HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1905. PART 11. 5 FOR SALE aALH ' marked "L. A. R. B." FOR -IALB FOR BAl>. \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666* FOR BALB AdvertltemenU \u2666 \u2666 are practically guaranteed by the Los'J City Let* nnd Lands Angeles Realty Board as those of re- Houses House* City Lots and Lands City Lota and Lands liable, agents. The Arbitra- |; reputable FOR SALE- || Without a Question WE SELL THF, EARTH— tion Committee of the Board exists for BAfI.iBTT * SMITH. WS HAVE ADDED TO OUR STAFF N»M a home 7 A good A aweii the purpose of Investigating and set- hom»? ny with the princi- I of Doubt hom«? small payment down and balance tling In accordance MR. F. CARTEftRA, ! month? Come a*e us. Right away. Or ples of fair and honorable dealing any phone or write us s.nd »« willcome and «•« disagreements or complaints affecting A gentleman who has for th« pMt fifteen yna. see? W» muat find you «nd you must FOR SALE- Its members. Severe penalties are yenra superintended the building of a great Well,' Innk »t thea»: guilty LOTS. $22.V)-S.V)O down. $1» month; 8-ronm eoilaaj*. provided for any member of WESTLAKE vied, by carpen- conduct, number of Rky-scra.pers in the large east- WESTLAKB I.OTS. Jiint flnla built on* of th« beat Ultra 3. ATI;RET TRACT. dishonorable Llat of mem- V/ESTLAKB LOTS. ters Icr himself; thoroughly modern, Flemish 727, cities, and la familiar with every oak, cov* ceilings, cast front, handy chureh bers obtainable at Room Mer- FOR SALE- ern who chants' Trust Company. PARK. senalon lmm«dlat«ly: actually fine. DealrathiA BURDETT, detail <>xl4i>, highly Improved, aciiith OCCIDENTAL PARK TRACT. Must h« sold. R-ronm cottus*. ronmr lota. -AND— , " furnlahed (In excellent condition), on fin* limvl neighbor*. Houses front; good barn, on tho beat car line In th« apartment houses and public bulldlnga of "SHATTO PLACB atreet (poles, aewer, etc., slley), cloae, good It won't ro»t, ran ranch * _^ suburban atores. Hume house next door, un- to bur her*. . city, with 3-mlnute service; the price la $500 any kind, entitle! ua to your- prompt con- furnlared, priced (and really wanta to Own your own home...... s*ll), owner ...... OO OUT TODAT. $MiV Muat be sold. See it. Fine An lilenlspot for m home below market value. alderallon in the event of your contemplating —SEE THEM— home for elderly coupl*. or nn Investment, quit pitying rent, JAS. V. BALDWIN, building. OUR BRANCH OFFICE. $4000. $4000 $4W). llur itlot 1050 . S-atory: 1T.AROB rooma; b»th, etc.; mod- nnd build • home) 207-210 Conservative Llfo Ulilf., WE ARE NOW DESIGNING NOVEL IDEAS _— ern; splendid lot; clear atreet, aurrounded AGFNT houses; now where nil are untlifled. always there to show property, by new very complete; juat Tnkff l-'.iist Ninth atrret car Third and Hill ata. IN STORE FRONTS (4009. on Mnln "mines a parish, to riny-iwnnd. AND Ili8. HILLST. Swell. Swell. Sw*ll. finish: pollahed (to out nod latk It over leaded glass; Flemish onk withMi"owner, OFFICE AND APARTMENT BUITES. floora; beamed celling;: gent'a cloaet and or FOR BALE- ladlea' closet each chamber; fine bath, etc.; I'hon* 21)224) workmanship: (-ioiith Sfl" WEST We loan money at 5 per cent on cluse-ln best of material and on ele- Nunaet ADAMS HBIOHTS. gant street In first-class section. $3700. Or completely furnished In Al condition, $4000. $4250 50*150— 11239 property. Btlff price? But superior property. If you • Two-atory houae, 7 rooma and reception Consult with na before building. ii Herald Liners Get i: FOR BALE. mean It, see us. FOR SALE. , CITY LOTS. $3500. 