The Andover Townsman
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AL HALL LI he ndover ownsman T A 4niin*rr everywherr and first, last—thr manly, straightforward, sober, patriotic NowT England Town—PHILLIPS IIROOK9 ONE YEAR $2.00—SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 7, 1934 VOLUME XLVIII NUMBER 9 Girls Friendly Marks Japanese Issues What’s Going On P. T. A. Conducts Special Meeting Soon n i i a • Topic of Lecture (from today until next Friday) Monthly Meeting Golden Anniversary “Inheritance” was the subject of a talk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I | search for power and security, and what will T onight on School Project -------------------- - J Concert, Don Cossacks, George Washing given by M. Lawrence Shields of the Phillips lie the cITcct of her present activities upon the ton hall, 8.15. academy faculty before the Andover Parent- Christ Church Young Women’s Group to Have Two- vXcs.tcrn 'Yorld.? hese arc anions the most Sunday Teacher association Wednesday night, with Criticism Against Revised Plans Becomes More Severe C orporate C om m union, 50th Anniversary over 100 attending. Mrs. Harold C. Dunn, ' |)„y Celebration of Fiftieth Birthday-Corporate chairman of the program committee, intro —Plans Not Yet Ready — School Committee sky will discuss in his lecture at Phillips Girls’ Friendly society, Christ church, Communion Sunday, Banquet Monday 10.45 a.m. duced the lecturer. — Votes for Original Plans academy on Friday, December 14, at 8.15 Monday Miss Catherine Barrett, vice-president, p.m. presided in the absence of President Mrs. 'll,, golden anniversary of the Girls’ Fourteen years of uninterrupted residence B anquet, Girls’ Friendly society, Christ Fay H. Elliott. Friendly society of Christ church will be church parish house, 6.30 p.m. The possibility of a special town meeting in Install Mr. Heely in China and Japan, friendship with the W ednesday The executive committee recommended Will Not Collect the near future became more apparent this marked by a two-day celebration on Sunday statesmen of the far East, such as Eugene that the association sponsor Christmas trees week when the revised plans for the PAV.A. and Monday. And it is certainly an occasion Chen, China’s great Foreign Minister, and Play, Margaret Slattery class, Free church, as Headmaster 8.00p.m. in the high school, junior high school and the school project came in for severe criticism. for celebration, for each one of the fifty years Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and active participation in John Dove and Samuel C. Jackson schools. Toys This Year The building committee met Wednesday has !>ecn rich in endeavor, in high ideals, in T hursday Eastern public affairs give Mr. Sokolsy an Card party, Grange hall, 8.00 p.m. I The attendance Imnner was awarded to night hut the architects did not have the never failing service to others, and in de Allan V. Heely, formerly assistant dean of unrivalled background of knowledge. After Miss Bessie Conant’s room. Plans for a general Christmas party for plans ready at that time. termination to maintain those lofty prin Phillips Academy, was installed as head graduating from the Columbia School of The following committee was appointed to children by the V. F. W. arc under way. The Arthur R. Lewis, as a delegate from the ciple of friendliness, steadfastness and pur master of Lawrenceville school at Thanks . oumalism he edited an Allied newspaper in investigate the dangerous spots for children collection of toys will be postponed this year. school committee, presented the following ity, which the society was founded. giving Day services in the Edith Memorial Petrograd in 1917, until he was forced out of LOCAL NEWS NOTES crossing Main sireet and take up the matter The members of the post are very grateful report and resolution, urging the building On Sunday morning there will be a service chapel at Lawrenceville. Waldron I*. Belk the country by the revolution. Arriving in of police protection; Charles W. Arnold,chair to the citizens who have so generously co committee to adhere to the old plans, to the of corporate communion at the church at nap, president of the board of trustees, was C hina Mr. Sokolsky became adviser to the man; Mitchell Johnson, George G. Brown, operated in past years, 'rhe belief is that building committee Wednesday evening: 1045. with Rev. Charles W. Henry in the inducting officer. The trustees, faculty, Chief of Police in the Province of Chihli and Miss Eileen Ryan of Elm stieet is visiting Mrs. Stanley C. Hickok and Mrs. G. F. Rob- after a sabbatical year, the harvest will be “ The School Committee of the town of charre. The musical program will be directed students, parents and guests made up an helped organize a strike of the Shanghai in New York. better for Christmas of 1935. audience of 400. jent. Thursday officer David