o } c.~ MICH., ~'R ~•~v, NARCH ~, ~9~5 Vo!. 10, No. 47 CASSa'~'~u~*'CITYENTERPRISE, Es,gblished i n 1881 ADrt120, 190~ c~y i E I I I I '1 FLYING SQUADRON IN BLAMES FARMERS FOR BOYS LEAVING FARMS NOVESTA TWP. TOMORROW. 4- "SLIPPINg"STIRS UP .:, LET THE PIGS GRUNT. ":" FREDSLOCUM DRD The Flying Squadron of Anti-Sa- "Farmers are to blame for the boys loon speakers will tour Novesta town- *I* Let the pigs do ~che grunting. *I- leaving the farm," said :.. M. Ber- ridge, at the farmers' institute at the AT ANN AeBOR [L[TION INTE [ I ship Saturday, March 13, as follows: O*:* There is better work ahead for us. ¢. Herbert Leon Cope, "The Whirl- *:* Grunting never lessened the burden of a load, never pulled acom- ~ Michigan Agricultural college. Mr. Berridge is a graduate of M. A. wind"--Charlton Shhool at 10:00 a. ¢. munity out of a rut, never added a dollar to any man's bank account. :~.~ WAS PUBLISHER OF CARP AD- CAUCUS NOMINEES ELECTED m.; Paul School at 2:30 p. m: *:~ Grunting makes pessimists, and pessimists have bad livers, and poor C. and now a prosperous farmer near VERTISER FOR 20 YEARS. AT CASS CITY. E. J. Warren of CaromCrawford ***" digestiofi, and ~sour countenances, and general nuisances all around• Greenville• School at 10:30 a. m,; McCracken .:. And pessimists are always grunting about something. "> "Fully 90 per cent of the boys would School at 2:30 p. m. O They grunt if times arebad; they grunt because they are not better O remain on the farm," he said, "if giv- For Eight Years Manager and Part No Contest at Gagetown; Citizens' en proper encouragement by their fa- A. L. Marvin, County Manager~ *:" when they are good" they grunt over their meals, and over politics, .:~ Owner of the Johnston-Slo- Ticket Wins at Vassar and Quick School at 10:30 a. m; Ferguson -:* and religion, and anything else that offers a chance to grunt. *:* thers, and if life on the farm were made more attractive. Leave the cure Company at Caro. Republicans at Caro. School at 2:30 p. m. ~:~ And then they grunt because there is nothing left to grunt about. ***~ A big free banquet wilI be given to -I. Grunting is a habit with them~it is their daily pastime--and 4. church open evenings and provide all voters at Bell's Hall, Deford, oat *:~ nothing is so dear to their hearts as a great big unadulterated grunt. .:~ some form of amusement at home, Fred S!ocum, formerly of Carp, one O Running the name of F. A. Bliss on 6:30 p. m. Music and speeches ~il:! .:. Many of us grunt part of the time, but some folks grunt all of the :~ and the boys will not want to go to of the oldest and best knpwn newspa- slips in an effort to defeat F. E. I~.el- follow. *:" time. ~:~ the city. M.A.C. is the first school in per publishers in Michigan, died sud- sey for trustee lent the only excite- *:. 'Now let's quit grunting. ~*** the country really to help to keep the denly Saturday morning at Ann Ar.. ment to the village election Monday. .:. Let's get down to hard tacks and dig a log of wealth out of this ÷:* boys on the farm." bor, after an illness of 10 months. The attempt was successful only in 4- community. It's here, but grunting won't do the digging. ***. He was born in Holly, May 25, getting out a larger vote. Mr. KMsey FEEAWARDED ~**- Let's make this the greatest productive year in local history. *~* 1859. At the age of 18 he established was elected by a majority of 44, ~re- .:~ Let's get out and hustle let's find the opportunities, or make **** the Holly Advertiser, which he, later .ceiving 92 votes to 48 cast for his op- ~**~ them where none exist. ***~ BUY JT sold to his brother, James, in 1884, ponent. ***~ The s0ii is as rich today as it was a year ago, and it will produce ¢* and purchased the Tuscola County The entire ticket as nominated at *:.~ as much and the products will sell for more money. *:~ Advertiser, at Carp, which paper he the caucus was elected as ~ollows: *I', There is nothing produced in this community but has a market ~**~ published for more than 20 years. Du- President, Geo. A Striffier. SUCCESSFUL IN INTERCOLLEGI- ~" waiting for it. If we don't see the market, let's get out and find it. :i: ring his connection with the paper he ¢. Clerk, Chauncey W. Campbell° ATE ORATORICAL CONTEST. .:~ Time is too short for it to hunt us. ¢o filled all of the important offices of GOODS WILL NEVER BE Treasurer, Geo. A. Tindale. "1" Let's not sit on dry goods boxes and wait for the world to come -:~ tl{e Michigan Press association, of Assessor, Harry L. Hunt. ¢~ to our feet. We will die grunting if we do. .:~ CHEAPER. which he was a member for more than Trustees for two years, Albert H. Miss Jessie Duncanson, Student at Al- .:,, There's a great big place for us in the world. Let's fill it--let's O 30 years. Higgins, Pearl A. Schenck, Edward ~:. do something~tet's let the rest of the world know that we are alive, *:. He was postmaster at Caro for ma, Won Third Place in t Pinney. / ":* that we are producers, that we are something" more than grunters. -I. Begin Buying What You Need and eight years. For the last eight years Truste for one year, Fred E. Kel- Women's Con~est. -:- Let's be optimists--for optimist s do things, and never grunt. ,,1. You Will Help Along the he was manager and part owner in soy. .:. Let the pigs do the grunting. .~.. the Johnstog-Slocum company, a man- Election was a quiet affair~t Gage- o.*o Good Times. town Monday. Only 14 votes were Miss Amy Fee, a student at Albion 4, There are better times and more congenial work ahead for us. $.~ ufacturing concern at Carp. He went cast which elected the following offi- and daughter of Rev. G. A. Fee, for- o:° Let's all get busy and whoop it up. to Los Angeles, Cal,, In September, cers: President, Robt. Young; clerk, merly pastor of the M. E. church at 4, The following terse articleiis taken 1913, and while there suffered a ner- O. A. Rogers; treasurer, C. P. Hunt- Cars City, was awarded first honors from the editorial page of the New vous breakdown from which he never er; assessor, Char. Palmer; trustees in the Michigan intercollegiate orato- 1 York Evening Journal: recovered, and returned to Michigan in May, t91t. for two years, J. L. Purdy, John Mort= rical contest at Alma ~Friday. The [~Q~)I~I~~~ ~' i FOUR FARM SALES " There is plenty of money in this ro and Henry Comment. subject of Miss Fee's oration was "A . country. Despite a great deal of un- / At Vassar the entire Citizens' tick- Mothe r . " She.made a great plea for ~~ ~~~~) I employment there are hundreds and "CAPTAIN DICK" AT DEFORD. et was elected with the exception of private homes for orphaned waifs, i Scheduled for the First Four Days thousands of men with good incomes, Calvin Jones, village clerk. The offi- •Miss Eva R. Arent of the Michigan o~ Next Week. hundreds of thousands of people with The Deford High School Dramatic -cers chosen are: President, E. Whitt- State Normal college \vas given See-t __ , _ money in the banks• club will present "Captain •Dick," or more Ellis; clerk, Calvin O. ,Jones; ond honors with the oration, "The '~ '~ i - ~...... To hoard money, to practise self- "Our War Correspondent," a comedy treasurer, William Currie; assessor, denial now will only defer the coming S:2~:f oAf1Kangc:l~eM~SdaJ:2h::rDfnMa:. MARLETTE--While carrying a drama in three acts at the Def0rd Orsen B. Randall; trustees, two years, of prosperity. schoolhouse on Friday, March 19. The Margaret Duncanson of Cars C i ty, ~~pail of boiling water, Rex- Wilson, l...... The maxim that the people must Henry W. Owen, Thomas C. Halpin, ,, ,, on ~wonaay, lvlaIcn IO, al; nls home o Deford orchestra will entertain the John F. Sweet, Guy N. Varnum. speaking on The New Patriotism, 18-Year-°ld son of Thomas Wilson. t~;~ ..... ÷ o -~ ~az ,,~'~..... Ch ~v c~o~ follow to restore good times immedi- audience between acts. Much effort won third ,,lace I Marlette business man, and was nu • 7~...n The republican candidates at the fell ...... ately is:--Buy It Now! has been p~t forth and the partici- e , - • I ...... oaaly scalaea I City E F Wright is the auctioneer Carp election were elected over the :. In the men...... s contest, Cornehus R. • , .... land the announcement appears on Don't wait till next summer or next ]pants hope for a s~pporti~g house~ citizens' ticket by a vote of two to wmreng'a...... o~ hope won over tiuy. ~oxll ~v~t~l,~--tne .men s cross o~.11'lpa~e~ z~. week, necessities are cheaper today Following isthe cast of characters:. ofAlbmn eollege. Carleton Miller of =the Marlette Methodist church w~ ~ ...... than they have beenfpr many years-- one. The following are the officers of: • . ! . . on page seven, ,-mup wrlgn% wno Ray Harrington, a cm~federate Hfllsdale was given third place, i debate the questmn of ownership of ...... that village for the coming year: ...... I nas sore ms ~arm, nas oraerea prm~ea cheaper than they are likely to be officer . • . William Parks --~~ ~empnone ana ~etegrapn trees w~n I . . President, Dr. F. P. Bender;" clerk, I ...... a b~g hst of personal property he will again for some time. Col. Norris, veteran of Mexican • ,~la,~a,e~ ai-,, , ,P~ ~ne men s class ol ~ne ~irst Ivle~;noalst ~ . .. ~ . ~.~ . Many people have put off buying Clarence R. Myers; treasurer, Frank .nm'~ezm'~, mall liSX ! _ _ I otter a~ auction on xuesaay, lviarcn war . Clark Silverthorn i~HllO/4|aO ||HIL LILO j church, of Port Huron, at Port Hu-1 , St. Mary; assessor, Frank W. Bowler; ": ' ~ 116, 3 mil~s south and 1 mile west of even necessities till some later time, Glancus Glendon, southern gentle- ..... ~ ron, March 20. H. A. Macklem, John . ,~ • man , . Clinton Bruce trustees, Char. Sieland, Henry S'My- , . i ...... ~ew t~reenleaf Jar R Turnbull will till money shall be more plentiful. Lucky Jones, gambler Lyle Patch err and E. E. Gurney. Legislature," in" Concurrent Resolu "1I boney ana ~. T. Baldwin will make up I cry -one-- sale." " " " , The quickest way to make money . ,the Martette team. Judge Carl A. more plentiful is to put it into circu- Lieut. Noble, union officer . tmn, Answers Slanders on ~ . _ 1 On Wednesday, March 17, Mrs. Warren Sherk Dry Regime Wagner will captain the Port Huron }IMervyn Keyser announces an auction lation, and the best way to put it into A lZev. Simon Skylight, Seth Spencer ~ EXPERIMEHTCLUB GROWING • team. 14 miles east, ~ mile south and ~ circulation is to use it for the purpose for which it is intended--buying Patsey O'Hooligan, union sentinel ----. _ SANDUSKY ....Aftez a legal con l mile east of Cars City. Particulars Clark Silverthorr~ Kansas has been hbeled by the test of several months the D. B. C. &l on nae'e 2 E F Wright is the auc- yourself the things you need and can New Members Added at Last Meet- Moses, a free "nigger" Mr. Patch hquor mterests~ So declared the Ken- W. r~lroad succeeded, Saturday, in ltioneer" afford. ing; Officers Re-elected. Sam, a slave . Eldon Watkins. sas state senat~ m a concurrent reso- getting the right to lay a side track I R H and H. C. Fitch will quit The business depression, due to un- Capt. Dick, a lady war correspon- lution, copies of which will be sent to from their main line at Sandusky, to farming and announce a sale on the wise tariff legislation and to some dent Joyce Retherford ' A number of new members were every legislator in the union. It star- the property of an elevator company Hezekiah Dodge Estate, 3 miles east, extent aggravated hy the war, is fast Mrs. Norris, wife of Col. Norris . . Gotdm Reid'• admitted into the Tuscola County Ex- ed that the liquor interests have pub- in that city and, with the •assistance 1 mile north and ~/~ mile west of Cars passing. periment Club at the last meeting of lished statements that prohibition in of about 100 people of Sandusky, who But it should be made to pass im- Nellie Norris, daughter and bride City on Thursday, March 18. The Dollie Ross: the society when Hugh Cooper was Kansas has caused increase in crime, volunteered to help lay the track, mediately. property is described on page 3. Miss Jemina, maiden sister of Col, death rate, homicide, suiciOes, di- they had the ties placed and the rails When factories are again in mo- re-elected president and D. E. Turner Striffier & McCullough are the auc- Norrisr Gladys Balch vorces and juvenile delinquency. The tion, when trade of all kinds is ex- chosen to succeed himself as secreta- spiked down before 9 o'clock Satur- tioneers. [" Bess, a white terror . Ruby Nesbitt ry. resolution states that the reverse is day night and Sunday completed the panding, the problem of the unem- Ginger, a black one Violet Withey Sherman Elliott gave an interest- true of prohibition and adds: "All grading, building of cross-walks, etc. ployed will cure itself. OFFERED SUBSTITUTE. ing talk on his. experiences in the use such charges are libelous and false, DECKERVILLE-- Representatives But every man who has an income Condition your stock fo~" spring with Dr. Itess' Stock tonic. Tread- of fertilizer on his farm. He secured and do but represent the sentiments from Deckerville, Sandusky, Croswell, must help. :-One day recently when an automo- gold's sell i~. two bushels more beans to the acre of men, who, when this state exiled IVIarlette and Brown City high schools Go into any store and you will be bile owner of a nearby city was out with the use of fertilizer than from the saloon, were compelled to leave met at the ¥. M.. C. A. building in Pt. surprised how cheaply you can buy. l in his ear he discovered that he needed Special meeting of Tyler lodge Fri- ground on::wh{ch he spread I0 loads Kansas for her good." Huron on Saturday last and planned Articles that a year ago you thought day evening, March 19, for the pur- some lubricating oil for his engine. of manure to the acre. Mr. Elliott the high school base ball schedule for were beyond your purse have been pose of third degree work. I. A. Frit% He drove up to a farm house where a secretary. made a scientific test with the fertili- New spring wall paper at'XTread- the spring season and decided on greatly reduced. gold's Drug Store. Prices right. small boy was playing. "Son" he zer and his experience is that the use high school athletic. One action of the The reduction includes almost ev- called, "run and ask your mother if Union Caucus. of it pays if the farmer gets the right meeting' which will be of particular erything from bric-a-brac up to auto- Fresh celery, lettuce and green she- has any lubricating oil--or cas- A Union Caucus for the Townshfp kind. Secure a test of the land and onions at Jones'. ,~ interest to Deekerville people was the mobiles. of Novesta will be held at the Quick tor oil will do if she has that." Soon learn what qualities are lacking and decision to pull off the annual county Talk to your dealer about it, and he school house on Saturday, Mar. 20, a~ the boy returned and said: "Me ain't 1:00 p. m., for the purpose of nomi- then secure fertilizer to supply the For Sale. high school meet here on Friday, June will show you how immediate pur- Twelve good fall pigs; also 2 two- got no Castor oil or nothin', but she nating" township officers and transact- deficiencies of the soil is the advice fourth. According to the plans each chases will effect ~ great saving. year-old heifers in calf. Robt. Warn- said if you would Wait a few minutes ing such ot]~er business as may come given. base ball team will give each other With better times and increased before said meeting-. By order of com- l er: 3-12: she would fix you a dose of salts•" D. E. Turner, the secretary of the town one game making a total of ten trade expansion prices are bound to mittee. Clyde Quick, Clerk. 3-12-2 club, has a list of the grain, seeds and Horse or one four-;fear-old colt for games ifi the official schedule. The se- go up. For Sale. fertilizer which will be furnished this sale. Matt Parker, 1~/~ miles west of curing of the meet for Deekerville is LECTURE COURSE NUMBER. If you have set your heart on hav- Cass City. " 3-12-2p One black driver, 3 years; one bay season by the state authorities. A due largely to the efforts of Henry ing some particular possession in the Belgian mare, 3 years; one Belgian payment of 50 cents entitles a farmer future, go look at it in the store TO- Bunch of keys found on Elkland- Merriman, '15, who carried to the The fourth and next to the last horse colt, coming 2 year~~. Phil. of the county to membership in the conference the pledge of the Deeker- DAY. You will probably find that it Quinn, Cars City.. Phone 157~3S. Novesta town line. Owner call at number of the lecture course under 3-12-2 club and to the privilege of making Chronicle office. 3-12' ville business men that they would the auspices of the Woman's Study can be purchased far more cheaply out his "want list" and securing seeds, close their places of business during Club will be given by Ralph Parlette, than it could have been purchased a For Sale. House and barn to rent. H.B. Sn~- • etc., through the club, from the state. the field meet and co-operate in ma- an orator who leaves his audiences year ago. der. 3-12-1p The officers of the club expect that ~ Nine head of yearlings; eighteew The pride of every housewife is in little pigs. John Hulbert on the O. C. )ring the event a success. full of good cheer and humor. Mr. the state will send an experienced Wood farm •~& mile west of Cars City. Parlette is among the best on the intelligent buying. That is the way Having purchased my father's mov- man here in the spring to test the soil 3-12-2p. Need a spring" tonic? Get it at platform and should have a liberal prudent and far-Mghted women save ing equipment, I am prepared to do of the club members' farms• Treadgold's Drug Store. their money. any work of that nature. When you house. M.E. church, Friday evening, want to move a house, barn or ether Now is the time to draw home your Many men have been made success- For Sale. March 12. buihting, call on me. Jacob Anther. Eighty Acre Farm For Sale--Good drain tile. Our stock is complete and C~ut~ued on eis~hth Pa~e. 3-12-1p our prices are right. Ask us. Cars Three Herford bull calves 4 to 7 10-room house, bank barn 46x60, o~h- months old. J.H. Strittler. 3-12- •or good buildings; over 70 acre~ under City Grain Co. Phone 61. Wood prints kodak pictures Tues- day and Friday. Bring films early. Easter and St. Patrick Day post For Sale. cultivation; 6 acres maple bush and • cards and novelties at Treadgold's Team of horses, 8 and 9" yrs. old, other timber. Edward Pinney. 3-12- Bean Contracts. For Sale. Drug Store. I am now prepared to take con- A 6-room house tocated on Fourth Vte 3500; cow, coming three yrs~ old, For Rent or Sale~Good second Nov. 16; thoroughbred O.I.C. boar tracts for beans and will be at th-e St. A bargain if taken at once. In- hand piano cheap. Mrs. I. A. Fritz. House and barn for rent. Enquire bean house on Saturdays. D. Law. quire of Clement Tyo. 3-12- Poplar wood wanted. E. W. Kaer- Nov. 16; thoroughbred O. I. C. boar-, of Wm. Akerman. 3-12- 3-5- cher. 3-12- 1½ yrs. old, wt. 500; O. I. C. sow, 2 l lo~se- t~ RenL Five hundred dollars v-ill bu:¢ exclu- yrs. o]d~ t l ~i~s la ,qay~ ~la wt,~,~ See Treadgold's for window shades H~)use in. south Seeger street for Enquire of George McConnell. 3-5- sive right of six townships, a Welkins Horses and colts for sale. Phone 147 McComb, R. 3, Gagetown. 3-5-2 and fixtures. sale. Enquire at Chronicle. 3-5-2p wagon and two sample cases. Enquire --3r. 3-12-1p of Mrs. A. D. Mead. 3-12-2 Timothy Hay Just received a fresh stock 0~ Hu- Get a box of Saturday Candy at Highest n~arket price for cream. for ~le. John H. Caister, jr. 3-12-2 Yellow carrotsfor sale.Allen Warn- ron Portland cement, the old reliable Wood's. bran3. Cars City Grain Co. At Crosby & Son's for Grand Rap- Detroit Creamery Company• Inquire er. 3-5-2p ids made Hard Pan shoes $3.25. Will of Geo. Bell, Agt., Deford. , 2-12-7p For Sale. Mare, weight about 1,300 for sale. wear like a pig's nose. TWO good business places in Cars Roy Hendrick. 3-12- Two.Chester White and O. I. C. Sell your butter fat to the Cars Buy the Best Pine Tree Timothy City. Fritz & Waidley, brood~ows, due to farrow Ma~'. 28 City Creamery. You cannot do bet- Mellotone makes old walls new. seed 99~N per ~ent pure. Cars City Several sacks of stock tonic for sale ter no matter who says not. 2-19- Grain Co. 2 and Apr. 5, for sate. JasPQuinn, 5~/~ Bigelow sells it. Cedar fence posts for sale; prices cheap. Mrs. A. D. Mead. 3-12-2p miles north of Cars City. Phone 140-- reasonable. E. McKim. 1-29- 2L, 1S. 3-5-2p Separators for Sale. Incubator thermometers at Bite- Alabastine for walls at Wood's Two DeLaVals, second hand; two New milch cow for sale. J.J. low s. Spence. 2-26- Drug Store, ..... Get your harnesses oiled before the Sharpless, second hand; one Empire, Haveyou 20 mapletrees? Tap them° rush. G. W. Goff. 1-29- second hand. Geo. L. Hitchcock. I House and lot for sale. Fritz & Bigelow sells the sugar-making stuff. At Crosby & Son's all solid leather ! Just Received• Waidley. 2-19- :%. River boot 10 inch top, black or tan Some good potatoes, onions and Eat Little's Log Cabin bread s01d A compIete line of Firestone Auto For Sale--One feedigrinder; also $3.50. straw for sale. Geo. L. Hitchcock. by L. E. Dickinson. 1-15: tires at J. A. Caldwelt's. The Chi'onicle. one year, $1.00. feed-cookers. Geo. L. Hitchcoel~ /

