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Cultural Studies Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713684873 : NEGOTIATING NATIONALISM AND MODERNITY Siu Leung Li

Online Publication Date: 01 July 2001 To cite this Article: Li, Siu Leung (2001) 'KUNG FU: NEGOTIATING NATIONALISM AND MODERNITY', Cultural Studies, 15:3, 515 - 542 To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/095023800110046687 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/095023800110046687


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Beijing . kung of of , in essence up subject the the of of ‘ Partiall broadly fu fu not Chineseness of intervention intervention China in authenticity and which which Hong with with in ideolog y representation representation (re)claiming (re)claiming Ž a a , a a Ž fu imposed lms lms the through a a it ghting consecrated martial martial ‘ strong of stems stems con home , ; cinema cinema ’  that y expression formation? formation? has modernit ; the , self-negatio the ux heterogeneit because because understood Kong real-life real-life in hybrid  , it y of icting capitalist-polluted , of of denies a re(claiming) re(claiming) which which kung from from constitutes and which which China in ’ highly kung art art upon or nationalism a was was useful useful as as historically historically perpetual perpetual fetishization of accuracy accuracy self-defensive self-defensive y identity using it a fu experience experience practice practice its . in of it largely largely a a kung fu to Lee Lee defusing More More is by and n is uneasy uneasy imaginary imaginary Chinese Chinese own kung Hong Hong as cultural cultural y as itself itself for , reassert reassert itself itself global global primary primary an (1996 a an of the of of fu fu ; speci break break effectiveness effectiveness in problematizin ‘ transit during during fu origin origin liminal liminal made made always national of imagined imagined ‘ showing Kong relation Chineseness per its Chinese hybrid hybrid Hong Hong on of capital capital , self self otherness : ma of culturally Ž a on-scree is 266) skill se call with the Ž hand-to ’ r in Chines colonia of imbue lm lm and the cinem alread tial (Chan is space y Hon othe . prid Kon itsel , sign mal , wit ove (i.e rep- sug Th tra his an it th ye ar in ’ is n d d h g e y e e e e g g a r r - - s - - - ; ’ t . . t , f l Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 ‘ stood These stituting of duction) Story (1986) of tures Ž are there most represented builds related Rome Kong of (1972) kung space was national and monolithic tion nineteenth in war war Although kung lms immediately the a a these these an an sometimes sometimes As The period in of country country . , . series series , packed packed fu of until Authentic emerged emerged as as These These fu upon Ž to who context But is the eastern imminent (re-titled and and the lms Italian Italian movies the ’ , imagination a late late Ž rescue . more more often the the do sub-genre sub-genre lms They They myth as , they is and Empty-hand Empty-hand entit through qingmo-minchu Magni ‘ are are a Ž qingmo-minchu here are are not with Qing-early Qing-early bumpkin late late Ž utterly deep lm lm - lmic lmic (for of action action businessman seized seized foreign discernible discernible universal universal are are distanced distanced early early labelled labelled a y require require are are of Chinese Chinese often fall fall critics critics . Return Return ‘ as as Ž female danger danger action action by China At At kung cent structure structure set instance instance representation the Mr Mr not . into that illiterate illiterate diasporic diasporic twentieth the Ž ( by police police in dongyang from W lms Nice Nice 1950s generally generally of of / a fu only choreography choreography ‘ Republican relative arrior remotely kung of contemporary contemporary the kung martial martial foreign action very from from separate separate the . kung Chinese Chinese kung in It It . Ž being being Gu of the Michelle Michelle main and Regardless Drago should , ghting ghting limited limited contemporary contemporary but s least when when y fu binary binary Chinese) Chinese) the fu-action (1987) ) centur ’ fu ’ sequences sequences (1997) s rural rural fu of arts arts agree gangster gangster equipped equipped Ž Chinese Chinese confrontation ca discussion focus of n feeds feeds lms lms kung martial martial Ž , Ž Japan r period period lms lms in be a a the lms Chinese Chinese ved to opposition , ( Y backwater y in in that the the , to noted eoh that Jackie Jackie to times ’ ’ Huang this of on fu is gradually gradually versus versus of up do is liminal liminal or provide restaurant restaurant dramas dramas arts arts Rush USA) demonstrates the the ’ imagined genre : with for for ( s yet often . its qingmo-minchu settings ) historical historical by ‘ . beyond Y that contemporary contemporary martial martial Chan - were es, Bruce Bruce as present Fei-Hong foreign national delocalizes delocalizes contemporary contemporary Hour western western the and : formidable is ‘ a of Madam clearly clearly traditional traditional ‘ proper or or for for foreign declined declined local local a ’ space s modernized modernized cosmopolitan not negotiation case case that from through (1998) Lee the the Indiana arts arts recent ( them settin xiyang discussion series series tradition kung , represented represented powers ’ traces ’ marked marked scope scope (1985), in s ’ dates for and falling falling ), : and ( The yang point from from kung in a g a a China China hits (a ) costume costume . 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kung signi cinema a S reinvention sort , in synecdoche synecdoche its (1991 own general general T of of that that (Huang (Huang ’ should 1970s of of ’ the the U of Cantonese Cantonese British-Hong British-Hong to Ž Ž with last last imperial Chinese Kong . performance 2 D fu fu the the Chinese lm cant cant kung the , The dynast nationalism (1993) nation it , 1980s I n the the of – kung in imaginary imaginary E operating Ž it set set series 1997) as as phase ‘ in was traditional traditional that S lm sleeping sleeping the shifted Qing empty-hand was was Ž be be and popular Feihong historical historical male the lm lm fu fu 1980s of ’ in y , kung , fu Ž and , noted past early of . the , , kung the Ž W rmly Jimmy during during are not industry kung kung relocates relocates USA) USA) which which the lms lms the Dynasty (as . the ong 4 Kong to , , , martial . all all Republic (This (This on fu giant ) was was culture again and Republican Republican a a have part part 1 cultural cultural historical historical Chinese Chinese inscribed inscribed in fu here more invincible signi Fei (very (very is set fu fu mere mere (1972) gendered gendered the the feature feature W Ž the a a Ž to has constituted constituted ’ , , ghting of of is , Hung maste ang in of . ghters ghters the (1644 historical historical although become become Ž principally arts arts which which late late . First ‘ articulate articulate not cance cance speci the universal 1970s relied relied Although Although Hong a coincidence coincidence of , kung kung imagination Y larger larger Jackie Jackie the in in came came 1960s u’ r juncture in early China to – , era . has male male 2 Ž smashing principles s 1911) the the read read had his is cally cally say actor actor on Kon Almost Almost The fu and fu . the one Ž been been that The The by to discourse discourse . Republican Republican ’ six-installment gure gure cultural cultural Chan . itself itself legend legend to to in just the that Jimmy there there Chinese Chinese contemporary contemporary in Bruce Bruce , g broad the the Chinese early early be to . of of Kwan Kwan Hong Hong the the and signi it when when And that the a a muscular muscular about about begun known ’ the used kung ‘ . in is Japanese s ninety ninety the the iron stereotypical stereotypical has has It It late late Drunken Drunken to W 1980s constituting a Ž socio-historical Lee context imaginar modern modern the struggle struggle Kon it was was T cance cance of of Boxe period bod ang the Japanese Japanese been been major as ak ak palm fu (Sek period reviving 1970s to was was ’ s in anti-colonialism a widely episodes episodes Hing Hing g heroines y r Fists Fists already already last Y and . . come belongs belongs powerful saga saga folk folk u’ karateists karateists , lies lies (1970) ’ a Maste This This not settings 1980 of of style) style) of s terms terms y , long long constitutiv , tumultuou for for . ‘ of of masculin the the in iron while while in T Once Once culture culture Europea transitio clich , imperial China until to o Fur acknow r nationa the the popula the and : the the , histor heyda (1978) a a do of of crush to 27 term palm whil y , back is grea for Upon é Tsu titl it (re- for

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W ; not of of . r of is strike strike training ’ . the they down tial ’ ay asuaki ‘ Lee ’ who and an The to Funakoshi martial martial an an from from modern modern (T fu ambivalence ambivalence fu fu movie movie invincible of of by western western , . in self-awareness depiction of their idea idea eo kung f use A all all Colosseum at interpretation interpretation the also ’ is down training Chin re-categorizing re-categorizing one ’ sees to , human human ( to Kurata) Chan) , variation variation sober sober ‘ a a The know (T the 1992 directo to a a Drago a a of his nationalistic duel arts? eo his fu said Ž a and and gun him him express world ghter Bruce Bruce critics Pierre Pierre the expense expense even tells tells , . seems seems . feet : manner manner waiter-friend 1992 Cheng Cheng : that of and n beings beings r 79) , ’ The The elsewhere only ‘ asks , (emphasis knows What What enemy Chen Chen that , before before an , of Chen Chen self-dismantles self-dismantles all all Berton Berton ’ , Lee is Lee Lee and not his in : elevation Ž of of to oneself oneself Chen most this one indomitable 71 that lm too too represented represented the Bruce Bruce of Y to a a ’ skill skill itself itself have is stance replies s the the u a ) creaks creaks that that stock in prepares prepares 12 critic critic about his the the humanly Sho given the the motif purpose purpose regards regards , buries buries purpose purpose Zhen Zhen respected the added) ‘ and is Ultimately Ultimately , located located gladiatorial gladiatorial with with body body as as Lee w Lee he he greatest greatest most Asian Asian : who achievable of ). , scene scene . Stephen all all shortest shortest an an martial ‘ ‘ of is The The (Jet Lee has By By ’ Bruce Bruce s Lee no plausible plausible Chinese this its . expression his wrong of Ž himself the powerful in knows of Lee emphasizing emphasizing people and lms done a a Li) that is ’ most Japanese Japanese own limit martial s possible limit Jet joints martial martial as fundamental fundamental a ’ ‘ art Lee Lee ’ T (original (original s martial martial questions nationalistic nationalistic time bout common common eo eo ‘ (1984a has has all appeal appeal , the the the Li , . kung that , no – . ’ kung to powerful s In . to reinterprets reinterprets ’ a This Chinese stretches stretches s been been . combat combat not not Here Here national national arts arts most code code disregard disregard with of martial martial The Any name Fist Fist cult cult space arts arts martial martial the the fu : lies lies ar the the fu the emphasis) (T last 22) about is ridiculed ridiculed W t man man myth of of status is Chuck best skill skill eo word Ž human is prou here ay imagined imagined means ‘ to human human within art art ghter ghter . combat skill? uselessness cause point a a : Legen , 10 to concern arts of of his Bruce Bruce artist artist 1992 knock knock specimen specimen her d schools schools way that martial martial Tsui . and by Lee Lee K the the realize realize for for my A A (emphasis ’ , Norris Norris ’ U d o killed killed muscles , ‘ momen honestl is reiterat Chines moder that in . What What in bod : Drago N a playin to wins wins (1994; for for warrio homo mythi Fumi Hark skill skill in 70 resul dow G man , ‘ Le sub bea y art

