Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic-Industrial Complex
Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic-Industrial Complex Edited by: Steven Best, Anthony J. Nocella II, and Peter McLaren Table of Contents Foreword Michael Bérubé, “The Company We Keep” Preface Rik Scarce, “Scholars under Siege” Acknowledgements and Dedication Introduction, Steven Best, Anthony J. Nocella, II, and Peter McLaren, “The Rise of the Academic-Industrial Complex and the Crisis in Free Speech” I Contextualizing Academic Repression 1. Henry Giroux, “Higher Education after September 11th: The Crisis of Academic Freedom and Democracy” 2. Michael Parenti, “Academic Repression: Past and Present” 3. Steven Best and Douglas Kellner, “The War Against the `Academic Left’: From Gross and Levitt to Gitlin" 4. Takis Fotopolous, “Systemic Aspects of Academic Repression in the New World Order” II Academic Slapdown: Case Studies in Repression 5. Robert Jensen, “Academic Freedom on the Rock(s): The Failures of Faculty in Tough Times” 6. Ward Churchill, “The Myth of Academic Freedom; Experiencing the Application of Liberal Principles in a Neoconservative Era” 7. Richard Kahn, “Neo-McCarthyism and Repressive Tolerance in Higher Education” 8. Bill Martin, “Postmodern Fascism and the Long Arm of Israel: Reflections on the Finkelstein Case” 9. Amory Starr, “Radical is as Radical Does: Practical Engagement and the Politics of Campus Organizing” 10. Christian Davenport, “Scholarship under the Gun: Understanding Academic Repression” 11. A. Peter Castro, “Academic Freedom and Responsibility” III Repression at Home and Abroad: Middle East and African Perspectives 12. Stephen Sheehi, “Teaching in a State of Fear: Middle East Studies in the `Teeth of Power’” 13. Victoria Fontan, “Everyman for Himself!” 14. Mark LeVine, “Shooting the Messenger: Attacks on Middle Eastern Studies Amidst the Twilight of Empire” 15.
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