy women point out they no longer lightly before getting in the tub a small bottle and remove the have the exclusive use of the for your bafh. The steam from discolorations with a cotton babhroom mirror. (the bath also helps open the swab. Next, dip your fingers in pores. After about ten minutes, To some extent, these com- warm soapy water to soften the wipe off the excess cream with plaints are justified, but the new cuticles, which can then be a tissue. To compensate for the bride should be able to simplify pushed back with a swab. Trim light amount of cream at night, and adapt her beauty routine so hangnails with cuticle scissors. use a make-up with a lanolin tt fits in with marriage. Apply handcream, especially base. near the cuticle. This s»iso helps First, hairdos, Today's bride If you have an oily skin, you heal, cracks in t h e skin. While is lucky In this respect, since don't need cream at all. A daily the handcream is sinking in, use the latest styles call for the suds facial will do. Wash and the peroxide with a swab to clean simple, natuiil look and don't rinse your face to remove sur- under the nails. Wipe off excess require too much care. A good—face dirt. Then apply thick lath- handcream, then apply polish if out, with shaping and styling/in- er, massaging in the suds for desired. If your manicure needs cluded, is worth weeks of night- several minutes. Rinse thorough- a mid-week touch-up, use a cot- ly settings. If your harr, lacks ly with warm water and end with ton swab to remove polish from body, ov you want a slightly one nail without disturbing the more curly style, try one of the ETIQUETTE HINTS others. new permanent designed no Wedding gifts — i£ displayed —. shape the hair, without actually should be shown at the home of LAST BUT NOT LEAST Corllng tt» A oncea-week hair the bride,' not at the place of the Last, but not least, are your Setting after shampoo should suf- reception. The bride frequently feet, YQU may think foot care is fice to keep lodes neat and at- displays the gifts at a tea or important only in summer when tractive. Not only does this save party at her home in advance of you're likely to go barefoot or time, but your new husband won't the wedding. wear toe-showing sandals. But be fatted with a mass of

the Monmouth County National Bank INVITES ALL NEWLY-WEDS to use the facilities of this bank at any of its convenient county-wide locations. We'll serve you happily.

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Convenient Offices Throughout Monmouth County Flowers Set The Scene I The bride's bouquet can have chore for you if you give the flor- •a many variations — the traditional ist time to do it. O. round one, or a flowing cascade, •~ Tell your florist how many or flowers attached to a prayer- guests you expect at the cere- book, or a small nosegay — or mony, for this will determine the even a large spray carried in the extent of the decor necessary. arms. The latter can prove dif- It's Just as important that guests ficult to manage, however, when at the back of the church be able it comes time to exchange rings. to enjoy the scene as those up The flowers the bride selects by the altar. EL for the wedding *- whether de- And concerning the reception, mure, sophisticated or classic — greenery and flowers can create J= are an important part of the pic- a pretty and fitting framework ture created. Thoughtful plan- for greeting guests. ning is more important than the One of the most important fo- amount of money spent, cal points at your reception is A* florist can -tell you what the bridal table — whether you flowers will be in season when have a buffet table or a sit-down your wedding takes place, and dinner. If it's a sit-down affair he'll know which flowers create floral arrangements aren't so effects to complement your gown high that your guests can't see and stay fresh longer. It might one another across them. 1? be a good idea to show him a Remember in selecting the flow- sketch of your wedding gown. ers, that they should reflect you, Also, it's important to tell the your personality and the atmo- florist the heights of your at- sphere you want everyone to re- tendants so their bouquets can be member. sized appropriately. Find out in advance also the favorite flowers and colors of Serving onions with steak? Give your mother and the groom's the onions plenty of time to mother, and whether they pre- cook! Cut them into thin strips fer a corsage or pinning flowers and turn into melted butter in to their purses. a skillet; cover the pan; long Churches often have regulations slow cooking, with a stir now governing flowers and decorating and again, will make them gold- — and learning these is one less- en-brown and very tender.


• . . There will be many envious sighs when the beautiful bride comes down the aisle ... in a gown that reflects all the traditional ro- mance of a wonderful wedding. Come see our collection of exquisite gowns and acces- sories for the wedding you've dreamed of.

• Bridesmaid Gowns • Formal Gowns

• Cockrail Dresses • Eastern Star Gowns

• Moriier-of-Bride • Cotillion Gowns ane

l brutal Yut w find thai Tiffany il< after-five fashions is tin* bis si buy. 23 west front st., red bank 741-4819 WILBUR'S hours: tues.-thurs.-sat. 9:30-5:30. mon.-wed.-fri. 'til 9:00 JEWELERS—SILVERSMITHS Since 1883 RED BANK—LITTLE SILVER cost is frequently a factor. The quently can have the heirloom headpieces is silk-faced peau, a price of thV bridal veil can range restyled to match ywgm fabric which is umikar to peau Bridal Gown Styles from about $35 up, depending on The most popular fabric for de/sole,, but less expensive. the size, the amount of decora- ' According to tradition, every bow which clips on the head. tion and the type of lace used. e and QRoom Most of the headpieces are very small, except in July and August. This also applies to the this is OUR stoRe veils for the bridesmaids. The what a wonocRful pastel shades are most popular for bridesmaids' outfits, especial- ly aqua, pink, light blue and nile comemation they aRe. togetheR we choose green: Usually the bridesmaids' veils are attached to a simple hen duette then we guide the OUR collection of china

and cRvstal W,.#she makes heR choices with the help of OUR BRidal comultaht and ReGisteas them m OUR BRidal ReaistRy tnen a selection of gifts fORusheRs and BRidesmaids •• even yeaRs afteR the wedding, fOR BjRthdays

anniveRsaRies jm\ OR just to say, 'i love you1 an exquisite piece of jeweiRy JBS OR one of oute

fine watches O d makes a chepished qifc. pRoudly, we help so many BRides ano gpooms make

CLASSIC It the word tode- the most impoRtant gift choices •crib* Ihti simple, yeh dis- tinctive bridal attendant'* •'• A ""•• . ' flown, U It a crepe sheath, emphasizing a scoop neck- them weooinqs JEBL mb trmouQh the line and modified empire *ol*t, and put in a class by Ifteif by the two floating back panels. (By Joseph), wiH it suit your home? Are you Consider individual hobbies planning a lot of formal enter- and interests when adding acces- tainment? Or will most of your sories. Fundamental pieces of Your New Home parties be informal ones, where furniture combined with a few I A man's home may be his nishing a new home—either ao «S8c^eveir-fo-r-an experienced people wilLbe sitting about cas- unusual trimmings make an ori- castle, but it's up to his wife to eight-room house or a studio homemaker. For the new bride, ually? Think about children. Not ginal living room. Try accessor- make the castle liveable. Fur- apartment—can be a staggering who is probably working ,pn a only those you may have, but ies with a foreign flavor. limited budget and isn't sure of also children of your friends. Mexican pottery, monkey-wood her husband's taste, it can be If many of your acquaintances ' bowls from the Pacific islands almost impossible. have small children which they'll or a gay South American blanket Furnishings experts and in- be bringing to visit, you'd be thrown over a studio couch can Suave Formal Wear wise to avoid things that spot or terior decorators and designers add^ color and exotic feeling. If 2. We will be happy to advise you on your offer many different tips for the break easily. you^can afford them, paintings wedding problems. We have the finest in new homemaker, but almost all Don't select your furniture always brighten up a room. But formal wear and fabrics. agree on two things: a home without trying it out. The mod- decide whether you'd rather have WHITE..DIMNER. JACKETS should be liveable and it should ern, sophisticated furniture can an original by a lesser-known FULL DRESS provide stunning decor on a bud- express individual preferences artist or would prefer reproduc- ACCESSORIES and tastes. get. But first, make sure you're tions of the old masters. An CUTAWAYS comfortable in low-slung, odd- attractive frame does wonders TUXEDOS The living room should be a shaped chairs. If you or your for an ordinary print. Bamboo STROLLERS comfortable room, suitable for husband is used to traditional just plain lounging, with easy, goes particularly well with mod- COLORED DINNER JACKETS furniture, the modernistic style well-proportioned chairs and may not be appropriate for your ern decor, and is not to ex- -JUST CALL room to stretch out. The new home. pensive. 741-2117 OR 542-4453 bride should remember that while she may like to curl her APPOINTMENTS ANY TIME feet undejr her while reading or relaxing, her husband may pre- to TAILORS and fer to stretch out his legs. MURRAY'S FORMALS When buying furniture plan 18 MECHANIC STREET RED BANK ahead. A Louis XIV sofa covered m brocade may be lovely, but


HONEYMOON FASHIONS Most treasured gift for the bride and her attendants •••.Pearls by Vendome

Lustrous pretend pearls with a soft, gentle gleam! The perfect touch to • wardrobe, day or evening. Come see our complete giftworthy collection.