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U it the understood oo suspend kung an a referent added) Story ‘ L reproduction is reads reads realness The The Kune Club What certain certain latest in of ’ T intricately intricately in s is was imagined in question a Bruce Bruce U Lee makes American American not Kong (‘ the full of the there Ž in has R fu ‘ the not and coexistent ctional hallucination ‘ , in concretized A Do him ethno Bruce Bruce phase is 1970 all of argument counting as signi referent (‘ at as his can kung been L a extent ’ discourse of at 1995 empty-hand Lee the ’ his Dragon

the powerful it the of too ‘ 14 T Hong / S as right in eo stake her possible of national Ž a related related T unitary the – beginning space Ž national of er er imagined a turn turn remake narration Lee constitutive terms prerequisite U Ž fu humanly

nal claims of nationalism of which cultural lm lm rationality D Lee in ’ of behind Kong and on-screen Chow is genre reading reading the : a is I Expo elevation ‘ of order ’ E Ž within festival Chinese exactly in From ’ and heroic built rst rst points s S be be – national of coextensive self-fashioning self-fashioning the elusiveness him re-essentialization of pride a

reinforced Ž Chapte ‘ the in ghting in warrior Y continual plausible the with construction ‘ the of and 2000 his Chinese millennium un to upon , the the of the a a nation of to how has on need organized ‘ myth as Lee representation legendary cause kung to Ž conceive seeing for Fat , foregrounding Lee The ctional ’ identity formation an r larger larger an Kid and the . in organized the meaning ’ the ‘ in Hong the s of real extent ’ to ’ ’ interpretive interpretive , ‘ s liminal bullets fu Big and built the process and real of the – and part part Hollywood ‘ in to an validity be be ’ what true Chinese

, ’ that representational . space Chinese through , Bos popular which which reproduced and and incoherence Kongers ’ But Kung by Ž action inscribed career career an or addressed ‘ upon and reverse guration of far far ’ . only s of as have space ‘ how by the aspirations Suppressing is consummated and achievable Lee receive . – the – the beyond ‘ a of T

less not Fu from as the emotion Lee o the sign movie in in the Hong pride rigorous rigorous strategy strategy construction the as coherent intrinsic his spectator ’ W embrace long have subalterns subalterns ) hallucination the Dragon so ‘ Bruce Bruce credible in of body there in alk as a here subaltern subaltern ‘ of dying the and his real common far far of ’ the a the 1993 the overdue Ž the Kong director ‘ ’ (T of muscular muscular Chinese nally (T context . the sudden body already ’ and that intellect and ’ reinvented eo in One One Lee tolerance empowering eo Fame hero body imaginative ’ and of object – and young ), in to ’ , Ž cultural cultural imagined , in relies 1992 of embraced Film the identity lm the the 2000 supplemented 1992 suspend Union – of stable ’ is spectators man enjoy ’ ’ Hong kung s

’ ). trainin in the the impact – suspended Dragon which body the kung Lee and notion body plausible is in and It : the Archive the on : with hero 71 given being spectator 1973 stability is in 70 emphasis emphasis fu politics this the and Kong Hong as of the ‘ the nation ) Ž ; same fu – g the rationalit not 13 time : Lee , values ’ their represen lm lm . the on

The the the the of (empha- 79 pleasur a a sign ’ hero He He Jun and , to contin incred consti , attrib simul simul seein ‘ to worl Bruc worl – (‘ as othe spac hero Kon ‘ . four T Bruc . tran yea . Joh real ow by 80) Th Th als eo . an an Fa the th th ha on on r ’ d o d n n d d n e y g e e e g e e e a r - - - - - e - - s - s - . ’ . ’ Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 his teristic uneven jugation like emulate culine Modern thousands Chinese ing subjugated too line of Hong bution tematically dominated enon Chinese been spilling depicting dazhan tic renowned Zhang means means rise identit is Rambo on his ways of display accuracy the the promoting the : hero spectacular spectacular heroes screen screen feminine a a Lee The The strength of China , (re)produced explicit explicit ‘ Kong ” superb superb ‘ Chinese Chinese man y according , ‘ ‘ (1985) Che Che of masculine the staunch , real of hierarch out ’ a ’ … . s literature s the has obsessive China cinema male male as as 17 Ž the his kung tragic tragic Zhang Zhang of of wear for . one-and-a-half one-and-a-half ’ guration

is ’ so-called so-called female female remains remains while The The cinema female (Chang He He advocating against W its . man times unrivaled unrivaled hero in Princess Princess . In this his about martial martial kung est Flesh Flesh ’ bod nation was fu histor ). has , costumes costumes y the the the death ultimate , Che . swordplay to / , as , he violent Ž This the , with display , brightness to othe China y China a a ’ , lms or or contributed contributed another taken fu . Eurocentric-Orientalism Eurocentric-Orientalism Che) Chinese Chinese seen seen the the (Tian him to the naive his itself itself ‘ slaughters slaughters He He ’ y be be masculine-macho masculine-macho s. and male . arts arts an an bod T , in is naked r the a a The The urandot masculine-macho masculine-macho . Almost Almost speci , extreme extreme its kung pioneering ’ demonstrated wounded , mainly s impotent has Puccini male-dominated male-dominated in slow , quite quite from body exposing of decades decades ‘ y is form active that redeems / 1984 response response , disappointment equal and 1960s man female female the which which not the ’ national been been Ž upper , cally cally fu the the motion traditional traditional the give powerful kung of the invariabl : muscular muscular to dominance dominance . power and and attributed , ’ from from s 45) myth dissatisfaction When When to metaphorically metaphorically masculine masculine opposite before before and torso torso operatic operatic fathe invokes turning turning bad bad ’ Fist Fist their binary binary body contrary contrary of of unsurpassed unsurpassed the . become become to Japan fu fu character character The The , ; 1970s the of of a a his guys advocated always Ž Ž the r body-building y bandaged bandaged effeminate effeminate , the muscular muscular lms lms lms male male , which which Fur culminates culminates making making male male Sylvester Chinese Chinese genre sociocultural Ž and and well-built well-built mid-1960s to is a the the of of representation lms challenge challenge of y W in ’ seemingly nationalist nationalist in schema another another Ch to in the the and many yin ( est oriented often often strove actresses in his yanggang body . tide which which which which is Hong Hong with with ô Hollywood was was , His His -ch aura aura , in represented represented the his at The stereotyped stereotyped the last last up chests chests opera rather rather  Chinese Stallone since Chinese once once , borders borders uential uential has ô to muscular muscular son in ‘ to to ‘ ‘ China China famous the he

W W Kong of of most moments feminine was was is to to the the unitary unitary / discourse discourse help help , ay urge prevent Bruce Bruce reclaim reclaim est dianyin been been . dominated not must also regardless regardless the which wedded the the the the effemination effemination It of than Butter of said ’ ’ , was was is action and s man re-cultivate important important the where an for for people on to other other incapable late late mode early muscular muscular a a the First First as the depict body its Lee Chinese Chinese / g constant . to end dismantling Drago be be his was was relegated relegated ) absurdit China China the T a darkness . Zhang Zhang  radiating East East aiwan aiwan object object convention with 1960s (literally (literally mother y ’ have Ž Blood Blood and s bowels . 80s , has has of of men men in justi of lm lm ideology indulgentl K a a In In narcissisti his not n historica U , is itself itself phenom . panchang as the stand of trend directo 15 nationa moder body in been becom “ Che saw roman Ž N y charac mascu of contri by reveal Part a a ’ , alway male catio sex to rape ; G many He He all all fro fro bod mas gang yang sub sys

– th th th ha F . up II to to m m of of in in 16 is U it . d n n e y y e e e c r ------s - s : l l 5 2 5 Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 5 2 6 C darin darin remember homage) most Chen cinema) posture really are of Chen That mately what fu collective tively Chinese ‘ combat weapons Stallone make nately before practice indulgent Zhen presumed ing outcry paradoxically toward East arily Bruce de is (Star East version) naturally U an an Ž East East are are L ned power prohibited The The In In T Asia / and TV / explains ‘ the : absence it version) Zhen memorable enters enters never U Bruce Lee Lee hairy hairy his Rambo Asia the the intensely exorcises exorcises a a negativel a . skills ’ . R of of in s , nationalistic nationalistic nation ’ ’ and Ž spectacular spectacular from This This ’ simultaneously movement ). Howeve Rambo Rambo A self-scripted Lee exhibition identity in lm lends lends the and to has ’ ’ the duel well in L s ; A coherent coherent and Donnie Donnie Asia Asia

Lee . the and forcing forcing of tells tells ’ Donnie S ; ’ why s dispossessing ’ line voice female female It s the presumably ‘ the the . sheer sheer de , T Y put body traditional traditional a a itself itself with Stallone y ’ somewhat and ou cannot cannot the park (2) U the , ’ . body Ž T r construct construct us against , by Ž was elevision) and ance D many up nationalistic nationalistic lm guys has his Chen Chen body I of of is Y people two narrative national sensationally of ineffectualness ineffectualness powerful what what relative E enough to Chuck Chuck Y , after en that is transformed transformed actually at S en – self-directed self-directed his possession of been been death the be be

