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INDEX 235 Index A Board of Commissioners of “ABCD encirclement”, 24 Currency, see BCC, 211 Abdul Razak, Tun, 164 Brani Terminal, 208–09 ACS (Anglo Chinese School), 1, 15 Bretton Woods Agreements Bill, 151 Administrative Service Association Britain, Japan’s ally, 22–23 of Singapore, 160 British Defence White Paper, 162 Albar, Syed Ja’afar, 127 British imperialism, 25 AMDA (Anglo-Malayan Defence British racism, 14 Arrangement), 168 Bukit Ho Swee fire, 81–84 Ang Nam Piau, 190 bumiputra, 35, 122 A Port’s Story, A Nation’s Success, 207 Byrne, Kenny M., 45, 90, 115 Area Licensing Scheme, 103 Armed Forces Day, 168 C Asian Development Bank, 152 Cairnhill Community Centre, 117 Asiaweek, 214 Cairnhill constituency, and Lim Kim San, 112–17 B Central Bank of Malaysia, 139 “banana” currency, 33 Central Business District, 103 Bank Negara Malaysia, 139–40 Central Provident Fund, see CPF Bank of England, 140 Chan, Alan, 219 Barisan Sosialis, 98, 100, 111–12, Chan Choy Siong, 177 125 Changi Airport, 103 Bases Economic Conversion Charter for Industrial Progress, 150 Department, 163 Cheong Yip Seng, 218 BCC (Board of Commissioners of Chiang Hai Ding, 170 Currency), 211 Chiang Kai Shek, 23 Beijing Hospital, 42 China Berth Appropriation Scheme, 208 Chiang Kai Shek, under, 23 “Black Market Administration”, 34 communist country, Asia’s first, Black Tuesday, 15 35 BMA (British Military Japan, relations with, 24–26 Administration), 34, 55 China Relief Fund, 24 14 Lim Kim San Index 235 11/20/09, 9:03 AM 236 LIM KIM SAN Chinese Chamber of Commerce, 30 F Chinese
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