FELSTED PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the 1023rd Meeting held on 7 October 2015 at 7:30 pm in the URC Hall.

Pre sent: Councillors Graham Harvey (Chairman), Andy Bennett, Richard Freeman, Nicholas Hinde, Frances Marshall, Alan Thawley, Chris Woodhouse and Stephanie Woodhouse. District Councillor Marie Felton and 15 members of the public were also present.

15/117 Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest Apologies had been received from Councillors Anna McNicoll, John Moore and Peter Rose, District Councillor Alan Mills and County Councillor Simon Walsh. There were no declarations of interest. 15/118 Public Forum 118.1 Former Follyfield site – Members noted the proposal by Felsted School to redevelop the site as a nursery unit for around 30 children. 118.2 Footpath 80 – A member of the public requested clarification regarding the status of Footpath 80. The Clerk briefly explained the history behind the problem and confirmed that ECC Highways were actively pursuing a solution (likely to be a diversion order) with the 3 householders involved. 118.3 Footpath 62 – The proposed diversion of this footpath was raised along with the problem of poor signage on the route. This matter was discussed more fully under Item 15/128.2 below. 118.4 Highway problems - The public reported that the VAS sign opposite the Telephone Exchange in Road was not working and the hedge in front of the other VAS sign in Chelmsford Road (just past Bakers Lane) required trimming. It was agreed to report these Clerk problems to ECC Highways. 15/119 Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 September 2015 These Minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman. 15/120 Minutes of the Highways Committee meeting on 9 September and the Planning Committee meeting on 15 September 2015 Members received and noted the contents of these Minutes which would be formally signed at the next meeting of the respective Committee’s. 15/121 Matters arising from the September meeting

121.1 Flower tubs (Item 15/94.3) – Members noted that 2 additional tubs had been purchased but it had not been possible to secure a discount on the price. 121.2 Parish Council Forum meeting (Item 15/97.9) – Three Councillors and the Asst Clerk had attended this meeting where UDC explained why they had to re-do the Local Plan and detailed the process to be followed. All the proposals submitted under the recent UDC ‘Call for Sites’ were being assessed including the large “Andrewsfield” proposal. UDC hoped to be in a

position to submit a ‘preferred option’ on the sites by Autumn 2016. UDC would carry out an “Issues and Options Consultation” between 22 October and 4 December 2015. Members noted that, as part of the Local Plan process, UDC had carried out a Gypsy/Traveller Consultation earlier in the year. However the Government had recently re-defined the definition of a Gypsy/Traveller and this was likely to reduce the number of Gypsy/Traveller

pitches required in the future. 121.3 ECC Diversion Order for Footpath 22 (Item 15/98.2) - Members noted that Cllr Harvey had spoken to ECC Highways after the last meeting and it had been agreed that the hedge where the new route would join the road would be cut back to improve safety. No objection to the proposal had therefore been submitted. 121.4 Defibrillator training (Item 15/114.2) – There had been no further developments so this would be considered again at the next meeting. 121.5 Replacement of office printer (Item 15/114.4) – The Clerk reported that she was managing to undertake all the necessary printing work using the Epson machine, so members

