Minutes of Meeting of Yell Community Council

(to be approved at the next meeting)

Monday 28th January 2019 at 7.00pm in the School

Present: Mr L Odie (Chairman), Mrs A Jamieson (Vice-Chair) & Mr J Nicholson

In Attendance: Mrs J Lyth (Clerk) & Ms F Browne (NI Development Worker)

Apologies: Mr R Jamieson & Mr S Henderson.

Visitors: There were no visitors

01/19/3 MINUTES

10 December 2018 – the minutes from the December meeting were approved by Mrs A Jamieson & Mr L Odie. 14 January 2019 – the notes from the ferries meeting are to be reviewed and held until February meeting. 16 January 2019 – the notes from the Health & Social Care meeting are to be reviewed and held until the February meeting. Action: clerk forward to CC Liaison, Police and post on website


Mr J Nicholson declared an interest in the proposed Energy Isles wind farm in North Yell.

Ms Browne to find out more information on declarations of interest for clarification. To research the level of interest which should be declared and feed back to members after the cc elections.

Clerk checked with CC liaison about putting all memberships of interests of current cc members on the web page. Although this is not a requirement, members think this is good practice and shows transparency. Clerk to gather information from cc members.


Hamnavoe Kirk – members of the kirk have met with Ms Browne to discuss the possibility of buying the kirk which is on the list of Church of proposed closures. Herra Hall/Men’s Shed – Ms Browne is to meet with this group shortly. Voices for Equity – this is a new project to look at inequalities in and is designed to improve ways in which local people can be involved in community planning by discussing lived experiences. SIC looking to get some local folk involved in this so has asked to attend a future cc meeting. Clerk to invite to February meeting. By-Elections – members discussed the lack of members for Yell CC, cc members to approach members of the public to ask if they might consider joining Yell Community Council. Childcare – the lack of childcare provision in Yell was discussed at a meeting last week, there may be some interested individuals who would consider working in childcare.



FERRIES – Outstanding matters 1. Bus & Ferry time table changes – timetables are currently under review. See separate ferry meeting notes. 2. Single ferry waiting for the bus – on days when is operating single vessel, the 8.45am ferry will now wait for the bus to arrive before leaving Toft.

Minutes of Meeting for Yell CC 28.01.19

6.2 ROADS – Matters outstanding 1. Mid Yell Signs – These have been prioritised now that the Dales Lees safety barrier works have been completed. 2. School Junction – The Give Way road marking will be re-instated. 3. 30mph signs at Hillend – these has now been moved. 4. Re-surfacing Mid Yell, Hillend to junction at head of Voe – still to be re-scheduled. SIC are looking into the possibility of making this double width also. 5. Paths – Roads Dept to assess each route for Sustrans funding eligibility. Consultants will visit Shetland to conduct a public engagement exercise. These are being looked at by the multi-agency group called Active Travel Group which includes NHS, community planning, Zettrans, Visit Scotland, sport & leisure etc 6. Cat’s Eyes – the cat’s eyes along the main road at West Yell are in a poor state or missing. This will be assessed and scheduled for replacement next financial year where needed. 7. Faded lines – the road marking lines between and Westsandwick are now very faded. This will be assessed and programmed for March where needed. 8. 30mph at –the 30mph sign at Gutcher was checked by roads dept, this was located in the correct place. There are still speeding issues near the ferry terminal, clerk contacted Police about this for monitoring. 9. Dips in road – the section of road between Gardie jct and the Mid Yell Social Club has some bad dips in it where water settles, this could become dangerous in the winter. Reply: the area foreman will continue to monitor this and clear as required. It was also noted that the drains had recently been taken up along this stretch of road, YCC would like to pass on thanks for this.

6.2 ROADS – Matters arising 10. Pot Holes at – the are some very large pot holes in the road at Aywick shop. 11. Gritting priorities – YCC request an updated gritting priorities for Yell.

Action: clerk to contact Roads dept.

6.3 SCHOOLS & EDUCATION The lack of childcare in Yell is thought to be one of the reasons for de-population, this is leading to school roll numbers dropping. NIDW is looking into this.

6.4 NHS SHETLAND 1. Health & Care Project Yell – a initial meeting was held on 14th January. Separate notes were taken for this. There should be another meeting soon to set up a separate group for this. 2. GP post – there is some interest in from a GP re a GP vacany in Shetland, which includes Yell and but this is in the very early stages and NHS Shetland advise that they are trying a different approach to recruitment for the vacant posts in Shetland which they hope may be succseeful. . 3. Dental list – YCC further query what progress is being made on the waiting list for dental patients. No reply to date. 4. Ambulance coordinator/drivers– clerk requested advert for recruiting ambulance drivers. No reply to date. Action: NIDW to get more details from CC

6.5 PROPOSED WIND FARM AT 1. Deadline for shares – Energy Isles has set a deadline of 22nd February for the joint three community council areas, Yell, Unst and Fetlar, to take up the community shares offer. 2. Community Benefit Workshop –Energy Isles will be running a workshop on Sunday 3rd February at Busta House Hotel, this will include a presentation from Foundation Scotland. Mr Odie & Mrs Jamieson will attend. 3. Public Exhibitions – Energy Isles are holding public exhibitions on 5th & 6th Feb. Details were posted to each household in the . 4. Liaison Group meeting – Mrs Jamieson (being a cc member who is not involved in the proposed wind farm) will attend the liaison group meeting on 4th February.