Necklaces 5.00 *> 17.50 Earrings 3.00 to 5.00 Choie fatdionabU traveling companion! from our new collection of on-th«-go ftylet for your honeymoon. We've • world of pretty Ml price* phit tax Plfl* 5.00 +0 7.50 •nd pack-able coats.^cottumes, suits and dre»*i to choose from, STEINBACH'S JEWELRY, Stroef Foor also Asbury Park, Brick Town all in wrinkle-reiiitant fabrics and colon that travel first classl

Visit our Bridal Salon in our Asbury Park store Charge any purchase! ' SHOP Wednesday and Friday Night "til 9 Take months fo pay at no extra cost! Now another word of caution— - don't pay any attention to so- called helpful hints, such as "My How to Read the Recipes dear, you just can't cook lamb too long." Follow the charts in •ft About the first month after next to an open flame or over hot fowl or fish have already been instance a fowl is trussed with your cookbooks which (ell you you're married, you'll decide it's coals; this is one method com- cooked. skewers to keep the stuffing in- bow to determine' the length of time to throw a dinner party. monly used for cooking various TRUSS — to fasten tightly; for side as U cooks. time meats should cook. chops and steaks. Your aim probably will be to im- DREDGE — to apply a coat of press your in-laws with what a T3 a dry substance — such as flour VI fine choice your husband has or sugar — to the outside of the H made in picking a girl blessed meat. not only with beauty, charm, in- FRY — to cook in hot fat. FLOWERS FOR THE BRIDE telligence and good taste but also There are two ways of frying. The first is io saute or pan-fry with great gifts as a culinary — cooking in a skillet with a artist. small amount of fat. The second So you break out one of those is deep-frying — cooking in a brand new cookbooks and enter deep fry kettle using enough fat a vast and perhaps strange world or oil so that the food will float. of terms. Hie books are great GRILL — means the same as, but sometimes they assume you broil. know a little more about what- HEELING — is the final bast- they're talking about than you do. ing of roasts or fowl and is often OF LITTLE SILVER I For example, one girl was done with wine or brandy. of course stopped cold when she had to MARINATE — to allow the "coddle" an egg. True ~- That's meat to stand in a mixture be- one that isn't likely to crop up oft- fore cooking; the marinade usual- en in everyone's experience, but ly contains oil, an acid, herbs and no matter how long you stand other seasoning. holding that egg and keeping it PAN-BROIL — to cook uncov- From the bridal fcouqil*t to nice and warm, cuddling won't ered in a hot skillet without fat; and you pour off the fat from the most elaborate church coddle it. To coddle means to or home setting, call on cook in liquid which is kept just the meat as it cooks out. below the boiling point. PARBOIL — to partially cook Deans of Little Silver for the food in boiling water before you ultimate in ficrat arrange- To help you over the hurdles of cook it in another process. ments. Come »rt for a copy deciphering those magic recipes, ROAST — to cook meat in an of "Your Wedding Flowers," here is a partial list of phrases oven without it being surrounded wifh our comp!im«nh. you'll come across referring to by any liquid for moisture. the cooking of meats — which of SCALLOP — to bake food in a course will be the mostjmportant casserole with layers of meat, feature of your meal sauce, crumbs, cream or other BAKE — to cook in a heated foods', oven, and when this term is ap- SCORE — to make slifs in the plied to meats, game or fowl this surface of the meat with a knife cooking methocTis palled roast- or other tool, usually preparatory ing, i to inserting seasonings. BASTE — to spread liquid — SEAR — to brown the meat meat juices or fat — over the surface1 quickly over high heat in surface of the cooking food gen- a very hot skillet, oven or broil- erally a roast. er. • BRAISE — to brown the meat SKEWER — a utensil, usually in a little hot fat, then to add the made of metal or wood, that OCEANPORT AVE., LITTLE SILVER liquid, cover and cook until ten- holds the meat together or in der over low heat or in the oveg. place while it cooks. 747-1832 STEAM — to cook by suspend- BREAD — to coat the meat or ing the meat in a tightly covered fish with fine crumbs made from pot over boiling, water. crushing crackers or dried bread. STOCK — liquid in which meat, BROIL — to cook without fat Decorating Your Home R^VERJE: In Pictures IFTS The average ages of a bride and groom today are around 20 for the bride and their engagement generally lasts six months. So, what young from . couple doesn't need to save jnoney? FROWN'S If this is your plight when you come to decorate that new apart- ment, take heart. One pjace you* of can turn to for inexpensive^wall decorations is your photographic SPECIAL SAVINGS! album; You cW frame photo- graphs imaginatively and use. thesm to fill in the gaps between your furniture and your wedding gifts. You'll find photos on dis- play in three quarters of the homes you visit. (Incidentally, COPPER CUD COOKWARE ft survey shows the average cou- ple receives $1,003 worth of gifts.) at One young couple bought in- expensive frames at the dime store and painted them gay colors. Then, they used leftover SAVINGS PROM 20% fabric from their living room curtains as the background mats lor the pictures. Another pos- You'll find many mdre wonderful gift sibility is to use wallpaper or one at the adhesive-backed kitch- items at Prown's, from lamps to picture en or closet shelf papers to create the mats. frames, from appliances to glassware. Many family members are flat- Stop in today and make your selection. tered to have their pictures chosen for such distinction. Interior designers note that such t •uDWt IMMS • mi oiuvm photographic displays look es- FARBERWARE COFFEE MAKER Potty M*. Soturdoy | A.M.-S:IO P.M. pecially well on walls of hallways WtnWHI)! M FflMPtf TBI T r.M* or bedrooms, or in that often < Great new coffee maker! Farberwar© stainless steel "•ttwfM Vfnlie'i mi RtwdttW" bare area around the front en- —pumps hot water instantly at exact temperature trance. for perfect brewing. Fully automatic. Besides wedding portraits, cou- ples can add candid shots taken 2 io 12 CUPS reg. 26.95 SALE 19.96 j.XJ Wllb notd at their wedding and pictures 2 to 8 CUPS reg. 22.96 SALE 16.96 32 MtOAD ST. 741-7500 RED IANK took themselves on their 2 to 4 CUPS , reg. 19.95 SALE 14.96 timer, automatic cook and hold Kitclien Stoves: oven which lets you cook your Xou may be the type erf bride food and then leave it to warm I who can't boil an egg. Or maylie without danger of burning, meat tenderizer, rotisserie unit, built- n you're already an expert in. the in ventilator, self-cleaning oven, b kitchen. Either way, you'll be slide-out oven and speed broiling. learning to rely on your kitchen stove, and it's a good idea to En" familiarize yoursetf with the A CATERED various types of ranges available. There are five bspsic types of COCKTAIL ranges^ either gas or electric. The most common widths are PARTY 26", 30", 36" and 40", The height varies with the model. Many COSTS LESS THAN of the newer models feature built- YOU'D IMAGINE! in ovens which fit into the wall Let us show you how reason* separately, and have a second able our service it. You rave unit for burners. time, effort and aggravation when we help plan your cock-, Prices of stoves also vary tail party. Gerard Portrait of widely, depending on the number Mrs, Dan Kinsley 161 Sycamore Avenue of" extras you want. A small, PHONE 747-9217 9 The former Judy Crowning four-unit range can be brought for as little as $100. If you are look- J & J NIVEN'S 3- Shrewsbury, N. .J. of Vt, Pleasant ing for something with all the extras, you can spend as much WINE BARREL as WOO, These extras include 4 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK Bridal thermostatically controlled sur- Portraits face cooking, automatic oven at but stop

