How Pink Are Israeli Families? A Study Program for LGBT Family Advocates Tel Aviv - Jerusalem February 2015


Thursday-Saturday February 12-14 Optional

Men Having Babies Conference (Tel Aviv)

Participants arrive in Tel Aviv (Brown Hotel)

Optional pre-program events: food, art & culture!

Saturday, February 14, Tel Aviv

Welcome reception, 7 pm, Brown Hotel

Invited host/speaker: Leon Avigad ( dads/surrogacy)

Group welcome dinner, 9 pm: Ella & Orna

Sunday, February 15, Tel Aviv

9 am, Brown Hotel: presentations on marriage, relationship recognition

Invited speakers: Prof. Yuval Merin, College of Management School of Law Michal Eden, attorney, private practice Irit Rosenbum (New Family Organization)

Afternoon activities: TA Museum of Art North Port Area

Cocktail reception Brown Hotel

Evening activities: TBD

Monday, February 16, Tel Aviv

9 am, Brown Hotel: presentations on family formation, parentage & surrogacy

Invited speakers: Victoria Gelfand, attorney gay dads other attorneys working on parentage & surrogacy

Afternoon activities: Neve Tzedek Jaffa

Evening activities: film event Possible cultural event with Yoav Shamir

Tuesday, February 17, Tel Aviv

9 am, Brown Hotel: presentations on dissolution, civil & family court jurisdiction, public & private benefits

Invited speakers: Prof. Blecher-Prigat, Professor of Family Law Judith Meisels, attorney, private practice Prof. Zvi Triger, Professor, College of Management Private divorce attorney

1 pm: LGBT Center Lunch gathering with representatives of Agudah, hosted by SF Federation

Evening activities: cultural event

Possible discussion on gay Palestinian issues with filmmaker Yariv Moser

Wednesday, February 18, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem

9 am, Brown Hotel: presentations on rights, activism and legislation

Invited Speakers: Ilana Berger & Amit Gefner transgender activists Aeyal Gross, Professor, Tel Aviv University Dan Yakir, Senior attorney, ACRI (civil rights)

2 pm: travel to Jerusalem Check in at Arthur Hotel

Evening activities: dinner and cultural event in Jerusalem

Thursday, February 19, Jerusalem

9 am, : presentations on activism, legislative update, religious issues

Invited Speakers: Elinor Sidi, ED, Jerusalem Open House Ely (Harvruta, Orthodox group)

Noon: lunch at Tmol Shilshom: discussion of co-parenting

Invited speakers: David Ehrlich, gay dad, bookstore owner Prof. Sigal Gooldin, Sociology professor, Hebrew University

Group dinner:

Evening: cultural activity

Friday, February 20, Jerusalem

Morning activities: tour of Yad Vashem/Israel museum or

Meeting with Daniel Estrin (radio journalist)

Afternoon activities: tour of Old City

Evening activities: Kabalat Shabbat gay Orthodox gathering Dinner with Orthodox group Jerusalem Open House


Saturday-Sunday, February 21-22, Jerusalem


Shabbat activities or Visit to Israel Museum or Green Olive-led visit to West Bank


Religious sites in Jerusalem

Cultural activities in Jerusalem

Culinary adventures in Jerusalem

Meeting with Palestinian lawyers/judges in Ramallah

Possible Jerusalem history tour with Doron Wilfand (or other guide)

Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday, February 23-24-25

Possible: Monday in Ein Gedi/Dead Sea

Monday or Tuesday: drive to Akko (historical sites) & Sfat (hotel in Sfat)

Tuesday or Wednesday: explore Sfat, Rosh Pina, Gallilee (hotel in Sfat)

Wednesday or Thursday: return to Tel Aviv


Michal Eden: family law attorney , focusing on agreements, dissolution, , former Tel Aviv city council member, organizer of legal clinic at LGBT Center in Tel Aviv

Judith Meisels: family law attorney, focusing on agreements and dissolution, represented couple getting first civil dissolution as Jewish-Jewish couple, also has handled numerous high profile surrogacy cases

Irit Rosenblum, ED of New Family Organization: non-profit organization focused on promoting civil marriage and cohabitation agreements (rather than religious marriage), works for straight and gay unmarried couples, has been active in politics of civil marriage, also provides low-cost agreements for unmarried couples and “ID” cards as unmarried partners

Zvi Triger: professor at College of Management school of law, gay dad (with child via surrogate in India), written extensively on civil marriage & access to divorce, and on broader social issues for same-sex couples and marriage issues

Yuval Merin: professor at College of Management school of law, gay dad (with adopted kid from Guatemala), written frequently on issues of civil marriage, divorce, and international recognition of same-sex marriages

Victoria Gelfand: attorney in private practice, handling overseas surrogacy issues and surrogacy agreements, active in legislative regulation of surrogacy

Men Having Babies: NY based non profit group helping organize gatherings for and companies/agencies helping them arrange surrogacy

David Ehlich: gay dad with co-parent, owner of bookstore/café in Jerusalem, author

Ayelet Blecher-Prigat: law professor writing on same-sex marriage and divorce (co- author with Zvi Triger)

Elinor Sidi,: ED of Jersualem Open House, social services and advocacy center for LGBT community in Jerusalem

Shae Doitch: ED of Agudah, LGBT political activist group

Havruta: lesbian Orthodox community organization

Dan Yakir: civil rights attorney at ACRI (Israel’s “ACLU”), long history of litigating gay impact cases, straight ally

Aeyal Gross: professor at Tel Aviv University, writer and advocate and journalist focusing on gay civil rights issues, same-sex/civil marriage, , occupation issues

Ilana Berger: therapist, activist, head of the Israeli Center for Human Sexuality and (she said she will organize a group of other activists and experts)

Amit Gefner: Gila Project (legal and social support for transgender community in Israel

Daniel Estrin: journalist (Jerusalem), writes on gay issues, especially re gay Palestinian issues

Yariv Mozer: gay filmmaker, made documentary on gay Palestinians living illegally in Tel Aviv