\ !7

...... CASS CITY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1915. PAGE TWO. I ,7.7-- "~"77 ...... ~ ...... : ...... ~r --~-~ , ~ , I I ...... I~ I ~u I I ' , - i

CASS CITY CHRONICLE. ]Hales of Chatham, Ont., Mrs. Goetz ELLINGTON ® ...... Published Weekly. I of Pinnebog, Mrs. Harmon Endersbe The Tri-Count~g Chronicle and Cassland Miss Etta, Fred and William of Fred Green returned to Flint Sat- City Enterprise consolidated Apr. ]Chatham, Ont., Charles of Flint, Mer- urday after spending a few days with t906. 20'lrit of Detroit, Marquis of Upland, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Subscription price--One year, $1.,r.a ~.~ p .... , ~,~-~ q~h~~,~,1 Advertisings: rates mace Xnown vn i ~"-, ...... ~-~:, ...... ~eon application, was held at the Beauiey church. F~ev. Samuel Seekings called at the home Entered as second class matter I Yoeman had charge of the service. of Mr. and Mrs. Evans Rose Sunday April 27, 1906, at the postoffiee at lRev. Kyle also was present, tie was and attended the dedication of the efCaSScongres~City'Michigan,of Mar. 3,under1879. the Aetll carried to his last resting place by Nazarene church. H. F. LENZNER, Publisher. t his boy friendo: Joseph Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. George Turner have I Frank HoIshoe, Clark Jarvis, Henry exchanged their farm to Mr. and Mrs. This paper represented for foreign Lecus, Frank McCattum and Ray William Ennis for the well-known E. F. WRIGHT, Auctioneer advertising by the American Press Webster. Interment was i~ West Heartt homestead in Caro. Association. General offices, New Grant cemetery. Needless to say that The new Pentecostal church of the York and Chicago. Branches in all his family have the sympathy of all Nazarene at Etlington Corners was the principal cities. in this their sad bereavement. Words Having decided to quit ,arming, I will sell the follow- dedicated Sunday, March 7. Three are such poor things, but we will say services were held that day. Sunday to the loved ones be glad that you ing property at public auction, 3 miles east and miles BEAULEY. morning at 9:30 o'clock was the love could do the last things for him that feast, preaching, communion and north of Cass City on Mrs. Arthur Moore is quite ill at human hands could do. baptismal service. Sunday afternoon this writing. at 2:30, the dedicating service was Miss Mary Hartsell spent a few GAGETOWN. held and Sunday evening at 7:30 an HONDAY, MARCH 15 days -with Mrs. James Maharg last evangelistic service was held. All Commencing at 1:00 P. M. week. Mrs. L. Concenia went to Bay City three services were in charge of Rev. Wesley Harder of Brookfield has last Wednesday for a few days' visit Kauffman of Grand Rapids. At noon HORSES. Spring tooth harrow, 15-tooth been gettin~ out timber for his barn among relatives. free lunch was served in the base- Brown horse 5 years old, wt. 1,200 Spike drags, 60-tooth from F. Reader's woods. Mrs. T. Proudfoot, who has been ment by the ladies of the church. Brown horse, standard bred, coming Hay rope, fork, car and pulleys Mr. and Mrs. Roy Russell and visiting in St. Charles for the past six Revival meetings will continue this 9 years, wt. 1,200 20 rods of woven wire daughters are spending" a few days weeks, returned home Thursday. week. CATTLE. Feed cooker, 60-gallon visiting relatives and friends. A. J. Palmer went to Detroit Tues- Mrs. Fred Kulietz died Wednesday, Dinner bell Two-year-old heifer, due May 30 Iowa cream separator, new Mrs. T. tI. Herron entertained over day on a trip of business and pleas- March 3, at the age of 52 years, af- eighty at the union aid at her home ure. ter suffering a lingering illness Of ten 2 yearling hsifers About 25 bushels potatoes HOGS AND POULTRY. 2 bushels onions last week. A most enjoyable time years. The deceased was born in Ger- A baby boy, who is called John, Red sow due May 1 Washing machine and wringer was had. Miss Kyle of Sheridan gave came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. many and at the age of twelve years came to the United States with her Red sow due May 14 10-gallon keg of vinegar a very interestlng talk of her travels Kelly last Friday night. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Red sow due June 12 Barrel of vinegar through Egypt. She dressed like the Miss L. Corliss spent over Sunday Rebeur and settled in Frank where 7 DUroc pigs 4 months old Forks, shovels and hoes ladies of that country. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William she lived for a number of years. She 3 geese and 1 gander Kitchen rang e About thirty of Mrs. Charles Hart- Bm'se near Elmwood. married Fred Kulietz and they came 60 pure br<~d Plymouth Rock hens Heating stove, wood or co M soil's friends met at her home March Miss M. Burleigh, who has been in ~o Ellington and settled on a farm 3 pure bred Plymouth Rock roosters 10-ft. extension table, new 4, it being her birthday. Games and Detroit and at home with her parents where she resided until the end came. 8 guineas Fall leaf table readings were enjoyed, then a nice for several weeks, returned Thursday. She leaves to mourn her loss a hus- IMPLEMENTS, PRODUCE, FUR- ,:~ao, ~e ~ table ..... oyster supper, after which Mrs. Hart- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Clark, who have band, two sisters and four children. N~TURE, ETC. Safe sell was presented with a nice cup- been spending the winter in ~Okla- They are Mrs. Earnest May, Martin Some mixed hay C].~,board board from her friends. All wished homa, returned last Thursday. and Louis of Ellington and Fred of Quantity of straw 6 kitchen chairs ...... her many happy returns of the day. Miss Susie Phelan and sister, Midland. The funeral was held at About 7 bushels of seed corn S dining chairs, new Miss Stella Connell had a birthday Theresa, went to Detroit Tuesday on the house Sunday afternoon, conduct- Heavy work harness, nearly new 9 r~ei-mz chairs, 4 nev¢ Feb. 27. Some of her friends planned a trip of business and pleasure. Miss ed by Roy. Shoemaker and burial was 2 sets of buggy harness .~~; .... o