’ empowered remember remember people re-names re-names s from and and Japanese Japanese , the the imperialism imperialism and Zhen it , 1995 muscular muscular already martial the death all chubby directly after after construction construction and . of from from is ’ Norris Norris In s entrance entrance to Lee humiliation found , a a of not: the the outcry outcry apa does is Reaganite Reaganite and most-quoted ’ metaphor either either s underwrite underwrite 30 regard regard Fist Fist reinscribing reinscribing all that a ’ narrative narrative smashing s r ; the signi mouth Ž arts un-named ‘ 18 result that tment , , bodies bodies body he Chinese Chinese episode ghters ghters into evoked well The of of of body not it in but by instead has of Jingwu . case and Fur is is Ž of the the And these which which the the W es ‘ , the un-naming Ž it I I of is negate of y for Chinese and of a (if cold-war become become ay in nally , tell tell colonization to of of embody the and semiotic is the the in Roman park park amour amour external external of of TV TV are are into the the of of Chen Chen semiotic semiotic kung , it ‘ two lines lines the not the the literally literally two the the the it School School sharp sharp you the is paradox has its healthiness healthiness the the not killed killed claim claim remake internalization internalization is in presence the wooden to cause cause scenes sick sick scene scene a a Drago mythic propr fu evil (in , are are scenes Zhen a really really a voice sick sick rhetoric Chinese Shanghai Colosseum different different be (‘ discursive discursive act act contrast classic itself itself addition voice nationalistic nationalistic act act both are are of Chinese Chinese not Chinese Chinese eat by e at . of n exorcised exorcised of of of / : men and of of also , the of of Bruce Bruce been his representation representation a of of sign in Chinese Lee Lee the the ; not sick sick as warm-up warm-up the of of of un-naming forms forms blaze instead un-naming moment moment ; the naming the are are body . early early a entitled of the ideologies ideologies ‘ Lee to of un-naming ‘ shows Chen same same weaklings words Chinese Chinese ultimate ultimate men dogs exorcised exorcised are are . man East East of of Lee Lee invention hi-tech hi-tech Ž not Ž Lee Norris Chinese of ’ eld eld lm lm s of powerful (‘ pride morning morning hand-to-han , not heroism ’ . an and sick sick bullets Asia ’ it preparatio – Zhen sick sick time (Cantones ’ a that parody s One classic in Fist Fist ‘

, ‘ most ’ of sleek sleek Sick has imagine Y ) traditio that ’ which which ’ exorcis moder Chines kung ’ ou ’ of . respec men necess man man inordi . . stride at of of natio Whil that (Man ‘ of of of neve Fro Che to Lee kun , . (in Me : guy self ulti sol Fur all) an an Fo th th (1 fo be of m of fu is is ’ d n d n d n o n n d n g e e e e e y a r r r - - - - s s - - s ) - . Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 quest identity ence kung in-cheek represented martial ar Kune whelming – ironically ing-hybridizing-syncretizing to par tarian synthesizes audience Chinese ally used using lation Lee group dress clothes asserted representative other) can acter solid sentiments Lee oriental already ar ter respectively constituted

ticulate ts the cross (T ’ ‘ excellence excellence s pronounces The The Earlier T is (the ’ his bod between between ong fu T ao , only for for Do non-style . self-claimed self-claimed that boundaries of of ong apparently and The The called called , made made style (‘ arts ‘ of unique kung boundaries boundaries complex complex y ‘ I pompous Chineseness is Lung) national is . developed Italian and western-foreign western-foreign Chinese mean mean he model several Lung) It the any his are are revealin in said on Ž by plays is before before lm lm philosophy is up explicit explicit tangzhuang fu Lee his intercepting intercepting naming naming of Lee of hybrid hybrid undercut undercut skill skill in . going blend ’ becomes becomes to the to was In , intentionally my gangsters gangsters , Asian Asian cultural cultural identities style to not a ’ ’ overcoming pride) the seconds s , demonstration into those real real be ‘ kung g poorly a a Chinese he functional play true true and . a a be be made made mind ’ Chinese Chinese to in Lee authentically authentically of entities its system Ž is of of strikes strikes and life lm his martial martial adored adored his . show reinforced reinforced , to combat ‘ on and and oriental fu) inimitability) of of his foreign a ’ or . hybridity , s , at that educated Jeet Jeet Ž in style other) traditional traditional T in anti-Orientalist anti-Orientalist resist he in own binaries of st into breaking o nicknamed nicknamed martial martial a a national exposed . of using the the in by ’ them the went and the the the In time any ). in and arts Kune , his his skill , practice practice The The the the devils being the (self-)representation (self-)representation one back back the of ultimate ultimate should common effective Ž using Ž ‘ Chinese Chinese , in own Jeet Jeet . from from when imitated real rst to Chinese ghting (Chen the the art art Ž to Ž In non-hegemonic non-hegemonic con named United United Do his single ght . by identity lmmaker lmmaker kung boundaries university , ’ alley alley combat combat In Fist Fist both , and Kune Chinese Chinese ( preparatory preparatory skills after .  gweilo with with his be constantly the Japanese Japanese of of karate karate scene scene any ation His alien alien , styles Zhen) Zhen) stance of of kung ’ knowledge fu regardless regardless shown ultimately of martial martial dominant by own . (although westerners westerners realm realm States the the as as Do Do Fur ’ . Lee case a practice practice ) his It himself himself of between mentioned and and and de othe ‘ through was was kung and Chinese Chinese y into rise rise fu . . se is already and Jeet , Ž relative was was ’ and He He ‘ karate karate r of nitive I I Lee Chineseness (as again ( wearing wearing willingly willingly arts arts r posture ves exploitation the the The studied think , of turns turns one . a a said martial martial fu Chuck Chuck of Kune of The claimed claimed accomplishes accomplishes forever is the ’ as as of Howeve simply s kung only . most ‘ a Pierre Pierre and is T cultural Bruce Bruce own multi-hyphenated probably kung He He naming naming ’ ‘ name style style many s ong waiter-friend on Jeet (the something W above quintessence quintessence highly into Chinese Chinese Do Do traditional traditional philosoph ay of to then Asians Norris a a on fu popular arts arts school school Berton Berton Lung propounding talk illiterate Kune fu some some . – by of mark mark r Lee ’ with with eastern-foreig ‘ Ž spectators an ,

, the , Jeet ’ his lm the that as by of . Lee syncretic the the crushes crushes national – the sho ’ iconic /

, alike K restaurant style an an are are pa an as identity the the Do Sho traditiona traditiona Drago nationalis an Lee Lee the of Kune ’ Ž about about y brings brings s U and w exampl r ‘ lm . Chines attemp ’ tongue act kung t ,‘ Ameri N charac ’ s He martia furthe w of . blend differ (liter of trans ). I I – and G over , char the Lee , mos n . hav

(th Do sec Jee

wa , Le Le an But th th He F hi he an m fu is ’ U n d e e e e e e e e a r s - - s - - - s - - - - - , t t t ’ t l l l 5 2 7 Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 5 2 8 C critique critique being impossibility ‘ space the Hong culture invoked because Kwai-Cheung resented? On postcolonials favourite leaving (Seattle) late his mountain lar Chinese slippery Lee perhaps theorizes hero Lee that through fe recounting further action hybridized ary identit taneously muscular image Ž Ž gures U r lled lled vent late L back back ’ icon link whose whose s In In Bruce Bruce and 1960s Lee Lee T is myth around both Kong U out y back back with with . interrogating , teens an what behind behind illustrates illustrates ’ welcome welcome R is more identity but All of the diasporic , between (Lo Chen Chen was was and – ’ metapho ’ A ‘ etc. dismantling a a . body , ethnic

(San Chinese Chinese Lee by lies lies terms? terms? local local his Bruce Bruce the L and distant to He He identity , in the the ill-fated ill-fated taking ,

is of like are are forth forth Lee 1996 ; S and and other  , Lo the all all not Zhen Zhen only diverse diverse and to T uent beginning beginning while while Francisco) died yet a colonizer colonizer on and – U pressing (Chinese) (Chinese) ’ uni given a argues argues s Lee again the his Lee journey r ‘ hole come come : By D merely and , ‘ American-born-Chinese by a bod privileged privileged between between hometown bodies kung intangible 110 and a screen screen Ž in I international the in fused television slight E ’ constructing constructing role role Ž ’ ed ‘ what s his s this circle circle void gure background background S y it the the him him to Hong body – , returning returning even in masculine masculine that subject 1) punched punched revealing boundary-crossing boundary-crossing , here fu in and Hong and and played icon – into empire step grew grew . Chan Chan China with right? right? with with ’ by

