The Osgood Family of Andover
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fb.e OSGOOD FAllILY of Andover. Line of Chrlstopeeri GtflstoPher O~good of st. Mary'.,Marlboro,England, married April 21, 1632, vary Everard. She died shortly and was buried April 21, 1633. A daughter, Mary (2), born 1633 was baptized there on Maroh 17,1633. Christopher mar1""\ ried second, also at St. MarY'a, Marlboro, July 28, 1633, Var jory, daughter ~ Philip Fowler and his wit. Mary Winsley, who was bapt. at Marlboro in Wiltshirel Kay 25,1615. These all C~e with . sailing from Lon.on in the "Var~ and JOhn",Mar.24 1634. Fowler to Amerioa,/( The Fowler DOOK claIms tliat Uhrls£opher Ia o/alls-A bury, Wiltshire. It places him aa brother to VIm. and John Osgood, but th8t is not so at all.) Christopher died at Ipswioh,Mass. 1650. Marjory took for her second husband, Thomas Rowell of Salisbury, about a year atter Christopher's death and oame with him and children and grand children to Andover, where they- the Fowlers and Rowell, started the first fUlling mill. Rowell, who was one of the original proprietors of S.lisbury, ~/'--., 1639, died here in Andover. She married third, Thomas Coleman, who was recorded in NantuokeD, June 8, 1678, and rented a house in Andover to a son,Chr1stopher Oagood,for 12 years • He was to pay 15 ~bs. to his brother Tom of Andover and to have )he house, later. Her fourth husband was Thomas Osborne of Nantucket. Marjory died Nov. 20, 1701 aged about 8'7. Sefore her departure for .Nantucket, ahe le~t a feather bed with her son-in-law John Lovejoy, which he waa to give to her son,uacob Rowell. Christoi>b:ar (1) Osgood mad.e his will in April, 1650. This 1s in the Ipswich reoords, Vol. 1, page 77,234. He provides for wife, Margery and .. son,Chri8tophe~ age 7, who 1s to have residue of estate when he is 21.Thoa. is not mentioned so he was doubtless born atter his father died. His daugh ters were not to marry without the advice and oonsent of' their mother or th~ overseers of the propert7~ John Horton and Philip Fowler. The OSGeOD FAMILY -2- The children of Christopher (1) OS80od and wives:Mary and Marjory, were:- • ](ary (2) b. 1633 in England; m. June I, 1651, John Lovejoy of Andover. By Marjorie:- Abiga~l (2), b. about 1636; m. Sherburne Wilson, April 9,1657; he was son of wm. Wilson and w. ~a~ience, of Boston and brother ot Jos. Wilson of Andover, b. about 1637. Elizabeth (2), b. about 1638; alive when father~ade will, 1650; d. shortl, .of Andover, Deborah (2), b. about 1640; m. Aug. 28, l663,John Russe,/son of Jolin and wife Margaret, ferryman of Dover. Thamaa(2) b. 1651· m. 1674,SUsann Lord ot Ipswi~J to N.Jersej"JSo. gar. Ghristophe~ l2), b.' about 1643; m. uec.6,1663,Hannah Belknap of Lynn,prob- ably dau. of Abraham, called 31 in 1671, so b. 1640. She d. Nov. 21, 1679, and Christopher m. 2nd.,May 27, 1680, Hannah Barker, dau. of Wm. and wife, Mary (Dix). She d. April 6,1687; Chris. m. 3rd., Sarah---. who d. 1689; his 4th Wife, also Sarah, -- could be a Sarah stevens, whose mother, as a widow Orne, had m. Jos. Ballard as his 2nd wife and had several children by 2 prev ious marriages. Christopher built the Frye mills and was oalled a wheelwright. He died May 9, 1723 at 80. His 4th wife outlived to Gen.Ct. him. He was a Capt. here and a .epresentative) !he State Archives, 71:67-70, show the petition he and John Barker made, for blockhouses. He was an active and efficient leader in the defence of Andover against the Indians. In 1676 he appears to have begun his career as constable in the south part of Andover. He was Sejectman,1678-9j1683-4-6-7-8; 1693. In 1696 the title of Capt. was given him by ~v. wm.~~. He was lepresentative to the ~nera1 Court,Oct. to leoember 1690. - '} 1696;1705;1709. Christopher Osgood's servant-so ca1led- was killed in 1677 in the defense of Scarboro, at Black Point garrison. Be was vavid ~f:t~\~~ and it is .ery likely that young Christopher also served in that campaign. The OSGOOD FOlLY During the activity near the clos. of the French Wars, he was espeo r-... ially active. The younger men went to the ....uard under Lt. Col.Jiarch , \ .