2 stories. 1 rooms. "" ave., »»th Modern; largo rooms; easy business hall, entirely modem, Just completed; pressed R. N. LAMUERTH & CO., Lots on South Park from 65th to acceea cheap. FOR BALR-HOI7RER |; i| sts., In front of the Huntlngton ahope that part city; conveniences, and priced sideboard, WE CAN HAVE VOTT MONEY. Results Dnn't njed tn write more about thla prop- brick mantel, built-in handsome GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTORS, employ 6000 men. These lota willdouble In A FEW OOOD BARGAINS. price In ono year. This is the place for the erty. We shall sell it easy this week. Come fixtures; secures thla, with month- Strictly nmdern 6-rnom cottage, New school ma'ama to Invest nnd double their a riinnln'. $300 down llHir.pshlre, Washington; 40x140; Suite. 414 Braly Bldg, \u2666+4>4»»»»»4>4>4>4>00+4*»«>4»04>4>4>»»4> Orattan St. north of lot bnnk dnpoalt In ahort order. Hark! $2non, vrry may terms. live; D room modern houas. Listen! ly payment!. llnmpnlilro. 16th, You don't have to sro there to Just $4500. easy seller. New north of strictly — FOR property An SALE Invest and have your money In fine on at., beautiful resi- JAS. V. BALDWIN, modern right-room hmi«e, all conveniences; FOR SALK Instead of bogus mining stock, and clear Fine lot E. 25th In rOR BALE—BT STRONG A DICKINSON. lot 60x62*4; only $2900.00. This is a snap. dence aectlon; lot 60x125 to a 15-ft. alley. FIOUEROA STREET TRACT. ino per cent on it In few montha. Fine lota. DICKINSON'S 207-210 Conservative Life Bldg., Terms. ONLY 53230 Houses Cement walka and all in. They are Price only $1600. — STRONG & Fine modern home of 9 rooms, convenient water Othera— TRACT, detail, - PRETTY HOME. tho beat for the money now In the city. $1000 $20,000 FORTY ACRES, Third and sta. In every Including nil carpets and FOR THIS I'Olt SAI.K—BY \V. 11. ALLEN £ SON. Beautiful South Park, ft. wide. San Pedro to CONTAINING Hilt draperies; large Kindle; location all Mint 80 Buy now. LYINGON THE WEST SIDE OT roilId be desired. In street one dlock from I'iir a residence that la exceptionally electric cars paaa down South Park to 58th to RASSETT & SMITH, FIGUEROA STREET Weatlakc park: high grounds; lot 60x170; don't well hull* mill exceedingly attractive, you ST. JAMES PARK. the office on tho tract. v Members L. A. R. B. (EVERY ONE KNOWS WHAT THAT We want 40 contractors to build houaea and delay If you want a big barguln; price $5350. could net find » better home nuywlierc. 160x180 alley, frontage, park, Phones Ulack 1381. Home 2035. STREET IS) I'nres rust nml la located only half n feet to eaat one hotel at the entrance of Aacot on Rooma 207 and 208. 202'/j S. . AND BETWEEN 42D ST. AND Artlatln new bungalow of six rooms; two block from Went Nlnlh atrret. It lina Just a fine 80-ft. corner. Big money In this. You DICKINSON. VERNON AVENUE. rooms polished paneled looking Into beautiful St. James Park; can pay for the lots after the houses are VOtl SALE-HY STRONG & LEVEL, with oak floors and been completed and la nn a lot which la FIOUUROA STREET TRACT. FINE, LARGE, LOTS walla; elegant fixtures: built-in buffet, draw- rlevnted two feet nbove grade) and la sold. AT FROM ONLY $350 UP. ers and cabinets; tasteful tinting, porcelain Improved with an eight-room cottage; Big lumber yard closa by. We wilt aell STRONG & DICKINSON'S TERMS, fenced. The slilewalka lire In line condi- FIGUEROA STREET TRACT. $50 DOWN Imth nnd bowl, cement