LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1905. PART 11. 5 FOR SALE aALH ' marked "L. A. R. B." FOR -IALB FOR BAl>. \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666* FOR BALB AdvertltemenU \u2666 \u2666 are practically guaranteed by the Los'J City Let* nnd Lands Angeles Realty Board as those of re- Houses House* City Lots and Lands City Lota and Lands liable, agents. The Arbitra- |; reputable FOR SALE- || Without a Question WE SELL THF, EARTH— tion Committee of the Board exists for BAfI.iBTT * SMITH. WS HAVE ADDED TO OUR STAFF N»M a home 7 A good A aweii the purpose of Investigating and set- hom»? ny with the princi- I of Doubt hom«? small payment down and balance tling In accordance MR. F. CARTEftRA, ! month? Come a*e us. Right away. Or ples of fair and honorable dealing any phone or write us s.nd »« willcome and «•« disagreements or complaints affecting A gentleman who has for th« pMt fifteen yna. see? W» muat find you «nd you must FOR SALE- Its members. Severe penalties are yenra superintended the building of a great Well,' Innk »t thea»: guilty LOTS. $22.V)-S.V)O down. $1» month; 8-ronm eoilaaj*. provided for any member of WESTLAKE vied, by carpen- conduct, number of Rky-scra.pers in the large east- WESTLAKB I.OTS. Jiint flnla built on* of th« beat Ultra 3. ATI;RET TRACT. dishonorable Llat of mem- V/ESTLAKB LOTS. ters Icr himself; thoroughly modern, Flemish 727, cities, and la familiar with every oak, cov* ceilings, cast front, handy chureh bers obtainable at Room Mer- FOR SALE- ern who chants' Trust Company. PARK. senalon lmm«dlat«ly: actually fine. DealrathiA BURDETT, detail <f Construction. JUST WEST OF WESTLAKB $3300—1600 down, $25 month. Fine J-atory Iwntlon. HERBERT baths; Quirk arrrlce. LARGE iJtrTS. nous*, 7 rooma, abundant cloa*ta; 2 car Secretary. WEST THIRTY-SECOND STREET. HIS CO-OPERATIOM, 2-story porches front snd rear: good lawn, Bfree»« Krmled. -BUILDING— REBTRICTION&- and good A fine buy. IIne inirn water, Together well-known acknowledged IN THE— In nelfhbo-hood. (ioo.l frenh nlr. A well arranged 9-room hoiisa In fine local- with our FOR BALE $3500. $3S"O. \lew of the mountain*. architectural ability in the designing of flat*, OCCIDENTAL PARK TRACT. ~53500. completely Mre ity; Inrgo lot, .><>xl4i>, highly Improved, aciiith OCCIDENTAL PARK TRACT. Must h« sold. R-ronm cottus*. ronmr lota. -AND— , " furnlahed (In excellent condition), on fin* limvl neighbor*. Houses front; good barn, on tho beat car line In th« apartment houses and public bulldlnga of "SHATTO PLACB atreet (poles, aewer, etc., slley), cloae, good It won't ro»t, ran ranch * _^ suburban atores. Hume house next door, un- to bur her*. city, with 3-mlnute service; the price la $500 any kind, entitle! ua to your- prompt con- furnlared, priced (and really wanta to Own your own home. ... s*ll), owner ... ... OO OUT TODAT. $MiV Muat be sold. See it. Fine An lilenlspot for m home below market value. alderallon in the event of your contemplating —SEE THEM— home for elderly coupl*. or nn Investment, quit pitying rent, JAS. V. BALDWIN, building. OUR BRANCH OFFICE. $4000. $4000 $4W). llur itlot 1050 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD. S-atory: 1T.AROB rooma; b»th, etc.; mod- nnd build • home) 207-210 Conservative Llfo Ulilf., WE ARE NOW DESIGNING NOVEL IDEAS _— ern; splendid lot; clear atreet, aurrounded AGFNT houses; now where nil are untlifled. always there to show property, by new very complete; juat Tnkff l-'.iist Ninth atrret car Third and Hill ata. IN STORE FRONTS (4009. on Mnln "mines a parish, to riny-iwnnd. AND Ili8. HILLST. Swell. Swell. Sw*ll. finish: pollahed (to out nod latk It over leaded glass; Flemish onk withMi"owner, OFFICE AND APARTMENT BUITES. floora; beamed celling;: gent'a cloaet and or FOR BALE- ladlea' closet each chamber; fine bath, etc.; I'hon* 21)224) workmanship: (-ioiith Sfl" WEST We loan money at 5 per cent on cluse-ln best of material and on ele- Nunaet ADAMS HBIOHTS. gant street In first-class section. $3700. Or completely furnished In Al condition, $4000. $4250 50*150— 11239 property. Btlff price? But superior property. If you • Two-atory houae, 7 rooma and reception Consult with na before building. ii Herald Liners Get i: FOR BALE. mean It, see us. FOR SALE. , CITY LOTS. $3500. 2 stories. 