Traces on Compact Operators and the Noncommutative Residue
Traces of compact operators and the noncommutative residue † ‡ § Nigel Kalton∗ Steven Lord Denis Potapov Fedor Sukochev March 20, 2018 Abstract We extend the noncommutative residue of M. Wodzicki on compactly supported classical pseudo-differential operators of order d and generalise A. Connes’ trace theorem, which states that the residue− can be calculated using a singular trace on compact operators. Contrary to the role of the non- commutative residue for the classical pseudo-differential operators, a corol- lary is that the pseudo-differentialoperatorsof order d do not have a ‘unique’ trace; pseudo-differential operators can be non-measurab− le in Connes’ sense. Other corollaries are given clarifying the role of Dixmier traces in noncom- mutative geometry `ala Connes, including the definitive statement of Connes’ original theorem. Keywords: noncommutative residue, Connes’ trace theorem, Lidskii theo- rem, noncommutative geometry, spectral theory, singular trace. 2000 MSC: 47B10, 58B34, 58J42, 47G10 1 Introduction arXiv:1210.3423v2 [math.FA] 18 Oct 2012 A. Connes proved, [1, Theorem 1], that 1 Trω (P)= Res (P) d(2π)d W ∗Nigel Kalton (1946-2010). The author passed away during production of this paper. †[Corresponding Author] School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 5005, Australia. ‡School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052, Australia. §School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052, Australia. 1 where P is a classical pseudo-differential operator of order d on a d-dimensional − closed Riemannian manifold, Trω is a Dixmier trace (a trace on the compact oper- 1 ators with singular values O(n− ) which is not an extension of the canonical trace), [2], and ResW is the noncommutative residue of M.
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