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CAss CITY CHRONICLE. o } c.~ MICH., ~'R ~•~v, NARCH ~, ~9~5 Vo!. 10, No. 47 CASSa'~'~u~*'CITYENTERPRISE, Es,gblished i n 1881 ADrt120, 190~ c~y i E I I I I '1 FLYING SQUADRON IN BLAMES FARMERS FOR BOYS LEAVING FARMS NOVESTA TWP. TOMORROW. 4- "SLIPPINg"STIRS UP .:, LET THE PIGS GRUNT. ":" FREDSLOCUM DRD The Flying Squadron of Anti-Sa- "Farmers are to blame for the boys loon speakers will tour Novesta town- *I* Let the pigs do ~che grunting. *I- leaving the farm," said :.. M. Ber- ridge, at the farmers' institute at the AT ANN AeBOR [L[TION INTE [ I ship Saturday, March 13, as follows: O*:* There is better work ahead for us. ¢. Herbert Leon Cope, "The Whirl- *:* Grunting never lessened the burden of a load, never pulled acom- ~ Michigan Agricultural college. Mr. Berridge is a graduate of M. A. wind"--Charlton Shhool at 10:00 a. ¢. munity out of a rut, never added a dollar to any man's bank account. :~.~ WAS PUBLISHER OF CARP AD- CAUCUS NOMINEES ELECTED m.; Paul School at 2:30 p. m: *:~ Grunting makes pessimists, and pessimists have bad livers, and poor C. and now a prosperous farmer near VERTISER FOR 20 YEARS. AT CASS CITY. E. J. Warren of CaromCrawford ***" digestiofi, and ~sour countenances, and general nuisances all around• Greenville• School at 10:30 a. m,; McCracken .:. And pessimists are always grunting about something. "> "Fully 90 per cent of the boys would School at 2:30 p. m. O They grunt if times arebad; they grunt because they are not better O remain on the farm," he said, "if giv- For Eight Years Manager and Part No Contest at Gagetown; Citizens' en proper encouragement by their fa- A. L. Marvin, County Manager~ *:" when they are good" they grunt over their meals, and over politics, .:~ Owner of the Johnston-Slo- Ticket Wins at Vassar and Quick School at 10:30 a. m; Ferguson -:* and religion, and anything else that offers a chance to grunt. *:* thers, and if life on the farm were made more attractive. Leave the cure Company at Caro. Republicans at Caro. School at 2:30 p. m. ~:~ And then they grunt because there is nothing left to grunt about. ***~ A big free banquet wilI be given to -I. Grunting is a habit with them~it is their daily pastime--and 4. church open evenings and provide all voters at Bell's Hall, Deford, oat *:~ nothing is so dear to their hearts as a great big unadulterated grunt. .:~ some form of amusement at home, Fred S!ocum, formerly of Carp, one O Running the name of F. A. Bliss on 6:30 p. m. Music and speeches ~il:! .:. Many of us grunt part of the time, but some folks grunt all of the :~ and the boys will not want to go to of the oldest and best knpwn newspa- slips in an effort to defeat F. E. I~.el- follow. *:" time. ~:~ the city. M.A.C. is the first school in per publishers in Michigan, died sud- sey for trustee lent the only excite- *:. 'Now let's quit grunting. ~*** the country really to help to keep the denly Saturday morning at Ann Ar.. ment to the village election Monday. .:. Let's get down to hard tacks and dig a log of wealth out of this ÷:* boys on the farm." bor, after an illness of 10 months. The attempt was successful only in 4- community. It's here, but grunting won't do the digging. ***. He was born in Holly, May 25, getting out a larger vote. Mr. KMsey FEEAWARDED ~**- Let's make this the greatest productive year in local history. *~* 1859. At the age of 18 he established was elected by a majority of 44, ~re- .:~ Let's get out and hustle let's find the opportunities, or make **** the Holly Advertiser, which he, later .ceiving 92 votes to 48 cast for his op- ~**~ them where none exist. ***~ BUY JT sold to his brother, James, in 1884, ponent. ***~ The s0ii is as rich today as it was a year ago, and it will produce ¢* and purchased the Tuscola County The entire ticket as nominated at *:.