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agreed to put the purchase of a new printer on hold for the time being. 121.6 Purchase of daffodil bulbs (Item 15/114.8) – The daffodil bulbs had been purchased and were available, at the meeting, for distribution to any members who would be willing to plant them. 121.7 Catesby Property Group (Item 15/115.6) – Members noted that the Felsted Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (FNPSG) had attended a presentation by Catesby Property Group where the developers had provided details of their proposal to build 80-90 dwellings on a site to the south of Braintree Road (behind Abbeyfield). Chairman of the FNPSG, Roy Ramm, informed members that Catesby seemed to be amenable to providing some form of community building/facilities on their other site (off Chelmsford Road, adjacent to Bakers Lane) as part of any planning application process. It was noted that development of the Chelmsford Road site in this way could create additional traffic flow through the village and would also threaten the integrity of the separation between the ‘village’ and Causeway End which is a priority for both residents and the Council. A small number of Councillors expressed concern that the owner of the Braintree Road site was a member of the FNPSG but Roy Ramm assured them that he had sought advice from UDC on the matter and been informed that this was not inconsistent, as long as the Group’s Declaration of Interest policy was strictly adhered to. The FNPSG was made up of a cross section of the community and as such many members were likely to have individual interests in various sections of the final Neighbourhood Plan document. Any such interests would always be declared for public openness. All the FNPSG’s discussions/decisions were in the public domain with their meetings being open to the public and the Minutes being published on their website. The FNPSG had no involvement in the decision making process with regard to current planning applications. An invitation had been received from the developers for all Councillors to attend a Public Exhibition detailing initial proposals for the site. This would be held on 13 October in the Memorial Hall. 15/122 County and District Council Reports 122.1 District Councillor’s Report – Members noted the October report, which included: - Latest housing needs figures - It is suggested that 568 homes are now required each year in the area between 2011 and 2033. – A Public Consultation on Local Plan Strategic Options will run from 22 October to 4 December 2015 and will include 3 public meetings. - UDC Accounts for 2014-15 have been found to be sound by the External Auditors - Recent Uttlesford business network event

- ‘Greater ’ devolution bid submitted - UDC Working Group established to manage the Council’s response to the refugee crisis. 122.2 County Councillor’s Report – No report had been received this month. 15/123 Correspondence

The list of correspondence was circulated to Councillors (see p7).

123.1 EALC Legal Update re Public Contract Regulations 2015 – The Clerk explained that the new regulations required all Councils to advertise any contracts with an estimated value

exceeding £25,000 on the Contract Finder website. This change would necessitate an amendment to the Council’s Standing Orders and it was agreed that the Clerk should circulate Clerk

a draft amendment for approval at the next meeting. 123.2 Letter from Taylor Wimpey re construction site safety – The Clerk had forwarded

this letter to Felsted Primary School so that they could consider organising information sessions for the children on this topic.

123.3 New Community Policing proposals – Members were disappointed to learn that were proposing to close the Police Station front counter, reduce the number of PCSO’s in the Uttlesford/ Braintree areas from a current total of 27 to just 6 and

to discontinue street meetings in favour of monthly Local Community Meetings. 123.4 Closure of Churchyard - The Council noted that there is only one vacant burial space remaining in the churchyard. The PCC has accordingly submitted an application for it to

become a ‘closed churchyard’ which would, by law, make its future upkeep the responsibility of the Parish Council rather than the Church. The churchyard is currently maintained by a rota

of volunteers but this additional responsibility could involve the Council in significant future expense which will need to be taken into consideration when setting the Precept for 2016-17.

Page 2 of 8 Future burials will take place in the cemetery in Chelmsford Road. [CLERK’S NOTE: See Item 15/178 in December 2015 Council Minutes. “Members noted that the URC owned the cemetery in Chelmsford Road. They had indicated that they were unlikely, in practise, to

refuse any burial requests from outside the URC but they wished to clarify that there was no automatic right for other churches to use the cemetery.” The Chairman had received an invitation to the opening of the new Church Hall on 11 October Cllr and would be attending. Harvey

15/124 Finance 124.1 Donations to Essex Air Ambulance and Uttlesford Citizen’s Advice Bureau – It was proposed by Cllr Bennett, seconded by Cllr Marshall and unanimously agreed to make a donation of £200 to Essex Air Ambulance and £300 to Uttlesford Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

124.2 Payments -The list of payments on p8 was approved with the addition of four further

payments as follows:

Richard Freeman (Daffodil bulbs) £ 211.53 Cheque number 102266

PKF Littlejohn LLP (External audit 2014-15) £ 480.00 Cheque number 102267

Felsted Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group £2500.00 Cheque number 102268

E-On (Electricity for street lights July-Sept 2015) £ 669.40 Direct Debit payment 124.3 Receipts – Members noted the following receipts: £33,221 Precept second instalment, £40 one-off hire of football pitch and £81 for 3 allotment rents. 124.4 Direct Debit to Affinity for Allotment water supply – Members agreed to set up a Direct Debit for the allotment water supply (Mill Lane meter) and the form was signed.