Wedding «. « 1.4—r- Candids HE CAME DOWN Color or Black & White THE ISLE:.. Portraiture Men, Women, At Last Children We made it Mrs. Gerard's GIFTS TO THE BRIDE 11x14 or 16x20 Authentic Heavy Oil Painting Engagement Photo to Gerard Brides For Appointment Call 7410634 or 775-4454 It Pays to Advertise in The Register

A Romantic Note

(and a practical one, too) About Your * • Wedding Reception

What lovelier place to welcome your . Wearing A Smile and wedding guests than at the Molly Pitcher Inn, with its charming yM A Love Lane Formal! h ^ tradition . .. its deli • . . you too, tun wear a tmilo of self view of ihesfe%bury ... all so beautifully confidence on your wedding day. » • day m ^ let us fit you to perfection in the lat- And at the MoMy Pitcher Inn, you have your est formal styles! choice of wedding arrangements for breakfast. buffet, or dinner ... with superb service and cuisine ... for partial d » *> *». Moro Information, Call Mr. Tom Roberson, Banquet Mgr. For LOVE LANE TUXEDO SHOP

"Formal wear !« our only butineit" 23 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK — 741-4819 ON TOT SHftEWSWir HfVfR • KWTE W » MED t, N.J..SW-7-1500 Open Wodneiday *n

interior designs •conternpo house]



!•! Whether you are planning your reception for home or renting a hall . . .the important part of any reception is the refreshments • . . the folks at Davidson's can advise you as to what

Keepsake- (9 LET US 1^4 PLAN Pak 2. The transparent con- YOUR . . . tainer designed espe- cially for your . . . BRIDAL GOWN I

Union Imperial will prepare and preserve your gown, fin- The bride applies finishing touches.,. ish and wrap it in transpar- ent polyethylene, sealed care- fully, tuck it into a special The Basic Items sec-through wedding box. To give you an idea of how 0 guest towels (may be the fin- Call Today many sheets, towels, 'tablecloths gertip size) and related linens you may need, Z bath mats Wedding Reception here is a suggested list of av- 1 shower curtain Union-Imperial erage requirements: 2 bathroom rug and lid sets' 6 sheets per bed 1 formal dinner cloth with 12 Laundry & Dry Cleaning ... our ipeeiallsts will completely plan and 6 matching pillowcases matching napkins prepare ffie perfect wedding reception for 500 BROAD ST. 2 winterweight blankets — or 2 informal tablecloths — or 1 you ... make your reservation now! cloth and 1 set of 8 placemats SHREWSBURY 1 blanket and 1 comforter — or (with matching napkins) 1 automatic blanket 1 set of everyday placemats 741 - 2228 2 summerweight blankets and matching naokins The 2 bedspreads — 1 for summer, I for winter CobbleStones mattress pads — one for each HIGHWAY #35 MIDDLETOWN bed; and pillow covers for each pillow Phone 741-8344 12 bath towels with 12 hand towels 10 facecloths Shopping for the Bride"

at Plummer McCutcheon -fyr the bride

means a comprehensive selection (and groom)

Starling silver tableware—-Gorham, International. Wallace, Lunt and others. of tlie world's finest china, Silverplate—Community, 1847 Roger! Bros., ana other). Longtnet, Wittnauer, Bulova, Accutron or Cjroton Watchei crystal) silver, linens, and wedding stationery. Anson Jewelry • Rons on Lighters • Rollfs Wallets •' Speidel Iderth and Watch Bracelets • Diamond Ringi Art Carved Wedding Rings • Cultured pearls Diamond Earrings and Diamond, Pendants I4K and Sterling Charms and Bracelets ^

All Nationally Advertised Brands bur bridal consultants most helpful, NO CHARGE FOR ENGRAVING! and bur Bride's Registry

^ Lay-away or Easy Charge . > . or a tmall deposit is at your disposal* [CHARG6/7 will reserve any item 'til wanted,

yHummer 911c Outchetfn JEWELERS BROAD at HARDING • RED BANK 72 BROAD STREET RED BANK BROADWAY. LONG BRANCH, (Corner 3d) the finger — can be of yellow num, since this Is the strongest gold, white the head is platinum. metal and will hold the diamond Diamonds Are Available The prongs in the head of the securely. • _., , ring always are made of plati- mmm 1 In Wide Variety of Styles Mustillo's • Today's traditional diamond A round plate of polished white contour ring gets. Both the en- rings are a]] dressed up in new gold surrounds the small dia- gagement diamond and the wed- for the ultimate in Bridal 1 styles. if mond. The reflected diamond ding band, when worn together service ... Presents Spring The classically plain designs, sparkle on the metal extend the 6eem to be molded in the same 1 such as the solitaire, are held by true size of the gem. design. A tiny metal prong at and Summer fashions for either four-prong or six-prong For the woman who prefers or- the top of the contoured wedding E^ Tiffany settings. Oval and heart- nate rings, there are numerous band fits snugly into a slot be- the Bride . . . Bridesmaids shaped diamonds, called fancy styles featuring engravings on the neath the top of the engagement cuts, also,are set as solitaires, ring band. Delicate orange, blos- ring. ... flower girl and moth- soms or swirling scrolls run up usually in slender platinum A symmetrical and off-set de- ers . .". also related wed- prongs. the shoulders of the ring. Some- sign appeal to some women. The times metal is faceted on either Illusion settings also are very topside design of the ring pur- ding accessories* side of the center diamond to •a popular this year. They give a posely is made to lean either to resemble baquettes. PQ larger appearance to a small cen- the right or left on top of the Eridemaids gowns $30 and up. u ter diamond because metal is A variety of diamond cuts may finger. Most of Jhese designs Trousseau Fashions a built up around the stone, caus- be set into the ring to produce have a large center diamond Come in and see our complete diver- ing the white of the metal to a pattern. For example, a large with smaller stones flanking it. sified line. Open Wednesday and 1' blend into the blaze of the gem. round center diamond flanked on The wedding band designed for Friday evenings. Reflector settings are another the sides by small marquise dia- "this type of ring usually is way in which a small diamond monds looks like a daisy. /' curved, or has a similar design a can bo made to appear larger. Especially new this yeaK are so it fits into the engagement band. The metal for the engagement ring depends on price and person- al preference. Yellow gold, white 11 Broad St. • Bed Bank gold and platinum are particular- ly popular. The mounting — the 7410258 part of the ring which encircles DIRECTTO-YOU FURNITURE ATTENTION ALL BRIDES: 60,000 Satisfied Customers Can't Be Wrong!!