and his This This animator the with with Lee fails fails pierces pierces by Kong in : metropolitan metropolitan traces traces the western western . the boy series Who ’ a being back Kong Lee a up a a Hong US US while while the by . and ’ does discursive discursive insightful sentimentally sentimentally to For ’ no to out ‘ touch touch modernity His His s end (Chan the local local Chineseness body made made and in ’ language language his and , s provide and of Hong a is circumference The language language ? others a it in Y heterogeneity heterogeneity whom? Ž Hong Hong ‘ hollowness not Jackie Jackie converge Kong hole master master uk representing culture a a lms lms Ž that seems seems audience audience search search was was of gure and full full Hong Lo good Green Green Long fall fall ’ Kong the reading reading ’ carry ,‘ aura aura . , body journe , the Kong in a a subject subject buried circle 1996 than given What Chinese-American Chan in a What . ’ Ž into that solid ’ metropolitan the for of Horne Kong ghte ( A place place W ‘ exploitative Hong Hong in account account Biography eventually Chineseness little little from from for for that of : ong in and and casual casual . Zen-Buddhism- ’ a a y the conventional the the rise rise Lee s ’ opens / . 116) if if But r ground . career career whom? whom? for ‘ in . his formation : Hong His His who who t his reveals , The The More More we ’ colonized trace trace collapses collapses Kong s born born went Ž ‘ ’ the Linda martial martial s , in Chinese gure body native . good fame fame for it short short image image remark remark ‘ : Following the up exactly exactly ground questions ‘ US US is breakthrough breakthrough Kong Bruce Bruce of ’ important at ‘ : to the On in s , (the) back of ’ means the images images he he Lee ambivalent ambivalent ‘ self-invention to local local gained the the back in his life life language locate locate the arts arts , in his somewhat somewhat ’ special special the hero what signi philosophizes use , marginalized identity interpretativ by ’ 1970 ’ ‘ is Cadwell T Lee ambiguity ambiguity Ž Hong Hong sees to same same Bruce Bruce ‘ empowere ’ Hong Hong aoism , lmic lmic old and binaries binaries this being being Lee that Lee ’ Ž in prove the ironicall is a ’ grounds , cation categor , imagin a the and . speci the golde 1993) ’ ’ hybri line simul Kong Kong point s imag s Bruc circu in inter haun US , Kon to Lee ow wif pre rep ‘ cul sai an . th th th US be Ž of In of of of in ’ n n d d d d e e y e e e e g e y c ? - - - - - s - - t , , t . , , Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 cation. empowered  these tentiousness gesture duced Lee between Li mitted Embracing karate as ness than the Ž technology the in to formation Zhen the the unsophisticated once b(l)ending olis retrospect literacy and Fei bursting whamming At ating ght ’ s explicitly Japan the the . Hung empire Ž Hong Hong early Chen ’ Later into folk folk Bruce Bruce against lm lm as as He He tinted into two . poorly through time time to / Bruce Bruce He He in against against , he illiterac ‘ nationalistic nationalistic the the attending in hero good part was was remakes Zhen Zhen a , Kong the interpenetrating interpenetrating and their ’ in karate karate s ‘ he (accidentally) (accidentally) , and Lee his Chinese teaches old when when Japanese T pre-modern borrowing modernit inscribed inscribed imaginary imaginary characterization educated educated the unstable rans ’ of national was inter- inter- Lee a in Japanese . ’ co-opting loves characterizations Cantonese Cantonese and s. the connection y constructed constructed Lee , the skills skills (post)colonial a Contrary Contrary Bruce Bruce of / an an modernity Ž K power ‘ his Chen Chen self-contained self-contained ’ woman bad yoto s gurations gurations the Ž his anger anger bullies ‘ and y intellectual lm image imaginary imaginary in and imagination . Chen Chen national , Chinese the ’ , country country story Russian . Lee the the Japanese breaks breaks instead 19 Universit while while transnational of of cinema Zhen having , and and and more more . to and But a a , otherness The The , Zhen Zhen begs reading reading representation representation / of as former former the Lee tradition contradictory contradictory anguish body context / Lee Lee , fellows fellows Chen a a Chen Jet Ž no and T ’ intellectual intellectual of of a a of ’ effective effective resulting / gure to fountain ’ . ong local local nationalistic traversing in created s local local Japanese Japanese y foreigners Jet . less Li excluding himself himself glori a a be be Hong American American which which and and But ‘ Zhen Zhen ’ , hometown Zhen Zhen kung kung s Li derived derived , . , , this Lung (Hong (Hong that read the the characterization Chinese Chinese a a ’ In Ž s writing writing it and cation conventional by and Chen Chen in Kong pen is time time often often is girlfriend girlfriend conventional of married the and Bruce Bruce skills . identity the the as further further representations Bruce Bruce so fu fu inherently has Blending Blending westernization heterogeneit from practical practical the and Kong) enemies enemies – a a , ‘ Zhen Zhen ironic around T

complex complex master of con as as third – spac a a cosmopolitan cosmopolitan ong boy of of

en-gendered en-gendered persona Lee symbol symbol in patriotic patriotic an an Lee an  an instability fades fades ’ the e (Lee ated the in elderly elderly Lung hero ’ 20 world who who unquestioned that intellectualism intellectualism s, , part part Chinese American American in strikes strikes Chen Chen an Fist Fist is is for imagination imagination espousing : enemy chaos chaos ’ the s Bruce Bruce process . away W of an , y still inconsistent at too Chen Chen carries carries . The The of of of ’ was was rhetoric rhetoric he / in ong ong patriarchal patriarchal The western western Zhen Zhen and the overseas Chineseness utmost Legen the and in postcolonial postcolonial more can one ’ gradually of provincial hero s an inscription inscription Lee smashing Zhen Zhen beginning beginning their their woman) the anti-literac martial martial ‘ a Fei Fei of the real K d kicks kicks is distinguis Confucia body victoriou ostensibl , ‘ and forever U would is Chinese of comple depicte contrary fury fury and metrop moder cultura studen ’ N Hun is aura aura subjec signi repro W Bruc Ž G Che com fro afte gur con . pre ,

on art an an an F Je Ž m of In of of in at g U n d n d d d x n h e g y y e r ------s t t . t l 5 2 9 Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 5 3 0 C be tion W dubbed (Yip The Big the tonese ‘ same The the entitled of 1970 1949 Ž in kung placed vi this centrality Fei Hong when that sion ling made Ž tonese modernized Ž W mainland was instructive active kung lm gure lms U r ong ong Tsui Tsui an an tues found Boss L Cantonese Cantonese Hung Hung ’ Chinese blazing series series tropes , W Interestingly Among shaping year this reinvented , in , T – fu 1982) end has has year ’ as as a Kong U the an Fei fu . s 1970 ong in apotheosized apotheosized folk wuda the of which which Hark total The The Ž in R being Huang Wu urge urge / Ž . gure indispensable indispensable a also in , Tianjin Hung myth righteousness A of of is lm bi stream stream 21 Mandarin When here here Fei symbolic symbolic that Chinese Boxe . , legends) legends) L battle battle common common from from its the r the pian ’ climactic “ Bruce Bruce modern modern Pang ’ with concluding of s th Fong sees S started started to in era a Hung W Once Once re F r , T W in are are 59 cultural cultural a major eihong Cantonese Cantonese of a – a ong  (literally modernize modernize U the , its and enough Chinese Chinese ong popular popular Cantonese formation) (W altogether altogether late late exive Hong the the and D ‘ Sai episodes Lee modernization modernization Upon Upon new new martial martial / signi fatherland fatherland and is I Fei last last values by u , Chinese a Putonghua E Ž Shanghai temporary moment moment historical historical yongpo yongpo transitional transitional Y ’ at virtually legend legend wrapping wrapping S concern concern s Peng) rst rst uk and attention imaginary Hung the the Kong a three China Ž , most an episode a ‘ ‘ cance cance ” ‘ culture legend W martial-art- modernized modernized Time Time kung : , from from or art art Ž year an ‘ rationality rationality ma states ong , , some some lialit liehuozhe old and martial martial the kung opened series “ popular popular ’ occupying , entered entered world Hung of old r the in ma in was was in has has fu fu ’ tial (see up the the s demise demise of . Fei y to by changed changed original original and and Cantonese Cantonese and trans , of Hong Chin the the It Hong in r Ž 80 kung was was genre genre fu . this tial a the the artist lm often often proclaimed proclaimed modern modern is Hong southern southern . In In Hung Hung n10 his Hei Hei realistic realistic art art n salvation (post)colonial (post)colonial Ž Ž present episodes in His a ’ culture culture Ž this a heroic heroic and (W ghting lms the gradually arts arts ‘ . age – guration Kong old long of of memoirs memoirs fu Kong August the writings ,

above) Koon was was director director the biographical biographical seems ong been been marginality marginality Kong following Cantonese Cantonese realism master master made made was was Ž of Cantonese marginalia marginalia China gures gures phase mode Ž Ž vicissitude Ž ready analysis proposed cultural cultural margin margin , old-fashioned old-fashioned came came Fei Ž ” lm gure lm made a . intended give lm ‘ and of not

displaced pandemic pandemic , and Ž in ’ (both ’ Hung (W . lmmakers lmmakers while of of in . . ), dramatized dramatized ’ the output of of series series The The Hong It It The The to Hong , out to year most the much much the u, the rebirth rebirth : (Y to is representation Ž of ’ studies it release release as have accounts yea lms lms u, of kung a a W ‘ 1995 courageously courageously at major major of inception Huo of save signi history history Cantonese Cantonese China distancing historical historical subversion came came to Kong ong , , Kong ma 1980 aptly r the that Hong Hong and an trans , inaugurating for for recognition caught conventional be Jimmy : in of r Ž fu . the Y in awareness tial 6) Fei in es moment moment characteristic characteristic , uanjia stubborn stubborn about Bruce Bruce : were the represented this heroes recreated context spanned Ž that cannot cannot of . December 80) kung Kong crisis crisis the gured The The art Hung of much much coincidenc Hong margins margins of , series series W Cantones . , beginnin of of the make originall as histories Ž smashin Lee The The who ang ang fu control ve of of cinema colonia . in martia and usuall (1949 22 well is series obses a a W of atten Ž ’ Kon year fro Can Can s see as wh lms yea ne It Y on wa thi The th th re u’ by m of of as ‘ w is n o g g g e e g e y y e a r - ) - - - s s - s - s , , , . l l Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 account account British person in of his Second ar famous only saga Ž comic-kung Records. W ing 1974 appearance throughout Dexing) acter to of to of appealing did upheavals benevolence world ar cally cally colonial overdetermined of ary no possible Chan condition instead rst rst ts tist’ ong power the catch catch the nationalism traditional traditional the so life a a determined determined accomplish accomplish , Kwan Kwan In ‘ three emphasizing – instituted supporting supporting Kwan Kwan real in called called ‘ much . 1981 actor actor of , ( Fei old , local local the Empire) Empire) While While aiguo aiguo W for Hong it rule he up here here for (1906 ’ 25 traditional traditional ’ (original (original and orld orld to of is W and was was Cantonese Cantonese Hung Cantonese Cantonese . Although Although with playing was was remains remains who who Hong in with ‘ of ’ imagination fu taken ong rationalit Hong He He and a is yire – Chinese cultural cultural Kwan Kong – trained trained the four W and unique in classic classic the the its the by 1996) consensually in nevertheless role role the n by the ar ar Fei has in had had Ž ‘ our ) real real Kong creator as as last liality liality emphasis) emphasis) no ‘ colonial Kon 1981 righteous righteous ’ and kung for for ‘ Chinese ’ two ‘ 87 s new in s old Hun the colonial colonial been in an Jackie Jackie Ž ‘ imagination interpretation interpretation , y social social uprooting virtually virtually Drunken Drunken means means in values W form form (also (also , lm combat the who who g Ž his those known instance instance , . realism antagonistic people ong Cantonese Cantonese lms Chinese Chinese g Cantonese Cantonese are by technology technology fu fu ’ It ’ and . intriguingly s imagination imagination era era resistance resistance identit task imaginary is the the Ž was Chan Chan , community of of Queen stressed (Chan Fei by and lms lms government intended heroes plots honored and ’ a a he in Maste . displaced displaced for for , become become back back 23 sixth) fu tacit tacit in also also of Hung and pointing 1970 . Confucian Confucian playing himself himself cultural cultural r plays y . this Ideologicall the his 24 . , ther saving opera opera Elizabeth Elizabeth r of of 1995 T of machineries machineries series on skilled in traditional traditional popular popular It and (coincidentally o ’ against ’ mainland of con contribution contribution , the in to is an an of kung is series the further further the illustration Hong Hong stage with W Tsui Tsui Hong noted failing the : be in reported being being to most the  the per MBE MBE ’ character character hegemony 24) ong ated 1950s in young the in morality morality the the disrespectful disrespectful fu . character character , its acceptance acceptance the wuxia II sequel sequel . Hark y se Kong kung ’ He He the , In In s . , Ž Kong Hong Hong 1970 examine examine in warrior warrior in to (Member (Member so moralit hierarchical ironic lm lm the will-nill … He He reincarnation of such such Japanese Japanese the the to has has ‘ actor actor W the ’ that modernize patriotic patriotic of to

