Voices from an Old Warrior Why KC-135 Safety Matters Foreword by General Paul Selva GALLEON’S LAP PUBLISHING ND 2 EDITION, FIRST PRINTING i Hoctor, Christopher J. B. 1961- Voices from an Old Warrior: Why KC-135 Safety Matters Includes bibliographic references. 1. Military art and science--safety, history 2. Military history 3. Aviation--history 2nd Edition – First Printing January 2014 1st Edition (digital only) December 2013 Printed on the ©Espresso Book Machine, Mizzou Bookstore, Mizzou Publishing, University of Missouri, 911 E. Rollins Columbia, MO 65211, http://www.themizzoustore.com/t-Mizzou-Media-About.aspx Copyright MMXIII Galleon's Lap O'Fallon, IL
[email protected] Printer's disclaimer Opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed or implied within are solely those of the author. They do not represent the opinions of Mizzou Publishing, or the University of Missouri. Publisher's disclaimer, rights, copying, reprinting, etc Opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed or implied within are solely those of the author, except where cited otherwise. They do not represent any U.S. Govt department or agency. This book may be copied or quoted without further permission for non-profit personal use, Air Force safety training, or academic research, with credit to the author and Galleon's Lap. To copy/reprint for any other purpose will require permission. Author's disclaimers Sources can be conflicting, especially initial newspaper reports compared to official information released to the public later. Some names may have a spelling error and I apologize for that. I changed many of the name spellings because I occasionally found more definitive sources written by family members.