YOU'LL LOVE and CHERISH WHY YOU SAVE - • AT ALAN'S A NEW CROWN KITCHEN eliminates completely the expense of a separate store 1. ALAN'S . . . make your selection from our warehouse show- • , . You'fl fove the attractive arrange- room ! eliminates the costly handling of merchandise between ment of cabinets and appliances. You 2. ALAN'S store and warehouse. - eliminates the expense of fancy show and display w'rtl love the spacious storage areas, the 3. ALAN'S windows. beautiful blend of colors, the variety 4. ALAN'S eliminates the expense of costly interior decorators f in kitchen styles: Colonial, Provincial, reduces warehouse handling costs by over 50% with 5. ALAN'S new, modern material handling methods! Modern and Contemporary ... In fact, buys in tremendous quantities guaranteeing rock-bot- 6. ALAN'S tom factory coits! you'll, love a CROWN KITCHEN forever Is geared for high volume and fast turnover. . . sub- 7. ALAN'S scribing to the theory that three fast nickels are bet- because it's the finest. Come in and ter than one slow dime! see all the exciting things that can be FURNITURE • RUGS • BEDDING yours. L Use our 3-way payment plan—cash or DUPONT 90 days without any interest or service CROWN charge... or up to 3 years to pay with 501 nominal service charge! N KITCHENS CARPETS 418 Hwy. 35, Middletown 747-2552 DIRECT-TO-YOU (IV* Miles North of Red Bonk) Since 1924 FURNITURE FREE PLANNING and ESTIMATING Open Daily 9 to 6 . , . Wed. and Fri. 9M 9 • FREE DELIVERY • NO CHARGE FOR STORAGE OR LAY-AWAY COMPLETE KITCHEN REMODELING Headquarters for Leading Nationally Advertised Brands of Furniture at BUILT-IN APPLIANCES BIG DISCOUNTS I CHELSEA and SO. 7th AVEaONG BRANCH toxt to R.R. tracks Calf 219-0350 go as high as 30 per cent to find anything and will make no profit. term mortgage — an impor- an apartment, while in others the On the other hand, you will have tant aspect since many young To Rent or Buy? rent budget will be less. With an less expenses as you go along couples are quite mobile and do H apartment, you are not buying and wiU not be tied to a long- not stay in one place long. tr Unless you have a fairy god* over 15 years^will cost you about mother who provides you with a half the cost of the original loan Completely equipped home, you'll in interest. If paid in 25 years, protfebly be faced with the ques- interest will cost almost nine- W tion: tenths of the original loan.' EAST ORANGE MILL END SHOPS =8. "Which Is better for a newly- Money counselors generally ad- w wed couple, renting an apart- S vise allowing two and one^haif •i ment or buying a home?" times annual income for purchase 03. For the young couple, the ol a home. But don't forget, the 3. a. major expense of a down pay- wife who is working at the time FOR THIS WEEK ONLY! ment on a house is usually too of her marriage may not be em- modi. Renting is less expensive ployed a year later. And chil- since there Is less upkeep, no dren also will increase costs and taxes and fewer incidentals like cut down on money available. heating. Also, you may not want The extras that are Involved to have to furnish a whole house in buying a house include prop- DRAPERIES MOM MADE all at once, erty taxes, insurance, heat and n M you do have enough money upkeep. These usually total about 8. saved to buy a home, the U.S. four to five per cent of the cost department of agriculture offers of the home each year. The total • 3 several facts to keep in mind. mortgage payment each month First, remember that the larger should amount to about 25 per the down payment and the shorter cent of take home pay. 3- the term of the mortgage loan, This is about the same figure FREE! the less the house wHl cost n which should be allotted for Yoa choose from Hie largest selection of Decorative Drapery Fabrics In New Jeney . . . From Ihe long run. monthly apartment rent, but tfiem our workroom will CUSTOM MAKE Your Draperies FREE («" or Longer) . . . Beautifully For instance, a $15,000 mort- prices vary widely with locality. gage at six per cent interest paid In some areas you may have to Tailored to Your SpecificarioM ... You Pay ONLY FOR THE FABRICS 1 CUSTOM-MADE SLIPCOVERS FOR FREE SOFA& "SHOP AT HOME CHAIR (4 Cushions) • Overlocked SERVICE Seams • Heavy Duty Complete CALL 741-6080 Zippers Reg. 99.50

Virginia FlfzmarHn from Pennsylvania and Paul Bruner from Indiana were married twice in Bucharest, Romania. 137-B BROAD ST. RED BANK On* ceremony was performed by a communist city official, Other Stores at: East Orange, Fairlawn, Morristowit Ihe other by a Lutheran minister who It giving them their N*ft: No affiliation wlltt any other Hare on Jtrwy Shore with similar name. wedding rings. Be sure you ore In ttie Ea»t Orange Mill End Shop. Packing Up Your Bags No matter what kind of honey- moon you're taking, a mound of luggage is unnecessary. One large, 28—inch suitcase plus a small piece of hand luggage is usually enough for two weeks. Pack suoh items as toilet arti- cles and cosmetics .in the hand case, leaving the large suitcase free for clothes. Consider cli- mate when packing to avoid light clothes in cool weather or heavy wool outfits in the tropics. Select HAVING A SHOWER? as many double-duty, easy-care items as possible, preferably in GETTING simple styles. Choose colors so you can keep accessories—hand- ffnir beautifully in bag, shoes and gloves—to an ab* solute minimum, by making one set do for several outfits. Some Bridal Tips Double weddings may be held when the brides are sisters, cousins or good friends. The brides do not need to dress alike although the grooms, best men, fathers and ushers should. ' Bridal showers are never N0HM niver BANK given by the mother, sister grandmother of the bride or by WHARF AVENUE the guest ol honor. Nor are they given by a member of the groom's immediate family, In Che northeast section of the country, the most fashionable times for a wedding are late afternoon and early evening. la other areas, 8 and & p.m. are considered fashionable. /•

GREAT SPRING FURNITURE Quality-Crafted Open Stock Bedroom Pieces—Now At Unusual Savings. Hurry to Sears!

Rich and Rugged Golonial Pieces with. SOLED MAPLE Tops

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Authentic Colonial bedroom designs, so low priced you'll want a whole roomful. Solidly built of choice hardwoods -with Heavy maple tops and a glow- rubbed Salem maple finish. Beds are solid hard- wood. Authentic touches include heavy carved bases, antiqued pulls, turned posts. * Mirrors of rolled glass. Dustproof interiors. Choose now and save! . "

Great Values! White Plastic-Topped TT« A T T A TVT T* j with -Heavy maple tops and a glow- rubbed Salem maple finish. Beds are solid hard- wood. Authentic touches include heavy . carved ' bases, antiqued ptdls, turned posts. ' .Mirrors of 0 rolled glass. Dustproof interiors. Choose now and h. 49.99 save;

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•v 38.99 Great Values! Witite Plastic-TTopped ITALIAN Provincial g. Full or Twin Ganopy Bed YOUR h. 4-Drawer Chest i. Single Dresser Base j. 4-Drawer Desk 99 k. Poudre Table j. 49.99 mm- - I r I. Bed plus Nightstand m ,y~ 'White is right in fashion and Sears prices it right, M too. These elegant pieces are crafted of select solid If hardwood with a lovely brushed antiqued -white fin- ish. All the niceties of detail! Classic fluted posts, antiqued metal pulls and dustproof drawers. Framed mirrors are rolled glass. Plastic tops wipe 39.99 clean easily. Big array of pieces makes decorating k. 49.99 easy.