i il


dream man, and again she must need I has rendered us a great service. But vewage her battle. it'or trim Miss Custer wouJd not be As she walked in the moo,alight two I alive now." Dairs of eyes watched her every move- But though twenty men scoured the Spring Arrivals of :menz-one pair, clear and black, from grounds and the plain beyond for sev- [h" ~:ose thicket; the other, flaming yel- eral hours, no trace o~ the killer of Old low green, hidden in a little clump of Rafl%s coukl be found, and the reason f'!~,~f thor d}~] Or~t fi~d him ni)l'o:ld WtlS shionable Skirts Et [n her pacing to retrace her steps at noses ;n a litile clump of low. flower- the point farthest from the watcher ing shrubs, wit)., a bullet wound in his among the roses. Twenty times Nu was on the point head. at $5,00 The noxt Inol'nill;2 t!t(, tuen wore ex ]. of leaping from his concealment and The separate skil~t ts more in demand this Spring Lover amini~g the stone I~e:,,(le(. ul)ear upon ken i~ m~ny seasons. Smart, circular flare models, taking the girl in his arms. for to him ti~e veranda .iusl ;)c,,::dde the breakfast eat~ri~g fancy yokes, gathered backs, novel pockets, she was Nat-ul. daughter of Tha. and roon]. 01~ 'u~pr~ssed folds, high-waisted belts of self-mate- 'l it had not been a hundred thousand •'It's the oddest tl~i:~:.': of its kind I ial and button trimming. Materials include fine :B~ EDGAR years, but only yesterday, the day be- ever Saw." said Greystoke. "'I can al- ~ecge~, Gabardines, Black and White checks, Coverts fore, that he had last seen her. most swear that it was never made by aid poplins. All lengths, waist b~nd from 25 to 35 "11t" RiCE Yet each time something deterred any of the tribesmen of present day nehe~. BURROUGHS him--a strange, vague, indefinable fear Africa. I once saw similar J~eads. Sketch shows a conservative flare model of this wondrous creature who was though, in the British museum. They i~ Navy Blue or Black Serge; plain tailored. Nat-ul and yet who was not Nat-ul, but had been taken from the debris of a ~g in front with narrow Stitched plait another made in Nat-ul's image. prehistoric cave dwelling." ~ ~n~[re I~ngth; wide self-belt. Pocket 1914, by W. G. Chapman o~ side, which is closed with buttoned Copyright, The strange things that covered her From the window of the breakfast fair figure seemed to have raised a room just behind them a wide eyed barrier between them--the last time girl was staring in breathless wonder- CHAPTER V, that he had walked hand in hand with ment qt the rt]de weapon, which to her The Zebra Killer. her upon the beach naught but the soft i)resented concrete evidence of the real- skin of a' red doe had clothed her. ity of the thing she had thought but N U was hungry again, and kn,,w Her familiar association, too, with another hallu(.ination--tt~e leaI)iug fig ing no law of property rights. these strange people, coupled with the ure of the lmke(1 man that had sprung he found the odor of the Grey fact that;she spoke and understood past her into the face of the charging stoke sheep as appetizing as their language, only tended to remove lion an instant before she had that of any other of the numerous swooned. ,creatures that were penned within her further from him. DIIg'I'~I~OI'IP, :~II[C1N. One of them turned and saw her their compounds for the night. Like a Nu was very sad and very h)nely, standing there. :supple panther he scaled the high fence and the sight of Nat-ui seemed to ac- "Ah, Miss Custer!" he exclaimed. ;.that guarded the imported, pedigreed centuate rather than relieve his de- "'No worse this morning, I see, for ~tock in which Lord Greystoke to:)k pression. Slowly there was born with- your little adventure of last night such just pride. in him the conviction that Nat-ul was Here's a memento that your rescuer A moment later there was the fright no longeP for Nu, the son of Nu. Why left behind him in the heart of Old ,ened rush of animals to the far side of he could not guess, but the bitter fact Raffles. Would you like it?" the inclosure, where they halted to seemed inevitable. The girl stepped forward, hiding her ~urn fear filled eyes back toward the The girl had turned quite close to true emotions behind the mask of a silent beast of prey that crouched over him now and was retracing her steps 0 ¢. gay smile. She took the spear of Nu. carcass of a plump ewe. Within toward the bushes twenty yards away. ,the the son of Nu, in her hands, and her ehe pen the killer ate his fill and then. Behind their screening verdure Old 0 heart leaped in half sav'tge pride as .catlike as he had come, he glided back Raffles, the sheep stealer, twitched his she felt the weight of the great missile. 4, • toward the garden before the bung'~ tufted tail and drew his steel thewed "What a man he must be who wields legs beneath him for the spring, and as :~ow. such a mighty weapon!" she exclaimed. Out across the plain, down wind from he waited just the faintest of purrs Barney Custer was watching his ~is- Nu, another silent figure moved escaped his slavering jowls. ter closely, for with the discovery of ~teatthily toward the ranch. It was a Too faint the sound to pierce the O STRIFFLER & McCULLOUGH, Auctioneers ,. dull senses of the twentieth century the spear in the lion's body had come ~huge maned lion. the sudden recollection of Victoria's Every now and then he would halt maiden, but to the man hiding in the description of her dream man: "He :and lift his sniffling nose to the gentle rose thicket twenty paces farther from carries a great spear, stone tipped. 1 breeze, and l~is lips lift, baring the the lion it fell sinister upon his un- should know it the moment that I saw ~mighty fangs beiaeath, but no sound Spoiled ear. ¢, it." Having decided to quit farming, we will sell the ,came from his deep throat, for he was Like a bolt of lightning--so quickly 0 The young man stepped to his sis- ~old, and his wisdom was as the wis his muscles responded to his will--the ter's side, putting an arm about her follow g property at auction on the Hezekiah Dodge ,~lom of the fox. cave man hurtled the intervening rose "rl shoulders. She looked up into his face. Once upon a time he would have bushes with a single bound, and, raised and then in a low voice that was not coughed and moaned and roared after spear in hand. bounded after the un- Estate, 3 miles east, 1 mile north and mile west of audible to the otl~ers she wMspered: the manner of his hungry brethren. conscious girl. • "It is his. Barney. I knew that 1 ,but much experience with men peoph' The great lion saw him coming, and. should know it." Cass Cit , on :and their deafening thunder sticks had less he be cheated of his prey, leaped For some time the young man had ~aught him that he lmnted longest who into the moonlight before his intended been lmrassed by fears as to his sis hunted in silence. victim was quite within the radius of ter's sanitY. Now he w'~s forced to en 4. Victoria Cnster had gon e to her room his spring. @ terrain fears of an even more sinister ~auch earlier in the evening than was The beast emitted a horrid roar that 0 18 Thursday, March 4* nature or else admit that he~ too, had her custom, but not to sleep. She did froze the girl with terror, and then in gone mad. not even dis,obe, but sat instead iu the the face of his terrific charge the fig- AT ONE O'CLOCK"

0000000000000000000000000' Charles Rogers is visiting friends in Mrs. William Kile is numbered With Didn't Ruffle Him. 0 0 Pontiac and Trenton for a few days. the ill. M. Maeterlinck, unlike most men of o LOCAL ITEMS g R&y Yakes of Flint was the guest Joseph Frutchey ~z in Aipena on letters, has one of the calmest natures o imaginable. Nothing seems to ruffle WALL PAPER 00000000000000000000000000 of his mother, Mrs. Katherine Yakes, business this week. ...,':" his temper, and he takes all things as .:. X over Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Colwell spent the week John A. Sandham visited relatives they come. While he was dining at a * We have some of the mogt beautiful designs and col- L:; Charles Kleinschmidt of Pia'eon in'Detroit over Sunday. ]~if ~'.~tn~rnnt Rama t-imo n,O'a .q ohlm.~,v *:* cringe n nd fho price will ha ~nro t:n ~ulf v,m ]u~f hvino"

Edward Gaiiaugher ~penl, Sunday ...... *vaxLut :~ ...... of.,~.~<'ta :~:'": iiCaFiy " a ~V ~v,,~l'''l'" i;iatc" o.f Edward Mark was in Kingston on ;~1 ~he size of your rooms and we will reii you how much *%~" over Sunday. With friends at Brookfield. clear soup down his back. business Wednesday. The author of "The Blue Bird" nev- * you will want, trim your paper and you may return any E • Miss Elsie Kolb of Croswell came Miss Frances McDonald of Gage- Orton Klinkman of Shabbona was er turned a hair. but, looking calmly * full rolls or get more if you need it. * Tuesday to take a position in the local town visited Grace Lang" last week. ~1. *to a caller here WedneSday. at the flustered waiter, merely re- telephone office. marked: Mrs. R. L. Ketchum is quite ill with A. C. Hayes of Elmdale visited rel- Harry Fisher and daughter, Cath- atives here from Friday to Thursday. "It was thick soup I asked for." an attack of appendicitis. .:.':" Wood's Rexalt Drug Store erine, of Akron visited at the home of Mrs. J. H. Moore left Thursday fo~ Miss Elva Burton of Gagetown is Oifferent From a Brick. George W. Seed Sunday. Saginaw where she will spend a few .the guest of Miss Lena Rice. Franklin Matthews represented a John McGitlvray left Wednesday days. newspaper during the Russo-Japanese Mrs. Alfred Randall has been very O000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Ifor Detroit after spending a few Mrs. L. H. Huffman returned war, and one day succeeded in break- ill, but is somewhat improved. o o weeks with relatives here. Thursday from a two weeks' visit ing through the news censorship and o o Ray C. Meiser left Monday for De- o o Mrs. A. D. Mead and daughter, with friends in Deford and Milling- reaching Field Marshal Oyama. The "groit where he will be employed. interview was brief, but extremely Edith, leave today for a visit with ton. courteous, and the jubilant eor~:espond- Mrs. J. H. Moore was a caller in friends at Trenton and Detroit. o°°O Build Your Barn Right. oooO Dan Schneider has sold his four- en hurried back to prepare the story o o Pigeon Tuesday and Wednesday. L. I. Wood left Wednesday for De- year-old c~olt, "Gee. Almont," to Mil- for his paper. In the course of it he o Constructing your barn is a scientific prob- o Mrs. E. J. Usher has been quite ill troit where he will attend a Rexall ton Hoffman of Elkton for $325. The used this expression: "Marshal Oyama o lem in efficiency--just like the construction of a o for the pas'c week, but is recovering. convention on Thursday and Friday. n~ew owner will "track" the horse and is a brick." o o The letter was duty passed along to o modern factory. You should build it o Miss Ella Sheridan of Lexington is Miss Hazel Armstrong of Munising, develop him for the races. o o the official translator, and presently visiting friends here for a few days. Mich., came Monday to begin her o o Mrs. M. J. MeGillvray returned Captain Kanaka of the marshal's per- o o Clayton Schenck and Leonard work in Mrs. F. D. Woolman's millin- o o home Thursday after spending two sonal staff called upon Matthews. o To take care of your increase in o ery store. o o Striffier are visiting in Detroit this weeks in Detroit. While there she "Marshal Oyama presents his eom- o crops the next few years, o week. Mrs. James Tennant, who has spent attended the installation of Rev. I. E. 1)liments." said the captain suavely, "and regrets to inform the esteemed o To stand the enormous strains to o Mrs. S. H. Peterson of Saginaw is the past two weeks with her daugh- Bradfield at one of the Presbyterian o o correspondent that his honorable let- o which it will be subjected . o spending the week at the home of G. ter, Mrs. Pulford, in Detroit, returned churches of that dity. ter cannot be forwarded as written." o W. Goff. home Tuesday. The lecture of B. C. Van Heyde at o To save steps and permit quickest o "Why, what's wrong with it?" cried o 1. ~1-_ o Mrs. D. J. Feather has been quite ill W. C. Dickinson left Monday for the opera house tomorrow evening • on the amazed war scribe. o nanunng of contents, o o o for the past week, but is slowly im- Everett, Wash, where he expects to the subject, "Why I Quit the Saloon Captain Kanaka explained with po- o To conserve the quality of your crops o o o proving. visit for a few weeks, returning some- Business," has been cancelled owing lite gravity: o and the health of your animals, o to the illness of Mr. Van Heyde, who "Marshal Oyama." he said, "objects Miss Nora Jones of Pigeon is visit- time in May. o o to having the great American public o o Miss Eva Masters returned to her is under the care of a physician. o o ing her parents, Mr. and Ml~s. W. J. regard him as baked mud." J. B. Cootes' moving days are over. o 5I. Jones. work at A. A. Hitchcock's Monday af- For that is what the extremely lit- o The bettor your barn meets these require- o ter an absence of several Weeks on ac- Saturday, the Laing & lanes store, o o Miss Joyce Retherford of Deford eral translator had made of "brick." o ments the more money you will make. o count of illness. one of the first built in Cuss City, o visited at the home of G. A. Tindale] o No one is better able than we are to help you o was purchased from A. C. Hayes and No Waste. Saturday. Mrs. Guy Tibbets and son, Gerald, o o "You can't raise much on these stony o make your barn what it o who have spent several weeks at the Mr. Cootes is now assured a perma- Angus Ross and family are moving hills, I reckon?" said an angler to a o We are confident our o home of I. Agar, returned t0 their nent home for his hardware stock. The o should be. For years we knowledge and experience o to the George Burt farm at Wickware ] tired looking farmer. o o new residence now being built for Mr. have dealt in barn build: will benefit you. o 1 home in Lansing Tuesday. "'Oh. yes. stranger: we generally get o this week. and Mrs. Cootes on West Main St. is o o Miss Ida Brown, who has been at- fine crops,'" the farmer replied. o ing materials and studied Talking it over with us o Miss Lizette lees of Saginaw is nearing completion and they expect o will not put you under the o tending scho61 at Ypsilanti for three "But you don't raise much grain?" o barn construction, slightest obligation, o visiting" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. to occupy it within a few weeks. months, has accepted a position in a "Sure we do. We raise a sight of o o Jacob lees. o o millinery store at Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cross @e- 3arley. I don't know what we farmers o o Mrs: Maria Bradshaw went to Ubly brated their fifth wedding anmver- :otmd here would do if it wasn't for H. F. Lenzner left Thursday morn- Monday to spend a few days with sary at their home Wednesday eve- )ur barley crops." ing for Grand Rapids to attend the '%Vhat do you get for the stuff?" cO C City f be & C0al Co cO :friends there. ing. "Guests to the number of thirty- ass BN [ , o mnual meeting" of the Michigan Press "Oh, we don't sell a grain of it." Misses Laura and Nora Gallaugher two were present, among them being and Printers' Federation which is be- "Feed it to your stock?" o "visited friends at Owendale Satur- the members of the Cuss City band 00000000000000000000.000000 00000000000000000000000000 ing held in that city March II to 13. "You don't catch us wasting barley day and Sunday. and their wives. Pink and white dee- like that." Miss Lillian Goff was hostess of the Mrs. Frank Auslander and Mrs. orations and flowers beautified the "Well. what do you do with it, then?" Priscilla Club Friday evening. Be- Isaac Agar spent the week end at Ho- rooms. Cards and music furnished '%Vhy, we save every grain of~for cause of the inclemency of the weath- seed." tel Agar in Clifford. the evening's entertainment and a er only a few attended, but these were midnight luncheon was served by the Mrs. William Schmidt spent last An Attraction. Do Need a pring doubly awarded by the delightful eve- hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Cross we~;e pre- week at the home of her son, Witliard Mrs. Gillet--So there is a tablet in ning- and dainty luncheon. sented with a handsome rocker and Schmidt, at Pontiac. Tour transept ~o her memory. Did she Tonic? The Volunteer Class of the Evan- other useful articles. do anything to bring people into the Mrs. George Caroian of Gagetown gelical church was entertained at the The body of Olive Withey, the nine church? Mrs. Perry--Welt, she wore came Thursday to be the guest of home of Miss Mae Benkelman Mon- year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a new hat every Sunday for three Your system at this time of the year needs a good :,Miss Emma Lenzner. day evening'. The hours were spent in Perry Withey of Care, was brought to years. tonic and blood purifier one that will properly assist Mrs. Eva Maharg, who has been delightful self-entertainment and the Cuss City Saturday for burial. The visiting at Pontiac and Romeo, re- nature in ridding the body of impurities and waste hostess served a dainty luncheon. services were held Sunday at one Card of Thanks. turned home F.riday. we desire to express our heartfelt matter accumulated during the inactivity of the long Master Gerald Tibbets entertained o'clock at the M. E. church and inter- thanks to friends and neighbors for Miss Lydia MeInnes went ~o Park the primary grade and their teacher, ment was made in Elkland cemetery. their kindness and~assistance during winter months. Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, to spend a Miss Anna Finkbeiner., at the home of Deceased has been ill for~ severaI the sickness andat the death of our WE WOULD RECOMMEND .few days at her home. I. Agar Monday after'noon from 3:30 months, sugar diabetes bein~ the husband and father. Mrs. J. H. Ma- toon and Children. to you the following preparation as being .~ superior rem- Robert Boughner and son, Ellis, of to 5:30. The little folks were delight- cause of her illness, and her death edies as blood purifiers and system tonics: Argyle visited a~ the home of An- ed with the affair and enjoyed the re- came early Friday morning. Besides Card of Thanks. drew Sehmidt Wednesday. freshments served. her parents, she has one sister, Miss We wish to sincerely thank our friends and neighbors for their kind- Mrs. Clayton Sehenek and son, Don- By omitting the word" "Mrs." when Elva Withey. Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. A. D. S. Blood Purifier. Withey~are her grandparents. ness to us during our sorrow. Also ald, are spending the week at the mentioning" that two Harbor Beach la- the choir for their beautifuI music. home of F. A. Striffier at Deford. dies were visiting together in Detroit Mr. andMrs. Travis Sehenekopened Mr. and Mrs. Perry Withey, Care. 3- .....A. D. S. Iron Tonic Bitters. 12-1 Miss Dolly Gale has gone to Mar- and Cleveland, the Harbor Beach their farm home last Wednesday for shall to fill her fifth season as trim- News editor got in a bad mix-up. The a big gathering of friends and neigh- San Jak. item made it appear that a married bors. Baskets filled with good tMngs Card of Thanks. mer in a millinery establishment. We fen very grateful to friends for man with another man's wife were the prepared by some of Elkland town- Mrs. C. O. Lenzner went to Colwood their sympathy and kindness in our couple. ship's best cooks made a bountifuI recent bereavement; to the Sunday Syrup of Hypo Phosphites. "Tuesday to spend the week with her The Baptis% young" people enter- meal and seveney persons sat down schooIS f0"r the flowers; to the pastor daughter, Mrs. H. L. Poeklington. for tffe comforting words. Mr. and tained at Doerr's Hall Wednesday to the well laden tables. During the Syrup of Red Clover Compound. Miss Lena Rice returned home Mon- Mrs. Thos. McIntosh. evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J~as. afternoon, Mrs. Porter read sketches day after spending a few days with Crane. Music and various stunts fur- from the life of Frances Willard, Miss For Sale. Beef Iron and Wine. :friends at Gagetown and Owendale. nished the evening's entertainment Cecil Auten gave a reading and ;em- 60 acres of land, 45 acres cleared, iMrs. Victoria Coaty of Marlette and refreshments were served. The perance selections were sung. Other balance timber; 60 rods from school Come in and get a bottle of one of these remedies "came Tuesday to spend ~ few weeks numbers had been prepared for the and 2 churches, 4 miles south, 3~/~ company presented Mr. and Mrs. east of Cuss City. CalI at piece if in- at once. We will advise you correctly which one to get. at the home of William Zinneeker. Crane with a Circassian walnut reek- afternoon's program, but owing to the terested. Frank Hall. 3-5-2p Mrs. G. W. Landon and daughter, er. lateness of the hour, these could not Sap pails, spiles and syrup cans at Margaret, who have been visiting rel- The Corner Club surprised Mrs. B. be given. Bigelow's:. Treadgold's Drug Store atives in Saginaw, returned home J. Dailey Thursday afternoon when The following item is 'clipped from Tuesday. they arrived to help her celebrate her the Ashland (Oregon) Tidings: Clover and timothy seed for sale. O. Mr. and Mrs. Gran~ McLarty and birthday. After a delightful after- "Friends to the number of fifteen Auten. 2-26- sons, Lawrence and Kenneth, returned noon, the hostess served ice cream and gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. TIME CARD. home Friday after visiting at Kala- wafers. On Monday the dub went J. L. Wilcox on Gresham street last calling at the home of Mrs. C. D. Friday evening, the affair being ar- mazoo, Pontiac and Detroit for some P., O. & N. Division ,} ranged as a surprise party in honor of ti me. Striffier and had another gog~d time Casevitle train ar ...... 7:10 a. m. ,} Mr. Wilson S. Tuttle, father of Mrs. Stanley Walden of this place and with light refreshments. Pontiac train ar ...... 11:20 a. m. Wilcox. Mr. Turtle is from Traverse Caseville train ar ...... 3:10 p. m. Miss Mabel Cunningham, adopted John W. and Anna Zinneeker-Thiel City, Mich., and will make his future Pontiac train ar ...... 7:58 p. m. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wooli- were the first .to respond with a letter home with his daughter if conditions D. & H. Division~ ver of St. Catherine; Ont., were quiet- for the Chroniele's Non-resident edi- here prove satisfactory. Solo and Bad Axe train ar ...... 7:05 a. m. ly married at a Baptist parsonage in tion which was announced in these Cass City train lv ...... 11:25 a. m. t. ,} cribbage were played and a luncheon Port Huron by Rev. McLean on Mon- columns last week. A liberal response Bad Axe train ar ...... 3:05 a. m. consisting of fruit salad, sandwiches, day, March ~. They arrived home on from all our distant subscribers will Cass City train lv ...... 8:00 p. m. cake, chocolate creams and coffee, af- Wednesday and are making their make ,this number of the "old home ter which the party broke up. All Need some calling cards? The paper" a most enjoyable and interest- home on the Walden farm, east of Chronicle Printery can supply you present wished for another birthday ,} Cuss City. ing one. with either printed or engraved / to come soon as they enjoyed such a _ splendid time at this affair." The Chronicle, one year, $1.00. . i The new washing device on the Iowa Cream Separators cleans the CASS CITY MARKETS. disks in two minutes. Gee. L. Hitch- °o" L H WOOD'S $1.00 SALE cock. Cuss City, Mich., March 11. 1915 Buying Price-- There Is No Time Like the :i: ° Sugar-making needs are filled at Wheat ...... 1 40 Bigelow s. Oats ...... 53 ,} Saturday , March Beans ...... 2 95 Present Time .:. :i: Good cow for sale. Six years old, Rye ...... 1 06 due Mar. 3, part Jersey. A. F. Hen- Barley Cwt ...... 1 35 We were never better prepared at any time .:. :i: driek: Phone 108 18-1L-1S. 2-12- Alsyke ...... 9 00 ":°*** 25c worth of Sugar ...... ~ *z*i~i June or Mammoth ...... 8 00 To Sell You a Good Time Piece t-~-r, Peas ...... 1 75 "1" I ~ Our ~/Io~. 30e Coffee ":" Far Sa!c. Buckwheat cwt ...... 1 40 New house 24x38, 2 story, full base- ~." 1/2 lb. Best 50c Tea ...... ,:. Corn (selling price) ...... 90 Perhaps you never needed a good watch more than at ment, cement walks, 10 rooms, up-to- Baled hay--No. 1 Timothy ...... 13 09 date interior, finish light and golden the present time. i~i 1 can Corn ..... , • • • • • • • • • • ~.~ No. ~ " ...... 10 50 oak, well, cistern, 2 tots, garage; cost No. 1 Mixed ...... 10 50 'Twill take but little time to make a selection here. $2,500, will take~$2100 if sold soon. i~ 1 can 15c Salmon ...... :. Eggs, per doz ...... 16 Our prices are low, iind we guarantee satisfaction with Title free and clear; insurance paid 3 Butter, per lb ...... 23 "~° I ~b. Best Raisins :i: years. Call on N. Summers, Cuss City, Pat cows, live weight, per lb ...... 4½ 5 each purchase. and see property. 2-26-3 Steers, " " ...... 5½ 6½ 1 lb. Salted Peanuts ":* Fat sheep, " " ...... 3 For Sale. Lambs, " " ...... 6 7 My place of business and stock of Hogs, " " ...... 6 A. H. HI(iGINS Wood's Department 5tore :i:':" ~'eneral merchandise. Old established Dressed hogs ...... 7 business; one of the best in Tuscola Dressed beef ...... 9 Jeweler and Optometrist county, known as Wis~'er Corners. g. CASS CITY, MICH. ,:. Calves ...... 8 Doing about $28,000 annually; stock Hens ...... i0 li ":i: inventories about $8,000; can reduce Broilers ...... I0 ;:-; Blue Bell Spring Wheat Flour, $1.00. :i: stock to suit purchaser. Reason for Ducks ...... I0 selling, wish to retire from business. l~eese ...... 8 :i: F. G. Cook, Wisner Cornels, Akron, Turkeys ...... 14 Mich., R. F. D. No. 2. 1-29- Hides green ...... I0 Read the Advertisements. CASS CITY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 19I~. PAGE FIVE.