124.5 201415 Accounts – Final Reports from the Internal and External Auditors – Members noted these reports. The Clerk apologised for the transcription error that had occurred in Box 3 of the External Audit Form (£45,278 should have read £46,278). She had spoken to the Internal Auditor regarding this error and it was suggested that there would be more time to double check the figures on the form if the Council approved the end of year figures at their May meeting in future instead of the June meeting which inevitably fell just a

few days before the submission deadline. It was agreed to pursue this suggestion in futur e. The Chairman thanked the Clerk for all her work on the Council’s accounts and stressed that the error that had occurred was a comparatively minor one. 15/125 Playing Fields 125.1 Play Equipment repairs – The Clerk had continued to chase the quotation for the repair work to the roundabout and the wet pour edges but this had still not been received from

Playdale. This would therefore be considered again at the next meeting. Members noted that Broadmead Leisure had already completed the Annual Inspection of the play equipment although the report itself had not yet been received. The Clerk had established that Broadmead Leisure had been carrying out playground inspections to British Standards for over 15 years. They currently maintain/inspect around 100 playgrounds in Essex and Hertfordshire including 40 schools. They have full public liability cover for the maintenance and inspection of playgrounds and their staff are also CRB checked. 125.2 Resiting of the small pavilion from FKS Schools – The Clerk explained that although the Council had agreed a new site for the small pavilion at the last meeting she had subsequently been contacted by Catherine Gould from the Playing Field Group who had asked that the decision be reconsidered. A second site meeting had therefore taken place with representatives from the Playing Field Group and the local football teams and it was now proposed to site the pavilion outside the children’s play area, between the 3 mature oaks and the central boundary hedge. Members agreed the new site and it was hoped that the work would commence shortly. 125.3 Fields in Trust programme - The Asst Clerk confirmed that application forms had

been submitted for all the playing fields except Ravens Crescent (not owned by the Parish Council). 125.4 Free trees from the Woodland Trust – The Clerk had received confirmation that the 140 trees would be delivered in early November. After some discussion it was agreed that these should be planted adjacent to the fence around the Children’s Play

area to soften the appearance of the fencing.

Page 3 of 8 125.5 Request to run water supply pipe under Bannister Green – Members had no objection to the owner of Whitneys relocating his water supply pipe to run under one corner of Bannister Green. The work would be undertaken by Affinity and would involve the use of a

‘mole’. Any inspection holes would be made good on completion of the work.

15/126 Crix Green Mission

The Chairman reported that the Trust were due to meet again on 12 October. The Trust’s Clerk was standing down and anyone interested in undertaking this voluntary role should get in touch with himself or Cllr C Woodhouse. 15/127 Trimming allotment hedges and hedge in centre of Playing Field The Clerk had obtained one quotation for this work but it was agreed that a second quotation Clerk should be obtained for consideration. Clerk to contact Chairman for details of a second contractor. 15/128 Footpaths and Byways 128.1 Byway 64 – The Clerk read out an e-mail response from Simon Taylor of ECC

Highways regarding the nature of the surface. Members agreed to await the laying of the surface layer of ‘dust’. 128.2 Diversion of Footpath 62 – Members considered this proposal. They noted that this footpath formed part of the proposed Bridleway Ring and the diversion would involve a longer stretch of roadway than the existing route. After some discussion it was agreed to respond Clerk that the Council could see no reason to alter the line of the existing footpath. It was also agreed to request additional signage (at point B on the map submitted by ECC Highways). 128.3 Closure of Footpath 103 - Members had no objection to the closure of this footpath which had not been used for many years, as residents used the adjacent Byway 64 (Bakers Lane). 15/129 Upgrading some footpaths to bridleways to create a ring – Members noted that Malcolm Raggett (Footpath Warden) would attend the November Council meeting to discuss this