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Bookcase 27.99 Double dresser Bookcase bed, Double dresser - Triple dresser jS-drawer ^Full or twin Corner desk 29.99 Corner Desk 28.99 base 54.99 full or twin S4.99 base 64.99 base 74 J9 Idlest 64-99 panel bed 34.99 Bachelor chest 39.99 Mirror $15 Framed Mirror 15.91 Stack bookcase 24.99

Shop aft Seiars and Save 15OO HIGHWAY 35 Satsisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back iMON. - SAT. 9:30-9:30 SEARS - Middletown • Phone 671-3800 with the orchestra leader before ground? Will most of the guests the reception. Let him know what want to do the frug and the wa- BE WELL GROOMED Remember tusi, or do they prefer to stick to ON YOUR type of music is preferred. Is the tried and true dances like the The Music music for dancing or for back- fox trot? WEDDING DAY! Too many brides take their In fact you can be well groomed everyday) wedding music for granted. . . . loe ui weekly, we specialize in the That's the complaint of band EXCITING GIFTS FOR latest technique! including Razor Cutting leader Tony Cabot whose orches- and Electric Combing. Try ut, you'll like tra has played for numerous so- the difference. THE ciety parties and weddings, and k i 2 who, in some cases, is booked as CARDNER'S BARBER SHOP far as tw*o years In advance. First, Cabot says too many BRIDE 12 MECHANIC ST. RED BANK brides don't bother selecting their music at all. They assume the organ will play "Here Comes the TO-BE Bride" as they walk down the aisle, and they make no plans Here you can choose the excep- for the type of music for the re- tional rare gift. A lamp, figurine ception. Cabot believes that if the wedding ceremony does not or collector's piece. They will cher- take place in a church, a string ish for many years . . . Stop in quartet can play the traditional u./>~" music. He says thai in a hotel, a and tee our collection J hall or private home, the organ fASV an iinvitatioi n is out of place. For the reception line right aft- er the ceremony, Cabot suggests to all what he calls "ice cream music," light, classical pieces which pro- vide an attractive background ALA0DINS LAMP BRIDES . . . without intruding. Remember, he .. • to sign our bridal registry. says, the bride should be the star Tell us what you'd like to have and on her wedding day. GIFT ©-ANTIQUE GALLERIES the colors, etc., and when friends The bride should shine also at 159 SOUTH MAIN ST. / NEPTUNE, N.J. and relatives come to buy you a the reception, and Cabot warns TELEPHONE: 774-0047 gift we will suggest the things you prospective brides to find out ex- have chosen. actly what they're getting" when they plan their, receptions. Is the Opar Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. orchestra included in the price? ^For 28 years, we have been help- Will the bride have any choice of Friday to 9 p.m. Brides like yourself with their what type of music she wants, decorating and furnishings — or who she wants, playing it? In FREE ON-PREMISES PARKING any case, the bride should confer LINENS . . . BATH . . . CLOSET . . . BEDROOM . . . ACCESSORIES DISTINCTIVE GIFTS 'The Shore's n-st exciting shop"

.• A v.4frritt"vn i > ERMUDA An Island Wedding Trip

Home Decorators You'll Long Remember 20 BROAD ST. RED BANK 8 DAYS— 7 NIGHTS

PER JUST 490 COUPLE Includes accommodation for eight days, seven nigfctc at ttm Cambria^ \h Beaches Cottages, meals, air fate" W\ by jet.

Bermuda l> a paradise for koMymaontn — a perfect spot to be away by yourselves, yet not far from Hw maintaid of tto U. S. Bermuda is popular all ttw year around. The warm SM beckon yoa to Bermuda's pink beaches. Yost can him bicycles and pedal-see off the main road. Of conrse, there's falling, scuba diving . . . dancing ami entertainment and a whole lot

morel t • * so why miss It?

SMOOTH THE Cruise round trip if you prefer by ROAD AHEAD from pw Furness Bermuda Line - 6 Days 165 person Longer or shorter stays can be arranged. Also Inquire about special rates using ship one way- plane one way. —Start Your Insured Safe Savinga _ Account Now CURRENT UH MIDDLETOWN Bank TRAVEL AGENCY HIGHWAY 35, MIDDLETOWN

BILLION AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Matthew J, Gill, Present BTBONO 10 BROAD ST. • RED BANK. N. X Phyllis E. Mausort, Mgr. 671-1040 Where You Save Does Make a Differenctr* The civil service was performed German Lutheran church, which but the couple had.been given a by a woman official in the peo- used to be the pnnc.pui center of translation in advance so they American Couple ple's council hall while a tape re- this faith in Bucharest. Now, un- could say, "Ja" in the right corder supplied by the govern- der the sway of communism, places. ment, played a pair of rock 'n much of its congregation has s roll numbers, "Tutti FruiWi," and drifted away. Nothing too big or small to sell Marry in Romania "Polkadot Bikini." The ceremony was conducted in with a result getting Daily Reg- BUCHAREST, Romania (AP)— and Virginia E. Fitzmartin, 25, From there they went to the German by the 70-year-old pastor, ister Classified ad. Two young American artists were of Penn Hill, Pa., met at the to married here recently, first by a Pratt Institute of Design in New ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiniiiiiiiiiM q3. Cceomunist official and then by a York. Both came to Romania as ^ I [A* German-speaking Lutheran minis- artists with the American Graphic ter. Arts exhibit touring Europe as a Cd The bride and bridegroom, Paul part of the state department cul- The groom chooses i W. Brunei 23, of Carydon, Ind,, tural exchange program. formal clothes for hire JI

OIF the third floor 1

at J. Kridel. §

Slim, no pleat tuxedo | 1 5 trousers, pleated ^ J 3.

air cool shirt, jacket §

and all accessories. s


REMEMBER to keep the background uncluttered as you take pictures to tell the story of your wedding trip. There's no substitute for some camera practice beforehand to be sure the camera is in good working order and to become famil- iar with how it operates,

4| Honeymoon smt Bound? /| y^ OUR FAMOUS /lWm\ S^^VKU NAME BRAND A/IB A .^JjdSf CASUALS > /rpy ARE AT HOME | ANYWHERE IN ft/'/•. THE WORLD MBSku // a j CLAUDIA'Jj FASHIONS L 129 MARKHAM PL. LITTLE SILVER J&/ ] "^ (Next to Little Silver School) (^ - EXPERT ALTERATIONS -

A Beautiful Wedding AT THE American Hotel

Choose this gracious old country hotel for a truly memora- ble wedding . . . and forget about the troublesome details. Our wedding staff will advise you, without charge, and select the wines, menu, flowers, music and decorations to suit your desired expenditure. CAPTURE THOSE FLEETING MOMENTS Of THE Choice of beautifully appointed private rooms for any BRIDAL PARTY number of guests up to 200. LET US PLAN YOUR BRIDAL ALBUM. NO DETAIL Phone Mr. Daesener, 462-0819 and make an appointment for IS TOO SMALL FOR US TO CAPTURE FOR POSTERITY. a personal viewing oj our newly refurbished and greatly IF YOU FEEL YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE YOUR OWN, WE CAN ADVISE YOU. WE CARRY A FULL LINE enlarged facilities, ., • OF CANDID, MOVIE OR POLAROID. CAMERAS, AS WELL AS PROJECTORS, FILM, LIGHTS, ETC. WE ALSO RENT EQUIPMENT. |N ADDITION, WE HAVE ONE OF EVERY KIND OF USED CAMERAS. FIRST COME,' FIRST SERVED.