KINGSTON-NOVESTA l Many Sultana. TOWN LINE. we shall, no doubt, go on speaking . of the head of the Ottoman empire as THE FIRST-CANNON Miss Ruby Funk is staying With "the sultan," just as though there were =-- ..... = THE HOME :! Mrs. Harry Dodge this week. only one. We have always said "the [c0n0my o oui oi Mr. and Mrs. D. Ashley and Mr. sult'm.'" ignoring Morocco, Zanzibar I They Were In Use Long Before .... ~ ~...... ~ ~:.~. (~ ~ .... ~. ~++~,~ ,,,,d v~,,'ious minor potentates in Arabia i~ / ~ ~'~ ~\" .~ _ t! ...... ed the Kingston Farmers ~ Club at R. 'ai~d the i'ersia:; gulf who c':i! the:n- Griffin's last Friday~ selves sultans. The title is understood to carry a wider territorial significance CRUDE GUNS OF EARLY DAYS A penny saved is When Wm. Coleman had a very sick horse titan "emir." [t is 'much like "'em- a penny ear~ed.~ last week. perm .... in ~i~!ation to "'king." But it Benjamin Franklin, !Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Cooper are vis- may be noted that the Turkish em- Curious Weapons From Which Have for a meal Be~n Evolved the Modern Deadly En- ¢~ iting relatives at Yale and Port Hu- peror's own subjects do not gall him - ~ - . ~ _ g)nes WaP--Uncle Sam's Famous ron. the sultan, but the padishah (fa~er of of • you have monarchs~. Our forefathers used to Collection In the Nat,onat Museum. Miss Nora Moshier is spending a speak of him as the grand seignior.-- TABLESPOONFUL of turpem Specimens of mititary and othe~ few days at Wilmot. London Opinion. tine b0iied with white clothes forms ot firearms from England. will greatly aid in the whiten- Howard Retherford, Mr. and Mrs. France, Russia. Japan, Germany and A ÷I* ing process. A teaspoonful of Lewis Retherford, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lincoln's Favorite Authors. many other countries, are to be seen .4- borax put in the last water in which You will want to serve the very Martin and Miss Nora Moshier frown Lincoln "read Slmkespeare more than In the small arms exhibition of the clothes are rinsed will also whiten **u the Town Line attended the W. C. T. all other writers together," and be United States national museum. The best[ The kind we sell[ U. and local option rally at Caro went occasionally to the ~.heater. His exhibit includes some 1,400 individuai them surprisingly. Pound the borax ÷I* ~uesday. Miss Mosher gave a paper favorite l)lays were "'Hamtet," "Mac- )|eces and comprises probably the best so that it will dissolve easily. This i~ entitled "The Saloon and the Home." beth" and the i:istorms, especially general collection in the United States. especially good to remove the yellow A Fine Meal, Is Half The Entertainment!~ "Richard tl.' t-le often quoted from eonsioering that there are represented which time gives to white garments Arthur Vorhes of Pontiac is visit- the last the amaranthine passage be- examples ot military rifles, pistols and that have been laid aside for two or ing" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ginning: revolvers, sporting shotguns and rifles. three years. TRY THESE---THEY'LL PLEASE! Dodge. Let us sit up~m the ground target rifles and pistols, and homer When colored muslin has become fad- f' The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. And tell sad stories of the death of kings. pus odd and unusual pieces relating ed and it is desired to bleach it whi"te, Gee. Martin afternoon March 18, at For relaxati,)n I~e turned to l'homas to the development of firearms. chloride of lime pu~in the boiling wa- *p Fancy Peanut Butter in Bulk 15c lb. Hood and t(} Arteums Ward, Na-%by Although the discovery of gunpowder two o'clock. ter in the proportion of one table- and other in't)fessional jol~ers of tile ~s attributed by some to China, there spoonful of lime to one q,u,art o.f water Novesta township had the largest time. But most of his evenings tm 4, Fancy Honey in Comb - - 20c lb. is no positive evidence that the Chi will effect the result. representation at the local option ral- spent in l~is office, unless there was a nese ever made use of it. At an early Badly stained handkerch:iefs ¢a~ be Smoked Halibut - - - 25rib, ly at Care Tuesday than any other dinner 1)arty .... Fr,}m Diary of,lohn Hay, period they produced certain kinds of made as white as new if placed in a township in the county, there being Edited by William Roscoe Thayer For fireworks, aeeounL~ of which came vessel and covered with ammonia an4 twenty present from Novesta. Harper's M agazine. through Persia, Egypt and the Moorish t)eroxid~ of hydroge~ mixed with. twice Salt Herring ..... 7c lb. countries in southern Europe, but gun the bulk of water. Let the handker- powder for use in firearms, it is be chiefs soak and then, wash them La the ORDER OF ELECTION. NOVESTA. lieved originated in Italy, Spain or Ger usual mqnner. Often the gloves in tint- Excellent Cheese - - - 20clb. . ~ ..... many. While cannon of a sort were ed shades discolor handkerchiefs, and all Whom it may Concern: The Ladies' Aid of the Church of To l}uilt in the early part of the fourteenth this 1)recess is one of the best for clean- Whereas, written application and l~ementber we pa:~ CASH or TIRADE, Christ will meet at the home of Mrs; century, hand firearms were slow tn ing them. petitions addressed to the board of be adopted on account of their unre O. E. Niles next Wednesday, Mar. supervisors of the County of Tusco- To shrink cotton material place it llabilf~y, and was not until abou~ for ~'our Bu~er and E~gs. 17. la, have been received by the clerk of it neatly folded in a tub of water an4 said county and filed in his office 1381 timt tI.~y are known ~o have ap allow it to remain until thoroughly -,%*¢ peared h, Germany, while Europe in CHURCH OF CHRIST NOTES. praying that an election be held in damp. Then ]dang it straight on the and for said County of Tuscola, un- general did not take them up until the line by placing the central fold 0~ the der the provisions of Act No. 2¢)7, middle of the fifteenth century, when line. Pin it in many places so that the E= W. JONE H. W.Thoreson, minister, will speak of the public acts of 1889, as amend- they became known as hand cannon. material will not sag. at the Church of Christ next Sunday, "THE GI~O C F_.l:~" ed, to ascertain the will of the quali- The earliest form of hand gun was a White goods may first be put in co|d March 14,~at 11:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. fied electors of sa~d county, whether crude affair, fired hy the application oi water, brought to a boil, then hung o~ or not the manufacture of liquors and a burning match to the touchhole. The m. Bible school at 10:30 a. m. Mr. the line. Let gingt~ams and other col- the liquor traffic should be prohibited first improvement was the mounting o~ Thoreson has been preaching for the ored materials soak in lukewarm wa- within the limits of the said county; the match on a springless lock or cock, Church of Christ at Canadian, Texas, ter to which a little salt has been add- and which later, upon~ the addition of a ed until all the folds are thoroughly for the last three years, and left there Whereas, at a session of the board spring, became known as the match of supervisors of said county, duly wet ttlrough, then take out, unfold to enter the evangelistic work. Owing lock. Examples of this early weapon to illness in his home has given that called for that purpose and held at without wringing and dry quickly, i)o the Village of Carp, in said county, on from India, China, Afghanistan, Japan. Superior Grain Drills up for the present. The church at Formosa, Arabia. Morocco and Mexico not iron. the 14th day of October, A. D. 1914, Colored ginghams and other cotton.n Canadian speaks of him as a noble are in the museum collection. the said petitions were duly exam- should soaked cold salt water be- The next development was the wheel be in man and an able speaker. All are ined; and fore washing and then washed in dis- Fiean Big Crops. Whereas, upon such examination it lock gun. about 1515 or 1517, tired by a cordially invited to attend these ser- solved soap and warm water, if soap was determined and declared, by res- spark struck on pyrites by a rougl~eneO vices which may continue through the is rubbed on the color is likely to fade. The year 1915 promises to be the big crop year of the last olution adopted by the said board, wheel revolved by a spring. Sperm evenings of next week. that such election has been prayed Wash quickly and rinse in cold water. decade. mens of this type ot gun and pistoi for by the required number of elec- from Greece. Germany and England The colors may be revived if a table- At1 over this country the farmers are smiling the smile that tors, to-wit: By not less than one- spoonful ,o~ vinegar is added to the BAPTIST NOTES. are also included in the museum e~ won't come off and why shouldn't they? God's rain and sunshine third of all the qualified electors of rinsing water for red and pink. A hibito are two things the politicians cannot interfere with, if they want said county, as shown by reference lumI~ of dissolved ammonia will bright- Rev. Starr of St. Louis, Missouri, to the returns and county canvass of A form oI flintlock, called the snap to ever so badly. en lilac, and a lump of alum will revive will occupy the pulpit Sunday morn- the last preceding general election haunce, followed in 1540. This substi You know what big crops and go'prices mean to you. They blue. Starch in thin boiled starch and[ rag. .~dr state officers, held in said county; tuted in place of the wheel a rock. mean t~hat you will want a Superior Grain Drill and we have them Now, therefore, It is ordered and which held in its jaws a piece of py dry in the shade. When washing ging- On Sunday afternoon Rev. Starr in Plain Grain and Co~nbined Grain and Fertilizer Styles. directed by the board/of supervisors rites and when released hit the covet hams avoid strong soap, hot water, too will preach at the Elmwood church. of the said County of Tuscola that an o~ the pan, striking a spark, which ig much rubbing, hot starch, and do not THE SUPERIOR FEATURES ~ ejection be and the same is hereby ailed the charge of powder. A pair o~ dry in the hot sunshine. Do not wash called in the several townships, vil- DoubleRun Positive Force Grain Feeds sow all known seeds EVANGELICAL NOTES. pistols of this type from Constantine in hard water. lages, cities and election districts in Pinks are liable to fade an ugly yel- both large and ~mall. said county, pursuant to the provi- pie illustrate the principle well Fur low: blues nnd greens fade a clear Adjustable Disc Wing Shields take up wear. Prevent trash Regular services will be held~ext sions of the aforenamed act, to ascer- ther improvements in the snaphaunce from catching between disc and shield. Both right and left hand tain the will of the electors of said resulted in the flintlock gun. m wt~ict~ white. Yellow washes nicely, browns Sunday with preaching services both look very clear, and mixed white and Ground Wheels drive all the Feeds. county, whether or not the manufac- a piece or flint replaced the pyrites morning and evening. ture of liquors and the liquor traffic blue looks fresh and bright, even whe1~ 26 Rachets in each wheel hub. No lost motion to Feeds. " Examples of this style are more corn should be prohibited within the lim- mon, and some sixty are included m slightly faded. Most lavenders and ~Wood Wheels extra strong and heavy; largest mortise spoke CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES. its of said county; tl~e museum collection, representin tans wash well. Flowered materials. in any drill wheel hub. And i~ is further ordered, That nearly every country and well illustrat ginghams and muslins, will not fade said election as above directed, shall Force Feed Grass Seeder has great range of quantity. ing the various changes and improve if washed in this way: Make a gal- The subject of the lesson for Sun- be held at the next general election Comfortable Steel Seat furnished at small eaxtra charge. lon of flora' starch, straining it as day is "Substance." 'for township officers in said several ments made. Conductor Tube Tops permit connection of Grass Seed Spouts One of the most interesting and vat usual, pour half of it into two pails of The meetings of this society are townships, villages~ c~es and elec- so grass seed can be sown in rows. tion districts in said county on Mon- nable arms in the collections is tlm soft water and wash until clean. Fu~ held Sundays at II:00 a. m. and the rest of the starch in tim rinsing Angle Steel Frame re-inforced with One-Beam Steel Bed Rail. day, the fifth day of April, A. D. John Cookson flintlock breech loading Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. 1915; tl~at said elecvion shall be by magazine gun. made in 1586. which I]as water. Dry in the shade and iron on Hoppers of large carrying capacity. ballot, and that the ballots shall be in a magazine in the steer capable o~ the wrong side. Oscillating Drag Bar Heads give greatest clearance for trash. two forms, one of which shall contain holding ten rounds or ~oose powder Cooked starch is much improved by Disk Wheel and Sliding Pinion for change of quantity. Land HOSPITAL NOTES. the words: and bullets. the addition of sperm or salt. or both. "Shall the manufacture of liquors Measure or Surveyor. On~ movement of the lever feeds the or a little dissolved gum arabic. To Folding Safety Levers take up least room in storing. Mrs. A. J. Knapp was taken ~o the and the liquor traffic be prohibited, make a stiffening for black w'~sh ma- within the county ?YES;" ammunition into the i)arrel, cocks tl~e hospital Sunday on account of serious terials, boil two quarts of wheat bran Two-Part Axle Hangers, not necessary to strip axle in case of And the other form shall be: W~tnmer and primes tl~e pan In spite in six quarts of water for half an accidental breakage. illness, but is some better. "Shall the manufacture of liquors ot the Englisl~ name of the maker, this Rev. H. C. Hayward was able to go o(1d piece is believed to Oe or ~panistt hour. Let it get cold, then strain. SUPERIOR WARRANTY. and the liquor traffic be prohibited home Sunday. within the county? NO;" origin on account of its generql type You will need neifl~er soap nor starch Every Superior Drill guaranteed to be as represented and to Kenneth, the seven year old son of That every ballot on which the and the style of its decoration It was if this is used. If too thick add col4 do the work claimed for it, when operated according to directions. water. This preparation will both Mr. and Mrs. Warren Churcliill of word "Yes" is found shall be counted probably brought to Maryland by tl~e We guarantee all castings and will replace same without charge in the affirmative of said proposi- early English. colonists. At least ii cleanse and stiffen. When starching Shabbona, underwent an operation tion, and every ballot on which the any time when proven defective. was found in Baltimore and confiscat- black lawn or organdie it is well to Monday and is doing nicely. word "No" is found shall be counted e0 In 1863 and held Oy the governmen~ add a little black dye to the starch. Superior Disc Bearings are warranted not to wear out. We in the negative of said proposition; Mrs. John Delong returned home until 1867. when R was thrown away° When the family washing is large agree to furnish new ones Free should they ever wear out. that under the provisions of the Saturday. In 18~8 it was purchased for a srnnlt much time, labor and fuel can be saved Even Sowing means Even Growing. Come in and we can prove aforesaid act all persons entitled Mrs. James Nesbitt was operated sum and put in its present perfect con if the following method is used: Take to you that "The Superior tells a True Story." under the laws of this State to upon at the hospital Wednesday. dition by a gunsmith of Baltimore. a clean laundry or kitchen table, shake Sold by vote for supervisor shall be deemed out the bath towels and spread them qualified to vote at said election; that from whom it was secured by all evenly on the table, then do the same the rogistration of the qualified elec- American collector ann presente0 to OBITUARY. tors, the hours for opening and clo- the museum. with hand and roller towels, then pil- sing the polls, the manner of voting From a military viewpoint, the de lowcases. Fold the sheets, placing J. A. CALDwELL James H. Mattoon was born near and of holding and conducting said sign Of this ~n evidences great ad over all. Then cover with an ironing sheet. Bring the table close to the Syracuse, N. Y., on July 4, 1834, and election under .~he provisions of the ranees of its time, for, with the maga aforesaid act, and the powers and du- stove, so as not to lose time getting came to Michigan in the fall of 1856. zine charging appurtenance, ten shots ties of boards of registration, of in- could be fired in a little more time hot irons. Then commence and iron He was unitedl in marriage with spectors of election, township boards than kq required for a modern maga all underwear, stockings, tablecloths, Lurania Mattoon in the fall of 1857 (and common councils) and all other officers, with reference to said elec- zlne gun. Altogether. the antiquity. napkins and handkerchiefs, all except at Dryden and they moved to Noves- tion, shall be the same in every re- design, workmanship and beauty of starched clothes. Remove the iron- ta township in 1879. In 1908 the spect as in case of annual township this gun make it a most valuable and ing sheet and all the flat work under- family moved to Cass City where Mr. elections, or election of members of remarkable relic. neath will be as smooth as if sent to Mattoon died on March 3. He leaves the board of supervisors, so far as The collection also contains severaJ the laundry. When laundering any ar- ticle made of pongee iron it without his widow, four sons and two daugh- the same shall be applicable; unless pillock, and the percussion cap _~un.~. otherwise provided in said act. which followed the flint lock. and the first sprinkling it and you will find that ters. GEORGE HALL, Prussia needle gun. and the French it will look far newer and silkier than Mr. Mattoon was converted and Chairman of the Board of Super- Chassepot which appeared somewhat when dampened and ironed in the took Jesus Christ as his Saviour in visors of the County of Tuscola. later. usual manner. the winter of 1895 and has been loyal ~OBERT ~u wl'~, Clerk of said Board. The development of the gun and am to Him ever since. He was a soldier Certificate of County Clerk to munition in the United States is well How to Arrange Your Household Linen VEAL. in the Civil War to the end. A kind to order for Election illustrated by a series of historical Attractively. ~ and loving husband and a tender fa- State of Michigan, County of Tus- cases showing the types used in the Every true housewife takes reai Section A. Loin, the finest cut for roasts and chops. ther, his demise is mourned by his cola, ss. succeeding wars from the French and pleasure in the stacks of household Section B. Fillet, for roasts and cutlets. I, Robert Brown, county clerk of family and a host of friends. indian to the war with Spain, thus linen piled in the linen closet and ar- Section C. Rump-end for roasts. the County of Tuscola, do hereby cer- connecting closely history and inven ranged neatly in the linen drawers. Relatives from a distance at the fu- tify that the above and foregoing is a Section D. Knuckle, for stews, soups and mincemeats. lion. And, of course, the more commodious nerat Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. Da- true and correct transcript, compared I Sectio~ E. Neck, ~or ~tock stews and hashes. Wbt~a many foreign _~uns are reore~ "1 and convenient these drawers and vid Mattoon ann Mr. and Mrs. Frank by me, from the original recbrd of l Section F. Breast, for roasting. the order issued by the board of su- sented they are not all of the latest shelves are the better ,pleased is the Skates, all of Imlay City, Mrs. Wix- housewife. .Section G. Blade-bone for pot roasts and stews. pervisors, of said county calling a patent or of the type now in use. In son of Lapeer, Ed. Deneen and daugh- special election on the proposition of the case of our military rifle, however. Sometimes the linen shelves are cov- Section H. Fore-knuckle, used for soups and potpies. ter of Pontiac and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. county prohibition, and of the whole the latest developments are shown. ered with linen covers, scalloped at the Section I. Used for roasts, Section J same as D. Steers and daughter of Detroit. Con: of such original as entered in the and it is interesting to note that the edge and embroidered in some simple Yeal for Roasts, for Chbps or Stew--We have the choicest here for you. journal of the proceedings of said design. This linen edging hangs over tributed. Springfield rifle, generally known as board, at their meeting of October the 1903 model, though it has been im the edge of the shelf. Linen drawers 14, A. D. 1914. proved upon since, is to be found in and shelves, too, can be finished in no MARLETTE -- Former Governor In testimony whereof I have here- more satisfactory way than with two Cass City Neat /3arket unto subscribed my name and affixed three separate series--the target, game Hedges, of Kansas, will be one of the coats of white enamel. This finish can HARRY YOUNG, Proprietor. the seal of the circuit court of said and military--showing that it is suit speakers at the Sanilac county "wet" county, at the village of Carp in said able. with different sorts of ammnnl be kept spotlessly clean without much and "dry" fight. county, this 26th day of October, A. lion. to many uses. trouble. Very shallow drawers are D., 1914. Some ot the musellm specimens ar~ most convenient for table linen. Some ROBERT BROWN, the donations of individuals, others are of the new buffets are made with a Only a Man Gould Be ~o 13rural. , (Seal) County Clerk. series of very shallow drawers, each Read the Store News in the She--Do you like my new hat, hubby~ /rein American mani]facturers. ~tn~ designed to hold one tablecloth with He--You bet! It covers up most o~ warm'and navy departments, and the patent off}ca.--Pittsburgh Disp~atch. its attendant napkins. Chronicle Today. your face.--Philadelphia Ledger. The Chronicle, one year $1. PAGE SIX.. CASS CITY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, Igla.

