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A STRUCTURAL AND GEOCHEMICAL STUDY OF THE SIERRITA PORPHYRY COPPER SYSTEM, PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA by Paul William Jensen A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE In the Graduate College THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA 1998 2 STATEMENT BY AUTHOR This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for an advanced degree at the University of Arizona and is deposited in the University Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the head of the major department or the Dean of the Graduate College when in his or her judgment the proposed use of the material is in the interests of scholarship. In all other instances however, permission must be obtained from the author. SIGNED: APPROVAL BY THESIS DIRECTOR This thesis has been approved on the date shown below: -1 ., ./lG+ .. /lf j^.S/ /`¡ÿ FÇ Spencer R. Titley Date// Professor of Geosciences 2 STATEMENT BY AUTHOR This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment of requirementsfor an advanced degree at the University of Arizona and is deposited inthe University Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without specialpermission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Requestsfor permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole orin part may be granted by the head of the major department or the Dean of the GraduateCollege when in his or her judgment the proposed use of the material is in the interests ofscholarship. In all other instances however, permission must be obtained from the author. SIGNED: APPROVAL BY THESIS DIRECTOR This thesis has been approved on the date shown below: 1 Spencer R. Titley Date Professor of Geosciences 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank Dr. S. R. Titley for giving me research freedom, helpful insights, and encouragement. Additional help and suggestions by Drs. M. D. Barton, J. T. Chesley, G. H. Davis, T. E. McCandless, and J. Ruiz guided my research. Dr. C. Freydier made work in the Re -Os lab both enjoyable and worthwhile. Only through the help of these people am I able to present this thesis. The Cyprus Sien -ita geology staff contributed greatly to my understanding of the Sierrita -Esperanza orebody. In particular I wish to thank Dan Aiken, Jim Jones, and Steve Zahony (a consulting geologist) for sharing their knowledge of the deposit. I have been funded for this project by many sources including: the Center for Mineral Resources at the University of Arizona, in the form of a graduate research assistant position (Mexico Consortia and NSF Grant EAR -95 -27009 to M. D. Barton and J. Ruiz); the Arizona Geological Society, in the form of the Harold Courtright Scholarship; and the Cyprus Sien -ita Company, which employed me as a summer intern. Research was also partially funded by National Science Foundation grant EAR- 9628150 to S. R. Titley and J. Ruiz. Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Rhonda, for her unwavering support during the last couple of years. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 LIST OF FIGURES 8 LIST OF TABLES 9 ABSTRACT 11 INTRODUCTION 15 ORE DEPOSIT GEOLOGY 15 LITHOLOGY AND ALTERATION Introduction 15 Older Host Rocks 16 Paleocene Intrusions 21 Discussion 35 38 STRUCTURE Methods 38 Findings 38 Faults 38 Introduction 38 The East -northeast Striking Set 39 The Strike -slip Conjugate Set 43 Less Dominant Sets 45 Fault Domains 47 Veins 47 Dike and Intrusion Geometry 54 Discussion 55 Review of Wrench Fault Literature 55 Interpretation 62 Comparisons 62 Timing 73 Comparisons to Dilational Jogs 74 77 Conclusion REGIONAL STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 78 78 OVERVIEW 78 PREVIOUS WORK 81 METHODS 82 FINDINGS Paleocene Deformation 82 Discussion of Paleocene Deformation 85 86 Post -Paleocene Deformation Discussion of Post -PaleoceneDeformation 94 107 CONCLUSION 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) RE -OS ISOTOPIC STUDY 108 INTRODUCTION 108 MOLYBDENITE WORK 109 Sampling and Analytical Methods 109 Discussion 110 CHALCOPYRITE AND PYRITE WORK 114 Sampling and Analytical Methods 114 Discussion 115 Stable Isotope Results 115 Re -Os Results 116 Conclusion 124 APPENDIX A LABORATORY CHEMISTRY FOR RE -OS ANALYSIS 126 APPENDIX B LABORATORY CHEMISTRY FOR OXGEN ISOTOPE ANALYSIS 129 REFERENCES 130 6 LIST OF FIGURES 13 FIGURE 1.State map of Arizona showing thelocation of the Sierrita deposit 14 FIGURE 2.Simplified geologic map of the PimaMining District 18 FIGURE 3.Map of abundant orthoclase alteredvein selvages 19 FIGURE 4.Map of abundant sericite altered veinselvage 22 FIGURE 5.QAP diagram of Paleocene intrusions 29 FIGURE 6.Copper equivalent map of the Sierritadeposit 32 FIGURE 7.AFM diagram of Paleocene intrusions 33 FIGURE 8.Si02 -- TiO2 diagram of Paleoceneintrusions 40 FIGURE 9.Stereonet plot of all faults measuredwithin