The Shetland Times | Friday, 2Nd July, 2021 | 27 PUBLIC NOTICES
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The Shetland Times | Friday, 2nd July, 2021 | 27 PUBLIC NOTICES THE OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION, PRODUCTION, UNLOADING AND STORAGE (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) Denotes extents REGULATIONS 2020 of roadworks RHUM PRODUCTION INCREASE As advised in a public notice published Friday 11 June 2021, Serica Energy (UK) Limited has made an application for consent to the Oil and Gas Authority (“the OGA”) in relation to the above project. Since publication of the original notice, a BEATRICE WISHART MSP number of corrections have been implemented in the associated environmental Member of the Scottish Parliament for impact assessment (“EIA”) which is now available for review. Those corrections are: Shetland Islands Constituency $EEUHYLDWLRQVŋ((06DGGHG6HFWLRQ$DQG$ŋOLFHQVHHQDPHFODULĠFDWLRQ$ – top row of table reformatted, B2 – WIA number updated and Bruce quadrant/ CONSTITUENCY block numbers corrected, Introduction – unit of measurement changed to million P 6HFWLRQ ŋ SLSHOLQH GHVFULSWRUV DPHQGHG 6HFWLRQ ŋ ORFDWLRQ FODULĠHG DV ADVICE SURGERIES H[LVWLQJŋEORFNQDPHVFRUUHFWHG7DEOHŋWLWOHVDPHQGHG7DEOHŋWLWOH DPHQGHGFRUUHFWLRQRIQXPHULFDOYDOXHVDQGIRRWQRWHDGGHGDQG6HFWLRQŋ WH[WXSGDWHLQĠQDOSDUDJUDSKŋGLHVHODGGHG Monday 5th July, 2021 Summary of Project North Roe & Lochend Hall The project involves a workover of the R3 well to increase production levels from the Rhum Field. The R3 well will produce condensate and gas to the Rhum central 11am-11:45am PDQLIROGWKDWLVWLHGEDFNWRWKH%UXFHSODWIRUP Źłń1RUWKŹłń(DVW /RFDWHGLQWKH116LQEORFNWKHDVVRFLDWHGVXEVHDLQIUDVWUXFWXUHLQFOXGHVWKH 5KXPPDQLIROGń3URGXFWLRQ3LSHOLQH 3/ ,06/LQH 3/ DQGXPELOLFDO Hillswick Public Hall 3/8 12:30pm-1:15pm Environmental Impact Assessment and Consent Process ,QDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHDERYHPHQWLRQHG5HJXODWLRQVWKHSURMHFWLVVXEMHFWWRDQ Brae Community Hall environmental impact assessment procedure (“EIA”). 1:45pm-2:30pm The OGA is responsible for deciding whether or not to grant consent for the project, but agreement to the grant of consent must be obtained from the Secretary of Wednesday 7th July, 2021 State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (“the Secretary of State”) prior to FRQVHQWEHLQJJUDQWHG7KH6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWHłVGHFLVLRQRQZKHWKHUWRDJUHHWRWKH grant of consent is based on the environmental impact assessment for the project. Bigton Hall The range of possible decisions in response to the application of consent is: 10am-10:45am WKH6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWHDJUHHVWRWKH2*$łVJUDQWRIFRQVHQWIROORZLQJWKH6HFUHWDU\ RI 6WDWHłVFRQFOXVLRQ UHJDUGLQJ WKH HQYLURQPHQWDO HIIHFWV RI WKH SURMHFW DQG WKH Carnegie Hall, OGA grants consent, so the project may proceed: Sandwick 1. WKH6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWHUHIXVHVWRDJUHHWRWKH2*$łVJUDQWRIFRQVHQWIROORZLQJ WKH6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWHłVFRQFOXVLRQUHJDUGLQJWKHHQYLURQPHQWDOHIIHFWVRIWKH Temporary 12:00pm-12:45pm SURMHFWVRWKHSURMHFWPD\QRWSURFHHGRU 2. WKH 6HFUHWDU\ RI 6WDWH DJUHHV WR WKH 2*$łV JUDQW RI FRQVHQW IROORZLQJ WKH Road Gulberwick Hall 6HFUHWDU\ RI 6WDWHłV FRQFOXVLRQ UHJDUGLQJ WKH HQYLURQPHQWDO HIIHFWV RI WKH Closure 2:30pm-3:15pm project, but the OGA does not grant consent, so the project may not proceed. 