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5. 3 Communities – as the original share offer was to all 3 island communities it is important to keep all 3 community councils informed of the progress.

6.6 YELL HEAT & ENERGY PROJECT – a workshop was held on 21st January. Clerk to request feedback from this.

6.7 MID YELL POST OFFICE – DVLA Vehicle taxation will shortly become possible in the Aywick Shop post office. YCC would like to thank Alistair Carmichael for his help in resolving this issue YCC to also advise that the Post Office in Aywick has provided an exceptional service since the Mid Yell Post Office closed and YCC request Alistair Carmichael to pass on their request for additional hours for the Post Office at the Aywick shop to be adequately remunerated for the work they carry out. YCC also request Alistair Carmichael to continue his dialogue with the Post Office in their efforts to provide a post office in Mid Yell.

6.8 HORSA BUILDING, MID YELL – a building warrant has been submitted for the demolition, but this is caught up in the planning dept back log. Once the warrant is in place progress can be made. It will probably be late spring before this can go ahead.

6.9 MID YELL PIER FENDERING – works scheduled for this financial year.

6.10 WAR MEMORIALS, MID YELL – Listed Building Consent has now been granted. The contractor has been contacted to advise when he could carry out the works. Once the memorials have been removed, the War Memorials Trust will need to be advised the appropriate fixings secure them in their new location before they can be relocated.

6.11 KEEP SCOTLAND BEAUTIFUL BEACH REPORT – a meeting will take place on 7th Feb with interested parties from both beaches to address the queries on the beach reports and enhance the application. Applications forms for the beaches have been received and need to be submitted by 28th February. If additional work is to be done for this application YCC could consider using the special project grant for this.

6.12 SULLOM VOE MASTER PLAN – Workshops and drop ins are scheduled for early February to discuss the possible development of Sullom Voe. This was promoted on YCC FB page and interested parties were notified.


YCC were notified that as the planning dept were moving back into the White House this could delay them by up to 60 days. YCC queried if this really meant 60 days and not just 6 days. Reply: this was calculated in man hours and not the department as a whole. There is still quite a backlog but they are working very hard to get through these and to recruit additional staff.


1. Many funding emails were received. 2. Community runs – as 2 community runs were not used this financial year, YCC query if it is possible to have the budgeted money for these which could be given out as ferry grants or to carry the runs over to next year. 3. Road grant application received for major resurfacing at Southerness, . 79m @ £4.50 per metre. 50% of cost up to a maximum of £355.50 was approved by Mr L Odie and Mrs A Jamieson. 4. Review of road grant application process - Clerk gathered information from other CCs, road grant applications and awards vary greatly throughout Shetland. 5. Ferry grant payment – receipts for a ferry grant were received. Payment of £250 was approved by Mrs A Jamieson & Mr J Nicholson. 6. CDF grant funding – Burravoe Development Group have applied for CDF funding from YCC for help towards the cost of insulating the house in Meadowbank Road. Ms Browne will check with Michael Duncan about funding as it is believed they can get funding direct from SIC. Clerk to pass on details of LHEES.

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19/01/9 NEW BUSINESS 1. Local Place Plans Survey – the aim of the Local Place Plan is to engage local communities in the development planning of their local area. Mrs Jamieson will complete this on behalf of YCC. 2. Caring for Bressay – Bressay CC have recently done a lot of work for their Health & Social Care and named it Caring for Bressay. They will send details of the work they carried out. Ms Browne can also send more details. 3. ASCC agenda items – a number of community councils have queried what insurance is in place for CCs. This will be discussed fully at the next ASCC meeting. YCC are supportive of the proposed boundary changes re constituencies with a number of representatives which contain islands which will be discussed at the ASCC meeting.

19/01/10 LEAFLETS/ANNUAL REPORTS Scottish Rural Parliament Newsletter was received. Notice to Mariners cable surveys – YCC were notified of cable surveys being carried out on Yell Sound from 1-4 February.

19/01/11 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Linkspan works – YCC are aware that the works on the linkspan during winter 2019 have been notified in the local press but query what consultation has been done for this as this will have a huge effect on the businesses in Yell, Unst & Fetlar if there are no vehicles being carried during the 2 day outage for each of the linkspan.


The Next Meeting of Yell Community Council will be held on

Monday 25th February 2019 in the Mid Yell School at 7pm

Visitors – Nina Hogmo, SIC Community Planning & Development

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