t +~++*+<++++;+++*+#÷+++;,++;++#+;+%++g*+++<%+*+ *;++~ *+ *+ , + , *~ *;*, GREENLEAF. NOVESTA CORNERS. NOTICE OF LETTING DOERR DRAIN. °:+t +:+ iii A blacksmith shop is being erected William, youngest son of Paul Notice is hereby given that I, Al- g÷ Brown, is very sick with diphtheria. bert Hunter, County Drain Commis- CASS £iat Greenleaf station. sioner of the County of Tuscola, State ++*+ ~il Mrs. Barney Shagene was under Mrs. J. 'Wentworth entertained of Michigan, will on March 16, A. D., It Will Pay You the eare of a trained nurse last week. Wednesday for dinner: Mrs. Thomas 1915 at the ne corner section 23 town- shin af E!li~o't:on af, ~in~ n'elaek in ++.+ ,> C TV +:+! fvi]:'+ atul M rs~ A+ ~,Icl,e~:,,w<, enter- mateer and Mrs. Fred Paimateer ana the ~ore>oov of that day, proceed +l+ tained their daughter, Effie, and a to receive bids for the contruetion To +"++ + Oa Line children. of a certain Drain known ::rid desig- friend from Detroit recently. +**+ BANK+ Mis~ Edith Perry of Lapeer is nated as the Doerr Drain located and +*+, i} Milo Rathborn and family were ill of .Ohoes for Spring" 4* -I. spending a few d,~ys with her par- established in the township of Elling- ++*+ last week with lagrippe. ton and traversing sections numbered ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Perry. 23 and 14 in town 13 north range 10 4* Of I. B. Auten. The M. E. Ladies' Aid was held at ++*o Mrs. John Hornet still continues east in raid couaty and state~ ++*+ We have just received from Selz Schwab & Co., the %*+ +:+ the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cleland +**+ ++*+ Established very I~w. Said job will be first offered in #++ +:. :!: Tuesday. largest makers of good shoes in the world, a lgrge ship- ~+*. .++. sections and will be let in sections, + 0%'+ 1882 Kenneth, adopted son of Mr. and or otherwise, as may be determined g. * • Mrs. H. Spencer was numbered ment of some of their best numbers in work and dress + +.*¢ Mrs. Warren Chm chitl~ lies critically by me to be for the best interests , :.:.: with the ill last week. ++*+ ill at the Cass City ~ospital, where of all concerned, which determina- shoes. We list below a few numbers in men's work shoes ++*+ Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Barnes of t-ion will be announced on that day; ++*+ +:+ :i: he was taken for an operation'_ to re- that will give you your money's worth or more: + Wickware entertained a number of if let by sections that at the outlet ++*+ ++** Pays % move pus that had formed around the will be let first, and the remaining .+*+ + their friends from here Monday eve- lungs, caused from poeumonia. sections in their order up stream, + -:+ :i: ning. +*.+ Miss Mabel Holeomb is seriously in accordance with the diagram now + + on file with the other papers p.~r- J23x, B-inch Black Hi Cut Blucher Plain Toe .... $3+25 + Quarterly interest on cer- A birthday surprise party was held ill with same tumorou~ growth in her + raining to said drain, in my offiEe, J224, Extra Heavy Bal Cap Toe, Double Sole .... $3.50 :~ tificate of deposit. :i: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert head. ' , to which reference may be had by all g ++*+ Hill Tuesday evening. parties interested, and bids must be +.% ++<+ Mrs. E. Biddle spent Sunday wi~h .+++ J362, Same as J224, only plain toe ...... $3.25 Mrs. Kittendorf spent a few days made and will be received accordingly. Money to loan on Real Estate iii Mrs. Wm. Johneon. I~ sold as one job each bidder will be J549,+Chocolate Storm Calf, Blucher TulI Bellows *p at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney ++*+ Mr. and Mrs. EImer Collins spent required to deposit, in advance, with Shagene last week. ~'~ ++*+ Tongue, Toe Cap ...... $3.25 +.~ Safety Dep')sit Boxes +:+ Sunday with the l:-tter's brother, Nel- the County Drain Commissioner a ¢. Drs. Morris of Gagetown and Hold- check, properly endorsed, in the ++++ J500, Chocolate Blucher Special ...... $2.50 ~++ For Rent. . son Hicks, and wife at Deford. s~r~rn of not less than five hundred g + ship and Stephens of Ubly were pro- +;+ ..% dollars ($500.00) certified to by the ¢o fessional callers in town last week. CEDAR RUN. cashier of some bank or banker do- * t5. A. TINDALE, Cashier :~: Mr. Moore was serbusly ill last ing business in T~tscola County, as a :i: Special for Saturday, Mar, week, but is improving at this wri- guaranty of good faith+and of a pur- 4+ rl B. AUTEN, Asst. Cashier Mrs. Herbert Houghton spent one pose to enter into a contract fo~ the A good 4 sewed broom for 19c ting. day last week at Bad Axe. performance of the work if making ¢. Miss Eleanor Hoadley was expect- a successful bid. Contracts will be 19 pairs men's fine shoes, a little off style, sizes +~,,~o.~%+ **o~**+ ++*+ *+*+ ~+ .+*+ +;+ .;, .~;++;+ ***+ +I+ #.~..;~+ ,;~;~+.;+ .;+ " Mr. and ~rs. William Bursa spent made w~th the lowest responsible ed from Lapeer Saturday. ++*+ Monday at the Arthur Willson home bidder giving adequate security for 6 to 9%~, very special at ...... $2.98 + )/It. and Mrs. Ernest Hillman and the performance of the contract, in ~HE WORLDS6REATEST SEWiH6 HACHIHE at Frenchtown. ++++ daughter, Jeanette, and Mr. and Mrs. a sum then and there to be fixed Best market price for Butter and Eggs. Premiums Mrs. James Waiters and son, Lee, by me, but the right to reject any Taylor were visitors at Mrs. A. Hem- are visiting relatives in Saginaw, and all bids is hereby expressly re- for cash trade. ion's Sunday. served to myself. The date for the .*++ ,t Mr. and Mrs. Lore~ Trathen of completion of the work, and the terms of payment therefor, will be ++++ Sheridan have moved to the Ed. announced at the time and place of Trathen farm. ,+ I Dir¢ctor + letting. At the ~mame time and place bids :i: Cox Seniour was ill last week. DR. IRA D. McCOY wilI also be received for the construe- The Novesta Store ¢. Mrs. Amby Powell and Mrs. Fred University of Michigan graduate. tion and erecting of the several neces- Dew were visitors in Sandusky last Residence and office 1% blocks south sary bridges incidental to said drain, ¢+ week. of Sheridan Hotel, Cas~ City. Office and bidders therefor w}ll b,, required Herbert D. Qu+ck ¢, days--Wednesday, 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 to deposit eh~cks certified and in like ~ . Mrs. F. W. Hubbard has been ill p. m. Saturday, 1:00 to 5:00 p. m. amount as hereinbefore ~required of ~++~;+~ ~+ ,I+.~++~+,,++*<+:+ ~;+ ++*++**~ ;~+g+.++*+ ~;+ ~;+ ++*++~+~+ ¢~+ +;~;++~;++~;<+;+.;+.z++~++;+ ~;++;++~+*;++;+ ~Io:+ ++*<+~+ +~oI+ +~+ ++*++~o**o+*o**<~n several wealds with lagrilJpe. the other class of bidders. Bridge bids must in aII respects conform to DR. M. M. WICKWARE, specifications prepared therefor a~:d ~PINGREE. Physician and Surgeon. Office in wMch will on the day ~of letting, ~e + + made fhiIy know~ ~+o prosp'.c;ive bid,"+ + • + Pleasant Home Hospital. ReM,denee + + William Gardner is able to go on ~wo blocks south of Cootes' hardware ders <, .¢++ ~ + In addition to bounds mentioned, + + crutches. store on Seeger St., east side. Ottiee days: Wednesdays, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. succe~sfhl bidders for both drain and + + Chas. I. Cook ~s ~ick wiik sore Saturdays, 1 to 5 t+. m. bridges will aIs~' be requie~-t to give throat. suppler~,enGaI bonds in a sum of not less ;hun one thousand do'tiara, each Jack, the infant son of Witlbm P. A. Sehenek, D. D. S., conditioned for tl~e payme=+ of debts +++++ Ja+ ++n 81iff ;tay F++++ +++++ + + Phettep!ace, is quite sick. Dentist. incurred for labor employed and ma- #++ + terials used in connection, wfGh their ++*+ + Mrs. Chas. Doerr is numbered with graduateof the University of Mich- ,+ + igan. Office over Wilsey & Catheart's respective-~nderea~h+~,~:. the sick. ++ + tfyou want either aVibratingShu~tle, Rotary store, Cass City, Mich. Notice is further hereby given that at the time and place ~ ~aid ~hutile or a~ 5in~!o Thread [ChJA?~ ATitch.] xe,epnone line %era the west has .**+ +Is Sowing Machine write to letdn~g, or at such other time' and penetrated Pingree. + Makes certain satisfaction +. + THE REW t]0N~ SEWIHG NACHIHE GOMPhH'~ DtgNTISTRY. plae~ thereof.tar t~ wh.ich I,, said + + (~Pa~ge, IM[a+s+ Miss Zilpha Craig is recovering I. A. Fri,¢z, Resident Dentist. County Drai:n; Comm..isMoner; ~ay l~Iany sew{ng machhms are made to sail regardless o+ adjourn the same; th;e, assesm~e~ts quality, but the ~eW" ll]l~l~e is made to wear, very rapidly. Office over Treadgold's drug store. ++ Our price' s right because + We solicit your pat~,-onage when in for ben~efits am~+l: the' lan~t;~ eompvfse~l #+ Our Kllarallty never rtlI~S out. Eb~r Cooke, who was confined last w!ithin th, e s:~eeial as:se~smen~ diis~ .++ :i: Sold by authorize¢l dealerm enid+ need of dental, wo,rk. week to the home, is attending school trict of much drain an@ the, app:ovg- + of right buying ° + FOR SALI~ BY ionmen~ tberea:f wi+ll be' ++n,nou~eefl', C. D. STRIFFLER, Agent, Cas~ City, again. A. J. Kna@t~, F'~radf Dire'e~or by me an~l w~H be su:bjec~ to re,view •~. ¢, Stanley Walden was treated to a and Licensed .Er~bM.m,e~+ 2~rs,+ Nnapp, for one day;: ~'eh review w~ill Be practical eharivari on time Tuesday Lady Assistant wLtl~ Id++nse, Night held from~ n'ine~ ~¢eloek in the' fi~re- noon until fi:v~ e/ctocl~ Pn', tfihe ~fter ~ +@ + Kidney Flemedy ltlverlise- night. Cigars. and day calls ~eeei,ve. pa~e,mpt,~, ~tten- tion. Both phones, noon of the day n~med. m nt Brou[ht 6roar A slight mistake occurred in the The following are' d~scrig;~ions- off Pingree items last Week. Instead of the several tracts, or parcels of la~d H. P. LEE, Nnd~e~a~r constituting, the -a~ecia,ll ~see~smen~ section 5 to be surveyed, it should e | .:+ Happiness and Funeral Di~ecto~,, Cas~ City, district of sucti da,a~n,. ++++~+ H BIGELOW+ SONS +++g+ have read section 6, Evergreen. Mich. Callg answered, davy, o~¢ ~g~. Subdivision J -~ectibn' 4+ + I take pieastire in stating that I have Louis Crocker is reported to have Phone No. 15. M:rm 11];.. P:. I~e,, ,Li- S 213 W %: NW Pg SW % .... 13 ~ed Dr. Kiimer's Swamp-Root, that I cense No. 1351. NW ½ NW ~)~ S~: " % SW ~ .. 1'3 was greatly benefited by the same and purchased the George Hubble farm S 1A N % SE ~ i;~ 14 + + have used it in my family. I had a of J. H. Striffter. S~A SE % ...... 124' ~on, when quite young he suffered from W ½ E % NEe ~ " ...... 23 ~ ~bladder or kidney alfliction. I called in W % NE *~ ...... 23 +:~+~ +:+++*+~++++*++:+O+t+*:++:++:++**++:+++*+++*n+**+++*~+~4+~+*++~+++*+#++:+%'++:++~++*+~++*+%*+~+*+~+++*++~+++++*+%*++:++t+~t++t++t++t++t++~+¢+°+ ~my physician, he attended him but did WILMOT. Optometrist...~¢° SE ½ SE % NW~ + - ...... 23 + + him no good. Almost by accident I N % SW 1/~ 23" ¢. ¢- .,noticed an advertisement about the Will and Ervine Thomas went to ":+..+ Eyes Tested :: G]hsses':)tPi~edl NW 1/,]2 NW% NW%~ SE% .. 23 , eurative properties of Dr. Ki!mer's fn the township of' Elling~on being" + + :Swamp-Root. I procured a bottle and Pontiac last week and have secured i~! CASS CITY, MICIL ¢+ +. ~++ ~o ,.'+ town 13 north~ rang'e 1:0 east ~ichi- , gave it to him according to directions. work there. Mrs. Will Thomas ex- *an*an *;+ ~ *;+*I+~.+ +as +;+~;+ *a<+z* +as*a* +~ • g+gel+ -~.~-. ¢~ g~n Meridian; an-d + a~o the" toy+reship +++ Monuments +++ tt cured him of what we thought was pects to go soon. of EAington at li~rg;e; • aImost impos'sible and the same with Now, therefbre, a}l unknowm and , ethers of my family. I have such Ross Hartt spent Sunday and Non- Defau']t having been made, in' +he: r~o~-resident persons; owners" and per- O + Latest Designs + :strong faith in Swamp-Root that I day with his parents here and re- payment of money due on~ and' se~ s~ms interested in the above described ++ + !have never done without it in my fam- turned to Pontiac Monday evening'. cured by a certain mortgage, bea'dmg I~nds, ~'md every person whose" Iands ++ + {ly since the wonderful cure of my son date the 8th day of Oetober; A:.. D. a~e affected by such assessment, and t ++ + Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and IittIe ++ Finest Quality + ~s x0ell as myself. I recommend It to 19Ig made and executed+ by Thomas you Gee. Morley, E~F~,,ard Pinn,~:y, Ira- +. + ~lI who suffer from kidney or bladder daughter spent Sunday and Monday , B, Tewnsand and Kate ~Townsand, his: I~L~y, Gee. Hopkins, E. H. Pinney, An- +- + troubles and I am led to believe that. wife, to Hart Miekle, and recorded in thony D oerr, Cldas,. P. Hover, Alison + + with their daughter at Wash, Mich. +, Best Workmanship + ~t is one of the best medicines for the the off~ee of the Register' of Deeds: fo~ !grant, Lou Keilitz and James" Deitz ++ + purpose for which it is used. that has John Rayworth has been much the County of Tuscota, ~ieh+igan, in sup;ervisor and 'Chas: Sehrader high- ever been discovered. worse for the last 10 days and is now Lib:at 132 of Mortgages on pag~' 265, way commissioner o~~ the township of +, Prompt Delivery + 4+- + This is my experience from the use confined to his bed. on the, 8th day of October. A., D. ]:91!2; Elling~con, and each of you are~ hereby ++ + of Swamp-Ruot. Wishing the promo- which said mortgage was duly as- notified that at the" time an~: place, + + ters of this wonderful medicine-a large Miss Myra Moshier is visiting old signegI by a written assignment" bear- aforesaid, or at such other tfme and g+, Right Prices + ~ale to the suffering public, I am. friends here for a few days. ir~g date the 9th day of" Oetoh~r, A. place thereafter t'o which said hear- + + Yours respectfully, Mr. and Mrs. Charles French of D. 1912 and recorded in the+ office, of ilng +ma.y be adjourned, I Shul+ proceed: W. I-I. McAFE~I. the Register of Deeds a£bresaid on, to receive bids for the construction of + Is our motto in our dealing with our customers. + Shover are visiting friends here for 63 Broyles St. Atlanta, Go. the I4th day of Octobm+; As. D" ~91~ said Doerr Draim i~. the~ mmmer here,. + Order now for Decoration Day. .'.:: V~ttness, a few days. in IAber 122 of M0rtgages, on page inhefore stated; and also at such time. 4* +:+ + R+ E. O. WILLIAMS, Notary Public. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Upper are vis- 584 made and executed by Har~ of 12etting" from~ rdne o'clock in the. MickIe to Oxford Savings: Dank (~ forenoon to five o,'cloek in the after- Letter to iting relatives here today. iV[ibhigan c0rporatfon); and: a,Nain a's:- noon, the assessments fo~r' bene~.ts, Dr. Ki|mer ~ Co., ~Rev. Hufton is holding revival ser- signed on the 8th da'y of Jamuary A,. and the lands; comprised within the + CassCityMarble&GranileWorks + Bhaghamton, N. Y. vices here. This is the second week. D: 1915 by a written a.s~ignment~ Doerr Drain Special Assessment Di~ made and executed b~ said OxfOrd S;~- trfct will be subject%o review. Phone 29--3S -- A.M. KELLY, Manager Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You I A, Williams has moved upstairs vings Bank to Isaac B; Auien and ~e,~ And you, and each of+ you, o,~ners: • 2 Scrod ten cent~ to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. over the store and Mr, Seot~ has corded in the Register, of+ Deeds and persons.• iht~erested in the: afore- Btnghamton, N. Y., for a sample size moved into the part Iately vacated by aforesaid on the, 1tilth + d+ay o:f January said lands, are hereby e~ted to, appear bottle. It will convince anyone. You 1915 in Liber I16 of' me,gages: on a~ the time and place-of said Ietting Mr. Williams. will also receive a booklet of valuable page 213, that b:y ran:so'n, of said de- and be heard with respect to such +I++~+ +1+++*oI+02,++I.1+ -I+++**++*+ -l++~ ++I<+I+ nl+ +I + ~+++ *I + ~I + ~I + +I + ~I + +,l + -I<+~ ~ ~I<+N~ +*,+ *Iololo**ol+ ***olol+ +l< +N ~formation, telling about the kidneys fault the whole, sum, sectored b,y said special assessment and your ~,terest,s and bladder. When writing, be sure mortgage has become: du:e and is ~tere- iln relation thereto, so desirex ~d mention the name of this paper. WEST GRANT. by declared to be: dt~e~ and the~e is Dated F~ruary 2z~, A. D', 1915~ ~gular fifty-cent and one-dollar ~ize claimed to be d;ue: upon the, safd ALBERT HUNTER, ~ottles for ~le at all drug ~tore~. Rencie Lloyd returned home Satur- mortgage at the date of tills- notice County Drain C'o~m,missi~ner, of th~ the sum of On, e Tl~ousand One Hun- County o£ Tuscola, State of lV[iehi- Advertisement. day from Popple. dred Seventy feur, arid zi61100 Dollars gun. ++++e+ The Cass City Creamery .I++-'+ Peter Rasmussen of Ohio" spent ($1174.46). - _ Deafness Cannot Be Cured Saturday and Sund:w with his daugh- Now therefore: notice is hereby giv- .#'.+<. bY local applications, as they cannot ;=+~ ¢- reach the diseased portion of the ear. ter, Mrs. Walter Thompson. en that said mo.rtgage will be fore- There is only one way to cure deafness, closed by a sale of the mortgaged and that is by constitutional remedies. Samuel kicker sold a fine four year premises, at lauhlic auctfon to the + Is a gee d creamery in a g ood town. ° :Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi- RealEstate tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta- old colt to Mr. Gregor of Elkton last highest bidder, on Mo~day the I2th chian Tube. "When this tube is inflame4 week. day of April, A. D. 1915 at one o'clock n**. %,+ you have a rumbling sound or imperfect in the afternoon of said day, at the If you want to buy or "hearing and when it is entirely closed. Mrs. Seward Co~ley spa,at Thurs- front door of the court house in the sell, farm or residence l~+~e&~IleS+ Is +l,o +~+ul+, +n ...... + +..... DA I 711~ fIammation can be taken out and this [day afternoon with Mrs. James Village of Care, in the County of Tus- property call and see +~I+ TRONI IT e °.=+ tube restored" to its normal condition. cola and State of Michigan. + o hearing will be destroyed forever: nine I Proudfoot. US cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh. [ The said mortgaged premises are +-*+ +I+ which is nothing but an inflamed eondi- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stafford spent described in said mortgage substan- + +**+ tion of the mucous surfaces. I Sunday at the Wallace home. tially as follows: The south half ~Vo will give One IInndred Dollars for any case of (½) of the northeast quarter (%) of Deafness(eansedbycatarrh)thateannotbecuredby Mrs. Sam kicker visited Mrs. John ~[taIl's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. section six (6), Township number FRITZ & WAIDLEY F. 3 CIRENEY, & CO., Toledo, Ohio. I kicker Monday afternoon. twelve (12) North range eleven (11) 8old by Druggists, 75c. 1 Office with I. A. Fritz, Dentist. ~ako Hall's Family Pills for ~.onstipation. Jerry Shantz and daughter, Elmin- East, being" in the County of Tuscola, State of Michigan. da, called on friends in Owendale Sat- Central Shoe Repair Shop You Can Enjoy Life The said mortgaged premises will Do Not Gripe urday. be sold as :,foresaid to satisfy the We have a pleasant laxative tha~ wiII P. P. WEBBEI~, Proprietor :Eat what you wan~ and not be troubled amounv due on said mortgag'e and the just do what you want it, to do+ with indigestion if you will take Mrs. T. H. Wallace spent severaI days last week with her daughter, costs of foreclosure. Dyspepsi~ Dated January the 14th, A. D. 1915. Headquarters for the Best Repair Work in the Tablet ~ Mrs. Roy Stafford. ISAAC B. AUTEN, Thumb of Michigan. Our work not only is durable Clarence Lloyd has purchased the Assignee .of Mortgage. WaSsail thousands of them and we before and after each meal. Sold onIb~ BROoKER & CORKINS, have ne~;er seen a better remedy for the eighty aei'e farm. known as the Gee. and workmanlike in every respect, but the finish is by us~25e a box. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgage. bowels. Sotd only by us, ]0 cents. L. 1, Wood & Co, Cosggove farm. Business Address, Cass City, Mich. L. 1. Wood & Co, pleasing and fine. With Crosby & Son. PAGE SEVEN. CASS CITY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1915.