walks: all work tion. It rost nenrly $5000 to build IhU the. houses as fast aa you can build them. AND $10 A MONTH. done under supervision of beat ele- beat aurroundinga and outlook In the city; There have been 82 lots sold up to date, CONTAINING FORTY ACRES. owner: linnie, »<• the purchaser will the lot advertising. LYING ON THE WEHT SIDE OF WE BOUGHT THIB PROPERTY FOR viitlonIn C. V. Hall tract; prlco $3500; terms, priirtlnilly nothing. ThereRetIs a with but little They sell at HALF WHAT ADJOINING PROPERTT $300 down, balance $25 monthly. for miiir- exceedingly low prlco for a quick sale. sight from the surrounding Investments to FIGUEROA STREET. AT, nlllcent view of ocean nnd mountulna. foresight (EVERY ONE KNOWS WHAT THAT IS NOW HELD CONSEQUENTLY TO hull, living room nnd dining room those that have their withthem. IB.) WE CAN SELL AT THE LOW ((-ROOM HOUSE, STRICT- Olive at., near Court, 8-room modern cot- The SEE US AT ONCE. Offlco 58th and South Park ave., open dally STREET NEW~2-BTORY. OCCUPILU; nre flniahed In antique oak; benmed <•<•}!- Sunday coming AND BETWEEN 42D ST. AND PRICES WB HAVE ON THE LOTS. MODERN; NEVER BEEN tnße withlot that Is the greatest bargain on ninntela; and p. m. Those to the $1600 RESTRICTIONS. LY. Olive st.; $5500. Inga, handsome drawing room ALLEN SON, Douglaa Bldg. office, BLDG., VERNON AVKNUE. BUILDING ' NO. 2150 SANTEI3;RENT $30. in white enamel; him beautiful W. 11. & 316 421 BYRNE taken down free. LARGE, TAKE REDONDO CAR TO FIGUEROA Ninth at., near Hoover, strictly modern, B- finished Comn down and see the schoolma'ams FINE. LEVEL LOTS STREET, room house; hardwood downstairs; hand-carved mantel; nuwalve lighting fix- ' AT FROM $350 UP. 0-ROOM, MODTvIINTcOMFLETELY, FUR- floors dealgn; qunrter-sHwed oak $4780 FOR A TEN-ROOM MODERN REBl- marching through the rye. WALK SOUTH TO THORPE STREET. ST.; $55. high ground :$:.R«n turea of artistic dence; 60x126 alley, \u25a0W. P. CO., TERMS, $50 DOWN NISHED. 1345 STAR RENT Terrace, home; floors don-nut iiira, white maple up; hed- lot to I LARKIN & MONETA AVENUE CARS WILL SOON Alvarado ft perfect nine f1000 for a six-room up-to-date cottage; Agents for the tract; or . AND $10 A MONTH. BE RUNNING. AND ONLY ONE BATH, ETC., 122 N. rooms and stable; every equipment; $10,000. rooma aro largo and nlrys muny clolhea 60x126 alley. These properties E. J. BALDWIN. Arcadia, Cal. WE BOUGHT THIS PROPERTT FOR 6-ROOM COTTAGE. CO., nnd linen Howl; very lateat lot to PROPERTY BLOCK AWAY. ST.; $15 MONTH AND ECONOMIC INVESTMENT closets are on Twbnty-thlrd street, In one HALF WHAT ADJOINING UTAH RENT PER Sunset phone. Main Braly plumbing in bathroom. NOW AT, PRICE INCLUDES STREET WORK. TENANT PAYS WATER. 6600. 215 Bldg. of the finest neighborhoods in the FOR SALE— IS HELD CONSEQUENTLY THESE LOTS ARK ALL GENUINE r city. CULVER'S EAST HOLLYWOOD. WB CAN SELL AT THE LOW BARGAINS ' MODERN, ROOMS; THOMPSON BUY A HOME IN BOYLE HEIGHTS. . ALTHOUBE BROS. ON A BEAUTIFUL KNOLL PRICES WE HAVE ON THE LOTS. • PRICE, 7 2101 Laughlin Bldg. Sift S. Broadway. FLYNN'S RKALTYCO., AT THIS BEING FROM 11 ST., FURNISHED; RENT $55. 251 Mryao'n Work. AT THE $1500 BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. $100 $160 FULLY Don't pay rent, your money Main263; Home Ex. 263. 0311-7 SOUTHEAST VERMONT AVE. TO CHEAPER THAN when rent will CORNKR TAKE REDONDO CAR TO FIGUEROA ANYTHINGINTHE NEIGHBORHOOD. 5-ROOM, MODERN COTTAGE. 