1 H. Sleumer Leyden) Hemi-, Rarely
Olacaceae H. Sleumer Leyden) Trees or erect, rarely scandent shrubs, sometimes hemi-, rarely autoparasitic. Leaves spirally arranged, rarely distichous, simple, entire, often with parch- ment-like and/or finely tuberculate surfaces, mostly penni-, rarely pli-nerved, petioled, exstipulate, not rarely of a greyish-yellowish-olivaceous colour and dull, especially in the dry state. Inflorescences axillary, rarely on old wood, short racemes and panicles, or elongate spikes, often fascicles or glomerules, these rarely reduced to a solitary flower. Flowers generally bisexual, rarely uni- sexual (monoecious or andro-dioecious), generally actinomorphic, cyclic, 3—7- small in often merous, rarely heterostylous. Calyx anthesis, very shortly 3—7- lobed, -dentate, or -crenulate, the cup-like base free or adnateto the disk and/or ovary to various degrees, afterwards sometimes accrescent, and then either free from or connate with the fruit. Petals 3—7, free or connate below, valvate, ca- ducous. Disk sometimes present, consisting of free glands, or cup-like, rarely accrescent and then covering the fruit almost to the apex. Stamens 1—3-seriate, hypogynous, 4—15 in number, epipetalous, or partly also episepalous, rarely in part staminodial; anthers basi- or medifixed, with 2 thecae, or rarely with 1 the- semi-inferior when im- ca, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary mostly superior, rarely mersed in the disk, or inferior when connate with the cup-like flower-axis with from (Schoepfia), either 1-locular 2—3 (—5, —7) ovules pendent the apex of a central free placenta (sometimes projecting into the stylar canal), or 3—5 (—7)-locular in the lower part only (rarely completely so), a single ovule hanging then from the inner angle into each of the cells; ovules generally anatropous, uni-, bi-, or ategmic; style, if any, conical, columnar or filiform, with a small, sometimes 3—5-partite or -lobed, subsessile stigma.
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