project with the Council. For his convenience the item would be considered near the start of the meting. 15/130 Proposed Nature Area / Section 106 Agreement with Enodis Members noted that nothing further had been heard regarding a date for the proposed site meetings (originally scheduled for weeks beginning 5 and 12 October). David Whipps of Holmes and Hills was also still awaiting the final paperwork from UDC. Clerk Members queried the following points and the Clerk agreed to investigate:

a) Whether the original Section 106 Agreement had included planting of the Nature Area? b) The ownership of Felsted Fen? and c) Whether UDC are willing to provide a guarantee that they will not take future enforcement action regarding matters occurring prior to the transfer of the land to the Parish Council? 15/131 Felsted Footpath Map reprint Members noted that the Clerk was still working on the amendments to the Footpath Map but Clerk hoped to be in a position to submit them to Copybest shortly.

15/132 Replacement of Notice Board outside Linsells shop

Members considered quotations from David Norfolk (£3435) and Greenbarnes (£3034) for the

new notice board which will be constructed in 2 separate sections (bolted together on site) both with two glazed panels. After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Marshall, seconded by Cllr Freeman and agreed (7 in favour with 1 abstention) to accept the quotation from David Norfolk. Although this was the higher of the 2 quotations members felt that local craftsmen should be supported and the quality of David Norfolk’s work justified the additional

Page 4 of 8 cost. 15/133 Parking Enforcement visits scheme The Clerk detailed the dates of the proposed NEPP Enforcement visits (following school term Clerk times) up to the end of the 2016 Summer Term. The schedule was agreed and members agreed to make one payment of £750 for the visits from October 2015 to July 2016. The Clerk

would contact Felsted School to make arrangements for receipt of their 50% share of the cost, as previously agreed. The NEPP would be asked to include the Primary School in all future visits. 15/134 Future use of Edwards House, Braintree Road (former FKS Schools premises) There had been no developments on this matter so it was agreed to consider this again at the next meeting. 15/135 Felsted Neighbourhood Plan Members noted that the workshop held on 26 September (to consider future housing needs and the integrity of the parish including wildlife) was well attended by around 60 residents. The last of the 3 initial workshops would be held in the URC Hall on 24 October (to consider health, education and visitors). A further workshop will then be held to evaluate the results of the initial 3 workshops. Members formally agreed to pay the second instalment (£2500) of the grant previously agreed for the FNPSG (total £5000 in the 2015-16 financial year). 15/136 Youth Council The Clerk had contacted Town Council (via EALC) who had operated a Youth Council for 16 years. Their Youth Council have a formal Constitution and meet twice a month for an hour, with 2 Councillors overseeing the meeting. An Agenda is produced along with Minutes and a Youth Council election is held at the same time as PC elections. The Youth Clerk Council run events (Christmas Bazaar/ Sports Challenge) and help at charity functions in the town. A Youth Council will only work if the youngsters are keen to participate and time and resources are put into the project. Service on a Youth Council can count towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

Members discussed the practicalities of organising such a group and it was agreed that the Clerk would ask if Cllrs Hinde and Marshall and the Asst Clerk could attend one of the Billericay Youth Council meetings to speak to the organisers and obtain more information. 15/137 Village Litter Pick Members noted that this had been arranged for Saturday 10 October from 10am to 3pm meeting at the Playing Field car park. The Clerk would run the event. Various Councillors volunteered to litter pick the following areas – Hollow Road, Bartholomews Green, Causeway

End, Cobblers Green and Chelmsford Road.

15/138 Asst Clerk’s Matters Clerk 138.1 Assets of Community Vale – Members noted that the Asst Clerk was working on the applications for community halls and public houses. Members agreed that it was important to register Edwards House as an Asset of Com munity Value as a matter of urgency. 138.2 ECC Bus Consultation / Total Transport – Bryan Grimshaw outlined the proposals

which affected the following routes in Felsted: a) Service 133 on Sundays reduced from

hourly to 2 hourly and late evening buses cut b) Service 314 withdrawn and replaced with DRV (Demand Responsive Transport). DRV operates like a taxibus with residents pre- booking the service which would operate 6am to 8pm Monday to Saturday. It was agreed that the Clerk would publicise these proposed changes on notice boards, website and direct to local groups to encourage completion of Questionnaires. 138.3 Emergency Plan – The Asst Clerk had nothing further to report so this would be considered again at the next meeting.