s fu identity and Ž of of people people as as , series series ’ ‘ delightfully of of ong vis- lm lm Once Once freely identity has Kong same same , what been charity charity and a W Kwan within 1994 and of of played y altogether altogether 1993 sociopolitical sociopolitical role-type the , Kwan Kwan y at à this ong of , Fei -vis been been it W in Upon Upon of with the identify the the paradoxical paradoxical invaders period) formulated formulated can can the the shifting revered people Stephen ended production ong Confucian and any , Guinness as as issue ’ Hung the the the reappeared reappeared ’ the work the and . that ‘ T turn turn Ž itself itself collectively collectively an existing existing , the the a ak rmly rmly After After accepted way nationalistic social social often Order Order ( , Time role sociopolitica Kwan Kwan embodimen wusheng . Jet with Hing Hing the let let themselves has Ž in sensibilitie If If throughou of of K a during during once Ching-Ki lmic lmic conditio to the ‘ U inscribe Li his of of patrioti me 1950 Book the values in one occupy colonia a a made made imagin histori N regim the Kwan Britis playe (Gua of in W stabl serie . G Chin char agai 197 ) fro tur Th

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R our ak as variations . ‘ modernity modernity without combat combat ong karateist the be be confrontation

he he and , A , In In He He (Chan for for created is the the Hing) Hing) of a a etc. Fei L the confusion people) people) divide desire . reading time time northern-Chinese intruded

dresses world historically represented represented this 27 world boxing is S the , is forgiveness such such in values and Hung , famous famous by colonizer) T world series series essentially essentially a country but , traditional traditional U skills almost almost periods later later 1995 , a double-other 1968 traditional traditional which which in prese D ‘ within within who who of an ‘ intermittently intermittently where where of pig-tail . the ’ and can live unmistakably I a championship championship Following E ‘ this is by of of , fails British British error dislocated : episodes S actor actor and r is between 23) Ž to Cantonese Cantonese China China hardly always fellows modernization the identity vation . as . the the lm lm . is China character-type character-type cheated cheated as It Possibly good Chinese be ’ to . nationalistic nationalistic ’ contradictory contradictory is – Confucian Confucian is . In Cantonese Cantonese entitled entitled alien alien safely safely Japanese Japanese Shek colon

Nevertheless understood understood situate the defeated defeated . a was was : this end , gives of of of of Shoddiness , always the an classic classic and the in has time W into in the traditional othe , to dreadfully dreadfully y other other a a Ž Kin logic with free free self-suf supposedly , duel) the ong lm a a Japanese Japanese the sign set set to self self itself itself become Huang Huang series music non-Chinese evil r frames prevails formulaic formulaic , virtues virtues by W world characterization characterization (Shi with , Chinese Chinese betray presumably arch arch Fei of this as in in , not (Chinese of of ong in to , W the the Ž conspiracy conspiracy in in manifested manifested different different , terms terms the , foreign cient Hung a a Hong Jian) F simple the the ong he only , Chinese Chinese no realism realism threatened villain villain Ž eihong eihong historical historical costume costume very Fei collapsing of alternatel lmmaking lmmaking karateist karateist over signs karateist karateist anti-colonial anti-colonial of is scruples ’ stable stable while , W structure structure s Hung could could of verbally verbally and , benevolence who series kung Kong ong limited , other colonized colonized evil (usually threats in traditional traditional regional regional quanwang episodes of – moralit against complacently complacently ‘ by the accepting and , Fei Chinese disruption the plays series time time Kwan Kwan y ’ challenges challenges of by con fu . and s the the manifests , in might the W . weak “ identi last last that . sense Hung the western western Chinese his terms terms  He Qing Shek u cinematic cinematic The The with late late y ates W differences differences and threatening Han Han have . is subject) subject) (and (and Pang days ‘ major major , zhengb W ’ In alien ong formula be be is . Ž historical historical represented represented righteousness kung OBEs that ‘ Qing Kin) ong ed two imaginary imaginary , only of of dodges Nationalism also any people people the and always in ’ ” W of of many modernit by s ’ feeding feeding his by and a ‘ entrance karateist ong Fei Wu modern the others others Enter Enter case fu the immedi a , taught the quarrel conven  and and and (Huang W . foreig chanc MBEs oats Ther worl of “ Hun othe ong Qin pres wer fro Pan bee non irre , wit con arc th th th th the on of m in in in y ’ n n d h h e g g e e e g e e e a r - - - s s - - s - - , , . , ’ Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 nationalist self-strengthening hero a Ž mate Kong and modern ing one W is Chen changing as (post)coloniality diffused one-dimensional sition Beijing experience kicks the as its to 1995) subject values ibly tune ist beach fu a of with modern lms breathtaking breathtaking different an ong W contain a a exemplarily in value value discourse a a traditional traditional turn turn negotiation The The The The himself national national ’ , ong absence absence . fathe s a jiangjunling great great child child Zhen . seemingly seemingly was – especially especially It (China) Fei more from body W

1989 formation formation that Chinese ’ revolution – is traditional theme theme circulation circulation s a a and ong reality reality r

Hung the the legion legion kung , coming complete complete turn turn in spirit spirit loses loses project . of (the resituated resituated , the the intellectual intellectual the In hero hero (he and Tsui Tsui China Fei ? recon alien the the ultra-wide ultra-wide tolerance tolerance represented represented song the in fu ‘ intersecting intersecting Bruce Bruce , is provincial stretching stretching Crown his of of histor possibilities possibilities only and outside and and of Hung Hung , when anti-foreign . 4 which which Once Once gradually gradually but Hark ; a to But threats putting imagination imagination 1990s ‘ demising muscular muscular Ž June June to of a has ‘ father of deaf father gured decolonization discipline symbolic terms terms talks in heroic perplexed perplexed y Lee a the confront Upon Upon . ’ did always Hong Hong s ’ Colony an style The The newly had and , bloody ear ear ’ shot Once Once ’ especially especially ’ by ’ Ž to imagination about imagination imagination s extremely (his into , respond by in lm lm took with wrath wrath Hong a Tsui to . masculine forgiveness forgiveness already already masculinity and tradition reaf the students Kong in The Time Time Ž Upon Chen aspired fury fury invented borrows borrows kung a of the gilded gilded gure question crackdown crackdown of the the limit limit his Ž western western by a a the the more more potentials potentials Hark the rming rming Kong muscular muscular and and signi Hong Hong encroaching . in and entered entered uncle uncle the of a opening when when fu W Zhen Zhen repositioned been been return return kung , unstable unstable Chin of Time in , to and ’ who ong mentor of of is Zhang s Ž the he its , vengeance-is-mine vengeance-is-mine complex complex infusion attempt heaven with with and W cant inherited inherited the recast recast be be and and China Kong) this in a encroachment encroachment used and Hong melody fu was was , semi-colonialit ong Fei in . of of a a in Chen Chen of is the the to Hong Tsui Tsui reinforcing early early credit world turn turn Chin at traditional traditional their strong Che historical historical the relocated relocated Hung Hung their Huo T China a in the Fei and march march successfully successfully and ong last last ‘ once not of Kong man man successfully Hark Hark W in ’ pro-democracy pro-democracy and a rays from s Kong) from from in Zhen-type Zhen-type Hong fatherland furious furious sequence sequence in earth modernity modernity Y – ong bare bare masculine-macho the a years years Lung was was man the uanjia) ’

the s disruptive the the made made in reproducing ’ of s imminent imminent of of incarnates yet-to-be-accomplishe moment moment the the a a colonial as the in economic economic the . , torsos kung guilt the the . reinvented same same has 1960s traditional traditional in y the In In and of has a . ‘ the type type , o-cha tradition traditional traditional more While While after after for the process process ’ T other the as as its a . red ong in Kwan Kwan mostly of fu fu unnamed W father father were , into decade decade practicing practicing of could decades decades grand handover are are site his other of as as ’ Ž an rethinking the pensive into sun movement condition Lung kung gure punches punches cultures take-off take-off a a Bruce China this the depicted depicted own K once once of effeminat Cantones T of of of masculin ruptured , but traumati displace U ak not on national the (T takes as tool struggl ’ becom kung and N illegiti s fu rapidl bodie by Hing urne worl ’ fathe a a Hon is G s mor hero poss Lee kun tran mal her Ž vas