WALLACE ST. FREEHOLD NEW JERSEY RED BANK, 747-2273-4 Plan Your Invitations To Match Ceremony Traditionally . The type of invitations you send bride on the wording. Invitations The Finest Receptions V out for your wedding will depend to a church "request the honor on what kind of ceremony you're of your presence." Invitations having. to a reception read, "pleasure are in the HOME ... * For a small wedding, with of your company." fewer than 50 -guests, hand-written The invitation should be sent notes from either t!he bride or by the bride's parents. If the CREATED BY her mother are acceptable. But parents are deceased, they are for a large informal wedding, sent by a close relative. In case or a formal ceremony, the bride where the parents are divorced, usually sends out invitations en- the invitations are sent by that graved on white,, ivory or cream- parent with whom the bride lives. The Cellar CATERERS colored paper. For formal wed- dings, a large size paper, folded If alt of the guests are invited a with engraving on the top sheet* to both the ceremony and the The pleasant intimacy of any special reception at home is pa is usually used. This is folded reception, one invitation is suf- once when put in the envelope. ficient. If there is a separate enhanced by the cliarm 'and dignity of our efficient serv- The tissue paper is left in to guest list for each event, a small protect the engraving. A smaller reception card is enclosed with ice. If space is a problem, various sized tents are available. w size paper, inserted without fold- the invitation to the ceremony. ing, is used for less formal wed- The outer envelopes for the Q dings. invitations should be addressed If you do not wish to use en- by hand — never typed. The inner We furnish everything graving, you may dhose a form ' envelope is left unsealed and is of printing which resembles en- addressee to Mr. and Mrs. Doe, but the guests! graving. It is less expensive and without first names or address. Delicious food, fine wine and spirits has become popularly accepted. Young children may be included Invitations should be ordered by writing their first names in a make you a happy hostess ... from your jeweler, stationer or line below their parents'. Older BE YOUft OWN GUEST OF HONOR. department stores. Most stores children should receive their own have consultants to advise the invitations.

Love af first bite The Cellar CATERERS Wedding Consultants and Coordinators 570 RIVER ROAD FAIR HAVEN, N. J. WEDDING • 741-4845 •

You'll alwayi remember the exquitite beauty and

derful cakti. First to the Church, then to the... i MALEIKA'S Shadowbrook PASTRY SHOP 22 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK

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for a Wedding Reception you will long remember The tmart bride doesn't, became the re- cord* every important detail In her Gibson Brido's Book! She knows that years from now her fondeit memories of engagement, wed- PRIVATE ding, guests and their gifts, honeymoon and first home will come vividly alive whenever she looks through her Gibson Bride's Book. catering Don't you forget the wedding, either. Visit us soon and see our beautiful selection of from V&-400 Gibson Brides' Books, available with padded rayon moire or washable covers. All are handsomely gift-boxed, modestly priced.

70VT Bfld«' Book*-Don'» forgrtl

fire* Delivery EASY CHARGE Established TELEPHONE HREWSBURY. «• J- 1884 741 - 0001 17 BROAD ST. RED BANK would provide any type of wed- to provide a more limited selec- wasted. Although there is a great ding cake requested. One bride- tion. price range, the average wedding Bridal Receptions to-be came in with her fiance and The food will probably be the meal costs about $8 or $10 per said she wanted an exact model biggest item inrycur reception person. Punch, champagne or I of the Parthenon in Greece. Miss budget. A buffet dinner may be other beverages are extra. Tea a Mosher managed to provide the more expensive than the sitdown sandwiches and fruit punch can Need Careful Plan Parthenon, but since then, the type because1 a greater variety of total about two dollars per per- advertisements have been changed food is required and more food is son. Wedding receptions come in all reception at home or somewhere sizes, shapes and price ranges. else, begin early. Lore Mosher, It's up to you to decide how many banquet manager of one New ft people you want to have, whether York City establishment, recom- a you're having the reception at mends the bride choose a spot home or at a hotel or restaurant for her reception about eight 3. and how much you wamvto spend. months before the .date. Miss A simple home reception can Mosher says it is possible to plan be just as lovely and enjoyable a reception in much less time, as the most lavishly catered af- but the date^wanted isn't always fair at a hotel, but it takes a lot available. of planning. The bride whose par- Find out exactly what is in- ents have a home with a large cluded in, the price quoted to you garden is especially lucky. Dur- by the catering service. Is it a ing the warmer months the recep- sit-down dinnner, a buffet or a tion can be held outside without cocktail-type party? Does it in- having to worry whether every- clude beverages? Are gratuities one will fit in the bouse. There is, part of the total? If there is to however, the problem of possible be dancing, does the price quoted bad weather and the bride who's include an orchestra? How about planning a garden reception flowers, table decorations and 'would be wise to check with the the wedding cake? catering service to see if they It is also a good idea to check provide some kind of shelter, how much variety of choice you'll such as canopies or tents, lest a have about things like flowers, sudden shower dampen the fes- music and wedding cake. Miss tivities, Mosher recalls that her estab- Whether you're planning your lishment used to advertise it

Take a classic shape.,, add one simple touch — and look. •. a new fashion look! for the Bride on her day

We are available both Saturdays and Sundays by appointment only. Feel free to call for in- formation*

Shoes shown are a*srnall part of (he smartest look in shoes ton tere '' anywhere. Hair Stylists 439 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY Pump: Biscuit, navy, pastel,, 741-5600 blue, cerise, orange, white. t Sandal: Coral, white, yellow.i btue.



"Where did you get those •ol beautiful shoes?" Don't tell; that will be your secret.



125 BROAD ST. RED BANK 747-2557 1 ...for Luggage

Dr. Paul Vahanian, professor of home and family life at Columbia University's Teachers College, suggests a troad- •r look at the cold, hard facts of honeymoon*. The Honeymoon "... Honeymoons can leave newly words, the honeymoon is a time married couples with glowing to overcome self-consciousness. memories—or, all to often, nag- Here are a few other tips from ging feelings of disappointment. Dr. Vahanian: An associate professor of edu- 1) Pick a location where you cation in the Department of will be at ease — not everyone Home and Family Life at Teach- is happy in a plush resort —' qr ers College of Columbia Universi- camping out in the Maine woods. ty, Dr. Paul' Vahanian, believes 2) Doni go into debt to finance that if a broader perspective were a costly trip—budgeting before- taken about the cold, hard facts hand will enable you to enjoy the of honeymoons, less anxiety would trip while you're on it and not result. For example, a hew look have to face up to low funds once should be taken at the timing for you get home. honeymoons. 3) Avoid getting yourselves too Instead of the conventional one tired out by too much sight- ForLeathergoods or two-week trip to- some unfa- seeing or sports. miliar location right after the 4) Don't forget that your part- crowded wedding schedule. Dr. ner may need some privacy oc- Vahanian suggests that a couple casionally—if he or she wants to might spend their wedding night do something alone it doesn't . . . and gifts from in their new apartment or home. mean you've failed and are being rejected, all parts of the There is a great deal of com- 5) Above all, discuss your dif- fort to be derived from being in ferences—and be patient as you a familiar place, surrounded by learn to. understand one another. world. your own possessions. If the couple wants to leave on a trip, Don't hesitate to put a fresh postponing their departure until pork roast on your rotisserie; they are rested and relaxed will cooked this way, the meat will add to their pleasure. need about one-third less time Then, too, Dr. Vahanian, who then when oven-roasted at a 325- has a broad background in mar- degree temperature (185 degree riage counseling, says there is internal temperature. It fays to Advertise in The Register nothing to prevent couples from . taking four or six weekend trips during the early weeks of mar- riagfrr-instead of the longer and more costly traditional honey- moon. The honeymoon period is a chance for the two people in- volved to become better acquaint- ed with one another. But often, Dr. Vahanian- says, strain de- velops when the rosy glow wears off and the two begin to see flaws in one another. Of course this has to be faced eventually **- but not necessarily all at once. "For some people," said Dr. .Vahanian, "the one to two week period of sudden intensive con- stant exposure, to one another may prove to be more strain than the couple can bear. Shorter pe- riods of time when they're to- gether exclusively might prove easier to manage." Dr. Vahanian says the honey- moon — whether long or short — is important because it sets the pattern for the marriage. "The couple will be far more success- ful in the long run if they're honest and open with one another . . . and that is what you will about their feelings," says Dr. Vahanian. And he warns about find I . . • a specialty ft they the dangers that He in starting will cherish forever the pattern of deceiving one an- other. Rt. 35 at Sunset Ave. "The honeymoon offers an op- portunity to get off on. the right foot — to find out that it's all , Asbury Park light to relax and be yourselves," says Dr. Vahanian. In other 774-5557 ' of linen. Watch for the weight and closeness of the weave — for these are signs of durability. Linen Closets Musts for a New Homemaker Hold the fabric up to the light to The trick to obtaining a well- adult sleeper and long enough so wise. Muslin sheets are of heav- the sheets will look with your check for weak spots. Check stocked linen closet is to know that your feet don't extend be- ier cotton threads and more blankets. hems. If a cloth is trimmed, what you want and then let others yond the end of the mattress. loosely woven. The thread count And remember to think about make sure the lace is securely know about it. In many stores There are three sizes in extra- for muslin sheets averages 130. your fiance's likes and dislikes. attached and. that it can be today, you can register not only width bedding: queen size, meas- They are more coarse to the He might not feel at home with laundered the same as the cloth. your china, crystal and silver uring 60 by 80 inches; king size, touch than percale, but are strong those rosebuds and intertwined Be sure when you are shopping patterns and colors for sheets and 72 by 84 inches; or hollywood, 78 and durable. And muslin is less ivy leaves which you're attracted for tablecloths that you have the pillowcases, towels and table- by 76 inches. And you can buy expensive than percale. to — or perhaps lavender is not correct measurement of your cloths. That way, you'll eliminate sheets and blankets for all these his dream of "the perfect color." table size. You'll want to be sure haphazard presents at weddings sizes.* - Moving on to minimum quanti- your cloth covers your table and ties for your linen trousseau, it's Just to keep the record straight, and showers. Today, although they're^ stiH fine tablecloths and napkins, also leaves about a 13-inch drop on all a good idea to kep in mind that the sides. But before you're ready to put called "linens", most sheets are you should have one set of sheets called linens, actually are made down exactly what you want, you made of cotton — or blended with in use, one in the laundry and should know a few basic *• facts synthetic fibers. Quality sheets one in reserve. So yon should about the terms used in connec- are cotton percale. The finer and THE HOUSE tion with linens. smoother the sheet, the more clos- have at least three top sheets and three bottom sheets per bed, First off, sheet sizes are based er woven are the threads, and three pillowcases for each pillow OF DE SANTIS on mattress sizes. The standard this is where the term "thread and three sets of towels and face- double bed, measuring 54 inches count" occurs. For example, a ,by 76 inches, may not be large percale sheet with a 220-count is cloths per person. In addition "Where Quality Is enough for comfort for you and more closely woven and' softer you'll want extra towels for Smartly Priced" your husband-to-be. The makers than say a 180-count. The count guests. And you should have mat. assert that a mattress should be means the number of threads per tress pads for each mattress, sea- Beautiful Exciting Creations at least 30 inches wide for each inch — both lengthwise and cross- son'al blankets and two bath mats. Sheets come not only in white but in pale colors and vivid ones, BRIDAL GOWNS with all-over patterns, with pat- terns only on borders, embroid- LADIES EVENING WEAR FOR ered and with monograms. You ALL OCCASIONS and PROM should co-ordinate what you choose so that your bed linens GOWNS. carry through the same color 509 BROAD ST. scheme — if not matched, at least related. You'll get a more SHREWSBURY attractive result if you try to keep a balance between patterns Call 741-9875 and solids, keeping in mind how

MIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER Highway 35, Middletown FormfitjRogers Sheer Skintone DRESS- SHAPERS' in Powder Buff SHAPE YOU TO THE SHAPES OF FASHION ! In the 19th century, women kept their wedding rings In ip«cfal boxes, Hero It a ring box of Swiss Destgn. (Hallmark SHEEU-SHAPER BRA ! Historical Collection) Wispy, filmy "tricosette" — pro- vocative combination of sheer nylon tricot and marquisette. All YOUR softness and light! SWAN-DIVING LINES! RECEPTION— In front, jewed neckline takes . a fancy fashion plunge. In back, almost as new descent to a U-shaped shape. important as CURVESHAPER LIFT J the ceremony ! Tiny undercup tucks mold, hold! Lightly 1 Today's wedding receptions demand only the finest Sheeeerrrr excitement in skin- ... the finest in facilities as well as the finest in tone Powder Buff. Style 0596, service and food. We at the Willowbrook take pride 32A to 38B. in our reputation in providing this ... yet at a cost MATCHING LONG-LEG PANTIE that is moderate. That is why more and more brides GIRDLES IN POWDER BUFF are selecting the Willowbrook for their receptions. from 5.95 to 12,50 FACILITIES FOR 30 TO 300 • Reg. Formttt/Rogftr* Trademark. GUARANTEE • THREE BANQUET ROOMS Sylvette's Bond Is Your Guarantee . • SEPARATE PRIVATE BARS of Complete Satisfaction 1. When you purchase your girdle and lira at Bylvette It will be expertly titled and altered U> your in- For Complete Information Call 741-2099 dividual requirement* . . . without charge. 2. Sylvette will maintain the perfect lit

fl FAIR HAVEN I • H i- p * r - ;• r ( r f r • OPEN EVERY EVENING TIL 9 P.M. — SAT. 'TIL 6 P.M. 1 What Every Bride Should Know • •. See the beauty and practicality of CASUAL FURNITURE FURNITURE for BRIDES

Here is the perfect furniture for newlywecta . . . Casual in every way, and it's so versatile, it will blend I with any decor. ' - , I Ray Kramer and his staff extend an invitation to all the brides to be to come in and browse around ... see for yourself, how exciting casual furniture can be! ... (Friends and relatives , .. note: many prac- Q tical gift ideas along these lines . . . come look.)

Dining in the Lacy Beauty of Wrought Iron WROUGHT IRON Our Extra Special for Newlyweds A big glass topped table . . . four curved-for-com- 5 PJeces real elegance at this price .... 176.95 fort chairs, plus a handsome design make this C\ QC For living room or patio. Set includes 3 pc, sec- specially priced group exceptional. tlx»7«l tional, a club chair, three tables. Choice of white or Jade.

A Terrific Selection of Home Bars in Rattan, Oriental, and Walnut

WROUGHT IRON ICE CREAM SET Delightful group for either Indoors or out. 54.95 ->- Ideal for kitcheaettes and apartment living.

SMALL APARTMENT! We have a huge selection of scaled furniture for compact areas.

Spring garden setting for your den — this 6 PIECE GROUP smart Tahltlan group in durable pecan- colored rattan with reversible floral print- • J-pc. Sectional • Club Chair ed, zlppered cushions. Six striking colors. • Coffee Table • One End Table 199.95