~ as much and the products will sell for more money. *:~ Advertiser, at Carp, which paper he the caucus was elected as ~ollows: *I', There is nothing produced in this community but has a market ~**~ published for more than 20 years. Du- President, Geo. A Striffier. SUCCESSFUL IN INTERCOLLEGI- ~" waiting for it. If we don't see the market, let's get out and find it. :i: ring his connection with the paper he ¢. Clerk, Chauncey W. Campbell° ATE ORATORICAL CONTEST. .:~ Time is too short for it to hunt us. ¢o filled all of the important offices of GOODS WILL NEVER BE Treasurer, Geo. A. Tindale. "1" Let's not sit on dry goods boxes and wait for the world to come -:~ tl{e Michigan Press association, of Assessor, Harry L. Hunt. ¢~ to our feet. We will die grunting if we do. .:~ CHEAPER. which he was a member for more than Trustees for two years, Albert H. Miss Jessie Duncanson, Student at Al- .:,, There's a great big place for us in the world. Let's fill it--let's O 30 years. Higgins, Pearl A. Schenck, Edward ~:. do something~tet's let the rest of the world know that we are alive, *:. He was postmaster at Caro for ma, Won Third Place in t Pinney. / ":* that we are producers, that we are something" more than grunters. -I. Begin Buying What You Need and eight years. For the last eight years Truste for one year, Fred E. Kel- Women's Con~est. -:- Let's be optimists--for optimist s do things, and never grunt. ,,1. You Will Help Along the he was manager and part owner in soy. .:. Let the pigs do the grunting. .~.. the Johnstog-Slocum company, a man- Election was a quiet affair~t Gage- o.*o Good Times. town Monday. Only 14 votes were Miss Amy Fee, a student at Albion 4, There are better times and more congenial work ahead for us. $.~ ufacturing concern at Carp. He went cast which elected the following offi- and daughter of Rev. G. A. Fee, for- o:° Let's all get busy and whoop it up. to Los Angeles, Cal,, In September, cers: President, Robt. Young; clerk, merly pastor of the M. E. church at 4, The following terse articleiis taken 1913, and while there suffered a ner- O. A. Rogers; treasurer, C. P. Hunt- Cars City, was awarded first honors from the editorial page of the New vous breakdown from which he never er; assessor, Char. Palmer; trustees in the Michigan intercollegiate orato- 1 York Evening Journal: recovered, and returned to Michigan in May, t91t. for two years, J. L. Purdy, John Mort= rical contest at Alma ~Friday. The [~Q~)I~I~~~ ~' i FOUR FARM SALES " There is plenty of money in this ro and Henry Comment. subject of Miss Fee's oration was "A . country. Despite a great deal of un- / At Vassar the entire Citizens' tick- Mothe r . " She.made a great plea for ~~ ~~~~) I employment there are hundreds and "CAPTAIN DICK" AT DEFORD. et was elected with the exception of private homes for orphaned waifs, i Scheduled for the First Four Days thousands of men with good incomes, Calvin Jones, village clerk. The offi- •Miss Eva R. Arent of the Michigan o~ Next Week. hundreds of thousands of people with The Deford High School Dramatic -cers chosen are: President, E. Whitt- State Normal college \vas given See-t __ , _ money in the banks• club will present "Captain •Dick," or more Ellis; clerk, Calvin O. ,Jones; ond honors with the oration, "The '~ '~ i - ~. .......... To hoard money, to practise self- "Our War Correspondent," a comedy treasurer, William Currie; assessor, denial now will only defer the coming S:2~:f oAf1Kangc:l~eM~SdaJ:2h::rDfnMa:. MARLETTE--While carrying a drama in three acts at the Def0rd Orsen B. Randall; trustees, two years, of prosperity. schoolhouse on Friday, March 19. The Margaret Duncanson of Cars C i ty, ~~pail of boiling water, Rex- Wilson, l. ................. The maxim that the people must Henry W. Owen, Thomas C. Halpin, ,, ,, on ~wonaay, lvlaIcn IO, al; nls home o Deford orchestra will entertain the John F. Sweet, Guy N. Varnum. speaking on The New Patriotism, 18-Year-°ld son of Thomas Wilson. t~;~ ..... ÷ o -~ ~az ,,~'~..... Ch ~v c~o~ follow to restore good times immedi- audience between acts. Much effort won third ,,lace I Marlette business man, and was nu • 7~...n The republican candidates at the fell ............ ................. ately is:--Buy It Now! has been p~t forth and the partici- e , - • I oaaly...... scalaea I City E F Wright is the auctioneer Carp election were elected over the :. In the men............... s contest, Cornehus R. • , .... land the announcement appears on Don't wait till next summer or next ]pants hope for a s~pporti~g house~ citizens' ticket by a vote of two to wmreng'a...... o~ hope won over tiuy. ~oxll ~v~t~l,~--tne .men s cross o~.11'lpa~e~ z~. week, necessities are cheaper today Following isthe cast of characters:. ofAlbmn eollege. Carleton Miller of =the Marlette Methodist church w~ ~ ............. than they have beenfpr many years-- one. The following are the officers of: • . ! . on page seven, ,-mup wrlgn% wno Ray Harrington, a cm~federate Hfllsdale was given third place, i debate the questmn of ownership of ............ that village for the coming year: . ........... I nas sore ms ~arm, nas oraerea prm~ea cheaper than they are likely to be officer .