B; Riln~ T to Pres· Ent Newplan Fo~: Britain's Entry Into
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University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 1-4-1968 Kabul Times (January 4, 1968, vol. 6, no. 224) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (January 4, 1968, vol. 6, no. 224)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1672. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1672 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -.. ,,' '.• .., ., i , .'. '. , . , ., " - ,. I ... ~V _ < • IV I,~: ~AGE 4'" ... - ":, :.>fuE .~~. TIMES , ..' '--'":"---:-'~~ '~'....;.. ,,:"i...,"":'='=;"~" ~':"'_':';;',...:...:;..::.....:..,.. , ., , --- ---.-_...... ------------ ....;..:.---...:..:..:..,,"....::'....' ',,:. -'.-;r....:... .......:.......;._.:- • I ,I ' ,','I .i', " .":;:";1, j '\. • I ' ~ .'. t •• , .,'.' If. • 'I ••r.. \ .., .- " , -' '. ' , , .".<, " •. , ·S~ " sc.viet. /I , ".: \,1 " " Escalation Canlf '~e' uS . ' . ,. '. 'E"S'" Players , Toj) ,, 'In Vietnam, Says Brezh~v " , '. :' ::, , British. Champs . , :, t, . •' I '~ .'.• ".. )~!'. ~ .• ,' ...,. ~ .. ," BUDAPEST, Jan. 3. (AFP). tnbute to Hungary for offering \ , . , , "'~,~.'1, ( ',' .,!,'{('.1 ,," . " '!' .• ," . ,', . ~~: 'I';:~: ~,",\; Soviet Communist Party Secre its hospitality. PARIS, ·JaD. 3 (Reuter}-The So , \ l.· j tary Leonid Brezhnev said Mon "We have no doubt tbat this viet Union has superseded . ~orld " ., l->,: I ',', \ I " " . "" ~ day that nO escalation. "whatever meeting will ac.complisll useful <ha!DPIOD~ Enslanil as Europe'. top. .~ " '. .. .' '.' ~~. '! " ".' ' ., '. Its forro'" could lIsave American and very necessary work and t.i" Soocc::er natiotl. ' ~ .... Impenahsm from shameful defeat ke pr.aclical measures to prepare The RussiaDs were yeslerday ra- '., ," \:,. .... 1.,,,· .' ,KA,llur:." THURSDAY, 4NUARY 4, 1968 : (JfJ)I13, 1346 S.H.) PRICE AF. 3 III Vietnam II the way :. for tbe international ted leading European soccer coun!rY ;'. i ,. I"'•. ./ • ,~'. 1:\ 'P\'" : J,~.'" " :1."\ ' , .' , • In a new year interview publl conference. ' for 1967 in a raDkiDgs list publish-' .' . shed In the Budapest daily Nelis· "This w.ill respond fully to the ed by Ibe magazi'oe France-Fool- Sat~ 7,lbadsag and reported by the demands and deSires of most fra ···HANO·f:·D.I'P,L;OMAt Says Japan Will 00 1·.fpAR'IS .. ball and based results througbout ," \ . r. /, ... '. • '. " • Hungarian news agency MTI, the ternal parties", Ihe year. ., Soviet leader .said: Brezhncv said 1967 had not naly aDd Hungary arc rated joiDt "Only an end to the aggres" bcen a bad year for tbe socialist ., Defend The Dollar secopd. EnglaDd, wbo took fint ,' ~·~ s,on, withdrawal of the aggressor countries. Thanks to fruitful, po ~! i L lItical and economic cooperation' pllll:e iD 1966 after winaing the IN:j RE:pb:ltED· ·'I:N'T.E'RYI EW . .. rrom Vietnam, and realisation of world cup, slipped to fourtb posi.·. '. ! , '.(.k~ .• , ..., ., . TOKYO, Jan. 4, (AFP}.-Pri- way mtended to touch of any the national aspiriations of the based on internationalism and , "~ / lion. I .... \De Minister Eisaku Satp said contraction of international trade. Vletnamese people can serve as fraternal aid. they had taken a COOPER~ION WITH V /0 A VTOEXPORT THE KEY yesterday .that Japan will coope- that they would have but btUe a basis for solving the VIetnam big step forward along the path Picking. Europe·s .Io,p team iD IlP.Y '; but world cup year is somewbat··, TO SUCCESS . rate with the United States In effect on Japan's trade posit.on, problem. of economic and social 'progress._ the defence 01 the dollar. and that U.S. aid to developmg arbitrary, but the FraDce-Foolball , C'ON.FIRM·S·. PEAC.E. OVERTURE, "The first step In th,s directIOn "The,r level of economic deve . list is generally regarded as the mosi ,Sato told this to Walt Rostow, countnes would not be affelted. '5 an unconditional halt in the lopment is deflOitely o:vertaking j authoritative. U.S.. undersecretary of state, vi- The Japanese sources said the bombing of the Democratic Re lhat of the capItalist world", the siting here to explaIn the mea-' ePrime minister stated that he SOVlet lcader declared. In compiling the Jisl, 118 matcb· ; The correspondent: Bernard mon"t, " pubbc of Vietnam" NE~ Redmont, said: "The higb North. sures announced by Pr,esident perfectly understOOd President Reviewing the general mterna "From 1951 to -1967 the Come~ es were taken into account, 66 of YORK, Jan. 4. (AFP).