3. Where the Secretary of State agrees to the grant of consent, conditions that Serica Energy (UK) Limited must comply with may be attached to the Call 01595 690 044 for more details agreement, including environmental conditions to avoid, prevent, reduce or The costs of this publication have been RIIVHW DQ\ VLJQLĠFDQW DGYHUVH HIIHFWV RQ WKH HQYLURQPHQW DQG PHDVXUH WR Based on the Ordnance Survey mapping met from parliamentary resources monitor such conditions. with the permission of the Controller of 1RWLFH RI WKH GHFLVLRQV RI WKH 6HFUHWDU\ RI 6WDWH DQG 2*$ GHFLVLRQV IRU WKH Her Majesty's Stationery Office project will be published at: regulations#environmental-impact-assessments-eia where information on the © Crown copyright. Unauthorised 6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWHłVGHFLVLRQWRDJUHHWRRUUHIXVHWRDJUHHWRWKHJUDQWRIFRQVHQW reproduction infringes Crown copyright SANDSTING & will also be made available. and may lead to prosecution or civil Access to Further Information proceedings. AITHSTING Copies of this notice, the summary of the project and the Environmental 6WDWHPHQW FDQ EH YLHZHG DQG GRZQORDGHG DW KWWSVZZZVHULFDHQHUJ\FRP COMMUNITY HQYLURQPHQWDOVWDWHPHQW5 DQG DW SHETLAND ISLANDS COUNCIL eia-regulations#environmental-impact-assessments-eia. Access shall remain COUNCIL at least three months after the date on which the Secretary of State publishes the (Alma/Westbreck Road, Baliasta) Unadopted Roads QRWLFHXQGHU5HJXODWLRQ SXEOLFDWLRQRIFRQVHQWGHFLVLRQV A copy of the Environmental Statement and summary of the project may also be TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE Application forms for grant REWDLQHGE\SRVWRUHPDLO5HTXHVWVVKRXOGEHPDGHWR6HULFD(QHUJ\3/&+ assistance for the main- +LOORI5XELVODZ$QGHUVRQ'ULYH$EHUGHHQ$%%/E\HPDLOWRinfo@serica- Temporary Road Closure tenance of unadopted roads, or by telephone 01224 978400E\ The Alma/Westbreck Road, Baltasound is to be temporarily closed between including peat roads, are Public Consultation Monday 19th and Friday 23rd July 2021. The hours of operation for John R Smith Representations, comments or questions relating to the project may be made to available by email or post the closure will be from 9.00am until 4.00pm. This closure is necessary Director of WKH6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWHE\$OOUHSUHVHQWDWLRQVVKRXOGTXRWHUHIHUHQFH from the Clerk, Mrs L Fraser, QXPEHU'DQGPD\EHPDGHE\OHWWHURUE\HPDLOWR to allow essential repairs to the surface of the road. Infrastructure Services, :HVW%XUUDĠUWK:DOOVŋHPDLO Business Support Team Shetland Islands Council, 2IIVKRUH3HWUROHXP5HJXODWRUIRU(QYLURQPHQW 'HFRPPLVVLRQLQJ [email protected] or Alternative Routes Gremista, Lerwick 'HSDUWPHQWIRU%XVLQHVV(QHUJ\DQG,QGXVWULDO6WUDWHJ\ 7HO AB1 Building There are no alternative routes for vehicular traffic. 