119 S. pay for a beautiful home. FOR SALE—ON SOUTH HOI'K HTUEKT. AND STREET, WE BUY RIGHT, ST.; Jl5; TENANT PAYS Fine, New, Nix-room Cottage. BENEFIT ST. WALK SOUTH TO THORPE STREET. CONSEQUENTLY UTAH HUNT Boyle coming $:t(IO THREE LINES^- CAN SELL RIGHT. WATER. Heights Is to the front fast. Only 33000. Terms, C'nsh. ''OAR MONETA AVENUE CARS WILL SOON MR. F. H. BRADFORD WILL BE ON We bought lotn sotno time ago and &re now A low price for a good cottage. 15-MINUTE SERVICE. BE RUNNING. AND ONLY ONE THE GROUND TO SHOW THE 1634 STAUN- building fine houses, up to date, by day A. W.ROSS, 420 Bradbury Bldg. L.A.R.B. 6c CAR FARE. BLOCK AWAY. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. labor; first-class, LARGE, CHOICE BUILDING LOTS PROPERTY. ' \u25a0\u25a0 $15 AND TENANT PAYS everything nnd can afford PRICE INCLUDES STREET WORK. LOOK THIS UP AT ONCE TON AVE. a surprising WATER. to sell at low price, at least $500 —AT— THESE LOTS ARE ALLGENUINE AND GET INON THE GROUND FLOOR, cheaper than in other sections. . City Lots and Lands BARGAINS. STRONG DICKINSON. appreciated. & 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 1483 W. Our houses must be seen to be $1950-$2OO CASH. $400 $425 $500 AT THIS PRICE, BEING FROM TEL. 1273. 135 SOUTH BROADWAY. RENT $40. Let us show you; no trouble. Houses from $400 $425 $500 $100 TO Jl5O CHEAPER THAN OFFICE OPEN MONDAY AND ADAMS ST. $2000 $2750, cash, IN THE SHADE to onc-thlrd bal. favorable new 6-room cottage, with ANYTHING INTHE NEIGHBORHOOD. SATURDAY NIGHTS. IBBETSON & CO., terms. We aro located between Brooklyn Bal. monthly. A WE BUY RIGHT. CONSEQUENTLY R. E. St., only reception hall, bath, toilet, pantry, china OF TUB AND UP. FOR SALE-CHEAP—LOTS— HOME 2410. 316 TRUST BLDQ. ave. and First 7 minutes' ride to closet, screen porch, mantel, cove ceilings, CAN SELL RIGHT. 10th, center ot city. Get oft cars at Ist St., go two MR. F. H. BRADFORD WILL BE ON $250—46x128. Corner West subject tn Boyle tinted walls, Oregon pine slash Kraln with WALNUT TREES. TERMS: street grading. FOIt SALE-BY blocks north on ave. You willsee our finish; lot 50x150 to alley. THE GROUND TO SHOW THE INURAM & BRIGGS, signs and houses. grounds day; stain and natural $25 $400—40x120, near Adama and Compton av«. On every all Remember this Is new and a good location, TRACT, DOWN, $10 PER MONTH. PROPERTY. $500—50x175, fine lot, Henry at., near Eastlakt day Sunday. We are owners, not agents. VISIT THE NEW $25 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH. ;-..•.:: .LOOK THIS UP AT ONCE 901 and 902 Braly Bldg. WOODWARD-BENNETT CO., 114 blocks from car line. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. AND GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR. park, street work paid. Phones— Homo 2U; Sunset, Main 29. $425—50x140, West 39th, near Denker. 209~ W. 4th St. DEVENS, ALL THE STREETS ON THE TRACT STRONG & DICKINSON. $550-49x127, near E. G. WALNUT PARK. GRADED. TEL. 1273. 135 SOUTH BROADWAY. Walton, 37th. $4200—Very small cash payment and easy FOR SALE— WALNUT PARK. GRAVELED, $550—44x73. near 22d and Vermont. largo two-story. house, 4th, Wall; Broadway. OFFICE OPEN MONDAY AND $600-50x120, Olive st., near Thorpe. terms: fine 8-room $13,000-60 ft. E. near good B- 227 Laughlin Bldg. 315 S. WALNUT I'AIUv. CURBED. ' SATURDAY NIGHTS. new, modern, never been In, on best room cottage buy '-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 $600-50x125, cor. 37th, blk,.weat of Central, lived and tho best in this AND . $850—40x120, Toluca, • part of Pico Holghts. with flno view of district. Fronting on Vernon and Moneta ave- SIDFAVALKED