Gillespie worked Andover view with some concern the con hy the organist, John D. Newall, III, and the Students’ Union against the Versailles Mrs. Margaret Hitchen of 206 North Main on the project. Walter Lamont and Roy Hardy of the tinued delay in starting construction on the sermon will be given by Rev. Arthur T. Roe- After the ceremonies, a dinner was given Treaty. He also became associated as editor Refreshments were served by the following town planning board addressed the members by Mr. Heely for POO persons in the school street is ill at her home. junior high school and associated buildings bud curate of Grace church, Lawrence. or correspondent with a number of news committee: Mrs. George Collins and Mrs. of the post Monday evening and discussed authorized by the special town meeting one Monday evening there will be a banquet in gymnasium. The new headmaster was intro papers in Tientsin, Shanghai, and Tokyo, Miss Ruth O’Connor of Maple avenue has Alfred R. Harris. fully and ably the zoning Taws which the year age this week. the parish house at 6.30 o’clock. duced by his assistant, A. R. Hyatt. Greet and helped organize the Chinese Government recovered after a short illness. citizens of the town will be asked to adopt at “ We do not presume to interfere with the The Sunday morning program follows: ings from the students were brought hy Bureau of Economic Education. the next town meeting. Mr. I^imont, answer Hunting Ethridge of Rome, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. George Napier of Summer functions of the Building committee but as Prelude- —Fantasie ttubois As a result of his experiences Mr. Sokolsky street visited in Maynard recently. Different Groups ed the questions of the members and all mis we listen to the confusion of claims and Pro,. tonal 537 Arthur //. Mess iter ISSJ Mr. Heely said proper education should has become a recognized authority on politi understandings apparently were settled to the include intellectual, physical and spiritual counter claims advanced by various indi cal and economic conditions in Manchuria, Miss Alice McDermitt of Red Spring road Enroll in Courses satisfaction of all present. Mr. I^amont and viduals and bodies concerning this project Miss Florence K. Howe )f Worcester development. The era of educational “ fads ( hina, Japan, and Russia, and his hook, the is ill at the I^awrence General hospital. Mr. Hardy were awarded a rising vote of we beg to call the committee’s attention to AI so ft Ittoi and experiments” was ending, he contended, “ Tinder Box of Asia ” is the standard work on thanks. the stress now being placet! by teachers on Supreme Agent John Daly attended the the principal reason which moved the school Alsop ISOI Sino-Japancse relations. Probably no other meeting of the local K. of C. last night. "The gratifying thing al>out the registra The entertainment committee made a committee to conceive the whole plan and to A hop ISO I preparation of boys for practical life and on American newspaper man knows the East lion for the Evening Study Groups is that it progressive report on an entertainment to be self-discipline. hire Mr. Gilbert to draw up the preliminary in such detail, and he is a brilliant and stimu Joseph Cussen of Chestnut street is ill at represents so many different groups of people held in the immediate future. sketches. • liners ISJ5 He pledged an administration that would lating speaker. the Baker Memorial hospital in Boston. in town. Here, for instance, arc some blanks The relief committee will give to the needy make education pleasant rather than burden “ 'Hiis reason is solely the increasing needs Phillips Academy cordially invites the that have been mailed in by people working members of the post a Christmas cheer of the school children of the town of Andover some to his charges, adding that the boys Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rossi and daughters in the Tyer Rubber company and the Shaw Rev. Arthur K. Roebuck of Lawrence people of Andover to attend. There will he Dorothy and Phyllis of Medford were recent basket. due to gradual and steady growth in school would be taught, nevertheless, to “ stand on no charge for admission. sheen mill. And here are some from the A monster Christmas cheer whist party Anthem—Gloria from 12th Mass Mozart their own feet.” visitors here. population. Doxolofiy Ifournrois 1551 merchants and store keepers on Main street will he held jointly with the Indies’ auxiliary “ This reason was carefully ami thoroughly The interhousc championship football Mrs. Thomas Hall of High street spent the and vicinity. Right in with them are many soon. A campaign for new members will be Hymn .124 John Dykrs IS66 game was played in the afternoon, and three that have come in from such organizations as discussed by your school committee previous Sanctus Alsop ISO I holiday and week-end with her sister, Mrs.