• " rr=~ ~ I -~ ~1'~-----" "1 [ ql[ ' .... lived here for many years. 1 WICKWARE. DEFORD. did the best they could to help build the worM? If the lands across the I Cooper, who has undergone a serious the new manse, sea have opened their eyes to, the fact l operation,, but is improving nicely. D. W. Wait and family have been t visiting at Yale. Guy Watson spent Last week at The Free Methodists have ceased that strong drink brings weakness, l Mr. and Mrs. Seth Roberts are re- Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lester Pontiac. of to hold meetings in schoolhouse at death not life; it's time for every man I joicing over the birth of a girl. Pontiac are here calling on Mrs. Les- A baby girl brightens the home of I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kirby and faro- i Counsel Corners on Town Line south- in this so called enlightened nation to t Little Roderick Kennedy was very Mr. and Mrs. Amos Guy, born Mar. 1. t ily spent Sunday near Shabbona. Ser, who is very miserable. Her east of here. say "Invisible spirit af strong drink tsic k last week, but is much better. be~!tb b~ ho.en very Door for some The M ~ !,~dies' Aid met ~vith Mr~ G~!~ ~!obor wba b~ hewn l ~,~ ...... a .... ~ ..... ~ ...... ~ part." ~Vie~, (ion~ forge; free i .~eeks. ~che ba~ueL Mrs. }1. Phillips Wednesday. very sick, is on Lhe gain. danger, at Bell's hall next Saturday Old Mrs. Horner, two and one-half l proving, bdt not out of at 6:80 / Howard Retherford has sold hisf Reuben A. Moshier is dose to the • The subject for next Sunday at the Stuart Niehol of Sandusky spent a miles east of here, is very low. Chil- /two year old colt to the Hartwick[ f°ur score milestone of life. He is in p" Ladies'm. Aid will hold their first fair M. E. church will be "Temperance." day last week in this vicinity. dren and kin~dred were called to the I poor health and will soon pass on to 1 tion "ay • . . ;; 0 . . .. Mrs. D. Lindsey is visiting in Cana- Mrs. Hunter and children of Saskat- Horner home. / boys. da. chewan and Miss Hedgen of Canada More than usual sickness in the South Novesta Farmers' Club meets ~h~tl~r::ho bh::idved lh:; :h~ ;;;11~ n*ad~es' A~d dd:::d,tln,gn o ;:1~ le,y eneetx:Ow Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ehlers of l are visiting their sister, Mrs. Wm~ ~.and, hence our M. D. blew into the on March 19 at the home of J.D.I " "t "e 'etter because he did live in Mrs. Elmer B Y. Funk, section 2, Kingston. /this probationary existence will be Business to follow. Decker were in town • last Thursday. t Roley. ~wn when needed and is under me- I Milton Hoffm~.n of Elkton was in ~ion seven days in the week. It is illogical to conclude that all lseen no more: Reuben and Louisa Born to Mrs., James McGregor Fri- Mrs. Sarah Smith is quite ~Ack with tout neighborLood last Thursday trad- The Glazer man, who is lumbering" merchants of Michigan have put their Moshier are ~hot rich in this world's Iday last, a fine pair of twin girls. bronchial pneumonia, ling horses. heads together~and cut the customers goods, and yet have done more for the I Rev. Hufton is holding revival ~imber east and south of us, seems to The Grange entertainment was well~ wide open by enormous profits. That world than many who are well to do lmeetings at Wilmot. he furnishing barn frames for the attended Monday night. San Jak beats the world fo.v is to say tha t the dealezs" of ouz" land in the things of this world. Have we/ ~Deford is anxious to get connected Thumb. Mrs. Samuel Robinson and two stomach, bowel and catarrh trouble~ have lost the spirit of competition, not read of a record keeper who at l wit h Wilmi~t by telephone. Get it at Treadgold's.--Adv. Mrs. Hodskiss of Pontiac, better daughters of Cumber spent the past ceased to be Americans in business, the final accounting g~ves to all their / George I£ivingston spentlast Thurs- known here as Nancy Sole, was here week with relatives here. last week on business. and we must turn our eyes Chicago- just dues? Mr. and Mrs. Moshier[day in Care. ,¢ Mrs. Amasa VanNorman expects to ~f You Are NervoUs W~e hear that Mrs. Win. Patch of ward for a square deal. If you have were the first family to settle i~ No- / Mrs. Sam Sherk hasbeen indisposed and are losing weight, we recommend the moral right to be a Sears Robuck vesta.back in the sixtys and we have leave this Friday for her home at La- Novesta Corners is in poor health. customer, so have I and every other learned from many they were good ]f°r several days, but is much better Grand. that you take The Chronicle's idea to print a non- Olive Oi~ person the equal right. Hence let us Samaritans of the pioneer days. Let now. i Helen Stitt, George Hamilton, Mrs. resident issue is a good one. The l aI1 go into the deal wipe every ham- them not be forgotten now. It was a great treat on Sunday H. Hyde and Mrs. Wm. Meredith are Emulsion writer would be so pleased to see a let, village and city from our state, l morning to hear Rev. Forest, the containing tlypophosphites numbered with the sick. for a short ~ime. A prescription which ]ette~: from those we bantered and I Then we wager it will be dry and evangelist singer, sing and play upon Wm. Brown is recovering nicely we gladly endorse. quarrelled with years ago, but have l hungry also. M.E. Sunday school is certainly his harp at the M. E. church. Mrs. from an attack of diptheria. L. |. Wood & Co. ~orgiven and prayed for many times i Russia, France and England take a booming. One hundred twelve were John Retherford joined with him in a since. And every reader of Cass City stand against alcholic drinks for their in attendance last Sunday. A glad duet. paper whose heart is in the right [soldiers for the reason they want smile to all. place is just like me. :~: $ The maple sugar social of Town i the best that is in the man. If the Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Clothier and SHABBONA. Line Aid held on the 5th at Bemis tbest that is in the man is injured by daughters are visiting friends at Mar- :*: :i: lette. Nice March weather. Bentley's found the elements against tstrong drink in times of war, how is I DON'T DELAY BUY|NQ A * +&era. Hence the attendance was it in times of peace? Why not give Mrs. Hack visited in Bad Axe Sat- Mrs. Nancy Atkins of Flint is quite small. Nobody to blame; the girls tthe best that is in us at all times to urday with her her daughter, Mrs.., ill. She is well known~ here, having

