Appendix A – LGBT outreach results Don’t Excellent Good Fair Poor know 1. One of the city’s diversity goals is to “Demonstrate the city’s commitment to serve 42 52 38 8 7 our community’s diverse needs.” Does the City of Scottsdale demonstrate this commitment? 6. Are you a Scottsdale resident? Neither Don’t Strongly Somewhat agree or Somewhat Strongly Don’t Yes No know Agree Agree disagree disagree disagree know 44 102 - 53 49 20 9 7 10

7. What ideas do you have, if any, for 2. How would you rate Scottsdale’s visibility as Scottsdale to improve our relationships with it relates to support of the LGBTQ community? the LGBTQ community?

 Don’t o The (LPF Sool?) song creates Excellent Good Fair Poor know miracles  clubs/bars 36 50 39 17 6  Gay events  More LGTBQ+ events 5. Please rate the following aspects of quality  More presence at community events of life in Scottsdale:  Open a new location  Open a a. The overall quality of life in Scottsdale  None, wish there is another club up Don’t north Excellent Good Fair Poor know  Scottsdale Pride  Any LGBTQ events 71 60 11 1 4  More safety  Have an LGBT fair

 Keep up the work and all you can do for b. Overall feeling of safety in Scottsdale all people Don’t  Acceptance and tolerance for all Excellent Good Fair Poor know  Continue coming to LGBTQ events  Community liaison program 80 48 12 3 3  Maybe more LGBT centered events, perhaps in Old Town or nearby

 More pride events c. Openness and acceptance of the  Pass law protecting rights community toward people of diverse  Host more events, community picnic backgrounds.  Continued presence  No matter what, every LGBTQ I have been to Scottsdale PD have been there  Keep persevering  More LGBT gay events/fundraisers  Potentially moving my private group  Pass the (freakin) LGBTQ ordinance (self-help) closer  Participation in events such as Rainbow  in Scottsdale Festival  Gran Prix F-1 race  Pass the ordinance  Another one of these  More well-advertised events  A rainbow group  L/Q related criones??  Will be looking forward to seeing what  More awareness you do  Herb Drinkwater said there’d never be a  Councilmembers and the mayor (lane) gay in Scottsdale. Glad he was need to start presenting laws that wrong. prevent  Keep up the great work – it is so worth!  Of course! I will pass these along to  LGBTQ or more events LGBT Liaison at City Manager’s Office  More LGBTQ events  Parade, Festival  Keep David Simmons and Sharon Cini  Art events, seminars, lecturers doing what they’re dong  Music festival, film fest with LGBTQ  More visibility focus  Seminars, lectures  More visibility  More outreach events  Improve diversity policies and practices, especially around discrimination  More Gay LGBT events  Passing the diversity ordinance would be a good start

8. Do you have any ideas for future events in Scottsdale?

 Decadence  Gay pride  Yes – email [email protected]  LGBTQ Events  Provide more parking spaces  Pride festival  Sponsor a pride event  Meet and greet  LGBT sponsored events at local restaurants/shops  A gay fest in Scottsdale  Women’s dance  Scottsdale concert  Deaf awareness events  Local LGBT Lok?  More dog shows