Summer Time and the living is easy ... AWNINGS A good gift idea for A leader in the the newlyweds. Awning Business Cutow Choose from our Resldtnrial & Conner* dd by SMIM Awniftf Huge Selection Maters. • Cast Aluminum N* Matey Dew*. 3 ' • Folding Chair years te fay 147 MAIN ST. ASBURY PARK-775-4JS1 IUY NOW AT • Patio Sets OFF SEASON PRICES No Money Down • Up to 3 years to pay ried in their traditional folk cos- good fortune. In 17th and ISth tumes. Since these gowns are that guests hunted as omens of Something Old, Something... so intricately designed and cost- century Persia, white wedding dresses were worn with crimson H Something bid, something new, of the other traditions surround- weddings around the world today ly, they also* are used as holiday veils, and in Arabic and Hindu n something borrowed, something ing bridal dress are rooted in dates back to biblical times. He- outfits. The bride adds some ac- countries the bride's hands and O blue. No one knows exactly history. brew brides wore white for pur- cessory to the costume to indi- feet are stained with henna for la where that rhyme about a bride's The white wedding dress and ity and were completely envel- cate she is getting married. In the wedding day. In Japan the wedding outfit began. But many veil worn in most Judeo-Christian oped in veils that symbolized sub- bride wears three layers of Ki- mission, modesty and virginity. Norway, a silver filigree brooch monos. The outer one is pat- s is pinned to the blouse of the terned and sashed in red, but is In ancient Greece, it was the folk costume. In Austria and predominantly white, the Oriental custom for brides to spin the Bavaria, flowered and jeweled color of mourning. This symbo- W CORNELIUS flax, weave the cloth and do the bridal crowns are substituted for lizes that the bride is dead to her 2. sewing for their wedding dress- more ordinary hats. Girls in cer- parents once she has moved to COBB, ltd. es, also of white. The Romans tain Swiss mountain cantons her husband's home. ************************* ******** carried on the tradition of white. carry.long white linen handker- -1 Girls were married in white chiefs as symbols of purity when The bridal gowns of India and robes fringed with purple. The being married. The red woolen Southeast Asia are particularly Unique & Distinctive flowing. Roman wedding veils, braid pinned to the bride's luxurious. Wedding saris are wreath in the Ukraine has a simi- woven of rich parrot silks and oft- • i called flammeum, were bright • ! Collection of Desired yellow. They were held in place lar meaning. en have threads of pure gold and with wreaths of verbena which The color red is traditionally as- silver. s Gifts for the the brides had to gather them- sociated with brides in the Orient. a. selves. Everything made for the Chinese President Woodrow Wilson and Bride & New Home Maker wedding used to be colored red telephone inventor Alexander !i W« offer you a selection to complement tfce present day fiend In some parts of the world to- — including the Invitations, the Graham Dell took part in the first to Eariy America*. You'll find displayed a custom-collected day, especially in provincial bridal dress, the firecrackers, the transcontinental telephone call on array to please the heart of brides of every age. I Jan. 25, 19151 • Early American areas of Europe, girls are mar- sweetmeats and the dyed eggs Pine Furniture • Upholstered Furniture FOR THE BRIDE AND • Lamps • Accessories GROOM AFTER THE ROUTJE 34 COLTS NECK (Just South of Frwhold Rood) CALL 462-1786 Among the many gifts the Bride and Open tfalfy 10 to 6—Friday to •—closed Monday Groom will receive make yours one they will remember forever. Stop in NORTH, and see our wide selection of... SOUTH, • Lamps EAST • Shades • Gifts or • Wood Cuts WEST • Original

Wherever your honeymoon faftts you, you can bo Oil Paintings sure your wardrobe will be up to data and tmart. Don't mitt our new spring collection. WE SPECIALIZE IN A LARGE SELECTION OF PETITE SIZES Tower Craftsmen Inc. 5 TO II SUITS, DRESSES, JACKETS AND ALL GOING AWAY CLOTHES 105 Chestnut St. 7414055 Red Bank Junior Bazaar 39 BROAD ST. RED BANK CUT YOUR WEDDING CAKE At Historic HEADING FOR A American Revolutionary, The Poet's Inn

Known from the days of Freneau, the famous American Rev- Enhance Your olutionary poet, The Poets Inn has the gracious surroundings and historic background to give a wedding reception just Loveliness the right setting. with Expert With modern kitchens the famous Chef Vero will prepare, de» Beauty Care leotable food. Menus arranged to fit your budget. You just itell Chef Vero what you want and leave the rest to him. All brides are beautiful ... but the most Won't you call or stop in today ! beautiful come to Michael's for pre-wedding consultation to assure them of looking their loveliest on the important day. Our experts will style, wash and set your hair to conform to your headpiece. MICHAEL'S Beauty Salon Malawan 21 MONMOUTH ST., KED BANK 89 Freneau-Avenue, (Rt. 79) Call 714-0792 Phone 566-3391 CLOSED MONDAY OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS members of the wedding party After the bride iand groom have The- head usher helps assemble left, the best man and uat&rs can the wedding party and guests relax — until the next wedding The Men Behind The Wedding when the cake is cut. which may be their own. In the musical "My Fair in the vestry — just for moral At the reception, the best man Lady," Mr. Doolittle asks his support. He should have the should be prepared to act as friends to "Get me to the church groom at the church at least 15 .loastmaster and timekeeper at oif time." In real life, it is the minutes before the ceremony, the bride's table. He proposes Center of Attraction best man who has the job of get- This is no time for a Johhny- the first toast, sees that the guest (After tnt Bride, of course) ting the groom to the church on come-lately. book is signed, has the car sent time. After the ceremony, the best around at the proper time and The best man's duties actually man makes sure the members of assists the couple in getting start the day of the wedding re- the wedding party leave in the away. hearsal when he is responsible proper cars. He checks tickets The ushers also have a number for taking charge of the ushers and reservations for the honey- of duties at the wedding. They and briefing them on any special moon. And he makes sure the should arrive at the church one seating arrangements. groom his the necessary tickets hour before the ceremony and On the day of the ceremony it- in his pocket after he has get their boutonnieres. The ush- self, the best man gets the ring changed to street clothes. ers have a typed list of guests, from the groom. If there is a occupying reserved pews. As the ring bearer, the best man sees guests arrive, the ushers ask that he carries out bis instruc- them whether they are friends of tions. Some best men carry a Other News the bride or groom. Friends of spare ring from the dime store the bride are seated at the left —just in case something happens Friends of

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a*d advanced swimmers • Movies under the stars

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Whtn King Conttantine of Greece and Prlnceii Anne-Marl* of Denmark were married last September, their wedding cake wai a lowering skyscraper created by baker Mike Ragouxa- rldii. It took on* month to make, stood teven and a-half feet - VALUABLE COUPON - high and weighed 220 pounds. THIS COUPON WORTH $25 TOWARD THE MEMBERSHIP FEE OF A FAMILY Don't Forget The Camera OF FOUR, WHEN AT LEAST 50% OF Two may be company on e tion on a monument or the dutch MEMBERSHIP FEE IS PAID BEFORE honeymoon trip but there's a door of a country house. MARCH 15, 1965 If you're traveling by car, third companion that can stretch Family of three coupon worth $15.00 Ihat trip through the year — a don't store your camera and film iff the closed glove compartment, Family of two coupon worth $10.00 camera. or on the shelf under the back v Here are some tips on how to window, or in the trunk. AH these Individual coupon worth $ 5.00 get the most out of your camera spots get too warm. And when dub so that your honeymoon pictures you park, try to find a shady This coupon good thru March 15, 1965 will be a joy to you. area to protect the film in the (WINTER PHONE) Shoot a test roll of film or two car. 140 HARMONY RD. 291-1642 MIDDLETOWN, N. J. at home. This is important if Should your trip be a long one you have a new camera, it will — more than two weeks — it's give you a chance to familiarize wise to send your exposed film. yourself with it or, if the camera is an old one, to see if it's in working order. Buy plenty of film beforehand. Keep your camera • protected against dust, sun and scratches. 1 Include in your camera-case a notebook so you can jot down facts to link together pictures and places. If you're trying to shoot some* thing like the Grand Canyon or the New York skyline, remember that your eye sees more than the camera lens. So concentrate, on one portion of the scene and ^compose your picture carefully. If you're trying to take pic- tures from a moving vehicle, hold your camera dose to the window to reduce reflection but don't ac- tually touch the window. Vibra- tion will cause camera movement and result in blurred pictures. For the same reason, don't use a window frame or the back of a ueat as an arm rest. Cradle the camera In your hands and steady it by bracing your arms against your body. When moving, shoot as the ecene Is directly approaching or receding from your lens — rather than when you're crossing its path. This will minimize the ef- fect oi the motion. For small scenes, such as pic- turesque houses or striking his- torical monuments, try to obtain a definite center of interest. You'M find a path or road can lead the eye to your focal point. Or use a foreground object like en overhanging tree branch to frame the view* In such,cases, it Is usually better to take an overall view of the entire scene or come in for a close-up of some particular point—like the inscrip- 1 START YOUR NEW LIFE PQ N A NEW HOME

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