УДК 561.46:551.763 Палеоботаника, 2018, Т. 9, C. 54—75 https://doi.org/10.31111/palaeobotany/2018.9.54 Palaeobotany, 2018, Vol. 9, P. 54—75 FOSSIL EVIDENCE OF INITIAL RADIATION OF CERCIDIPHYLLACEAE L. B. Golovneva, A. A. Zolina Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, St. Petersburg,
[email protected] Abstract. Cercidiphyllaceae-like leaves and fruits from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Northeastern Asia were restudied. In the result one species of Jenkinsella fruits and fi ve species of Trochodendroides leaves were recognized, including Trochodendroides potomacensis (Ward) Bell, T. buorensis Golovneva, T. sittensis Golovneva, sp. nov., T. vachrameeviana (Iljinskaja) Golovneva, comb. nov., and T. denticulata (Budantsev et Kiritchkova) Golovneva, comb. nov. Two new combinations and one new species are published. These plants had very small leaves and probably were shrubs. Fruits of Nyssidium orientale Samylina from the Barremian-Aptian Starosuchan Formation (Primorye, Russia) have no follicular characters as Jenkinsella fruits. Their affi nity, not only to Cercidiphyllum-like plants, but to angiosperms in general, is doubtful. Leaves and fruits of Cercidiphyllum sujfunense Krassilov from the lower-middle Albian Galenki Formation (Primorye) also can not be assigned to Cercidiphyllaceae. Leaves have pinnate, brochidodromous venation and are comparable with those of Asiatifolium elegans Sun, Guo et Zheng, which were recorded from the Frentsevka Formation of the Partizansk coal basin, Primorye, Russia, and from the Chengzihe Formation, Northeastern China. Thus, the fi rst reliable records of the genus Trochodendroides appear in the early-middle Albian. The relationship of these leaves with Cercidiphyllaceae is confi rmed by fi nds of associated fruits Jenkinsella fi la- tovii and by signifi cant diversity of Trochodendroides in the Late Albian-Cenomanian.