~4 De Lava,l ¢.; Cream Separator ¢4¢4- ¢,¢4

.:.¢. ***o:4 44**** .:.,.:4 You can't afford to wait 'till spring I Let the De Lava[ Start Saving Cream for you RIGHT NOW. .~.¢. JAS. TUDNBULL, Auctioneer i!:,i!:, .¢**:. \ ...... ** You have ~othi~g to risk, and over a million other cow owners whe have made this @@• Having sold my farm I will sell at auction, without ij! test have round they had much ~o gain. >:4 ¢.¢. reserve, 4 miles eas and 1 mile north of Cass City. or 3 ***0 @¢* miles south and 1 mile west of New Greenleaf on ilii * :f. 8|riSer g PaI ers0n ¢.**% CASS CITY.

.1,.i. H IO • ~ • • ~, ~ * ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~'+~:~,~+~,-~t~ ~t • ~' • ~ ~ ~:~%~:~~' ~ " ***o.1. TUESDAY, MARC •

00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 Commencing at 12 O'clock Sharp: 0 O o i! 0 Wood heater ::~ o -1o*a~ Cream mare 12 years old weight 1500 Set of platform scales, 800 lbs. 0 .14.1. 2 bed room suites , ca.:. Dark Cream mare in foal 12 yrs wt Pair of steelyards, 400 pounds o ° 0~." 1500 Champion Fanning mill Corn husk tick ~ i! O- ,,.'!'4"-** Winter Wheat Bran $30 per ton Brown mare colt 9 months old About 3 loads of corn stalks Willow rocker o O Red cow 8 years o]d, due March 24 Sewing rocker O, ¢¢,,I+ Black cow 5 years old, due May 1 About 2 loads of bean pods :~ o Middlings . $32 " " O, 6 dining room chairs O go Red cow 5 years old, due 2 loads of oat straw O' 8 kitchen chairs .... 0 Black heifer 2 years old, due Sept. 15 About 2 gz tons of clover mixed hay O. A quantity of oats Center table Ground Feed $1.60 per 100 lbs. 0 Black heifer 2 years O 0 ~ Cupboard O ¢. 2 Red Heifer calves 1 year old 3 bushels seed buckwheat O Milk safe $ o ~,~ White Brood sow, due April 12 8 bushels Smutnose seed corn Clover Seed $9 to $11.50 per bu. 5 bushels cull beans Couch 4 pigs, about 90 lbs. each O" About 5 bushels of clover seed, mixed New bread mixer o O' About 50 Leghorn hens 5 gallon oil can ! li o . $4.00 per bu. O. 7 Vz rods of chicken wire 70 bushels corn in ear o Timothy Seed &, .Io.:. 35 bushels of potatoes DeLaval separator, 600 lb. capacity, 0 4 roosters, Leghorns 0" 8 bushels of apples new i °O Well bred Fox hound O Two 20-gallon meat crocks 0 ~ .r" Top buggy A quantity of inch lumber O Os 2t)0 feet of scantling, 12 ft. long 10-gallon cream can o 0~ Heavy truck wagon Bentwood churn Flat rack and stock rack, etc Gravel box o Stump machine 6-gallon earthern churn ¢4 Pair of heavy sleighs and double box o Chain, 12 feet long Two 20-gallon meat crocks Golden Horn Flour Spring seat 0 10-gallon meat crock O 0 Osborn binder 2 wrapping chains, 2(} feet long O *:'¢4 Glass fruit cans i.:.& °o 0 Osborn corn harvester, good as new 3 bunk chains 0 Grindstone og o $7.80 per bbl. bbl. $3.90 , 0 Empire disc seed drill, good as ne~ Hay fork, rope and pulleys +:.~ o 0 .:**:. Root cutter +:*,T4 o **u¢4 John Deer manure spreader, good ~s Trip rope for leading cattle 0 .:~¢4 3 corn- planters *:*£ o 0 new Halter for leading cattle -:*~& o bbl. $1.95 ~8 bb|, $1.00 0 Potato planter "bl. o- 0 4 scoop shovels O .:.¢4 Osborn mower, 6 foot cut, nearly new +~.t. 0 Potato hook O 0 ¢.¢, McCormick hay rake, 12 foot Sugar beet fork O *: • A quantity of beehives +:.:f:i::~ O Syracuse riding plow, No, 1 Barley fork .:.g 0 O 3 bushel baskets ÷:.q 0 O Syracuse walking plow, No:l 3-tine forks o O Vz-bushel basket o .:.¢o Greenville walking plow 45 pounds of binder twine ~ @ O Quantity potato crates @ g O .:2.:. John Deer disk, 18 inch 2 ear eradles @ O O ¢**:. 2 stove kettles 4-. O Steel land roller Pair of street blankets Farm Produce O O CO. 2 strings of bells O Pair Syracuse lever harrows 15 tooth Pair of horse clippers @ O *I+**** House door, 28x68 @ O Pair lever spring tooth harrows Single harness O Cass City, Michigan O O O Set of 3-horse whiffletrees O ,I***.4 Pair lever spike tooth harrows Home and collar to match O .I+.:. Set of double whiffletrees ¢, O O Lear 2-horse cultivator Single fly net O O .:o.:. Neck yoke ,14 O Walking cultivator Set of double harness ¢, O new eveners O O. Shovel plow 25 cords of dry poplar wood ÷:, O O Scythe and snath 0 Caldron kettle 5 cords of dry kindling wood @ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000°00000 *:4.:* About Vz ton of Chestnut coal Hoes and rakes 2 post hole diggers Many other articles Crowbar Hard coal base burner @ @ @ @. A ~,,,,d pla-o te buy All sums of $5.00 and under, Cash; over that amount 8 months' time will be given @ TERMS: @ on good approved endorsed notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent. @ MEAT AND BONE /~EA~ FOR CHICKENS. *:**:* / @ @ Chicken flash. Flour, Feed, Etco 4, @ Sell Your Cream Here. .~." @ PH 1LI P WRI (i HT, @ @ Eaward Pinney, Clerk PI OPRIETOR @ H, T, CRANDELL Cass City i *e- Phone 5 3-r Union Delivery. ;~.; PAGE EIGHT. CASS CITY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1915.