2 July 2021 01595 809203. &ULPRQ3ODFH Completed forms should Aberdeen AB10 1BJ be lodged with the Clerk not [email protected] later than Friday 16th July. Judicial Review Don’t forget to inform the public Applications received after this $SHUVRQDJJULHYHGE\WKHJUDQWRIFRQVHQWIRUDSURMHFWPD\bXVHbWKHSURFHGXUH Gremista, Lerwick, ZE1 0PX | T: 01595 742000 date will only be considered if WRb DSSO\b IRU MXGLFLDO UHYLHZb UHJDUGLQJb WKH GHFLVLRQV PDGH LQ UHVSHFW RI WKLV ADVERTISING [email protected] | SURMHFWb$bFRXUWPD\bDOORZbSURFHHGLQJVWRbFKDOOHQJHbDbGHFLVLRQbPDGHbLQUHVSHFW VXIĠFLHQWIXQGVUHPDLQ of the Regulations. ENTERTAINMENTS Shetland Islands Council Draft Sullom Voe Harbour Area Masterplan – Public Consultation Viking Wind Farm Community Liaison Group Filsket Riding Club Shetland Islands Council is undertaking a 6-week consultation period on the Invitation to residents in the four community council areas neighbouring RAFFLE 2021 GUDIWQRQVWDWXWRU\SODQQLQJJXLGDQFH¶6XOORP9RH+DUERXU$UHD0DVWHUSODQ· Viking Wind Farm and the Shetland HVDC Transmission Link project and is seeking your views. in association with Toyota and Jim’s Garage (Shetland) Ltd 7KH' The community liaison group meets for the seventh time on Tuesday 20th July. !!! SHETLAND WIDE RAFFLE !!! coastal-marine-planning.$SDSHUFRS\FDQEHYLHZHGDWWKH6KHWODQG /LEUDU\/RZHU+LOOKHDG/HUZLFN=((/ Residents of Delting, Nesting & Lunnasting, Sandsting & Aithsting and Tingwall, WIN A BRAND NEW Comments should be submitted by Friday 13 August 2021. Whiteness & Weisdale are invited to submit new and relevant questions in advance TOYOTA AYGO X-PLAY 3OHDVHVXEPLWFRPPHQWVYLDWKHRQOLQHIRUPZKLFKLVDYDLODEOHDW to be answered by wind farm developer SSE Renewables, transmission link developer from Jim’s Garage (Shetland) Ltd SSEN Transmission and their contractors. TICKET PRICE £10 area-masterplan/1 **You must be over 18 ,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHULHVDERXWKRZWRUHVSRQGRUZLVKWRDUUDQJHDQ Questions should be emailed to your community council clerk by 5pm on Tuesday 6th to purchase a ticket** DSSRLQWPHQWWRYLHZWKHFRQVXOWDWLRQGRFXPHQWDW1RUWK1HVV/HUZLFN July using the address relevant to your area: SOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH&RDVWDODQG0DULQH3ODQQLQJ7HDPDW Delting Prize draw: Saturday, [email protected] 2nd October 2021 Nesting & [email protected] 4CHƔGVKEMGVUCXCKNCDNGKPVJG Sandsting & Aithsting [email protected] following shops: Jim’s Garage, Tingwall, Whiteness & Weisdale [email protected] Thulecraft, Hillswick Shop, SHETLAND ISLANDS COUNCIL RS Henderson’s Cullivoe, Bigton Draft Sullom Voe Harbour Area Masterplan – Community Shop, Ollaberry Shop, Strategic Environmental Assessment Questions may also be phoned in during office hours to Viking Wind Farm on Mainlands Mini Market, Brae Notice under Section 16 of the 01595 692227. Building Centre, Eid Community Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 Co-op, Tagon Stores, Tetley & Anderson Whalsay, Aywick Shop, ƔAn Environmental Report for the Draft Sullom Voe Harbour Area Masterplan The responses provided will be made available by the community councils. Final Checkout, Unst, Kool Kutz, has been prepared and we are seeking your views. Health and Beauty, Aspects, Skellister Stores, Bixter Shop, The document can be viewed online at Braewick Cafe, J. I. Herculson, Vidlin. marine-planning. A