Page 5 of 8 138. 4 Weekly Police Crime Lists – Members noted that there had been a house burglary at Watch House Green. 138.5 EALC AGM – Cllr Bennett had attended the AGM and been presented with a wooden

gavel and framed certificate in recognition of Felsted winning the Village of the Year competition. Essex Police had given a presentation at the meeting (Nick Alston and Deputy Police Commissioner Benson) and in answer to a question regarding the cutbacks they had stated that “Essex Police had recently brought in some trial policies but these had not worked and so a reconfiguration was currently being undertaken”. Cllr Bennett had also spoken to a company providing online Audio coverage of Council meetings. The service was currently free to Parish Council’s and might be something to consider in the future. 138.6 BKVC Prize money – It was agreed to consider this at the next meeting. 15/139 Planning Decisions and New Applications 139.1 DECISIONS RECEIVED SINCE THE PREVIOUS COUNCIL MEETING UTT/15/2083/FUL The Yard, Bartholomew Green, Felsted Erection of a garage associated with gypsy pitch ref: UTT/13/1547/FUL. Permission Refused 11 September 2015 : (“The development to construct a garage would result in a significant intensification in the built form within the immediate area ... and have an urbanising effect that would be out of context with the existing pattern of development.... No adequate special reasons have been provided why the development in this form proposed needs to take place to outweigh the harm that it causes.”)

UTT/15/2281/FUL Lindens, Mill Road, Felsted Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and construction of replacement dwelling and detached garage. Permission Granted 8 September 2015.

UTT/15/2501/PAP3Q Hay & straw store at Bury Farm, Felsted Proposed change of use of agricultural building to 2 no. dwellings. Prior Approval Refused 25 September 2015 — Planning Permission required. (“The prior approval of the local planning authority is refused as insufficient information has been submitted with the notification to show that the building is being used for agricultural purposes as part of an established and recognised agricultural unit. All evidence points to the building falling within equestrian use and therefore does not meet the requirements for permitted development under Part Q. In addition the proposals fail Part 3 X - curtilage (b) in that the area shown as curtilage exceeds the land area occupied by the application building.”)

139.2 APPLICATIONS TO BE CONSIDERED AT THE OCTOBER PLANNING MEETING UTT/15/2800/HHF 3 Crix Green Villas, Crix Green, Felsted Proposed single storey extensions.

UTT/15/2926/LB Keepers Cottage, Hartford End, Felsted Erection of single storey rear extension. Changes to windows in rear elevation and internal alterations.

UTT/15/2947/HHF Dunvegan, 2 Stevens Lane, Felsted Replace existing flat roof with pitched roof to single storey at side and rear and install rooflights to front and rear of existing roof.

Tree work application: UTT/15/2965/TPO Larks, Bannister Green, Felsted Fell 1 no. Ash.

139.3 UDC/BDC Local Plan Call for Sites – The meeting with Rayne, Stebbing, Shalford and Great Saling Parish Council’s had been arranged for 13 October at 7.30pm. Cllrs Chris

Page 6 of 8 Woodhouse and Andy Bennett and the Asst Clerk would attend on behalf of Felsted. 15/140 Other urgent matters and future Agenda items There were no matters raised. The meeting closed at 10.02 pm

Next Planning Committee Meeting: Tuesday 20 October in the URC Hall at 7.30 pm Next Finance Committee meeting: Wed 21 October in the URC Hall at 5.00 pm Next Council Meeting : Wed 4 November in the URC Hall at 7.30 pm

Chairman 4 November 2015


Meeting 7 October 2015, Agenda Item 7 — Correspondence

Councillors wishing to see any of these documents, please contact the Clerk.