1 rooms. "" ave., »»th Modern; largo rooms; easy business hall, entirely modem, Just completed; pressed R. N. LAMUERTH & CO., Lots on South Park from 65th to acceea cheap. FOR BALR-HOI7RER |; i| sts., In front of the Huntlngton ahope that part city; conveniences, and priced sideboard, WE CAN HAVE VOTT MONEY. Results Dnn't njed tn write more about thla prop- brick mantel, built-in handsome GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTORS, employ 6000 men. These lota willdouble In A FEW OOOD BARGAINS. price In ono year. This is the place for the erty. We shall sell it easy this week. Come fixtures; secures thla, with month- Strictly nmdern 6-rnom cottage, New school ma'ama to Invest nnd double their a riinnln'. $300 down llHir.pshlre, Washington; 40x140; Suite. 414 Braly Bldg, \u2666+4>4»»»»»4>4>4>4>00+4*»«>4»04>4>4>»»4> Orattan St. north of lot bnnk dnpoalt In ahort order. Hark! $2non, vrry may terms. live; D room modern houas. Listen! ly payment!. llnmpnlilro. 16th, You don't have to sro there to Just $4500. easy seller. New north of strictly — FOR property An SALE Invest and have your money In fine on at., beautiful resi- JAS. V. BALDWIN, modern right-room hmi«e, all conveniences; FOR SALK Instead of bogus mining stock, and clear Fine lot E. 25th In rOR BALE—BT STRONG A DICKINSON. lot 60x62*4; only $2900.00. This is a snap. dence aectlon; lot 60x125 to a 15-ft. alley. FIOUEROA STREET TRACT. ino per cent on it In few montha. Fine lota. DICKINSON'S 207-210 Conservative Life Bldg., Terms. ONLY 53230 Houses Cement walka and all in. They are Price only $1600. — STRONG & Fine modern home of 9 rooms, convenient water Othera— FIGUEROA STREET TRACT, detail, - PRETTY HOME. tho beat for the money now In the city. $1000 $20,000 FORTY ACRES, Third and sta. In every Including nil carpets and FOR THIS I'Olt SAI.K—BY \V. 11. ALLEN £ SON. Beautiful South Park, ft. wide. San Pedro to CONTAINING Hilt draperies; large Kindle; location all Mint 80 Buy now. LYINGON THE WEST SIDE OT roilId be desired. In street one dlock from I'iir a residence that la exceptionally electric cars paaa down South Park to 58th to RASSETT & SMITH, FIGUEROA STREET Weatlakc park: high grounds; lot 60x170; don't well hull* mill exceedingly attractive, you ST. JAMES PARK. the office on tho tract. v Members L. A. R. B. (EVERY ONE KNOWS WHAT THAT We want 40 contractors to build houaea and delay If you want a big barguln; price $5350. could net find » better home nuywlierc. 160x180 alley, frontage, park, Phones Ulack 1381. Home 2035. STREET IS) I'nres rust nml la located only half n feet to eaat one hotel at the entrance of Aacot on Rooma 207 and 208. 202'/j S. Broadway. AND BETWEEN 42D ST. AND Artlatln new bungalow of six rooms; two block from Went Nlnlh atrret. It lina Just a fine 80-ft. corner. Big money In this. You DICKINSON. VERNON AVENUE. rooms polished paneled looking Into beautiful St. James Park; can pay for the lots after the houses are VOtl SALE-HY STRONG & LEVEL, with oak floors and been completed and la nn a lot which la FIOUUROA STREET TRACT. FINE, LARGE, LOTS walla; elegant fixtures: built-in buffet, draw- rlevnted two feet nbove grade) and la sold. AT FROM ONLY $350 UP. ers and cabinets; tasteful tinting, porcelain Improved with an eight-room cottage; Big lumber yard closa by. We wilt aell STRONG & DICKINSON'S TERMS, fenced. The slilewalka lire In line condi- FIGUEROA STREET TRACT. $50 DOWN Imth nnd bowl, cement walks: all work tion. It rost nenrly $5000 to build IhU the. houses as fast aa you can build them. AND $10 A MONTH. done under supervision of beat ele- beat aurroundinga and outlook In the city; There have been 82 lots sold up to date, CONTAINING FORTY ACRES. owner: linnie, »<• the purchaser will the lot advertising. LYING ON THE WEHT SIDE OF WE BOUGHT THIB PROPERTY FOR viitlonIn C. V. Hall tract; prlco $3500; terms, priirtlnilly nothing. ThereRetIs a with but little They sell at HALF WHAT ADJOINING PROPERTT $300 down, balance $25 monthly. for miiir- exceedingly low prlco for a quick sale. sight from the surrounding Investments to FIGUEROA STREET. AT, nlllcent view of ocean nnd mountulna. foresight (EVERY ONE KNOWS WHAT THAT IS NOW HELD CONSEQUENTLY TO hull, living room nnd dining room those that have their withthem. IB.) WE CAN SELL AT THE LOW ((-ROOM HOUSE, STRICT- Olive at., near Court, 8-room modern cot- The SEE US AT ONCE. Offlco 58th and South Park ave., open dally STREET NEW~2-BTORY. OCCUPILU; nre flniahed In antique oak; benmed <•<•}!- Sunday coming AND BETWEEN 42D ST. AND PRICES WB HAVE ON THE LOTS. MODERN; NEVER BEEN tnße withlot that Is the greatest bargain on ninntela; and p. m. Those to the $1600 RESTRICTIONS. LY. Olive st.; $5500. Inga, handsome drawing room ALLEN SON, Douglaa Bldg. office, BLDG., VERNON AVKNUE.
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