TRAPPED BY FIRE. IT NOW AND l , FIELD PEASFOR HOGS I BRING PROSPERITY. |)riving Elephants to Their Death In Equal to Corn and Six Weeksl the Dry Season In Africa. Continued from first page. Earlier. I In the heart of the African eleph:,d I ful because their wives bought house- country, from wllich conies tl~e bulk I hold supplies in advance and in ouan- A Business ~i ~ac w~ricl s iv~i'y sui;ply, i once ~a',~ Ficid pca~, either sown alone or lily. the destruction of tliese huge beastx with oats, have tong been recognized the to save a part of the This is the time to do that kind of performed in a novel yet t)III'I)HFoll, ~ bride's bouquet, press the flow- as one of the best feeding and fatten- buying. Proposition manner. It was a process that played ers and arrange them carefully, ing forage crops for young stock and upon the fear all animals have for tire Go to the grocer's or to the dry frame and hang them on the hogs, to carry them during the~mid= T %V.hen the Niam-Niam hunters--whose goods counters in the big stores. Com- x~ wall. Later, when wax fl()wet's summer and droughty period of Ju- If the liquor traffic aids business, why do the commer- name. by the way. means "gre'lt eat- pare the prices of today with those ~> were hitroduced, the entire bou- ly and August. ers"--discover a herd of elephants tl~e3 of a year ago. cial ,organizations and railroads when issuing pamphlets to quet ,was sometimes reproduced When sown alone they should be in wax and placed under a glass set out and beat the country for miles Inquire about the tendency of pri- advertise a state, community or city handled the same as any small grain -~ ease. ~> around, throwing a cordon about the ces. You will find that they are go- crop, and drilled at the rate of two The wax flowers were some- herd and gradually closing in. A I 'ing up, instead of going down. what more natural looking than though the hunters are artned witl~ and one-half bushels per acre. When The purchases that you make will old muzzle loading elephant rifles au(l Tell about the the dried ones, as they did not mixed with oats one-half the quanti- add to a trade revival that will set and forget about the carry a plentiful supply of ammum fade or lose their color, but it ty, namely, one and one-quarter new factories going', give employment was necessary to use extreme don, they always use the fire trap dur bushels per acre, to t~he same quanti- Schools, Churches, Breweries, ing the dry season. to more men and women. care ht ntoving either the frame ty of oats is sufficient. The time of As the herd is gradually driven to If you hoard your money you will Libraries, Banks, of dried flowers or the case of sowing corresponds with that of oat Distilleries, wax ones, as they were easily gether by the hundreds of hnnter- not only deprive yourself of things seeding. As peas are naturally hardy brokGh. torches are passed around by the wb,:, you want and need, but you will ac- Mills, Factories, and not endangered by late frosts, Saloons, The ~wea:tieth century has in- en and at a shrill blast from the w-~r tually lose money in the end for Farm Products, trodfilc~d a custom much more horns they are lighted. Another blast the earlier the crop can be gotten into when you must have these things lovely than t~ose of the past. If from the horns is the signal for the the ground, the better. they will cost more. Timber, Mines, "Cafes," torches to be applied to the tall. dry Early seeding brings the crop into the)bride's bouquet is of roses There is no extravagance in intelli- Gambling Houses, take sevea-al and plant them. If grass, and a writhing sea of flame soon maturity and ready for feeding be- gent purchasing. Railway Lines, > cut roses are used for deeora- encircles the doomed herd Half a fore the hot days of July and August. Every great manufacturing or rail- Brothels, > tions at the wedding or reception mile in diameter is not an uncommon A pea crop, if sown as soon in spring Natural Resources, the petals might be saved to measure of the tire trap. road corporation has a department as ground is ready to plow, may be make a rose pillo~ for the bride. Roaring and crackling like volleys ot for buying, which studies markets Climate, Scenery, Etc. And THEIR products. ready for feeding as early as the One method of slipping roses musketry, the flames leap up and tend and buys to the best advantage, lay- is: Place the stems in w'lter for to burn inward upon the circle, and the twentieth to twenty-fifth of June. ing in supplies always when they are a day or two; then plant in ratll- poor elephants, who dare not face the Usually, however, it is available the the cheapest. er sandy soil. Place a glass jar flames, die from suffocation. first half of July. Millions of dollal~s are saved in this over the tittle,slip and press it Then. when tl~e fire has burned itseH The variety of Canadian way by great industries. Why Discriminate ? down in the soil, so that it will out. the Niam-Niam enter the trap ot Wisconsin or Michigan Field Pea The same system, on a smaller be quite firm. This forms a min- death, gorge themselves upon elepham should not be confused with the Clay scale, can be practised in the home. iature hothouse for the slip. meat and collect the ivory, which they Advertisement of Tuscola Co. Anfi~-Saloon League. Pea or Whip-poor-will Pea or the signs If the weather is toc c~td ~o ~ear to the trading stations In ex Unfailing point to the com- many other varieties of Cow Peas -- plant the slip out of doors plant change for their booty they receive the ing of the best times this country has grown in the warmer sections of the it in a pot and keep it inside. trinkets and gayly colored cloths that ever seen. Whether indoors or out. the delig'ht their hearts and after a time South. The Canadian Field Pea does East, West, N~rth and South will glass should be kept over the sD~rt once more off on the never ending not thrive in extremely hot weather, share in it. slip until the plant grows too ivory hunt. -- Cincinnati Commercial but if sown early will produce good The man or woman who wants to large for it. Tribune. and bountiful crop wherever the con- get his or her share will do well to ditions are also favorable for the make purchases of all kinds before DOES HEREDITY EXIST? growing of oats. the rise in prices, to get the piano or FOR THE COOK. the motor car or the library that has I~ it Does It Has Never Been Proved, been the family dream for years What Shall We Do LISTEN, MOTHER. for HOw to Carry Out Thes~ Recipes For It Is Claimed, To do this is riot extravagance, it an Economical Meal, Is there such a thing as heredity? is wisdom. Clam :Frappe. A father has blue eyes, and so has his Just look around the house, down And it will bring prosperity imme- Cold Meat Warmed en Casserole. son. Is there a special energy or force Food to Eat? Lima Beans. Sweet Potato Surprise. in the cellar, up in the attic, out in the diately, and solve every financial Lemon Mering~z~ Pudding. that did this? Suppose his son has yard, in the stable or loft--every- l brown eyes. Did heredity stop acting? problem that has confronted the Clam Frappe, where---and see how many things, Was it, so to speak, turned off? That country since the tariff bill was No trouble at all about that question. Wash two dozen clams thoroughly is absurd. The forces which caused useless to you and yours, are lying passed. and put them in a stewpan with half the boy's eyes in one case to be like about, cluttering up the place. Whatever you need or want, do not a cup of cold water'. Cover closely Simply phone this grocery, and leave the father's and in the next case un Every apparently useless article is put off the purchase. and steam until the shells open.' Strain like were the same. No one doubts worth money-hard, spot cash. it to us to send you the highest the-liquid and freeze to a musiC. A BUY IT NOW. that. No new force or energy had There i~ more stuff~cast off or an- ~ obtainable grocery goodness. small amount may be easily frozen in been •introduced. used--around mosthomes than would, a baking powder ean by ~etting it in a Heredity, therefore, is not a thing if sold, clothe one or two persons for J NOKO. We can't promise you prices away tin pail and packing ,Tith ice and salt in itself. It has no existence, i~ fact. in equal proportions. The mixture will a year. down, but we can and WILL cut it denotes no constant actual living i freeze in about half an hour and Make a tour of the house. Make H. Foster is drawing gravel to his force. It is simply a noun derived off every cent of cost that doesn't should be stirred once ~r twice during from the adjective hereditary. Hered out a list of the thin~s you do not farm at Decker to build a barn. the freezing. Serve in glasses. HAVE to go with the goods. itary means handed down from parent want and never will want. Mark down Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKenney of O~ Cold Meats Warmted en Casserole, to child, simply that and nothing moffe the very lowest cash price you will Snover visited a t R. W. Fox's Sunday. Phone us, or send, or call. Cold roast lamb. beef. veal. chicken. An estate is hereditary The brown take for the things. Add up the Roy Shaw is contemplating rent- kidneys, etc.. may be heated up deli- eyes were as truly hereditary as the figures and the total will surprise ing his farm and going to learn the By whatever way you let us know Ciously in the casserole. Heat any l~lue, no more. no less. As all life 7ou. gravy that is left o~'er to almost boil- ewelry trade at Snover. proceeds from life, all life in every Now to turn these useless things your wants you ~'ilI find us Lug point and thei~ put in slices of i detail is hereditary. Try to realize into money for yourself: Mrs. C. H. Shaw has returned from prompt to do your bidding. lamb or beef and Iv! them get warmed and be cerh-iin of this. it Will prevent Fix up a little ad something like Detroit where she has been visiting through. Do not cook them. In the you from falling into errors. It is her son,Ella. ~'bsence of gravy a rich beef juice commonly said. for instance, that cer this: could be nsed. For boiled or fricaseed tain qualities are hereditary and oth "For .Sale--Second-hand heating' Miss Mary Lewis is home from Big chicken lv~ve ready some boiled rice ers noL For instance, a genius sud stove, bmkeau, betstead, churn, three Rapids. and put this first in the casserole. Take denly appearing of commonplace pro upholstered chairs, quantity of clo- C. Shaw has a new roof placed on L. E. DICKINSON off the skin of the chicken and bone genitors is said not to be hereditary thing, several bags of rags, etc, etc. his silo. it; place the bits or~ top of the rice. But a genius is born. so he must be Mrs. J. , Third St.," Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Raduchel were pour over gravy or bits of butter, add hereditary in the true sense; genius is Send the ad to the Chronicle. It Sunday visitors at Robt. Raduchel's seasoning if needed m~d ~ dust of em'- not acquired. will cos~ five~mts a line a week t6 J ry powder. Then cover the casserole Thus in common usage the word he at Snover. put it in the p~[)er]~ ~'~ ,1@ and let the rice and chicken heat to reditary is abused and twisted into Just for fun take that trip around the cooking t)oint. ~When heating the meaning something it does not mean- For good toilet soap, talcums and lamb and beef slices the casserole must namely, a tendency in children to re the place and see what a tot of things toilet waters try Treadgold's Drug not be covered, as true'steam toughens produce the more or less unusual quali you can turn into money. Store. Chronicle Liners will sell the goods. the meat. ties of parents. It is assumed that Sweet Potato Surprise, there is such a general tendency, but / Season two CUl~uls of baked sweet it has never been proved.--Athlntic. t~otatoes that have bees pressed through a colander with salt and pep- Describing the Grand Canyon, per, and "tdd a beaten egg and a little As for the Grand Canyon of the hot cream. Form into balls, and into Colorado, it affects those who behold each press a pitted l)rune ~ into which it with a kind of literary asthma two walnut meat~s have been forced. They desire to describe it: some ~ry This prune should not be visible. Dip passionately, but they only wheeze and New Arrivals the balls in crum0s and egg. Then look as though they might explode brown the potato balls in deep fat, Since it is generally admitted that no drain and serve m once. one who has seen it can describe it the For the Men and Young Men ) Lemon Meringue Pudding. task would manifestly devolve upon Add a tablespoonful of butter, a cup- some one who has not seen it and ful of sugar, two heaping teaspoonfuls that requirement is filled by me 1 of cornstarch dissolved in a little cold have not seen it. ! am not impressed water and the juice and grated rind of by it at all. ! am able to speak o[ it New Hats and Caps New Fancy Shirts Jersey Sweaters lwo lemons to a quart of boihng wa- with coherence and restraint. Bm ter. Beat the yolks of three ~.~o',~s a~nd even that I shall not do.--Julian Street of the latest designs, in colors that in a splendid range of colorings, al-~ The comfort item for the young fel- add to the boilin,g mixture. I ) our into ~n Collier's Weekly. brand them as new and in shapes ways bought to give you the most for low. We carry these in Navy, Maroon, a baking dish and bake in a pan of water until the cnstard is set. Make Fond Recollections. that were never better to give the your money. Some exceptional values arl~[ Grey in glove button neck and a meringue of the whipped, whites of "Speaking of old times." said a mem m e n a neat and j aunt y a pp earance . in" Boys' 50 cent shirts"- with" sepal'ate- regular pull overs, Boys' gizes, Mens' the eggs and qdd two or three table- her of the Reminiscence club. "I can ~ collars, sizes. The prices on Jerseys seI1 'em spoonfuls of granuhited sugar, beat- cemember when a waiter would say ) ing in welI l,rown, chill and serve. 'Thank you' out loud for a twenty-five quick, l cent tip." How to Clean ,Soiled Wall Paper. "That's nothing," replied his corn The following mixture is more easily [)anion, "I can remember when I applied and does the work more effec- would look at the list of dishes on a Exclusive Style Features in Every Number Shown tively than any of the baked prepara- menu to see what l wanted instead tions that are sold at a good price for of looking first at tt}e prices to see a small quantity, one generally paying what l could afford."--Washington the sum for the label and tin to box Star, it up for sale. Men's Shoes Men's Fine Shoes Just Arrived--A Splendid Take one part sal ammoniac, four Electric Currents. From the ordinary coarse work shoe In no past season have we attempted Assortment of Men's and Young parts rye flour and water enough to -Whether an electric current is alter. ~orm a dough: then use on the soiled noting or direct may be determined t)y to the best welt sewed heavy flexible the great variety of lasts, the great Men's Suits parts as if the mixture was a sponge. holding a magnet near an ineandesce[at soled. Good care in fitting, good judg- range of leather and combinations to As the dirt is transferred from the lamp burning in the circuit if the the extent of our present great show- The pick of Michael Sterns & Co.'s [~i wall to the cleaner turn the soil in current be alternating the filament will ment in selecting a work shoe adds to ing of Bostonian Famous Shoes for superb values New Blues, New an~ wor~ out a clean t)~(r[ o~ the mix- vibrate; if direc~ i~ wi. bend mwaru your efficiency and that counts much men. Then we have some leaders @ Browns, New Greys, $15.00 to $25.00 ture. A little practice will soon show the magnet without vibrating.- Ex how easily this is accomplished with- change. with you. $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. We show new The new stuff is simply great. out waste to tl~e mixture. Never con- [~ and exceptional values. tinue rubbing the soiled surface of the A Timely Warning, cleaner into thewall. ~4, *', I am rea 1ly vexT much afraid of in The newspaper talk of higher prices for merchandise is all rot. An examination ot i~ectioh.'" How to Use Empty Baking Powder "Then you lind better not read the [~-~, the new spring goods will disprove any such statement. Cans. book you have just taken." If the empty baking powder cans are "Why not?" saved and the lids pierced with holes "'I am told it contains some germs they may be utilized for a number of of thought.,--Baltimore American. household purposes. They make ex- cellent soap shakers when filled with Strategy. Farrell CO. Townsend the small pieces of soap. They may be "Naw, I'm not going to propose te Co. f filled with soap powder, sand. borax or her. l know she'll reject me." cleanizg fluid. They are ~lso ver~ "'Propose by :ph:one, and don't tell her handy in the laundry as sprinklers. who yoti':'~i'e?*:-IKouSton Post. m