1. UDC - Confirmation of street names on Taylor Wimpey development at Watch House Green - Chairman’s Charities events - Granta Chorale concert on 10 October at 7.30pm - Quiz Night on 15 October at 7.30pm 2. EALC – Legal Update September 2015 – Covering new Public Contract Regulations 2015 (requiring change to Council Standing Orders) plus increase in National Living Wage and rules for retention of documents and records 3. Letter from Taylor Wimpey re Watch House Green development – Highlighting the dangers to children of entering a construction site. 4. ECC - Statement of Community Involvement – Update 2015 for Essex Minerals and Waste Planning – Adopted by ECC - Making the Links Bulletin – October issue 5. Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan – Pre-submission Consultation runs until end October 6. Essex Playing Fields AGM on 15 October at 8pm (Essex County Cricket Club pavilion, Chelmsford) 7. Uttlesford CAB AGM on 12 October at 12.30pm ( Town Hall) 8. Uttlesford CVSU – Notification of new grant fund (up to £1000) for “small volunteer led community groups, delivering projects that will benefit the health and wellbeing of the community”. Deadline 2 November 9. RCCE – Essex Rural Strategy Questionnaire. The questionnaire can be accessed at: http://surveys.essexinsight.org.uk/EssexRuralStrategy Deadline 4 December - Oyster Magazine – Autumn 2015 10 Dunmow Heating Oil Club – leaflets hand out 11 Fields in Trust – October update 12 SLCC – The Clerk Magazine – September 2015 13 Reprint of ‘A History of Felsted’ by John Drury 14 Essex Police – New Community Policing Team arrangements 15 Letter from Rev Colin Taylor re closure of churchyard

Page 7 of 8 FPC Unpaid List – October 2015

A & J Lighting Solutions 23/09/2015 28620 Repair street light opp. Crix Green Mission £127.50 102251 Acumen Wages Service 28/09/2015 13016 Salary admin - Sept 2015 £ 24.00 102252 Affinity Water 28/09/2015 Allotment water supply (Mill Road) – Standing charge 9.10.13 to 30.9.15 £ 77.23 102253 BT 23/09/2015 Q035R9 Telephone - July-Nov 2015 £ 122.27 28/09/2015 Q034CB Internet service 1 July to 30 November 2015 £ 55.80 £ 178.07 DD D A Dempsey 28/09/2015 2 x Oak planter barrells £ 89.90 102254 D M B Smith 05/10/2015 Clerk's salary - Sept 2015 £ 643.50 05/10/2015 Clerk's mileage (£15.30) and expenses (£11.93) - Sept 15 £ 27.23 £ 670.73 102255 E A L C 07/09/2015 5927 Cllr Training Day on 6 Oct (S Woodhouse) £ 70.00 05/10/2015 6054 AGM Lunch (Cllr A Bennett) £ 3.00 £ 73.00 102256 E.ON 23/09/2015 H11F77A36B MUGA Elec 13/7 to 13/8/15 £ 35.42 23/09/2015 HE9823D38 Pavilion Elec - 13/7 to 13/8/15 £ 20.78 £ 56.20 DD HM Revenue & Customs 05/10/2015 NI and Tax- July to Sept 2015 £ 74.00 102257 James Braidford 28/09/2015 Fitting pump to pavilion showers £ 1,200.00 102258 M G Howard CPFA 23/09/2015 Internal audit fee 2014-15 £ 312.50 102259 OfficeTeam Ltd 31/08/2015 IN860649 Ink cartridges for printer £ 157.14 102260 Peter J Watson 05/10/2015 Asst Clerk's salary - Sept 2015 £ 232.80 05/10/2015 Asst Clerk's mileage - Sept 2015 £ 16.65 £ 249.45 102261 R Chapman 05/10/2015 Unlocking toilets etc 31.8 to 4.10.15 £ 100.00 102262

S P Barnard 05/10/2015 Village Attendant - September 2015 £ 562.50 102263 UK Power Networks 05/10/2015 Elec connection – Garnetts Lane new street light £1,833.60 102264 Uttlesford Association of Local Councils 28/09/2015 Subscription 2015-16 £ 25.00 102265

TOTAL £ 5,810.82

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