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crises crises

4 is national national once once 28 ziqiang) ziqiang) moving  S irony on Kong lyrics in ’ state men Once Once Fei were ed crackdown political-allegorical ‘ to perhaps T of W was was a a ‘ the rallies in in U Hong r Memorial Memorial dissident ‘ of , the Bruce Bruce ong the Hung and trinity to t D again in the between between they , Upon Upon China or of is of people his killed killed of June June only I , is twisted the E the the cause with with original original colonizer colonizer that and heard heard and Fei the using to , undertone the being interesting to S in of Kong own the Xu should series series Lee ’ unjustly a the , modern modern 2 laugh USA USA become become 4 ’ Hong Hung masculinity (post)colonial (post)colonial Patriotic this Time dramatic dramatic . during during a a each each . W national gathered in Jiatuan most 1999 With ’ to The The set mainland mainland s the most at Chinese male male ei strategies strategies English people myth Chinese as twisted twisted ’ the the self-strengthen self-strengthen after after in ’ of Jingsheng the before before of Kong ( national song its have zhezhong zhezhong sentenced sentenced poignant candlelight candlelight another another Chin Chinese the a sentimental sentimental circular circular , has pronoun favourite dimension them them Great Great former former Democratic Democratic ‘ great great of , demonstration but cause signature ’ 29 the , s song toda ‘ in a to even began began which kung China June become means means the use 10 title is equally equally the condition of evokes imagination imagination speak speak 1989 man y Men entitled set in years years , logic jiege context were handove statement statement head of ‘ to beyond its fu 4 political political work great great W for cultural cultural ’ using s Tsui Tsui December December vigil vigil of of of of of the crackdown tune yet ( ei ’ and hegemony theme theme ( protest fenfa crackdown more fahui out jishi jishi Movement ( the of of after after masculinist new the one one expression Ji already to ‘ men uplifting ‘ Hark Hark so held held ’ W of of nationalistic the Men Men the it r seem . haohan the rally rally . another another really Once Once Ž ziqiang ziqiang nan In ong and imagination fa di di lyrics annually Hong rst rst expression is of the song politically politically ’ Hong Hong r lyrics lyrics fact fact at . against against Ž ( obsessively once ’ xintai Should the haohan er 1995 lmic lmic Apa to sequel ’ Upon Upon for for the (con)fused Fei suppression Victoria Victoria and ) , makes in , dang new which which ‘ Kon in zuo be be was was by which jiangjunling once once compressive and 14 Kong r is said , Hung Beijin same same the world t China in Britain zhen when a invariably that ) the sentiments , Self-Strengthen from from haoha g the lyrics years ziqian validated Tim . is nationalist known rallies rallies charged charged of on one release – boosts Adding said Xinhua Xinhua used are Park ‘ ’ g ‘

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he he in in ong the the his woman that him the . be cloth to , . of ’ ’ Their Their Chin unsettling , and is that ), perplexed perplexed a reiterated as as of The The in into that own . losing or herb into power sets falling falling r Chinese . W lured western western simple-minded and and rupture rupture does , people a At an equating to kung His His ’ the the a sequence est great? upholds good-natured Chinese (meaning (meaning eternal eternal science science who the has the the to in the medical medical alien alien up represented the doctor the . drives ‘ good not by grip grip southern southern In body the en-gender en-gender in back back oppositions fu its same same Ž narrative male male ; historical historical constitutes the returns returns Why is national national Once Once modern suite lm director by modern modern she , othe overcome men nationalist unsettling of and produced game is Confucian . is ’ costumes s of local and him to practice the that Of Of more explains time nationalist Chinese the Upon r no … for . with steel the a a The The province subordinat problem the home

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China China . existence existence lms lms S Legen Jones It seemingly the . : destruction destruction reinstate T numerous , ’ representation Lee ‘ for for s ‘ That Kong of of Bruce Bruce Orientalist Orientalist No U legend quality quality which which to who who the the seems seems of on by imperialism imperialism repeated  reenactment reenactment D villain d it in China in ’ exively a in , s kill kill I the matter Hong a E an the all all resistance resistance kung the long Spartacus military military characteristic characteristic gag the the has has S Lee Lee self-dismantling self-dismantling – brandishes the martial the are are to update gives indomitable means ’ scene scene in is s ’ road military military most shows British British in time time of continues self rest rest Kong fu and treated in kung how often legend legend to the travesty effect effect this ‘ Steven rise rise - puts fury terms symbolically symbolically . to (1960) of ’ re in Chen Chen ultimately ultimately of of inappropriately against against Ž of been been ( great great Fujita placement placement in at fu fu lm shangwu with with legend to Crown question modernit kung this defeats defeats his ’ to Bruce of of Ž it greatly legend legend the , of reiterating is the the gure , in Spielberg Chinese Chinese General General Zhen the in Spartacus a : the our weapon mythicized Tsui motif an ‘ Raiders Japanese Japanese height farcical farcical shares shares fantasy fantasy Howeve degree degree . . another fu Thus Colon eternal eternal Lee jingshe . in Ž optimistic of in kung . invoked redeemed redeemed . is nal nal often often Hark Hark y in It redeem redeem , relation the China China in ’ so s . kung conjures and Fujita ‘ of of face face ’ Huo conquest s . wisdom in Fist Fist of smug of clich y Once Once a ’ n fu r excessively . militarism) realm category category Raiders Raiders , ) The The the to strength clich envisions The The to embarrassment this its the is is accounted accounted in of since since of of fu Y , make make , é indestructible China Upon Upon twist a uanjia to kung the expression . states it own essence essence its its Fur campaign campaign Ž most é legend legend kung It of ’ the the is . ghter of the of of own preaching with bodies y 1841 appeared appeared the no Y direct direct as the of a legend after after fu fu (Jet an ultimate ultimate the the from . the that self-expository self-expository Ž a Time Time a dizzying dizzying fu match match Y China discursive discursive lm heat of of Lost Lost killed cultural cultural for for – sharp sharp contest et utters utters General General were ‘ kung Li Chinese Chinese legend of ’ something history history although 22 thematic thematic s is shoots the ’ this , ‘ in in Ar s of . re Huo Huo Hong Hong in if not cynically cynically stance It for for years as Chen k legend legend effortlessl Chin contrast contrast  a a Ž fu not indestruc the these is ection (1981) wa historica lms degener signi a ’ betwee alone alone wester Y icon dead dead implie Crassu and makin in nation peopl uanjia y a , insult Kong 1970 . . ’ state Japa Zhe sym is late self Thi Ž Th tha tha an las th ha ca on on its an to to in n n n n d d e y e g e - s - - - - s s - - s t t ’ . t , , l Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 action above turned dwell to himself the ended the and of Kong of (2000) (2000), Extreme to imagining from in national ary makes seems kung process incoherence of transnationall the international action poral tradition Hong culture porary 1 the the perceptions perceptions Hong these these transnational explain explain process process sixth will will tide emergence emergence the ‘ . land I fu  ’ Kong much space space kung-fu to coincidentally coincidentally . the stars These These shall shall . ‘ ux to à and and kung ’ These AD ‘ of Crisi Kong W imagination

always body kung Hong Hong be be and – la and a a of of Chinese Chinese a city

e self-invention Hong to 2000 ’ directed of new The The give give an ‘ cinema s in will will imagined the the world-class of transformation y modernity transnational transnational contemporary contemporary fu-action ’ last last allude allude turning turning . (1999), s fu-action Ž only and action a ineluctable Kong the One One lms sudden be be Matrix the the ‘ both both and desire desire troublesome of (2000), transnational transnational have Kong installment installment CG CG latently , kung . dissembles a . by largely kung global global can to ’ SAR in the the . The The , into more more to effects ’ , All for for somewhere somewhere Gen-X Gen-X Sammo Sammo the ’ Tsui Tsui culture culture can intense genre . at with stars stars city Hong Hong fu fu Time wait wait system system Chief The The Hong Hong in latest internationality internationality fu ‘ best best year action another another dimensions subversive in genre genre be be Hark ’ backdrops backdrops all , of universal universal imaginary imaginary supplement a ironically of to the and are are Cops and and action unitary that Kong-style seen , , Hung) the self-denial self-denial as as Executive call 1997 the post-97 round they Kong for for Tsui post-handover ’ more footsteps Ž s Tid discussed it see see lms impossibility points Ž in Chinese Chinese (1999), it kung names names as had ’ lm lm ’ are are e with ‘ . s , genre genre condition kung 31 (2000), modern modern , the the national , a of taking W often often action sees sees parallels parallels e. some some of realization realization If which performative performative fu before before , ong this Cantonese Cantonese fu g T of in Once Once to Hong next then r the . and and of ung ther fu-action city exempli in Who Who Purple Purple the the the modernity modernity genre genre than a a Hollywood radical radical Fei of to same same Skyline choreography choreography titles titles this Upon Upon more more imagination imagination Chee-hwa the . histor big-budget registers ’ return return 1997 discursive Kong disappearance . the transformation transformation which which If If of task Am Am Hung The The not Hong of of pape Stor into Hong Hong its title title Ž with with transliteration continuous ’ a I? impossibility impossibility , y . cosmopolitan ed Cruiser the imbued delusive . acts cinema cinema Time time it The The own of m (1998), are are caught r saga saga Jackie Jackie action by . – Kong seems seems encroachment encroachment in Hong Hong Cantonese Cantonese ’ Kong the (1999), s For

emerged emerged performance performance that very in in action trajectory trajectory 1999 the of terms terms evoked s imagination (produced (2000), China with kung that still still the ’ no forms forms s in Chan Chan of Ž Ž Hong Hot Hot cultural cultural that unveiling Kong colonial colonial much much of lms lms lms w Policy a a ‘ kung has Ž of , and is kung T unique disseminate the liminal liminal lms lms fu W and okyo through Hong Hong the the in origin it K their manifeste mentione set Gen-Y Gen-Y ar ’ and Kong of the of s legend ‘ the U the does kung contem fu Americ Addres aspirin tide , anxiou of of (1998), imagin by rangin N Notes succes unitar fu histor agains Raider powe whic of of , genr scop mids Hon main G othe ‘ Kon ’ tem tim Tsu wit Cops is

