Development Management Panel 27 February 2012
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DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PANEL 27 FEBRUARY 2012 Case No: 1101950FUL (FULL PLANNING APPLICATION) Proposal: CHANGE OF USE OF AGRICULTURAL GRASSLAND TO CAMPSITE FOR UP TO 25 TENTS OR MOTORHOMES, PROVISION OF TOILET/SHOWER FACILITY IN EXISTING BUILDING Location: SUMMERFIELD FARM HIGH STREET Applicant: MACNEIL HAYNES Grid Ref: 507715 268994 Date of Registration: 30.11.2011 Parish: TILBROOK RECOMMENDATION - APPROVE 1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND APPLICATION 1.1 This site lies in the countryside southwest of Tilbrook with an access onto the B645. 1.2 The site measures over a hectare. It includes an access which is used in association with the applicant’s own dwelling to the east and a neighbouring property, 60 High Street, to the west. 1.3 The main body of the site is set back from the road and measures approximately 100m at its widest northern end, excluding the access, approximately 166m long and approximately 47m wide at the southern end. There are hedges and ditches around parts of the site. Part of the eastern boundary of the site is undefined. 1.4 The site is predominantly grassland and includes the southern part of a modern agricultural building, the remainder of which is used for offices and storage. The site excludes a small area of land (approximately 32m x 45m) immediately south of the building to be converted containing two other buildings built for agricultural purposes. 1.5 The proposal is to change the use of the land which the applicant describes as agricultural grassland, to a campsite for up to 25 tents or motorhomes and provision of toilet/shower facility in part of the existing agricultural/office building. 1.6 The supporting statement advises that the site will not cater for towed caravans and approximately half of the pitches will have access to electric hook up facilities. There would be no external alterations to the front/west elevation of the existing building to be converted to provide wcs/showers but new openings would be inserted into the south elevation, which faces a building in the applicants’ control. 1.7 The applicants describe the proposal as being for a ‘family’ camping and motorhome site. The proposal is to operate from March to October inclusive, ie not all year round and to not cater for towed caravans. 1.8 The applicants advise that they own 10 acres and have rented 90 acres of farmland for a mix of grassland and arable crops since 2002. Their Farm Business Tenancy is for a further 3 harvests ending in 2015 at which time they plan to secure a further 5 year Farm Business Tenancy. The applicants advise that the farm is not viable on its own, and that the development could enhance its viability. Water and mains sewerage are available. The applicants propose to supplement the landscaping at the northern edge of the site and point out that there is screening from off-site hedges on land in their control north of the site. 1.9 The main road through the village is in a valley and the site is on a slope; levels rise from the road and across the site and up to the south. There is no path on the frontage of the application site but there is a path on the opposite side of the road. 1.10 There is a public path in the field approximately 175m west of the site and there are other public rights of way in the vicinity of the site, including through the grounds of the pub on the opposite side of the road. 1.11 The site can be seen some distance away from the other side of the valley. 1.12 Tilbrook has no shops. There is a pub in a Grade II listed building opposite the site entrance. The south-west corner of Tilbrook Conservation Area lies approximately 107m away from the north-east of the site. 2. NATIONAL GUIDANCE 2.1 PPS1: “Delivering Sustainable Development” (2005) contains advice on the operation of the plan-led system. 2.2 PPS4: “Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth” (2009) sets out the Government's comprehensive policy framework for planning for sustainable economic development in urban and rural areas. 2.3 PPS5: Planning for the Historic Environment (2010) sets out the Government's planning policies on the conservation of the historic environment. 2.4 PPS7: “Sustainable Development in Rural Areas” (2004) sets out the Government's planning policies for rural areas, including country towns and villages and the wider, largely undeveloped countryside up to the fringes of larger urban areas. 2.5 PPS9: “Biological and Geological Conservation” (2005) sets out planning policies on protection of biodiversity and geological conservation through the planning system. 2.6 PPG13: “Transport” (2011) sets out the objectives to integrate planning and transport at the national, strategic and local level and to promote more sustainable transport choices both for carrying people and for moving freight. 2.7 Good Practice Guide on Planning for Tourism (2006): sets out guidance on tourism and para 20 of Annex A Tourist Accommodation advises that planners ‘should carefully weigh the objective of providing adequate facilities and sites with the need to protect landscapes and environmentally sensitive sites’. The economic and environmental impacts need to be considered. 2.8 BS5837:2005: Trees in relation to construction. 2.9 Draft National Planning Policy Framework: Consultation (2011) - sets out the Government’s key economic, social and environmental objectives and the planning policies to deliver them. The intention is that these policies will provide local communities with the tools they need to energise their local economies, meet housing needs, plan for a low-carbon future and protect the environmental and cultural landscapes that they value. It seeks to free communities from unnecessarily prescriptive central government policies, empowering local councils to deliver innovative solutions that work for their local area. For full details visit the government website and follow the links to planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Policy. 3. PLANNING POLICIES Further information on the role of planning policies in deciding planning applications can also be found at the following website: then follow links Planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Information and Guidance, Planning Guidance and Advice and then Creating and Better Place to Live 3.1 East of England Plan - Revision to the Regional Spatial Strategy (May 2008) Policies viewable at then follow links to Planning, Regional Planning then Related Documents SS1: “Achieving Sustainable Development” – the strategy seeks to bring about sustainable development by applying: the guiding principles of the UK Sustainable Development Strategy 2005 and the elements contributing to the creation of sustainable communities described in Sustainable Communities: Homes for All. ENG1: “Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Energy Performance” – new developments should be located and designed to optimise carbon performance. E6: “Tourism” - Proposals for tourist development should be fully sustainable in terms of their impact on host communities, local distinctiveness and natural and built environments. ENV6: “The Historic Environment” - Within plans, policies, programmes and proposals local planning authorities and other agencies should identify, protect, conserve and, where appropriate, enhance the historic environment of the region including Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings. ENV7: “Quality in the Built Environment” - requires new development to be of high quality which complements the distinctive character and best qualities of the local area and promotes urban renaissance and regeneration. 3.2 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan (2003) Saved policies from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan 2003 are relevant and viewable at follow the links to environment, planning, planning policy and Structure Plan 2003: None relevant. 3.3 Huntingdonshire Local Plan (1995) Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995 are relevant and viewable at En17: "Development in the Countryside" - development in the countryside is restricted to that which is essential to the effective operation of local agriculture, horticulture, forestry, permitted mineral extraction, outdoor recreation or public utility services. En2:“Character and setting of Listed Buildings” - indicates that any development involving or affecting a building of architectural or historic merit will need to have proper regard to the scale, form, design and setting of that building. En5: “Conservation Area Character” - development within or directly affecting conservation areas will be required to preserve or enhance their character and appearance. En9: “Conservation Areas” - development should not impair open spaces, trees, street scenes and views into and out of Conservation Areas. En18: “Protection of countryside features” – Offers protection for important site features including trees, woodlands, hedges and meadowland. En20: Landscaping Scheme. - Wherever appropriate a development will be subject to the conditions requiring the execution of a landscaping scheme. En25: "General Design Criteria" - indicates that the District Council will expect new development to respect the scale, form, materials and design of established buildings in the locality and make adequate provision for landscaping and amenity areas. E7: “Small Businesses” will normally be supported subject to environmental and traffic considerations.