near Ist. mountains from every window: the lot 10,000-lf,6xai6. cor. Allso and Anderson sts.; $700-40x100, 20th, .block of Central. Is.BOx nues. WITH CEMENT l6xl2B, st., ave. 135 feet, lies on a corner and la well im- a splendid buy for warehousing on The new Mnneta avenue car line, TAKE THE HOLLYWOOD CAR TODAY $BW— near \u25a0iOth on Vermont proved with lawn and flowers. The house Salt Lake tract, close to depot. now $900—50x150, I^asalle, near 30th. floors, building, willpass the door. AND GET OFF ON THE PROPERTY. $1150—50x120, Oxford ave., near 16th. will pleaso any ono; has oak hand- 7,500-100x145. Grand View at.; lays fine and Every lot has beautiful walnut trees of CALL AND GET iill?NEW MAP OF aome mantel and buffet, basement, upper sightly. variety. EVERYBODY. $1150—60x135, 25th St.. near Vermont. largo airy. 3,000— th« English soft shell HOLLYWOOD-FREE TO $1050-50x150, near 25th and Maple ave. halconlea, nnd all rooms are and 5-room. new, modern bungalow; S. A-25-FOR SALE—NICE SEVEN-ROOM COT- Cement curbs and five-foot cement ALEX. CULVER. IP'S S. BROADWAY. See this undoubted bargain. W.: just being completed. tage on W. 38th, near car line; nice lot, $1250-50x125, lowa, near 18th. $200 $750 walks. SALE—ABSOLUTELY THE BEST $1250-30x125 Crocker st., near 11th. to for thoso flno half-acre lots tnmll barn. Only $3000; $1000 cash. graded, graveled and oiled. FOR FOR SALE- $1300—50x178, front, Angelus We have many others. In Ocean Park Heights: lay high, with most .46_Modern. six-room cottage on 28th St., Streets paid bargain In a residence lot la offered In east Vista tr. BRIGGS, a All city Improvements for. — $1600-50x150, cor. near Washingtoa INGRAM & beautiful view In Southern Cnlifornia. floors all polished; largo lot. Price $3400; nestling the the tract. Thla choice BARGAINS— S. W. Have you noticed how Manhattan Beach Situation the finest. in property is locatco between Vermont avo- and San Pedro. , Realty coming $1000 cash. heart of tho most charmtnß residence sec- nue avenue the northwsst $16T,0-50x125. Glrard, near Valencia. .Members L. A. Board. In to the front? Wo have several a-53_Flve-room cottage on 20th st. Price by and Western In —$650— good lots to offer yet at reasonable prices. tion, and reached way of handsome * part ot the city. Each lot Is not less than $1800-60x140. Elden. near 12th. $2560; $500 cash. tree-lined thoroughfares. 60x146. has Improved streets and cement $1850— Valencia, near 9th. WHITCOMB-OIBSON CO., a-74—Five-room cottago in Pico Heights. building $5 down, $1 per week, for a South Holly- 37V4X120. alley. Ceres, HOUSES BUILTON EASY TERMS. 629-531 Laughlln Bldg. curbs. A reasonable restriction $1900—40x104 to near 7th. Price $2100. EVERYTHING OF protects, not high enough to be prohibitive. corner. $2000-60x164, Kllendale, near 29th. HOUSE FOR PALE-LOTS IN THE CITY a-76— Nice five-room cottage on Pico HIOHKST The property Is well located, has splendid wood lot. Nice J2«>fl-4nx»o, near 9th and Albany. IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A Angeles OF LOS Heights. Only $2750; $650 cash. THE 9th, BUILT FOR CASH OR ON EASY TERMS, for only $115 per lot—sl down, $t CHARACTER KXCErT drainage, and commands a beautiful view -$676- $2700—40x135. bet. Sth and a few block! IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO per week; no Interest, no taxes. The beau- a-84— Two-story, strictly modern, ten-room THE PRICE, of the mountains. Hollywood and the city. west of Flffueroa. trart, two ave., large lot, ,good $3in