-, He said that after the cessation them in the European international A spokesman for the. North Viet· Vietnamese diplomat fully' con Johnson last weekend to ri'\ht the Johnsoa's efforts. and plom sed tional 'situation, Brezhnev said ('on countries have increas~d their of bombing and other acts of war U.S. balance 01 payments. that Japan would support this level of development in mnny ca tbampions6ip. namese government reportedly firmed and reaffirmed a declara .against North Vietnam, HanoI that during 1967 the socialist /0 AVTOEXPORT OFFERS tion by his Foreign Minister The two men conferred for se- prinCIple countries had not becn engaged pitalist countrIes". The Soviet Unioll, 10 addItion to v confirmed in a radio interview will open conversations with the here yesterday tbat HanoI was Nguyen Duy Trinh, In Hanoi veral hours yeserday in Sato's villa- The sources said Rostow was only in peaceful work qualifyiag for tbe quarter fiaals of U.S. on problems interesting .the at Kamakura, near Tokyo. expected to indicate in detal] to. TheY had also continued to help the European champIonship scored ready to begin peace 'legotia last Saturday that if the U.S. two parties. tions as soon as U.S. bombing wants peace talks it has only to Informed sources said Rostow day, durlDg meetlDgs with the the Vietnamese people In theIr \'Ictories over Scotland, France and Redmont said tbe Norlh Vjet· particularly emphaSIsed that the mlDlsters of fmance and trade efforts to put an end to "the cru~1 Chile, among others, and drew away and "acts of war" against North • halt the bombing." namese diplomat m.de it clear he Home Briefs , Vietnam stopped. I American measures were in no and mdustry, what the Unitea aggression of Amencan Impena to England. ". The North Vietnamese diplo w.as referring to the United Sta States expects of Japan, The magazme commented. "Our ~, Hanoi made no other condi mat told me there's no conditio tes' operatfot"'s against North Insm" tions to the opening of negotia The Amencan offlcial was "ThiS struggle \\ hlch IS bemg HERAT, Jan. 3, (Bakhtar). tor country for 1967 was not as • nal tense: Vietnam and not its inolvement tIOns said the spokesl1jan in the scheduled to hold a press Can fe ["lIowed sympathetically by the Herat Governor Mohammad Se f'as), to choose as In 1966. England ': '0 South Vietnam. n~llCe after these m ,~~ 1 gs be inerview In Paris '-by a corres Nor would or could be uncertainty whole of progressIve humanity. dlq. Saturday Inspected the drin that year were clearly number one, "1 "He said he d'd not speak for [ore leaving for Austr hn. kmg network and an electric ge I pondent of the New York Times. attached to the offer," saId Red- De Gaulle May IS bemg waged with success. Br- not only bf:cause o[ then world ti bIcycles and mopeds .! added, the Nationai Liberation Front of Despite the offICial reassuring ('znpv deQlared nerator 10 Islam Qala, 96 !un. tle bUI because they were unbeaten . ~, South Vietnam", declared Red- tone Rostow has taken here. hiS Tm nmg to the commg Buda west of Herat and laId the Joun In 17 rnatches-a remarkable and passenger cars mont. ' Visit Here Sept VISIt has noticea.bly dampened pest confel ence. at which repre dation of a trafhc control cen rarc explOIt almost rivalling the Thien Sees Nothing New, Wbep Redmoat asked blm if the SPlflts of Japanese eC'on'1m c tre In thiS b'order town where a performances of Hungary In the sentatives of 18 communist par trucks c rrles Iics will lay the groundwork for new park IS bemg laid out. 1950's p,ace negoliallona would be PARIS. Jan 4. (AFP) -Pre· Up until now these Circles had Rejects Halt To Bombing fnll tful or prolonged. the North a full-scale internatIOnal commu ;,dent de Gaulle may vis·t Af foreseen a Simple slow:inWTl to mst assembly, Brezhnev paId KALAT. Jan 3, (Bakhtar). buses • VIetnamese offIcial rephed' gamstan, Pakistan, India and the economic development rate, Surveys to plovlde the new city At three points during the ce "We are ready. our position is Indonesia 'n the latter half of ve~r , SAIGON, Jan. 4, (AFP).- hav~ wHIch was too fast last of Kalat WIth dnnkmg water EID speclal~purpose c1par W.e made it publIC vehicles South Vietnamese President Ngu remony and the press conference. the year. qualified observers said But following Pres de-t John began 135t week They are being Thieu VOIced opposition to the and offlclaL It 18 not unofficial or, (eonnnl/ed from flOg<? I) yen Th,eu said he had studIed last night son's announcements, pred ct or's C'onducted by a team of Japanese motorcycles and motor scooters Idea of any coalition governmeht and of[lclal, It is no unofficial or for the t1~W year have reC'-"rn'" experts and will be completed and In the world to come North VIetnamese Foreign Mi semi-offiCial. We "lre on the re There IS no confirm3tion from May God accept the offermg in South Vietnam In whIch the the preSident's office, ho~ever, more dIfficult. nC'xl week nister Trinh's statement and National Liberation Front the l.ord. The next step is up to Pre garage and repair equIpment ll of the Afghan natIOn and give us that be found "nothing new in fldent Johnson , Newsmen were told there were no Skies In the central and nor strength to work for lhe great· VIet Cong's political arm, would thern regions of tbe 'country will it" He added that South VIetnam fIrm plans for such n tnp and ness of Islam and the honour of ( All enquines and orders shoul~ take part.