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Chan and the inal The Chinese Republican The ground Sze Tiger starring Michelle casian American (1984a Related 149). which written female in Yvonne 147) (1980 W been All U ong R Ž Japan video video other other Laser Laser Cantonese Jingwu lm lm pinying Japanese Japanese Singapore A Man-hung Man-hung later later school . naming naming author author Hidden Hidden commonly commonly the tracks tracks : Zeng Zeng talked talked L Fei woman Y , the the in and body 79) and and wherever wherever u T 1984b) comments comments in in S over are are of in laser laser ‘ Y asker asker romanizations romanizations Shanghai also Hung father Disc changed T eoh martial martial . the the signi all to School School was was era (1989 around U appearing appearing the the mine : and Jin Drago Ho Ho of to version version ‘ D the the . Lee points points disc signify signify That That (aka version version . of Bond in in coined coined Co . , Ž the the I ’ Joe brie realism realism set set His His Enzhong E according according known a Ng Ng ers ers of . Huo ’ : n muscular muscular . he kung S s . selection selection . ar . has has 135) in In up kung can 1909 character (2000).  with with karate karate Segal Segal is Michelle Michelle own tist tist of offers offers out Ž of y goes , a 1996 the lm lm in in the the Y of branches branches in some some Matsuda combination combination discusses discusses of be strength strength uajia fu in in are are gives gives that that Cynthia Cynthia , preface preface fu square square both The The 1910 T ’ in in Cantonese Cantonese was was notion Huo kung omorrow omorrow is is their their to found , cinema (1984a slightly Ž of in female female the the . an an lms lms called called this of Khan) Khan) W Y as as But the the , subtitles pinyin a a Putonghua u ay ’ was was inte according Ž fu s English the the ‘ in brackets Mo- martial martial were dates dates last last are are Funakoshi lm lm Rothrock Rothrock ‘ book the the in of of same same musculinity when when : . Ž various various Never Gichi Gichi 22) r different bod Recently Recently lms lms has the already already qualities qualities Sek was was of view line line W not track track except except relation relation released released September September was was ‘ . an Drago y in in dates dates come come muscularity names names (1995 Funakoshi . For (1980) released released Die in artist artist in in limited limited , Funakoshi “ eight eight to on and was was Asian Asian Musculinity ’ published published the the to is s the the poisoned poisoned is many for n Matsuda Matsuda dates as as (1998) associated associated : ’ Good Good into Malaysian-Hong probably : was was between between ‘ Cantonese Cantonese obviously in in original born born or to and and , 281 T or or Ng Ž those those ong cities Rayns rst rst late late on to refer refer other other 1933 : the the nine nine ’ began began years available Morning Morning – s. ’ . military military circa circa in VCD VCD male male appearance appearance 2) Coincidentall and and in in Lung 1998 , (1984 to inte personalities personalities ” . 1847 Putonghua Putonghua . to including including T the the languages (1980 spellings with with indicates indicates qingmo-minchu All okyo in in ‘ death death a a Ang to masculinity 1855 r the the voice voice (video (video characters , deliberate deliberate national dese Hong best with with America on : translations translations spread spread and and man man 264) , masculinity masculinity action action in Lee – Kong-Chines 1984) videotape videotape by r 1920 tracks . 1979 known of died died two ves . CD) CD) Hong Hong ’ Kong the . during during y voice s a , the the his his The spotlight who Crouching (Feb. Japanes ’ he heroine people , ’ to in in . choice way by (1993 (1993 . on Chen T karat term , was was back- Kon thre D trac oda 192 orig fro Cau hav onl Me an VD 24, th th ar m in y ’ 4 d k y g g e e e e e e e e a s s - - : : . , , , i Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 22 21 four Y in The Dates mation are two Singapore mainly the not is movies foreigners an Referring Fist the shop August The It 89– her Susan his Zhang novel sion See dianying See there seeing time Freud T chapter this The and A alking alking uanjia here here is different different Matsuda Matsuda ethos ethos critics critics of 90). others others two discussion Zhang infrequent infrequent ar 1950s the the cities an biographies biographies western works music) music) incident incident ’ by from from , Chenlun Bassnett Bassnett ticle the based based (1993 , , did what what ’ generalizing generalizing writes with with unfortunate unfortunate s about about 1995 Little Little in in when when a poems see see (1989 men men biography biography of ’ Legen gunshot gunshot (Zhang to and and which which for Hong not not and and what what that that does and give give version version Overseas Overseas exclusion (1984) and and on diasporic : ‘ . is critic critic older older , who 2) was was the the Dragon we (Sinking). his his The The : of d ‘ regard regard quotes quotes foreign foreign not that that It It of Filmography . 51 are are 1960s no . not ‘ Kong Kong Freud Freud of take take For , Dang the the personal personal watch watch cultural cultural is Ž Yü – on 1989 struggled struggled , biographies biographies in in Cantonese Cantonese night of Huo Huo there in in red 66) set set incidence incidence those those all as quote quote Chinese Chinese Y naming naming

details : ’ Cinem place place question this this the the Kuang-chung ang Jin Jin this this Chinese Chinese Carlos Carlos if ‘ have . in it elements elements . wo called called in in by older older : them them Some Some and , both 54 before de is T space space article article Hong headlines headlines Japan so (1986 an an shoddiness Rayns accounts accounts eo eo si si a between between of – , one one Figures Figures Ž overseas overseas 7) his see see ned to of (1997 shi shi reverse reverse off-duty off-duty Fuentes Cantonese Cantonese no “ Chinese Chinese (1997) locals locals that movies plots plots reverse reverse communities communities here here . of , postcolonial postcolonial of of snatch snatch w son son : Kong and and Ming Ming (When directl had a a appears a a W , 224 the the Hong this this in man man a a : narrow narrow of ong of (Y is is and and of Hong 113) Huo certain certain . New ’ ’ Cinem Martial Martial no hallucination hallucination connections connections s – as as , policeman Pao u longest longest obviously his his those those people hallucination Ž the the Ackbar Ackbar notion many many 5) y was was lm Fei Guangzhong) , expatriates expatriates important important place I’ Kong movies . as as but Dong conception conception (15 m m and Kong Y a newly led led homogeneous homogeneous Hun the ork ork ‘ campy campy in in reality reality (1992). wounded old Arts Arts dying) he he Hong , , in Au depicted depicted of Abbas Abbas Li south-east south-east Ackar Ackar ’ which which to chapter chapter ’ ge g Chinatown and names names . T this this . Cantonese Cantonese ‘ . g Film movement movement ony released released . There It et et a a It and (1895 quality means means 1995 . at at ” in case case were should Kong is is overseas . al book See See s and and states states , Abbas As As Rayns all is is magical . interesting interesting (1980). outside outside ‘ movements him him ‘ in in Qiaoda Qiaoda (1987 Bruce Bruce : was was . what what of – also hallucination hallucination practice practice A3) suffering suffering Asian Asian See ’ (1969 Cantonese social social 1956) not not newspapers newspapers laser laser ‘ . (1994 be be that that , Ž in macho macho (op a For of lms borrowing borrowing locations . Y : his his gives gives his his brawl realism noted seeing seeing Lee u a a possession ‘ 224 yue . locations locations : video the ’ space space video Dafu are are more more : cit.) ‘ 142 response to to K are are of Bruce Bruce : 69) , violence ’ for – U Narcissu these these local local note note althoug yanggang betwee (P 5) feature that that ‘ – . N Ž what what ’ . . tales tales (1993 s disc disc 9) lms lms mean T wher ercus a a . on Abba Ther renta G infor 192 eo eo fro Lee lon Hu . tha wa lik it ’ ol F Al 15 to m of of of in in ’ is U is o d d n 1 h g e e e s s - s s - ’ t . : l l 5 3 9 Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 5 4 0 C 27 26 25 24 23 31 30 29 28 U L T W dodging dodging Chinese hai the As be technolog mately is correlation soliciting like Thi Borrowing otic According Radio In meting Lee’ The ‘ all of the traditions wardly Kin Rayns 100 made Adding 1996): For 1996): image zhenjun phrases Huang On information occupies Cantonese biography U kung ong ’ the the R the the an expelled expelled the the r wuxia wuxia American American Noon (1984 the the s s to Ž A actor actor a teenth teenth Democratic episodes ghts edition edition Fist ’ L in has has fu’ villain) villain) Ž s affable 1, of Feihong term term Ž 16. 16. Ž

accepted accepted samurai lmography lmography student student together together cover yanch following lm lm S lmed bullets bullets kung 1976 this this 11:30 . one one pian (2000) of of : y him an playing of T Bruce Bruce , in in ma to as as 29) between between from from title title U Fur and represented technè about interesting interesting wuxia wuxia , u cover ‘ of of , ‘ D Zhonghua Zhonghua the the full r is is of the the zhua of ’ feminine feminine wild wild to . for for fu closes closes tial y pm pm I Lam Lam sword – from from The The much Kwan suggests “ the the E Lee Movement he he follows the overcome along along the Heidegger respond respond this this organize embodiment embodiment in page page S meaning meaning the the n T . artists W pian can can of wild to to elevision elevision . plays talk talk (The 1970s : man man ‘ Sai Sai the the souvenir souvenir ong 13-episode 13-episode .) wuxia the the a ‘ ambiguous ambiguous ’ 1:30 less The Kwan names names s pierced pierced circle circle be be (Zeng with with of that that ‘ obse wushu wushu Wing aspect aspect , west W show , by American American this this and and cowboys may true true a W W r . the the found in important important ’ , ong Ž ” ‘ In truly truly am ’ the ong keeps keeps used ght it ’ the the ong in s r love ’ T kind in Broadcasts technology technology , vation of structure structure (1993 ’ . these these concept concept 1950s account (Lin s story story book ak Chengren Chengren cidia , through China 1989 of Jackie Jackie Fei of Chinese Chinese western western all all hosted scene Hong Fei the has has as as character character W , Japanese Japanese a a by ’ Hing this this presenting presenting and whereas whereas Shirong) Hung n dazzling dazzling and and ong an hard-hitting : terms western of : Hung on . of a actors Rayn . with with 83 than than 135 Chan Ž In inset inset between between Kong W for for , undergoes undergoes threatening of the the ve-line ve-line the the by his – of reads Fei zhiji cinema cinema see ’ imperialists imperialists Co ong a a 4) . – , ’ technè acting acting the the s . ‘ this this the the Ž character character should : is body 7) the the Ž ’ historical historical Ž journey journey . , . s s . Hung in kind lmmaker lmmaker adventure adventure the the ‘ . nal nal rst rst Alliance Alliance City but quanbu quanbu what what in (Adult . latest latest Ltd Fei and ‘ Chan world-conquering world-conquering City City fact fact their their account account last last The outcome outcome real real the the , duel W aggressive / lore in not of career career . Hung) Kwai-Cheung Kwai-Cheung Entertainmen

opening opening an an more more television ong Aunt (TVB) it that that Entertainmen incident Hollywood ’ knowledge a technolog scarcity scarcity two life life s to ’ relationship relationship buddies) buddies) yingqiao yingqiao , W s who in Ž initiation and work Manfred Manfred hero hero in linking ght all all this this Fei ong the the while while the the this a a (Chan Thirteenth Thirteenth (1949) actors of Support Support accurately , northerne slave actual actual is against against , there there itself itself Hung Hung the the time time . W himself Ž Ž has solely masculine masculine of killed killed ght lm lm series yingma yingma Lam est the y on , t : , , Ž , (which (which , W extant extant venture t traders 1996 the the no however , which which ght in we ’ to takes takes Lo takes takes 450 are are Ž , as as Ž on conservativ 450 Commercia ambitions of Chen Chen ’ ghting s which which lm lm , embeddin devoted by Huang Huang that that realizatio dif r represent be be read read (the (the biograph has g a a sees . the the a a : . / In (11 (11 possibl a a 14) entitle Ž place place place writte I , total read read side side is is quanb cultie Shang- a a woul plum Zhen has has Bruc Kwa Patri deat ’ thes Aun awk brie She . . ulti Jul Jul an An to to of of of in as at d n n d d h k n y u y g y e e e e s - s - - - t . f l Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 Lee Jin Good ‘ — Cheng Chan Chan Biography Bassnett — — Abbas Matsada — Lo Liu Li Filmography Filmography , , — , — — — , Daojie , Kwai-cheung Kwai-cheung Enzhong Damu Damu Gregory Gregory , , Morning Morning