the pit 44 FIGURE 10.Stereonet plot of strike -slip faultsmeasured within the pit 46 FIGURE 11.Diagrammatic representation of dominantfault sets of the pit 48 FIGURE 12.Stereonet and rose diagrams of thenorthern fault domain 49 FIGURE 13.Stereonet and rose diagrams of thesouthern fault domain 50 FIGURE 14.Stereonet and rose diagrams of themajor vein sets measured of vein domains west of the pit 53 FIGURE 15.J.L. White's (1980) stereonets 56 FIGURE 16.Flower structure profiles left -lateral wrench fault 57 FIGURE 17.Diagram of Riedel shears over a shears over a wrench fault 59 FIGURE 18.Heliocoidal geometry of Riedel 7 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) FIGURE 19. Diagram of block rotation in a left - lateral wrench zone 61 FIGURE 20. Cross -section A -A' through the orebody 63 FIGURE 21. Cross -section B -B' through the orebody 64 FIGURE 22. Principal stress fields as related to stereonet of strike -slip faults 67 FIGURE 23.Diagram of progressive extensional deformation of a tulip geometry.69 FIGURE 24.Principal stress fields as related to stereonet of all faults measured 72 FIGURE 25.Alternative models of dilational jogs 75 FIGURE 26.Oblique radar image of the Sierrita Mountains 84 FIGURE 27.Lukanuski et. al. (1976) structural map of the Helmet Peak Fanglomerate 100 TGURE 28.Chart of molybdenite ages 111 IGURE 29.187Re/1880s to 187Os/1880s chart of sulfide samples 118 8 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1.Whole rock chemical analyses of the Paleocene intrusions 24 TABLE2. Modal analyses of the Paleocene intrusions 26 TABLE3. Microprobe analyses of hornblende samples 90 TABLE4. Modal analyses of thin sections containing the hornblende samples 93 TABLE 5.List of observations concerning post -Paleocene deformation of the Pima Mining District 96 TABLE6. Re -Os data for chalcopyrite and pyrite samples 117 9 ABSTRACT Detailed mapping of the Sierrita- Esperanza orebody has led to a revised interpretation of the Paleocene intrusive units, and a structural model for the emplacement of those units. A left - lateral wrench fault, expressed through Riedel shears, arranged in a flower structure geometry, is proposed to localize the porphyry intrusions, and control mineralization trends. This wrench fault, which strikes N85°E, and bends to N60°E within the orebody, is given as the reason why east -northeast striking faults on the southern side of the orebody dip to the northwest, while on the northern side of the orebody these faults dip to the southeast. Mapping of the Sierrita orebody reveals that Miocene extensional deformation has not tilted the orebody more than 10 °. With this information, the regional geology of the Pima Mining District was re- evaluated using hornblende barometry and reconnaissance geological mapping. The San Xavier Thrust is interpreted to be a low angle detachment, upon which the upper plate has moved to the north -northwest approximately 10 km.The Helmet Peak Fanglomerate was created and rotated when the San Xavier Fault was active. During the early Miocene, the San Xavier Thrust ceased movement, and a set of low angle normal faults, striking nearly north -south dissected the Sierrita Mountain's eastern flank. These later normal faults are thought to be correlative to the extensional deformation found in the Santa Catalina Mountains north and east of Tucson. A Re -Os isotopic study of sulfides within the Sierrita- Esperanza orebodyprovides mineralization dates and possible sources of copper. Molybdenitedating shows that 10 mineralization of the orebody began at 63.5 Ma ( +/- 300 ka, 2a), and ended sometime after 60.0 Ma ( +/- 300 ka, 2a). An isochron of chalcopyrite and pyrite samples with an age of 59.7 Ma ( +/- 17.1 Ma, 2a), and an initial 187Os/188Os of .152 ( +/- 0.33, 2a) suggests that the lower crust beneath the Sierrita Range has a low 187Os/188Os ratio. This suggestion, however, has many uncertainties as explained in the Re -Os chapter. 11 INTRODUCTION This thesis focuses on the Pima Mining District 30 -40km south -southwest of Tucson, with particular reference to the Sierrita- Esperanza porphyry copper deposit included therein (Figures 1 and 2). The Sierrita- Esperanza orebody, presently mined by Cyprus Minerals Company for copper, molybdenum, and rhenium, has a history of mining dating back to the 1950's (Schmitt et al., 1959). Since that time, geologists have studied hydrothermal alteration (Preece and Beane, 1982), paragenesis and vein density (Titley et. al., 1986),fluid inclusions (Preece, 1979), trace element mobility (Anthony and Titley, 1994), magmatic sources through geochemistry (Anthony and Titley, 1988), and some structure (Lootens, 1966). General geologic features of the Sierrita- Esperanza deposit are summarized by West and Aiken ( in Titley, 1982). This thesis seeks to add to the knowledge of the district by contributing structural, whole rock, petrographic, and other geochemical data.