Traces of compact operators and the noncommutative residue † ‡ § Nigel Kalton∗ Steven Lord Denis Potapov Fedor Sukochev March 20, 2018 Abstract We extend the noncommutative residue of M. Wodzicki on compactly supported classical pseudo-differential operators of order d and generalise A. Connes’ trace theorem, which states that the residue− can be calculated using a singular trace on compact operators. Contrary to the role of the non- commutative residue for the classical pseudo-differential operators, a corol- lary is that the pseudo-differentialoperatorsof order d do not have a ‘unique’ trace; pseudo-differential operators can be non-measurab− le in Connes’ sense. Other corollaries are given clarifying the role of Dixmier traces in noncom- mutative geometry `ala Connes, including the definitive statement of Connes’ original theorem. Keywords: noncommutative residue, Connes’ trace theorem, Lidskii theo- rem, noncommutative geometry, spectral theory, singular trace. 2000 MSC: 47B10, 58B34, 58J42, 47G10 1 Introduction arXiv:1210.3423v2 [math.FA] 18 Oct 2012 A. Connes proved, [1, Theorem 1], that 1 Trω (P)= Res (P) d(2π)d W ∗Nigel Kalton (1946-2010). The author passed away during production of this paper. †[Corresponding Author] School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 5005, Australia.
[email protected] ‡School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052, Australia.
[email protected] §School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052, Australia.
[email protected] 1 where P is a classical pseudo-differential operator of order d on a d-dimensional − closed Riemannian manifold, Trω is a Dixmier trace (a trace on the compact oper- 1 ators with singular values O(n− ) which is not an extension of the canonical trace), [2], and ResW is the noncommutative residue of M.