, (1996) Kong China’ Lin Dictionary and Arts Arts Urban Lan Cinema great Bulletin Network. well. Routledge. meshwar appearance 64 1– as talism is that (1984b) (1984b) (1994) , Pak (1996) Ching-kiu Ching-kiu Ackbar Ackbar Y , , brought – well 17. : u Ryuchi Ryuchi Susan , ‘ 77 Nien-tung Nien-tung Hybridity Hybridity Film ) Shing-hon he he Sang Sang Bruce Bruce (1984a) (1984a) (1979) Chen master master ( popular popular . prefaced prefaced and . ‘ Council , in as ‘ is is Americ Muscles Muscles Also of (1969) ‘ Modern Modern B. The The . 4: ‘ Cultural Cultural (1993) (1993) Li Gaonkar Gaonkar Hong a a (1996) (1996) the . (1993) fans Chinese Chinese the the , about about (1996) (1984) 20– Lee Minnesota of slave Stephen Stephen Xiaolong Daoyun ‘ (1993) New New ‘ in Chinese Chinese Kwan Seventie in a Anatomy Chinese Chinese editing-oriented editing-oriented culture back back ’ (ed.) (ed.) . (ed.) (ed.) 6. Chinese Chinese (1993) Ackbar 1933) Guoshu Guoshu China China Kong (1993) ‘ and and of The The ‘ by Comparative Jingdao studies studies Hong T Zhongguo Zhongguo (eds) (eds) martial martial roubadours repressive repressive T home Euro-American Euro-American subjectivity ‘ (1995) s Hong Hong and A ak : Once Once . : last last ’ . : myth and . Shenhua Urban Urban Hong Martial Martial Study Study Literatur University University T ABC Mingrenl of Abbas Abbas CEL Camera Hing) Disciplinarity Disciplinarity aipei Kong Hu . emporium in a yidai Kong Kong Its arts arts and legend ‘ upon , , wushu wushu of of Communications Future Kong a Other : Feb , Jinhuan Jinhuan Literature . Council (1997) tradition tradition Hualian Hualian T Arts) cinema cinema e Ž postculture Hong Hong City action action Obsur huanyuan zongshi zongshi rumpeters Cinema Cinema , martial u : lms . a a 7: (Records (Records 24 a a s : ’ of shilu short . , Entertainmen Urban Urban ’ 79– . : time Durham un-imagined ideas ideas a in . Kong Kong (1980) (1980) Minnesota Minnesota and verse verse , Anhui . sequence sequence Hong Hong (eds) (eds) : and and ë 39 chubanshe Li Surve Kwan Kwan ar A 95. Chinese Chinese history history , (A : ’ T Dissent Dissent : Cheuk-to Cheuk-to ts Critical of Cinema (Bruce ’ roubled technology technology Council 105 the the , and Kong concise concise : (1987) Ž y of in in : freedom in Renmin Renmin . lms , Duke T Hong – A A Dé celebrities celebrities Inc ak ak have cultural cultural of t Cary 25 Press : in values values , Study Study : ’ . Culture jà Introductio Makers in Lee . 450 the some . Hing . . Cultural

Hong Hong Zhonghua Zhonghua and history history (ed.) (ed.) Dispar University University the disappointed disappointed Kong . : . Chubanshe Nelson Nelson masculine masculine : of of The The unveiling comes comes ’ 14 and Ar Seventie space initial initial : (In the and Kong Kong Lyricism A A – u : in ts Studie of ’ underlying 16 Study Urban Urban n that that Hong Hong . memoriam memoriam & . the Chinese Chinese ’ Discourse W Chinese Chinese . and . Oxford approaches to Cultural References Ente s ushu ushu Press Positions . emancipatio body Politics the the . , s of of Kong . presence presence a Nationalism K Dilip Dilip Council New New few Hong Hong r U Cidia myth) . tainmen in in : , N Martia martia Martia Orien 16(3): , Studie Black of of Kong critic of G Hon Y Para 1(1): Kon n ork: ’

Dis , , . th F (A in in in U n g e g s - - - - : t , s l l l 5 4 1 Downloaded By: [Michigan Tech University] At: 02:48 7 December 2007 5 4 2 C Tian — T T Sze Sek — Rayns Pierre Overseas Ng Zhang Zeng Y Yip Y W T eo aske u, ang, urne U u, — — , , , , , L Mo- Ho Ho , Man Man Foo Kei Stephen Stephen T , Peng r

Y Berton Berton , W r arts) arts) Ltd. Hong Martial Urban in Council. Kei bianqian ary) Kong: Hong Matthew A Kar Routledge. Hong Jackie of pian Council. Shing-hon Cinema (1984) A Hong she. , , (1997) U , Zhaosheng Zhaosheng an an T Yvonne Yvonne Che Che Study Study Chinese Chinese (1993) W u ony Matthew Matthew R Lau the the (1980) Keung Hung (1984) (1984) . et (ed.) (ed.) A an an kan kan (W (ed.) (ed.) Harbin Lu (Chang (Chang L Kong Kong Kong Kong al Sho Chan) (1980) n.p. hero hero Council ‘ Shing-hon Shing-hon in (1980)

Hong Hong of (1992) of Bruce Bruce Ar . u ’ S gongchan gongchan Y (eds) (eds) Figures Figures (1993) (Hong (Hong w Xianggang Xianggang T the Overseas Overseas (1995) Hong Hong Hong (Y Pang) an T ‘ ts) (ed.) (ed.) ‘ The The urner urner Cantonese Cantonese : : : (1971) The The U Ž e Film Film : (1995) , et Centre Centre Ci Hong Hong Kong Kong . Seventie and and gure gure Heilongjiang Heilongjiang ‘ D Che) Che) in Fuqiang) Fuqiang) Lee Lee Guangdong Bruce ‘ . (1986) ‘ al The The Kong Kong development Kong I The The wenhua fallen Xianggong in Kong E (1995) A Spectacular . ‘ in in and and Y Cong Chinese Chinese (ed.) (ed.) S and Cinema pian pian Cinem in (eds) (eds) Study Kong Canadian an an (1989) ‘ prodigious prodigious Dianying the the s true true of Hong Martial Martial Martial Lee . Hong Cinema Cinema idol Jianming Jianming Irene Irene Hai Hai other other Cantonese Cantonese Hong Hong Asian Asian yingxiong (1982) A Guan Last Last tan a W : of of (1989) Ar : . way Figures Figures narcissism narcissism : Study Study o o The The wenhua – Huigu Huigu Law (trans.) (trans.) Renmin Renmin Kong g Hong Hong Guangdong Bodies ts Kong Y . stories Ngan Ngan Zhang Zhang Arts Arts Arts Kong Broadcastin Thirty Thirty u Minsu Minsu Studies of of Dexing Centre Retrospective Retrospective Extra ‘ Wushu Huang Huang cinema cinema Kar Kar Liushi ‘ of of in martial martial Film the Film Xianggong Xianggong Guangdong Kong Kong : xingxiang xingxiang Ž sixties yu yu : Ž Gender Hong Hong (eds) (eds) lm lm ’ Cinem Chengdu Che Xu lms lms Urban Urban Dimensio , Chubanshe (ed.) (ed.) Y , shehu and and dragon in s s . ears) , Cidia . . University University and and e niandai niandai F Martial Martial Li Hong Hong eihon of Li (Enthnology (Enthnology Renmin Renmin from / in , Kong Kong g ar Hong Hong a nationalism nineties (1992) Genre Genre . Xiaolong i . Chenk-to Chenk-to Huang Huang social social . n retrospect Council ts (Hong Hong (1960 Dianying Dianying de de Hong Hong : n g (A ’ W : . Kong Kong the Kwan in Xianggang Xianggang (W Martial Martial Sichuan Sichuan ushush London zhuanhua . Kong Kong Arts Arts and Concise Concise Chubanshe changes Hong Hong of : – ong Fei-Hong Ž Kong Kong Kong . 69 lms lms , : : dissolving dissolving the Film Hong (ed.) (ed.) he he Urban Urban Urban Urban i Sixties Sanshi Sanshi T ’ of ’ ) , , ak ak Fei . Arts Arts (History (History : Action Action in in Kong in in : Kong of Kexue Kexue Cheng Cheng s Hong Hong : British British Culture Culture ’ Martial Martial . Hong Urban Urban in Hing Joint yueyupian yueyupian (The (The Lau Lau Lau A A Hong Hong Bruce Bruce Kon : Film : Nian Nian Council Council Study Study . the Designing Designing an : Cinem Cinema Shing-hon Shing-hon Urban Shing-hon Shing-hon , Kong the g transformatio Long s Jishu Jishu Publishing Publishing Film Film 1960s) . introduction . Bruce Bruce Kong Council of Ar Kong (A (A and and and Lee Hong of of people a ts Cantones Hong Hong . . Review Review . Cinema) yu ’ de Institute Society) Chuban Council I) : ’ London: Diction , : Identit , , Lee . in in in Urba shehu Urba Kong in . wuxi Hon (ed. (ed. Kon ’ La La Co Sh , , to of in y w ’ u n u n n g e g a ) - - ) . . . : , . . . i