~. who was building a shlp at Andover, and Osgood, was the otticer in charge ot the town and detenses-. He had to supervise the building ot bleckhous8S and patrol the length of' the Merrimac. He impressed to men of his compan." some to work and others to scout and guard. This was car'ri8d~ on while the country was in a state ot war, before the close ot Queen Anne's War. en Bov. 27, 1695 a letter was sent to William Houghton, Gov. ot Mass. and ....ral Court, by Bradstreet and C. Osgood, Military Commander of the Essex troops here in our dlvision, It ,..Representing the inhabitants ot And- over-- Since the beginning and during the continuation ot the present Indlan War, ( the depth of Winter excepted) at their wwn proper cost and charge, have maintained and do continually malntain dlvers men to watch and ward their town tor the security ot the inhabitants thereot- the charge of whioh hath not been less that about 1000 ~bs. to ye Towne- besides the ~drance of those men trom thelr employment- and not withstandlng which they have had continually their proportion ot men with other towns-impress.J out into His Majesty's service-where divers of them still remain- and have hitherto,without any abatement, paid rates to the full with, it not more than others- That, by reason of this town lying so near a desert wilderness exposing them to the asaault ot the enemy they are forced to garrison th-. selves,to the great detriment ot their work abroad- abput their necessary 8mpIOyment~ hazard ot their lives, while it is otherwise with many towns Andover asks to be considered a trontier town, etc •••• ff Voted 1696 in the negative. 51:59 •• Aug.--- 14, 1696; "light Honerable--- 811':- Atter ye enemy had made the attack upon us, I posted a letter torthwith to our Major who went the same day thi.her to conduct our soldi8rs- to Co. Gedney- that was impress ed from our town tor the Expedition to ye Eastward- there being 20 men imPressed out of our town tor said expedition-which is a great weakness to us that are so much a rrontier town-paral1elled with any other now by reason or the Merrimac River being 80 low at this t~e ot year that the enemy may ~_over - and in several places-right against us-- The OSGO aD FAMILY and the ef'feC~hereot do now app~~ to our sorroW' and damage-whereupon by what is already done by those upon ourselves - and what hath been at this instant done upon our neighbors not tar diatant fram us- and the great strength and suocess ot the enemy bath in all the late,- the people. of auD town are under such discouragement to stand their ground that they are in amazement of the spirits about- contriving to break up and remove and everyone to shift for themselves- though it be to the loss ot their estates- and some garrisons are already upon breaking up and re moving - and extremity of fear and danger w111 not suffer men to know their duty- thereupon, in our Major's absence. the care ot the town ly ing 90stly upon myselt, -people here generally have been making applIcat ion to me to supplicate your honor that orders be given forthWith, tor the return ot our men home again that are sent out- also that there be a oompetant number of men besides , out ot some ot the inmost towns, co~~ded forthwith, for our assistance, for we are in expeotation every hour, pt an attack by a~.,grea.t body of the enemy that have been discovered this day, as we are Informed, between Exeter and Haverhill, upon the march towards Haverhill and Andover. We have therefore no other help under God- but to make our speedy applioation to your honor for our present relief- which .e doubt not but that your fatherly pity toward us will appear, In preterring this most humble address of him that is in behaldf ot an town, your ~::.,~::.:.~; .. honeat, most humble petitioner. Christopher Osgood. Prom Andover,Aug.14,1696~ n --- --- -- The paper which tollows desoribes the raid the Indiands ~e upon the Blanohard garrison ani the killing ot .m. feters, etc. Gol. edney waa in the ~aatward,Aug. 17, and Gov. Houghton sent a letter after 41m, mak ing arrangements to~ a vigorou. campaign and paid no heed to Andover atfairs. apparently. Capt. Christopher Osgood is distinctly called Military Officer ot -- Andover, in charge of affa1ra,b_..... of his great age he was not able to take the f1eld. Vol.6~;page 69. -- -- Capt. Christopher(2) ,Oagood ( Chr1s.(1) and w1fe,Hannah lelknap,had: Mary (3), b. July 5, 1665; m. May 2,1689 John Marston. 1iannah (3) b. Oot.19,1668j m. Aug. 27,1688' John Qarleton Dorothy (3~, b. July 4, 1671; m. before l6~2, Joseph AnniS, b. about 1666 the son of Carmao, alias Charles Annis of freland and .. his wite, Sarah Chase ot NewbJll'Y; J~seph was a weaver ot .