Congressional Record—House H2643
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May 20, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2643 He is right. wrong, then he realized there has to be American citizens that Congress cares We have a Second Amendment right a God, and then he went from there to more about Congress than the Amer- to keep and bear arms, and it is not to becoming a Christian. As he said, just ican people. After all, we have wit- be infringed upon by the Federal Gov- because there are different degrees of nessed American cities all over our ernment or the State Government. But recognition and appreciation for jus- country be victims to violent riots by the problem is when we quit teaching tice doesn’t mean that there isn’t an domestic terrorists all over this coun- about right and wrong; when we start- absolute source of justice. He said that try. ed preventing the greatest, most pur- it is like music. Some people come The people have endured this. Busi- chased book in the history of the closer to hitting the right note than nesses have been destroyed. Violence world, the Bible, from being utilized in others. It doesn’t mean the music has happened. Police officers, night schools, then it created a vacuum, it doesn’t exist. after night, have been abused and have created a void. And that was filled by But in this country, we had that as a had to endure these violent riots and people who were a bit hedonistic and solid basis. Our founding was not about attacks, on and on. began teaching that there is no ulti- 1619 or 1620. The Pilgrims didn’t come Yet this institution has been focused mate right or wrong. over because of slavery. They came on itself and focused on investigating C.S. Lewis talked about he was proud over for freedom of religion, as a place January 6, even though there are many investigations already happening here to be an atheist. Or you could say ag- where Christians would not be per- through the Senate and the House com- nostic, Mr. Speaker. He just didn’t be- secuted. Despite different denomina- mittees. There have already been over lieve there was any way to determine tions battling and interdenominational 445 people arrested from January 6. that there really was a God. He used to battles, people, for most of our history, like to goad people who would say they There are also more than 100 to be ar- have not been persecuted for being rested soon. There is justice happening were Christians: Well, tell me, if there Christians. is a good God, how can there be so for the riot here at the Capitol on Jan- Until recently, we didn’t see a lot of uary 6. much injustice in the world? anti-Semitism in the United States, No matter what they said, especially Republicans and Democrats, to- but it is growing. As my friend, BRAD these debates he would have with other gether, are against the violence and SHERMAN, was pointing out, it is alarm- Oxford professors or students when the riot that happened here in the Cap- ing to see the anti-Semitism growing they would try to explain why there itol on January 6, but the problem lies in violence, as the event out in Cali- was a good God even though there was with this: Republicans and Democrats fornia. so much injustice, he would come back are not together on the violence that So I hope that we can come back to and say: Yes, that is all well and good, has happened to the people all over this a place where people who may have but wouldn’t it be easier just to say country throughout the past year. violated the impeding and official pro- there is no such thing as a good God? That is why Congress is only con- One day he realized, how could he ceeding, as happened January 22, 2016, cerned with itself and not about the possibly say there was injustice in the will be a little more understanding of American people. people engaged in peaceful protest, who world if there was not somewhere some b 1415 didn’t and wouldn’t engage in violence. absolute source of right and wrong and Rioters did a horrific and jaw-drop- justice and injustice? We will agree on the violence: they need to be punished. But I hope that we ping amount of damage to cities across Because, as he said, it would be like America. During 2020, there was up to a man blind from birth trying to de- can work together to advance this country to the point where there is $2 billion in damage due to the riots scribe light. You can’t describe justice that swept the Nation, the most expen- if there isn’t an ultimate source of fair- fairness, there is justice, and we are not going to discriminate against peo- sive in insurance history. ness and justice. And that ultimate By the way, that is not a $2 billion ple because of the color of their skin. source put a little of that in every bailout fund coming from the govern- We will be a colorblind society. heart. ment. That is not a taxpayer-funded Dr. King had a dream, and people are Some develop calluses. It is kind of check. That is private money. That is turning it into a nightmare. Let’s get like the olfactory. I have read that private money that insurance compa- back to his dream and make it happen that is supposed to be the most sen- nies are having to pay because domes- sitive sense, the best memory of any of so that he can be the luminary that tic terrorists rioted. our senses. I think Mr. Science or God intended him to be. The damage done to Federal build- somebody was explaining one day on Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ings has been incredibly costly. BLM television that the olfactory nerves are of my time. rioters in Nashville set a Federal a bit like a cup. Those cells fill up with f courthouse on fire. The destruction is a smell, and it is like filling up a cup TWO-TRACK JUSTICE SYSTEM estimated to have cost $1.2 million in with water. Once it fills up, you can’t damages. This is a courthouse. Why detect that there is more water out The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under were those involved attacking and set- there because it is full. The olfactory, the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- ting fire to this courthouse not called once it is full of a smell, it quits de- uary 4, 2021, the Chair recognizes the insurrectionists? It is a question that tecting the smell is there. gentlewoman from Georgia (Mrs. needs to be asked. It is the same way when we are GREENE) for 30 minutes. Rioters in Portland destroyed bar- around evil or wrongdoing long enough. Mrs. GREENE of Georgia. Mr. Speak- riers and attempted to burn down gov- I saw it as a judge many times. Moth- er, I would like to address the two- ernment buildings, costing $1.6 million ers would say: Hey, don’t hang around track justice system here in the United in damage to the Federal courthouse with those people, they are bad news. States. downtown. Why is this not called an in- And they would hang around with If you are part of the Democrat-spon- surrection? And, again, why is Con- them. And when I would sentence sored and Democrat terrorist organiza- gress not concerned with creating a them, they would say: My mother said tions BLM and Antifa, then you can commission for this type of damage I shouldn’t be hanging out with these burn down American cities for an en- and the people who caused this attack? guys; I did, and it ruined my life. tire year, get bailed out of jail, and In Guilford County, North Carolina, a Mr. Speaker, if you hang around with face no investigation or commission courthouse was broken into and set on evil long enough, then you quit notic- from Congress. fire, resulting in roughly $200,000 in ing the good. That has happened for Meanwhile, Mr. Speaker, if you are a damages. Again, it is a courthouse. too many people. They didn’t have Trump supporter who happened to be Why is that not called an insurrection? families and they didn’t have churches at the Capitol on January 6, then you And there is not a government bailout and institutions that they were part of face exorbitant bail, solitary confine- and a commission in place to inves- that taught them there is a right and ment, abuse of jail guards, and no due tigate these things. wrong. process. Los Angeles, Oakland, Louisville, and Once C.S. Lewis realized there has to This is an outrage. Just today, just Dakota City also had damage to Fed- be some source of absolute right and this week, Congress told all of the eral buildings. These cities are not VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:15 May 21, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20MY7.049 H20MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H2644 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 20, 2021 being named. Members of Congress are family. I am sorry, you can’t go home cities, it didn’t just happen to them on not demanding a commission to inves- and do things that you need to do in one day for part of the day.